jf [-marl s mgasnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/times-news_tn...iw. lewd and lascivious...

Teacher m m fW k Eagles wirT— S HoU! Dy The Times-News and The Associated Prc BOISE-The Idnho. nnl effort to amend th< Wednesday, then pass called “a major step for Idaho. The vote ufler an h( thwarted effort at an Only 8 of the 20 Hous< “IhebiH, Throe Magic Valley the opposition. Childi packel Andru By ANNETTE CAKY 'Hmes-News writer BOISE - Raising I House Wednesday ap; abuse legislation, incli for ono that would havi mum sentences for chil Democratic Gov. Cec tute bill "an insult to advocates." "Thoro is only one w , tion - in a word it is li in a press release. Thi House will not keep their abuse, he said. "I’m really insultei '• Gould, R-Buh!. Minir havo boeji a cure-all fo by passing 18 other I prosecutors build the would result in long sei Rather than requiri tenccs for some child minimum.s for mure hi - niittfuj-recommended-tl mandatory evalualionfi If the court finds thj 10 Hociety or the Nictin- given a minimum 10 ; son is found to pose a i er options such as cone menl program, house would retain jurisdicti' increased nl any time.' Supporters of minin the short terms given l - sg<f-of4«w-ihHn.«i({hm But Gould said pro| senlencing bills would be sentenced to work also said that minimu the norm even thoui terms. Under current law, ers may be given life ti ing those out for true f pre-sentence evaluatio Another bill passed ____ U-gislatu^e track cach abusers and, legislati evaluate thoir sentonci Most bills were pas; They included; • A bill lo formalize gram and sel up a stf been appropriated for volunteer advocates ' may need support lest •SccAB Cong o f cti ByAMYGAMERMi ........... ~StsarNewrSinjae -VWBHINGTGN- comioittoc Tbcfldfly ^ SemtAry Junet CongreM may not I sy apartment wit ta«k of environmei the Rocky Flats ' and other depaitme S8flrJtnrSroei7( Senate Budget C< Watkins that unle ment provides a so able eoviroomental consideration shou removing tbe deani ties from the Depai gy and placing tfaei • entity.* r faces sex IS...... E k tounigt ::: . ^ /. I eee-zo? [-Marl ise pa Press • ho House beat down a fi* the public school budget jasaed an appropriation forward* for education in 1 hour-long debate and a amendment was 59-2-1. 3use Democrats appro.vcd_.„fQ, ey representatives joined SI abuse 5t stirs JS anger Y g the governor’s wralh, lh( approved 18 piecqs of chilc ncluding a substitute measun lave requirod mandatory mini :hild m olesters.. . Cecil Andrus called the subsli to Idaho’s childron and chik le way lo characterize this ac s ludicrous," ihe'govornor saic Tho legislation passed by thi ep molesters from coniinuinj illed," shot back Rep. Celii inimum sentences would no I for child abuse, she said. Bu ;r bills, the House„is helpini ;he kind of strong cases lha [sentences, she said, airing one-year minimum sen ild abuse crimes and fivo-yca e heinous crimes, her subcom ■d-thc-substitutirfaill-caliing'fn ons of convicted molesters, thot the olTendor is nol a risl :tim, tho offender must still b 10 years probation. If the per ; a risk, the court could consid ronstant supervision in a ireat ise arrest or prison. The cour iction so the sentence could b ne.' nimum sentences have decriei en lo child moleslers - nn aver Ilk monUiMH-jHil-or-priwin.----- proposed mandatory minimun )uld have allowed offenders t ■ork release. Supporters haV' imum sentences would becom lough the law allows longe iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will help, sho said, jod by the House will help th ach stage of sentencing of chili ilalors liupe, cause judges t jncing practices.' [lassed with a unanimous volt ize the Guardian ad Litem prc stale fund. No money has yv, for the program which malche wilh abused children wh .estifying against a hostile relii ABUSE on PagcA2 Igress ske teafmp~pi IHAN Althoui JC*------------------------ abonCT«t Energy ! day warded Ener* lace oppo nes Watkins that feel that lOt trust tbe Ener- not be tr with the masaive thatcreal mental cleanuo at *If we i ts weaponi plant someone < tment plants. I agree « --.a-1 99* .9 I eirwiuniuui uruju vrauQiin Committee, told Watkio inlest the depart- “national 1 aound and work- balance o ntal plan, ‘serious against Muld be given to such ast! umup responsibili- actors sl ipartmtfnt of Ener- Idaho Ni :nem In a separate ratoiy a ■ S ee (allegation lassiFied voB..«mnpMTxwij—Y p U t r — Beauty r ftifflriutie eh«tf ' UMd). WOO. Cal OnDp •ZOTStRsfSpn. Jf irketplaGG-lJ^-- ^ m 14th year. No. 75 isses i; Both Ron Black, R-Twin Fal Aritone, R-Ruport, objected to h for-teacher-pay-would- bo-sp called for giving oach district g to raise all teacher salaries 516,000. Any remaining money r - 1 the lild ure ini- elia '.J . ' % nol > ' But ,|ng m ;en- ^ •car ....... ........................... .... ,b . . , ............ per- “It Adventun 3Urt r. J J jj, ror a youngster army tank provi ried _______________________ lave ame By RICHARD BROOKS Iger Spcdal to the Tlmvs-Neivs S/\N BERNARDINO, C piv 100 people jammed a ( The Tuesday to see an ex-con\ girlfriend be convicted of the ing of long-lime Gooding hild Novis. ; to ' The same jui’y will be to consider whether Ja •ole, Cynthia Coffman should life-withoul-parole or die pro- ber. y(;t "When ihey said guil :hes‘’ lightning boll," Bill No' who daughter’s killers were cc ■eln- myself, "Thank God’." Twenly-year-old Corri peared Nov 7,1986, outs eptical tolicies ough he spoke candidly (fll^tfllsWaiuiifemdnt tal'tlitf ipeStioofiS^aS^r at cleanup fn gnaia-dw^~ : trusted to the dravtment tatedthemeis. .; «dont^Btowractto«ther ne else m U be pot in darge. Chairman; IWret»)iuuila(L kins stressed the need fiv a . oal energy policy* thai will » ongoing dieanupprocrw it new defense programs, a the two new profflseum re- slated Ibr oonstructioa 'at National Eogineering Labfr- and Savamuh R iw ia CLEANUP on Page AS, n — Bl gaS public Idaho T ilslature _____ J: caroor ladi 19.89 pay for jut science lot Falls, and Steve Black h to how S3 million o„ teacher -sponU-Thc ^ ^ :t getting a sharo J? ries to at least ^ ney would go to a ®“PP res on armoi ter playing in a park an i ‘ovidcs plenty of ndvcn- I lonvictsr L Ex D, Calif. - More than a 60-seat courtroom ^wi :onvict and his former 1of the 1986 sex-slay- ter hi ling resident Corinna Her s was f be asked next month vincy: James Marlow and Dui uld be imprisoned for mittee die in the gas cham- limite blame juilly,’ il was like a tion. Novis said after his Th( e convicted. "1 said to nap a to bai orrina .Novis disap- they’d lUtside a mall soon af- murdi Chileai ------ The Associated Pres.s WASHINGTON - Mill fruit were being held Wo( -- -'sidc-atports-in-Philffdcip am i‘while U.S. and Ch - plans-for asauring tho so wake of a poisoning atten .“ In Philadelphia, when lers the United Stales, ! tration officials completo( Apple g: The Associated Press YAKIMA. Wash, r- Thi mission voted unanimou $1.7 million for advertisi lhat apples are safe, dci^ over Alar use. Tho commission, whic the nation's largest app Attractc nafTPuqg cliTieiitR^ P— — ^ Twin Falls. Id : scho rax cut passes - B6 iddor plan for schools with pi approved, a merit-pay plan f of teachers at other achools. i iunior high nnd high school m teachers. headed an education subcoi ier pay issues thal decided me cdcd" on“ both“carcci~laddci /ould allow good teachers lo pplemental pay scale, and mi )r- ture as 8-ycar-oId Shawr Buhl finds out Hc was T Jairo f x-convict, for 3t death penc her workday ended in Redk ' sexually assaulted and slra 1 found about a week later,. I ’yard.- turing the Irial, Marlow and C led kidnapping and robbing ilcd involvement in her d< Tied the olher for the actua! 'hey testified ihey'd only plan I and rob someone to steal eno mnkro!! a trip lo Phoenix. Ar y’d heard big money could h rdering an unidentified preg n fruit I iillions of pounds of Chilean Wednesday for tests at dock- ?iplriarLos'AngcieraTid’Mi- ~ Chilean officials discussed safety of th» produce in the empt. ere most Chilean fruit en- I, Food and Drug Adminis- ted sampling of the 362,000 {rowers h rhe Washington Apple Com- ously Wednesday to spend ising to reassure consumers lespito nationwide concoms hich represents growers of pple crop, voted to take Sl or //y patU earing to .Idaho 30l fUl which would givi Jg Ho also objecli salaries, saying , when teacher sal iproposos Antoncobjccte Mnck Ndbaur or extra the wnv the-.U-fi money.',Mlhougt budget is intern Kommitlee already o more work „i|| become nn e dcr-pians, - budgel'the state' to advance ey each year, merit paj; An appropriati ,wn Bennett of the old rc is climbing on Buhl City ^6oodin jrmer girlfriei laify for 198( ■dlands, Calif, an. Irangled body They kidna r,. buned in a driving a new of money,-Mrrr d Cofi’man ad- After disco' ng Novis and cash, jurors w death. Each raped Novis i ja! stranguhi- number llwl i mated bankin lanned Lp kid- , They also enough money stealing a Ariz. - when: recorder, d be made by Novis was regnant wom- mond Haight being he crate.' of grapes and othe •American counirj-. .N'o further contaminalio > traces of cyanide in two set i'~lliuse humple'd'iil'the"porl ' d day, the FUA said, t-* "This doe.-? not however released for sale al this tin '• is being held and refrigerai ’■ findings and lhe entire si 0 ed," aunch eff million in emergency func from banks to purchase ac 1- kets around the country, d Concerns over the suspi •s liltle sign of abating as : IS Holl)-\vood entertainers he urge mothers to demand jf chemical-free produce, il The Natural Resourcis terns —- ( Dfiight — mding give the best teachers a bonu; ected to mandating leachc ng that would cause problem salaries are negoliated. icted to the merit pay proposal, ■aur, R-Paul, is worried aboi Legialalure.iius. been epondin lUgh $12,000 of the propose tended to come from surplu y on hand, hc fears the mone in expected part of tho ongoin lUe'must'Onanco with tax mor 'iation of S39-1.3 miiiion in ger 1rclic earlier this week at t !ity Park while wailing for 1 rig^)wmi5 end could 86 sex killing dnapped Novis because she v lew car and presumably had a ilrrrtnwnndt^ofTmansaid.- - - scovoring she didn’t have mi s were lold, .Marlow and CofTn is until she revealed the acc lill enabled ihem to use her at king card. Iso burglarized her apartmt a typewriter and telephi vas murdered, prosecutor R ght III argued, i>eca(jse .Mar leid for t ither fruil from the Soulh ti Ition was found beyond the P seedless red grapes among *■ irlTiminir(IeI^iia~on Sun-" ^ ■vcr, mean the fruit will be j- time, ' the agency said.' Il crated at the dock unlil the ? situation can be evaluat- s rforts to r( unds and Iwrrow $(169,000 r advertising in major mar- [ 1 ispected carcinogen .‘ 'huwed iis Eddie Albert and olher i i held a news conference to t nd ihiil their grocers carry r t :i's Defense Cauncil, whii.^e 1 C4JB| Thursday. {mea< lus. eral fund money, up moi her .now goes to Gov. Cod inis branded the appropriati has softenec^his criticisn y] ing plan in recent weeks. The proposed budgol' ling Fnlls School District an iscd cent m state money Bui )lus percenl more, Jerome 11 ney Cassia Counly 10.6 perce ling Of the S17.2 million, ion-- marked-for-textbook^-ai als, lease or purchase o: See SCHOOL TVnt»4tr-i t the f^andmother, Jani; rhis him u ride home. anV m ui and Coffman planned f witnesses. Her parents heard it ~ Bill and Donna No j from their home in Gi allend the trial. They s of teslimonv - which t was 1988. a lot Since then, they’ve g - during'the trials one much break and two-week Ch Tman "I was just thankful iccess listened and paid atte aulo- said afler Tuesday’s vei They’ll be back, they ment. penalty phase begins )hone expected to lasl two or “W'e’re here ropres Itiy- Novi.s said. "You l;ilk i _________ ^SecMJfflJBE tests at I The testing followed a Mar to the U.S. embassy in Santi port fruit would be injt“cted w conUipiinated grapes were foi consumers-nol-to-ent-atiy Ch stores to Lake all such produ( which at this lime of year fresh grapes- Supcrmarket produce shel of Chilean fruit and many st suring consumers that the f i come from Chile. eassure b recent report touched off the pie commission to be careful Us advertising. "We assume they are nol our integrity,' said Paul All the non-profit Washington, mental group. The goal of th to hurt farmers, but to chan U.S. Environmental Protectir ay, March 16,1989 isurc more than 10 per cent, Cecil Andrus, m: once rialion “deplorable" bul icism of tho GOP spend- eks. ?el would give the Twin an increase of 10.6 per- Buhl would receive 11.G e 11.2 percent more and lercent more, ion, $12 million is car- :s~and'suppHcsrniateri*--------- 3C of equipment, library )OLS on Page A2 Hr-I pA0t»MKe 8ALS8URY anls Rose, to give [irder— ed from the outset to kill •d it all. Novis drove 800 miles n Gooding so they could icy sat ihrough every day ch began in late October ve gone home only twice: one-wock"'niank.sgiviiig k Christmas hiatus, tful to the jury that they attention," Donna Novis i verdicts. hey said, when the trial's ins Apnl 17, though it's 3 or ihree monihs. present our baby," Donna ilk to anylwdy who ever : docks March 2 telephone threjt antiago warning that ex- ;d wilh cyanide. Afler the e found, the FDA warned ’ Chileftn-fniit-nnd -urptd-------- oduce off their shelves — ?ar includes virtualli..all____ shelves remained empty IV stores posted signs as- ie fruit on display didn't buyers the furor, warned the ap- •eful about the content of lot going to be impugning Allen, a spokesman for lon. D.C.-based environ- if the NRDC report is not :hange the policies of the fction Agency,

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Page 1: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

Teacherm m fW k


SHoU!Dy The Times-News and The Associated Prc

B O IS E -T h e Idnho. nnl effort to amend th< Wednesday, then pass called “a major step for Idaho.

The vote ufler an h( thw arted effort at an Only 8 of the 20 Hous<

“ Iheb iH ,Throe Magic Valley

the opposition.

ChildipackelAndruBy ANNETTE CAKY 'Hmes-News writer

BOISE - Raising I House Wednesday ap; abuse legislation, incli for ono th a t would havi mum sentences for chil

Democratic Gov. Cec tute bill "an insult to advocates."

"Thoro is only one w , tion - in a word it is li

in a press release. Thi House will not keep their abuse, he said.

"I’m really insultei '• Gould, R-Buh!. Minir

havo boeji a cure-all fo by passing 18 other I prosecutors build the would result in long sei

R ather than requiri tenccs for some child

• minimum.s for mure hi- niittfuj-recommended-tl

mandatory evalualionfi If the court finds thj

10 Hociety or the Nictin- given a minimum 10 ; son is found to pose a i er options such as cone menl program, house would retain jurisdicti' increased nl any time.'

Supporters of minin the short term s given l

- sg<f-of4«w-ihHn.«i({hmBut Gould said pro|

senlencing bills would be sentenced to work also said th a t minimu the norm even thoui terms.

Under current law, ers may be given life ti ing those out for true f pre-sentence evaluatio

Another bill passed____ U-gislatu^e track cach

abusers and, legislati evaluate thoir sentonci

Most bills were pas; They included;

• A bill lo formalize gram and sel up a stf been appropriated for volunteer advocates ' may need support lest

• S c c A B

Cong o f cti

ByAMYGAMERMi ........... ~StsarNewrSinjae

-VW BHINGTGN- comioittoc Tbcfldfly ^ S em tA ry Junet CongreM m ay not I sy a p a r tm e n t wit ta«k of environmei th e Rocky F lats ' and oth e r depaitme

S 8flrJtnrS roei7( Senate Budget C< W atkins th a t unle m ent provides a so able eoviroomental consideration shou removing tb e deani ties from th e Depai gy and placing tfaei

• entity.*

r faces sex

IS...... Ektounigt::: .

^ / . I eee-zo?


is e p aPress •

ho House beat down a fi* the public school budget

jasaed an appropriation forward* for education in

1 hour-long debate and a amendment was 59-2-1.

3use Democrats appro.vcd_.„fQ,

ey representatives joinedSI

abuse 5t stirs JS angerY

g the governor’s w ralh, lh( approved 18 piecqs of chilc

ncluding a substitu te measun lave requirod m andatory mini :hild m o le s te rs .. .Cecil Andrus called the subsli to Idaho’s childron and chik

le way lo characterize this ac s ludicrous," ihe'govornor saic Tho legislation passed by thi ep molesters from coniinuinj

illed," shot back Rep. Celii inimum sentences would no I for child abuse, she said. Bu ; r bills, the House„is helpini ;he kind of strong cases lha [sentences, she said, airing one-year minimum sen ild abuse crimes and fivo-yca e heinous crimes, her subcom ■d-thc-substitutirfaill-caliing'fn ons of convicted molesters, thot the olTendor is nol a risl

:tim, tho offender m ust still b 10 years probation. If the per ; a risk, the court could consid ronstant supervision in a ireat ise arrest or prison. The cour iction so the sentence could b ne.'nimum sentences have decriei en lo child moleslers - nn averIlk monUiMH-jHil-or-priwin.-----proposed m andatory minimun )uld have allowed offenders t ■ork release. Supporters haV' imum sentences would becom lough the law allows longe

iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to s ta rt giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will help, sho said, jod by the House will help th ach stage of sentencing of chili ilalors liupe, cause judges t jncing practices.'[lassed with a unanimous volt

ize the Guardian ad Litem prc stale fund. No money has yv,

for the program which malche wilh abused children wh

.estifying against a hostile relii

ABUSE o n P agcA 2

Igress ske teafmp~piIHAN AlthouiJC*------------------------ abonCT« t

Energy !

day warded Ener* lace oppo n e s W atkins th a t feel th a t lOt tru s t tb e Ener- no t be tr w ith the masaive tha tc rea l mental cleanuo a t *If we i ts weaponi p lan t someone < tm ent plants. I agree «■ • ■ --.a-1 99* .9 Ie irw iun iuu i u ru ju vrauQ iin

Committee, told Watkioinlest the depart- “national1 aound and work- balance ontal plan, ‘serious againstMuld be given to such ast!um up responsibili- actors slipartmtfnt o f Ener- Idaho Ni:nem In a separate ra to iy a

■ See


lassiFiedvoB..«mnpMTxwij—Y p U t r —

Beautyr ftifflriutie eh«tf '

UMd). WOO. Cal O n D p •ZOTStRsfSpn. Jfi r k e t p l a G G - l J ^ - - ^

m14th year. No. 75

i s s e s i;

Both Ron Black, R-Twin Fal Aritone, R-Ruport, objected to h for-teacher-pay-w ould- bo-sp called for giving oach district g to raise all teacher salaries 516,000. Any remaining money

r - 1


elia '.J. ' %nol > 'But,|ng m

;en- ^•car ....... ........................... ....

, b . . , ............per-

“It Adventun3Urt r.J Jjj, r o r a y o u n g ste r

a rm y ta n k provi

ried _______________________

laveame By RICHARD BROOKSIger Spcdal to the Tlmvs-Neivs

S/\N BERNARDINO, C p iv 100 people jammed a ( The Tuesday to see an ex-con\

girlfriend be convicted of the ing of long-lime Gooding

hild Novis.; to ' The same jui’y will be

to consider whether Ja •ole, Cynthia Coffman should

life-withoul-parole or die pro- ber.y(;t "When ihey said guil

:hes‘’ lightning boll," Bill No' who daughter’s killers were cc ■eln- myself, "Thank God’."

Twenly-year-old Corri peared Nov 7,1986, outs

epticaltoliciesough he spoke candidly (fll^tfllsWaiuiifemdnt tal'tlitf

i p e S t i o o f i S ^ a S ^ ra t cleanup f n g n a i a - d w ^ ~: tru sted to th e d ra v tm e n t ta te d th e m e is . .; « d o n t^ B to w r a c t to « th e r ne else m U be p o t in d a rg e .

C hairm an ;IW ret»)iuuila(Lkins stressed th e need fiv a . oal energy policy* th a i will » ongoing d ie a n u p p ro c rw it new defense programs, a th e two new profflseum re ­

sla ted Ibr oonstructioa 'a t N ational Eogineering Labfr-

and S avam uh R i w ia

CLEANUP o n P a g e A S ,

n — B l

gaSp u b l ic

I d a h o T i l s l a tu r e _____ J:— caroor ladi

19.89pay for jut science lot

Falls, and Steve Black h to how S3 million o„ teacher -sponU -T hc ^ ^:t getting a sharo J ? ries to a t least ^ney would go to a ®“ PP

res on armoit e r p la y in g in a p a rk a n i ‘o v id cs p le n ty o f n dvcn- I

lonvictsrL ExD, Calif. - More than a 60-seat courtroom ^ w i :onvict and his former 1 of th e 1986 sex-slay- ter hi ling resident Corinna Her s

was fbe asked next month vincy: Jam es Marlow and Dui

uld be imprisoned for mittee die in the gas cham- limite

blamejuilly,’ il was like a tion. Novis said after his Th( e convicted. "1 said to nap a

to baiorrina .Novis disap- they’d lUtside a mall soon af- murdi

Chileai------The Associated Pres.s

WASHINGTON - Mill fru it were being held Wo(

-- -'sidc-atports-in-Philffdcip a m i‘ while U.S. and Ch

- plans-for asauring tho so wake of a poisoning atten

.“ In Philadelphia, when lers the United Stales, ! tra tion officials completo(

Apple g:The Associated Press

YAKIMA. Wash, r - Thi mission voted unanimou $1.7 million for advertisi lh a t apples are safe, dci over A lar use.

Tho commission, whic th e nation's largest app


n a f T P u q g

c l i T i e i i t R ^

P— — ^T w in F a lls . Id

: schorax cut p a s s e s - B6

iddor plan for schools with pi approved, a m erit-pay plan f of teachers a t other achools. i iunior high nnd high school m teachers.

headed an education subcoi ier pay issues thal decided me cdcd" on“ both“ carcci~laddci /ould allow good teachers lo pplemental pay scale, and mi

)r-tu r e a s 8-ycar-oId Shaw r B uh l f in d s o u t H c w as

T J a i r o f

x-convict , for 3t d e a th pencher workday ended in Redk ' sexually assaulted and slra 1 found about a week later,. I ’yard.-turing the Irial, Marlow and C led kidnapping and robbing ilcd involvement in her d< Tied the o lher for the actua!

'hey testified ihey'd only plan I and rob someone to steal eno mnkro!! a tr ip lo Phoenix. Ar y’d heard big money could h rdering an unidentified preg

n fruit Iiillions of pounds of Chilean Wednesday for tests a t dock- ?iplriarLos'AngcieraTid’Mi- ~ Chilean officials discussed safety of th » produce in the empt.ere most Chilean fruit en- I, Food and Drug Adminis- ted sampling of the 362,000

{rowers hrhe W ashington Apple Com- ously Wednesday to spend ising to reassure consumers lespito nationwide concoms

hich represents growers of pple crop, voted to take Sl

or //y patU

ea rin g to

.Id a h o

3 0 l fUlwhich would givi

J g Ho also objeclisalaries, saying

, when teacher sa l ip ro p o so s Antoncobjccte

Mnck N dbaur or extra the wnv the-.U-fi

money.',Mlhougt budget is intern

Kommitlee already omore work „ i | | become nn e dcr-p ians, - budgel'the sta te ' to advance ey each year, merit paj; An appropriati

,wn B en n e tt o f th e o ld rc is c lim b ing on B uh l City

^6oodinjrmer girlfriei la ify f o r 1 9 8 (■dlands, Calif, an.Irangled body They kidnar,. buned in a driving a new

of money,-Mrrrd Cofi’man ad- After disco'ng Novis and cash, jurors w

death. Each raped Novis ija! stranguhi- num ber llw l i

mated bankinlanned Lp kid- , They alsoenough money stealing aAriz. - when: recorder,d be made by Novis wasregnant wom- mond Haight

being hecrate.' of grapes and othe •American counirj-.

.N'o further contaminalio > traces of cyanide in two set i'~ lliuse humple'd'iil'the"porl ' d day, the FUA said, t-* "This doe.-? n o t however

released for sale a l this tin '• is being held and refrigerai ’■ findings and lhe entire si 0 ed,"

aunch effmillion in emergency func from banks to purchase ac

1- kets around the country, d Concerns over the suspi •s liltle sign of abating as : IS Holl)-\vood enterta iners he

urge mothers to demand j f chemical-free produce, il The N atural Resourcis

terns —- (

Dfiight —

m d in ggive the best teachers a bonu; ected to m andating leachc ng tha t would cause problem salaries are negoliated. icted to the m erit pay proposal, ■aur, R-Paul, is worried aboi Legialalure.iius. been epondin lUgh $12,000 of the propose tended to come from surplu y on hand, hc fears the mone in expected pa rt of tho ongoin lUe'm ust'Onanco w ith tax mor

'iation of S39-1.3 miiiion in ger

1 rc lic e a r l ie r th is w eek a t t !ity P a rk w h ile w a ilin g fo r 1

r i g ^ ) w m i 5

e n d c o u ld 86 s e x k illingdnapped Novis because she v lew car and presumably had a ilrrrtnwnndt^ofTmansaid.- - - scovoring she didn’t have mi s were lold, .Marlow and CofTn i s until she revealed the acc lill enabled ihem to use her a t king card.Iso burglarized her apartm t a typew riter and telephi

vas m urdered, prosecutor R ght III argued, i>eca(jse .Mar

leid for ti th e r f r u i l f r o m t h e S o u lh

tiItion was found beyond the P seedless red grapes among *■ irlT im inir(IeI^iia~on Sun-" ^

■vcr, m ean th e fruit will be j- time, ' the agency sa id . ' Il

crated a t the dock unlil the „? situation can be evaluat- s

rforts to r(unds and Iwrrow $(169,000 r

advertising in major mar- [‘ 1

ispected carcinogen .‘'huwediis Eddie Albert and olher ii held a news conference to tnd ihiil the ir grocers carry r

t:i's Defense Cauncil, whii.^e 1

C 4 J B |

T h u rsd a y .

{ m ea<lus. eral fund money, up moi her .now goes to Gov. Cod inis branded the appropriati

has softenec^his criticisn y] ing p lan in recent weeks.

The proposed b udgo l' ling Fnlls School District an iscd cent m s ta te money Bui )lus percenl more, Jerome 11 ney Cassia Counly 10.6 perce ling Of th e S17.2 million, ion-- marked-for-textbook^-ai

als, lease or purchase o: ‘ See SCHOOL


t th e f^ a n d m o th e r , Jan i; r h i s h im u r id e hom e.

a n V m u iand Coffman planned f w itnesses.

H er parents heard it ~ Bill and Donna No j from the ir home in Gi

a llend the trial. They s of teslim onv - which t

was 1988.a lot Since then, they’ve g ■ - d u r in g 'th e tr ia ls one

much break and two-week Ch Tman "I was ju st thankful iccess listened and paid atte aulo- said a fle r Tuesday’s vei

They’ll be back, they ment. penalty phase begins )hone expected to lasl two or

■“W'e’re here ropres Itiy- Novi.s said. "You l;ilk i

_________ ^SecM JfflJBE

tests at IThe testing followed a Mar

to the U.S. embassy in Santi port fruit would be injt“cted w conUipiinated grapes were foi consumers-nol-to-ent-atiy Ch stores to Lake all such produ( which a t th is lime of year fresh grapes-

Supcrm arket produce shel of Chilean fruit and many st suring consum ers tha t the fi come from Chile.

eassure brecent report touched off the pie commission to be careful Us advertising.

"We assum e they are nol our integrity ,' said Paul All the non-profit Washington, mental group. The goal of th to hurt farm ers, but to chan U.S. Environmental Protectir

ay, M arch 1 6 , 1 9 8 9

i s u r cmore than 10 per cent,

Cecil Andrus, m : once rialion “deplorable" bul icism of tho GOP spend- eks.?el would give the Twin an increase of 10.6 per- Buhl would receive 11.G e 11.2 percent more and lercent more, ion, $12 million is car-:s~and'suppH csrniateri*---------3C o f e q u ip m e n t , l i b r a r y )OLS o n P a g e A2

Hr-I pA0t»MKe 8ALS8URY

a n ls Rose, to give

[ i r d e r —ed from the outset to kill

•d it all.Novis drove 800 miles

n Gooding so they could icy sa t ihrough every day ch began in late October

ve gone home only twice: one-wock"'niank.sgiviiig

k Christm as hiatus, tful to the ju ry th a t they attention," Donna Novis i verdicts.hey said, w hen the trial's ins Apnl 17, though it's 3 or ihree monihs. present our baby," Donna ilk to anylwdy who ever

: d o c k sMarch 2 telephone th re jt antiago w arning th a t ex- ;d wilh cyanide. Afler the e found, the FDA warned’ C hileftn-fniit-nnd -urptd--------oduce off the ir shelves —?ar in c lu d es v ir tu a ll i . .a l l____

shelves remained empty IV stores posted signs as- ie fruit on display didn't

buyersthe furor, warned the ap- •eful about the content of

lot going to be impugning Allen, a spokesman for

lon. D.C.-based environ- if the NRDC report is not :hange the policies of the fction Agency,

Page 2: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

— Abuse-• C o n t i n u e d f r o m

tIvc i iiro u rt or some stal , arc pottsed among foatci

cascwcrrlcprB.--------— Now~Tffily T\vin Fal

cpuntica have the p rop bill would expand it. 1

_______ inust stijl go before the S.......... • H bill to allow civi

-----------crim jnal-court-action-tton behalf o f abused child has already been appr Senate,

• "A m ensurtnnnking crime in Idaho. Now girl

----------- morc-prrrtcction-ngainstthan boyfi, The measun the governor's signature.

• A pair of bills to alio

Murder• C o n t i n u e d f r o m

• m et Corrino, and thcj her.". Corrina Novis was ii

girl. Sho grew up in cheerleader throughout senior high school, sho ; enough in collego to can

.a medical office procedu typically a two-year prog

Then she set out on he , "She waa our little e

m other said.---------- — CorimuL-movaLLO-So

fomia partly to be boyfriend, who was al University of Redlands.

She worked as a cler----------- aurance-ofTicesreaming-

aa a reliable worker wl liked by customers.

Among thc crowd at ;were two or three policj ; helped tho day she w a

______ isaid Jean Cramer, one o

p T o d aR a i n ,

Twin Falla, Bui Joromo and Cooding:

Todny cloudy wilh c Hifihii mid to upper GO

. . . ----------- 10-mph,-TonlBht nndtvrcd rnin or Know x lower 30a. HiBhB m windH 15 to 2S mph.

Caraa* Prairie aot Valloy;

Todny cloudy wii showeri. Snow level G lower 408. TonlKhl nni ehowi’rit. Lows upper per 30ii.

Northern Utah and 1 Utnh — Todny inci

wilh widely *cnttorc( vebpinK Soulhmph. Warmer. Hit TonlRhl nnd Friduy j: ur anow wilh ii chnnc( ahowor. Turning coolc

uppor nOii. Hif;h nvnr 1 of prccipilntion ut Soil inK “ > CO percent Int Kndiiy.

Nevada — Fori'canl Sumraary:

. Ski<-» won- moall) Idaho iin WedncBday.

Thi- mountnin iirrn Call. wi'Tv rcportini -.how.Ts, Th.' cloud c

------- --- — UiLr wjia.d ut lo coolcific nir mcivinn in fi Thi.H sUirm Kystrm IiIiiIio'h wrnlhi-r todii; urdnv liul drii-r wrall apiin on Sundny.

AlliTnoi.n tvmp<-n Idiihij rnnn.'d from tli McCiill to thr low.T.V wi’.Ht Idaho vnll<-y!i. wind npi-i’dn wtTr ovi ho Iliani wh<T.- Pocal lo2 i mph.

........................The L.xli;ndi;d f-jrv<

N a t i o n a l


:r tv Ji -31 .r CJ w

Inde^Business................Classified.............Com ics..................

__________P c a r _ A b b ^ . . . . . „ . . .Idaho.....................

C irculationCirculation phoiu H arr

Joriiini-UViidrll-Ci-Kjii Hurl,-v-i{up.Tt-l’a..l ().■ liuhl-Cat.llvf..rd FlI.T-iW.T.KCIl-Holllsl, Twm FalU and all uLlii.'N e w s ,Circulall.m Ifyou fuu.-tlu- I'ditomil cirpartitici.'■) :t(t p III. wiTkday.". To

I r> :<(J anil nil wrrki'MdH,A d v e r t i s in g luuu.k

I lf \o u wi.nh U, placi' anI ad.--.tall T.’Ci-lW'Jti .Mu.vI p in anil .^aluiila) n frii

piny <id« i> «tvail:il)le wi

A-2 Timos-Nowa, Twin Fa

3 m P a g e A l counselor t< stability a s they { e witness a to . homes and g * *

Fulls nnd Ada “ Sf “ (•Ogram. bu t thc pet'f »n this t. The proposal. Speaker IbripSenate. cncc aftercivil as well as passed. "I fi j- to -be-b rtm gh t-w o‘d -hnv«rhildren. The bill thnt deals w ppnivcd by the

ine male r n p r a - ’ ^™ ’'" S irlsorco ircred Seven volnst -molcslnlion.......More.conlsure needs only “ f™ "™ ‘

for lewd 1 allow a Wend o r againsi a el:

r — -----------------o m l ^ g e A l ers.:hcy ju s t loved “

Cramer saics a small-town imprint o n fin Gooding. A ^orinna :

out jun ior and separotc ho studied hardja m in o n c y c A r Hons. It tooedures degree - Dusas abouroBram. nounce a l l tih e ro w n . M ostim pe explorer," her special circt

paved the

-S o m h e m _ C a lt Pbe neor hor fo™ dnnpr- attending the m“ ri=r.for.|

jg_ sodomy.:lerk a t two in- , Ciing-a-raputntion— penal• who was well- "

terming gu:a t her funeral del

)licy holders she punisnmenlwas kidnapped, . Rcgardlc!leo fh e rcm n lo v- in^pendmg

ay's wea, m i l d t o d a y ;

Burley, Rupert.Ig: H nlh chnnce of rnin. r GOs. Soulh wind* T _nnd P rldnyB cnt-~ w flhowL'm. Lo\/a

mid 40a. Went

and Wood River / | l n

with chnnce of W V tl 6000 foci. Higha nnd Fridny anow Ja T j/

)er 20a. Highs up-

nd Novada: ^increnainK clouda cred ahowera dc< WOMfS: lulh winda 1&-20 Hich mid OOa. 0*M

ly porioda of ruin mce of n thunder- >olcr. Guaty winda cm Idiiho •

n r M, i^robubilily vnlloya umSnll Luke incn-u»- m lhcm ouInlv toniKht nnd dny. Piirtl

normni tei:a«t not nvnilahlc. tho 40h to I

U) I(.w<t :!()■ally cloudy over Thc win»y. stale Wcdiri'nH. such na .Me- Ciiidwrll. !-linK "omi- Kiww rHtnUdc-jid cover ow r thc KUrwheool nnd nioist I’a- dav, lhi- hin frnm Ihi- coast. d«'nn-i;» am will dominali- Inwi-sl wa?>d;iy ihrnuth S il- Wnrniad•alhrr IS oxp<-cU'd .Minn

Id a h o 1p<-niiurt-. acrosa BOISF.. the lower at Wedm-ad;r.r.W am lh.-.oulh-•ya. The h.dH'st 'over eiiHlem Idn-

iicalello had t:uM.t '^^rl. dry;

n.. s.,

.-cp..) r? '.,3

>T a

I O'j-'urrj C.r, !,8 3'.1- «■., II) T fc *

J X ---------------------------------

..................C8 ■ Magic V;

.............. D4-8 Nation.................... A6 Obltuari

__Opinion.......... A3, B6 Outdoor

are III.UW.KI lH-fwr.-n 7 „im1 111 .1 : nnr r I,V 7 .11 . , .,ll ,|„- „„„

-K|incH,if..riii.u.I O.ikh v

iLlier arwas

tiicni.,,,ii v:!:m)‘i:ii t„ u ,-en ■( :ii . To n j«ir! l.iii- m u.. ,|||J 1da, cjiU 7:i:t (i!t.n illak.. . i j , r 5an ndvem-.. iii. nl. <jill7:t:|.(t!i:il In.idi.y thru.Hih I'rnl.i) fr„m fi a rrnniHn.Kt ui>lilin-in Inronna'

-• wtekdiiy' ‘>n'i

1 Fails, Idaho Thureday, March 1

• to accompany a child on fc DBS stand. These have also p' sed in thc Senate. R ik-Tou ju s t witjic3scd-pas- -N a pilckogf of bills with no D tiis Legislature," said House Tbm Boyd in a press confer-er t hc packagc of bills ? i find it difficult to scc why . ”/{T-to-poHt'clzc-lcglBlntlc?!—J; s with this topic. The bilj at-■ violently was passed with' a

- ......... * _________ tlvotes Were cast against it. g, ontrovcrflial waa a mcaaure . e thc sta tu te 'o fllm ita tio n s jj I and lascivious conduct „I child. It passed 56-26 with

aattended the services," “P'

laid, "becauSt she left a roal m people she met." 1:a Novis was the victim of B a te crimes, the jury, decided d iieir three days of dclibera- ti took courtroom clerk Nancy P Mut 15 m inutes ju s t to an- ,II the verdicts. V mportant were four so-called ircumstance allegations th a t g. le way for consideration of jj 1 penalty. They are murder-p r murdcr-for*robbery, r br-burglary nnd murder-for-

California law, all would-be ** nalty tria ls are ^ i d e d into ^ 3 - tKe first dcaling"wUh"de” ” j guilt or innocence, (lie sec- ]j determ ine the appropriate

iless of the outcome of the j. lg phase, Marlow ^

a th e r-----s n o w m a y

rs: X i S S T y ’\ j u

I a m m m ________

ho — Snlurdiiy lhniui;li Mon-(it»<T«.Hi-riHi>-«lH.v«T»-in-th<*— w und acnltcred anow xhowiTH lounlnina Sutunlay and Mon-irtly cloudy .Sundny. iJelow nitempernture^ wiih IiikIik m .-.i

to lower .'IOk. I.OWS in lhe 'JlK s| •:!()a,-.iirniest leriip.Tiiture in llu- hcdni'sday wjih .'i7 denn-es at aiII. Sliinlev reported the cold- l<'denreeH.»here in the nnlion Wedn>-->-• highest teinperatiire wa.' !H li. at McAllen. Texa., "TIIH----k'.*aa Ki denn-e.H U-low 71-ro al d d and Inteni.ilional K.ill.s.

li0 road report■ F. (AI'i - 'H o a d ci.ntlili.ins day evening, ri-porti-d h\ llu- '*■ Departm. nt of Tr.ins]-,n.i-

- l{. ;^:^n^-\Vhll.•t.l^l IMI, ry; (iranj;evillr-\Vi:u la--.tc-r.

dry; Wincli.".l.-r l..nM .ton,•I'*, J r . .

Twin Falls

■ V a lley ...............“ . . . .B l I

1 ;................A5, A8 ‘arics................................B 2 \on.,,......... ............. ,..A 4.....\H3TS.............................C 4 -7 ’

'■‘ '■‘-onij If

•j.,,. i- |- r >' 'ir. Siiml.il 01

hij .ninc iine m

1-. reMiIlH i.ll.T ThirdSi

i.) -ni.-’ tl. Sc<l.'ll < 'l.l. nltied l« tirlrliy

Ho, MM, TVi'n I

:h 16. 1989

four M apc Valley representj posing it: Steve Antone ol Ron Black of Twin Fall

-N eibaur of Paul and.Gary R Dietricbi-

'I think th is goes too far," said. "I can visualize someor a grudge and coming back a:

■ ing’you (of molesting them)_ycnr8_ngo,Jfou’d..^ttcc_hfl;

good proof of where you w en Supporters said they wa

Icstcrs never to feel safe ag —the- o n ly-crim e-in-Idaho-v

sta tu te of lim itations is m ur _ .--T he .sea tcnc ing bill.and.«

limitations bill both need'& proval and the governor's i before they become law.

and Coffman face two oth"penalty trials;-------------------

They are charged wilh a 1986 sex-slaying of a Hi Beach woman. And they’ve dieted by a Kentucky granc tho alleged murder-for-hirc putcd drug dealer.

Marlow and ColTman disp tie emotion as they listened day’s guilty verdicts.

When it was over, Dom . smiled and moved her fist s

a gesture of triumph.She’s looking forward to s

away Trom the'courtroom," but she’ll be back in her seat in less than five weeks.

"There’s nothing more imj LQUL.Jife_tha.n...seeing _(w

daughter's last hours of like," her husband said. "Oi tcr's still with iis in our mini

Editor's note: Richard Br ; reporter for the San Dc - Sun.

j fall tonight

c >u»— /

j P

Weiacr-Nfw M.-ndo«s, icy —wetrdry: MnrainK-Orccon line

Interstate M — dry.Idaho .Vl — lloracNhoc Ben

nelly, icy apola. wel. dry, .inuw; Donnelly-New Mnidov -ix.ls. V et, .Hiiowinn.

Idaho Jl _ Ilo.se-ldaho Cit, Idaho Cil\.|.«wnian, icy apot annwint;; Cnindjeiin .liiQclioi l<-y. icy npnis, snowinK. nvn

U S. 'Jt) — .Mounlain iloin ton, dry; A->hlon Muiitanii hn

driftsl.'.S. ■Jl] — lcl;iho Falls.W)

line, ic-y si>oU; iilackfool-I.S’K Idnho .M — dry- U.S. !»:! — .N.-vada hne-.S,

dry; b ist Trail I’lias, brokei floor, dry. snowHurnea.

Idaho ?,'•> — Shoj-hom-Kei dry, Calcnji Suminil, icy "|>oli

Itiler-lale Hi — dry. Interstate IT) — dry. n S :«1— ilry,

Id a h oUon* u M

McCji 9■0 Pocaie.io y

People............................S ports............................Valley life.......................Worid.........................Your Money..................

< r> dniiy and ftundn;. per wc<■■rV, Sundny, SI 00 prr »r«-k MaiI iu l«- pnij in advoncf and arr ivinUblr irr ddivrry m nut mainlii ned. daily ■ ,»-r rruntli, t'J'J 2.’> for 3 munthi. IM f 1 7 OJ |>rr yrsr, daily <inly, HS per n I inuntht, I.W 10 fur Omonlhi. HOC'.•Il mily, l.'j 4(1 prr mimlh. Il(j "JU fur H > month*, KU per ymr .Sludfnl »i It. t)> mull unly, $7.50 prr m'jrth/»r

-mBiliin.SV-.a;|S(Ull-OK<), I. pulilithfd dm ■’.Tv in Full.. 1 Julio. KUlOl.by Matpc •• Inc .Srrund clom paid aliri-Nrwi OfTicinl nly ami ctiunly nf»I. Scrtit.n (XMOHuf thr IdnhoC.Kle T•■•iKnaUd ai (he day i<f (hr «r«k on « Olll Ix- puldiihrdr, plr,i«- iM-iid (huiiKp Ilf nddrria fi,r7nom Kaiii, idnliii k;i:u):i

Schc----- t . C o n t in u <

itativesop - additions or r o f Rupert, rcach th e goal

alls. Mack- dent-teacher ra Robbins of— gTflds,: -

r," Neibaur lonehavingand occus- „

n) 10 o r 15 C o n t i n u elavc prcttv South Carolina.Jre." The Generalvanted mo- • congressional vagain. Now ' edly quesUoned-w ithout.-a-dunLO .n-rcactoiurder plutom um nee

“ e d u a l r e . = flexibility.- Wat9 signature ^ questions fro

R-Idaho. Unlcs; built now, “te n ,

---------------- going to end up1cm again," hes

thcr death B ut Sasser i--------- - m cn t‘ for costa separate fense projects.

Huntington Building 371 a ve been in- ran millions of nd jury for nal co-st estima rc of a rc- operated due t

lems.splayed lit- Speaking car ed to T\ies- managem ent a

ment, Watkins >nna Novis coherent encrg : slightly in mop specific bi

cleanup and n ) some lime a t every DOE s

sa id r------ If-w ont-ta iir front-row arm s around ;s. W atkins admitmportant to bad track reciiwhat) our__ gram s, but hef life were sponsibiliiy (oi Our daugh- main w ith thi ind," than nn indiBroois IS £3 board. EJcrnorc/ino “Congress hr

. . a Inck.ofopenrcomingncss," V lo be given a cl

------- -------1 I’m doing.”In other tes

X the multi-billioL cleanup costs ir

al study -th e ‘highly specul thnt such estir mine departme

/ \ “I do not thimake accurate

f V ^ DOE begin the our short-term

^ he said. “We doM i sive n)ad map,’

Q CorrectiRUPERT - /

News gave the lic meeting tod ty’s lea.se o fa K venile detentioi is sel fo r? p.m.■ The Times-^'i

y apota,mo. dry, - ' '

end-Don- ^ry. huhl ^

•ity, dry;ots. wel, lon-Sl an- viilanche

iine-Aah- line. hni-

iV>omin«IKL, dry.


IJ.........A7.. . .C i- 3 .......B5....C 7 -8 ______ _ .

«k. daily.'•uhamp.

.Ic only

« W for 6 r monU..O -JO per f 3 month..•nd icr-

or daily

daily at UU k-ic Vallry Twin Kail.

if«ipapfr Thunday

n vrhich Jp,

in til l‘0

ools------tu e d &OH1 P a g e A l /■ remodeling needed to int<oal o f lowering th e stu- mil

ratio in thc first three altl cnc

-----------------1m up— su e d f r o m P a g e A l_na. _____________ Uoi•al Accounting Office, tlie gcrll watchdog, has repeal- ateled the need for two pro- Jitors, which p ro ^ c e the Honeeded to fuel nuclear the

do:reactor strategy gives us IVatkins said, responding Rc]from Sen. Steve Symms, agrless thc two reactors arc amen years from now...we’re 60-up (with) the sam e prob- Jo/lesaid . 19;r criticized the depart- 1s t overruns o n 'n ew de- $3f:ts, citing the ill-fated bucI a l Rocky Fiats, which theof dollars over the origi- Dei

mate but has never been “stie lo severe design prob- wa;

1candidly about p ast mis-t a t the Energy Depart- B:ns promised to crcatc a I iergy policy th a t would |: budget goals for waste I modernization projectsE site. 1takc 'u s-io n p -to gct-ou r Vm,id this," he promised. D;,:nitted tha t DOE hod “a Kid•ecord’ on cleanup pro- it.iihe insisted th a t thc re- n;i ■‘for cleanup IH otlld 're-' in ithe departm ent, ra ther k«itndependent supervisory I’ r

hns been devastated by ■tnnes-s and lack of forth-, _■' Watkins .said. "I'd like I.1 chancc to tell you what I

testimony, W atkins said llion dollar cslim ates on s in a recent congre.ssion- the 2010 Report -w ere culative.’ and insisted itimates musl not deter­ment policythink we will be able lo lie e.slimate.s lin lil’we^al the process of evaluating rm needs and objective.s," don't have a comprchen-


:tion- A stor)' in the Times- he wrong date for a pub- 0 discuss Minidoka Coun- \ Rupert building for a ju- lion center. The meoling m. April G al City Hall: i-fJews regrets the orrflr.



l.’nfc>riun:ik-ly. ll \i_)ii p iiv on most co r !txui.s thc.se days i.s n (.la.iuaible. Hut undt Ll\ law, if you get a I liciuity Unui froai Id ilic iiitcrc.st \x)u pay U) 100% dcduaih lc .

. O u r H o m e E qu c m g iv e y o u i l ie m e; fiiK uice l h e i t i in g s \x. w-.ini. r.'<* t h e moix.-^ rem e K iel, o r a d d a m I'u ik I a c o l l e g e e d u c T ravel. I k iy a n e \v Iv

An appropriation of $3 mi intended to move the s ta te to minimum salary of $16,000 pc although DemocraU said tha t enough.

There’s nlso'$500,000 for a program, giving first-year t< extra help.

The public school spendini whicK-along.with-tho-highor. tion budget takes up Ihree^fo^t general tax revenue,"clearedtl ate 32-10 on March 2.

Since then, i t i ia d been held H ouje_final_action calenda^r, the majority GOP held a nur dosed-door caucuses on it.

But. when final.action-camc. Republicans ■ d efend ing ' lh ogainst a Democrat attcn amend it. Thc amending cITc 60-22, as ju s t Republicans JoAn Wood and S tan Hawkins 19 Democrata voting for amcni

The appropriation is mor $38 million higher than the ] budget and is $800,000 mor the Andrus recommendotioi Democrats said there were toi “strings” attached on how the was to be spent.

That led GOP sponsors U

Roll call onIIOISK (API - Hpr- ia lla- r«!l i

Wi-iincmliiy hy which thc ilou-Hc mii-d iho public achuol funding! bill.

Ucpiibliciina fur iM i — llamcs. Uo noyd.'nrtckaoiiieTBurtTOiildcr:

Diinii-laon. Davi.v Deckiird, DufTm, Kidd, Cciulii. Gunuvy. llnii>:i;nMii iMInnn-n, Harturu, liny. Hill, Infiin} n;i Joni's, Doug ,IoncH. Kelloui;, l.ini I'hscIiiT. I/ivcInnd, I.ucna, Miihone Romcry, Morrison. .SVwcomb, ( I’jrka, I’elern, Pomeroy. Kiclmrdsi liinv &n.>ion.H, Simpson, Smock, ,S

J c o ^

McDONAL2536 Kimberly I

(2 08 )734 r


larttintixir]y. l h e interc-> i 'iL ' o a s u m e r _____ ihe_ lxs ill) lo n g e r re c e i \n d e r l h e ix ^ v H om ea I k )m e d o wik b l i o F irs t, /^p{)l\•

ay m a y b e u p m iitvlie. / tv . (11■quity L o a iis . 5:iie;in-s t o I lo n u. w u n e e d a n d l i 'l l hi1X.T [() m a k eI n e w riK in i. y e .ir IluC'llitMl. ULXill}.l>oat. uiftfiii

nillion iit th a t if thc bill i toward a am endment, the sc per year, • up w ith less money, a t wasn't ' “We have no p

am ount: th e proble n mentor “ iho”Tnoney is beinf teachers nority Floor Leade:

D-Sandpoint. ing plan, Rcp. Ken Robis or-cduca- thc bill “promises.r fourths of than can be deliver [the Sen- " “WiTd“ be"playii

hands of people wl ’Id on the the whole thing," s a r, \ ^ i lc Duncan, R-Coeur d' umber of " ' “We are ’doing p

, constituents want ac,-it-was- D ean Haflgenson,:. the . bill said. “We are mal em pt to' commitment to edi iITort lost sponsjbility.IS Black. “'rh'e overwhelmi ins joined people believe we ;ndment. commitment," he si ore than “There's a greal I 15 present taken o u t' of thc lore than’' m ents were allowe ion, Dut Bengson, R-Boise. too many She called il a Ke money but Rep. Pete Bla

teacher, called it to warn bill."

I school fundII wll vole Slrclp. SloROr. Stone, i i'd.'3-ilfor Wood.

Deinocriil-s fur l8Ik'll, item;- J.iliinsen, .Inhnson. bIcrsrCrnnc; - Vnndrnbrrjr.---------n, Duiiciin. Hepulilicans ni;aliistiwin. Iliile, Artonc, R.UIiick. BniinfTr. Don- llawktna, M.Jonea, Nc.inford. Uf n-yl. Tippi'la.Vic.'clmc; li(% Mohi” ni'mocniU'ii^’iiIiV.'it fl

Oibornc, Horviith, Judii, Uo)-d.dson, Riib- Hcbiaon.Stoichcff. Vick'

.SoK-n-wn. Abwrn —Ituj-nulds.l


’ ■ f S J s S 'B f *

rR d.,lW ln Falls, ID 832 1711-(800) 624-1730

L IF E • H E A L T H ,. B U SIN

6D(t e

BoaV h i c“a n e \ e n re - f in a n c e

lx )a t y o u juM I x w g h t . aixJ .‘iv e l l i e ta .\ bencfiL s oF o n n e lic ju iiy U ^an. W 'hat u x i .viih t l i e l(x in i.s u p to y o u l\‘ note, a n d ti'C'Il c ivn IV tlx 'fu s t \'car)i a n n u a l a n d ifx' ori^ituision / t v

S o c o m c in i ix la y fo r a n e F.ciuit\' I j ) m ________

“ iK- If yywM: r m m

«J l■ '( MviUl,-.

ill were pu t up forle schools might wind mey.lO problem with the obten>-i9'With-tho-way— jeing” Hponti'-saiti: Mi- - lader'Jam es Stoicheff.

obison. D-Boisc, said ics.morc to.ouLpeopIc-- ivered."laying rig h t into the- — c who w an t to scuttle J," said Rcp. Freeman Lir d'Alene.lg prcdsely w hat our an t us to do," Rcp. :on.:;.R-.Cgc_i;r d’Alcne,_;; m aking a s i^ ifjcah t I education - with re-

elming portion of our we should make thc

ic said.eat fear money wil! be :hc budget, if amend- lowed, said Rep, Pnm se.L a “pro-student" bill. Black, D-Pocatello, a

it an "anti-teacher

iding billnc, Sution, Tiylor. Wil'dc,*

i8i — llrnun, Hnll.1. ijiauen, Kcid, Tuckcr.

ain.st (12) — Alliin-HodKc, BrT)v,ii, Crow, Ccddcs,

, Neibaur. Schaefcr (For- 'Imcyer, _im rn i—-AdamsrP,B!aek,- -- D)d. .McCann. McDcrmoU, Vickcra, Vinccnt, While, ildii.H.




0stIt.ic eaiKl’ (Hir>■01.1you.IialV‘ a

Page 3: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

McClure for helpii

, ByAMYGAMERJiAN ■_____Stales News Servicn___

----------- WASHINGTON-------- SHelms surveyed tho Cryst the W illard Hole!, where t Blaunchest Rcpubiicans ' ered TViesday evening lo |

J o Sen. Jam es McClure..........."W hen'you look around

..... " I g e m n u r b i r f f i p iNorth Carolina RepubI "Mnybe 90'percont of thi tives in th is town nre g this room, and one bomb us a ll out."

Wilh the exception of Buah himself, who sen

. wishes, hardcore Republic out in full force to honor nior senator a t a banquo the conservalive Herila^ tion.

McClurc waa being Honi contributions to the Sena Committee, which he he lish in 1974 lo promote c issues in Congress. After committcc chairman, M signed la s t January.

A t one point in Wee Pr(

You'lS P R I N C

I n O u r

f I TmMfmsoHiiiS U lU iSpecial Open t,4252ndAven

( M e n- T h e m o

R o u mT h e s e a s o n ' s t

p a i r s a v e 2 0 %

# 1 3 5 G ir d le a t t

--------------- # 6 l 5 Q u e e a O

# 5 5 5 G h / e n c t i y

Specio# 4 7 0 T u m m y C '

S o n d l e Tc

r To order., 1 The Parts. 124 Moi

I Quor^ I Styio^

■ 1 N a m e --------------' A d d re s s -----------j C i ty - :---------------

P h o n e ( )—--------------------- 3 - G h e c k -------TJ

P lA C M ^ I

O u r en tire stock ( a v a i la b le for deli

I M a rc h 15 ,1969.:j M a rc h 27th, 198^I


B receives •ing commi

- S o n .— Jesife— rystal Room a l rc the capital’s

gath- tribute

Lind lh is r o o m ,_ ^ ^ ^ ^ B I |Mip le n ^ . '" 'tH 6 lublican said.

conscrva* iri

would take

President sent his bestiblicans turned JA M E nor Idaho's sc- H o n o r qoel hMtcd by ■ q ,„■, |-„i, ■itage Founilo- c iu rc '. Scnat

rupted wilh lionorcd for his your junior enate Sleering Quayle joked, helped eslab- the Senate i{

Lc conservative senator's lead ler 14 years as nior senalor’s

McClurc re- Fellow me coramillee, pi

President Dan attendance.

I 're Inv ited ToIG O P E N Ji F T le w L o c

• Refw n « P l

j S Thui M EET p u i

Ho'll bo horo to E ^ ^ ^ P t t l a r i s Snowmobilo C

a n d to toll you about t f Hourly Drawings Thi

Don’t Foro«I Marcti 31 logotyourSnowChocXDo

i o m y F m o n r A m m i

!K I/t U LOFTVl/IAa House Hours um-m

enue South

Any Rowo r e y o u b u

Id th e Cls b e s t c o l o r s a n d s t y

3 % , b u y 3 p a i r s a v e S

nt t t ie Top-C onlro lJop .IJeinL T oe :hy S h e e r S upport P a n t

:ial SavingsContro l,

; Toe P an ty h o se

a « ,'c a l? 2 0 8 ’735T s)6(V oilec violn A venue North, Twin Foil io Height weiQhi Co

__________ C o u n ty -------------__________ _ S t a t e ---------------- n C h o fg © A c c t .N o .— . 3d 1.50 for po» toa« , AcM 5% w l.

ck o f R o u n d -th e -C lo c k will je liv e ry a t t h e s e s a le p rice 19. S a le p r ic e s e f /e c ttv e trir 989.

i honor F• J J -HIittee


'- i

H E S M cC L U R E •orcd at banquet ,fulsome tribute lo Mcr nate career, Symms inter- lh noisy applause.That's or senator-,back there," . ed. "One thing I learned in J is, I followed the senior ;ad. I did nol follow the ju- )r‘s lead." _members of the sleering , past and present, were in ' ■3.

b O urH O U S E ^

D a t i o n !

r e s h m e n tsP raw in g slursday & Friday lUR P O L A R IS R EP!i to s h o w y o u a ll tho 199 0 I C lo lh o s & A cc o sso fio s ■ ut th o 1 9 9 0 snow m ob iles , 'hursday & FridayI a 111 tho lost <lAy .; Dovmpoym onl Donut

sopoumsmBilJ I H loWFMLSnur9-7;FilS-9;Sel3-5


nd-the-CIoj y , the men l o c k ® H o

t y i e s i n s i z e s A , B , C , C

5 2 5 % , b u y 6 p a i r o r r r

R e g . P r i c e

8.003 e ________ _ A 5 C _________n ty h o se 7.M


lecO 1-oils, 10 B3301 I Color Pnco j

- Z i p ------------ I

w le « ta x . I

Vill b e c e s o t t e r tt^rougt^

---- felony -' manufiacturmg iUidt bte

onild aoon-become .8 Teloir id f f io : ................... *■"

"'Hie HouM'Health arid' fare Committee sent a bill

. lag the change to^the I: '‘T Io w W T tro S iy T T irb lll . already passed the Senate _uMnimouB votfi.. . . . tH ure a e ^ , tprbe^aj

crease in the use of ani steroids, not iust by aU bat also by'children wht ju s t .wanting to look.be said Mick' Mvkuson, exec director of the Idaho Boa Pharma^.

*^e have a pttiblom in 1 ' as well as nationally" Boi<

Sejihusen of the Idaho Mi Association.

Anabolic steroids and b hormones havo been link dangen)u9 side cffects.'

T ie r e ’s a N ^ b i r e o i

A .G . E dw ards is* of Wail S tre e t to w ide array of fini m ee t your sp e c if

N early a million i A.G. E dw ards wl w e provide th e p d ese rv e .

C o m e to Your C o w h e re yo u ’ll find th e p erso n al atte

• Fred N els

A C202 S h o sh o

o c i f In Ac) r e y o u s a v

o s i e r y S iD a n d Q u e e n s i z e ;

m o r e a n d s a v 6 3CR

3 1 p r . , 3 pr.6 M 18.003.60 ' 10.135.60 fSTS'

2 .0 0 6 .0 0

HousBOISE (AP) -

"was ihrcalcned Wednesday.

Rep. Myron_ J _____ _thrcalejied,to_8t

I'. unless he got I la g or --proposal to give i t ^ ) i ^ , lo help them wi lody .in trials.

• : But la te r in td''W 'al“ saying he would 11 mak* — a l least for thi H ouae Jones tried Wi

iQMlHd ond strn lgh rdoy te o n ^ oul o f the Hc

Committee. Bul a ix , in- ' time by q vote df hatlolicith le tes ^ .

P r o p GBcutiveoard o f BOISE (AP)

counties to publ I Idaho, tcmal, benevole lid Bob ganizations' pnM edical____property lax clct

tee Tbesday ov g row th several assik e d to "The assesson

with the cost Q

'^ew C om er in jrnero fW all-^s 'b r in g in g th e financ ial0 t h e Magic Valloy. W e n a n c ia l p ro d u c ts a n d si :iflc n e e d s .

1 Individuals nationw ide wilh th e ir in v es tm en ts , I p e r so n a l serv ic e th e ir i

lo rn e r of W a llS tre e t, A.( id ex p e rie n c e d p ro fessi ten tio n you d e se rv e ,

son ‘ C r a l j

j.E dw ardINVE ST M Em SINCE li

lono S t. E .*1\vln F alis, Ic L3-6019 • 1-8Q0-624-3176

dvance Ay e

> a l e3 S . B uy 1 3%.

6 p r .0 33.60 3 18.905--------------------------

1 2 .0 0

I l?dNtoinGi

se thre^l') — The Idaho House' I ied w ith a ' slowdown . I

on Jones, R-Malad, ; sta ll legislative action j

t House action o n 'h is ' ' !/e six counties $900,000-------.4w ith the cost of major j (

tha ln the day he relented, to a lid n ot forcc a slowdown by r tho tim e being. in fiW ednesday f o n h e se c - ' ohly

lay to 'forcclhtrm ensure—tlo n House Appropriations on t

)u l he lost again, th is _ i] i dr61 '^2; ■ m'u5

erty tax bil?) — A bill requiring bill,ublish the value of fra- Sch:olent and charitable or- andproperty exempt from T:lcared a House commit- lionover strong opposition prai

issessors.iors have some conccrns BI of administering this Coc

I n T o w n - S treet----------

ial r e s o u r c e s 'e o f f e r a

s e r v i c e s to

d e t r u s t 5, b e c a u s e ir in v e s tm e n ts

<\.G. E d w a rd s, s s io n als an d

3lg N elson

i s:i837

, I d .83301 re

Intf Save


K-iGt N . lwin(a:s(?OQ) 733 IL06

Wo a:io v;o:com

_____ ThurMl.iy, Marcl

itcned wiL e g is la tu n

Jones threatened House mui h a t unless his proposal was br 0 a vote, he would statje a slow ly m aking iho Housu rend'evui n full. Usually bills are read b inly, even though the Idaho Cor lo irrcqulros-thcm to bo ro a d i m th ree conscciilivu days.

I£_on^ member objects, Hu iVu'srb'c^road’in full. One biii

ill cleats H)ill," Ado County Asse.ssot k h ro cd er 'lo ld lhe House Rt m d Taxation eommillee.

T he cost arises nol from.pi .ion of tho informalion, b u t tl Draisals needed, Schroeder said

Bonner County A-ssc.ssor Ilochran, however, ncknow


" O n e o f t h e f a s t c i

The Com puter S to re «

A U D I0 11431 Kimberly

\ s

£ » lO am fo 6 p n , (Dot t . ib j : omcVlCA. AiTH'i.con [■[''i-'.-i f/'

ith slowdu ._ I duced in lhe House

r o - 1 I™®’ "1I hours to read.— j Although il hiis IQ I Senate, House veU

j couldn't remember

lu m b e r s c o m m itte e , b r o u g h towdown Whea the sessu k-ery b il l" House-had nearly by title Senale billa ready

’onslilu- i.ogislniive leaders 1 d-nrfull~ 'iT tbcin5t-fow -days

cesfl, pointing lowai he bills nient of the 1989 sc ill intro- ofncslw cck.

lou!^ comiior Bill th a l the benevolen Revenue property exemplion

lha t is oul of control pubiicn- "1 think il's a goo( th e fijl* - (of exempted propet

lid. thero cnn know wht said Rep. G a ^ Rol

or Tim "1 don't anticipate i iwledged th a l much."


A dvanccF e a t u r e :




provide compli

e s t c o m p u t e r s w e 'v .


y R d .»Twin Falls. ID »734

/ 0

J j ) I'' >n-.Iont crrxJit o n ^t/n-.U'i Cn-Cl ondD -^uvc'

rcti 1C. 1909 TirTios-Nows, Twin

I d a h o

_ _ . _ . . . . . . J l

rwin Falls, Idaho A-3 1


^ w n3use this session is

which would take .. .............

iis happened in the veterans said they ber the last tim e - ;

.'Ssion started, the.rly 100 House- and - • •dy for final action.irs have been.trying - - - -ays to Bpced theTJro----------------)ward final adjourn-.9 session by lhe end

nmittee)lent and charilahle .ion "is an exemplion1 trol."good way to gel a list operty) so people oul w hat's taking place,'’Robbins, R-Dielrich.

itc il is going to costA

BLEE R S ---------[ i c e d EVE i r e s :impoUi()Ic wiih PC/AT IHzorlOMHz)n , .cccssofuptoShulf-Jcvicesutility ROM

lEX 1800 is engineered ifacturcd in the US lo implete rtiiiabilily

i 'v e t e s t e d . " , .-PC Magazir^e \ )

p oWilNxjl Monitor



. ,-t^

• .y


on yovjt ('Otti ChorQO

Page 4: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

EastTcxiis AlFChairmfi

__________ c r t , i r p R y z a n tin c - c o rpbeen im ln t risk by th againHtTfXiiH AirCoi Airlinys.

Now, only Enstfrn bankruptcy court pro< m ny hnve planned wh

' compiinynn986, Lor( to find enough strikob plune.s until he can fir oncc-proud company, ri'mniniiiK p arts and c 31,l)00jab.s.

It mny not end then strn tcfiy isto entangle (’inpiro in the bunkruf

For now. though. U appears tu be to persu Bankruptcy tfudjje Bu wants to Kradually re.‘ break it'up.

That won't be cosy, likely to a ttrnct enoug lo help him crush the i Kvmpiithizers because mechanics are in very everywhere in the indi

_________ W ithoiitthe.stiikcbiquite possible for thee workers und their alli< stra tegy becausc lawy advisors forthe unioni


NixoiGo nhead, laugh a t p

Nixon.It's a favorile parlor

winter, quoting the pri memornndn o f lh e fo ^ — titillalingoxam ples been culled from recer national archives and ( book called “From: Th edited by Washington'

— OudpR, ..........................The documents then

might expect, aro in m resonant of this extrao tortured man who reac pinnaclt^ of power 20 yi such a long and'storm; largely spent by hia sti R ichard Nixon sils in t from l9G9to 1972 spew: stream of conscious nr



Letter/_H earing threate

Hii: Wood andSiK tT Hearing

.Vope I didn't .'.iv u - m y le tte r to th f cdititrl said, ‘ Fi.-ih and Came ! le tte r heading said.'W h quite a num ber of what O thers I had a problem ir ( rv e r tis e d ( li i ly inTI any o fth e Valley paper Gooding LcadiT. Lincol

■ A lln fth n .:o ari'a sa reC ( soniL'thing that Ins rai^ ihcst* propoKils havi-.

A I 'u t h e r i 'sp< in se a s I w c r i 'n ’t a t th e h e a r i n g c t h e re > p ()ti ''i ' w a s t h e y c I ) r c p ; i r r d b y t h e Fi.-ih ill t h e y h a d p r o p o s e d . Y o t li> t (if a v a i l a b l e option.-^, w u re IK) op tion .^ f u r b a i t f i l l i n g p e n n d . a n d t h a t '

In t h f ‘ H aili 'V h e a r i n g h a d a c o n .^ id e r a h ly la rg i w ill) b a i t fijih o n S i lv e r v' M r K a - I . 's , wh<, f ( , r y e a

_ p u b l ic act'c.HS to tu s p r o f t h e iu '. 'in n g wa^; i l ' t h e y c

tern's t•man Frank Loi^uo*il :— arporat«-«impira-may-havu— the mnchinists’ strike- Corp. subsidiary Eastern s

!rn is in C hapter II iiproceedings, n move he hwheivhc boughtthc - ♦ Il

A) re nzo"mfVy belry ing only nkebreakers lo fly a few . iiI finish demolishing that ir ny, selling off itsa d e lim ina linga llo fits o

V.here, however. Tho unions’ ciigle all of Lorenzo’s ti:ruptcycase, L . Lorenzo's game planrsundo Federal itBurton U dand that he b<restore Eastern, not li.

■ CIsy. For one thing, he isn’t i ol 3ugh tem porary workershe strikers and their pluse both pilots and pie ry short supply ptindustry. r(.cbreakers.he needs, i l i s — ai 10 determ ined Easternlilies to upset Lorenzo's Eiw yoreand financini - aiions believe the b<7TOlrf1l)firfo sefi’Ea'Stl'ni n

m put ia t poor Dick

rlor sport this —private trivia on trogjjjer p resident wonofllct'les o f which have InOudecently released. dictation,nd collected-ifi'a World seeThe P re s i^ n t," everythin,

on w riter Bruce peccadillc......................... .......... Whit«Hoi

lem selves, ns wc or bowlinjn many ways of special'raordinary, oUen m anifold;'enchedthe and the E;0 years ago afler ingratitud rm y quest-So, latest shif1 striving, Israel, in th c Oval OfTice *Someb iewing oul a third-pers s nnd unconscious "constantl

^ P n ^


/ Fishing restrictic itens opea fishinge r Creek Fi^h and Game

It — The Time.'-New.'idid. In . i»r last Monday the heading le Hearing Rigged.* My What hearing .' I [minted out hat I railed irregularities, em wiih_weri' the wav it_w-as iT he TTniei^’uws a iu l'n o tln '” pers, Northside Ni'ws. icoln (x)unly Jdurnal, etc. e certainly invulvi-d in ■aiM'd tile c'i)iUn)vi-r>y tliat

as to hov. people uho lg could get inviilvc-d. anil ■y could send in llie papvr.- I and (Janie \Mth the tipiuui- ^ot no fine r,iit h.i- th.it ins. On SilviT Cri i k there lait people; il vvnuld lie fl.v la t 's thal.ing on Frida.v ini;ht the> irg e r crowd, and >nii [Hoplr .T vTtek would lie glad lhal k'ears now has allinw d iroperty — his re.^pnn-e al ?y clns4‘ the a rea to liait

yQpunions----- Hatry_Beins<

surv ive as a viable airline.Lifland has frequently sidec

in bankruptcy cases when the, hnve a good chance of making

_ I t sh ouldn’t bo hard lo persuat m alting a comeback will be al impossible for Eastern ns lonf in charge.

The unions will try to be nai o f th e Eastern creditors’ comn week und get enough support I com m ittee to persuade Liflanc tru stee to run the company in.' Lorenzo.

E aste rn management has 1( its reorganization plan, but tin bo sufficient to persuade Liflai list o f creditors that Lorenzo c

■ com pany’s enormous debts wii off a ll o f its parts.

The unions have their own r plan ready to offer the judge. I p roposal tha t workers take pa; percenl nnd accept cosl-cuttin. re tu rn for 25 percent of the cor

-and-KeatAon it« board o f direel A som ewhat sim ilar p lan wi

E aste rn ’s top executive was fo - a s tronau t Frank Borman. Tha

bccausc, among other things^ ! ~rvncgU3'oira promise to re.stor

indelibR o g e r M o r r i s

tn the trappings of the hard- Ice.jdes ' anthology of presidential )n, the lender ofthe Free jeem.s lo fret aboul ling, from Teddy Kennedy's illoes to the log-room under -iou6« tables, from wine lists - ling b a lls o r the party loyalty ial-evenUs musicians to the Id subvcrsio[i by the media I Establishm ent, or the Lude o f American Jews for the h ipm ent of je t fighters to

lebody,' ho says in a typical erson admonition to his men, ntly has to be telling the

Si'. ftWD 'ibu Say t (

tion prompts comnfishing, ho'll cki'O it up and all.

I think the word now i.s gt JJ .vou people fiirget the option

o u r Fish and Game Commi^ Four.

.J Tell him how you feel alnt the Fish and Game saying r

^ on Big Wood or Silver Creek p ro p lp a n r bait f ish rn n cn is

discriminiited agairisi.I don't hiive the nerve yet

grandrorts. Frankie nnd C ar qu iirter of a mile from Woot a re a . They, and all their fn< riviT in the sum m ertim e ~ give them a sound reason v•i It would make ihem think lh ju-' l weren't being fair. In fa

■ \v u n d e r in g l i ie s a m e t lu i ig .‘ till-' lull of other inrideiits th

WiindiT ifa >-h(irt CDur^e i friends and influence pt'iiple

Don't furget the address fi cum m isvioiiens: Idaho Fist .N'orniaii Guth. iteginn •! Con .’vilnioii, II)


jinioi won't— _ — ------- — and hew

' belligoreboard.

ded with debtors But no they appear to unpreced :ing a comeback. machinis;uado him th u li.____ Eastem.i: alm ost sharing pong as Lorenzo is It will I

they’re sinam ed m em bers who moy im m itteeth is the worki ir t from th a t cu tsa fte i a nd to name a billion in instead of decade,

Lorenzs 180 days lo file Iheblam i . th e plan m uy not cosLs, but :fIan d o rlh eIo n g H e is ti u) cnn p ay o ff tho joined in without selling machinis

and almo'n reorganization honored t :e. II includes a strike coi p a y c u tso f2 5 workers’ ,

:ting work rules in Lorenz, company’s stock maneuverectors.-------------- " -s la sh wn{I w as tried when Airlines, s fo rm er wage ratirh a t failed losing me;s. Borm an________ iVmericuistore wage cu ts and are tl

lie staipre.ss until it runs out the the president is working I

“ Nixon instructs While Ho Staff H.R. H aldem anto RN’s resiliency whon the

nl toughest.’It is mostly a pathetic i

disrobing monologue — a Captain Q ueeg 's> lf-dest testimony in "The Caine ?

’ • And nowhere hns the ridii y public dism ay been sharp

among the very coiuserva once adm ired nnd suppor Thus a venerable column

’e righl like Jam es J. Kilpal typically finds in the priv. a president "vain, proud, .■sensitive to s lig h t... a mn with im ag e .' It is all, Kilp concludes cluckingly, *juj

, ; K g

^ - I s B J - W b K

____ _

p - - . -


im e n t--------- ^,nd ullow nu Hilling al---------- ^

> getting around, and ion papiTs and wrile in m issioner for Region


iilKJUt these proposals of lg no more bait fishing eek. Just because nis-no 'sigm hevshfiu ld ' •

vet to tell mv Iwu *"•' 'L^rl. who live only a 'ood River in liie Ilaile.v ■ fnends, live on ihiil ~ 1 couldn't be able to

1 v •hy it could happen; ' the Fish and Game

1 fac t a lot ofadulls are g. Nut t«'V(iii«r of ju5t ' th a t ki'i'p happening’

in-How to win ’ pie" would iielp'.’ "■ s for yuur Regmii Four •’ish and Game,'onim issioner. Box I),

17 ff. thei pn)

m__t topphwas not willing to really shai orial authority-with som e o f- rent employee representative

low, bludgeoned by Lorenzo i edentcd unity, the oncc-feudii lists, fiight attendants and otl

'p la n succeed.- ,II bo easie r if the unions g el tl seeking from some potential

jy be tem pted by the willingn ■kors lo lake more wage nnd 1 ler a lready having given up S in contract concessions over t

nzo has tried dosperntely to p me for E aslem ’s troubles on i ml tha t’s hard to swallow,; trying to prove thnl E astern n un economic suicide pact w lisLs struck the company, nnd nost all of the o ther employee J the picket lines, He-argues t :ould wipe out the company ai s’ jobs.nzo used the C hapter 11 banki tfer in 1983 to get rid of unions •ages b y 50 pcrcen ra t h isCon s. Now Continental has the lo' ates in the airline industry an noney while competitors sucl-

I thriving.

mp onheir e ars that paranoid."g h a rd ." Yet while (louse Chief of performed a) "point oul with his glimle going is nnd while tht

nmple eviderc and excommunic• a little like president, thi s tructive than iro n ic - .‘ Mutiny." entertainm er dicu icnnd To begin \v rper than whom the coi vativeswho flawed if not orted Nixon. tho sam e poli m ist o fth e American So )ntrick ' Kepublicnn n ivate memos War fit for Ri J, painfully statesmnnshi nan obsessed historic if sor ilpatrick revolution in ju-st a bit ('onfederacv

l-p « ^ -------# • / >

* yt ' 7 ^

\ V '* i*

o k I b u

L • - « lIclHBa

f y l t o U w F b'^eOMMfvNBED L .


_____________________MI t ? '

Single tT T iffn io n a lirH eag an nt)w f L 'tireinentfrom the White lj. n iers th e h istory books as oi resident in th is century lo b nd se rv e two full te rm s. Onl loosovcll. W oodrow WiLson, lelano Roosevelt and Dwigh asenhow er are the o thers inr u u p ---------- ------------------------( )f course, m any interpret;]

0 m ade of R eagan 's fea t, bu :nnds out r r th frtthp -p rrs idc : nly a n elusive office for sec< ?ekers. bul also a less than ; ne fo r the successful. A gooc e m ade lh a t all five second -1 resid en is did the ir best jobs rs t te rm .And th e 2l.’nd .'Vmcndment t

onstilu tion lim iting the chie ) two te rm s (an anti-FD H de h ich w as supjxjsed Uj be the n the sub jec t, left untouched .ru c tu ra l d iso rder o f lhe pre iiniely, th a l a single te rm is At the Q m siiiu tional Conve

'87. som e deleg.itcs who did le ir w ay perci'iyed the- nu h j m h lem : H um an ac tiv ity wa

fe Lorehare There is a c haf-;---------------Contine iita lnndives ori the airline em pire,

world.:o into T ha t could hiiding pilots, court is persunc other ' separate parts (

incx tricab ly int !l the help responsible for inl buyers He oWns half ignesHof owns p a r t o f Te id benefits E astern a n d Co: pS l.5 knownappenda, j r the past domain. It may

they a re all pari0 pul all surely i t i s possi in its lalwr astute, experien

' as Lifland.:rn worker_6 If so, th e whol tw hi;n ' ^ part o f th e bank md pilots . a t risk m ore that'oes role a t Eastern,3S th a t the there m igh t yet and the one o f Am orica’i

executives,n k n ip tc )^ But Lorenzo i:m s nnd he has frien^^ir'onlmehlal' helped persuadelowest m anagem ent soand is still with h is Easterruch ns Bush rejected

off period thnt w


le Oudes has certainly i1 a valuable public service i limpse into liw arch ives, i the Kilpatricks can cite 1 dence for their psychiatric ‘ < n ica tiono fafa llen t there is something m ore

: — even insidious — in the i nent. o ( iw ith .th i.?R Ichard ‘Nixon' 1 conservatives now pity a s i lot disturbed is very m uch joliticiaii who made the I South safe fora j n m ajority, and the Cold { •Republican i ship. Without Nixon’s t sometimes hidden [■ in party politics of the Old c ey and the New Sun B elt, f


h I if \ )jx^ ^ j 3

f i f S l A V A ^

u \ Lr ^

/ i r T / W n ^ * ^ 3 l aII

I * n^ ^ _X

|y cf i ® aK B P

term enW firiiViy in■ House, hc T h’ only the fif\h — —) be elected m ach the so)nly Theodore genera tion ,■n. F ranklin th e h ig h e s t ;ghl I). likely lo holin lh is select C h ief execu:

------------------- — tarm -cam paetalions could th e re b y depbut one th n t b e s t s ing le ed c n c y irn o l s o lu tio n 'to tecond-term execu tiv e , ain productive second termood case can O n ly the 1id-term p u b lic supp(lbs in tho ir efTect w-ould

f e a r o f flyin,It to tho p re s id e n t Wl:iief executive p lan a n d imdevice). p r o ^ a m s w

the last word And w ith a jled the basic well flow to>residency — se n io r mem'is sufTicient. con tinu ity fr

ivention in th e next,lid not get Singlo-ter:i lu if .lh e ______ h avc .to cndiwas pretty unsuccessfu

m zofrI chance tha t Lorenzo will lose

re, largest in the non-commun:

i^happen if the the bankruptcy m d c d tha t the ostensibly rts o f Lorenzo’s heavily indobtc

intertwined th a t they a re all for E astern’s debts, iflif o f J e t Capital Corp., w hich Texas A ir, which in tu m owns Continental and other less wcl

idages of Lorenzo’s troubled lay be difficult legally to prove parts b fth e sam e whole, but ossible in hearings before an rienced bankruptcy judge such

vhole company could become ankruptcy proceedings, puttinf than ju st Lorenzo's m ajordom

!m, and his embittered worker yet win thcir struggle ogainst ica’s most ruthless corporate

zo isn’t giving up the fight, and b in high ploces-\vho.mayhav£ lade President Bush to side wit t so fa r in its showdown battle tern workers.;tcd tho National Mediation

It would have a t least delayed

CS, worneitTOr Ronald Reagan nor incumbent George Bush coi added up the electoral a rith m ake it to the presidency. V Nixon’s opening lo China an

■ ouriy detente wilh the Sovie the Republicans — in power would likely still bo m ired ii

} mythology and miasm a of o Cold War era that has long i beeri'supplanled by m ore su international challenges.

Il waa Richard Nixon, loo between those peevish musi aboul prerogatives — whose adm inistration quietly bega real dismantling of the New tha t Ronald Reagnn brough: kind of climax, nnd lhat conservatives find so gratify president, it turns o u t,w as p retty hard after all.

T here is the addedjronyJ. I Nixon was also the chief exe

and patron who personally r Bush, an obscure Texas poli u fler a trouncing by Lloyd E in the 1970 Senate race. Il w; who put Bush in the polilical su.slaining spotlight of the U Nations amba.s.sadorship, th appointed him GOP national chairm an, where Bush first the seeds o f his political con' and his own eventual presidi

Beyond Reagan and Dush Republicans now rule the na a rpgime largely mndo by R

of this m an who wrote the p< m em oranda — from Chief J William R ehnquiston theSu Court to the ranks of the nev and the corridors of Congres plush law offices and consult of a whole generation o f GOI

_____________Willi.iiii E ilow.'. rd

b o o r d .Sk-p(wn arc 5M,irvigir> Edilor V

wugh fcT h o m a s D i B a c c o

L‘ sam e from generation lo on, and individuals who a tta i .■sl political post in the land a hold on lo it as long as possih }cutives would spend th e firslD p aig n in g .fo r- th « b w o ik I;------depriving the nation o f th e ir :Ie shot. Ben Franklin had a UJ'thls dllciTiTiiijni'pluml e, a n unpaid position a nd no jrm s.10 la s t a p p ea rs likely to arou. ipport today , but its p rac tica l luld be enorm ous. Freed o f th ying in a re-election, tho t would have am ple t im e to • im p lem en t legislative s w ithin the prescribed p e rio 1 a sh o rte r te rm , power mighi to C ongress, with a c ad re o f

em bers capable o f p roviding y from one a dm in istra tion to

te rm presiden ts would not nduru the Ira iu n a o f . sful b ids for re-election — a

A - i Thui

•om pole tho strike, ns.tho Machi

m ist convincing, but Lorenzt having allies in and out

:y when he argued against period.

)ted, There is Frederick M rBD~^*^CXas'A1j-'vIce presidor 1 assistan t for legislative

Transportation & c re ta :h IV is now a p artn er in a n s firm handling som e o f I 'ell- Hc ruled in favor of E

a fte r denouncing the pil ve compjaining about ^ s t

ca rrie r.'' Thorc also is G lover 1

barikruptcy judge who r favor in th t o arlier Conl

• bankruptcy case. He is : "S law firm that also is wo " 'o And then there is Elli

chief airline anti-trust ll Justice D epartm ent whi A ir’s Icgol StafT.

The battle continues,v c ___ .Jitrikors obviouaiy.jirc bn th em pire may sufTcrheav e he like ly will rem ain u r

flying Ihrough life first (

ng= Harry Bernstein wnti d The Los Angeles Times.

rid affc)r the courtiers. Yes, i'ould havo really m ade Wai thm otic lo rather profitable .W ithout Y ctlho tilterii ind the is not sim ply a n 'ie t Union, conservatives. V 'or o r out — consign Richord I in the category o f abor r a postw ar to obscure w hat g since angry d icU fore;s u b tle ......... .. government (Tnd

shrewd callousm 0 0 — burgeoning undeisings . the benign, casu ise slopped the civil,'an tho tho crucial econc 'w Deal spinning o f the w 'h t to a interest g ovem n

to threaten tho si ifying. The democracy, not I s working transm utation ol

itself into m ore pkOhat----------— T hem an^ho-ixecutivc memos we elect* r rescued four out of five li jh tician , in ^ m e r1 Bentsen Franklin Delano was Nixon . . r . . ..^11 decades o f th is ClUnftcd m an y m m cs.b u

United S tates haml • spent our adult iist planted truly been the Ni)moback So go ahead,idency. See him fiail agaih, the real and imaginenation with things funny for iR ichard nevw ica lly was

‘lu'nnimp Hof cr Morris ' cw Cabinol n c Rta'or Hichess, to the lirsl oftbAe vohuluincios puW's/ied this fn.OP Co.

members of ihc editorial ^ d jrx i umlcrs of edilorialse Stephen Hartgen and m

William E. Howard c

or presucondition th a t c a n las the reb y lim iting usefi nation, as illu stra ted Ford and J im m y C a r

a in v th ree one-term presic a re th e ir re-election bids

iible. in th e ir post-W hitoHc rs t Andrew Johnson, whc

senatoTT-John'Q tnnry r near-17iyears in the I: I R epre.sentaliY ca.w m

and H erbert H oover,D m ark on governm ent

1932.)use To be sure, ch ie f ex a l find it difficidt lo give th e trapp ings o f the O val

years. But a s F ran k li' ............ “ In free governm en

th e servan ts an d th e j iod . superiors and sovere i ;ht fo rm er therefore to n o f la tte r w as not to d e g r lg them — and it would to unreasonable b u rden

them alw ays in a s ta t

Tbowus DiBacco is !> A/nencar? L/nivfrsi'ty,

iur!iday, March 1G. 1989 Timos

merachinists-wanled:-------- ^m td idn ’t-rfeed-------------------------enzo wasn’t hurt by out of the While House linst th f cooling-off

k McClurc. a former__________idont^lvho is Uush‘’s tive affairs. Form er ■etary Jam es H. Burnley in a Washington law o f E astern's problems, of E astern last y ear * c pilots’ union for •^ s t e m ’s fitness as.a

'e r Roberts, the former ho ruled in Lorenzo’s Continental Airline ’ is now a p artner in a I working wilh Lorenzo.Elliot Seiden, form er ist lawyer with tho who has joined Texas

ICS, and while therc being hu rt, Lorenzo’s ---------loavy losses even though lu multi-millionaire rst doss.

vritcs on labor i s ^ s in nc3.

mis} s ,it wos Nixon who Washington safe — and ab le — for Republicans, lering a t Nixon’s memos ’ a m atte r of ungrateful ‘3. Worst of all, to lard Nixon to some iberran t personality is ha t evensom e o fh is "oreshadowedin and leadership — the usness toward the inderclass in America, asual bigotry that liviisrights revolution at conomic threshold, the lie web ofspecial- ■mment lhal has comc no strangling of our not to mention the >n o fthe presidency Te public relolions.iiho-eignedihMC-painfah'----------ected lo national office .'0 lim es, a rocord mericon polities only by ano Roosevelt. Tho last lis century m ay acquire , but most of us in tho shave grown up and lit lives in w hal has e Nixon Era.;ad , laugh a t poor Dick, against his enemies, gined. See him write for a president. But it was — nnd is n o t— a . le r

■ris "A-s 7?iet‘ U’cnJ Up: fic/i;irt/A'i'xorj,'t/ie volumes, will be s full by Henry Holt &

Willbm CAJverliviic] Dirt-clor

Micfvu-I GowiTCifcubiion MirwcK-r

identI la s t for years, iseful service lo the led today by G erald C arte r. In fact, only e sid en ts defeated in ids w ere notew orthy ; House years : who becam e a U.S.nry-Adam sTwhdsc-----------------le House ofvere ditilinguiflhed: -- -----e r , who m ade his en t commissiorus aft'er

f executives would give up all the val Office a f te r four nklin noted: n e n ts thu ru le rs a re he people tho ir e reigns. F o r th e X) r e tu rn a m ong the e g rad e , but prom ote uld be im posing an len on them , to keep s la te o f serv itude.''

0 in a hi'storian a t !ily, Wiishington. D.C.

imos-Nows. Twin Falls. Idaho

Page 5: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

r iB N aJanuat

WASHINGTON "(APm erchandise Iradc dd sh arp ly 'in Jan u a ry to

— imhnlani monlhs, ns n big declin

______importfl nfr^et a highcgovem m ent reported W

I ’ho Commerce Dej: th a t the imbalancn bei and exports fell by 13.' a revised December do

--------- billion aa th c United S,1-a re 'trade surp lus wil the deHcit w ith Japan cst point in alm osl four

The Bush udminist the development as ai sign of progress in w the country 's huge trai many private econom less encouraged.

Some analysts calle< ^ figure a ono-month f

M e r c h a n d

T r a d e D e f-M


* T I T U C T T T l

j m .* 8 8 o w .- a eI 9.77 I 110.991


Contra c pact hac from Re

WASHINGTON (Ai>) Reagan in 1985 nol on secrel pact lo give Ht than SUO million for N icaraguan Contras bu phoned H onduras' pn the H onduran militar ^umnVuliilfim'sRTplnenr tho Oliver Norlh ju Wednesday.

Reagan m ade u note lioberto Soazo th a t s; durnn "w ill call his m ander to tell him to d munition," former nali ad\-i?er Robort McFarla the Oliver N orth trial, tion then gol to the guei

Under questioning lawyers. M cFarlane ' Reagan initialed a [ February 1985 tha l res

oi rTfle.s, iimmunilion arII was a "qu id pro '

ment th a t Reagan w a s ; "provide incentives"

durans for helping oul.■'You're going to give

millions of dollar.-; U North lawyer I3renc asked McFarlane.

‘Yes," the w itness sai "There is nothing dii

.. p r o y o , is there?"

Laler, reading from .secret memo, Sullivar "$75 million in econom He also referred to $35 pediled miliUirty id.

