jenz innovations hem 581 dl joins afrom another planet „no such thing as can´t do!“ 14-15...

Nr. 38, August 2011 JENZ innovations ... Vogel compost a sucessful BA 720 Biomass processing in Switzerland HEM 581 DL joins a Rottne Rapid Forwarder

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Page 1: JENZ innovations HEM 581 DL joins aFrom another planet „No such thing as can´t do!“ 14-15 Biomass processing in Switzerland LIGNA 2011 in Hanover 16 JENZ mobile chipper in action

Nr. 38, August 2011

JENZ innovations ...

Vogel compost – a sucessful BA 720

Biomass processing in Switzerland

HEM 581 DL joins a Rottne Rapid Forwarder

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JENZ GmbH Maschinen- und Fahrzeugbau, Wegholmer Str. 14, 32469 PetershagenTel.: +49 (0) 5704/9409-0Fax allgemein: +49 (0) 5704 / 9409-47 Fax Ersatzteile: +49 (0) 5704 / 1533

© August 2011

Chief Editor: Uwe Hempen-HermeierEditorial Contributions: Melanie GrieseLayout: Dagmar Middleditch

The contents of JENZ Aktuell have been compiled with great care and attention. We are not responsible for any inaccuracies within the publication or the information contained within.


Forword 3

JENZ innovations 4-5JENZ easysystem a proven success

How a BA 720 contributed to the success of Umweltpartner Vogel 6-7Vogel compost – quality made in Baden

„The best mobile chipper we have ever had“ 8-9Why Stefan Gredler chose the HEM 820 Z

facebook 10New meeting point for JENZ fans

A visit from Bavarian Televisionto JENZ 11A full on bioenergy role

Why Robert Johansson trusts an unusual and exceptional confi guration of the HEM 581 DL 12-13From another planet

„No such thing as can´t do!“ 14-15Biomass processing in Switzerland

LIGNA 2011 in Hanover 16JENZ mobile chipper in action

Trade exhibitions 2011 16

Big Thank You!We would like to thank the following contributors for their support in compiling this copy of JENZ Aktuell.Eberhard Hälbich, Thomas Schlien, Stefan Gredler, Thomas Jessen, Rolf Erb and Caroline Buchs

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Dear Reader,

In the foreword of the last edition of JENZ Aktuell, I wrote about the events in Fukushima and my view on nuclear energy. There is no doubt that nuclear energy plants should be shut down. The decision by the parties in the German Bundestag on nuclear phase-out is correct and will act as an economic stimulus plan for our country.

Renewable energy sources must and will play a decisive role in the nuclear phase-out. To a large extent, the technology is available and is already being applied in astounding ways in new and advanced developments. What societies need now is a raised awareness of sustainable practices or, in other words, „Local renewable solutions“.

Other important key principles include regional development and employment. Instead of channelling money to oil suppliers, we should encourage, for example, forestry and local machinery and plant manufacturers.

Our company actively applies these principles and promotes the use of renewable energy. We have been

using a thermal solar system to heat water since 1994. It still works perfectly. Back in 2001, we installed a wood-chip heating system to heat our halls, offi ces and adjoining buildings with „bio-warmth“. Our photovoltaic (PV) system was fi tted in 2008 on halls that had appropriate roof structures. Our new logistics centre is about to be completed and will also be fi tted with a PV system, with the purpose of providing 50% of our operating energy.

We will have achieved our ultimate goal after the installation of the new system: 100% of the energy and heating required by our business will be obtained from the sun and biomass, similar to bioenergy towns. We are very proud that we can now call ourselves a bioenergy-based company.

In future, it will be important to promote and implement alternatives. Our slogan can then change from „Atomic power? No thanks!“ to „Biomass? Yes certainly!“ or

„Biomasse? Ja sicher!“ in German. We have even designed a sticker - you will see it in future on our machines.

Happy reading! – 3

JA nr 38 englisch.indd 3 28.10.2013 14:16:07

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The BA 720 with the easycut and easycover tools used by Eberhard Hälbich to process

root wood. Work was made easier by directly equipping the

truck with JENZ machinery.

