jessica nourse spring 2015

JESSICA NOURSE Design Portfolio

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Graphic Design Portfolio


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JESSICA NOURSEDesign Portfolio

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JESSICA NOURSEI studied at San Francisco State University for four years in the Design and Industry Program (DAI). While there, I was set with many challenges that pushed me to become the most well rounded, informed designer that I could be. As opportunities were presented to me I was able to take advantage of a study abroad program to Dublin, Ireland in 2013. I spent my junior year at the Dublin Institute of Technology. In 2015 I became a member of Epsilon Pi Tau honor society.

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24 House M.D.

Connect Camden

Westlake Coffeeshop


Nikki Giovanni

Natural Hair





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Kinetic Typography48

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This concept application for smart phones was created to promote the eclectic Camden Street. Geared towards current residents, this application encourages them to connect with their local markets, businesses and neighbors. Users would be able to find quirky facts about the local markets and business they most commonly visited. Using a fun and interactive questionnaire, when completing one the user will receive rewards and discounts to these businesses. Using a simple linear interface, the application is easy to navigate and easy to use. Connecting also through the website, users can gain easy access to there accounts where users can further reach out and connect with fellow users and locals and learn about events in the surrounding area. This application is an interactive experience for locals to utilize and rediscover Camden Street.


Adobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Illustrator CS6Adobe InDesign CS6


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Home Screen: The user has information they can explore and learn about what is happening on Camden Street.

Explore Screen: The user can find information about pubs, art, restaurants and shops.

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Restaurant Screen: The simple linear design makes it easy to navigate through the app.

Informational Screen: The user can easily learn more about a specific restaurant with a click of the image.

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Aracne Ultra Condensed LightCalibriabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789


CMYK: 67, 100, 41, 53RGB: 65, 7, 57

CMYK: 0, 60, 85, 0RGB: 245, 131, 60

CMYK: 79, 17, 52, 1RGB: 34, 157, 141

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 64, 56, 53, 27RGB: 89, 89, 91

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We created an app that coincides with the interactive wall which will allow customers to collect the data they have learned and created for themselves and bring it home with them to use and review once they leave the wine store. We broke down the individual identifying factors of wine, such as aromas, regions, etc., and made them easily accessible to view and understand. Th en based on what each user chooses and inputs into the wall, they will be able to gather these quantifi able data pieces into their own unique selection of wines and words into their own personal app.


Adobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Illustrator CS6Adobe InDesign CS6


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Welcome Screen: Typography was a large factor into making decisions about the fi nal design.

Wine Aroma: Words were carefully chosen to best describe the types of wines available.

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Wine Selection: Wine suggestions give three diff erent choices that best suit your taste and meal.

Entree Selection: Use of images and icons make the app more interesting.

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Menu Suggestions: Every decision the user makes helps guide into the perfect pairing.

Map Screen: We imagined this app and wall instillation to be integrated into all types of restaurants to expand on users wine experience.

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Wall Instillation: These are examples of what the user would see when interacting with the wall.

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Quiz Opener: These are examples of what the user would see when interacting with the wall.

Quiz Question: It prompts the user with yes or no questions to better help the user decide what type of wine they might like.

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Info on Wine: When the user chooses a wine they might like more information and facts are given.

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Nobel Light




CMYK: 71, 64, 63, 64RGB: 43, 44, 44

CMYK: 24, 20, 23, 0RGB:195, 191, 187

CMYK: 36, 94, 85, 57RGB: 91, 18, 20

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R StudioExcelAdobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Illustrator CS6Adobe InDesign CS6

For this data visualization I chose the topic of the hit television show House M.D. A popular medical drama, Dr. House and his team face mysterious cases in each episode bring viewers to the edge of their seats to finally come up with a diagnosis to save the patient’s lives. In creating this poster it was important to have clear storytelling ability. For fans of the show they can easily identify with information given and for new viewers this poster gives some insider information on some of the most popular episodes. In this project I tried to create cohesion in the colors and strict grid to help the viewer easily distinguish how graphs and data link together.



