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  • 8/12/2019 Jedi Training Manual


    Jedi Training Manual

    Written By: Jedi Master Jer-Pen Dan


    1. The Nature of the ForceA. Lesson One: The Force

    B. Lesson Two: A Jedi's Greatest Ally

    . Lesson Three: The !at"re o# the Force

    D. Lesson Fo"r: The Jedi ode

    $. Lesson Fi%e: The Path o# Dar&ness

    F. Lesson i(: The !at"re o# the Dar& ide

    G. Lesson e%en: As)ects o# Li*ht and Dar&

    +. Lesson $i*ht: The Path o# Li*ht

    2.Jedi History

    A. Lesson One: +istoric Locations oncernin* the Jedi

    B. Lesson Two: The Old ,e)"lic Tieline

    . Lesson Three: Jedi /ni*hts in the Old ,e)"lic

    D. Lesson Fo"r: /y) D"rron's Tale

    3.Jedi Training

    A. Lesson One: al Breathin* Techni0"e

    B. Lesson Two: Jedi Meditation-- Basic Techni0"e

    . Lesson Three: A Jedi1s First BattleD. Lesson Fo"r: Jedi +ealin* Trance

    $. Lesson Fi%e: alin* and 2"ietin* the Mind

    F. Lesson i(: +"ility and the Jedi Way

    4.Advanced essons

    A. Lesson One: Technolo*y o# the Li*htsaer

    B. Lesson Two: The Dan*ers o# Trainin* Jedi

    . Lesson Three: Jedi Ailities 34n ections y Ailities5

    . Lesson Fo"r: Jedi and ith Lesson Brie# O%er%iew and Powers

    !.Nature of the Force

    esson "ne# The Force

    The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us andpenetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

    For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the ld!epublic. "efore the dar# ti$es% before the &$pire.

  • 8/12/2019 Jedi Training Manual


    bi (an Kenobi

    )oncentrate. Feel the Force flow. *ot outside or inside% but part of all it is. Through the Force% things youwill see. !eaches across ti$e and space it does. ther places. The future... the past. ld friends long gone.

    +lways in $otion is the future.

    ,i-e $atters not. oo# at $e. Judge $e by $y si-e% do you/ +nd well you should not. For $y ally is theForce. +nd a powerful ally it is. ife creates it% $a#es it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us.

    u$inous beings are we... not this crude $atter. 0ou $ust feel the Force around you. 1ere% between you...

    $e... the tree... the roc#... everywhere2

    In balance is the Force. The 3ar# and the ight. (ith out one% there is no other. The 3ar# ,ide% te$pting itis. 4uic#% easy at first% but a trap is the 3ar# ,ide. )orrupting% evil. nce you start down the 3ar# path%

    forever will it do$inate your destiny. For the ight ,ide% patience you need. )ontrol. 5eace and har$ony it



    6Feel% don't thin#% use your instincts.6

    3on't center on your anxiety... Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs.

    "e $indful of the iving Force

    4ui 7on Jinn

    esson T$o# A Jedi%s &reatest Ally

    + Jedi's greatest ally is the force.

    The Jedi's use of the Force is his greatest s#ill and $ost difficult achieve$ent. The Force is a powerful field created

    by all living things8 it surrounds and penetrates the entire galaxy ...but it does not fall to everyone to use it as a

    source of insight and power.

    + Jedi fro$ the beginning $ust do what $ost $en cannot8 develop a sensitivity to this Force. 1e $ust actually feel

    it% feel his oneness with it% feel its tangible flow through hi$% and then his conscious awareness $ust join the Force

    so that the #nowledge through the Force will beco$e his own.

    +t so$e point a Jedi learns to abandon reliance on his own $ind and its effort. 1e learns to stretch out with his

    feelings% to let go of his li$ited idea of hi$self% and to $ove with the deeply instinctive levels of his being. "y

    listening% by beco$ing peaceful% by turning his attention to the Force% he finds that place where his individuality isjoined to the #nowledge and power of the universe.

    +t so$e point a Jedi beco$es one with the force. It consu$es hi$% penetrates hi$% $a#es hi$ part of all livingthings. This is the way of the force% the goal every Jedi should see#.

    esson Three# The Nature of the Force

    Fro$ lifelessness ca$e life8 fro$ dead $atter ca$e spirit. (ith life ca$e perception9 the perception ofbeauty and ugliness% serenity and fear. The Force grew strong as life grew stronger. ife is the universe's way of

    perceiving itself8 the Force is the strength of its perception.

    +s life grew% evolved% beca$e $ore sophisticated% there ca$e intelligence and with it% the capacity of

    understanding. Intelligent beings :uestioned the universe% and when they were clever enough to as# the :uestions in

    the right way% the universe answered. The Force beca$e stronger% $ore sophisticated% as intelligence spread and$an;s #nowledge of the universe deepened.

    0et the nature of the Force is hidden and subtle. 4uestions about the nature of $atter and energy are $ore

    easily answered. Intelligent beings developed a high technology by understanding of physical law yet

    understanding of the universe's $ystical nature lagged behind. Intelligent beings built advanced cultures which were

    cold% cruel% ignorant of the beat of reality's heart.

    ,o stood the galaxy% until the rise of the Jedi. They studied the Force8 they too# first few steps on the road

    to universal har$ony. +s their $astery deepened% as their fa$e spread% and as their wor#s began to bring har$onyand freedo$ to the galaxy% they were betrayed.

    For the Force is not itself good or evil8 it is a reflection of nature% and nature itself can be cold and cruel.&vil ones can harness the force to their will and% by doing so% lose so$ething of their hu$anity% beco$ing virtual

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    avatars of the 3ar# ,ide of the Force. For the

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    one's surroundings. =lti$ately% the 3ar# ,ide rejects the very celestial nature of life itself. To the Jedi% the Force is

    not a part of their existence8 it is their existence. To a student of the 3ar# ,ide% this is inco$prehensible.

