java 8 - functional features

Java 8 Functional features 2015-11-09 Rafał Rybacki

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Java 8Functional features

2015-11-09 Rafał Rybacki


1. functional paradigm2. lambdas3. functional interfaces4. default methods5. streams

a. parallel iterationb. lazy evaluation

6. map & flat map7. maps

Functional paradigm

● Treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.

● Roots in lambda calculus○ Alonzo Church developed concept in 1930○ John McCarthy developed Lisp in 1950s

Functional concepts

● Referential transparency○ Expression can be replaced by the value it returns

● Pure function○ The result depends only on input value, not state○ Evaluation does not cause side-effects

● Idempotence○ Operation with side effects that can be applied multiple time without changing the result

beyond initial application.○ ex. HTTP GET, PUT, DELETED (without POST)

● Higher order function○ Function that takes another function as argument

Functional concepts (2)

● Map○ Apply function to collection items

● Reduce○ Combine input collection into single value result

● Currying○ Translation of function with multiple arguments into higher-order functions

Declarative vs imperative

● Imperative - instructions that changes state○ Assembler○ C

● Declarative - describe what you want○ HTML○ AngularJs (directives)

Declarative vs imperative

Imperative Declarative

getRemoteData("", { data, error in if error == nil { parseData(data, { parsed, error in if error == nil { handleParsedData(parsed, { error in if error != nil { displayError(error) } }) } else { displayError(error) } }) } else { displayError(error) }}

getRemoteData("") .then(parseData) .then(handleParsedData) .onError(displayError)

Declarative vs imperative

● Imperative - “Please take the glass, pour the water and pass it to me.”

● Declarative - “I want to drink water.”

Declarative vs imperative

Declarative programming helps in:

● Direct translation of the business model into business logic● Better readability of the business logic● Better scalability for the program in terms of functionality (reusability)● Easies testing - due to better isolation and loose coupling● Less bugs (quality and safety - due to side effects and avoiding state)

Imperative is mainstream

Imperative programming paradigm is the mainstream.

Imperative is mainstream

Imperative programming paradigm is:

● the most popular,● the easiest,● delivers not best outcome in terms of maintenance,

Imperative programming is mainstream because all of us have been taught it while learning - that’s why it’s mainstream.

Difficulties in declarative programming

● It requires separating small responsibilities● It requires good quality, clear unit tests (instead of debugging)● It requires trust in quality of the implementation● It required transition in thinking (learning it)

getRemoteData("") .then(parseData) .then(handleParsedData) .onError(displayError)

Functional - disadvantages

● Performance of more complex algorithms is lower● Sometimes side-effects are required

○ ex. storing in session○ -> functional approach helps to split stateful and stateless parts

● For some algorithms it decreases readibility


Definition: Lambda is anonymous function.

● Function is first-class citizen● Short syntax

String x = “Hello”;Function y = System.out::println;



() -> {}


() -> {}

(input) -> {} input -> {}


() -> {}

(input) -> {}

() -> {output}

input -> {}

() -> output () -> {return output;}


() -> {}

(input) -> {}

() -> {output}

(input) -> {output}

input -> {}

() -> output () -> {return output;}

input -> output


() -> {}

(input) -> {}

() -> {output}

(input) -> {output}

input -> {}

() -> output () -> {return output;}

input -> output

(input1, input2) -> output

Lambdas - functional interfaces

Runnable r = () -> {}

Consumer c = (input) -> {}

Supplier s = () -> {output}

Function f = (input) -> {output}

Lambdas - functional interfaces

BiConsumer bc = (input1, input2) -> {}

UnaryOperator negate = integer -> -integer

BinaryOperator add = (int1, int2) -> int1 + int2

Predicate p = input -> boolean

BiPredicate bp = (input1, input2) -> boolean

Lambda under the hood

Anonymous function:

● Created in compiletime● Resides in the same folder as enclosing class


1. On first run code is generated in runtime using invokedynamic 2. invokedynamic is replaced with code equivalent to anonymous class3. Performance of generated code is the same as anonymous class

● Java 8 introduced new methods in interfaces, like:

● Implementation:

Default methods

Iterable.forEach(Consumer<? super T> action)

default void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) { Objects.requireNonNull(action); for (T t : this) { action.accept(t); }}

The goal:

● Allow Oracle to extend collection interfaces● Allow everybody extend interfaces without breaking compatibility.

Is it useful?

● Not very often.● Keep compatibility in case stateless method are added.

Default methods

● Problem known in languages with multiple inheritance (like C++)

Deadly diamond of death

interface A { default void action() { System.out.println("A"); }}

interface B { default void action() { System.out.println("B"); }}

interface AB extends A, B ?

● Problem:

● Solution:

Deadly diamond of death

interface A { default void action() { System.out.println("A"); }}

interface B { default void action() { System.out.println("B"); }}

interface AB extends A, B { @Override void action();}

interface AB extends A, B { @Override default void action() { A.super.action(); }}



● Streams are for operations● Collections are for storing.

Most often, it is required to process operations rather than store data.

