java libraries miscellany

Java libraries Miscellany awt, util,

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Page 1: Java libraries miscellany

Java libraries


awt, util, lang, io

Page 2: Java libraries miscellany

• awt– graphic input– menus

• lang– throwable errors and exceptions

• util– Vector, BitSet, Date, ...

• io– further aspects of the i/o libraries

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awtGraphical Input

• You want to allow your users to– sketch items in a drawable canvas– pick existing items– move items

– OK, “Mouse hunt” time ---• MouseListener and MouseMotionListener

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MouseMotionListener• A Component can add a MouseMotionListener

• When mouse moves over component (with or without button being pressed) will get motion events generated; these passed to listener– mouseDragged(MouseEvent)

• called if motion with button down– mouseMoved(MouseEvent)

• for motion with no button press

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• Use mouse motions for graphic editing– dragging existing element– drawing outline while adding new component– ...

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Move mouse over palette;text in label field changesto give name of colourused in patch below mousecursor.

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– “static class” with table containing approx 230 colours and greyscale shades• two public static arrays, Color and String (also integer count of total number colors

available)• a “static initializer block” that fills these arrays

•– ColourPaletteTest simply main()– GUI extends Frame implements WindowListener

• builds display with a “MyCanvas” in center and a Panel containing two Labels at bottom;

• MyCanvas extends Canvas implements MouseMotionListener

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import java.awt.*;public class ColourTable { static public Color[] spectrum = new Color[256]; static public String[] names = new String[256]; static public int colourcount;

static { int i = 0; spectrum[i] = new Color(255,250,250); names[i] = new String("snow"); i++; spectrum[i] = new Color(248,248,255); names[i] = new String("ghost white"); i++; spectrum[i] = new Color(245,245,245); names[i] = new String("white smoke"); i++; ... spectrum[i] = new Color(127,127,127); names[i] = new String("grey50"); i++; spectrum[i] = new Color(130,130,130); names[i] = new String("grey51"); i++;... spectrum[i] = new Color(139, 0, 0); names[i] = new String("dark red"); i++; spectrum[i] = new Color(144,238,144); names[i] = new String("light green"); i++; colourcount = i; }}

Static initializer block

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import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;class MyCanvas extends Canvas implements MouseMotionListener {public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { ... }

public MyCanvas(Label l) { ... }public void paint(Graphics g) { ... }Label fName;

}class GUI extends Frame implements WindowListener {public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); }...public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { }public GUI() {...}}public class ColourPaletteTest {

public static void main(String argv[]) { GUI g = new GUI();; }}

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class MyCanvas extends Canvas implements MouseMotionListener {

public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY();int width = getSize().width / 16;int height = getSize().height / 16;x /= width; y /= height;

int which = 16*y + x;if(which<ColourTable.colourcount) fName.setText(ColourTable.names[which]);else fName.setText("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

}public MyCanvas(Label l) { fName = l; setSize(512,512); addMouseMotionListener(this);}

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public void paint(Graphics g) {int width = getSize().width / 16;int height = getSize().height / 16;int x = 0, y = 0, col = 0;for(int i=0; i < ColourTable.colourcount; i++) {

g.setColor(ColourTable.spectrum[i]);g.fillRect(x,y, width, height);g.setColor(;g.drawRect(x,y, width, height);x+=width; col++; if(col==16) { x = 0; y+= height; col = 0; }}


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class GUI extends Frame implements WindowListener {public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); }...public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { }

public GUI() {super("Color Palette");Panel p = new Panel(); p.add(new Label("color name

"));Label l = new Label("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");p.add(l); add(p, "South");fCanvas = new MyCanvas(l); add(fCanvas, "Center");pack();addWindowListener(this);


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MouseListener• If you aren’t interested in tracking motions, you

can employ a MouseListener– press, release, click,– enter, leave area of Component

• Example use – a tool palette– on enter, change cursor to something like cross hair– on click, record which tool chosen

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Menus• MenuBar

– holds Menus– associated with FrameWindow

• Menu– holds MenuItems

• MenuItem– bit like a modified “action button”, has text

string; has an associated ActionListener

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• Simple text editor built entirely from “off the shelf” Java components.