The m a ile r was so ; Farlune acknowledged tioning. th a l the a rra discussed verbally by ha«?ii jQr J n Hondjjraf and was nol given lo hii

North's lawyers say adm inistration had a pi such arrangem ents wit tries to support the Coi two-year period in w called the Uoland ;\m hibilec! U.S. miliuiry ai rillas.

^ 7 ? t e r o u r e !COLORING COI


$ 5 T O $G IF T C E R T IF IC


FnO M 4 YRS & YC TO 10 YRS

Coloring onulos ar>i nv.iiiaOlo al your r


ationiriTtradeAP) — Tho, U.S. they bcliideficit narrowed dreary {to S9.49 billion, prospects,

lance in throe

e h c t - n i U i m ^ g ° ‘ d Wednesday.^ .Lmaauuy. economic |Dcpurtmcnt mud , j„ t J .between „ p o r t sal

13.7 percent from■ deficit of $10.99 S E

.States posrea'ii 1 1989 with Europe andan fell to ,ta low. „j, ^ces.

The J a rnistrotmn hmletl p |„ , „(■ j.1 an encouraging „I w b ttl.n e down , i„ c / s e p l trade deHcit, b u t necting hi lomists were far

II J L I The trllled the Jonuai7 j „ p p e d , ’ nuke m w hal r .l lh s o ft t

inJapanc: The J a r

reflected d

i d i s e ^

A « O M O J --------


aid [k id OK eaganr\P) - President only approved-a Honduras more for helping th e b |)Q |

i but he also'tole- 2',pre.sident when

^ 0 ;_delayed_an *nt lo iheTebeTsl

jury was told ■ BROI 2 ;

lote of his call to JENfi I said the Hon- 2<is militiir^' com- TA iir .0 deliver the am - TAUP nalional security uiano testified a f 'G LO ( lal. Th’e am m uni- 9rTi,n.ernlla». S |y , |ing by defense e detailed how c M n I plan in mid- S M Il resulted in Hon- . 9fT

I r ti-iip ripJ iv fri.i£ ^ .1 and machines. ro quo" arrange- as advised would ROSS s" lo the Hon- ,2^ut- u e p rjive them lens of ; lo cooperate?" endan Sullivan ■ S M II

,44’ Riiri: dirty alwut quid 3 Q------- C t o !om a previously 35ivan referred to p c D ilomic assistance." f*i>35 million in ex- ci

FREEso sensitive, Mc- ijed under ques- .rrangement w as D C by tlie U.S. am - I f Ciras with Sua7.Q__ _____^I him in writing. 1say thc Reagan ,a policy of h iding •'with other coun- C oatras during a..-

which the so- f\mendment pro- )■ aid to lhe gucr- ,

“ (


$15---------FICATESE! KOF PRIZES V= GROUPS . YOUNGER I'RSarxj dotails H

lur noarost

; deficit siclievo .w iir ^ an olherwiso

outlook for U.S. trade :ts th is year. • •)88, thc U.S. trade deficit do- by 21 percent to $119.76 bil- a boom in export sales helped I two-flflhs of thc year's total lie growth.analysts arc forecasting lhat sales, despite aggressive mar: liing elTorts on the part of the Btration^will -slow significant* >89 while America's foroign oil rcases, reflecting rising worldIS.January deficit reflected a sur- ■ $46.5 million wilh Westem . the first trado s u ^ lu s there September 1983, primarily re- : higher U.S. sales in Britainin c e . .....

trad e deficit with Japan i to $3.5 billion with two- f th a t dociino reflecting a drop nose ca r imports. 'January deficit o f $9.49 billion d declines in both imports and , which had h il all-time rccord

# Beret:F r e e d o

these I r flCTORY WPS VILL|3EH|RE |

ro HELP iw a .

PISTOLSB e re t ta M o d . 9 :

9 m m P i s { o l s

[OWNING BUCKMARK.22 Aulo. icg $209 9 3 .........SAI

lOWNING BUCKMARK SILO :2 2 -A u lo - ia r$ 3 5 9 m :.- “ .SAI

lOWNING BUCKMARK VARI22 Auto, reg S32990.........SAI

NNINGS J - 2 2.22 Aulo. leg S79 95 ..............SI

URUS P T 9 2 CHROME9m m A ulo . ieii S4I9 97.....SAI

O C K 1 7 -L C O M P E T rn O M9m m Auto, leg S733 50.. .....SAI

1ITH & W ESSON 6 9 0 49m m Aulo. leg S502 50.....SAI

1ITH & W ESSON 690G9m m Auto, teg S553 90.....SAI

5 1 » R M S P 2 2 6 ----------------------9m m Auto, reg s r a s 7 .....SAI

ISSI 5 5 1 STA IN LESS'.22 Revolver icg SZ29 90...SA1

FC R -9 2 O .A ..22 Revolver la j SI2995...SA1

IITH & W ESSON 6 2 9 UStO.4<1 Revolver,8 ' ihi s h ?93SA1

IG E R S P -1 0 138 Revojver, 3 j e o s r a s a S A l

M RTER A RM S BULLDOG Ui.357 Revolver, 6 ' ................. SAI

IR E H A M OD. B7BB.22 Auto, lea S52500 ............SAI

EEDOM A RM S.4 5 4 C as u l reg $895 0 0 .....SAI

EMINGTON-G o ld en -B u H e t

H igh V eloc ity A .22 L o n g R ifle £ k

A m m o

99' f50 round box

eaH“OsB lu « l

S p1236 Bh

sinks to ]so levels in Docombende U.S. importa fell by 6.9• $37.29 billion a s sales of I

10- sumer goods declined by11- and foreign car shipmened__by_$m m im on---------------a l U.S. imports o f oil, ho\

“t s t a r t Y(

I SOlARPiId Knpikscifwmlntbcwlnlcr,

Uw sum mer. A utonuUciDj RSU ir- ItiownhumWUy.BufflKjdpnx m Orrsociind.WeWnstonrororc j-e . ycars.l7"fec(k>ns,srccciifil(^: .Q. htch,tno)dalbianopkttfhaii(

spcdaIfonnuUlib<n.Unr» malnlmance.•Fint Ofit, onljrasL.HailUo«r<Hmd.tlon,noChta,asanU eorbulkL IIcatforC 5j

>Pthan can buUd o r bu ; a convoitlMulDcathouM.


imtta HANDGl

~ F R E E ~ D ^ FO»REM .22

REM GU( & R E M (

5 - ----------------- ............

92F Savage t Is 2 2 3 ,2 4 ;

~ R E M I N G T O I S A L E ‘, 1 8 8 " 223 c a t...

ILOUETTE BROWNING S A L E ^ 7 " — 2 m a r i

ARMINT REMINGTOI SA L E ’2 9 9 ” 280 cal. «

WINCHESTI SALE ‘6 6 ” 223 & 22-

WINCHESTI SA L E ‘3 6 3 “ 2 7 0 & 2 8 (

II WINCHESTI iA L E ‘6 5 7 " 7mm 8 301

REMINGTOI SA LE‘4 4 7 ” 7mm 08 I

REMINGTOI SA LE‘4 7 7 “ All Cal, lo 301----------------------- R lM IN G TO iSALE ‘6 6 6 “ 7m m Ivtag

REMINGTO) SALE‘199™ 30-06 cal.

R U G E R 77R SALE‘1 0 7 “ All Caliber

£D BROWNINGSALE‘3 4 9 “ 348 cal. II

WINCHESTEiA LE.*329” __.....3Q :30.cal.

USED WINCHESTE SALE‘1 3 9 “ 30 -3 0 cal.

WINCHESTE i A U '4 6 6 " 32 -4 0 cal.

WEATHERS SALE 7 9 9 " ’ 7m m or 31

2 2


^733^Lake!O fll u e L a k e

13-montup sharply in

5.9 percent to cen t to $3.5 I if foreign con- prices. The p r y $1.4 billion 514.46 from cnts dcclincd~whilG the nu:________________ 7 ft m illinn.hniowever, were million barrel

r o u r G a r d e rmwQmcr,ox<ln

iDVcnta ^iro-M / f n | ^ H |

r a i lraoor / U U r ^ W L

- w illiSMpv M - L L A W p ^ _Lrcr, fer k a


MARCHIC-••-M Tburtdar.FrldjyiiSi

i l; U N S

ns & ^WINGS 2 flNNO IflRD PO' OIL ___

RIFLES110 E Bolt Action Rill 43, 270, 7m m , 30-C

ON 7 8 BOLT ACTION '..................................SA L E ‘31

IG BLR 81 LEVER ACTIONT 5 r 5 « 5 7 5 o r : : : : :S A L r ’4 ll

ON 700 ADL RYHITE “IM1S54J90.............SALE'48

TER 7 0 LIGHTWEIGHT 2 -2 5 0 reg S « 9 9 0SA LE‘3 7

TER 7 0 FEATHERWEIGHT 80 leg s « 2 90 ... S A L E ‘4 0

T E R 7 0 S P 0 R T E R iOOmag ieg S472boSALE‘41

ON 7 0 0 MOUNTAIN RIFLE1 reg S « 8 9 0 .......... S 4 L E ‘41

ON 7 0 0 £ D LM n a reg S4G2 OOSALE‘3 9

DN 7 0 0 KEVLAR LEFT-HAIag leg S699 ?o...... SA L E ‘61

D N 7 4 0 0 AUTOMATIC5l. icg $458 8 0 ...... SA L E ‘41

R BOLT ACTION>ers lo 3 3 8 .............SA L E ‘3 6

G 7 U E V E R ACTIONleg S699 90........... SALE ‘4 9

TER 9 4 LEVER ACTIONil_ je9 .S 2za97__.SAL£-‘23TER BUFFALO BILLJl. leg $339 90 .......SALE ‘2 9

TER JOHN WAYNEJl. leg. $990 0 0 ...... SA L E ‘8 6

BY MARK V300 leg $1,041 00 SALE "S I

BLACKH------Quallty-nemanu!23 55 g i. S ett Point 9mm

;g. $ 9 .9 9 * 8 t o 50 leg $9.91

ti.iC Liu*!

6446^0' S TH e

Siwes Blvd

ith lowin January, rising 6:1 per-

.5 billion, reflecting rising price per barrel jum ped to

im $13.10 in December, number of barrels fell to Jjariela-per-day-from-8 .1-1— ro lsin December.

in N o w !!

m m m


ii Sabirdt)' Noon lo (pjn.

iurir o w n i n G

emingtoSEE fl 4 5 4 (



SHOTlilies R em in g to n 1-06 M ag n u m Pu

REMINGTON 8 7 0 ' 3 1 9 ” 12 or 20 ga. leg

)N R E M IN G T 0 N 1 1 -8 4 0 7 * '^ l 2 g a . reg $bSS3

BROWNING B PS 4 8 8 * 12 or 20 ga pump ret

BROWNING A -500 3 7 7 ” 1 2 g a . Auto. reg S

KT BROWNING AUTO 4 0 9 ” : 1 2 g a .A u to ^ ies.s

B E R E H A A S O S 4 1 7 " 12 & 20 ga. Auto. II

LE W INCHESTER YOI 4 1 4 * 2 0 g a . pum p leg

W INCHESTER DEF 3 9 9 '* 1 2 tia . pum p ICO

M NO M 0 S S B E R G 8 3 5 H 6 1 6 “ 12 ga. 3 .5" leg S'

3 USED P U M P SHI 4 1 9 ” YOUR C H O IC E.

KASSNAR bVER/U 3 6 3 " 12 ga. 3" leg $43'

W INCHESTER MOI 4 9 9 ” . l e j .s w

BROWNING CITORI2 3 3 ? ---------I Z g a . - i e j $5 9 5 t

■ WEATHERBY ORIO 2 9 3 " 1 2 g a . reg S9930I

A R M SPO R T O V E R 8 6 6 " . 1 0 g a . m ag. reg )

RUGER RED LABEI 9 1 9 " 1 2 & 2 0 g a . reg s

HILLS AMMOlufactured-Ammunltli mi^gr.Rn. 38Spiclal19.90 * 8 t o 50 reg. $7.99

:>p0n1EV(e 'O u t d c

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ITGUNS)n 870 E x p re s s ’um p S h o tg u n s

^OWINGMASTER "eg S « 8 90...SA LE‘3 7 7 "

I-8 7 AUTOMATIC I ■ " S A L E ‘4 7 7 '"

S " ^ Ired $<33 50 S A L E ‘377™

>00 E:g S559 95.. S A L E ‘4 7 9 "

TO 5 V ..... S A L E ‘6 1 7 "

I0. rcj S663 9oS A L E ‘5 9 3 ”

rOUTHMOPEL 1reg $258 97 ..SA LE‘2 3 6 "

lEFENDER 1ren $ ? « 97 . S A L E ‘2 1 7 "

S MAGNUM 13 $415 90.....S A L E ‘3 4 7 "

SHOTGUNS TE ................................‘8 8 “

l/UNOER USED$43997........ SA L E ‘3 3 9 “

HOD. 97 USED CS146 90 ...........S A L E ‘9 9 “

IRI OVER/UNDER USED C 95 00,... S A L E ? 5 1 9 a

RION OVER/UNDER H13 0 0 ............. S A L E ‘8 8 3 “

ER/UNDER H;g$699 00....SALE‘4 9 2 “

BEL OVER/UNDER I :g $94 3 8 0 ....SA L E *826”

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flUTOMfll 10 G(l. MfIG

RIMFIRERIR u g a r 1 0 - 2

22 A u t o R i f l

MARLIN 3 9 T 0 S.22 Lever leo $329 ari.....

ROGER 1 0 -2 2 DLX.22 Auto ri:g $219 89:......

LAKEFIELO MARK II.22 Boll .............................

BROWNING GRADE I■ .22Auto. iegS328 5 0 .....

W INCHESTER 9 4 2 2 .22 Leverueg. $331.9/......


RIFLE KIT .......................

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Page 6: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

A-G TimutJ-Nuwc, Twin


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ACROSS n“1 Volo Of h a l ___e Oaln M

10 Partly op«n ___14 C am o up *'

________ 15_R_alnea o r —Logon

16 Political H ca r to o n ltl ■

17 P lacea a18 C ity noa r ___

A nchorage u20 H sallh r«»or1 —21 "A nd - lh«fo "

w ar# nono” —23 H um orist

Q aorgo “24 In tlm a lo ___

_______ 25_D abney_ol_T V _ « _2 9 C ountry

32 CivO'In frlor^d P33 Sky hun to r ”3 4 Arm y g roup ^ 36 Logal po in t3 « S fiortago IT* 9 7 Fam ily g roups3 a TUI . ,939 S o a l for All

p a irs40 P o n tlv e 041 B eat42 O a r ta g a 0

ru m m a g o n 1044 O u te r c o a t 1145 A larm46 N inny 1247 C ar o t o ld 1348 A ppoar49 Q raaay (laid 19 62 CaBCadea 22 66 Porfocl 24 <58 Holp In c rtm o 2559 L o w eit p a rt60 U ptight 26 :61 n tsk 27 .62 Propola a b o a t63 In s ta lls 28

29 <DOWN 30 I

t Back talk2 Slum blo 31 I3 List o l nam oa4 E nrym o: suff. 32 '5 O cc ldan la l 34 I 0 Alludo 37 . 7 A rdor 38 '

win Fnlls, Idaho Thutsday, Marcl


t'cxenvsawmiy YSa. umAMUHALOfDl

V S'R. CFI<CKUi(5.COIim\ \ CFAimiMXW iKi


N O , X Y S I R , y o u P O N T WANT W iF e C A L M ARTHA T O A N P SH E 6 E T M A P I F U R IO U i


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i iP - -

Y eito i0 “Tha Lion o l l y l a | r Fc I

O od" e S : ^9 Q oll ta rm M v f r l S I

10 W raath11 Fictional ■ D l O l U l l

12 Roquost l * l l lOlE ll13 J u i t c laim s: n U m 'l M i

abb r. i r t p t n a 119 O Inlm onts22 O w n* p i l i l J B i24 C ranny pa rtn e r lE ls r T lB U25 Like so m a H M | n T

H>k*> D O U 8 126 Sorryl . I I f |27 Army ImI c I i i i I

com m and28 Bird e .g . L *|H |T | S |29 Q rlndaraJO L anding a lte 40 Engine

o t 39 A 41 Allowa)1 F ic tional 43 Invent

a lau th 44 Necklln )2 W ays ahapeU D upllcala 46 Kids a r)7 A loof 48 Peck)8 W ashed u p 49 H om e


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oa fOltX.T ANDUPWVIISUlAi ■■naiADORi WMDVUTOfWffTAu H 'm 'jn w eoNiJi OF BOOKS, zOKPk JKXl f!l-iPCCTB00K5.5O. ■AAKU^Cm- -M U X K ^ L -IO '

BFoa.FeoPt£- ^ M vavo'fou M . CAU-THffTr ^

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,IED MCWTH ’ m ? S A K ? l PAY

£ TUEUVe AWC? 15 FPO A 1\ m z - 3 T -

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tta rtfay* ! P m i l e S oIwmI:

O JItM lno 50 O rient^a 51 B rtw aIt S2 Heelline 53 A rab g a rm en t« 54 C ontinent:a ro u n d abbr.

55 Bird m urm ur e 57 Sco t. fiver

arch IG. 1909


i s5 D r " ^ “ lwW CRtUEO T OE . c o a AH ^ M E ? DW ^ GLECTRCIAN ? / _ . .

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IK MARCH 1C IS VOLIl_ )I||| arc '[imliul, '.rHMtlVf,

iiIm) .irt muodi,. a j»'rf,-<tiiiiM'

Imo'l M'UTc critic i’l c(• , V - plnY-impwrtnnt m)r» in vmr' cMil):irkiiii: ii[iiiii ii(K<:ilurr, < niori' cn-.itiM-, cip[»itlunily i-iIH-'- III rcpt7Kin[-i'. Dunni; April,

- chaiinc. tr,ml, \,inc-t), pcthrou>;li wnlUii witrii M.ijur

- ju.-.liiKiil tiiVr- jihicr In M.|> in<TTHir;itilc niiinth nf ii'r'i i.

g July.'* AEllKS iMarch ■:\-.\-,r,l 1-

rrccivrd fiT)m clii iil ur lu-mri Involves prcii)crlv. M-ci;riiy.r pn.spccb l’ulidr,i><iii;M|"r;i: puiiiiciic MnnN'r of

r _mn.'c Ihj.T Diruugii.I TAfUL'S lApnl 'Jd ,\I.,v 20I liM-, ,.,s.,hK l.n.tluT „r -i-u-rL and «;mis j.iu m th,- ,1 )ourown inlrrctH B,-,i 1i out t- comiiij; i:i, xir;i,iliK invr t.iri,itipLn,r.,l,’[ GEMINI iM.a :i .U:„r 2 I trnns,uii..ti r-,K[<i 1k' cniiplrtrcl■ (Liys. hluJ;. .null pniil, ;I VUH' r';;ul,aiiin Kocu.i <m U)- quirctM-ril, .Sl:,trniil is -iil.ird L SctirpMii, .,] ,-,!J C'A.NCKR i.Junr ’Ululv 'J',II tli.iillK l.ul m:il.i

' ’iitclMi ii .M,il,r (Kr iinal C.mu ch.inii Wr.ir ;„ar n.lur. cm

vsliilr .' hnrl Irip n.ulcl U- par

I.KO iJul> Jli Auc Imliaci Ikth 'ciul nf tfi'vti" ih final l)rc-.« up pnJvK't. utilur inn,^ |'lnnI;ln•.l1ip I.mt liiU'li clToi

. I Mi;ST- - ■ ---------CTIOUII

S lTTlh ' - WATCJ

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I6KT.MP ' ‘ H j\f£tMAU A 'f!■srsaujK. ■ ^

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RIM E y L t( ^

„ |» D , CAN T f J FIX m B!


— -----------r a I i r TOGEB- ■ / m i - I- N ' — ^

S t ' ^' A r w h y d

----------------- 1 ^ 3 ^ 3

f ^ i / DENNIS

3 i $


•A r .vJilsok'saj____________ AA\£SS^jSE...(

l I p / V I uct<jr> .Mi-.v>ai;r' t c VIKCO rAu;;>TS lK-r„„K HIliTHDAY m.'> Luk -fi.i.a;', [i->r!iir Ynii ajiil'-il ixipiilant

\ir,: i pi rMjn> pl.ivs rule TT-Wr-ftu srr LJHUA.St ,!, cli.incr to In- ual hflp-. i.hl.iKiI'l firttl liappi- ni-'S, can . r, -tn

•ll.lhrrrwilllK' -tup Anr« ,-.T-P‘i’'-iMc ^Min >inil‘ ('h.illi'iii'f

T .Inui. Stic aci- Ynull m.lV,- It' l.iv Y'.ur mnsl SCOHi'lO ■()

hk.'ly to Ih’ itii: l.i-k. a..:;:r S'lirrh' frir ■'■VJ!

I'h Ir,:ht .It .n,lln,• H as..,<i.ii,- tlir.m ;iiIy. lon '-rar*;r nil-- r.aJvcTtivniicl SACHTAItll -It.,- M-, «ant,-. ,r u

JO. f , T m "U-r, 1.1 cniifus.tl I!r• sliili' ['rulift ,„\„lvp.i

''Ul Kininciiil •'‘’"'‘*>11* "•'tlrnld 1,‘,1 ..ilun r ..r ''■'I"' «Pi

,J .J,. ; l ‘.>l« r, k»,wU>. " ' I - t o r , irct to rrwiun A(JUAKIUS (

invci. Li.k Cif rx'J'J' C>rli- n- vdIu ' v.nlt<'ii mn

l*n:il cciuld U> Jiiumry S«iiil onUicl.i, turn iin wanl In Iw nsiIIi:mrr,ilij j;fi ni. pri'-'i-nci'>an nf . uiiiiu; JMSCKS -K.-t

\ou havi' UrnIniliMilu.il wlin C'lntiiinH faMinilnally availiihto 'tnjcturr, Tinnncniuilr »rn«' uf ili’lawd due lu f,iTori rriult.1 in alwut it.



L O V E ^ T i^ l AMFZfZOR I < 5 0 T

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T " ^ f ? /

^ ' ( 0 0 Y weUh I Fmis J'B EANlE?\l£reSEg. JUSI SI

E ■mt > - 1 ^ ^ CASE. .1^ MQTDR TOGEW

sw \ro \

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•r>‘ 0

\ \ \ 1 r^IS THE MENACE

/ / / )


,li;rVMll h. in,:;, i-n. t.il dr.ir,uiT. -J-rs,.; r : Si,i,K I,-,, —

■■■ !■■ I'.lil.v i'l'.L*',

rpt L'L''-Mlrtrriniiivnl--

' i a-(..Nuv Jll stand-

'Vi'l!!''."'- '''I' Iz:ml ''.Mi.'l Cam' ii .li.at.-d i.il I;;']'. i:r,iii|i l.ihr.i pl.n,

ltli;S.N„v 2’Dre 'Jl, Stn->,. uilhlH7i.-., -Irt nf I,,,.:n f-tTTinnnt-^.itu-nf p:irtnrr ri' ini; jrt.i!il ih.in iiiiirhl In­.i .'.ii« uf fuels, fi^uri.« Ani-H nl

shiltN’ U)cc J.’ .liin ll)i: S«.- ' n.nxii|fi.itinn. •fcunty. rrl;i nIdiT womnn, [wssihly mdlht r ca appiMninn-s Disjx-l rumors \j.


:S (Jnn. I’O-Kcl). iHi Vim'll Ih- rxploihiij; priiducl ('(uild m- mnli'nal, ;iilvcTlimni;, [hjssiIiIp HII olillKMtinns Ilicrra-I- iVopIc Cf■ Illi yiiii, .ire flu-rrrd !>) \nur |„|

K.-ti hi-.M.ir.li JO. .M,-s-..i(;<- LI:'n iixaitiiiK Is *iin llic way *nnililr iirws rl• ;anilIl ; work. ,,ancT Scr.rpi.1 i. tnvnlM-.l, was ‘‘‘uf.iitnly illnrs. V,.u'll l,-,iiii ..11 ll<'

---------- WHOOPS I-A -u )il-p

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m mW A T 'S l i

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I-t’s - e r - ^ Like in th e lort o f a com icbooks ■ich c a r


a_ T H E f l

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icaak told the truthHislory’s most ri'nowiu-d fis

Iziuik 'Vaitua, unly lived to be l ^ay, iH'cauM- tic >;nvi' up fishir Wli.tt <ii~tin('ui>.li.'H W.illon fnitr ;iii ;k-rs who came iifU'r him comniitmcnt to ihv truth. If hi wa.-i Ifiinchc'.s lon ’, you could bcl

Men iiri' mori' succfs-sful lhai nl losint; wi'i^hl, Tliri'c scpurati !*hi)w ikit. Why slil! isn't dear. tJ

Hnw tlic hotdoK bun. spc camc to Iw puc* hkc this: Atth( Ijiui.s Kxpwsitiun. n Rnvnrian ht4-iuiiinK lauiuguv woru too hoi dll-, Ik- loom'd in.su]nlin({ while | buyiT.s Tlii'y mndi' off will npiiiirii him cut. .So hc fjol nnol cc'ssinii,iiri', n baker, tu turnout lontr I'lmiifih to jintU-cl IiiijIitx.

LirrLESHEEP■nil- nncu'til Crri'.'k I

ilcrudotuf chiimcd collon tn'cs llr, live shrrp. Thr.-ic tubUc roiJririalMiul. TlK'n diud, Lofi not

? P I T C H - -/ViAVBE-5^ ^ MA'^BE it



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S 5 J i f j i T w i r rL O O K A r via a m e p - j

n 'S A O A t t ^ S T \ - MV B E L IE F S T O ) EAT A N /rH lM (2» / B U T C O O K IE S y ____



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r ^ .Y e a l i! LikeX I th i ^ ^ ^ ^ e ^ r y i c l i k e t l


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fio.'s gonna bo tho baby ofoi. horo whon P J 's (inishod?*

' Ihcir w(w!. Suj;(,’c.sl.HWc know alxiul !!rri)

Q. Whnl'sii«n)iip ^ A. A knot.

5 w h a t In i r a . the clucf N.ilional Hcnrt la' ti

_ _ »n hi^ wiill: "U'l nil i Uiin tho rc.sp(-ct of 1

. ' s u 'T m tliinR III Kl.um Rtri'.im To the i'nt5.ini;cn Ti wns his who put -Husar on sl he said il wort numrniu.--a ha

x'lievo il.

- ......... A G E ----------------7 If ll.,. b d , Isn'iOlc studies . ... , • ,.thouKh. l-'llini: »'‘'r nn>-'. tun

[MT, and laslrucl 1pccificully, numWr ufthc 1901 St. -'*“ >■ O'" "■h.itevcr -n vcndor'n r>ouh!c it. Atl hoi to lun-e rIuvc-s to the fiiuil Hku•Ilh .-ijiiiif. >‘>u cnn quuU- b.icknolher con- "n thutK)f\nills "ncdrtwoDMthclcf

.she Wa.s l)orii


■Hftn-wlit- Q. i)u biril.s net h:i )[cd (irass A. s.iTn«'. Mule v TOthltll! bul K.icli-iilnn't




'iW DlO\r.' Y H EP/^.?f ■lew RXED If.'I CAMT BElieiE K —IT.' m m . ' / u T ^ PAD nXED / a w E m u G . ' / T > S ^ -

■think Im g o n n a ’ lethisguy.Mugsey!

EifoiindJ ? '

tic.sU why we know whal iierudntlLs.

H)iip of froj;;i’'

:lucf jiiirKrou of the U..S. la'itilule hunR tins plaqiu.'I no mnn who liop«'» lo n-- ; of his medical lirclhR'n on the humnn heart. '

ii;crc(l list, .idd- I’cople nn sliced tomnUifs. They a half century nj;c).

isn't ton tiiuchy iibnut lum! her :) piece of pa­

id licr as follows: ‘Jot cr uf the monlh -aa 5 for 'Cr --in wliich you were

Atld fl. .Multiply by .'iO.' .Siihtrncl ilid (lol it->

TiKua'?- If .she toll.s you, b.ick lu her tliiit figure's in the nuhl, Iht ll ;e, and e left, lhe mntitli in which

■■rlud hfc insurance

L't b:ild'.’lie watilcd tiarimuh du.

Page 7: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will


Dukaki:NEW YORK (AP) -

sachusetts Go?. Michael Duki lend th is year's Greek Indep

J)ay_I?aradc—up-AlttohaLUiE Avenue or\ A pril 9.

The Federation of 'Heller eties of G reater New York cl 1988 Democratic presidentit date lo be grand mnnihai fot nual parade a t u meeting night, said '-spokesw oinan '

r Stefunakos.................. ■ '

: P r in c ess A n n e ta v: E th io p ia in M ayI . LONDON (AP) _ Princci ' ■president o f Save the Childre

will visit E thiopia in Muy te tho charity 's $10.3 million ht velopmenl and refugee progri

"We have helped to devel health services and pe famine relief and early w an terns which will strengthen a s long-term capacity to savi childron," the charity 's direc oral, Nicholas Hinton, said day.

Anne, the only daughter c Elizabeth II, will visit tho Af tion from May-29*June-6___

A c to r J o h n C leese w in n in g a w a r d uiei

w s ANGELES-IAPJ - Monty Python troupe meml Cleese called it >veirci u’he/i honored .with tho 12th Ann Benny Award for his comedy

"It ju s t feels verj- strange 1 ... who used to s it there in frc television ael watching Geori and Jack Bonny to be sittini Los Angeles 3,000 years lal tfiven this award," Cleese sa

. ceremony Tuesday. "It's very ■' Cleese plans to attend th

my Awards ceremony March film "A Fish Called Wanda" three Oscars.. Cleese is nominated for th play. Director Chnrics Cri

1 nominated for-best director i i Kevin Kline for best support!; Cleese s tarred in such ; Pithon films as "Life of Br I "Monty Python nnd the Holy

■ P e r fo rm e rs c o m p k a b o u t p r o p o se d bn; ALBANY, N.Y. (API - Loi ftpera singer Roberta Pete rnto a chorus of "Climb Evei lain," it was clear this wa.sn

■ "Cfll S ta te legii^lotivc hearing .,___Act^r '^n>^R andall wogg

Butte prei St. Patrici

BUTTE, Mont. (AP) — St. 's Day th is Friday is Butte' day of the year.

Ever)' hotel and mole! booked-

Fresno S tale 's head footb; Bulle native .Iim Sweenev grand m arshal o f the bl, Pac parade, which begins a t ni also be th e m ain speaker ' night a l tho Friendly Sor Patrick's Day banquet.

There aro already 50 entr parade, and Gov. Stan Step be there.

The busiest Buttf' eslablis expected to be the M&M n and bar, w here about 20,0(

l i I #



i S o o m ultip le p

IC h e v ^



> p l e

is_toJe£dependence :tan ;a-F iIlh____

llenic Soci- k chose the..

candi- for tho an-

ng Tbesday in ~ Geo rgi a

nce.ss Anne, .Idren Fund,y to look a t J O H In health dc- R e c e iv e s . Ogram. . , ,^vclop basic f " ‘“V "';*

perm anent(Drnincsy.,. TV senes The len Ethiopi- •“ « , 'M veitsow n 's l tb n ty »h»ts. .irector sen-lid Wednes- . '

in e perlormc

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budget."The aT^irare

s e c a l l sv e il 'd living. Wc hav

children an on

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.fron t o f th i Counc

a n d b a l le r ? ^ s l

fZ hrA lade-irrh 9<l Hia 546.6 billion t

rth e sc reen . M 'i Alnsk'

Crichton is S r i f k ” ' ” or nnd a c to r_ -_ .'f , ortinijocto;-. „ uch Monty Brian" and

[oly Grail." ^G u n m a n t

plain $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 <] b u d g e t w e s t h o l i

Long before T A S S T ” “ ’r tr rs brnkf. ^35,000 Jaguat

a .,n tn ty p i . » “ e f ‘"JB "?/ „ - _ . Ridden wift

o sB c d a r .n - ‘hi: ---------------da>Laftcrnoon_

spares for | :k's Day pc• St. i’atrick- are expected ilte's biggest doors, in 24

s ta r t long befoi le! room is festival begins

one o fthe M&A otball coach. The M&M ney. will be pounds of com Vaddy s Day ot cabbage, 1,0( : noon. He'll cases of Irish er Tliursday tenders a shift Sons of S t. UndersherilT

th a t 38 deputic trolm en will

■ntrie.s in the watch fordrunl ilephens will Among celebi

den ts from thi iblisbment is tana and Mom ll restau ran t who will begin 0,000 people day.


^*1^ 6 h a n i.« A roiii&i



lea’s Cavorite le p ersona lity

In' r a pben

" W h i

w Chase nigh c h t i v E S ^ 0TSTOUORROWI



a (L p a raj

:s c o m e d y a w a r dnakcrs in classic Felix apart

from his long-running large fie Odd Couple." Legisla- les C 1 camoras for candid Niels ts. Tft-o actors walked in , - Th


Tners came to complain oups were being short- the proposed New York

ire 'nd tbasic ’for'physrcaT ' know that,- sard Peters, a necessity for civilized

iQve to provide for our environm ent nnd avail- } a r ts to tench them an- •

of w hal is so aptly er things in life."'akers included actress le H art, chairperson of jncil on the Arts, actress n, dancer Clyde Morgan 1 Suzanne F a rre ll.;0 Cuomo hns called for1 cut in the Council's $60 Iting budget a s the slate battle over a proposed

I budget for the fiscal • ng April 1.lid such sta les ns Alaba- ska aro spending more esident on the arts than

“A labnm a-gct nhcad-of---------hc scolded the Inwmak-

1 ta k e s R ic k ie s ' r- >J a g u a r)LLYW00D, Calif. (AP)I took off in Don Rickies ja r after demanding the le comedian's wife as she ju t of the driver's seal, nfe, B arbara, hod just r^hite 1988 X.J6 on T\ies- in_n_enr thcir daughters __

populartaraded to *pass through the 4 hours. "Preparations ;fore the St. Paddy's Day ins," snid Joe Stranieri,&M's owners.M has ordered 1,200 im ed beef, 1,000 pounds "^OlTwses ofbeer and iu sh whiskey. TVelve bar- iflw ill dispense drinks. rilT Joe Lee said 'Riesday ities and 10 highwaypa-II keep the peacc nnd unk drivers,lebrants will be some stu- the University of Mon- ontana S late Univepily,' gin spring break on Fri-

n cesR ren & n U c c o m e d y ^ _ C m « |

E V I A 'The true mean!


Imagine being apped five miles ineath the ocean j

surface... j 'here your worst I ihtmare becomes I

a reality. (


id ^ in

D O N m C K L E S L o s e s c a r , t o g u n m a n

jn rtm en l when a man poinl ,rge revolver a t her, snid Los t s Counly sherifTs Deputy Ka' ielsen. Wcklcs also w nsin t h e ' The Rickies were uniryured

:pu tysa id .

------ .................................... ......-•>*

“ K i r


8 : 0 0 & 1 1 :0 1 :

$ 1

! F rom Nashville to B ra balbdccr. Roger M iller h S hcw room for cv.^ nighi

H ear favorites like Dar Road as well as tunes froi

Tickct priccs includc rw a t 6 0 0 pim.; scaring for thi after shows begin. M inoi

----------------------tirk r

1-800-821-1' . All


ToJUrM; 1-800-e:

U>TC0 7as-9lS EN03TONIQHTliBBLtia____________________I NOUINATEOI ACADEMY F AWARDS


DALY 7;00-g:00 SAT-SUN

y ^ ->a3a,jxo_-5ao 7xto- fl;oo



T H A Nning of fear.

lanhattt i n y T im a t t i s in g in g com e

J - ----------- BALT1M0RE-(A1I the warbly voiced s:L for his 1960s h it "111 y T\ilips," is trying to r w ith a song tindv id i1 . violence.‘ ■ Tiny Tim, who'VI— .— berl-K haury, was L— . .. 'i\jcgday and Wedne

video for his song " . Wilh Mo."

L . "It's really a thrill ^ performer said. "Thi

I'll record with a mo H i . Tiny Tim hasn'i

yoars nnd ndmils i n features Judy Cnrr. . J me girl from the It

Cathryn Half o f the pnxet le car. an d tho song, which ed, the , cally in January, v,

tional Coalition Ago

in g o f t h e R o a d ”

iR M IL La r c h 1 8 & 19 ronpS iT C oclcfail S 15 , $ 2 0 , $ 2 5

roadway, h e ’s Am erica's top headlines in th e beautiful C

;hts only!'ang M e, Engicmi Su'ingj, am rom his sm ash musical Big R two drinks. Scaring for the fin :hc b t t show begiru at ICHXD p lors m ust b e accom panied b

ifrfs hy rnrd it card, call toll-fr

1103, ext. 335 <SAll iicloj non frfjrulable.


-«21-1103. In Nevada: 1-MM21-3

— J o n n R r r rB l a k e E dw

- 1 ^I ^ ®I fQ Jy OAH.Y7;10-«;i • SUHSnO-7:1C

ta nt t e m p tsneback(A P)--^—*E ny-Jim ._______i singer best known T iptoe T hrough The to m ake a comeback y /ideo about domestic A

3' w as Bom ns Her-is in B altim orc-oo___ KSbInesday lo m ake the • / S m g "Won't You DanCe

irill, ' the 57-year-oldThia is th e firsl song ym odem-doy sound.'! - ^n'l had a hit in 20 \3 il. The video also ■ ' am e, the sock-it-to-) lale-'60.s lelovisioh' i--------

ceeds from the video lich was recorded lo- ’, will go to the Na- \gainsl Violence.

r ' ■w

^ ei

1 .1 LER J

“ p[’S h o w s

W.T»ijp c o u n r ry iCAHtI G ala

an d King of tfu: &J Rii'tT. Wfirst show begins »Dpm . N o scad n g 3r1 by an ad u lt.

l l .f tr .- 77& 3 2 9

m. I11-3835

n s s M ^ OPENB u f t i U a FRI-Sr i E R l n K S x l ^Iwards' S \ S N S ^

bitp ^• ihio ' I

BUftaa 7:i5-ftti ‘ ' g(S3a K o s j i ““

d o n t i e D inosaur.

n ^ l A N D - j :

^ B e f o r e Q

m T i M E o 3

JUN 1 :3 0 -3 :0 0 sa




ALL MEALSEvery Thursday nig

won't ti<e a bite ou t c entrees a t Cactus Pete to 11:00 p.m.

Clioose from the eli an entertaining evenii the southwestern atm

We call it our half p be criminal not to tak

Here’s a sampling o

Pete’s J O n g in a lB tirg e r ., C hicken F ried S teak . . . E nchilada Suprem e . . . .Grilled H a lib u t.................New York S te a k ...............P rim e R i b .......................N.Y. S teak & Lobster . .Entnn onl)i Sruck lur cxclwici]. Nul ftuCiiKtlblwnwilfwul nijljce.

\ ■


XasSMmSSSi AWARDS •EN Dll-SAT-SUN l liows7x>oig3o Dl

E , T O M H A I• He'sQmono

y t \ ' inoxjvog«



A H e r A lib iARununcGniRly

T O M S E mJ t t . od

DAILY 730-»55 SAT-SUNl;4S-3;«0-535-730-9aS

Thursday. March;h fe.'foeo Timos-Nows. Twin


; y . pama.9 S E A F O O D B U F

1 Special■ m . O n l y ^ ^ ^d o s Homomado Clam Chowdo iod nnd Frosh Soafoods. Plus !

Rolishos and Dossorts.

m . Only

s' All Tho At»vo But Adds 6ak« . C rab Salad & Othor Soafooa


7 3 3 - 0 7 1 0 54 5 S H O S H



lALFPRICETONight, we're servingdinn o f your budget. Becau

le’sarehalfp rice from S

elegance of the Plateau ling in the Gala Showrc Tiosphere of the Desert price meal steal, and il

lite advantage of the sa\ o f what’s on tonight’s r


. ........... ^ 1 5 0 ____ :

..........................5.95 ;

..........................6.25 :


......................... 12.95 I


................... -.. .15.95guoO with olher couponi ur prxmoUoiu. Off'






^ ___________


Nick Minin NoJle Short r t f t

THREE i a lR I G I T I V E S ^ H



T H E C U B E e ]


J F F E T ----------------------

wdor. Bakod, lus Salads, is .

3ak©d Salition,''ood Favorilos.


3SHONE5T. S .^

ELt)NIGHT^inners that :ausen 5 :0 0 p.m.

jau Room, wroom, or ;ert Room, d it would savings.:’s menu:T O N IG H T

1.752.953.154.456.455.45 7.95-

11 Oflfr wb(«l lo

\ : C ; 6 . £

>30 V {ER FREEI ^

mr pE e E3 ^

rwin Falls. Idaho A-7


Page 8: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

■■ r m Na. ^ B r i e

— ^ H erc la jnSAN DIEGO (AP)

rndio sUition Wedncs__________ Itevolution wns rcsp

wife of the USS Vjncc Loh Angoles rndio

du ring n call to th( c la im ed to be n r resp o n sib ility for I U ckcrb ie , Scotland.

* Station officials sal........... AccordinptoKNX,

(iddilional attacks lig and his family. The ' to last y ear 's downini

Frod Reagan, nn the buroau is investig

Baker ques, 'WASHIN^GTON

• clarifying an earlier Israe li dialogue wil difTicult to foresee' hi

- all-circumstuncea- R a k e r , in tes ti

subcom m ittee on fo: m ade on Tuesday bui

In testim'ony Tuosi m ay some day be ne

__ ^ le s t in ia n problempolicy on that'issue'n


fifth yea r a s a host th e re 's boon no ch President Bush enter

"No concessions, b State D epartm ent of since la te 19S6. whe exposed.

A lthough Hush hi hostages and their f pursued nny new inil Shiite Moslems in Lc


O'Connor said Wedne used by conservativ support their claim tl

" I regret thnt a lo request for informati in a brief statement, view about the subjei appropriately to one across my dosk,"

O'Connor declined


Congress to conside said it would probabi existing movie.s.

_____________ The_offico said itvisual artists, such c rights" to bur unauti

But it said il cou alone. In addition K

• ■ . recommended protO' speed up or slow do which a lter the .shap

S ince m ost mov colonzation has boei m ade in tho heyday i


\ j ^ i


F R E E I r

^ I r i s t ^

A-8 Timos-Nows. Twin Fn

utionefiy -----irns bomb respt,P) — A ca lle r with a Middle nesday th a t a group callcd Gi esponsible for the bombing c n c o n n e s '^ lp p e r , . - idio s ta tio n KNX said the p( the new sroom W ednesday

a m o m b o r o f th e group , ir the cra .sh o f a Pan Am nd.: said the ca ii waij immediate^ STC.the ca llc r said the group t i against Vincennes skipper C he caller also said the bombi ning of an Iran ian a irliner by an FBI .spokesman in Los Ai stigating the call.

estions Israeli, II (AP) — S ec re ta ry of S tate lier sta tem ent, said Wednesdf w ith th e .P a lestine Lrtberat:

e' hut .should not be "catcgori

is tim o n y b e fo re the S er 1 foreign operations, did not but there w as a c lear change

uesday before a House subcoi : necessary for Israel to talk t em, leaving the impression i l e 'm i^ t be shiflingr

policy to remainI (AP) — A.s journalist T e r r ■ostngo in Lebanon. U.S, offi chan^’e in po licy regard in

ntered the White House, s. but w e 're willing to talk to a t olTicial sum m ed up the polic ,vhen the Iran-Contra arm s-i

1 hus exp ressed sym pathy f< i r fam ilies, adm inistration'of initlative.s in dealing with tho

I Lebanon.

'Connor expres!N’ (A P) — S u p rem e Court ■dnesday she regrets a letter s itivo Republicans in her hon m tha t thu Unit^^d States is “ a 1 lo ite r^ sen t to an acquainta iation wns used in a political c cnt, T t was not my intention bject of the inquiry but merel; me of the m any requests for ir

nod further comment.

I may block coloi (AP) — The Copyright OfUci iidor pro tecting future films inbly be unconstitutional lo ex

I it would prefer legislation t :h as sculptors and p'ainteren Authorized alteration of the ir v could support legislation ap| n 10 protecting against color ■otocting film m akers from tc down movies to fil the time

lape of the im age to fit the teli lov ios a r e now m ade in c( Doen largely over application ay of black-and-white product

} - a l l n i g i

® ^ ^ M A R C IJ a / i f U IN THE 5 BAR OPE5a l i r AT1:OOP


I cy

I r i s h H o r s dS e rv e d In T h e Bi

S p e c i a l s On > r i n k r ^ r e e n t e

T Falls, idaho Thursday, March

i__________________________ t

pioiisibiiity ^ile E aste rn accent told a •Guardians of tho Islamic ! g of a v an driven by the i

person m ade tho claim I ay m o rn in g . The ca lle r 1 ), w h ich also c la im cd m j e t l in e r la s t y e a r-a t

tc ly .rep d rted to th cF B I. i ip ^ re a tc n c d to c arry out - • • 1 r Capt. Will C. Rogers n i ib ing w as linked dircctly '1 by the V incennes. JA ngeles, confirmed that


PLO talksUe J a m e s A, B aker III, sday the possibility of an •ation O rgan ization was o rically" ruled out under

le n a te A p p ro p ria tio n s o t repudiate rem arks he Ige in emphasis, icommittee, B aker mid it k to the PLO to settle the in am ong some thnt U,S.

in unchangedr ry A nderson begins his )fficial9 sa id Wednesday J ing th e c ap tiv e s since

.0 anyone." is the way one olicy th a t 's been in effect is-for-hostages deal was

for the nine Amorican ■officials said he hns not those held by pro-Iranian

sses regretr t J u s t ic e S an d ra Day r she wrote tha t has been , iome s ta te of Arizona to " a C hristian nation." ntance in response to her ll deba te ," O'Connor said ion to express a personal •cly to a ttem p t to respond r inform ation which come

lorizationfico on W ednesday urged IS from colorization, but extend such protection to

n that_would also protect sTby g m h g theryr’Tiioral “ ir works,apply ing to film m akers lorization, the office also I technical processes lhat le fram es of television or television screen,

c o lo r , th e fu ro r about on of the process to films, action,


d ’o e u v r e sB ar I A ll!T H iish tati

ch 16. 1989

• P a n e l i-------W A S H ^G T O N (A P ) ;

S erv ices Com m ittee chai th a t Rep, Dick Chon^y is in teg rity " whose nominatii

; wilMikely-win unanimous 4 ~ ^ h o n i t - v 6 f c 8 - t« a 8 y i=

" I don 'tknow o f any opj S am N unn, D -G a., o replacem ent for John Towi

Nunn'sard'tlifr:o 'm m itle th is m om ing'and file 'iti r by midday.

U iw m akcrs have indica w ra p up c o n s id e ra iio n F r id a y , w hen th e Senal recess. Senate M ajority L

- D -M aine,- said th a t the

PUot short£ crimps EaslBy The Associated Press

E a s te rn A irlin e s \ operating less than 10 per p re-strike schedule Wedne its rebuilding plans stalen lack o f pilots, Union offi th e y w ere encouraged fc th a t the carrie r m ight be s

"W e fe lt i t 's a lw ay s p re fe rred courso of actic union spokesm an Ron C(

_tho possibility th a t Texas C h a im a n Frank' Lorenzo' E astern .

" I th in k g iven the s o l id a r i ty a ll th e e m p l show ing it should be ver M r, Lorenzo an d th e bj court th a t any reorganizal going to have to bo made by the employees," he said

1 . 2 7 p k

E a s te r c o ok ies ,delicious cookies in a s s t Easter shapos 16 oz bag

1.97 0“Exotic C ollectlor fabric, Hat told, co poly/cotton blonds, widths, REG 2.47 ’

t o r e c o i\ — ^The-Senat4wVrm.cd_H a irm a n said W ednesday 8 a person of "honor and T ition as defense secretary C sapproval.from .thc-pfinnl.

ipposilion now," said Sen. ■ n o f P re s id e n t B u sh 's q

wer, illee'Will n rake its decision—d 1 report to the full Senate n

cated tha t they .wanted to o n o f the nom ination by si la le b eg in s a two-weok a L eader George MitcheJlj._H

e S en a te could vote by -

a g estern

w as s till lercent of its jwnesday, with em atod by a ffic ia ls saidi b y " re p o r ts ' \ ^ 'jso ld . ^r's been th e \tion ," pilots Cole said of a s Air Corp.zo m igh t'se ll.............................

le abso lu te p loyees a re e ry c le a r tob a n k ru p tc y !■ ■ ■ ■ > uition plan is de workable .. lid.

K3 1.47B ushel b a sk e t, (

in T* diam for big bC }s, treats, ass t color: _______ REG 1,77 (g jg

fD l / ^ R E Co n " - Entire s to c k o tcotton & Sim plicity p s tt(Js. 5 4 ' M*oci«n will vary tro7 YD jtoru, l.m.iocl 10 sioc*

I REG 1.99 TO 5,

yjyii97<eI ^ ^ H I Mini d eco ra to r

ba sk e ts , chocs or squaro

^ ^ ^ n . c o l o r s .

1 4.9?Youth tim e ele< .clock, lighted fl sw eep second I REG 6.97 EA


■ r a H i i :


‘*^ V E R

» m m e n dwppW'h o n r l _________ _

Nunn, who spearheaded i T o w e r 's nom ination , sa id Cheney, calling the six-term ••virell.qt{nlifigd. a person o f h

' ■ -?'-Wff-fmiT7ri-nothmp-iT>-^lno th in g in the FB I repo qu estio n in g of him th a t in te r fe re w ith his a b i l i ty

-defense.-^N unn told-rcporto: my support." ■

Coming a fte r a rancorou over the nomination .of Tow. senator who was dogged b y a and wom anizing, th e com lightning apccd on Cheney.

- . P re s id e n t Bush m ado h


T he quih lessehli j m p , . . poised, soph

an d so ve ry fem m

it, plastic, P aas E asie r E| ■ bOnny Kit, wilh 6 brigh lors. food color fizz t

& moro, REG 1

) F F I 0 7lEG PRICEo t - . "Jam S ess io n r ttem s, a ss t, Hat fold, r trom (loro \a cotton. 45* wid ■c^or^haryj, REG 2,47 YD »5,99 EA

■ ^1? I)oso round ■ • j j 'ios in 8 1.47 EA

»lectrlc3fliai, .. wBLa J S K Id hand.

5 P R OO U ' U U K M T H E

120 S . UNCO 3 2 4 -2 !

lO N -F R I. 9 :0 0 -8 :0 0 , S A T

|R _ 3 0 0 S T O R E S jN _ rH E _

±Chen€' _____________ Fri

2d the cam paign lo kill To\ a id hc would voto fo r the rm Wyoming Republican in clO iojioLfinlintfiBritell___ ,Ch£rH heH lnane iw l-fepo rtr—poli jp o r t , no th ing in o u r A a t would in any w ay doc i ty to be s e c re ta ry o f Hoi rto rfl .^ e _ c e rta in ly h as ses;

'Trous, six-week struggle ra r 'ower, tho form er T exas the )y allegations of drinking o m m itte e m oved w ith one ^ . . I'v.0 hia.c&oiccLkno’w n'Q nlTani

r a y c, I



nlial. . . , ♦ N.ivy

D h i s t r c a t e d • H U k

f n i n e .

^ Hours; Mon-Fri lO-g, 5

7r Egg Colorright, pure zz tablets G 1.47

io n " printId, 100% y ■ ^widths, I • J^D ’ J

a 4 % PKG ^

^ F O R ^ GIHs brie ts,

pkg of 3 prs, conon. choo or prints, siz REG 3.97 P

^ F O R « B oys cottoi so c k s , 3 pnall cotton cu cotton/38% sizes 6 -6 or REG 3-47 P

lU S E !r c D i m K E N e t !

OLN JEROM E 2 9 8 6XT 9:00-8 :00 , SUN 11-5 IE J 1 _ W K T E R N S T A re

B p T o ^'r id a v . one dny a f te r the Se. 'ower nomination by a 53-47 10 committee held neariy foui 1 a n open session m arked by ’ Ihency _a^,generaLq.uefl_tiQna olicieB, ■ ■ ■ ■ —A fte r rece iv in g tho nec

ocu m cn ts , FBI background louse rep o rts , the c o m m itt ession with the nominee Wednt I f u h n "and“S5n~JDhn^W <tt

anking Republican on the icoi rie panel's speed.

"W e've had exactly the samt ne a s we've hnd on every othe 've been chnirm an," Nunn sai ny'de vialfotii'‘!~ .. > , .

: eN E W E X C L U S I


I ' B lue',Sal I0-0,sun 12-S■ 1 .2

E a s te r I

milk cho or s tand REG 1.^

D oubleP eanuichoice,

■“MlnlEB a s s t .sly pastel s

6 ,..,:^ w i n g tHi

spools, a ss


R ibbon,

spools, yoi

rs, 1 0 0%30se solids irz e s 6 -12 .PKG l i | . , ; . r J

f c c e n c a r c

ton crawprs per pkg, — ^ cuff, 62% 1 Q Vo nylon fool. • or 9-11. C olor L 'E( PK______________ colors, all £

______________ top. REG 2

V H i

e | | | | | | H

cnMe■ Senate defeated the -47 ‘vote. 6 n Tuesday, ’ four hours of hearings by words of praise for ona jabou t his defense,.____!

n e c e s s a ry “ f in a n d a l * ^ jn d check and White n it te e m e t in c lo sed ' ednesday morning. W <mifri^of -V irg lu IftT -^ .:. com m ittee , defended

a m e procedure on this ;• o ther nomination since *I said. " I don'tknow o f '


3E A L E R

ue LakesM aU 734-9400 .

■ 2 7 PKGler R abbit, solid chocolate, sitting anding bunny.5 1.77 PKG

• 2 ^ PKGjb le C risp E g g s or in u t B uddys, your lice, 8 oz bag,G 1.77 PKG

. 4 7 . .I E a s te r baskets,Lslyles withtel stripes J

I thread,'2(J0 yd a s s t colors

f SPOOL S p o o l'o

1, a s s t widths lors; 6 lo 10 yd , your choice.9C SPOOL

6 9 p «

.'E g o s , in soft all sh ee r Of control •G 2-09/2,29 PR [

Page 9: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

By JEN N IFER KAUTH , .Times-News write r ............

“ TWIN F A L L S - Whoi hospital o ff ic ia ls and the cipsh tonight ov e r a disput amendm ent, hanging in th will be Q p ro jec t-n o one o p p o s e f h e h o s p i ta l 's cancer trea tm en t center.

: The public hearii the hospital bud

amendment will be i p.m. today a t the C of Southern Idaho,: Building, Room ]

; “It’s kind or a sham e tha lAistakcA, wc could get hut cUnce'rtruaCment ccnter,* T h ie tten , o w n e r of Ida Health and Hospice and a main opponents o f the ame:

.........-“I don't w a n ti t to como bthat I somehow held up I tre a tm e n t c e n tc r ,” s a m e n d m e n t's o th e r Icai K athy S u rs e ly , Id ah o '

.....N etw ork’s___ lo c a l ___coorg an izer. “T h e law is e specific, I f th e am endm e pass the c r ite r ia of the la can't - th a t’s a ll there is to : . On the opposite side of

the H o sp ita l B o a rd 's c cfism isses o p p o n en ts a s m in o rity ." D cfeatin i COTcndment, D r. Ben Katz would am ount to nothing i ff pointless w aste o f time.

[ • “This ju s t p u ts e v e r j Ijold,’’ Katz said . “As I scc ff m atter o f stopping the pr c^la>nng it."• The two flidoB will mi

a rg u m e n ts to n ig h t to T> (jounty C o m m issio n er eycntually w ill rule on tl amendment.I It alt b eg an in Novcml

tne H o sp ita l B oard b( m a r tm e n t co m p lcx lea s t Vallcy Regional Mcdical C Iward paid a lm o s t $350,(X

, l^his u n ex p e c te d show t piqued T h ie tten ’s interest, county co m m iss io n e r <^estioning the procedure ( prurchasc. T h o n $17 m reserve funds w as discovei in the red tap e of a couni whose fin a n c e s a r c 'l ik c ' cbm rtydq iartm en l’s.--------• Hospital o ffic ia ls say tl

GlennsHyTHERESA CONSTANT Timcs-New.i correspondent


The School B oard had su m m er fo r a p ro g ra r elem entary students due tf o f funding sources. But it a week designed to allow stu The program co sts $15 a less th a n th e $40 fo r th classes.

The school w ill con tir classes for secondary gradi

Twin FaBy KIRK MITCHELL Times-News writer

TWIN FALLS - City pu! officerfl, e x p e c te d to p r im a ry p o lice and fir duties, will soon be a lost b

*The p r a c t ic e of usii tra in e d p o lice o fficers

— rc sp o n d e rs - to ^ rc T ff lc rp c ro ss -tra in ed f ire fig h te r

• responders to police cm will be ended ," said Cily Tom Courtney.

As of .^pril 1, the Pub

O'LeaBy MARTA CLEAVELANl Timps-iVews writer

TWIN FA LLS - A ju tcncher has been suspcndc faces p o ss ib le d ism issf invi'slifiatfd by city police iilleg a tio n s o f im propi Kcvi'nlh-grade girl.

Gordon Bybee, -r). u sc s tud ies und u rts -a n d -c O’Leary Jun io r High Scho with pay in m id-Fubruarj wore made about his conc f^tudcnl in his u r t clu.ss.

’M a <

county critics

putcd budgetI the balhncc H m H ne scem a to


iring on udget >e at 7:00: College H H H H 10, Aspen

by thcir hung no

said Gary Homo

one two mcndmcnt.10 back a t m e - ^ ------------p the cancer

sa id the lead ing foe, h o ' C itizens . .com m unity— s ex trem e ly "m ent cannota law then it ^to it."of the issue, ^

8 ch a irm a n a s “a noisy

tin g the r» d a tz contends,lg more than intentionally I e. w hich now toery th in g on County budge 3CC it, it's not for reserve fui ! project, just . Nor did the

includc costs m ake th e ir c e n te r and Tw in F n lls projects. Thos

n e rs , who u n til th e co tl the budget dec id e whet!

budget am cni ;m ber, when labeled a legi

bought an say no, the pn ast of Magic un til the nextII Center. The October.0,000 - cash. T h a t woul w of w ea lth hosp ita l offic est. Soon the m ade a budge le r s w ere was unintentio re o f th c la n d H o sp ita l c

m iiiion in r e je c tin g thi )vercd buried w ould b r in g lunty facility noted th a t the ikc” ni) o th e r 'la id down f a n______ _ ____ io -o rdcr linealy they didn’t trea tm en t^cv

1 Ferry pln t i n Ea u ■lent h

Elem entary students here rmrogrgchool p rogra m:---------pia d to cancel p lan a th is s ram in th e schoo l fo r s e to cutbacks in a. num ber t: it accepted a program last students to sti/dy a t home, p } a student, considerab ly g

th e s ta n d a rd in -school c P

Itinue to o ffer in-school p rades.

alls will sD ep artm en t f i re f ig h te rs though th e y ’l

public safety ro le s in as to perfo rm Courtney said fire f ig h tin g "The new c

Jt breed, unanim ously using cross- C o u rtn e y sa e rs as f ir s t m yself feci ve ir^c tcsn n tf^ch a-n B ea:: ite rs a s f irs t The change em ergencies work day of )ily ManagX'r d irec to r, wh(

d irector of pi ’ublic Safety d irec to r o f p

iry tedi\N D Sup

he is Bybec

ju n io r high schoo l hearir nded from his duties, a t th( isso l, and is -being - Unl«» icc in connection with hearir o perly to u ch in g a Uyt

by Nlseventh-grade social re ta il

J -c ru fts te a c h e r a t Assoc chool. wos suspended Byl lary after allegations eveni onduct with a fem ale proclt


g i c V

e n K a tz d i s p la y s a m o d e l '

y hide the reserve funds, 0to tal about S19 m illion, pati

Iget forms have no spo t eithfunds, they say. bo c;he currcnt year’s budget forjts o f building the canccr a wid u n d e rtak in g o th e r wealose projects are.in limbo Tlcounty c o m m issio n e rs thele th e r the $6.9 m illio n Hegcndm ent request can bo reccegal em crgcncy. If th ey Kat;projects will have to w ait Pext fiscal year begins in reqi

thic)uld be a sh a m e , sn y witlT icials, who a d m it th e y sup]Igeting mistake but say it theItional. Jud1 o ffic ia ls a rg u e th a t amithe am en d m en t lik e ly juring costly d e la y s . K a tz corrthe hospital has a lread y Ha m cst money for a made- w itca r accelerator, a cancer- applevice. ' lab<

)lans in-hSpecial Services D irector C

board about the program .Students will rccc ive thrc

m aterials, cach covering two —plflnHn-such-bftflte-skjHs-as^n

set up with instructions for p student. The program rccon tim e set aside each d ay for sti

Al the end of each lwo-we« pick up students w ith thc ir I gathering som ew here, such educational ac tiv ilies connec plans. The student witl pick packct a t the gathering.• The packets ore graded by

sep ara tent will em ploy se p a ra te Safrs and policc o f f ic e rs , reti ?y’ll perform sec o n d a ry Aa s s is tin g each o th e r , ab i

lid. d inV changes are supported will ily by the C ity Council,* wh» so id . "The council a n d .con very positive about these witl

igcs coincide with the first ad ;of the d ep artm en t’s new polivho instead of being the sai(public safety will be the S

f public services. P ublic dut

icKer faSuperintendent Carl Snow said V is recom m ending the School I bee. The board has scheduled iring on the accusations a t 7 p.ra the d is tr ie t’s ad m in is tra tio n U w Bybe« ask» for a closed •£ iring will be open to the public. Jybee will be represented a t th Neil M cFecley , o Boise a tt a in e r .w ith th e Idaho E joeiation, of which Bybee is a mi Jybee, reoched by telephone W jn ing , declined to com m ent * iclaim m yinnoccncc.’5now said he learned of the ii

/ a l l e

lel o f t h e p r o p o s e d canc*

O fficia ls a lso say local c ja tien ts , who now m usl tra jither Boise o r Salt Lake Cit; )c denied trea tm en t closer to b r a t least seven months and i 1 whole y e a r , depend ing o iveother._ The.com m unity also risks •he coveted se rv ic e s of Dr. ^leggie, th e m cd ica l onco rcccntly recruited to run the ( Katz said.

P re v e n tin g those pro requires find ing a way thro :hicket of Idaho law. The ho with the c o u n ty com m issi nupfmrt, firsl took the omendn Lhe judicial system. Bul Sth E Judge D an ie l H u rlb u tt ruli am cn d m cn l o u t o f th e c jurisdiction and handed it bacI' commissioners.

Hurlbutt's decision Icfl the h w ith two av e n u e s for po approval- The commissioner? label the situation an emergen

borne SUIir Carlene Vincr told the retu

V::hrcc packets of study thin! :wo weeks. Daily lesson pari t»^nath-and-fM K linp ijre— e*p< 3r parents to assist the lr commends a period of Brir • study. schoweek period a bus will . In i r lesson packets for i ^ s h o i ich as a c ity park , for pres inected with the lesson Rogi ick up a new two-week The

Tlby teachers and resulLs

I police, 1S afe ty D ire c to r Tim Qua retiring.

Along with tho new tiilo wil a broader job description for t director, Courtney said. The d will be more involved in mor w hether the departm ent is n community needs and keepin with technological advances, h

"The p o sitio n will a d m in is tra tiv e rcsponsib il: policc and fire services,- Co said.

Some of th e d irec to r’s ha d u ties w ith th e fire ' and

cio^ seid Wednesday m id-Februaryol Board fire Bybee with paled a form al com m ittee. Ap.ra. Tuesday rep o rt, hc wnion building. School Board i •esftion, tha - Snow declineic. further.I the hearing *It wouldn'ta tto rn e y on Bybec to try h

E duca tion hearing," Sno'I member. Gordon is givec Wednesday a re protected.'I t "exccpt to The School

in v c s tig a tio re incident in rccom m endat

V ^

I on

c e r t r e a t m e n t c e n t e r foi

c a n c e r a p p ro v e the amerave l to could u se anothelity, will requ ires oil countto home budget all funds,

maybe the

losingG len

rob lem sa

th e

ick to the

p ossib leirs .co u ld ________ KATHY-!cncy nnd B o th o p p o s

immer scturned.Vincr said the program has i ink it should be really good I iri;nt too," she said. 'I t ’s kim T>eTrment-nnd-wc-lHind-mjt-ht In te re s ted p a re n ts should rim son. V iner’s secre ta ry , hool.In other nction. the board d lOuld t r y to buy a used ve e sen ta lion by Transportatic jgers on cost estim ates to fi le board se t a ceiling of $7,000 The board appoin ted a con

• S e c SCHOOL on I

fire funcu a lls is division.s will havi

division leaders, h vill comc . . He said allhoug r th e new d id not feel com ! d irector policc calls and v onitoring o fth e public safel m eeting to do with $50,000

ling pace pa>Tnents to firefi, , h csa id . W hen a 1986 c

r e ta in cities to adhere to 'i l i ty fo r S ta n d a rd s A ct r Courtney F a lls had to po

fire f ig h te rs , wh( hands-on schedu les by thi 1 po lice .S m S A F E I

!xual nry. He im m ed ia te ly suspeni pay and form ed a n invesUgat A fter read in g th e committ( vrotc a recom m endation to rd th a t Bybee be discharg ficd to d is c u s s th e allegatii

i't be fa ir lo the students or i him in the newspaper before

low said. ‘ 1 w anl to make .s ven due process and the studt d .’ol B oard hns not yet read on re p o rt o r h ea rd Sno Iation, hc said . The board '

>----------------------------------B - l

fo r t h e M a g ic V a lley Regi

mcndm cnt. O f th ey Surs th e r s ta te law th a t cmerg' unty departm en ts to disasli >. ’

Y -SU R SELY ----------------------K)se b u d g e t a m e n d m e n t ,

ichoolIS a lot of potential. ”1 )d for the kid and the und of an interestingt-howit worsts , '----------------- f i jId con tact La Pi;tial a a y. a t 366-7'134 a t the

1 dccided the d is tric t Navehicle fo llow ing a rec

llion Supervisor Bill miI fix the cu rren t van. fur OOO.rom m ittee to seek a Suin P ubc B2 F o


ave to be taken ^ by 5. hcsaid.)ugh some firefighters om fortable h and ling ow d vicc versa, the end ifety officcr had more XX) a year in overtim e 8a •efighters. P®6 co u rt c a se fo rc e d .--®> ' to federal F a ir Labor th/ t reg u la tio n s . Tw in poy o v e rtim e to all vhose m onth ly work **1 the law in c luded 12 d*’ ■ETY o n P a g e M L _—

niscoiKended rece iv e th e inform !gation hearing,ittee 's Because of tho natuto the school d is tric t also rirged . Twin Falls policc.a tions ‘We have r«ported

ore required to by lrDr Mr. assistan t supcrinlcndf)re the 'W e do have an ine .sure reg a rd in g the condiudents Icacher,' said Tim Qi

safety director, Hc d(id the the police a re studjin,inow's Bybee has taught iid wili Before thjit, he .'icrvet

Thursday, N

I O b itu a r ie sA io sp it; I V alley l i f e /D e a r Al“W o r i a ^ r 8 " "

______________ ■ ' /

TlmM-Hm phol»1IIKe SALSI

ic g lo n a l M e d ic a l C e n te r

lurscly said she reads the lav ergcncics a s referring to nnli osiers such n s earthquakes

• S ceH O SPrrA L onPagcB :

- GAHY-THIETTEN— n t , n o t t h e c a n c e r c e n te i


'D yThc'TlniBS^uwB-------------and ’The A saociated P ress

W A SH IN G TO N -Tho Sawt N a tiona l R e c re a t io n A rea receive $2.4 m illioa o f aboul million in resto red Forest funds.

'T h a t ’s good n e w s , ' Rol S to leson , S a w to o th Natii F o re s t s u p e rv is o rW e ^ s d a y . ____________

He s a ia th e money~wiT spent on la n d p u rch ases an buy scenic easem ents. He sai is unsure how m uch land it in ro lv e b e c a t i ie he h as I deaU ng w ith a e v e ra l prop owners.

Tbe m oney i s slightly less the a v e ra g e sp e n t p e r yea Saw tooth la n d acquiBitioQB past 16 v e a rs y ea rs . Aboal m ilJien h«B J>een ap e n t du tha t tim e. Stoleson said.

T he m o n e y origiE e a rm a rk e d f o r Saw too th » th e r n a t io n a l fo re s ts d iverted in th e final montl

iduct arm ation a t th e T uesday

satu re o f the allegation, the a !0 repo rted th e m a tto r to c

C•ted the incidences a s wc v y low," said K eith Tolzin, a indent. o1 investigation under way ii nduct o f th e ju n io r highI Qualls, Twin F alls public Ic declined to specify w bit tl>-ing. hU in Twin Fnlls sincc 1970. t •ved in V ietnam .

ta ls B 2Abby B 5_____ ■


M B r eakdi I o f budg ■propose

TW IN FALLS - b reak d o w n o f how Regional M cdical C( spend the S6.9 million budget am endm ent:

• A b o u t $2.26 m c a n c e r tr e a tm e n t c including constructio itself as well a s relate

-as a now m edical r and demolition of two

• About $1.6 millior rep lacem en t, includi p a r t o f hosp ila lw i sy s te m . T he hospi spends about $l.G mi equipm ent replaccmc

----- - About $1.2 millioi? 9 H to run the new magr ^ 0 0 im ag ing system and

in c re a se d p a tien t lo M M ccn tc r will n llract. ^ 3 — •-About-$400,000 ( ■ M m a in ta in a 26-un

co m p lex th e hospi N ovem ber. (Tho buil<

i m p a id fo r ; th is ju s t books,)

• About $339,500 fc tsBunv -of construction costs f

ho u se th e m agnet im aging system,

aw on . A b o u t $441,844 nlurnl o pera te a tem porary s and w hile w a itin g for t: B2 facility is built.

• About $?75,000 to bonds from a previom

• About $30,000 to c - in c rease -w ith Hospit

o f A m e r ic a , w hich B i « hospital.

• About $34,000 for W H item s.

If the am endm ent H | 9 and c a n c e r cen te r

begins on tin u u n -J ii P | H would Kavc to bpcm

$2.8 m illion in 1990 I cancer c en tc r and the

M oney fo r the i p roject in 1989 would so u rces: $1.4 millio: funds and $1.8 millio o p e ra tin g revenue.

i ^ H $ l4 M illion would i-------- reserve fund ffrfo rirte r closc to $4 million.

to redeit [ million------------ ihB' Reai{^ii' r t iafiUl

i ts n r e f ig h t in g an ticipation o f foreet

wtoolh John L easure, bodge la w ill the F o rest Senrice, s i ju t $66 Ke said th e fire aei iervice l^ g u n a n d H is too i

bow m a c h w ill be i ;oland about $40 m illion ia a tio n a l m ore could be obtai

sa id needed.R e tu rn in g the f t a

' i i r b e p o ss ib le to a d d th and to a c re s to n a tio n a l fi mid he s ta te s . T h e land bei it will e z is tiA g n a tio n a l I been co n siaered n e c e o a r jp e r ty th e m f ro m en cro a

d e v e lo p e rs o r otii ss than io ta re tta . ea r on T he la rg e s t expei as th e th e fo r e s ts - involve mt $46 m ilH ob fo r N an tah i iu r in g - P o w s t, N.C .s'17.^-it

Tahoe B a d n . Calif.; [inally C oltm ib ia^ver-G or{ h and million, G reen Motml \ w as F o r e s t , V t . ; a h d ^ i th s o f . S e e F O H E S to i

lUegatiiIn addition to the F eb ruar

school d i s t r i c t is aw are a lle g a tio n s . L a s t Scptcm l claimed Bybee touched her i O’Leary Principal Duke Wise w ro te a l e t t e r lo Bybee c a lleg a tio n . S e v e ra l yea rs a d m in is t r a to r s investig ; allegation, but the complaint

T e rry G ilb e r t, regional lEA, said Bybee w as given this month to resign or face hod until M arch 6 to decide, j to defen d h im s e lf ag a in s

. • Scc TEA CH ER on

March 16 ,1989 Tlmo5-Nows.


down - Iget5 q | V .

S — H e re 's u ow M ag ic .‘V nlleyI C en ter w an ts to lion in its proposedIt:) m illio n fo r the U c e n te r p ro je c t, ction of th e centcr ilnled pro jects such •II reco rd s section two buildings, llion for equipm ent luding $250,000 for i lw id c c o m p u te r o sp ita l n o rm a lly I million a y ea r on ement.llion for employeea- lagnetic resonance and to handle the It load th e can ce r I.KX) to -p ay fo r a n d -------u n i t a p a r tm e n t isp lta l bo u g h t in . building is a lready us t t id ie s up the

10 for the f irs t halfsts f o rn building to“ ’ jn e tic rc so n o n cc

844 to le a s e and •ary M RI m achine >r th e p e rm a n e n t

] to help p ay off old 'ious projcct. to covcr a contract spital C orporation — lich m a n a g e s the

) for m iscellaneous

ent wins approval, filer c o n s tru c tio n >-Jime, the hospital p c n ^ n e stim ated )90 to com plete the l th e M RI projecl. lie c a n c e r con lo r juld comc from two illion from reserve illion from hospital ue. In 1990, about ild com e from the ^ to ta ld e p lc tio n -o f-------L

iveftilQltirBUon tn to ' lg fo n d • ia rest f i r k i n 1969, idget o f iie e r for s, sa id Tuesday.I season h a s . j i k loo e a r iy to tell be n e e d e d , b u t i s ava ilab le and b ta ined la t e r i f

funds m a lt ts it 1 th o o s a n d s o f11 fo re s ta i n 22 b e ing a d d ed to

la l f o r e s ta is isa rjr t o p ro te c t iro a c h m e n t by o th e r p r iv a te

(p eo d lto res and liv ed a r e $8.04 Lahala N a tiona l .^ ia in io n ;~ iz k e ~ ' lif ; IS.7 million, 3 o rg e ,O re . ;$ i8 onotain Natioaa]i m r m i i i r o T ; -H o n P a f c B S

ionua ry allegation, the a r c o f tw o p rio r em b e r , a s tu d en t ier im properly, and iViscman reportedly re c o n c e rn in g ih e la rs ag o , O’L eary i t ig a tc d a n o th e r aint w as dropped, la l d ire c to r of the ivcn a choice early ace the hearing, lie d e.and Bybee chose lin st th e ch a rg e s , on P a g e B2

IWS. Twin Foils, Idaho

Page 10: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

B-2 'nm os-N ow s, Twin

I Safety; S , ■ C o n tin u e d fro i

V ovortime hours.>;• In stead of paying I

“ Pi w hich booBted pay f; p c rc c n t, tho c ity i

a d d itio n a l firc figh ti ' . $50,000 and reducing w • - Courtney said.

- i i ------ ^By.Bo.doing, the q t i.; work hours for its mor ; ' CrOBB-training bonui ;■ public safety officerfl ' ' be paid. Although S2<

included in th is yeai• J crosa-tralning, only a

th a t has been used, Co

^ O b i t

m U arnZ C he•. TWIN FA LLS-

(Bill) ChoBB, 80, form orly o f Twii Sundoy, M arch IS VcUrans Nursing Ho

Ho was born Aii ' RoRoravlllo, Tonn.

Idnho a t o young p aren ts . Ho sorvo

;. during World War II mnny yonni o t tho T

! I Hailoy and was also• I tho Twin F alls aro• I Raehol Smith on Ju

— ------- tboy wore la le t.d ivm arried Jano CIuo 1946. They lived in thon moved Twin Fi

; and thoy woro later c-Surviving ore two

! J r . o f Victor, MontWnyno Chess o f {

;daughtors. Dolly Jo> Ruth A lta Browno Donna Boll Blaclil Sharon Coira Horn

_ j ____ _ N o v . , a n d R o lda GH om edale; two bri

; Chess of Joromo andNorthridgo, Calif. Ivalee GrafTenborgoi Graco Cooper of Kin C laasen o f Woodlni Emmo Dodge and A both of Twin grandchildren ; grandchildren; three eight step-grandchil Btop’ffTcatigrondchi preceded in doath b five brothers and thn

No sarvieo is plai gathering wilt be on home of A lberta Eldridge Ave. E..Tw

' J o h n C . M ltchtTWIN FAL13 - Jt

G2, ofTwin Falls. diC' 27, 1969, in Butte, result of a car accide

He wos born Do W ilder whore ho w, farm . Ho attended t

. School in Gooding nr school in Salem,

j employed nt HutlorIndianapolis for 20 yi to Twin Falls in 19S7.

Mitchell was a n Idaho SutoDcnfAs*

Surviving oro Josephine Vann o Janette Pericins of S nnd Mnry Ellen Han Anderson, both of I nnd one brother. Bol of Portland, Ore.

_____________ C r r m n t i on w nsmemorinl WTvico is j

Irm a / . AU m anGLENNS FERR

A ltm annspergor, i F e rry , diod Tuead 1960, in Port Arthur,'

A privnte fomily cclebralcd ot 10 o.m Lady of Limcrick Cal Glenns F erry . Arrt under thc diri-ction

— — Funeral Chnpel in M(

Servi(RU PERT - Thi

F rances C larn I.ill Rupert, who died Suj 2 p .m . today nt M ortuary Chnpel. R upert, with Bmi

‘ G am er officinting. Flhp_Monacn.Mu;

prior to ihc service. ) thc Ruport Ccmflcry

BUHL - Ruth Sk'c Boise, and forme-rl^ Wednesday, Feb. 1, The graveside inun will be ot 2 p.m. Frii End Cemetery in But


George Clampbell, M Hamilton. Mrs. Elbert Mrs. Brent Trsppen. al

— • snd Jeanntne Cofswel Brownlee of Wendell; \ both of Gooding; Ken George Kerb of Burley; Thomason of Jerome; ai

Pnmuln Bpwera. Gent ■ Ruix. Mrs. Elli. Senrs. J

Ashloy Willinmion, all Huhl; nnd Mrs. Ron .M Hansen.

win Falls, Idaho Thursday. Marc

V — -------------^ m P a g e B l Schedi

policemeilg th a t overtim e , vice versi paychecks b y S 'O f T ic o r s y is h ir in g tw o tra in ing jh te r s fo r a b o u t th e ir arcn lg work schedules, enough (


4ty -w ilL ge tm oro ------!^A-lofc-noney, he said. comfortal jnuMs of$ l,000 to duties,"hi ers will no longer T he de $26,000 has been tra in oflli

ifea^’s bud g e t.fo r—taaliB,-bul y a 'percontage o f Teepondei , Courfhey said;

ituaries-'Hess Em m aI - Willie ThomasV PAUL0, of Boise, and \p a u l,d io 'win F a lls , d ied i t Minid I 12, 1989, a t tho Rup«rt.t Homo in Boise. ArroniAug: 15, 1008, in . w ill ^ e

inn. Ho movod to Mortuar) ing ago with his rved in the N avy G c O ra i r II. Ho worked for BURL m Triiraph M;™ in ilso a well driller in a rea . Ho m arried . June 7, 1930. and .divorcod..He_thon ...Q >,„bur luer in November j] in Fairfield nnd u l1 Foils in tho 1960s . . .J, . tho Arm«rdl.o rc«d whor. h.;w o « n .. B,l C h . .. lont., and M arvon pIf F a irfie ld ; nve Joy Smith of Paul. wno of Lewiston, ickburn »r B o f .., « ™ . r o f S p . r k .. 0»yic JowoU of carmo, bro thers, Lester

nnd Dnvid Cho.. of „lif .; fivo s is te rs , rgor of Bend, Oro., q p q I Wmborly. Bobonn

J 7 .1 ' It ’ « “id Alberta Turner. in F . l . . ; .6

19 g r .n l- , to . .top.ch,ldron.. chl dn.ni nnd nvo Irtlld rtn . H . w n. - th by hia parents.

Santo B,pl.nnod A f.m .ly . on Apnl 9 «t Iho to T urner. 1979 7-30 ptn TwinFnll.. Colhoilc', , , .. Mass of

'h e ll cclebraU- John C, Mitchell, the St. N died Monday, Feb. R upert te , M ont., ns the Terriquei rident. follow IDec. 1(). 1926, in Cemeter;

) wns rniscd on a call a t I od the Idaho Deaf Main. Bt ; and also the dcnf Friday ai w, O re. He was p rio r to tie r U niversity iti evening « D years. Hc moved on Sntur 387. momoHia m em ber of tho L ittle F Associntion. Building!•0 four s is te rs ,’ ’•'"I" F « 'i- . H e l e n)f Spokane. Wash.. BURLlamihon nnd Celia jof Portland, O re .; r Bob Mitchcll. also

~>i _ . Reno, 01-B u tte .. .A .-aT td -E rt


EII(D. Nc> a n n s p e r g e r no

IBRY - Irm n 1 ' r, 88, o f G lonn. S ic p h l ..d o y , M .rch H ,

„ ly M . . . will b .

‘S b o r c ' h : r ;

i:n“o 7 ; r „ ; " p i “ ; :.M om ninHom o,

ices- HrThe -funeral for LDS Ten I.illywhite, 6fl, o f mniSundny, will be nt 31.19J9. « nl the Hunsen Surviv

el. 710 Si>th S t., Margaret 3ishop T e rry L, Whitten a {. Friends mnycntl o"M o rtu a ry -C h ap a l- -Boi*c; .( :e, Ruhsl will be in "Laddio- cry. W ash,;

Paskc tt5k'c Roberta, 77. of P ssk e tt e-rly of Buhl, died P nskett . 1, 1983, in Boise. Ilurnm cnt services C harlottFriduy ut thc Wost grandchi Buhl. grandchi


Admttt*d , Mrs. Michael Goodson, Mrs. : >ert Hedrick, Mra. Steven Smi .. all ofTw in Falls; Mrs. Robe well, both of Jackpot. Nev. ; 1; Virgil Bryant aiid Mra. Jon tennilh Gulches of Kimberly ey; Dana Smith of Oakley; Mn i; and Mrs, Roy Landrum ofHej

RaUuMl icnc Coffelt. baby girl Mendo. b« rs. Pnul Taber. Mrs, C olo' Town all ufTw in Falls; LeaU-r Cod i .Motherahend nnd dnu(chter.


larch 16, 1969

cduling enough tra in in g fo r Tien in firefighting duties and jrsa h as b een difficult, he said, r s w ere a b le to g e t enotigh ' lg to p e rfo rm d u ties outside rea o f expertise but d id not g et h e x p e r ie n c e , M ay o r D oug ;r said.

ofc-of-the-officerB -don't-feel- •table w ith th e ir cross-training " hc said.d e p a rtm e n t will s till cross-

ifllcers to perfonfl secondary but-they^will-not.I»a-prim arjL ders as they have been in the

n a W oltersLJL - E m m a W olters, 77, of diod Tuesday, March 14,1969, nldoka M omorial Hospital in t.ongemonts a re ponding and 'be announced by Payne ary in Burloy.

rge H. C arm odyRLEY ^G eorge H. Carfnody, Burley, died Monday, March 089, a t C assio M em orial lal in Burloy.was born ApV^l IB. 1906, in burg. III., tho eon of Cornelius - . d M argaret Falioy Carmody.IB a veteran having served in rmy A ir Force from 1942-46 I ho wns 0 staff sergeant. Ho od Ttiln Crnnor on Sept. 24, n Burloy. Ho was nctivo in tho ' industry in tho Minl'Cnsain rid in Hereford, Texas. He an'& ife ownod nnd oporatod T he' lir Clothing Store in Burloy. ired in 1972.mody was an acttvo, member

L ittle C atholic Church in ’ serving in vorious capacities raa olao a m em bor of tho . Elks No. 13B4 In Burley hc was P ast Exalted Ruler,

cccived th e ou tstanding iry aword from the Knife and /lub Intomational In 1973 nnd td an area service award and iition in 1966 from tho Burleylhamber_or.Conimorco,_________'iving are his wife of Rupert;»n. Dr. R obort Carmody of B a rb a ra , C alif.; und two

laughters,itation of the roaary will be at m. Friday a t the St. Nicholas ic Church, 802 F St.,Ruport.□f the R esurrection will be aUd a t 11 a,m . Saturday a t . Nicholas Cntholic Church In rt with tho Rov, Enriqlie uez ofTiciating. Interment will ' In the P lea san t View ;ery in Burloy. Friends muy t Poyne M ortunry , 221 W, Burley, from 1-5:30 p,m, on

/ and a t the church one hourto the ro sa ry on F ridny__

lg nnd one hour prior lo mnns lurdny. Carm ody requcHlcd irinls m ny be m ade to the

F low er Catholic Church ng Fund,

;n OliverniEY - Helen Oliver, 5H, of f, died Wednesday, Mnrch 15.,t Cnsain Memorinl Hospitnl.Was bom Dcc, 2. 1030, in El Okla.. the dauichter of Jim

rd Oliver on Oct, 1. 1967, in Ncv, He died in lOKV iervice is planned,

hen H. P a ske ttKLEY - Stephen Henry itt. 96. o f Onkley. died lay. M arch 14. 1389. nl h i. in Oakley.was born April 7. IHgj, in le C reek . U toh. thc son of m P nnd Annie L, Mechnm tt. He wns' rained in'C.rouHe nr>d served un LDS misiion lo nd. Hc m nrned T huna Hunter ne 21, 1916. in the Salt Lnke remple. She died in 1947. He narried Ann Sipkins on Dec.9. and she died in 1963. viving a re three daughters, iret Wells of Oakley, and Carol n and Lou Whitten, bolh Twin one son. E rnest Paskett of

; one fo s tc r - s o n , Phillip lo* C um m ins of Y akim a.,; th ree b ro th e rs , Dsvid 't t o f O gden . U tah. Harold a t of Tw in F alls and John ttt o f H yrum . U tah; two I, Rhoda Lee of Oakley and otte W eeks of P au l; l l ch ild ren ; 40 great- ch ildren ; and three great-

SyPER Sons to Mr. andMr. and Mrs. Rob

'S. Darrell dlogswell of Jsckpol imiih and Robert Beig of Jack sbert Beigr.rM tlto ft- CASEon Smart.rly; M rs. Nancy Alley. Na Mrs. Kelly Burley; Kristina Cs Heybum. Fuentea. bolh of h

Leorui Rasmussen o. baby boyvmley nnd Lloyd Gunderson Cochran of Sylvia Ruii of Rupe •r, bolh of

Babies to Mr. urv to Mr. nnd Mrs. Wll

'o r . For instance, a fircfigl; nd tra in o d to p a tro l a r e i id . num ber of burglaries hai g h " b u t once hc spo ts a d e , pei^Bon, he would c a ll ; c t ' officer, Courtney said.

“ 8 A police ofTicer could I p ro te c t hom es nex t to

>el—fltructure-from-catchiag- n g he w ould not e n te r

building, he said.

- -S uch in te rd ep a rtm en would reduce tho need f(

j j^ ~ W -y tily ”ofncer8~on ove Councilman Jim W ckers

great-grandchlldron . h f preceded in death by one

brothers and two sisters.' Tho funera l will be ai

Saturday a t the Oakley LD! > with Bishop Kim < , o fnclating . Burial will b

Oakley Cemetery, Friends Bt M cCullochs Funeral I- Friday from 6-8:30p.m. at church one hour prior to tho

J Arviita L RobbinsRU PERT - Arvilli

McAlister Robbins, 69. oi Aril., and formerly of Rup

/■ .'Sunday , Mafch~12,- 1989, home.

J Sho was born Feb. 13, Ruport, tho d augh ter

McAlistor and.Loia Walkt ’ She m arried G erald B. I I Thoy lived in R upert, Tw and-movod to Yuma, Ariz.

whero aho had since rosic was employed os a realtor Falls and they later ownedRealty in TwiaKalls............

Robbins wns a m embe Rivor Roelors Square Danc<

I Rupert:, Surviving hor husbond o

, Ari*.; three sons, Gnry am Robbins, both of Twin Falls Robbins of Son Francisco two daugh ters , Lolly Hei Caldwell and Jano L arser Lako City. U tah; th roe b W arren McAlister.of Rupt

— M cAlistur o r S o d i ; S prir G ranville McAlister o f Hi

, two s is te rs , M aurocn Si Blackfoot and Ruby Griggs Foils; 13 grandchildren; i

i grcat-gmndchildrcn.A memorial scrvicc will

, p.m. Mondny ot tho Acequi ' Wnrd Chnpel with Loo 1 J officiating. The fam ily a , mcmori.als m ay be mndi I Mngic Valley Regional 1 C!cnter Hospice. P.O. Box 4i , Fnlls. 83.'»1 or Idnho Home

nnd Hospicc. 200 Second y ’ Twin Falls 83301, Arrnngem

under thc direction of Mortuary in Rupert,

' William Fowler[ RUPERT-William Fowl,

Uupcrl, died Tucsdny. Mi I9HD, III Sl. I.ukes licgionnl Ct-nler in Boiiw.

f Hc wns born Nov, 23, Unionville, Mo., the son of h Jton Sheiircr Fowler. He f

, schools in Rockford. Ili. He I Marthn Klnuaer on April 26, I Msqunkitn. lown. Hu serve , United S lates Army Infn

Jnpun during World War I moved to Buriey nnd later U in 1949 where he farm ed i since resided.

Surviving nre hm wife of J two dnughlera. Barbara F< , t3n.-eley. Colo, ond Dcbornh

of Hupert; orw son. Jerry F .Mendiun; his mother, Jcnr f of Rockford. III.; three sislei I Burmnn of Phoenix. Aril.

Glendcnning of Dnvi* Juncl J nnd Bernice Eddy of Kockf< three brothers. Slnnley Ft

, Bourbonnaia. III., Jack Fo'. , Ronald Fowler, both of Ri

111.; five grnndchildren; . great grandchild. Hc was ( in denth by his father, one (

I nnd one sister.1 A gruvcaidc service will f n.m. Fridny nt the Paul C } with P asto r L.G. \

officiating with military gi I riles under thc dircclior 1 V eterans of Foreign 1 A m erican Legion. E ) American Veterans. Work 1 Veterans and Troop G of ll I National Guard. Frienda r

this afternoon and eve Hansen Mortunry Chapcl.

md Mrs. Michael Goodson o f ' Robsrt W alker of Rupert; an (pot, Nev.; and a daughter to M ackpot, Nev.

naS U M ZM 08U L HOSPITAL Admitted

Nancy Cartchner and Tina G I Carrier of Eagle; Janet Coope )f Heybum; Albort Meyar of in of Minidoka.

RalauMl son and Shirley Lynes, both of 1 uperi.