    It is not unco$$on for 3ar# ,ide students to go into the wilderness% $uch as their ight ,ide counterparts

    do. The crucial difference is that the ight Jedi goes into the wilderness to co$$une with the wild. The 3ar# ,ide

    follower goes to separate hi$self fro$ the co$$unity of life. There% in isolation% a 3ar# ,ide follower can perfect

    his or her own oneness with the 3ar# ,ide% and revel in that corruption. 0et in the 3ar# ,ide are anger and hatred

    and isolation and fear. That fear drives the Jedi to isolation% jealousy and desire to be the $ost powerful of all.

    This very predatory nature spar#s battles of do$inance when several 3ar# Jedi or 3ar# ,ide +depts gather.

    ,o$eti$es these are violent confrontations% other ti$es they involve subtle $ind ga$es or diplo$atic discussions8

    but $a#e no $ista#e8 there will be so$e atte$pt to assert control over each other. The violent nature of the 3ar#,ide often leads to betrayal and bloodshed.

    *ot only does this tendency discourage long ter$ cooperation a$ong +depts% it has also hindered the

    passing of #nowledge. (hereas the Jedi and other servants of the ight ,ide have established great libraries and oral

    traditions to advance their wor# and educate succeeding generations% those of the 3ar# ,ide have few such


  • 8/12/2019 Jedi Training Manual


    esson -ight# The 'ath of ight

    The 5ath of ight is not an easy path to wal#. There are trials% and obstacles to overco$e% but in the long

    run% it is the $ost rewarding path. It is not a path of the self% but a path% or a life of servitude.

    0ou goal is to help others% to protect your fellow $an% to preserve all hu$an life% and above all to stand up

    against the threat and the tyranny of the 3ar#side. +lthough at ti$es it $ay see$ as though you carry a burden on

    your shoulders by ta#ing up the $antle of the Jedi% $a#e no $ista#e that this path is far $ore rewarding than thepath $entioned before. There are no negatives to wal#ing the path of the Jedi. +lthough the path of the Jedi

    pro$ises no riches% or fa$e% or ulti$ate power% the life of a Jedi is a fulfilling one. The life of a Jedi is not a lonely

    one% for the Jedi has other Jedi to support hi$>her. The Jedi are li#e a fa$ily to one another. 0oda said it best when3oo#u was once his apprentice. 1e told hi$ ?If you fall% catch you I will.@ ,o it is with the relationship between a

    C>DDE% 5re

    &$pire date.

    Bpfassh-+ double planet8 with a co$plicated syste$ of $oons in the "pfassh syste$% located near 5raesitlyn and

    ,luis Aan in the ,luis sector. 3uring the )lone (ars so$e "pfasshi 3ar# Jedi created trouble throughout the sector%

    and a Jedi tas# force including Jorus )'baothG was for$ed to oppose the$. ne 3ar# Jedi $ade it as far as 3agobah

    before his death. "ecause of the insurrection% $ost "pfasshi today disli#e all Jedi. "pfassh was also the target of a

    hitandfade attac# by 7rand +d$iral Thrawn and the site of an atte$pted abduction of eia rgana ,olo. 3uring

    their search for 3elta ,ource% eia and (inter analy-ed an intelligence report fro$ the "pfassh syste$ suggestingthe ,tar 3estroyer )hi$aera was at +nchoron.

    Dagobah-+n uncharted% $istshrouded swa$p planet in the 3agobah syste$% 3agobah contains no cities or

    advanced technology yet tee$s with a wide variety of life. The thic# cloud layer surrounding the planet cannot be

    penetrated by sensors. 3agobah was ho$e to the Jedi

  • 8/12/2019 Jedi Training Manual


    the *ew !epublic's war against 7rand +d$iral Thrawn% +d$iral +c#bar planned to visit 3antooine following his

    inspection of the Farrfin and 3olo$ar defenses. Two years after that% fifty colonists fro$ &ol ,ha were relocated on

    the planet until they were wiped out by a group of +d$iral 3aala's +T+T wal#ers.

    Dathomir-ocated in the 4uelli sector% 3atho$ir is a lowgravity world with three continents% a wide ocean% and

    four s$all $oons. The planet is covered with a wide variety of terrain including $ountains% deserts% purplesavannahs% and forests with eighty $eter trees and vines bearing hwotha berries. Indigenous life on 3atho$ir

    includes flying reptiles% pig li#e rodents% long (huffa wor$s% burra fish% and the feared rancors. ,e$iintelligent%twolegged reptiles live in the desert and call the$selves the "lue 3esert 5eople. 1u$ans ca$e to 3atho$ir

    hundreds of years ago when a group of illegal ar$s $anufacturers were exiled to the planet by the Jedi Knights.

    ,everal generations later% a rogue Jedi na$ed +llya was also exiled to 3atho$ir. +llya began to teach the Force tothe planet's inhabitants and to her descendants% who also learned to ta$e the wild rancors. ,o$e ti$e later the two

    #ilo$eter Jedi spaceborne acade$y )hu'unthor crashed in a 3atho$ir tar pit% and the Jedi force sent to recover it

    was repulsed by the witches those fe$ale inhabitants who had learned to use the Force. 3ifferent clans of the

    witches such as ,inging

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    station. The superweapon and $uch of the I$perial fleet were subse:uently destroyed in what is now #nown as the

    "attle of &ndor. + cloud of 3ar#side energy a residual effect of the &$peror's first deathG is now located in &ndor's

    orbit at the site of this destruction. Thro$ oro% a leader of the resistance on )ilpar% helped liberate an I$perial base

    on &ndor and saved the life of a (oo#ie prisoner.

    !apes "onsortium-+ cluster of sixtythree stars with sixtythree inhabited planets% the 1apes )onsortiu$ is an old

    and very wealthy society that had al$ost no contact with the rest of the galaxy for three thousand years. It was

    settled thousands of years ago by a pirate group called the orell !aiders% who sei-ed beautiful wo$en fro$ theirvicti$s to serve as their $ates. The $ale descendants continued to serve as pirates for generations% until their forces

    were eli$inated by the Jedi Knights. The wo$en then too# control of the cluster% and the inherited leadership title of

    4ueen D>Huntil L>CC>LL% 5re&$pire date.