• Illustrates basics of menu-handling (and a slightly different approach for exchanging data with a dialog)

public class MyEditor extends Frame implements ActionListener, WindowListener, TextListener

• MenuBar has only a File menu– File/New, File/Open, File/Close, File/Save, File/Save As ...,


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import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import*;class YesNoDialog extends Dialog implements ActionListener {

public YesNoDialog(Frame f, String msg) { ... }public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { ... }


public class MyEditor extends Frame implements ActionListener, WindowListener, TextListener {

public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { DoQuit(); }...public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { }public void textValueChanged(TextEvent te) { ... }public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { }...}

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public YesNoDialog(Frame f, String msg){

super(f, "Confirmation dialog", true);add(new Label(msg), "North");Panel p = new Panel();Button b; b = new Button("Yes"); b.addActionListener(this); p.add(b);b = new Button("No"); b.addActionListener(this); p.add(b);add(p, "South");pack();Point where = f.getLocationOnScreen(); setLocation(where.x + 20, where.y + 30);fResult = false;

}public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

String s = evt.getActionCommand();fResult = s.equals("Yes"); setVisible(false);

}public boolean fResult;

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public class MyEditor extends Frame implements ActionListener, WindowListener, TextListener {

public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { DoQuit(); } ...public void textValueChanged(TextEvent te) { fDirty = true; }public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

String s = evt.getActionCommand();if(s.equals("Quit")) DoQuit();else if(s.equals("New")) DoNew();else if(s.equals("Open")) DoOpen();else if(s.equals("Save")) DoSave();else if(s.equals("Save As")) DoSaveAs();

}public MyEditor() { ... }public MyEditor(String fileName) { ...}public static void main(String[] argv) { ... }private void DoSave() { ... } private void DoNew() { ... }...}

“Dirty flag” meant to indicate when necessary to Save before Quit

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public static void main(String[] argv) {MyEditor my = null;if(argv.length == 1) my = new MyEditor(argv[0]);else my = new MyEditor();;

}private void DoSave() {

if(fFileName == null) DoSaveAs();else DoWriteTo();

}private void DoNew() {

DoSaveCheck(); fDirty = false;fTextDisplay.setText("");setTitle("Untitled"); fFileName = null;


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private void DoSaveAs() {FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this, "Save as ...", FileDialog.SAVE);; fFileName = fd.getFile(); setTitle(fFileName);DoWriteTo();

}private void DoOpen() {

DoSaveCheck();FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(this, "Load ...", FileDialog.LOAD);; fFileName = fd.getFile();setTitle(fFileName); DoReadFrom();

}private void DoSaveCheck() {

if(fDirty) { YesNoDialog yn = new YesNoDialog(this, "Text changed; should we save?");;if(yn.fResult) DoSave();


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private void DoWriteTo() {FileOutputStream output = null;

try { output = new FileOutputStream(fFileName); } catch (IOException io) { System.out.println("failed to make output stream"); System.exit(0); } BufferedWriter d = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output)); String s = fTextDisplay.getText();

try { d.write(s, 0, s.length() ); d.close(); } catch (IOException io) { }fDirty = false;


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public MyEditor() {MenuBar mb = new MenuBar();Menu fileMenu = new Menu("File");MenuItem mi = null;mi = new MenuItem("New"); fileMenu.add(mi); mi.addActionListener(this);mi = new MenuItem("Open"); fileMenu.add(mi); mi.addActionListener(this);...mi = new MenuItem("Quit"); fileMenu.add(mi); mi.addActionListener(this);fTextDisplay = new TextArea(20, 80); add(fTextDisplay, "Center");mb.add(fileMenu); setMenuBar(mb); pack();addWindowListener(this); fTextDisplay.addTextListener(this);setTitle("Untitled");

}public MyEditor(String fileName){

this();fFileName = fileName; setTitle(fFileName); DoReadFrom();


Building the menu bar

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ThrowablesErrors & Exceptions

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– Error• LinkError (10 subclasses), VirtualMachineError (4 subclasses),

AWTError, ThreadDeath

– Exception• RuntimeException (>10 subclasses)

– null ‘pointer’, invalid array index, ...• IOException ( 10 subclasses including those relating to networking)• NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException,

InterruptedException, ...

