java lab manual

AIM To develop a Java package with simple Stack and Queue classes. Use JavaDoc comments for documentation. ALGORITHM

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Page 1: Java Lab Manual


To develop a Java package with simple Stack and Queue classes. Use JavaDoc comments for documentation.


Page 2: Java Lab Manual



/** * Array-based implementation of the queue. * @author Durai Murugan */public class ArrayQueue {

private Object [ ] theArray;private int currentSize;private int front;private int back;

private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;

/** * Construct the queue. */public ArrayQueue( ){

theArray = new Object[ DEFAULT_CAPACITY ];makeEmpty( );


/** * Test if the queue is logically empty. * @return <b>true</b> if empty, <code>false</code> otherwise. */public boolean isEmpty( ){

return currentSize == 0;}

/** * Make the queue logically empty. */public void makeEmpty( ){

currentSize = 0;front = 0;back = -1;


/** * Return and remove the least recently inserted item * from the queue. * @return the least recently inserted item in the queue. */public Object dequeue( ){

if( isEmpty( ) )throw new RuntimeException( "ArrayQueue dequeue" );


Object returnValue = theArray[ front ];front = increment( front );

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return returnValue;}

/** * Get the least recently inserted item in the queue. * Does not alter the queue. * @return the least recently inserted item in the queue. */public Object getFront( ){

if( isEmpty( ) )throw new RuntimeException( "ArrayQueue getFront" );

return theArray[ front ];}

/** * Insert a new item into the queue. * @param x the item to insert. */public void enqueue( Object x ){

if( currentSize == theArray.length )doubleQueue( );

back = increment( back );theArray[ back ] = x;currentSize++;


/** * Internal method to increment with wraparound. * @param x any index in theArray's range. * @return x+1, or 0 if x is at the end of theArray. */private int increment( int x ){

if( ++x == theArray.length )x = 0;

return x;}

/** * Internal method to expand theArray. */private void doubleQueue( ){

Object [ ] newArray;

newArray = new Object[ theArray.length * 2 ];

// Copy elements that are logically in the queuefor( int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++, front =

increment( front ) )newArray[ i ] = theArray[ front ];

theArray = newArray;front = 0;back = currentSize - 1;


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/** * Array-based implementation of the stack. * @author Durai Murugan */public class ArrayStack {

private Object [ ] theArray; private int topOfStack; private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;

/** * Construct the stack. */ public ArrayStack( ) { theArray = new Object[ DEFAULT_CAPACITY ]; topOfStack = -1; } /** * Test if the stack is logically empty. * @return true if empty, false otherwise. */ public boolean isEmpty( ) { return topOfStack == -1; } /** * Make the stack logically empty. */ public void makeEmpty( ) { topOfStack = -1; } /** * Get the most recently inserted item in the stack. * Does not alter the stack. * @return the most recently inserted item in the stack. */ public Object top( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) throw new RuntimeException( "ArrayStack top" ); return theArray[ topOfStack ]; } /** * Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack. */ public void pop( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) throw new RuntimeException( "ArrayStack pop" ); topOfStack--; } /**

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* Return and remove the most recently inserted item * from the stack. * @return the most recently inserted item in the stack. */ public Object topAndPop( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) throw new RuntimeException( "ArrayStack topAndPop" ); return theArray[ topOfStack-- ]; } /** * Insert a new item into the stack. * @param x the item to insert. */ public void push( Object x ) { if( topOfStack + 1 == theArray.length ) doubleArray( ); theArray[ ++topOfStack ] = x; } /** * Internal method to extend theArray. */ private void doubleArray( ) { Object [ ] newArray; newArray = new Object[ theArray.length * 2 ]; for( int i = 0; i < theArray.length; i++ ) newArray[ i ] = theArray[ i ]; theArray = newArray; } }

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public class QueueStackTester {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("****************************");System.out.println("Queue Example");System.out.println("****************************");

ArrayQueue aq = new ArrayQueue();

aq.enqueue(new String("1"));aq.enqueue(new String("2"));aq.enqueue(new String("3"));aq.enqueue(new String("4"));

System.out.println("Queue Elements -> 1, 2, 3, 4");System.out.println("Queue FIFO -> "+aq.getFront());System.out.println("Queue removed element -> "+

aq.dequeue());System.out.println("Queue FIFO -> "+aq.getFront());

System.out.println("****************************");System.out.println("Stack Example");System.out.println("****************************");

ArrayStack arrayStack = new ArrayStack();arrayStack.push(new String("a"));arrayStack.push(new String("b"));arrayStack.push(new String("c"));arrayStack.push(new String("d"));

System.out.println("Stack Elements -> a, b, c, d");System.out.println("Stack LIFO -> ";arrayStack.pop();System.out.println("POP on Stack " );System.out.println("Stack LIFO -> ";


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E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 1>java QueueStackTester****************************Queue Example****************************Queue Elements -> 1, 2, 3, 4Queue FIFO -> 1Queue removed element -> 1Queue FIFO -> 2****************************Stack Example****************************Stack Elements -> a, b, c, dStack LIFO -> dPOP on StackStack LIFO -> c

E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 1>

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To design a class for Complex numbers in Java. In addition to methods for basic operations on complex numbers, provide a method to return the number of active objects created.


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public class ComplexNumber {

public static int counter = 0;

private double realPart;private double imaginaryPart;

/** * Default Constructor */public ComplexNumber(){


/** * Parameterized Constructor * @param realPart * @param imaginaryPart */public ComplexNumber(double realPart, double imaginaryPart) {

this();this.realPart = realPart;this.imaginaryPart = imaginaryPart;


/** * Parameterized Constructor * @param realPart * @param imaginaryPart */public ComplexNumber(ComplexNumber complexNumber) {

this();this.realPart = complexNumber.getRealPart();this.imaginaryPart = complexNumber.getImaginaryPart();


/** * @return the realPart */public double getRealPart() {

return realPart;}

/** * @param realPart the realPart to set */public void setRealPart(double realPart) {

this.realPart = realPart;}

/** * @return the imaginaryPart */public double getImaginaryPart() {

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return imaginaryPart;}

/** * @param imaginaryPart the imaginaryPart to set */public void setImaginaryPart(double imaginaryPart) {

this.imaginaryPart = imaginaryPart;}

public ComplexNumber getComplexConjugate(){return new ComplexNumber(this.realPart, this.imaginaryPart *


/** * @param multiComNum * @return */public ComplexNumber multiplyTo(ComplexNumber multiComNum){

ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber();//(a+bi)* (c+di) = (ac - bd) + (ad + bc) idouble _real = ((this.realPart * multiComNum.getRealPart())

- (this.imaginaryPart * multiComNum.getImaginaryPart()));double _imgry = ((this.realPart *

multiComNum.getImaginaryPart()) + (this.imaginaryPart * multiComNum.getRealPart()));

result.setRealPart(_real);result.setImaginaryPart(_imgry);return result;


/** * @param addComNum * @return */public ComplexNumber addTo(ComplexNumber addComNum){

ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber();//(a+bi) + (c+di) = (a+c) + (b+d) idouble _real = (this.realPart + addComNum.getRealPart());double _imgry = (this.imaginaryPart +

addComNum.getImaginaryPart());result.setRealPart(_real);result.setImaginaryPart(_imgry);return result;


/** * @param subsComNum * @return */public ComplexNumber subsTo(ComplexNumber subsComNum){

ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber();//(a+bi) - (c+di) = (a-c) + (b-d) idouble _real = (this.realPart - subsComNum.getRealPart());double _imgry = (this.imaginaryPart -


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result.setImaginaryPart(_imgry);return result;


/** * @param divComNum * @return */public ComplexNumber divTo(ComplexNumber divComNum){

ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber(divComNum);//(a+bi) / (c+di) = (a+bi)(c-di) / (c +di)(c - di)//numerator partresult = result.multiplyTo(divComNum.getComplexConjugate());//dr double dnr = divComNum.getRealPart() *

divComNum.getRealPart() + divComNum.getImaginaryPart() * divComNum.getRealPart();

result.setRealPart(result.getRealPart() / dnr);result.setImaginaryPart(result.getImaginaryPart() / dnr);return result;


public String toString(){String imgPart = ((this.imaginaryPart) < 0 ?