JENZ easysystem a proven successAfter the successful introduction of the easyfi t hammer and the easyguard wear protection during the past year, the easysystem range has been concluded with the easycover spacer and the easycut fi xed hammer. The system‘s key advantage is its easy assembly. The various tools are placed in the corresponding points in the rotor and secured, before mounting the hammer rod. The rod is attached by using the hammer and rotor protection tools, in order to secure it permanently. The assembly can be performed by one person and without the use of special tools. Thus the name „easysystem“. Particularly important is that the system has backwards compatibility: all customers who have a JENZ AZ 35 or larger waste disintegrator

or a BA 720 / 725 biomass processor, can fi t their machines with the new patented hammer system.

Four tools for all uses

Easyfi t is a free-swinging hammer which can be optimally used in breaking down old and scrap wood. It is fl exible enough to work around contaminated material to avoid possible damage. The smallest of the four tools, easyguard, protects the rotor body, hammer rod and bushing from wear and tear, as it prevents direct contact of these parts with the processed material. Unlike the easyfi t hammer, the easycut hammer is fi xed and does not swing. This means that it offers the considerable degree of cutting force required to process solid wood and tree roots.

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easyfi t


syfi t

easyfi t und easyguard



easycut und easycover

It replaces its predecessor, the Vario-Cut hammer. The new easycover performs a similar function to easyguard in protecting the rotor, hammer rod and bushing. However, its ultimate purpose is to restrict the cutting lengths since easycover‘s broad surface encloses the open rotor.

Furthermore, the system ensures that material does not reach the rotor during processing of shorter, harder tree roots, impact load is diminished, rotation is improved and the machine‘s lifespan is increased. At the same time this leads to improved output material.

Flexibility through interchangeability

The easysystem components can be interchanged. Possible combinations are described in detail in the operating manual.

Depending on the machine model, rotors are fi tted with 30, 38 or 42 tooling points. In previous systems with 80 mm wide blades, all points had to be occupied due to the narrow overlap. Easysystem presents a fundamental improvement with a 100 mm wide blade. The larger overlap means that the number of tools can be reduced to 18, 22 or 26, depending on the instructions in the manual, without impacting on the processing quality. It stands to reason that this has a considerable impact on cost-effectiveness, since 22 tools are cheaper than 38.

The advantages are not just hypothetical; they can be proven in the practical application of the machine.JENZ customer, Eberhard Hälbich, is absolutely convinced by the easycut and easycover combination. In April this year he used this tool combination to process root wood with about 10% soiling. Even after processing 2000 m³ of wood, the wear and tear on the blade was so slight that it did not have to be replaced. The tool costs were hard to beat at less than € 0,016/m³. The diesel consumption of 0.25l/m³ speaks for itself and emphasises the massive improvement in the cost-effectiveness of the new system. – 5

JA nr 38 englisch.indd 5 28.10.2013 14:16:12

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Vogel Compost – quality made in Baden

How a BA 720 contributed to the success of Umweltpartner Vogel BY JÜRGEN KRÜGER

Baden-Baden. Vogel Compost may be rather insignifi cant on an international scale and hardly noticeable nationally, but on a regional level, they are the top dogs. That is the best way to describe this company. „Vogel Compost is as well known in our region as Coca-Cola,“ says Bernd Steiner. The branch manager of JENZ-Mitte in Germany should know, since he is familiar with the area around Baden-Baden and knows his customers.

This must bring a smile to Thomas Schlien. „Yes, Vogel Compost has become a brand name in the region,“ admits the 45-year old. Schlien is a member

of the Supervisory Board of Umweltpartner Vogel AG which was founded in 1988 by Franz Vogel. He is also a member on the Umwelttechnik Vogel AG Board of Directors, the company‘s other arm. Umweltpartner Vogel AG operates two compost plants: one in Oberhausen-Rheinhausen (near Kronau) and another at the head offi ce in Bühl-Vimbruch, about fi fteen kilometres from Baden-Baden (a district town with 55,000 inhabitants in western Baden-Württemberg), directly off the A5.