Blrthiutid Mrs. Vernon R. Green of 1

WtlllBm CooperofHeybjffri.

ghter could be T raining v e a s w here a of each divi lave occurred, will se lec t a a su sp ic ious Courtney saw 11 in a police

O ther chai, , . , in c lu d e e

b e t^ M d tOto a b u rn in g ,iB-on-lini,-butr a b u rn in g ^ -

r ' c S tv e r t i m . p a y ,

■ S u " a t , ^Is e n h a r t , ' re c e n tly . 1 recom m end

He was Stimpson am ,0 .on, l»o 5 ' " ‘

can b e effecti a t I p.m . The board

iDS Church school calen(3 Cranney F o n ta in e no

bo in the vo tcdandU u Is may call yotc d ifferer

Homo on -Unlikc la s t

h e l ^ « m a n d a te fc howrvice. Fontaine said

The board , , a t i t s nex t

lla Lois

: ; . i T d Fort3, 1930, in Eleven Point r o f Guy Mo.Iktr-G ray,-----------S onr-P ^ tri, cha irm an ofi." in “m C o m m ittee ,Ildod s“ l tJn g re .B h a dor in Twin ofM anagem e sd Robyns R eagan adm:

- ...................sp o n d -la n dbor o( the firefighting, ICO Club in ‘ I am pi

.n”d B r ; ; Hosla and Joff ^CO, C a lif; • C o n tinlorboid of noods. She li on of Salt fa lh e r who 8

starv ing fami f J - - c a n n o t c irc irings und , ,Hoybnrn^ becam e the c Stnith of idea, ahe Baiil

5. of Twin K m i corner; and two opposing the I

by new s abo •ill be a t 1 T hough eaci |uia L,D,S, ogenda for tl . Robbins• auRgcats r r y ide to tho1 Medical 400. Twin . C o n tin

mo Heallh1 A ve. N-, G ilb e r t sa id . rm cn U a re Snow sa id Sr H a n se n m a d e to Byb(________ _ ..nnd-faa is-in

m a tte r .E ven i f I

. , v o lu n ta r ily , M t administratio;

" M fd i;: , 'n a tu re of the

" “ nS:dlo m o rr io d B ybec s def. 26, 1939. in d is t r ic t blocl ved in the activities Wed ifnntry in ITcTiad bee Ir 11. They about the cat •toRupert te a c h e rs a t ' i and hod p rep a ra tio n }

w hen Wisemj of Rupert; school’s door Fowler of does not allo

nh Hayden COnduCtcd d Fowler of G ilb e rt respc

b o n n . g « h e r . n B in« i.o n . Ill,, p ro c e o B , .m ikford. Ill,; association ni'Fowler of On M arcliowicr and O 'Leary teachRockford. a t the IEA of; nnd one happening to l• preceded A stalcmen: e grandson p ro „ g 8

signed , ‘ The ill bo nl 11 O’Leary JunioCemetery T he statC lM .s ts n e r B y b e e haa-Ci

trea ted fairly ion of the .J , , •' n Wnra Side of the 6t< D i . . b i . d p r o c e s s p ro v

rid War II Am erican Citi• the Idnho Also on tha I may call by TFE A Pn vening at on b eh a lf of _ _________com m ittee^

I Falls public s th e le t te r d

------------------- Gilbert confirwritten in ref

r T . i n F . l l . , I t d e fe n d , the .n d j . . n n i n . J f f e n i n g a t M r..n d M r., ofmiBCOnduCt

It reads; 'I te a c h e r ia

lL . . ,im propri« ti« n a tu ra l tend

Green, all of te a c h e r has perandD isne he/she m ust b , r D.clo: .n d .

seem fa r feU' ,fB > ,rl.y ,.nd " »hei

a c c u sa tio n s *• im p o r ta n t

tf Burley; and cherished An unless proven



g will be the responsibility ' ■ivision co m m an d er, who t a train ing com m ander, j said.

hanges in the d ep artm en t \ m aking f ir e f ig h te r s j

0 for learning how to deal ] rdous m aterials, he said. i---------------------- , i

tool------t in u e d fro m P a g e B l jmt for-Bich Stimpson,-who -

from th e b o a rd in’, and p o ssib ly fo r Jo h n c

who re s ig n e d . m ore sT he co m m itte e w ill s

nd a re p la c e m e n t for r and possibly Isenhart a t aeeting so an appoin tm ent EjctlveinA pril. fird discussed tho 1969-90 tsndar. Superintendent Bob enoted th a t a ll s ta f f h ad Cth a t there was only a two- trence on the two options, rist year, thero w as not a c

fo r e ith e r c a le n d a r ,"iaid. Qrd vrill act on the calendar rx t re g u la r ly sch ed u led r

'e s t-___t in u e d from P a g e B l [int Wild and Scenic River, u

itrick-L eahyl-D -V t., a n d - b of the Senate A gricu ltu re ':C, along w ith o th e r s in ^ :iad objected to thc Ofilce m ent and Budget when the ® Im inistration proposed to id a cq u is itio n fu n d s on B1 a

p leased th a t B udget R

spital —tin u ed from P a g e B l gji likens the hosp ita l to a0 s tea ls food to feed his 1( imily. Thc com m issioners b rcu m v en t th e law . ju s t -fi e cancer cen tcr is a good lc sid. c< itends th e 'n o isy minority" ri ie amendm ent w as drawn C ibout thc ca sh re se rv es . U ach group h a s i ts own sl r the money, it should be


icher — “linued from P a g e B l ^

i.d such an offer w as never ybce, Qt least not by him, in c ha r f e- o f- th c -c n t i re "

r Bybee h ad re s ig n e d y , the school Uon would have had to go t the hearing becausc the Lhe allegations canno t be low said.las been investigating the IS in p re p a ra t io n for lefensc, bul th e school ocked some o f G ilb e r t’s Wednesday.le'encbireclihgTnTomanon case from B ybee’s fellow-^' I t O 'L eary d u r in g th e ir n periods until Tuesday , ;m an m et G ilb e rt a t the )or and said th e d is tr ic t How IEA b usiness to be1 d u ring schoo l hou rs , sponded th a t he w as not ciation business but was in fo rm a tio n o n a due-

m a tte r_ .in v o lv in g an I member.rch 8, ab o u l h a lf the ichers attended a m eeting , office to learn w hat was to Bybee, G ilbert said, ient supporting h is righ t to 9S wos adopted th en and 'he TFEA le a d e rsh ip a t jiiorHigh." Ite m e n t d e c la re d , ‘M r. I ( -earned th e r ig h t to b^ I riy, to be able to tell h i s ~ j story, and to receive due

rovided under law to all ritizens.’ 'tha t date, a le tte r signed Prcsident M ilton B arrus, o f the group 's execu tive

w as sen^ to a l l T w in _ c school teachers. Though ‘ doesn 't n a m e . B ybee, ifirmed that th e le tt« r was reference to Bybee'a case, the association’s actions in a teacher who is accused uct.: 'F o r example, le t’s say b ia accused o f sexua l t i s t with itu d e n U . One's indency is to s a y 'I f the laa been c h a rg e d , then It be guilty, so lynch 'em I' eaiize thc ex am p le m ay etched to you. However, in hen th ere a r e so m any ns of child a b u s e , it is t to u n d e rsc o re thc American value, *innocent /en guilty."

S h e r i f f a r r e s t s J. TWIN FA LLS - Two T\

m en a r r e s te d . .o f te r a I , se a rc h n e a r S h o sh o n e F

w aiting in th e coun ty ja i ’ com ple tion o f a - investigation.

. Shorifl'a D eputy David C ,• G aryC asto, l i hg sb cen b o ' ja il on a p ro b a tio n viola ‘ f irs t-d o g reo b u rg la ry .1 Hancock, 18, haa been chai _ (m o jia .ljn ia ife jiican9X fli- ,

booked on second-dcgreo bu

meeting,I- - ' In o ther m a tte rs :______; • T h e . sc h o o l's ev 1 committee, se t up to reviev : su p e rv is io n o n d ovalu t . s tra te g ie s , co n tin u es its i ■ meetings.

B oard re p re s e n ta t iv e . B c lleg an tc a a id th c co

focuscd on s tu d e n t evalv I tc a c h c r fo rm s and

evaluation o f adm inistra to C om m ittees w ere se t up t th c : fo rm s a n d m reco m m en d a tio n A p ril I com m ittee .' ‘

■ Building p rincipals Lei and John T a g g a r t reporte rcccnt p a re n t/te a c h e r con noting th a t a tte n d a n c e a^

Director (R ichard) Darman to it that P reaident Bush’s e commitment to the environi

" b e e n honorcdT ^bcahy 'sa ii glad that ou r last-d itch cfii off and th a t th e 0M B rev» eariier position."

O th e r e x p e n d itu re s ari Rivor Wild and Scenic Rive and M ain Salm on Wild an' R iv e r, $900,000, bq th in

spent on thc hospital, he said S u rse ly sa id h e r o rg a r

Idaho C itizens N etw ork, jo b a ttle w hen th e hosp ita l’s

-funds m ade headlines.-She local chapter o f thc nctwori co re g ro u p o f a b o u t 20 represents thc people of Tv Counly. It focuscs on issues low-and m odera tc -incom e she said.

Thc group 's o rig inal inte to see some o f th e reserve to aid the poor, but then it g<

• up in the legal issues surroui process, Sursely said.

Thietten said he entered t

& l

The C hapel“ T S e 4 t h A v e T E

’'Twin F a l l s , I d a h t

G e t t h e B i g g

B e s t M o v i e s

for Only *4.9


mll^i einvoul of Box Office Hiu 01 CwU lo tut TV tha yMf snc OrjneyCr«nnet* NcrttrujyearM you Of4sr no* you can grt SHi PRICE] Csll and order today Oui 90X OFFICE BIOWOUP

$ 4 9

■ C i n g '7 3 3 - 8 :

Offer No C

2 m e n n e a r S h oTwin Fallfl The only cha . tw o -h o u r . the_misdemcam F a lls a r e Clino said thc (

iail fo r th c continues and 0 s h e r i f r s filod.

T hesherifi’s ( 1 Cline sa id 1:57 p.m . Tu booked in to - he lp o f the Ida Ia tion a n d thc U.S. Border y. D av id p a ir a fte r a two- largcd w ith T h e search a

and w as in a aubd iv isi burglary. F alls.

good. About 80 p 0 d i s t r i c t eyali

eva lu a tio n con ferences antiew curren t "high" ra tin g orua tion o f conferences,s se r ie s of • School nur£

provided an oveive L p r a and V iner gave:o m m itte e p ro c e d u re s ' foiluation o f handicapped pro

te a c h e r im pjenientcdthii itor forms., to review S u p e rin ten d em ake a b r ie fe d th c be; 5 to th e w orkshop

- a d m in is t r a to r s.^n Penner d isc ip lin e and fte d on th e w ith te a c h e rs von fcrences' students nnd paragain w as assertive role.

m has seen F la th e a d Nnlii} expressed m illion, and Mid)nment hjjs Wild nnd Scenica id - “1 am M ontana;.and CfTorts paid R c s s o r d , A rea

itQ N ational•versed Hs 517 5 0 7 3 ^

R iv e r , $727,446, i r e R ap id F o rest, $100,000, ver, $ 3 ,(^ , B u tte Canyon- m d Scenic $160,000, and ' in Idaho ; F o re s t ,$22,OOO ir

aid. to insure the hosp an iza tio n , now serv ices al joined the p r iv a te en te rp i

I's rese rve becam e inlereste l e s a i d h e r - - B othSursclyai ork, with a h a v e no q u a rre !0 peop le , t r e a tm e n t cente Twin Falis w n n t to m ake ;s affecting followed, ne people, “1 personally c

trea tm en t center iterest wns Thietten said. "B 'e funds go way to build the gol caught like to see them I

)undingthe "The law is vi said, “I ju sl don'l

1 the arena do it."__________

------ -----------NATION

l i t es r t u cCrematorv

il by th e Park i

h o Jerry

g e s t a n d j

E o n T V 1

9 5 / M o n t h I 11

1‘ iliil Allnu-lion (1 Morning Vicljiiuii jyt'.Men.-uKlaBiiijy ddi(>Murphy“Il/\\V 'he Unlou(;iiiiJ)l(s ^

G d Ioi's________ J

kvcrl,vHillsCQ[)llionSHOWTlME-E«Clusivel,!SHOWT MV) theyVs CAJy on SHOiVTlU£Uict on I r?Not neityMflAndlt SHOWTIME lof HALF-


IC ^■ Month Thru May

LAST ^ CHANCE! 'V i d e o c s

B 2 3 0 • 5 3 6 - 6 5 6 5

1 Good On Sefv lcaS w ilc ties

h o s h o n e F a l l scharges filed so fa r oro canora a g a i ^ t Hancock. he offices investigation id o ther charges m ay be

R’s ofilce received Q call . Tuesday, and with the . IdahoiS tate PoKce-and— "

rder Patrol a rre sted the two-hour scarch .:h and a r re s ts occurred v ision n e a r ShoBh o n o _

80 parents responded to 'v a lu a tio n s lip fo r-the '__ ^and gave a genera lly

g on thc qu a lity of the

nurse M argo Reynolds overview of h e r position ive new inform ation on ■ fo r th e p re-schoo l program , which w ll be

I this fall.

ndent. Bob, F o n ta in e _: board on a recen t

a tte n d e d by ;ors . on a a a e r tiv e ■' nd s tra te g ie s to share r s when w ork ing wilh parents in a helpful but

ra tio n a l F o re s t , $1.9 Middle Fork , F lathead enic Riv4| r , S9f),52I, in id Cascade Head Scenic..-.- . r e a , $197,346, Oregon )nal R ec rea tio n A rea, igue Wild and Scenic 446, S iuslaw N ational XX), in Oregon; and Red pfon- R e se a rc h A rea, id W asa tch N a tiona l W^inutah.

hospital would not begin s a lread y p rovided by i rp r is e . T hen he also ested in the legalities, ly and Thiotlon say they • - i r re l w ith th e c a n c e r e n te r itse lf ; th e y ju s t ik c su re th e law is

Ily don't see the cancer nter a.s nn emergency,". "But if there is a legal thc ccn ter this year. I'd ■m break ground." is very c le a r ,” Sursely lon't .see how they could


a r yr y J

^ 7 3 3 - 6 6 0 0 ;

r r y D . H o l m a n


OWTIMEhajthe biggest and ^onHBO<^C>n«nvi>«o>Ih* __


s a t B l e5


Page 11: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

M a t


"L By LONA RAYMOND • _ Tiinea-News corrcupondci

--------BUR1:EY‘*=-AmhtjnyShrivcr congratulated B

. . School for its program sludonls with mentally Hi residents in.the area ; studcntfl to contitluc.thcir

—; thcy'go oh lo"cdlligu; ' “ Shriver stopped in B

tour around Idaho tc Special Olympics and a level program hc bc{

, matches students with ; handicapped persons

activities. ‘ - He made a rare hi

appearance In Burley l5 schooLforuta J ’artners

■ which services the same . the prog'ram for c

students. Tho-.high scho



__ . Times-Ncwa w riters _

BOISE - Idaho 's she . have to sp eak th e ir g r ! open to kilt a concealed \

they didn’t like.Two sen a te sponsors

: w ith d rew a b ill th a t v required sheriffs to issue w eap o n s p e rm its unle specific conditions existei

“A good dea l o f d tran sp ired outside the c

' sa id Son. Skip Smyser, R ' ■ and co-sponsor Sen. Bru(

' D 'L ew is to n , c ited ' “tre m e n d o u s oppositi

' "shcrifTs a s one-reason tl ' go forw ard this legislativ

B ut S m y se r issued w arning’ to sherifTs lo £ together before next ses the sam e bill agoin - wh said was written by an I and subm itted by the Ni Association. —

A lth o u g h th e bill fa opposition from Idaho’s also ron into procedural

pf 2 '

• H o s i (

w hatever I wherever y R O U N D - T

lets you do great styleT

Pantyhose 3

Knee Hi's


taicValteiephewr/ BHS sp

was named t den t Olympics Scl

Shriver, 23 iny~KoTTTipdy ■•EunictrShri^ I B urley High President Ke am in v o lv ing they have a i y handicapped have shown I ;a a n d u rg e d in B urley , e ir activ ities if difTerencein ----- .----------------

I B u rley on a N ozarene i to p ro m o te S o y th e rn It

I a un iversity - Boise S tate b e g a n w h ich h is "B est a th m e n ta lly college and i IS for so c ia l S h river t(

the program h igh schoo l a t G eorge

I tS” p ra ise the Washington. :rs P Iu s -C Iu b ,-w ith m en ta m e pu rpose 'as w ith th e ir

c o lleg e -ag e recreational chool, in fact,.- The high i

; o r s w i t t

> n s b i l l (

sh e riffs d id n ’t g r ip e s in the

>d weapons bill RRI M If t '

rs W ednesday -------,t w ould h av e the NRA wiisue concealed- but il wns lonleas c e r ta in . »o.Sled. T he bill■ d e b a te h a s sheriffs lo i le com m ittee ," wilhin 30 dti •, R -Parm a. He the applicui Jruce Sweeney, c a r ry a fir ed s tro n g been issuu ' s itio n " f r o n weapon; or n the biil won't t r ia l fo r a itive session. w a r ra n t ied a “s tro n g misdemeani to get th e ir ac l legal staU-w session or foce • In a slalt which Sweeney irea.Huros i in Idaho citizen local sheri : National Rifle quandary.

■We ft'el ;i fa ced s tro n g don'l want l

no’s sheriffs, il a.« exlri-mi: iral problem s - Cassia Cour

K )\ 5 o a

i e r y S a h

r the look and I■ you're going, T H E -C L O C K

io it all ine^

Keg. :3 .5 0 - 1 0 .0 0 2 .8 0 - ;

1 .7 5 -2 .5 0 1.40-1

Anthony )ecial prd the Inlernaliomil Special n t School o fth e Year for 1988. bo, , 23, the son of Sargent and ! m vcr-nnd-tiephttw-«f-!ftle—th< Kennedy, told the sludenls ri{ a reason lo be proud. "You so m tha t even a small school sti y , Idnho , cun m ake a tht inthew orld .'-hetu iid . - talkgd-nfc-N orthw estefn—ac

} in 'M a in p a . College oT re Idaho in Caldw ell and

lie U n iversity , prom oting I B uddy P ro g ram " for Qj id university students.• told s tuden ts he sta rted nm alm ost three years ago •getow n U n iv e rsity in on, D.C. lo bring persons I ta l re ta rd a tio n to ge ther i r p ^ e rs fo r social and O' ia l activities. y;h school version spranR up .

h d r a w c <

d u e t o l c

V I d a h o I ^ - L e g is la t u r e - s

I 1989 ^w anted to am end the bill bt

I loo inte in the .so.ssion to do lhor

ill would have re tju iredlo issue four-year perm its ct.days of applicalion unless g(

cunl is legally itieiitjible lo bt f i re a rm ; if an o rd e r hnsued aga in .s t lh a t type of cror the applicant is facing a is a c rim e o f'v io lence o r a '

fo r a felony o r isanor. Thu iwrmils would be P'fw ide. le.ate wilh a population lh a l iss ils r ig h l lo hoar a rm s , fi criff-'i w ere in a po liliual

L‘l a conflict, o r I do. thai we pII 10 be labeled by the NKA ri m ists," sa id Billy C rystal, st 7unty' sheriff. "That's nol the h

y Shrive rogramsn t B u rle y H igh School a boasts 105 m embers.

Hc challenged the s tudcr -th e lr-p a rt-fo r-h u m an -< iig r righ ts o f the weakest m embe so c ie ty an d sp e c if ic a lly students going on to collogffthe college program.

Tho Kennedy family h as It - a c t iv e - in -b r in g in g - th e - i r

re ta rd ed out o F tllj ihstituti in to m a in s tre a m society , w as a youngster when the O lym pics began a t his fam acre-farm in Rockfield, Md a th le te s com e from 70 ct world-wide to participate.

In th e la s t two y e a rs , ] sch o o ls have h o s te d — O lym pics gam es, and ha\ v ars ity letters in various ti field e ^cn ^ ; . . .

: o n c e a l e


But the sheriffs have n c work w ith th e NRA to wo compromise for nei xt "70077"

“Both th e NRA ond the have m ade suggestions," 1 said. “In all likelihood it wo been am ended.’’

Sweeney proposed the bil because c u rren t law gives the power lo set their own s on perm its.

" I t ’s e s se n tia l we hav consi.slency," Sweeney said gel a perm il in one county be good elsewhere."

Two sherifTs of large Mag counlies have different stan' issuing the permits.

ha rry Gold of Jerom e Co issued his few perm its to e prosecutors or others who legal background lo underst is su e s su rro u n d in g the firearm s.

On th e o th e r han d , Tw C oun iy S h e rif f J im Mun p e rm its to people who ha related need to gu*’security ofilcers tJV gun'det have lo c a rry guns to tra d e

f :Blue Lakes Mi


H o u rs : lon-Fri 10-9, Sat lQ-6, Sun i:

ersa n d now

e n ts to dognitry-and-------------------------bera oftKe Iy u rg e d

£b en ter

t long been ...........................• m e n ta lly — ------------- -------utions and /. S h r iv e r le Spccial m i l / s 200- Id . Today, c o u n tr ie s

, 162 h ig h ._ _ S p c c ia l , . a v e g iven tra c k and


I - .

I ckanco to- . Jvork o u t a §

le sh e r if fs '" Sw eeney would have

bill in p a r t ............• !e s sh e riffs T h p iI s tan d ard s J l

T hepra v e som e r e m a r l lid. •‘If you outd<Ky i l s h o d d

ngic Valley . P R ID E in d a rd sfo r

........Slo have the ••stand legal ie u se o f

rw in F a l ls **nnn issu ealav e a job- ^un, such a s mlea le rs who m .ie shows. w L

TUke................t h i s i

spring a t all & Gh


, nam e1 tenor

t eES

t o l l - --------------------




J L p fe r G a l.\, e Color of Qualitpremium interioracryli jrkable we even guaran loors.

D E R O S A R E G . $ 1 9 '

V ^ 9 s _ s a « ^ ' RI


e Off in a big wa - w ^ k e n d " d u r in g “th n g T ^ f & Paper Sal 01 six Ponderosa Pair 31ass Stores.

i’ll f in d sav ings o derosa's most popula le s in exterior and ir or paint.

111 If i H n — I ' *

J y

P O ^m i N

Lynwood Centei



rx/v* 6

lityy lie soa n te e it

9 9 5

p p iREG.S12“ PONDEE


t M ES • A • L •

| 3 (Save u p ings fro i

^ ~ i ------------

8 ' 5 1A ll I i

p j W lM i j? ! B uy one

----------- A U WliaU, Kil

h JD E FI T S !ter, 1237 E. Filer Avi


Thursday, Ma


ED||M bdeW ” o I n e b a t io i

In n i)

:r o s a p r o f l a t c e i l i n

‘f N O W *I D on 'tdo ityo iu

» JL without the rigl

S A Plus extra big

T-— national-birm c • coverings an^

fashions for y<D ~

R They’re all or through Marcb a t you r nearby

• E Paint & Glass St


m .ip t o 30% o n c u s to m o rde i o m K inney, H lrshfie lds, W o re .-------------------------------------

(FiO[ n S t o c k W a l l c o v e in e roll, g e t o n e ' fo r 1«.

S V i n d o w B l i n d s ! H aCirsch, L ev e lo r a n d I lu n te i

P O R Eve.. Twin Falls, 733-J

*1arch 1 6 ,1989 Timos-r^owo, 1


' l O K ^ S


r$ ^ 9 9ouiself right P ra

Jig savings onm d 5 “of—wall=------------a n d w indow

your home.

on sale now rch. But only rby Ponderosa i Store.


Iffrd e r w allcover- , W all T b jn d s

iH alf-p r ice on

I t e r Eteuglas.

i S3 - 5 3 3 3 . r

Twin Foils, lda)K) 8-3

Page 12: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

MafMale se;By JE N N IFE R KAUTH TimcH-Ncws writer

TWIN FALLS - A pilot responsibility will bctfin r FatiH School D is tr ic t a r Scliool IS oiTeltrp“ closer to a rea a fte r Monday’s Schoo

The Hoard alHo approve recommund w hether the c buying' more land to build i

-----------The committee-will ba&— not'duc'until-nexl-tJnnuni

■ mimberH and projects how entering lhe Kchnol syslem

School nurse Kim Kvnlc

Hansen (By LYNDABOODYTiines-A'cn's correspondcn

---------- H ANSEN - T hG -H aiC ouncil M onday ap p r m u tu a l fire a id a g re e r K im berly, a plan th a t ca two fire d e p a r tm e n ts equipment and firefighten

The K im borly council, delayed a decision a t il Tuesda^'. Council member are concerned the agreer

_____ h a m p e r .lh e ir_ to w n 's ficapabilities.

The ag reem en t, a s np llanscn, would be in efi'cci

Kimberly plans toBy D ENISE TURNER T’/n jo s-N c jv s corrcspondci

HJIMBERLY - Foccc prospect of fire ratings pn in c rea sed in su rance rat a long to tho tnx jA yer, i Kimberly is ready to opot new fire engine.

■'We have one firo truck--------- p u m p in p - to - i ts -p o tc n t

Councilm an Jack Wright to one of the city's two fi now 37 years old. "The p a re paying for fire 'p ro t( ihey should get il."

in n re la te d m a tto d ec ided to d e lay a dcc re q u e s t from th e Ha D epartm ent regarding a agreem ent between the tv

Councilm an Jack Wrii feels this is the wrong lii into such an agreem ent K im berly fire equipm ei good condition. Counciln

------- Naum an agreed, noting!th e a r ra n g e m e n t mi K im b erly w ithou t ado p ro tec tio n , in c e rta in (

i Chief Rob Vawser asked I to con.sider the m atter Iu I . . A new new fire truck vs I tho lown lo m eel criteri i retjiin its current firengl ; Without the truck, the U ; m ay change for the w( t would increase insurance ! Council voted to call f

{ not binding on the counc ; al.-U) plan to find out how ' item s the council would

with the truck and how i i mig!.t be delivered afler

City officials budgeted th is y ear 's budget for ji e s tim ating lh a t a new i cost near SIOO.OOO.

Vaw.ser told the cour

- MRobert Jenkin; Falls recen tly ! 1965 VW Bug, only did he rec call from his bl

~ ■ also from 6 ott I in terested in tf

B-4 Timos-Nows, Twin Foils

igic Valleiexual resI I


ilot projcct on male sexual I in next month in 'the Twin

and Bickol E lem en ta ry I r to g^llm'g a^fvHH playiiTj,' hool Board meeting. (oVe'd'irtjralrfSrco-tharwiih-T le d istric t should consider {ild more schoo ls ,................... {baso-itB rocommondationit, .] iunryi-on-a-«ludy_o£-birUi— how m any studenU will bo x cm in the future. 1'olo prosontod to the Imard i

OKs mutic ity l im its c

dent m ak in g re»|F a ils Mutu.

H a n se n • C ity u n n e c e s s a r j pproved tho d ep art^nen t: o cm en t w ith o c c a s io n a llj : calls for the departm ent f I ts to s h a re re im burse t l ters. . calls,icil, how ever, In a relalt t its m ee ting p lan s to di bors said they residences nt eoment m ight m eeting .schei firefigh ting__ iiansenret

m eel wiih tl' approved by an ap p ro ac l

Tect within the h av e sever;

ly delays 1 ) open bid

Survey & Ri rate tho Kim in Muy. Kin

ced w ith th e lo.sing its c i I problems and because it c; ra te s to pass 2.000 ga llon ■r, the c ity o f Vaw.ser .said. )pcn bids for a Every-dro

into a ra ise uck tha t is not K im berly r( c n t ia h —said-S35,OOO ii poir ght, re fe rring "If we drop (0 fire engines, Ivive alread} le people here a new fire l a rotection, and T he incre

would figure t to r , council for a S50.0001 decision on a Dill Robis( H ansen F ire K im berly1 a m utual aid exp la in ede two citios. ra tings systVright sa id ,h e system consI lime to ontor and represer ;nt since some a s no tific i menl ia not in equ ipm en t, lilm an George and training ig ih a t.h e feola . and buainess m ig h t le a v e Each 10 p

id o q u a te fire po in l for in ca se s . F ire K im borly i; iccd the council now and woi ' later. have iis o' k would enable Robison :oriu needed to At least fighting rating- sk e p tic a l t e town'.s ra ting heard for ytw orse, w hich lo re-rate u?

nce cost.s, going to havII for bids on a Robi.sfjn

uncil. Mombt-r.s city lo cornlow m any oxtra he believesjld need to buy with a city c)\v soon a truck Councilm.le r purcha.->e. if the ciiy'it’ted $25,140 inlo lhe2,lil)>;al>r a fire truck . lh;in ihri'e niw truck would InotliL'rb

• (^>uncilouncil th a l the Dean Kili.-i

m ,

ins of Twin Ifyou hy sold his w nethejg. Not Voll<sw,■eceive a Mercecbuyer, but a "Casl

others ■ Robert,I the car. Tim es ■


■Oils. Idaho Thursday, Marcl* »6.


sponsibiliinform ation about a m ale s pilot p ro ject. Tho purpose V which grado level such sexi likoly to have the g reatest im;

Sho said th is so rt of study before and muy bo published

T u n d H b y u " F a m ily Plann G ran t, the p ro jcc t will only

“T iT f lh ^ a d e v s , 60Tjtghth-Tn graders , all m ules and all i

’ Students will hot bo iillowod Kvale has received .written p£

------ Kvalo-«iid-tho-fi.rst-two.c• covor topics nlrondy tnught ii

basic growth and developme rolalionahips.

tual fire ags o f both c o m -m 'u n itic s r 'P c CHponRo from th e T w in wil itual F iro D e p a r tm e n i vel i r y . - C u rre n tly ,. - .f i re 1 n ts o u ts id e H aW sen. opi illy an sw e r Han&en imi it fires and tho town has to ‘ ' the deparljnen ts for the gel

sira led m a tte r, the council rei d isc u ss a d d re s s in g of do

; and businesses a t a work rai :hedu!ed for M arch 27. sairesident i\licc.l?erkins-will----- [I tho council to determ ine pu nch for tho p ro jec t, "Wc ap o ra l d if fe re n t op tions," sa

Hansen ag ds for newR ating B ureau p lans to Sir

[imberly Fire D epartm eni am ( im berly is in d an g e r of str c u rre n t fire ra tin g of fi the

, can’t pump the required .ons of w a le r a m inu te , id.Irop in a poinl tran sla tes ise in c ity in su ran ce for

re s id en ts , n l a to ta l of •oint per-yeHr;-Wrighl-jtaid;— ip down this year, we will idy wasted Sio,000 toward truck." he said,;re a se d in su ra n c e costs ire oul to aboul S17 a year OOhome. Wrighi said, ’ lison, a lieutenant with the ,• F ire D e p a rtm e n t,J th e fire d e p a rtm e n t ystem to the council. The onsisls o f HK) to lal poinU sents ratings in such areas ‘ica tio n and re sp o n se .iL. vulunteei; re cruilmL'iit__ing, waler supply systems, cbs mcord keeping.3 po in ts e q u a ls one ove ra ll i r a f i r e d e p a r tm e n t , y is p r o b a b ly r a l e d •ID-V') ,\ou ld h av e to low er to '10 lo

o v e r a l l r a t i n g c h a n g e , a id ,i s t i>ne c o u n c i lm a n i.-I t h a t w ill l ia p p e n . " I 'v e • y e a r s th a l th e y a r t ' going ■ us." N aun ia ii sa id . ' Y uu'rc lave to c iinvince m e.' n sa id he d uesn ’t know how

ir r e e t Us p ro h lt'tiis , tim ugh •es lh e liiirca ii w ould w ork y a m n c il .Im an Tom L ew is W(jndereil v'^ H rf h v ilra n ls c an handle gallo ii.1 p e r m in u te fu r nmr.- e in inu tc.'. r bii.-ines->:u-il r ec e iv e d a l e t te r fm ni h e ru i^ to i i o f Wi'si .Munriie

shave a vehicle,

ie r it be a w agen or a edes, turn it into ish Reward". Like 'rt, you'll find that s - News;ified ge ts results.

»6. \ m

lity pilotlo Boxunl roHponsihility T je Will be to determ ine s te iexuality inform ation is pro im pact, Kvale said, F

:dy has never been done abo led aficr it-H completion. int< aimmg Nulioiifll’Prtority I" inly be prosontod to GO ovt 7-T ^dtrrs-and-60-10th-— Bit ill se lected a t I'andom, ,Pui wod to partic ip a te unli! supn parental perm ission___".Jlf0 .cvcnii>g-:iciksian&.will—but ht in IV in F alls schools:- off* iment of both sexes nnd the


greementP erk ins sa id . The address will m ake it edsior for em( vehicles to find homes.

The council p lans to disc op tions w ith re s id e n ts p im plem enting the project.

Safety C hief Robert Thon get an e s tim a te to rep a ir I siren. The siren needs wirin re lay sw itch , he said. He v d e te rm in e th e c o s t neces raise the siren. Many residei said th a t it c an nol be heard (

-—.Ih ti- . ..fire . —d o p a rtm u n pu rc h a se d fou r bri apparatuses from lhe cily of sav ing th e c ity sev ern l li

greement; V fire engiSlreel voicing a complaint al am ount of junk being storei -Street. Several neighbors a the m eeting to voice their opi




1 ^

progranThe third Bession will

tereotypi'ng nnd roles, an rogrammed.For instance, 90 percent of

bandon their pregnant purtnc Itervlew Tuesday. "K Talc’B-prcstjntation-folioi ver planting a gcass field }lem«ntafy’»-as'phftlt-plQ; ’urcnt-Tcacher Organization upport of their proposal._The organization offered to. luUvoluntoerKwrnd-dimalAd-f; ffset the cost. Kimberly Nur he planting. The item will be lext month,

: with KimiH project dollars over t Tiergency equipment. Tho

apparatuses availscussjheprior to The council api

of impounded omas will motorcycle to the r tho city

( p m.‘ssary to JJ.J. lents haved clearly, ^L'nl— has- --------ireathing Sundny:of Hailey, 10:45 a.m.hundred Wcdncsdu;

tiineabout the

■''' Iatlended I----------------pinions.

In c

" t ■;

1 1'S

liy CilllVK- S.ix A |(*iy


i-sM-sllv » r \ .) t iM ’(il!yFiiii!i'U

- r r — - - AByM

______ ___ TVrao.

tn s e till fo cu s on m ale and h o w 'm a le s a re

.o f a ll teenage m ales “ P*"

tn e r. Kvale said in ancreiit

l i o w c tH r lo n r d e b n tc - P l^ Id on p a r t n f Bickello y g ro u n t^ -S e v o ra l------- --on officials showed in

to.pay for.the project, J-M rvkasavaukU uilp— luraory would oversee be put to a Iward vole '

Th speci

nberly S:th e cost o f new local

'ho c i ty now has s ix deve/ailable. . such

, , , . wind(approved tho donation j.;d b ic y c le s and a - i ithe firo department. alrea

g r r a c2 0 0 2 F ile r A v e . E nst

_____ _____ 733-7805 (y : 9 :5 0 a .t i i . B ible S tu d y fn. W o rsh ip a n d 6 :0 0 p.r lu y : 7 :00 p .m . H ib ic S tin

” ■ A m w B R F m(5) Gospel of J'

(QUEmi______________W ho or VV

■c also wclcomc al the C h u r c h C




II t:/■ - >

J hM any


\ndmshbr-y MARTA CLEAVELAND ■mcs-Nows writer

TWIN FALLS-Gov. Cecil An 08 hero Wednesday to ofdci rlify Twin Falls as an Idaho i im m n^ty .,’Pjadcsignation is the final sU program, run by the Ic

epartment of Commerce, that eiited lo help Idaho commun an..and.prapaxeJor-ccQnomic immunity development.“1 don't icnow why Twiit Fall.*! !cdR this, you've dono such a b for.yourselvea,’-Andrua sai in’t think of anolher place ir ate.that is more symbolic of ■ogram-becauso wo have worki ell together hero,”The Gem Communities ha leciul partnership with the stat uilding economic strength versity together. Andrus said Utled off the recent serie ical/state joint ocon( jvelopment success stories ich as lhe opening oflho Trus indow manufacturing plant ■om el Inc, expansion in Buhl,“It’s recognition for what yc iready dnnc.^jic said.

W W (1st T w in Fnll.s, Id. 833 '5 or. 733-248.3--Kly (Wc olTcr freep.m. . lliNc C()rn;sp< Itudy

5E T H iE MAIP-CH ICI jf.Iolin, 1st, 2nd, & 3td John,

fm w w H iir vvhar is the foundation of t

:li Of Christ niccilni; in Albion. U


i f


Dti-'sicr iiy ,

EASA S Hny Styles Anff Fabru To C ho o se From

norslwinlMaj-or Doug Vollm

c e r tif ic a te for the | participation and Ket

\n d ru s of the Twin F alls Ar ic in lly Commerce, ucceptcd 0 Gem sector's rolo.

Tvyin Falls’s "Gem step in p ro c la im ed w ith I) Id ah o posted beneath the p

a t was o l tho edges of town unities Gem Com m unity - ic -an d —'rho-city nlt^>-will-rt‘e<

. - in state m atching fun Is evon dovelopmont projects 0 good P rom otion in

“I D ep a rtm en t n a tio n in the campaigns is a .th ir4

PX.lhiH 'h e rentiired;in.;broc]■ked so "These a re the Idali

tha t have their ac t l< lavo a s e rv e y ou r needs a te fo r S chu ler, d ire c to r

proRrnm, ltd. He -Tw in F a lls r

involvem ent of the nom ic ijyfore anyone elsi

IS J o is t ' have been upj„ j^ h e a long lime ago," And

Tw in F a l ls is t you've exam ple lo o lh e r ci


(U M M Ill______ D I D A 'O L

J e s u s dic( H o m a r

cs!) T h a t all a r ______ R o m u r

D T H Q m m o mm, and Uev’clntion

W E B A Yfthe Church?___________

. Uuhl, Hden, Gooding. Jerome ai


■ V Mu h.H'l M,ir(ell,i Silvi.i Afif

i T E R

I l O hf e '

Blue Lakes 734-34t

Hours:C 7 I M on-Fn 10-9, S a i l 0

Fallsillm er accepted the he pub lic s e c to r ’s Kent Ju st, d irector 5 A rea ChombcNof )tcd for tho private

Jem" sta tu s will be h b ig bluo signs be population signs iwn th a t say "Idaho y - Idaho W orks." -rt>et*ive-up t«$liOflO:— ^ ^ funds for economicects th is yoar. . . _________

in C om m erce tiona l a d v e r tis in g h ir^p lus. They willrochuros-tha ljjfly ,________:daho com m unities c t together ond cun eds," sa id G alen lo r o f th e Gem

re q u e s te d th e the s ta te o f Idaho- e ls e so th a t s ign I up on lhe- highway Andrus said. . is se rv in g a s an r com m unities, ho

O T "

O U .K N O W ?.. lied fo r.y o u ! t a n s 5 :8 ,9 , a r c s in n e r s ? n a n s 3 :23

ncaiid lUipcrL | :


SISe s Mall m ors:10-6, Sun r i - 3

Page 13: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

C h i ld r eDEARABBY: I wouUl like

Griindmolher a t 33, wKosc I( old daughter is about to b r a imother, that hor ndvicc i8 too

— •------She wiid: 'You rire about to

a mother nt 16. Isn 't th a t nici DontcncpcctTncKrbcnryoi

nnd cnll. I’ll baby-sit only whi t'onvoniont."

These nre words o f wiadom svnR tiiio xvhct

(laul'htur iiecdcd advice on h( 10 pet prcRnnnt? I don’t menr contraception, but how to say lhe first pliicc! If th is is her o child, she loo wus p repnant a I guess you can'l teuch w h n t; don't know,

I am particulnrly anfjry bci am 38 and childless. My husl and I liiive been trying to hn\ baby for eight years w ith o u t:

Wc hnve a beautiful home .“ pare roqjji tha t wc have bcci and praying lo fill one day wi and toys. Ours is a good stroi riage based nn love, respect a ing. We are emotionally, Intel ly and financially equipped U the responsibility o f parenthc didn't postpone having a bab;

E ngagei

Shala T u rn e r aiu __________ Ron H epgrprth|H

S C O T T «J

CANY<MOUNTAIN15 speed, cantilcvei

Shimano running

R egular $30f

. . $ 9 1L O W ^

A S m r n %p er mo nil

o n PAY J U S T * 1


________________ m

e n h a v hlike lo tellelG-ycar* ^ecome atoolilUe. \

t l o become | ^nico? * —'yourlKck----------------------------when it’s caifse our carecr

my husband luir lom from n Bure job no r d o ’

— hm band la a sch n how not children. And m. can ju st to be called Mon say NO in m eet and fall in sr oldest our SO’s.I t a t 16. so We h ave a sad ,nt you country w here cl

children, a nd COI bccause I would give anyti

lusband told by the ahave a ' th a t wc a re too ( )ut succe.ss, I know thero’s n e with 0 0“ “ proole l)ccn hoping . th is off m y chesi

with a crib trongm ar- DEAR JA N E ctan d sh a r-ntcllectual- D EiW A BBY 'd to handle a list ofsuggesU ithood, Wc older person for >aby be- •

jm e n ts -.........................................¥

----- t lH e ,

MURTAUGH ._ane T u rn e r of

ythe engagemcn Shala T urner U son o f M r. and worth (rtso of Ml

T urner will g M urtaugh High ning to attend c m Idaho this fi

___ H ep w o rth g itaugh H igh Schi atod from the Idaho in 1988. H

and The wedding l h ________ 24 a l the Idaho 1

r a^ J ^

u s i £ s { s e a

ON TiM BIKE MOUNv e r b rak es, '

compofwitiing gear. chrom

JnftOQ. Regu

5 m


jn lh -

' 1 9 9 ” O B P A Y .

iPPROVED CHEDrr - Pe<l«r«


In g c h i lcwork


. ■ " 3ecrs camc first. Nerthei*' druM w r }\has a high-prcs* I h( do wc w ant them . My -- pnnti echoolteacherAvhff loves—.— rr-.-I my fondest dream was tommy. But w e didn’tin love until wc were in d E

w hatsad situation in th ise children are having DEcouples like us w ho thing

lything to adopt a child popu]iC adoption a g cn c iea ' New '» o M . w holrc s nothing you can do not alblcm. but I had to gel I’mlest. who {ANE IN LONG ISLAND constt^E: That's w hat I’m They

BY: Each year you print our ci}stcd items to buy a n food,for Christmas, I would ggy."lother suggestion. I (ive d

n i r n e t ^

e p w o r t h g oMatlii

3H - Mr. and M rs, Du- annoi of M urtaugh, announce len t of th e ir daughter, ^ndei r to Ron Hepworth, the nd Mrs. Raym ond Hep-

sII graduate in M ay fromigh School and is plan- Ca|jfo id the College of South- uclinp 8 Coll. Anc

High_graduated . .from . Mur-, from.; ichool in 1987 and gradu- .an d v he College of Southern from i.Hc farm s in M urtaugh. mer. 1

Rcperng is planned for March Th« tw Falis Temple. - in Set

O T T U S « £

ETON SINTAIN BIKE Mm).Sf*nanoEnBtiraU i•nu,0<oc«c«aank.4l30 caromoly tarn* oibiofl,


$ 2 5 0 0 .p o rh B n ltl’

Y JU S T * 3 7 9 “ O l

trM n'* Ravolvlng C hw gs Aooe


d r e n is>rk for a company doing its ins ICC. Wc have a large group of r< •CCS. I scc how these people sui Icr they’re 65 y ears old, with n iflcial-help-ror-mcdicati^Fom cdicarc or insurance policies, A gift certificate from their loc larmucy w here they purcliilHin y g s would be a vciy good gift.I hope you th ink this is worth inting, ' _— -■ -A N N CAGLE, ASHEB’

DEAR ANN: Why not? I t’s juj bat the doctor ordered.

DEARABBY: Please say som ing on behalf o f us who reside ipular cities such os Scottsdalc cw York C ity and Los Angeles ho havo th is problem, i ’m suro It alone.I’m referring to my airiinc fric tio fly for little o r nothing and i nstantly v isiting my wife and i ley expect'to be wined and din )uscd and entertained. They bc ir car, drink o u r alcohol and ea od. As a fu rther insult, they m ly. "I’m low on cash, b u t since I /e days off, I thought it would I

• M a t t i e s e n -

A n d e r s o nGOODING — Jam es and Pal ittiesen of Redwood City, C nounce the engagement of ughtcr, Molly Mattiescn to ( iderson, the son of Bob and ra Anderson o f Gooding, Mattiescn graduated from i*' ime High School in 1976. Shi ived her bachelor’s d e ^ e e fron iiversity of California in S nra and her m aster's degree ilifornia-Arts, She is involve Ling and th ea te r design, Anderson graduated from Goo gh School in 1978. He gradu im Boisc S ta te . Univeraity.in.. d will rcceive his m aster's d( im Purdue University this j ;r. He is employed by the Se ipcrto'ry Theatre,The wedding is planned for C Seattle, Wash. .


" S C O T T US5/2


18 ipMd. Srtfluno ExiQt monain cotvowu, 41X Tmg I r ^ ctmmJ)

A ffyaalox^lt.R egular $08003^^


O B PAY J U S T * 3 9 9 ®

c o o u n U 2 1 %APR


s a d ironsur- nice to spend them ' fre- ' Abby, I’m no Scro jufTcr • wimp, either. I enjo; I no fi- much as anyone clS' )m---------- y©u4»k«4o^eal-wil}

loc{\lr i h ^ i r — r ' -

[ M I .; -‘ E ^


.me- M A R Kic in lie,!s and •ro J ’m . - r h e OS:

D e g r e e inends ^daro - C o m p eb d me, A ssoc ia i

S o weat our b r a i n s t (

com putc d bo“ ’ e x p e r i e n-------------- “ " c n v i r o n i


------- 1 570 S

’atricia ^Calif...

f theirI Chris H H I T I I d Bar- ■ H u U

Notre _ .re- the

n .i9 8 4 -------degree



I» w r -------------

) 0 W il

Slart„ sevetl” M els

. availc~ ------------------- looks

Fftw ParVing Boh Twin Ftkflt A/ici

^ B orieyStorw .

_ ■

D iiy t o c■m with yo^."crooge, and I'm no . DEA ijoy company as call yoi else, b ui how would inform vith^es«-UH«rA?--------- hucy -F

k K , M O g


Ma sso c ia tio n o f J E F F ' e in C o m m u n ic a tiv e 1 e tc n c y in A u d io lo g y f ia tio n . I n ad d itio n to < :n sen sp e c ia liz e s in in s tem a u d io lo g y , tcstin i te r iz e d insfertional go e n c e in e v a lu a tin g hei in m en ta f-n o ise in ju i'y ; ion o f a s s is tiv e listenii_____________- - .......

Shoup A venue __________________ J P

i J l

m m/ H E T H E R Y O U 'R E

T H E R E Bft out smart in basic t>ests o vera! T-shirt designs-crew, Vlels Including lapered boxers, ailable. Long-lasting and cut ?ks to s tr t wtiatBVBr tiat you Wi



c h i l d l e s- P O ’DINSCOTTSDA

lEAR PO 'D : When these frient you to tell you they are coming irm them you arc going — to bc yJ!< n ^6 -m eif-l-8 o tin d -!iln ^

gE ANID) ! ) ( G g A T l ^• N , M . D . A N D L A I U

. N N O U N CF E R Y P . J E N S E e D is o rd e r s a n d a G ej y f ro m th e A m e ric a n 1 :o c lin ica l au d io lo g y or in d u s tr ia l au d io logy a

ting o f d iso rd e rs o f eqi g a in f ittin g o f h e a rin g h e a rin g d iso rd e rs in-cl ry ; fa b r ic a t io h ‘'o f lie a r :ning d ev ices ._________

le W e s t • Tw in Phone: 734-455

r A P C 5 L r r i c i A N 0 R .

^ ' S A J O C K E Y F O Rts or (ashton urx5erwear In coi t, V-neck and athletk: shirts. | ers, bikinis and lo-rise briefs. :ut to fit. Jockey h^ksrig bo J Wflar. Heg. 5,00 toT6.50.'N(

IrK tudes Big & THU SIzi


Thursday, March 1h 16. 1909 T.mos-Nows, Twin Fa


5S c o u p l)ALB ken record, but no one < inds posed upon without his ng, CONFIDENTIAL T be V IR G IN IA BEACH: T rhro=—:bcominnorSlco]rwt‘l l r

) T I H I E O A

^ D . M A X W E L L ,


E N , w h o h o ld s Q M as e r t i f ic a te o f C lin ica l 1 S p e e c h & H e a r in g and h e a r in g a id servict a n d h e a r in g c o n se rv a

q u ilib riu m a n d balanct lg a id s . H e h a s ex tensi c h ild re n , tlie assessm e iririg 'p ro rcc tion 'dev ic 'e

1 F alls , Idaho 8 55

I_______ r \ ...............

] o mE A j H

I A N O B S T E T R IC IA ^ R Y O U .cool comfortable cotton. Choo . plus d assk : whits and lashi 's. Plus nylon briets and boxc seen a favorite with a variety N0W3.75t0l2J}8 te a s .


>lejne can bc im- ih is con.scnt,'1 T 0 J . S . I NH: The deed hasL‘tl;-------------------------------- -

i w \ l - - -

X , M . D .

l a s t c r s :

1 L .I ' - I • i"

v i c e s ,

rvation ,jice , a n d ;n s iv e / !m en t o f 1'ices,“a n d |“

I .. I'

83^01 I

r g n

'■ f

A N .

hoose ashion Mxers , loty of

Dislintwo Froo Girt Wrapping


in Falis. Idaho B-5

Page 14: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

I Senal j ^ d s

. 5J2_200 general H ta x bu d g et Tor H

I on W om en’s ^ P r o g r .fl m e narrow ly cleared [ t t the Idaho Senato - W e d n e s d o y , .

I m arking the secpnd sir ' con troveraijfl agenc

ftnanciiil support there. "There hu8 been 6om

; in the paat, but they I diligenlly to come bacli j . M arguerite McLaughl: I . sa id in w inning th<

' sending lhe measure U> final acUon.-Dcmocrai Andrus hos endorsed th

Last yenr was the fi ' th a t the L eg is la tu ri : p rov ide lux suppi

com m ission , lh a t hs ta rge t of severe criticii ab o rtio n und Eq A m endm ent debates.

-------- timcrit-hnd reccircdfrom its creation in 197;

The com m ission 's I• lawmakers-also-surfa

tho Joint Finance-A; Committee during its i• on financing for' Commission and the si ' Damage Conlrol Progn

Amid an attempt■ damage conlrol fina:

percenl._iIaiisc_Ap Chairman Kathleen Boise, repeated thc s makes nearly every yei

"This hinges on the ri said. "The gentlemen like sheep bettor than v

^ Brie-Watcrpancl c

BOISE { A P )-1 appears optimistic

; Supply Committe' • ; meetings for now.

; While p rec ip ita t m iddle of February in Boise, a series of moisture moved aci

I lCf7 percent o f normi■ percent for Pocatelli

F a r n o rth e rn Id ! Kellogg reporting 44

percent.• - The com m ittee 1

drought could occur " ' “"SoppIy^dGpends heai ^ this spring.

; “W e're a n arid ; adm in is tra to r o f pi

D ep a rtm en t o f Wi gathering Wednesd always f luctuates.'

"We can 'l really s Dick G ardner, econc Agriculture. "We've

________ few yoars."________

Crapo pursueBOISE (API - I

M ike C rapo , R>Idi h im se lf in thc run Idaho.

------ Crapo said he hfJ a m e s M cC lure, recommendation on U.S. District Court b

Crapo. who is in h---------- sald'hc'wns'attract

im portan t role fedi legal .system.

Uut Crnpo said num ber of people i tha t will be created Callistcr of Boise m sta tus in June.

B lake H a ll, an R epub lican P a rty McCluri', also has tn federal jud;;eship.

f B-6 Tlmos-Nowo, Twin I

iah o

i t e a p p i

s f o r w (

straight y ea r th e ipprove ti ency has w on the agencere. --------- • agricultur>omc divisiveness had beci icy have w orked Commercilack in lino," S en. two years,ghlin, D-Orofino, I t also jtho 22*13 v o te oxpansioi

e to the Houso fo r fledg ling :ra tic Gov. C e c i l . CloBsrooid thc bill. ■ -prortiolihje first sincc 1981 about th e iLurc’ a g re e d to Thc butp p o rl to th e ju s t two ih ad becom c a p lan s le i

ticism .dunng the wrappingE q u a l ' R ig h ts F ish and DS. P rio r to t h a t , c ap ita l ir vcd"ta?t s u p p o rt bcctnnc"!1972. law m aker's tre a tm e n t b y $20 m il irfaced 'ag a ln in ' constnicti i-A p p ro p ria tio n the House, ts annual debate. , L ogisla >r th c S h e e p schedule!e s ta te 's Anim al T hu rsd ayJgram . public

i S L c 'S n g b y S “h7 coile&

e sta tem en t sheyear. estim ate C

le ridiculous," she committeiion in this room state coulin women." uncommiti

ieflyI cancels^eetings^ -- The w a te r outlook for thi Stic enough t h a t thc Idaho tte e has c a n c e lle d i ts m

ta tion leve ls a p p e a re d low ory a t the com m ittee’s last n of Pacific s to rm s hearily hidi across southem Idaho, givinj rmui piecipitation fo rthe moi Lollo and 114 percent for Gran{

Idaho did n o t fa re a s wel J 44 percent o f no rm al and Poi

;e was r e l u c t a n t ^ eay wht cur this year, since the s ta te ’i leavily on-the'falfrof-snowpac

ih d s ta te ," s a id W ayne r planning and policy for thc W ater R e so u rc e s , a t the

esday in B oise. 'O u r w ater 3. 'ly say we've been bailed out," :onomist for th e Idaho Departi 've been healing and tha t ma>

ufes'federal judgeshi]- Idaho Sena te President Pi •Idaho F a lls , b ays he has running for a federa l judge

has ind icated h is in te re st 1 ‘c , R‘Id ah o , who w ilt m on who should Till a vacancy

rt bench in Boise to Prcsident n liis first term a s president p acted to ihcposiaon-bccausc federal judges p lay in the n

id he su sp e c te d hc w as or Ie in terested in filling thc vj led when U.S. D istrict Judge , ; moves to sem i-retired senioi

an Idaho F a l l s a tto rn e y , rty c h a irm an a n d fo rm e r t •s told McClurc hc was interest

vin Falls. Idahc Thureday. Marcl

r o v e s

o m e n _i a h o I fa iled

i t u r ©In co m p le tin g

, work on the 1990'- | Q Q _ ; b u d g e t for* th e

D e p a rtm e n t , o f IM M n M n A g ricu ltu re , tho

............. .co m m k te o d ids ^ e govem or’fl proposal for m ey to o pera te th e $115,000 tursl tnarketing program tha t c en th e p u rv iew of th e irce D epartm ent fo r the p ast i ts .!0 approved some $27,000 for lion o f th e d e p a r tm e n t’s ng • A g ric u ltu re i n ' th e Dom p ro g ra m , a im ed a l ing grade-'school knowledge le s ta te 's largest industry, budget com m ittcc now has 0 m ajo r spend ing spending le f t to d ea l w ith befo re lg up its deliberations — the nd G am e D e p a r tm e n t a n d

im p ro v em en ts , w hich h as e -a -e n ic io l- issu e* to m an>~ <ers since thc dem ise of thc n illion co llegc cam p u s i^U on'progrom la s t week in *ISO.'............‘"s la tiv e le a d e r s w cre lied to m e e t w ith A ndrus lay a fte rn o o n to d isc u ss a ivorks packagc a s well as the budget situation . D efeat of

lego building p lan pulled the iiffget“ oiil“ o r tH e ''r e d 7 and is tra tio n a n a ly s ts now e lha t withoui any cluingcs tu :tcc-approvcd Icgislalion thi- 3uld have ovor $7 million in nitted cash on hand.

------------------- C rapo said he exI h c s U lc w Iien& U iB term ad ho W nler “m on th ly 9th Cirouit C ourt ol

vacant since the de j w i n l h e Boiso a b o u l0 year t m eeting ,aden w ith- R n O a d C S d p p fing Boise IDAHO FALLS (- nonth. 158 rem ark nbout con nngeville. Ezra Rhoades' fail ^ell, w ith thc focus of the Tin; Porthill 39 .in 7th D istrict Coun

Judge Larry Boj vhether u -rule on all th e iys le’s w ater deadline set by th pack-roclt—granted a th ird exti

Rhoades. 32, is ; le H aas , 19b7 shooting death th e Idaho F a lls special edut le M arch d ea th scntence.s ;i e r supply convictcd of kidniij

her slaying, ut," added Hc also received ir tm en to f te rm s in the deal lay take a Haddon. who also w

The iudi:c o rden Slate Penitentiary,

h i p sinco attending a ;-t

Pro Tem ®18 p lacedgeship In 3 7 c o u n t i c s s

BOISE lAP) - I s t to Sen. filed su it against m ak e a c o n tra c t in A da's

tcy on thc catastrophic health }ntBu3h. Ti,^. coun ties j i p r o u m . poymont.s. c laim ir

! na tio n * m ajority of particip The complaint, fi

“ by Boise altorai.y

!c m S

}y, s ta te T h e y want us to r a id e to Ada County Depul •ested in a 'W hen the people c

benen tso ftlie prot;.

a rc h ie . I960

LegislatiBO ISE (A P) - Des

m oney p ro b lem s nggrti budget-writing committee Lejyisiiituru nas 'g iven fin;

_ l« - it^ .U H n l Ux-cuUof-llic.I .9 By a 22-17 vole Wedn

Sena te se n t to Gov. Cd i„ Icg is la tio n ’e x em p tin g f

p ercen t sa le s tax any ti p ro p e r ly be tw een rei

j f businesses w ilh-fom m oi IJJ ownership. •J " I t ' s a good bill Jf b u s in 'e ssm o n ," Sen.

Anderson, R-Twin Falls, s j j B ut c r i t ic s m ain t

u tten ip lcd to solve a pn

Panhandle ’ preservatic ■i passes Sen

BOISE (A P) - I, lg creating an $80,000 pilol i

u t re v e rs in g lhe de lc ri Jg lake.s in Idalui's Panhand

approval from thu sUite Si"This is a nuide.sl cost

| ._ im p u rla n L .effort,'.'...Se Jg M adsen. H-Boise. lold his

W ednesday a s they volt -s e n d th e C lean Lukes i

House for finn! action,.JJ The bill, hiiililing on tl Jg loclil lako assr)i'iiitioiis I

the five northern counties ® soven-niomlier n-giunal ct

council niiulii up of local deve lop plaii.s for Panhand le lakes lha l hi

id l.OtX) milc.-i o f shoreline, w te c h n ic a l ad v iso ry ci lo would be i r e a te d lo i iLi council, anli lhe .•‘ta te v f, SHO.UOO to th e I’anliand

District to proviile .stafi'as

I expressed his iiitetvU in a-ji nade his intentions known in •]

indicalod last fall an inlere; t of Appeals position, which 1 ! dealh of Judge -I. Blaine And far ago.

ppea l h e a rin g ends.S (AIM — The I'freet nf a pros condemii.'ii nuillijtle im irder failure to testify at Ins owti I final d a y o f Hhoacie,'’ appeal

ourt.Boyle .- aid Wodiic.^day that h issues rai^-ed liefon- March

i’ the Idaho Suprem e Court extension of tnne fo rth .' appe; is seeking a lU'w trial in ihi

•alh of Husan .Michelhacher. a ducation tea c h e r . He recei’ ■s and th ree life Iernl^ afte .nappinj:, inunliT anil other ii

k'ed two dealii 'I'nlciR 'e' .nnl ll e a th s S tac) Haldwiii aiu, <0 weri' >hni in liia lh in carl> 1 ileri‘d [{hi),nii'> ri‘i iiirx'<i In lh iry. Hf lim rbi’i'ii held' iii idal a (jf hi^ appiMl iifariiif

s su e A da C ounty— Thirty--.ev.'ti Idaho crjiaitu ist Ada Counly, a lleg ing hr l a 's w ith d raw a l la -l >ear ilth-cari' fund inr tli*' p-jiir s a r e imint! .Via Tnuiilv \v,i.~ h .u n he corn'rai't \Ml)i'p;;:"iir,'' icipatin): ^I , ( i l t 'd la> l v.c i k It) III) U i - i r n e v M . M id i . , ,1 S a - . - r r . cu :.t.-r i l a t e d till* t iM 'tii ' III' i h f ju u u - b l is h in n liu ' C .tla tm iih ii- ned Auc 1. H'"*' s t o p a y fo r M ,n ,..;h in ;: u c d i d ; ip u ly P ro M i i . i n r .lu r , C a r l» ., ) le <if A d a T d id n t f . - a r o t ; r a m ,u h - . -h :h , s |) . , \ |

:ure 0 K $ :esp ite t ig h t ren lly does rn v a l in g its s a m e 't im c .ee, the Idaho " c ra fty lawyi inal approval develop tax-oi.ia83jJeSHiDn._:__Lfgislaliviin c^d ay , th e said- it'v^ll o ’ocil A n d ru s $100,000 a ) ; from th e 5 reve‘nuj;s, am tra n s fe rs « f would a c ^ e la t iv e s o r ^ e c B u se ^ fo ion m a-jority-- l a k in g - ( t^ u

for Id ah o n, L a r r e y. .laid. Women'sn ta in ed i t BoiarT*W *i- irob lem th a t <>n WndnnKdny

; lake "EHEiriIJrookn. jlurlivU

_ „ M ackin . .MiirIc)O i l W r(k 'n-II.


n a t c - - # ^ SL eg is la tio n

I plan a im ed u-'mocmun, r io r a l i o n o fndle has won .Senate. sl for a veryS e n ^ l lo g a r — _ - B - t - V

colleagues lied 29-12 to L

' :SAVi|)the effort of

s th roughou t j E ' . ^ es, c rea tes a ^ 9 ^ M coordinating

II officinls to m a n a g in g \

have n e a r ly __Public and ^

c o n n n ilte e s f f ii a s s is t th e H

ndle H e a lth * *a .s .s is la n c e . I Ss

*1_____________ I

Recc------------ and l

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L S ^ v l - ^ . _ .C a iL- BOO!

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sales tax:s not ex is t, w hile a t th e 1 10 op en in g loopho les fo r wyers and tax o d v i^ rs " to : x-avoidance schem es. . i live supporters o f the bill i I only cost tho s ta te about I a y e a r in lo s t s a le s ta x 1 nnd Andereon-eontended-it—

Slly g e n e ra te re v en u e 1 y corporations a re not 1 ^to-avoid-paying-flalje—i

calls ori 's p r o g r a m s s u p p o ri'l — Hrri. tf tlw 2 i-lU rullcall vol« Iny uppruvcd $12,200 In ttonoriil i nil Womtn’n I’ronrnniii.■tiH for CD — .1, Unniien. Nuh nnd Hyt H rur (191 — Iloiicl.pnchor, Dilyc kvU. CnlubreUii. Chri»tlnn«cn. Cou rley, McUuKlilin, IVavcy, lU od.f

,n. nKiiini.1 (ISI — Andcriion. Bcck, HnK«..Oilbrrt. I).- Hnnacn, Hytlc; ] ;n, sm yiicf, .‘linku r. ThorTfp. Tom

mpiinnllO i — Num.-, nH (I > •— SmyHcr.

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lind Vanecck. Criipo, Dnrrinffton, Donioi dtr; MntlMn. McKobort«. romlnuHfl, TwljjRii nnd -

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Page 15: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

Terry A in capti

B E IR U T , Lebanon A tncricnn jtiu rn a lis t A nderson , longcst'hcid W estern hoeUjges in Leba his fifth year of caplivit;

jw ith no fiign th n t ho; wi Boon.

In the la s t m essage I a llow ed him to send videotape Oct. 31 four da 41st b irthday — Anders find itrdiflicult to keep-m; my courage high."

A nderson , ch ic f Mi co rrespondent for The P ress , was. returning hc tennis gam e M arch 16, gunmen seized him in M Beirut.

H is c a p to rs belong Jihad , a pro-Iranian Shi group whose nam e meo Holy War. It is believed t the fu n d am en ta lis t Shi

— .. H ezbollflh ,orPartyofG o Islamic Jih^d also hol

Sutherland, 57, an Ameri S co tland who w as ac ti

'a g r ic u l tu r e a t the • U niversity of B eiru t wl .abducted June 9 ,19^. .: Shiites nlso hold most

Fierce fB E IR U T , Lebanon

C h ris tian a fn iy un its a backed M oslem -milit in te rm itten t'ba ttles witl r ifles ond howitzers in so u th e a s t o f the c Wednesday.

A police spokesman sa have been killed and ll since e a r ly T uesday , v figh ting broke out in a

.Beirut.T he fa ta l i t ie s inclu

S y rian so ld ie rs and foi from G en. M ichel Aou strong regular Christian a police spokesm an wh( named in line with standi

- - T h e la te s t fa ta lities-r .dead and 161 wounded toll since M orch 8, wh

•began . T he figh ting is since 1985 ih the 14-yeor-c between Moslems and Ch

The c la sh e s b egan i imposed a blockade on i two Moslem m ilitias uS'

S tro e ssn e r ’ b e p rosecu t say authoril

ASUNCION. P a rag u During the St-year reign i Alfredo S troessner, his 5 got ric h th rough k ick f ra u d , c o u rt ca se s ul Poroguayans doubt thni — "the old man" - r (lid, t<

But the new governm A ndres R odriguez a rd Colorado Party have exp

_______ in tn ro s t in DursilinLStroessner should be inve

R odriguez wus a S tro e s sn e r 's , and tiis M artO tis m arried to S son. Alfredo. A trial also e m b arra ss in g to the p; haa held power since 1917

A fte r th e Feb, 3 cou M inister Luis Maria Argi country musl "look lo thi forget about the past."

- — N o -ap p a ren l e ffo rts m ade .since lhen to seize; a sse ts , and a law suit i re tu rn from exile in Br possib le co rru p tio n cl languished in court.

"I sec no political inter Stroe.ss ji( j .~ said O-scar leave us president o f lh B ar A ssoc ia tion . ’ Dui yeara in -p o w f v fl lot-of today were by his .side would leave the a lta rs ■ saints,"

Vatican part huge archdi

VATICAN CITY (A- „ .V atican on Wednesday Cl

archdiocese of Sao Paulc w orld 's la rg es t, into fl' church d istricts.

The move drastically dom ain of Cardinal Pai Am s, a progressive chur

I t sh r in k s Sao Paul c o m m erc ia l c en te r , archdiocese of 14,5 milli 7.1 m illion people, a( Vatican figures.

Some Brazilians belie' is part o f a campnipn b, P aul II to w eaken thi p rog ressive wing of th B razil and the powerfi Bishop.s Conference,

The fou r new dioce mo.st of the church-run

Artdcrso tivity; n(on —

A.th e 15

ebanon, begins ivily T h u rsd ay

will be f r e ^ d _ ^ ^ ^ P t

Id h is c a p to rs Id ^ a b r ie f day's a f te r his

e rson "I i-my-hopfis-and—^ ^ ^ ^ H

E a s t H H | | he A sso c ia ted ; home from a T ■' /••-Jf/.! 16,1985, w hen r / ] | | | t \ Moslem west

lg to I s la m ic Shiite M oslemneans Is lam ic B egins 5cd to bo p a r t of W estern hosSh iite m il i t ia th ree Britor'G od ,... and an Irishholds T hom as ^ m o n g th

lerican b o m in envoy Terr;ic ting d en n of from sightle A m e r ic a n leav in g hi;. when he w as n eg o tia te '

beh a lf o f Aasl o f tho o ther released.

fighting (lon (A P ) — arm s-nnd s•s and S y rian - revenue. Tli l i l i a s , fo u g h t p o r ts runvith au to m atic bombarded iin B e iru t and A oun, v

c a p i ta l on C hristian c(i government

I said'43 people w ere fighti:i 129 wounded I '^ a in s t Syi^ w hen fie rc e th a t will ccn and a ro u n d troops left L

He blam ie lu d ed s e v e n Syrians andfour so ld ie rs the Moslem?

\o u n 's 20.000- The Syriiian force, said deployed inwho can n o t be of the countnding ru les. pow er broli )6-raii>e<i-to 49- M oslem ca ed th e ove ra ll w hen c la sh e s

' is th e w o rstQr-old civil w a r •Christians. j S

in a f t e r A oun Hin illegal ports Huse to im p o rt H

r w o n ' t I

n t e d , I

r i t i e s I

ig u ay lA P ) — Ign of P resident ■lis sen ior aides Hic k b a c k s a n d H

a lle g e . Few ■:hat "El Viejo" H1, too. Hnm ent of Gen. Hird th e ru lin g Hexpressed little H lint! w he th e rnvestigated. ” ■a f r ie n d of H

his d a u g h te r , H0 S tro e s s n e r 's H Iso could prove H■ p a rtv , w hich H 1917, ■ coup, F o re ig n H Organa » iid the ■ the fu ture and f l

r ls -h a .v e .h e c n _____ _ _ .Hize S troessner's Htil se e k in g his HB razil to face H

1 c h a rg e s h as H

ilerest in trying Ha r Paciello , on Hr the P a ra g u a y HD uring h is 34 I-*£-peoplc-here_________ Iide and a tr ia l Hrs w ithout any ■

rtitions | diocese

(A P) - The '------y carved up the lulo, B razil, the ) five scp trra te -------------------

•liy reduces the Paulo Evarislo hurch leader. a u b , B ra z i l 's >r, fro m an lillion.people la

a c c o rd in g lo

ilieve the action n by Pope John . the d o m in a n t

■ the c h u rc h in erful B raz ilian

)cesi.'s c o n ta in run com m unity

Ml begins0 release


________ 1 ; _ _ _ W | ^ ^ H _ i s ^

nm' \, T<


| B | H p r ^ th



J 5th’ye'aVbf captivity Rilos'lages: seven A m ericans, fotons, an Italian, a Belgian blishman. . . . "7 them is Churcli,a^ England

T ry Waite, '^ 8 :^ e dropped slijh t Jan . 20, 1987, a f te r J(his w est B e iru t h o te l lo pie w ith Is lam ic J ih a d on J j ' Anderson and Sutherland


continueii supplies und to genera te M They in tu rn shelled legal

in by A oun’s u n ils 'a n d bied Christian d istricts. co

who also h e a d s th e Hicabinet in Lebanon's dual A

jnl, said Tuesday his troops "chting "a w ar o f libe ra tio n hc Syrian occupation forces"

continue unlil a ll S y rian aiI Lebanon. e)im ed lhe sh e llin g on lhe acind said they pounded both or ims and Christians,r'rians, w ith 40,000 tro o p s e>in mostly Moslem sectors A:

untry, are Lebanon's m ain wirokers. They su p p o rt the pc cab in e t.o f A cting-J^rim e.-.w i

124 M ain St. N.,T\

is^th ye ;e in sigli

Six o rg a n iz a tio n s of V jo u rn a lis ts o b se rv ed An'd ann iversary by asking the media to d issem ina te a "so w ith A nderson" s ta tem ei issued,

ft u rges P re s id en t bush adm inistration "lo use every m eans a t th e i r disposal i Terr}' A nderson and other 1 home:" ' ‘ . _ .T he.In to rtia tional Press 1 said : "We a p p ea l to govei throughout the free world to i with th e ir e f fo r ts to obti Anderson's release."

Some ho p e h ad a r ise n < callcd p ra g m a tis ts in Irai help free th e c a p tiv e s .- crushed by th e new rcvoli radic.aiism accompanying A Ruhollah Khom eini’s order followers k ill Salm an Rush b la sp h em er of Islam for "The Satanic Verses."

"The d o o rs have been sl shul again,- spid the Rev. L Jenco, an A m erican Roman priest kidnapped by Islamic Jan. 8,1985.

,He shared a cell with Andf several months.

;s in BeinMinister Salim Hoss.

Hess; a Sunni Moslem, bla barrage on Aourvand accuse com m itting unspecified ma Hoss, in a memorandum, ai A rab L eague to dispj "com m ittee lo investig j horrible m assacre."

Police said Christian am and M oslem m ilitias spon exchanged a u to m a tic ri: across B eiru t's dividing G n on Wednesday.

In .Moslem w est Beirut, exploded u n d e r a c a r ni A m erican U n iv e rs ity , shi windows in surrounding buil police .spokesman said. No c;

...were reported_____________

L ^

1 p .E Y

,Twin Falls (208) 733-li W e a lso Weic

« I s r a e

icn t IhS-J- f r ” ™^ shouts of joy fl ^ r jjj^ _ c r ie ji-o f-p ro t« l:y possible w o rk e rs who

to b r in g ncarfarhilbtdeT-rh o s u g e s , S o m e .f th e ^

^ s ig h tse e rs and

s Institutee rn m o n t. SroDt! ns-tho t ^.continue JliS of E g f f t w, J ta in M r. M an y je .n cd m i

national anthen

3 th a t so- ,•on would “I transfer, setting

j'lu tionory “ “ •Ayntolloh nssurances abon

!r thn t his IheE sJT lians.shdic a s a The handover,r w ritin g raid by two Pa

who sneaked as lam m ed b o rjo r and hurl(Lawrence Israeli arm y

ra Catholic G o f S trip beric Jihad oa " n J

were hurt.iderson for ^Iso Wcdnesi

accompanied by. . - __ homes-built a n

J occupied West E r i l T leader said the

response in......... withdrawal fron

ilam ed the - ■ T he ra id sed him of constru c tio n la ssac re s . a tte m p ts by asked the Palestin ian ext

ipa tch a transfer, which I g a te th e b itter squabblng

Esypi.rm y unils M inutes after j ra d ic a lly the 2.'j0-acre stri; r if le f ire immigration off Ireen Line the new bordei

traffic.t, a bom b Egyptian wo n e a r th e touches on a ni b a tte r in g immigration bui uildings. a be finished casualties PresidenI liosni ___________ u_.,.m ore_ fea



I1506 1 0 a .n n . to 6 p .rT

tIcom eV IS A , A m erio

2I h a n d s/pt (Al^) — Egypt took ■ ■ Red Sea resort of Taba | H on W ed n esd ay am id

I from E g yp tians and e s t^ C co m -Is rao li-h o td l-^ H0 b u rn e d t i r o s 'o n a

; 200 Egyptian workers, ^ 9 nd b o rd e r po licom on B f l ihu A kbar." o r ''God is B c b lack, w hitc and red was raised over Taba.

in s in ^ n g the Egyptian H lem , "M yxoun try , m'y

:1 workers protested the ing t ire s se t ablaze on a Ih e y sa id they hnd no aout em ploym ent under

/e r ca m e ’hours a fte r a P a le s tin ia n guerrlllps1 ac ro s s th e Egyptian irlcd a hand grenade a t n y post in the occupied le fo re be ing w o i^ e d d. No Is ra e li sbfuiers

esday , Jew ish settlers by trac to rs and mobile H

I new sc ttIcm cn l'in .th c^_ .H it Bank, and one settler .he construction was a n p a r t to I s ra e l 's •om Taba. Vd a n d se ttlem en t 1 a p p e a re d to '~ b e y b o th J e w ish and L’x tre m is ts to m ar the :h ended seven years of lng betw een Israel and

le r Israc l handed overilrip o f beach, Egyptian celeofficials se t up tents a t M der m a rk e r to handle

m eiw o rk ers p u t finishing Tab

new bo rd e r gate and s(building, which were to *nip1 by S u n d ay when Araluni M ubarak will attend tbefe s t iv e . . flaB ‘-i'aising._coni

II f o r !

■ I n T

(left) For c os co tto n , 110.( blue/w hite. ^

45.00 & 4d.0(navy a n d kh c o tto n c h o n buttons. M.L. inverted fron

^ ^ ^ f l

I- S d

H B r ^

■ nn. (S o t.'til 5:30) Chc l e a n Express, M aste r (

• _______

> o v e r rei

Police drag away an L - the Egyptian takeovfl

:elebration.M ubarak, in Bonn on Wedni

vas asked by Israel radio if he n e s s a g e fo r I s ra e lis reg a Paba. He said : "Peace and pci s so im portan t to human bein m portan t to the Israelis and \rab s and lo hum an beings al he w orld . I t is w orth wha :o n c e ss io n ;_ ^ w'c s h o ^ ^ b e

■ y

i a l p h

S p r i n g

r h e M e

:asual days: C hest stripe 10.00 Periwinkle/melon, i 3. Solid colors. 88.00, Clc

1.00. P le a te d front c o tio khaki, (below ) For The C a m b ra y workshirt. with t 1.L.XL, 55.00. Dark blue t on t p lea ts . Sizes 31 to 3 J


a / ■

:h a r g e Itl In stan t c re d i )r C a r d a n d D iscover.

arch 16, 1989 , Timos-Nows. Twir

World: s o r t t o E

Israeli hotel worker whc ver of Taba. a Red Sea n

more flexible with c Inesday, e ach country can he had a settlem ent forever." g o rd ing Is ra e l had r e ta jcace. It Taba when it pulled ‘ings, so the Sinai in 1 £ ^ unc id to the Israeli pcace trea ty all over An international ;

h o te v e r aw ard ed T ab a >e_much & ptcm ber.


L c a a r e

I» n ' $ A i k

)e sweatshirt in soft 100% I. red /w hite, b lue/red a n )lassic co llared 'Polo shir 3 variety of solids. S.M.L.> on shorts. 45.00. W hite, \ ■ C ountry G entlem an: Bh 1 tw o front pockets a n d ' b rushed denim p a n ts w 38. From 50.00.

P-dit o n y o u r Paris C h arg r.

T w i n f a l l s J d a h o - . £ J - _ - J ---------

T 7 S

^ I

vho protested >a resort areaith each other so tha t ; :an rc a c h a las tin g | er." Ie ta in e d con tro l o f 1 lied o u to f the rest of under the Egyptian- ' a ty o fl9 7 9 . jrial a rb itra tion panel • la to E g y p t in

I i


e n Iii

e y

i)0% ! a n d I

jhirt in i.L X L ____________________ Le, yellow !: Blue 1id w hite !Is w ith !



' 1



Ia rg e .

Page 16: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

____ B-0__

" z ^ Wor.

LT. COL. D.F. Van O Retaliation victli

USSRjbxf American in spy wa

MOSCOW (AP) - Th Union shot bnck Wednesdnj pionagc w ar with Washingt

_____ing. a U.S. .mililaiy_flltach<and saying the atmospher mania" bodes ill for relat the Bush adm inistration.

Foreign Ministry spokesi nody I. Gerasimov said Arir Daniel Francis Van Gundy : sistan t m ilitary a ttache at Embassy, was a spy and m ust leave the country in •!{

Gerasimov said Moscow spending to Washington's ■ Inst week o f n Soviet militnr it accused oT trying to buy

jec rc ts ,.Van Gundy's ouster was

Soviet expulsion of n U.S. in alm ost 2! years, a period

•improved.It clouded relations with

m inistration of George Bust: -fore the president, who tooJ January, announced the rei review o f American policy tc Soviet Union.

'T he U.S. administration ing ita foreign policy, and this problem of spy manio mov told reporters., He citcd u recent IHme cover story on the 1987 M scandal nt lhe U.S. En Moscow and said America uninterested in improving had tried to incite fenr.s of e

"We're no t the ones whc th is proccss," Gornsimov so acknowledging the conne tween last week's incideiil expulsion of Van Gundy T powers already have claj arm s control.

Van Gundy, 42, of Marii had served in .Moscow ni years, the normal diplomat!

Hc had been, expecting I sion order since the Stati ment announced on Thurse ordered Soviet Lt. Col. Pnkhtusov to leave tht States, Viin Gundy held m ilitary rank nnd occupied

bassy as Pakhtusov did in ton.

Van Gund)’, who lived ot Embassy compound with Susan, and two of their thr ters, declined to an.'swer questions,

Turkey dcma Iran stay out of scarf squ£l>os Angeles Tmii;s

ANKARA. Turkey - T complained to Iran abou ence in a dispute over bai gious-style head.scan,es fro university campusus. For istry Spokesman Inal Bnti Wedne.sday

Batu said Iranian A Manoochehr Mdtiaki had moned to lhe ForTif:n Mi Tbe.sday to be lold dl'Uiu c evoktHl by Tehran s alliiuc meslic is.‘<ue.

Batu said. It i ' tcrtaiti ducive lo the lies ol'good ness and co-operation. "

The reaction followed Ir port — through slalemcr cials and street demonst for Tbrkish fundamenlalis Ing tho ruling pn lhe hc which th e T\irkish cor court issued following a | P resident Kenfln EvTen.

LaSt week thousands K — Hlralors - Kli»nt*d- protest

throughout 'l\irkey, Police t f . were Iran ians amonp the

and callcd for tighter cont ^ activities of fdreigners.

Over 1 million Iranians, ponent-s of the Kliomeini i Ix-'lieved to Ih.' residing in 1 an often bloody undergrou tween di.ssidents and the cret police i.s a emi.stant irr

Qlls, W aho Jh u re d a y , M .irch.iG ,

rid^ ~Gro\)

MOSCOW, Mikhail S. Go Communist Pa urgent steps shortages —

■"“ biggcst'woun lhe problem W(

------T he party's*Committee bfi largely devote

~ fon n p n clu d in j increase the fo

--traditionally-di The 5^-jeai

I G V m Y .........Ctim ;__________

^ p e ls , _ = ^


ar ^The Soviet

idny in an es- ngton, order- ichc expelled, . ihere of "spy ilations with

kesmnn Gen-\rm y Lt. Col. H H r a j a gdy III, an as-> a t the U.S.ind tha t hcn -18 hours.cow was re-Vs expulsionitary attache'uy computer

VOS the first LS. diplomat 'iod in which vc markedly

>vith the ad- lush even be- took ofTicc in ' results of u y toward the

ion is reveal- B B 9 B M G md wc have nia.’ Gerasi-

ne magazine J Marine spy .Embassy in

rican leaders f« ing relations of espionage. who initialed V said, tacitlynnection be- | ^ | | B m | | jeiit and the y. The super- clashed over

iarinu. Calif.,I nearly two natic tour. lg the expul- 'Itate Depart- arsday it hnd•ol. Yuri N. %the United ^

Id the samo )ied the .same

1 in Washing-

i on the U.S. — ith his wiff, three daugh-

■er reporters'

lands Iu t ..........iiabble

- Turkey has 'bout inlerfer- banning' reli-

i from Turkish Foreign Min- !ntu said here

Ambassador ad been sum- MinislrylAlti

lu d i.spk 'a .‘( u r e _______iiudt* on a do- , -

aitily not tim- '-od neighlmrli-

J Iranian sup-mcnia by offi- . . . . . ^ )nstrations —Jilists protest- : hcad.scarves, constitutionala petition by .

* _ds of demon-te st- marcht's {■lice >aid there Iprllie instij,':itors Tintml? on the

ms. mostly op- \ni regime, are in 1\irkey, andround war t>,'- s jhe Iranian m- ________. irritant.

LG, .1080..,.. .■__ ___________ :

wlnore fcV., -CAP) - PfCHident.- him Gorbachov called on the pea: Party Wednesday to Uike p o r

58 to ease chronic food - tho Soviet Union's Tnnd'-—'b n t-h G 'in d ic n to d "^ ^ would exist for years. ' l

rs 'po licynnakinf'G cntm l began a wo-day m eeting i,Iea oted to agricultural ro- otln iin^pVsoarch for w ays'to—m ai • food supply and improve G / dreary rural life.- - — 'car-old Kremlin leader, “ P ''

3 PC. OAK CON BASSET BED. - - R c g . s a

^ NOW ^ 6

STANTON FULL~ R eg . s :

^ ■ 'F o w 'o u l


B R U O M D O tLA naurtM O P O W D

bod, Gorjtiimsclf the'son of a southern I peasant, snid conditions in sc ,n'on.H of the countryside woi 'critical level," With m ass mi )f their population to cities. —I’roductivity-on.Soviet fnrn low, he snid, the Soviet Unii must go abroad to buy "Iarg( litcs of"grain, meat, fruits, jles, sugar, vegetable oil am Dlher staples" to meet domoi aiand.'. Ctorbaehev, once . the-party '

licer for agriculturo,-callcd-( iigrariim policy tha t will be


ONTEMPORARY" EDROOM SET ^S a 9 9 .9 5 --------------------^

j 4 9 “ J

Ll SIZE SLEEPER. S 54 9 .9 5 _________ ^

oufPrTces "


• Liberal T ra d e s

L_1 • F te e P a tk in g . • Revolv ing i

^ Charge M1 • F ree D elivery f l

I • C lea ra n ce Mf l C orner '


'bachev tc1 Rusaiari restore the peaaar some rc- the land, and dcj

'ore a t u food problem." nigrntion " h jr th c r delay

simply inadmissib

nion still Gorbachev was an jE lg S l_ ( io n - to - le a s in g ,lo i

lestic de- Htate-owncd fami for a fee. tJo also

ty's o v e r prices" for crops ;.for " a n - s ta le would-go i e able to 1990.

• Factory Authorizi •Save 50% and M(

100 sets toeS E A L Y


R eg . $399.9S

nowH 4S E A L Y F U L L


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^ ^ 9 0 1^ S A M E - ]S . U -H A U


SS■ 'Q uality

ells partysan t .aa tho.mafilcDon Bel dependably solve the policj

m ittclay in th is m atter is. inclui sible," he said. iiame

an "extensive Iransi-

individuals to work p^^jpi irmlnnd in exchange Qg. 80 said "m ore flexible camp, ps purchased by the multi0 in to . effect. Jon. l . - n i s t i

- • • . peopl'

ized Liquidation 'H o tel

choose from..r S E A I

; S E T P O S T

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191' NOWL S I Z E (


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IK PINE COUNTRY T BEDROOM SET ^Bg. $ 7 9 9 .9 5 --------------------^

4 7 ^ ^

1 DAYS ^ -AS CASH-iU L P R I C E S ^

lery Available)

t m^ 204 Main Ave. N

Twin F allsilily F u rn ish in g s Al A K ordabie

y s e s s i o n

Before Gorbachev spoke on 1 Iicy, the 300-membcr Central ( ittee moved lo e lecfits top leat eluding Gorbachev, to the new iment.Thp CommuniHt Party is one ( ganizations with th e . powci oose one-third of the 2,250 rc

lople's Deputies. .Despite the publicity touting' mpaign ns the Soviet Union’s uUicnndidato olection, tho Con s t Party chose to nom inate juat ople for ils 100 seats.

ickm• Mismatche• Discountec

i...Hereare jusIV L Y Q U E E N


R e g . $799 .95



R e g . $499.95

^ 1 9 9 “A L Y Q U E E N


>n e d g e . R eg . $899 .9 5



N O W '— Matching li

s ^bio Prices ■' S itco I9'16

_ _ Italians, S6vi( for archaeoio

______ ROME (API - Ita— .........fTjRW will brinR-the-la

tn tho-Soviot-Union i access lo remote area:

, j- j j^ under nn accord sigr

I C^m-

w p°ar- Italians will stechnology such as c<

c of 30 . ses of aerial photos o fcr to '“ tioiniriff^5colbgical’ ropro- 'jo .ie t archaeologii

accompany them or i('nhtg~ 'pluces such as Sibei 's first nnd Mongolia, tho ngi ^mmu- Italians will havo j istlO l).' in tlie Soviet steppe

tombs have been discc

led One-of-a-kind id Box Springs a M

ist a few jxamiS E A L Y

T W I N S I Z E !

R e g . $329.95

M * 1 1S E A L Y

T W I N s i z e :R eg . $299.9£

NOW 1 4S E A L Y K I N G


Mismotched. R eg . $1

j i i o i S

/HITE & BRASS ^ DAYBEDSStarting at______149®.


R og . $94 9 .9 5

J Incliner loiw eal-* 5 4 9 ^

N —

iviets ready Diogy work

Italian archaeolo-le-latest-technology.........on in cichange-for---------ircaii o f Soviet Asia signed Wednesday ilian nows agen^’ ■ "

ill share advanced IS com puter analy- os and its applica- ical re sea rch .logi.sts will , make

. on m is s io n s ^ ^ >iberi.ai 'TXirkm’ehia ) agency said. ' '.vo access to a Kito ‘ppes.w here 4,500• . . . . liscovered.

w iMattress




miE S E T


4 9 !G S I Z E


$ 1 0 9 9 .9 5

g -



Page 17: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

CCRBy LARRY HOVEY Times-News writer

HUTCHINSON. Kan Hollywood curao "may aand fleas infest your ^ p p in g to mind qs t\ Southern Idaho stnycc Wednesday in the Nal College Athletic Assoc basketbali.toum am cnt.

The small, ' quick K nights of tho Commun 3 h o d e Island pestcrc( ta lle r Golden Eagles'lik a fte r Gullivor., Finally cause of CSI’s 6*foot, 8

I M artin —, prevailed, a: eked out a 100-93 victoi consolation game o f this

"I thought it would I - • k inds of games," said C:

TVenkle. whose ballclu gered past unranked Community College in round on 7\iesday. 1 come out with the sami did, thinking more abo over lhan playing well - was afraid a team like t happy .tobe here, very li ing fun."

CSI, ranked No. 1 ii th u s sun-ived for anothi ically Fridoy when tht take on the w inner of th Eastern Wyoming-Cle\ game. The winner of F plays for seventh place nam ent Saturday

Idaho's Jamec

G am e tim e:7:07 p.m.

Site:Boise S late Uni'

R adio:KB01-AM(Bois.


R oad to NCAA: Idaho, Won Big

pionship fdcfeatcd B

ArizonaBy ROBYN NORWOOI Los Anffcles J]mcs

BOISE — Arizona 1 before.

Not preci.sely here in ho. perhaps, b ut in the

■ '■ l y 'And in a metaphorii

zona was in precisely la s t year, as the lop-si the West Regional of C ollepale Athlclic As ketbail tournam ent, Thursday with 16 firsi a t four sites.