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Arterio-Venous Malformation


Heavy Metal Poisoning





Severe Allergic Reaction

Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

Vitamin K Deficiency

Wilson's Disease

Celiac Disease

Patent Ductus Arteriosus


Myasthenia Gravis

Damned If You Do

Episode Titles Diagnosis


Sports Medicine


Babies & Bathwater




TB or Not TB


The Mistake

Skin Deep


Who's Your Daddy?

Que Será Será

Finding Judas

Merry Little Christmas

Words and Deeds

Top Secret

House Training


The Jerk

97 Seconds

Whatever It Takes

It's a Wonderful Lie

Living the Dream

Dying Changes Everything

Not Cancer

The Itch


Let Them Eat Cake

Big Baby

Here Kitty

Under My Skin

Both Sides Now

Known Unknowns


Ignorance Is Bliss



Moving the Chains


Unplanned Parenthood

Carrot or Stick

Family Practice

Last Temptation


The Fix

Dead & Buried

Nobody's Fault

Body and Soul

The C Word

The Socratic Method

Episodes with more than one diagnoses

Three Stories


Man of the House

With close to 200 episodes there are a few diagnoses that reoccur in the show. In this parallel coordinate I illustrate some of the most common disease seen on the show.

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1 105



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24










In my research, I found that doctors use the term zebra as a rare and unexpected and uncommon diseases a doctor will face in a patient. In this data visual I created a scale of 1-10 showing each episode and the likelihood of the patients final diagnosis in the real world.

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Ep 21: Three Stories,A critical episode in the development of House's character and his backstory.

Ep 6: The Socratic Method,House and the team work withthe son of a schizophrenic woman who has been diagnosed with alcoholism. Intrigued by her schizophrenia and the fact she hasa condition she's too young to get, he takes her case and finds multiple problems.

Ep 21: Forever,The team is faced with a woman whose behavior appears to be a threat to her newborn son.

Ep 23: Who’s Your Daddy,A Katrina survivor, presumably the granddaughter of a famousblues singer, convinces House's friend Dylan Crandall that he is her father.

Ep 8: Whac-A-Mole,A young man collapses at his job, and House makes a game of establishing the diagnosis until things turn critical.

Ep 24: No Reason,While trying to figure out the disease of a man whose tonguehas swollen grossly, an old patient ofDr. House comes back to seek revenge and shoots him.

Ep 12: One Day One Room,House is sent to Clinic dutyand has four patients. One has a cockroach in his ear, the second has athlete’s foot in his nose from using a toenail clipper, the third patient is diagnosed with an STD and finally the fourth had swallowed a magnet.

Ep 15: House’s Head,House suffers a concussionin a horrendous bus accident and loses his memory of the events just before the crash.However, as he starts to recover his memory, he becomes sure that one of his fellow passengers was suffering a life-threatening illness and risks his own recovery in order to prove that he was right.

Ep 1: Broken,House fights his doctors, the staff and his fellow patients when he's forced to stay in the psychiatric hospital under threat of permanently losing his medical license.

Ep 12: Painless,At Cameron's urging, House and the team take on the case of a man living with such severe chronic pain that he tries to kill himself, unable to go on after living for years without a diagnosis or any relief from his suffering.

Ep 21: Help Me,Cuddy, House and members of the team join forces with asearch-and-rescue team to provide much-needed medical attention at the scene of an emergency.

Ep 22: After Hours,Thirteen's ex-con friend, Darrien, arrives at Thirteen's apartment unannounced and in need of urgent medical attention. Meanwhile, House deals with devastating information, and Taub begins to come to terms with surprising news.

Ep 15: Blowing the Whistle,House treats a sick soldier who is under heavy guard because he has leaked a video of a military massacre. Meanwhile, Wilson and the team start to believe House's vicodin use has caused permanent damage.

Ep 4: Massage Therapy,When a patient is admitted after suffering severe and uncontrollable vomiting, House and the team make unexpected discoveries about her identity as they assess her symptoms.

Ep 13: Man of the House,House treats a marriage expert who collapses during a seminar.The team finds that a lifestyle change have caused him to develop several diagnosis.