The BA 720 D JENZ biomass processor has been used at these two sites since April 2011. „It is our new baby,“ says Thomas Schlien.

„And every baby needs a mother.“ Michael Durban fulfi ls this nurturing role, together with service and maintenance activities. „We produce biomass from green waste,“ explains Schlien, who is a knowledgeable landscaper and environmental consultant. This is then converted to the much sought after Vogel compost. After shredding, the processed green waste is distributed into piles about 3.5 m high. They are covered with a Gore Cover System and turned twice, using a JENZ turning machine.

Picture right to left:Thomas Schlien and Michael Durban, Arno Kunzmann and Bernd Steiner JENZ-Mitte


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This process last about eight weeks until the compost is ready and then the material is fi nely or coarsely screened into sacks or delivered loose to customers.

The green waste which is the raw material for making Vogel compost, is provided by private individuals, gardeners or municipalities. Until recently, Umweltpartner Vogel has contracted the shredding operations; however, due to the ever-increasing quantities of delivered green waste, Thomas Schlien and Franz Vogel decided to invest in a BA 720 D. The JENZ biomass processor is perfectly designed for the job at Vogel. This powerful machine is proving

itself. It incorporates the know-how of decades of experience. „The machine is superb. It has been thought-out to the smallest detail, it is user friendly and incorporates the latest technology,“ says Schlien.

The BA 720 D is driven by a 188 HP Fastrac, manufactured by the British company JCB. This combination has proved it´s worth, considering that the distance between each site is about 80 kilometres.

If we can describe Vogel Compost as being the regional top dog, but internationally insignifi cant, we can say the opposite of the company‘s other arm. Joint-stock company

Umwelttechnik Vogel AG uses the know-how of Umweltpartner Vogel AG to export worldwide the proven technology for producing high-quality compost. The company‘s legal form as joint-stock company was deliberately chosen to give it greater international recognition. However, in reality the same faces are behind the company, marketing its expertise and experience. Franz Vogel was among the fi rst entrepreneurs in 1988 who introduced ecologically sensible biomass processing. „Mother Nature loves it when waste is recycled,“ he says.

„This Machine is tip-top. Every

little detail has been tought of, it

is user friendly and has the latest

technology on board.“ – 7

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„The best mobile chipper we have ever had“Why Stefan Gredler chose the HEM 820 Z


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Karlsdorf-Neuthard. When Austrian Franz Gredler founded his company, Forst, near Karlsruhe, he certainly would not have imagined that fi fty years later more than sixty people would be working at Gredler und Söhne. Franz Gredler senior fi rst established the company in 1958 in Donaueschingen. His two sons, Franz and Peter Gredler, managed the company together. Stefan Gredler now represents the third generation having been at the helm for the past seventeen years.

Gredler und Söhne is a diverse company. According to Stefan Gredler the company‘s primary activity is tree care, mainly for cities, towns and municipalities. „Our tree care activities range from pruning young trees to tending tree crowns, through to cutting crowns for safety reasons, preserving, improving and safeguarding traffi c safety and the vitality of trees,“ explains Stefan Gredler. The company also makes use of machinery such as lift platforms, but when the use of machines is impossible, specially trained tree climbers are used to reach the tree tops.

A further diversifi cation is building site clearance, including root

stock clearing, for developing construction or industrial areas, as well as roads, airports or pipeline construction. Landscape management is a further area of activity of the company, as well as the production of biomass, in particular wood chips. Gredler und Söhne has built an excellent reputation in Germany and throughout Europe. „We deliver a wide variety of wood chips all year round to the quality and in the quantities customers require,“ says Stefan Gredler, indicating fi ve container trucks fi lled with wood chips for delivery. The trucks deliver mainly to wood chip power stations.

