jasmine shiju asst. prof obstetrics & gynecology department

Jasmine shiju Asst. Prof Obstetrics & Gynecology Department

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Page 1: Jasmine shiju Asst. Prof Obstetrics & Gynecology Department

Jasmine shiju

Asst. ProfObstetrics &

Gynecology Department

Page 2: Jasmine shiju Asst. Prof Obstetrics & Gynecology Department

– Implantation outside uterine cavity– Most common site is within fallopian tube

98%, in the distal ampulla than in the proximal isthmus, followed by corneal 2% and abdominal1.4%, ovarian 0.15% and cervical os 0.15%

Incidence: I in 100 of all pregnancies and to 1 in 30 in high risk population arising in the west in parallel with number of cases of chlamydia infection

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“ Any pregnancy occurring outside the uterus”

Incidence: Increasing due to P.I.D./ infertility

1-2% of all births

9% after IVF-ET

Site of implantation:

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Ectopic pregnancy is one in which the fertilized ovum implanted and develops outside the uterine cavity.

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1)Fimbrial 2)Ampullary 3)Isthemic 4)Interstitial 5)Ovarian 6)Cervical 7)Cornual-Rudimentary horn 8)Secondary abdominal 9)Broad ligament 10)Primary abdominal

Ampulla (>85%)Isthmus (8%)

Cornual (< 2%)

Ovary (< 2%)

Abdomen (< 2%)

Cervix (< 2%)

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Risk Factor for Ectopic Pregnancy• Any factor that leads, directly or indirectly, to

a reduction in tubal motility increases the risk for tubal pregnancy

• Previous PID – chlamydia infection• Previous ectopic pregnancy• Tubal ligation• Previous tubal surgery• Intrauterine device• Prolonged infertility• Multiple sexual partners

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Risk factors:

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Pathology of Ectopic Pregnancy

• Fertilized ovum borrows through the epithelium

• Zygote reaches the muscular wall

• Trophoblastic cells at zygote periphery proliferate, invade, and erode adjacent muscularis

• Maternal blood vessels disrupted leading to hemorrhage

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• THE OUTCOME OF ECTOPIC PREGNANCY– The muscle wall of the tube has not the capacity of uterine

muscles for hypertrophy and distention and tubal pregnancy nearly always end in rupture and the death of the ovum.

– Tubal abortion – usually in ampullary about 8 weeks – forming pelvic haematocele

– Rupture into the peritoneal cavity• Occur mainly from the narrow isthmus before 8 weeks or

later from the interstitial portion of the tube. Haemorrhage is likely to be severe.

• Sometimes rupture is extraperitoneal between the leaves of the broad ligament – Broad ligament haematoma. Haemorrhage is likely to be controlled

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Other Signs:• Tachycardia, Low grade fever • Chadwick’s sign (cervix and vaginal cyanosis) • Hegar’s sign (softened uterine isthmus) • Hypoactive bowel sounds • Cervical Motion Tenderness • Enlarged uterus • Tender pelvic or adnexal mass• Cul-de-sac fullness • Decidual cast (Passage of decidua in one piece)

Signs suggestive of ruptured ectopic pregnancy:• Usually between 6 and 12 weeks gestation• Severe abdominal tenderness with rebound, guarding • Orthostatic hypotension

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Diagnosis:-ultrasound - the most reliable method of verification of ectopic pregnancy-levels of β-hCG - more often levels are lower than in normal pregnancy-laparascopy-laparatomy-culdocentesis (a less commonly performed test that may be used to look for internal bleeding)

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• Differential diagnosis:1. Salpingitis

2. Abortion

3. Appendecitis

4. Torsion of pedicle of ovarian cyst

5. Rupture of corpus luteum or follicular cyst

6. Perforation of peptic ulcer.

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Depending on the presentation: Acute… with ruptured ectopic and intra-abdominal bleeding…. ABC,,, + surgical approach.

Early stages, with intact ectopic:

1. Expectant… decreasing B-hCG …. Tubal abortion

2. Medical… Depending on size of ectopic and level of B-hCG….. Use methotrexate….. Not common approach

3. Surgical

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Surgical Management Conservative,

Open vs laparoscopic….. Linear salpengotomy vs milking of the tube


laparoscopic vs open ……. salpengectomy

Fertility post ectopic surgery…

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The debate goes on

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L’tomy L’scopyHospital cost More? Less?Post operative adhesions More LessRisk of future ectopic Same SameFuture fertility Same SameExperience of Surgeon Trained Special Instruments General Special

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The choice of surgical treatment does not influence the post treatment fertility, but prior history of infertility is associated with a marked reduction in fertility after treatment

Making the choice – Chapron et al (1993) have described a scoring system, based on the patient’s previous gynaecological history and the appearance of the pelvic organs, to decide between salpingostomy / salpingotomy and salpingectomy.



