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Post on 17-Jun-2015




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SCHOOL?By: Jason


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PROS Parents can keep contact with their children in case of an

emergency. Cell phones can improve the safety for the school. Students can search any information on their cell phones via

internet. If in case of an emergency student can easily contact 911. There are various applications that may be used for

educational purposes.

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CONS Cell phone usage in school can distract others from learning.

Students in class are usually on their phone texting their friends, on social media(Facebook or Instagram) or playing games.

During day on exams kids usually go on the internet and search up the answers or text their friends for help.

Since students have cell phones it makes it easier for them to search up the answers instead of doing the work themselves.

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INTERVIEWS I've interviewed 2 people my cousin and my uncle. I decided

to get both a teacher and a students perspective on if cell phones should be banned from school. My cousin is 17 years old and a senior in high school. My uncle use to be a teacher and is now a guidance counselor. I’ve asked them 3 questions. What they said was different from the other.

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Student-17 year old What are your thoughts on If cell phones should be banned in

school? And why? I believe cell phones shouldn’t be banned from schools

because cell phones can be used for educational reason like in case of an emergency the authorities can be contacted, if your not to sure about a question you could search anything up on the internet. School libraries aren't always open for the kids

Do you think having a cell phone in class is a distraction?

To other kids yes but I use my phone for the calculator or dictionary. I’ll admit I look at my phone to answer a text but I’m not always on phone

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Teacher What are your thoughts on If cell phones should be banned

in school? And why? That’s a hard choice cause I understand that cell phones can

only be used for emergencies only. Cell phones could be use for educational purposes too. I also think that cell phones is just a big distraction for them.

How do you feel when kids use their cell phones in class? To me I take it as a sign of disrespect. I'm trying to help them

learn and prepare them. It just distracts them from learning. It loses their focus on what is being taught.

Have you ever used your cell phone in class? If my kids school calls me I pick up just in case of any

emergency and If they need to be picked up.

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Which side will you choose?

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Should cellphones be banned in school?



Both theses articles states both the pros and con of cellphones in class. The first article is a debate on 2 teachers on cellphones. Article 2 states different reasons for different people and keeps count on how many people voted.

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To help both the student and teachers on this issue here are a couple of strategies that may help:

Have the phone on vibrate before class starts.

If the teacher asks to put away the phone once and takes it back out take it away.

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Do you think cellphones should be banned in school?

How many are you distracted by your cellphones?

What’s the positive thoughts on having cell phones in school?

What's the negative thoughts on having cellphones in class.

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Citied Page "The New York Times Upfront | The News Magazine for High

School." The New York Times Upfront | The News Magazine for High School. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2013.

"Should Cell Phones Be Banned within Schools?" – Debate.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2013.

"National School Safety and Security Services." School Safety: Cell Phones and Text Messaging in Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2013