    #oros $a%or-ne of seven planets in the Teta syste$% Koros

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    it were cast out into the wilderness where they ta$ed the beasts of 3xun. 1undreds of these 6beast riders6 created

    their own #ingdo$s in the wild% and fought continually to overta#e I-i-. +bout BBE years ago nderon was first

    contacted by the ld !epublic% and a delegation of Jedi was sent to $a#e peace between the beast riders and 4ueen

    +$anda of I-i- two years after that. Following the death of 4ueen +$anda her daughter 7alia too# the throne. +

    subse:uent uprising by the followers of Freedon *add was put down by the Jedi. ,atal Keto and his cousin +lee$a%

    $e$bers of Tetan royalty% traveled to nderon to learn the secrets of ,ith $agic% which led to their for$ation of the

    Krath and the political ta#eover of the Tetan syste$. Following the Freedon *add uprising% a per$anent Jedi outpostwas built on nderon fro$ the re$ains of *add's ancient starship. *ative life on the planet includes the deadly


    &ssus-ssus% located in the +dega syste$ one of the six re$aining +uril syste$sG% orbits the twin +degan suns in

    a figureeight trajectory. It was an i$portant Jedi stronghold and learning center in ancient ti$es% and there is so$e

    speculation that the rder of Jedi Knights began on this planet. ssus was once covered with $any cities% and a

    range of roc#y $ountains was located near the Knossa spaceport. The steep canyon walls are still covered withelaborate $urals% and the planet's at$osphere is charged with occasional electrical stor$s. +bout B years ago all

    the cities of ssus were abandoned during the 7reat ,ith (ar. The 0sanna% a tribe of warriorsha$ans who use the

    Force to guide their pri$itive weapons% too# up residence on ssus following its abandon$ent. + D% yearold

    ightsaber% given to eia rgana ,olo by Ai$a3a"oda% surfaced L years ago in an archaeological dig on ssus.

    u#e ,#ywal#er visited an arid% sandy portion of the planet during the &$peror's reappearance and discovered the

    0sanna tribe% an ancient Jedi library% and a vault of lightsabers hidden beneath the roots of the *eti Jedi $aster od

    "nar. +t the ti$e of ,#ywal#er's departure% the *ew !epublic was planning to send in excavation tea$s to explore

    ssus' ruins. (hile on an undercover $ission to "orgo 5ri$e thirteen years later% ,#ywal#er and Tenel Ka clai$ed

    that they needed )orusca ge$s to open a sealed treasure vault located on ssus.

    &ttethan system-*ee$a% daughter of the Jedi Ai$a3a"oda% was executed in the ttethan syste$ for atte$ptingto use the dar# side of the Force against her husband% an ttegan warlord. The ttethan syste$ was the ruling

    syste$ of his twelvesyste$ e$pire% located on the far peri$eter of the galaxy. ,he was fed to the rancors that run

    wild in the ttethan forests.

    'eboam-+ harsh% sparselypopulated world in the 1apes cluster% !eboa$ once served as a hiding place and as the

    supposed location of a training center for a group of fifty Jedi Knights. +fter one year the #nights were discovered

    by 3arth Aader and a group of 3ar# Jedi% who #illed the$ and had the$ sealed in !eboa$'s ancient ruins.

    (hadow Academy-+ torusshaped space station located near the 7alactic )ore8 covered with weaponry and

    protected by a functional cloa#ing device. ,hadow +cade$y% capable of hyperspace travel% can $ove to a new

    location at a $o$ent's notice. "uilt for the express purpose of training Jedi in the dar# side of the Force% the station

    is star# and austere% with harsh% spartan acco$$odations for its students% loc#s on every door% and chrono chi$es

    $ar#ing every :uarterhour. "ra#iss% a for$er student of u#e ,#ywal#er's% leads the +cade$y with the assistance

    of the *ightsister Ta$ith Kai. Aarious sections of ,hadow +cade$y include the doc#ing bay% a large $eeting roo$%a holographic training cha$ber% and "ra#iss' private office. The entire station is riddled with chainreaction

    explosives% set to detonate if the new leader of the &$pire is displeased with "ra#iss' progress. )onse:uently%

    "ra#iss is never allowed to leave the station.

    Tatooine-+ harsh% desert planet orbiting a double star in the uter !i$% Tatooine is far out of the galactic

    $ainstrea$ near the !yloth syste$G and is ignored by al$ost everyone. The 7D and 7E stars of the syste$ are

    referred to as Tatoo I and II% and the planet is orbited by two $oons. The two native alien species of Tatooine are the

    $eddleso$e Jawas and the fierce Tus#en !aiders% co$$only called ,andpeople. The Jedi #night 3ace 3iath% who

    lived four thousand years ago% was a native of Tatooine.

  • 8/12/2019 Jedi Training Manual


    following a Tetan attac# on a 3eneban Jedi asse$bly% traveled to )innagar in order to learn the Krath's 3ar# ,ide

    secrets. + Jedi attac# force later atte$pted to rescue 4el3ro$a fro$ the iron citadel% but he insisted on re$aining in


    +%un-The planet Ajun contains "ast )astle% once the private refuge of 3arth Aader and later the head:uarters of the

    &$peror's 3ar# Jedi. The planet is lashed with acidic% burning rain% and no plant life can survive on its blea#

    surface. Ka$ ,olusar served as a 3ar#side warrior on Ajun% before u#e ,#ywal#er turned hi$ to the light side on

    *espis AIII.

    ,appyh sector-Jedi

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    ear ent (ource


    The first hyperdrive is invented. The ld !epublic% the first galaxywide

    govern$ent is for$ed8 the Jedi Knights appear% and a period of galactic

    peace and expansion begins.


    *aga ,adow rules as 3ar# ord of the ,ith


    Fall of the ,ith &$pire *aga ,adow leads the ,ith into hiding on 0avin IA.


    Freedon *add co$es to nderon to rule% bringing with hi$ dar# ,ith power.


    The "east (ars of nderon begin.