String.valueOf(this.imaginaryPart) : "+"+this.imaginaryPart);return this.realPart+""+imgPart+"i";


public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("************************************");System.out.println("Complex Number Example");System.out.println("************************************");ComplexNumber complexNumber = new ComplexNumber(8, 4);ComplexNumber complexNumber2 = new ComplexNumber(1, 2);System.out.println("Complex Number = "+complexNumber);System.out.println(complexNumber +" ComplexConjugate =

"+complexNumber.getComplexConjugate());System.out.println("\nComplex Multiplication ");System.out.println("("+complexNumber+") ("+complexNumber2

+") = "+ complexNumber.multiplyTo(complexNumber2));

System.out.println("\nComplex Addition ");System.out.println("("+complexNumber+") + ("+complexNumber2

+") = "+ complexNumber.addTo(complexNumber2));

System.out.println("\nComplex Subraction ");System.out.println("("+complexNumber+") - ("+complexNumber2

+") = "+ complexNumber.subsTo(complexNumber2));

System.out.println("\nComplex Division ");System.out.println("("+complexNumber+") / ("+complexNumber2

+") = "+ complexNumber.divTo(complexNumber2));System.out.println("\nThe number of active objects created

during the basic complex number operations - "+ComplexNumber.counter);}


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E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 2>java ComplexNumber************************************Complex Number Example************************************Complex Number = 8.0+4.0i8.0+4.0i ComplexConjugate = 8.0-4.0i

Complex Multiplication(8.0+4.0i) (1.0+2.0i) = 0.0+20.0i

Complex Addition(8.0+4.0i) + (1.0+2.0i) = 9.0+6.0i

Complex Subraction(8.0+4.0i) - (1.0+2.0i) = 7.0+2.0i

Complex Division(8.0+4.0i) / (1.0+2.0i) = 1.6666666666666667+0.0i

The number of active objects created during the basic complex number operations - 9

E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 2>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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To design a Date class similar to the one provided in the java.util package.


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import java.util.Date;import java.text.ParseException;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;public class DateExample {

    private static void DateExample() {

        Date date = new Date();        System.out.println("Current Date and Time is : " + date);        System.out.println();

        System.out.println("Date object showing specific date and time");        Date particulardate1 = new Date(24L*60L*60L*1000L);        Date particulardate2 = new Date(0L);        System.out.println();        System.out.println("First Particular date : " + particulardate1);        System.out.println("Second Particular date: " + particulardate2);        System.out.println();       

        System.out.println("Demo of getTime() method returning milliseconds");        System.out.println();        Date strtime = new Date();        System.out.println("Start Time: " + strtime);        Date endtime = new Date();        System.out.println("End Time is: " + endtime);        long elapsed_time = endtime.getTime() - strtime.getTime();        System.out.println("Elapsed Time is:" + elapsed_time + " milliseconds");        System.out.println();

        System.out.println("Changed date object using setTime() method");        System.out.println();        Date chngdate = new Date();        System.out.println("Date before change is: " + chngdate);        chngdate.setTime(24L*60L*60L*1000L);        System.out.println("Now the Changed date is: " + chngdate);        System.out.println();  }

    public static void main(String[] args) {        System.out.println();        DateExample();    }


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\ E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 3>java simpledate************************************

Current Date and Time is : Mon Dec 10 18:39:27 GMT+05:30 2007

Date object showing specific date and time

First Particular date : Fri Jan 02 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 1970Second Particular date: Thu Jan 01 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 1970

Demo of getTime() method returning milliseconds

Start Time: Mon Dec 10 18:39:28 GMT+05:30 2007End Time is: Mon Dec 10 18:39:28 GMT+05:30 2007Elapsed Time is:0 milliseconds

Changed date object using setTime() method

Date before change is: Mon Dec 10 18:39:28 GMT+05:30 2007Now the Changed date is: Fri Jan 02 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 1970

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To develop with suitable hierarchy, classes for Point, Shape, Rectangle, Square, Circle, Ellipse, Triangle, Polygon, etc. Design a simple test application to demonstrate dynamic polymorphism.


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public class Circle implements IShape {

private double radius;

public Circle(double radius){this.radius = radius;


public Double getAreaValue() {double area = 2 * 3.14 * radius * radius;return area;


public String getObjectName() {return "Circle";



public class DynamicPolymorphsim {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("********************************************");System.out.println("\tDynamic Polymorphsim Example");

System.out.println("********************************************");Circle circleObject = new Circle(2.4);System.out.println("Circle object is created.\n");

Square square = new Square(2);System.out.println("Square object is created.\n");

Rectangular rectangular = new Rectangular(2, 10);System.out.println("Rectangular object is created.\n");

Triangle triangle = new Triangle(3, 2.76);System.out.println("Rectangular object is created.\n");

NonShape ec = new NonShape();System.out.println("NonShape object is created.\n");

System.out.println("---------------------------------------");System.out.println(" Calling Dynamic Polymorphsim method");

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public static void getShapeObjectDetails(Object iShape){if(iShape != null){

if(iShape instanceof IShape){IShape iShape1 = (IShape)iShape;System.out.println("Area of the

"+iShape1.getObjectName() +" = "+iShape1.getAreaValue());}else{

System.out.println("\nPassed object which is not implemented from IShape Interface");




public interface IShape {

/** * @return the </code>IShape</code> Object Name */public String getObjectName();

/** * @return the <b>Area</b> value of the object */public Double getAreaValue();


public class NonShape {

public double getAreaValue(){return 0.0;


public String getObjectName(){return "test"; }}

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public class Rectangular implements IShape {

private double width;private double length;public Rectangular(double width, double length){

this.width = width;this.length = length;


public Double getAreaValue() {return width * length;


public String getObjectName() {return "Rectangular";



public class Square implements IShape {

private double size;

public Square(double size){this.size = size;


public Double getAreaValue() {return size * size;


public String getObjectName() {return "Square";



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public class Triangle implements IShape {

private double base;private double height;

public Triangle(double base, double height){this.base = base;this.height = height;


public Double getAreaValue() {double area = 0.5 * base * height;return area;


public String getObjectName() {return "Triangle";


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E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 4>javac *.java

E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 4>java DynamicPolymorphsim******************************************** Dynamic Polymorphsim Example********************************************Circle object is created.

Square object is created.

Rectangular object is created.

Rectangular object is created.

NonShape object is created.

--------------------------------------- Calling Dynamic Polymorphsim method---------------------------------------Area of the Circle = 36.172799999999995Area of the Square = 4.0Area of the Rectangular = 20.0Area of the Triangle = 4.14

Passed object which is not implemented from IShape Interface

E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 4>

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To design a Java interface for ADT Stack. Develop two different classes that implement this interface, one using array and the other using linked-list. Provide necessary exception handling in both the implementations.