Ep 7: Ugly,House and his team are hampered by a reality television crew whilst battling over possible diagnoses for a craniofacial surgery patient.

Ep 7: Teamwork,After House's medical license is reinstated, he reclaims his role as Head of Diagnostics in time to treat Hank Hardwick, an adult film star admitted to Princeton Plainsboro for pulsating eye pain.

In this timeline-like graph I used information from to show user ratings of each episode of the show. From a rating of 1-10, I wanted to easily illustrate the show’s highs and lows in popularity. With some of the highest and lowest rated episodes I gave a brief synopsis. Also for the viewer they will notice the change in colors of the lines indicate different episodes.

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04 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50

Season premiere viewers (millions)



Doogie Howser M.D.


House M.D.

Grey’s Anatomy


General Hospital

To compare House to some other American medical dramas this graph shows seven different shows and their average number of viewers for each season.

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Number of Episodes


EpisodesNumber of Lies*

*lies told by patients that affected their final diagnosis

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8














This stacked graph illustrates the number of lies told by a patient that affected the doctors finding their final diagnosis.

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CMYK: 24, 14, 100, 0RGB: 204, 195, 32

CMYK: 36, 14, 15, 0RGB: 162, 192, 203

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 32, 11, 0, 0RGB: 163, 205, 255

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The brief was to create a billboard to promote the IMRAM Irish Literature Festival for 2013. The design of the billboard had to be an interpretation of one of the poems that would be read at the festival. The word IMRAM means a “voyage of discovery” and every year they have a festival promoting modern Irish literature. In this we were asked to create a billboard focusing on typography to convey the message of a poem that was provided. I used a line from the poem “Filleadh ar an gCathair” by Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh. The poem talks about the poet coming back to the city and what she felt and experience while she was there. In the last line “my ear tuned to traffic’s song”, I thought of street noise and places like Times Square and how could I visual depict those experiences.


Adobe Illustrator CS6Skills

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These soundwave-like patterns in this design were too simple.

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These are several of my illustrations and ideas for the billboard

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Using black and white did not convey the liveliness of city-living.

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IMRAMFÉILE LITRÍOCHTA GAEILGE Irish Language Literature Festival, 10–19 Deireadh Fómhair/October 2013, AI







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mo chluas le hamhrán tráchta

The use of a white background still did not give the message I was trying to portray.

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CMYK: 100, 100, 0, 0RGB: 46, 49, 146

CMYK: 100, 0, 100, 0RGB: 0, 166, 81

CMYK: 0, 0, 100, 0RGB: 255, 242, 0

CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 0RGB: 237, 28, 36

Arial RoundedABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789

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The brief was to rebrand a restaurant and create a new logo. Westlake Coffeeshop has been a staple in its’ community for over 60 years in Daly City, California. They strive to create a space of family and comfort. For me it was important to incorporate history and to best represent the community of Westlake. To best illustrate this new brand I focused on the words retro, traditional, comfortable, friendly and family oriented.


Adobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Illustrator CS6Adobe InDesign CS6


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Westlake Coffeeshop has a perfect blend of old and new. It is important to portray that through the logo and throughout the brand. The shapes created were representations of shapes seen around the neighborhood of Westlake. The colors chosen were individually picked as what we feel to best evoke the retro feeling that is present in the restaurants atmosphere. For type we made sure to find the perfect combination that represented a blend of retro and modern, using both a script font and geometric sans-serif. Because both the type and shapes represent the brand it can also be said that they can be used separately in products and other forms of the branding but must maintain their orientation and shape.

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This alternate logo is recommended to be used when the primary does not fit the space provided. It is an landscape version of the primary logo. By moving the type to the center of the shapes we have create, we are still able to keep the same blend of retro and modern, the perfect blend that represents Westlake.

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Going further with the overall brand I tried to incorporate new patterns and designs that further set the tone of the brand.

Using various types of products, I made mockups of how I wanted the brand to look. Keeping the shapes and reusing them helped elevate the overall look of the brand.

