jfj l y just - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/00871/0520.pdfmckean...

s r r J + r ° h f > i OCALAITAR ir d > Jfj L MONDAY JUNE 15 190t Y lh OCALA OCCURRENCES K of P meet this evening Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night Mr M A Motes of Dunnellon is at the Ocala House- Mr r H M Sherouse of Reddick is a guest of the Montezuma t Messrs H E and Spencer Snow of Tampa are guests of the Ocala House I Henry Morrison the farmer and stock raiser of Oklawaha was In town today Capt John LInglls came down Sat ¬ urday sand is a guest of the Ocala House I Mr B B King of Live Oak for- merly a citizen of Ocala is a guest of the Ocala House Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran ¬ I teed Price 25 cents Sold by all drug I Slats a r Your prescriptions sent for accurat- ey ¬ filled and delivered by the Corner i Drugstore 1 I t t FOR RENT Four room cottage in Marion Heights Apply to Marion Development I Co VV i Mr D W Tompkins and little daughter spent Sunday wttn Mr Tompkins mother at Leesburgr Mr J A Crews solicitor for the TimesUnion is in the city a guest gf the Montezuma hotel Mr George Williams will fake his family to Saluda N C to spend the summer Mr Geo R < McKean has been in Jacksonville for several days on busi- ness ¬ I Mrs W T Mcllvaine and children L will go to Latimer S C early in 411 i gust to spend two months with rela- tives t J h j olaround to the Berlin theater to ¬ night and fee Jhe new pictures Liont- TiinfliTtr nnr Francisco de Rimini are particularly fine and A Smoking Chimney Is a rib = loosener- k i Mrs M C Looney and bright son vhospent Sunday with Mr and Mrs fj R Chazal at their pleasant Wood mat surroundings returned home this afternoon j Mrs Lula Moody of Gainesville Is in the c1ty on a visit to her sister Mrs t R MPerry vwho has been quite ill for the past two wrecks fi r it- f > FOR RBNT To gentleman and wife without children two completely furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping Apply to Gillen No 1 South Fifth street v C B Carr the late superintendent t t of the Ocala Telephone Co departed from the city under a cloud His cessor arrived today and will take Im t ediate charge of the business- Mr and Mrs Robert Flynn are oc- cupying ¬ Mrs T W Smiths pretty 1 cottage which has recently been com- pleted ¬ hV the third ward 1 Mr George W Cleveland Is now the city sanitary Inspector and is hustling things up about town and If you dont keep your premises clean youll be sorry Col R F Rogers of Lynne was in town today and made us a pleasant call The colonel is positive that h s- old friend Gen Albert W Gllchrist will be the next governor of Florida but says it will be close between Fletcher and Broward for senator GENERAL AGENT WANTED For whole or part of this state very lib- eral ¬ commission and expense proposi- tion ¬ commissions collected by your men with orders no competition ex- clusive ¬ territory merit and price and novelty of article appeals to very I buslnes man only trus yorthyI1ustlcr wanted enclose references BQX 62 Memphis Ten- nHH + r + Not- tkHow I Much but how good is the question T that every one should ask in buying candy The old saying that a man is idgecl by the candy he gives holds good today same as always Buy the bestdont take the U just asgood kind N e- qualspH4A H famous BonBqns and Chocolates They are a distinctively exclu- sive ¬ class to Orders receive prompt and care- ful ¬ attention Just us the name and address and Uaclc Sam does the rest W 1 TROXLER 24 M AIIMSt > 4 < J i I t l- f I t j J sr f Y JUST RECEIVED Y LIMBURGER BRICK SWEITZER EDAM I AND PINEAPPLE CHEESEA- T TEAPOT S GROCERY r I LITERARY ENTERTAINMENT I The Ocala Junior League will give- a literary entertainment at the Mon- tezuma ¬ hotel parlors on the evening of June 22at 8 oclocfc MR HOLDERS CAR ARRIVES Mr Edward Holders handsome Franklin touring car 42horsepower has arrived and was being used by him today The car is by long odds the finest in the city and am ng the finest in the state It is certainly a beauty and runs as smoothly as a watch- WANTEDA r person who Is thor- oughly ¬ up in the grocery business and furniture business and wants a posi ¬ tion A young man with the best of recommendations Apply tov tIle Star office Miss Florrie Condon Miss Erin Yonge Miss Annie Perry and Willie Goff the messenger boy spent Sun ¬ day at Eastlake with the Sage fam ily Mr John H Mathews the fruit and stock grower of Candler has the finest bunch of calves in Marion county and If you dont believe this inspect them and you will agree with us FOR RENTA four room furnished cottage and servants quarters at Stanton only a short distance from the lake splendid location Rent 5 a week Apply to Mr Frank Lytle Stdnton Fla i- c t to t fc i A Those who went down toWoo mar to spend Sunday were Messrs Chazal Cullen Woodrow and Miss Miriam Pasteur Miss Pasteur will remain a week with her sister Mrs CUllen and then return to Ocala and