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/** * Array-based implementation of the stack. * @author Durai Murugan */public class ArrayStack implements Stack {

private Object [ ] theArray; private int topOfStack; private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;

/** * Construct the stack. */ public ArrayStack( ) { theArray = new Object[ DEFAULT_CAPACITY ]; topOfStack = -1; } /** * Test if the stack is logically empty. * @return true if empty, false otherwise. */ public boolean isEmpty( ) { return topOfStack == -1; } /** * Make the stack logically empty. */ public void makeEmpty( ) { topOfStack = -1; } /** * Get the most recently inserted item in the stack. * Does not alter the stack. * @return the most recently inserted item in the stack. * @throws UnderflowException if the stack is empty. */ public Object top( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) throw new UnderflowException( "ArrayStack top" ); return theArray[ topOfStack ]; } /** * Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack. * @throws UnderflowException if the stack is empty. */ public void pop( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) throw new UnderflowException( "ArrayStack pop" ); topOfStack--; }

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/** * Return and remove the most recently inserted item * from the stack. * @return the most recently inserted item in the stack. * @throws Underflow if the stack is empty. */ public Object topAndPop( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) throw new UnderflowException( "ArrayStack topAndPop" ); return theArray[ topOfStack-- ]; } /** * Insert a new item into the stack. * @param x the item to insert. */ public void push( Object x ) { if( topOfStack + 1 == theArray.length ) doubleArray( ); theArray[ ++topOfStack ] = x; } /** * Internal method to extend theArray. */ private void doubleArray( ) { Object [ ] newArray; newArray = new Object[ theArray.length * 2 ]; for( int i = 0; i < theArray.length; i++ ) newArray[ i ] = theArray[ i ]; theArray = newArray; } }

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//ListStack class//// CONSTRUCTION: with no initializer//// ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************// void push( x ) --> Insert x// void pop( ) --> Remove most recently inserted item// Object top( ) --> Return most recently inserted item// Object topAndPop( ) --> Return and remove most recent item// boolean isEmpty( ) --> Return true if empty; else false// void makeEmpty( ) --> Remove all items// ******************ERRORS********************************// top, pop, or topAndPop on empty stack

/** * List-based implementation of the stack. * @author Durai Murugan */public class LinkedListStack implements Stack {

/** * Construct the stack. */public LinkedListStack( ) {

topOfStack = null;}

/** * Test if the stack is logically empty. * @return true if empty, false otherwise. */public boolean isEmpty( ) {

return topOfStack == null;}

/** * Make the stack logically empty. */public void makeEmpty( ) {

topOfStack = null;}

/** * Insert a new item into the stack. * @param x the item to insert. */public void push( Object x ) {

topOfStack = new ListNode( x, topOfStack );}

/** * Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack. * @throws UnderflowException if the stack is empty. */public void pop( ) {

if( isEmpty( ) )throw new UnderflowException( "ListStack pop" );

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topOfStack =;}

/** * Get the most recently inserted item in the stack. * Does not alter the stack. * @return the most recently inserted item in the stack. * @throws UnderflowException if the stack is empty. */public Object top( ) {

if( isEmpty( ) )throw new UnderflowException( "ListStack top" );

return topOfStack.element;}

/** * Return and remove the most recently inserted item * from the stack. * @return the most recently inserted item in the stack. * @throws UnderflowException if the stack is empty. */public Object topAndPop( ) {

if( isEmpty( ) )throw new UnderflowException( "ListStack topAndPop" );

Object topItem = topOfStack.element;topOfStack =;return topItem;


private ListNode topOfStack;


public class ListNode {public Object element;public ListNode next;

// Constructorspublic ListNode( Object theElement ) {

this( theElement, null );}

public ListNode( Object theElement, ListNode n ) {element = theElement;next = n;


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public interface Stack {/** * Insert a new item into the stack. * @param x the item to insert. */void push( Object x );

/** * Remove the most recently inserted item from the stack. * @exception UnderflowException if the stack is empty. */void pop( );

/** * Get the most recently inserted item in the stack. * Does not alter the stack. * @return the most recently inserted item in the stack. * @exception UnderflowException if the stack is empty. */Object top( );

/** * Return and remove the most recently inserted item * from the stack. * @return the most recently inserted item in the stack. * @exception UnderflowException if the stack is empty. */Object topAndPop( );

/** * Test if the stack is logically empty. * @return true if empty, false otherwise. */boolean isEmpty( );

/** * Make the stack logically empty. */void makeEmpty( );


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public class StackTester {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("******************************************");System.out.println("Stack using Array & Linked List



ArrayStack arrayStack = new ArrayStack();arrayStack.push(new String("a"));arrayStack.push(new String("b"));arrayStack.push(new String("c"));System.out.println("Stack[using array] elements -> a, b,

c");System.out.println("Stack LIFO and POP ->

"+arrayStack.topAndPop());System.out.println("Stack LIFO -> ";arrayStack.pop();try{


}catch(RuntimeException rte){System.err.println("Exception occured while POP

operation is happened on Stack[by using array]");}System.out.println("\n\n******************************");System.out.println("Stack using Linked List example");System.out.println("******************************");

LinkedListStack linkedListStack = new LinkedListStack();linkedListStack.push(new Integer(10));linkedListStack.push(new Integer(20));linkedListStack.push(new Integer(30));linkedListStack.push(new Integer(40));System.out.println("Stack[using linked list] elements -> 10,

20, 30, 40");System.out.println("Stack TOP ->";linkedListStack.pop();System.out.println("Stack TOP after POP -


linkedListStack.pop();}catch(RuntimeException rte){

System.err.println("Exception occured while POP operation is happened on Stack[by using linked list]");



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/** * Exception class for access in empty containers * such as stacks, queues, and priority queues. * @author Durai Murugan */public class UnderflowException extends RuntimeException {

/** * Construct this exception object. * @param message the error message. */public UnderflowException( String message ) {

super( message );}



E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 5>javac *.java

E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 5>java StackTester******************************************Stack using Array & Linked List example******************************************Stack[using array] elements -> a, b, cStack LIFO and POP -> cStack LIFO -> bException occured while POP operation is happened on Stack[by using array]

******************************Stack using Linked List example******************************Stack[using linked list] elements -> 10, 20, 30, 40Stack TOP ->40Stack TOP after POP ->30Exception occured while POP operation is happened on Stack[by using linked list]

E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 5>

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To write a Java program to read a file that contains DNA sequences of arbitrary length one per line (note that each DNA sequence is just a String). Your program should sort the sequences in descending order with respect to the number of 'GC'


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import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.List;

public class FileOperation {/** * subsequence search text */public static String SEARCH_CONTENT = "GC";

public static void main(String[] args) {String fi = ".\\file\\input.txt";String out = ".\\file\\output.txt";


System.out.println(" DNA sequence example by File Read/Write Operation");


FileOperation fo = new FileOperation();String content = fo.getFileContent(fi);fo.writeTextToFile(content, out);


public void writeTextToFile(String content, String filePath){File outFile = null;FileOutputStream fis = null;BufferedOutputStream bos = null;outFile = new File(filePath);try {

System.out.println("\nSorted contents are written into "+outFile.getCanonicalPath());

fis = new FileOutputStream(outFile);bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fis);bos.write(content.getBytes());bos.close();

} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();


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public String getFileContent(String filePath) {String content = null;File file = new File(filePath);FileReader fr = null;BufferedReader br = null;List<FileContent> listFileContent = new