Streams - useful methods

● map● filter● distinct● skip, limit● peek

● min, max● count● findAny, findFirst -> System.out.print(item))


● Heavy operations pipelined:

Streams are lazy

final Stream<Integer> inputs = // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 IntStream.range(0, 10).boxed();

inputs .map(new HeavyOperation("A")) .map(new HeavyOperation("B")) .map(new HeavyOperation("C")) .filter(input -> input == 3) .collect(toList());

● Heavy operation - prints to console

Streams are lazy

class HeavyOperation {

public Integer apply(Integer input) { System.out.println("Heavy operation " + operationName + " for element " + input); return input; }}

● Heavy operations on all items

Streams are lazy

final Stream<Integer> inputs = IntStream.range(0, 10).boxed();

inputs .map(new HeavyOperation("A")) .map(new HeavyOperation("B")) .map(new HeavyOperation("C")) .collect(toList());

Heavy operation A for element 0Heavy operation B for element 0Heavy operation C for element 0Heavy operation A for element 1Heavy operation B for element 1Heavy operation C for element 1Heavy operation A for element 2Heavy operation B for element 2Heavy operation C for element 2Heavy operation A for element 3Heavy operation B for element 3Heavy operation C for element 3Heavy operation A for element 4Heavy operation B for element 4Heavy operation C for element 4Heavy operation A for element 5Heavy operation B for element 5Heavy operation C for element 5Heavy operation A for element 6Heavy operation B for element 6Heavy operation C for element 6Heavy operation A for element 7Heavy operation B for element 7Heavy operation C for element 7Heavy operation A for element 8Heavy operation B for element 8Heavy operation C for element 8Heavy operation A for element 9Heavy operation B for element 9Heavy operation C for element 9


● Only required operations

Streams are lazy

final Stream<Integer> inputs = IntStream.range(0, 10).boxed();

inputs .map(new HeavyOperation("A")) .map(new HeavyOperation("B")) .map(new HeavyOperation("C")) .filter(input -> input == 3) .findFirst();

Heavy operation A for element 0Heavy operation B for element 0Heavy operation C for element 0Heavy operation A for element 1Heavy operation B for element 1Heavy operation C for element 1Heavy operation A for element 2Heavy operation B for element 2Heavy operation C for element 2Heavy operation A for element 3Heavy operation B for element 3Heavy operation C for element 3


● No collection operation

Streams are lazy

final Stream<Integer> inputs = IntStream.range(0, 10).boxed();

inputs .map(new HeavyOperation("A")) .map(new HeavyOperation("B")) .map(new HeavyOperation("C")) .filter(input -> input == 3);


● Collection function

● Reduction function (fold function)

list .stream() .collect(toList());

Streams - operations output

int sum = integers .stream() .sum();

int sum = integers .stream() .reduce(0, (total, item) -> total + item);

Streams - parallel execution

List inputs = ...

inputs .parallelStream() .map(new HeavyOperation("A")) .map(new HeavyOperation("B")) .map(new HeavyOperation("C")) .findFirst();

Streams - collectors

● Aggregating

● Comparing

● Grouping

List<User> allUsers =;

User userWithMaxLogins = .collect( maxBy( comparing(User::loginsCount) ) );

Map<Role, List<User>> usersPerRole = .collect( groupingBy( User::getRole) );

Streams - collectors

● Partitioning

Map<Boolean, List<User>> activeUsers = stream .collect( partitioningBy( user -> user.getLoginsCount() > 0));

Flat mapping

● Stream: Combine stream of streams into single stream.

● Optional: Combine optional of optional into single optional.○ A pipeline of operations out of which any may fail

Flat mapping

private Optional<Banana> fetchBananaImperative() { Optional<Island> island = findIsland();

boolean noIslandFound = !island.isPresent(); if (noIslandFound) { return empty(); }

Optional<Jungle> jungle = findJungle(island.get());

boolean noJungleFound = !jungle.isPresent(); if (noJungleFound) { return empty(); }

Optional<Tree> tree = findTree(jungle.get());

boolean noTreeFound = !tree.isPresent(); if (noTreeFound) { return empty(); }

Optional<Banana> banana = findBanana(tree.get());

boolean noBananaFound = !banana.isPresent(); if (noBananaFound) { return empty(); }

return banana; }

Flat mapping

private Optional<Banana> fetchBananaImperative() { Optional<Island> island = findIsland();

boolean noIslandFound = !island.isPresent(); if (noIslandFound) { return empty(); }

Optional<Jungle> jungle = findJungle(island.get());

boolean noJungleFound = !jungle.isPresent(); if (noJungleFound) { return empty(); }

Optional<Tree> tree = findTree(jungle.get());

boolean noTreeFound = !tree.isPresent(); if (noTreeFound) { return empty(); }

Optional<Banana> banana = findBanana(tree.get());

boolean noBananaFound = !banana.isPresent(); if (noBananaFound) { return empty(); }

return banana; }

private Optional<Banana> fetchBananaFluent() { Optional<Island> islandOptional = findIsland();

Optional<Banana> banana = islandOptional .flatMap(island -> findJungle(island)) .flatMap(jungle -> findTree(jungle)) .flatMap(tree -> findBanana(tree));

return banana;}

Map - new methods

map.compute(key, (key, value) -> newValue);

map.putIfAbsent(key, value);

map.replace(key, value);

map.replace(key, oldValue, newValue);

map.getOrDefault(key, defaultValue);

map.merge(key, newValue, (oldValue, newValue) -> mergedValue);

Lambda vs method reference

Optional<Banana> banana = islandOptional .flatMap(island -> findJungle(island)) .flatMap(jungle -> findTree(jungle)) .flatMap(tree -> findBanana(tree));

Lambda vs method reference

Optional<Banana> banana = islandOptional .flatMap(island -> findJungle(island)) .flatMap(jungle -> findTree(jungle)) .flatMap(tree -> findBanana(tree));

Optional<Banana> banana = islandOptional .flatMap(island -> findJungle(island)) .flatMap(Jungle::getTree) .flatMap(tree -> tree.getBanana());

● Syntax may affect readibility

Lambda vs method reference


● allow mixing lambda and method reference● only lambdas

Optional<Banana> banana = islandOptional .flatMap(island -> findJungle(island)) .flatMap(Jungle::getTree) .flatMap(tree -> tree.getBanana());