proceed to North Carolina to spend the summer Mr John W Pearson returned last night from a several weeks visit to his splendid stock farm at Harrison vine Mo where he is making a spendid success of raising live stock of pure breeds Mr Pearsons farm is one of the largest and best conducted- in that part of the state HIs build- ings ¬ are models of their kind and the management of the farm is spoken of with pride by the people of that sec ¬ tion of Missouri I Dont fail to take advantage of the special sale this week on ladies shirt waists and white wash skirts at Hel venston t Pasteurs This popular firm is closing out also all their beau- tiful ¬ white and colored wash goods fancy silks etc at radical reductions Dont fail to visit their store Mr John W Pelot came down Sat ¬ urday from Jacksonville and will re ¬ main in the city until after the elec ¬ tion tomorrow Mr F D Jones of Tampa is in the city and will visit this city at regular Intervals in the future in the interest of his house the Triumph Mills of Tampa importers and dealers In cof ¬ fees Dr W H Powers Mrs Powers and little son Harris Mrs C H Lloyd Mrs F E Harris and Miss Louise Harris will leave in a few days for Saluda N C where they will spend the next three months 1rsR R Carroll and little daugh- ter ¬ Morris will go to Saluda N C in July to spent the remainder of the summer at that popular mountain re ¬ sort 1 Mrs Walter Ellis will go to Fayetts yule N C in a few weeks to spend two months of the summer with her tat er brother and sister t Mr ED Blaine manager for the McKean Lumber Company has been in Tampa on business for the past few days I t Mr M L Roess will build a hand ¬ some home this summer and fall The residence will be located on the pretty- lot on Oklawaha avenue in front of Mr W H Rockers rei5 dint The residence will be a very hundsom one and modern in every respect and will be completed bythe fl st of thevyear The plans are now in the hands of the architect Mr L W Duval also ex- pects to builda handhome home In the neighborhpodT in the N future j l r TO MY FRIENDS- IN MARION COUNTY- As you all know my business part- ner ¬ and personal friend for the past thirteen years C L Bittinger is a candidate for the responsible position- of representative from Marion county in the legislature Mr Bittinger and Mr Light will be voted on at the pri- mary tomorrow It is only natural that I wish to see my partner success- ful ¬ and your vote and influence for him will be most highly appreciated Yours respectfully R R CARROLL- FOR LOCAL PRIDE The voters of Ocala in tomorrows primary should give Bittinger a solid vote for the legislature from a spirit- of local pride if for no other reason lIr Light has made a strong campaign- in the country on the grounds that Ocala has elected one of the two rep- resentatives ¬ and that the country peo- ple should have the other Had Ocala rather the country man Light would represent them or their fellow towns- man ¬ and neighbor Bittinger After seeing and hearing the two men and knowing Bittinger as his neighbors in town ao we feel that they will make the vote for him tomorrow pretty nearly a solid one in Ocala Any one after making a study of the two men as most of the voters have by this time cannot fail concede that Bit ¬ tinger is the best man to represent the people both of Ocala and the county- at large at Tallahassee- Mr C A Fox returned yesterday from Waverly Ala where he has begin since the illness and death of his wife Mr Fox informs us that his little son is well and hearty and in the best of hands he being with his grandmother- with a trained nurse in attendance- Mr John B Willis the late Mrs Foxs father has accepted a position with the Southern Drug Co whom Mr Fox travels for and will travel the Florida territory moving his family consisting of himself wife and two daughters to Ocala in September and Mr Fox and the baby will make their home with them Mr Foxs territory- has been increased and Southern Georgia added to it BERLIN ELECTRICAL I r CHEATER CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILY Program for this Evening- LION HUNTING- A SMOKING CTMMNEY FRANCISCO DE RIMINI Open Promptly at 3130 P M Admission 10 Cents Children 5 Cents H M WOOl PROP North Magnolia Street Opposite Mo Iver MacKays IN THE MAYORS COURT There were quite a number of cases in the mayors court this morning and the cash fines aggregated 70 One case was continued until tomorrow morning that of a small merchant for keeping his place of business open on Sunday- Mr Marion Butler Moultrle Ga and his sister Miss Alyce Butler of Gainesville Fla are in the city visit ¬ ing Miss Clara Moore Miss Butler has just returned home from attend ¬ ing college at Atlanta n BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 1 Special Meeting There will be a special meeting of thu Marion County Board of Public Instruction June 18th to appoint all teachers and such other business as rray properly come before the board