ArrayList<FileContent>(); try {

System.out.println("DNA Sequence file is located from ["+file.getCanonicalPath()+"]");


fr = new FileReader(file);br = new BufferedReader(fr);int i = 0;String lineString = br.readLine();while(lineString != null){

System.out.println(lineString);//System.out.println(" bb --> "+

getSeqCount(lineString, "GC"));FileContent fileContent = new FileContent(i++,

getSeqCount(lineString, SEARCH_CONTENT), lineString);listFileContent.add(fileContent);lineString = br.readLine();


} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();

} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();



System.out.println("Contents are loaded to find SubSequences of '"+SEARCH_CONTENT+"' for sorting the DNA contents");

content = sortLines(listFileContent);System.out.println("\nDNA Sequence contents are

sorted.....");return content;


public String sortLines(List<FileContent> listFileContents){List<FileContent> _lstFileContent = listFileContents;StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();int [] seqCntArray = new int [listFileContents.size()+1];int i = 0;for(FileContent fileContent : _lstFileContent){

seqCntArray[i++] = fileContent.getSeqCount();}/*SORTING THE ARRAY */

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for(int itr = seqCntArray.length; itr > 0 ; itr--){for(int j=0; j < _lstFileContent.size() ; j++){

FileContent fileContent = listFileContents.get(j);

if(fileContent.getSeqCount() == seqCntArray[itr-1]){

//System.out.println(" contents -- ["+fileContent.getLineString()+"] "+fileContent.getSeqCount());



}return stringBuffer.toString();


public int getSeqCount(String lineString, String text){int seqCount = 0;

if(lineString != null && text != null && lineString.contains(text)){

int strLen = lineString.length();String [] textSplit = lineString.split(text);//System.out.println(" length --"+textSplit.length);if(textSplit == null){

return seqCount;}else {

seqCount = textSplit.length - 1;}

}return seqCount;


}class FileContent{

private int lineNumber;private int seqCount;private String lineString;

/** * Parameterized Consatructor * @param seqCount * @param lineString */public FileContent(int lineNumber, int seqCount, String

lineString) {super();this.lineNumber = lineNumber;this.seqCount = seqCount;this.lineString = lineString;

}/** * @return the seqCount */

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public int getSeqCount() {return seqCount;

}/** * @param seqCount the seqCount to set */public void setSeqCount(int seqCount) {

this.seqCount = seqCount;}/** * @return the lineString */public String getLineString() {

return lineString;}/** * @param lineString the lineString to set */public void setLineString(String lineString) {

this.lineString = lineString;}/** * @return the lineNumber */public int getLineNumber() {

return lineNumber;}/** * @param lineNumber the lineNumber to set */public void setLineNumber(int lineNumber) {

this.lineNumber = lineNumber;}


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E:\User\Manikandan\Experimrnt 6>java FileOperation**************************************************** DNA sequence example by File Read/Write Operation*****************************************************DNA Sequence file is located from [E:\User\Manikandan\Experimrnt 6\file\input.txt]


DNA Sequence contents are sorted.....

Sorted contents are written into E:\User\Manikandan\Experimrnt 6\file\output.txt

E:\User\Manikandan\Experimrnt 6>

Page 36: Java Lab Manual


To develop a simple paint-like program that can draw basic graphical primitives in different dimensions and colors. Use appropriate menu and buttons.


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/** This is the abstract parent class for different shape classes, like rectangle, oval, polygon and triangle. It provides an abstract method draw().*/

import java.util.*;import java.awt.*;

public abstract class Shapes {

/**abstract method draw() @return void */ public abstract void draw(java.util.List list, Graphics g);

}//different implementations of Shape classclass RectangleShape extends Shapes{ Point sPoint = null; Point ePoint = null; public void draw(java.util.List list, Graphics g) { Iterator it = list.iterator(); //if the list does not contain the required two points, return. if(list.size()<2) { return; } sPoint = (Point); ePoint = (Point); if(sPoint == null || ePoint == null) { return; } else { g.fillRect((int)sPoint.getX(), (int)sPoint.getY(), (int)(ePoint.getX()-sPoint.getX()), (int)(ePoint.getY()-sPoint.getY())); }//end of if list.clear(); }//end of draw for rectangle}//rectangle

class OvalShape extends Shapes{ Point sPoint = null; Point ePoint = null; public void draw(java.util.List list, Graphics g)

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{ Iterator it = list.iterator(); //if the list does not contain the required two points, return. if(list.size()<2) { return; } sPoint = (Point); ePoint = (Point); if(sPoint == null || ePoint == null) { return; } else { g.fillOval((int)sPoint.getX(), (int)sPoint.getY(), (int)(ePoint.getX()-sPoint.getX()), (int)(ePoint.getY()-sPoint.getY())); }//end of if list.clear(); }//end of draw for Oval}//OvalShapeclass TriangleShape extends Shapes{ public void draw(java.util.List list, Graphics g) { Point point = null; Iterator it = list.iterator(); //if the list does not contain the required two points, return. if(list.size()<3) { return; } Polygon p = new Polygon(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { point = (Point); p.addPoint((int)point.getX(), (int)point.getY()); }

g.fillPolygon(p); list.clear(); }//end of draw for Triangle}//Triangleclass PolygonShape extends Shapes{ public void draw(java.util.List list, Graphics g) { Point point = null; Iterator it = list.iterator(); //if the list does not contain the required two points, return. if(list.size()<3) { return; } Polygon p = new Polygon(); for(;it.hasNext();) {

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point = (Point); p.addPoint((int)point.getX(), (int)point.getY()); } g.fillPolygon(p); list.clear(); }//end of draw for Polygon}//Polygon

import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.Dimension;import java.awt.Frame;import java.awt.Graphics;import java.awt.Insets;import java.awt.Menu;import java.awt.MenuBar;import java.awt.MenuItem;import java.awt.MenuShortcut;import java.awt.Panel;import java.awt.Point;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;import java.awt.event.MouseListener;import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class SimpleDrawingTool extends Frame{

//constants for menu shortcuts private static final int kControlA = 65; private static final int kControlD = 68; private static final int kControlC = 67; private static final int kControlR = 82; private static final int kControlP = 80; private static final int kControlT = 84; private static final int kControlX = 88;

private RectangleShape rectangle = new RectangleShape(); private OvalShape oval = new OvalShape(); private PolygonShape polygon = new PolygonShape(); private TriangleShape triangle = new TriangleShape();

private DrawingPanel panel;

public SimpleDrawingTool() { //set frame's title super("Simple Drawing Tool"); //add menu addMenu(); //add drawing panel addPanel();

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//add window listener this.addWindowListener(new WindowHandler()); //set frame size this.setSize(400, 400); //make this frame visible this.setVisible(true); }

public static void main(String[] args) { SimpleDrawingTool simpleDrawingTool = new SimpleDrawingTool(); } /** This method creates menu bar and menu items and then attach the menu bar with the frame of this drawing tool. */ private void addMenu() { //Add menu bar to our frame MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); Menu file = new Menu("File"); Menu shape = new Menu("Shapes"); Menu about = new Menu("About"); //now add menu items to these Menu objects file.add(new MenuItem("Exit", new MenuShortcut(kControlX))).addActionListener(new WindowHandler());

shape.add(new MenuItem("Rectangle", new MenuShortcut(kControlR))).addActionListener(new WindowHandler()); shape.add(new MenuItem("Circle", new MenuShortcut(kControlC))).addActionListener(new WindowHandler()); shape.add(new MenuItem("Triangle", new MenuShortcut(kControlT))).addActionListener(new WindowHandler()); shape.add(new MenuItem("Polygon", new MenuShortcut(kControlP))).addActionListener(new WindowHandler()); shape.add(new MenuItem("Draw Polygon", new MenuShortcut(kControlD))).addActionListener(new WindowHandler());

about.add(new MenuItem("About", new MenuShortcut(kControlA))).addActionListener(new WindowHandler()); //add menus to menubar menuBar.add(file); menuBar.add(shape); menuBar.add(about); //menuBar.setVisible(true); if(null == this.getMenuBar()) { this.setMenuBar(menuBar); } }//addMenu()

