jenny rafanomezana - community based adaptation to climate change

Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change

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Post on 28-Jan-2015




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A presentation by Jenny Rafanomezana, policy co-ordinator with Self Help Africa, to the conference "Food Security & Climate Change in Africa", that was organised by Self Help Africa and hosted by the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences at University College, Dublin, as part of the programme of activities to mark 'Africa Day', in May 2010.


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Community Based Adaptation to

Climate Change

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On the frontline

Climate change is a reality for rural African communities

Coping with unpredictable rains

From coping to adaptation

Build resilience; reduce vulnerability

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Communities in Action

•Adapting to change

•Mitigating climate change

•Sharing knowledge; working together

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Understanding vulnerabiliy

•Differential and dynamic vulnerabilities

•Interaction between biophysical, economic and socio-cultural stressors

• Contextualise within other development challenges

Developing adaptation strategies;

prioritise & target adaptation responses

plan & deliver across range of scales

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CBA- whats new?

•Local understanding of climate change

•Local-level vulnerability assessments linked to long-term planning

•Community capacity to respond to dynamic change

•CBA and DRR

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Sustainable Agriculture

Productive Soils increasing organic matter is key to water retention

• Land preparation• Composting• Land/Crop Management

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Crop diversification & improved seeds

•Different crops

•Drought tolerant/early maturing varieties

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Using water wisely

•Sustainable catchment management

•Small-scale irrigation

•Water harvesting and storage

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Livelihood diversification

• Beekeeping, livestock, aquaculture

• Agri-business – processing, marketing

• Out of agriculture

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Carbon Sequestration

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Working together

•Farmer knowledge sharing and innovation

•Building local capacity – structures/organisations

•Partnerships – gov’t, research, NGOs, CBOs

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Gender & climate change

• . • Understanding differences in vulnerability

• Appropriate practices• Leadership roles in CBA planning, farmer extension, groups

• Access and control issues

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Scaling up

•Linking to district/regional planning

•Research and knowledge banks

•Disseminating experiences

•Engaging in policy debate local, national, international link to NAPAs

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Florence shares crop trial experiences on

national TV

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International level:learn, share, connect

International information sharing: • Africa adapt

• we adapt – google earth layer• CBA-X (Eldis)