    Jedi Knights% including =lic 4el3ro$a% intercede in the "east (ars of

    nderon. +ndur ,unrider dies.Tales of the Jedi cG



    The Freedon *add uprising. The Freedon *add uprising cG



    The Krath lead a political coup in the &$press Teta syste$. +n asse$bly of

    D% Jedi Knights occurs at

  • 8/12/2019 Jedi Training Manual


    DL u#e and eia are born.

    u#e ,#ywal#er $eets bi(an Kenobi. The "attle of 0avin occurs%

    resulting in the destruction of the 3eath ,tar.

    ,tar (ars9 &pisode B9 + *ew

    1ope s%nG

    (ource 0egend cG co$ic sG script nG novel

    esson Three# Jedi nights in the "ld e,u/lic

    The Jedi Knights were an integral part of the ld !epublic. They were scholars% politicians% but above all%

    they were peace#eepers. The Jedi Knights of old were greatly s#illed in the ways of the Force calling forth powers

    co$pletely unheard of by today's Jedi Knight. =nfortunately% the secrets behind these powers have been lost through

    the ages due to war and $isuse.

    It has been whispered through the Force that the greatest powers co$e in the greatest hour of need. The Force isalways balanced between ight and 3ar#. 3uring the period of ti$e called 6The 7olden +ge of the ,ith6% the galaxy

    al$ost fell to the 3ar# ,ide. "ut% the brave Jedi Knights rose up and pushed bac# the ,ith influence. They did thiswith Jedi power unseen before their ti$e. i#ewise for the great and terrible ,ith (ar. + group of Jedi Knights were

    said to have co$pletely stripped the $isguided =lic 4'el 3ro$a of his ability to use the Force forever. This sa$e

    group trapped the essence of the evil &xar Kun in the

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    !!!. Jedi Training

    esson "ne# Cal0 reathing Techniue

    This is a si$ple breathing exercise% to be practiced every day. It is useful in stressful situations% or when you feel

    threatened% for it helps you to re$ain cal$% and to relax. It is presented in three easy steps. ,tart with the first step%until you've $astered it. Then progress to the next step. nce you have reached the third step% you will have learned

    the )al$ing "reath Techni:ue.


    (ear loose fitting attire% so that you are co$fortable.

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    $ust learn control of your own abilities% before you can truly sense the Force. nce you have $astered sensing the

    Force surrounding you% you can use the force to perfor$ actions and alter the events and objects around you.

    The basic techni:ue teaches you to control your own $ental process% and allows you to focus your thoughts on one

    object% thought% or goal% the object of your $editation. This object $ust have a clear objective or subjective reality to

    you% so it is easiest to begin with a physical object such as a ball or a candle. +fter you have $astered $editating on

    physical objects% you $ay proceed to $ental objects such as $ental i$ages or goals.

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    $assaging the pain away and you'll begin to feel as if so$eone is. !e$e$ber not to brea# focus as you do

    this and you should have no trouble getting rid of pain and getting relaxed. This is a great techni:ue to unwind after

    a hard day as well...It will help you let loose and relax so you can rest easier2

    esson Five# Cal0ing and 5uieting the Mind

    To start find yourself so$ewhere :uiet to $editate undisturbed. nce you get co$fortable close your eyes

    and begin to use your i$agination. I$agine yourself on a plane% surrounded by nothing8 where only you and theforce exist. I$agine the force is li#e a gentle wind% or a cal$ing ocean wave% and allow it to co$e over you% to

    consu$e you% and blow away% or wash away your every thought% every feeling% until you re$ain with nothing. nce

    you do this you will feel a war$ sensation% or a sense of euphoria% li#e you are at peace% and nothing bothers you.0ou can then open your $ind to whatever #nowledge you had desired to learn% or $aintain this to #eep the $ind

    :uiet as you $editate.

    esson *i+# Hu0ility and the Jedi 6ay

    It's co$e to $y attention that this lesson should be posted.

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    The bea$ e$its fro$ a positively charged continuous energy lens at the center of the handle. The bea$ then arcs

    circu$ferentially bac# to a negatively charged high energy flux aperture% usually set in a dis# that also serves as a

    hand guard. The power a$plitude deter$ines the point at which the bea$ arcs bac# to the dis#% setting the blade

    length. The tight% arcing bea$ for$s a blade of a$a-ing strength.

    + superconductor transfers the power fro$ the flux aperture to the power cell. +l$ost no energy is lost in the

    process the bea$ doesn't even radiate noticeable heat% though it does fluoresce and hu$. The saber looses power

    only when it cuts through so$ething but not when contacting another saber blade. The Jedi $ust use his strength

    and s#ill to force his blade against another saber blade8 no lightsaber can cut another's bea$.

    )ontrols at the hilt of the saber adjust the power cell capacity and allow periodic recharging. Though exact duration

    figures are not #nown% it is clear that Jedi can use their sabers for years at a ti$e before recharging beco$esnecessary.

    The Jedi ightsa/er 8As /y# Jedi Master Jer'en (an9

    The construction of a lightsaber is a Jedi art passed down pri$arily by wordof$outh

    fro$ a Jedi

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    The 1ower "ellbviously a lightsaber contains a tre$endous a$ount of energy far $ore than a blaster% for

    exa$ple. +ny device that can $elt its way through a threefootthic# reinforced blast door ina $atter of $inutes obviously has access to tre$endous energy reserves. &sti$ates range as

    high as several $egawatthours of stored energy.

    The source of this energy is a diatiumpower cell a device no larger than a roll ofife,aversO. 3iatiu$ power cells are available fro$ a variety of $ilitary and so$e civilian


    ,urrounding the power cell is a power field conductorand the power ortex ring. Thesetwo devices wor# in concert with one another to $ove the available energy toward the

    energy gate. The energy gate controls the flow of energy into the crystal energy chamber.

    The "rystal nergy "hamber

    !eally the heart of any lightsaber% the crystal energy chamberis responsible for pri$ary

    energy conversion. +t least two crystals typically of the AdeganvarietyG are used in theenergy cha$ber.

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    The first crystal is #nown as the primary crystal. It converts the energy channeling fro$ the

    power asse$bly and then transfers its output to one or $ore focusing crystals. The focusingcrystals are held in place by the focusing crystal actiator.

