japannews qo 2016...〈profile 〉 president of the foreign press center/japan. graduated from the...

Quick Overview e Yomiuri Shimbun

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Page 1: JapanNews QO 2016...〈Profile 〉 President of the Foreign Press Center/Japan. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University. Received a master’s degree from Cambridge University

Quick Overview

Th e Yomiuri Shimbun

Quick Overview

Th e Yomiuri Shimbun

Page 2: JapanNews QO 2016...〈Profile 〉 President of the Foreign Press Center/Japan. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University. Received a master’s degree from Cambridge University

2 3


―― ジャパン・ニューズをどう読んでいるか。 Opinion & Analysis面は重要だ。読売新聞 1~2面に連載されている国際協力機構・北岡伸一理事長らの「地球を読む」の翻訳記事など、オピニオンリーダーの寄稿が載っている。スペースも大きく、読み応えがある。このページやEditorial(社説)面では堂 と々意見を述べ、報道の部分ではできるだけ客観的な情報を提供し、日本の正しい姿を発信してほしい。 1面の次にNation(国内面)がある。海外の英字紙だと国際面が2、3面にあることも多いが、読売新聞の翻訳記事に優先度を置いている。スポーツの写真が多いのも魅力だ。題字下のインデックス欄にもきれいな写真が使われていて、全体にカラフルな印象を受ける。 東京五輪などで海外から日本に来る旅行者は増え、新聞を通じてニュースを知る需要は増える。英字新聞には、バランスよく日本と世界のニュースを読者に提供することが求められる。ジャパン・ニューズは、米ワシントン・ポストや英タイムズなどの特約記事を載せたページも充実していて、有益な情報源だ。 2015年春から始まった、日本の観光地を紹介するDetours面と、食を扱ったDelicious面にも注目している。京都のような観光地はよく知られているが、私は地方にも世界が知らない魅力的な資源がいっぱいあると感じている。二つのページで日本の隠れた魅力を発掘してほしい。

―― 対外発信におけるメディアの役割とは? アジアの多くの国は、海外の英語メディアを通じて日本の情報を入手している。不正確だったり偏ったりした日本情報が一人歩きしかねない。日本人が自分の意見や主張を、自分たちが納得できる適切な英語表現にして外に発信していくことが大切だ。日本の英字新聞の果たす役割は大きい。政府の広報でない客観性を持った報道機関として、それらを伝えていってほしい。

〈プロフィル〉 フォーリン・プレスセンター理事長。京都大学法学部卒。英ケンブリッジ大学で修士号取得。1971年外務省入省。国連日本政府代表部大使や経済協力開発機構


赤阪 清隆 さん (公益財団法人 フォーリン・プレスセンター 理事長) 瀬戸 康史 さん (俳優)

The Japan News interviewed Kiyotaka Akasaka, on what expectations he has for the English-language newspaper, which is published by The Yomiuri Shimbun, and the significance of sending news on Japan to the rest of the world. The following are excerpts from the interview.

―― What do you think of The Japan News?I think its Opinion & Analysis page is important. The page carries articles

contributed by opinion leaders, including English translations of “Insights into the World” columns written by Shinichi Kitaoka, president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, and others. It is given a large space and well worth reading in terms of quality.

I expect the newspaper to present splendid opinions without hesitation on this page and in editorials, while providing information as objectively as possible on its news pages to convey the real Japan to the rest of the world.

The front page is followed by the Nation pages. The Japan News seems to put priority on translating domestic news articles published by The Yomiuri Shimbun, though English-language newspapers abroad often have the world news section on the second and third pages.

The paper looks attractive because it uses many sports photos. It also puts beautiful photos in the index beneath its masthead on the front page, projecting a very colorful image in general.

The number of foreign tourists to Japan will increase due to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and other reasons, leading to greater demand for news from newspapers. An English-language daily in Japan is required to offer readers both domestic and international news in a balanced way. The Japan News is a good source of information as it has many pages carrying articles distributed from foreign newspapers it has contracts with such as The Washington Post in the United States and The Times in Britain.

I’m interested in the pages that debuted in spring, 2015 — the Detours page introducing tourist spots in Japan and the Delicious page on culinary news. Though the nation has Kyoto and other internationally known tourist destinations, I think there are many attractive sightseeing spots in provincial areas, which foreign tourists do not know anything about. I expect those two pages to discover hidden attractions in Japan and transmit information on them to other countries. ―― What role do you think the media have in transmitting information to overseas?