At the end of March 2011 Gredler und Söhne purchased a JENZ HEM 820 Z for their wood chip production. Currently, this model is the largest PTO-powered mobile chipper in the world. Designed for processing whole trees of up to 700 mm in diameter, as well as forest residue and light cuttings, the HEM 820 Z is able to convert the PTO power available from the new super tractors into chipping power. At Gredler und Söhne, a

Fendt 936 is used to drive the machine. The tractor‘s 360 HP is ideal for operating the giant JENZ mobile machines. Gredler und Söhne employs an experienced operator. Lois Rungger, a 51-year old machine operator, has been at home working with mobile chippers

for 15 years. He used to operate a JENZ HEM 560 Z which was returned as a second hand machine to the manufacturer.

Two other machine operators have been trained as back-up for Lois Rungger.

The new HEM 820 Z is used on a daily basis and is often away for several days. Chipping is performed directly at the construction site. During its fi rst three months, the massive JENZ mobile chipper had already been used for over fi ve hundred hours. Stefan Gredler‘s initial rating of the machine is fi rst class. „The machine is perfect. It is the best mobile chipper we have ever had,“ says this manager who is known for his straight talking. Besides the quality of the machine, another factor is very important, even decisive, when making a purchase decision. „The service from JENZ is unbeatable. Especially the collaboration with Bernd Steiner and his colleague, Arno Kunzmann,“ beams Stefan Gredler. Bernd Steiner is JENZ-Mitte Branch Manager in Germany and the site in Bruchsal is only a few kilometres from Gredler und Söhne in Karlsdorf-Neuthard. The proximity is certainly the cherry on the cake; however, Stefan Gredler is especially positive about the personal skill and enthusiasm of these two JENZ colleagues.

„The Service from JENZ is unbeatable.“

g – 9

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present your own JENZ-machine on facebook

facebookNew meeting point for JENZ fansFacebook has become THE social network. Since the platform was launched in February 2004, it has already acquired 700 million active users.

Mark Zuckerberg founded the company, together with four fellow university students. Originally Facebook was designed purely for students of one university. Gradually it became available to students of other universities and then to external users. Since early 2008, Facebook has also been available in Germany.

Although Facebook was initially only populated by individual user profi les, Facebook Connect has also enabled companies to have a presence. Currently 40% of companies have established themselves on the network. Naturally, JENZ does not want to miss out. The JENZ Facebook page was launched at the beginning of 2011.

Lots of news, pictures and videos have already been included and experiences are exchanged on JENZ-Fans. You can even show your own JENZ machine in action. The JENZ Facebook page currently has over 400 fans and these are growing daily. The 100 photos already uploaded show

how broad the JENZ fan base has become. The pictures range from the HEM 820 Z in Preußisch Oldendorf in North Germany to the BA 720 in Australia.

This selection is constantly being developed and updated by our loyal fans. Don‘t be shy to visit us on Facebook and click on „Like“. You can fi nd us at or you can visit our website and click on the Facebook logo.

We look forward to seeing you.

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A full-on bioenergy role

A visit from Bavarian Television to JENZBY JÜRGEN KRÜGER

Petershagen-Wegholm. As Deputy Chief Executive at JENZ, Hartmut Schneckener is no accomplished actor. However, in April this year, this 50-year old manager had to unearth his acting talent during a visit from Bavarian Television. The Bavarian producer along with a fi lm crew from Hanover wanted to make a feature on the BioBaler. The BioBaler is a combination of a round baler and a mulcher, manufactured by the Canadian company, Anderson. Weighing 6.5 ton and PTO driven, the machine harvests trees and shrubs with diameters of up to seven centimetres relatively easily. The bales produced weigh approximately 500 kg and are then converted to fuel by a biomass processor.

JENZ is now a distributor of Anderson BioBalers within the German-speaking territory and the Bavarian Television team wanted to fi lm the operation of this new machine. The four-minute feature was broadcast in April in the TV series „Unser Land“.