• your exception classes

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Throwable - Error

• ThreadDeath Errors– can occur when thread terminated by another thread– sometimes are caught to allow special tidying up; must

be re-thrown to get termination to proceed• Other Errors

– not caught, should terminate interpretation of Java code

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Throwable - Exception -RuntimeException

• RuntimeException– NullPointer, Security, NegativeArrayIndex, Arithmetic,

IndexOutOfBounds, ...– don’t have to attempt to catch these– don’t have to specify these in throws clause of function declaration

• Other Exception subclasses– either

• deal with exception in body of function where it may occur (try { ... } catch { ... } )

– or• pass it on, but must then declare in throws part of function declaration

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Basic exception handling ...• Code prototype

try { Operations that may fail}catch (exception type) { what to do for this type of failure }catch (exception type) { what to do for other type of failure }finally {

odds and ends you want to do to tidy up irrespective of whether there were problems or succesful operation


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Basic exception handling ...

• Your catch clauses can exploit exception hierarchy to simplify code when you aren’t interested in specific nature of failure ...

try { lots of things can go ‘rong here ... }catch (EOFException eofe) { ... }catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { ... }catch (IOException io) { ... }catch (MyException me) { ... }catch (Exception e) { ... }

Try in order listed, IOException clause handles IO problems other than end of file or file not found

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Basic exception handling ...

• Exception objects will– be able to print a stack trace so that you can see how

the exception occurred– provide a message string with some details

• and may have other properties specific to particular subclasses.

• You can use these methods and properties in your catch() { ... } code.

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utildata storage

• BitSet– set of n-bits,

• individual bit operations: set, clear, get bit-i• set operations: and, or, xor, with another BitSet to produce

third BitSet as result

• Dictionary (abstract)– Hashtable

• Properties

• Vector– Stack

Can provide an “enumerator” (iterator) that can be used to work through elements

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Dictionary group• Maintain “key, value” pairs

– put(key, value), get(key), remove(key)– enumerations for keys and for values– size

• Hashtable– concrete implementation of Dictionary– contains(possible data value), containsKey(possible key)– rehash() resize table if it is getting too full

• Properties– “persistent” Hashtable, can read or write to stream (hence file or URL)– use for things like “preferences”

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• A dynamic (resizable) array (also handles role of “list” for most applications)– create (normally with specified initial capacity and growth increment)– addElement(), setElementAt(), removeElement(), ...– elementAt() (remember the elements move when things are deleted)– elements() provides enumerator for working through collection– contains(), indexOf(), ...

• Stack extends Vector– dubious, Vector functionality mean it doesn’t really work as a Stack– should be Stack (owns a Vector), provides push(), pop(), peek()

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utilcalendars, dates, ...

• Java has a variety of “date” related classes (java.util.Date, java.sql.Date, ...)

• Date – “represents a specific instant in time with millisecond precision”

• TimeZone– time offsets (±hours relative to “GMT”, summer time adjustments etc)

• Calendar– conversion of information like 1.00 pm AEST Friday December 25th 1998 into a Date

(and vice versa)– different calendars possible, “GregorianCalendar” only one provided

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utilResourceBundles, Locales, ...

• ResourceBundles hold data (Strings mainly) for you to provide “international” versions of you program– ResourceBundles used in association with “Locales” (these defined

by language and country)– you create a primary resource bundle class with all your strings etc– you create locale specific subclasses with the appropriately

translated versions– when running your program, you need a Locale object set to define

where you are, you can then load appropriate strings via ResourceBundle requests

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• “Observable” design pattern is a useful way for keeping track of dependencies among objects (when one gets changed, others must be updated)

• Quite often convenient for your primary “data collection” object to be made an “Observable” - when data elements added or removed, dependent views etc are notified automatically

• Observable is a class not an interface; you have to extend Observable (restricting use somewhat, because can only extend one parent class)