THAT TERRIBLE KID Has that Terrible Kid next door punched holes in your walls Donc fuss at him Drop me a card and 1 will patch and tint them with Alabas tine J A Morris Jr 38 South Magnolia street Decorating thats my business FOR SALE A bargain half price Victor Talking Machine fifty records and record case S A P Star FIX UP FIX UP We do upholstering repair all kinds ol furniture paint iron beds lay car pefs hang paper etc Stove repairing all kinds See our work for reference- N I F Kearns Lafayette Bldg Opposite Cobbs stable EARLY BREAKFASTS You can get an early breakfast at the Elks Cafe If you are going out of town NEW LINE OF BICYC- LESI I have a complete line of standard high grade bicycles and will sell them- on easypayments Come in and jget particulars B F Condon f r VOTE FOR JOHN P GALLOWAY Dunnellon Advocate- Our readers are familiar with i the name of Johnr Galloway waving seen his name in print so many times and it is not our purpose to write an introduction of Mr Galloway to you Tuesday June 16th 1908 is the day for the second primary when all good democrats in the state who possibly can will go to the polls and vote Our purpose in this brief article is to tell those of our readers wno can and will vote to vote for Mr John Galloway- So here VOTE FOR JOHN P GALLOWAY r Weve told you to do it and If you dont well just think that you didnt vote rightaccording to our way of thinking and voting- It is also not our purpose or Intention- in this brief article to warm up and laud to the clouds Mr Galloway He is too well known to most of you to need laudin to the clouds and then- it is not the clouds he is after In this particular race Its the sheriffs office of Marion county that hes afterand It we are not badly mistaken it will be the sheriffs office and not the cloudshot air that he willget- It is also not our purpose to cuss and discuss the other aspirant who Is still in the race for he office 5 of sheriff He is too well known to our readers to need cussing- Mr Galloway Is the man for the place We say this aside from the fact that he needs itand that is a factMr Galloway has a record behind- him as a sheriff that any man in that line and walk ofj life could < well feel proud of As sheriff of Lake county he has the having been the best sheriff Lake county ever had He held the office for many years was elected as number of times without opposition and could have been it we blieve till today if he had con ¬ tinued to live in Lake county and wanted it Mr I per sonality he isa man of excellent X rr judgment and good sound common ir sense He ran the office of sheriff in t Lake county upon a successful buslr i t ness plan and In using his judgment i C in the exercise of his authority lies J i the reputation of hardly ever paying > cm- pm to use force to out the law and i it can be truthfuly said that the law 11 in Lake county vas carried out to the letter when he was sheriff there r Mr Galloways physical moral and J ° intellectual bearing his strong fprcjaf of personality and his years ol expec- ien6e makes him extremely well fitted y to occupy the office of high sheriff of Marion county and if elected we shall have just cause tofeel proud of bin f selection- Mr Galloway has conducted d clear 1 honorable campaign and has gatherer r > mary votes to tils standard by d ins so He has naught but good to say ot his opponent and whether elected or defeated will gracefully bow to fie rif wIll of the people VJ In going to the polls Tuesday f o cast i your vote weigh Mr Galloway in the G scales of abilltyrrin every sense ofthe f wordand you will find him lacking net use your best judgment aiyfr ydii are sure tocast your vote for him Vote for John P Gal1 way and vote t f l right I tJ t BICYCLE REPAIR WORK I have the only completely equlJt pe 1 shop In the city for the reparfrln of bicycles typewriters and musical irl slruments Prompt attention and work guaranteed B F Contort i- I l r r f V WEATHER FORECAST f a Washington D C June ISGenerajljr p fair tonight and Tuesday t- J 4 LATEST SHEET MUSIC 3f R Notice our window display of sheet music We have just received a num ber of the very latest and most pop- ular ¬ places Call and look them over B F Condon successor to the Ocala Music Co i r S I EINAUERSSa > The in Ladies 5 Shift Waists We have taken the largest possible advantage t of the 4- 3i favorable market conditions to make this the greatest le Ms of its kind that we have ever held j- f 4 OFFERING VAlUES tlKE THESE F V > Lot No I Consfstsot 200 shirt waists all this seasons styles former price 350 now 269 Lot No 2 Consists of 150 shirt waists all new Y styles former price 4 now j V 298 s Lot No Consists of 100 sfeirt waists plain- or 7 tucked linen former price 450 now 389 Lot No 4 Consists of 150 shirt waists novelties former price 5 now i r 415 Lot No Consists of 175 shirt waists the sea ¬ V son highes novelties former price 6 to 7 now i = 468R- HEINAUER A Ii COMPANY jy r 1- it i i I t f

