jeopardy application software application software ii system software system software ii computing...

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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SoftwareApplication Software II

System Software

System Software II

Computing Alternatives

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In a spreadsheet, the intersection of a

column and a row forms this.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

A Cell


The software best for creating a newsletter.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Desktop Publishing software (DTP)


Microsoft Office is an example of this.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Software Suite


You use this command to save an existing file with

a new name or a new location.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Save As


The type of software you would use to help you

with coordinating many people on a single project.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Project Management SW


An application that does not need to be installed but is run directly from

the Web.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Web-based Software program


Forms that provide the basic structure for a particular kind of


After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.



Quickbooks and Peachtree are examples of this type

of software.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Business Accounting


In a spreadsheet, equations you build yourself using

values and cell references are called these.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.



ESRB is responsible for providing this.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Ratings for game software


The place where files deleted from the hard drive reside until you purge them

from your system.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Recycle Bin


Small programs that perform many of the general

housekeeping tasks for the computer such as maintenance

and file compression.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Utility Programs


A program that is freely available for developers to use or modify as they


After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Open-Source Program


This series of keystrokes activates the Task


After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Ctrl + Alt + Delete


This enables users to interact with the computer.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

User interface


A multiuser, multitask operating system used

primarily with mainframes as a network operating


After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.



This user interface displays graphics and uses the point-and-click technology of the

mouse and cursor.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

GUI (graphical user interface -

pronounced “gooey”)


A program that takes out redundancies in a file to

reduce the file size.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

File Compression Utility


This entails providing organizational structure to the

computer’s contents.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

File management


This coordinates the activities of the processor

and uses RAM as a temporary storage area for


After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Operating System


Name the 2 popular companies that

manufacture computer processors.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Intel and AMD


The popular software suite made by Microsoft that allows a user to do word

processing, create spreadsheets, and develop


After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Microsoft Office


The cell address of an item at row 7, column

F of the worksheet.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.



The popular Microsoft Operating System preinstalled

on most new computers for purchase today.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

Windows Vista


A free email alternative to Microsoft Outlook.

After clock alarms, click to reveal question.

Click to start clock.