For Hobi'rt Morris, first-round opponent, i

M IM€ S ^ U tU's sp<

. "Tho slat th ing bettc free throws

Can. — The old "W hat the i lay a thousand len tless zor )ur beard" kept d idn 't care I the Collcge of don 't show lyed alive here advantage National Junior guards witl isociation men's e r experien n t. The tallilick, relentless b u t CCRI'i lun ity College of ability all( ered. the much bounds — I'liko Liliiputans ta lle r Eagl illy, size — be- m ajor facto ;, 8*inch Clifford 50 percent.1, a s j h e . Eagles___ C SI. endctory in the first day..his toumoment. M artin c Id be one of two 28 points ii i CSI coach Fred - best overal Iclub was stag- th a t didn't :ed Hagerstown CCRl sot

in the opening Haynes, wl ■'Either they'd "We alwj

ame attitude we big individ^ about getting it vived all 1 ill — more like, I said, ke th a t would be Survival 7 loose and hav- m ind, b u t t

w ithin a i 1 in the nation, m inutes, tl ather day, specif- utes, 27 s( the Eagles will 87*86. CSI

f this afternoon's h it two free Cleveland S tate ity by Davt if Friday’s game gles to a f ace in this lour- field goal

• Set

mes Fitch rejects a shot


Jniversity Pavilion, Boise,


■CI, Boise, Channel 17)\ :Big Sky Conference cham- d Boise Stale)

la has bee)0D . story. •

Althoug of the Noi

Ul has been here m enl, hav to the N(

* in southern Ida- their highi :he general vicini- And alt

fans had 1 ■orical sense, Ari- hood o f a r ;ly the same' spot was still a p-seedcd team in came true. ,of the National The idei Association ba.s- zona in fa

t, which begins ken of n first-round games Coraopolij

burgh,ris, the Wildcat.s' Suffice i t. it is a different the Ohio

d e t a i l e d p r e v i e v

I V l V l f

lecditats show tha t we did everyr • ■ttcr — field goal shooting, IWS, rebounds," said Trenkle. le s ta ts don't show is th a t re- zone full-court pressure than are about fouis. And they 3W th a t we had a m ajor dis- ge in trying to guard five vith two. Our w y s h ave nev- ienced a gam elike th is.'’ a llest Knight was ju s t 6-3, itl's quickncss and jum ping allowed it 20 offensive re- — ju s t four less thart tho agios. Rebounding w asn 't a ctor because both team s shot nt.ndurcd. another_22-turnQver

n camc up with a career-high s in what may have been his rail performance a t CSI, but- In't quite ofiset the play of sophomore forward Doug who canncd 38 points.

.Iways seem to oe giving up /idual games, but we've sur-II but tho coupio," TVenkle

.'al was uppermost in his It the Knighta.twice puUed.to. i point in the closing four , tne last time w ith 3 min-

seconds left and the score )SI freshman Corey W arner ’ree throws ond another char- ave Henderson lifted the Ea- a four-point lead. AAer two aal exchanges, Henderson >cc CSI on Page C3

ot by Weber State

UNLV.Won Big W est Cor pionship (defeated New Mexic

Last trip to NCAA:Idaho, 1982.UNIV. 1988. .

Coachcs:---------Idaho, KormitrDavis<firHi

UNLV, Jerr>- Tarkaniar 527-113).. R ccords:

Idaho, 25-5.(not ranked).

en in tliis!lUgh the Colonials, champions 'Northeast Conference toum a- lave-mode two previous trips NCAA Tbumament, th is is

ghest-profile appearance yet. although the team and its

id begun lo e x p « l the Hkeli- ‘ a matchup against A rizona, it 11 a daunting prospect when il

den of playing top-ranked Ari- . faraway Boise is beyond the

many oa the campus in niis, I’a., jusl outside Pitts- •

:e it to say lhat the view from lio River does not include

e w o f w e e k e n d e \

P________ CSI's Kenr

Fitch aBy COLIN MULDOON 7Imcs-Ncii'.s correnpondent

BOISE — F orU niversil senior foward Jam es Fitch ^ i s e Stale 59-52 here la: for the Big Sky Conferen' onship and qualifying for basketball tournm ent wa conclusion to th ree years m an service for w ith Vand)

------ "James hos been- a pcooch over the la s t two y Idoho coach Kermit Davis, to practice ready to play e the year. Jam es has tremendously over the lai sons and that's a credit t


-nntf^TfiV & O RU M P--------'Hmes-News writers

BOISE — In the past, g NCAA basketball tournan luxury for the Big Sky ( Win the conforenco tourn' invited to the big dance.

But being there isn 't < first-year Idaho coach Ker whose Vandals tokc on i: Nevodo-Las Vegas today i

—round o fth e NCAA_West J ’ 7:07 p.m. in the Boiso S tat

ty Pavilion,

■M M EConference cham- UNL\ jxico State) Basic o

Idaho UNL\

Banc d Idaho

first year.-2.Wi).------------ UNL\nian (16th year, Offensi


;d). D cfcns

spot bef(Boise,

IS "It's a long way to go, thi 1- of the worid," said ^b< )s coach Jarre ll Durham • is learned hi.** team was a . Boise. 'I t 's somewhere o Is know that- Somewhere p i-"go;it The Arizona Wildcats ( il it is just a stop along t

Seattle, where Arizona c i- iLs second consecutwo Fin: le pearance, 'in Sincc the Wildcats swe s- the Padfic-10 tournam ent

end, Cooch Lute Olson h m believes th is team is pla; le than last yeor's team.

nny Jarvis applies defen


W hen Filch 1986, the Van

sity of Idaho Coach Tim Fl ch, defeating te r th ree seos' last weekend lor. jnce chompi- T ha t team ' Dr the NCAA good enough li vas a fitting 16-12, But li •s of journey- come, idals. The next se.

pleasure to te r y en r for F I years," said s ta rting role, is, "He comes 10 overall; bu ’ every dny of horserace to I IS improved ference. cham last two sea- M ontana Sta t to his work tournnm ent st

BS a runBoise TV atj

--------------------- n r-th r-M ag icthe game live,

■'We re excit , going to the it's nol the kii am ent was a we're ju s t hop

Conference, not going to gc rney and get gam e,' said D

25-5 and seed< L enough for -gional, "We'll f Permit Davis, we can do." 12th-ranked "We're goin

y in the first and box them tfieg ional a t - . senior-forward a te Universi- looking forwar

There^s cert

LV, 26-7 (ro_nked 15th byAP),: ofTense: ’ ho:r&lultiple.LVrMulliple,: defense:ho. Multiple.LV,Multiple:----------------- ------Lsive production: ho, 77.5 points per game 'LV, 87.1 points per game, Ifiive production:

o r c ” ' f e ~

Lhe other end By The Assoc 3b<yt Morris .a •'when he A quick loo

assigned, lo volved in the out west, I gional th a t w: past Chica- day and Sail

tionrrecord i i (27-3) hope cation:

the way tocould make Tucson. Ari

inal Four ap- ference tourn Made i ts I

wept through ance la s t yea n t lost wecK- 86-78 in the

has said he, ford 73-51 laying better championshi[

NCAA ranki-i

'e n s iv e p r e s s u r e t o C C R l

rt force:Ich arrived in Moscow in vi/andal squad under then- oj•Floyd was rebuilding nf- .

?osons in th e Big Sky cel- cl ni

m wos good, said Fitch — nih lo hove done belter than ri; better things were to ic

season. 198/-88, was bei- r P'itch, who moved into a , V; le. The Vandals w ent 19- fr bul lost out to BSU in a m

.0 the regular-season con- H ampionship and fell to tc Stale in th e conference ei t semifinals.

1 at Rebstation KBCl, channel 17 tc

glrAliUpy, w itM jrontfnBt— ve,ccited about being in. but Tl kind of excitement where tl:

lappy to be there and are b( ) go out and try lo win the w I Davis, whose ballclub is ki eded 12th in the West Re- bi 'II fire a shot and see w hat gi

Tloing lo have to rebound fe em out," predicted Idaho coard J a m c s F itc h .. '3 u t:rm ......vard to ploying them,” in :ertainly no secrct to how

P). Idaho, 61.4 pcUNLV. 75.2 p<

S ta r te rs :Idaho, Riley

(15.8 points, 6. Brown. 6-71 senioi

---------------n?btrands)rJaiMi;r(13,3 points, 5-9 r 6-2 junior guard ( la ren zo Nash, G-1 1.7 rebounds).

Roaated Press o g

look nl the eight leam s in- 1the 1989 NC/\A West Re- iii will be played in Boise to- pialurday with .school, loca- lid and lournam ent-qualifi- g

rA rizona h

Ariz,, 27-3, Pacific-10 Con- sim am ent champion, d£ first final four appear- ny'ear and lost to Oklahoma L•he semifinals. Beat Stan- h 1 in Pac-10 toum am enl ihip. ond has cnliTed the ikcd Nb, 1. having won 19

B SI : ■ Scores ar . ■ Outdoors1 ■ Business


:RI’s Ken McDonald

for IdahThis year it w as simple ii

view; Idaho was not going to opportunity to go lo th e NCA

"Last year I th o ugh t we ha chance," said F itch, a 6-foo notive of Laurel, M iss., who nior Vondal regular in terms rience. 'I w asn't going lo team lose. We w ere not goi: eoch other foil."

Fitch hos had much to do , Vandals' success, prevenlin

from concentrating on forwi mond Brown os thoy did li His rebounding sk ills and h to score from inside and out I cn Idaho an extra dimension

• See FITCH on Pa|

)els tod<to slop the Runnin ' Rebels,

— TrTcy'rc 'vory a thtP tlC D E "We'll have to get back del They have two g rea t gua thcir inside players a re os c bounders and offensive so we've played against. The v kill you is in transition , W ball goes on lhe g lass all five guys can really go back and ; The critical thing is gelling fensively to a t least gel yc court defense set up, ’

— 'i tw e get back on, defense, in good shape. ' Fitch said.

• See IDAHO on Paj

} points per game.2 points per game.

ey Smilh, 6-8 jun io r center 6.6 rebounds); Raymond

nior for\ ’ard (15.9 points, 7,8 iesTMtcK76"l senior forward .9 rebounds); C easar Prclow, rd (-1.0 points, 1,6 rebounds); G-1 senior guard (3.0 points,

of its lasl 20 game.s. Senioi Sean EilioU. ik - Wildcats' lO's No, 1 career .scorer, led in scoring and a ss is ti w points and 'J.3 ass is ts por | liolt also averaged 7.0 rebo game. Senior ceiilt-r Anlhi followed wilh 17.6 points, high 7,3 relxjunds and 2.f shuts. Junior Ju d Buechler, defensive player, added 10 nnd (i.H rebounds. Senior gi Ujflon adced 5,5 points per | handed oul .1,1 a.ssi.sts.

C lem so n' Clcm,fon,S.C,. 18-10, AH


md stats C2 r s C 45 C 8 ;

Good morriir M arch 16.W e d n e sd a

C ollegeN ational Jui

letic Associalic pnships:

- f -e S I1 0 0 ,C o i of Rhode Islan

N ational In' m ent:

— . -rC onnecticut lotte 62

S t. John 's 7( P enn S late J

73- - Villanova76

Ohio S late E Wisconsin 6

61S t. Louis 87

nois 54 Richmond 7'


96Cleveland 1] U tah 102, P< Son Antonio

108 Miami a tL .. Dallas a t Go

10 Today. M EN'S COI

in Fitch’s • BALLto lose the Idaho vs. Nt'AAs. NCAA West Rhad a good m ent, BSU Paoot, 4-inch p.m.10 is the se-ms of expe. COLLEGElo let th is College o f S;o in g to le t ' Arizona S tate

Ariz., 6 p.m.io with the;ing teams PREPTEN :w ard Ray- Centennial

lasl year. TFH S courts, his ability

It have giv- E P R M H■ ■ ■ ■ i A i

ketball: Kuntaa E NCAA E n.l Regi,

n \ J 1 2 ;3 0 p ,m .- (' ^ basketball: Arkni

mount, NCAA Mi numi'nt,

Dnvis-said:-----------Ch*ficfensivdy.uards and _

b . .:k , / . i r s ,Msco re rs a s NCMW estlUffi. . w a y th e y 5 p . „ . _ c h „ W hen th e kciball: Wc*i Vin ve o f th o se SCAA En»l ItrKlc d rebound . 7 p .m .-C h n rlg back de- ki'lhull: Ida)io v», y o u r ha lf- lU 'ponnlTbuniar

7:30 p m. - Cl se w e l l b e _ ha^ki-thnll-PitUih

NCAA .Midwest 1

age C3 '------------------

UNLV, David B u tle r,« (15,1 points per game, 6.6 Scurr>’, 6-7 ju n io r forwan

■r game. 5.3 rebounds); S u d sophomore forward (15.5 8 boundiil: Andorson Hum d guard (12.2 points); Gn V, sophomore g uard (13.3 poii ); In ju rie s :', N either team report


legionalinr forward The Tigers ar s' and Pac- stra ig h t posl-sei .‘d the team der head coach ' with 22,0 ACC team to a

r game. El- tournam ent, J i bounds per Campbell led tl ;li6ny Cook points while pul ,s, a team- Sophomore for 2.5 blocked grabbed a lean L‘r, a steady and added 13,5 10,9 points Derrick Forrest guard Ken and was the to]

■r game and the club. Also ii jun ior Tim Kin< Jun io r guard .V team w-iih 5.5 as

11-iri.T, . S e e W ES

day, March 10 ,1989 Timos.N


irriing. It’s Thursday,

iday 's sco res

I Junior Collcge Ath- ialion champi-

,Com m unityCollogc~‘-------- ■'Bland 931 Invitation Tbuma-

ic u t6 7 ,N .C .C h a r -_____^

.'s 70, Mississippi 67 ate 89, Murray S tate

a 76, St. Peters 56 - ~ lie 81, Akron 71 in 63, New Orleans

3 87, Southem Illi- i

id 70, Tfemple 56 ‘ '

phia 100, New Jersey

id 115, Chicago 91 2, Portland 95 onio 110, Milwaukee

t L A Clippers, la te t Golden State, la te


j. Nevada-Las Vegas, s t Regional Tbuma- J Pavilion, Boise, 7:07

GE BASEBALL of Southem Idaho a t la te JVs, Tbmpe,

'E N N IS -* iial a t Twin Falls, rts , 3 p.m. .

-Channel 13. Colley* bai. sas SUil* vs. Minnesota,Reponal TbumamcnU

-Channel 13, College^Arkansas va, Loyola .Mary- .A Midwest Reponnl Ibur.

-------- ---------Championship, first

-Channel 13. ColleBc il. Mar)''s vs. Clemson,KeponBl ToumBmenl.Channel 13, (xillege bnv I Vinpnia vs.Tbnnesw.. itrKionoi Tbumamment Channel 17. College bas­ic v,, UNLV. NCA.\ West imament,-Channel 13. Collegi-Nujihursh vn Hall StflU____ _cst Itcponal.

er, 6-10 junior center 6.6 rebounds); Moses ■vard (7.6 points per Stacy Augmon, 6-7

15.5 points, 7.6 re-iuoL., ,6-1—fjwJiman----------------Greg Anthony, 6-1 points),

ports any major m-

_____ ___ , 1

s are making the ir fifth l-season appearance un- ich Cliff Ellis. Tho sixth .0 appear in the NCAA

Junior center Klden d the Tigers wiih 17,1 pulling in 7.7 rebounds, forward Dale Davis

x‘;i^m-high 9.1 rebounds3.5 points. Jun ior guard rest scored 12.1 points • lop 3-poinl shooter nn so in the backcourt wus Kincaid with 9.3 points, d Marion Cash led the 5 assists.

."EST on Page C3

U5-Now5, Twin Falls. lda)io

Page 18: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

Jazz ja_ •: SALT' LAKE CITY lA

■Malone acored 30 pointf-------iS u toa pulled down 25 i

rUic U tah Jazz built a 21 .. .._Lover Portland, then held

the Trail Blazers 102-95 : night,

Thurl Boiley had 24 p :— •—”Jnzz“ caDturcd their six

vicU)iy~J6hn "StocKtoiT------ • :iwinta;and-12-nHsiBtsrant

•'12 •points and six blockcd ; “ Clyde Drexler led Portl ■pointi, 11 rebounds and-r ;Tbny P o r te r -h a d - 1 6 -

— • • -Jerome Kersey 15.--------!: Aftcr Utah-took-a 75*5

'3:09 led in the third ou ;land finished the period ;nin ns Drexler scored si |third-period points.'’ The Blazers continue :away a t the Jazz lead i !quarter, cutting the mar( |on a pair of Kersey free I :^;35togo.; Portland then was ca

.......... [Sccond illegal defense \^seconds later. Bailey h !throw, and ad e r thc she jout on the Blazers' next ;Utah'8-Bobby H anson 'h jum per to clinch the victoi

;San Antonio IK ___ Milwaukee 108

; SAN AOTONIOYAPj- ]derson scored 25 points ; a Ricky Pierce shot a t th

--Xhe-San Antonio-Spurs bedt the Milwaukee Bm Wednesday night.; Greg Anderson had 15

Golden 1_____ By Thc ’Hmcs-News

, ' SCOTTSDALE.'Ariz. ■ lego of Southem Idaho . funners and lefl the bas both the eighth and ni without scoring in droj baseball contest to Scot munity Collcge here Wed

The Artichokes scored

p B r i e l‘ Twin Falls tenn■ TWIN FALLS - N ; 10-2 here Tuesday ir■ tennis match.I - The Bruins won jus; suoka beat Tbrri Cron; and John Roberts and

• - . an d K haiH a,6 -3 ,3 -6 ,] The Bruins will h(I match this aflemoon! courts.

MmAinlO.'Nu.F.lliJ ('.ifU itnfltt — M. drf SiDe;»'iifi(l«i — Vu{hn, U. dr/

T4Cirt. di>.Un - IU>r»-MnnDKt. dwUn - Rstrru-Tirwt H.i.1

I y>»d 4>uUn - lUirr-MiMill • Kmi>'Ttanir7.A-<.:

Soviet skatersPARIS (AP) - E

Grinkov o fth e Soviet tille in four years a t t pionships Wednesday can hopes high in the

---------------- Bowmaa-ftftd-Camcontention for the mi east-west sudden do. Alcxandr Fadeev.


- - N C A A

_____ _

" ' f S r : . ' ; " ”

- ^

— ■■■”

C-2 Timos-Nows. Twin Fnl

am Trail(AP)— K aH ' ' _

ints and Mark . F f O 16 rebounds as . ■" 1 22-point lead H rebounds, ild on to defeat hod 15 poin -95 Wednesday the Spurs.

The loss SI 1 points as the gamewinnin sixth straight The Biicki

OT "added -f6 “ ti6 lhe “ i and Eaton had—turaed -the i ;cd shota. violation witartland with 31 Anderson gt id nine asBista. ahot from th 6 -p o in ts , and -buzzcr.wcnt

Pierce le<'5-53 lead with pointa.-------quarter, Port-

od w ith a 14-2 C le v c lo ti , i x o r h i . »

nucd to chip RICHFIEIid in th e final Price scoredlargin to 93-89 took advantJee throw s with early foui tn

sive 17-2 fircalled for its day night ai

e violation 10 Chicago Bul!’ h it the free Cleveland,shot clock ran third time inext possession, took a hallV h it a 10-foot first-place Dctory. vision. Dctro

centage poiiI Q liers.- Jordan pii0 and was pul ’ ) — Willie An- Bix minutcfl its and blockcd Seconds eai t thc buzzer as made a shor irs -h e ld -o n - to - thc.17-2 spuBucks 110-108 ■ ahead 31-14

and Pricc se1 15 points and The Bulls

Eagles loin thc third fifth for all

iz. — The Col- need. CSI pi ho stranded 13 sixth and t bases loaded in couldn't pusl

n in th mnines

a S c o m ' lWednesday CSI riglired th ree runs worked seve

‘fly——nnis team loses'- Meridian swept past- Twin / in a season-opening high !

ju s t two matches, while Abby ron 6*0, 6-2 in women's opon a and TVevor Tarter lopping Mat 3-6, 7-5 in boys' doubles.I host Ccntcnninl in another oon a t 3 p.m. a t thc high i

iit Sincltir. -in.'i.ih. TT. M I'rrxL*« Sm;lh.W,0-4.«J C.rUf fi]•wm. M. 4rf lUtnk &1. r,n. I'.Imrfin»..TT',<rf M T»«. H..6.3.3«.:5.W.kr.l-r:I(M,llin. U. dr< 7 S. ; A I(U.:j

rs w in an o th e r pa irsE katerina Gordeeva and !

'iet Union swept to their third a t the World Figure Skating ( iay b u l Chris Bowman kept / i ie m en’s event.

m en’s gold medal in a thre’ dealh battle with Soviet vi

5 and StatsH I

. ........



.K r ;. : ."

FqIIo. Idaho Thureday. March '1'

0 b a s k e t b a l l m['■ ae

ds, while Frank Brickowski nioints and 10 rebounds for m

hi3 snapped Milwaukee's five- th ning streak.ckfi had an opportunity to tiig am era fte r^ S a r t r An ttmlo - e b a ll-over-on -a-24-flccond—Glwith four seconds left. B ut tc got his hand on Piercc's th c free throvrltnG aa 'th fi— e

nt o f t— .— ____ :________led ther Bucks w ith 24 A

■ Cland 115 Bi

JO 91lELD. Ohio (AP) — M ark orcd 21 pointa and C leveland N' intagc of Michaol Jo rdan 'strouble by going on a deci- thfirst-quarter run Wednes- stas thc Cavaliers bea t tho ut

lulls 115-81.nd, ,46-17, won for only thc gc! in its last eight games, b u t Mlalf-game advantage over fr‘ Detroit In the Centra! Di- g; troit, a l 44-16, rcrhains per-)oints ahead of th e Cava- J(

scpicked up his second foul sc

pulled from the game with fo tea left in -the-firs t-period ;- earlier, L an^ Nance had p( lort baseline jum per to s ta r t B ip u rt.tha t put.thc C avaliers ri -14. Nance had eight points ' Idseven during thc ou tburst, sl

ills, who shot 29.6 percent w

ose in Scoird and three more in the lc all the ofTcnsc they would oi1 picked up two ru n s in the i two in tho seventh, bul lUsh another run across. tl

iiamblirt had two of the Ea- ehit^.

•ight-hander Rob Kuhta even innings in tak ing the

Bowman, bidding r- 11 title following

1988 success, moved h school jgj. original progi, . routine th a t ended w

sby Mat-

Bowman's perform rial Tran original p ropam , J , compulsories — and

, lock w ith 1985 cham .schoo Union and Bro\

morrow."(•rr-.6o.6j. Earlier, M arina K r 63.46 6.3. ' ’oltzcd th c ir way ir I .-wiim.n throe ice dance event

. " Iditarod has aNOME, Alaska (A:

od Troil Sled Dog 'S title threc-yeur reign of Si i Sersei Cheerlnfi crawds . ird pairs Jan when he and 11 gC ham - mlnmg town to claim It Amurl- look the Nennr

days to cover the 1 arKl into hnhy watiirec-way, 5250,000 purse lo be

veteran The victor)’ gave I long-disUincf dog n


7 _______

L . . I iN I T

" ..... -

::: s i e .

: —Si:'

■• "■ ' " N A I A t o u r n e y

•...............: • - ............ ; r : “ , - U ' S r s T

r — -

h 'l6 , 1989

l ^ l a z e r s

from tho field 'in thc first missed their first three shol secoad.period oa.ClcvclaiK nine, straight pointa to wi m ar^ n to 46-20, Jordan pi his ^ i r d foul less than a mil the quarter.

The Bulls troUed 65-44fiinn, hilt ^ t t i o - P i n p n SCO

'■ l» ln ta a n rJo rd n n “ nfld"eij^ -G h icngo-w ith in -ll-after-th r


^Philadelphia 100 'Nai) Jersey 96

— PHILADELPHL\-{AP)- Cheeks scored 21 points and Barkley conncctcd on a cm d point play with 1:02 left Philadelphia 76ere rallied in ond half to defeat thc Nev Nets 100-96 Wednesday.

Dennis Hopson had 24 p the Nets, who suffered t)i straight loss and the ir eightl utive road defeat.

A jum per by Cheeka with go gave thc 76ei^ a 95-90 I Mike McGee's 3-pointcr and 1 free throw brought thc Net 95-94 with l-lT ’.lea.

After Barkley’s three-poi Joe B arry Carroll scored for 1 sey before Philadelphia’s Roi son ended the game by hit foul shots.

Ncw-Jerscy led by aa ma: pointa early in thc second Bul Philadelphia, rallied bch rick Smith and closed to .47 loyup by Hersey Hawkins. I shot by Smith brought the 1 within 49-46.

ottsdale, "iloss, giving, up four h its and out five.

Thc Eagles, now 3-4, will the Arizona State junior v Ttmpe tonight a t 6.

S iud*i.om S™ -7 « I KuhU. W)W i7i. Wftt (7i. ia«lon cli P til, IWi>m. Siami'iuURo; W —IWinn

11 MK — Stv(Ud«W, llvriMli

ing to keep America's grip c ing the now-retired Brian Bo: red up from fourth to third ovci rogram, Hc skated a clean, err d wilh a showy bow and kisses parsely-filled arena, ormance earned him sccond pi am — he came in fourth in T\ie ind moved him into a virtual lampion Aleksandr Fadeev of I browning, to o'ut-do o n e ’anotl

1 Klimova ond Sergei Ponom( y inlo the lead afler th e first ■ents.

; a winner after l i d ;, (AP) — Joe Runyan won thc Dg Race on Wednesday to er )f Susan Butcher ds und^H-blaring siren greelec 11 dogs pulled into this histor

aim the lille.nono mu.sher slightly more ll e 1.168 miles from Anchorag votchcd as he won $50.000 ) be shared by the tirst 20 lini.sl ve Runyan. 40. the "triple cro ? . mushing.

i ? : . : “5 H -


r, . r ^

N B A s t a n d i r

“ ■:r..... - i i ?

r .....? J)• >1 •«

" f r i ' ' ‘ " I

s , 1 0 2 - i ■ ^ C l - OGDEN. Utal a ss is tan t footba

’ nian waa name

— fomily traditioi own dream com.

A rslanian, i m u te into price. who left . A u - ir the head coachi

^ ^ » ington S ta te Un becoming

,gh rto -gc t- ^ ^ b a l l coach ; hree quar- taancd fbur-yeai

s lanian follows i . . father. S a rk AnI , the W ildcats fo:- - - -1 9 6 5 -7 2 :— -----

. . ’ The' elder An- Maurice- n ingest<»achiii nd Charles hisW ty w ith an icial three- 2e-l ft as th c B ut „ in the scc- „ f th e recon ew Jersey

- and flamboyanc) m in ts fcr „ „„ eoul

their fifthIth consec- a n d lead thc pm

you'll be proud M j an said a t a n e I lead. Butd Hopson's m ■ a r f n'e taw ith in j V | I *

Joint play, „ . ir New Jer- By The Associat ton Ander- „ , litting two Forw ard Clifi

o f h is 23 points lany o9 16 - leading defend td quarter, necticut to a S': ehind Der- N orth Carolina-M o n a _____. A 3-point , Se Sixers lo “ M ' / '6 P»"'ls

led from thc ou late rally by lb

7 / \ round game.In o ther o|

Wednesday, it w nd striking sissippi 67; Pei

S late 73; Villan St. Louis 87, 1

fill take on Wisconsin 6 3 ,1" varsity in S ta te 81, Akro

70, Temple 56, Connecticut,

from the lip as 1 defense forced

first 30 seconi scorcd the first

B ut freahn__________ Williams, who j

high 26 point 1 on the ‘>">"8'“ UNCClni(nno-« ll-** P' S u r ! 13-11. Williamsrror-free ?,■'e sto the a t 18 before Oo

cn s tra ig h t poir nlnrf. in After the H

W sday's lead into halftii ,al dead- ""f the So- '"«• p ;ii;" e ^Jther lo- secured Connec

morenko P e n n S ta le

At S u te Coll scored 20 point

'to Penn o a y s State, th e Nilt le Iditar- season victory i end the Trailing by i

S tate w enl on ted Run- the second hi .one gold throw ofT a ted

S late coach St than 11 parently wn.s u

age. His n 't called under 0 of the P<^nn S ta te , : i.shers lead, hQ points, row n-in 12.foot jum per

ons in front 69 __________ ing. M urray S

I F ■ N B A b o x s

^ r . '

" H i ' z i ' . . K z .

r , J . . . . . . ,.

i .1 .“> “Lm s s


m m .

J s s ;

Jf ” '•

q c W e b iItah (AP) — W cbcrStaiG ■ in p tball coach Davo Arela- L med head coach o f the intc Wednesday, continuing a coa( tion and rcalizirig hifl he I ime true. tior

39, succeeds Mike coai :ft a day eariier to take mai ching position a t Wash- son^ University "1ng Weber's sixth head is tl h sincc thc school. o t - ~ r w ear status in I?B2, Ar* ^ vs in thc footsteps o f his Wel Aralaaian. who coached a tir for eight seasons from sta l

---------;-------- ^-----------------badArslanian was th e win- tor.I iiTWcBer S tate football Ii an overall' m ark o f 50- coai

dut:B needed to rem ind his ' add » rd, or thc popularity of ordi :h noted for his hum or C mce on and ofT the field, cooi ould take Mike Price's _poii m going to replacc him per program in the direction thc id.to see.it go.'-'Aralani-- wit! news confcrcncc follow-

tournar:iatcd Press clos

mirlliff Robinson scored 15 ints in the second half,:nding..,charapion .Con- .67-62 NIT victory over /

na-Charlotte W ednesday two to

giiaW '■ C h riijT S in ilh " ‘Mf£nts forthe Huskies, who Joutset, iiut w ithstood a poiithe 49ers in tho first- mci

posopening-rouilQ gam es s tn

I was St. John 's 70, Mis- 49-:Penn Stole 89. M urray ^lanova 76, St. Peter's 56; Job?, Southem Illinois 54; 42- i. New Orieans 61; Ohio <ron 70; and Richmond 6,It, 17-12, set th c tempo Ias its full-courl pressure Villid two turnovers in thc Thfonds and the Huskies on•st nine poinLs. 1ihman_. guard Henry gar10 scored 14 of his game- in 1ints in the first half, tu r ]C bock as he cappcd nn __ I 1 pulled the 49ers w ithin " p laims added a three-point lan8:15 left lo tie th e gamo ancConnecticut rnn ofT sev- 25

oints.Huskies took a 29-21

dime, UNCC, 17-12. riil-trength of 3-point shoot- J57-54, But a 5-0 run sco

lecticut's victory. nc( fou

te 89, M urray S ta te 73 onr1

College, Pii,, Brucc Blake witints and Tbm Hovasse 17 mo nn Stole pa.st M urray the liltany Lions' first po.st- I7 in 34 years. nol y one nt halftime, Penn toj on an 11-3 run to open Wi half, including a free rar

technical foul by M urray Steve Newton, who ap-

s up.Hct when a foul was-demeath. i e, 20-11, built its biggest sco itS7^hen-Kd-Ft^H4M t-a—Bn or to put the N illany Li- am 69-51 with 6:34 rem ain- en< ■ Slate, 19-11. came no wit


- _ ig j

H ii l g

) e r S t a t eiiTptho anntjunccmcnt,-.

Like Prico, Arslanian is sU into w hat he considers his drea cach ing a t his alma m ater. H tie haa turned down aBsistant'i Lions a t bigger schools and xiaching job« a t other schools main wilh thc Wildcats in ho jome day getting the head job,

"Patiencc paid ofT," ho said. is thc one I've had roy sights or [ was a player." '

ArsIaiirarTpIayed'fo'i- h i^ fa t Weber Stato for two seasons, { ating in 1972 ond joining thc V jtafi" under Price in 1981 a s n backs coach.and jecru iting coo Lor.' .............

In 1983, he becamc flssistan MOch. He relinquished his rccr duties three years la ter to la idded responsibilitiDS a s offena jrdinalor.

During h is three years as off :oordinator, the Wildcats avera; [wints.and 440 yards o f total c per game. In 1987, th e Wilder the Big Sky Confcrcncc in s with 37.90 points per gam e. .

"The best thing I do." he sj

ment gelcloser than II points in tho fii minutes.

SL Jo h n 's 70, M ississipp

A l New York.’RobcrtW crda two free throws with 14 second to preserve St. John’s victor Mfsslssippi;

Jason Williams scored 17 of points in thc accond h a lf as th men — making their 25th sl postseason oppearoncc, the I streak in the nation — rallied4 9 -3 8 d b n a tr " '

Malik Scaly added 19 points John’s, 16-13, who trailed n l hi 42-36.

V illanova 76, SL Peter's

Doug West scorcd 18 points Villanova over visiting St. I The loss wos thc fourth strai an NIT opener for St. Peter’s.

The Wildcats. 17-15, setllt game early, building a 20-poit in the first half off cold shootii turnovers by St. Peter's, 22-9.

In the sccond half, wilh 11 play. Marc Dowdell's jum per gn lanova ils biggest margin, ol and thc Wildcats twice again 25 points before thc gome ende

W isconsin 63, New O rlea

.A t Modison, Wis.,. Trenl J scorcd 22 poinLs nnd the B needed an 18-7 swond-half n four free throws in iho fina! '• onds lo beat New Orleans.

Tim Locum hil two free with 38 8econd.H left and Jocks more with 21 seconds to pluy, the Badgers a 63-58 lead.

But New Orleuns' Leonarc n e tt h il a 3-pointi'r with 13 s to go, slicing thc margin to (wo Wisconsin inboundcd the ba rnn out the clock.

Ohio S t. 81, A k ro n 71

At Columbus, Ohio, Perry scored 19 poinLs, while .

and seven assists a s the Bl ended an eight-game losing wilh thcir \ictory over Akron.

; U n e s c o

t i o n ^

Tl ........ i i ii

J l f K



^ p r o m o Uget out-on the footb

stepping oucc w inners."•camjob,. A rslanian said h He said with the Price-cra a

it's posi- and compared his < id head mcanor more to th ils to re- who’s now coaching hopes of But hc said the ). which he termed th'i d . ’T h is tion," will n ot chang on since "Well, there arc

tails, Tie said, noffi ather"at cats'w ill'losC 'JcffC !, gradu- ton, G erald Wilcox i ■ Wildcat graduation this yei running there a rc ployers

oordhia- "voujig m en, and lik iKose holes,"

m l head ’ 'jcruiting A rslanian called tako on priority and noted '

naive CO- son two years ago Wildcat defense wa

sffensive wonts an attacking raged 33 with lots o f blitzing 1 oft’ense. thc schcm c will dc] icats led hc h ires for the dc

scoring tor’s job. Pricc tool . with h im , including

Mid^jJis nator M ike Zimmer.

ts underfinal six O hio’S tate, the 1

NIT la s t season, ad' ■ ond round with a

ppi 67 Akron, which had eight gam es, ended

dann h it 8,nds to go The Buckeyes, wh ory over thc holf, took coni

midway through th of his 25 outscorihg the Zips the Rod- minute span, straight

: longest S t Louis 1;d from a

Anthony Bonner Is for St, lo lead St. Louis I halftime easy 87-54 victor

Southern Illinois.Charles Newberrj

r 's 56 Monroe Douglass hi Gray 16 for thc Bil

:s lo lead are 15-0 a t home Peter's. Louis is 20-0 flt ho:

raight in sons, tied for the s ronl s treak in the co

:tlcd the Freddie McSwain oint lead nois with 13 poinLs, Iling and scorer in double figu I, SIU, o f the Missou11:45 to ence. ended its seas( gave Vll- SIU wus making Ql 58-33, son appearance a in led by Salukis won the N l ded. Walt F raz ie r

ean.s 61 R ichm ond 7i

Jack.son RICHMOND. .Va Badgers Atkinson scored a run and points, including IJ i 38 sec- ing from 3-point rai

defeated cold-shooti: I throws Atkinson scorcd s kson two 08 the Spiders close ly, giving 14-7 run to take a 3

lead.ird Ben- U'mplo opened tl i second.s missing four of ita wo before Richmond hil its fir ball nnd atlempLs — all 3-pc

Spiders moved l o a 'The Owls respon

70 surge, including fiv Vreeswyk. lo rally

7 Carter But A tkinsoasank Jam aal pointers a s Richmoi

Buckcyes points down tho s tn lg streak M ark Macon led V points.

' s

N H L s ,


" e s A r s l a rmianoolball field a n d prt>-

id ho can’t compcto' ra antics on thc field ' lis own coaching de- 5 th a t of h is father, ing in Italy the Wildcat olTensc, i the "best in thc na- ange.ire a few m inor dc- iofmg”thai the Wild- ff C arlsonrW odeO r-— »x and Fine Unga to

year. But, he said , __ers to rriovJ in — i liko me. eager to fill

lied defense thc top 4}d Weber's 10-3 sea* ago came when the was a t its 'besL Ho

cing, aggressive style zing but said most of

depend upon whom ) defensive coordina- took four assistan ts

iing defensive coordi- . . ner.

ir wayhe runner-up in the , advances to the sec- 1 a record of 18-14. lad won its previous ded its season a l 21-

who trailed 34-33 a t control of the g a m e ' il the sccond h a lf by Jips 19-2 over a five-

i i s 87, SIU 54

ner scored 20 points lis to. a surpria in^y ctory over visiting »•lerry added 19 points,IS had 18 and Roland

Billikens, 24-9, who imc this season, St.; home over two sea- lic sixth longest cur­ie country.i-ain led O u th e rn Illi- inLs. Hc was the only figures for the losers, isouri Valley Confer- leason a t 20-14,:ing its first, postsca- e aince 1977. The ! NIT in 1967 behind

id 70, Ib m p le S6

.Va. (AP) - Ken d a corccr-high 24 g 18 on 5-of-9 shoot- L range, as Richmond ooling Ttmplc 70-56. cd seven of his points :losed the half w ith a ' a 35-25 intermission

'd the second holf by r its first five shots, s first three field-goal 3-pointer3 — ond the0 a 44-27 edge, iponded with on 11-01 five points by Mike . ally to within 44-38. ink anolher pair of 3- imond movea to a 52-

stretch,led Tl'mple wilh 13

L s t a n d i n g s


t l i i i i

l i l l l U M l i i


Page 19: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

TournaiBy The Associated Press

: Biliy Tbbba h as a new Ihco So tfha t if h is Oklahoma

ranked No. 1 for much of.thi stumbled through the Big Ei; nament, losing in finals to They had no thing to gain by

. it anyway.‘You're ta lk ing about sc

lh‘a l“"reVilillizes everybod,------'Ibbbsrwhosc-fburthTankcd

begin clay in th e NCAA tou T i iu i^ y . "We’re playing now people, and th a t gets e' attention."

— ~ T h e “Ticw“ p « } p le 'l r r th l r from East 'Ifcnnessee State ment champions of the i Conference, the No. 16 sec Southeast Regional to Ok No. 1. The gam e, which

'played in N ashville, Tbnn., 16 first-round m atchups Thi college basketball's three-we pionship festival begins, more will be p layed Friday.

Moat of Thursday 's game surfaco appear one-sided, the four top seeds are in ac only second-rankcd Georget l i n the E ast, off until Frida;

No, 1 Arizona, banished Idaho, from its home in causc of a new policy th teams off the ir homecourts, Robert Morris in another m No. 1 and No. 16, this orWest. ________

On the sam e card a t I Mary’s plays Clcmson; Stato plays D ePaul and No.

- da-Los Vegas p lays Idaho, v have the advantage o f being favorite.

In addition to the Oklahi Ibnnesscc gam e, Southeast Nashville include LaSf Louisiana Tfech; Virginia v dence and N o .' 16. Florii against Middle Tfennessee i

' other underdog playing neai The E ast Regional b

Greensboro, N.C. with Kan ogainst M innesota; No. 14

Idaho—• Continued from PiUNLV coach Je rry Tarka

Wednesday he had seen I films of the Vandals' three in the Big Sky toum am cnt impressed.

T d much ra th e r be playii Morris," said Tbrkanian, rc tho 16th seed in the Wes which will open against U Arizona here th is aflemw (the .Vandals) have good good quickness and good ond they're really well-coa impressed w ith the ir inten ally with a young coach (Dovis), the kids don't play they're playing h ard for him

Tarkanian said he was pt concerned abou t how his { ward. 6-fool, 7-inch seni Scurry, would m atch up ag ho's Raymond Brown.

*I think Brown has strength," ho said. "Mosc Brown is about 245."

UNLV sophomore guard thony, who played against dais two y ears ago when was a t the Univenlity of

sponT well to th e w b e ls sli "I remember th a t they lik

up-tempo and rebounded \ I ^ hc said, T v e been real imj

whnt I’ve seen on film of t line, Brown and No. 35 (ce Smilh). They ju s t dominaState and M ontana,"-------

Dut Olympian Stacy Aufi LVa other forward, said tl youlh — Tarkanian slart niors. two sopj^omores am

Fitch—• Continued from FLike m any others in his ]

Filch’s drive for success hf uphill bottle for respect.

He caught th e eye of for assistant Larry Eustacy w was a freshm an a t Walker southern A labama. Tho

- ycor, hc transferred to idahIn Fitch's jun io r season,

lo reccive recognition from cs and his Big Sky opponei to a starting position and two seasons, he has been a scoring and rebounding fo Vandal lineup.

----------T h irsfuson ; Fitch-cYerft14 points and six rebounc

___ranking him 12th in the 1

CSI —• Continued from F

added four free throws a scorcd a t the buzzer to cs final margin.

Twice the Eagles sccmc a comfortable win. the fii 42-33 wilh 3:44 left in th( Hut CCRl closed to 49-

• Inirzcr.Kirly in the sccond hall

up by 11 but saw tha t wi' straight Rhode Island poi a donnybrook from thefe ti

The win gave CSI lod

iment tiiginia vs. 'Ibnnci vs. Siena and J

hcory. C arolina S late, ma Sooners, The Midwest '.the season, dianapolis w ith 'E ig h tto u r- seed, taking lo Missouri? A rkansas pU I by winning m ount; Loui;

Arkansas-Little something S ta te plo;ring R

body, said 'O RIahom abc ked-Sooncrs—havingTJlnmmc toum am ent being one of t' ing agoinst several weeks i A everyone’s sider. In fact, d(

the Southeast, i l!na50~ aT c~ ihu th ird choic a te, toum a- hind second-sec ic Southern third-seeded Mi seed in the T ha t’s largeh Oklahoma’s the Big Eight

ich will bc was forced to n ., is one of last-placc Color Thursday as c r a t the buzzei -week cham- -two-pointa,-thc ns. Sixteen by M issouri, 98 ly. For T\ibbs, vimea on the in the NCAA (d. Three of K ansas, it's lai I action w ith ception. rgelown, No. "One of the t iday. fused with is tlled to Boise, la s t year and \ T\iC8on be-,. “Now we don’t

thot keeps w ants to know rtfi, takes on Perhaps the r matchup of round m atchu; I one in the Dali S tate and

___ Despite its 1it Boise, St. 28-2 record th i; Memphis best. Ball Stat No. 15 Neva- nin th in the re 0 , which will — and is a )ing the local aga inst a tciim

the toumamei lahoma-East Ball S tate is ; ast games in from its home i jiSallc vs. The disparil a vs. Provi- Ball S ta te play lorida S tate ed Mid-Ameri ;e State, an- P itt plays in tl icarhome. the Panthers,

begins a t mores, have v (ansas S tate Seton Hall (tw14 West Vir- lahom aandN o

, P a g e C l m an — lowersrkanian said o r-tw o .-U N L \:n the game fourth in the \Virce victories "U takes a liicnt and was believe a lot of

to the Final Fcaying Robert l's u p for grabs, referring to Augmon, wlA est Region, basketball prt top-ranked since the Olymoon. "They May, leads tl)od athletes, poinl5 nnd 7.6xxi strength T t’a been a I<oached. Im m on."It'stake:tensity. Usu- In additionich like him be busy try tolay hard, b u t Anthony andhim." ore doublc-figs particularly have been nis power for- 'n irkanion 's.bt«nior Moses Idaho will couI against Ida- puard Larenzc

assists per gai15 0 lot of guard Ceasar :osc8 is 210, 2 rebounds p

best in the Ii ird Greg An- those positions nst the Van- C lin t Ross hen Anthony guard who wr of Portland, a t Dixie, hos

m u’finlH rp. In.St hlllf of thi• s lrcn^hs, ' ju rj-b u t is fit tHiked to play 'Rossum isrfd very well," about 90 peiimpressed by biggest thing \o fth e ir front th is tim e of y<(center Riley not ns easy as

linatcd Boise son. He hasn 'l__ much lately"Augmon, UN- The Vandabd the Rebels' down the 6-7 ilarts two ju- center Davidand a fresh- Sky's dynamic

fl P a g e C l scoring and 11 lis profession, From his s 3 has been an Fitch respond

tasks on the former U of I commonly the y when Filch ward, b u t reh kerCollege in his strongest ■ho following now.dahor -------- "I don 't th;son, hc began nesses right ■om his coach- "trying to ket jnents. Moved Hoor. nd in his la s t "My reboun n a consistent improved, ' hc g force in the sum m er I wor

Although h ■CTSgcdnearly-«ft«-on-bi» -i unds a game, Fitch will do he Big Sky in tenu re as nn


n P a g e C l Eagles will is ond M artin a.m. MSTFri< ( estnblish the "I’m glad

We've hnd twmcd'rcndy for have some? first lime a l said, the firsl hnlf. The bcttin;49-17 by the nent will be '

ncssee teamhalf. CSI wenl the Hogerslo'wilt on seven in the opene points. Il wus those 6-3 lo[eto the wire, great athletic lodflv off; the "Wc aren't

ime 'revi1incssee; No. 13 Stanford f ■d No. 9 Duke vs. South l _ Jto. I j njs t Regional opens a t In- •ith No.*^ Illinois, the top -5 on McNeese State; Jplaying ' Loyola-Mary- . :Duisvillc tak ing on £ “;tle Rock and No. 18 Ball ■ §-? R t t . ________bcgihF loum anicnrp lay «mctcd'fiuiii n 'positiom if o '" f two or th ree favorites cs ago to a relative out-_, despite its No. 1 eec^d In' ’ st^ oddsm akers l is t .i t .asloiccrinnhQ TCgional bc-' - "seed North Carolina and ^ -Michigan. < _

jely because o f its play in £~h t tournam ent, when it S -to double overtime by | -

)lorado, needed a 3-point- H . :zer to beat Iowa S tate bythen was soundly beaten-------- :98-86. ' .

I, whose team was upset 1 ^ AA final la s t ., year, bylargely a m a tte r of per- *

IC things w e're really con- ? . B tha t wo crushed peopled got criticized," he said. = *n’t do th a t and everyone S,«DW what’s w rong. c .,he most in triguing firsl- 2 _lup is the gamo between c 'nd Pitt. ^ ■ ;s No. 18 ranking and a_ th a t is the tournam ent

jta tc is seeded lower —I region to eighth for P itt « *

a 3'/j-point -underdog g_?iim whose 17-12 rccord is h ,nent's worst. Moreover, «is playing ju s t 50 miles = *le in Muncic. q . arity is largely becausc lays in tho lightly-regard- icrican CohTerence and1 the Big E ast. Moreover, Bi■8, who s ta r t five sopho- thin!1 wins over llth -rankcd may (twice); Georgetown, Ok- East No. 7 Syracuse. char

ers expectations a. notch., and ILV is 26-7 and seeded ages2 West. near n little pressure off, but I boar of people expect us to get "V Four," he said. T h e bai- T^rk

lbs.” wanwho has been playing reallpretty much non-stop two

Dlympic tria ls began in Preithe Rebels with 15.5 Mau

f.6 rebounds, respectively a gri a long season," snid Aug-

iken its toll." . Djn lo Augmon, Idaho will crov

to contain Rebel guards daisid Anderson H unt.’ Bolh wcc■figure scorers nnd they part

regarded by some as lonibest backcourt duo ever, how

countcr w ith senior pointnzo Nash (3 points and 5 "Igame) and* 6-2 junior off- outca r Prelow (3.7 points and toui1 per game), among the reac ; Big Sky defensively ot

ossum, UNLV's senior as r wns a jun ior collcgc s ta r Idal os been sidelined for thethe scai^n w jth c leg in- "I

Jt to play, 'Ibrkanian saiiT TIU' isn't 100 percent, maybeperccnt," hc said, 'i l i e "IIg with Ijringing kids back we r yeor is finding time. It's weas it is earlier in the sen- othc

in'l had the chance to play regi 6,0(

Ials wiil a ttem pt the shut get•7 Augmon and 6-10 Rebel thir ,-id Butler w ith the Big thai mic duo — the 6-8 Smith noti

i 11th in rebounding. still s small forward position, thir )nds to an assortm ent of pla; he floor. Scoring is most "1 the forte of th e small for- fcrr rebounding, Fitch said, is pro: s t asset to th e lenm right tal

waithink-1 have eny weak- gan

ht now," he said, except F keep my head up on the maj

baslunding and shooting hnve or s hc continued. "During the

vorked on them both." "iI he has Nevada-Las Ve- FiU 0 -m in d -rig h t- now,-whatdo when ho completes his “ a; nn Idaho athletic s ta r is It's

II return to action a t 11 one Friday ha\ d we have the dny off 1 two lough games and we thi:

c tired people," Trenkle ,.

ting here is CSI's opppo- fjJ X Cleveland Suitc, a Tin- i m which is very simitar to i ?lown squad th a t beat CSI jner. It has a number of lo 6-6 ath le tes who hnve !tic talent nnd quickness n 'l going to have nny easy —

italizes'IttroMndi 2iMtr«UM

Aritona ■Robert Morrlt |

„ S tM ary 's0 Cl»m»oo I ..........—° Memphis StAto g ^D ^P .iil-------

UNLV__________»d«ho • j i

' O t^ b h S tt te E v an av tlle- - - j

J S e lo n H a ll .

f SWlm—o u r T ^ '.V. ~c~ Texa»»B Paso ___..8 Louiaiana State I H Indiana

Georpe Mason |

W c f te e a e S ta in ..i ..V PitUburghZ” Ball s t a t e \ ----------—

% Arkansaa

-------------2 Loulavllle 'E Ark.-Uttle R o ^ j

Georgia Tech

Texas I ' 'Ml»»ourf\

S C ra lah tonV n --------------

| 2 ' Florida

S* Coloredo Stete | — ^ Syracuse° B uekraill H --------------

But associate conch Dick Hui hinks th e disparity in confe nay help. Bolh the MAC and t ilast have rules prohibiting tl hange of tapes, but so mar

,nd the 6-7 Brown^ The.pair'a Iges in rebounding nnd scorii icaHy identical: 16 points and •oards.

"We m atch up pretty well, i^rkanian. "They have two g& vards and wc do too, ihey ha cally good guards, and so do u wo kids who s ta r t (Nasi ’relow) shoot well nnd (CSI al vlauro) Gomes, who doesn’t si1 great outside shooter."

Davis, who had previously :rowd support crcdit when hi ials beat the Broncos a t hor pvceks ago, said he doesn't t partisan crowd a t the P tonight will make much dilTcn liow UNLV performs.

"l don't th ink il will determ Dutcome of the game," hc said, tournam ent time, bolh teams ready lo play."

Bui F iu h sees the proximity us nothing but a moral advanl Idaho.

"It'll be great for us." h< ntc'yll be pmirng fSr us.-

"Idaho will have iU followin we know that," said "nirkani we hud gone to Tucson (site Dthcr first- and second-round regional), we would have had 5,000 people there, but wc c get th a t many tickcls here, think il will bc a factor, The lha t the game's here, and nothing wc can do about that."

still up to heavy consideratio thing, hc said, is hc wants t plajing basketball.

T il play anywhere," Fitch s fcrring to possibilities in Eu professional leagues or tho Co tal Basketball Association, w ant to keep playing. 1 logamci':— » ---------- -------

Fitch is an elementary cd major a n d a possible carecr d baskcball would be one as a or sixth grade teacher.

■(}omi^te hard and never g Filch said, "til all those zeros

^ a y / ^ ^ a n c e . That's the way

ones here," TVenkle said. ’Bi haven't seen our true team cit

The w in was CSI's 35th in thisBcason. CCRI went home

I* 3< Men M. Iaji, H in ho 3 U. 4 10, 4 7 &0 4 A.TiJVf] i 10 4-4 S >

I ]S 1 lirihsni 1-4 JII 4. I 2 0(10]. TK I TjuIi 4U<ll

U.f1.x UU >} S V. SIOJ33H,J.ni,KI 1 Jll,d».S.I»

10. Jute 1.1 MSS. ftuiiR 1-4 3 } 0 4. 1'aA< Wa»<013 22 Tbull 40n]4Ut«10Q

»»i. <vki. i i i r~ ‘Jl. l’*Ji

teams,n d i ‘ fUfftoM ta


I > - T

lunsakcr E ast games are hiferences S tate h as obtainedI the Big P o th e r games,

the ex- .W th the nationany Big age o fth e Big E ast

— Michic

II cnij couch a t Arizona Iby Michigan nol

m e iwo toumam

, and a ncwchallenialumnus p ried tr acccptci

ju s t 24 hours all Keady turned it c

, before the lOth-i

earne n l the Soulh Ih n H Id " regret the i ' '™ “ i> bad. I won't P " ' ' ' ”" Friedor said a t , e ren tc in

on thu t end but ,u this ond.Tut “ 'y “

II k« talked to them al^ told them I d bc• - them and talk wi'

ilv fa rtn r k'd* 0 ^ gGinE lO InJagefor J j ' | ' j good playe

Frieder, 47. had

he said.

bcchler lold assisl

West^ • C o n t i n u e d

Qd 5,000, Qcouldn't p . . o n t t I do n t Chicago, 20.11

fnrt is O'J , schools to m ake i , - Head coach Joey f

NCAA ail five yea ■ "for his father. Sen

Brundy was the bounder wilh 19

Lion One Ttrence CJ to keep

passed out 5,2 ass isa id re- Niemann, the i Eut»ii,an "veragcd ilin tin c n . “ J David Booth

"I ju s t rcboundflove the Stephen Howard

---------------- pflintannd.'i.l rebeducationchoicc to , , , , ,a n a h - , ' ‘i»>'0 ,

ference toumame; ■ - -O n ly Iwoolhor ■giveup." were in 1981 am •08 are on ^ i s e Stale, 59-5; hor^'p o l. . final o n jh c Bronc ay Ido it. yandals a r F l ^ ’ ■ _ _ ... f^ym ond. Brown

points an"3 pu lIS per game. Junio lowed with 15.8 bounds. Filling

But, they was Jam es Fitcl either," and 5.9 rebound; n 37 tries M auro Gomes ac 1C 24-4, h it 46 3-point a

Lorenzo Nash ha:U.»V!,i.-M54

Me.Memphis, Tbnr Head coach L

the Tiger? to the Bk. 11 00 0 3, two seasons a t tl

guard Elliot Pe J, iM ii«w. with 19,5 jw inls

3,7 assist-H, Fresh

, says O

f t i E b z z z F

S e a ttle ,' ^ Vkfashlngton

# A pril 1 & 3 .

I [Final Fa% C h a m p io n sh ip

M o n d ay , A pril

, i

I televised th a t Ball ca, it icd the videos o f th ree topes i

tapes (ionnl television covcr-ost and satellite d ish- Pitt,

igan coacli. (AP) — Bill F rieder take o lichignn's basketball— Pric ay, two days before coach imament, to become NCAA :a State and was told consid □I to bother showing Bui lament. ler hnitted his tim ing was " i t m. it was a career move snid. lengeforhim . SchIted the Sun Devil job Friedi after Purdue's Gene the A:

il down and two daya "H ih-ranked Wolverines ing i; ihio), in a first-round Wedn ulheast regional. "MLhe timing. The tim ing Michi I't argue wilh that," and I ,t a news conference, said, rto negatives about me sity o lut some positives on have

had (f about my players. I sion.

all this morning and sion, X in A tlania to m eet “ Ti with them o p in . The is sor Lo be disappointed, but or 10 lycrs and they'll do all unlil

Frilad hoped to coach th e Fishe the tournam ent, but as hc

tlcjti rKtor_BQ.S<j).em,-_.jiQil iislant Sieve F isher to hurt 1

I --------------------------------------

ed f r o m P a g e C lD cP au l pullec

il,A tlarg e , Cheyiof two independent per (:e the NCAA tourney Dougl:y Meyer has m ade the collec/ears since taking over bounc>enlor forward S tanley la rd 'he lop scorer and re- 0.3 pc 19,7 and 9,9. Senior

Greene scorcd M .5d 4.7 rebounds and La;assists per game. B rad Confe: designated 3-point Thi‘d 9.1 points per gam e sevenolh added 9.5 points ance,nds. Freshman center reconrd chipped in w ith 7.9 68-62rp^niinfta rnru.'fi

withIciaho per g

ho, 25-5, Big Sky Con- follov menl champion. bournlor NCAA appearances ihonj and 1982. Idaho beat out 6 J-52, in the conference guarc oncos^Jiomc court.JThc _with ^ t y senioTTcirward’ 'Sfow iwn who scored 15,9_ _5.2rt

donCT.S. reboun'd!<_'..J___nior Riley Sm ith fol- ).8 points* and 6,6 rc- Co lg out the frontcourt Confi itch with 13,3 points Ro nds. Senior swingm an Dicki added 9.1 points and make

t ahols. Senior guard nnce. handed o u t 5.5 asKiiitg. luaM

forw Irlem phis S ta te encecnn., 21-10, At Large, with

Larry Finch has led pullc he NCAA in cach o fh is guur t the helm. Sophomore shooi Perry led the Tigers gamt

nis while handing oul Slea' Dshman forward E m est reboi

)klahom- - R*elonaU

r —


o u r l ■ ■hip: /ir il3 X ___________

it is much easier for us to es of P itt than it is for P itt to iCS of Boll S tato," Hunsakcr sai

’itt. m eanwhile, haa ju st one \

:h accepts;o over for th e NCAA playoffs. ?ricdor-sald-hc"hn .d -plannee ich Michigiin throughout JAA tournam ent and hnd not < isidered leaving the team.But when hc wns lold Schcmb • had decided th a t was not tc L mndc some sense to me," Fri id.Schembechler's only ques leder said, wa.s about lhe timii c Arizona S ta te announcement "H is m ain question was. the g is so bad, 'wl;y?'" Frieder edncsday night in Atlanta. "M ake no m istake aboul il, I ichigan. I was bom in Mich id lived there all my life," Fri id. " I w ent to school ot the Un ly of M ichigan, got my degrees ive coached there for 16 yenrs. id great success. It'a n tough 3n. But I know it's the right an,"T his is a carecr move for me. somelliing for me for tho next 10 yeara. Hopefully I'll coach

u il I retire."F rieder suid hc has recomme sher very strongly as his aucci he h im self succceded Johnny

id " I hope mv endorsement dn Irt him,"

nith averaged 12,9 points illed in 4,4 rebounds, Juior g leyennc Gibson scorcd 11.3 p< r game. Senior fo^^•ard Ito )uglas also .scored 10.1 points \ llecting 6.9 rebounds. The to| lunder wa.s Senior center Sieve rd w ith 7,0 p e r game while ad 3 points,

N evada-L as VegasU s Vegas. Nev. 26-7. Big Dnference toum am ent champio The Runnin' Rebels are makir venth consecutive NCAA ap ice. Won regular season with a cored and beat New Mcxico ! IS2 in conference final. Sopho ru 'ard Staccy Augmon lcd,th« ith 15.5 points and 7.6 rcbo ■r game. Ju n io r ccntcr David B llowcd wilh 15.1 points and 6 lunds. Sophomore guard Gref lony added 13.3-poinUt and ha it 6,7 as.qisti! per game. Fresl lard Anderson Hunt chippe ith 12.2 points an d ju n io r for oses 5curr>' added 7,G poinU 2 rebounds. ___

l io b c r t M orrisCoraopolis, Pa„ 21-8, Nort

onfercnce toum am ent champic Robert Morris edged Fail

ickinson 67-66 in the title gai lake only its th ird N C M ap nee. The Colonials won the rc }AM)n litlo w itlt 1 2 4 record. S irward Vaughn Luton, llu* C( nee Player of the Yi'ar, li-d the ith a 17.7 scoring iivi-rane ulled in 6.9 rebound.'t, Sopht uurd Scott Shepherd, a 3- hooter, averaged 12.4 poinu amc. Sophomore forward T teals averugt-d 11,0 points an 1‘bounds. Fri'shmnn f(irv,ard

Thursday, March 1

la's Tubla td ra u n d i - - i* t r «

n--------------------------------- i«»u»


---------1 S aiid .T -----------------------1=


I lS o u th

■ lowa

— 1 =------------------r staoli

I------ ^____ _________ W eat


-., .i - - ..pSnmDuke



---------------------- f e t e iLaSal

,— — l i i— 1— i i^ ' 1 AlatM

I------------- E "I Mlchl!■■■

- ------- UCU

-----------------------E E----------- 1 N.Cfl

to get of Ball Slate. "Obvi( to get seen very lillle of the: jaici, Evans said. "We did

MAC championship 3 view Ball S tate and Kent Si

; ASU posito - '

the even

nbcch- to bc,

'r ieder


ie tim- said



deci-it dcci- BILL F R II

Won't coach1C. This Schembcchler, ho> xt nine ^ouid "seek tho grc :h here coach in America to ci

Schembcchler said nended Indiana conchrce.sMr, longtime friend, to ge ny Orr, a successor to Fri dncsn t nn ^r^ r l inn lhnt 'v'

offering Knight n job,

s and Fallctta chipped in guard and 4,3 rebounds. Sc points Boyd added 8,7 poin

itodney team 's top assist man s whiletop rc- St.M iiry'ive Bai- Moraga, Calif, 25- adding Tho Gaels,-which-

NCAA appearance in 20-win barrier for the the 1941-42 season.

? West Robert Haugen led lion. 13.4 points per game cing it-s rebounds, & nior gur ippear- lowed with 12,6 poir I a 16-2 point shooter with a0 Stiite Senior forward Erick homore 11.8 points per gam h«.club— S.7 rvboundti. Senior bounds ry was the top rebc1 B utler per game and chipi 6,6 re- points. Junior forwa'

reg also averaged 9,9 po handed team w ith a ,653 fic jshm an age,ped in[orw nrt__^ Q D M | i n n i\is an d r j P n M l l i y w l

MASSS ‘Open*" r? s ; 7Days . scQior- a week

9:00amto f “"■* midnieht ^ihomorc oggem

^ 7 ° " - 1037 Hue Uki»N. and 5 ./ Id : 008) 733-292Srd J(K- --

h 16, 1909 Times-Nows, Twin F.

) b sM w undT — . j -

eorgetownr1r>cetoninderblUotfe Dame 0-.Carolina St. o - cguth Carolina .§

1utgera— ............£ — -ansas S tate Innesota ^

laolQfd"' lena 2feat Virginia -S snnesseo §i

. Carolina St.

ifclahoma L Tennessee S t aSalle = ,

IfBlnIa S'rovldence 2 lorida S tate a IlddleTenn.St. U a b a m ^ _ ^ _ ^k)Utti A latam a .................IlchlganCavler, Otito .) C L A _ _ _ O -------222iStatB_^__^ S I Carolina 5 iouthem U. **

Ibviously, wc havo them ," Coach Paul did tape Sunday's lip gam e between I t State."


lUEDER ch in NCAAhowever, said 'he grcflteat basketball to coach th is team." said hc would talk Qch Bob Knight, a0 get ad\*icc on pick-1 Frieder. There wasL j^ p m h a rh liT u.-nii----job,

in w ith 8.9 points I, Sophomore Andre points and was the Tian from th e point.

iry'fl C a lif .25-4, At large, ich-m ade one other c in 1959, broke the r the first tim e sincc wn. Senior forward* led the team wilh imc and grabbed 5.9 guard AJ Lewis foi-

points and is the 3- h a .448 pcrcentagc. rick Newm an scorcd game and pulled in lior c en te r Dan Cur- -— rebounder with 6 8 hipped in wilh 9.9 rw ard Jam es Dailey 3 points and led the 3 field goal percent-

' P I wnbTQ d e n ta l

nn Fail3, lUaho C-3

Page 20: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

A ttrcF i^ canB yJIM K RU N lCHTimes-News correspor

Saturday finally i threw my waders, ve into the back o fth e pi poked her head out and issued her usua before I deported.

She added another reflected- good sense concern. "Don't you tl wil! be a little murky the runofT?"

Good sense wasn' my reply o f 'd o n 't km the truck door and the driveway; my cc moment, was catchi two. Afler all, anyoi would have Hlayed avoided the cool. mL early .spring.

Whi'n 1 arrived al alized thn l my wift correct. Tlie main ri’ F’oli'fr's. ScanninR uf flow. I noticcd severa in easy walking dista

One of the anglers sr rection and re.sponc good, bul the catchini he provided the enli th e dny, we talked sp ing nightcrawler.s al boUiiin had yielded a

YartByJTMKRUNICH7]/7Ic,s'-.SVu-s currvspo)

Yarn flies are mji things in hfe thal good lo bt' true.

They arv ea.sily lu- and be.st of ull. thi head.

F irst, gather ihi' h Brighllv colored van line of appropnati corkic.s, hooks .-ii swivels are all th nced.s.

After a.s.>-eml)l)rii; the next step i-« to i flie.s. Don't wurry ;l tying vice ifyou dur

------- — nnn;-a_pnir.iif ni-cHwill work ju.sl fine, long as i t s sharp, is;

------ -------- J’ick -up thu vaniinto a s trand ruughl

CamasTlie Associated Pre.ss

FAIRFIELD - 1 rancher I/inn ie LeaVell the Idnho D epartm eni (Jame for allowing 21 ell

Hc said the anim als 'reportc-d the hungry gi ken open a meliil gii sheets of m etal off his I

lm .

p F ;


actor Iin find brighii bow ond npondcnl Walking

memberedly orrived. As I one o fthe, vest nnd fly rod ly clear we pickup, my wife remaindedu t the front door of the sprsual "be careful" rived n t n

citcment (her comment lha t sion. I hacinse ra th er than ning rod tu think the w ater to returnrky and high from compartm.

scorchingisn't refiected in produced iknow" us 1 closed hod been,nd backed down fall adver/ concern, nt the doubtful.«hing 0 trou t or Luckily,lyone with .sen.se immediatied a l home and the curreimurky w aters of sank well

moving aa l the river. I re- arm nnd

vife’s advice was around si'I river looked like the rhytht’ up and down the Strippireral anglers with- irieve cauistance. ihrough tl

s smik'd in my d:- Afler ca.stonded. 'Fishing's result.s. Ihing is bad." Afler .slrvam loentertainm ent fur ed by a1 specifics. Bounc- Again, I bi along the nviT in slnw thi.•d one small ram- lempenilu

m flies \H p e n c il . Ou

le n g th . Nc Place ll

.■■ome o f t h e few and ru n a t .H-em ju.si [,«) r e a d y c u l

th e eye o f lii-d . in i'xpvn .-.i'.i ', f i s h e r m a n th e y c .iU 'h ste<-l- t h e k n o t .

A l lh i s le lia> ic m a tc T ia K p ii-ce o f a r n . m o lo fih im c-n t o f _th<' fi-:

l a t e p o u n d i c ’ t, lv .o a n d t h r e e - w j y p o in t o f i l h a l a n a n ^ lv r t h e \ . i r n \

t h e k n u t i rii; th e iiiaU r i .i I s . t h e k n u : lit in -g in t \ i n g t h e U n d o u : y a lx ju t bu y in g ’ a tu i i i l ; t h n d i j u l a l r e a d y o w n HUu p la \ m ilt-ia iiu i.p iitr ;! .plicri.vvhi n e . A n y k n if e , u s t h e lin e v , is alMi n fce ssa r> - e n a l u t

ighly th e M /,. o f a i n p h u v

; rancher(Ii.r, ; :;i- ;.i

111 th r- C a m a s i 'r ,n r i , -a i^i'll is CrillUil ,,f ,;iy .111ent of Fish .md ili,' n .-i, tf:. elk to suin-e a t .ill als died ofler h.' Ki-li aiK’ g i im c had bn-- luin « ,iid i

gale and torn fcciimj' gai it> bam to gol a t ii.iiur.’« w..


. 1

___________i- /

| | B ^ - ' • Ti r t d l i l U

cd red and yellow Mickey

lures aiilitly-colored 1d numerous squawfish. cting bock to the pickup, I re- hired thot the w ater below d< he dams had been marginal-' white the rest of the river atded turbid throughout much nijpring. In 10 minutes. I ar- n.t my deatinution. In the ex- niIt of the first spring excur- jj;hadn't brought nlong a spin- tod or any bait. Not wanting „im home, I inspected the ai tm ents of my fiy vest ng for patterns tha t had;d in the past, Sincc lhe vest ^en restocked from the lasl j„ venture, iw contents were

ily, a Mickey Finn appeared ately Casting up nnd across •rent, the weighted pnllern •ell into the n v e r After re- : a few Ilf the kinks fnim my id unraveling the line fmm

sagebrush and tree limbs, thm of the cast returned. iping line in an erratic re- S raused the stream er to dart •''* T the current created the de-

asting nt one area with no •'''. I moved a few yards up- tr to tr}’ the .> lack water creal-

a -slight bend in the nvir,I began casting, but I opted the retrieve .‘-ince the water H

nture reflected the rum-fT

work WiCul the slrand 'into a'JI-inchNow comes the Incky part tl

the knife out of the v.av flm the line that vuu ve ai- eicul nnd mca-^ured thruui:h y of the hixik and ju.'l bc^;in a

la n s knot. I)« not ti^liteiiIt. I,his (Munt, place th f short tif yarn ihruugfi the Iw.-e Iwp afi'h rrm '.'n i kn'ji. Hu ll ilie h

id ' of th<- yarn toward theif the h(x)k so the miriiite of gi•n Mill catch .it the e%e when mlit I- ii^;ht.-n.-d Nov.'ii;;h!,-n ll

S 'j i f .e d ly t h e k n o t w o n t '• tav v h is 1-, w h e re th i- pliiTS m n i’e a> ( ;n i> p th i- lup ik w ith th e . v h d t uL. lie w i th \ o a r o th i- r h a n d Kx- ah t t l e fo rc e th e kn<A N - nl i« h t* ‘n ^ ;4r.d h ..ld » ih o vurii v

criticizes 1■• intvr I

th i s c a - . ' c- a u i T h .M -ik r u in i - d r :.iiu i ef tn-du'.^ ;f ;t:;i

, th.'> chuM’ not to f ,.d ;f ;,rn J

a n d C a ii i i ' | . u ,1i,^ ;k i N d t h e a ,:i-m > t n . s to jg a m e , U c .u iM - w in te r kill u W.1V o f k iv p u ig .in i in a l


ey Finns attract the atte

id sprirlures in spiconditions and wa.s cool des| heat generated by such a day

On the fiflh cast, ju s t atreomer swung across the nnd began to slrnighten. i flash rose from the darkei nnd took the fly Acrobatic immediate. Vaulting from I te r ond zipping across the ( a colorful rainbow annoum arrival of spring.

The jum ping and acrobn quired considerable energy, moved the Mickey Finn fr jaw and revived him for a bi menl before I lel him go.

A ttractor patterns nre lenlly productive under spring conditions. They a llr a ltenlion of fish for sever

Firsl, they are brightly nnd nre easier lo spol lhan colored patterns in murky Secondly, the attrnctor str such as the Mickey Finn c be lied using materials lhal to breathe, which creates t: ,Mon of n real meal tu spm trout, Anolher element infli lhe effectiveness of streame: fnct that they can be fished i low or deep water and a t ' speeds.

The depth al which a .- t

>ell fo r 5Slide a corkie on to the li:

the end th a t is nol nllachec fly Tie a three-way .swivel end and you have ju sl cumpl >arn fly

A.' Jim have undoublei need, yarn flies are ra ther to lie. In regard to expen area where the angler can h f lp ninnpy k in the purC ).trn . If you buy yam in a s giKKls store, il wiil be rathei M\e Instead, slop a t crafl ihey usually cany yam in range of colors of minimnl to the angler

!f, by chance, you ju st do , !h r time t^ tie yard flies, Ti!

a local builder of custom st n»ds, al-‘'m o m anufactures v.irn fiu'A which are avui area sporting good store.'*.

F&G forla lioii' ,il l< Vf!> iheir natur c.in supjKirl

1 c.iii t hlame people fo ' lu feed them — it s salisfyi

individual animals,' BotlB u t w h a l w e d o is m a n a

j (M ipu liilions, n n d w e h n v e l h a l su n ie a n im a l s w ill d ie .

Bottuni s;iid the carca.'


tention of trout

ng fishriiig's murkjspite the remains is infiue a sunny angler nppro;iche;

selection und the ;t as the ilsolf. S tream ers .0 currenl cast across lh

a silver stripped to shore ter w ater retrieve. Casting tics were the offering to s 1 the wa- depth lhan a ca •cu rren t, , current or .siighll) inced the Line selection I

influencing deptl bnlics re- suspends the fly,'j y, .so I re- ing line or sinki from his slram slightly de brief mo- ing line will incrc

the float lo a n ove e consis- Weighted sire; T early- rapidly and can ; tlrnct the who possibily owi erni ren- but would like I

depth. Sireame y colored weighted when lli an drably ing n thin lend co ky w nter around the shai streamers Some fishermen can also weight.s (m to the

al nppenr line lo crente the :

____ iltocK iiL iJaltonng-tim e jn ihe cimiI, murk fluencing spnng. If ymir ve i / f conUiin a Mickeyd in shai- [^r pattern, _don t vHr>inp Simply .‘•tnill inlo

the owner nnd b .■streamer vour allenlion.

steelheiline from

to the to the


no-er simple

onein a ^irchasG of 1 sporting ier expen-ifl stores; V

o wide M expense

havelin isleelhead

.•s qualityaiU ble in A complel«i

corkie a

elk starvural hab itat he le.sled tu s'

factors entered

for wanting , y ing to helpotlum said. J?’- ' ! ' ' ‘I bi . p nage animalte to acc»'i)t « u i 's id lh

• proU-ction iK'fifnue to death

a-->.seH would cold snap.



»-N«wi pnolo/JM KRUNICHWCbelai

ung "ky water ^luenced by how the « hes the currenl, line f ;he weight of the fly .‘rs are traditionally the current and av

ore using an erratic jrr ng upstream allows oli 3 sink lo a greater pj cast directly ncross lh

uly bolaw,

in i.s a factor grently ve pth; a fioating line ar y,'a moderately sink- Sc nking lip drops the IS deeper, and n sink- Increased the depth of even greaterdegree. Pcream ers .sink fairly n aid any fisherman owns a floating line,L' to fish at greater mer.s are usually 'I they nre lied by u.s- coil lhat is wrapped 1

hank uf the hook, en squeeze a few the leader of the fiy le same effect.

jrky waters of early vest doesn t already paey Finn or any simi- co lo n t be concerned.Ito a fly shop, talk to 1 buy whal ailracLs '

;ad :lh




fo- b (


:ed yarn fly with q,i and swivel u:

I c a t i o n !!ir

I see whether any other ■ed inlu iheir death. '*

rclual lu find starved am- ^ g p ile .h e sau i, a s Ix ’aW ll c< at hi.s .Moonr-tone lliinch. P the animals had sought ' ^

n'hind the haystack and llh during the Februar>-

FarmerschargingBy DAN GALLAGHER The Associated Press

BOISE — I t's like a atory o .old Field & .Strcam m agazine "thing; yoi^ mlgHt reod a t the shop before your liirn under ( pers.

A group of h un ters asks n for permission to search for t phy deer or covey of quail land. Leaning against an old i corral post, they exchange antries. The h unters a re givei by the farmer, along w ith a wish for good hunting.

So go the stories. B u t incre hard-pressed form ers are new ways to moke money c land, charging for access to I o r fishing, operating a c o u n tr ing house or olTering tra il rid fee.

"In te re st is growing," Richard Gardner, economist Idaho Division of F inancial ( moot. " I t ’s .being . ’recogniz4 farmers have to take a hard supplemental income. T h e / ' giving recreation away fon fre

The federal'Conservation -Program -placcd-thousnndrof Idaho cropland under cover grazing or haying for profit i The land lefl fallow is g reat for pheasants or quail.

Big-game species such as elk havo eaten thousands of worth of farm ers' h aystacks t because of the heavy snov landowners say the free m the gome could spell the dc their farms.

Fee hunting is a way to


A-s the last snows o f w inter away, my itch to get o u t and i grew unbearable. B ut one loo old truck and I knew I had sc pairs to make before 1 could I the open country. During the monihs several small leaks h veloped, depositing oil, broke and coolant in all the w rong i So I decided my first project ( 1989 hunting year would b e r truck.

Now for a 1974 model, th is Powerwagon is in pre tty good It doos require iLs share of mi nance each y ear b ut it h as nc failed me — knock on wood - thousands of miles o f back ro traveled. It is liko a tru e hun c«mpiinion and I would h a te ' il up. Don't get me w rong. 1 v love to have one of the new ai snappy -5x4s I see in th e high parking lot b u t it ju s t doesn't "cent.s''for me.

I spent an evening with thi

interesting fact. For the moni payment on a new, full-sized could spend all 1 needed for u and improvement on th e old i buy all my hunting g as, a n d ! have money lefl oven T ha t m now gun, a duck boat, and a r trip this fall. I decided the oh and I would be spending sevt more seasons together.

The first job was obvious: t the leaks,.Those task s wcre.r cult with the help of m y brotl law, who is a m echanic by t n This reminds me of ano ther £ tage of my 15-year-old huntii cle; its operation is s im ple en thal even I con do m ost simp pairs and m aintenance. Eve I change the fan belt I keep t one. The sam e with the radic hoses and other replaced par arc faithfully stored in the tr tool box. This is practical bcc with a few basic loots 5 can n most repairs by the aide o f th be it half way to Salmon on a trip or on a back m ountain n miles from help.

A list of other items which found their way into my siza

_ hoi inrliiHp n tow rh n in , n vn fuses, a dependable jack , a s) tire chains, a quart o f oil, coo and a flashlight. On long trij: usually throw in o st>cond sp;

On the subject of tires, I m all-weather radials instead o lion or mud treads. I have fo mo-st of my miles are on pave traveling to and from favorit ing or fishing spots. The all-' radials help the gus mileage a better nde. Once off the mi roads they slill perform adc“<; mu.sl confess lha l I am some coward at heart when it com pushing a vehicle to ita lim it u.se the four-wheel drive to g oul of two-wheel drive troubl fur lha l my rodials work p e .

Another part of my spring

_____________ Thursday, Ma

s consid igJor-ao

revenue in the foe predator loss.

"A d eer o r elk c 'o u t o f on nomicolly efficier ine, some- forage into incomc fie ba'rbci^ Gardner, who spo r the clip- tu re diversificotioi

in conjunction w a farm er D epartm ent and 1

r th a t tro- sity. ul on hia H unting uplanc d truck or fee has taken off i g6 pleas- in easte rn Wash /cn ncccss natural populatit a hearty stock, sa id Charh

sociate professor > rreasingly. a t the U niversity ( • seeking McKctta has sti ’ on the ir ’ huntiog around 10 hunting will re lease an e try board- Idaho landow nen id e s for a issue in several rai

Although the ^g," . said acres of public lan3t for the University study1 Manage- of the respondent ized th a t to pay a fee if th< rd look n t bring home a lin i/v e been some blue-ribbon ree." said.,n Reserve The doily H ap i of-ncresof—M emorial-Sleighi r w ith no cade perm its vis t allowed, cam eras to seek Qt hobita t Vicki ond Joe ' EI

son, Lyle, b ring h; IS deer or some 160 anim als of dollars Hap began feed 3 th is y ear the Idaho Deparl ow. & m e Game to stop the meals for his hay during th demise of joined in and con

afler tho couple p JJ harvest . S e c A C C E S

g old tr g pays c£T meltedd about pook ot the | | B | | | P Tjsome re- *'ih e a d for f g f l h ^le w inter U M K rI hod de- Ike fluid, L ,^—g places. checkup w as to int o f the items I like to hnvem y all tim es. A t the t

sea tbe lts . I mustlis Dodge vert to the ir use -od shape, oily appreciate thmainte- have to w ear thennever project is to add sl. — on the good firat nid k it iroads should be checkedin ting annually. A tarpai•Cto pive change o f clothes,I would some food item s aand I have a CB rac

jh school though I am not rI 'tm o k e B ut tnere have bt

sions w hen impor;hecalcu- such as poor road o rem i-sn — den tT on i logglnginthly next bend w as coi<14x4,1 theC B . In tim eo lr upkeep th ink i t could prod Dodge, veslmenLd still This y ear my s|means a included th e addian elk ite m s— nn altimold truck m om ctersfoneiniveral side), and a comp

of paraphernaliai; stop all in the truck,en o td ifli- . J t would b e n iaother-in- g o ^ fishing outfi;rade. pair of binocularsradvan - the truck a t all ti;ting vehi- perience has taugenough anything in th e tii p l e r ^ in g to p a rt w ith Vvery tim e ding of too manyj th e o ld o ldpa iro fb inoculiator but th e h u n tin g flarts , all m ent stays in thetrucks outings.

« a u s e A word about k1 m ake truck. W hen visitthe road tem pting ta rg e t fla f ish m g tion migM be to hroad or shotgun under

or in th e jockey b:h have rnay bring you inzabletool law. Idaho s la te c v a n d i-a f_ .-’If any person ehishovel, upon or about his

xwlant pistol, revolver, gn p s lw il l deadly or’dangenipon: tire, he shall, upon coinow use i s h e d . . . -

I of trac- Perhaps in mo!found th a t best kept locked:Lved roads cabinet w hen not rite hunt-l-weather Afler th e comp'e nnd give dard m aintcnonc

oil change and luCKjualelyl ready to roll. Sonnew hoio thflt I m ight ever

, wash and w ax it.n u . lon ly to w ait until next) get me -ible and D a i id l l x k h n

, aivl a thlctic d im™ sln .ck llig t, School.

ya rc h 16 .1939 'nm os-N ow s. T

derCCCSS-^; foce of d e p i^ a tio n or '

*lk could be a m ore eco- ‘ ident wny to convert ; am e than a steer," said ; sponsored ^ agricul^_

otion seminar la s t year ’ .,I with the Commerce '• nd ^ i s e Stato Univer-

land gomo birds for a “ off a t several locations ' Washington, e ither for lotions or pen-raised larles McKetta, an as- , sor of forest economics ' lity ofldaho. '8 studied fee and leoso - nd Latah County and /.;n expanded survey of ' ners' attitudes on theII months.le West hos millions of ^: land, an Oregon Stato idy showed 44 percent Jentfl would be willing ' f they had a chance to 1 limit of birds or h it ‘ )bon fishing, McKetta ,‘

ap and Florence Pointsighride-north-of-GBS-------

visitors arm ed with ;ek out a herd of elk. •>' Eld, and the Pointa” • lg hay ond travelers to nals on a sleigh, feeding the anim als for partm ent of Fish and them from preying on

g the w inter The Elds continued the practice lie passed away recent- • :;E S S o n P a g e C 6 ’

rucko ffD avidH o c k la n d e r

H unting

0 inventory the safety have in the tm ck a t

he top of my lis t go nust admit I am a con­se — though I don't re- e the state telling me I them — and my next id shoulder straps. A k it is a m ust and it :ked and resupplied irp au lin ,acoa tond hes, a heat source ond ns are-included.1 radio in my trucklot much o fa CB talker. - ’e been several occa- iportant information 'oad conditions, on acd- "^ g-tn irit a w u n i i th t;--------s communicatcd over le o fa n e m crB cn^I prove worth th e in ­

ly spring truck fix-up I iddition of some "fun" t Itimeter, two ther- ’ e inside and one out- ; )mpas9.1 have a ll kinds ; ilia I would like to keep ;

.oicc to always have a - - lutfit, 0 versatile gun, a lars and a cam era in lltim es. However, cx- ! taught me not to keep he tm ck I nm not will- * th w ithout th e shed- : m y tears. I do keep nn ; loculars under the seat, • ng and fishing equip- the house te tw ecn ’

■ut keeping guns in your * kisible they m ake a;et for thieves. A solu- : to hide tha t rifle, pistol

ider or behind th e seat, •ey box, but th a t ection •u in conflict w ith the •itc code 18-3300 states, !> shall a r r y co n o ea lo d - -:t his person any . . . iir, gun or any other ;tgerous weapon . . . :1 conviction, be pun- ;

most coses, guns crc » ced safely in th e gun not in use. •

smplction of some stan- Ilance chores such as an 'd lube, tho Dodge was ' Some have suggestedeven goes a s far a s to ;X it. But tho t m ay have ;next year. ;

k la n d e r isa tm c h tr • iim lo r at Coorfi'n^ j

re. Twin Falls, Idaho C-4

Page 21: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

E d u c a tQ U ESTIO N : I will not no

to comc to th e Idnho Wildlife Congress held in Boiso, but 1 like to s ta te some o f my conc nbout hunting , Theeo are po; thc need fo r more game wan many h un te rs , rich out-of-sL local people building houses ranchos in w intering a reas .,

____hunters ,.fleeina,thc.oaly-thiEconccms m oat so-called hunt

------ ki!l-8omethingrany-way-thej. nnd then b rag w hat big men

nre. And h u n tin g U nits 45 a elk, a fter w itnessing 10 or i: opcB-fire on a herd of-JO to S

------ Uiey-wounded m ore-thanthfthe next doy seeing a calf atj by its m other th a t was dyinj death because.ite guta were If this is th e w ay hunting is l>c I th ink I will sell my gum im anti-hun ting group,


ANSW ER: (This letter ha file since November) I h av e : more com plaints of woundec lhis yenr thai> any previous However, i t should Do'riolcd harvest o f m ost big-gnme an was a t a n all-tim e record hij mals not only w ere more abi but were probably more vuli harvest b « a u s e of the drouj lack o f w in ter forage during iqugh winter.

With conservation officert nl! the hou rs th a t they can f week and w ith the prolifera' depredation complaints thal handle, th c departm ent was shor t on_enfqrccmcnt at.tinj

Idaho t]By DAN GALLAGHER The AKfocialcd Press - ■

MCCALL - Although th lem peratures of the recent 1 snap have ended, easier population of trum peter i mains in jeopardy as its noi ^Tation tim e draw s near, I partm ent of Fish and Gnm Piiy

The Idaho chapter of th Society has requested foder ened" s ta tu s for the sw£ Wildife B ureau Chief Tbm told the Idaho Fish and Gi mission la s t week a t its meeting in McCall.

There a re about 950 sw the Henry's Fork of the Sn making up about half o f ' Mountain area populatio birds, said Ruth Gale, Game regional wildlife bi oastern Idaho.

'They've really gotten with the recent icing-over o r>-'s Fork, as well as by (laie said Thursday.

Sho said about 5(^fiwans found dead, and u\f^to minhi die before their noi

■ ^ration begins in April.

Keinecker told the commi tho departm ent and some lion groups have succeed ranging for a 200 cubic-fe ond flow of w ater out of Is Ri’ser%'oir to keep the river <

iJul Gale said th a t was s li)w flow, and the swans only lim ited success finding

S A V B M O h

F L m mR ound Tri

San Francisco........

Los Angeles Inll.......Anaheim / Santa Ani



, PalraSprings..........All 14 d a y adv


ition^htI not be able -

■ H H HlUt I would

! poachers, . vardens, too f-staters ses andQS. And ever, thc Depar th ing .that-..— Game, will oove luntcrs is to enough officersthey-can;-------- tJ!<^ga^aclivil^nen they Educntion is,l5and52-for ductive and les: )r 12 idiots long run. Edua to 50 elk, is needed in meith ey m t;-------- mo.^rpromifuMi'fstanding “ UHuntcr.i iring a slow hunters to obey ere shot out. tice good mann^ ; is going to 2, Marksm ^ n s and join hunters to hum

gaijie w ithout v oshone. m any need edu

for and prepare r has been on game is reaucei ive received In my opinio; ided anim als a rc taking thc i }us season.. . rights.actlvists ted tha t the " ' animal iighis p ) animals have absolutel) I high, Ani- biologic princip abundant, m ecnt techniqi

vulnerable to ical influence. 1 rought and sportsmen to tt ing a really to react accordi

weapon proflcii cers working a s well as some in flt into a pales of game r 'eration of ered in hunter lhat CDs presently being wasdefintely ' hunters under times J io w -_____Archcrsworl

t ru m p e t ite r where thoy ic planU lha t their diet.

1 the subzero ^ , ml b itter cold 'Item Idaho's * 1 ™ '" “".r Rwnns r*. °bout 12 pOUfn . r t r o m m t than they

ir, Idaho Dc- " '" K r. GalJame oOicials "They're in t

■ they’ve beenr .L muscle to survH it-razo r keel,-dcral th reat- breast bone thi swans, sla team Reinecker The IdahoI Game Com- are considerec

its monthly by the state D Game. Rcinecl up lo -ihreater

swans along more federal cSnake River, possibly includof the Rocky Ucide use onation of the cas,c, Fish and . , ,• biologist in I ts like eon

high school, h

m d o b b c rcd - =r o fthe Hen-

the swans.uis have been to 100 morenorthern mi- P | J ’

nmission th a t TRADmc conserva- W e Loan Jceded in ar- Almost Ac-feet-per-sec- j f Island Park/c ropen. H H | H I

as still a very j 1 ■) >4 Ims have had iing open wa-

r jfi*-

w m nRIPS F rom Tu...........* 1 9 8 S a n D i e g o r

...........* 2 3 8 S e a t t l e o r P

A n a .. * 2 1 8 P h o e n ix . . . .

...........* 2 1 8 L a s V e g a s .

...........* 2 1 8 D e n v e r ..........

...........^ 1 8 R e n p . ,„ . . ^ .advance purchaso, s u b j ^ to

un tere iBowhceller

Fred . Christensen

• - Withi_ primi)artm ent of Fiah and survisvor-bc-abJc-to-have:--------- td-hcl:rs in the field to atop all factic tyr—' ■ •------------------------------is, I believe, more pro- Q l

less expensive in tho aion (ucation of outdoor users shootm n y areas, b u t the two the si.enl.are: everycre th ics. Tfcach our censcbcy thc law and to prac- be a (nncra in the field. tinuosmanship. Tbach our woultumancly dispatch big fundfIt wounding. In addition, the 1tducation on how lo carc tax Itare thc m eat oncc the whicliced to the bag, formiion, western sportamen I aie activities of animal obtaists too lightly. Although _ and .(i p ro ^ n eh ts seem to ” n/rartely no understanding of eduaciples or of game manag- This iques, they do have polit- the oe. I l would be wise for all shool3 take note of these and In-irdingly. Fortunately, formiciency and care of game, sportimc elementary pnnci- ed b)10 management, are cov- facilie r education courses tho ging required of first-time Mcer the age of 15. bu tnorking-with-lhe Idaho------ shool

t e r s w a mley can feed on thc aauat- "A lat mako up tho bulk of stres


t male swans found al S tate Park weigh only 3unds, about six pounds I f ey should a t this point of ja le said.

n the weight range where m digesting thcir own irvive," she said. "We call ;1,’ where vou can feel the through the muscle."

10 trumpeters currently red a "sensitive" specics ! Department of Fish and leckcr said moving them tened" status would allow11 conlrol of their habitat, luding restrictions on pes- m nearby agriculture nr-

?oing from grade school to " he said. ^

I Fish and Game has be- ^ n feeding program along i Fork, but it is difRcultto

whether it will help save

JY*SELL I iDE*PAW NIin C A SH O n G u n s O r i t Anything Of Value! ■

w rap Smie *1 C«li | I

WIN Falls0 ^ . . . . . . . . . : . . * 2 3 B

r P o r t la n d ........* 2 3 8

............................. * 2 0 4

s ..........................* 1 5 4

.............................. * 1 9 8

........... , * 1 3 4 .to availability.