    The crystal energy cha$ber is the reason why all lightsabers are built by hand% and then only

    in the latter stages of Jedi training. The builder $ust align the crystals perfectly or ris#detonation of the lightsaber upon activation. nly through the use of the Force can the proper

    align$ent be guaranteed.

    (ith several $egawatthours of energy on tap% detonation is of course a catastrophic event.For this reason% initial activation is nor$ally done re$otely with an inexpensive droid.

    The nergy "hannel and "ontrols

    The energy channel is where the actual lightsaber blade is generated. &nergy flowing fro$

    the crystal energy cha$ber is converted to the arc waethat will beco$e the blade. The arc

    wave flows up through the blade energy channel and past the cycling field energi2ers. Theseenergi-ers are responsible for the gyroscopic effect discussed earlier in the article.

    The refined arc wave $a#es its way to the blade arc tip and fro$ there beco$es visible as the

    glowing blade of the lightsaber that is so fa$iliar.

    The on>off switch% also #nown as the actiation matrix% as well as the blade length and

    power adjust$ent controls% are typically located near the cycling field energi-ers. =sing thesecontrols% the lightsaber's owner can tune the blade for specific applications.

    esson T$o The (angers of Training Jedi

    "Training Jedi is a most rewarding pursuit, but one ringed with many unseen perils. Never, oh Master Jedi, resteasy when your pupil begins to grow anxious to learn at a pace greater than that which you have set for him.

    Such impatience is natural in the young and inexperienced, and a commendable trait in a student. ut it also

    signals a time when the pupil is most open to the temptation of stepping into the broad path of instant

    gratification and easy advancement that leads to the dar! side. eware, Jedi Master, lest through carelessness

    and inattention you loose on the galaxy a monster..."

    odo aas

    The +ncient Jedi $asters #new that Jedi training $ust proceed at a slow pace. Too $uch power gathered too :uic#ly

    can corrupt even the $ost selfless and devout Jedi apprentice. + Jedi student $ust be properly hu$ble in his powers%

    and $ature enough to e$brace the tre$endous responsibility that co$es with wielding the Force.

    + student i$patient with the slow pace of the tutorship% a gifted student eager to dispense with 6pointless exercises6

    and e$brace the true power of the Force $isses the entire point of being a Jedi. The Jedi does not crave power% but

    see#s to serve others% without the expectation of beco$ing 6great in the Force.6 The true Jedi is cautious% andreluctant to learn too $uch too :uic#ly. vereager students run a fearful ris# of opening the$selves up to the

    te$ptations of ta#ing the deceptively easy path of the dar# side.

    In the days of the ld !epublic% the Jedi teachers #ept a careful watch on their apprentices% ever alert for the telltale

    signs of the headstrong apprentice who wanted $ore than they were ready for. &very Jedi disciple soon heard the

    dreadful cautionary tale of the gifted Jedi &xar Kun% and how he was lost to the dar# side by the arrogant belief that

    he could e$brace ,ith teachings and not be do$inated. If a great Jedi Knight could fall% their teachers told the$%they the$selves $ust tread with special care.

    The ancient Jedi believed in a great $any things we do not uphold to any$ore. ne such thing being that theytaught that attach$ent lead to the 3ar#side. (hile $any of the

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    path. ove in itself is not bad for the Jedi8 in fact it should be e$braced. ove does not cause one to fall% but the fear

    of loss of it can. If you wish to avoid such a pitfall you $ust do as

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    +t this one I a$ not an expert by far% but hopefully this helps you in your :uest.

    Tele,athy 8As /y Master Jade9

    I have #nown that I was a telepath $ost of $y life. It was just a natural thing for $e and fortunately $y fa$ily

    didn't deny or s:uash such concepts as $ost parents are prone to do. Thing is all hu$ans are telepathic but

    unfortunately society has trained it out of HR because of religious persecution. 60ou're consorting with the

    3evil6 ,pare $e. It's as natural as using your eyes or ears.

    (hat I wish to do is offer you several drills to develop your own telepathic s#ills.

    IG 3o this in an area where there are other people. )lear your $ind. 3o your deep breathing. et the rando$

    thoughts drift through your head. If your $ind is clear% where are those voices co$ing fro$/

    Q )an you identify different voices/

    Q =sually a person will spea# their thoughts a few seconds to a $inute after they thought of it.

    Q )an you deter$ine a person's actions by paying attention to the thoughts drifting through your head/ I use this

    when I a$ driving to avoid accidents. It reduces road rage considerably when you already #now where the other

    drivers are going.

    IIG (ith a friend or two% choose one person to thin# about a subjectcould be a picture% word% nu$ber% color%

    shape% etc. ,tart si$ple and wor# your way up in co$plexity. The other person relaxes and lets the thoughtsdrift through% focusing on the sender's thoughts. Keep trac# of your hits and $isses. ,witch bac# and forth.

    Q (hen you are playing your guessing ga$e do you feel a pressure on your forehead/ The traditional place of

    the third eyeG This occurs when so$eone is consciously thin#ing about you. )an you focus on that touch and

    open your thoughts to it/ 3oes it $a#e the words clearer/

    Q For the person who is sending8 relax and clear your $ind. Thin# naturally as is you were having a

    conversation thin# of it li#e an active daydrea$that helps to $a#e the focus better. )onsciously visuali-e your

    friend in your head.

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    Clairvoyance:Farseeing or *ensing the Future 8As /y Master Jade9

    This is another si$ple s#ill to develop. In any psychic function you want to put yourself in the sa$e place inyour thoughts where you daydrea$% but control the i$ages to where you can sense or see real places.

    D. 3eep breathing. &yes closed. Aisuali-e your own roo$.

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    Astral 'ro;ection 8As /y Master Jer'en (an9

    +stral projection is a $ethod for which the Jedi can leave his or her body% in order to visit other places% or tovisit the astral plane. The astral plane is a place of the $ind% but so vast that it is visited by several who have

    this ability. I$agine it as a $eeting ground for those who wish to escape their bodies and go to a place where

    their very thoughts can beco$e a reality. This is dangerous for anyone not at a

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    ,o how do you start learning how to control this s#ill/ First% by learning to recogni-e your own e$otions and

    thoughts and learning to separate what you are thin#ing S feeling fro$ the bac#ground noise that is in your

    head. This is why $editation is so i$portant.