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Observable (and Observer)

• Observer (interface)– public abstract void update(Observable o, Object changedetails)

• called when Observable executes its notifyObservers method

• Observable– owns a “changed” status flag and list of observers (flag set if has been

changed and haven’t yet got around to notifying observers)

– addObserver(), deleteObserver()– hasChanged(), clearChanged(), setChanged()– notifyObservers(), notifyObservers(Object info)

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• Horstmann claims that there are 58 different “stream” classes in Java’s i/o package – haven’t counted myself, he is probably correct

• Really two main groups– InputStream, OutputStream (byte oriented)– Reader, Writer (char oriented)

• Reader, Writer group is for Unicode text files.• “Filters” (Leggo) model - build a stream with features you

require by plugging streams together.

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Unicode related(data type char)

• Reader– BufferedReader

• LineNumberedReader

– CharArrayReader– FilterReader

• PushbackReader

– InputStreamReader• FileReader

– PipedReader– StringReader

• Writer has similar hierarchy

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Unicode related - readers• Reading Unicode characters• Primary methods

– read(char[], int, int)– read() returns char– close()

• Reader abstract class• BufferedReader

– give it a concrete Reader, BR adds more efficient buffering– supplies readLine() functionality

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Unicode related

• FilterReader (abstract), PushbackReader– provide “unread()”– when writing things like parsers or lexical scanners,

it is often useful to be able to “peek” at next character

• can read next character and store somewhere special– may end up with lots of special case tests: if previously read

character then ... else ...

• can read next character, and put it back into stream (“unread”) if don’t want that character yet

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Unicode related

• StringReader– gives you ability to “read” from a String

• PipedReader– pipes are the recommended mechanism for passing

character streams between threads– similar to pipes for interprocess communiction on Unix,– pipe acts as buffer, one thread (process) writes to pipe

(and block if buffer full), other thread (process) reads from pipe (and block if buffer empty)

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Unicode related• InputStreamReader

– bridge between byte stream (other hierarchy) and Readers– reads and translates bytes

• either – use default system encoding– chosen encoding (String to name “alphabet”)

• 8559_1 ISO Latin-1 (ordinary ASCII)

• 8559_6 ISO Latin/Arabic• Cp1257 Windows Baltic• Cp861 PC Icelandic• ...

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Unicode related

• If you are handling text (Strings etc) you should use the Unicode Reader/Writer classes.

• Some of the classes in other hierarchy have methods for reading Strings, – mostly “deprecated” methods– would fail with some Unicode files.

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Byte stream relatedInputStream hierarchy (simplified!)

• InputStream– ByteArrayInputStream– FileInputStream– FilterInputStream

• approx 10 subclasses (some on next slide)

– PipedInputStream– SequenceInputStream– StringBufferInputStream (don’t use, instead use StringReader)

• OutputStream hierarchy is similar

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InputStream hierarchy (simplified!)• InputStream

– ByteArrayInputStream– FileInputStream

– FilterInputStream• BufferedInputStream• CheckedInputStream (defined in• DigestInputStream (defined in• InflaterInputStream (defined in

– GZIPInputStream– ZipInputStream

• PushbackInputStream• DataInputStream• LineNumberInputStream (don’t work properly, use LineNumberReader from Reader


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Byte stream related• In addition to main stream part of hierarchy have

interfaces such as:– DataInput

• defines (abstract) methods like readShort, readChar, ...

– ObjectInput• abstract method readObject

– Serializable (and Externalizable) interfaces• for classes that want their objects to be persistent

• and special classes such as ObjectInputStream and RandomAccessFile

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Byte stream related

• Reading bytes• Primary methods

– read(byte[], int, int)– read() returns byte– close()

• InputStream abstract class

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Byte stream related• PipedInputStream

– similar to PipedReader but using byte data rather than char– possibly more useful as can package inside a DataInputStream and so

have threads that read and write things like int, double

• ByteArrayInputStream– “read” from an array of bytes

• StringBufferInputStream– don’t use; use StringReader– idea was same, give it a String, do read() on String;– it doesn’t handle character codes correctly