/** This method adds a panel to SimpleDrawingTool for drawing shapes. */ private void addPanel() { panel = new DrawingPanel(); //get size of SimpleDrawingTool frame

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Dimension d = this.getSize(); //get insets of frame Insets ins = this.insets(); //exclude insets from the size of the panel d.height = d.height - - ins.bottom; d.width = d.width - ins.left - ins.right; panel.setSize(d); panel.setLocation(ins.left,; panel.setBackground(Color.white); //add mouse listener. Panel itself will be handling mouse events panel.addMouseListener(panel); this.add(panel); }//end of addPanel();

//Inner class to handle events private class WindowHandler extends WindowAdapter implements ActionListener { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); }

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //check to see if the action command is equal to exit if(e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) { System.exit(0); } else if(e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("Rectangle")) { Menu menu = getMenuBar().getMenu(1); for(int i = 0;i < menu.getItemCount();menu.getItem(i).setEnabled(true),i++); getMenuBar().getShortcutMenuItem(new MenuShortcut(kControlR)).setEnabled(false); panel.drawShape(rectangle);

} else if(e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("Circle")) { Menu menu = getMenuBar().getMenu(1); for(int i = 0;i < menu.getItemCount();menu.getItem(i).setEnabled(true),i++); getMenuBar().getShortcutMenuItem(new MenuShortcut(kControlC)).setEnabled(false); panel.drawShape(oval); } else if(e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("Triangle")) { Menu menu = getMenuBar().getMenu(1); for(int i = 0;i < menu.getItemCount();menu.getItem(i).setEnabled(true),i++); getMenuBar().getShortcutMenuItem(new MenuShortcut(kControlT)).setEnabled(false); panel.drawShape(triangle); }

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else if(e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("Polygon")) { Menu menu = getMenuBar().getMenu(1); for(int i = 0;i < menu.getItemCount();menu.getItem(i).setEnabled(true),i++); getMenuBar().getShortcutMenuItem(new MenuShortcut(kControlP)).setEnabled(false); panel.drawShape(polygon); } else if(e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("Draw Polygon")) { Menu menu = getMenuBar().getMenu(1); for(int i = 0;i < menu.getItemCount();menu.getItem(i).setEnabled(true),i++); getMenuBar().getShortcutMenuItem(new MenuShortcut(kControlP)).setEnabled(false); panel.repaint(); } else if(e.getActionCommand().equalsIgnoreCase("About")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "This small paint-like program.", "About", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } }//actionPerformed()

}//windowHandler - Inner Class ends here}//SimpleDrawingTool

class DrawingPanel extends Panel implements MouseListener{

private Point sPoint = null; private Point ePoint = null; private Shapes shape = null; private java.util.ArrayList list = new java.util.ArrayList(); //override panel paint method to draw shapes public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(; shape.draw(list, g); } public void drawShape(Shapes shape) { this.shape = shape; } //define mouse handler public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { //if user wants to draw triangle, call repaint after 3 clicks if(shape instanceof TriangleShape) { list.add(e.getPoint()); if(list.size() > 2) { repaint(); } } else if(shape instanceof PolygonShape)

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{ list.add(e.getPoint()); } }//mouseClicked public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){} public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){} public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { sPoint = e.getPoint(); }//mousePressed public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { ePoint = e.getPoint(); if(ePoint.getX() < sPoint.getX()) { Point temp = ePoint; ePoint = sPoint; sPoint = temp; } if(ePoint.getY() < sPoint.getY()) { int temp = (int)ePoint.getY(); ePoint.y = (int)sPoint.getY(); sPoint.y = temp; } if(shape instanceof RectangleShape || shape instanceof OvalShape) { list.clear(); list.add(sPoint); list.add(ePoint); repaint(); } }//mouseReleased}//DrawingPanel

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To develop a scientific calculator using even-driven programming paradigm of Java.


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import java.awt.BorderLayout;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.Container;import java.awt.FlowLayout;import java.awt.Font;import java.awt.GridLayout;import java.awt.Window;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;

import javax.swing.JButton;import javax.swing.JDialog;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JLabel;import javax.swing.JMenu;import javax.swing.JMenuBar;import javax.swing.JMenuItem;import javax.swing.JPanel;import javax.swing.JTextArea;import javax.swing.KeyStroke;

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public class Calculator extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

// Variablesfinal int MAX_INPUT_LENGTH = 20;final int INPUT_MODE = 0;final int RESULT_MODE = 1;final int ERROR_MODE = 2;int displayMode;

boolean clearOnNextDigit, percent;double lastNumber;String lastOperator;

private JMenu jmenuFile, jmenuHelp;private JMenuItem jmenuitemExit, jmenuitemAbout;

private JLabel jlbOutput;private JButton jbnButtons[];private JPanel jplMaster, jplBackSpace, jplControl;

/* * Font(String name, int style, int size)

Creates a new Font from the specified name, style and point size. */

Font f12 = new Font("Times New Roman", 0, 12);Font f121 = new Font("Times New Roman", 1, 12);

// Constructor public Calculator() {

/* Set Up the JMenuBar. * Have Provided All JMenu's with Mnemonics * Have Provided some JMenuItem components with Keyboard

Accelerators */

jmenuFile = new JMenu("File");jmenuFile.setFont(f121);jmenuFile.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F);

jmenuitemExit = new JMenuItem("Exit");jmenuitemExit.setFont(f12);

jmenuitemExit.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_X, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));


jmenuHelp = new JMenu("Help");jmenuHelp.setFont(f121);jmenuHelp.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_H);

jmenuitemAbout = new JMenuItem("About Calculator");jmenuitemAbout.setFont(f12);jmenuHelp.add(jmenuitemAbout);

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JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar();mb.add(jmenuFile);mb.add(jmenuHelp);setJMenuBar(mb);

//Set frame layout manager


jplMaster = new JPanel();

jlbOutput = new JLabel("0");jlbOutput.setHorizontalTextPosition(JLabel.RIGHT);jlbOutput.setBackground(Color.WHITE);jlbOutput.setOpaque(true);

// Add components to framegetContentPane().add(jlbOutput, BorderLayout.NORTH);

jbnButtons = new JButton[23];// GridLayout(int rows, int cols, int hgap, int vgap)

JPanel jplButtons = new JPanel(); // container for Jbuttons

// Create numeric Jbuttonsfor (int i=0; i<=9; i++){

// set each Jbutton label to the value of indexjbnButtons[i] = new JButton(String.valueOf(i));


// Create operator JbuttonsjbnButtons[10] = new JButton("+/-");jbnButtons[11] = new JButton(".");jbnButtons[12] = new JButton("=");jbnButtons[13] = new JButton("/");jbnButtons[14] = new JButton("*");jbnButtons[15] = new JButton("-");jbnButtons[16] = new JButton("+");jbnButtons[17] = new JButton("sqrt");jbnButtons[18] = new JButton("1/x");jbnButtons[19] = new JButton("%");

jplBackSpace = new JPanel();jplBackSpace.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1, 2, 2));

jbnButtons[20] = new JButton("Backspace");jplBackSpace.add(jbnButtons[20]);

jplControl = new JPanel();jplControl.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 2 ,2));

jbnButtons[21] = new JButton(" CE ");jbnButtons[22] = new JButton("C");