Many countries in Asia obtain information about Japan through English-language media abroad. This might lead to the dissemination of inaccurate or biased information about Japan. It is significant for the Japanese people to transmit their views and opinions to the outside world in accurate English. English-language newspapers published in Japan have a big role to play. As independent news media with an objectivity different from government publicity, I expect them to keep transmitting such information to the rest of the world.

〈Profile〉 President of the Foreign Press Center/Japan. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University. Received a master’s degree from Cambridge University in England. Joined the Foreign Ministry in 1971. After assuming such posts as the ambassador at the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations and the deputy secretary general of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, he became the U.N. undersecretary general for communications and public information in 2007. Akasaka assumed his current post in 2012.

Kiyotaka Akasaka (President of the Foreign Press Center/Japan) Koji Seto (Actor)

"The Japan News" transmits Japan in a balanced way Gather information of interest in English日本の今をバランスよく伝えるジャパン・ニューズ 興味ある分野の情報収集を英語で

〈インタビュー〉 読んでいます! ジャパン・ニューズ 〈Interview〉 I'm Reading “The Japan News”.


 仕事でも生活でも毎日、英語の必要性を実感しています。英語のラジオ放送を聞くなど、毎日、英語に触れるようにしています。 TVドラマなどで英語を話す役を演じる機会があり、台本で与えられた文章しか話せず、とてもくやしい思いをしました。いざ、話すとなると頭の中で伝えたいことを英語に変換するのに時間がかかるのです。日常生活でも英語を使わなければと、帰国子女の知人を相手にSNSで連絡を取り合って英語レッスンのようなものもしています。 英語が上手になりたいと思ったのは中学生のころです。身近にすごく上手な子がいて自分も負けたくないと英会話を特訓しました。高校生のころは、流行していた洋楽の歌詞を見ながらよく歌いました。そのころから今まで、英語を使わない日はないですね。子どもが生まれたら、幼いころからいろいろな文化や語学に

触れさせたいですね。 もっと英語力を高めて仕事にも生かしていきたいです。現在、ラジオ番組でパーソナリティーを務めているのですが、海外の方もゲストにお呼びして僕も英語で話をしたり、番組の中で英語講座のコーナーを設けたりしたらリスナーの方も喜ぶかなあと考えています。仕事をするうえでも英語をかなり意識していますね。 英語を身につけるうえでジャパン・ニューズは、とても興味深い媒体だと思います。記事では、「ポップ☆クール」の面など、音楽、芸能、文化と自分の関心のある分野がやはり読みやすいです。日本国内をはじめ世界のニュースが掲載されていますから、いろいろな記事を読みながら自分の興味、関心ももっと広げていければ面白いですね。 英語を学ぶという意味では、「JNラーニング・ラボ」はとても役に立つと思います。英語だけでなく日本語の訳が掲載されているコーナーもあり、とても読みやすく勉強になります。

〈プロフィル〉 1988年生まれ。福岡県出身。ドラマ、舞台、映画などで活躍中。主演映画「合葬」が2015年9月26日に公開。2015年10月22日から舞台Dステ17th「夕陽伝」に主演。

Actor Koji Seto has frequent opportunities to use English both officially and privately. He speaks about what attracts him to The Japan News.

I realize the necessity of English language skills every day at work as well as in daily life. So I try to keep myself in touch with English daily by listening to radio broadcasts in English and doing other things.

When I played a character that spoke English in a TV drama and elsewhere, I feel so frustrated as I was restricted to speaking lines in the script. I knew what I wanted to say in my mind, but it took time to translate my thoughts into English. At that time, I realized that I have to use English in everyday life. I started taking English lessons using a social network service with some of my returnee acquaintances.

When I was a middle school student, I wanted to be good at English. I had a friend who spoke fluent English then, and thought I was not going to be outdone by that friend. I had special training in English.

During my high school days, I often sang popular English songs by reading the lyrics. Since that time, not a single day has passed by without me using English. If I have a child one day, I want him or her to be exposed to diverse cultures and languages from a very young age.

I’d like to improve my command of English and take advantage of this ability in my career.

Currently, I host a radio show. I think listeners would be impressed if I invite a foreign guest and speak English with that guest. I think it’s also fun to provide an English lesson corner on the radio show. I pay special attention to English in my job.