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Treatment:-metotrexate (if the mass is less then 3.5 cm in diametar)-laparascopy, laparatomy (if the mass is greater than 3.5 cm in diametar, internal bleeding, cardiovascular colapse)


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Treatment:Treatment: If haemorrhage and shock presentIf haemorrhage and shock present

Restore blood volume by the transfusion of red Restore blood volume by the transfusion of red cells or volume expandercells or volume expander

Proceed with LaparotomyProceed with Laparotomy The earlier diagnosis of tubal pregnancy has The earlier diagnosis of tubal pregnancy has

allowed a more conservative approach to allowed a more conservative approach to management where the tube is less damage.management where the tube is less damage.

Pregnancy removed from the tube by laparoscopy Pregnancy removed from the tube by laparoscopy (salpingostomy) hopefully retaining tubal function.(salpingostomy) hopefully retaining tubal function.

Trophoblast destroyed by chemotherapeutic agent Trophoblast destroyed by chemotherapeutic agent such as methotrexatesuch as methotrexate

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• Medical Managment– Methotrexate 1 mg/kg body weight

• Indicationss:– Haemodynamically stable, no active bleeding, No

haemoperitneum, minimal bleeding and no pain– No contra indication to methotrexate– Able to return for follow up for several weeks– Non laparoscopic diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy– General anaesthesia poses a significant risk– Unruptured adenexal mass < 4cm in size by scan– No cardiac activity by scan

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• HCG does not exceed 5000 IU/L

– Contraindications:• Breastfeeding• Immunodeficiency / active infection• Chronic liver disease• Active pulmonary disease• Active peptic ulcer or colitis• Blood disorder• Hepatic, Renal or Haematological


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• Side Effects:– Nausea & Vomiting– Stomatitis– Diarrhea, abdominal pain– Photosensitivity skin reaction– Impaired liver function, reversible– Pneumonia– Severe neutropenia– Reversible alopecia– Haematosalpinx and haematoceles

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• Treatment Effects: Abdominal pain (2/3 of patient) HCG during first 3 days of treatment– Vaginal bleeding

• Signs and Treatment failure and tubal rupture:– Significantly worsening abdominal pain,

regardless of change in serum HCG (Check CBC)– Haemodynamic instability– Level of HCG do not decline by at least 15%

between Day 4 & 7 post treatment or plateauing HCG level after first week of


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• Follow-Up:– Repeat HCG on Day 5 post injection if <15 %

decrease – consider repeat dose– If BHCG >15 recheck weekly until <25 ul/l– Surgery should also considered in all women

presenting with pain in the first few days after methotrexate and careful clinical assessment is required. If these is significant doubt surgery is the safest option


Laparoscopy approach – salpingostomuy Laprotomy – salpingostomy


Page 34: Jasmine shiju Asst. Prof Obstetrics & Gynecology Department

1. Positive pregnancy test

Lowe abdominal pain +Minimal Vaginal bleeding

Asymptomatic with factorsfor ectopic pregnancy

Risk factorsPrevious ectopic pregnancyPrevious PIDTubal surgeryTubal SurgeryTubal pathology (PID, endometriosisInfertility, ovarian stimulationIUCD failureSterilization failurePrevious abdominal surgeryDES exposure in uteroMultiple sexual partners

2. History + clinical examination


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If sure of date of LMP and /or Regular cycle, i.e. >6 wks. gestation,

Arrange TV ultrasound

If unsure of date of LMP and /or irregular cycle,Measure serum hCG

If hCG <100 (?early Intrauterine/? Ectopic pregnancy

If Hcg >1000, useprotocol forsuspected

Ectopic pregnancy

3. Empty uterus + free fluid in POD + adnexal + FH serum hCG > 1000

Meet criteria for Methorexate treatment

Does not meet criteria for methotrexate treatment

Use methotrexateprotocol

Laproscopic /salpingotomy/Salpingectomy ?Proceed to

laparotomy OR Laparotomy if haemodynamically unstable

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Repeat Ectopic Pregnancy

The rate of repeat ectopic pregnancy after a single ectopic pregnancy ranges from 8% to 20%, with a mean of 15%. Only about one of three nulliparous women who have an ectopic pregnancy ever conceives again (35%), and about one third have another ectopic pregnancy (13%). After two ectopic pregnancies, infertility rates as high as 90% have been reported

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Ectopic pregnancy is a life threatening condition & on the increase

Not all cases present with a classical picture

ALWAYS suspect ectopic pregnancy in a woman of a child-bearing age c/o pain and/or p.v. bleeding

Early diagnosis and management is feasible {EPAC}, which should be available in referral centers

Tailor your management on the patient presentation.+/_ F.up

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Thank you for your patience!!

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