jeopardy theatricalism existentialism/ epic theatre romanticismtheatre of the absurd symbolism...

Jeopardy Theatrica lism Existential ism/Epic Theatre Romantici sm Theatre of the Absurd Symbolism $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

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Post on 29-Dec-2015




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JeopardyTheatricalism Existentialism/

Epic TheatreRomanticism Theatre of

the AbsurdSymbolism

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Double JeopardyRenaissance/ Realism

Naturalism True/ False

$200 $200 $200

$400 $400 $400

$600 $600 $600

$800 $800 $800

$1000 $1000 $1000

Final Jeopardy

Welcome to Theatre Jeopardy

Theatre Styles

$100 Question Theatricalism

Describe the Theatrical movement

$100 Answer Theatricalism

Audience takes active role by watching critically

$200 Question Theatricalism

What century did this style start?

$200 Answer Theatricalism

20th century

$300 Question Theatricalism

In order to keep the Illusion of the theatre this styles believes that ………..

$300 Answer Theatricalism

Nothing should separate the audience from the actor

$400 Question Theatricalism

This style received its inspiration by turning away from with theatre style?

$400 Answer Theatricalism


$500 Question Theatricalism

Name a famous playwright from this style

$500 Answer Theatricalism

Bertolt Brecht

$100 Question Existentialism/Epic Theatre

Describe the this theatre movement

$100 Answer Existentialism/Epic Theatre

Humans must accept responsibility for their


$200 Question Existentialism/Epic Theatre

What century did this movement begin?

$200 Answer Existentialism/Epic Theatre

Mid-20th century after the birth of theatricalism

$300 Question Existentialism/Epic Theatre

This style believed that even though our existence is unexplainable

ultimately human what?

$300 Answer Existentialism/Epic Theatre

Have freedom of choice/they are the masters of their own


$400 Question Existentialism/Epic Theatre

Why does the Epic theatre believe that audience members should not form strong bonds with the actors?

$400 Answer Existentialism/Epic Theatre

Actors should cause the audience to reflect on their

individual lives

$500 Question Existentialism/Epic Theatre

What is the usual theme and purpose of the epic theatre?

$500 Answer Existentialism/Epic Theatre

Political dramas is purpose is to educate

$100 Question Romanticism

Describe the Romanticism movement

$100 Answer Romanticism

It was a devotion to beauty, and worship of nature

$200 Question Romanticism

What century did this style began?

$200 Answer Romanticism

19th Century

$300 Question Romanticism

This style spring from what culture ?

$300 Answer Romanticism


$400 Question Romanticism

Plays of this era focused on what?

$400 Answer Romanticism• Focused on emotions, sentiment and

imagination• Elaborately staged and used supernatural

elements• Hero’s were independent and defended

individually• Common theme was the gulf between

spiritual and their physical limitations

$500 Question Romanticism

    Broke the tradition of the neoclassical and the classical which where what?

$500 Answer Romanticism

Biblical Paly and stock characters

$100 Question Absurd

Describe the Absurdist movement

$100 Answer Absurd

Communication between humans is impossible

$200 Question Absurd

What time period did this movement start?

$200 Answer Absurd


$300 Question Absurd

The theme of the Absurd play is what?

$300 Answer Absurd

Illustrate man kinds lack of knowledge

$400 Question Absurd

How were this plays presented

$400 Answer Absurd • Plots do not have traditional structure

• Characters are not realistic and they usually fail to communicate

• Setting is frequently a strange, unrecognizable locale

• Dialogue seems to make little sense and the language is unreliable

$500 Question Absurd

This movement believes that we can be free if we what?

$500 Answer Absurd

Give up the quest for knowledge and admit that the mysteries of the world will always be a mystery

$100 Question Symbolist

Describe the symbolist movement

$100 Answer Symbolist

The most pure creation is accidental

$200 Question Symbolism

What time period did this movement start?

$200 Answer Symbolism

Late 19th century

$300 Question Symbolism

The actors symbols for _______ and the set was _______

$300 Answer Symbolism

the unknown and often fiction

$400 Question Symbolism

How do symbolic images represent emotions, ideals, and values?

$400 Answer Symbolist • Symbolic images rather than concrete actions would be

the basic means of communication and represented emotions, ideals, and values

• Characters were figures representative of the human condition

• Stage pictures had only the bare essentials necessary to evoke the dramatic universe

• Themes were chosen from myth or fairy tales and used poetic language and a deliberately artificial style of staging

$500 Question Symbolist

Which popular C.S. Lewis childern’s novel is a perfect example of this movement?

$500 Answer Symbolist

The lion, witch and the wardrobe

$200 Question True/False

Naturalism presented a slice of life on stage

$200 Answer True/False


$400 Question True/False

Existentialist writers accept traditional beliefs

$400 Answer True/False


$600 Question True/False

Naturalist did not believe in scientific discoveries

$600 Answer True/False


$800 Question True/False

Symbolist playwrights believed God didn’t exist.

$800 Answer True/False


$1000 Question True/False

Realism arose as a response to the giant spectacle melodramas that were popular in the 19th century.

$1000 Answer True/False


$200 Question Naturalism

Describe this movement simply

$200 Answer Naturalism

“Real flies on real meat”

$400 Question Naturalism

What major difference does this movement break that most other do not?

$400 Answer Naturalism

The 4th wall

$600 Question Naturalism

Naturalism create the illusion of what?

$600 Answer Naturalism


$800 Question Naturalism

What kind of subject matter did naturalist plays present?

$800 Answer Naturalism

The boredom, depression and frustration of everyday life

$1000 Question Naturalism

What things is naturalism based on?

$1000 Answer Naturalism• Based views on contemporary scientific theory

• Aimed to present ordinary life as accurately as possible – no theatrical sense – in the extreme “slice of life” and

“real flies on real meat”• Showed how human beings act in response to forces of

nature and society that are beyond their control• Subject matter emphasized the boredom, depression, and

frustration of contemporary life

$200 Question Realism/Renaissance

Describe this movement

$200 Answer Realism/Renaissance

Uses the 4th wall

$400 Question Realism/Renaissance

What time period did this movement begin in?

$400 Answer Realism/Renaissance

End of the 18th century

$600 Question Realism/Renaissance

This movement was unique because writers refused to

$600 Answer Realism/Renaissance

make simple moral judgments or to resolve dramatic action neatly

$800 Question Realism/Renaissance

How did Realism change contemporary theatre?

$800 Answer Realism/Renaissance

Ushered in modern theatre and changed contemporary theatre in every aspect, from scenery, to styles of acting, from dialogue to makeup

$1000 Question Realism/Renaissance

What things are realism based on?

$1000 Answer Realism/Renaissance

• Replaced the artificial romantic style with accurate depictions of people in plausible situations

• Writers refused to make simple moral judgments or to resolve dramatic action neatly

• Presents life as it actually is; characters talk, dress, and act as people in ordinary life do

• Actors attempt to become their characters; living their lives in real room with the audience spying on them through the invisible fourth wall

Final Jeopardy

What is the purpose of theatre styles? What is the purpose of such style classifications? Why did they arise and why do we study them?

Final Jeopardy Answer

Your opinion