The Japan News is t ru ly a fascinating newspaper to learn English from. For me, the articles on music, entertainment and culture in the POP☆ COOL and other pages in which I have deep interest are easy to read. As the daily carries domestic and world news, it’s fun to turn my interest toward the broader issues by reading various kinds of articles.

In terms of learning English, I think the JN LearningLab pages are useful as some articles carry not only English but also Japanese translations, which is a great help for reading and learning English.

〈Profile〉 Born in 1988 in Fukuoka Prefecture. He has appeared in several television, movie and stage roles. He stars in the movie “Gasso,” which opened Sept. 26. He also appears on stage at the D-Boys Stage 17th “Yuhiden,” which opened Oct. 22.

Page 3: JapanNews QO 2016...〈Profile 〉 President of the Foreign Press Center/Japan. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University. Received a master’s degree from Cambridge University





New DelhiIslamabad









Hong Kong


JohannesburgRio de Janeiro

General bureauRegional bureauAdvertising office


Los Angeles

New YorkGeneral Bureauof the Americas(Washington D.C.)

New YorkAdvertising Office

ParisAdvertising Office

General Bureau of Asia(Bangkok)

General Bureau of China (Beijing)

General Bureau of Europe(London)


Bangkok Representative Office








Offices 通信部




1 3 21 60 64 149


1 0 19 16 69 105


1 0 8 14 24 47

Total 合計

3 3 48 90 157 301

(As of April 2016)(2016年4月現在)

(As of April 2016)(2016年4月現在)

4 5

Overseas network

Domestic network





The United Kingdom イギリス Asian countries アジア各国● THE TIMES ザ・タイムズ ● Asia News Network※


Overseas special agreement media

The United States アメリカ● The Washington Post ワシントン・ポスト● Los Angeles Times ロサンゼルス・タイムズ


The Yomiuri Shimbun has business tie-ups with the world’s leading media companies around the world. Readers can enjoy their original points of view and analysis in every issue of The Japan News.

※A 22-member media group including The Yomiuri Shimbun (As of April 2016).

The Yomiuri Shimbun covers every corner of Japan with 301 regional reporters’ offices and bureaus, reporting the latest daily news.



The Yomiuri Shimbun has 27 news-gathering bases overseas, and continuously transmits a wide range of information on politics, economy, culture, and more from each area through The Japan News.

〈インタビュー〉 読んでいます! ジャパン・ニューズ 〈Interview〉 I'm Reading “The Japan News”. The Strength of The Yomiuri Shimbun

杉野 真実 さん (日本テレビアナウンサー)

Mami Sugino (NTV announcer)

'Practical textbook' to enhance vocabulary 報道に活用できる語彙を学ぶ「生きた教材」


 小学校高学年の時にさまざまな仕事を紹介する本を読み、海外で活躍できる人になりたいと思うようになりました。日本だけでなく世界の情報を知りたいという思いから、学校の選択授業では、英語のコミュニケーションや世界の歴史を学びました。高校3年の時、学校の社会問題研修でカンボジアを訪れ、過去の政権が残した歴史の負の部分を初めて知りました。自分たちにできることはこの事実を伝えることで、「私たちには伝える責任がある」と一緒に行ったメンバーで話しました。その時の経験がアナウンサーを目指したきっかけになっています。実際にアナウンサーになり4年目ですが、情報の受け手だった時とは違った目で新聞を読むようになりました。 英語はずっと好きで、継続して勉強しています。自分で英語を学ぶには、本を読んだり映画を観たり、歌を聴いたりするなどの方法があると思いますが、ジャパン・ニューズには仕事をする時に役に立ち、正しく活用できる言

葉がたくさん載っています。読んでいて分からない言葉は、蛍光ペンでなぞって覚えるようにしていますが、続けて読んでいると、以前マーキングした言葉の意味もすっと頭に入ってきます。私にとってジャパン・ニューズは、将来、自分が活かすことのできる英語の語彙を自然と身に付けられる場所ですね。 「旅」の紙面は日本でも海外でも、自分が行ったことのある場所について英語で読むことができ興味を引きます。特に自分が日本の魅力などを伝える際の「ひきだし」になりますし、こういう視点で紹介すれば海外の方が興味を持ってくれるのか、といったヒントにもなります。 将来の夢は報道キャスターになることです。日本と遠く離れた場所で起こっていても日本と密接につながっているニュースをはじめ、世界情勢の「今」を切り取って伝えたいです。

〈プロフィル〉 1990年生まれ。東京都出身。聖心女子大学文学部歴史社会学科(国際交流専攻)卒業。2012年4月、アナウンサーとして日本テレビ放送網入社。オーストラリア、フランスでの語学研修、旅行などで計25か国を訪問。趣味は旅行、ドラム演奏。特技は書道。

NTV announcer Mami Sugino recently spoke with us about how she uses The Japan News to improve her English skills. She has visited many foreign countries and hopes one day to become a newscaster.