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> Jfj L MONDAY JUNE 15 190t Ylh


K of P meet this evening

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night

Mr M A Motes of Dunnellon is atthe Ocala House-


H M Sherouse of Reddick isa guest of the Montezuma t

Messrs H E and Spencer Snow ofTampa are guests of the Ocala House


Henry Morrison the farmer andstock raiser of Oklawaha was In towntoday

Capt John LInglls came down Sat ¬

urday sand is a guest of the OcalaHouse


Mr B B King of Live Oak for-merly a citizen of Ocala is a guest ofthe Ocala House

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran ¬

I teed Price 25 cents Sold by all drugI Slats


r Your prescriptions sent for accurat-ey


filled and delivered by the Corneri Drugstore 1

It t

FOR RENT Four room cottage inMarion Heights Apply to MarionDevelopment


i Mr D W Tompkins and littledaughter spent Sunday wttn MrTompkins mother at Leesburgr

Mr J A Crews solicitor for theTimesUnion is in the city a guest gfthe Montezuma hotel

Mr George Williams will fake hisfamily to Saluda N C to spend thesummer

Mr Geo R < McKean has been inJacksonville for several days on busi-ness



Mrs W T Mcllvaine and childrenL will go to Latimer S C early in 411i

gust to spend two months with rela-tivest J

h j

olaround to the Berlin theater to ¬

night and fee Jhe new pictures Liont-TiinfliTtr nnr Francisco de Riminiare particularly fine and A SmokingChimney Is a rib = loosener-


i Mrs M C Looney and bright sonvhospent Sunday with Mr and Mrsfj R Chazal at their pleasant Woodmat surroundings returned home thisafternoon j

