jessie j domino

Jessie J Domino Hannah Knipe

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Post on 09-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Jessie j domino

Jessie J Domino

Hannah Knipe

Page 2: Jessie j domino

This screen shot shows Jessie J in front of the camera with a light shinning on her, the background is patterned but in dull colours they have used the dull colours to emphasise Jessie J’s powerful image.

Page 3: Jessie j domino

The next screen shot I choose to use was when the background changed, when the beat of the song started to speed up the background automatically changed into a busy background. This indicates to us as the audience that more is going on.

Page 4: Jessie j domino

The background then changes again into an even more busy scene, I believe they have continued to use a busy scene to keep with the tempo of the music up beat, this brings character to the music video. And engagers the audience more with the music itself.

Page 5: Jessie j domino

The background then changes again, this time I felt as though the background was changing to fit with the lyrics. It is extremely important for the video itself to fit with the lyrics as it helps the audience understand the lyrics a little better.

Page 6: Jessie j domino

The background then changed again… I believe they have used this background again to fit with the lyrics, at this point in time in the video the lyrics are to do with sunshine, the colour of the background being yellow relates to the lyrics extremely well.