■ C A L L T O D A Y

WELm in c .

M e s C l3whunlers Association (Irovide llent clinics on gamo rocovery, lult h un ter elducation courses 'riodically offered by volunteer 1C h un ter education program. 1 *6 for cxporicnced hunters and ith ethics, gamo recoveiy and ( im itivc weapotis,,orienteering irvival, among other topics geo I hplptn'g hiintom glonn tnorc 6J ctidb from th d r outdoor excric

QUESTION: I propose a com: on directive to aid in establish: tooling' ra n g ^ in ovciy county les.tatp^^ddingiiJL raiigeiiec fcry combination liccnse, game inse and game tag p u r c h a ^ v 5 a s tep in th e right direction t nuo th c hunting heritage. This ould add greatly to thc federal mds for fish and wildife bccaui le 10 to 11 percent federal exei tx levied on arm s and ammuni hich a rc returned to thc s t a t e : >rm o f Pittman-Robertson fund I also propose thot federal mo

3tained by th e Department of I nd Game for hunter edutttio-__ /rangers be divided cqu^ly bet iucation and range developme his would provide Idahoans wi 1C opportunity lo become bettc looters and better oportsmen. In-kind matching funds in thi

irm o f labor provided by local [Mrtsmcn's ciub m ust oJso be p i by th is Icgislation. Obvioualy icilities m ust be made availabl ic general public.Most ta rget shooters are hunl

ut m ost hunters arc n o tta rg e t [looterBrMorc targcrshooterfl t

IS s ti l l i r"Any effort lo put out the

tresses tho birds because it i lem fly," she aaid.The commission look no

/ednesday on the department



M anulaclured in I By HA

• Superb large unii: 6 person spa

• Portable, comple• Best comfort con• Special Lumbar L• Multi level seatir

___ MATERIAL..• Roman Haus Acr)

I n c l u d e s : I n s u l a i

i G t

Custom loilUPERiORQUAL


m r e d tde cx- more hunters, more ■y, and moro money to t h e ! *3 a re r o f Fiah and Game, e ra in THOMAS ZUND .T heseid deal ANSWER: I beli. i cxiro, tion has m erit. Utol ig a n d sim ilar to w hat you earod present time. Idaho satis- federal f u n ^ availt

rience. UMtion and range t---------^ re d t<«eth«r undoi

mmia- PresenUy, Idaho is i ih ing - individuals annaul ty o f teer instructors. 'ic .to___ _Educational-matinc li- ' hunter education ai 1 would chunk o f these m a t I to con- year. Since distribu lia partially based on p td getacomparatively uM of lars for hunter edu( :cise development, and s nition cation is mandatory e in the m ent does suffer so nds. Even though fum noney D epartm ent of Fish fF ish working wilh local Ii-__ ....... ..shooting ranges ncjletween ‘ tcrs. Tb get the fedc len t. hunter d u ca tio n g w ith ranges m ust includ te r hunter education a 1. shoot. The aponaori:he assist o r cooperate 1 programs. The roniprovid- mosl complete, and

ily, th c Future plans call fc ■blelo m entatSandpoin t,

Moscow. Tb do whal inters, Would require actioc t ---------- ture,-You m ight wif9 mcan ' ow[ncgr8lator"abou

n j e o p a ile grain concerning the ewii t m akes -

Changing the slI action " " “ I'i “ 'it report gather public comn

P D O ¥; O M T <


1 Pocatello ; Idaho___IMI Corp.

iii]ue design 7'x7‘,

lately self-contained mtoursLounge with armrest ing

rylic 7-tlmes stronger!

a t e d H a r d C o v e r , C h i

L iS T (

j p P E R- IDAH R'S » 52:


a c e iimoro shooting and QUI le Idaho Department partm te, ticcs tc^DA, Elk River depred

b rush ]elieve your suggcg- holpenftoH has a system pie froi'OU suggest o l the to helpiho h as matching P eak illilable for hunter ed- terw a; [e development (cov-. ot theii

is certifying 6,000 , ^ F lul w ith 1,000 volun-

ANSmtpritilo nof»( w for gnnri Qi 1 a rc tak ing a gtiod ' partm i latching f\inds cach fanish ibu tionoffuhdsis. ' lioven <n population, Idaho suppoi ;ly fpw matching doi- who hj ducation and range ono in d since h unter edu- d inate ory, range develop- some. QUI

tinds a rc limited',~thc and Gt ish and Game is game, a i clubs to develop game? near population cen- initcly ederal match under period' 1 guidelines, these Nampi ludc a placc to teach 1 a s well a s a placc to o ring club m ust then Jd ite w ith thotcaching onge a t Nampa is al- ind it's a good one.I for range dcveloj^' ■ *,nl, Pocatello andha t you suggest:tion by the Legialo-wish to contract your -joutlhTs’ posslBilily. ‘ ^

r d yiwiins. I

sta tu s of the swans a lengthy process of g mment. Gale said. I b i


f : •»^ * 1 1 1 3

• I d a h o L o



D imPI

_ _

: h e m i c a l K i t , S e t u p a

O M ^ i

f \

;eptonl\10 MADEc \2 Addlsi

n t ing p iQUESTION: Why doesn't tho D tm ent of Fish' and Game s end n 3 to p ^ p le who have suffered redation damage when b itlcr- sh planters call for volunteer pers? I t seems lo me th a t the pc from Robie Creek would be glac iclp p lant bittcrbrush a t Lucky ik if they knew about it. W hat b way lo liccp big garno nnimaifli heir yards than to develop w intlncfli!by?______- ____________E F F CORNILLES, Nampa.

IlNSW ER: Your idea seems like d o n t i o ^ o . Al thought the^le-- tm cn t is not in charge of bitter- ;ah planting at Lucky Peak, I be ’e m any of those involved would iport notification of nearby peoF0 have suffered damage if some1 in chargc of planting would ca ate thia w ith them. 1

QUESTION: I notice th a t Fish I Gome is feeding a lot o f big ae. Is hay a suitable feed for bi( oe? Can you maintain game inc .ely on alfalfa hay through a col iod? - MAURICE CLEMENTS mpa

I ‘ R V - B o a t S t o r a g e• D i s c o u n t s a v a i l a b l f o r l o n g t e n n . c e n t l (• R e s l a e n t M a n a g e

i N ' : '



• Superior Qi

No Down P« aho Power IL o c a l F a c t o r y M e


I a n d D e l i v e r y ^


S f l l l *F R E E C u s l o n


.Y THE BE;(Why Pay Freig

ton West

Thursday. March 1

f o b l e m iDe- ANSWER: The b€.st

I no- biggamonnimnl is ,o fc 1 available to them natur

mals seem to intilinclivi right variety o f grasse.s,

peo- brush in lhe r igh t am oi lad them a balanced d ie t H :y natural food.s are no t a\ tbe t- which are the ca.Rie.st of fli5uL_mal3.toiKidrcan-be niH n ler fulfahay.

Deer, though, a re qui matter. Their rumcn.ca

kea tolerate alfalfa ha'y fori3--------- dnys.-Thcy m usfbom nlor- » mixture of pellets whicl be- energy contcnt and proi jld!ople Antelope are thc mo.s nc- • all the big gnme animal coor- ficially. A mixture o f alf

leUs, although far from to work besl.

h > -----------------------------

big Frvd C/irisicnscn is I ndef- representative on thc Id ;old Came Co/nmi.s.s‘jo/i. Anj TS, tions should be aniilcd

6. Nampa.

• CompetetlvB Ri b le • Commercial Ral ling .Over IOD Units 1°'' Available_____

MflBIC VALSTORA1 8 9 2 Elm S trsB t N o rth 7



e a n s B e s t S e r v i c

CE $3477 R 0FIT0F.$11f

;s TOPPERSizes> 4 7 5 0 0

m P a in t Dn Ai X T o p p e rs

t * 733-9

1 16,1989 Timos Nows, Twin Frin Fnlls, ld.iho C-5


be.st food for any ofcour.se, whal is aturally. Wild ani- ctively select tlu' iSe.s, forbs und mounts to give :L However, when )t uvnilal)le,i'lk, st of big game ani- niniiilain-onn!'-----------------

quite another n can onlyfor a couple of . •_____mnlrtU\iiiL‘d o iu i'hich are high in • prolein.

mc.st difficult of im alstofeedarH - f alfalfa ond pel- om perfect, seems 1

is thc Rc/iion Ul IC Idaho Fish and Any reader ques-

Hed to him at Box

I Rates Ralesi t s : -


IGEh 738-0053

Ii c e



R 'S

1 0 -------------------- T Z


9526 _

Page 22: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will


livery huiiler know.s tli; more elk or deer or cliu nren ihnn cnn bc Hcen.

Knch time wo visunlly nroa for game there is suspicion tha t a trophy bi

---------- fTTjrirbohtirdirtrcc ns (foorour bnck or n covey of bin

______ after we wnlk by becnussee-----

Hnrdiy a hunter lives whispered to his pj^rtn

— - how-m any-nrc ou t thereU3,"

Wildlife isn 't atwnys '■Hif-hlnble,'' but wildlife hnve some up with n pr rate method of counting they call "elk sightability.'

.Thnl is n term in the c( lancc oCwildlife biolopsLs whnt is officinlly n vis method of determining hij ulations. These populatio are the bnsis for sotting s

. harvest IcvoIh.Whon th e 'f i r s t ’gnme 1

were done nround ld ‘10, snowshsoes brought bioli to gamo. During World plnnos camo into vogue t cover ground 'foster nnd i the overnll big gamc.popu!

In the 19G0fl, fixod-wi were replaced by hclicop (low lower and slower, yii accurate counts nnd nllo

___t’i.sis_|o,.tell-ho\v-maQy-vvc_ cows as weli ns the numbc

nnd immature bulls.This w nsnn advance bi

mum advantngc was in population trends over tir tic nnd im mediate chnngc:

In the 1980s, the comp cd elk sighlnbility procc

MeasuriThe Associntcd Press

ATIANTA - Ifyouve . n buck with eight or mo wide sprend nnd hen' you’ve probably wonder stflcks up against rccord L

— - I f s 'h n r d 'to tdll unle. hong two heads side-by- derstnnd Boone nnd Cn scoring. The Boone nn Club is the country's iino e r o f big game records.

Animals such ns dccr c scored l)v size of antlers scored by tho sizo o fthe si

Tlie keys to scoring nn i imnl. such ns a dccr, ftrc and synnuetry

Here is how to scon whitetail deer. It takes H mnkc the thrce-ycar awai nntl 170 to make the nibli records, "Records of Nnrt Big (’lame."

Ifyou have a deer thnt to 160 points, cnll your ga division to find an ofTicinl can tell you ifyou hnve a i

Access-• C o n t i n u e d f r o m 1

ly. Vicki Kid said._________ Rider Ranch a l.OUC

sprend near Wolf Crec: Cocur d'Alene. Rob and I as wi'll as Hob's broth .-•tartcd oiTering trail ride years ii(;d and business i; al a l.'i.'uri'ly, hut steady j

LettersWuod and Silver

and (iatiie ili'arini’Xi)pe rd rd a T sa y il' —

N'ews iiid. In my letter t b s t .Mdtulay the hc.idiiii; and (iaTiie llearint; Rii;t;' ler hcadiin: said, Wlial pointed nut quite a rniaiL callcd irregularities. Oth prubleni with were the w; verti'ed - utily in Thr and not in nny tif tiie Vn

_______ XfltiMdL—Now*,-(:o<>d:Lincoln ( 'ounty Journal tliD.' e areas are curlainly huiiH 'thingthat has raisei versy lh a t these proposal

the resjwnse a.“ ti. who weren't al the heari

_ Briei----------M ilner access v----------------- n U K L K Y - T l r a

ation site, located alot uf Burley, will be clt>.- vi'liicledainai;e.

T hf Bureau of Lat Ted .Mile.'inick. .'aid I and rt'cent rain has i

------- . cLplible Uj rutting. -Mias well as dirt mad.-; i lO 'ts and leave the ro; u-i' this siiintner

R ap to r rehabiliIIOISK — A si'iait

M'lu'diih'd for *) a.m. .*- adrniiiistration bvnldii:

m l I'liiin aniiind Id.ilui

C-6 ■pmoS'NowB, Twin Fnlls,

a b i l i t y ’ c

I tha t thcro nre cliukara in 'a n b

ally scnrch nnis the lurking ^ ^/ buck will stcp_roon ns wo turnbirds will flushause wc didn't

^cs who ha.sn't ,rtncr. "wonder . icrc'lookfng-nt


1 proven, nccu- big gome

common pnr- to

bins' bie snmc pop-

estimntc.s ng seasons nnd

1C herd counts 10, horses nndbiologists closc Wildlife • Id Wnr II, nir-1C 08 n way to gruded the qiid SCO moro of helping to es)pulntion. o fnnim olsfn1-wing nitxrnft The origin coptcrs, which , developed b;, yielding more working onnllowing biolo- th e Universil -wcro calves o r—flionnl Oz Gn■nbor of m ature Under Snr

th e group ais but the maxi- nrc two vnrii

in projecting onimnl.scnn■ time, nol sub- Density-of ngcs. the am ount i imputor-assist- opon countr; •0CCS3 has up- and in a c

ring big cble for the rC'

The world Ve ever bagged laketi in Wisi more points, n The score lenvy nntlcrs, meas'uremen idered how it eights of nn rd book rncks. m ust bo nn ii nle.s3"you 'can ■it is widc a t t •by-side or un- The numbf Crockett Club in the scorini nnd Crockett all points doe

iinofficinl keep- A typical henms with

cr or sheep are ward jusl i lers. Bears aro lines," and ic skull. out from tl'nn antlered nn- points stickii Are sir.e. m ass on the rack .

points.core n typical 'Ib gel n s ICO points lo columns on wards program mark them n lible ofhuntirig Column I lorlh Amorican No. 2 will hi

'left an tle r' lint scores close Terences,": game and fish Measure t cini scorer, who tween the t\' c a trophy oligi- column No.

m Pngc C-4 The Coeiii in populatio

ffldiilCO; cattle arriving eaclreek olT 'Lake W e a n siid Linda Rider, '^on’t have r•olhor's family. Hider said,•ides nbout five keep the rans is increasing Visitors U

lly pace. hack ride t(

\ _________________________

•(■r Crn'k Fish involved, am could send ir

' — Tl'ie "nnii'-s-' 'ih e FT.slfant■T lo the editor they had priiii; said, 'F ish ihert- has ll

My lel- tiiiiis. On Siiiial hcanii;; ' I options for h,iiiiber of svh.it I fi.-hitig perio'OthiTs I had a In the 11; way it wa- aii- niirhl they hln' 'rinii--N’r\v> iTi.wd. and ;• Valley pftj)tTs. on .''ilver Ti[x>ding L\nl>‘r, .Mr. Kccivs, vnai, elc. All of luweil publicinly invcilvfd in his respoiistlised lhe contro- ihcy litisc Iisalshavc heti clo.-e it

ti» lu.v. cc-oph- at ail■aring could get 1 tliink ll

‘fly____5 will be c lo sed off

along Snaki- H u cr ciiiiil mili -- rlti.-fd li'inpor.inly to t<i!ni.r

Land M:in:i>:cnicm a n .i tnai d the ciimhiiiation cf '[ irinc IS made tlu- ntw ly I.nd j;raVL' M ilcsnidv-^d.iU iv::iu utl Uit;

;1.-! in the area, will i■ ro.ids in hclt'T coiiclitntii I'or [

jilitation sem in a r se t■iiiinnr on rap tor ri-li.i)iilitati n Saturdav a t th e M ii-i' C in Iding,

.iho will discuss lechniitiu's fo

.ills. Idnlw Thufcdav. March l

can impi

'e can be most visible In v

3 quality o f m nnngem cnt by cn estimate the to ta l number

I from the n um ber visible. coginnl computer model was op

by Mike Sam uels. >''hile co)n his doctorate theses a t corsity of Idaho un d e r Profes- tyGratton.-------------------------- - cr3_nmucls’ process, th e size qf be i and density of vegetation nrinblos which de tenn inc if ofan be counted from th e air. th•of vogetntion is figured on R(

nt of hiding cover. In wide- thitry there is zero density Ri I completely closed fore.st

game marecord book, en

rid rccord is 206' ' h points, lhViscoM-sitfin 191-J, pu re is the total o f a scries oflents in inches. I t goes by ,ni(nn inch. A scornble point sun inch long nnd longer than belit the base.' ' ' acnber of points d oesn 't count fn ring, but the total length ofdoes. punl rack is a pair o f main -l. th two points ju tt in g fo r-, i alwve the base, "browid olher poinls protruding al

the main beams, Antler th:king out from o lh e r places th :k are considered abnnrmal

ina rough score, draw four m

on a piece of paper and hen a l the top, 1 flirough 4. ei I I v,ill be " sp read credit! '. he "right nntler." No. 3 is lh er" and No. -I will be "dif- b<

e the greatest d istance be- at■ two antlers and en te r il in fii 0 . 1. That will be the only oi

eiir d’Alene area is growing wlion and more tou rists are mj ^ v e a r _____ _________ w1 see down Hie ro7id iTint we in e much open range."' I.indaJ. " U’e view :i a s a way to lo■anch functional." f of. Uike an hour-long horse- lil■ to a chiickwagon in the fa

and the response v,as they at1 in the papers prep.'ired hy liiind Canie with th e (iptiinis C, proposed. Yel no oiU' out'

I lhat lisl of available up- jit Silver Creek there wen- no in r bait people; il would be Hy or nod, and that's th a t, arllaily heanng on Friday si

y had a considerably largerid you people who bait fish tnTri'ek would }»• glad lha t w

s, who for years miw has at- W)hc aice.'' to his property — ainse al the hearing was if ei(• lhe area to bait fi.-^hing. a!‘ It up and allow no fi.=hing il

ll; lhe urird nnw is getting b(

.itid handling of injun . .p , » .lIo re infonnalw n

’ Haak. Idaho Fi.sh andII - wesi

' S te e lh e a d fishiI10I.s k - Anclcrs

b u n m t MtMD. »l;ivel sus- '•'ontacled lo report lh ,hi: road. - Anglers selected as ■e repair que.sliotuiaire and a '„. .-tream se)mienl. Qu

davs fished, location; ed!

. Following the maiduring evening huur.>

ation I.' find il easier to respi itv form. In the

not he available for ll : |HTr»-»ii- n )n tnctrd by phone, t . for i-iire lionnairc.

:h IG. 1909

► r o v e w i l

n winter, when forced on

cnnopy there is 100 percent.For exnmpie, n flier cnn 0(

count 99 percent of a Inrgo open vegetation but in 80 cover, 33 elk are missed for c counted. The number seen ai ty of cover are entered into a

-crrw hich-cnlculates-the acti ber oranir^nl.Hjn_a givcn arcj ' Jim XJn8w6rtfi,ldahb Def of Fish and Game biologis the program in n study fundt Rocky Mountilln Elk FouncJ the 30-squure mile Nationi Rnngo in Mont^na-

The bison range, which

ay pay oentry in column 1. It can be r than the longer nntler. If il i put the difference in column •

Mensure cnch abnormal j measure u point, take a la

'sure, lay it along the top of t beam and draw a light line, i across the base o fthe point, from the line to the tip of tho

Measure each abnormal p put lh e tolal of all points in •1.

Now measure the right an t The besl trick is lo n u i

along the outside curve of ih then measure the wire. Put the lop of column 2.

Then measure each norm including brow tines, and en' measurements in column 2. her, measurements are in in' eighths.

Then mcnsun* the circumf the main Iwam at the smalt between the burr and the firs

Next, measure the circu a t- th e smallest point betv first and second point; then ond and third point; and fn

woods where a sirioin stea made baked beans and pas wailing. Tlie group then ri into llie'sunset anin'iviliz.ltT

'U rban pnifessionals win lot more income are increas of touch wilh the farm iii lifesiyle," (Jardtier said. A farm "offers somelhing differ

around, and you people forgi lion papers and write lo our n.inie (*i)niniis.^ifjner for Reg-

Tell him how you feel alx I)n)posals of the Kish and G. ing no more bait fishing on 1 or Silver Creek. Ju sl becau; are bait fishermen is no s should Ix.' discrimitiiiled agai

I don't have the nerve y< my two grandsons. Frankie ; who live only a quarter uf a i Wor)d River in the Haiicy a r and all their friends, live on er in lhe summertime — 1 cc ahle to give them a sound re; It could happen; it would mi think t)ie Fish and Game ju i being fair In fact a lot of a

.jured birds of prey.ion -may he obtained fromand Clame Hepartmenl, al IKM

sherm en sough ters who fished for steelhead which ended Dec. 31, may si I iheir sea.son succcss. j as part of n smnple will l>e n; J a list of popular fishing hc Que.stions relate to the num on and numl>er uf steelhead hi

mailing, a telephone crew w lur.s to compile the dala. Angle espond if they have previousl; the event lha l selected angle 3r the phone survey or wish nr IC, thc)‘ mny ri’t u m h e writu-i

I d l i f e

>ut of the mountains by

L. rounded by n gnaccurntely ports an elk herd0 group in nnimnls nro trr JO percent ench yonr. The r every one counted with th and densi- from University1 a comput- U,S. Fiah nnd Wi :tunl • num— accurate count— ren, Unsworth flew lepaflm'enl ly 1988'flnd the ' is t, testefl Iwtween eoch fli ided by tho actual and projei legation on uretJ.After th( mnl Bison Unsworth went t

with his figures ,:h is sur- fied as nccurnto i

'{ with tr(.* no longer' third nnd fourthI is longer., circumference mn •}. umn 2.I point. Tb Repent the nitape men- for the left nntlef the main surem ent in co|i. in pencil, same measuremt. Measure you have more oi10 point, left a n tle r thnn opoint and rocs fo rthe missiin column Now comes the

Beginning willntlcr. - beam, compare e.Ul a wire ment — left wit!the antler, smaller numberu t tha t a t enter the differei

Now add all ll:mal point, the total a t tiie b .■nter those2. Remem- . Add togetheiinches and columns 1 thn.

credit and the ITiferenceof right antler. Sul)illest point umn •!, tiie differ irs t point.:umference Tlie final nut'tween the and Crockett sciL‘n the sec- or more, call anfinally the real trophy

t‘ak. home- wilderness ... [lastries are ence. Ifyou gre'rides back always got to ,‘-

ho have aasingly oul "The flip sideand ranch recreation .- erviL visil lo a the fewer recreaiferent than ist. " Gardner sai

•get the op- wondering the :ir Fish and cause of ju st lh?gion Four, 'd en ts th a t keep Iilxiut these Wonder if a sGame say- to win friends aT Big WiKid would help'.'iu.se people Don't forgei I

sign they Region Four cot;ainst. Fish and Gamevet lo lel! gion -1 Commissi

J and Carl, ID 83-167.:i mile from BOB BURKSaroa. They, Wendell in that riv- couldn't be reason whymake them SPALu st weren'tadults are T O P

__________ XG O L F

n.. Bruce i _____3-]-2920. ^ > B | j

d in the Asoun be A

S i t W h i t e - Oimbcr of hnrvest-

will call (

sly filled Pllers will ^


a u n t


APLtMfphoia Iby s n o w a n d c o ld |

gnme-proof fence, sup- ,erd from w hich 20 to 30 jtrnpped a n d removed } ,

"hc elk a re annually the help ^of students

ity of M ontana so the p *Wildlife Service has an |

t................ - ................ ........I —lew four surveys in ear- ile USFWS removed elk |

flight, Ench time, the ■ojectcd counts were fig- .the fourth flight, . • I t to the fejleral agency cs and there were veri- to in each in.stancc,

fophy Irth point. P u t all four Im easurem ents in col- [

nntler m easurem ents i ' itler, placing each men- column 3, nexl lo the *ement in column 2, If •J or fewer point.=! nn ihp I " 'non the righ t, enter ze- Iissing points. Itho higher m ath. Ivilh the length of m ain |'0 each a n tle r measure- |vith right. Hulilract the ( 'icr frotn th e larger and |irence in column -I, i1 three columns and pul |elw tlom, I

her the totals from .hrough 3, the spread .e totals o f th e left and j5ul)tract th e totn! of col- |[Terences, j

nutnlK'r i.s your Boone •score. If it’s iiroiitid 1 (i(» L- .an experi. Vou ve goi a p '


------------------------------ II

. It's a pastoral e.^peri-irew up on a farm, you {o .-.ee where vour food j

de is that th e mure fee Irvices tha t are begun, I'ealion Dpporlunities e \- Isaid. I



le same th ing . Nul be- |this hul o f other inci- L .

pphnppcning- - ----------p - .:i short course in How . s and influence people"

'I the address fur your Jcommissioner is: Idaho |me, Norman (luth. Re- | issioner. Box 1), Salmon. *


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N a m e o f s to r e _ _ _ _ _

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W rite $ lo rc nam e belo\

N ainLM if s tu r c -

N an ie -_________________

A cidross _______________

c I'y ________________f I’lii in e ________________

■■ W ritBttO V f nam e lieloi

N .iiiic o i s lo ro _________

' N a i m - _________________

A<klrcss ______________

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I r h o n i - _______________

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N,itiic- o f sKkl' ________

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,\,inu- _ _ •

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Page 23: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

Bald caTiiu W ashinplon Post

iVLPlNE JUNCTION, Perched in haughty and splendor on a snog of a sniK cotlonwooQ 60 feet above tl River is q bird of prey,

j i l e r t . It representa a dram cw s'story in-thtrdistant-coi Washington's federal bureau

-------Thf> hnrrpl.BhnpnH h)p,cream-colored tall and shod white feathers atop its hea identify th e regal raptor scai pray w ater as a bald engli symbol of the United Sta! 1782.

The eagle is an apt ,syrr


T O O M l


Check our specW o h o v o I m p o r te d ovo r w id o so lo c t io n of chom b r a s s , a n d o u td o o r Ik b a lh ro o m lig h t in g In thi

BMIRROR BATH BAR I# L -172C H . D e lu x e 24" g lo s s m ir r o ro d b o ih b A p p ro v e d fo r fo u r 60 W( Size: 74" x 4 - 1 /2 ' x 1 S 1B .99 . N o fu rth e r ( o p p ly .

. O AK /BRASS BATH B/ # 1 - I4 1 P B . S o lid bro: g o n u in o l l o d O a k bose b o v e lo d g lo s s ponoh

_ - 2 6 - 5 / a : : - W . j c - 6 - J l - x 5 ;U.L. A p p ro v o d fo r s ix - b u lb s . 120V -60H Z . Rog. N o f u r th e r d isc o u n ls .

iVe S tock Over SOO Dl Ught Fixtures with In- Ughtlng Consultant A

7DAYSmSunday sioo

agle maitime when Ar polIaterB tha t t

I, Wyo. — in decline. Afl< and solemn of declinc tha mow-coverod species to tho b e the Snake bold eagle is ex :y, intensely revival all over rnmntic auc- may even be re 'c o rrid o rro f—endnngunid'Hpp

"N o t all thi

hock of pure been watching head d early tc n tly .th a t a scanning tho has caked atop ngic,--offidal- in g - th a t eag le Stales «ince been a once-in

for most people symbol a t n — how mnny w

o u P A Y H


RES BELilec/a/ low pricing!!v o r $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 w o rth o f ligh t fl: lo n d o lie rs , p e n d a n ts in bovo

lig h tin g . W o a ls o h o v o o I th is s h ip m e n t . A ll f ix tu re s I


In com b ln a tl ' U.L. Approve b u lbs . S ize ; < 1/4" High. I fu rther discoL

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) DifferentiH'Store /f Available. /

WEEK n3 i m « i « r — B S0 0 t o 5 ; 0 f f - ~ 4 . K g

ikes drarAmericans tell opinion orim

it the nation seems to be Nc ^flor suffering a century Can) ;hot brought the proud sites 0 brinR of extinction, the '"bald experiencing a dramatic creas

'erth eco n tin en t.S o o n .it " 7 removed from the list of very

spwicH. :----------------------Jarmtha t many years ago," U.S.

it-B olrO iik leairw hoT iaarreaK ng the eagle here so in- evon a quartor-inch of snow bird top his binoculars, "see- altog :lo-ijp there would have Th •in-a-lifetime experience eagk iple. But now we've seen wildl y wa.H it? — hnlf a dozen great

) R T H e I

t f ix tu re s , g iv in g y o u o }volod g lo s s a n d solid

0 la rg e so lo c tio n of IS U.L, A p p ro v o d .

nSix light bou n d g l a s s S

a tio n of c le a r /p e a c h . I )ved for eigh t 40 w att g j: 22* d ia m e te r by 21- f f s I. re g . $ 1 3 6 .2 1 . No | :oun ls apply. | ^

------------------------------------- ^a r s M :/ALL FIXTURE c l

A n tiq u e B ra s s w ith 5 of ro u n d b e v e le d ^ r a d i t io n a l s ty lin g , zed . a n d U.L. L isted. f s c o n s tru c tio n . S ize :S’ W ide by S’* D eep . M p,

4 .6 2 . N o f u r t h e r ^ p,

H c

1 9 9 1

matic c<r m ore in the la s t couple of hoi N ol only hero in Snako

anyon b u t also in scores of n tes from M ount McKinley to f aid eagles are being spotted rcasing numbcra every year, "T h o census for the bald 0£

ery encouraging," savs Dan ames, a w idlife specialist f( \S . F ish a nd Wildlife Servicc M»6onable-to-QB9ume-lhal-T:rw I'ontually be able to remove ird from the endangered-spoci I together."T he nppareni'salvatlon 'of th

igle is not tho only good nc' ildlife managers. Biologists reatly.im proved prospects for

J flJ■ I I

W e A r e Y o u r L o c a

D i s t r i b u t o r s f o r :

e l j e r 91 AqiinlJiw NORRIS PLUMBING

^ --------------------------------------W e 'r e y o u r distributor fo r W IT H THE PF U N N Y NAMI

S e o t h e i r V o ilo C o llo c t lo r I T h is c o l le c t io n o f f e r s fin i : c h r o m e o r p o l i s h e d b ro s ! ; e l e g a n t n e w b lo c k c h ro n

H a n d l e s ? T h o s e c o m e w i i n t e r c h a n g e a b l e r in g s , ol o w o r l d o f p o s s lb l l i t i o s : f f u l ly f a c e t e d .

I P r ic o P f i s to r o f f e r s o c o nI p r o d u c t s ty l e s , f in i s h e s , iI o p t i o n s f ro m D e c o ra t iv e ,I S t o n d o r d d e s ig n s u c h a sI C h r o m e K itc h e n F a u c e t c

We have the lari and our prices ‘

W e (

omebaclOurs." well-known* anIn0 River achieved tho unf(‘ nesting "endangeredsped } M iami, The American itd in in- offidally listed as

longer in dangereagle is grizzly bear, gray '

aniol L. falcon a ro '"endan for th e ' m udi o fth e ir habi

cc. " I t 's trends arc strong

)vo th u t These facts sugjKies lis t wildlife agendcs

. gcred-species prog the bald—unusunllyrsucccs^lows for mnn managetncm3 report world. But in ofor o ther where unanim ity o

> o |’*** 1 8 " R O U N D W l



3 W H IT E S T E E L

o r P r ic e P f i s to r — THE PF> ME.

o n — E u r o p e a n s ty lo w ith n i s h e s t i k e p o l i s h e d j s s e n d o n •» m e . x l l h o f f e r in g : f ro m s lo o k to

> m p le te l in e o f , a n d h a n d le e , t o E u r o p e a n , to IS o u r S in g le H a n d le

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ck; nownimals th a t have as thinfortunatc sta tu s of theseedca." sparkin alligator has been 'Repas “ rccovorod"'— no h aa juer of extinction. The ing 0ly wolf and peregrine tholangcred"' throughout spcdeubitatrbutrpopulation Wildliingly positive for a ll or De—----------------------. _ t a e t e 9Jggcst to government oritiea es th a t the endan- rogram has been an ' " In ssful endeavor in hu- - and a c n fo f / . th e - n a lu ra l''tih c tic olTldal Washington, centra

y of opinion is as rare rclati\

N m V )


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ith G d o m es tic price.

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PRICES I ,• SAVE 5% 1:h ases Between 1200 a n d $50 0 H ^

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- . ........ - . —Thursday. March

J less enth e most endangered spe

jse high-profile succcsscs - I irked a controversy Elep. G e rry -E .'S tudda , D-M. B ju s t released a General Acco ; Onico study sharply criticc ! m anagem ent of ondang Kies. The sludy says the Fish Idlifo ScTViioran arm"ofthe‘In D epartm ent, hns 'indulgcd.pi ites-at-the expense-of-sricntific ties.

‘ Instead of focusing cxpcndit' d atten tion on spedes close t i ction. Fish" and Wldlifq hos i tra tcd on highly visiblc specic a tively loss danger," the ro

l1 H | J

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o d d life to rer> ovatlo r

y, and the broade y; Save yourself


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ex citin g n e w lo o k 1 w ith th is t r e n d s o ttli

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Page 24: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

ReportNEW YORK (AP) -

m en fs report o f a alig----------- thnrH?xpected-U;S. tm t------------JanuarY_provided..thD_L

-moderaLe advancc in th ket Wednesday.

.The Dow Jones av e r dustrials gained 14.29 to

• H»5Kori8lB»;t3»l?S.iplO!ll - Unttifnomln9 tu!ng:«W.«.c<t»..

Ltnsii uwmxn tuirgi C»ta lyi £LmxlM: SK3.0(1 tlia Pull tfltfnm tUUfl; Ote OX (l't I It Frrfclurt tl.lno:IW». ipB.ll Zurich IC* ctunmi: m 3 tXilOt t O Q T SiM .NV HMy ft Htmw: CKKL oil tZ.> NVEfprtwd: *w at«e .ia NV EngMMin) «Un. «lNY CBm« QDW i(x< monn cicn MW. Kirn«3k«(lc N(tkxuJBv»c4pm.Mk

lOAK) FALL8 (AP) — VMnMaqr*! ( KMO-I iffar vdliy. TwM FilMucIi •nd:Pwiow; Om«J «n n» • 9joa. «r

FUM buiMrM J Inch or 4 a nhlm' . pKk.Pwcw1:U.ate«0iMi«)reni

UCfrUn oaaMndlr nvw a b-, UJaoce>ilnIlyMcrarftkiiM>; « cEcaJcnuyhi0w:}()iilmhVw; n B cvM, TMia am tar.

............ nzuoaA iM hvw ftb iw . NOaimw; tt-t2Qtmlrtmum e tH m iy h ^ c f tW : KObicta na.oaaK»iiirhV»r: uajiCD* mtrn 7iM.ca moHly 753. Ifw hl(rw. tmum UD-TOCD. nally UA CHIC«0 (AP) _ USDA - M.|« pa MCpmg poMt UB tA TiMdiy in XOI ion) rMilUO.KaO; Mwwou N:irt iMutCD-ttO: r w » KD b MM renm-.iarti.7naa.FU M to b c*rtc™ «D own. Wtarw ufgiui uavtsm. cMxKB ito. 5»>iiam.cD

UCL M o fn tB .VWm «> lon V* d4l ry by Flargr prK« M •> Mra? c«UllcnctiUtfMMMy. 'RM Oriln C& g( Oooixng liperud 01 F«n«iyMirwv, MavdMrHnvtfi «iy *U.wy. |M(. OMM (Ab. Uw«< QrUnCainOaMKv

hWOTwMy.UvtflM FodHpl^JIOMaiShMK Mna a c u t a

Snmac«iy BOPMmatoe. CBmffl*rd«j Minry cow 0M193 tM 0«ta> <«n*r OOM U CD4t O nw3HaMniM taovnv 8 M u ^ CulM S7 (D4i OD Imu F«««<n M n aawcD ta. r m » co. 4

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• OX OAMf m KOOiSffl CBmpvM B Tiadty bvrx» iCaixaiiDNcrB', MriODb IIDtMW OeSUOlNESL IBW» (AP) {UBOAJ - Cl to*) h«f fro>wnr« mJ d»n*« I mnUlt m «a tMw in t a r t vud <(Br>KOH-M 1-^ M rnoHMKt. MM rKDni MlvniiM QKH ta id M culoul v«iu

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IW'O'J « B K 1.-». SEi.ii»ui > : i o u au*jce } t u :v'*UrxOv I M t} ura a'>. '«IlhNV IK OWE ws. Sft^An 15. 8K«3JV«. s.Um Oi I It ts (U « .

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[ helps stc— Tho govern- Advancir

ilightly sm aller- d ines by a tm d c-dcfic it-fo r- trod ing-'of iD_impctii3-for-a—chango-li8t4 1 thc Block mar- do,wn and S

verage of 30 in -’. . Volume .1 )to2,320.S1. Board cami

ous session cd volume i

— E iNEWYCm (AP>

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XDbuba.aamlnl. WH'>t»C(AP;- ?»*>»«•(; « Dimliv

»1«Wm.rt«Faj QW-»1JWttXOfcuckiiCMrBlD ^ - 1 « « c w iMwtn OMu mra , * . MrenusACbtwBl}

t e ^ l n 14CI>«CD.

BIw.BQBHaD— 1 s»rtf-».i7ip*ni

UmxiiyCaCMIpitnrun-eecMPimnxn-MJOhai)«a9CMafliludBf4inSa,caun£wycrk(a; i -

W n'L CUiw grto •raBOS.cinacaa UOeVtll^r<)M..«» THWIttipfOte

n nOHIsNMotiM EnMMMVwa

amtejrtMHcmbyM KrO*T»l«V*f«


ICD. tDUfftx. aim ajo. xoco tm. rzcMoit,W«. t.CtD#i«(MlI5HCD. «wai»»g3CCk«o. scd«ji »» »4 cmi

0 CD, CWCD b» ■ CMI CO. Se0«D t* 77 {MJ J

n iMcr eai I ■ BifvM) rtngUfa LMMccK U«M « ja (tm vsaowMy.i»««f. u a i-JiaoaD ucsw icD .iezD

hMttamoBly tCCICMiW. OMrmics in^U*)• 772-77 so. a»n braMurg uliiiry 69CM1 CD.

iIimlo’WmMy C«IM«D QimpvBSKit >«,«*«< CDM. hi^euw. Kiuiy (M eomiT»c

vrxMandg-lHiOltMW. U 2S 2Eb«aMQ: Omi. 12XMSB£IX^a90.IJ9aMD0b]|i— CirtrtJ U & mM UKfe cn VSMaaMy] l>^. aWiM tnaaKU 10 hMry. pr CM cn cti<«n*> 1.711 IMI. M Itlmmingi lirm tiov latonMon I Tt BMI of to 10 0X1 OS taaS M nXdOoCT lUMa

U^O nr ( 0 4 . ^Daitill } « u S'*

• n^ tv 2i r i - . . ' .0*«3 « «!*■}.■,. •,

— iuw« ta> . . . . 1; m•. Ek»r, 1® i r i - r i « '* . r .• ft>MC 1« 7 IS 'tfS . •«

ito<a«i IM u im s Oaita t o 1: Ol

S Ur*)>, : « 45S. •,

I'- (|.a«vn tu XS f>.> M a OB a '*—s

IS »-J/1n1.T r « /7^• ilrlte-iw.

*■ CIE 4C « J.-J tn v - •.


'• " r UOT1.-S.1■« orr.i :t k u d . . ;

■■• o»-3i r 1: »tt r _1 - c * cti .X a UH) .1 .*• Ctfsi is* •' > « y s . •.

c^joi u *j Is Cj:.r3 .>- C*rt«i 1 3 «:i B !«,

■* C/«-v'p '

•••' o>».-^rs. 11 it,-v >t*s. t>'» 'J x r a D » - --n a>ir»-< 1.x H T a s . ,

IS c.rt«< 3 t e a : - - . . , .

-I Gl«y-p 1« 5 ■,« n * * _ , ,

CC>» i a :j -cc I - s• CuMUi C >)■1 Q t i a t j t te . i x j t s . i ,'■■ '<£* a 1•-. cow> i« i c n i « ’w_',

CbCM : u (■ £ <«S OvCn I Its f ’v— Sa Oxna't i r - » i '» . ' ,

On-£ 3 11 » DS■, Ccm„l-UB sS Cnr»fa J « i V t , \ . •,V. Q ri« i;» a VS a-n.■- Ccrt*l I S 14*6 * _■- OOur C IQI TV> Conn JOB « D# B .'• CMCJ) 7(D H5 5J%-S aOa» 7S7W2IV. ■»

fBuiock markcicing is su e s o u tnum bered dc* c ■/ a b o u l 4 to 3 in na lionw ide f; •o f -N e w ~ Y o r k " S to c k ‘ ' 'E x ~ t : iR tfli8U )ck8 ,4v ith -708 .upr6154ii J 534 un c h an g e d .

Pe .o n th e .f lo o r o f . th e B ig n im o to 167,07 m illion sh a re s , ' f: 139.97 m illio n in .th e p rev i- j i

ion. N a tio n w id e , conso lida t- ie_m N Y S E -lis te d is su e s , in-

ftgunOxMEsMngaVM.: ifflLwSRIli 0 «LD11*«ipirb.

U S UJB n « ucB - a i u t UM ItJS It07 -.11 11U n o 11,79 1IJ» .J J

nn .m I1S911A IIJ7 iiia .01!1.41tX llJ t IIJO . a f

ti.a .xe h2B.7<7, I, n 0(11.4CL

■rWpafb. H72.0i 22X8 ZLU wm —J)l <22.U 21fl21U22.U <£1 Aa x s j i a s t a a —.at i.ZUB 2U7 ru i 22JS -.01 t

am -CB Jn a . a a

-• • .......UB l i e »i.» »i* —.w - 0a a -3 t 0

m w i.o iiw , 0


V^—4B(rvmrrnaniMlprM jJ

SptrpanaNrCOmaxvolirmnTui. j' Dtpcuid.li.aMtin(tm. ^icMpirpouni].NYCtr<M*c<<narwi g,

• to m “I pound. d>»v*r«<l n,iUliWMhoomp>Jt.p.lc»(»rb)- • “! (My ft Hvr7Mn(onV Miy »M*1•tliq ra .N Y C kin«0inn7iT ia ^<aUrftH*jm«i{only(Mlly<MXt). _wlreyCB..NYCOnwiWOlmcr«nTM. ■CD«n.CD(»r7ebfM.Mi>Yart>. ■.CDCaO Iroy m.. HY. (conraa). ■ JON.Y. fctorc^aparlf^oiTt*

oC^ —KMyftHvm«n«lv*rWttiaMy luicm ,a>leraS«rMrli*rlnlxn(bnH.ua.i« ^

H«iratfiainiibri<a«]B4gB.s(i 5U

Kieo(iiwTuMd«ya,i7i«ca. ^



atoinruigpricMlrcmmMrM» ^ Dl U


MOU. SD-rots eeCDTJCD. 73>CD tm ^

M iu . aoMrotmittMitE. n x s u ^

0«ic. 8»m ii»7i[ij.Ta,TO «»i» ®

-ZXtXD CO .M aatfylsUN ^, ^»M0bi7»CD77J0.t»'»<icrio«i»rV ^ ICD. bnog«S«71.l>^eian/^4;;V

IK m MWaMry om I CD ^WCIObTMtorgwiMtCD. ecnr^«a> q .

b u m ^

n ctua « ] ran) CLd lUMy B MMk ^•rlarlyoMdm•««x)lno>«n■t■rII^ Ml'unambEnMMiprtxMirgOnf. ^

CCcpw : U «) M — C»<Cbrrcn eo 11 W >4S. '» CPCr^f» d lCxnOi I Q 2J It'*— S

amw I eo u 4 w s ^ GC

- D - O - Ci:OPL i i a 2 4 - « - ' . Ql

> 0«aCC 1 CD V KS] S . Oe . SE ir . 03,• 0(yti« 11; u z a 4fV Ga . - Om>9 >B tk,• Dvt»Ar 13) i TT '• QU . C»E« 19 DB7 ITV -'. a f . Digri*! U i^ t l J ' . . •, OtV• Daray 41 It XC« 77'.. Gr< . ttmn»3® « » T J4 V ..\ Grx> :»>•> I n n 3 '. Gir• OwO< 3S r c H l ^ . S G'S• DMJra V IJ tcs 31. D'm' b —. 433 II « ,• e r» .;- , >«4i• Dimp ; k t w . in,

Duo.1 13 c i;2e U'.■ Htt• — E—C -

. r«< ;r l o nI IIC3M> ! lll1M <r'«.S H>i: r car I 7 » IB i.’V - »«.• . I a ___ .« » t l __ t u■ i"CU 11 « J - •,. c -f tf i t-J t l7 ? irV --« Hr

t'vwi J « tJ ES 1 - W . HO• rrs-j, X c ta i »«iI tlff l 41 o u« a « . via.. iiKFi :x c isN(«^. ^

— f—f — K#. fu c tl 4 S 1 ’, . •,. f ll-C iiJS 9 1 !* * * . •. iRT

it.'o ti X X CI V4'«. s in

« le JO IJS. ■» laa. fKNU m n n i j N . s iip

r^aur a r - ■ nv. n a ^ IH l a r - v «. 5 V *S. <CA■ f«tO« in 4 C5 X -,. < IMC. 3 n i l « ' . . ' . irg■ tl tj« CS Irw

rr»Vii7i 1 L' ! sa < n . ■« irtt

FnytSi It S S5 u r ^ . •* IrtI . Ilrf-rj JM C « UTJ

. ForiM 3 5 71W*:'«—1 r r j i i* ia n I OIS'..—•« jn,

‘ \• ci«T«>i l a u c . ia - > . '« Kr• te O p eo 1 4 9 « '« .'» K«> OwmcK e « 4 l ^ —<* KO> CWVi 1 I ex S3'». '• Kat CMI 164 Q S Ka> Ck»tU .V B 07 tr* K« . c^lral a C 151 X » K« . OrM.ia l a rS 77 i/« '« .i K« I a * t iS» * l « I MV-*. K»1 . a h to i Kn

sinei:et advanc’ eluding trades in those sloe _ g io n a l exchanges and in I

thc-ifduntcr'm arkot; lotalt>4mlIlion shar68.------------------

The Commerce Departi ported tha t the nation's trai narrowed to $9.49 billion in

' from a revised $10,99 bi month before............

'{Jan HW Lfl» amii Oo, CRUOeolLlADbOJ.idollvipdbH.Afit 199 11.0Uty I t s ItJB U(Jui 113 1U7 HiJd 1tt7 US) t&lAug 17JJ IIH 17.1Sv 170 17.B 17.1C« 17.0 17.75 T7.<

Ok 17a I7J] 17JJai 17,« 17JD 17,1F« 17,» 17. M 17.CMl/ 17.B 17.C8 17.0Uly 17.W 17.10 17.H

Tw.-»ul«A7:j.Tw.'lcpaiM2Z2J01. (<14.40.

l«ATINOaL«.ccoeU:cM>p>iotiApr SlCBMJIUaI4ly !aBS1.g3a8ji.n ' 4S.« ia n 4t:Jul « n 4UB 4t<Aug l a u tu o a i

- Ov - - « .n « . s « :CR ja s io .a n cKn sib io a S!D«c 5I.M5IJ8!1iJmF«Tum'i Mia 11724, Tta'i cpa in Sa.

UNLEADEOOABXINE aCD3gii:omprB(i Att HntdXMOM*y 57 03 a i l «4«Jun S7AU.US7SJd U83UCDSU!Alq S4.niUDH.7Iav 5JBM.10UICtl

Dk ...................... .Tu*.'llM>1UEL TiA'iCt

CHICAOO (AP) i - FMura traJmg cn IM CM ofTraaHAW:

CtwHcfiLo.WHEATLCm bu m nimun; 4» tin p«r biMKl Uv <a 41 43BVUcy 40'»40V441'«4Jul 4Z'44]r.4.1| 43v 4.27Via i a iOk 4S 4S 4Z 4Uir 4 40 4 40'. 4 IC

TA 'itD a u.ca Tua'icjiaiimp.i;ccmMir mU«y 2B'.2S

av 2 77 J71'.I,7? :Db 2 74'.j;^'-i2 7?Ml/ JS3'->J|1VJB',2U«y ; 0 2KP.2D :

Tut'iiilMXIia T ua'tva 'in <2oral.aseumirwni/n, cdimp*' b,anal Mil IC8 2CB ;a '.2Un 2 U'L 2 UN. 2 13-,;JuJ 2IPW2U J i r . J9V 121 221 211.2Oa: 2a-t2a>277--2

Tm 'i h Im i .CS] Tia'icwnirt*: BCTOlEATeVCCOEu/Ti'nimLn. 03<liit par EurwMl/ 78) 7^ 7W 7Mjy 70 70 777',Ji-I 711 7«2 7PA^ 766-1717 70Sv 7G'17S'17SHjt 7 47'«74|’»7« rJm 7J4»7B'»m

Mly 70 70 7DTLa'iHMX«2 Tua'icwtnili:

CXtCAQO(AP) - Orti md ajytaai Mu-ai ctaadmiiaOlsraKr tM«'VMaasay cn i Ool'UdTtaJaCn(nacaa,iiran>a]'i<artakMr lo U ■Itn tra emtaa tw aii~«ry m Ui/tn m }•: bMtt. can mm I-* CVTU (war tt V can n. Mi/Oi« C771 Ektfal. oata o«ra V> carti I>M«r. withMann.aiCa'xtaM. aua?

CME n U 3 B Iti'..'« K.aCPU i» I KB ISOrOiT'JIB M»T)a3'*-W ,,L'

GiP« taj •Jtt2«2S. laa Ciartft 1S3 a S U S '.. '« Ltfi G*.fn tr» W l . t.rh&:aM m U41SZ-V.'. ir tG ua Ua « 3U3 S S - W L.ItiaictA« I vt u s - 103aoitf 2 7 I7tf u v . '. LeaGaujyr IB I 104 47V- ', I/OOraea - n o ------M •»• » . s tmOKPz CD e e 4 « 'v - S LM.at** I u 7 w « '• . s irf>orw-. H I nw ts-. L>.Gr«» IS O U40X'-»'.Cjrwrm I l t a i 2 t V . ' . UOGHVait J3 0 J « 4 « - S MOiCOLU n IV r-- ■* U'li


>«UX-< I S CB XS. '« Utr><VR) « a ■! SS. '■ UvItvay I l«] S ', . S Umrwra ■ S Mt r*.. UmI«CI4M C&a :B7WU'•-^. Uf,lairn 144 a iZa 48'.. Ur,laro.B 2J> ia D 4.’ IfcLHTf^ 73 II K S V l*xl«»fS H « £7 MS- S lAX

l«r«ka s t 4 n u w . Uj - IW M ilin MI DS. UaaHCA r; u t e 4 S ' . . ' . IMl

Nuira 2 u I iQt o'<, '. Um:^I'T ] 2K « !S3 ZTV- N. litorK w e t2 1®* a»s. S Umi

in ct> i« 7 r r u ' . . luIS U 0 1 2 '. Un

><3mS «7 } .—s I41jliPwr 2« _ C 2IS i r . . Unnw • 4i ■ " ' u r c r s . ' . ' W i•a 411. t IttlT V .S I*.;<CA « SI 7S- ■, Uw'trco CB S S 8 3 S - '. UXIrgMfV) 1 04 U B * — '»

irt'fca lie II I O C - ' . NOIinu 4« t2 1«l4 1 I7 -', NJF-lrtF» IS D Ul V k. S H.1 ^ ^ I « 1IU 30'.. V WUI'tf’tp 1 • !rm itfs- s >tuip«o t n I « i c s Nal

jnvar m ii4tuuX'«.i Ma JtfrUn 2 It IQ IIS . IS Mr

- K —K— WrKmifl IS t)P S i» S -S NirtKiratl <5 IS NMKCbu Id • ■ ' . . S MkKaOC IV 13 B X . I«nKiraPLI?* e ® i r S . '» l*aiK4r,m II la r v . s nnKaiogg ' TJ » 3 ta» S -V rwKarrU; 11} « n u « . SKBteO 2B 0J114»V -S li».K/WIfl IB 17 3*7 « • » - ’» Nm

ssce mmsf:O Tkaonrc. i«r,(Ai1 the over- manaloor«lnafidllr« a l c i n 9 3 .9 3 --------- (au»l,li-Mp«ca«aprr tn ic lit rc- S ) E 5 - m i . « « radc deficit (ataaiv); Mprotm v in January .billion the PcmtANo-rVshiuw

- W><W«Jyl; M(»rtiril ............... - wltWf.fB(i*4). . ..

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I CALDWELI.'-mtaa M'lfyicguoM: LAb«

PCRItAHO.Or»(AP). ilrlrig «l Pwtlart) WMi itlLlruAorbaroaparl

■«.47 W.77 .,4* Ms.ia««Wi*»t*l ng7xo,t9 .JJ1112 117? .J8 N»-ll*«lfadwlnt»raH 1&U u n «J2 l^pclda/KN. vrlrQati

17.0 IT* . 5 PCFTLAND. (AP) • T7.0 17i7 Of**™" i7.S i7J t . J l r«Ltmdiorb«rDi.pw 17^173..11 rta>5iyii.p.fe«i: 17,tt17.£B . , a17.0 11J7 .,M Nl 1 atill*ekjbafaal 17CD MM ♦ 13 Ni2eBmdont«leiaa I 7 t t i i u . i i No.Ibviiy.wWMrtli«i

M9.2b*ri^<MivMdt> IhtmradMMMatM npctprrxaln llpctproWn

UCOH.19.l7t UpclPRMIn BBS1,«.ieg UpapreW"4»ll49i7 ..7J«.«4a«7 .J ] ” S S S "« S « » !:2 UfWprcttir.----------ac0!02l . 42 ^ —sasjM _______________.a

91.72 . J t Sl.t7 . J t

iM ja « ii« i NEWYom (AP)—aua l a ttmeriadharto'

SSSS- 5 2 :* :2j a n n . 146 JST80S1C8.1B pof*Wor

• opanlrtfti. aw^Tcfi

_________ ^itfOaOilOM

OlKDrpo K H r t Qa^tl

“ NarWl/

” " »»

3BV4r'».01 '*442s-cs'«I4I9V-CD'. WmTm F s lT J i US'.-on.5 43JV-CD'* S ooW E ^ S m ApT4« i « —o tha^rturaSwellEicfta7.iM,iol.m L»laaac«*»

. AlMSMr

S K ™

I .2 9 1 - .® .D2 0'..CD'». 1C.M. i«U ItnamM

IracareMni , , , Liiiiaaojw.

a>»»rOMcam aarl,rtgS**,noi

t*Olll.i«lJD a»Wun»THrtJaiMtn

, rm- m. wear PowI 7*>-Q7l y,c’ 7 « r f ’ y.^L»..,ad O ?B tt'»7B 70 . n »co(U.raa

7» 7 0 — ei CaJiaMnttn .7. ■? T.® E-argraai li-n.LoSIl CbidPia*'!

^MP.CMcnthaO»ca5P "

' r . r -SIS®..,taa

titol'-.C-tl 3(a,rp,L» aarlU.n>, « .al»aw .- - --------------

K r:^n «3 a s OS- I - L - Ctt.f

>|LTV 13S 2— '« 0 «laa-nl It 15 21 17 0 «iMCrt a w n i S '. o<i-anno I 3>a MC 12 . C>«i:i:«r 2^ tJ 34B 10^— Onp.mcMI l a 15 34 4S-.-S CW

,o » « IB 5 i ! i 4 S , - S - P

./Oar IB •,5 4® 3tN_ W>G

.tlCD-' T-Tjaws—-. -P5I

.Han] I i r t » v . -, Pac€• iPic O • Jt, J f , PmO

^1 I 54 a s PmT

-cw t c e SI w P r tU'r>ian33 2 TS B . Pau-a>in i«: !V. ■- Pwn^AP03 I 11 *• 64 PrfT.Jtr>o> M Via* ITS.'. Pvt.-irtU IB g 82 «5'.. S P»n

«) tf .* : i ; s — '. Pnojm;« cu »3ts r , .J f ,0 6 ia 0 4«2 :,-^ .', p ^J»,ijg gca tj » » I ' . Pia,*:Oal I s t 1,-S-S Pta<*X>M Sla B M I S Pr.1.*XrO JS DMu®'. .1 PSfcAJiH t ----- CAt^m 14* u 1471 J f ._ S ptipiaal X 7SI1X —'« Rwe

1«H IW r s . '. PrVtUK.ii UUU41'*-'- P.-JYM>:a tt It S «•». S P.nalAmt* « 1 M S tw « S _ •» Pic/t■la'lr' 1 O 4CT a‘-~ '•. Po«fJ..1UI O I U4t 17 Po<«

Mt « e »V Prm

ilorn I ^ n Ml 24 . . S Pa^AIJI 2« C 1 « ]ia ) '..I PSC*r«»’ 5 . ” c n « j s - s ,Art*. 2 TI a I® * . ■« Pyn, Ap-aao t« 7 7«;36S. '» O u<1901 E o a * 4 4 '^ s* » ! . n 0 7S4 4 r . - S OMC

- N - N - OmiIOC 1 V C6 MV. S Qaal

4IPX0 M K aCD 13'. FUni4. Indn B V CO M »- S n.CMA B U MK B nmrf«aD> IS M i l l r s . IS n»m« r a T s « *c w s fw«411 n s i r . — s Ray««ttTM MO I ' . , s I M4arM' » I3BI r s . S IW|4.

I i2 11 M ITS«nq(iJ0i m s ' . - s .(TU'Irt.aj I IS III 4t7v_s n »

«ka> 1.x tl3741 z s . S f tnta M t . S lfe<a

«a*UI I I 131 19'*. S n^a«»Pw2I2 « J « S I S . S FtortOIT) I I D w a - s r«r<k

4 ^ 4 1 4 1 l « 3 6 S sa c

B H i lorn

o(AP} —IdMFimiOvraailnar. rMll^aa*■rvort>^fc>aa lay:________ ^

hlt*ata««4(ip1);barlayl15 —ltprmgU7<it>]}i-«lpartanwlnlar- -------

taat4a(iia»y):bwlayS.S H gIU ntait 4.B (« 2); fitiMir 1 UOO ■ eaiari(v>>not-<t(up3): llpM a*------------. -------------— ..................... CM

*UIll»afiMt73c«l(ipJ): CWOaall Aa^.b*;lty««(«5). Ju,

AlQ^ —Momirgimkloreralniw.MwkylorcuirtnlMilpiTaraby CB

s•> *eD Elrantil *B Tu9 " ^ 11» FEE

M.a•P) —Qldill U:»»m. POT Mir«t/rMBPonlax)h>rMcr)inlby Acrpwtxtfiil.atcaF(e«!i.CBratitriay Uay

* to S?«* 4.1S NwUnaOblfgat. 4 0 JmKllolnlatltraai IB E*■»«or*iiryprt«*ln A» Tu

4.(0 KEA87 no;4,87A98 Jm

rgafa* jul116 AugU ) CCI

--------------------------------» a - Da:I Fao

_____ ____________________ Apr

TupcnO.QDa M 4p.m,p<le>aidnMctargt«f

lpiVW.WE*»awiaMirimertifanll,SdM.4pm.prkaaidn((cMro>of«-Yon.8bA Eararo.latai. ^™r»ih»i|1, J.a L « cro I i l

XCKXD S'* « S UBBAD 49% .'*

2.40I.7CD 1tr« . S ■2.WJCD iOS ■

tm m ss% .I S ■ i j j iw r* . si.7»,4CD sy-. .1 . . .

i,7n.«s sr» . I S A ltt,B1jOO 117 - S Ql, 1,«S.tD «S.S1.«JCD - s Cd» ijRem 4s% . sIJCB.U) ^ . s UXlaitco a s . I r v .

laUIS o s . I S ^--------------------------~ J Fir

L i C T i i C > T 4 ! t M ida feRSSSjHHS!!?' L'oriCTan^VMaalay: MQ

“ r s m k^S ITS

I1S3U3 •-----im i a ___

I7S0 u s cs

IU 1(0 H H

« “ Ma“ =^” 2 A pi

« Juro Z MaS 5 A pt

9 ® « o Ma' ” '2 Ma

Maa 'J Ma

A pt

I ’ iS M a

r, '1a a Ma% a Jun« * MaS w Jur

' i‘o i a JunCB O Jun


- 0 - 0 - tr ^H.P-2M a n a r ' . . ' , 5a»aL,>«£S 196 <1 s ie r s . '. 8CAI*

2 ■ K SB SS . > tOtiP'3<i IB II OB JI . S to mx c x X* s z 2'S . . an-j*ngCb CCa I7 6 17% ^aorr

i-nC 6 n a w . SaraacPa- P - Q -

>*« 12 Ul 74 KS O mW l» B iTO «s— »^in ■SI 2k - - - T i m n -iwai*ac€<» i « tt « > 4i s . s a m>«3C1E 140 a aw ITS ScnyQ>acT« IB 0 TVS X S. ’« 2a;Tr<’c r '9 2 61 t t lZ IM S .S <M)ai'mAtn J ta 4S— a«PS•r tC 2 a a n s . s a»ia/i>ai»i 12 S3 B » 3 S _ ', a»,tt•wnar 2 9 tS7 O - a*CS

2B 9 9S J4-.. ■. VHM■vmH 2C S b i 117 . 0 ^ ■arm 3 BOW-. '.S r tc » I SD O'. - T-•va-CO M B IX B O S.IS TtCOSr« l B a X B E S - S TRW>!ar UD Q x a S ffS .'« TdX>tiKC2« 4I7J4JT*. S Tai*,

21) I -JS W i n s•nUr 430 SZH47IKS.S Tr«y

* - ............ « ---- rwyr•spai a I t n a s . s Tocy^worp 9 I t e . S Tawrr

t e T ilM B dO W . Ta»v’>-jiyO> 101 U ‘J41 44 . S Tama

W M B 3n< 2 'V -S Tata

> m a » 9 BH S S — S Tat*•rwlQ JB u r x r s . s 7«lr,IKdi 2 « laa s ' TimaI Q 251 9 S » a s TmM„*1 l.« 9 BO a s - S Tram*ytO W TS. S T»;m

W rO 120 « l lN J t S —S Ttnrijma: B JI OC7 IS T.amiar*" J 4HSS3S— S Traklaauf IB a n r s - S TiOr

— fV-H- TKH/1 Uni*:IOi B t c s r s . S Trn» IC » C Cl 9 . T ^ t e l ^ r lB a u « 9 tv — S — tonad i7u 11' . . '. UCCw«>c « a s r . . ICItaytm 2 9 7X 9 »S .S LMTIrlaalK M ON UCTQW ^l IB « 2 IB 3 tS .I'. UUOnVla«Jd C u 4« S '- .- S U»' f \ i n II a r s . s LCare\amt T2 7 «J7 a . S UrCMw aaii u B s a r s . •. i«>acW» I7*« »l . V U.«,ltow m 21 SCO IS UD/rt)

CO t s . ^ LO«tayO tlk. I M n .A . l S IfiTn)y<hr B * 3 ( B » V -S IWTal

— 9—0 - mx«i d c p J it O M S

OeNVEA (AP) — UirM BMOy, D m aa tWi Onwlogi aia»jM m III lUai a tl graka Isr ( naadL Urga AA .It-m. madim AA J7.,g|. *r ^la/gaA.B-Mm«1h>wA m.KT i^p-n.i

eaSIH Ejctfwi y * d f " ^ —r : ----------------c^wMvi-uwaCATTLE..------------ —40Xn>ba.; earn part.Apr 77.0 77« nJS )■)un 74, U 74JS 7US 7Atg 71.77 7110 71JJ!

ca 71.20 71.47 70.97 7Oac 72.17 714S7I.B7Fifi 71» 72® 7Za 7

Eai, iM t lUn. Tw't ulaa 19JS4. Ti»‘ic v > iH a.ia ip 179.

FEEDERCl^TaE 44,CtDKa.:cartfpwhMir (i.i2ai.ueaTiaApr KL7Sll«eOB«May (OSS taa BU7 aAug 7158 aCD TIB 79v 7gj07tA71X7fCci 7B4S 79.a 79JO 7N» • KLioecLatacosJai r - eoSCBKUDBEM.tila1.«S.Tua'9Mlaam. Tua.‘tqannU.I7l.i«t7S.

JaaabBioanaparb*pr 41BC.7J4177CJm 48.40 4103 412) 4;Jul 4183 <aCD 41B 4.Aug 47.U 47.B 47.0 4iCct 44.17 44.6 44.10*1D te— ...... - - - - * ia « 8 3 4aa«Fao 41B 4&CB e n *Apr *

Etl, uaa MU Tua.'iulal,4a Tu»'iopaiw219«,cirtiH

PCRKBEUIEfl....... .................. .............0,QCS bB: oani par b.Mtr 3 1 1 J M J 7 a aMay K i s a e a c s aJul a x s o a s iA>« I7.U a a r j3 aFib SI.7D51.B5iai1M*/

C kse Oil Albertsons 39 '/? • Blu Oip Val Fnd 6^a -f ’ ConAgfa 32’/a ’COore 18 - -Duff & Phelps 6 + 'First. Sec. Bank 26 + ’ H J . Heinz 49’/4 + ’Idaho Pwr. Co. 22'U - Long; Fiber “ 66^4 Maxtor 0Vg -Micron Tech 10V# ->

Month CommodityApr. live cattleJun. live cattleMar. feeder cattleApr. live hogsMar. wheatMar. cornMar. soybeansMar. sllverj____Apr. goldMar. copperApr. platinumMay. sugarJun. Treasury BillsMar. Treas. BondsJun. D-markJun. S-trancJun. J-yenApr._________crude o i l____


r»4 2T.. s _ia>aLMl44 « M « 4 T S .S Vi/iaiCAIM 24t 10 3B S Vi/nrCWPjjIB » « B 3 0 S .St lmb 1® S B B » S .S - y*-CC«-J» B l2t»41S—S WaJrt■agtm l« H OT ( U . S WaWnaa/a 2 1 l7 3 » O S .S lAVrt■CPC 199 7 X D > S .S WvnrLharruca i i i r iu O .s mmhnrv. n 12 n3 » V . S VMkFkylra « U JU ir* nUioi hikOdidl — - 5 nstiH • I ' . ~ V | ^Ena> 2 U t0 3 i S - stnyQ) xa S M O S .Sta;TrCI>2u 9 HQ Z7S •

2ie 0 21I7B'— SbRPs U l II ZB a s ~ sI»ia/D 2 t2 2U MS0<CD 2 S M BLfCanlB IS SISIS«r«M i r U « 9 I» '» .I NtwYiyam X X sz 42't. S prxaak

crarga- T -T - PXCO 142 It 133 22S. STM 1 S l tl 190! *IS AlaaiX 47 M* M V'tf'llai*, JO » C7 «S APaOa«vn « ten rrs- s AQciE'rUy B t2 71U4T*—S AfrOM

OO/m O « I IS . S Anaat•arra B B IB 3^ ArsAa-aOrn I V 1 3 ^^—S A/itOnanojlO* 34B94IS.S Armim«X3 a 1?*- S Ajirtc n

MEU 1 V B a JD S -S AiaCU Ml/M 7} 9 439 1 3BS-S AilM.1aWiI IK 7 1T5 a s A.<Vii

■raT I - ■ a B s ‘lI _ ^ .t - ^ C n

rraini X B 941 JIV-S «»»-[ajMfl n u e » tv - s •oes t IM 4'.— S tIU'P'itaam lB 9 ZT3 >S erwng>res IZ 34 jr>. S m i C)iraar H W IJS 'a .S Ca.i:ffrlOnZCTa 219 B — S CariCii t m B B 4544 41 CrCOttn»a Ma li S i S '^ P I B « i f f i « * - S Ox-'Fd -\y -u - Ciw« tc » 11 Z4UDS.S Cbra^Cl lU B 2H J1V -S CtmHZIrv ’ CD9 I .e ra 2 0 . 9 m s . —suo n 3 z a I '. . S CMna]Dl IO 12 B^ S . '.Care I tH S X N .s IcniVIrCIK 2 9 m r ^ . S CnlMs»Pac U3 t2 U B a S .S C CCD••r* 1 9 S .*7Sn /n ji JB 0 « u s . S FiMiWm« i ; i 0 « « J S . S FA ^/HT«I1 IB 9 3 B « . S F«aHTal IC Z 4 .« i ;S .S ForVLftu l I ZZSB7U .1^

B e Bit 3 ’. . S U'VI

Thufsciay, Maii

wcurrart M3Hharm»2»r. S S T £

H B M PlnM^Mailly&w'''- raeiOiUar- flmtil raSt: U*iymo3 •

. i««pW 9;M *lyttai <7« SmtllaNlti:M(aiyamt>>a

- CUUlkniiniiWoprlaaaa« « „ .. Mtrt-I Naa. UA Dvtrtmtr 51 :1 . ‘ i ; nalloon»a«i.»[nfiea.a

»ait*«aitftto(tgacj«/sii B 7KB .JO Pfittrai»aa;rlfgmytia»

a 7i« . a 9 7ZO . a

BUB T ic STOCKS etai7aiB . .u »ird ' a t i a eD7S.I7 .J J »Tm m » ■07UO . .« tiUll 10ID7U * s «ax non.47 .,17 )ndM DB.70 . a Tliri . . ' .

Ullk BOk

f 41B —.KD4&B . a D4&97 . a) 47J3 - a ^ A S I l l V T ^ L '

J6 .B -..U - aPftlN0FIEl0.11t.(AP)-T 0*ia .J* iW'waltoOileiBiCiiMliei

44.90 . a tar«bldilr7nl*mlntlal»rit marctiartflaf* inar 1:Bpm,

VM------ ;........... NixjQciltataat " 4.49'a'

Na. 1 YalM vybaara 7.« , 3 a u - , t t MlL]YalkMCem 19IS, 6a72 .12 to2Yalbi.CSm I79'4i» s a t s . a w raaaxb ia i 0ao7 .57 ►l»rmlt»lal»*»Jorbl<M. l i t B . . n ^< •*w<»laad.

JOO t.iarlaal

■ ■ ■ ■ U S i l u i U i3ig. Moore F la Gp.— V4 M-K ’/» Paclflcorp

K ’Aj Premark— Sara Lee

• Vb t j International• ’/z Universal Foods■ Vl Valhl

— OxjtatiOfB from -V4 Edward D. Jones 8

High Low a77.05 77 .3 6 71 74 .55 74 .0 2 ?6 1 .1 5 80 .7 5 a 43 .72 43 .2 7 4

4.38 4.3ffV4

2 7 9 - 1 7 8 ’* :7 .70 7 .64 7.7

___ 6 1 4 .00 6 06 .00 600397 .60 3 9 3 .0 0 38;145.75 1 4 1 .0 0 14-548 .50 5 3 5 .5 0 5 3

12.39 1 1 ,8 5 i :90 .92 90 .8 3 9(0 6 .1 6 6 8 .0 0 6f 54.Z7 c 53-83 K 63 .43 63 .7 7 6:73 .06 77 .5 5 T 19.96 1 9 .4 7 I t

ons from Sinclair and Co.

- v - v - v*rw>i:«i a II i» * a -. v#»tpi Ily 9 KB 7« VMImi 96

Wanai i»*-w — Mil>anl4wa ca a 9 1JV -S VIVCU ii un 22 , a seco s ^ —'. v*rte iri: B « « a t4 (- .- S VbMn II rvLZ^ ieiB6 9lS . S W)tTB B|« 249 II n » viF J 7 a B . '. —X-Y-j'**' _ _ *3 2S. S xaror 3 < ■ 2 ■■ B 'lB lW S . S " ' 2MTC

■ lorA/na, KanBttOiEi' Oltcllir I g a au a OUFU

PCSaatLaicr« GDMg < n u 20 « . S H atn «

B 747 S '. , 'a Haoj «Ml ,n » > a i r » . s » « i,c » i U IX 7 Z u’4 '. .is KraOtE a i 17 ^ MrrMtrMl U S no ^ ituTT 1

a .-----------— M«aiti4a 1 9 WBSr

Im 7 I 2S KJfty Oicn ai r« La.>«a xI CD IS . S Ittal3.1 561 2 l£R■ ■1 fi Ucvr,<UI U IZ «S tMU «

U0M£ » O n l , - - » 21 ■H-J’ai-a

o'Q » ffv KYTra IU l S 12 S B * '.. S MCBOj ;

9* ^ 3 0 »■.. Sng « ur a s . S a rx cCe 13 w J S - S Puc» an n a i o s . s p«9:kj k0 ca 11 zci It PM.0 « oa O IB J P Y ^ t,ctr O 4 niriKqFd a n o 4S sa£v

1 I ? H T j I ^ C t ! L i ! 1 t r ^ J i r . . r . Taiiar PO a « TaAjfMJ W I I H TVlraM S u > r»s. s Tap* *i*t " S )t» « ~ laOy -™ t7 e '. - S T.M4M33 % Jill 3 —1 H l*torp« Ufwa*

a B M a » • . - ■* u t* ^IL a IM S S . V M

; Wl • II

larch 16,1989 Timos-Nowa. Tw

ro> brM aid HabraltA. rroily M|MBi9Laiaii»llniiI7IO______


itWiauBkatcsiltcMdaaahlyayaaal trtmart el Aflrleijinira. Pricai m Vfe.UAMxlbaw«.iM*ldiKi a/giB Oow currat m Fib H, t icarl pi Ict imormtikn tfnuM

CtW HV> Lmt. Ooti Oq i a c a l l a ta r i ta n * tus e i» iM.n v o x n i . a . u s

10X1 l u n 10311BJI. a47 m j i 9UB 172.13171.07. <a



T ^ u 5 a 9 ™ ^ B f ^ r 3 n

•larilon. r im fiif t. millt and Opm,Clnirtlllm&NW.Tlit....... - ____ ________4.49'a 4.44S

7.« 7.1B l9ISpl9lS 179'4«I79S

32 —AVfi -y*3 4 ’ + Va

33 + ’/4 47 + ’/a

Jl 28’/» —b 3 3 -t-

13 + V4


Ctoae77.77 -t- .3574.52 -t- .4280.90 .2543.65 . . 1 0 4.38 Vf2 Z 78 -'U

7.70’/J - 2’ 7600.00. - 8’*383.60 - 4.30141.50 - 3 .1 05 3 8 .x - 11.00

12.08 • .069 a a 9 + .0868.06 -t- .0153.91 • .38 62.05 - .7 077.65________ -.5 3

_ J 9 J Z _____ _ t _ . 4 6 . ______

H i ia n 2SCD a s . pi 1 0 IS 1434 a s —smn 90) 17 37K O . Sia> 1 12 1B4SS.Sa n l« 12 X091S-SNl IB M WaSS.S

■w IM i i a a a s - sV B at « Z7S. s

» _ » a » « i s - s f£ a a7« » - s

It? I o a « s l s

ig « 2741 13S. •.ro M fl 4M 19'.. V> c IT II n — sCiZJ s n r s - s0 a 1 9 « . s tar Z31 9 '.. S

V 7 « 1S— SUl 04 a t « s . ss 11.1 « s a w s1 IZ t t9C ul . S

B 4 a TS. S•I 2 I S 1 '. - S

r . i i i o i3 a » s -r . a « 1 a 7713?s.« * • _____ 219.IJV .S______

c IBa B 21 J7V-Sr a « . . . a c u a s . s}g XI 315 MS.

■ » 9 — '.fi « 19 ( S a r v . '«*J ta 17 387 l.’S - sD Ite e 27 I IS -

CD 2»»VV 9 S^M.IH» 41 » S _ ',

■ r » - sLl Z 93 34 37S- S

i< x a UV.a 21 i« U-.

T II ata a4 4 _»P B \s r>— ',OA J Z IS■S i It t s . s

'a Sl M 4S.0 M n Bt * s . .■M IM « M ill —Sa m ."S

1. Tv in Falls, Idaho C-8

Page 25: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

iTax ret• Im Ajigclcs Times

I DrcaiiinB the nriniinl” li Itackling taxes? r For mony taxpayers, ther

■ ; news about' 1988 laxes: Thi scnt-theJow cst rates in men

; years, Thx returns for the ;• reflect, for the first time, the• efits of tho new tjix ra tes n ; by the Tax Reform Act of 19? 1 T hat means a 15 perccnt 1 four out o f evei7 five taxpaj 'u s e the simple tax forms ;ta k e advantflge ori988‘8 hig ;d a rd deductions ond persom •tions. High-i’ncomc individui

maximum effective ra te of• cent, but th a t is down from i cent a year ogo.: But, despite the lower ra ; taxpayers may find themsel : ally paying more in taxes

years past. The downside c form is the sharp cutbacks tions on interest paid on i

jdebt. In another change, I I capital gains are now count

■' ' d in a iy mcoiiYo nnd”cou!d be

L „ Home i ofii By DAVID W. MYERS• Aiifick^ Tlmvs

'• It's no secret that the Ti Ihomeownership one of the I landm ark overhaul of the '.deductions for mortgage-inl lor eliminated writeoffs for ; ments.; At the same time, the su •breaks — coupled with fast parts of the country — hnf than ju st a shelter from the

Now, experts say, it m ust


Lm —

A IMinriviipoli^mtilinnai

liTridliimolly known for t ttvrhxmdhkcaincncnu,

I' pn>bk‘rnf for (/lovc i t arru'd a furtune and a u dunrif his lifttinu- and i. fwfiiri' /ii-; tH-nth. His mni f lK'S u htif hi’/.'(O'S."

D ea r Mr. Ross: i / t i pltuM.'d 1 was tu hear ho thi‘ Aci)iiired Immuni-1) lAiDSi.

1 was shot itl a robber myself two yuurs W. 1 was dianntiscd a.s havii

When Icam i'li)a fle r ' my father, whiim I had r

• Whrn h r Irnmed w hat t ly left, and 1 have nol st‘

.‘'in c f then, 1 ve rerovi >lu)l Wdutul. l)Ut liave su Crealer lo'S. I liiive lo- t ent.' and will never be a ai’.iin.

Ive al.-o lost a llim fr Uiriu d iheir lucks on ni

Y b utorns wI____________ a,higher rate th

T h e amount__ ers will pay it

[ liassle dr 'a tancesr’wlll'b t th e ’l986 tax uci

here is good ra tes ore lower They repre- Grunich, lax \ lore lhan-4Q_Beacliu-C.alif., ol he year will - ins. & Splls. "Tl the full ben- losing moro in •8 m andated nre gaining in-ti 198G. In addilion, I;cnt ra te for moy be subject ipnyors, who live and costly Tis and' can tax. Others whi higher s tan- stantial retiren ional exemp- will have to n iduals face a th is year on re : of 28 per- these nest eggs, om 38.5 per- In figuring li

theso major ch rates, some how you compu

iselves aclu- T^x rates: Th xes than in in 1988 is lhre le of tax re- five in 1987 (se ks in deduc- a married coup >n consumer 15 percent mai e, long-term income of up to 'Unte^ a s or- es to 28 percer Ibe taxed a l-$ 2 9 ,7 5 0 and -!

e ownershi; •financial g

? Tax Reform Act of 198G ma :he last great tax Khelters, T he nation's tax codcs presen.- “in terest payments but reduc for most other typc.s of inve

! sanctity of housing-rclatod I fast-rising home values in ma has m ade owning a home nu ;he cold and the lax collector, u st also be viewed us a key co

t your uti

N e w p r i s m a t i c l i g h

IDS pannin ' Ferry Rass is in ■''or his philanthropic By rnumfjc othcn; to htljT n —

jfi nvvd. He hns I j O (J u i'idth of knoalt'di f . id uanls tu sharv Ixnh mnttn is: He ivho


.♦■t me tell you how ' how you f tll regarding f,!_i (■ Deficiency Syndrome

ber>’ a ttem pt ncainst . While in the hospital, avinn the AIDS \nru.s, ler the opi-ration, I saw id nol seen in 17 years. * at 1 had, h e im m ^ ia te - n f I seen him since. ^:oven‘d from tbe gun- ■ sufTered a much

the love of tny par- le a part o f the family

k 'tti

y fnends, wbo have j1 me. I've experienced ^

i r M civiQrefRthan p reviously,_________ agair

m t of taxes th a t taxpay- in g s :' in 1988. in many in- Co 'b c -h lR h e rih an -b c fb rc—fccti;act, even though the tax' margver," explained Mark S. tajc b( partner a t th e LonR an d ;. office of Deloittc Husk-, fecti' "The.reason is Ihey are . ago tin deductions than they laxefn-tnx ra te reductions." 'T1, high-income taxpayers dollaiecl to the more reatric- cent,Liy alternative minimum partivho began receiving sub- ofTic(rem enl benents in 1988 Pe) m ake major decisions for Ijreceiving pay-outs from dent

!gs. er, IJ 1988 taxes, bo awore of bem;changes tha t determine elim:

ipule your tuxes: surclThe basic ra te structure $149

hree-tiered. compared to for I(see chorl). For example, sing!luple filing jointly puys a m annarginal rale on taxable S tI lo S29.750. The rate ris- payecent on income between ized J 'S71 ,900 .‘ Il increflses“ hi6h

lip should hi game plan,

ponent o f your overall fit "Owning a home is oi

able to mosi investors, b made sive," said Marlin M. SI , Tho ney and author of sever erved got lo know how to sque luced of il and then use your ivc.sl- other financial goals."

Under the tax codes,, d lax Sl million in combi-ned many and second home. You c: more you pay, as well as u har r.com- • S e c H O

m t y b ill

iT f h llM - --T O ' wi


^ P ' LOWERB tig ht

ig h ts g iv e e v e n lig h t in g

xtient uPercy

rst hand the hatred und prcjudic ime with having the disease. I'vi >ciuse, and h av c rc ry irttle t im r •■ason I'm writing is wiih the los. - imily and friends. I'm afim id wh appen to me when 1 die.I nave no in-iurance and no mor

nal expenses. 1 don't want to die irgolten. I just w anl lo die wilh ( I was wishing you could send m

ling I could u.«e to help make thi inL’emenl.s. I also wish fur your f od. lha t he will see fit to forgivt- u' sins of mv life.

- .M r (M l .Sav D ear Mr. H.: I don't know ifyi

eve me. but I m sure you'ii agree i on the olher side of this life... h etter than whal you're now expo You won'l be furgottcn...you'll ii

ly heart nnd the hearts of my co: te readers, as the young m an wl

o n e if e d n C Tgain tn .'t3 perccnt on Uxnblc. Igs between $71,900 to $ H 9 ,2 i Confused? Remember lh a t yo

‘ctivG-tarrnto is-nofthcsam o i larginal rotes indiaited by the IX brackets of 15 percenl, 28 pi nd 33 pcrcent. Tb cnlculaic yo fclive lax role -::_thc actuaj_pe go th a t you pay — divide your ixes by your taxable income. ’T h e net result is tho t incomt

ollar 1 lo 149,250 is a l a flat 2 snl," explained Robert Gowin. a r tn e r in charge of the Los Ai fficc oflbuche Ross.

Personal Exemptions: $1,95C )r taxpayer, spouse and oach c ent. up from Sl ,900 in 1987. H r. for high-income taxpayer omjfits of these exempliom lim inatcd because of a 5 pi urcharge if taxable income ei 149.250 for joint returns, $ li Dr heads of households, $89.5 ingle individuals ond $113,3i aarried individuals filing sepat

S tandard Deductions: 'T hos layers who don't have a lol of zed deductions will benefit fro lighor standard deductions ir

he a key_pc I , experts S i

I financial game plan, s one of the la.sl tax shelters s. b u t it's nlso one of the most i

Shenkman, a New York tax iveral real estate books. "So. queeze every last bil of writeo nur equity to help you achievi

es, you can deduct interest on .ed debl used to build or buy u can also deduct the properly handful of certain charges you

H O U SE o n PiigeD;}


:r l e n s - it ANGLE

vill be Ilom e in his fi:

/\s a rule, I -----------------------in frrbarycirrj

••maintain your I'm sending tfl inenLs,

■ « D ear S ir : : u d i c o l h a l .S n M lld o B s iT i rv rb t^om c .1 " ’ ’"S n.vmdA-Tht.......Ihavjiim-yi,» ..o rn .v piif»«d;yt<>* h M * i l l .......- o n e . M y _ b n )lh

p u l up board.H

m o n fV fo r [h o , d i c m d k . f o r J i l .M .v f a r l h d i s i . i l v .d m e s o m e . '- '“ “ I " t h e r m a l a r - ' i - ' - ' H . J " ® '

u r p r a y e r , u . Pi e ' 'nvc- n . e r . i r .,11


Savannah, Ga. , , ,ifvou'lllH - D ea r Mb. \

. h » l » b ex p e n e n o n e U ' l « ) " ■ '= «l l l i v c n i n s " » p e r ;» o n

, r a m p , ™ n - I1 w h o t u r n e d “ I” H ie rc IS.

yv r a t ^Ic.eam - versus 1987." Grani ,250! . The deaiictions youref- $2,500 for each spe 0 Tis thc '-coup!cr filing -separ le three single taxpayers, $< percenl households and $5 your ef- taxpayers filing jo percent- pavers 65 years or_ lur t o t a r adJitionnl Blandni

S750. F'or married me from older the extra di, 28 p e r - ________ ^ _______ing. tux [Angeles | n C l l V I C l

50 each The Internal Re\ \ dopen- folums filed for • Howev- corporate tax roi

ere the 1,114.694 indivh ,n™ are Ifo m 1,768 in V«

Calilomia. The ( vr .lc °l relurns exami

l,om O.S3 perce 2,56 percen, i

,,TOO for IN D IV ID U A Llanilcly. E X A M IN E D Iose tax- tn pofconr oxamlnof item- J------ I■rom the C w w h \ Montin 1988 - \ - T2 2

- s ; ' s - j . i

?ay ""HHrs a v a i l . \It expen- y i j i e ahl IX a t to r - 1.03). y o u 'v e c o fT so u l5\ e y o u r i H tw iii

0.81on u p toy a f i r s t ( )' l y ta x e s o u in c u r

SOURCE: lnl»m«in».*

__Low-are eQ - 1 was intcrcf

low-voltago lights security and to aci ing. Arc they very cient and can I ins

- self? H. E.

A • U.-^iiu: low -v( ..flen ll^es!e^sek•. s ta n d a r d I'JD -volt 1 l i iw -v o lta g e l ig h ts

— I 'i v o l ts , it is -a v e ry t)u rs e ! f j o b to in s o u td o o r l ig h t i i i j ; . \ l 'J )-v o !t l ig h t in g , \ .■•Irict e l e i t n c a l c<; lily s h o u ld h i r e a n

-------------------Im lb d o e s n 't p r o d i t a l l ig h t p e r w a t t ( u-M'd, t l i e y c a n s i i l s iv e to o p e r a t e th ;i vo lt b u lb s . S in c e y c o n tro l o v e r t h e lo lig h t in g p a t t e r n s ;i le.«s lig h t e n e r g y il

b .w - v o l l . ig e lig l

able tcf in a l m o in e n ts u f d e s p e r a t io n . I c o m m it m v m o n ey to t h e liv

7 n i n T M e ] i i i i 3 n : ^ ’u[rt.T :’i ~ 'u r d ig n ity , plea.‘' t ‘ u so t h e c h iT to w a r d y o u r f in a l a r r a n g e -

: I h a v e a u n i( iu e p n jh le m . a r e g e t t in g t h ro u g h m y fe n ce l y y a r d f o r th i ’i r b a th rn o m . y w h t r e i r o m .f u u r l u j iL \ J u t - d u u) c le a n u p . M y d o g o n ly d w s t h e r - in - la w s a y s fo r S3iX) h c c: d.H a r o u n d th e fence , o f o lh e r p e o p le , I j u s l c a n I a f

'a m i ly i s a l r e a d y h e lp in g m e h a t e lo a s k th e m fo r m u re .X) m u c h to a s k fo r t h i s c a u |e ? j s l h a v e lo go un p ic k in g i t u p .

v s . fo u r o r s ix ? P le a s e h e lp a t ht* c b w k p iiy n h le (<• m v i i r o th e

— M s. I..W ., H u n t in g to n . V W .: T h e r e 's nu w a y I co u ld

o r y o u r re<]ue.Hl a n d s le e p n ig h c a n 't l u r n y o u d o w n c o m p le te !

s a y o n e "du g g ie -d o o -p o o p e r- on t h e w ay.■. R o s s : M y m om is t h e Ix -sl i s . S h e d o e s a ll h e r h o u s e w o rk

■ c

»from ]jn ich said. each.f i r~ fo r—1988—nre:------ Itemspouse of a married An a lt parttlely,-$3,000-for—jiUinda: , $4,400 for heads of ized im $5,000 for married the IRi jointly. Single tax* require

or olde^r cnn tiike an —Pc flnra deduction ' o f " sumer ied tjixpoyers 65 or car loa

deduction is $500 ductibl

d u a l t a x r e t iR evenue Service audited 0.92 or 1987, compared to 1.22 pe returns. Even so. the IRS ox£

lividual returns wilh totals var^ Vermont to 153.423 in

le percentage iminod rangedrcenl in Maine Hi _ nt in Alaska, ‘ g J l H

f tL T A X R E T U R N S D B Y T H E IR S , 1 9 8 7vined ol riumtKf filod. by siaW:

f_ S.D. " “Y f"!..} ]■ 0.72 ___ \ 0-88

M l

S , M . \ ^-------J--------- 0,79 y ' 0.81

_OkU, ----- Lf~T*nn.*“u NU I 1.4> Ark. j 0.75 33 0.94 \ 0»V I I

^ fllltfc Al«.\

T V -

\ I DSiicwi.ocn; > D i.o ttt i to u w

■ l.50% wiiibt s«ry«c» MeO>i(iN(

i-voltage easily insrested in usingits in m y yard for H V P acccn t landscop- ^2ry energy effi- install them my-.