When I was a fifth- or sixth-grader in primary school, I read a book about various kinds of jobs that made me want to work overseas.

I wanted to learn about the world, so I visited Cambodia on an overseas study trip when I was a third-year student in high school. That was when I first learned about the horrible things that had happened in Cambodia’s past.

I talked about it with other members of the tour, and concluded that what we could do was to share what we had learned with other people. “We have a responsibility to tell others,” I thought.

This experience spurred me to become an announcer. I’m now in my fourth year in this profession, and unlike the days when I merely received information, I now read newspapers with a different eye.

I’ve always liked studying English and continue to do so. There are several ways to learn without a teacher, such as reading books, watching movies or listening to songs. The Japan News is helpful for my job because it contains lots of useful words.

When I find words I don’t understand, I highlight them to help me remember. As I keep reading the paper, I find myself naturally recognizing the words I marked.

The Japan News is a tool that naturally develops my vocabulary, which I think will be useful for my career in the future.

The t rave l page a r t ic les a re especially interesting, as I can read about places I’ve visited in Japan and in foreign countries.

When I have an opportunity to speak about Japan’s appeal to foreigners, I can use information from the paper that’s been stored away in my brain. The articles also help me see what foreigners might be interested in.

My dream is to become an anchor. I want to report news taking place in distant locations that is closely connected to Japan, and share what is happening now in the world.

〈Profile〉 Born in 1990 in Tokyo. She graduated from the Faculty of History and Social Sciences, Arts and Sciences at the University of the Sacred Heart. She has been employed as an announcer at Nippon Television Network Corp since April 2012, and has visited 25 countries, including Australia and France, for language studies. In addition to traveling, she enjoys playing the drums and is skilled at Japanese calligraphy.

Page 4: JapanNews QO 2016...〈Profile 〉 President of the Foreign Press Center/Japan. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University. Received a master’s degree from Cambridge University

(7,981 copies/部) 50.8%

(3,599 copies/部) 22.9%





■Kanto 関東(1都8県)

■ Kansai 関西(2府4県)

■ Chubu 中部(3県)

■ Hokkaido, Tohoku 北海道・東北

■Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa 中国・四国・九州・沖縄

■Other (including overseas) その他エリア(海外含む)


Stopped announcing its circulation researched by Japan Audit Bureau of Circulations in October 2013. ジャパンタイムズは日本ABC協会部数の発表を中止(2013年10月)

Withdrew from Japan Audit Bureau of Circulations in March 2015.

Renamed from The Daily Yomiuri in April 2013.



The Japan News

The Japan Times



6 7

Total number of copies sold at major hotels on a daily basis主要ホテルへの1日あたりの販売部数

The Japan News and The Japan Times subscription feesジャパン・ニューズとジャパンタイムズの購読料


Readers of The Japan News can save ¥1,478 per month and a ¥60 newsstand rate compared to The Japan Times.

The Japan Newsジャパン・ニューズ

The Japan Timesジャパンタイムズ

Monthly fee月ぎめ購読料 3,665 (yen/円) 5,143 (yen/円)

Fee per copy部あたり料金 150 (yen/円) 210 (yen/円)

※Except for the Sunday edition ※日曜日版以外

Survey conducted by The Yomiuri Shimbun in October 2013


The Japan News

The Japan Times



Survey conducted by The Yomiuri Shimbun in April 2015The survey was conducted at 81 hotels across Tokyo, Saitama and Chiba prefectures.



The Japan News is in high demand at major hotels in Tokyo and surrounding areas.

Foreign embassies in Japansubscribing to The Japan Newsジャパン・ニューズを購読している在日外国大使館


About 80 foreign embassies in Japan subscribe to The Japan News — including the United States, Australia, Thailand, China, France, the Philippines and Brazil. (Unit: copies 単位:部)

Number of readers per copy 回読人数


The number of readers p e r c o p y i s h i g h e r among foreign readers than among Japanese readers.