Filming took an entire day, since various fi lming locations were used and high quality standards were required by the fi lming company. „Some takes were fi lmed three or four times,“ explains Hartmut Schneckener. The crew fi lmed harvesting operations, for instance, in Ströhen with large windmills in the background, which made an excellent backdrop, as was later seen in the feature. „That‘s where we found the ideal open spaces,“ says Hartmut Schneckener.

At the Petershagen-Wegholm factory, a JENZ representative then showed viewers what happens to the pressed round bales which are held together with yarn. A BA720 processes all the bales and produces the biofuels used in large wood-fi red power stations. Hartmut Schneckener used his

experience in making presentations and put every effort into the fi lm shot. „That was a full-on bioenergy role,“ he says in hindsight. – 11

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From another planet

Why Robert Johansson trusts an unusual and exceptional confi guration of the HEM 581 DLBY JÜRGEN KRÜGER Östergötland. This vehicle looks like it comes from another

planet and yet it is travelling around Sweden. Precise location: East Gothland, a historic province spreading from

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the south Swedish highlands to the central lowlands.

The main cities in the area are Norrköping, Linköping and Motala. It is in Motala that MaskinCity AB has constructed its combination vehicle from a Rottne Rapid high-speed forwarder and a JENZ 581 DL mobile chipper. Since the machine was delivered in December 2010, Robert Johansson has been working in East Gothland producing wood chips.

The diesel-run machine is designed to process trees with a diameter of up to 56 cm, bushes and forest residue. The 490 HP Mercedes Benz engine is very

powerful and allows processing of up to 170 cubic metres of wood per hour. „That is a high-quality, powerful and reliable machine,“ says Robert Johansson. In order to quickly reach working sites and navigate fl exibly in various areas in East Gothland, Johansson chose the rare but effective combination of the HEM 581 DL and the Rottne Rapid.

Johansson is no stranger to JENZ as he has worked in the wood chipping industry for many years and had used the PTO-powered HEM 561 Z in the past. However, the current solution has met his needs with greater fl exibility. The Rottne/HEM 581 DL combination

is very versatile, includes a crane controlled by the forwarder, which can, therefore, be simply operated by Robert Johansson alone. The unusual deal was arranged by Thomas Jessen. The 28-year old is a partner with Kjeld Jensen in ReTec Miljö AB, who are distributors of JENZ machines in Sweden. Together with MaskinCity, Jensen and Jensen are responsible for the sale of such extraordinary confi gurations such as the Rottne/HEM 581 DL combination. It is quite possible that other vehicles from another planet will soon be travelling around Sweden. – 13

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Page 14: JENZ innovations HEM 581 DL joins aFrom another planet „No such thing as can´t do!“ 14-15 Biomass processing in Switzerland LIGNA 2011 in Hanover 16 JENZ mobile chipper in action

N.U.P Umweltpfl egetechnik GmbH is one of the largest companies of its kind in Switzerland. A few months ago, a JENZ biomass processor was added to the company‘s machinery stock. We investigated why this machine suits the company so well.

24 tractors, 5 walking excavators, 5 wheel loaders, 5 mobile chippers, 7 brush cutting machines - that is only part of the impressive machinery owned by N.U.P GmbH in Winterthur in the Swiss canton of Zürich. Rolf Erb founded the company sixteen years ago. The

business was started using a small reed cutting machine. Erb still remembers these early beginnings well and why he chose yellow as the company‘s colour. „A colleague pointed out the rust stains on my machine. He gave me a bucket of yellow paint which he had hanging around at home. I used it to give the machine a new coat of paint and liked it so much, I stayed with it.“

Today the company employs between 50 and 60 people. Its services range from brush cutting, hedge cutting, water construction and nature preservation, to green

waste recycling, composting, wood chip production and rootstock processing, as well as street clearing, transportation and winter services. N.U.P GmbH is active almost anywhere in Switzerland. The company has developed many of the machines it uses. Erb is very proud of this. He attributes the company‘s success primarily to his employees, loyal customers and modern technology. „We are always striving to lead in know-how and

No such thing as can‘t do Biomass processing in SwitzerlandBY CHRISTIAN LEITNER

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Visit for more information about

the company and the services they offer

technology. If something is not available, we build it ourselves,“ he assures us. His motto „No such thing as can‘t do“ fi ts perfectly into this philosophy. N.U.P GmbH does not have a single core service. „The secret lies in diversifi cation,“ says Erb.