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    esson Four# Jedi and *ith "vervie$ and 'o$ers

    A noble order of guardians and protectors6 unified by their belief and obserance of the Force6 the 5edi

    hearken back to a more ciili2ed6 classical time in galactic history. Their &rder is ancient6 spanning oer a

    thousand generations. As the 3alactic 'epublic throe and grew oer the centuries6 the 5edi &rder came to

    sere it as guardians of peace and %ustice.

    !ead7uartered on the galactic capital of "oruscant6 the 5edi trained6 studied6 and planned from theimpressie 5edi Temple6 a towering edifice rising high aboe the surrounding structures on the city-planet.

    They are goerned by a !igh "ouncil of 89 5edi - most of them 5edi $asters - who contemplate the ery

    nature of the Force.

    To become a 5edi re7uires the deepest commitment and most serious mind; it is not a enture which is to be

    taken lightly. As such6 5edi instruction is rigidly structured and codified to enforce discipline and hinder

    transgression. &nly 9: 5edi hae eer oluntarily renounced their commissions6 and it is with great regret

    that the 5edi &rder recogni2es the so-called 0ost Twenty. A 5edi who fails in his training can become a

    ery serious threat; the Dark side of the Force beckons to the impatient6 and students in the past hae beenlured to its call with deastating conse7uences.

    5edi candidates are detected6 identified6 and taken into the &rder as infants; all connections to preious

    family life are lost. 4n the early stages of training6 a single $aster instructs groups of 5edi hopefuls. As the

    5edi trainees mature6 each apprentice is paired with a 5edi $aster to continue the next phase of their

    training. According to the 5edi "ode6 a 5edi $aster may only hae on 1adawan learner at a time. At the end

    of the 1adawan

    There is no emotion; there is peace.

    There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.

    There is no passion; there is serenity.

    There is no death; there is the Force.

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    Although no two 5edi share identical beliefs and ideals6 eery member of the 5edi &rder follows the same

    fundamental philosophy that dictates their eeryday actions and behaior. (imilar to the 5edi "ode6 this

    philosophy is defined by many different interpretations6 often greatly dependent upon the nature and

    background of any particular 5edi. The galaxy is home to a great ariety of beings; the 5edi &rder6 haing

    members from nearly eery race in the galaxy6 by nature6 must allow its broad philosophy to be somewhat

    ariable and accommodating. 3eneral doctrines and principles are as follows>

    A 5edi must be aware of their enironment6 but must not allow it to affect them in any ways they donot desire.

    All 5edi6 from 1adawans to $asters6 can learn from one another. The true training of a 5edi does not come from listening to lecture.

    There is no try.

    A 5edi should use all aailable skills and resources.

    1atience can be as strong an ally as any weapon.

    A 5edi should neer allow themseles to relax and grow weak - een during times of peace.

    ery liing thing not only strengthens the Force6 but draws strength from it as well.

    A 5edi feels no heat or cold.

    A 5edi can extinguish pain.

    A 5edi rarely uses a lightsaber to settle a dispute - out-thinking and out-maneuering an opponentalways result in a better solution.

    Beware of the Dark side.

    A 5edi can neer be helpless - the Force radiates from all liing things.

    4n fear lies caution6 and in that caution lies wisdom and strength.

    A 5edi trusts the Force6 and seeks to resole problems by many methods> patience6 logic6 tolerance6listening6 negotiation6 persuasion6 and calming techni7ues.

    A 5edi fights only as a last resort - if forced to draw their lightsaber6 a 5edi has forfeited much of theiradantage.

    There are many times when a 5edi mustfight.

    &nce a 5edi builds it6 their lightsaber will become a constant companion6 a tool6 and a ready means ofdefense.

    A 5edi neer acts out of hatred6 anger6 fear6 or aggression - A 5edi must act when they are calm6 andat peace with the Force.

    A 5edi can wait as long as necessary.

    yes can be deceiing6 do not trust them - a 5edi places trust in the Force.

    The lightsaber is the weapon of a 5edi - an elegant armament of a more ciili2ed time. 4n comparison6

    blasters are crude6 inaccurate6 and loud affairs. To carry a lightsaber is a showcase of incredible skill and

    confidence6 dexterity6 and attunement to the Force.

    =hen deactiated6 a lightsaber appears as a polished metallic handle6 about ?: centimeters long6 lined with

    control studs. At the press of a button6 the energy contained within is liberated6 and forms as a shaft of pure

    energy about a meter long. The lightsaber hums and scintillates with a distinct sound; its shimmering blade

    is capable of cutting through almost anything6 sae for the blade of another lightsaber.

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    4n the hands of a 5edi6 a lightsaber is almost unstoppable. 4t can be used to cut through blast doors or

    enemies alike. =ith the aid of the Force6 a 5edi can predict and deflect incoming blaster bolts6 and reflect

    them back at the firer.

    0ightsabers hae changed little in the thousands of years of their employ by the 5edi. Thos who beliee the

    5edi &rder began on the ancient world of &ssus point to the abundance of Adegan crystals in the system as

    proof. There crystals are ideal for the creation of lightsabers6 as they focus the energy released from a


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    lsewhere in the 5edi Temple6 training facilities were staffed by reered 5edi $asters6 who guided young

    1adawans in their first steps toward 5edi #nighthood. The most influential of $asters had priate offices to

    plan and meditate. The 3reat 5edi 0ibrary @ The 5edi Archies housed infinite knowledge from across the

    galaxy. &ther chambers within the 5edi Temple included the 'oom of a Thousand Fountains6 which featured

    a huge greenhouse6 flowing waters6 and cascades. The temple also included lightsaber training areas6 as well

    as an area that proided iews of giant holographic star maps. Adanced communications networks kept the

    5edi in touch with galactic eents6 and the landing pads allowed 5edi transports and essels to launch and

    land 7uickly6 aoiding the constant crowding of "oruscant

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    1oison Detoxification - allows a 5edi to detoxify or expel poisons that hae entered their body.