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// Setting all Numbered JButton's to Blue. The rest to Redfor (int i=0; i<jbnButtons.length; i++) {


if (i<10)jbnButtons[i].setForeground(;



// Set panel layout manager for a 4 by 5 gridjplButtons.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 5, 2, 2));

//Add buttons to keypad panel starting at top left// First rowfor(int i=7; i<=9; i++) {


// add button / and sqrtjplButtons.add(jbnButtons[13]);jplButtons.add(jbnButtons[17]);

// Second rowfor(int i=4; i<=6; i++){


// add button * and x^2jplButtons.add(jbnButtons[14]);jplButtons.add(jbnButtons[18]);

// Third rowfor( int i=1; i<=3; i++){


//adds button - and %jplButtons.add(jbnButtons[15]);jplButtons.add(jbnButtons[19]);

//Fourth Row// add 0, +/-, ., +, and =jplButtons.add(jbnButtons[0]);jplButtons.add(jbnButtons[10]);jplButtons.add(jbnButtons[11]);jplButtons.add(jbnButtons[16]);jplButtons.add(jbnButtons[12]);

jplMaster.setLayout(new BorderLayout());jplMaster.add(jplBackSpace, BorderLayout.WEST);jplMaster.add(jplControl, BorderLayout.EAST);jplMaster.add(jplButtons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

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// Add components to framegetContentPane().add(jplMaster, BorderLayout.SOUTH);requestFocus();

//activate ActionListenerfor (int i=0; i<jbnButtons.length; i++){




//add WindowListener for closing frame and ending programaddWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {

public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){



} //End of Contructor Calculator

// Perform actionpublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){

double result = 0;

if(e.getSource() == jmenuitemAbout){ JDialog dlgAbout = new CustomABOUTDialog(this,

"About Java Swing Calculator", true);

dlgAbout.setVisible(true);}else if(e.getSource() == jmenuitemExit){


// Search for the button pressed until end of array or key found

for (int i=0; i<jbnButtons.length; i++){

if(e.getSource() == jbnButtons[i]){


case 0:addDigitToDisplay(i);break;

case 1:addDigitToDisplay(i);break;

case 2:addDigitToDisplay(i);break;

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case 3:addDigitToDisplay(i);break;

case 4:addDigitToDisplay(i);break;

case 5:addDigitToDisplay(i);break;

case 6:addDigitToDisplay(i);break;

case 7:addDigitToDisplay(i);break;

case 8:addDigitToDisplay(i);break;

case 9:addDigitToDisplay(i);break;

case 10: // +/-processSignChange();break;

case 11: // decimal pointaddDecimalPoint();break;

case 12: // =processEquals();break;

case 13: // divideprocessOperator("/");break;

case 14: // *processOperator("*");break;

case 15: // -processOperator("-");break;

case 16: // +processOperator("+");break;

case 17: // sqrtif (displayMode != ERROR_MODE)

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{ try


(getDisplayString().indexOf("-") == 0) displayError("Invalid

input for function!");

result = Math.sqrt(getNumberInDisplay());


catch(Exception ex){

displayError("Invalid input for function!");

displayMode = ERROR_MODE;}


case 18: // 1/xif (displayMode != ERROR_MODE){


if (getNumberInDisplay() == 0)

displayError("Cannot divide by zero!");

result = 1 / getNumberInDisplay();


catch(Exception ex) {displayError("Cannot

divide by zero!");displayMode = ERROR_MODE;


case 19: // %if (displayMode != ERROR_MODE){

try {result =

getNumberInDisplay() / 100;displayResult(result);


catch(Exception ex) {displayError("Invalid

input for function!");displayMode = ERROR_MODE;


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case 20: // backspaceif (displayMode != ERROR_MODE){


getDisplayString().length() - 1));

if (getDisplayString().length() < 1)


case 21: // CEclearExisting();break;

case 22: // CclearAll();break;



void setDisplayString(String s){jlbOutput.setText(s);


String getDisplayString (){return jlbOutput.getText();


void addDigitToDisplay(int digit){if (clearOnNextDigit)


String inputString = getDisplayString();

if (inputString.indexOf("0") == 0){inputString = inputString.substring(1);


if ((!inputString.equals("0") || digit > 0) && inputString.length() <

MAX_INPUT_LENGTH){setDisplayString(inputString + digit);


displayMode = INPUT_MODE;clearOnNextDigit = false;


void addDecimalPoint(){displayMode = INPUT_MODE;

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if (clearOnNextDigit)setDisplayString("");

String inputString = getDisplayString();

// If the input string already contains a decimal point, don't

// do anything to it.if (inputString.indexOf(".") < 0)

setDisplayString(new String(inputString + "."));}

void processSignChange(){if (displayMode == INPUT_MODE){

String input = getDisplayString();

if (input.length() > 0 && !input.equals("0")){

if (input.indexOf("-") == 0)setDisplayString(input.substring(1));

elsesetDisplayString("-" + input);



else if (displayMode == RESULT_MODE){

double numberInDisplay = getNumberInDisplay();

if (numberInDisplay != 0)displayResult(-numberInDisplay);


void clearAll() {setDisplayString("0");lastOperator = "0";lastNumber = 0;displayMode = INPUT_MODE;clearOnNextDigit = true;


void clearExisting(){setDisplayString("0");clearOnNextDigit = true;displayMode = INPUT_MODE;


double getNumberInDisplay() {String input = jlbOutput.getText();return Double.parseDouble(input);


void processOperator(String op) {

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if (displayMode != ERROR_MODE){

double numberInDisplay = getNumberInDisplay();

if (!lastOperator.equals("0")){


double result = processLastOperator();displayResult(result);lastNumber = result;


catch (DivideByZeroException e){}



lastNumber = numberInDisplay;}

clearOnNextDigit = true;lastOperator = op;


void processEquals(){double result = 0;

if (displayMode != ERROR_MODE){try{

result = processLastOperator();displayResult(result);


catch (DivideByZeroException e) {displayError("Cannot divide by zero!");


lastOperator = "0";}


double processLastOperator() throws DivideByZeroException {double result = 0;double numberInDisplay = getNumberInDisplay();

if (lastOperator.equals("/")){

if (numberInDisplay == 0)throw (new DivideByZeroException());

result = lastNumber / numberInDisplay;}

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if (lastOperator.equals("*"))result = lastNumber * numberInDisplay;

if (lastOperator.equals("-"))result = lastNumber - numberInDisplay;

if (lastOperator.equals("+"))result = lastNumber + numberInDisplay;

return result;}

void displayResult(double result){setDisplayString(Double.toString(result));lastNumber = result;displayMode = RESULT_MODE;clearOnNextDigit = true;


void displayError(String errorMessage){setDisplayString(errorMessage);lastNumber = 0;displayMode = ERROR_MODE;clearOnNextDigit = true;


public static void main(String args[]) {Calculator calci = new Calculator();Container contentPane = calci.getContentPane();

// contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());calci.setTitle("Java Swing Calculator");calci.setSize(241, 217);calci.pack();calci.setLocation(400, 250);calci.setVisible(true);calci.setResizable(false);


} //End of Swing Calculator Class.

class DivideByZeroException extends Exception{public DivideByZeroException(){


public DivideByZeroException(String s){



class CustomABOUTDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener {JButton jbnOk;

CustomABOUTDialog(JFrame parent, String title, boolean modal){super(parent, title, modal);setBackground(;

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JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));

StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer();text.append("Calculator Demo Program\n\n");

JTextArea jtAreaAbout = new JTextArea(5, 21);jtAreaAbout.setText(text.toString());jtAreaAbout.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", 1, 13));jtAreaAbout.setEditable(false);

p1.add(jtAreaAbout);p1.setBackground(;getContentPane().add(p1, BorderLayout.CENTER);

JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));jbnOk = new JButton(" OK ");jbnOk.addActionListener(this);

p2.add(jbnOk);getContentPane().add(p2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

setLocation(408, 270);setResizable(false);

addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){

Window aboutDialog = e.getWindow();aboutDialog.dispose();




public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){

if(e.getSource() == jbnOk) {this.dispose();




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To develop a template for linked-list class along with its methods in Java.