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Byte stream related

• FileInputStream– InputStream reading bytes from a file or filedescriptor

• SequenceInputStream– Exotic! It concatenates several InputStreams, making them appear

as single continuous stream (give it an Enumerator that works through the available streams in sequence)

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• FilterInputStream– BufferedInputStream– PushbackInputStream– CheckedInputStream (defined in– InflaterInputStream (defined in

• GZIPInputStream• ZipInputStream

– DigestInputStream (defined in– DataInputStream– LineNumberInputStream (don’t work properly, use LineNumberReader from Reader hierarchy)

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• BufferedInputStream– like BufferedReader, adds buffering to existing

stream for efficiency• PushbackInputStream

– Add unread() function to appropriate InputStreams

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• These support compressed files – advantage when downloading data across network– InflaterInputStream

• Created from an InputStream and an Inflater object that reverses compression applied to file

• GZIPInputStream• ZipInputStream• These specialized InflaterInputStreams handle variants on

common Zip and GZIP compression formats.

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• CheckedInputStream – Will calculate checksum while you read the contents

of a file • checksum provides a simple integrity check• can often detect changes to small number of bits such as

might be caused by some form of electronic noise

Page 57: Java libraries miscellany stream• DigestInputStream

– a “message digest” provides a much more effective check on file integrity than does a simple checksum (digests are discussed briefly in lecture on “security”)

– a digest will be a 128 bit (or 160 bit or similar) “signature” for file• each byte in file contributes to digest value• a change of 1-bit in a byte can result in changes to as many as half of the

bits in the digest– as stream is read, bytes combined; at end of stream, can get digest value– if can obtain original digest, comparison of original and calculated values will

reveal any changes to data

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DataInputStream• DataInputStream extends FilterInputStream

implements DataInput• DataInputStream and DataOutputStream are used

for “binary files”• “Binary files”

– avoid cost of converting internal to text representations– save space

• eg a long will take 8-bytes (since a long could be as large as 9,223,372,036,854,775,807L it could take 20 bytes if translated to text)

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DataInputStream / DataOutputStream

• If you want Java program to Java program

communication then use DataInputStream, and DataOutputStream combinations.

• First program writes to DataOutputStream (which utilises a

FileOutputStream, or PipedOutputStream or a URL-connection)

second program reads with a DataInputStream (which

utilises a FileInputStream, or PipedInputStream or a URL-connection)

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DataInputStream• Most functions straightforward:

• read(byte[])– Reads up to byte.length bytes of data from this data input stream into an array of

bytes.• readBoolean()

– Reads a boolean from this data input stream.• readByte()

– Reads a signed 8-bit value from this data input stream.• readChar()

– Reads a Unicode character from this data input stream.• readDouble()

– Reads a double from this data input stream.• …

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DataInputStream• readFloat()

– Reads a float from this data input stream.• readInt()

– Reads a signed 32-bit integer from this data input stream.• readLong()

– Reads a signed 64-bit integer from this data input stream.• readShort()

– Reads a signed 16-bit number from this data input stream.• readUnsignedByte()

– Reads an unsigned 8-bit number from this data input stream.• readUnsignedShort()

– Reads an unsigned 16-bit number from this data input stream.• readLine()

– Reads the next line of text from this data input stream. Deprecated.

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• readUTF()– Reads in a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8


• DataOutputStream and DataInputStream have functions for dealing with Unicode (“16 bit character”) strings in a space efficient manner (using a format that is a slight modification of standard know as UTF-8).

• (Compression factor for coding strings makes it rather difficult to estimate how many bytes a string will occupy in file.)

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DataInputStream• Modified UTF-8.

– All characters in the range \u0001 to \u007F are represented by a single byte:

• 0 , 7 bits of character– The null character \u0000 and characters in the range \u0080 to   

   \u07FF are represented by a pair of bytes:• 110, bits 6-10• 10, bits 0-5

– Characters in the range \u0800 to \uFFFF are represented by three bytes:

• 1110, bits 12-15• 10, bits 6-11• 10, bits 0-5

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DataInputStream, DataOutputStream –real values

• Note feature of following– DataOutputStream.writeDouble()– DataInputStream.readDouble()– and corresponding Float() functions

• Nominally, data value in file is long (or int); created via Double.doubleToLongBits()

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RandomAccessFile• class RandomAccessFile extends Object

implements DataInput, DataOutput

• Has all expected input and output functions from readBoolean() to writeUTF().