    Disease "ontrol - allows a 5edi to direct and control the antibodies and healing resources of theirbody to counter and destroy diseases or infections within their body.

    1erceptie Trance - allows a 5edi to accelerate their mental processes to comprehend isual6 audio6and other sensory input.

    (hort-term $emory nhancement - allows a 5edi to replay recent eents in their mind6 in order tomore carefully examine mental images and peripheral occurrences. 4n addition to free2ing images6

    the 5edi can also scan memory tracks to recall details that were seen6 but originally not registered

    consciously at the time of obseration.

    +oice Amplification - allows a 5edi to amplify their oice to coer a defined area; the 5edi will be ableto speak6 sing6 or otherwise communicate erbally oer a much larger area than under normal


    Beast 0anguage Translation - allows a 5edi to both translate and speak in languages of beasts."reatures rarely hae true languages6 so the 5edi imparts and reads emotional differences within

    grunts6 growls6 and body languages.

    "reature (ummon - allows a 5edi to mentally speak to any creature6 asking it to come to their aidto accomplish a gien task; the 5edi cannot directly control the summoned creature.

    "ombat (ense - allows a 5edi to focus on the battle at hand; eerything else becomes dulled and

    muted as the 5edi

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    Translation - allows a 5edi to translate a language )spoken word6 body language6 ancient text6 etc.*6and speak it in kind. (ince they speak using beeps and whistles6 droids can also be communicated

    with by using this power. 4n order to be successful6 the 5edi must first hear the target speak6 or see

    the words in written form before forming a response or understanding.

    Truth (ense - allows a 5edi to sense whether or not a person beliees what they are saying is true; itdoes not sense if what they are saying is true in reality6 but only if the sub%ect beliees it in their mind.

    =eather (ense - allows a 5edi to attune himself to local weather patterns. By sensing the moementsof clouds6 winds6 tides6 and solar bodies6 they can obsere patterns in the weather6 and make limited

    predictions. This power does not lend itself to 7uick predictions; before using this power successfully6the 5edi must become accustomed to local weather patterns and topography6 which can often take


    atural Disaster (ense - allows a 5edi to sense local meteorological and geological conditions6 andpredict imminent disasters6 such as earth7uakes6 olcanic eruptions6 floods6 landslides6 etc. By

    opening their sense to the enironment6 5edi can predict these disturbances6 similar to how animals

    can seemingly sense natural disasters before they occur.

    $ediation - allows a 5edi to mediate between any number of parties6 for the purpose of coming to amutually acceptable agreement. 4n most cases6 the 5edi attempts to read the intentions of the parties

    inoled6 and then uses their %udgment and beliefs to render a decision.

    !ealing - allows a 5edi to help eliminate in%uries6 both in themseles and in others6 by mending flesh6muscle6 and bone.

    "oncentration - allows a 5edi to clear all negatie thoughts from their minds6 enabling them to feelthe Force flowing through not only their own being6 but eerything around them.

    "ontortion - allows a 5edi to escape physical restraints by contorting in painful and difficult6 yetphysically possible6 ways. By dislocating %oints6 softening bones6 and the like6 and at the same time6

    blocking out pain with the aid of the Force6 a 5edi can escape from almost any physical restraining


    4mitation - allows a 5edi to contort his features to imitate facial expressions6 and to control hismusculature to produce desired body language. This ability also lets the 5edi control their oices6

    allowing them to imitate a being

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    Danger (ense - allows a 5edi to extend their senses around themseles like protectie sensors6 in effectcreating an early warning system against potential threats.

    Directional (ense - allows a 5edi to sense the location or direction of a physical ob%ect by tracking itsresonance in the Force.

    lectronic (ense - allows a 5edi to detect actie electronics6 including droids that might otherwiseremain hidden from their normal senses.

    lectronic "ommunication - allows a 5edi to mentally communicate with electronic systems6 as ifusing receptie and pro%ectie telepathy. The 5edi can read the surface processes of an electronic

    system6 hear what the machine is processing6 and pro%ect their thoughts into the computer system.

    This ability is limited to sending short commands and re7uests to the system to gather information;

    the 5edi cannot reprogram the system in any way.

    Disguise - allows a 5edi to change arious components of their persona to disguise themseles6including pro%ected appearance6 oice6 and gestures; often times6 a 5edi can use this ability to

    impersonate other beings6 if the need arises.

    Farseeing - allows a 5edi to see the persons or places he wishes to see in his mind as the situationcurrently exists; the 5edi sees the immediate surroundings of the situation. This ability can also allow

    the 5edi to see the past or future. The past and the present are set6 and it is merely a matter of the

    5edi haing correct perceptions of the situation; howeer6 the future is neer set6 always in motion6

    and is therefore much harder to gather accurate predictions.

    mptiness - allows a 5edi to empty their mind6 and hae the Force flow through them. The 5ediseems to be in a deep meditation6 but is obliious to their surroundings. =hile in a state of

    emptiness6 the 5edi is difficult to sense or affect through the Force6 but dehydrates and hungers

    normally. =hen exiting a state of emptiness6 the 5edi

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    "ommune with ature - allows a 5edi6 while meditating outdoors6 to bond with all liing things in thearea and influence their deelopment; soil becomes more fertile6 plants begin to grow6 creatures sense

    tran7uility6 etc.

    Force (hield - allows a 5edi to surround their body with a protectie6 Force-generated shield6 whichcan be used to repel energy and physical matter. The shield is not particularly strong6 but it is

    enough to protect the 5edi from serious in%ury.

    (torytelling - allows a 5edi to entertain6 educate6 or make a point with relatie ease. =hile the 5editells the story6 the ery reality around them warps to accommodate the preailing theme; wind can

    pick up6 lights can flash6 unusual sounds can be heard6 etc.

    clipse - allows a 5edi to enshroud themseles in a camouflaging eil of the Force6 becoming hiddenfrom casual obserers. As the 5edi blends into their surroundings6 any smells6 sounds6 or moements

    emanated from them are muffled; droids and life-form sensors are not affected.