■v.ikaKe liehlini; ■L'lectricity than ‘ , ,P lit lighting. Since *. t.,„ , ,e ra te a to a lv eery simple do-il.' iaslall all vour; Wilh standard e a i .s o i t

.vou must follow I code,s and pnib:i-

)duce as much to- under it.t t o f electricity deck floo'till l>e le.ss expen- anim al atthan stand;ird 120- one will li e you have betler There :? low-voltage low-volUtIS and coverage. puqxi.^es. y is wasted,lights a re jmvs- • Set* I)

_____________ i

0 mainon, plus helps lols of sick |liv- them, C(H>ks for them, I1 store anH p7y slUeirTH leek L ist year she had Sl

one ofher breast,-^ Sin work regular and can't to buy one of those thii

:e bra. so she'll liK)k nice, want to go anywhere i:

.-dw .^ .tniburrusscd._______•s , Would you please se .■ can her one? I have saved.:

sw , that's a long way I af- lakes. Thanks ver>'mi

e ? I f D ear K: I don't nieii up, Itugers, bul you may a la n d reel nam e,'O ne nf thu lher- your bra" iscallw l a pi

Tlie check I'm ,sendi 1. W,V, her just that, Th;mks 1 kid and lofiking oul fuiights D ear Mr. Iloss: Wo ■lely. in a future locksmith I

a start for him self and given n chance^

I As of nuw I'm in a djrk . monihs ago I decided '

C la s s if ie d a d v e rtis ii

1 9 8 6 r.emiwd-tSchtduloJVl-Deductio a lternative to using the sim idard-dcductionB-iK-to-uiie-it<I individual deductions allowed IRS. Among the changes in 1! jirem en ts arc:-Personal interest paid on c ier loans,“s'ucir'as credit cards i loans'.’ is now only 10 percenl tible, down from 65 pefcenl

tu r n a u d i t s1,92 percent of all individual la: percent of | |} y ( J U |

exam ined/arying \

’ V». N.H.o: 0.75 0.88 / ^



. O t t / j u a r U ] Lconn! j L w . V « . l ^ ® L / 0.99

«iNca O 1069 Nonti AnMrlc« Syn lul*, In

: lights _ stalled

t Jam es Dulley

ly a sm all transform er lhat ; plugged into any electri- ill outlet. This reduces the ;e from 120 to 12 volts. This sam e voltage ihiit operates lulomohile's electrical sy.s- ;o it is very safe. You can sel o f six lights, trans- r, and wire foraboiit ti'i)-//' 12-voll wire that cornes out iransform er can be laid on

it. o r tacked under wood loors, Il’you.'a child, o r anII accidentally cuts it. no ill be hurt.re are several styles uf )lUige lights for viirious - ses. Small, low tier iights

L- D U LLEV «m PaKi- D3

T h a n k s <

ita in dick piiiple. She sils wilh ' nu: m, Uikes them tu the ch;F M i r ----- -----------------------md surgery. They removed !Since then m oniran 't foran t save enough money forthings you wear in your liciice. She also doe.sn't gore in public because she’s de:-----------------------------------bii.• send $200 so I can buy 1 w ed-SG^bul.asjou c a n . , . .. oil ay from the amount it much'for your time,— K.M,. Tuscaloosa. Ala,

doiiean lo sound like .Mr. w;i ly as well know the cor-those things you vsear in goa prorJthetic breast, - ounding your mr)m will buy ___iks for Ik'ing such a good I fur your mumWould you be iiilerested 71/th th a t's willing lo make Miand his familv — ifju st lh\

O'a drug program. Three ihi ed lh a l if I didn'l make a ki

■'Tfrnrrdciy, March-16, ^

Bing D 4 -8

reform i1987. Tlie deduction w

liQnsi--perccnlin 19B9._;____imple —Tho deduclioti— : item---------— • SccrTAX o n I

IRS inforn ^ and-youi i

requested by lhe IR may: have an oxam examine your return tho IRS appeals olfi case boloro Iho U.S (before paying): or t caso before a feder ol aooeals (aflor pa

aa e n a e s , the Depz I ’ Justice, other spoc

^ i_ " agenclG srand in sc o .* i - with foreign govern

^ ml c = i HForm 4506 and pay foo. If only certain li required (reported ii numbor of exemptii: bo providod free of

_ wnling or visiting ar SOURCE: N«malR«vMa

, Inc o IMS Nans AmnoSfna

Are affil crcdit c

^ good idIt sounds like a goo-

a credit card th a t mal« nation to your favorite time you use il to moli

'I1ie credit cards an ty" cards. They work I sign up fo ra credit ca ordinarily would. Pari interest you pay, howt

SytP o i

to the.organizntion "s|

zoned witti the logo% gnniporcau.se.

.Many of the causes affinity cards seem to tainly in most cases tl lo reputable organizal

Hul are the cards a In must cases, no, Here's why With m

_ _ • S<-e I’O R T E Il

a million 'ignifyiiovi— things would never ch;: :h;mged them, 1 enrolled in ajti •ourse iind ;im about to gradual

Problem: I musl repay the lo; or my .H'btxjlitig. However, I'm 'or this :imounl. My request: $I icense. Once I m licensed, I wil ^o out on my own nnd get n dec jerstand lhat there are pi-ople iHgger problems .So, if yim tienj I will have no choice b ut Ix) lr>’ 1 jlher m(,';ins, . ..

- M r J H

D e a r M r B: I like your nttiti don't gel il fmm Percy. I'll do it vs-ay’

Well, thi,'; is one insliince wht going to be left outside a locki-d ju tu k v y ,, Sll.'') iH<m the way

>1)1/ f/uiv ti nf(' fo /V rn < 'Iirnrs Xrii s. J’.U Ilex :tr>,00(>. ,Minn. .i.v/.'i.'i. IHrasc includi' a ; fkT. All h'llcrx st'nl to Mr Hoss 1 Only (I fi'W arc nnsurri'd in this lhou>:h of/itTx mov /v iickniiwlci lalciy.

J Oact

n will d rop lo 20

h— for~ busincss ' • on Pngp P a ------------------

rm ation ir righ ts

A p p en l ;p r o c e s s : Y ou 1havo th e rightto ask lor aformal no licoof Iho adcSi- Itional am o u n t

9 IRS, You th e n <aminor re- iturn; write IheI olfico; bring you r U ,S , Tax C ourt or bring your

idoral circuit cou rt ' paying).

I In fo rm a lio n I s h a r in g ; T h e

IR S hos the J right to sharo I your tax return I ’ lnformation"

with state tax tepartmont ol pocific loderalin somo-caws --------v e rn m e n is .............. .............

I C o p lo s o f ta x

r e tu r n s : C o p ie s of your e n tire lax return from p rev ious y e a r s m ay bo o b ta in e d by filling ou t

p ay ing a sm a ll lln Inform alion is od in co m e or ip tio n s), th is will 3 of c h a rg e by g a n IRS olfico.>MaS«nlc«

SfnMal*, Inc.

finitycardsdea?good idea: Gelling Imakes a small do- orile charily cach ' 'moke tf purchase.? uro called "nffini-)rk like this: you [-tc a rd .ju s ta sy o uPart of lhe fees ondlowever, is donated

iyhiia’o r t e r

n "sponsoring" theiitaclfi.scm lib-___________;oMr nnme of the

ises riaresented by n to be ju.st; cer­es the money goes liza tions, is a good idea?10,h most afilnity

£11 on Pngi* D3


' change unless I,nJ.od^..'imith __duate.e loan of $2,600 I'm not asking L S Ilfito get mv 1 will [k able to decent job. I un-

iple with muchd im j'-m i'.rw jueiU __________lr>’ to find sfime

J H , Bronx, N.Y

ttilu d e ;-lfl10 it another

where you're not :ki-d door, with- ay

u « c/o 7 '/te X). .\finnf(i!><>lis.(• (1 phoiif num- (I.M are n'ad. this culunin, al- lU'Irdfii'd pn-

rwtft-FotH.-tdoho-------- -- -

Page 26: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

BBE to cho' Q. C an the B etter B us reao help m e chooBe an i

------—"‘iBofTing company? ■'

A. Tho BBB can onlyj Upa on how fo chooso a r company. Consumorspl

j jM a n interstate moy[ng " ; -B h o u ld ask fo ran d rev io '

o f tho com pany's annual mance roport which is -n the In tersta te Commcrc< sion (ICC).

F ind out how long the I h as been in business. Dd special services such a a ; unpacking o r storage? D company settle claims qi fairly and do they offer a for c laim s disputes? Doe company generally meet e ry schodulos?

Keep in m ind th a t neit site o f a company n o r va claim s th a titisb o n d o d .' o r insured a ro any indicj reliability.

Ask friends and collea.- — recommendations and fo

. .asking a t least two compwritten estim ates.

___ To sav^m oney, try reiweight b y jlin ijn a tih g ur item s. Also’consTdeFpac personal belongings.

Always keep a written o f what is being shipped

LiguidiI f you a re shopping for a i

puter, bew are o f mail-order look too good to be true. The

probably ju s t tha t — too goo ' true.

I w rite this after receivinj . from a nice fellow named Sc

was trying to run a public-d< program I had w ritten.

His com puter was an IBM ' vertible, Big Blue's doomed

a t a laptop machine. Tho pn . which requires 100 percent,

to-goodness compatibility w standard IBM ^d eo adaptei n 'trunojiSarn 'slM X .

• , ltd idn 'tB urpri8em e,8 iiic Convertible, with its unread screen, non-standard printei ria l porta and iffyjcompatibi

■ a rea l dog tha t IBM wisely c to the scrap heap.

There wasn 't much I couli him , but since he was a novi had ju st bought his first mai asked'Sam how it happened Convertible.

"I saw it on th a t home vid■ ping netw ork,' he said. T h e

w as absolutely incredible. A: was an IBM. You c an 't go w

there , can you? So I orderec Now you have to figure th

A lt in tQ: I hate m y job and woa

- qm tD B xtB um m eririieQ lre . t n d t i i l l h a v v m y t tn i ty . I i

U ts o fftha in terest from m j ' m M I r u c h a g « 6 3 a n d th e i

d a l Security and m y compa tira n e n L I e ^ e c t tbe c ash I

— - th f r iB to r e a to n m y u v io ^ i g ire m e about t l 6 ^ a 7«ai on. I f thia in terest is m y ooi; com e, will I s till owe f ^ r a i ta te taxea?

A : Your actual tax oblige depend on a variety o f facto you will be required to file a

- • tu m declaring th e $16,000 OJte re s t a s your annual incom

tion. Basically, a single pen age ffi w ith a n annual incoir $4,960or m ore m ust file a ts

— -H ow ever, your final tax bill based on your adjusted gros com e, a figure th a t is calcuj

, sub tracting your allowable I , tinas from vou r total n n n iifll

______ Q;_ I am a perm anent resiIM t« d Statea. I am aboi

e d v e a n old-age p entionfro land , and i t will be depocitei in a bank in England. Do 1 1: repo rt tfaii income on m y in

. I b m in tbe U nited S ta te s? / b a re to declare in terest and

- income I receive on m y ban eoonta in England on m y U.

' form?A : Yes, you probably d o . '

advisers say th a t the gene rz perm anent U.S. residenls is income is taxoble in the Uni S tates, regardless of iU) soui ertbeless, if your pension ia England, it is possible tha t J oblieation in the United Stat

D-2 Tlmos-Nows. Twin Falla,

B off ers odsemoJuaineasBu- " t an in td rs ta te ^ E

____B m IJy give some | a moving I— — —

8 planning toring company sure a signet} view a copy - your belonpni ual perfor- tho company, a c q u ire d by If anything jrce Commis- during the mo

m ediately. Th b e company tho be tte r the Do thoy offer com pansation a s packing,? Does the ^ . squ ick lynnd : r arbitration5 ^ , ehe b u ^ l l H l I icct ils doliv- VCR • on a r a

SoppoBedlyit le itherthe tn m b le -fro p i -vague — - .3d, certifiediicoU onofits the following (

listo fperB ona leagues for o te m p b y m ra i follow-up by J * ! 'm paniesfor you w ere invo

tb e a c c o u n tn'reduc ing the iunw in ted -

te n inventory w hether the Is « d and m ake tiona w ere api

lation-si• a new com-der ads that Michac They are i ■ 'good to bo im age k ing o f t

unloads a bunc ving a call outfit th a t m ak 1 Sam , who knockoff jeweli c-domain ing-hands sculj

to bc wrong. BM Con- But b argain led attem pt And m any, like I program , the price in fru nt, honest- - So h ere 's sor y w ith any com puter Ipters, would- ridiculously lo\

................... who advertisesjince the tor." • eadable,n te ran d se - I'm no tknocl ■tibility, was of them a re biU ly consigned m ake a living.

tinued m erclu i ould do for and resell the a wvice who m ent prices, machine, 1 But when a c led to be the ued, th e re ’s usi

than the whim: video shop- , Sometimes tl The price com es out with B. And it wants to get ri( •0 wrong chines. But if a tred it.- sound, he can j B thfltifthe by lowering thf

te re s fjro n ld like to 1“ --------------

Y o u rm yaaTingi

lien tak eS o - |opanyre- ^ahflow from n . 9 ■jtw o o ld ----------------rear to lire

B y C a r l a

be forgiven. Wi igation will paid on foreign ic tors.bu i other country ( l e a tax re- United S tates c O o rso in in - ta x tre a ty A m t :ome. Inter- cign country. I. f m m tn w a.__ h n n lf nr/-niir\t J;[>erson under England, our trome of ise r tre m e ly u ia tax return, avoid taxes onbill wiil be States, rross in-IcuJatcd by Q: A re there)lc deduc- tiona gOTemtnflualincomi:,__ enjplojer,haa.^

ee 'i4 a i(k ) contresident of em ployee le a nibout to re- w h ^ about profrom Eog- . bow long can tldied for me d istrib itin g an• Ih a v e to te r be leaves?rincom etax A iT h e o n ly l)? Alao, do I the diBtributiorUld divideixl the first payouijan k ac - yea r th e emplo’U A ta x But for this one

no rules und reio. Our Lax oil pension andleral rule for .Ncverthefcsis i s tha t nil profit-sharing iUnilcd rules spelling 0«urce . Nev- adm thistered. <lia taxed in humofTFesourca t your tax p artm en t for aJtates will your plan.

lllo, Idaho Thursday, March 14.

s tips on bvingco

" ........... wife 8B e t t e r . Care,iB u s I h M s ‘ “B u r« a u -:-------------------- u a e a

qoeitd' from I

ed bill of lading, lis tin g ___ *]^ngsris received from ing a t ly, muchng is damaged o r lost . equip: move file a claim im- ore The sooner it is filed, therel he chnnce o f receiving asldn) ion. tions i

ond, s questi

weoImgD.mywifoed to investigate a local u ^ ta ra tbad b een ad v e itia in grent-to-own p rogram . ^it was a relatively

jprocesa. th e q i

ll application incluaed" lg (iMiaom; a Ira jlhy upjct inal nferencra, length len t, and aalary. L ist d checking accomita

along vrith "CC bTnTTn|< ^ffl rcudoether yoa w ere preaent- ra , and yon ’Consttd ev e r received a n y -son, I oefita. My question |a , ^^net s la r t four o r five qqea- ^ere, Bppropriato to aak? My

mie comtail <

l e l H i m o w i t z a........ ... ■■ ■ uida

of the computer w orld causinch of its boxes on a n becalakes its m illions selling busi:/e lryand porcelain pray- indu:ulpture, som ething h as F(

bou{lin hunters c an 't resist. liquiiko Sam, wind up paying lemfrustration. justsome advice. Be w ary of Wonsr advertised fo r a oge.low price by somebody Biscs himself as a 'liquida- men

but rtOUf

locking liquidators. Most run ibosinessmen try ing to w anlg. They buy up discon- usedlundise o r overstocks thatle stuiTat bargain-base- Tl

pusha computer is discontin- didnusually a reason o ther rnanims of fashion. And!9 the m anufacturer L(i th a new m odel and ten >, rid o fhis older m a- Man if a computer is basically chinin probably do th a t ju st dimthe price in norm al re- com

from sd— ^ ---------------------- “R M o n e y r .


la L a z z a r e s c h I' com

Whether o r not taxes a ful ign earned income to an- ofp< 7 can be forgiven in the >s depends on the exact .meri£9 has w ith the for- Q /. If J^3u pension and mfnU.ha»not been tax ed in----- comir tax advisers s ay th a t it yeat i unlikely tha t you can Am on it in the U nited an il

IflW A:

ere any rules and regula- terci dngtbe length o f tim e a n to ren -to js tsm m e n p lo ii___ goveontribu tianaafterthe Bt aves company? Also, wori proBi-shanng pl*n« — is $2 Q the company hold u p muc a n employee's a hare af* a fui I? tion.ly firm rule governing gros •ion of these funds is thot C5.C out must bc m ade in the and ployee turns age 70‘ j . cont one exception, there are amp , regulations governing $30.C tnd profit-sharing plans, to 8 ess, every pension and an II lg plan has its own s e t o f com g out how the funds a rc $35,( d. Ask your com pany's M lirces or personnel dt^- adju r a copy of the ru les for less



1 how ympani;fe and I have n ever been on Wl re, and I make a good aalary. le type o f qoefltioni adced opes enongfa tha tw edea troyB d to B itioQain and bougiit a VCR nn another rtore.

A Thera are t wo ways o f look- j a t 'th w k en a rio . F irs tl'it is " uch m ore risky for a f irm to re uipm ent than to sell it. There 0 definitely more abuses and, Breforc, the firm is probably lung some very personal ques- ins in order to p rotect itself. So d, since they a re very probing lestions, a consum er hes the oice to either answ er them vol itarilyor go somewhere else ai irchase the itom from a compe r, which you did. Wo a re in no sition to discuss the prop riety ' e questions being asked, b u t wi derstand both why the compai ked them and why they would iset a customer with v ery good edit, such as yourself.

'CONSUMER WATCH,-is a fldflr'fl service co/umn. In- liriea should be addressed to Consumer Watch,"409 W. Jeffei n, Boise, ld. SS702. QueBtionao <neral interest will be abswerti •re, while others will be an- sredbymail.

nputersail chamiels.

A computer th a t winds up in lidator's hands ofUn d idn 't sell ause it had some basic design iecause the m anufacturer is o i iusiness or becouse changes in ndustry rendered i t obsolete..

For example, a colleague bf i loughtan IBM-compatible fror iquidator's catalog. He had no em with the computer. I t work ust fine with the archaic versic VordStarthot cam e w ith the pi Ige.

But the machine had only 256 nemory. This w as fine back in lut not today. When m y friend i0 upgrade the m em ory so he ci un newer, m ore sophisticated i /a re , hc found th a t the comput ised a p roprietary m em ory boc hat w asn't available anywhere

The liquidator, whojtiy now w lUshing^5-piece too lk its fo r$: lidn't know anything about it. 1 nanufacturer w as o u to f busine ^nd m y friend was out o f luck.

Laptop and portable computt en wind up in liquidators' hanc ilany early versions o f these m hines were of oddball design, t lim screens and a host of ompatibility problems.

ivingslMany plans require d istribut

in employees's share of the fun he end o f the year in w hich the iloyee leaves the company. Otl- ilans set the payout date a t the if the operating y ear of the pen ir profit-sharing plan.- I n rare instances, th e payout loes not occur until the employ •caches age 65. However, in gei iur consultants say tha t it is no :ommon for an employee to wa1 full year for complete distribi if pension and profit-sharing fu

Q: I work p a r t tim e a t a depi □(Ot store and partic ipate in tl

rear m y to t^ e am in g i w ere tL t o I tiill eligible to p u t i in individual re tirem ent accou SBB?

A; Now that we have ofllciall ered the new tox season, it is t 0 review — once more — the rBveming IRAa____ ___

Basically, the law allows a si rorker whose ad justed gross.ir 9 $25,000 or less to contribute a nuch a s $2,000 to a n IRA and n . full tax deduction for the cont ion. A single w orker with ad jui TOSS income between $25,000 a35.000 m ay still establish an IF ind receive a partia l deduction ontribuUons to the accouni. Fc imple, a single worker earning X.OOO would be allowed to ded 0 $1,000 of the am ount contribt in IR A The deduction is phase ompletely once w orkers eam35.000 per year.

M arried workere w ith a comi idjusted gross income o f $40,00 ess are perm itted a full tax dei ion for titeir contributions to ai

Safel I Ford

WASHINGTON wel- safety ofEdals ai r. day a n investig« e t -ro llover- d anger-irje _______ wftpr finding thfl 1I in an accident sti

th e Suzuki Sam un tions.

,jc. An engineering— • the-secand-oftthre

S ay“? S ', tion, w ill covcr 19{, ‘ ' an agency spokesn

Studies ofvehicl th e four-wheel-dri had more fatal .it)

^8 vehicles in its clas_______ account milca trav

'ol- ber o f vehicles and spokesm an T^m Hi peti- . According to a 1 10 porting Systom st;yof ' 198S report on the we co II single-vehicl lany fatolitics, or 19 foi l(j h ides, l i ie re wenQd rollovere, or 6 pei

13 involving the C ere or GMC Jimm;

------- and 6 fatal Jeep (I- -------for 2.5 per 100,000

Ford Motor Co from Detroit, sai

jo /’. . . . record o f its 590,0( significantly di^e: other u tility vehici

T h e Bronco II safe uliiity vehicle'

5 map nOld CP-M compi

in a liq- vorites o f the liquiiell be- pu tere , popular inp ifiaw , useZ-fiOmicropro(ou to f CP-M opera tings)in th e long since been su|.. “ IBM standard____if mine While they a re gom a these old CP-M waTO prob- the M orrow, Xero)rked 2 and 4) a re slow asion o f d ay 's stondards. llpack- difTicult to find pai

^ m ancc accessorieaS6K of’ v irtually no one isin 1984, w are for them. In iid tried ends, which is whycould liqu idators 'hands

dso ft- $600. liter .ward If you have one (TC. chines and like it, i' was to b uy another one•$35, a n d u s e i t fo rp a ru.. The th ing goes wrong viness. But i f you are loik. m achine, o r for a fjtere of- should realize thatnds. ly bargains.'ma- IBM 's defunct PI, with case in point. Delil

so th a t i t wouldn't com pany's bigger

Islamutionof IRA. I f both spous< und a t deductoblecontrib h eem - $4,000. I f only one £ Xher deduction would b( he end lowed deduction is ension fam ily 's adjusted (

and is phased out eut d a te ------- When Congress ioyee lim its on the deduc I'eneral, contributions in 19f not un- plained that the ch >vait for m ost a ttractive to ibution could least alTord t funds. th em : lower-eamii

need a s much mon m eet monthly exp<

ipart* IRA experts advisi 1 tbe they should still op n r t a i t — thcycahrkJfalTord tL2,00a tax-deductible IRA0 into lowed. You havo u n m tfo r open o r contribute

preceding year, a llyen- One last note: C s tim c IRA accounts a rc I• rules a re tax-deferred. (

a rises becausc yoisingle come ta x on the CO

,infom e__ y e a r JOU aejuallyj• aa However, when yo1 receive these accounts, yoi intribu- But bccause retire justod into a lower tax b r I and tim e working adul' IRA on the withdrawal on for than i t would be in F o rex - a lly m ade the cont ngeduct upb t ^ t o Carla Lauartsc.“ “ individually I^ in thia column lo fi

of neral inUrtst.m bined Pleaae do not tel,000 o r your Money, Buainleduc- AngeUt Hmetr Tinan Saunrt. Lot Anp^L

tty officiiI Broncc)N (AP) — Federal th a ttiannounced Wednes- fleet o

itigation o f alleged vehidi-in -F ord -Bronco Ils, th a t a e Jro p co -fam L aro ra t—Tatronstudy which cleared e ro rcurai o f s im ila r ollega- Spo

- said Fng analysis, which is on the iree-levelstof-investi--eooabied bv the National an d stc Safety Adm inistre- . Hui1984-1989 Bronco Ils, safely■sman said. Fordlid e fata lities showed highei^ v e Branco II has first-e' rollovere th an other those ilass, even tak ing into "Inraveled an d tho num- rolloviles in use, said aboutHurd. Huta Fatal Accident Re- yscrolstudy induded in a ty vel

.he Sam urai, 43 Bron- ment,lide rollovere causcd itselffor every 100,000 ve- accide

rere 8 - S ^ u r a i fatol Hcper 100,000 vehides; an cn{J Chevrolet SIO Blaz- II waiimy, o r 6 per 100,000, the s£p Cherokee rollovers, the rem . tion

rollov<Co., in a statom ent severssaid i t believes the adopt1,000 Bronco H s is not vehidifferent from th a t of Lasliclea. eludedII is a w ell-d esired , failed do', and Ford believes has ar

not be bnputere a rc also fa- was ajuidators, These com- amouiin the ea rly 1980s, truly <roceasore and the Fro[system , which has niors jsuperseded by the priccs________________ ____ kids.-lc generally reliable, of todiw arh o rse sisu ch as I'mrox S ta r and Kaypro discouV and aw kw ard by to- dogs. II. It is increasingly manulparts, high-perfor- cent nie s or service. And aren 'tis w riting new soft- . produi

In short, th ey 're dcafl handk /hy they wind up indsa tp rice so fS 2 0 0 to The

can 't t too-goi

le of these o ld ma- knowiit, it m ight well pay think jme from a liquidator suit a Iirts in case some- Thensg with youre. outwhlooking for a new machia first m achine, you Youia l these a re n 't reel- up froi

the gat PCjr ia another 'eliberetcly crippled ——I 't compcto with the Afic.e r m achines, Junior fla/tin

iBle Ciuses w ork, th e totol ^ribution would bc V le spouse works, the I be $2,250. T he al- I is reduced a s theid gross incom e rises wIt entirely a t $50,000. licui 33 imposed in co m e—iuclibility o f IRA Q®ri1987, critics com- conchanges m ade IRAa mofi to the people who rd to contribute toming workere who vaiuloney a s possible to strirxpenses. However, I'koi « sew orico rethal open a n IRA even if

ird to m ake the full I morRA contribution al- ot a e until A pril 15 to :te to an IRA for the

. .piQ^; Contributions to gainrc not tax-free . They ,1. Confusion often g g , >TJu do not p ay in-contributions for the you

ly_eamtbe_funds^____ lodjyou w ithdraw from ll®''you will be taxed. ^irees generally fall oroib racket th an a full- you

lull, your tox liability ‘f’o ral should be lower! in the y ea r you actu- gns ontribution.


pscAi cannot ansa-cr ly but will rtspond 0 financial questions•St.telephone. Write io lineu Section, LosTimes Mirror I _ ,

ials will ;o Ils forIt the accident s to tis tii^d o no ct any safety-related defect in Ude," tho company said, ad at acddonts-in a ll such.vchidet

or environmental factore." Spokeswoman B arbara Mans id Ford has done extensive tes the Bronco II to verify it h as ’

lablo and - appropriato-hanc d stobilily charactoristics." Kurd, speaking for the high rely adm inistration, said, ' rd Bronco II appcare to hai ;her num ber o f single-veh at-event rollovere, particul )se involving fatalities."'In the proccss of stud lovers, wo began to get cur out the Bronco," hc said.Hurd said invostigatore will s ) rollovers involving the sporC-i vehide to determ ino if envi

mt, t j ^ s of drivcre or the vd elf might have contributod to ridents.Hc said th a t although the cal engineering analysis of the Br was formWly based on letter > safety adm inistration, it is ) result of the Sam urai invest n and 'extensive - study Jovers. He said there have I /eral petitions for the agenc opt rollover standards covcrini tiidea. , _ _ _L ast.S ep tem ber,'the agency' ided th a t critics of the Sam led to dem onstrate the little ti s an excessive tendency to roll i

bargains a d isaster from the start. No lount of upgrading can m ake it lly compatible.From time to tim e, you'll fin d . irs advertised a t rock-bottom ices. Don't buy one, even for th Is.-They won't be able to ploy r today's gam es with it.I'm not saying th a t all low-pric icount catolog com puters arc gs. Some cotalog houses find a m ufaclurcr’who will package c It machine fo rthem . But these }n'toverstocks. T hey 're currer )duction-run computers tha t ca ndlo today's software.

rhe problem is th a t novices oft I t tell tho real bargains from t “good-to-bc-true. If you don't Dw much about com puters but nk you've spotted a bargain, c( t a knowledgeable friend fir^t. en shop your local stores to fin . what bargains they have on n ichines.Ifouma^ p b y a few dollars moi front, but you'll wind up aheac igamo.

W ic h a e /H j 'm o vvjlz writes forth Itimorc Evening Sun

ad v e ril« « m o n t

T i V t f a iM S L B e a l

P IJ a n « C « o r i

HONOR OF CODEW hon lo o k in g fo r h o m o s in a p

Ic u la r a r o a . it m a k o s s o n s o :h o ck o u l th o lo c a l re s id o n iia l ze n g a n 'd c o d o ‘ o n f o f c o m o jo n o ra lly s p o a k in g . th o lio h io r l : 0 n |f 0 l s a r o o n z o n in g a n d I Ttoro sin c tly th o y a r o o n lo rc o d . i Tioro liKoly th a t p ro p e r ly v a lu o s < !o a p p ro c ia lo . T h o s o lo c a l law ? II •ogulato la n d u s o s e rv o to m am i /a luo - Ck>nv0 fS0 ly, in a r o a s o l l( s tr ln g o n l o n lo rc o R ig n l, il Is m( Ikoly lh a t z o n i n g c o u ld c h a n Irom r o s l d o n t i a l lo c o m m o r c i »Wilo th is m a y p ro v o to b o a pi t a b le m otfB lo r t h e lo c a l f lovo moni. it m a y in tro d u c o a n olom. 3l com m o fC ia liza tio n in a n a r e a t w as o n c o so lo ly r o s id o n ta l . F o r ro s id o n lia i o w n e r s in s u c h noi| D o rtu o d s . m e n o ls o .a n d iraK ic ( aiQ Y fi.lo b o m o r o . t h a n th o y b aa in o d for.

M ake 1 9 8 9 th o y o a r y o u m o\ into a h o m o o f y o u r o w n . . ,'aH GEM STA TE R E A L T Y lo S how i how a h o m o c a n b o p o s s ib le y o u a n d y o u r fa m i ly in s p i lo lo d a y '6 o c o n o m ic c o n d i t io n s . < lis lo n !o o u f c l l o n t s b o c a u s o know I h a f s th o w a y to find th o I) Qf h o m e b e s t s u i te d to th o ir n o o D rop by ar>d ta lk w ith u s w h o t you a fo p la n n in g lo b u y o r so l Iho n o a r fu lu ro . O u r oH ico is loc e d a t 1 4 4 5 A d d iso n A vo. E a s l . 7 04 0 0 . W o w ish y o u a vo ry ha{ Enslo rl

HINT:G o n e ra lly s p o a k in g . th o d o

ttia l a lo t 's s h a p o n p p ro x im a lo s q u a re , th e m o ro d o s ira b lo >t is.

[ \ .G E M S T A T I

1445 A dld lson A veE .

Toll Fr»e 1-800-34S-4665 E x t . '

investig r rollovcnot re- and denied a recall p in tho Consumere Union, p i

adding sum er Reports maga! leaare ...cation,in_a_Jun_e 19! p H riv . f o r n h n n n f t h r» S fltn

literally trips over i t s ' nsfidd In other action \ testing- highw ay safety agei 3 "rea- the s ta r t of several piindling_UBtionSj th e low9°t

tion. They induded all ghway — Park ing brake fn

T h e ed m odels o f 1980-84 lavo a cars;ehide, . ~ E xhaust gas int nilarly passenger compartmi

Ford Tburus and Men ud>ing following 10 complai: tirious th e vehicles were man

— Locking of the I anpl- mc{:hani6m in 1986-8! r-utili- vans, following seven iviron- volving three, two in /ehide fatalities; 350,000 h( to th e were b u ilt Aero

all f o r . — Possible heater I Bronco w hich 'm ay cause fire ;cr8 to convereions built by is also m anufacturers, estiga- In addition, the

into -dosed.investigationa i : been lia ted reports of; ncy to — Broken drivers s ing all Chrysler Caravan ai

ager vans.- y"wn- " — Defective power imurai in 1986 Buick LcSabn I truck Steering colum Hover 1988 FlBO Ford picku]


C c

d l P l a n n i n g f (

F u t u r e . . .

P r e p a r e f o i

riced. O ne o f the mo«t dl( > face b the complcxiJJ ern world. A i wc b

« o rememljm u ^ ilm p lc rd u n d

'S'! 'W h y can'c thlnj•ent w crer U a queicloncan cou rte , nochlnc ic

Thing! chance, and change decermlnei

« lucceM or failure.T h u wai brouehc c

" In a very polenant \ tccently widowed, as

lit iom e financial afficon- financct had becor

5t - complex fot her. *W ■;-j be »o confuilncf* tl

can't they be timple - c o b e r

T he empathy I felt lore the fact that thinct ’ :ad of fuiing, and th ln p wc

they h td been. It wi of accepting this cha

W hac does thU h: . Invcitmentf It llluitr

tan t faco we all »l before crbci.

Flrtc. pay at clo» future financial plan

“| ? V — TCfevefydjf flimiU 4 * " age and life tcacui chI financial needt, boik future.•* T h it woman left

p o rtfo lio of aggrci trggJ i to c k t . M ott pal< — ^ income becaute the

year* before for caplt in moit cajet, the It elate, buc rather tha

I par- thote galru Into mot• 0 lo m ena, they were Uf zon- ^ flilc of loilr>g proflu

lo n i: ' they rww ofTcted lltt ir Iho a time when taf<1 lhe Income were of par

’f’o tance. Although cin s aro chanced over the yi ® cb l plan had remain

Each year, your au* p l* '' »hould be revl m ine whether the]

rcial yourself (hat (het< Invettmeno avaitab

imoni ncedt. Keep • final Qthal dcatr5f tho tpouto Of heln with oigh- Invettment changet. ccan -S tiK c ihta woma

bar- taken lidlc time fut »hc w:u faccJ with

lOvod m jkins cluinKc*. H a»ow la n that wi>ulJ ni)t | V you ‘ But th it It IO c

pro tetted as we re Invcttm enu that w

• need for tafery and I efit, Rowewr, the Ri

ood^ n l» the rKcd for cl make thotc changei.

5 ° ^ Thi» Incident Is nolocat- ‘h® dlfficulry, 734- tlmply to point out lappy change and the rwei

future. The mofc pt before a e r itli, tl

•loser chances of making a 'los a when one arlsa.

G e n e S t' ' E 70H Sho'hoi■ Plume 7 H

S ^ E d w a r d D . *a s s r 'fjuUutK

1 .1 1 5 ./

igateersill petition filed by I, publisher of Con- agazinc. The publi-

1988Jssue^ c ^ lc d Samural'-fiayihg " i t" " "• its own feet." n Wednesday, the agency announced - - ll preliminary eval- itJovclaf.invcstiga- . d allcgotions of::e failures in select- 1-84 Ford Motor Co.

1 inthision into the rtm ent of 1988-87 Mercury Sable cars, plaints: 795,000 of manufactured. ' the power s te e r in g '16-89 Ford Acrostor !ven complaints in-0 injuries and two ) have been built.

ter hose misrouting fires in ambulance by mOre than -10

h e safety agency joa into unsu b stan -.,

(rs seats in 1984-871 and Dodge Voy-

wer stoering-hosos-.-- '- - abrcs.lumn problems in ckup trucks.niiSiucriT ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

-ocusG e n e S tu ry ill

' f o r t h e

f o r G r i s e s ---------------

it difficult th ln s tw e ilexity o f th e mod- UC ctow o lder, th e em ber it, teem s to sn th e p ra e n t. h ln g i be like they Ion often asked. O i C i ta y t th e sa m e . ^and how w e handle in e t, In la rge , ou r

;h t to my a tten tion m t way. A w oman, d, asked my he lp in

a ffa i it . O rd in a ry ecom e u n b e arab ly . *W hv m ust thing* f* th e a iked . 'w h y Tple like they used

felt could n o t alter ng t were more con- ^ would tw ver b e a t :c WM now a m atter change.It have to do w ith lustraies rwo impor- II th o u ld consider

c lose a t te n t io n to planning a t you do in c ia i tu rv iva li A t - ■ - — JS change, to to o do , b o th p resen t and

le ft w ith a t lu b l e :g re t tlv e c o m m o n p a id n o c u r r e n t they were bought

a p lta l appreciation. ie stocks did appre*

th a n tepo tltlon lng m ote lecurc Invest- e le ft u ru tterv ied a t o flu already m ade.[ lit tle or no IxKOme..............w fe ty and cu rren t param ount Impor-

k clrcuRutarMies had le y ean , d ie finan* tu ltw d the tam e, assets and flruncla l review ed to de ter- they ’re s ti l l do in g them to do. Satisfy :h e te a re th e b est lilable to m eet your f ln a tu la l p la n (h a t e a th , p rese n t your w ith a minim um of ^ges.Oman’s spinisc had e fur priur p ljnn in i:.^ith th e ncccu ity nl ». H ere wns a pruh- ni)t ^ > aw.iy.IO confusing,* th e e rev iew ed le v e ra l a t w ould m e et h e r ir\d Income. To ben- I'e flH T hjd to rccog- or change aiui then r ges.is n o t m eant to min- uiry o f c h a is e . It Is ou t the necessity of ru ed to plan for the re p reparation taken I, f h e - b e t te r you r mg a proper decision

S tu rg ill»honc S t. t .7 H - ' i l 0 6

D . J o n e s & C o .*


Page 27: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

H o u s e -• C o n tin u e d from [

w hcn sotting up tho loon.Since dcducdons for ii

m enta on credit cards nnc_____types.ofjiDn-inortgagr.-de

phoBcd o u t — only 20 pei in te re st will bo deductii 1989 tax return — mnnj dny Bay most taxpayers row as miich as possible c

_____ hom ejm d.ng, li.ttle.og.pos_____ chnBe'n thfff ..... .

T ha t's a turnaround fr lo so p h y o rju sta few y ea r

--------many-expertB ndviscd taly ea r mortgages or makir

____ _ largc_down paym eats.toduce in terest costs over t] loan.

“O f course, you can't wag tho dog," said Thon p a rtn e r in the Tbrrance-I cia] planning firm KnvesI you take on a big mortj you can get a lot of wi m ight wind up putting s tra in on your monthly bi

I f you already own you: there 's a good chance tho home values over the pai have helped you build thousands of dollars ir

-------hom e equity loan can l e t ;reserve for even more w: a t tho sam e time, provii cash to m ake other invest

Most homeowners can te rest charges on up to

P o r t e r --------- • C o n tin u e d from I'ta fd sT th e iriteresrfales'y much higher than the bes

, could receive i f you shopp for a plain old crcdit card, charity the card repreaeni little o f the increased cost

--------- - Now, banks are linkingo f accounts to various cha groups. For instance, if yo account w ith Bank of Ami in S an Fraocisco and pun checks w ith pictures of wl them , 25 cents is donoted the-w hales organization.' suited in about $30,000 n organisation. Other bank; ey m arket accounts tha t o

--------slightly h igher ra te to m edifTerent groups, most nol American Legion. A small then goes to the organizat

_ ._ In th e c a a c o fth c A m c r gion, it hns worked out w< bank ofToring the money r count, India National Bar

D u l l e x ;

' * C o n tin u e d from F locus the light down into i cu la r p a ttern and are exc lighting walkaways, steps

. Mushroom lights are sim: ta lle r, to light a larger a r a re effective for highlight scapcd and dccorative g r

, areas.. A well light, set in the (

• focused upward, can high A globe light, which shine all directions, is effective and spas where low-volta im portant. Ground- or wd floodlights can be used fo and highlighting areas.

• able. One new floodlight c adjustable loom-focus ler By adjusting a knob, you c rcase th e light coverage

• ' cent. This allows >-ou to u for several dilTerent light es.

Another hew efficient t uses a special multiple pr lens. The top of the tens d out to an 8-foot rodiusfor

....- 'T h e m iddlO rtd boitflmic

: TWIN I : F A L L S ^

ThefolloHing (he Auction Hoos

__ ____ SATURD

Rodiy Mouniain OrtNxlonlic Wc molaiad ciuirs • Sainlcs Sl« imM od shieU • X.RM. X -^ tiBCtiinej-Rina De nui llnH-Dt irelJumertj.

\--------- •jtrufr-iCoocfiilCraTan

O u - 2 oflict chain-3 demist c -K ^D ah-O fternsctltineo

6UReminglcjn M TDQ erm 4X jcof jlommom tojl & liiilei - S««rj (onddcn.

ScdKxul (cctncf) cauii. g'ctn • Utiles, heiogon • CoIIr uble. t> ctuiiicnioflen-Table wun tkea

T efm s Cash or bankal to th e highest bidder.

S3l8 ManagWiFilt, AU Hems sol



m P n g c D l ‘ hom oequitjan. how thu moi'r in te rest pay- gle or a re mand m ost other tho lim it is J :-deht a re being If a homopercen t of th a t lng, proccedictible on your for those acnny experts to- you lo take -crs should bor- pay for a Cr'lo ogainst thoir coat,“.said L possible.tQ.pur:_idcnt.dCa.Si--------------------------- c ia l- p la n n iii from the phi- namo. "Onij'e ars ago, when ing to use tl tak in g o ut'15-—poses — liki

ik ing relatively cation, remi.to.8harp]y_ro-_ ing youL ff■r th e lifo of the your kids bu

You mighn't le t the tail home equit;hom as B, Gou, ceeds to pa;ce-bascd fman- card balantvesh & Gau. "If shifting thaortgage ju s t so yciu'll side-' writoqfTs, you writeoffs foiLing tob much retain the iy budget." in terest cha t'our own home, "Generali;th a t fast-rising owe on eredp ast few yeors more sense

ild up tens of home equit1 in equity, A non-mortgailo tyou tap ttjat- p lanner Gai; writcofTs and, thousand diovide you with to your moivestments. worth' it —can deduct in- ting up thoto $100,000 of probably wi

w y o u p u y a re - ' financiarnd'best ra te you can Legion iDpped around tion, the bar3rd. A nd the account holeien ls rccc.ves „ „ jOTt Ul you. There arcing o th e r kinds promotions ich n n ticsn n d cau.!corchBr you have nn „m oont whc\m oncn hnaed „ccount.'lu rihnso around the trw hales on fund.raisinBtod to a save- hnvcono(liim. T his hns re- niay receive0 raised for the spjcjf, inks have mon. -chnseyoum at olTer a i„g a sot perm tm W rso f------- diinnVcaionn o u b ly the poiNTS '1nail am ount _ How doization. best deals yc•nerican Le- jiy accounts'1 well. The instance, thi

m arke t ac- ra te spread i Bank, h os long

n P a g c D l lhe light dovIto n sm oll cir- shadows,excellen t for You cunwlops and paths. BILLS UPDiim ilar, but lis to fm a n u■ a rea . These lighting paltighling land- types, ond iiI ground cover new lypes ol

Please incluhe ground and dressed env. lighlight trees.lines light in Q - Ih a v e.ive fo r pools d e rm y w in t)ltage safety is Each y ea r Iwall-mounted doesn 't hold

i for security w a y to c a u b!. g ap ? 6 .F .

-----------------------ht o ffers an A -W iih a; lens feature. cult got the i'o u c a n in - . m ethodiaioigebySOOper- t ie w ith a c hx> use one light of an inch isghting purpos- caulk.

nt t ie r light Also try u J p rism atic caulk, likes is d ire c t light triangu lar b for soft light. and the wine n'lens''fbco3-------c rack rT h r f

[ C A R LSO NI A u c t i o n S e r v i c e !vvvvvvvvw »a \ \ vvvvvvvv ling will be sold at public am oose, 580 AddlsoD Ave. West


— ^ t m K r W c t i i ^6 cyl. 3 spd. Urge, wide bat - tS72 Port tac

DEHTAL EQUIPMENT; Welder • flody Mountain Oitlcdomc El Sl«l i White, TOlCKiHiJ eominjloi chji R» r.tjchine - 2 Casltg cmheaij liahs -: • litill, Hand Piece, mohead lijhi »ii‘i e«K

WAITINQnOQM EQUIPMETan -1 table - H dnmr Ide ca&ineta • I iI t » a W/diawtJS • (TjJjT Wa/diobe Ca

aneaus oflics eQuipnwi and ucci:<j loo mi t Room f q d p m l om I ii t l l n c t i t l fGUNS-RECREATION EQUIPSscope • 30-»Winchefle» W • 12 ga put >vcnl m e guns mil bt jddcd bda i sale

HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGen'- 2 laiTTB-iiffierglia'- irdM-tBjcc le. boolcase tna • 2 tfiss larrps • La-Z-B I teal ■ OnomiJi & Many Moe Hero too Nu

ikabie”chMk on the day ol s er. NOTHING removed from pn

lageil ty Carlson Auction Sei1 sold as is. where is. Items may b e ;

Not m p o m lb ia for iccldai


lity borrowing, regardlc.'is o f. ii noney is spent. If you're sin-! married but file separately, ais $50,000. s.:no equity loan sounds eniic- o}cd wilh caution. "Don't full aadvertisem ents th a t tempt f(

ke out a homo ^ u i t y loun to aCaribbean cruise or a mink ti

d Lawrence A. K rause, pres- LLSah-Erancisco-liascdjinon-. n in ing-fuT O -that-boarR -his— nly take ohe out i f you're go-B the money for seriou-s pur- hlikc finnncinfra collcBe edu- c■modeling your home, s tart- o uQ«ii-J}usineaa_£>r„lielpini:^n buy their first home."

^h t also w ant to take out a vuity loan and u.se the pro- apay off h igh-interest c re d it ' aances and auto loans.'B y ii:hat debt to your mortgage, cde-.step the phase-out of cfor non-niortgago debt nnd e0 ability to deduct all your h harges. n ally, the more money you s redit cards and th e like, the ise it makes to take o u t a li uity lonn nnd pny off thnl t gage debt," sa id financial c jo u . "if you ju .n have o' few r . dollars in debt, shifting it 1 Tiortgage probobly won't be a — the fees involved in set- f he home equity loan up will y wipe out all of your tax sav- s

(dated with the group a s its, tladviser. Because the Amefi- Ein is nn enonnous organiza- ci tank can pny a high rate lololders. donole money lo the sind s liltinoke monoy. aJre also special one-tim e ci)S it) which a particu la r " ' p;harity receives a small t<,'hen, for instance, you open dIt. The.se are popular rr10 time of big ’'telethon" ping efTorts. Even if you don'l ciiffinity card as such, you cive a flier w ilh your stale- tl:ifying that, for every pur- n1 make using lhe card dur- ciperiod, an am ount will 1^____ ^o a 'c l ia r lty . " ' yiS T O CONSIDER:do the rates compare lo the sii you could get for non-affin- c:its'MVilh credit cards, for t<there can be an in te re s t qid of 3 to 4 percent between ei

Jownward lo e lin iin a te si-

n write to mu for UTILITY PDATE Ny, ;J09 showing a nufacturers, d iag ram s of I lallerns from d ifferent d information about the s o f low voluige lights. cludeSl a n d a sulf-ad- nvelope.

ive a very em ail c rack un- indow fram e on tho outside, r I caulk it, bu t th e cuulk old well. W hfltia th e best lulk thflt typo o f narrow

h a narrow crack , it is difTi- 10 caulk inside of il. One I lo enlarge the c rack a Ifl- chiwl o r knife. One-eighth

I is enough. Then fiil it with

y using a highly-flexihle e silicone, and build up a r bead between liie wall •indow fram e to covcr the IT flcxibilTt)-hglp5 to with---------

TWINL Jauction lo cated a t est, Twin Falls, Idaho.

1 1 8 , 1 9 8 9

i m | M i T A B i i V _ ” :

aiacle(m.-3,<c*(,Gcyl,35pJ.Tc EWtoMi: Pototo - 2 flfla Dcr:al chjif - Wcbcf X-lby Mjchme, cofrpt-! s - 2 Rin X-flay view to n s - 2 sudcn ejpeacHrt basin - Assofl«3 dnui hind

MENT1* IweMtei slind - 0!)ic« Desk • ikxA t Cabnet ■ Trash Cans • Vacuum CIcaw omirrerortloment-jn.■tly. Iki M« caidRioi.IPMENTpump thoijun • 22 a l - M'

M (U:e - Conn Elcc::ic wg:'), ectto J

INGSd cajch, Un S biwm. kxVS fiCw • 2 fsd -Z-Boy tecliw, r,ice »n • Kilcftcn set. < jNufTwoustof.Vnion

i » l e . A i n t ^ wiiF t e sold premises unlil s e ttle d for.

Semlce-K iirtbErlybeaddedordclcicd. W w danta. (O n a

5 1 5 8 -K im b e r ly . Idaho

■- ings,-W h en you se ll y o u r h om i

ab le to d e fe r p a y in g ta x e s o sa le p ro f i t, i f y o u buy h a q o r g r e a te r v a lu e . I f you hav a Ibt o f eq u ity , b a lan c in g ' for m o r tg a g e - in te re s t c a g a in s t y o u r o th e r in v estm tiv ea w ill h o lp you figu re la rg e o f a dow n p a y m en t y m ak e ori th e new h ouso.

"If y o u 're in y o u r 3 0 s oi h av e p le n ty o f o th e r in v e s tr cun g o 'o h e a d a n d m o k e a < o r 30 p e rc e n t dow n paym e

;^ n c s L h o m c .ls n i iK m v s c : “ "B u t i f you d o n 't h a v e mi

, w ay o f. o th e r in v estm en ab o u t p u t t i n g j u s t 10 p e n

' a n d p u t t in g th e r e s t o f yo in to , m u tu a l fu n d s , a r e t i r c o u n t o r so m e o th e r in v e s tr do ," ho sa id . T o u d o n 't wai every la s t pe n n y tie d u f house , a n d th e w riteoffs m o r lg a g e - in te ro s t paym ei s h e lte r a lo t o f y o u r incom e.

C onversely , people w ho a la te 4 0 s o r 5 0 s m ay w o n t t< ta x a d v o n ta g e s th a t a la rg e can p ro v id e a n d in s te a d ci n a n c in g th e i r n e x t p iircha

. 15 -yenr loan . 1C you sell j a n d y o u 're 55 o r o lder, you ' for a o n e -tim e ta x exclusfoi

. you k e ep u p to $125,000 o so le p ro fi ts ta x free.

Uie h ig h e r. ufTlnity co rd r a t Best r a t e a v a ila b le to r o n or card .

" W h a t d o es th e o rgan ize su p p o r t receiv e a s a re s u l t c a ftin ily a cco u n t? A gain , usii c a rd s a s a n ex am p le , f in ^ o t p a r t 'o f y o u r a d d ed costs acti to th e o rg an iz a t io n . You will d iscover th a t , o s is th e coso m an y p ro fe ss io n a l fund-ro ia p a n ics , ve ry lit tlo a c tu a lly g cau se sp o n so rin g th e c a rd . I caso , i l m a k e s f a r m ore sens th e c h o o p e st r o le you con - m em ber, th is y e a r only 20 p c re d it c a rd in te r e s t is lax dc - an d g ive th e d ifference to t

” y ( iT 8 u p p o rfa ? 'a ‘stfaig]iV.«J6- A q u e s tio n to a lw ay s a s

self: Do 1 rea lly need a n o th e card? C re d it c a rd s h a v e w ht to voices o f th e ir ow n. T hey qu ie tly u n ti l y o u r will powei ened, th e n th e y s ta r t beggin

stand llio stress on the largi bead.'

'Cul Your Utility B ill,' rw



------------------------------ —. m esse rsm Ith

J I a IrvtB ■ .

4 0 & 531


- ^ A T U R D i lLOCATBI: 5 miles c

SALE TIME: 11:00

MctnitiQml G&5 dicsd trador. wk P.T.O.. d a l hydizulic oulets, 10.4: powejjieerinj.MO RPMM.O..H loaje. doii)te ading rams snd will

GROUirtcmjiioml U li model 470 tanc tubbo with hydraulic Iia - Tiiple) Owe 3 lew hovy coil jtank cotiu

LtanabonalSOOOtfieulswKhe.l Supo 1049 3 wide ull-txeallod I RT 0, c» W l, hyOaulic Icnsiw anc 3 poin hitcti.

HAYSHREDDEirNewtiouK hay shreddo on ni>t)e marwe spreader with tandem 11 Ul grain auger on rutfcei, P.T.O. drive poinl hKch • Speed) V ditcta on ouliei. PTO. 6 iwn ■ Sdwartj 180 sxket • l/xtuney Irailer w'lUi till mua wiLh 3 poinl hiteti and hydix

l974 DodQellonlrudiwiin4sp( iack- 1974 Bucko 181.0« se rt tJ

KTwo IImj loot hy^iulic rams - 4* t Two man saw • 6’ engless beB - guaid • Nils and bob • Plus otho


Owner: GEORITerms: C;

AUCTIONEERS SalenLytokUslofs Buhl, Idaho-50-5227 Mobito 737-IC16

— ^ T a x

/ / • C o n t i mne , y ou ll be mileage la 24 Ji on y our re- f„m 2 2 .5 ccn tim jcotiK ituU ---------S u to orala v . , 6 u i l t u p re a l e s ta to a n d s y o u r n e e d

d oducU ons ta x e s h a v o n o tLment ob jec- jg g gre o u t h o w —i v a d e o r b; y o u s h o u ld lydeducU b lq .

— 7 — '— *■,— t a i - c i p e n s ® no r 4 0 s a n d th e R losses, ch

i tm e n ts ,y o u cellaneoufl i tc i1 2 0 p c i t c n t a t 1987 levels ,^ n t o n t h e m aticaO y c u t b

, . , v e s tm e n t in te rm u c h in th e 15^3 in te re s te n ts , A m k T h e re a lso ha>jrc o n t do w n c h ild ren ’s taxe; y o u r m o n e y : v idua l re ti re m .j r e m o n t ac- - U n d e r a 1i tm e n tv c h i - S o ro n n A ct, iir a n t to h a v o m ortB nges o r“ P J ” J ” ” sona l rra idcnD s (fn ira th eicn ts) will homoa, q ,

. people w ho a l are in th e ir ( „ f „ „ r e th a n lto forgo tho foro Oct. 1 3 ,1£

go m ortgage f„u amount isconsidor fi- c j i „„ any mo

h a a e w l h a subject to tlyour home govommonf.

.u ro cligib e chip awny and ion th a t le ts and to g et a t t i I or your re- ho said. Undoi

Qte a n d th e used . T h e r u l e 'o rd m a iy y o u c a n 'd o w it f

In sh o r t, w hiz a lio n y o u acc o u n ts a re clit o f y o u r ploy on o u r emrs in g c re d i t w here cold nunro u t w h a t___prio rity. T h e s tic tiia lly go p ly w hen you aifill p ro b a b ly cou n t o r c a rd is30 w ith you shou ld appllis in g c o m - de a lin g s . G o forI goes to th e ’ T he c h an c es i. In th is w ill m ore th a n inse to g e t lo th e organ iza l- a n d re - ta x consecuenci' p e rc e n l o f fo rw ard , th e g nd e d u c tib le • p e rcen tage o f yig th e g ro u p acc o u n ts a n d cr(Jonotionr on sound m one;a s k y o u r - em otion,h o r c re d i t ..h o t o m o u n t Syloio Porter•y s i t lh e r e inlervst to consiver is w ea k - appear in the Bn n g to b e Money secliomt

rg e r c a u lk Your Money eve address questio

_____________ Thellm es-N ewrutiH in Drive, Cincinm


iobft.-- J m i . - C id .

53M H 1 a a S S o '‘SSm


A Y - M A R C H - 13 north. 5 m ita a a and 1 mile north pl

0 A .M ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u mTRACTORS & U )A D E R

Hide trort, po«v stelno. abgonr tl 3 1.4 X 38 re« niibet - IrftrTBlional 784 Kil . 1S5 X 38 teat rubberand is imwted « (lilts sold sqiatA)UND WORKING EQUIPMIsndcm disc en ru^.-oloullora» - f oi le K tkpe 1 0 1 eulMor wm 3 poin nugsor. 3 poirt hitcf) • FordninB spf ing!-H A Y I M Q iQ U I P W W f ->. H ft; doutitnogcntxhrn G^tvtrTii sdharrmtied. cab.«lotrB(letie.gasen( and tala tuner - International d ^ b a la r

IT^'M ANURE SPREADER^'Iber. P.T.O. (krm . bale drage m h goi1 no K 2D n tte r . double tc s e a B d safe W l • Bush Hog heavy duly ttr te rm bl on rii)ber irth tijdaurB ba • Heinzman 80 sUage leed logon. P.TO. driven - IHC iill bed. winch and dial nibber - Powda lisilcdunp.

TRUCK • T R A IU Rspeed transmgtiw^aifl ips engiv wth edl tnilet on toidern axilM ISC EU A N ED U S ITEMS

’ X1? sa in augei wilh decs icmotsf • a . - 5 gailian bdane boflle - OU bladsml homisceHcnousiferm.A B in n l * vltbeirt tM mwk a b c i

tGE&DOROTI( n i o r n C re e k R ancli)

C a s h o r B a n k a b le C liec i I m a n a o e d by M ts t e r s Asctlc

T h o Bosinoss that Scfyieo B Gary Osborne

Gooding. Idaho-034-&350

inu»d f r o m Page D l ___“ i4 c e n ts a m ile in l9 8 8 ;u p nta th e y ea r before. , u»d -locd -incom e taxes, md c erta in personal p ro> “ iro deductible, b u t soles not been deductible since

rb u s in c s s in te rest is 1^-

L jo iu iu id ic a L a n d .d !m -_ ‘?'

c h a r i t a b l e ^ a n d mis* ^ itcmfl,rflmnin unchanged- ^ sis, whon they were dra- ;t back. Deductions for in­te rest and-pa»Biwo-actavi»-— , it a re also unchanged. have been no changes in « e s , esta te taxes or indi- . im ent accounts. ^1 1987 change in the 0\ix , in te rest deductions on .. )r loans secured by per* mces .are now limited to million on first and sec- _ Gowing explained, "For I a lready h ad mortgages I

in $1 million) in place I ,1987, th e in terest on the ■ is s till deductible.’ Inter* I

m ortgage a fle r th a t date I ) th e new rule. ' I t is the I 's insidious a ttem pt to I nd broaden the (tax) base t the w ealthy taxpayers,” der the new rules, inter-

lie w ith credit cards is, if ' nIh'outUierri) do so! vhile affinity cards and ' clever m arketing, they

imotions in a n area iumbcr& should take top s ta n d y d you shou liflp^ ,,^ . X are offered such on,ac-.1 is th e some standard pply in o ther financial for th e best deal! es a re th a t your savings' in covcr o nice donation itation you support. The inccs ore m ore straight- group gets a greater fyo u r money, and your 1 credit cards a rc tascd ney m onagemeni, not

ter writes on matters on nsumers. Hercolumnx ? Business a nd Your n s o f tk e Tlmes-Ncws.

every Thunday. Please slions to Jam es Dulley. kw s. 6906 Royalgreen nnatii Ohio. 45244

3 o n ™IPMENTi m m sY AUCTION 1,1989 423-5043

l y : / ,

/ I C E , 7 3 3 - 8 7 0 0

L n S % n r ^ l ta % ic km 124-3188 1 2 4 4 1 0


- 1 B ^ 9 8 9 -ihotgGoodiog. Idaho.


RU3poMlukh.540mllOOO»>M I UlK diesd trador Irth wide lo r t ed wifi > 22S0 IntEnaUonal manre

MEMT-ford131 lOshankdiisdplnron I ttOi. m a guigs wheets - John kig shank rtruvator. 3 poin hitch.

itTiir. toy conAlflta-- ftnr Homnd engine • Jotn Deere 467 hay baler,

alanca 7 l.n)9ircr, P.TX>. drivsiand

R -'C R A IN AUGERI good condlion' jrttnaticna] S75 mte. P . i a drhoi > RedRneS* X 47 » blade with hydraulic til and tun 3 nan ferlgation eunp. 4* inlel and r IHC hammermill mih belt drhtn and da Rn« a ll aeep lodci - Cement

wth good ladory made 7 X1 a stock

•tJectyoka. smih lorge - 1 ? x S' cemen calle

THY MOODY!_______________________

3 c k D ay o f S a le :U aaS e fv lce . CLERKo B u lt' CalHaipor

BuN. Idaho } W-&8S4 •

est is deductible on homeio a n a o f up t/) $100,000"

A lternative Minimum 'Rut: tcm ative minimum tax was so high-income taxpayers did COM paying their share of tj tak ing unfair advantaijc of I lows.

The ^ tem o tiv e minimum ' culation s tarts wilh federal incomc b u t eliminates certainliftno thnf nyn nllnqfn;oI tox 'colculation. The majo lowances ore sta te incomc to Tcal esta te taxes; ^ i v e loss lim ited p a r t nerships and ren esta te octivities, deductions f( c s t paid on consumer debt a cellaneous itemized deduction

Although the altem ative m tax ra te o f 21 perccnt is low th e regu lar ra te o f 28 percen n a tin g tho deductions can m altem ativq minimum taxable so much higher Miat effective

K a l e T I M E : 9 i 3 0 ^

v u r so B1977 Ford 600 ifuclc. only 12,300 mile: t)cd. triple auger. Iiydraullc drive, hydiau truck. 445 gas engine, 5 & 4 sped, 1 ‘ovtfhaul andnorduich • 2 '- 1980GI sacw, rebuilt Allison automak in 1989 9500 series, wiiti 6V92I Dti/Oit cnjirie,

wheel' 1977 GMC 9500 LWB„ do

ranger, Ux2Z5 rubber, C/C wiW Stfurt & 2 speed, powr sleering. 825i20 rul service unit-19S3 GMC 4WUucJ[. 4) and wincti -1971 Iniernjtional tiuck. overhaul lOOO miles back with a 20" U

Jfestein.Staf.iWBjy;LDclioiH)iesel .«it)eeler. twin screw • 1972 ford inxk:

. Chevrolcllruc<6cylinderengine,4S2 gram tailgate ■ 19&3 Ford pickin) win a 1980 Ford F'350 step van. 302 6 cylinfl wheel Inek wiifi 4 speed V-8 engine ano engine and iransmission with graip bed 1965 Ctev2tonlruck2926cylw/5S engine 4 speed & small rubbct - 1973 C1978 Fieigtnimer convcniionjl truck i*/?

Case 730 Oieset tracior. wide (ront. term . . J2?aflie«LLracl0LWl>.«W,}!B!!fi!L

dieset trador. rnde Ironi. 1 S5i3S rub Ferguson 255 diesct tractor 13 608 rub liont and po«m adjust Htmls ■ JoM'l t§5i38 rubber and 3 poml hitai • Ma stMiing 155i36rubber ?0rip.»>delr steering, nydraulic outlets, runs good •' Massey Feigtfion 35 gas trador. 3 pon Single Irani wiiti Beaci cuiiivaior & cutter



WHAT2-1981 Chev.’OletC-70ltudis. 427V’ -1979 Crwolel C-701i«;k 427 V-{ Slewing-19 8 ford LN800 true*. 475 l9?5Chevto!elC-65rtock.427V-8ei foralNI880ltuc*, 475 V-8 engine. C, 1600 loadstar. C/ C. 5 & 4 soeM. 1 ( iiiidi.iiriin utility bed po«f brakes pc

5EXCELi£NTBEET&F3-Spudnik •(»;« Beds-sen ur.!sji3(rb« txa <2'tcil ri^3ui<co>ei«Ci£' I996‘ j6o.ttiucksi;ea£!»liittl|(A-t 0»nei«il

_ aadUi&^.ituatuiioiandliVuraMM


Inruifyiionai 915 sell propelled combu raflio, tiydrosatic gijm moniiot, win t sttuioie - Case 660 bcjn spec.31 sell i 6" Si.T!. nyfliauiic upcialed on tuCMr t

imner, lioni ^ouni Jonn Deere 3800 to Case tc tiuie gram onil on rubber i a«:fimeni (r/drauiic I'ft, on rutoer • J( end gate auger »/hyd molot •

---------FIfiikoi poiaio tovcsler wiin stai lacie, wofksgood lriikoil6'M(#ipota»bed

GROUIJohn Deere U' cone disc, tandem, on Jorir Deere 106‘ roller hitrcw on tucb *f;m hydraulic ram - Anoyscn i miri rubber tpuge wheel. 3 poTt hilci

_ XflQMt£rrac66lait.Mi2iKiiniMcPLANTING, CU

6 Inlerrulional 296 inOividual pwer i tif«. ttyd/auiic iDiding dunbir, gajge too gallon litci glass ta^k ar,d spray i (Ills srrall Uactor)

Iy*naha 3 wt«ler • 2 Honds steo Wn gales - Gram giinflo on sJuds wiin bell too gallon Unks wiih 3 pcini hiic.*) - 2( 5 ho motor and 2'oullel Spimg s.'m ? ummum spnntlcr pipe (needs refuir) •Bolts-Some tools-Air tani-Oils;

- - i s ^ n ra T T O T n iin c iis r iB - .

4 wtwl. dull «it«l. 8 25 lutiber. tr3::i Sficp built P'Oe trjiler, wih ftjul 45-501 bed uaiier. 2QDOO CVWW grain wJes tnJension. good condition ■ Duftnac 6

1972 Chevrow C-70 riudi Speed Rubber Budd Wt«ls • John Deeie 54- Steering Po«t Shift. w/2-Ya-d Bockel ■OTE Tri s ts one d Ihe bcsl sets 0 axmjcutf auom trurja uueutii aiOion I Mill a ll m ry ccrtsignor an you tnnt'lo Ijvnr about any eQu>pmer to l lo answer gueslions or pU y«i in Wall Benthnger will ctieck ii on to auc and cooperalion al Messeisinim con avaitaDie8am loG pn • Co,"S>giv duty tor any rc'p you may need • Ma M c U s it, p t u u Ir la i ■ litti C teckw nw Bfflci • U t sl& lt

T erm s: C ash oi

Owner: JERS a le M an ag ed by MC

A i Inrta J< H e m n a lU i Eilen «

324-5138 423-5043 53fr

10 eq u ity is h igher,"Wo a re going tc

x: T he a l- p lay ers subject to t ts c rcatcd sa id G eorge H . McC id not e s- ■ n e r n t th e Los - taxes by K PM G P e a t Marwii

r th e new G ra n d fa th e r EU w ho o s o f Aug. 1, ]

n tax cnl- b e n efits in o il o f th11 ta x ab le m e n t plnns — cor] lindoduc* . re ti re m e n t accountj ) n v e n « o n = 8 h 6 lt e r e d ^ « n \i ih « yor disol- $562,500 face a n taxes a n d ta k in g th e so-cal isses from election."e n ta l rea lI for in te r- U n d e r t ^ tax na n d m is- c ru ed benefits over

ons. su b je c t to a 15 pm inim um upo n d istribu tion . /3wer th a n cr, m ay avoid th p ient, e lim i- sh e e lec ts to ro ll om oke th e in to an IRA a n d d)le incom c iecl to a n a n n u a l/e tax co s t by th e IUS.

" l i i S G l S T A H D l l S I

JEROMECOMMU IATURDAY, MARCHlouth edge ol Jerixne, Id ^ , southsid&olCon yne go h« miles n o t l h l ^ pirt on tw h Sl

IER, POTATO, HQBT, D B Sa. PICniPliles, 900 rubber. 5 T 2 speed, fom sieenng liauiic leeder door, very lop unit Gona see il • I, to wheeler, twin screw, willi 20" all sleet j GMC trucks. GVS3T Detroit er gines.' powtr 988, hM llx22.5& 1000 rubter- 1978 Gl !K, 9 Speed Hoadranger, pOMt sleering, air coi double Irame, 6V92T Deiroil engine, air, air I

itfieel-t97IGMC55C02nntru:l;350V-6( rubber, wiiJi a Hess aluminum beverage rac4 & 2 speed, 900x20 mbber, V-6 engine, wil

;!(. 345 V-8 engine, 5 & 4 speed, 1C00 rub ' lociMOOd polaio bed wilh bell toots sharp xL.IO.speedJiuilraaoeUjcffilJuiiliar)f.* 5 S 2 speed, 361 v-a engine *tni all siei & 2 speed, witi all sleet I6'bedwitn4'side h a 351 high outwi engine, ailomalic (Iront i iindcr efigme, 4 speed, 750i16 dual rubber • and servct bod/ -1951 Dodge 11/2 ton trud efl - 1965 GMC lioaler Ian lertiiirtr iruck. has )&2spcedw/l4' ross multi purpose bed-1! ■3 Diamond fleo w/ 6 V-7t Detroit. 9513 trans i>/290aimminsd>esel,9spd Roadranger, 100

10 TRACTORS3«r Sieenng, 3 point hitefi,-15 5*38 rubber 8i ii3PQ]n|hiich,tyj QulleH.jy ^ ber. rubber, neigtus, ROJ‘.S^roll over top and o rubOer, 3 pomt hitch, power steering, mulli-po tn'Deere 3010 diesel tractor, wide tnnl pm Maijey Ferguson 180 diesel tractor, 3 point e Iront ■ Iniernalinnal 460 gas trador. 38* rubl ] • Ford StJ Irado', 8 speeds toniard, 28* new poini tiiich 28‘ ruoticr ompteWy overtiaulec Iter '


POTATO & BEET FARM TRIB10 WHEELERS. TWIN SCKW, POW yiT YOU'VE BEEN LO OU 8 FOR.*r V’8 enjines, C/ C. air, 5 & 4 speed, 1000*20 v e engine, C/ C. 5 & 4 speed. 1000>28 <\i 175 V B engine, C /C. air. 5 4 4 speed, lOOW 8 engi,' e C/C. «r. 5 & 4 speed. 100Qi20 rub I. C/C. 5& 4 speed. 1000*20 rutoer.pmerst 1000>20 rubbw. 392-V-8, power (Mting - potw steering. 4 speed. 4 wtMl drive, 351V

i POTATO H V D R A U U C S aF -UbRtntcUo beds, hydraulic'a tiedtc-umnrs 96 SCMHik sen unluder beet or pctto Ud. 4?* be ■111 bt a uK siie 19 any quesboRS prror lo.

•m-OWKR STEVE YOUM (201) M -

COMBINE.BAIER, F 0 lU 6 E »A IN D R IlIS & AUGERnbifie. fltfsei engine, new style, low piolite, p n 16 gram heaoer, lop conflilion - Inlftnaiora: :ll pic elicd corrtlnc. cob, win a sun pcJup • er iiiispois - SmfU Iced wagm on 2 wheel ' gon? q;ji bo» on ruBPer, PIO c ^ ie ^ •5 lorjgewvcsto witTray tioJ.'Gle VSrpS !r wfin mectgnical Ml - Case 20 hole doub• M n Deere 4(j6 baler PTO 4 hyd tension tr

POTATO EQUIPMENT)le, 540 pro. canopy, rura good • ThiW pot xdwiibchfrtDooom Olson rotp-beater wuh tUNDWORKING EQUIPMENTon njbber. tiydraulic ram mount cul-aMy Iror uCbcr win h^rauk ram moux - tonuional j\ tai picttf. ground flrrven, pull type • Joh iiich - Miskjn 8' boi scraper win hydraulic uctLLliuKffljiit boiLxaoeufitri3 poiiilJX IL T IV A n O N S OTHER EQUIer un:ls with Pean and corn ptales - Koeir I jge nheels 3 pomi hitch • 2 Tool bars, 21/4’x ay tur on 3 po>ni hilch - Mssey Ferguson I

OTHER EQUIPMENTinru moiorOikes - Walk thru metal sQueen Q :>eil-1-1500and 1-3000 gallon skid mount ■ 200 gj:ion butane tank on trailer • Homelile *ur.ks - 6' Steel posts - 1bol bar on 3 port

3ir) - Bartn-d and smooth wire • Hi lift jack - Pr ils ard greases - Log ctain - Grease gun - U ICTil2' w/digital readout - MitUeeper 500 gali

TRAILfRSrjiler, ?0' long w\in good heavy lloor. 8' squa 50 c-pe - pickup camper s.ieil - 1 ion service t des A er>d( ie. tie downs S belts - raitmob ic6>l6binberhilch slock trailer

LATE ADDITIONSeed, 53 Detoii Engine, 5 & 4 Speed with 18' 544 B, 4'Wr«el Drive loader, Eszllenl Condi Wl - Speedy 6-Row Beet Defoliator. 2.000 Sp^ s ol incks and eouipment Tve had the pleas rtalir> m r.ig n as,fa rjvt nmitfil UAJ and do.my upmosi lo hM all equpmen m; nent or iructo, please call Jim at (208) 324-5 J in uuchwMh the owners iFu equipment is )udiongroundltom8am toSpm daily Vi xnduded auctions • Good loading and ur gnors pieasa get your eguprreflt in early lor Mxhinery haulmg available • Call 324-3311 itt ir I t c re ill • We’ll u a aiakert iT W i* P 0 E ) 3 Z 4 » 1 1 iw M i pfcii

o r B a n k a b le C lig ck O n o l

ROME CONSIIlESSERSMITH AUCnON 8ER1 kkt ita i Citl Wirt i m u VailM taU

36-2843 324-2U0 43M 409

U d iJilG . IDfiQ Timos-Nuws, Tvi

lg to fm d m a n y m ore to th e m in im u m ta x , ' M cC rim lisk . ta x p a r t ­us A ngeles ofHcc/ o f irwick.

E lec tion : 'nucpayers 1 ,1 9 8 6 , h a d acc ru e d

)f th e q u a lif ied re ti re - c o rp o ra te , in d iv id u a l

lunta , K eoghsj m d ta x _____i t i s — ‘o f m o f e * t h ^ a m ^ jo r decision on x a l l e d " g ra n d fa th e r

ax reform a c t, . e n y j c - .____over th a t a m o u n t a re 5 p c rc e n t excise ta x jn . A ta x p ay e r, how ev- J ie excise ta x i f ho o r )1V over th o se b e n efits id d ra w on th e m sub* ua l lim ita tio n d e fin e d - '

s n s E R —

MUNITY :H 18,1989M 8 s r s a “

TO^with BJM. leeder m te X 11-1981 Inlemabonal I9C0-S aeel polaio bed wilh belt. Iresh rwtr sleering, air. 10 wheel, twin )78 GMC Asm C/O. no sleeper, air condilionlng. single«!« with r, air hitch. 10 wheel Ivin &VH,

IV'-fleng<(ie,$iflgie«ri«,2lon.S je rack, would make good Held e, with a hydraulic roll back bed0 rubber, twin screw, complett sharp, nms good -1971 Whileian(..aiLC/CJOOOnOtjeiJQ_____III Steel 16* bed and hocrt. 1964i' sides, hydraulic hoist beei and ironi wheel Olive needs repair) • t o - 1976 Chevrolet non dual1 truck, good llathead. 6 cylinder (. has engine and transmission • id-I958CI«v.1lonw/283V3 I transmission p/s wAth wheel - ir,1000njbt>et.

Iber and hydraulic outlets - Case libber. 120 hp-imemattomi 766 aM only 2104 hours.- illi-powet,hy«ajlic outlets. M e L pmer-tMting. poww brakes, point hitch, rrulli-pmer. powtr rubber, quick aoacfi.TA, pow I'new rubber and 3 point hilch- Hauled - International C iradors.

M u u c i a t .r a U C K f l t E TPOWB S T ^ B M L *MST

00*20 rubber and power Sleering 28 rubber, power brakes, power l00O*2OnM>et.p(Mtsieeting- !0 rubber, power steering -1974 wer steering-1972 Internal lonal i<ng-tg78 Ford 3/4 ton servM 351 V-8 engine-•U N U U U filB E O S

minrsalseilunkaderbteiapcao 4?*bel.hy«aUKC(»ied-Ailihe r>or lo and dunng sale d^. All truds W M 4 W -

Ille, power steering, cab. AM/FM Bional ,4 row com head 10 be sold :kup - Cenex 51 loot grain auger, whed rubber and PTO - M a ^ iledj.Vicon^n w ^ windrow _ arpSers.'i’UTand lop co«4llon“ double disc grain drill, seeder

sion truck lo planter auger - trudi

ol poaio windrower. 2 tow. PTO. wthhydraulicliltontubfcer.N Tly Ironts - Kilchaker 14' hanow - uional 10" tandem disc on rubber • Jotin Deers industrial blade, 6*. aulic ram durrp. 3 poinl hHch - XMttittL____________________Q U I P M Weing 6 row com ojliivator, has 5 M/VilO" (one wilh 3 point hikSi). son #38 hydraulic mamie loader

e n dWe - 4 -12-Powder tliver nounled mild steel tank-2 butane nelile ditch or chemical purrv with 3 pomi hiU -. t50 pieos ol 3**■ Propane tank-Moisture tester, n - Metal band saw - New Central » gallon bulk unk

square meounic shop on Irort • rvice body -1984 Charmac 20* Ilal iitmobite, 45 « semi-traiier w/tny

ihl9'IestoPotalaBed,900 i20 Condilior . Articulated. Cab, Power 3 Sipfcn Tubes iO itd) Tins, pleasure ol putiing together in a

i tA S a v iitf r i tf ff iim w a it _ .rfm yards prior to audnn day I 324-5138 evenings, w dlll do my ent is ail tarmer owned, leroy and ily We appredale you aOendnz nd unloading lacilibes • Loader :ly lor inspcOicn • Mechania on -3311 • N ye t t l • « A ert. Pick tlM i a t tke ptaM tzsK O M m - - -

> of Auctionn O N M E N T

(E R V IC E . 7 3 3 - 8 7 0 0

to iT mlU t i lU n i NidMk i S 2 4 4 i n S Z 4 4 in

5, Twin Fnlls. Idaho 0-3

Page 28: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will





PATIENT SERVICE REVENUE inpotiont roudno..

..........Inpniiont nnciIiaiy-...>__..........Outpotioni............T otal (MllBnt • • r v ic * rav e n u i DEDUCTIONS FROM REVENI

Allftwnnr«i« i>nHNnl pmk)nl BorvicD rovonuo.....OTHER OPERATING REVENLT oU l o s e r tU n a re v e n u s____OPERATING EXPENSES;Solorios a n d bonofiu .................SuppfioiM odeal spodaJitt fo o i...............P urchotod M rvicoc...................Othor....Doproclatlon a n d a i^ r tiu t io rt ..T o ta l op o ra lln o •x p « n « M ......INCOME FROM OPERATIONS NET NONOPERATING REVEh IiitorcM Incomo on lnvo»lmonti Intorost oxponeo on rovonuo b<

• O lhor..............................................Not Oporating rovonuo (oxponi EXCESS O F REVENUES OVE

............B A U iN C E S H m V 'S E f

ASSETS .CURRENT ASSETS:C ash ..............................................Tomporofy invoBtmonli a n d mi ti.446.1B1Invoitmonls-corronl portion.....Potiont occounta rocoivoblo (i toctiblo accounts:1S88. $1,571. 3,712.420 O thor rocolvablotInvontorioi ol tupplios..............PfopiJd oxponjoi Esnmolod rscetvable hom moc

T o u t cu rran t M M t* ________BOARD DESIGNATED ASSETTompomry Investm onti.............Acciuod intorost rocoivoblo......Total board-d««lonat»d m m I


LIABILITIES ANDFI CURRENT LIABILTIES: Curront portion o l long-torm doi

A m u ii t s poyoblo Acciuod powoll a n d rolatod liat .Modical pro lo iiional foo t poya Aocruod rovonuo bond IntorottToU l c u r r m i U ab illtlN _____

_____LONG-TERM DEBT- Rovonuo

a ^ l T i S E N T S AND CONTi^ FUND BALANCE:Rotalnod lor genofal p u rp o to t. B o a id ^ i io n tf o d lor improvorr 3.108.661Total fund balonco ......................Total..............................................PUBLISH: T hu raday. March H


ADVERTISEMENT FO R r-............................... BID.

T h o Tw in F a lls S c h o o l D is tr ic t 411 will roco ivosoalod bids for tho W ng A /O lf ic o R o m o d o l o f t l i e F Twin F a ls High School un»-4Etil 2 :0 0 p .m . M o u n ta in hDaySght Timo on tho 11 iday o l April, 1069, a t tha r

-D istfct Officc Bt 201 Main A vo n u o N orth , a t w h ichtim« a n d place all bids w a J bo pub lic ly o p o n o d a n d road aloud. Bids rocolvodaftor th* tkno o l the Bid SOponing w il bo rotum od Jlo Ih e C o n t r a c to r u n - io p o ^ . ^

Proposed form s of Corv 1trac t Ddcuments, ir>duding IPlans and Spocilications. Ca ra on file and may bo ox- Jamirvod a t tho olfioe ol tho £Architoct. H an ld E. Gor- Ib o r , 6 3 2 M ain A v o n u o I-N onh, Twin Falls. Idaho, i

tnen fw n R i s TO I and olflcDS o l th e A.O.C. i a n d In to rm o u n ta in C o n - r ffactor in Boise and S a lt i Lako Cily. t

B o n a f^ido b id d o rs a n d * qu a lif ied su b c o n tra c to rs ■ m ay obtain a copy of tho fi C onstruc tion D ocum onts * ^ doposibng $50.00 with t the A rch iioa Tho doposlt t w l b e rotum od to oach y p e r s o n w ho r o tu r n t th o c docum ents In good condi­tion within 10 days oflor a tho dato o l Iho bid opon- r

---------V > { ™ o v W o d -B N S lo rB » -!p ro jo a h a s boon submit-

bid s h a i b e accom- Ip a n le d by a c a s h i e r 's lcheck, o r certifiod chock, Im ado payabto lo the Twin (Fans School District 4 H . {or • satisfactory bid bond io x o c u to d by th o b id d o r Iand accoptaU o surottot in Ian am ount oqual to tivo Ip o r c o n t o i th o b id . T h o IC o n t ra c t s h a l l b o c o m - iplolod by tho da te sp o d - ' nod or liquiditod dam ogos s h a l l b e a s s e s i o d a s soocifiod.Tho w ee es ifu l biddor will

bo required to furnish and poy for 100% porformanco and 100% m atorialt andpaym ent bonds. A Public |W o rk s C o n t r a c to r s Ll- ic e n s e lo r t h e S t a to of |Idaho w il b e roquirod of ,a l Contractors or>d Sub- ic o n tra c to r s w h o su b m it i bads.

-----------N o -b ld .* h » U - b a -K ilh - . . .draw n ior a period ol 30 |d a y s s u b s e q u e n t lo th e | o p e n in g o l b id s w ith o u ttfw c onsen t o l the Twin iFalls S c h o d D istrkt 411. ,Tho O w ner roservos tho iright to r e ^ any o r a l ,b ids a n d to w a h « any in- if o r m a l i t i e s w h ic h is i

-------- do om ed ta .«u»-boil-ln to r-..io s t of tho School DisBict. iB oard o l T rustees i

- T w in F a l l s S c h o o l D is t. I411 <J e m y D oughtery iClaris IP U B L IS H : T h u r s d a y . I

. M arch 9 nnd 16. 1089- |IN THE DISTRICT i



^LegL E G A L N O T IC E t


........... ........W .0 7 4 ie 3 i

n u t ;-------------------28,452,230'ENUE-


................................... 4,413.904 n ,................................ 7 ^ ,6 3 0 5

....................................1,723.485 ^

................................... 1,613,345ior».............................. 2.075.041 “ !__ _____________ 21,592,305 " iDUS...........................3 .173,624 JVENUE (EXPENSES): ?onts....... :......................433.233 g10 bonds..................(2,626.112)................................ ....:.610.121Minsos).................. (1,584,768) S?3VER E x p e n s e s .......... :....... ^................................$ 1,586.856 I"SEPTEMBER 3 0 ,1 9 8 8

1 8 8 8 “tk

................................. $2,550,129 ^d moikotablo socuritios............ “

1...................................1 .229,979 |Hlo (ioss ollowonco for uncol- 571.434:1087. $1,395,356).... {]*

..........................................99,224 «*£

....................................... 589,120 «

....................................... 112,074 'm odk»fe end M edicaid............ ^

_____________ :___15,693,818 “SETS:....................................3.064.442 5?.........................................44.219 ^

i s e ls _____________3,108,601EQUIPMENT-Not18.360.423

SeTvABLeZ " ’." .......150’. ^iCOSTS-Nol............ 1,611,338 UMARGES..................... 728.439 “.............................. $45,587,798 ^D FUND BALANCE ^

id o b t .............................................................................. $ 355,000 1..........................;............781.016IliabiiitJoB........... ........774,516loyobk)............................ 60,614ro s t............................... 674,979 g__________________2,846,927 fnuo bonds payab lo ...................


lo s ...........................10,677.210ivomoot of Hospital fad liiios... ^

................................. 13.765,871

...............................$45,587,790 “h 16,1989.

L E G A L N O T I C E s


I MAGISTRATE DIVISONI Caso No. 3522 ?I A NOTHER SU M M O N S- i 'I FOR SERVICE S>-4Student lo a n Fund of Ida- ^I ho. Inc., b

a non-profit Idaho Corpo- f I rationI Plointtff •’*'I -vs-I JOHN A. BERRY *I DolondantI THE STATE OF IDAHOI SENDS GREETINGS TO ^I JO H N A. B E R R Y th o **• above nam od dolondanL

You a re h o ro b y no tifiod H- lhat a complaint h a s boon w I lilod a g a in s t y o u In th o y . District Court o l tho Third C- J u d ic ia l D is tr ic t o f th ot Stato ol Idaho In a n d lor q- lhe County of PayoBo Ida- s > ho. (in tho Magistrate Divi- a . sion Ihorool) by the abovo

r i e horoby d i w w J to^So . a writton answ er or whtton 1 . motion in dofcKise to tho C t s a id c o m p la in t w ilh in F

twenty (20) days o l tho b I serrfce o l this summ ons; C I artd you are turthor noti- P t fied that untoss you do so ^ I w ith in th e Ilm o h o ro in \ \ spedfiod. the Plaintitf wiB t ta k e J u d g m e n t a g a in s t c 1 you as prayed lor m said ) complalnL

Tho rutturo of tho doim r against you Is for a Judg-• mont as prayed lor in Iho c )~n tm chodcom ptatn t------ c

WITNESS rny hand and \,teoi of said District Coun [ Ihis 14th day of Octobor.

t 1988.; Laura L StigHo p n Ck)fk ol tho District Court . Bort L O sborn(J Attomoy kx PlainbH nr P.O. Box 158 f r> Pnyoito, Idaho 836610 P U B L IS H ; T h u r s d a y , fB Fobnidiy 23. M arch 2. 0 iI- and 16.1968.____________ fi- IN THE DISTRICT r• COURT OF THE FIFTH « » JUDICIAL DISTTOCT OF. THE STATE O F IDAHO. F® IN AND FO R THE c

COUNTYOFTW IN t0 FALLS { d MAGISTRATE DIVISION c c Pnibato C a te No. 4231 i i- NOTICE TO CREDITORS>1 In tho Matior of tho Esiato I


Docoasod 1- E ita le o l G t e ^ Evotyn i

° (Shoor) Borah. O oceasod i• Probate No. 4231M N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y i in GIVEN th a t t h o u n d o r - 1. s ig n o d h a s b o o n a p - ' le po in lod p o r to n a l ropro- < u s e n ta t iv o o l Ih o a b o v o 1 f>- namod doeodont. Afl por- • is i o n s h a v in g c la im s < f '- a g a in s t th e d e c e d e n t o r -1

h it ostato aro roquirod to I p raiont thoir d a im t within I

t. iour (4) m onlhs oftor tho I da to of Iho first publication < o f th l i n o t ic e o r s o ld ' c la im s w ill b o fo ro v o r

f, barred. Claim t m u tt oiihor _ bo prosonlod to tho under­

signed at tho a d d ru s t indi- i1 c a le tf . o r f llo d w ilh Iho j : Clerk o l tho Court. , , E liw orih Borah |

c/o Fuftor & Morsofvy

fals/L E G A L N O T IC E LE

A nomoys o t Law d a r iP.O. Box 30 CO IIJorom o, Idoho 03338 ^ P U B L IS H : T h u r e d a y , B dso March 2 ,9 a n d 16.1989.




_WAQJSTHAIEJ)1V1S1QN____ . _C osoN o . 17061 EMEIANOTWER SUMMONS |M E I Statowldo ColkKtions, Inc. 5 ^ ,^

Plaintiff -v s . Sourt

DAVID BAY and JACKIE Divot BAY, spouse ^ ITho Stato o l Idaho sonds g r o o tln g s to th o a b o v o nam ed dofondonlB.

You oro horolw notiliod g i J J tha t a co m p iain th as boon 7 ’ '*= lilod ag aln styou in tho dis- ’ ' trict tiourt o f tho Stoto ol Id o h o . in o n d lo r tho county .of Twin Falls, (In th o M a g ls tr a lo D iv ision th o r o o f ) by th o a b o v o n a m o d P la in tlf l a n d you oro diroctod to fito a writ- ^ ' ton answ er o r written mo- H}®;, tion in dofonso to tho said 1 ! ^ “ ' c o m p la in t w ilh ln tw enty days ol tho sorvico of this

further notifiod that unless ' you do 80 wilhin tho timo horoin spocifiod, tho plain- tif l w ilt la k o ju d g o m o n t against you o s prayed in sakl comploinLTho nature of tho daim " T C

against you Is an account assignod to 'lho Plaintiff for

“ OTniKBo?? ^WITNESS My han d and soal ol sa id District Court this 24th day ol Fobruory 1989. 2.0 aRichard A. Pence, Ctorh _ s/Diann Jo n o s I^L E

-OopoiyrM aglstrato C o u n — g*-® P L lB L lS H : T h u r s d a y .March 2. 9 , 16 and 23. f o u i1989. ____________ ; STOJ




F A a s ' ' ^ 3 :C ase No. 40921CIIULVMUC lOCtA a iE D GROUP INSUR- ANCE COMPANY, a Coto- | l ^ rodo corporation, and •JUAN COLON,

^ W l L U 3 I V l E . . . l n » l .

and JANET RIGGS, a tin- gk) woman.