Overall 全体 (n=304) Foreign nationals 外国人 (n=125)

Japanese 日本人 (n=179)

●Estimated number of readers 推定読者数


Number of readersper copy 回読人数

Estimated number of readers 推定読者数




1.4(person/人) 1.7(person/人) 1.2(person/人)

Number of readers per copy回読人数

● Survey method: Advertisements in printed editions of The Japan News. Readers accessed a special website to respond. ● Period: August 21 to September 20, 2014 ● Number of respondents: 381 ● Survey institute: NTTCom Online Marketing Solutions Corporation

〈調査概要〉 ●調査方法:ジャパン・ニューズの紙面広告で調査協力者を募集。回答者がインターネット特設ページにアクセスして回答 ●調査期間:2014年8月21日~9月20日  ●総回答数:381サンプル ●調査機関:NTTコム オンライン・マーケティング・ソリューション株式会社





4.3% 1.7%8.0%



■ Only yourself 自分のみ/1人■ Two 2人■ Three 3人■ More than three 4人以上


The Japan News Circulation Data 部数データ

The Japan News has the highest circulation as an English-language newspaper among JABC-member newspaper companies. ジャパン・ニューズは日本ABC協会に加盟する新聞社の中で最大部数を誇る英字新聞です


About half of The Japan News readers live in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and about 90 percent live in the nation’s three major metropolitan areas.


Home delivery (Ratio)宅配部数(宅配率)

Newsstand sales即売部数

22,970 16,681 (72.6%) 6,289

Circulation of The Japan News

(Unit: copies 単位:部)

Source: Japan Audit Bureau of Circulations, Newspapers Publishers Report, six-month (July-December 2015) average

Source : Japan Audit Bureau of Circulations, Newspapers Publishers Report, six-month (July- December 2015) averageKanto : Tokyo and the eight prefectures of Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Yamanashi and ShizuokaKansai : Osaka and Kyoto, and the four prefectures of Hyogo, Nara, Shiga and WakayamaChubu : The three prefectures of Aichi, Gifu and Mie

出典:日本ABC協会「新聞発行社レポート 半期」2015年7月~12月平均

出典:日本ABC協会「新聞発行社レポート 半期」2015年7月~12月平均関東1都8県 :東京都、神奈川県、千葉県、埼玉県、茨城県、栃木県、  群馬県、山梨県、静岡県関西2府4県:大阪府、京都府、兵庫県、奈良県、滋賀県、和歌山県中部3県 :愛知県、岐阜県、三重県

Home delivery circulation by areaエリア別宅配部数


※The Japan Audit Bureau of Circulations is an independent organization that inspects and authorizes the circulation figures of newspapers and magazines. A circulation figure certified by the JABC is highly reliable. Self-verified circulation data released by a publisher that is not a JABC member is sometimes inflated, in some cases from several to more than 10 times as many as an authentic figure.


The Japan News releases reliable circulation data inspected and authorized by the Japan Audit Bureau※ of Circulations, an independent organization. Meanwhile, The Japan Times suspended the announcement of its JABC-verified circulation data in October 2013. The daily has since been releasing self-verified circulation data, and withdrew from the JABC in March 2015.

Page 5: JapanNews QO 2016...〈Profile 〉 President of the Foreign Press Center/Japan. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University. Received a master’s degree from Cambridge University

Full color 多色 3,160,000 yenBlack & White モノクロ2,160,000 yen

Full color 多色 930,000 yenBlack & White モノクロ270,000 yen

Full color 多色 795,000 yenBlack & White モノクロ135,000 yen

8 9

Display ad 記事下広告掲載料金

Special position advertising rates 小枠広告掲載料金

Classified ad rates

Basic rate基本料金



The basic rate for placing an ad in The Japan News is 7,200 yen per column-centimeter (height 1 cm x width 1 column) . The minimum ad space is 3 column-centimeters (height 3 cm x width 1 column).

Color charge for front page一面色刷り料金

Spot color 単色料金 …………… 32,000 yenFull color 多色料金 …………… 105,000 yen

For specified position or day 指定料金To reserve an advertisement's position or day, there is an extra charge of 15 percent of the total ad cost.


For center-spread ads 二連版料金

78,000 yen

Color printing a center-spread ad is an additional 50 percent over the color ad cost.


