jennifer gerbasi brwiv

Parish Risk Reduction Programs Multiple Lines of Defense Presented by: Jennifer C. Gerbasi, Recovery Planner March 9, 2013 Building Resiliency Workshop Prepared by: TPCG Department of Planning & Zoning Recovery Assistance and Mitigation Planning Division

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Building Resilience Workshop IV - 2013


Building Resiliency Workshop

Presented by: Jennifer C. Gerbasi, Recovery Planner March 9, 2013

Bayous connected by intracoastal waterway (ICW) Houma Navigational Canal (our MRGO) 7 sizeable communities south of the ICW

Chauvin Dulac Montegut Theriot Grand Caillou Pointe aux Chenes BourgPopulation 113,000/ 22,961

New D-FIRM map places 98% of Parish in floodplain

Recovery Assistance and Mitigation Planning

1965 Hurricane Betsy 1985 Hurricane Juan 1992 Hurricane Andrew 2002 Hurricane Lili (1,000 + flooded structures) 2005 Hurricane Katrina & Rita (4,000 + flooded structures) 2008 Hurricane Gustav & Ike (3,235 flooded structures) 2011 Tropical Storm Lee 2012 Hurricane Isaac

$24M in HMGP funds prior to 2008$22.3M Gustav/Ike HMGP funds 334 Units Elevated or In Process through Parish Hundreds lifted by owners independently

Buyout72 units purchased through FEMA HMGP 24 planned purchases with HUD CDBG

Replacement HousingInfrastructure for mixed income housing Funds for infill housing Donations to nonprofits for building LMI housing

Limit fill in the floodplainLimit slab construction in the floodplain More block and pier homes

Include freeboard height above base flood All mobile homes meet new codes BenefitsProtect current assets from new development Preserve\ natural environmental benefits Avoid Parish liability for permitted activity Save money on all flood insurance in Parish

Recovery Assistance and Mitigation Planning

Tree preservation goals and objectives Permit required to clear acreage above 1 acre Engineering plan to retain water retention

Benefits:Water management Wind break Shade and recreation Bank stabilization and water quality

Increase Integrity of Barrier Island Systems Increase Vertical Accretion of Wetland Soils Maximize Habitat Diversity of Coastal Wetlands Ensure Development in the Parish is Consistent with this Plan

Terrebonne Parish Planning & ZoningEvolving Codes and Construction Methods Program Development and Funding Outreach for input, recruitment and education

ContactPatrick Gordon 985-873-6569 Jennifer C. Gerbasi 985-873-6565 8026 Main Street, Houma, Louisiana 70360