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LEFT: In these example there are samples of a holiday version that could be used from November to January. In the holiday versions we still stick to the primary colors and replace the original shapes with identifi able starburst shapes that are seen throughout the 1950’s.

RIGHT: Playing with the logo on diff erent products I used this mug to explore new options.

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CMYK: 18, 77, 100, 7RGB: 191, 87, 39

CMYK: 82, 40, 60, 22RGB: 46, 106, 98

CMYK: 27, 33, 100, 2RGB: 188, 158, 47

Century GothicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789

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Adobe After Effects CCAdobe Audition CC

A 30 second kinetic type video that uses time, motion, and sequence to interpret and sync words in a visual manner. The point of this project is to demonstrate knowledge of basic typography, type in motion, and knowledge of After Effects. The focus is to convey aspects of speech, tone, emotion, and mood using motion and synchronization of type and audio, using a maximum of two typefaces.



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Using only the lyrics we had to invoke the tone of the music

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It was important to focus on synchronization as well as typography

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CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 82, 53, 17, 1RGB: 58, 113, 160

CMYK: 75, 68, 67, 90RGB: 0, 0, 0

CMYK: 30, 47, 0, 0RGB: 180, 144, 208

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Adobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Illustrator CS6Adobe InDesign CS6Adobe After Effects CCAdobe Audition CC

Create a commemorative box set that is in memoriam for a event honoring Nikki Giovanni who is a feminist, poet, writer and teacher. Nikki Giovanni was a black American poet during the Black Arts Movement, whose expressive writing gave her readers a sense of life in America during defining times. In this special edition commemorative box set I created a poster, DVD trailer, DVD, book and vessel to celebrate her activism.



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For the final piece I created a setting that embodies Nikki Giovanni. Using this vintage leather bag and glasses suggest to Giovanni’s style and emulates her family values of heirlooms.

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For the DVD set, I nodded to her success for her spoken word poetry albums.

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In the final design I created a 5X8.5 book to tell Nikki Giovanni’s story. The cover is a rendition of the final poster to keep the set cohesive and represents her struggles and perseverance as a woman during the Black Arts Movement.

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44 45

Nikki Giovanni: A voice for Tradtion

loved ones and it recalls memories of nature, theater, and the glories of children. However, Giovanni’s fiery persona still remains a constant undercurrent in Acolytes, as some of the most serious verse links her own life struggles (being a black woman and a cancer survivor) to the wider frame of African-American history and the continual fight for equality.

Giovanni’s collection Bicycles: Love Poems (2009) is a companion work to her 1997 Love Poems. They touch on the deaths of both her mother and her sister, as well as the massacre on the Virginia Tech campus. “Tragedy and trauma are the wheels” of the bicycle. The first poem (“Blacksburg Under Siege: 21 August 2006”) and the last poem (“We Are Virginia Tech”) reflect this. Giovanni chose the title of the collection as a metaphor for love itself, “because love requires trust and balance.”

In Chasing Utopia: A Hybrid (2013), Giovanni describes falling off of a bike and her mother saying, “Come here, Nikki and I will pick you up.” She has explained that it was comforting to hear her mother say this, and that “it took me the longest to realize – no, she made me get up myself.” Chasing Utopia continues as a hybrid (poetry and prose) work about food as a metaphor and as a connection to the memory of her mother, sister, and grandmother. The theme of the work is love relationships.

In 2004, Giovanni was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album at the 46th Annual Grammy Awards for her album The Nikki Giovanni Poetry Collection. This was a collection of poems that she read against the backdrop of gospel music. She also featured on the track “Ego Trip by Nikki Giovanni” on Blackalicious’s 2000 album Nia. In November 2008, a song cycle of her poems, Sounds That Shatter the Staleness in Lives by Adam Hill, was premiered as part of the Soundscapes Chamber Music Series in Taos, New Mexico.

She was commissioned by National Public Radio’s All Things Considered to create an inaugural poem for President Barack Obama. Giovanni read poetry at the Lincoln Memorial as a part of the bi-centennial celebration of Lincoln’s birth on February 12, 2009.