• Also– getFilePointer()

• Returns the current offset in this file.

– seek(long)• Sets the offset from the beginning of this file at which the next read or

write occurs.

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RandomAccessFile• Random access files convenient for “fixed size

records”– variable length UTF strings are potential source of problems

– solution A• Horstmann illustrates a scheme for padding so UTF string occupies a fixed

block– solution B

• only use in association with an index file, when create the RandomAccessFile can keep track of position with getFilePointer(); store record positions (along with any “key” if desired) in separate index file.

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Object i/o

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Object i/o

• Attractive if could simply say “Save yourself on this file” to an object - and have it save itself.

• Now Java compiler knows structure of an instance of class and so could (in principle) automatically generate the “saveMyself(DataOutputStream)” function

class RectItem { ... private int fX, fY; private short fR, fG, fB; private boolean fFilled;};

public void saveMyself(DataOutputStream do) { do.writeInt(fX); do.writeInt(fY); do.writeShort(fR); ... do.writeBoolean(fFilled);}

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Object i/o

• Well, maybe.

• It is obviously easy if all the data members are simple built in types.

• But what about members that are instances of other classes?

• And what about heterogeneous collections?

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Object i/o1) heterogeneous collection

• You have “DataCollection” - a collection of RectItem, LineItem, TextItem etc– it actually uses a Vector to store the items

• We would want:– length of vector written– then for each item in vector

• its class type• its data

• Could then read data back if could create instances of classes for names that we encounter

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• Expected output file:4PolygonItem... ... data defining fill colour, and peripheral points of polyRectItem... ... data defining fill colour, and dimensions of rectTextItemavcd a... ... data defining fill colour, and location of textLineItem... ... data defining end points of Line

avcd aVector containing objects

Object i/o 1) heterogeneous collection

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reading the file

• Could deal with such a file in an “ad hoc” manner (similar to code in earlier examples):

read Nfor(i = 0 ; i< N; i++) read nameString if nameString.equals(“LineItem”) {

LineItem aline = new LineItem(); aLine.readMyself(in): myItems.add(aline);

} else if nameString.equals(“PolyItem”) { ... } else ...

Object i/o 1) heterogeneous collection

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reading the file

• java.lang.class– contains functions to make such code more systematic

– public static native Class forName(String className) throws ...

• get a “Class” object associated with className

– public native Object newInstance() throws ...• get an instance object of given class

Object i/o 1) heterogeneous collection

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reading the file

• Using this standard functionality, can make the input code something along following lines (exception handling try ... catch blocks omitted)

read Nfor(i = 0 ; i< N; i++) read nameString Class theClassObject = Class.forName(nameString); Object theObject = theClassObject.newInstance(); DataItem di = (DataItem) theObject; di.readMyself(in); theItems.add(di);

Object i/o 1) heterogeneous collection

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Object i/oclass identifiers in file

• Java compiler can arrange for something equivalent to those class names– when object to write itself to file, it starts by

outputting class name; then saves data members

– when reading a file: read class name, instantiate a suitable object, let it read the rest of the data.

Object i/o 1) heterogeneous collection

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Object i/o2) references to other objects

• A simple (but inadequate) approach for a compiler to generate, automatically, the required “save” and “restore” functions would be for it to put write (and related read) requests for all referenced collaborators and components:

class RectItem { ... private String fName; private Point fPos; private Color fColor; private boolean fFilled;};

void writeMyself(DataOutputStream o){ “save my type” fName.writeMyself(o); fPos.writeMyself(o); ...}void readMyself(DataInputstrem in){ Object something = getNextObject(in); if(something is instanceof String) fName = (String) something; else throw UnexepectedInput ...;

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references to other objects• It isn’t appropriate to simply rush off and save every

referenced object.