Mrs Lula Moody of Gainesville Is inthe c1ty on a visit to her sister Mrs

t R MPerry vwho has been quite ill forthe past two wrecks

fi r it-

f >

FOR RBNT To gentleman andwife without children two completelyfurnished rooms suitable for lighthousekeeping Apply to Gillen No 1South Fifth street v

C B Carr the late superintendenttt of the Ocala Telephone Co departed

from the city under a cloud Hiscessor arrived today and will take Im

t ediate charge of the business-

Mr and Mrs Robert Flynn are oc-cupying


Mrs T W Smiths pretty1

cottage which has recently been com-pleted


hV the third ward1

Mr George W Cleveland Is now thecity sanitary Inspector and is hustlingthings up about town and If you dontkeep your premises clean youll besorry

Col R F Rogers of Lynne was intown today and made us a pleasantcall The colonel is positive that h s-

old friend Gen Albert W Gllchristwill be the next governor of Floridabut says it will be close betweenFletcher and Broward for senator

GENERAL AGENT WANTED Forwhole or part of this state very lib-eral


commission and expense proposi-tion


commissions collected by yourmen with orders no competition ex-clusive


territory merit and price andnovelty of article appeals to very

I buslnes man only trus yorthyI1ustlcrwanted enclose references BQX 62Memphis Ten-


+r +

Not-tkHowI Much

but how good is the questionT that every one should ask in buying

candyThe old saying that a man is

idgecl by the candy he givesholds good today same as alwaysBuy the bestdont take the U justasgood kind

N e-qualspH4A H

famous BonBqns and ChocolatesThey are a distinctively exclu-sive


class toOrders receive prompt and care-


attention Just us the nameand address and Uaclc Sam doesthe rest






t l-

fI t

j Jsr f













The Ocala Junior League will give-a literary entertainment at the Mon-tezuma


hotel parlors on the evening ofJune 22at 8 oclocfc


Mr Edward Holders handsomeFranklin touring car 42horsepowerhas arrived and was being used byhim today The car is by long oddsthe finest in the city and am ng thefinest in the state It is certainly abeauty and runs as smoothly as awatch-


person who Is thor-oughly


up in the grocery business andfurniture business and wants a posi ¬

tion A young man with the best ofrecommendations Apply tov tIle Staroffice

Miss Florrie Condon Miss ErinYonge Miss Annie Perry and WillieGoff the messenger boy spent Sun ¬

day at Eastlake with the Sage family

Mr John H Mathews the fruit andstock grower of Candler has the finestbunch of calves in Marion county andIf you dont believe this inspect themand you will agree with us

FOR RENTA four room furnishedcottage and servants quarters atStanton only a short distance fromthe lake splendid location Rent 5a week Apply to Mr Frank LytleStdnton Fla i-

c t tot

fc i AThose who went down toWoo mar

to spend Sunday were Messrs ChazalCullen Woodrow and Miss MiriamPasteur Miss Pasteur will remain aweek with her sister Mrs CUllen andthen return to Ocala and proceed toNorth Carolina to spend the summer

Mr John W Pearson returned lastnight from a several weeks visit tohis splendid stock farm at Harrisonvine Mo where he is making aspendid success of raising live stock ofpure breeds Mr Pearsons farm isone of the largest and best conducted-in that part of the state HIs build-ings


are models of their kind and themanagement of the farm is spoken ofwith pride by the people of that sec ¬

tion of Missouri

I Dont fail to take advantage of thespecial sale this week on ladies shirtwaists and white wash skirts at Helvenston t Pasteurs This popularfirm is closing out also all their beau-tiful


white and colored wash goodsfancy silks etc at radical reductionsDont fail to visit their store

Mr John W Pelot came down Sat¬

urday from Jacksonville and will re ¬

main in the city until after the elec ¬

tion tomorrow

Mr F D Jones of Tampa is in thecity and will visit this city at regularIntervals in the future in the interestof his house the Triumph Mills ofTampa importers and dealers In cof ¬