    1urification - allows a 5edi to seek out the taint of the Dark side in an area or a physical ob%ect andremoe it. The more taint present6 the easier it is to detect6 and the harder it is to remoe. The 5edi

    must remain undisturbed6 in a state of deep meditation6 while seeking out and purifying the taint.

    Force (peed - allows a 5edi to moe and act with the speed of thought; using the Force6 the 5edi isable to moe great distances almost instantaneously.

    Force 5ump - allows a 5edi to %ump great heights and distances; using the Force6 si2e and distancebecome irreleant.

    Force 1ull - allows a 5edi to pull physical ob%ects6 such as weapons6 away from the hands of theiradersaries and into their own. This ability can also retriee the 5edi

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    An ancient order of Force-practitioners deoted to the Dark side of the Force and determined to destroy the

    5edi6 the (ith were a menace long thought extinct. The current incarnation of the (ith is the result of a rogue

    5edi dissident from the 5edi &rder. Two thousand years ago6 this 5edi had come to the understanding that the

    true power of the Force lay not through contemplation and passiity; only by tapping its Dark side6 could itstrue potential be gained. The 5edi "ouncil at the time balked at this new direction6 and the 5edi was outcast6

    but he eentually gained followers to his new order. Awakening beliefs from the distant and dark past6 the

    new (ith cult continued to grow. =ith the promise of new powers attainable by tapping into the hateful

    energies of the Dark side6 it was only a matter of time before the order self-destructed. 4nternecine struggle

    by power-hungry (ith followers dwindled their numbers.

    &ne (ith had the cunning and discipline to surie. #nown as Darth Bane6 he restructured the cult so thatthere could only be two - no more6 no less - a master and an apprentice - at any gien time. Bane adopted

    cunning6 subterfuge6 and stealth as the fundamental tenets of the (ith &rder6 and took an apprentice. =hen

    that apprentice succeeded him6 that new (ith 0ord would take an apprentice6 and thus6 the (ith 7uietly

    continued for centuries.

    After long periods of secrecy6 it was Darth (idious6 through his apprentice Darth $aul6 who decided to take

    action against the 5edi &rder. By this time6 the 5edi had long belieed the (ith to be extinct - no more than afabled threat from the past6 and initial reports were greeted by the 5edi "ouncil with skepticism and

    hesitation. (urely6 if the (ith had returned6 they would hae detected it6 they reasoned. The Dark side6 for all

    its power6 ultimately6 is hard to detect when re7uired. Darth (idious was able to keep his presence a secret6

    een when sharing a world with the 5edi Temple.

    The sudden appearance of a (ith attacker during the Battle of aboo was startling to the 5edi "ouncil6 but

    the threat was dispatched. pon defeating Darth $aul6 the 5edi &rder reali2ed that the (ith menace was

    indeed true; what they hadn

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    Force 0ightning - by harnessing pure hatred and eil6 this allows a (ith to produce bolts of white andblue energy6 which are cast from their fingertips. pon striking their target6 these bolts cause intense

    pain and in%ury. &nly the most gifted 5edi6 by dissipating and absorbing energy6 is able to parry or

    dodge Force 0ightning.

    Aura of neasiness - allows a (ith to pro%ect a field of ague uneasiness and discomfort around them6causing non-sentient creatures to sense a ague uneasiness about them; often used as an intimidation


    Feed on the Dark (ide - allows a (ith to feed on the fear6 hatred6 anger6 or other negatie emotions ofothers6 to make themseles more powerful. The (ith will do eerything in their power to prooke

    negatie emotions6 including deception6 taunting6 threats6 etc. to allow themseles to feed off of them.

    Force =ind - allows a (ith to manipulate and channel air currents6 forming powerful and destructietornadoes that can lift and destroy beings and ob%ects.

    $ind "ontrol - allows a (ith to take control of other beings6 turning them into puppets andslaes who are forced to obey their eery will. 4n order to be effectie6 the (ith must be within a close

    proximity range of their potential target.

    =aes of Darkness - allows a (ith to dele into the darkness of their own spirit6 and dredge upfeelings of hatred6 greed6 rage6 fear6 and %ealousy that linger in shadowed recesses. sing the Force as

    a power source6 the (ith expels these ile emotions in waes of Dark side energy that radiate outward

    in an expanding sphere. Any beings or creatures caught in the disturbance suffer immediate

    confusion6 and soon flee the area in fear.

    Force (torm - allows a (ith to alter nature itself and create massie storms. "apable of creatingannihilating ortices6 these storms can swallow whole fleets of starships6 or tear and alter the surfaces

    of planets. se of this power re7uires focusing of hate and anger to an almost palpable degree6 and is

    considerably dangerous; in creating Force (torms6 the (ith often times fail at harnessing what they

    hae unleashed and are themseles consumed and destroyed.

    Doppelganger - allows a (ith to create a mirror image of themseles6 an illusion which seems real tothose indiiduals interacting with it. The (ith are able to sense all normal senses through the

    doppelganger6 and the duplicate seems to hae form and substance; the doppelganger registers as

    normal by droids and audio and ideo sensors. =hen fatally in%ured6 the doppelganger simply fades


    0ife nergy Drain - allows a (ith to draw power from nearby6 non-sentient beings to boost his energyleels6 permitting them to go long periods without suffering from fatigue or re7uiring sleep.

    0ife ssence Drain - allows a (ith to draw life energy from those around them6 and to channel thenegatie effects of the Dark side into those ictims. $any beings and creatures go through their daily

    lies wasting much of their life energy; this ability draws that lift energy and allows the (ith to use it

    to further their own ends.

    $ind =arp - allows a (ith to alter an indiidual

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    Blackness - allows a (ith to enshroud themseles in a camouflaging eil of the Dark side6 becominghidden from other beings and creatures. As the (ith blends into their surroundings6 any smells6

    sounds6 or moements emanated from them are muffled; droids and life-form sensors are not


    'age - allows a (ith6 by tensing themseles completely6 to be possessed by the mindless rage of theDark side. =hen in a state of rage6 the (ith