• Some referenced objects are collaborators that really don’t represent state data – eg a link to a Canvas that is to be told to “repaint()” if this

data object changed• You really wouldn’t want to save the state of the Canvas

object, if you read the data object back into memory it will be associated with a different Canvas held in a different window.

• Simple solution: transient type qualifier.

Object i/o 2) references to other objects

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references to other objects

• In other situations, you may find several references to the same object; consider for example– class Graph

• owns a collection of Node objects– class Node

• owns a collection of Edge objects• ...

– class Edge• owns references to its start Node, its end Node,• owns a weight, ...

Object i/o 2) references to other objects

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name = startnumedge=2...






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Start saving:Node1. saveMyself output class output name output edge count for i=0;i<edgecount;i++ myEdge[i].saveMyself Edge1.saveMyself output class output weight end1.saveMyself Node1.saveMyself output class output name ...

NodeString “start”2


NodeString “start”

Process Outputfile

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references to other objects

• Objects may have mutual references (like the Node and the Edge in the example) or may form parts of more complex directed graphs.

• You can’t simply output each object at the point where you encounter a reference.

Object i/o 2) references to other objects

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References to objects:output

• The solution to this problem has been around for years (originating in Smalltalk, in C++ libraries since 1988)

• You perform i/o using special streams– streams have associated “dictionaries”– when find have to output an object (referenced via a pointer or

“object reference variable”):• check with the stream: Has this object been output already?• If No, make entry in “dictionary” (sequence number, object id), then

output the object• If Yes, simply output a tag “previously written obje ct” and the

sequence number from dictionary

Object i/o 2) references to other objects

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References to objects:input

• Special input stream also associated with a “dictionary”• This stream provides a “getNextObject()” function.

– getNextObject() reads from the stream• if finds a class name,

– create object of that class – tell the new object to read its data– register new object in “dictionary” along with index number– return reference to new object

• if finds a “previously written object” tag, read object sequence number, return reference to existing object as found in dictionary

Object i/o 2) references to other objects

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C++ implementations

• C++ implementations of scheme have been around since Gorlen’s NIH class library (1988) and are available as part of common environments on PCs etc– use modified stream classes– require some form of run time type identification (since RTTI only

recently standardized, C++ libraries did their own thing; result: object i/o for different libraries is incompatible)

– generally required use of macros to insert standard functions in classes utilising object i/o

– required the program to write both output and input functions for each class using object i/o

• output statements for simple data members• invoking the “object save yourself” mechanism for pointer fields

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Java implementation

• Standardized.• Automatic.• Simply

– define your class as one that implements Serializable– use transient type qualifier for any references that are

not “state” data and which are not to be saved• Use ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream

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Java implementation

• Java adds some features not typical of earlier implementations –– data saved to define class contains signature

information related to current class definition– this information prevents corruption when an old data

file read with revised program• class in revised program will have changed signature (resulting

from for instance the addition of an extra data member)• signature won’t match that in file

– can even provide a “versioning” mechanism allowing revised program to recognise and handle old files

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Java implementationDataThing myDataThing = new DataThing(345, “Hello World”, 1.);...ObjectOutputStream outObjs = new ObjectOutputStream(


• Simply define class DataThing as implements Serializable

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Java implementationDataThing myDataThing = null;...ObjectInputStream inObjs = new ObjectInputStream(

FileInputStream(“xyst.dat”));...myDataThing = (MyDataThing) inObjs.readObject();

• (Note need for cast on read)

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Java implementation

• Programmer can intervene– define functions readObject(...) and writeObject(...) for own

classes• these to call defaultReadObject() etc• can do extra work like validating data read

– can take over almost the entire mechanism• define readExternal(), writeExternal• automatic mechanism then deals solely with saving details of class

of object

• Such intervention only needed in specialised contexts.

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Composing i/o streams

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Composing your stream

• You slot stream classes together to build the stream that you want –– reading Unicode from a file

• FileInputStream• InputStreamReader• BufferedReader

– reading binary data from a compressed file• FileInputStream• ZipInputStream• DataInputStream

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Composing your stream

• Create the object that connects to source of bytes, • Package inside object that provides additional