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard child-hoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and you

and your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’ll

probably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happyit isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference

but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

it isn’t your father’s drinking that makes any difference but only that everybody is together and youand your sister have happy birthdays and very good Christmasesand I really hope no white person ever has cause to write about mebecause they never understandBlack love is Black wealth and they’llprobably talk about my hard childhoodand never understand thatall the while I was quite happy

“A lot of people refuse to do things because they don’t want to go naked, don’t want to go without guarantee. But that’s what’s got to happen. You go naked until you die.”

Here are two spreads excerpts from inside the final book. The top image connects Nikki’s life at home with her alcoholic father while the bottom image is a part opener referring to Nikki’s three important people in her life, her grandmother, sister and mother.

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CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100RGB: 0, 0, 0

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Adobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Illustrator CS6Adobe InDesign CS6Adobe After Effects CCAdobe Audition CC

In a narrow standard of beauty when it comes to hair I wanted to create a campaign to celebrate the various textures of natural black hair. Black women’s hair comes with a complicated history and meaning. The way others and black women themselves see natural hair can sometimes be negative which leads to insecurities in black women. From my own journey to going natural I found it very important to learn and love my own hair. With that experience I wanted women to have an easy transition to their new hairstyle. By creating this design I encourage women and bring awareness to beauty in natural hair. Curly Crown challenges the standard of beauty in hair giving natural hair a spot in the spotlight.



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1619: First slaves brought to Jamestown; African language, culture and grooming tradition begin to disappear.

Calling black hair “wool,” many whites dehumanize slaves. The more elaborate African hairstyles cannot be retained.

1600 1700

Natural hair on African American women has become a popular trend in the US but there is still a stigma and history that hinders women’s personal experience. To better understand the importance of changing the way we think about natural hair I first had to look into its history. From the historical significance I learned that black Americans were stripped of their hair, tradition and culture when enslaved by Americans. During the 1920’s Madame C.J. Walker developed black haircare that straighten their hair. By the 1970’s natural hair was seen as a radical statement by women.

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Lighter-skinned, straight-haired slaves command higher prices at auction than darker, more kinky-haired ones. Internalizing color consciousness, blacks promote the idea that blacks with dark skin and kinky hair are less attractive and worth less.


1900s: Madame C.J. Walker develops a range of hair-care products for black hair. She popularizes the press-and-curl style. Some criticize her for encouraging black women to look white.

1954: George E. Johnson launches a “permanent” hair straightener for men and women that can be applied at home.

1920s: Marcus Garvey, a black nationalist, urges followers to embrace their natural hair and reclaim an African aesthetic.

1970: Angela Davis becomes an icon of Black Power with her large Afro.

2006: Black hair care is a billion-dollar industry.

1865: Slavery ends, but whites look upon black women who style their hair like white women as well-adjusted. “Good” hair becomes a prerequisite for entering certain schools, churches, social groups and business networks.

1900 2000

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Magazines are one of the most direct images of beauty. Women are bombarded with what society thinks is beautiful. For this I created transparencies that go over these magazine covers to make the statement that curly hair has a place in beauty magazines too. By placing these on top. users will be faced with a rare image of real women with their natural hair. The users are to take these and investigate further to the links provided on the transparencies.

follow us @curlycrown

follow us @curlycrown

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In this project I focused on social media platforms to reach a wider audience. Using multiple platforms made the design more accessible and more eff ective.

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Here is a closer look at the final logo I created for the brand identity.

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In all the platforms the users will see these three mascots that represent the diversity in curls. The faces on the mascots was deliberately the same to convey the similar frustrations that black women feel when questioned and discriminated because of their hair. By creating stickers it helps promote the websites and design system.

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CMYK: 31, 65, 94, 22RGB: 149, 90, 44

CMYK: 3, 61, 85, 0RGB: 237, 128, 63

CMYK: 34, 15, 88, 0RGB: 178, 186, 75

CMYK: 58, 21, 70, 3RGB: 118, 159, 110

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[email protected]

(310) 982-5391