Dr W H Powers Mrs Powers andlittle son Harris Mrs C H LloydMrs F E Harris and Miss LouiseHarris will leave in a few days forSaluda N C where they will spendthe next three months

1rsR R Carroll and little daugh-ter


Morris will go to Saluda N Cin July to spent the remainder of thesummer at that popular mountain re ¬

sort 1

Mrs Walter Ellis will go to Fayettsyule N C in a few weeks to spendtwo months of the summer with hertat er brother and sister t

Mr ED Blaine manager for theMcKean Lumber Company has beenin Tampa on business for the pastfew days


Mr M L Roess will build a hand ¬

some home this summer and fall Theresidence will be located on the pretty-lot on Oklawaha avenue in front ofMr W H Rockers rei5 dint Theresidence will be a very hundsom oneand modern in every respect and willbe completed bythe fl st of thevyearThe plans are now in the hands of thearchitect Mr L W Duval also ex-pects to builda handhome home In theneighborhpodT in the N future




As you all know my business part-ner


and personal friend for the pastthirteen years C L Bittinger is acandidate for the responsible position-of representative from Marion countyin the legislature Mr Bittinger andMr Light will be voted on at the pri-mary tomorrow It is only naturalthat I wish to see my partner success-ful


and your vote and influence forhim will be most highly appreciated

Yours respectfullyR R CARROLL-


The voters of Ocala in tomorrowsprimary should give Bittinger a solidvote for the legislature from a spirit-of local pride if for no other reasonlIr Light has made a strong campaign-in the country on the grounds thatOcala has elected one of the two rep-resentatives


and that the country peo-ple should have the other Had Ocalarather the country man Light wouldrepresent them or their fellow towns-man


and neighbor Bittinger Afterseeing and hearing the two men andknowing Bittinger as his neighbors intown ao we feel that they will makethe vote for him tomorrow prettynearly a solid one in Ocala Any oneafter making a study of the two menas most of the voters have by thistime cannot fail concede that Bit ¬

tinger is the best man to represent thepeople both of Ocala and the county-at large at Tallahassee-

Mr C A Fox returned yesterdayfrom Waverly Ala where he has beginsince the illness and death of his wifeMr Fox informs us that his little sonis well and hearty and in the best ofhands he being with his grandmother-with a trained nurse in attendance-Mr John B Willis the late Mrs Foxsfather has accepted a position withthe Southern Drug Co whom MrFox travels for and will travel theFlorida territory moving his familyconsisting of himself wife and twodaughters to Ocala in September andMr Fox and the baby will make theirhome with them Mr Foxs territory-has been increased and SouthernGeorgia added to it



Program for this Evening-




Open Promptly at 3130 P M

Admission 10 CentsChildren 5 Cents

H M WOOl PROPNorth Magnolia Street Opposite Mo

Iver MacKays


There were quite a number of casesin the mayors court this morning andthe cash fines aggregated 70 Onecase was continued until tomorrowmorning that of a small merchant forkeeping his place of business open onSunday-

Mr Marion Butler Moultrle Gaand his sister Miss Alyce Butler ofGainesville Fla are in the city visit¬

ing Miss Clara Moore Miss Butlerhas just returned home from attend ¬

ing college at Atlantan


Special MeetingThere will be a special meeting of

thu Marion County Board of PublicInstruction June 18th to appoint allteachers and such other business asrray properly come before the board

THAT TERRIBLE KIDHas that Terrible Kid next door

punched holes in your walls Doncfuss at him Drop me a card and 1

will patch and tint them with Alabastine J A Morris Jr

38 South Magnolia streetDecorating thats my business

FOR SALE A bargain half priceVictor Talking Machine fifty recordsand record case S A P Star

FIX UP FIX UPWe do upholstering repair all kinds

ol furniture paint iron beds lay carpefs hang paper etc Stove repairingall kinds See our work for reference-