Dolondants “ 2I£ THE STATE OF IDAHO


You aro horoby notiliod tho :that a Complaint has boon Comlilo d a g a in s t y o u In th o TwinDistrtct Court of tho Filth publiJ u d ic ia l D is tr ic t o l th e o n fS tate o l Idaho, in and for T u etho County o l Twin Falls, 7 0 0by th e - a b o v e - n a m e d C ouP la in t i f l s , a n d y o u o re HaO.horoby d re c te d to file o o n d-wntten answ er or writlon Faltimotion in de fense to this quots a id C o m p la in t w ilh ln D< twenty (20) days o l thesorvico o l this Sum m ons. R ocand you a re further noti- Porrfied that un toss you do so opplw ith in th o t im o h e ro in p ro ispodlied tha t tho Plainbll contwin biiu) judgm ent against a t 2y o u a s p r a y e d In s a id TwirComplaint. LC

Tho nature o l this daim Reqagainst you is ono for por- P e ns o n a l p ro p o rty d a m a g o oppland p e n o n a l Injury. boai

W itn e s s m y h a n d a n d o c a■ M al o j s ^ d Distrid Court c a n

1988. ■ A (Ctofk ol tho District Court on IRidvird A. Ponco Cityby/Bonnto Hoycoch AdnDeputy Clerk 321P U B L IS H : T h u r s d a y . 73& March 9, 16, 23 and 30.1989____________________ Rec



C a so N o 9929-D S U M M O N S -F O R S E R -* " '^ ^VICE oo*’DELLA D. RUNDALL S o i

Plaifltilt-VS- A I


YOU ARE HEREBY NO- TIFIED. T hat a Complaint ^21 h a t boon fik)d aga»nst you in lhe District Court ol tho V Fourth J u d d a l Dislnct ol Iho Stato of Idflix), in and P®® ♦or tho County ol Ada, by ®gP tho Dbove-namod PlalnUf. ^ and P*"

YOU ARE HEREBY 01- {P.'f; RECTED to file a wriiton an iw er or wrinon moson tn de fense to sakf Com- !d2i pla in t w ithin tw enty (20 ) days of Ihe sorvico of this summons, and NcYOU A R E F U R T H E R tho

NOTIFIED that lii to ss you City so appear a n d ' plead to thai said Complaint within iho bo I time horoin spodriod, tho Mo Plainblf win tako judgment e.tK egainst you a s prayed in C oi said Complaint. HoDThe naaire of tho daim o n t

T in styou Is Divorso. Fall IT N E S S MY HAND quo AND SEAL of said District C o u r t th i s 6 th d a y of

March, 1989.John SasQda 1Ctork o l tho District Court Blfw-rsh*'-wDeputy Clerk RocPLTb l IS H ; T h u r s d a y ChjMarch 16, 23. 30 and Apnl Am6. 1969._____________ ___ _fo3,


RIGHT c a tT ho F o llo w in g S tr

OBplicatlon(i) h av e boon «>« lilod to a p p ro p r ia te the public w aters of the Stateoi Idaho: Avi

. 47-08151 Sh<

/O oL E G A L N O T IC E L E

A R LIN G -D ELA W A R E 2 ndS0 . INC. VO. Box 5485 PL M also, ID 83705y jrro : Gnw ndwator Rpqui

X 2 3 T 1 0 S R 1 7 E Amoiso: Domestic L 020cfs) MHOommordal (.020 cfs) roskkate Filed: 11/10/1908 hotne i: T IO S R 1 7 E S 2 3 M-2 |WNW Ing) c

meK y j S f r e ^ ^MERY MARY F, Falls.L 4 Box 7348 A cciirin FaDs, ID 63301 on fikource: G roundwater Planniv o rs lo n P t:S W N W N W minieO C 7 T 1 0 S R 1 7 E 321 Sso: Domestic (.040 cfs) 736-2rigation (.020 d s ) Anyoto R l ^ : 11/21/1988 slrinai:T 10S R 16E S 12N E N E poar17ES07N W NW ^ p o l01 acros total s/Dou

47-081SS MayoAMAGATA, GENE H. PU^B547 Paik Ridflo Rd. Marclwin Falls, ID 03301----------------------------ource: Groundwater -rrvorsion Pt: SESW Soc rv, 5 T 0 9 S R 1 7 Eso: Domestic (.040 clc) hourrigation (.030 cfs) 5? ma te Fitod: 11/25/1988 pU * i: T09S RI7E S35 SESW,0 ocros total o , „ ,

47-08156 PACI AMAGATA, GENE H.647 Park Rldgo Rd. S d hwin Fans, ID 83301 ^ ^ource: Groundwator iivorsion Pt: SESW S o c w |J 5 T 0 9 S R 1 7 E

- a "ooU ng-f040ols)------------- - n a ibcrigallon(.060cfs)a te Fitod: 11/25/1938 Fallsi:T 0 9 S R 1 7 E S 3 5 S E S W * d o ^,0 acres total t o , 5

47-06157 hsALBOT.JEANC. 2i1 5 Box 6068------------------------ 91uhl. ID 83316 tvo u r c e : U N N A M ED thTREAM ccributaiy: MUD CREEK thiiv o r s io n P t : S E S E N E saO C 3 4 T 0 9 S R 1 4 E Comrs o : F is h P r o p a g a t i o n isl.OOOds) ora te Rtod: 11/30/1988 Saidi:T 0 9 S R l4 E S 3 4 S E N E withoThe pormit(s) will b e sub- rantyic t to a ll p r io r w a t e r se ssIg h ts . P r o lo s ls m u s t b o to sall e d w ith t h e D ir e c lo r . curod■opt of W ater R esourees. th e io u th e rn R e g io n , 2 1 4 8 forro<th A v e n u e h a s t . T w in oxoc»alls, Idaho 63301 on o r WBF

r ' S l X J n i r - - L *tirodor t l pU B L ISH : T h u r s d a y , P ^ '

larch 16 and 23 ,1 9 8 9 . TLEl NOTICE OF

PUBUC HEARING « « u iNolico is horoby givon by J R .’>0 Planning and Zoning husbCommission for the Cily o l Novcwin Falls. Idaho, that a cort*ublic hearing will bo he ld a s Ir<n M a rc h 2 6 , 1 9 8 9 , a Mort f u e s d a y a t lh e h o u r o l '« 0 o 'dock, P.M.. in tho:ou n c II C h a m b e rs . C ity LEE^aO. located a t 321 Soo- 3* G>nd A v en u e E a s t . T w in w™. ^aUs, Idaho, to h e a r « ro-

’^ uS l AS a n d ANGI ALL PRESCOTT w i^,

R e q u e s t a S p e c ia l U s o TN =ormit in oftfar tha t tho ippBcants may oporato a Ji™ ' a re sc h o o l a n d d a y c a r o » n to r on proporty locatod < at 231 V ^ m a n A venue, f rwin F a ls . 1

LOLA UAE STINNETT i Roquests a S poda l Uso Permit in ordor tha t tho applicant moy oporato a soauty shop a s a homo o t 1 jccupabon on property to- P "» ; a t e d a t 5 2 4 M o n ro e

A cemptoto d o s^ p tto n is an lito with tho Twin Falls ^

NIE321 Socond A venue E ast, bam 736-2267. to c

SCOTT RUDEEN R e q u e s ts a z o n in g v a ri- N®' onco which w ould pennit tho applicani to split ono prei 1 0 -a c re p a rc e l In to llvo Hr?- two-ocro parcels in the Air- DA port Zone in tho /^roa ol Im pod w hen) 20 ocros is PU the minimum tot sizo. The subjoct p rgxm y ts locatod b e tw e e n E a s t la n d D rive S o u th e n d B luo L a k e s Boutovard South.A comptote description is -----

on fito with the T w n Falls City Planning a n d Zoning f v Admtoistnitor a t City Hai. oV j 321 Secorxf Avonuo E ast, oj i 736.2267. ^

Any and a l pe rsons de - i^e siring to comment m ay ap - t i c poo r and tw hoard a t the appolntod timo. , 1s ^ G n g R u d d e l .C la k m a n - P l^» > g a n d 2 D n tn g ,C o m -

PUBLISH; S u nday . M vch ? n! 12, 1989 and T hu rsday .March 16. 1989.__________


Nottoe Is hereby givon by lawl the City Coonol lor tho Stal City ol Twin Falls, klaho. time tha t a public hoaring w il d e s bo held on April 3. 1969, a situ M o n d a y , a t th e h o u r o l Twi 6 0 0 o d o c k . P.M., in th e and C ounc il C h a m b e rs ,-C ily — ie-w H al. locatod a l 321 Seo- U l o n d A v en u e E a s t , T w in ■ Falls. Idaho, to hoa r a ro- I quest by; -- 1



BUILOtNG PARTTIER- Tha--------.SHIP-------------------

R equott a Zoning D ittrld 1 Change and Zoning Map 1 Amondmont from R-4 Pro- 1 fesstonal Ovorlay density 1 to R-6 Prolesstonal O ver­lay density tor property lo­c a lo d a t 6 6 6 S h o s h o n e S t ro e t E a s t . Tw in F a lls , ar>d roquests vacation ot th e 8 0 lo o t w id e p u b lic right-ol-way known a s 7th A v e n u e E a s t b e iw e o n Sheshofw Stroet E ast and

issifE G A L N O T IC E LEC

1 S troot E a s t Sold TWIN FALLS CITY wrthou ANNINO AND ZONING ranly 1

COUMtSSlON sosstoi ^ s t s a Zorting Dlstrid to sa^i luige aiid 'Z oiiinu Map*~xun]d' lo n d m o n i Iro m R -6 th o pc 10-1 (m ulti-household forrod ktontial with a mobito oxocut n e overlay) dortsiiy to VANCI2 (h ea v y m onu loc tu r- E. KE ) d o n s lw lo r p roporty i>and (

T m .E

S S u b d iv is io n , T w IiT T ^ N Y ;tion ai

comptoto deso ip tion is lor thofito with the Tvnn Falls o t UNnning and Zoning Ad- MORTl i s t r a to r o t City H all, a s betI Socond Avonuo East, vo m b« 2 6 7 . c o rd eiy a n d all porsons do- 1979,ng to commonl may op- 77272:tr a n d bo hoard a t tho F IR S 'lointod timo. GAGEoug Vodmer n o w kyor CA'SfeL IS H : T h u r e d a y , V1CIN(rch 16 .2 3 .1 9 8 9 . m o n t«


n Thursday, the 22ndt ol June . 1909 a t tho ^ i r o i 1130 o 'd o c k a .m .sa w day a t tho Twin A R JIs Couniy Courthouse, i tX . ', ' u n ty o l T w in F a l ls .l to o f I d a h o , T ITL E - NO RCT. INC.. on idoho cor- 'Sution. acting In Its co- A RE aty BS successor trust- win u l 111 puMlc auc-

1, to tho highest biddor. TL9^- cash . In lawful monoythe Unitod Statos, all ,«>>®J>y a b lo a t th e tim e o l inc le . t h o fo llo w ln g -d o - iboJ ruul piop a ty. sim— poymc d Jn tho County of TwinIs, S tato ol Idaho, and scribed os foflows:

5 a n d the W ost one- * 0hall of Lot 6 In Stock Soptor 26 o f F IL E R TO W N - SlTEr-Twto F a lb C oun- -19,68:ty, Idoho, according to All doth e p la t th o ro o f . ro - 1cordod in tho O fliw of friulototho County Rocordor of o n y osakJ County, p onsc mmonly known addross is 211 Fifth Stroot, Fli-or, Idoho. 83328. pf $9,5 lid soto virill bo madofiout covenant or war- ® Ity regarding titto, pos-js io n or e n cu m b ran c e *32.1 lotisly tho obliootion so-tJd by and pursuont to *9-24) p o w o r o l s a l e c o n - J J L grod in tho Dood o l Trust PANYK utod by THOUAS E. J™6to 3RICH and USABETHW E IR IC H . h u s b a n d Trust

d w ile, gmntors to Tl- P U B l E A N D T O U ST COM-.NY (succeeded by Tl- f^ -1 *E F A C T , IN C .), o s NOTI stoo for tho bonolit andairity ol MAX HENRY. O n 1

a n d L O IS H E N R Y , day olisbofid and wifo, da ted 1 0 « ))vomber 23, 1981, ro- day, IrdodD ocom borg , 1981, O f ^Instrument No. 813701. 1616

srtgage ntcorcis o l Twin Twinills County, Idaho, ond AMEFis u m o d by R O B E R T PANYIE BEER and CONNIE a t pu. B E E R , h u s b a n d a n d Nghoifo. a n d subsequently as- lawhilim ed.REM O KIT ALL*. StaloiDN a n d CONNIE JEAN Itmo <L L ISO N , h u sb a n d a n d dosc iifo. slluaiifhe dofouli lor which this Statolto Is to be m ado is fail- scribc

; n S T p i y - » . U , , ^ l n -to r o s t , in c lu d in g th o SIpaym ent doo February C<1, 1989, In tho am ount in|o f$ 4 .1 l8 .3 0 ; ro

id tho balanco owing o s PLthis dote on lhe obliga- so

>n secu red by soto D eed a tI T r u s t Is $ 4 5 ,4 9 6 .2 5 . BEGIu s intoresl, lato chorgos mid lo redo tu ro costs. O ^ e B E R T ^ te g ^ E C n m d ■ iXhMONNIE S, BEER, hus- Wm d and wifo, and REMO beIT ALUSlOri w td CON- ^IE JEAN ALUSON. hus- T henin d and wHe. a re nam ed PiI c o m p ly w ith S e c t io n beS-1506(4)(o) Idaho Codo. 210 representation Is m ade T hen At fftoy are or aro not Pi resen tly rosponsib lo lor be •is o tiliation . ^ 2 A T E D Ih is O th d a y o l Therv obruwy. 1969;ITLEFACT. INC. »f/D. 0 , W ators Stoe -P festoen i_____ ______UBLISH: Thursday. Fob- Comi


>1 Monday, the 19lh doy M u i1 Jurw , I960 a t the hour o t a I 10:30 o 'dock A.M., o l ojrec lid day . In the kabby o l th e 1 m o ^ o i c h i c a g H - T t . . . ^ LE INSU RA N CE COM- oxaa ANY O F IDAHO, kx»tod SLA1 I 3 1 1 S e c o n d S t r e o t_ 3 i_ 4 6rtf»; City oFTwin Falls, wife o u n ty o f T w in F a l l s , a m e t a t e o f I d a h o . T IT L E p a n ' ND TRUST COMPANY, bene n Idaho Corporatton. a s eENI jccossor/ffustoo. w ll seO c ot public auction, to thoIghest biddor, for cash , in juno nvful money o l iho Unitodta les , ail payable a t tho cjQi fm e o l salo. tTie toltowing oou re sc r ib e d rea l p roperty , t h eItuatod In the County of a REwin Ftfis S tato of Idaho, rl.y nd described a s tolow s.H w it----------------------------->-NO-io l 2. Bkxk 1. PALMER i s II

SU B D IV ISIO N . TwinF a l ls C o u n ty . Id a h o , e n ta c c o rd in g lo th e p la t p o Rt h e r e o l r e c o rd e d In ^V o lu m e 5 o l P l a t s , f t . in ,p a g e 2 3 , r e c o rd s o t i ) P isa id County. poyn

h e trustee has no kr»wl- $ g 7(■ e d a e o i« n u n .p a r tic u - montla r d e scr ip tio n o l th e Octoiabove releroncod real 2) Tcpruperty. but b r pur- costip o s e s o l c o m p lia n ce forecw ith S o c tlo n 6 0 -1 1 3 ancoId a h o C o d e , th e on Iftru s to o h a s b e e n In- b y s tkxm od that the stroot Dat»o d d h iu o l 383 Madi- FIRSson. Twin F t fs . Idaho. COMIs so m etim es a s to c i - ^ /U ia t e d w ith s a id r e a l Trustoropcrty. PUB

fiedE G A L N O T IC E LEC

ild sato wai b e m a d o Marchtout convonant o r w ar- 1989. ty regarding, litlo. p o s- ' | ston o r oncum baincoB t d i otisfy tho obPflatten se -a d - t j r u f td ^ r s u a n r t a aZl-ef I p o w o r of s a l o con-! od In tho deed of tm s t S iwcutod by DANIEL W . r i U ^‘ICE anef CANDACE L t l e ^KEVAN VANCE,, h u s- p ^ vid ond wife, grantor, to n i 311 LE AND TW C T C O M -

I a s succossor/trustoo. the bonofit and socurlty t r u s UNITED S E C U R IT Y M nho iRTGAGE COMPANY. bonofkdory. da tod No^Tiber 2 9 , 1 9 7 9 , r o - d o r fc •d ed N o v o m b o r 3 0 , m ono^ *9. a s Instrument No. c tm ns

i? T f“a M “ v I lllO H T - d ^ c r i i G E C O R PO RA TIO N ,w k now n o s A M E R t- Twin F'S MORTGAGE SE R - qI T X IING, INC.. by A ssign-nt 0/ dood ol T m st ro- {.ot id o f jjJ ;q u u y .3 ,1 9 0 3 a s c r 'trumont No ^32766 , s u lrtgoge records o l Twin TIVIs County, Idaho. t yE ABOVE GRANTORS ^ I :E NAMED T O CO M -/-WITH SECTION 4 5 - pia'»(4)(p). IDAHO CO D E. n | .I REPRESEN TA TIO N Tho mMADE THAT T H E Y '™ odc


» default b r which th is 3 Is to bo m ode Is bo - irfii tho failuro to pay w hon tru

», m onthly In s ta llm o n t------- jorr

s t Note doted N ovom - ^r 2 9 . 1 9 7 9 . In t h o |d oount ol $367.84 e ac h . os«the m onths o l A ugust, m n)tomber, O ctobor, N o- sokJn b o r ond D e c o m b o r , ^ithou >8 ; and January.-1989,.do llnquoni p a y m o n is c n i /b inow due; plus o c cu - .QsnUi

lated lato d ia rg e s : p lus S ,fod

. lorodosuro. Tho ao- oxocutod Interest Is a t the ra to w A L )(9.24 por dtom a n d tho noN Nanco owfing a s of this bond t0 on the on igatton so - TITLE od by sakf dood ol tru st p a n y M 1 4 .9 5 plus a c c ru e d .jCn ; o r o s t - o l th e r o to o l

l e 'a n d ' t r u s t COM - vS e s

S 'c K ™IB L ISH : T h u r a d a y ,


n T h u rsd ay , th o 2 9 th 1506(</ ol Juno ot tho hour o t NO R:00 o 'dock A.M., of so ld ISM Ay, in the Lobby of th o A R E .^ ol tho T njstoo o t PRES16 A ddson Avo. E as t. BLE f fin Fans. Idaho. FIRST • TION dERlCAN-TITLE COM - T h e .tNY, a s Trustoo, will soli sato iipublic auction, to tho ing th<

ihest bidder, b r co sh . In d u e rvhil money o l tho Unitod paym<lie s , all payablo a t th o ^ s t10 orsoTo, tho lonowing 17 i£iscribod roal p ro p o rty . $ 1,36uatod In iho Twin Falfs, monthato o l Idaho, a n d do - toberlibod a s fonosvs. to-wit: cembilat part ot Lol 26 of O R - ary V

CH A L A R A SU B D IV I- paymS IO N . T w in F a l l s p lu sCounty. Ictaho, accord- diarg<Ing to the ptat ihoroof, a n c orecorded In Book 1 o l olhorP lau , poge 81, reco rds a ssocsaid County, doscribod dosurastoltow s: o s t I

:GINN1NG ot tho S outh- 9 0 0 0ooU com er ol Lot 28 of AuguiO rchalaraSubdivitton; bal^<

fla«_a3J3_W est atong tho S ou th curodbouKlary o t said Lot i t $ l28 .217 .00 b e t : cured

» n c e North 0°26’ E a s t d 9 .0p a ra l le l to th o E a s t Auguiboundary of sa id Lot Datoc26.100 .00 feet; TITLE

ience South 89T32' E as t PANYp a ra lle l to th o S o u th Maboboundary of said Lot Tnist2 8 .217,60 feet; PU B

w nce South 0 ^ ' W ost htordatong tfie E as t bound- 6 19(ary of sakl Lot 28, 100 -------feet to the POINT O F 'BEGINNINa______

ammonly known as; 709

r l Street. Twin Falls , THE83301 If

iakl sato will bo m ad o ihout covenant o r w ar-

roo«M ng H l ^ p o ^»M»n or encum brances satisfy the obSgation so-

ired by and pu rsuant toIO p o w o r o l s a lo c o n - ° , _ rred in the d e e d o U r u s f -lecuted by JEFFREY B. ” ARI LATER a ^ SHERRY R. L A T E H ^ u sb A rv d -a n d - - JJO J lie a s grantor,, to FIRST GIVE MERICAN T ltL E COM - •<9 ni ^NY. a s trustee, for th© po 'n l Dnolit a n d s e c u r i t y o f *«nti ENEFICIAL MORTGAGE name 0 , O F IDAHO. « Del- * o n s are Corporation rocordod * 9 ^jno 4. 1986 a s Instru- D o wenl No. 902220 of Offi- <“ if<01 Recordref-Tw in Falls, ounty. Idaho.HE ABOVE GRANTORS <he,»i RE NAMED T O C O M - [ " “ t LY WITH SECTION 45- bo b 506(4 |ja> . Id ah o C o d e .

} MADE T H A T T H E Y a d d rRE O R ARE NOT PR E S - vrith INTLY R E S P O N S IB L E •«O RTHISOBUGATION. Attorrhe dotault lor which Ihls 136 lto Is to be m ode Is:I Failuro to mako monthly Wahon m e n ts in the am oun t of DATE 6 7 0 .8 2 d u e to r t h eo n ths o< S e r te m ber « n d -Twinctober, 1 9 ^ Com}I Together with any o tho r by/Bc >sts Bssociaied wiih this irec lo su ro a n d th e b a i-w o owing a s of this d a to Twm1 the obEgstton se cu red T elo / sakf d ^ of tm st la $.a ted Febm aiy 2 4 ,1 9 6 9 PU B IRST AMERfCAN TITLEOMPANY TRUSTEE ll^/Unda Adams CO<rust Officer JUOU B L ISH : T h u r s d a y , THE

E G A L N O T IC E L E G i

ch 9 , 16, 23 and 30, INA9 ______________ _____ C


^of Jufy, a t the A^OTHj ro l1 0 ;3 6 o 'd o d iA .M ., Statowid aid d a y jn th e tobby ol

eI n s u & n c e w m : ' k a t h l e4Y O F IDAHOMocstod _311 S o o o n d .S t r o o l .T h q Stailh:C ity_ol_1V v in _ F a n a ^ ro o t!ninty of Twin F o l l s - ^ to nom otfa I d a h o , T ITL E A NO Y ou oro U S T CO M PA N Y , a n h o C o r p o r o t lo n , a s n lw a g a toe , wiil soli a t puWte « » ' tion, to Iho highest bU - Id a h o ,’, fo r c a s h . In la w fu l “ ‘'" X ‘ n o y o t th e U nftod tos, 0)1 payable a t the th e r e o l i o l salo, tho foltowing n a m o d ic ribod re a l p roporty , “j® a tod In tho County of ? n “nsj n Foils, Stoto of Idoho, tton In d I described o s tollows, c o m p la n t ' days of1 1, B lo ck 1, H ILL- fu m m o C R E S T M E A D O W S lu r th y r SUBDIVISION NO. 1. ,<*> TIWN FALLS CO U N - fw ^ ln s TY. IDAHO occordng t il l ,w ill to tho plot thereol ro- ogi^nst cordod In V dumo 10 ol

) trustoo hos no knowi- 24tf ed g e of a more p a r t l y lo r d e sc r ip tio n of th e abovo reforoncod roal ^ /D ton i proporty. bu t for pur- p o s e s of c o m p lia n ce w ith S o c tlo n 6 0 - 1 1 3 ' M a ^ : I d a h o C o d e . I h e 1 8 8 9 ^ t r u s to o h a s boo n In- IN I form od.tho t the street COUR a ddres s -o f-g 0 1 2 -0 ak — JUDICI w ood Onvti. Twin Fallt, THE S I d a h o , Is s o m e tim e s IN / a s s o c i a te d w ith so ld COL roal proporty.ikJ soto will bo m ade MAGIS fiout covonont or vrar- C asoN ( ity rogerefng bde. pos- AI40TH iston or encum brances Idaho P< tatlsfy the obllgatton so- A Corpc e d ond pursuant to ) p o w e r o f s a l e c o n - red In tho dood ot tm st M IKE Mutod by THOMAS 0 . LORNE h L K E R , J R . , o n d INNA I. W A U E R . hus- THE S x l and wife, m n to r . to SENDS •LE AND TRUST c 6 m - THE At NY. an Idaho Corpora- FENDA n , o s t r u s t e e , to r th o MIKE n o fIt a n d s e c u r i ty o f LORNE X3RE FINANCIAL SER - You a JE S INCO RPO RATED ,-that b C bonofidary. da ted Feb- f ile d ai try 17, 1M 7 recorded a b o v e Brtiory 17, 1987 a s In- Iho abo u m e n t N o . 9 1 7 2 4 6 , a n d y o ^ g o records ol Twin roctod I lb County, Idaho. sw er 01E ABOVE GRANTORS dolonst IE NAMED T O C O M - w ith in Y WITH SECTION 45- from d- 06(4)(a), IDAHO CODE. Summ< ) REPRESEN TA TIO N further M ADE TH AT T H E Y you do ^ E . O R A RE N O T . F«roin« lESENTLY RESPONSI- ti l l wil E FOR THIS OBUGA- against DN, the Corho default tor vrhlch this The n to is to bo mado is be- against I th e lailuro to pay w hon os.0 , m onthly Instollm ont WITNl ymonts undor Dood of tfto so i j s t Noto dotod Febaiary 2nddO] . 1967. In the am ount of Rtoharc ,3 6 5 .0 0 e o c h , fo r Iho Ctork

Jnths of September, Oc- s/Unda >er. Novombor, and Do- Deputy m ber. 1980; and Janu - PLlBLI y 1 989 . All d o lin q u o n t Morch ly m o n t s a r e n o w d u o ; 1989. u s a c c u m u la t e d l a t e in a rges: plus escrow bai- c o U l ICO d o llc i t ; p lu s a n y JUDIC lo r costs o r oxponsos THE S soda tod with ihit fore- IN isuro . The aco u o d inter- CO It Is o t th o r a to o l 000% por annum from MAGI! jgust 1. 1989, and lhe C a so fI ^ C T ° 0 ^ irod by sakl dood ol trust ING$ 1 4 1 ,0 9 4 .3 0 p lu s a c - In th e l

ired Inu rest ot Ow rato SHANi9.000% por annum from HEATIjg u st 1 .1968 . JAUIEatod f ^ r c h 11 .1989 .' ChildrTLE AND TRUST COM- yoars 1^NY. Trustoo ^a polaboi Rodwino m inatixjsl Officer Act haU B L ISH : T h u r s d a y . Deoonarch 16. 23. 30 and Apnl Wolfar1089. petitior



MAGISTRATE DIVISION TaboteN o.4234OTICE TO CREDITORS 2 , ^ 1 , tho Mattor o l lhe Estato


D eceased O T IC F IS H F P F R VI V f N W t h o u n W 2 * 5 g n e d h a s b e e n « p - Jintod P e rso n a l R op ro . i n t o t i v e o f th o a b o v o im od DocodonL AH per- a n s h a v in g c la im s ja inst the Docodofil or ocodonrs oslAU aro re- ®P H ired to p r o s o n t th e i r . o lm s w ith in fo u r (4 ) on ths after the da to of o first pubBcatton of this ) tx » or sakl da im s will ) forever barrod, Cloims u st oiihor bo prosoniod

d d r e s s In d ica te d , l ile d couith th e Clerte o l tfie Court ^- se n t 10 e e » i K. S m tti. sTAt to rn e y for th o E s ta te , A N D !}6 S ix n Avenue North, n.0 . Box 1862. Twin Fafls.. u a g ilaho 83303-1882. c ^ lATED This 22nd doy ot a NOTBbruory. 1989. s t a Tffk] F i u i Bank tn d T ru s t. t io n s ompany


32 Main Avenue South Tha Swm Falls. Idaho 83301 i ? ! . , e ^ p h o n o : ( 2 0 8 ) 7 3 4 -

U B L ISH : T h u t . d i y . a S l ,larch 2. 9 and 16 1989 fi/Jdei


D:4 Tlmos-Nows T

iLegals- Ia

3 A L N O T IC E L E G A

I AND FOR THE th e r e o l )COUNTYOF n a m o d PTWIN FALLS orb d roct


HER SUMMONS com plainridoC dtodtons.H nc. doys of th

Plaintiff su m m o n•vs- further no

L E E N T V E ll you do teDofondant horoin tp<

;toto o l Idaho se n d s llff w ill tIn g s ' to th e a b o v o 'against yirilofonaBnL - • l a g f W pire ho ro b y n o tif ie d Tho notiCOTplainl hM boon ooainst yo

g a ln s ty o u in lh o d is - ^ d a n o c l tourt o l th e -S ta to o f < o D o ^ n>, In a n d lo r t h o W ITNES’ o l Twin Foils, (in booI ol sclo g is tra to D lv s lo n th i s 0 7 <lOh by th o a b o v o ig s9 .d P I a jn t l l f a n d y o u Richard Aroctod to fito a writ- g/ HamDloiisw or o r vnltton m ^ Deputy, MI dofonso to tho sak i P U S L IS Ila in t w ith in tw e n ty March 16.of the so rvk» o l this e 198910n s : a n d y o u o r o —:------------r notim d that un to ss IN THI0 so within the tim o COURT1 spedfiod, tfw plain- JUDlCIA ill to k o J u d g m e n t THE ST/ t t you a s p rayed In in AN om plalnt c o ESS Vn h an d o n d TW }| sold District C ourt C oso No 4th doy of FobrtJory, ANOTHEI

^ , RO G E Rrd A. Ponco, CtorK ERA, inn Jonosly, Maglstrato C o u rt.................l I s H : T h u r t d y . D ANA M 1 2, 9 . 16 a n d 23 . a k a DAN____________________ TIN,i THE DISTRICT JR T O F T H E R F T H THE ST/ ICIALDISTRICT-OP— S E N O S -i STATE O F IDAHO. THE ABC


FALLS tliat 0 Co(ilSTHATE DIVISION U lod ago No. 17332 o b o v o orrHER SUM M ONS-------th e above' Pow er Com pany a n d y o u poration roctod to

Plaintiff sw or or * -vs- dofonso t

E E . H O B B S a n d w ith in tw 4E M . CLEMENTS from tho

D efendants S u m m on STATE O F IDAHO lurthor 00

) S GREETINGS T O you do si ABOVE NAMED DE- n®rt>ln spi )ANTS. t i l l w ill IE E . H O B B S a n d against y ^E E . CLEMENTS: the Comp

a ro h o r o ^ notiltod T h q ,n a t I'Complalnt h a s -b e e n - agam sL y a g a in s t y o u In I h e for Divorc e en titlecl c o u r l . b y s u o ^ bove nariKid Planlifr, WITNES y o u a r e h o r o b y d l- Iho soal 1 d to fito a writlon a n - lO ihdoin or writton motton in R ichard A

ISO to s ^ d Complaint Ctork in tw e n ty (2 0 ) d a y s ShorriB n

tho sorvico of this D o ^ C m o n s : a n d y o u a r d P U B L IS jr n o t im tha t u n le ss March 16 io so within th e tim e 6 .1989 . n spocifiod, tho Plain- >u -n r ill l a k e J u d g m e n t

^ “ 01 Iho Si;ist you Is for dom ag-

>1ESS my hand a n d loal of this C ourt this

itaG w yn - I W i t " '

f f i i r T h u r . d . , . h 9 . 16. 23. a n d 36 ,


GISTRAT^DIVISION0 No. J-88<>4-CPA c l a m s

b » w ^ C

10 Interest of: c a t< ^ “cINNON SHEPARD c tork of IkTHER SHEPARD S T F P HUE LEE SHEPARD | S | | nvd ren u n d o r e ig h te e n by/R uttct of oge. AitomovaetibM undor th e Tor- T n S f ra tion o l Po ron t-C h lld P O B o xhas boon fitod by iho Twin Foiartm ent o l H eallh a n d 0083laro. The merits o t lh e Telephorion w il b e exam ined PU B LIS

i ^ l h e M a g { s tra to 's_ N O T IC Ejr t , L in c o ln C o u n iy LEASEirth o u so , S h o s h o n o TER!10. N oticoa following Indviduals that Lka1 personally oppoor o t 0 2 -2 3 3 hoaring: c o p ie d rH Y S H E P A R D . Supply £ Ih e r o l th e a b o v e - W ato r F lOdchikJren a n d It a 3ERT-SHEPARD, F e — l « m th r e l S h a n n o n a n d B a n k p i ther S h d p h ^ » o n i of e ab o y cH r^ fM d Ind i- •

they aro entitled to boen ted by coun- J M rigIf they a re fInandaBy ®f <<von

bto to retato an attor- •»ot por, thoy m ay Opply jo th e ' g»5on 0la prior to tho hearing , w a r s aappo in tm onL oL coun- bor 7.

m um aradoridi B. W ood_______ vofUKl i listrato________________ 2,745 ac ad: 2/28/1989__________ T hew s B L lS H ; T h u r a d a y . _^ » ® o< rc h 9 , 16 , a n d 2 3 ,_ba» » « 9._____________________riod not _____________________ _the 1991

X IR T O F T H E R F T H w l bT<

T M ? w \ § f ( B u N rVnXtdD FOR THE CO U nTY S n a k e IO ^ N F A U S . w h ich

iGISTRATE DIVISION $2.50 pco N o . 16849 la 3THER SUMklONS Aodlca

IHA p. E G B E R T ^ * * " S T lS ? !D efendant B d se . I

S tate o t klaho s « id s tho dope l ln g s lo th e a b o v e o lflc o s.ied dofondant coivod iiu a re hereby notiliod Directora c o m p ia in lh a s beon p.m . Api

I aoainst vou In th e d is- considef(xntn o f the S tato o l R, Koff*

h o . in a n d lo r t h e D iredornty of Twin Falis. (in PU B LIlM o g is t ra te D lv s io n PiAarch 1

Twin Fallo,’Idaho T hursdn/. I

LegatsG A L N O T IC E

)o l) by th o a b o v e >d Plaintiff a n d you irocted to fito a writ- : nswer o r writton mo- » dofenae-to the-sa id - —

of'tho servira* n o n s : a n d y o u a r e r notified Oial untoss to to wilhin tho time 1 tp e d rn d . tho plain- . rlll to k o ju d g m e n t

^ prayed In

nature ol tho d a im ,st you Is on account - 100 to lhe plointiff for tton.'JESS hand and ;)f sold Dlstrid C ourt >0 7 d a y o l M a rc h , .

rd A. Ponco, Ctork ‘ TiDlonty, Moglstrtito Court l Is H: T h u r s d a y . . 116 ,23 , 30 ond April . 19. :






Dofondant STATE O F IDAHO •

^s - o r e e h n g s t o 'ABOVE NAMED DE- * ; )ANT:

oro horoby notiliod 1 Complaint nas bcion a g a in s t y o u In th o0 ontitlod c o u rt, bybovo.nam od plolntill.__/o u a ro h o ro b y d l-d to fito a vrritten on- or writton motton in

ISO to said Complaint n tw en ty (20 ) d a y s tho sonrfco-of this

m o n t; a n d you o ro ►r notifiod thot untoss10 so wilhln iho timo n spocifiod. the Plain- flll ta k e J u d g m e n t ist you OS proyod in omplainl, nature o l tho daim isLyou is - a n acUon. . ivorco and related is-

N ESS KV hand and oal ol this Court this doy ol March. 1989. ira A. Ponco

iB roytos Ity ClorkL ISH : T h u r e d a y , h 16. 2 3 .30 and Apnl 89.



D eceasod riC E IS H E R E B Y IN that Brent K. Hod- h o t boon oppdntod ’o s o n to t iv e o l th e ^ e-nam od d e c e d e n t , lersons having claims n i t tho d o e o d o n t o r osloto oro roquirod to ont thoir didm s within (4) months ottor the of tho first publication

h is n o t ic e o r s o ld m s will b e f o re v e r xl. Clairns m u tt either

ad a t tho addross Indi- id . o r m o d w ith th o \ of tho C ourt ;PH A N , K V A N V IG . ;ENV«xbD & STONE :ustd l Kvanvig noy for Porsonal Rop- ntativo Box 63

1 FoJIt, Idaho 8 3 3 0 3 - '

phono: 206-733-2721 ' ^LISH : T h u r s d a y ,11 9 .1 6 and 23 .1989 .

n C E O F -W A T E H F O f l_ l^SE FROM THE WA- t R SUPPLY BANK tlce I t ho ro b y g iv e n Lk^nsod w ator righl -

2 3 3 9 h a t b e e n a c ­te d in te th e W a lo r , ply Bank by the kiaho ior R e s o u r c e B o a rd It availabto for toasa

li th e W a te r S u p p ly -----ik p u rsu a n t to p rov i- » Of Section 42-1761,

klaho Code, a n dTrfli D rs u p p iy'fei»i m ~I and regulations, a right provkies a rate ivonton of 11.0 cubic porsocond.fof ih e ir r tr_ . an of 610 ocros arxl rs a priority o f Decwm- 7. 1964. The maxi-

n a n n u a l v o lu m e d i- . ad undor this right is 15 acre le e t» water It ovaBaUe fore on a yoar to year s or Jor a kangor p e - not to extend beyond 1996 water year. The : o f -« » le a M d~WHaff~ ~ b e c o n s is tan tw H h th o I f e r s t o r e d w a t e r ta d Irom th a U p p e r ike R iver r e n ta l poo l ch Is a p p ro x im a te ly O per acre loot divort-

pltoattons to toase the »r is available frem lhe « to r ;- ld a h o - O e p « r t :— It of W ater Resources 1301 N. O rchanl S t . se. ID 83720 o r from dopartm onrs regional

c e s . A pp lica tions re - ikI to the office o t tho •ctor on or botoro 5 0 0 . Apr! 3 , 1989, wifl be

CoSfh^jginson-dorB L ISH : T h u r a d a y , ch 16an d 2 3 , 1989,

in/. M ^ rc i r io g o o - — ~

Page 29: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will





---------TftT fiJTM SlSrortfw ^stato


N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV EN th a t t h o u n d o r* s lq n o d h a s b o o n op* ' p o ln to d .p o rso n o L ro p ro - ,.

______^so jita lly jQ -O laha-abovo—namocf docodoni. All por­s o n s h a v in g c la im s i

K a in s t th o d o c o d o n to r ostolo aro roquirod to :

prosont th d r do lm s within i lourth (4) m onths oftor Iho

dato o! tno first publication o( th is n o t ic o o r s o ld c la im s w ill b o fo ro v o r barrod. Cloims m ust oithor bo prosontod to tho undor- elgnod o t Iho addross indi- catod , Iho undorsig n o d 's oltomoy, WL, M. NUNG- E S T E R /JO H N HEP* W O R T H , o f H o p w o rlh , Nungostof & Lozomiz, or filod with tho Clork of tho CourtJohn C. Hopwonh Box 380Twin Fans, Idaho 83303 PU B L IS H : T h u r o d t y , M arch 1 6 , 2 3 a n d 3 0 , 19B9.IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FORTHE-DISTRICT OF-

IDAHO Advorsaw np, 87-018S NOTICE. BY PU BLICA ­TION, O F M O TIO N TO A P P R O V E C O M P R O *

_____ ^SE^A N D ^O T H IR IN G .

Succossor Trustoo'Plaintiff

•vs*F IR S T IN T E R S T A T E BANK O F lADHO, N.A., a Nationa] Banking A ssoda- tion,— ........ ...........................


TIFIED T hat L D . Fritzgor- nJd, o s Succosso r Trustoo to Toroso Ktoos, filod tho roforoncod advorsary pro­c e e d in g a g a in s t D o lo n * - dint. First Intorstato Bank,

■ sooking rocovory of funds upon aNogations tha t First Inlorstato Bank h a d vio- lo lo d th o B a n k r u p tc y Codo. tho Uniform Com- morici^ Codo, ond 'o r Iho Uniform F id u c la r io s Low os rogo/ds cortaln tm nsao- lio n s in w h ic h T o r o s a Kloos w as involvod.In c o n s id e ra t io n of tho

ruturo of tho claim s, and Ihe dofonsos,' a sM rtod In Ihii advorso/y procooding. a n d Ih o c o s l s a n d ox* p o n so s o l fully-litigaU ng tho s a m o . ll h a s b o o n agrood by Plaintiff a n d Do­lo n d a n t, F irs t In to r s ta lo Bonk tha t tt is in tho Intor* ost of tho p a / to t to fully Kttlo and com prom ise this p ro c o o d in g . a n d th o cloim s o s s o r to d iho ro ln , u p o n th o p a y m e n t o l $25^000.00 by D ofandonl 10 r^lainillf. P la in t if f bo* bovos this oom prom isso to bo in Iho bo st intorosl of

. c ro d ito rs of Iho o s la to s m v lous ly odminislorod by Toresa Kloos and thor»< loro h a s movod this Court lo approvo tho proposod compromlso, upon notico find noariM . U pon ontry ol su c h on O rd e r , P la in tiff shall dism iss tho subject

wilh pro juaco , oach potty to boar its own c o s ts and loos.This notico is summ ary

onty. Tho Mobon to Ap­provo Com promlso is on lilo w ith tlio C o u r t a n d m a y , l o g o th e r w ith th o p 4 o ^ g s filed ki ttiis ad- vonory proceeding, b e in- ipoctod s t th e offices of Iho Ctork et th e C o u rt 2nd Boor. B o r ^ StalionsA M F o d o ra l B u ild in g , S th ft B o n n o c k S t ro o t , B o iso ,

This MoSon to Appiovo Compromtso wiB b e hoard on Ntonday, tho 3rd day ol April, lo e d , a t 1 0 « 0 a m . or a s soon thoroahor a* counsol may bo heard, in a courtroom o l th e U.S. Bankruptcy Court., District of Maho, Fodoral Buildng.

■ 6 lh " F lo o r , 5 5 0 W . F o r t Strorit. Boise, Idaho. O b } o d m s m ust bo spo-

----------S S - S 5 i ^ c $ 2 r S 3sorvod on counsel l a tfio Trustee, not ta ler ttian Rvo [st d M boforo heating. O b ^ t io n t no t l lm i^ fSM with lhe Court a n d prop­orty sorvod w il nol bo con* ticferod by Iho C o u r t tn

. ttw absonoo of.Snw V ob; iocbon, or shouW objoo- t» n s bo ovorruk)^ Ptainblf wia request entry of an Or­dor a t hoaring approving ttw coftwromtso.

DATED this 22nd day oi February. 1889

........ ........ T o r ty U :* ^ ™ -----------------Given*. M c O ^ Punley. W obb & Bu m t Attom iy tfO fT fusW e P U B L IS H ; T t r a r a d a y , Man:h 2. 9 . 16 ond 23I0B9.______________ __


-------------47-08135 in tfw nam o o WJUam E. Babcock wai advo rtisod incorrectly oi 2 /1 8 a n d 2 /2 3 /8 9 . T h i quantity o( u se lor dome* be u so w as sd v o r tso d a: boing ,4 d s .

' W H E R E A S , t h o a c lu a amount ol w ator for do mostic u so Is .04 cfs.Any protosts to tho abov c o rro c l io n m u s l bo lilo-


r of Wator R e s b u r o ^ 2148Fourth A venuo E a s t TWin i

Falls, ID B3301 on or bo- |r foro3f27/89. «

R. KoHh Higginson. Diroc- jI tor I

P U B L IS H : T h u r s d a y , I; M a rc h 9 .1 8 .1 9 8 9 . I0 NOTICE OF MEETING !


f , ■r* N otice is h e r e b y g ivon)* tha l on tho 23rd cby ol >*... M orch .a t l .-0 0 .p m .In-lho_ .n 1^1 Key Ir- Bank Administratioo B u iltT ^s lng a t 8lh and Bannock in)r Boiso. Idaho, nominations10 f o r o n e ( 1 ) p r o c e s s o rin m om bor o l M Idaho Po-10 talo Commisston from Dis-n trfct* 1. 2 . a n d 3 m ay b ed mado by qua&fiod procos-

eors roskling in Iho Stato of Idaho. E ach processor

[■ m ay n o m in a te th ro o (3)l>* qua lllio d p r o c e s s o r s lo r> the vacancy from wtwm f* ono win bo appointod lo ’* tho Commission by Cover*

norCocO O .A ndnjs.X DATED Februaiy 20 J 9 8 8 10 IDAHO P O T A T O C O M ­

MISSIONBill Donlols. Chairman PUBUSH: Friday, Fobru* a ry 24 a n d T h u r s d a y ,

1 March 16. 1989.5. NOTICE O F »«ET1NQ _ N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y S GIVEN lha t an oloction win

b o h o ld .o n .M a r o h ^ 7 . , - . - 19S9 from 12:00 noon to

8KX) p.m . a t tho Hagor* m an City Offico for eloo* tion ol lhn>o m em bors to

O sorvo on tho Lower Snako 3* R lvor R e c h a r g e D istric t3 . Board of Diroctora.__ _ ____ ;

n iT rsT ocrodT ri^m bT fF r" shall bo a w ator u se r o r

iff roprotontalhre of a wator usor within the D isffk l

E 1* m e m b e r s h a l l b o a a mombor o t a la te r^ ditch

a- wator u se r 's association....... 1 * m o m b o r '» h a l l b o - a —nt mombor o l the d ty council 3. o l a munidpaDty within the R disuictIT 1-membor shall bo goner*3* oily roprosontativo ol tho .Y In te ro s ts o f w a to r u s o rs n- wittiin tho dIstricL T* Torm o f olfico for which

ooch oro okKtod shall bo> for Iwo years.>r- Dotofis D. Jonos, Socre- )0 tary.>0 P U B L IS H : T h u r a d a y . 0- March 2, 9 . 16 and a .n . - t o a g . - -------------------------------ik, :____tJs NOTICE O F TRUSTEE’Srst SALEo - On Thursday, th e 22ndsy day ol Juno , ^989 a t IheTl- houro l 1 0 :00o 'dockA M .,^0 of said day, in th e LobbyIW ol tho Office of th e TrostooIO a t 1 6 1 6 A d d is o n A vo ,(a E a s t, T w in F a lls , Id aho ,

F IR St AMERICAN TITL^10 CO M PA NY , a s t r u s to o ,nd win son a t public auction,in to tho h ighest biddor. ior>g. cash, in lawful monoy olX* tho United S tatos . aB pay*ig a b k i 'a t ttw timo of sate,.>n th o lo llow ing d e s c r ib e d>o- raal p ro p er^ , situated Inlo tho fw in Fails. S tale efar* Idaho, a n d doscribod a stlly Idlows, to-wii:v s L o t 14 In B lo o k 9 6 o f^0 BU H L T O W N S IT E .In. Twin Falls County, Ida*of ho, o c c o r ^ o to tho of-inl ficial p lat Koroof, re-0 * cordod in tho Offico oflo the County Rocordor otof sakJ County.

OS Tho Trustee h a s no knowl*by odgo o t a m oro particu-re< lar d e s c r ip t io n o t Ihe u rt a b o v e -d e sc r ib e d rea lod property, b o t tor pur-Ico p o s o s o l c o m p ta ln c eof wlt» Waho C ode , Seo-

lio n e o - 1 1 3 , t h e !>ct T nistee h a s been In-

^ a d d r o s s o f 5 0 8 11 th K d A v e n u e N o rth , B uhl,

Id a h o 8 3 3 1 6 , m a y ^ som etim es b e ossocf- ^P* a l e d w ith t a l d r a a l

h o without convonani o r war*sd- raniy rogarding litle, po»-in* session o r encum branoesof to sa tts fy tt tee b ig a flo n a e -

!nd c u n d t y and p u n u a n t lo> d th e p o w e r o f s a l e c o n -> ft forrod in ttie d e e d of »u sl s o . o x o c u te d b y DA RY L------ H A V « - « n d ^ O B C R T A -3V0 h a y s , h u sband and wifo,ard a s grantor, lo First Amori*f of c a n T it le C o m p a n y , a s-m. T ru s te e , to r t h e b o n o f ita* ond socuriN o t BENER-

. in CIAL M O R T G A G E C O .J.S. OF IDAHO, rocordod Juno iricl 3 .1 9 8 9 a s Insvw nent No. ing. 002185, records: of Twin

^ t ^ ( 4 J ( A ) , Id ah o C e d e .NO RE^^RESENTATION

five IS M ADE T H A T TH EY ing. ARE O R N O T P R E S ' aod ENTLY R E S P O N S IB L E ■op- FOR THIS OBUOATION. »n* Ttie datauK for wtilch tN t

tn u k i is to bo m a d e Is lal* o b j u r e to m ake prindpat and JOO- in torosl'paym orm a s se t ntilf kxth on-soid D oed ol Trust Or* and Prom issory Nota. The

^ original loan am ount w as 515,750.00 together witti

f ^ - mtorost B^eteon s t the rato ol 15.00% pe r annum , a s

------- ovraartCM w p ro m iiio ™(■ay. Noia d a ia .J u n e 2 . 1B0C

____ m o n th a n d c o n t in u in gC- o o c h a n d e v e r y m o n th

ttteroaftar until d a to o t

w as lo o o th o r w ith in t e r e s t f on ttiotoon a s o t February 1. T h e 106 9 in I h e a m o u n t oi Ties* $ 7 7 4 .2 1 . All d e lln q u e n i d a s payments a re n « f due to-

gottier with any tato charg- lu a l e i . a d v a n c e s , l e e s 01 do- costs • « o d ; i w ) w » l N i

kxedosure . Togottiar wit* txjvo gonoral taxes for ttw y e « lilod V 986. 1 0 8 7 a n d 198E


1 A i^ the ~biOance owing hisI a t o t tN s da to on the obit- not• g a l lo n s e c u r e d b y s a id Ns

d o ^ o f tru stis$ 1 5 ,M 0 .2 5 whc• plus accrued intorest a s of w ai

F ^ a r y 1 ,1989 . and. F g S T AMERICAN TITLE thoi

Trust O fflcori 15^P U B L IS H : T h u r s d a y , inP MBnh -2. 9 . 16 a n d ^ 3 .1989.____________________ STI


I sak i day a t tho TWin FoSs ("P'I C o u n ty C o u / th o u s o ,r C o u n ty o f T w in F a l l ^ ® -'• S t a l e o t I d a h o , F IR S T ^- AMERICAN TITLE COM- 2“ I PANY. an Idaho corpora- ^• bon, a s trustoo, wfll so l a t ihc } pubBo auction, to the hi{^* Bui r o s t b id d o r , fo r c a s h , In a s) lawful m oney of tho United a^ni r S a to s , all payable s t ttw 1 tim e 'o t sa lo , ttio fotknving co i ) d o sc rib o d re a l p roperty ,• situated in ttw County ot

Twin Fans, S ta to o t Idaho, a d} a n d d o s o ib o d 'a s toaovrs. W- to*wit: •

Tho E as t ooe^ia lf o f Lots IW 1 ,2 , and 3, In Block 10 IM o l BLUE LAKES ADDI* T IO N W E S T . T w in Clo F a l ls C o u n ty , Id a h o , ^ a c c o rd in g to th o p la t ^

f thoroof, recorded in ttw n O ff ic e o f th e C oun ty J-4

.Rocordor o l sa id Coun* At#

? Commonly Known addross £01 Is 2<M Fillmoro Slioot, Tw

Q T w in F a l l s . Id a h o PUa S3301. Ma It Sak l sak) will bo mado ^

.wlttiom covenant Of <w* •

f sossion o r ehcumbranoos j (f to sa tisly ttio obligation so- T]

curod ty a n d pursuant to B th o p o w o r o t s a lo con* h forrod in ttio dood of tmst

o x e c u to d b y S H E R R I m a —ARANDA,- a single-wom— C ail a n , g r a n lo r to F IR S T NC0 AMERICAN TITLE COMP* In:

NAY, aa trustee tor ttio of:b o n e f l t o n d s e c u r i ty o l M/

0 CHARLES SW O PE, a sin- .s gk) m an, rocordod Ocfibor N

2 9 ,1 9 8 4 , a s In s tru m en t 01h N o . 8 7 o 6 o 5 . M o r ta a g a sic0 r o c o r d s o t T w in P a lls poi

County. Idaho. Sakl prop* roi^ o r ty n o r e in a b o v o do* nai

scribod Is now ownod by ha', L A R R Y H O L L O N a n d t a

S U E H O LLO N , h u sb a n d qu

r ’ Tho dolault for which this m1 sa le Is to bo m ade is fal* ttw

uro to pay: Nod (1 ) M o n th ly p a y m e n ts bee through M arch 1, 1989, in mu., tho am ount o t $4,540.64; toy (^2) C o llo ctlo n c h a rg e o l adi0 S 100.00 : wit1, (3) Taxos. penalty and In- DAr torost tor th e la st half ot ar>E Iho 198 8 p ro p o rty ta x e s BnI, and aH ol m roal proporty RoX taxos pkJs penalty end in* P.<)f to ras t tor ^ 7 and 1088 Tm>1 In t h e to ta l a m o u n t o l P lf. $2,075.29, paid b e benoB- Me> dsinr. plus intorost aocru- <)' Ing a l m o rato o t 12% m rin annum from Fobmary 29, _»t 1989; Its a n d tho ba lance owing a s __

q( this da to on tho oU ga- “)f Uon secu red by said dood. nrr: of trust Is $39,454.18, plus _i . interest, la te chargos andif- foreclosure costs . sh»• DATED: htorch 7 ,1960 . tacDf RR ST AMERICAN TITLE —Dt COMPANY, T rustoe

B y/D ex ttrf .B all, Jr,*t* ^ P r e s k t e n t>- P U B L IS H : T h u r s d a y , 110 M a ic h ie , 23. 30andA prilal 6 .1989 .



ls^ o * reb y g iven T ' ” m at tha I d ^ S iaia Lot* ,

ta ry C om m ission Intonds ! / to adop t rules a n d regula* » ^ tions pursuant to auttwrtty

c o n f o ^ by Chapters 5i ^ a n d 7 4 , T itle e Z Id ah o 7 Code.^ Tha purpose o t tfils no- ^ tic* Is to aflord a l kitor*” esM d p e rsons reasonable Z opportunity to submit data,~ v t M o r argum ents, orally

• • &

rela te to ComiWsslon and ? S ta te L ottery p rocedu res « td tottery gam es. ?

r!‘ All w r i t te n c o m m e n t s {J J m ust b e d re c te d to ttw ^ ^ u n d e r s l ^ w id m ust be ^ ^ r e c e iv e d o n o r b e fo r e ? '9- K ta rc ft28 .19e9 .D elveri»s ”

b y U .S . M ail. P .O . Box f

l*M Boiae. ID 837^2 ' mA pubBo hewfctg e n ttw Ci

r ctey. M » t :h 2 8 .s t9 :3 0 « m L s l ttw U aho S ta te Lottory

orrk«. 1199 ShoreCna Ln.,^ Suito 100, Boise, kM w .S j — F .o riu .i lh ^ Jn lo rm a tlo n

con tac t Kattiy S how ers al 'Cl ( 2 0 8 ) 3 3 4 - 2 6 0 0 . D a ted ^ 24tti day of Febnory,

W tfyH edH citDirector

" .P J J B L I S H ^ - T J iM ie d a y r g M wch 9 .1 6 a n d 23 .1969 .

iS j ^ w j u A L D ^ r n c r o Fpaf THE STATE O F IDAHO, n g IN AND FOR THE I th COUNTYOFTW IN a ta FA LIS*>• fij»g-> to .4J29S*2

In th e M a ta ro f S w a s l ApplcatkMi o(: r 1, OAVID AARON STEELE,: o t Fer C hange oIN anw . e n t A p e tilT o n b y DAVID to- A A RO N S T E E L E , b o rn

irg- Novem ber 18, 1970, has

w i - S d S S J u n . ’ T i . y s s . ' sMith tor th e d w n g e .o f name lars boira;>88 l . f h a t DAVID AARON

mcementLEGAL NOTICE I om

his na m o be ca u se no nos no t lia d any contact wMi - N s stopfalhor, Mr. Stooki. ^ who o d o ^ him w hon ho j e w as fivo o r six yoars okl a n d Holt is his natural, fa*

2 . D A V j p _ A A B Q N .-------ST EELE'S father Is JOHN EDWIN HALL and ho nvos sh e

3 .‘*“ d a ^ id™®a a r o n *®J S T E E L E 'S m other, TER* V®' ESA BATEMAN, Ives a t ^ 4 4 9 P a r k T e r ra c o . Twin

and 'm otnor are In agroo*mont conconting ttw narrw .change . < .S .S u c h p e t i t i o n .w l l l b o ’ - Jhoard o n W edneeday, ttw 9 q3rd doy o t May, 106&, a t ± 2 2:30 o^doch p.m. a t ttte T horon W. W ^ Jucfidat Buikftig, o r a t such timo s s ttw Court may appoint,a n d o b je c t i o n s m ay b o «■flod by any porson who —c o n . In s u c h o b Je c - ^ tfons.show to ttio Court ag e m rea so n against such OS!a d ia n g o of nam o. LoeW ITN ESS My hand and }*ai

seal o l sa id District Court w vt h i s O th d a y of M a rc h , loc1089. ^Richord A. Penco ^

sP o s tO ffk a Box 1648 Twin FaDs. ID 83303 Loi P U B L IS H : T h u r s d a y , big M arch 1 6 ,2 3 ,3 0 and April lar 6 .1 9 8 9 . c in




MAGISTRAT^DIVISION ^-C a so NO.-4233-------------------o fNOTtCE TO CREDITORS pn, In the M attor of ttw Estatoof: QMM ARJORIE T . DRAPER _

N O T IC E IS H ER E B Y _____i G IV E N th a t th o u n d e r ­s ig n e d h a v e b e o n a p - ___pointod Co-Porsonal Rop- ■rosontativos of ttw abovo- ' nam ed ostato. A l porsons having claim s agamsi ttios a id d o c o a s o d a r e ro* ^ q u i r e d to p r e s e n t th o lr

-e la im e -w llh lrv -fe u rH 4 >m onths aftor ttw dato of y 'ttw f r s t publcation of ttiis ^Notloe o r s M daim s wiB 2Si b e lorover barred. Claims m ust eittw f b e prosontodto ttw u n d e rs to o d a t ttw ___a dd ross indk»tod. o r fikKl pcwitti ttteC lerii of ttw C ourt F nDATED ttiis 23rd of Fobnj- av iary, 1989. HoBront H. Niolson 7a jRoy ft Niolson _P.6 . Box 487 ClaTwin Falls, ID 83303-0467 ovcP U B L IS H ; T h u r s d a y , —March 2 .9 nnd 16.1989. g

f l n n o u n c a m g n t s

— 00

002 U M l tF c u n l mfitt

Found: 1 larDO grey ft white sh e e p d o g . H as Wyoming cc taa.C alsS e-2492 . Wi





Fo u n d D oga ^

1.P.(alam ulD AabX ,blad( su & tan . noutored mato. nin

2 . B o r d e r C o llie , b la c k / Po whito female. a o

LOCATED ‘J139 e th Ave W.

O p e n S>7 pm onlyth h j F rid iy —

7M -0M 0S X L 2M

B ecause dogs ara brought

hours, p ie a te c a l or visit ^ttw p o t j ^ d a ly to d w ck S whottwr you rjw t has boonp td w lu p . T ^ is not an ^u p^ ^D ^to 1 s t Mixed clogs ^a r e h a r d to d e s c r ib e , ^com e to ttw pound to se e <B your p e l is ttwre. Com e Fuarxl pidc ou t a puppy o r b «fu ll g ro w n d o g . T H EY . « W O ia i) LOVE TO HAVE J SAH OM EI ^ n i


A Tinries- C lassified

Every t_______ 2 3 3 = 0


ts-Seiecti» L ost ft Found 007-

Dund noar aewaoa p iu ^ Aggi ny d o g . ro d w l^ wMlo wanii x w d p aw s.734-1666. , TVs.



------» 3 0 p m ^ 3 0 p m --------

ho liw iocatod on 1 mHo >ost r o a d , u s e t h o o 6 - ^ 2 a n o o to S e w e r p la n t LeM c r o s s I h e r o a d from A H TR adto.

989 d o a licensos m ayJiB . ^

s S. Im a to n o u to ro d B a ss o t *Cus X, 3 y e a rs . wHh<

.T m ato . nootocod Brill- ^

^ a n d rod, 3 yoars AM. 2 tom ato U b ra d o r Grtf- ____» X, 8 montti • E

C aP 324-8436» tw a n sw e r 324-4313 |or p oat a t Ostor L alrn lilarch ric/c

ost: C oca Cola watch al lagic Valoy Mall, Tuos. Re- » d l C a i : ^ t 1 3 . _ S i ‘ oat: fomalo Bladt X ^

a y . " c g f ^ y i r - '° a ;oct: h TF. large lemaki bik Shouab , no collar. Answers to orca ‘rincoaa. Roward. C a l 637*683 or 837-6431 .celocl. n J j ,osl: rod C ocker Spanlal, sroa. Mwor to Radford, 7 W o ld .B t soon In Filer. 733-4B41. ^.ost: sman plain groy cat, 1lig gold eyoa, has gold col- ^ir with boO, * P u R ^ ‘, W ^ Jn lly o f S p r in g C rook &

roun^y B i rth d a y g ill is gone : WmtOft fmm Twin Faib Noza- resuone Church on 6(h Avo. N. TnwUad( F iJ Tahoe bho . CaB Twki ’34*1872: REWARDIImall, o ld , b lond Chltiua* to diluaO'errier x. Lost in vicinity pany It'Hwy 93-a n d Binynwro- t a oj o a d . . 6 a i l ^ 5 p i ^ ___ _i^106 P a ra o ru it bod_ _ ......... tiaviALCOHOLICS 2 S

ANONYMOUS ^C a l 7 3 3 ^

DIAL-A-DATE ^ 1«976-1111

.59/mln. ♦ tolHOTLINE- 7 3 3 - 0 1 2 2 mem^.problam Ja-flot.a.prDt>-- t.-C<»m w hon sharod . Montal antooltti A ssodabon . Spm to 2 Al'am. 24 h o u n on wknds. of

O u tc a im s ssa g e S.MW o como to you! an

Ca" 734-8^1 4.AIPREGNANT-NEEO H aP ? “

lo l l ln e ft C r is i s C o n lo r, Bon 34-7472,24 hoots a dav. :iasslliod . . . lor poopio lionjvorywhofol 73«626, DOE

--------- ------------------------ c /oS o l s c t v d O f f v r s 220

007 Jo b a o T ln la ra st

1 RN and 1 LPN, 3-11 shll: oompotltWe w ^ ft bene* f<i». C onlad Suo Wegener.DNS a l Wost Magic Care C o n ter, 640 Fllor A venue Wost. Twfci Fals.__________2 mechanica (1 mechanic, 1 tune-if> mechanic) GM ax- perience requked. Deweys,

NV. C a l coOod It neo- essaiy, 702-736-5131, Ron Brown. Service Manaoer.2 s ty lis ts . 1 Aasttw ttdan.

Contact llu s lo n s Unilmit*

733-2009 ^ roiosslonaU e*

ning. Rqy SkXlen Lbtming' Pc«t,7 3 ^ i S 9 . ;ny im »


________ 734-6453________

tune-up and fgM in e woric.

BiBSiiE-iiday, 7:30 AM to 5 ^ PM. ■206-3«-3333 Dick Donnaly *Ltwoln Marcury. Boise. ID. |B A K E R : a p p ly D onut ■Houae. 551 Blue LatwaN ■

C M repraetleA asU tsnt IFull-time emplovinenl. pro- muiianary p a m ieadbig to ■I a la ry ^ s e d on parlor* | ( iTw oe."P1aaae"seod typed

n S r V £ r ? b ^ 5 « - - * - M M r S ) B 3 3 0 3 . . ' S



L IT! j ' IT ! !_______________________ I

> -N e w s ! :! Will Fill I N e e d s

B62B— i

' IT ! jL IT ! :


ted offersi7 -Jo b 8 o tln te re il 007-.

g g r e s s lv e a e l l - s ia r te r Bwlitanted to sett cabto and pay o ffi» l/so rvkaa door-10 door, d t - U tirKl aalos e i ^ ^ n c s pro- ten t ba ed .C dfV kw e.a l: R ap t

KINQVDEOdABLE ^n w 2 3 0 o r 836^565. i s ! a J

« p n w rt3 » ilc J« n . No « i . ^

■ ^ p erso n needed, 5 hour Ik plus 5 hour other J tie s . 6 d a y s <33^

)oak)(shlp mechanic ” th i* '!Juslom or roprosontativo diflerHh crodl oxportonce conta ia to s ro p ro se n ia tlv e lo r Good

S S c a m p B is o h n e l .

Fiorward resum e and salary>qulromonts to: Porsonnol, £ ! i £Wiyon Vk>w H casld . 22S Goneh o w Avo. W o ^ w k i Falls lor. I-r e a l 734-6760. anew x p o r ie n c o d farm han d - o e d o d to w ork In B lissroa. Can 544*2468. _ _ ^xporiencod tami hand lor fufl oactor and inigalion work, c h a rousinQavaaable.423-567L part*xperionced lamihand. Int- worldaior and m echanic Home {tve, jrtiished, lo p w age. Yoar)und foMWht pe rso n r '■“ *“ ■ E saSkiboriy/Hansen a re a Send Halle9Sumo lo Box 0977 , c /o m amn w s Nows, P.O. Box 548, $ 15.0win Falls, kj. 83303. , _ ■ ingotxporiencod lal-bod difvoi* KE> drive ior a tniddng com- (or n'

r o 5S l“isurance. excellent retire- and slent bonefts. 2 years U * s u it«d e x p er requ ired . Musl o f gua v e o x c e l le n l d riv ing and Ixord. Can gOO-453-2227. with-i

26-5635.________________ ____^ position availabk) on a km d a ranch. LooUng for u a lille d , s ta b le p e rso n

,^ erp iv c< m aln to « > .---------

AbOity t t operate aJ typos of larni machinery.

I. M echanica l knowlodgo a ndow ntook . ^

..Abfllly to eomplolo Morra s d (p > ^ ^ w > ih o u l now

.. s f f i S s b i l i t y . P « ilonotil p a ckago includos, " o r lO uslng, u lll i t io s , b o o l,loaltti Insurance. paU vaca- Trairion a lo r 1 year. Salary is ____) 0 E Contact Miki Lyons. P a rt;/o TS R a n c h , P .O . Box chall>20. Ballto Mountain, NV. posi19620 or can 702-468-0414 skilsir 7Q2-466-04X. saiai

007 -Jobs of Interest 007

1 R O U T E A V A

IN T W I N FJff738- 1500*1700 BIk

400 BIk400 BIk1500-1700 BIk

If you'n lnt»resl»d»ndnvtCAU TIM ES-NEW S CIRC


m \aVNII

I H H E B u S S 9 H H

i A uraarW oaavtfaM a■ lax. 734-5743” T h e B e a rin g H o u s e

Jo h n 's SharpMiirn te rv ioe------------- a i s l tC K f W ---------

I C « I 3 2 6 ^

■ ' ------------- ' " "I IIBBQIIII! JAMESCO■ Compiete horrw repair ft I remodel, $7/hr. 7334747.


I J l . Constniction, (208)676-■ 3343, Ram odallng . ( ^ E■ BARNS, W aettisrlA gI --------------------------------

II _________________________I .T^ H o u s e D o c to r

■ Ky w ork « t w v ie * . ' 1 > ^ J o h n a lo n 7 3 9 ^ 1

I^ ^ ^ ■ q b s b &o ^ h

I or Slave 734-3322.

sl7-J0b30l(Q terest 007 -J(

o l eepec/^g^^^chB^■ wMi immedi Bee computer expetU oe. dbio in I timo position wKh excel- hoathg n t ben ellta . aalary DOE. stalor. e p iy to Box 4 9 3 1 . % p o n d lr i ^ N w r ^ ^ ^ B o x S48, l ^ r

e n te r , full and part-time, bo mpotklve w a r n C al tor Bonus 1 3pointm enl 734-4264 bo- tou lsei w en 8 am and 5 pm. 67694:

id or part-time coamotolo- Large I at, cionloie protoriod. Call doder I KM942. Mon ttirouah_Fri^ rioncod un ft part-timo RN-s noodod M ustb r tho n l ^ sNtl, compoli- p o c is « w ages .with rdght chin w ork,i ifferentiai. good bonoliis.- * ''co t M act J e w i al 034-4433. unno l oodliM CeunlvM CTotlil.

^ S i J I J 6 .

ull lim e D ental a sais tan l, atrivo'iporianetjd p re io iT w Jjn ^ S n S l.XI and sick pay. Send ro-' r 'T i-, jm e 10 B ox 0 1 9 1 . c/o m os Nowa, PO Box 548.r t i F i J . , ID 63303.---------- -g « « .ulM ime sum m er employ- n fo sen t In Son VaDoy, Apri 15 b ^ ’siru N ov 1 5 . E v erg ree n iw yi'jsndacaplng, m aintenance — ^ Id corB tucbon. 726-5267.onorri lannhand and irriga- twodor. Houso Bvaiabb. Rolor* te rc a iw oe p lease. Can 42344B4 ^■wilnosonhr.____________ _no tor« e n Acrea Caio Contor in *^500oodingisktoklrM loranR N ...........Ifl or pan-Ume, lor day shih r p f T ih a rg e n u r s e : a ls o LPN c ouruan -flm e even ings. Oood Qui.tiroridng condlibns, c o ^ g " S A . w agea. Contact I J ^

w i« ) r ° T i^ T ta . i i o H , .g la n a g o m e n t p e rso n n e l.15,000 to $18,fi0/yr oond-

^ ra A D H O U ^ E E P E R “

r aML'-Muff-bB-dbto-to train nd siperviae housokooping aft and monitor inventory f g u o s t su p p lie s . W aoas I S l S nd benefks oommonsurato Need 1 Ith-quatrTicattona. Sond re- a to ra r jm e to Lee 0(T, P.O. Box iTWdal 564, Twin Fans, Id, B3303. area. I

.. Box 0oavy equlpm enl mechan- 63303. /supervisor, must have ex* orience with tiucka & con* i d irucllon equipm ent, musl spM ii a v e ow n to o ls . C o n tac t tire d annotti Hanaon, 734-0095 <1r678*3551-.---------------------ito re s le d In working wllh 5 4 2 M evolopm entally d isab led Pa lls , hldren? No o x p e f im re* d a to a

A l training provided. Parl*l Corning (part-lim o). after* w ania loon and r ^ shHts aval* need* U o. Slatting wage is $3.75 Antoin wr hr, increaso possbilUos 10051 mer W days. F%aae con- a d Pany at Oroon A aos r r a in ln g l^ ^ G o o d l n g .

, W *-5gg ;_______ enced’a rt* tlm e RN n e e d e d lo r consh ha llenging and rewarding CPT | lo silion . good leade rsh ip sumo ikils roquSred; competelive Box * laiaiv. C a l 423-5591. klaho.

0 07plo t» tiln tem t OOT-

» n i »B lk4U iA va.lBIk L ociit nBIk W iin it B lkK m ofl Park AVI ' / t r t n w t f j e s e a n u E:



■ II

I . D alivored lo r drive

(0 ■ E a u h c l^ X a lf N o rt H Crane ft Rigging . 733

— I belvar lor your roi ioe _ d r lv n ^ ,P u R * » o r< ---------- 1 -------« n J B r w i l* * .7 W


m - i HANDYMAN: A epai■ ih in g a in th e h o t■ around i t F ra e e sti

t ■ Cdi 73347B2.

■ - g g g f lf l I V You Want-good, dl LE _ able ft e ^ a r t town a<

I sprinMartapak-fthaii -------- ■ -------- C a l t o ^ * Jim B n

■ I ' •

■ T ree trtm .tM uira.ai3 pow er ralia. ro lo . gi

■ maimananee. tree as~ J Tonyor Slava 734-33:

— ■ — B B K B W B B H P H

« i I

■ Cdi early kv iawn > nance sarvke. W i a

■ H trimnkig and po*wr ” 3 2 4 ^ 1 e r l £ « 3 1 t

I PowerrsUng. lawn it onv ■ ** • ft shnib M nrr*

■ spiWdor systems. 733

Thursd/iv. Marcl

-Jobs ol Interest 007->Job! KJlatBtyoponlngavaii* S t h S w " in Wood mver Valloy. abio t o n ng and nirigor&tlon i ^ wookonds r. Pay and bonofits do- ki acpoan Jlng on o ^ e r lo n c o . work noo omosMQO 7^-2651 ■ p e rsona l Ddlato opportunity lor Latw l l E t u a A J h B U » o ^

« d lor 40 hours work, aam « d $250. Contact Do- ^at^Burtey Care Comor

0 E M Idaho Chovrciot g

1 bo iBmiar whh a ilM .IS o l p a lm a n d body ^It, cusfomor and Insur* Iri m S S D osHmatlng. and por*» l managomors. Excol- Pm aon 1pay a n d b ^ s . Sond e x p e ^ mmo ond work histoty to: a” oriym^ » ^ o o o r P O . ^ x Job open6 . Id ah o F a lls , ID. trac lo r 0>3. Al a p ^ t k m s must oxpor w^0 beloro Mareh 23, ter 2 b d n h h

____________ o tT w infsl socretaiy wkh proboto p o s io r lo nco .W ordpo rloc t WASTIralorprolorTed.Top MEN-

? . Send rosumo to Box SYSTF cfe Tlmoi Nows. PO

1 5 4 8 , Tw in F a lls . ID Tho d tyS2i___________________ Using lorA EDfTCARDSAUS .a s a Mal sa to s representativo d a n todod for G ^ card, Mas- W alo r 1:a rd a n d V isa w llh no mort,Gl chocks, no coBaleral. Thia poatum downs, witti up to manonl.00 Instanl oedk Ino. Salary; I

. 1-32»-1533............ rionce..

'J (w llh c h a rg e n u rao CLOSIN tie) or RN noodod kx nilod. J. •timo charge nurse post- BcoUdali

*‘S s S l S S w m rlu u L a a u o A jv a n ie d a o . R u ^ 4 i k I n r e td s e k is 3 after* 43&400 na por week. Exporienco oned. Plaase aond ro* 4 0 un il ^a lo : Box 3 5 8 7 , % Jadipol,

avaiabia. Sand resum e RETAn. •O. Box 026. Twin F a b . |

s s

’OFRCC t ttu a imlEDKAL ASSISTANT deni, hc nish speiMng tbtttf de- M a r i d . Appllcallon and job c o m e . ) rripttonavsaabiealFam* laidbto 1 ^im rsarvicarC ltnlcr iwnatf.'!M aln A ve. S o ., Tw in p a rt^ Mla. 734*0451 . C a s in g n ven to13/17/BO. EOE_________1 * lim * tlo ral d e s ig n e rHad. Som a ex perience 2 1 2 ^ded. Apply in peraon at R K a. Lisinatto'e Flowers, nUal, pai5 Mam St.. Bum.----------- j n u r ml* llm o logal so c ro ta ry ” ! nod to nights atll law firm. Only export* ” 1 ^ed iagal secraiartea SchooRisldered. Experience on w e wiOT pralerrod. Submit re* B ua Ciw to: Roy and Niolson, 324*442[467, Twin Fdls. ttonandIw. 83303. inlorvle«

)7-Jqbsoflntere$t . m - i

AGGRESSIVE! VALLEY AUTO DEiIs looking to hire dependable

individual for accounting 01 Duties would include; autom<

processing of auto deals receivable, and olher rest

Excellent worKlng conditions, salary commensurate with

Send resume to: Box 7520. •}P O Boy f ^ f lT w in F a l te . I



S33-1234. I ____________

sI - c .

B M s

“ >r m o .l . ! P o w i , , . 1,1,o y a a o r I fcn . 8 yearsstim alas. | V a ^ . If we

■ I Q gataiafkn. •

■ ' 'C A RPEl

s ^

» 'w . C a i ■ w ork g u a ra n3322. ” lO K w m tordi

m ^ V m m1 maMa- ■ JftT S T R E E l I ^ do ■ Tree » id sh jr raking. | la n d s c a p e . (110. I

I mowing, I Tree a shn*>mno^and ■ moval. N e 1W 3 4 # . ■ Bride. 73W »:

irch 16, 1939 Timos-Nows. Tw

0 0 1?2-Q07Jobs of InterestVno poakkM BvaiiaMor.-------------to work ownings and onds. Ordy ilioaa noat ~^oaranco and wiling to nood apply. Aivly in

n a t M « S 7 p £ ? 1 7 0 .U lw a BM . betwM n 2I pm o n l y , ___________RMANENTPOSn>ON opon kl ladifts' sports- doparinwnt. Twin F a b .

rol sloro.. Fua4ima om- m an t lo r pe rso n w llh 'I a x M ^ . Five day L S dary commonsurato

—3657. % Tfanoa Novrs. ,Box 548. Twin .FaDs.

^ __on w lh somo nursing rienoo to caro lor an ly man. 934-4364. open lor 2 irrigators and lor opera tors. Must bo f wAubos ft opon dAch. nh homo furnished. East «rin Fans. Can 7 3 3 ^ . ^OSmONOPENINQ ASTE WATER TREAT*4ENT DEPARTMENT STEM MAINTENANCE

TECHNICIAN d ty o t Rvoen Is advor-

g lor an InSvkiual lo a d a Maintonance Technl* - I to worii in ttw Waste lo r T rea m en i D epart*

I poaltten is U l time por- lonl.uy; DopondnQ on oxpo*

^ ^ C Y R E Q U lf lr o . ')SING DATE: Open until d . Jo b description and ycalions may b e dckad « P u b k Works . 0 1 ^ . . ..

Box 426. 620 F.Street. « t 4 « 3 a 6 0 o « i e l ^ > ---------------

iktoni Mviagar required, u n il com plax. lo c ale d tipol. Nevsda. leQara ol xJudlon ft retarencea to: la S uperv isor, PO Box

^ ^ 'f a b w c Landt a i l a a la s p e r io n n e l d e d for Twin F a b 1 ^ and. Sewing experience jired. Apply in petson atp k ) ^ ^ |k ^ p iY d K ______

S is looking lor part-time )toyeea wkh lu» im e en- liasm. You may be a stu*I. homemaker, e r meon lar f o ( ^ tor extra ir>- le . W henever possible bto a d w d ib c m ba ar*

in t o n audilor. Start a t SO. b o n la d Twin Falla Service tor appointmeni

tg O a il ia O a m . a. LPN ^ « id pMsboto- .part-tim a.todo n n e e exam for nation*

•536«>51.____________iooR)tis drivers needed, wiO train. (M Norttiside s C o m p an y . J e ro m e .•4426 lor n m htorma- and appdnimanl tor


f f - ^ o l l n t e f M t ■

'MAGIC I lEALERSHIPable, hardworking ' g office position, lomoth/e title work, eals, accountsresponsibilities. I 3ns. good benefits, with e j^ rie n ce . - 0. % Times • News Ls,l(tahflfl3303-------------------j

DIEg r ■

H H ;> w erlng rak ing ft g

iaonaM !^5933 . |

w e r raked ft vacu- ! n jb a ttlmmad. Free ■ !L Cal733-7234. |

U n g M d r O o S i^ fpin------- 733-57s2L I

_________________ Ia k tn o and a lrara- ■ ears exp. ki Magic *

wa haveni power ■ ur lawn by now. b _

had it dono right B- ® M a * . 7 » « 7 1 „ . . _ p _ .............


* ? ! " _ ■ :IPET LAYING |C dlStove439-5379 I

^ ‘y r s r u Iiran tee d , Insured. I a rd to c .7 3 ill3 7 . ^

H M n H I

■ H i m IEEftLAWNCARE ■«d shnl) rtnming _•ig. C a l 734-5719, I

hrub topping f t l ^ Be e eat. John Me- ■W »39 .73M 365 J

;. Twin Falls. W.iho 0-5

Page 30: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

' ■ m S e l e .

~ 007 J o b i Of in ts ra it

........... P o t iio n re p a trn o v -to rM k -limo errnloyn>«n(, ft« sorvo

tiVo m ochan le w ith i b Id i Abiilty. O llore te la ry plus cotnnitttkxi oo salos, m iat

------ —b6-eett-melfveM .-6ende re n c e a to : PO Box 417, K im b ^ , U a h o # ^ t . Ako. n o o d ^ o n m n o part-lim o


Tho Idaho Hou8lr>g Agoncy--------- ha ram m m odU o opericng jn-

tho Twin Fobs FWd Ollco for a procetaing ciorVoCgl-

— bttym am inor.-...............- •A p p lic a n ts s h o u ld havo Qiadualod Irom Hloh School o r e q u iv a lo n t (O E D ); bo

. strong In math ahd au ia l skiBs; wid muA bo iM ) to work wilh the p u ^ Part- limo position. 30 hourt-por w oo ii. B og inn ino sa lary ¥8 ,600 onnually. Sond ro- au m o to M s M aya Hala* Loffimon. Fioid Roprosonla- tivo. Idaho Housbo Agoncy, 1201 Fana E ad . SuDo 3 ^ TwinFaRs.lO8330T. AppUcations laiw i umi 500 pm. Match 22.1069. EOE.

Soa Avon. C al 734-92S6. Swimming Instructors end Iloguards, summor soason,

Tho C ly ol Buhl wll bo tok-

OopI, 213 Sih 8. Must be co rtiM & submit quaOfica- t io r » .S m 5 2 2 .E O r ^Trucl( m ochanic with own

- r — h a n d io o ttr ttto iy opon'do-----------u n d l n g ^ 0 4 x p « i J o n c « -

rosumo to Box 0414, cto "niTOS^

WiMBd; axpor. n d o ^ « r - a lo r A i r T i^ .4 2 3 ^ d 4 .

. OOJ-SalM People V

r; H p n M


C1AS9Fr--------- H you are unable

office, simply cli classified depai started without d<

• Please prin• There are a (Including I

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r P lease runII #

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: I - Expiration Ddiu-

' ~~ PI N u m b e r O f d

' 1-3 d a y s . . .4 -7 d a y s . . . 8*15 d a y s 16-30 d a y s




b -6 TlmoSrNows. Twin Falla.

e c te d o ff f007 Jo b s o f In tsrait C

P - -RNB.-L£Na,-tlrad.ol .drivhg ( 0 loT to lnF tfs? Roady lor < }■ dwHongo cf long tonn c a n i >. and a iSod r m d k ^ n in - ' < a Ino? Wd nood toM R N s and « s L A te lo ra m M d p m s h n s . « a Ploaso c a l 54a W 1 . s

W antod: lull aind pan-llm o" 3

s & r i s a . ^ i0 ply in ponon botwoon 10 am

n- «»-Sel,rPMti»^----- !CXitsido saloa o custom do- h

. M S S ‘5 i r S 2 & .}l saloBpo'rson with previousa onw rw K o. ExcoBoni com-ll m fsslon 'and bonolHs. Ro-0 » o n d to : B o x 2 5 0 7 . c/ot T b » M M P.O. Box 643. -»r Twin FoUs. Id. gM03. gy SALES MANAOEME^^’ ->• HEAVY-DUTY'TRUCKS VI* S ou lh thoas t Idaho heavy- ae dvty now truck d o ( ^ 3I, o x p e ria n c o d h^^vy-duty!. t r u c i t ^ m a m . Export C

once in now m Jos and-usod0 appra isa l requirod. Liberal

poy plan, negotlibie bono-- R m a t boS3TrnoUratod,r paita and 'aa tv ice manago-» monl a plua. Soitd resumo>• to; G o n o ra l Mgr, PO Box• 1696. Idaho FaBs. id 83403. .

s - _ 8 M a O T 8 w w n r a _ .

! Wo'ro grcwins and have an opening lor a commission

- saloa represeniaUw. W o'n !l looWng4efen-aflgrseekeii>- " dM dud a artM actof. We ol-

"hiraiTixcySanfiroiM ng'eiF"'• viroraneni and gm tf bone-* Rs. C a l ior M teeMmotW- to Mr. Hal IMalcDrowW

: c S i S f t -GMC Trucis


. 1

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in m y a d in clas ___ f o r_______ractef per space please, uxiudmg


onoy Ofdti'f If. unclosed for_S■ f,liU ,ler C h n r g u (Ci'ci-ofX'>JfTlbl/fi>. . .. -------

Pay S c h e d u l e :

T d a y s ______________ C h a r e

■ S2.50‘ .......................................... $ 4 . 0 0

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Mail y o u r o f d u r f o r m Jo

a s s i f i e d D ep artn rxP.O. Box 548

T w in F a l l s . I d a h o 8 3 3 0

ill3. Idnho : Thiirwlnv. kterrfi If

. 009 - S a las P aopla jo i4

I cover in le rm o u n ts J n '^ o a roa: I aoHng gR tom a. Muet-hovo (ngi ■" own (ra n ip o n a tlo n . No Itv I7 ra I vealnienL Could be roiirod, d m, w a aat own hours. Sdnd n - 2 0

a u m e lo S a lo s , Box 6 5 0 , jmai ^ Twh Fat e ,-M. 69303. m a

DISTOIBUfORSHIP f cF or sa io by ow nor. 90 year hon o ld com pany. FuB bonofrt ^

, p a c k a g ^ ^ F ^ ^ in o s s

- o s t a b l i t h 8 d - a c e e t ) n t « r - j ~

S ond ro sum o to ; 'C .M .H a y m a n , - L -10226 C onse r, > 016O vortvK tParK ^K ansaa 66212. ^

. 009 A ^ ( C ara Scrv ica t ^

W e havo a vacanw In our i Falt shobor homo In Fitor. Can Flo 326-3200.________________ S p i

010 P r o f tu lb r a lSa rv lC M ' col.

' . ^ a c A H ------SSP eraennal A Tem porary j |

.. SarvleM ode‘S teo ffloaa tem veyou .* Cellwfnw-eoE r=

'TwinFaUs.._____ .734-«452' ^ o l s e __________ .322-0155 ^

- •a© .N V -4.;i.702.7Se-15»5

Clara*a d ress making (rom

HMdand Lawn Cais:. Tn>y BuR roMIBna, powor r a l ^ .& lawn m o w W 629-57^, 6 7 6 < M & 4 a ^ 1 . n

u 25inoaiKMm iliclbocfcteoi). StauftllT&Ba.------------- «

- Ro w a n o : garden or yards,

' a r e a T i S e S ! C T ? 2 6 ^ ^Tax re tu tna prepared, ahort ;ionn-^iee ial r S u . MWson _JW?ffYfOmiui,i.7=aSaZ ^

014 C hM cara Sarvlcaa —

A fW c h o o l^y c arD . M-F.'~ 8-&30. aoM 3-5.736-0607. C hldrenT E nric lM nentC ^

A happy i ^ away I w .: ho m e , w h a r a y o u r ch ild ' w n a a t r a t : ^ 7 3 3 - 5 3 9 t ,

. RidM to « )d trom schod. ,F le x ib la h o u ra .C a llK a ih y —

7 ? ^ oyJyBe 733-1765. Bo-Peop K indergarten andO ajciro. Structured dasaes. __Ml and c ra ls , TLC. Stale ti-censed. 7 3 3 t^ 0 ^ ._________ C3iChBd care, my home. roll. ( « b l . . i* .& t f7 3 M 9 0 7 . 31

» F O R M srTfie T lm es^ Jw s S )rder form to t>ur 2 < I can g e t ^ o u r ad S


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118 1909 , .

014 Childcare Services 030

Child cwo. Sawtooth Disl. ^reasonob lo rotos, 2 open- prii(ngs a v a il, a g o s 1-4. C all hon730-7578 ohor 6 pm. . 1JBDoo Ooo's Daycofo now has ^ 2 oponfaw, hot moots andsnocta. Como and soo our 9“N W -p iay -aw rroT iho c ^ - i{?« dron. Ooo Doe 734-0713.Magic Momortos C hU Care.JM mo k>vo yoiir-chiid in my

hom o. Hoi hm ch. sn a ck s ,tBb^OOSOooblo. 734-0762. ^

015 Babysitters W antsd ^----------------- ---------------- - • GVontod; m p onsM o porson |

h Kimborfy Id^aro lor 2 mo.o ld .- 4 2 3 ^ 5 a f w 6 p m . 71,^

016 Employment W anted .

Patntirw. otoctrica). plumbing c o r

ALLEWS LAWNCARE ^F a lr ra lo s .............. 734-6137.F lo y d 's L aw n c aro a n d Q S p ring T hatching. Contacl 3 g ^ 7 2 o r 3 2 4 j r i0 1 . HANDYMAN: U ghi olocirl-cal. plumbing, pdnting, car- ^ Jpontry. & r m ir s . Froo osli- I 'Smales. CnB ^ 4 7 6 2 . — J A S Speelsltfta . Wo do ^ jobs. B p r ^ i^ J ^ n ln g .

Lawns mowod proto&sionai-iy-cal now lo rosorvo your - ,

017 B u iln a s i “ *®" O pportunities 3

DONUT SHOP. TwiiT Foliatop locolion. Coll 324-3774 ^bo to ro flnm orano rS pm . gp

S2t023 h v e s tm sn ts


m pay y w cosh fcr your motm st, deed, mongogo, con- o f ltracts oc nolos. Any tonn. te r any-poeiton.'Fas».-lfiondly- - - andlairiMOST WESTERN STATES e :

CAU. TODAY Motropolitan Flnondai

Soiv'cos 734-0367 or 1-60W 45-

___________ 0W3__________

025 Initruction ^

ST. EDWARD^GRADE SCHOOL — isn o w ac c ^ in ^

— t s ^ ^ o o School Year - i»i-■ Openings h Pre-School ho

through grade Six so.C a i r 7 f w 7 2 m«

139 6th Avenus E ast m tTwin Falls. Jo:

_________________________ RoR g q l E i t o t a fo r S a le Z2

s u------------------------------;--------030 Homes For Sale ^

3 bdrm, 2 bath, loocod yard, doubto car g a i ^ . 7 yoaraU homo, no qoaLfying. Call c c734-5436. ____________ i | a3bdnnonprosidonts& troot, llail oioc hoa l, bsm t. $3G,000w a take partial irado Ior , OQuity. Can 733-1408.4 bdrm. 1 3/4 baUi. 1 cor garogo. $36,000, Low down, »», owTWf lin a n c^ . 734-6310. ^ 2 Story. 3 bodroom with ga- rag o . 006 Adoll S l , Fitor. “J'C J l 568-2568_____________ 2£By ownor; p h « rodi>cod. w - o ,por bcolion, roady to go. 4.5 ^bdrms. tnmityrw 733-5037 ^Country Estato: 1.89 ocros. c i2S00 sq ft. 5 bdnn, 3 both. 2 77froplacos. lormol and I 'd in rg aroa, auto tpnrw ors. I f , .2 docks, 2 sta l ho n e bam & ^nwfP. $e9,M0_734jOO6^ ! °*

|7 3

C O U N T R Y L IV IN G ! 03 SUPER BUY! 2 bodrtwm.port tu som on l. 2 car j BYgarago. plus shod & hon ;iol.houso, all on & tO a o o ISVwith a o t s lonoos and |(3w a to r . C o u n t ry liv in g , m ed o so to town. »4J,500. j i t

HnB R IC K H O M E . 3 b o d - ~room s. 3 balh i on main 03: floor plus lul boiom ontLargo thop jv iih ovoittood Hedoor, 2 c o r garago, all on ~thi4 .l9 a c ro s .M 8 ,0 0 0 . a a

B A R E L O T o n Jo r o m o G oll C o u r to . to v o r a l 10 c h o s o I ro m . E x c o l lo n tviowt artd tum ound lng t r nC a l today and seo h<M __oasily you can own w u r 5 1own golf cou rjo lo t-F rom onW .900 w ith tarm a lo


7 3 4 - 5 6 5 0 3E5!

Doug VoBmor. B/okor rocMary A ^o rm an 734-3682 «c

AWa Strong 733-0905 uo.O or^is Vollmof 733-9199 Wc

LowoB W iU 733 G562___ I . , , , , , , ,bdi

FmHA hom o. Kimboriy, 3 — bdrm. w oodilovo. garngo, ItTOWv-art tCJiTOC.......... ^

oa:- . ------------ - 5

w<M A K E YOUR ^

O F F E R _

T>»» noat 3 b d m Som« OJm u tt Oo sold NOW< Spa- _oow* livtng mi & dtf^rig 60rm A n/actiw aium M hng. -pacow rw d paOO t loncod yd ;noAsKjog 134.900 Som oono §0wnfl gol a bo ryan il ttwy 35 <tom wait too loogi

HA M LETT REALTYQ fF )C E ________703-4079N co 2 bdrm tor saks » F t e . prt FfnHA financing avs4abl«. N«3?6S695 a tW S X o m Wa N ice 3 b d tm hom « o n '^ a e ro , lull b s ta m « n l. lully « t»r<C4)d, now rod. (S4 OOu | » asw x n « to an 733 <-9??