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public class LinkedList {ListNode current; /** * Construct the list */public LinkedList( ) {

header = new ListNode( null );}

/** * Test if the list is logically empty. * @return true if empty, false otherwise. */public boolean isEmpty( ) {

return == null;}


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* Make the list logically empty. */public void makeEmpty( ) { = null;}

/** * Return an iterator representing the header node. */public LinkedListIterator zeroth( ) {

return new LinkedListIterator( header );}

/** * Return an iterator representing the first node in the list. * This operation is valid for empty lists. */public LinkedListIterator first( ) {

return new LinkedListIterator( );}

/** * Insert after p. * @param x the item to insert. * @param p the position prior to the newly inserted item. */public void insert( Object x, LinkedListIterator p ) {

if( p != null && p.current != null ) = new ListNode( x, );


/** * Return iterator corresponding to the first node containing an

item. * @param x the item to search for. * @return an iterator; iterator is not valid if item is not

found. */public LinkedListIterator find( Object x ) {

ListNode itr =;

while( itr != null && !itr.element.equals( x ) )itr =;

return new LinkedListIterator( itr );}

/** * Return iterator prior to the first node containing an item. * @param x the item to search for. * @return appropriate iterator if the item is found. Otherwise,

the * iterator corresponding to the last element in the list is

returned. */public LinkedListIterator findPrevious( Object x ) {

ListNode itr = header;

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while( != null && ! x ) )itr =;

return new LinkedListIterator( itr );}

/** * Remove the first occurrence of an item. * @param x the item to remove. */public void remove( Object x ) {

LinkedListIterator p = findPrevious( x );

if( != null ) =; // Bypass

deleted node}

// Simple print methodpublic static void printList( LinkedList theList ) {

if( theList.isEmpty( ) )System.out.print( "Empty list" );

else {LinkedListIterator itr = theList.first( );for( ; itr.isValid( ); itr.advance( ) )

System.out.print( itr.retrieve( ) + " " );}

System.out.println( );}

private ListNode header;

// In this routine, LinkedList and LinkedListIterator are the// classes written in Section 17.2.public static int listSize( LinkedList theList ) {

LinkedListIterator itr;int size = 0;

for( itr = theList.first(); itr.isValid(); itr.advance() )size++;

return size;}

public static void main( String [ ] args ) {LinkedList theList = new LinkedList( );LinkedListIterator theItr;int i;

theItr = theList.zeroth( );printList( theList );

for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {theList.insert( new Integer( i ), theItr );printList( theList );theItr.advance( );


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System.out.println( "Size was: " + listSize( theList ) );

for( i = 0; i < 10; i += 2 )theList.remove( new Integer( i ) );

for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )if( ( i % 2 == 0 ) == ( theList.find( new Integer( i )

).isValid( ) ) )System.out.println( "Find fails!" );

System.out.println( "Finished deletions" );printList( theList );



public class LinkedListIterator {

ListNode current;

/** * Construct the list iterator * @param theNode any node in the linked list. */LinkedListIterator( ListNode theNode ) {

current = theNode;}

/** * Test if the current position is a valid position in the list. * @return true if the current position is valid. */public boolean isValid( ) {

return current != null;}

/** * Return the item stored in the current position. * @return the stored item or null if the current position * is not in the list. */public Object retrieve( ) {

return isValid( ) ? current.element : null;}

/** * Advance the current position to the next node in the list. * If the current position is null, then do nothing. */public void advance( ) {

if( isValid( ) )

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current =;}


public class ListNode {

public Object element;public ListNode next;

// Constructorspublic ListNode( Object theElement ) {

this( theElement, null );}

public ListNode( Object theElement, ListNode n ) {element = theElement;next = n;



E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 9>javac *.java

E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 9>java LinkedListEmpty list00 10 1 20 1 2 30 1 2 3 40 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Size was: 10Finished deletions1 3 5 7 9

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E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 9>


To design a thread-safe implementation of Queue class. Write a multi-threaded producer-consumer application that uses this Queue class.


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public class Consumer extends Thread {private CubbyHole cubbyhole;private int number;

public Consumer(CubbyHole c, int number) {cubbyhole = c;this.number = number;


public void run() {int value = 0;for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

value = cubbyhole.get();System.out.println("Consumer #" + this.number + " got:

" + value);}



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public class CubbyHole {

private int contents;private boolean available = false;

public synchronized int get() {while (available == false) {

try {wait();

} catch (InterruptedException e) { }}available = false;notifyAll();return contents;


public synchronized void put(int value) {while (available == true) {

try {wait();

} catch (InterruptedException e) { }}contents = value;available = true;notifyAll();



public class Producer extends Thread {

private CubbyHole cubbyhole;private int number;

public Producer(CubbyHole c, int number) {cubbyhole = c;this.number = number;


public void run() {for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

cubbyhole.put(i);System.out.println("Producer #" + this.number

+ " put: " + i);try {

sleep((int)(Math.random() * 100));} catch (InterruptedException e) { }


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public class ProducerConsumerTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {CubbyHole c = new CubbyHole();Producer p1 = new Producer(c, 1);Consumer c1 = new Consumer(c, 1);p1.start();c1.start();




E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 10>java ProducerConsumerTestProducer #1 put: 0Consumer #1 got: 0Producer #1 put: 1Consumer #1 got: 1Producer #1 put: 2Consumer #1 got: 2Consumer #1 got: 3Producer #1 put: 3Producer #1 put: 4Consumer #1 got: 4Producer #1 put: 5Consumer #1 got: 5Producer #1 put: 6Consumer #1 got: 6Producer #1 put: 7Consumer #1 got: 7Producer #1 put: 8Consumer #1 got: 8

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Producer #1 put: 9Consumer #1 got: 9


To write a multi-threaded Java program to print all numbers below 100,000 that are both prime and Fibonacci number (some examples are 2, 3, 5, 13, etc.). Design a thread that generates prime numbers below 100,000 and writes them into a pipe. Design another thread that generates fibonacci numbers and writes them to another pipe. The main thread should read both the pipes to identify numbers common to both.