Full page (496x367)

Half page(253x367)

One-third page (170x367)

Quarter page (horizontal) (125x367)

Quarter page (vertical) (253x181)

One-sixth page (170x181)

One-eighth page (125x181)

Dog ear (37x56)

Right bottom of front page (125x90)

General rate 定価78,700 yenContract rate 契約 68,000 yen

General rate 定価254,000 yenContract rate 契約 226,000 yen

1ページ 1/2ページ 1/3ページ 1/4ページ(横)

1/4ページ(縦) 1/6ページ 1/8ページ

一面題字横 一面突き出し

※( )内の数値は、実寸(天地×左右、単位:mm)です。他のサイズについては、お問い合わせください。

※( )内の数値は、実寸(天地×左右、単位:mm)です。


※ Number in parentheses denotes size for advertisements in millimeters (height x width). For more information, please contact us.

※ Number in parentheses denotes size for advertisements in millimeters (height x width).

Note: Contract rates apply for at least 1 insertionper month for at least six months.

Additional charges 付加料金

Additional charges 付加料金

General advertising rates 記事下広告料金・定価

One-sixteenth page (125x90)1/16ページ

Full color 多色 1,740,000 yenBlack & White モノクロ1,080,000 yen

Full color 多色 1,380,000 yenBlack & White モノクロ720,000 yen

Full color 多色 1,200,000 yenBlack & White モノクロ540,000 yen

Full color 多色 1,200,000 yenBlack & White モノクロ540,000 yen

Full color 多色 1,020,000 yenBlack & White モノクロ360,000 yen

Basic charge (up to 20 words)基本料金


Extra charge (for each additional word)


8 point 13,000 yen 1,000 yen

10 point 15,000 yen 1,100 yen

12 point 18,000 yen 1,200 yen

14 point 22,000 yen 1,300 yen

Classified display ad 案内広告料金

Min. (30 mm × 1 column) 最小サイズ(30mm×1コラム) …… 37,800 yen


For classified display ads, 1 column is 57 millimeters wide and two columns are 119 millimeters wide.

10 mm × 1 column 12,600 yen

※Advertising Rates do not include production costs and consumption tax. ※広告料金には原稿制作費および消費税は含まれておりません。

広告掲載料金Advertising Rates

Column size コラム幅

column mm

1 57

2 119

3 181

4 243

5 305

6 367


About 40 percent of The Japan News readers are foreign nationals, and 60 percent are Japanese. 70 percent of our foreign readers are from North and South America and Europe.

Nationality (Foreign or Japanese) 国籍(外国人・日本人)

Age 年齢

●Breakdown of foreign nationality 外国人の国籍内訳

North America & Latin America andthe Caribbean 北米&中南米 Europe 欧州

42.2% 29.9%

Oceania オセアニアAsia アジア

15.6% 9.5%

Middle East 中東 1.4%Africa アフリカ 1.4%Foreign


日本人 38.6%61.4%

Foreign nationals 外国人 (n=147)


● Survey method: Advertisements in printed editions of The Japan News. Readers accessed a special website to respond. ● Period: August 21 to September 20, 2014 ● Number of respondents: 381 ● Survey institute: NTTCom Online Marketing Solutions Corporation

Occupation 職業

Household income 世帯収入














32.9% 17.5% 13.7% 17.1%

8.8% 23.8% 8.8% 43.5%

19.9% 8.9% 27.3%6.3%






2.6% 4.2% 0.3%



1.4% 1.4%1.4%



■ Desk job/research 事務・研究職■ Industrial/labor 労務・作業職■ Sales/service 販売・サービス職■ Professional/freelance 専門職・自由業■ Self-employed in commerce or industry 商工自営業■ Agriculture, forestry or fishery 農・林・漁業■ Student 学生■ Homemaker 主婦(主夫)■ Unemployed 無職■ Other その他

〈調査概要〉 ●調査方法:ジャパン・ニューズの紙面広告で調査協力者を募集。回答者がインターネット特設ページにアクセスして回答 ●調査期間:2014年8月21日~9月20日 ●総回答数:381サンプル ●調査機関:NTTコム オンライン・マーケティング・ソリューション株式会社