F KearnsLafayette Bldg Opposite Cobbs stable

EARLY BREAKFASTSYou can get an early breakfast at

the Elks Cafe If you are going out oftown


I have a complete line of standardhigh grade bicycles and will sell them-on easypayments Come in and jgetparticulars B F Condon




Dunnellon Advocate-

Our readers are familiar withi

thename of Johnr Galloway wavingseen his name in print so many timesand it is not our purpose to write anintroduction of Mr Galloway to you

Tuesday June 16th 1908 is the dayfor the second primary when all gooddemocrats in the state who possiblycan will go to the polls and vote

Our purpose in this brief article isto tell those of our readers wno canand will vote to vote for Mr JohnGalloway-

So hereVOTE FOR JOHN P GALLOWAYrWeve told you to do it and If you

dont well just think that you didntvote rightaccording to our way ofthinking and voting-

It is also not our purpose or Intention-in this brief article to warm up andlaud to the clouds Mr Galloway Heis too well known to most of you toneed laudin to the clouds and then-it is not the clouds he is after In thisparticular race

Its the sheriffs office of Marioncounty that hes afterand It we arenot badly mistaken it will be thesheriffs office and not the cloudshotair that he willget-

It is also not our purpose to cussand discuss the other aspirant who Isstill in the race for he office 5 of

sheriff He is too well known to ourreaders to need cussing-

Mr Galloway Is the man for theplace We say this aside from thefact that he needs itand that is afactMr Galloway has a record behind-him as a sheriff that any man in thatline and walk ofj life could < well feelproud of As sheriff of Lake countyhe has the having been thebest sheriff Lake county ever had Heheld the office for many years waselected as number of times withoutopposition and could have been itwe blieve till today if he had con ¬

tinued to live in Lake county andwanted it

MrI per

sonality he isa man of excellentX rr

judgment and good sound common irsense He ran the office of sheriff in tLake county upon a successful buslr itness plan and In using his judgment i C

in the exercise of his authority lies J i

the reputation of hardly ever paying > cm-pmto use force to out the law and iit can be truthfuly said that the law 11

in Lake county vas carried out to theletter when he was sheriff there r

Mr Galloways physical moral and J°

intellectual bearing his strong fprcjafof personality and his years ol expec-ien6e makes him extremely well fitted y

to occupy the office of high sheriff ofMarion county and if elected we shallhave just cause tofeel proud of bin fselection-

Mr Galloway has conducted d clear1

honorable campaign and has gatherer r >mary votes to tils standard by d insso He has naught but good to say othis opponent and whether elected ordefeated will gracefully bow to fie rifwIll of the people VJ

In going to the polls Tuesday fo cast iyour vote weigh Mr Galloway in the G

scales of abilltyrrin every sense ofthe fwordand you will find him lackingnet use your best judgment aiyfr ydiiare sure tocast your vote for him

Vote for John P Gal1 way and vote tf lright

I tJ t


I have the only completely equlJtpe1shop In the city for the reparfrln ofbicycles typewriters and musical irlslruments Prompt attention andwork guaranteed B F Contort i-


r r f


Washington D C June ISGenerajljr p

fair tonight and Tuesday t-




Notice our window display of sheetmusic We have just received a number of the very latest and most pop-ular


places Call and look them overB F Condon successor to the OcalaMusic Co





The in Ladies 5

Shift WaistsWe have taken the largest possible advantage


of the 4-


favorable market conditions to make this the greatest le Msof its kind that we have ever held j-


Lot No I Consfstsot 200 shirt waists all thisseasons styles former price 350 now 269

Lot No 2 Consists of 150 shirt waists all newY

styles former price 4 now j V 298 s

Lot No Consists of 100 sfeirt waists plain-or


tucked linen former price 450 now 389Lot No 4 Consists of 150 shirt waists novelties

former price 5 now i r 415Lot No Consists of 175 shirt waists the sea¬


son highes novelties former price 6 to 7now i

= 468R-



r 1-


i i