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public class FibonacciNumberGenerator extends Thread {private DataOutputStream dos;

public FibonacciNumberGenerator(ThreadGroup threadGroup ,PipedOutputStream pis, String name){

super(threadGroup, name);dos = new DataOutputStream(pis);


@Overridepublic void run() {

try {for(int k=0; k<10000; k++){

long fibonacciNum = fib(k);

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if(fibonacciNum > 0L && fibonacciNum < 10000L){dos.writeLong(fibonacciNum);dos.flush();


} catch (IOException e) {}


public int fib(int n) {int prev1=0, prev2=1;for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {

int savePrev1 = prev1;prev1 = prev2;prev2 = savePrev1 + prev2;

}return prev1;




public class PipedStreamTester extends Thread {

DataInputStream fibonicPis;DataInputStream primePis;

public PipedStreamTester(PipedInputStream fibonicPis, PipedInputStream primePis){

this.fibonicPis = new DataInputStream(fibonicPis);this.primePis = new DataInputStream(primePis);


public static void main(String[] args) {try {

PipedOutputStream fibonicPos = new PipedOutputStream();

PipedInputStream fibonicPis = new PipedInputStream(fibonicPos);

PipedOutputStream primePos = new PipedOutputStream();PipedInputStream primePis = new


ThreadGroup tg = new ThreadGroup("PipedThreads");FibonacciNumberGenerator f = new

FibonacciNumberGenerator(tg, fibonicPos, "FibonacciNumberGenerator");

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PrimeNumberGenerator p = new PrimeNumberGenerator(tg, primePos, "PrimeNumberGenerator");

PipedStreamTester mainTester = new PipedStreamTester(fibonicPis, primePis);


} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();



/* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Thread#run() */@Overridepublic void run() {

boolean canRun = true;boolean canGoPrimeLoop = true;boolean canGoFibonicLoop = true;Long primeNumber = -1L;Long fibonacciNumber = -1L;while(canRun){

if(fibonicPis != null && canGoFibonicLoop){

try {fibonacciNumber = fibonicPis.readLong();System.out.println(" Fibonic Number


} catch (IOException e) {//System.err.println("Exception occurred

while reading from fibonacci number, "+e);canGoFibonicLoop = false;


if(primePis != null && canGoPrimeLoop){try {

primeNumber = primePis.readLong();System.out.println(" Prime Number


} catch (IOException e) {//System.err.println("Exception occurred

while reading from prime number, "+e);canGoPrimeLoop = false;



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public class PrimeNumberGenerator extends Thread {

private DataOutputStream dos;public PrimeNumberGenerator (ThreadGroup threadGroup,

PipedOutputStream pos, String name){super(threadGroup, name);dos = new DataOutputStream(pos);


@Overridepublic void run() {

try {int x, y, c = 0;for( x = 2; x < 10000; x++ ){

if( x % 2 != 0 || x == 2 ){for( y = 2; y <= x / 2; y++ ){

if( x % y == 0 ){break;

}}if( y > x / 2 ){

if(x < 10000){dos.writeLong(x);dos.flush();



} catch (IOException e) {}



E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 11>javac *.java

E:\User\Manikandan\Experiment 11>java PipedStreamTester Fibonic Number #>1 Prime Number #>2 Fibonic Number #>1

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Prime Number #>3 Fibonic Number #>2 Prime Number #>5 Fibonic Number #>3 Prime Number #>7 Fibonic Number #>5 Prime Number #>11 Fibonic Number #>8 Prime Number #>13 Fibonic Number #>13 Prime Number #>17 Fibonic Number #>21 Prime Number #>19 Fibonic Number #>34 Prime Number #>23 Fibonic Number #>55 Prime Number #>29 Fibonic Number #>89 Prime Number #>31 Fibonic Number #>144 Prime Number #>37 Fibonic Number #>233 Prime Number #>41 Fibonic Number #>377 Prime Number #>43 Fibonic Number #>610 Prime Number #>47 Fibonic Number #>987 Prime Number #>53 Fibonic Number #>1597 Prime Number #>59 Fibonic Number #>2584 Prime Number #>61 Fibonic Number #>4181 Prime Number #>67 Fibonic Number #>6765 Prime Number #>71 Prime Number #>73 Prime Number #>79 Prime Number #>83 Prime Number #>89 Prime Number #>97 Prime Number #>101 Prime Number #>103 Prime Number #>107 Prime Number #>109 Prime Number #>113 Prime Number #>127 Prime Number #>131 Prime Number #>137 Prime Number #>139 Prime Number #>149 Prime Number #>151 Prime Number #>157 Prime Number #>163

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Prime Number #>167 Prime Number #>173 Prime Number #>179 Prime Number #>181 Prime Number #>191 Prime Number #>193 Prime Number #>197 Prime Number #>199 Prime Number #>211 Prime Number #>223 Prime Number #>227 Prime Number #>229 Prime Number #>233 Prime Number #>239 Prime Number #>241 Prime Number #>251 Prime Number #>257 Prime Number #>263 Prime Number #>269 Prime Number #>271 Prime Number #>277 Prime Number #>281 Prime Number #>283 Prime Number #>293 Prime Number #>307 Prime Number #>311 Prime Number #>313 Prime Number #>317 Prime Number #>331 Prime Number #>337


To develop a multi-threaded GUI application of your choice.


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import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;import;import;import;import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;

/** * Illustrates multithread UI programming issues. */public class PICalculator {  Display display = new Display();  Shell shell = new Shell(display);  Button buttonThread = new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH);  Button buttonAsyncExec = new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH);

  public PICalculator(boolean asyncExecEnabled) {

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    final boolean async = asyncExecEnabled;

    shell.setText("PI Calculator");    shell.setSize(400, 80);

    Rectangle clientArea = shell.getClientArea();

    buttonThread.setText(      "Click here to calculate PI  [Non-UI thread UI Update]");    buttonThread.setBounds(      clientArea.x,      clientArea.y,      clientArea.width,      clientArea.height / 2);    buttonThread.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {      public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {      }      public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {        buttonThread.setText("Calculation in progress ...");        getTask(buttonThread).start();      }    });        buttonAsyncExec.setText("Click here to calculate PI  [asynExec method UI Update]");    buttonAsyncExec.setBounds(      clientArea.x,      clientArea.y + clientArea.height / 2,      clientArea.width,      clientArea.height / 2);    buttonAsyncExec.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {      public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {      }      public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {        buttonAsyncExec.setText("Calculation in progress ...");        getTask2(buttonAsyncExec).start();      }    });;

    while (!shell.isDisposed()) {      if (!display.readAndDispatch()) {        display.sleep();      }    }

    display.dispose();  }

  public static void main(String[] args) {    // new CalculatePI(false);    new PICalculator(true);  }

  public Thread getTask(Button button) {    final Button theButton = button;    return new Thread() {      public void run() {

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        double pi = calculatePI(9999999);        theButton.setText("PI = " + pi); // Update UI.      }    };  }

  public Thread getTask2(Button button) {    final Button theButton = button;    return new Thread() {

      public void run() {        final double pi = calculatePI(9999999);                display.asyncExec(new Runnable() {          public void run() {                        // Update UI.                        theButton.setText("PI = " + pi);                       }        });      }    };  }    /**   * Calculate value of PI using Vieta's formula.    * @param nestedLevel -   *            level of nested square roots in Vieta's formula.   * @return value of PI   */  public static double calculatePI(int nestedLevel) {    double product = 1;    double lastSqrtValue = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < nestedLevel; i++) {      double sqrt = getNextSqrtValue(lastSqrtValue);      product *= 0.5 * sqrt;

      lastSqrtValue = sqrt;    }

    return 2 / product;  }

  /**   * Return the square root item value.   *    * @param lastValue -   *            last square root item value.   * @return   */  public static double getNextSqrtValue(double lastValue) {    return Math.sqrt(2 + lastValue);  }}

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