25.4% 23.9% 12.0% 12.0%22.0%

26.4% 19.1% 14.5% 18.2%

24.8% 14.4% 19.4% 14.1%

1.9% 2.2%







■ Less than ¥3 million 300万円未満■ ¥3 million to ¥4,999,999 300万円~500万円未満■ ¥5 million to ¥6,999,999 500万円~700万円未満■ ¥7 million to ¥9,999,999 700万円~1000万円未満■ ¥10 million to ¥14,999,999 1000万円~1500万円未満■ ¥15 million to ¥19,999,999 1500万円~2000万円未満■ ¥20 million to ¥29,999,999 2000万円~3000万円未満■ ¥30 million or more 3000万円以上

Average ¥7.19 million 平均719万円

Average ¥7.80 million 平均780万円

Average ¥6.88 million 平均688万円

Reader Profile 読者プロフィル


The Japan News is read by people in various occupations but mainly by business people.

読者の世帯収入平均は719万円です。The average household income of The Japan News readers is ¥7.19 million.

社会で活躍する世代を中心に読まれています。The Japan News is widely read by people of working age.








8.2% 8.2%

12.0% 27.4% 24.4% 32.5%

23.8% 23.1% 36.7%

26.0% 23.9% 34.1%





■ Teens 10代■ 20s 20代■ 30s 30代■ 40s 40代■ 50s 50代■ 60 or older 60歳以上

Page 6: JapanNews QO 2016...〈Profile 〉 President of the Foreign Press Center/Japan. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University. Received a master’s degree from Cambridge University

編集紙面の紹介Catering to Readers' Needs

10 11



Nippon SportsExtensive coverage of Japanese athletes’ performance and personal profi les in sports ranging from sumo to professional baseball.

THE TIMES <Special Supplement>

Health Reports on the latest in health and medical care from around the world.

PhotosPictures taken by Ryuzo Suzuki and other Yomiuri Shimbun photographers in a bold layout.

JN LearningLabArticles include translation contests, a column featuring scripts from the latest movies and a column written by Japanese students studying at universities overseas, all in a 4-page pul lout for readers who want to sharpen their English or Japanese.

Humor & HoroscopeSpace for a short break. Features our very own manga, Kenta the offi ce dog.

TravelIntroduces popular destinations in Japan and the world.

Detours in JapanCovers untold stories of Kyoto, the coolest tourist spots in Tokyo, etc., souvenirs from across Japan and the basics of kabuki and sumo — all for “omotenashi.”

POP☆COOLInformation on the latest in Japanese pop culture including manga, anime, games, idols and fashion.

Arts & LifestyleHandy introductions to art exhibits, events, films, books and other fun activities, with many colorful photos and illustrations.






マンガ&星占い息抜きの1ページ。オリジナルのマンガ「オフィス ケン太」が目玉。







Every dayThe Japan News covers a broad range of fields, not only on international issues facing Japan but a lso on local life from all over Japan. It also provides useful material for Japanese readers to study English. The Japan News is the best English-language newspaper to read global news from different perspectives.

Nation / Economy & Business / International /Editorial / Opinion & Analysis / Television / Sports

The Washington Post~A SpecialReport for The Yomiuri Shimbun

Asian Angles< from Asia News Network >ジャパン・ニューズは、日本が直面する国際

問題から地方の実情までを広く報じ、英語を学びたい日本人にも役立つ工夫が満載の紙面です。ジャパン・ニューズを読めば、様々な視点で世界を捉えることができます。 国内/経済/海外/





Los Angeles Times “WORLD REPORT”<Special Supplement>

Science & NatureNews on the natural environment and creatures around the world, and the latest technology. Kevin Short's columns are especially popular.

Way of LifeFeatures inspiring stories about women and seniors and other articles to give you tips on your daily life.

DeliciousStories behind popular Japanese dishes, the taste of seasonal delicacies, recipes for s imple cook ing, informat ion on restaurants for eating out are all here.






Page 7: JapanNews QO 2016...〈Profile 〉 President of the Foreign Press Center/Japan. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University. Received a master’s degree from Cambridge University

JNラーニング・ラボJN LearningLab

WEEK in a nutshell

12 13



JN LearningLab, a handy 4-page pullout published on Sundays, is useful for both English and Japanese learners to study the languages during free time on weekends. A variety of columns written by Japan News staff writers and our contributors, including professors and professional translators, help our readers boost their language abilities.