He believes diversifi cation is equally important in biomass production. The spectrum is wide, encompassing the reutilisation of green waste, processing of rootstock and timber, as well as chipping branches. It was at JENZ that Erb found just the right machinery. The BA 720 was implemented at N.U.P GmbH in April 2011. The machine has a 6 m-long troughed belt in front of the entry point. This allows better processing of long lengths of wood and maximises the

machine‘s performance. Elb chose the XXL version 652 HP engine, which turned out to be a good choice. „We are very satisfi ed with the output.“ Since biomass is usually loaded onto push-fl oor trailers, the machine is equipped with a 6 m-long conveyor belt. A magnet roller removes any metal parts from the end product where required. The strongest argument in favour of the BA 720 is, however, its versatility. „The biomass this machine produces cannot be achieved with a chipper or a conventional shredder.“ The combination of stable rotors with 22 fi xed easycut tools make this possible. „We can chip branches of up to 70 cm in diameter and immediately afterwards process green waste for composting, all with one machine,“ says Erb

enthusiastically. The Vario-Flex serial controller makes it possible to adjust the motor speed according to the material processed and to operate the motor in an optimal load range. The result is low fuel consumption, less wear and optimal processing.

In conclusion, Erb gave us a preview of his newest project. „We are currently building a large biomass yard measuring 16,000 m². There we will use the BA 720 intensively. We are planning the launch this autumn.“ After a short pause, he says with an ambitious smile: „We have more new projects in the pipeline, but we‘d better not discuss these yet.“ – 15

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Datum Messe Ort FirmaAugust18.08. - 21.08. Forstmesse Luzern Luzern (Switzerland) JENZSeptember03.09. - 04.09. Wald- und Holztage Groß Heins JENZ07.09. - 11.09. MATEXPO Kortrijk (Belgium) Van Bemmel08.09. - 11.09. MAXPO Hyvinkää/Helsinki (Finland) Ideachip08.09. - 10.09. Inno Lignum Sopron (Hungary) Forest Power20.09 - 22.09. Recycling Gorinchem (Netherlands) Van Bemmel23.09. - 25.09. Forlener Biella (Italy) Ladurner22.09. - 24.09. Klimaenergy Bozen (Italy) LadurnerOctober11.10. - 13.10. Austrofoma Stift Rain / Steiermark (Austria) JENZ Austria18.10 - 20.10 Expobioenergia Valladolid (Spain) MasiasNovember09.11. - 12.11. Ecomondo Rimini (Italy) JENZ/Ladurner15.11. - 19.11. AGRITECHNICA Hanover JENZ29.11. - 02.12. Pollutec Paris (France) Noremat30.11. - 04.12. Austro Agrar Tulln (Austria) JENZ Austria

Trade exhibitions 2011Correct 18.08. Subject to change

LIGNA 2011 in Hanover A JENZ mobile chipper in action (mgr/dmi) From 30 May to 3 June, interested trade visitors were shown new products and services at the LIGNA fair in Hannover, which occupied a surface area of 130,000m², with 1765 exhibitors. A defi nite international quality characterised the world-known wood and forestry industry fair with its 90,000 visitors coming from 90 countries

This international fl avour, in particular due to the South American visitors, was also perceptible at the JENZ stand. JENZ customers and interested visitors, were able to take a close look at the HEM 820 Z. Several keen groups gathered at regular intervals to catch the demonstration of this PTO-powered machine.

In addition to seeing the HEM 820 Z, JENZ customers got their money‘s worth with close-up views of the Chippertruck HEM 581 R and HEM 582 Z exhibited at other stands.

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JA nr 38 englisch.indd 16 28.10.2013 14:18:18