30 H om ss For Sals 037

« aale or trade by ownor. 5^ irlcod lo m ovo, a ll brIcK 2 b om o Oft qiio( cul-de-sae, gran 280 aq r o n f f l ^ level, In- KM ftK toaZ bdmt. 2 baths, 2 irop iaces. a ltachod 2 c a r loraoo. hiB bosomont w tham ily room edn -a -bdm u---------vgo IOC X139.7' kil. WiB o n s ld o r hom o or Income reducing property In Je r- q u m o o n T r a d e .-1 3 9 ,9 0 0 .. _ _ _ 24 -2441 (hom e) or 733-- i a 22HbusinoaBl. ^

G O O D G R A C IO U S IT S SP A C IO U S ! * y

710)0 bodrebm, two bath omblof on fuDy sprlnklod Ito . W alk to S a w to o th , ^ low p o o ! a t to n n is ; A ir V o n d lt lo n e d lo r sum m or o m f o r t a n d j u s t a b o u t o rfoct lor you! CaH Kon W l loy today. K 9 .9 5 0 ,9 & 6 9 .


3EM STATEREALTY f t r .734-0400 ®

O R T O L L FR E E ^1-600-345-4655 ex t E l i s

own............... ^

ROOM Y!3RrcK , spHt-lowl, b a ro ta lo r4 b o d ro o m s ,1 'A ^« th s , firoplaco. 2 covorod F o ra m o rts , In NE locodon. aero

gjlI B E D R O O M H O M E ,r o o -s ta n d in g llro p la c o , hom:arp0 r t£ 0uid.Da ondosod bulko r ga rogo or oxtra living binr;paco . a rx l-foncod-yardL 733- 129,500.

C O N V E RT E D H OM E to>fllco o n M ain A v o n u o _Wost. 0^ quality ^ o m o d o lin g , p a r t b a s e - nont. C oukfbo homo/> f llc o . 6 3 7 .6 0 0 w i th 2 7

- tffi

734-5650 7 ^Mor

Doug Vonmor. Brokor Mary A dionnan 734-3682 —

Akla Strong 733-0905 ru^ Donnis Vollmor 733-9199

LowoD Wins 733-6562• • • • • • « hor

-------------------------------------- son

SELLEHSIIs th e market vakM ol your »v<nw m o undor $65,000? If ^to . IHA lunds a t 8.41% T S n o k o y o u r h o u s o m oromorkolablo than <n«r. CoB 1 7 Joan BriMinon a t SabolaR e a lly lo r m oro d e ta il s . ^733-4321 or 733-6678.

SUCH A D£*LI Spadooi 3 ™ &odroom. 2 baih home with1760 sq, kwt Ol living with ^ixilontial In aRic l « lufihor l!SSdovolopmont plus slorago On«sa so m o n t. Single g a rag o 8 )urith workshop. In Sawtooth s ^S c h o o l D istric t. O n ly a IP 6 .000. C a l Godnjn lor do- Owlails. 734 1298. «cr



W E S T E R N REALTY ^ 733-2365

In d e p e n d e n tly ow n ed & baH oporalod. irM

OPEN HOUSE, docSat & Sun. 1-4 pm. Jusl Col cam e 00 the markot. 4 bdnn. g , , 3 bath, only $89,900. 820 Cam ous Drive. 7334413. Sa , TH E BEST HOUSE FOR c T $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 IN TWIN FALLS. ,2 i Noat. doan, inaxcoion can- | c ? ' diion. 4 bodrooms. loncod. 1 ir , r ^ f ln h a l .h a i> ,f la a a » ,734-6500OT 7330711.

I031 Out-of-Town Homee

BY OWNER 2 bdrm. dotbto v « lot. Kil basomoni a l electric, roo BV^% a s su m a b le lo a n , s h $37,500. less lhan $5030 to ' movo us o u . W i irsde tor i Stfi whool. 25t E. Lako St. Hftoofrnnn 837-6580. |

032. BuhlFllef Homes "■ —■ ■ 05CHorsa LovsrvI Got r io a ___tharp~3 bdrni, 2 bath on 4 ' K ir acros with kve stream lor ; bd i$59,900. Cal 326-5680. hoc

B arker R e a tto rsCsll 543-4371 ho .

B34 Jerom e Homss

5 bdrm. 2 balh brick homo ^an 1 a c r e In cltjr lim its, n t jLovely rem odsleo kitchen. ;jin ing room , livino room . | 5lamiTy room. 2 rrepbcoa wl hoon to r t , sp rink le r s r s le m . i^^tC9 000 Cal324-6M 1. ^E sia te s a ls . Brick 4 b a d - f J•o «n .3ba ih s. ITOO sqflon ^i c r e a o e w ilh b id g s. Iru it ^ roo i. P rishod bsmi easl olNondet. $65.000 536-6560 * idS o v JofonM Gon Courw. 6 2 b<«fm », 3 ♦ b a h s on 2 1 **ovla o s Canr4-8G 51 {2 ^-------------------------------------- 2 b<

YEW THE-YALLEY . 0 ^tom tra* noar new courtry . r * J V3T^ on 2 3 acras SOUtv-sast ol Jerome and cfoee lo ^ Iw tt M s . T h a to u ta l e c v tf r j l a i■«me b oasu lots ol toom Z~Biirth 2668 sq tt and 2 car ga- 'R e i ■age tor $79,500. •

Landmerk Raelty, »______ S tZ S ll---------- 2 t

r$2D937 Farms 1 R ancM e : c t f- - 1 3tx600 a c re s prim e m eadow p a s tw ie , 0 2 0 a c r a s to la l . . 4^ n o r th o l W ells . N ov. c a ll801-772-8165_____________[75435 acres parcel. SW ol Kim- :3 b s a r ly . lu ll TFCC w a le r t m iharwa C a l 733-4566 ^

H « ;to » r « a « « T .------- J t,Long tarm lease. 200 acrvs dis pnma tarmtand near W ais. se^ Fievada W el hand-streem $1: — la r .C ^ » t -7 7 ; - a i6 6 . ^

NEED TO BVY OR t a x 3 t • term, ra n d ie rd a in ^ C a i sUi

Marta m Qarker FWaiors. iX 5*3 5075or54)4371 pot

137 Farm s & Ranchos 051

iO ACRES w th 3 bedroom. T t a ! b«ih homo, shod, bw n, M i

G ft h 2 o S ? ! l ! ’ ^lit J

C A N Y O N S ID E ^ R E A L T Y ^

_______ k x ,

138 Acreage & Lota . ^

I acre. Rkn View Estotos, ^— Buhl

>0x404 lshcpxn»sk l0n lia l- M in 3 M ^ 08. Hoa wofl. call optto and olectridiy on ^ 1 3 jq r ; tc ro e , $ 2 5 .0 0 0 .- C a li ^ Jhoryto. 73W 82a.


W E S T E R N R E A L T Y s S7 3 3 - 2 3 6 5 c 5 S

n d o p o n d e n lly ow nod & 9(w< -i»rotod.

ly owner. 140 acros 1-64Ilghw ay fronlago, Jorom o. — J

ly ow nor 6 acres north d "loP umborly. no Improwmonla.iw nor will f inance. $1000 PO?kwm. $100 a .7 3 4 -0 5 8 6 . Z24 iy ow ner 5 actoa noith olCunboily. woi. eoplJc, horse 1*3la rn , p o le c o rra l s . M ust J S■UiM. $22,000.734^ }586 ._ ' J , -o r s a lo by ow nor: 1 .6CTOS, 2 bodroom, 2 bath AN kHJbto .wido mobM homo.::an 324-5640,^ogormen: ^9 7 acres with ___lomo, largo nwtal shop, out- Kim )UiWings,.conskJor trade on. .ro lr

^ 1 ^ 9 . H a c k n o Y S K ^ ' - L^M m1o homo kits. AduB and $35amily subdivision. Cky T.F. N oii t i l ^ , torms, FHA and YA Canlo p ro v o d .c is734-8943, gon

WO Cemataiy Lota ^

• compankjn lots In Pine- ^

m d m orlio r. $23 0 0 . Coll S'"*-85,1r2«7,____________

I c e m e te ry p lo ts . S u n s e t u s . M o r i a l Park. CaH collocl ^ >voninff.ye-756-61M .____

MS Mobile Homaa ^

14 X 5 7 Glonntxook mobilo q52 liom o. w ashor, dryer, end lo m e lumishlngs Included,vory doen. 734-6802 Y b i! 4 x 7 0 0 a k c r o s lb y K i l .3 oioct>d{m,1 '^ balh, slovo, relrig, ^wood stovo, good condition, caB$700at)osi offer. e86-7S6S. ~1 978S c hultr14x70 ,w ouki p rr- mako good lann holp hous-

aome moving d a m ^ ,$4000. can bo soon e l ^

750 W. Paul. ID.________ D tn1982 Govomor. 14 x 70'. V Iwith 12 x 6 - lipoul. 2 bdrm, 1 £23 Sath. utiily room, oxc, condi-Iton. 4 3 6 - ^ 8 a te r 7 om, t nOno Suntkjwer traikir houso, youB X 40 with tipout, good bocthaoo. G o o ^ . 9 3 4 -4 & . < thA liv e s to c k se t-u p /la rm . FunO w ner s a y s se ll th is 245 itIe.a c ro s wilh updated hom e. 733 ipnnklor i r r i g ^ and pros-Brttly ru n n in g 260 h e a d , roar$198,000, tho-

Mountain View Really i n i________ ------------------------- “ocS y o w n er ; 1985 N a s h u a a 2^ . kke now. 9 bdrni, 2 uoa bath, wood stove. Many ex- iraa, pennanem loundalkjn. deeded tot. At far $39,900. ^ C a l 734-8943. N oE xcol condition! 1980 Sa- hara 3 bdmi. 2 balh. assume toan. own 6 ’ yrs. 324-5939 054 F o r sa lo ; 1972 Floolwood 12x60. excelionl condition. — $2.900. C al 73^6897, 1 For sato: 1963 Broadffwro 1

bttih ,$12.0(» 352-4301. ' LM ust sell 28 X 64 Van Dyke, ^ 4 bdmt. 2 ba. $20,000 or bosl 6ltor Cal 837-4539 Vory nice, carpeted, 2 bod- ; r r room in quiot Fior tocaiion. . 1 ," $160 mo. no Dots. 326-5887. j ^

I TOcati 734

i 2b<OSO Furnished Housaa u n

K im boriy , n ic e c le a n , 2 ' ^ b d rm . m obile hom e. W/D i 2 b« hooktg. carpot 423-5104. , P a r tia lly lum ishod sm all > pea h o u se . 2 bdrm, c arp ete d . , pkti washor. dryor, and reim h f - 1 9 b nishod. No pots. 7 3 3 ^ 1 2 | Chi a^iySpm Pcp ftn ffsfM . ,

B5I U n fu m m etlH o atv a F b

1 bdrm wtjsmt. ^ W /0 ! { (o fwokio, c w 5W 7 3 i Jackson. $ 2 ^ 7 a ^ « g 4 1 ^2 & 3 bednxim housas in I ^ ieromo C a l 324-3430 1 t m lEROM E, 2 bdrm m o b ile i 6 s B m e, $175. park rent « t fadod. C al 324-3527. I ! £ ! bodroom w/taraHy room , A 2 aove. refcig lum. Vary sm al « «

« g H w w 7 3 a 0 6 6 t f t a• bodrocffl Iwmhouaa North A S

» ih 1 m onftedapoai. C a l ] _J\ r36-1224. TF Barfc * TnM. | * nr m ^ o a c t ---------- : NmnSodroom home on 1 a o e . Tot :)on1 te r $25 0 e r s a i l lo r wm0 0 500 $X

2"!1 bodnom house in F * r ,

3 bdrm 1 bath hoida, loncod T

Kt r d , s lo v s a n d In d o a , »40M»«MK, AO eM s A a ■ am Ave E. 734^944 days, ysa-7339 avaa A »*jd«

3 bodroom home tl Fitar on iKtd. $400 mortfi pkjt ^po<a.Cal3?&4171________ Atl3 badiooni. I txith, vU ung can d is ta n c a ol ih sp p m g and {22J schools. $2S0 a morrh plus Oaa

„3 bodioom a l oM iV . kee ^ *UrtJmg lr«pbic«. no pm* hor$335 DC* rnorr*! . J i S 6» poi* Cafl 'XJ'3 #“w b 17

. ■ • .

151 U nfurnished H ouses 054

I bodrooms, 2 boha^Saw -00th School 0 is tric il325 a -------n o n th p lu a d o p o s il. C a ll ^ 3 4 ^ .:n i e r o m o o U y llm i te : 4 roomi

a r g f e j g " ’ s g ;

lor you-3 bdmt, 2 both, dbl _EvoA arport. m a i tonood yard. Clean

r 5Eve^ilto^5?Joen 733^633 $ t8a 3oN coontiy home. 2 bed- « upk oom , a tl e lectrlo . p astu re M d -oetden -epo lH »-peta .. ^ a a jS - S O o T ^ CleanDIoan 1. b d m house, i lO ^olrig. 340 3rd A vow . $ £ 0 O om >m o^dop .C ea734-50e0 ._ room Dkien2 bdrnigoodtocattoa loncod boefc $275 +

i ^ . neat 1 bdnn. gmat k>>a lio n .h Hansen. 56-5732. ^Dountfy-lko aeBlng in lown, ^ » bodrooms, range, relrigor-ktor, w oodatove, g a ra g o , T V r

dep. CaU 734-7935. 2 ^

nfcp. 3 bdrm, 2 balh, roc T ^ , room, garago, foncod yo, no 45^ Mts.LD«>8O&f0l.$465.CaIl ^ 734.g»i» nr 734-8947.


J O N E S W E HAUL FI w il movD you J Z S

ANYWHERE for toss thon Com

-F R T E “l f , i 3 J f E S - aCall 324-3490. $25C

Kimboity: 1 bodroom, rong^o, POta rQ lrlg ..3P6.M onroo..$1£0. Tp*" pkis flop. Can 7 ^ 5 0 fo , Cuto Lg 2 'bdrm w4umt & garaoo. . fWWi $ & 0 dop. Loss w/loaso. 1 1 * No p a s . 342-5664 ovos, 2 bdt Carpetod 2 bdmi houso w lh 1 g a r m . $200/month + $100 nore,a o p . m 2121.____________Sm all 1 bodroom h o u so , 2 bddouble g a ra g o , fonced-in rangeiM dc^rd! pasturo. and fcuk ly itIreeerC ai &43U46a----------- a du lSmai bam,»Ml»».*y0f.Stove, rolrto. gas heal, w el SS& In su re d . &0M>o, pka 1st.lost, d o p ^ 4 3 6 4 7 2 days, Fitoror_4^ j ^ a l i e r 6 pm. withSm al 2 bdmi. now camel. 'I'O- 12 9 M ad ison . $225 . Cali 734-g«0,«fM,,.S|o5„D52 R im lita d A im . »

1 bdmi, downtown. You pay Quiet oloclrfc.no pots. 734-9195; $2302 room lurnished ^ $135. « P o CaB 423-4349. Kimberkr.A 1 bdnn, $155.734-4070,C lea n s lu d io with w a sh o r .

Duplex: 1 bdm hmishod.$ 1K a mortfi.pkM doposil. A j Can 733-6816.

FR EE 1 m onth’s ronl & wo pay your hoeL Now avaiabto 1 b o d ro o m apartm ont. 203< th 81 W. CaH 734-675Z________F u n ttto d apaitmenl. a l util- i t l e a ,$ 1 9 5 a m onlh. C all .TO

“G e ttin g you r e p a r tm e n l f f ? roady to rent? Gel help Irom

GOOD NEIGHBOAHOOD. or 42 Apl to r t . $225. indudoa

hoM .C al 733^199 eves. 05^Looking tor a house or apt? -C d l oOlUCi. 733-2940. In Jo Nice 1 ^ studto apl, a> u ds

054 U nfun^shed Apts.4 Duplexes _ L

-------------------------------------- Cloar

1 4 2 b d n n a p U jhook-

L s ^ - ^ d M a : A C | t3 ^ Laurel Park Apa/tnw ita

1 7 6 M m ic« S L N ., OSS Apt 304. managor

7 3 4 - 4 1 9 6 .___________1 bdrm duplex, s l electric. 1100 stoy«, r e ^ , $170 mo. C a l tocaii 73^7290 or 734-3882. 7344

cation, no pets, $275 ♦ dap. pMe7340455 or 423-5411, sale.2 bdrm. appla. WD. w M r 6 SS& s«y . k n v C le a n 6 quiel. no 3700 p o u or smokers, -* brk*.U S v ^ . C a l ^ Z ^ — g l T2 bdmt duplex, reklg. alwo,wesher/dryerhooKup. no SSSpels, new ri^school. $2S0 4 1 ;

------- Excc2 bedroom spaflmarl. C a l fa> C h « to d e .7 3 ^ 6 &

2 bedtoORT tfep tex ,--49e *~S ; W M a ld . S29S par m o r* . :

A l4 2 3 - $ p a c ie u a 1 b d r m ^ beeement apl. appb. waler ^

•nweeM Property Ifa m t ^ A 2 bdtm duplex, hea appla, aome u tb p d . nopeiaTTai :McetR j d a s a L & S ^ L .A 5 2 0 . 1 b * m a p t w/ ap p is ..In d u d es santeiiort A wsMr. $160. 734-5656. ^

Throo M P fooertv M o t ^

T o w n h o u ses . IVk b a i T i r r S r w v h er t sKM k jr r M d ^ $30(ymo « dap.Aval, imme- iReca dowly C M 7 5 4 4 $ la n .S _ :e s .$

wt;W a h B v e li2 b d rm . .[ 1 ^ .

houaeeerxd^xs. MostuAeapaU'l

H om eRantrta ..734.7P1 « « A tiractiva. c lean . I borm,

o«Qaaamer* ipsrtm art. p rv M i n v e m n o o . 2 bdrm. 1 botfi, i f T

h o n M u d e d .$ 22U ao . ^

1 7 M J 3 ie o n * ^ 7 3 S ™ **

— ----------------- - O O ^

I U nfurnished Apti, 067 U & Duplexes Fc

BEST i T i T a jDverythlng-fireplaco. air' e J u n ^d t t ) ^ . 2 i ^ 2 bod- pound bima. am p le storage, on case, $:

ureroOopllBl 7M 4347— plu a ^o^ikond. Joan 733-9633 rodu>r,$en 1 bedroom, toomy 6 2 CB .nnloft^ ie, uliitioa oxcopi molorB^!ic tr io , good io c a lio n , 2 dfyera15/mo. alnglo, ^ m o . c ^ , 3p to +doposit. r ^ s m o k - icu p b o aonly. » P«<«- chair (n

P ovonlnos er weekends.. C0II6 6 6on 2 b d m apl, « » 0 2 Kenn»» dop. In TF. te4 -5 8 2 9 ^ usod 1 na n and aBraettve 2 bed- Bectrle

S s

r33-3999 com pleon modem 2 bdrm epts, fam, Cal pp is indudod. DW, nk»

a S S g c j g■an, now palnl, 1 bodroom njoo i i

M_or_f»fcy<M£Kc Lst:jtpiL— chairs • 0 10 CSI, 2 unis In a ptox, 2 bdnn, 1 bath, ntoo n u v e ic & » , .H «yi. p.*.

7 0 A d d la o n ^ 7 S o 7 3 9 Elegant m lo r ta b le 2 & 3 bdrm

BO d o p o s il , re fs , no H a ^ t s . W ash in g to n P a rk M a S w nhousos.^ -2307 . H o n ^ J Ito lit t lo 1 bdrm , quTdl Wlborhood,$16S'm oplus 8 o ^ ^ . m 5 9 3 6 . - * ^ • KOOn In 5drm. 1 both, stovo 6 ro- l.$250/$100dop,652Lo- m A v a D 3 « l.^ 9 5 7 8 .

u l ls , .n o p o la v 2 -sp a c o .,ua>chirking, $ 3 1 5 ,7 3 4 ^ ^ wk- ^ ds, or wkdavs aftor 5pm ._ .

spfire r d o a n 1 bodroom un la . Good h W /0 hookip. $210 a ranll). 733-9300 or& 64000. 'M ic ro

E E R E H T A J O U G I^ il . g ™

t s . W ^ 734-1932 . Q cJoromo; 2 bdrm. TA baih, nre: 15. 324-7127 or 324-6499 liot 2 bdfm-$255,1 bdmi- 30 , n e a r Lynwood Mall,

. 2 bdnn^ extra stomge. pontax i n ^ t a ^ ^ » j p o r t . ap- ^ k


l a n d 2 bdnns sewing

7 3 « 6 0 0______ Z M l ________ ^

rOWNESOUARE APTS» » Shoehone 8L No. „ TRCtown living fai a downlown B w rKalion. SlucSoe, 1 bdrma pr/co Ird 2 bdmia. ptoee 1I Elaine. Jeck or Karon el Countrynber^ Nursery. 733-2717 andcoti

u3 T h6 Hootna For Rent bo . Cai

Jename; 2000 ptos aq R--!I22*!S mmerdeJ buildng on Main--a , e « i . . excellent localton. Call--K m o i

------------------------ --W in n7 n m u i Mobil, H a r m

um. 12 X 60. 2 bdnn, 1 Ih . r e lr ig , s to v e , w /d s k - u p . ^ h ^ no M t.

^ -------------------^ o a c

n e n w liWiooi

OO aq I oHoe. n m S e i ation. Bk« Lakes N. C a l Top A4-2977.________________ o g ySO eq tt. near new brtd^ e ^ , u trnd door, ooce com- M h e e le d .re ltfo rah o le - >BMcc *. 504 4h Aw. W. 734-eo. KawgaaWolTF. _ ■» e q I headed, neer new

.12 s q lt-1360 sq (tECoOent H etal an<Vor Of- 4

T heC on to fO lltA II

O a o le n to e .d lu l lb a a tv « « , . ptsS . $140 a fvM h. C a l dotero.3^3 0 0 e rg S -4 0 0 0 .------ -in ta s lic location , good 308 N<lUng. 1832 sq I biauneea Moiorn see. C e l 4 2 3 ^ .>w o ll i c e s , 1500 iq li . w . Je-70 eoflu w i » | ^ « i l . —

3ttf OaeonM Shoahona j 329A

.N o rth P l a s OOeee - Tho Bai fico spaco tor toase. tOOO , ‘ uere loc*. $45<»north. 1 r m a Lar>d. 73»t5oaTO6-aOOO I ______imo oAco space, utls pd. i 1904 w» > a * a r n A i i .C a B ------- T JEEZS►ahlar Raalty. 7 3 4 - a a . !

I S M . '* * * ”""-; ^7W-9300.32MOOO : ______j

3 W arted to Rani ! t

a n te d : 2 to 3 b e d ro o m ' ,, ime with small acreage . i t t a b le epprox k isr 19 ! * —**< S^27g-7S43. evaiWws I Vtctorli anl lo rent houee in the ! 30* tal. uvry, noar TF, ««h paa- ’ Warttec e 655-4472 ah»r 7 ew Hui Pc

Of 67»-« UobOe Homa Spec*----------------------------------- 074 IIt » Jarotne Crf r 4 atX ) —LE US FH5T1 Srate wuS i .1 w ide lo l l Check o u r I S 2 * * e c a lm o M M ^ v v a a , Z » iZ l U C O M O n ^ ESTATES Y nin. t 2t1 Caawall Ava Waal stnnga.

PKor>»—734-1064 beai ofl

9 7 - 0 7 4 ^ -

llace ltanM uaF o rS a li

tc a f lp lra i l« ! fJ4 0 0 .lT :tinum bool. $300. Com- *nd bow-ACC. pkm haid- -I, $200. Etodric t r e l ^ -sr. $50. » akminum PO .I, $300 .35 gal Ssh tank '

3?$iSo.’b5 S ® ! * " ~ ^■■

r ra, shampoo bowl and .3 mirron, counter and ,

b o a rd , new hyd rau lic .Ir (neve r usod), $800 . 886-2S7Seiw 5dht

onmoie eir condittonoia, , d l month, $500 tor both. • ark: w h o A ^ , indudea -.

0 225 amp AC woWor/ erao r, Tho O nh ongino .* nplelely rebuilt, $1150 .J ^ 4 j ^ S6 ^ _____ __ •M Your Pod SuppTiee' :opo!r.rocovorir».ouo8 ; » U D R O I C 7 W 9 . , i le y w ood slovo w /all

f f ■- ifetirotabio.7333l35.__IfWQ..... -Roal Estate _ .itracls. mortgagos, e n d - . •dao ftm sl.

jant wedding drasa w lh . t Ironch laeo, sizo 7-9. •

1 nogotlB lo prico . C all .-- ---------

s m r : : ;Ida generator, 4500 woo, - d-60-hcotr,-$W O OrCatf-;^5034. _ __________. _m tndusuka; S h p 'p o r ta - •

rado kx anything roason- ■ . l e a n use. 6766235, ; inox's Edipso chbia. Now • 20 /por s e t . se ll a ll lor 0.734-2668 s ta r S pm.

T w in m a ttro aa /b o xaprines-$49.95.iood usod dryera w/war-ran lba starting 199.95.licrow avo, lloor m odel -e a to ,s t« tk iga l$99J5I ^ r ^ good cond.-

3 a k c ap la ln a c h a ir , p r e a s e d b a ck , n o w - S W J5 - ,

C A IN 'S .lo a m e o f tR e a ta i C t r -

733-7111________ _'vox ME camera 35mm ;1 50mm, 8 0 ^ zoom, -5. 2 8 -6 5 , & 2x le n s o s , ,15. Upright Admiral rolrig- ito r /l ro o z o r, like now .>5 or bed oftor. C t f ovos .veetonds at T34-3334, • 'X Industrial upholsteryring machine, like now, 'IO .C ^432-5i*6. : v e n 9 ' X 9* o v e rh e a dw . $ 7 0 e e d i . 7 3 3 ^ . _ .

;T R o r i t j m m If now belore ttw 1969 CO in c r e u e . All fectory m honored « : Gordon . ^ h Orem, UT. Cafl -

Id Huaaman flora shefv-

Id sbout 1 yr, a l inaido. e e l.-o e n d .W illa e lL lo r . » e fO f ta r .C T 4 4 3 1 aon •Sennor* god d i i a r ' l& o a n Saddle 15V^*oxo Id w/new dnch 6 breaat c a . 734-2720 mao m al M na table with 6 ika. $250 or beai oftor.

I Computara

» R-Baao 5003, unuaad. kooH er,734-7lfe._____

p O u S ^ lM A o co u r lk ig M y end Cfop progrema

tw ®“ ‘ »SzoiIncom pa tib le p o rtab le npuwr. 256 K. ® 5% •<ee. camjng omo. DOS.» . C a l 7 ^ 5 7 9 8 evea.

J^ W a o ta d lo B u ? ..

I Happy Hooker Worms, w b u ) ta nigfacrawtori in b c « )o m :m 4 tT I ,3 3 S -

lEE BOARDS WANTED rill com e lo yo u . Rey erm eB46S6aB6colael J T j a ^ ^ J j a J y .

n. podM ium , aMt larw, coin ix i ecifane , etc.w e k r a h o a i e r t i i ------- -a N o r th m in .7 » M S W iorcydae.panM 2 » « 1 6 ahlcnw lere . 612 atti Ave

Jerome. 384-7777.

" s s s r?9 Addwon W..734-4944 ireod deed or afeve: ^leriea, kom 1 lo 7 C altegmr^7?*-<22Sg>1 MIppm

ANTIQUE SHOW iaALE Mar. 17-16-19 P o fo to loM al

Jerom e's A rtfM I M O O a o l l o l A S ^ Buy ie i t» 4 -H C > ^ ta 3 E M ^ rtortan m artie-lop table ■tai.$550 6 5 4 jg tf >nted M buy: R oM vie 6 l ^ ^ i ^ Cell 324-547»

I U jsk a l h itru rra n ts

3-5781______________ _in . new caae. e m sol otnga. >IV new. $200 or io f la r C ^ 7 » j S ?

Page 31: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

~ ^ M e r c \074 Musical In tlium enls OS

1950 Saldvrin-HamlKon stu- ^d io u p r io h l. BXC«I c o n d , >Zt1Q Q 0.3& 4113.386^252. Qr,PacKanj uprigM piaoo. tvory SIk o y t, • x o tlle n t condition. 5£Do«B n tttd tuning though, hq

— Cr f 7 3 6 ^ .-$ B d O ;

077 H orni E n ta fW n n m i ^

6 'saloOiio dish w lh Pon-Too s -MTI 2800 m o w ft Unidon ^ r o c o lm U F T 1000 , $700(ifm. 734-1ST2 attor 4 pm. IQ FoU toalurod-ae* sloroo TV/- m on llo r w ith rom o lo . ex*tondod WBrrarty $400 fifm; d:CaO 734-6177 ask for Candy ^or anor 6 pm 734-2604, ^M agnavox c o n to lo sto roo mphonograph & 84iacK tapo dolptoyw.$100.S43-5941. ^O ak ontorlalnm ont con to r pinw ith sm o k e qIabb d o o rs , o ,$ 20 0 : 7 3 4 -B 177 a s k to r ZCandy Of 7 3 4 -^ 9 4 attor 6. ^RENT , A NEW TVI Own a ^now c6kit TV by rtJrtlna, No “cnKftors chockod. 204lkaln to.AvoNocth.Cain8.733-7111.. Z

078 C om m in loB on he D tv lc st

2 M o i ^ ^ R e o mobilo nFM 2-w ay ra d io s , t b a so io

I Etatkm, 2-way radio and ao- oKc o s s o r io s .6 a l ) 543-4306 ^M oo.F tl,8u>5pri. J8A ccop ting b id s on a OL —2 0 0 0 m obilo p h o n o lo r a PriT oI-C ar Inc. sy s lo m . Coll ^ R onoo, 673-5301 u n ti l 5p m .H sr20 .. 09

■ 079‘7 p p l l a n » r ' '

■ “ 20 c iiH u p r lo h M ro o z o r , ' tS$200. 0 0 ^ condition. Col!7 3 * ^ 3 6 .______________ AeGE W /0 sol, harvest j» td , CFS22&tflst ottor. 7 3 4 .0 6 a . lo;Gold Hotpoint stovo wiliood. £1

^ 1 1 6 9 . WB A W E R 8.733-1421. Ct

Kenmore washof and dryor AHso(,$2M . ^BAMNCT‘8 .733-1421. AtS o a rs K onm oro up rig h t PUfroozor, 10.6 cu fl. oxcaUonl i lcond. C a l 733-5511. AhSpood Ouoon dryer, $79.00 S9BANNER'S. 733-1421. AJ-

W sn tw ldM dorB lIvs: tTVs, relrigorators, slovos. k

W/D's. d r^ f s , treozofs.TV Doctor. 734-B1M 67

Whiripool wastMT and dryor A)Ml. lik o iw , $488.00. RtBANNER'S 733-1421. h jW iza rd lS c u ltro s if ro o u p - B<tight Ireeror, oood condition, fa

OGO HMUng & C\Air C ondtion lng m

Monarch wood/cook siovo, eic rom o o n a m o l. 36 x 24*. c id e e p tiro box , $ 2 5 0 . Cali ^733-1663 2,Soars Clssslc Stow - 4 bum- ^ors. a t work. 2 ovons. 30’ U wide, 27W doop, 56 3/4 ‘high, Ctoan, tZOO. 733-5607 ^or after 6. 543-S788. o 'Wood Slove with g ia u from. Scan be used a s insert a froe ^startding. $300. win dickor. »CaB 5 4 3 7 . ____________ _gZoro doaranca F ^ e e r firth —placo. $600. CaB 666-2798 .


081 Furniture ft C v p s ts ^

4 p ie c e c o rn e r so c tio n a l, p«bn>wn. Hom»<lomo. $666. *BAHN^-8.TO3^42_L______^

BAR-KTTCHEN STOOLS ^RsBsn & canfr-tabrto soa li £with beck, exoel cond. $40 Pio « o r 3 lo r$ 1 0 0 .734-5364. StD re s s e rs : 1 w /m lrro r & i lm atdiira nIghi standa $100 R<

Ch«*flir»B l a ^ . S T " 3 2 6 - hi5§2Z__________________ feExcel rryton sofa, $200. Ex- r cel Simmons quoen sofa' ta bod. $375 733-0471, am. n Home demo kwe seat, nice w $249. AlBAHNEH-S. 733.1421. ! oi K ing-sized w a te rb ed s e t. _ $1»,K «m norezii^zao«>w - F Ing machine $110. Kenmore m a f conditioner. $450. Al in k a re a shw e. C a l 734-0119 - King-size w aierbed . com-1 w p le ie, com foner A s h s e i i . i i i g m O T f w w .Lfce new fu t« z e hide-a-bod j to to fa , lloral p e tle rn . $ 200 .; $iC al 734-2449.____________ ^MOVHQ SALE- 734-5265 I ni MUST SELL! Formal dnmg , b room ael. 11 pieces, oak. i a pakj $5000, saoifice. $2300 I « Of besl oBer . 734-6364 I B« piM e. sll «Mod bdrm se t 1 ZiwVi m n e a i ft box-^xinot. | $475 C el 7 3 3 ^ 7 1 , am. 01 Oak dkiins room sei. wRh 4 - cap ta in s chairs , Csll 734 -: >7 i?6atlefA g!>___________ IOu«wv4 tzsd Nd»«-bed and ! ^ love s e a l , f lo ra l p rin t or i £ naw t a o a C U s t f 5028 : Sola h rfM -bed . heavy con -: I u ru d ttn . n a u g h a h ^ cover, 0 oood condition. t6 5 /o l lu . •g t f ??? -? !«■ -------------------•

o tz BuDdng U ilw ia ls

4 wooden w «tow s, w so rted ' g sued . Z .laQ >.pU ura G to a . . . and 1-36*.W Q d_'A -P«f^ . a C a l 543-5924 ___________

B u ild ln a S u p p l ie sW e« End Sa to s Co D

C a l S 43 « 4 5 5 ttU se used buidMig s^ p k o s ,. G

'n d tw rg toes shower, tub. J vMXas. ^ i r M ig , etocincat.: ^ we C ^ 734-9032 aflef 3 i li a c n . 2wal covertnQ. O P LurrtSer H 324-8120 gye>>weekeode, »

o n O arage Salee ' t>

COUKTRY CWCUS ZL>na«l ipaoe ie s td eva4- rable « M C ouvry Circus . convrg 22 Be pan ot ^lhe ’greeieal sato on earth* -For deMris c a l lodejr > 7 m M 2 M i tb f K e yU acetM O ue and a rtquea VE vvrw ^ after 6 00 PM-497 oHwbum A««nu« Weal TF C

c h a n d i s e -

084 Tools . 098

Oayion 2000 watt o e n o ra t^ 2W$2io. Con S 4 3 - S a : roni,G raco pain t sp ray e r, pa id ^S1B00 will s o il ! o r$ 7 7 5 . S2S543-5924.________________ _25 iHarris export w olding and

085 Bk:yclet ^________I________________ w aiBnfiW now 20* Scott Canyon font, m t. b ike . $ 2 2 5 . Call 7d3> aoo

c i^

OBB RrM«>od "

Dry pIno wood, spot and W®

7 3 4 4 6 0 9 ^ S iw 7 ^ .^R R E W O O o W k r ^ ^d o B v o ro d ,C a H ^7 5 a :^ _Firowood, d ry Island Park claipho. Can 543-6249. ^Firowood for sato. froo local vva de»vo.V. Can 734-3305.TREE REMOVAL Chainsaw —wwk. arw kind. 734-4776, _ m

088 iJw n '& G an lw i "

Riding town mowor, 7 hp, 32Inch cul, no bag, recoil stail- $9(cr, $250, C a l 754.1586. ^

8EEDUNQSALEPino, fir. ft spruco, $22 per h <100, UmKd Ast

088 Variety Foods

Piimo boof, grain raisod. no ^ ehomkabrCnh 324-3294,

090 Pets * Supplies ^

6 momh^ old purebred Shttv ~ t n wHh jw p m . $ p o ^ p b s p g

7 3 4 ^ W allor T uosd^ . 2 ' | Adorable B urm eso kfllons.CFA rogistorod. vaednatod, > loving a n d p la y lu l. $100-$150. CaB 1 -7 ^ 2 3 6 6 , __AKC Bcttany Spantol pups. , <Ca|!,734:S>16,____________ ^AKC.Dobornuin..blKk.3.yr EXt;ddteffa to. $150.734-7023, en]AKC m ale B o sto n T orrlor ^

sAKC mintelwe Dachshund, ^ apes vary, 324-7601.AKC mintoture Schnauzers.1 m ale. $ 1 5 0 , 2 lo m a Io s . ^$200 oach. 9 woeks, has ^shots. CaB 678-0686 eves or S678-1306 daw .___________ 35AKC ro g is le re d L abrador «nR etrievers. 3 black m ales, io(have I d shots. A36.S47S Mo Boaulikil 35 goOon hoxagonfah lank. w /d»k wood cabi- sitnot. a l is h ar>d accessories 451to go. mako ottor. B2S-S6S2- ^CFA P e r s ia n k ilto n s , 3 yoimatos. 1 lemato, bom Fobr. yoi3. $200, CaB 736^602. wgEaster Buni>tosl $6 oach. C«Cafl 734-2956.____________ RaF ^ l * / ^ year otd mato min- bulelure S chnauier. S43-8936. ro<Reo. black Lab p ips, C al 31734-6164 Of 7334489, enFree to good homo: 4 yoar Sold G e rm a n S h o p h o rd . RiK w ed , 733-61S3,_________ yoLOSTI 36 /69 . mato Ferrol. sab le , n e a r H arm on park.Frtondly.PM secaB early or »iBle. flewrrd. 733-1137.’ 35

P s re k te ts I. Cocksttots „LocaS^ raiM d. 2S3 7lh Ave- g 'n u .E M « c r f 7 3 M » 5 4 . Bi Poiar B e v . a tovely. kind,big dog needs a home as his ^p a re n ts m o v e d w here no jndOQS are a lo w ^ . 733^209. ^ P u re b re d E n g lish S hep -


P u re b re d w h ile G erm sn

Reo Cocfcefs. 326.4017. “

herd, 11 moe old. blue mer- __to. $175. CaB 734-6364. 72FREE: 6 m o oU mato. bob- ^ta il, ye llow s tr ip e , box Lritrainieo, V» Manx. 7 ^ 7 4 3 3 UaWanted: smafl mato Lhasa w>A pio . for s tu d . Call 733- coOi77eves. cs

F a r m « n M a r k a l

' t '! ; 51|0 9 6 F a rm S e ed <Mi

I AHsBa seed by grower. C iiT :[ lo m c le a n e d ft Ie s te d . : —; $l.5(Vt) 366-2528 cafted. :

.; Atlsla seed: Sersnac, Ver- j _' n tf «>d R«>oer, $ 1 i0 per 3 I b 465-5280 cofleet< Qrand V aley com a e e d ^ - gI e n l vartottoe ol allaNa seed. : geI Bob H am ilton. 734-3587 . 1I 733-1477 Of ^ S O O I ,{2

■W7 » F t « l_

50 ion 1st cueing hty. c 5 ! ^: 324-5178________________ ,[;«

’ , 7000 bushel berloy. S3 b s / ‘ □: bushel and d e w . fc34633 ^ ; BEEBOARDSWANTED 2

I will c o m e to you . R sy 'o ,, : Odennoa 4 6 5 - ^ oolec<' Custom Gfvtn aee rting to . ‘PtxUbto* o n th e tann seed .}7

daaning and treating , p , Nomad grain ctoaners. oli

• 67I.37M . ^ oi*r. to, *' O siry o w n ers let us grow ’ ^ ^•Toor toed ^ * h .- ta if . p o « . ryy

b a d ey ..a (c ..W < .o » - .be .U acL 0 ^ 3 ^4 -3 2 9 6 . .^c

; Alt S tale Ofpwefs Donoho Trucigng. we haul

. hav C ^ 3 2 6 - ^ ., . GfMS hay, 15 lo 20 tone. _ ■ U S a lo n 6 a l 324-7503 F< -; H a y t a f s ^ . 1stcuRino.de- A

liver approxim ately 35 ton , L< r p«flo*3 C al934-4d36 W r H eevyM ortanabarleydelr^ i y . arsd hopper bonom triAer. , ^

i $5A5 per 100 weight Am- J,' ' t>TDae Fvm e. W endel. ID £

. Cal 536-5332____________ AlNeed eus»m termrig help? f C h«* o u Servtee BieeJory, »

[ published daily in T im et- 11

OM F s rm sF o rA an t

Wvsed lo rent or tu f be« 11 ’ onxnd. ipf¥*tof cn>lerr»d _

C a l5 3 6 ^ 4 l Of 53&2447. m

t - F a r m e r s

)98 Form* For R a n t ' io e S>

>05 acnM potslo ground kx RegTwonl. east ol Joromo, share top of llTop or cash rent $250 por ivofio lcn> .C an324 -5m _______ v S S S J5 a c r e s hay g ro u n d lo r pickup.

MWts or p o t a ^ . 2 pum ps b g s y 1Milh handUneei-caeh-rent,------------->24-2572 or 324-4617.____112 In0 acre fwm tor ront. NW ol ----------

torome. Cal 324-2140. 1300 C Wanlod crop la n d . c o sh ,onl. or shore. smoD or largo icroaoo. Call 734-7858. S2S2LI! Closslllod . tho aolullon ^200 lottU.vournood8,73^06?ft. |{j“

NO PaslurM For R ent

( a c r o s sum m or p a s tu r e , d ro s tadose to TF. 734-4849. (tovs. oiFor s a le ; 0 0 s h a r e s o l ApproxiSoknon Rlvor Grazing Asso- mlnum c ialion s to c k . $ 2 7 5 p o r $ t.9 0 athare. Can 5434049. ^ e s Vant to ro n t p a s tu r o fo r ESSA.cow/calf pnlrs,it43.8374, . . |o rM o

a '11 hoitoes, mostly Hobtoins. ---------

15 Holsioin Springer hoiJors, Ui$900. Tractor and lo a d o r. c iCog 034-5370.____________ aM<For Sato; 39 sharos ot stock fh Salmon Rhrar Catitomon's 1 ntito

Dopt, ______

3 yoarfing 3/4Gobvtoh bulls, so!o!* « have b irlh a n d w oo n in g CaH73 wiqhtB. 733-6458 oyos.____

K f f / S S ’fctJSS " Ibto corrals. oxcoDont condi- J ' tton. Can e37-40S7.________ ®“

BUttS----------R o g ls to ro d H o ro f o r d s , Wante U ,6,ftCanodian brooding,, and s<2 yoor olds and fall yoar* 637-63

Beflevoe, W ahp ---------______ Z 88466L-- 114 F

Oan Wriohl L ivestock ______Trensportaflan - ^ 4 - 3 4 0 7 , 1046 r

.“S S ,S r .lT d 'B S « sCaaS36-21B9,____________ 1 4 # ^For aato: Angus Chlanina ^S£l£ bulk lor oasy calving. CoB 1970 J 436-6454 or ^ 1 2 5 6 . - cab. n------ Goodino u ; ^ ------- W -

Commisston Company fifiSSSi Comlgnmonl for Frittoy sato. 1961 1 Mardi 17tti, hours.Satos at 1^00 noon on .g] Ridsys- pn kni35 h ^ ot prog dxKkod cows, Ara ^100 head ol loodor caivos.More calves 10 como.

” 4r4470,_______Steers and hoitors. 250 b s- 450b s. 536-21154pm 10 10 J G * * Purobrod Lknousin caato; 2 yoar oU buls and coming yoarlings. Birth woighi and ttT x weaning woighi availab le . ^ '»Can 324.7978____________Rogislorod Angus ydarling r r r r ; bulls, AHIR po rfo rm a n co « roeonis. C al 734-4897. '®flu ' 3Registored Heretord buns. excelofil Poertoss brooding, ranoo ready. 1-266-7171.Rogislorod horrwd Hemlord 9520 yw lm g b u b . TPR intorma- lion availabto, Siro-Pacesot- m o d ler son and Bennoll brod cows. Cafl 733-2269 or 733-3565.____________________

Polled Hereford bulls.Range ready. Easy csMng.Roeords avri. 536-2294. Boarc RegiHored Simnwilal buBs. p ^ and homed, oxcoflont' T ' tn b r e ^ . Cal (Ideho FaBs)

____________ C a lllSPECIA L O PE N DAIRY “ ?0« HEIFER 8AL£, Fri. Morch 31. 11«). 1500 head, M woigWs. lancy Hobiein hoil- ^ t h ers. 1 ownor. No consign- ^ : monis accopted, 324-4345 ^ ' Pn?duq>f».Jyomo.

- H a - D s l r y Ffiulpm e nl -------

72 DoCaval vacuum pump. IO- Hbest ofter. 825-5652. 324-5Lrg stointou stoel Cnunor. DeoetUssi vacuum pump, 2 HP 324-2:with tanka, m s ta in lo s s Ine. .comploie. DoLaval glass re- ,radoceiv e r Isr w ilh p um p , r —Coptoaniic rethgeration um , ^ ■

jBodmin new putoe milking 'ifA Chines. wilh c law s and , shell. 1 kxSne injedor pump.1 1 w alor h o e to r .C a ir0 3 4 .; 5116 atler 6 pm.___________ : ---------I Milking p ipe line , vacuum : 114-

'*^**"^,u5eo?tefae8?^ li**

i 104 Horses

3 r e o it ie r sd co lls . Pain l.. AopvandQH 825-5652. ,; 0 year old Morgan4«uctang [] 1 gelding, good « mountains.11650. Good u se d s e d d le . 1 I $200 C al 8 3 7 - ^ a to r 5 D 1 AU. TYPES OF HORSES I bouohl « id sold We buy 1 rttK h O T e s C sB 733^C 65 '- c ' For s^e/toase, 2 AQHA reg- 'l i ts r e d meree. Bo«h have 1 ■RO M in race 436-5758 (

Regitfered Appelooea mare, daugNer ol W<d Hope Ran 1 ' on faadL Bnx3d mare, you ( may see 3 yrs ol ioato. Good

' to nde. tfuim. Gende. 1 : $7W C a<543< M » • - - I ' Reg Ousner Horee, 6 veers ok), broke lor peck and ndo 1 tof evpenenced ndor. $500. 7

: Cal7j5-S879*W snl to buy a ll k in d s ol .horsee.-A too.-gM d (.horses tor sato or trade.


105 Hotm Equipment

' Fcr SiM: New ft is e d s to ^ 1 A horse ira iv s toetunngLogan C oach . F inancing .

: Zc*>ger 43»«125 or • liv to wfcdeve. CT^aaaft.' H vd made roping eaddto.

16’ good conotlion. $500.Cal ?34.57B6e .cringe AXnnura or g sM fined or eeel n i e n We ir*to. we tnance Fsrm en Ext^tenoe.T»w Fafc. klaho 733-3961 S M d Bronc saddto. DOod condition. $350 C ell 324-

m i S l Z S S L . ------------------

108 SeKns

W Mner»3S K2 536 2778 ^I

s * m a r k e t -

ShNp/G0«t> I K

I. yoailing Nubian buck. Woway o f ^ Brw broodiTM. do- Uu» « n o Twin. 7 0 2 - 7 5 4 ^ ^ . - t f g 6 1 mod: Mature goats, will G uarar [up .C a n W 4 -S M m o m . hay bd loreventnQsaltefS^^ I S d f s

: W gaOon , m l l o

}0 Q PM to w .p ra s s u re elor pump w/3b t p 1800 M o k l^ o lo r .S o o a tW o -or Wekflng, 438-5038- _ |h 148()0 lo o l o l 10* by term, wa lum inum m o ln -lln o , 2500 h50 p o r to o l. 587 -0033 hre:$2{time. Mountain Homo. C a ll TVodorain whoolinos. ^ 4§§55Jis to tlc . C all 4 3 8 -4 1 7 7 Intomal's, or 676-4240 evenings, new p i)roximalely 3000 tt 6* okj- t jo n j6lum portable main lino. JD 40190 0 loot. Approx. 5 harv a n d Irn e s . nood so m o w ork , $7500,lOflliio, 837-4015. j 5 ^rkloy p u ; ^ . u se d . 3 3 0 buil meM, 145 FT HO efectrte p lh ich

GATED PIPE John DN ew andU sod 734^1 (

U ndorgrw ^ pipo John DCustom (abrlcatton knito w


mao oast ol Buhl. Hwy 30

etfy M nch gotod pipe tor l o .c l o s e t o 3 ,00^ o l . H734-8241.

Phono 324-3341, ------- :o ast o l Cindy's Colo. . '

. Jororno,ID ; |H C i

in te d to b u y :2 A m osbal

intod 10 buy; usod stool or imlnu,pgtp9„3g4;g14g, . „

4 Ferm tm plem w it* * J}J

46 NH beto wagon. H. H, im m or|ohn .484^300W . * ‘^,9 roma, or caa 324.2286.- P* flJohn Deere 340 o lf eot c

,c, $2500. Cafl 823-4640. »70 JD 4020. oxool s h i ^ , t). r>ew rear tiroi, s to r ^Jde, atoo 2 ton 3rd cuOing _____Blta. Can 423-6233.81 1069 harrow bod, b w p o ^ G

JD 7 ^ combino, 20" p J T jJ1 hoodor. 2 oa.-‘81. *82 JD washoi20 combino 24' PU head- frod uI. 450 bu. grain buggy, bost'of nahue 8 tiro combino mt.lUiprtonl is oxc & stonxl *2 “ ^lcors-208-522-5585. g S V aSbson tork lifl. 14 ll. 6 cyt u sg Q*.pM um al|c tiros 5000 b PARTSpediy. good cond. $3750 to rs, E t o t oflor. C a l 678-165B,4 T, JO bator, good condi- Wanto<n, roconlly tunod-up. Can hoto d*17-4957,________________ and ru0 chlck-size gas broodor. ots. PI

Su la lo rft ta n k . $125 . 3 handB nt p o s t ho lo d ig g e r,

>54 Chovy 2 - to n tru ck ,520 mitos on now mctor,1' bod. pood rubbor. 442 c o d . $ 2 j ^ 3 ^ 9 3 9 . ^ JD with 45 hydaufc toad- , everythirtg works, com- .,)toly rebuiR mao and car- ireior. C al 8 3 7 .3 ^ . 6-rw ^

MircK grinder mixer. W nd "Dwer, 1000 RPM generator 115 jn ira lle r . C all 438 -4 1 7 7 _____IVS. or 678-4240 eveninos. Loadeall K ent E d w ard a , you r Operaaoic and Wood River Val- _____y satos representatiw for R o t C a s s i a E ^ipm ont Co. r the best prCe on brandn r ft used Ford traders, m m ew^Hoft^ Far ^ ecu^, ft

^ e n l brands. 324-58^^ a so 1070 : JD 2 0 3 0 ; JD JrJ ;!) O T 'eom BneTltoavy dU tf - i i S a r Huldvnasler disk; CaB _ , ?4-512l or 324-4143 'egeiman rock picker. C al

________________ T T fSOf sM ; 2 used 16.9 x 38 $450.actor tires C a l B2S-5276. CresNor sato: IHC 666 tn d o r / 15Vilib. 2400 hrs, 121 L*VRo- 65 HIrra, 44 b wide trors. tor greatIC tractors. A l in ezcefteni ?34-9xidcton. C el 423-4036. davs k

I14-Firmlmpl«fnent8 | 11*-

N E W E Q U I P M E N ’

I N V E N T O R Y - M U

1-Ford17^04W DDsl. 26 HP i12,W(

1 -ford17?04W DD sl,28H P $13.9C2

1 -M F .3 0 9 0 W . _________'C ab Air, as H P -------------S O T

1 - 3P o in t14F lCfiisdpiw,14*S«!Cps $3,695

t-3Pc«nM 2FLCh;sd Plow-Bui) Tnoe. t3.bS3

1 - 14R Rola-Hajtw D uis.LevtlBir.H O Cyi. $7,825

1 -42 In R e mTi:tef,3Poir.i $1,369

1 -12 h . PoaO K C ta P c ia $££5

3 -6 F I . RcjfBLi3cs, 3 Pc:r.t C3Q

1 -F w a Ro’jryT lltaFor L f i n i Gard. Tfxtw J£99

C'fiftJi Our PrictM On Ua»t


T W I N F A L L S T R >

I M P L E K f E I19}$ K lo k r lr I

T w in F a lU • ( 2 0 8 )


J e r o m e * ( 2 0 8 ) 3 :

t - R e c r e a t

Farm Im ptsm anlt 121 Bo________ I----------- — Mj«y 6 row band —new. $3500. s j f r l t e a 1U75 161 6 pm.lan lee d Now Holland bator rapak v td used..

20 p r e s s d r ills . 6 In S r t ' i K

i lWO combine 20 fl pW- oxc eonj vmy ctoan. 1 1970 ml torrlvort hrs: 2 1981 w/1800 Our198(

f29,500« $3S,000.--------------to eto1 -8 0 0 .8 8 8 -4 0 8 7 or Tom'elil

________________ Hovbunultonal 606, o ^ . duals,

A s s s ! . s r -S o o v o r tS u io ro n g h O USdtvor I ra n s m is s io n , cab ,

0.00114234247. .» Singto Iront ond. re- ®

Doon) 950 roltof hsr- and c tm12-. $ 2 0 0 0 .8 2 3 ^ 6 4 0 ^ F O ^D eofobator,214T.C al w fth44r

5100. accossoiI Dooro FM, 6-row boon g u n s A wUh'fnnt drvidors and

ar mount. $1200. Cai6595 or 543-5389. _____ ^42 C ullivo torw llh ot- monts. $275.326-4939,33 g ra in drill. 10 ' 171 ,$1400 ._M F ^ S d isk ,_March 1 itH 532-4103.________ _March 1

i « r /T R A C T O R S s j ^ n s t

C 9 6 6 H om oF

'S C E L ^ N E O U S S

NH ta n d o m ax lo

S 'S O U T H W E S T Q U IP M E N T C O .

lor Nowton ...733-2684, 1978 Kahomo 1979 Ki

O d a y ..........734-4443, Sw ivel______________ t ^ $ 1 . 4ta b le h ig h p re s su ro 1979 Kifter. 2000 PS [ p r e ^ e cc, goo. usod vory littto. $ i ^ C o ) l ^oftor, CaB 324-3646. i i a T s i

tor. Ford 900 Trtoydo, 3 7 » orict PTO. front ond loodor. lunnol. I734-6100.____________ aflor 6 p=D FARM TRACTOR 1967 HITS, buytog saJvago trao- $2000. (, B u r le y T re c to r Ssl* ig M Pd» C a a 2 & -4 3 6 .5 4 2 0 ^ tong-lracIted; 16.9 x 38 IHC 9 60fl SKduite, 1 2 .4x28 wtwois 823-466rubber, hydruaSc mark- fPTO or d«sel pump tor u j q q (

d tines, cafl,4 2 ^ 9 4 ^ ^

W A N T E D 1989 7.Ford tractor in good Ifjc a ls

id il lo n . C a ll colTocl. 733-605.753-3096.___________REBUILD H ydraulic

(s al ABBOTTS AUTO 125 TrPPLY . 305 S hosh o n o _______d South. Twin.________ 15 lootivy duty Wesl-Oo 2200w com ft boan culivslor c o n d .j,■nnots. $2000. 543-5941, 15' Sh i

e ieelonFarm Work Wsnlad 1974 K

der^Mckhoo with/wilhout }rator.CaS 324-8430. answer

g t r ^ l o n < ^ J J J i l

i> i i» in i - r - -ri ,^73 3

I Avlatton

Ctob Momborsto, 1978 5

conter IBoats ft Iridge.

h j ^ . .

foo l a lum inum b o a t, *C all 733-8465 , 560 UPT$7,

stview Drive__________ 1961 2i libe rg lass Runabout, new an HP M e rc , low h ou rs , ortenni M s h u e . extrsa, $2500, “ “d ,* 1-9548 e v e s . 733-9062 733-55( s toeve messaoe. - rM 4 P


t-F»nnlm piem «fits J S i % For sai

1 c am pN T I N P A I D 2 2 1 :»

U S T S E L U I ^

- ’9.500 ^ « *11,870 ^ , 8 9 0. ‘3,220 ^. ‘2.875 KS5 *8,690 ^

1969 1

69 ‘987’510 S

room, I

‘188 ^e S i a5 55 K

M R ttu m TYacUyt Cam p

[N G S !!— — — — C -lop

s tr ip sF A C T O R & W *

E N T ^t R<«J1 ) 7 3 3 - 8 6 8 7 ^ 5 2

1 P L E K { E N T

3 2 4 - 2 9 0 4 $5001 StMld


i t i o n a h A t i

B oats & 127 H otM ailne.llem s_______ ■ ,

16loot Fberiomi boa t ioct condi

$6200. Cafl 678U075.ouboard motor, $150. «nonktos,24-2911. tool A C ;orfin 17W V6. till, trim, kHeitor.'liond. $12,500 of Irade m icrow aer boat . Can 734-4410 warmer, 3989 SMswIrt bools are b ^ - ln ga etoek.-1968prtoes.- e l i b r ln a f tS p ^ O d s . & um^ui1ov.6g-147a^

S WIvors 80 C F acuba tank. AGE. oxOW $1 10 ,734 -2741 ._ f i a n m i

G u rt tf tR in M 128 Util

4 4 b ts c k p o w d o r p ^ 20 « fW: frame. Also, pm der duty, sina»a,$1S0,734-7135g. beet otterSALE; T/C contonder Now 4x8

U mognum, 222 barrol $425. Cats o r to e .C a l7 3 4 ^ 1 . iw .TralkSAND ACCESSORIES f h l T ^

Uso Clos678-3157 ______ __

Also buyjng guns f l u t o r


* 18th, 9 to 6 , ______11 1 9 th . '9 td 4. North 132 All n o n ta ry s c h o o l, 2 0 0 Ac, 12 N ^ .~ M o u n la ln 10. T o k o o x il 9 0 . 1976 Oon so ro d by M ountain Ford39Co Rino ft Pistol Club. dak bratn f« c a t .4 M O b ,-L o U 1077 Wtrat- $300-324-8264. coptmol y 22 caB>er pump rifle,- 2 h o u e12 ga . Stevens pump lo n g , si

run.Jrr00 4 2 i4 Q t f e _ etocXrfc 1 hosier modol 04-7x30 liabto. 5 irs w /d lo s a n d ammo, p h e , oo« ng lon511& 511P22-s, hearrun. -r 22/22 mag. liko now, 4-15’ ch row . M arlin ‘G o lden w ith MliMounlto* Martin 1894 concfilton

no 38/357. Winchoslor S ^ n ' ; 0-30 P rfrM . 734-2720>mmsaoo. parts ter

Snow V ehlctoi

Kawasaki Intrudor 440, SSSLSyKawasM Invader 440, Roar bur

rol r a c k fo r p ick -up . PU, $50,0 432-5335/4&-5252.. ^ 73

Kawasaid Iniwdor 440 B L S S !lood cond ition , $450. Wo are |536-6174 afler 5, ■ )unkcan

SWDoo Fonnula Plus, P '^ k up o r i ^ m i t o s , . t o ( ^ - ■<» > 1 . ^ oftor. 733-2186 » Sd6 p m ,a sk k y T o d d — —

SKS lo n g -track . Call 1074 Y<664 S o a rs k9 P o la r is 5 0 0 FKS, WOtM.i0 . Call 823-4664. 1976 H Ing South, m usi sslll S p o rt, I1 Yomaha fexder. etoc- ' s ls r t . 4 0 0 m iles . Call ftlrunk. 9057aftor6pm , ------------


T rtvel Trallere 7 7 ^

x t traw l traitor, stovo.a c e . r e lr ig . a v e ra g e * 1 11,1500. C a l 82S-,5Sy ^ L WS hssta, stove. Ice box, ■ . ' l | llent cond. 3 2 4 - ^ 6 ^ I MI K4 sm wheel traler,--------------I-------solf-contained, asking t B» . Can 543-5403. If no 9 . verkoootiylna.T \ y B e l camp traitor, ■e . Ice box ft pon-a^xey. H

3 34- 5lh wfieel traitor. * <ontainod.$5500or■C>a324.2Wi. I-8 5ih-whool 2 8 ' Trans

er bath, eiectrto or gas n j rje . d e ep Ireeze . w sler | | i i *la r , 1 0 ' a w n in g , TV, B HFM radto, dual wheels. My extraa, and a l hook- E M■'r.OOO. 324-2452. N Ht 22 toot Nomad traitor, 2 Qr aw ning, c rank-up TV [ f |nnna. excelent condilton, 4 |L

*5m 7 “ '*■ m4 PALIUINO POP-UP ULER. Bke brand new.

box, $2495.

sato or trade: 1964 DIpr- H m i ^ a i l e r . $ 5 0 0 . C all | l U i

sato or trade: 1^ 13 I j u camp traler, stoops 4. I ^ I irade lor 8 ' ove rshot I r f l l toer. 734-7337 eveninos. I ton traders ft Sth wheeto. I j | E A rg new ft used unitt. m r ft consign units.BERT HARBAUGH 4

M 0T 0R 9M CW endel.

:CT3-ant-S3frg4t»o«B___ j____y dew t. 16' Jewel tan- - la1. new awning and iphd- V. $2995. c J 734-2387. n te d ; la te m ode l le n te r in good condUon. C al I U

i Campera t Shells M M

.9 W oodine 8* camper. C Eiecks. ica box. s l a ^ rT T

, 5 ( » 1 ^ 934-5201. ^>T ftOLO) 8 ^ 4 « c u t> ly ,- 0 2. etoc.fque en bed. De- ■ n d w e te r sy s te m p o tty * m, Dometfk: retrto. {acks. rwi C a l 733-2962.minum sh e l lor U N tze Ok-j) $200 S37-6648. ■rrper sh e l f t s b n g ^ n>ort p ick -up . $175. Cell R = iM 264af>er6pm ^m per s h e ll lo fil sm sll m -e d P U w ith long b e d , I L50 536-6210 evenmos l l f llo p p e r w h ite w /b lsck p T lo ss , b row n c a rp e t kit.* . f ? i l e 5 -10 /3 -15 s ize ^diCal 42 4330 e*e 19istom lo p p e r sh e ll for a l picfc-ip. 7 toot bed. H I l e w « grey trim, s i ^ H i e d wndow 3 sides. k » ■ | j e r*cA. exeelerS oondl- 1. m er $7W new. esking H T M 326-5296 e le r 5 PW m d « d j* * -u p wood shel,25 C a l» W 9 3 9

u t o m o t i v i

U oto rH om M 135 Cycli

Amertoan C l ^ r , por- H ^sndkton. $ 1 ^ ; Call CaB 934^5» 1 - •______________ 1081 LTDOvortand.ZO-.CtosaA H onda OOodge ,toea than4 l,000 54369480^ . 7 3 4 - 4 7 6 4 . ____ . 1982 HonID 5000 HoUday Ram- 2317 mis. I140 Chrys, 30 ,600 -m r 1963 Hoitdir u b ^ r , h a s a l l l h o oeltontcom

Itoa, 7000 waR gon. 2 $ iboo, Cal

BoifiQ : auio tov-

f . hi#-roar bath.Intor ft oxtor in Sortous Inqulrtos g g 9 * i,»l A

$35,000,678-4075. 106ft Yei ^ m o t o r h o m e . o i ^ “ O * ^ t. VERY LOW U U - . oxcollont condition. *63 Honda '33-9509 s te ro o . (

------------------- $2000. CaUtility Trailers a s k t o ^

flal-bod traitor, hoavy o r ATV, (

4x8 s to d tilt-bed traitor, $250. Cal,C a a 4 2 3 -S S 1 6 ._ ____ ^ 50O R• n i» » r s .« i7 S .4 g 3 .^ best oflor. yoor will bo our besll mossaoo. 1 :i09Slfied, 7334626.__ __________________ 136 H urt o m o t h r a . . ■

Cal 010 I -»• _ oxcolont I

I ■■■ 112Wost,

/ u ,K .P .r t .Acc«Mor1e« power sh

; ^ g o van, $000 firrrt w T n l K ^ h ^ o « . | 5 0 . F < ^ 10-whool brake w hooh. 886-2673. struction I • VW B abbtt,good ox- coB 785-5! motor. 9 3 4 - 5 ^ j S ^ . L o ad e rs iu e -a tQ ck .tra llo r . 14' sale^6801 t. s in g le a x le 8 ho le , dlkmod.C rfc brakM , 1500 oogo- Tandom a I. 534 Ford tmck on- s tr a p roH

oompkiio. $1000. Can proas. M run. C 5 l S43-5403. p la to ro ll' c tocn ii e lim S c tM icholin tir e a ; good ^ .

139 PIpl

s s - g sI 400 e n g in e . In very C e l 734-8

bumper, fita sm al Ford 4 lOMd $5O ,X ud0larygastank, 001 '

up o r y o u b ring -in . wheels, c

-------------------------------- 1985 QW

. Suzuki TM 250, $500. 1985 815 4 3 « g 6 .____________ $ 3 8 5 0 . •4 Y a m a h a 125 a n d « » ? • £rs M oped , m echanics 6S5-4306tol. $56 oach, 544-2636, 1068 D-S6 H o n d a 750 S u p e r ove rpayrt. low m ile a g e , wind 5439aftener loariru. saddto bags lo e s to u ink.$110ff.543-5545T

- A u lo D s tU n 175-*ut

M f

r v

1 9 8 8 B E R E n A C 0 U P I

g j a g g g Q i i m

2M l S U u ^ ^ ^ K T l v ! A ! i ! J i

- -c

1 3 6 7 C H E V R O I E r C A P H H D O O R SE D A N

1986 FOHD E150 8 PASS

n /ix w H M i]?}


Thureday, March 16

>e 074-'Clos & Suppllos .. 139 Pick-Up

>nda tran 90. -$37S?- 1070 Chevy l4558,____________ sid e bo d , 6 (ro K aw asak i 750 . 'B O to r p a n a .C a l l }QfS43£47B2, 1071 Fort PL o n d a A soot 6 0 0 . ^-8. $1 L $950.324-7123, S B — — n d ^ l O M C . E x ^ '»ditton 7 000mitoa,.;al734-6364. - .........

oltor. af- ’ I ”

S r p ;la GL 1100, AM/FM $500, J ^ e , C B . lu ll d r o s s , 1071 Cord V C d 733-5487 ll«»,. J S j S r a J t f

R Honda. $900 or S r e D o d ^

- » Y E q U p n » . . a . - , J i i ;

} toader, tow h o m .It condition. Soo at st Avo B, 3 2 4 ^ 2 0 4 ^

ib u y tru c k a . 7435. VERYlolera, larm or con* 1-1068 ChiI) typo, day or nigM ton. M 067 r 5 ^ . ask for Max. 1rs A b a c k h o e s lo r CflB67S-280

I axle tank trafler, 3* m i S 's t o to i l s - 3 p h a s e , drill condition. JM M T -3 phase, 6- 8816 ext 23< o ils , V « o ap a cily -3 a«fcfefB«<ct

I c k ^ p T ru d a

D odge 1 0 0 t ^ S to y a l r b n

in $500 Imi. g , , *k S B ____________ _cnise.324-:ord V» te n ptotaip, 34 oo " t> " ii

H endrlcksi5 >15O0.S43j

MW cotkHiS K ^ is o .o ,- i'-P"" •'! w . c J S m i u .

Excelent unta. Cali 1072 F W i06o r65544g7 . _ fler v a r ) J l!>-50. for sato or take 1078Chevilaym en ls . Call 3 2 4 . van. $3200,fterepm .____________1078 Chav

tu loD eiH ra___________17}-Aiilo


BB 11 J III y

1987 CMC 1/2 TON

- * ^ 3 M j l l l j F D u Q y f l

| i m i I m | | | | | M

---------^ _ _____

lE Pffi


^ 3 IE i3 iiIlI iH S E

g . VAN

16, 1989 Tlnw-Nmvs, Twin F/in Falla. Idaho D-7 ■

k-Up Trucks

r S M ■rm. CaB 734-1512

-- -----d PU, ’A lon. oulo- 8, $800. CaB 733-

d short wheel b ^ ------------now clutch, matfer , tu n e up, $1300. rd 3/4 ton, 4-spd, t7 0 0 .S 4 3 « 6 4 .evy V4 lon, robuU w p a in t, w h o o ls ,KDsten ond brakos,

rd Rangor 3/4 lon iB, dual tanks, roai jc k , $1 5 0 0 . 1073 Corolla, au to , now lod transportalion, rome 3 2 4 .2 7 4 6 .^ r d .’A to n ,3 s p d ,^

? s 5 7 a & r :)dgo Ram Charpor, B o ^ d ^ £ M ^ p a in t,

lovnstot v ^ t o n p i ^10. C a l 3240628, d g e Vb ton PU, n r a

i ^ t h olu'm*Sum s a l l ^ l c e truck for

odge Ram 3/4"ioir I S PU PW, shon, s 7 d ^ 1 4 3 .Issan hwd body, 4 w whoob and iVos,

Chovy 327 , AT.V<i 1067 C h ^ 3 S 0 . 4

Steel tmck bed. sn. $750. Call 543- 1 2 3 4 ,8 am lo 5 pm

___________temattonal 1700 sln- ), with 16* hoist bed, ortoinai mDea. 1062

hevy 1 lon, duBw, sab , AT. P S , A<5,

b Eaton rear enda, c k so n s u p e n iio n ,

cfc with sen ur*MSng l1 ,5 0 0 .P u p tra I le r SCO bed, $4§00. Cafl

2 ,000 rx tte rT IB W l-----------S e combo bed. a l w, aaciifica priced, rfv. 678-5032 eves,

m t _______________SM 1 ton 1 2 passen- I. $ 1 5 0 0 . 7 3 6 ^:hevrotot converatoo 200, C al 324-3628.:h e v y Custom van ,I, $5 ,000 . Call eva- 04-5201.

^ D N l s r e


1 ;

:avau 4 or.


Page 32: Jf [-Marl S mgaSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TN...iw. lewd and lascivious offend fe terms. "We need to start giv lie pedophiles," Gould said. Th itions will

\l^ A u U THE ACES

"Nothing so much'cnharii a s lo m ake sacrlflccs for

— George I

T oday 's c lu b s ii lt h o ld s a su c cc ss fu l g a m e . U nf th e re is no su c c e s s w ith c one is w illin g lo s a c d f i c t

In a r c c c n l Sw iss-^a_ff------ -- d e c la tc r .w o n lh e d ia r

p lay ed Ih rc e h igh h e a r t took th e c lu b f in e s se . 1 w on b u t th e c o n t ra c t los a c c fa iled to d ro p E a s t ' South w a s fo rc ed to c( dow n a f t e r c a sh in g th e s

W hen S a r a h N ee ly of th e South c a r d s , s h e sa^ p ro b lem s a f t e r w in n ln m o n d Jack .' B u t s h e chi p racC lcal c o u rse . F a c ln j if she e v e r lo s t ttic le a d , 1 th a t if fo u r c lub t r ic k s ab le , a ll f iv e w ou ld be. cou ld g e l f iv e c lu b s , s h e on ly tw o h e a r ts .

At t r ic k tw o, S a r a h 1 h e a r t to d u m m y ’s q u e e r w inning c lu b f in es se . N e

.........- - took h e r h e a r t k in g wila ce fo r a n o th e r c lu b f s u it beh av e d , a n d S a r five c lub w in n e rs a n d nl help h e r te a m to a wi v ic to ry .___________ .

141 Vanj

IM I 'Oodgo van. 150 wiioa.6 cylndor. 3 spood wtovor- drtv9 on Iho noor, PS. PB,

. - -A C r-c u » to m tz « d ,—n o w brato t, 6 almo«i now tiroa. a afrsc ieatio fsp ffi.1062 Chovy van, conlompo convorsion, vory oood coodt- Hon. %6SOO. Call 734-3B47,1063 Dodgo van. slant tix. automatic PS. PB, air, body i t noarty poriod, runs

' oxcolont. intoflor ia insulatod and ca/potod. roody to cua- tomlTO. bsOQ. 536-6469.1985 Chwy Landmarti Van. kwded.EKo now. Call

---------734^«11a>ldf6pm .-------------1B86 Chovy C o n v o ra lo n V an , lo a d e d , low m llo s . * 1 5 ,5 0 0 . C oll 7 3 4 -7 1 2 1 loovo moataoo.____________1067 Mini-Ram van conver­sion. immaajlato. AT. AC. running b o a rd s , aun roo l. caplaina chain, blinds, cua-

■ lom pairt. JI0.5OO now -pay on orty, 324-2406. ovoa.1086 Ford A o ro s ta rw ith traaof towtfwoko. *36-5655.

142 Import/Sportt Cara

; 1078 Daisun stalion wogon.- - nina flood. C a i 7 3 3 ^ 9 2 . .

, 1070 Toyota Cetica QT Utt- - bsd(, 77.000 ml. good cond.: t12Q0_nwotlab|o. 543-5403..

1060 Toyott Sew n, PS. PB.. AC. PW, 5 (pdTEFf, tn . now

wheela & tIrot. Pionoor sto- •foo, sharp 734-3166 -1081 Flat S iro d a . 4 -doo r, .now tiro*, runs o r ^ . good gas mitoago. $ 1 or will trade lor travel trajlor. Coll

•Z 3 4 d M £ _______________. 1083 S u b a ru GL 4 d o o r ,

$150 down, uko ovor pay- mont* of $125/mo, balanco

. ol M500 al 4 .5 S linancing. Caiagft-SeOI ovoa- •83 VoKo ilalionwaoon. AC. jW/FM, BafKtoJd. wnh ovor-

4 wtwol drivo. rebuilt oogino. >1000. Can 73&W 521064 Subtfu GL hatchback.5 ipood. Irort whool drivo. oood condition. 733-2734.•86 Dodgo Cofl Turbo, woll cared lor. Iko now. sporty, 734-4812. Jon. aho f6pm .1088 N t ta n 200 SX T uriw ,5 tpd . 34,000 ml. badod . sun rool. rod. BoniAlul car. w ol caxod b r. S9.500. Coll 934-8U7 ovosA vt^s or osK

— .lpf Totiv .a34.84a2dav^ - 10a7 Honda Wagon 4 i4 ,6 spood, loaded, (6.600

or aitum o paymonts.CaJ 543-8040 o r 734-7898. 1068H ondaC ivic4door LX.

. 17k, pow er w indow s. A C. AM/FM c a s s o t lo s to r o o . $9995. C al 734-4057,

Economical I aporty1068 Honda Preludo SI. yol- low w /black Inlorio r. fully

___ oqu^jpod w/unlimitod milo-a g o w arran ty . M ust s a l t . Tako ovof pffiifi 733 4806 •88 Mazda 323, crutso, AC.

L pmntatxwt oHot 73j-C137 .F SAAB 900. 1979, 4 Of. sun- R roo t. Alpino sto ro o , gro.-ii t . salo tanuty car. S2700. Caa

324-4812 or 324 8335

175-Aulo Dealers

ny1 9 8 9 GE<




0 -8 Timoo-Nows, Twin FnUa.

t o m o t i v e -


ianccs j good Nfo r i l . ’ Jpe Santayana. J

........................., ■ ‘ 4

Ida u io keys 10 U n fo r tu n a te ly ^ q 3 2 h c lubs u n le ss ♦ ^ k 10 7 5 f le e in h e a r ts . 4 jo 3

:a_m ev en t, one ^iiam ond Ja ck , . .. . J a r t s a n d th e n ^i. T h e fin es se Jlo st. T h e c lub " ' ^

a s l 's k ing a n d V ulnerab le; Be I c o n cede tw o D ea le r: Soulh l e s p a d e a ce . T h e bidding;

o f D a t o h o l d f ' ^ , "

nT-rhVSc h o sc a m o re H D Wl

Soulh holdSL >d, sh e r e a liz e d ^k s w e re a v a il- ibe . A nd if sh e ishe w ou ld ne ed 4

N o rth Soult O 1 4 1 y

lh le d h e r low j ^ , e e n a n d took a A N SW ER : On N e x t she o v e r- tio n o t th e co: w ith .d u m m y ’s . t r a va lu es ; it- b f in es se . T h e of o p e n e r ’s s i S a rah c la im e d d n ine tr ic k s to i “«

w c l M c e r v c d .“ “ X X c*wn*ii. HI

142 Imporl/Spods Cars ’

r 19B4 T oyo la C o ro lla LE,f- nuto. cfulso. lunrool. Alpino I), sto roo , m oiallc ro so groy,m s i r . 8 3 ,0 0 0 m ilo s . s h a rp ,a. >4,000-Can ^ -5 0 5 4 . ;_ 1085 VWQoH, new brakos, <0 aharp, clean, voty good buy, 1 II- Call 733-3140._____________ ,

146 4K 4'i4A TV 'B

« 1072 Chovy Blazor 4x4, 4 1d w hod drivo, excollort condi- ,}- lio n , a sk in g S2B 75, C all 1_ 4 Z M 0 0 3 o rfe M 7 1 3 . •1, 1974Chevy,4-cpood,4 x4 , |

'/t lo n , tw in ta n k s , CB, .- a lro n g with g ood (ubbo r. ,

n b o a ollof. Calf733-1275. I, 1075 Dodgo 4x4^ahotl bod, '1 club cab. 318 AT, PS. AC, ,

Can oner 5 pm, 324-5177. ,r 1975 F250 4 X 4. tcp cond. 'J, many moro 0)rtras.7i4-5154 'I atlor 6pm or anvlimo wkonds , H 1076 Chovy tnjck 3/4 ton.y 4x4, oxcol cond. Must soo to '

approdale. Cafl 352-4203 h 1076 Ford Bronco, oxcoOont •

conditkan. C al 432 5404.1970 4*4 3/4 ton Chovy, 396 ‘ big block, show tnxk. lots ol

- chromo. 436-5638 oflor 7'• 7 0 Chovy 3/4 lon 4x4, good- rubbor, overhauled onglno,• two tone. SZ no. 733-6261.■ 1080 F150 Ford. AC, extra

* whoela & tkes. pood con«S- ^ Ikm. $2050. 324-4040 atlor " 6pm 8 anytime wookonds.

lOeOGMCJimmy.fulVkMd-- ed. super condition. $4800 ^ or boat oHer. Coll 4234375S teovD monaoo.___________[n 1081 3 /4 to n 4x4 GMC.

aul0j_ h0avy doty, now paint.- AM/fM cass, oxc. condition.

$4550. 8 3 7 - ^ 8 ntlor 6 pm!o 1082 Chevy, 6 21. dnsol, 4 3 spd, Stvorooo 'h lon. njns

□root. $4600 or b « it off*r.r Call 734-3611.____________

1062 Ford 3/4 lo n 4x4.

j ' manv extras. CnII 733-*393.0! 1083 Joop Scrambior.excoi-

\on\ condikm. PS. PB. 6 c>1- r inder, 52,000 orwna) mflos,^ $5500 or olter, 734-6326

' 1083 S uburban . 350 V-8.roof s h ^ , $8000. Can

^ 733-2526 day^, a 324-3756 ’ ’ ovoninos 8 wenlii>nds.~ 1083 ToyoU. 4x4. new tiros. S ’ new paint. C al 734-8164 oru 733-3489.________________oli 1964 Chovy S10 4x4. V-6, sk 4 spood. low miloogo. oxcol-

lenl-condition. CaD a fte r.& ~ pm, 734-3712.____________

1964 Ford F150. 4x4, V8, P S . PB , AC, a n d 4 sp d , $8295 Can 324-3017 aflor 6

X. 1984 G rand W ag o n o o r.S . 60,000 mUos. toadodrtoothor.0 . oxcokml condition. $10,300._ Col 734-0740.____________

1965 Ford 2 5 0 , 4 x 4 , XL >(- hoavy duly. 351 or>gine, ox- iiy ooDont tiros ond corxJaion. ;o ' $9500 or win trade for 150 orII hoavy’A- 4x4. 1979 or now-

' or Can 536-2412_________C, 19B6 Jo o p Chorokoo Plo-

Bolow NA DA. ban , $6975.736 6692 ntlor 5om._______

al Be Ford Rangor S.C. 4x4 ;ai badod. shol. low mJos, Uu>

now. Caa 733-0756.

, 175-Auto DealBfS




lUa, Idaho Thufr.dav..March If

- A u t o m o t

-------------------------------------- 1GiE___BOaflY_W OLfE_ -JflS

- - - ston.925.

NORTH J-n-A \9Si♦ Q 0 8 3▼ A Q 7 30♦ Q 8 2 X ♦ 8 7 5 i r

EA ST t e a♦ K J 10▼ J 10 6 4 3 oxco

5 ♦ 9 4♦ K 0 4 X

SOUTH _ 3♦ A 7 2 ..........................196'▼ K 5 ■ ------------♦ J 6 3 — ...............♦ A Q J 6 2 ^

B oth Ann!


:st N o rth E a s t 327 s s 3 N T All pass ! lead : D iam ond seven 7^


’' ♦ K l ' i f fV J 10 6 4 3 3 /♦ 9 4 : '♦ K 9 4 C

luth Foalr 60-6

O ne n o - tru m p . A c o rrcc - c o n tra c t . I t show s no ex- i t d e n ie s a r a is e of e ith e r

i su its .

)u«illon> 10 Til* Acts. I’.o. Boi T tiu n ili . »llh «U-*ddfrtK<l, lope for rtplr. CaHI. m i. UUM r-Miiir. spdicju War

______________ ;______' vorti_________________________ onn

146 4 x4 'sA A T V s

! 1985 Suburban 4x4, ktadocL —

! 1085-Yamaha-Tri4to(o, 200. 3 w h ee le r w ith now llros. ^S.. Can 324-2270,____________ Oor, 66 F 250 a u b cifc diosol. ^

- ^1086 hoavy du ty 3 /4 ion ^97

- Ford, 460 onolno, 4 spood &T > tronsmission, lito now, nol cotm• ovon a scratch, loadod wilh — I oxtraa, $12,500.686-7793. ^55- S h a rp 1062 sh o r t whool ___, base unbody 3/4 lon Ford 198• 4x4 . looks a n d runs oxc. baC . now 38^, tats-of now parts; SZS . Can 825-5438 or 825-5&4.

Taking bkis on nico 1972 158

: T S'. wos> Financial. 733-7202. AT,‘ Vory nk» 1078 GMC Blazor 2 ^I hi good conditkNi, $3500. 1^7, -------------

. 148 Antique A utos . on.

‘ 1941 Chovy 4 door, roster- lion r $350. Can 733 0G44 mor I ----------------------------------------------

- 175-AutoDoalers 175

rSig; low


The revoL

I; N e w c l c c r r o n ic C

• V a r i a b l e T n m s ii i i

- ( E C V T ) i n i < k c s i '

!- a u i o i n u i i c i t j o l t c

c C ( n K ) in y :n u i p o t

0 a 5 .s p c c J m .iiiii.il

rcm :irk :il> !e (.-Iti'.-ii

E C V T s in n .)v ;u i

c n f iin c c r in * ^ ^ iv c ;

___ sm c x ^ tli, c o n i im i .

{X)\vcr fr«>in (h e li

h ig h e .s t s p e e J s . I-'

y o u 'l l a u u m u u ic ;

a p p r c c ia io ,

S t794 F

1 10, 1009

t i v e

146 A nllquoA uios 158

1S30 M odolA 4-door. s h ^ . 197: storod. bods of oxtra parts, ^ Can 825-6503. 107;I S H W o m a i^ P U “ g4 spood. excel cond. $695. 1075

^O R T H S lD E A in O otln{ 300 Main W est, Jarom e akto 324-7360 Of 837-8S10.__ igg ;

55 Chovy 2 door wagon, nooc fBOO/ottor 733-5345 after 6. 5 4 ^ 1959 Plymouth Fury, 4-door, 108 oxcolont condltkx), $1500, ^

NORTHSDE AUTO ^ 300 Main W e s t ^ m e 324-7380 o r -8 5 1 0 .

1961 Caddy with tan fins and a l. Undor '74,000 m k» ; and runs. R e a to re re ’ d e llg h tl ^ Can Howard « 733-8350. W J Collectora’a car, 197010th Annhrofsoiy Umltod Edilkxi. o l o^ inal, must soli, CaliB78-5414 ovonlfxts.________Shorp 1040 Ford pick-up,327 cubic Inch onofno. AT, now g a u g e s , rad ia l tiro s . 1 Killy customized, $4000, C a l . k ^ 734-7366 attor 6 pm. ^

SihwAucUonsProsonts p s COLLECTORCAR d o


SATURDAY APRIL, 1ST — W, Idaho Fairgrounds <^9

lOOcaralOfsato Consignments accoptod

Featuring core of the 50's & tg, , 60's pius fintk)Uos. dassk» . i convertibles, oxolica, eporl cors, luxury cars, and bw — m lloago oxcollont original VOhldOT. ^

1-800-255^5 ' - - 108( To Conskin Your Cox runa

WANTED: 1949 to 1054 Chovrolol or roblod parts,Call 678-3868 afler 6 pm.Waniod: ’55-58 Chovy con- ium vorti>lo or hard-lop. * anv Hon. onr1s.StovoLvnch678-1201

149 Autos-AMC

1964 Rambler, bw mioogo, iSJ-snoods somo work. 7 3 3 - ^ IW 1 1984 Ronault AHianco, AC,PS. PB. roar window dolog- ^24-g o r , luo l In loc llon . fron t —whool drivo. Call 543-8527. 17c

152 A ub»-8ulck

1977 BUICk" RIVERIA, V-0,AT. AC, till, c ru iso . good condrlion. $8 kl" 5 4 3 - ^ ,

156 Autot-Chryiler

1983 Chrysbr Now Yorker, badod, oxcoDent condition, 47.000 mrba-OnH 432-5404.—

158 A utos-Chtvrolat

1 9 7 7 lm p a lo 4 -d o o r, V-8 ,AT, AC. cruiso, runs & boks pood. $975. Can 733-1735- 1977 Nova 4 door, b r soie by soabd bids w lh right of rotusal by tho City.of Ffans- on. PO Box 111 Can bo soon days al Hanson firesta- tb n or o v o n ii^ by appoint­ment. 423-5074!

17S-Auto Dealers

|h te< vpric

olutionary'c C A iinii'vuou.sly ^

m is s io n < .)

■s l h i s i h c tir.st

ll tc f .budx . fu e l— --------------

[ ■ o r fo r i iK in c c o f

U,ll, W i l l i

i '.- irncy ,

• ; i t iv c

v e s y o u a ^

m il )us f lo w c)f_ Ie lo w e .s F to i l \ c ^


t F a lls A venue

148 Aulos-Chovrolol 162

)77 C«xfco Classic, good new > n d il ton .$600 .324 .7 lC : ^ >70 Chovy Suburban, trail- ^

>82 d ie se l Monto C arlor- 02201 >od« new irons. $900. Cail l»8320 after 6pm,)8 2 2 2 8 C a m a ro . fully Ir» 4 Camaro. Z 2fl. T - l» , S36-t

! u i> S i^ fe a ? 9 3 4 !5 W .~ ~ ^ 7 Spodnim 4-door, noods 16(1-»mo TLC. Warranty ond fi- ____incing avail: $3900. Coll 1S74>4-45g2 Of 324-2724,_____ $800,

1981JO A uto*^)odgi dioso

» 5 Dodgo Shoby Charg-•, tu rb o , oxc co nd ition , <72 tana. $5500. ^ 7 5 4 0 .>86 Dodflo Arios, 4 door, 10703, P8 , AC, AT. A M ^ m- cnOor0, good tre s , vory good $190<)n d ilV $3885. Caa 543- 1003^ Of 33-7831.- - ____ back)

>2 Aub»-Ford

»40 Ford Doluxo Coupo. ^ rt up fof sman box Chovy,>lilIo, $1200 or bost offor. ^ an 733-3892- - W6 Mustong, noar orloinal. uo. $2200. C al 43&0767.>80 Ford Fairmont wagon, rlg ibo forogpm . 736-0715.366 Ford E scort sta tio n ' s z f a g o n . 5 -sp o o d , AM/FM ^ po, 12.000 tnl. now wndi- Ml. Can 837-6635, • J j .m Thundoibird, tow mibs, — ^ (colont conditbn. must soo ^73 mprocialo. C al 4234395

ter 6 pm or 432-5234. ask iseof Shnuna._______________ 4kJ0(>87 FonJ EXP sport coupo. I 3.000 mllos. $5800. Call 30t 24-2536of 324-5251.-------- 35

175-Auto Dealers 17^

r e s w1989 CHEVROLET S





ch.c e .

7 3 9 :No Dowi

, r«U. UX .Wi. H —iS. lUV Mt. .a:

^ U B A I

\ r \__________ 7 3 4 -8 8 6 r

41-173 ^2 Aulos-Ford ^

177 Ford LTD. 400 eu. in. -ig ine rPS ;-a ir.2dr.eo ipo .- Mrw euslofn sea) co vers, • ■M lent£ondU on,Sl500or 1w t offer. Can 87»9432. ^4 Ford Escort, Konwood Iofoo, now Iiros and rims, SM ly ,« « 5 .7 W -2 5 1 5 ---------- - I

W Autos- ' ■H m u r y t U ncoln |

>68 Lincoln Ckintkwnlal i^r I ik> or trade. C al evenings.»<774. •___________>84 Town Car, Signaturoitkis, badod, $ 7 ^ . C an- - «

- • I

»■ Autos-Okismoblle

974 C u lla ss , now tiro s .100, bost offer. 733-9016.>81 OUsmoblo 0 8 ,4 door, h0 . ^ m d toow good. |

^ Autos-Pontlac m>70 Pontiac Grand Prtx, ox^ ■lOont conditbn. all powor. ■IOOO. Can 3 2 4 ^ ______ ■>83 PorfekMvw, 350 V-8, ■Bdod, immaeulalo. $3500:- ■!6-4113Qr 326-5252. M>84 Pontiac Trans-Am, Itm , AC,_power windows, S ■5 ; AM/FM cassotlo, 63k, ^ ic cond. $9000. 324-8276,>86 ponllac Fbro, spodai _jilion, luol inloctlon V-6, Ir . on options, now Eagk» ■r s . rod 32M 567 eves- ■» 6 Pontiac Sunbird, oxc - ■>nd, bw mBos, Must so l, ■o 'ro having tw in s . C a ll ■»-5511,________________ ^od 1967 Sunbird wArons- ■fa b b 36.000 mik> wornm- ■.-34 mpg, AC. storeo, tin, ■T. $6500,42^k)70 , 0VO8. |

r3 Autoi-Plymouth I

>80 Plymouth Horizon. Id o o r .^ A C ,S 1 1 9 5 , |

N O m hsibEA U TO -M300 Mtin W est. Jerom e M324-7980 Of •37-8510.------- ■

l75>Aulo Dealers |




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