A weekly array of informative features to help you improve your English or Japanese abilities

Testing Translation日英翻訳コンテスト

My tips for studying English私の英語勉強法

Let me show you Japan

The co lumn p icks three important news items from the past seven days and explains important key words and ph rases tha t o f ten appear in news ar t ic les. Job-hunting students or those who want to improve the ir Engl ish prof ic iency can quickly absorb crucial po ints through compact explanations.

English-Japanese and Japanese-English translation contests alternately appear every other week, each time attracting about 140 applicants from high school students to seniors. Japan News staff writers make comments on applicants’ translations and show ways to improve the quality of translation.

In a monthly interview series in Japanese, prominent figures, including an Olympic medal ist, famous actors and fashion models, as well as company presidents, tell how they improved their English and encourage those who are striving to brush up their English language skills.

The author is a l icensed Engl ish guide-interpreter with many years of experience. In her monthly column, she advises English learners how to present Japanese culture and tourist spots to foreign visitors in plain English.


翻訳を通じて語学力アップを目指す人に最適。The Japan News記者が講評し、翻訳上達法を指南。毎週平均約140通の応募がある。英日翻訳コンテストと隔週で掲載。




En g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n s o f selections from “Henshu Techo,” the front-page daily c o l u m n o f T h e Yo m iu r i Shimbun, express thoughts on a variety of news topics. T h e a u th o r i s M a s a a k i Takeuchi, an editorial writer for the newspaper.


Page 8: JapanNews QO 2016...〈Profile 〉 President of the Foreign Press Center/Japan. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyoto University. Received a master’s degree from Cambridge University







Male 男性


Female 女性


Japan 日本

The United Statesアメリカ


Canada カナダ

The United Kingdom イギリス

Australia オーストラリア

Singapore シンガポール

The Philippines フィリピンOthersその他1.0%






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12014 2015 2016

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 43






14 15

ジャパン・ニューズ ウェブサイトの紹介The Japan News Website

Access by country 国別アクセス

Age 年齢 Gender 性別

Monthly page views 月間ページビューの推移

User profile ユーザープロフィル

Monthly page views (all pages)

Monthly unique browsers (all pages)



Data provided by the-japan-news.com in April 2016 2016年4月自社調査による

1,141,000 PV






On The Japan News website, you can find the latest news and information categorized into such fields as Politics, Society, Business, World, Sports and Editorial.



Monthly page views exceeded 1 million in August 2015 and they are increasing steadily.

More than half of our users are accessing the website from overseas.

April 2016

April 2016


Text adLeaderboard ad

Rectangle ad



※ Up to 4 advertisers ※同時に4社まで掲載可能です


② テキスト


掲載面 ジャパン・ニューズ各面

掲載方法 貼り付け

広告料金 50万円/ 2週 (想定インプレッション24万回)

掲載面 ジャパン・ニューズ各面

掲載方法 貼り付け

広告料金 30万円/ 2週 (想定インプレッション24万回)

掲載面 ジャパン・ニューズ各面

掲載方法 貼り付け

広告料金 50万円/ 2週 (想定インプレッション24万回)

●サイズ:左右728×天地90ピクセル ●保存形式:gif、swf、jpg●データ容量:30KB以内 ●再生時間:30秒以内停止 ●ALTタグ不可


●サイズ:左右300×天地250ピクセル ●保存形式:gif、swf、jpg●データ容量:50KB以内 ●再生時間:30秒以内停止 ●ALTタグ不可

Insertion page all The Japan News pages

Display method exclusive for one advertiser

Advertising rate ¥ 500,000 for 240,000 imp (estimated) per 2 weeks

Insertion page all The Japan News pages

Display method exclusive for one advertiser

Advertising rate ¥300,000 for 240,000 imp (estimated) per 2 weeks

Insertion page all The Japan News pages

Display method exclusive for one advertiser

Advertising rate ¥500,000 for 240,000 imp (estimated) per 2 weeks

●Size: 728 horizontal x 90 vertical pixels ●File format: gif, swf, or jpg●File size: within 30 KB ●Animation: up to 30 seconds ●ALT tags not applicable

●Under 50 English single-byte characters●Machine dependent characters cannot be used

●Size: 300 horizontal x 250 vertical pixels ●File format: gif, swf, or jpg●File size: within 50 KB ●Animation: up to 30 seconds ●ALT tags not applicable

① Leaderboard ad

② Text ad

③ Rectangle ad

Ad spot 広告枠

※All advertising rates do not include consumption tax. ※広告料金はすべて税別です。