j.m. cardona: a journey into god

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  • 8/9/2019 J.M. Cardona: A Journey into GOD






  • 8/9/2019 J.M. Cardona: A Journey into GOD



    The Work of God-21st Century




    by the

    Sowers of the Seeds of Life

    and the

    Transglobal Federation of the Open Circlesof Commitment of the 21st Century Disciples

    of Christ

    In cooperation with the

    Volunteers For The Proclamation Of The

    Gospel of the Kingdom of God

    and the

    Heralds of Glad Tidings of the New World Coming

  • 8/9/2019 J.M. Cardona: A Journey into GOD



  • 8/9/2019 J.M. Cardona: A Journey into GOD



    Published by The Work of God-21st Century

    Distributed ONLINE to the Churches of God Around the


    by the Sowers of the Seeds of Life

  • 8/9/2019 J.M. Cardona: A Journey into GOD






    Who Owns the Universe, the Earth,

    And all Mankind, PROVIDES

    All Scriptures quoted, unless otherwise indicated,

    are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (KJV),

    Old and New Testament

    Copyright Edition 2007, 2008

    All Rights Reserved.

    May be Reproduced FREELY

    for Distribution and Dissemination without Permission

    from the Publisher

    The Publisher cheerfully encourages you to do so

  • 8/9/2019 J.M. Cardona: A Journey into GOD



    C O N T E N T S

    Tribute & Dedication . . . 2

    Inside Cover Page . . . 3

    Credits . . . 4

    Contents . . . 6 - 7

    Preface . . . 8 - 11

    A JOURNEY INTO GOD . . . 12 - 52 The World Lost Its Way . . . 14 There Is But One Way . . . 15 The All Inclusive Key

    (The Kingdom of God) . . . 16

    Multitude of Error Taught, Believed and Practiced .. . 17

    Christ Sends Us To The World . . . 18 From Nobodies To Precious Children . . . 19 Mighty Instruments In Gods Hands . . . 20 Are You The Church of God In

    Philadelphia? . . . 21

    Be Fishers of Men . . . 23 Reward For Works Done . . . 24 To Worship God In Spirit and In Truth . . . 26 We Have A Job To Do . . . 31 Light of The Gospel To These Isles . . . 32 What Happens To Us When Christ

    Returns? . . . 33

    Prepare The Way For The Lord . . . 35 The Four-Way Test . . . 37 A Kingdom of Kings and Priests On Earth . . . 33 The Joyful Pleasure of Their Company . . . 41 What Are You Doing to Prepare Yourself

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    To Do Your Appointed Task? . . . 43

    Our Spiritual Defense and Equipment . . . 44 And We Will Teach The Secret of True Happiness . .

    . 45 Our Journey Comes Full Circle . . . 48 That Journey Commenced with Phase 1: . . . 49 Spiritual Creation Final Phase 2 . . . 50

    Scripture Reference Index . . . 55

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    P R E F A C E

    CCCC lose your eyes.You visualize in your minds eye the family of man.

    In this very juncture in the history of the human race, a

    sweeping, stirring sense of movement is riding the wave.

    Mankind is on the move.

    Can you see the vast multitude on the move?


    Where are they going?

    Into which direction are they going?

    Do you see the leaders orchestrating their every

    movement? Who is orchestrating the leaders?

    There are four primary directions, it seems.

    Yet in fact, it may be six. Or is it seven?

    The way of the four winds as they flow goes East.

    West. North. And South. And there is the Center. And

    from that center point, there is the one directional arrowthat goes down. And on the other, the one that goes up.

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    Inside of the quadrant are these directions. And humanity

    is being directed into all of them.

    There is the discerned moving spirit in the air directing

    them. It does it thru ceaseless impulses, unseen. Yet it is

    received in the human mind. And the human body, the

    human person, moves and obeys accordingly.

    Is this spirit human-friendly?

    What is the evident result?

    Behold how quickly the masses turn from one Pied Piper to

    a Pinnochio, vice versa, or to another! From one

    charismatic, eloquent deliverer to another hypnotic, silver-

    tongued liberator. Saying the right things at the right time,

    claiming to be the right person. And so it seemed. And so it

    would always seem.

    Who to follow?

    Quo vadis? Where to?

    What to follow?

    Behold, the world in confusion!

    The Holy Scriptures reveal the author of it all, (1 Cor

    14:33). The adversary, the devil, brings confusion

    everywhere. Confusion turns into chaos. These precedes

    destruction. To ultimately destroy the human race, and

    extinguish the wonderful, glorious spiritual destiny of

    every mortal, born of woman, is the avowed goal of the

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    wicked one. To hijack every human being, and every mans

    priceless mind is its primary activity for six millennia. For

    this evil spirit is a created supernatural being, seemingly

    immortal, and therefore an alien in every way to humanbeings with finite existence.

    For an apt analogy, you see how the massive growth of

    modern tourism produced tens of millions and millions of

    world travelers. In your minds eye as you behold them

    walk, run, and drive, and fly to here and there, to and fro.

    They are the vast throng in ceaseless, itching, aching

    search for the missing something in their lives. They,

    moreover, are endlessly longing to find the fulfillment of

    their hopes and dreams. And they keep in the pursuit of

    these. A phrase was coined for it, and a famous heart-

    tugging song and lilting tune, sung with a glint and gleam

    in their eyes, was composed for it: At the end of the

    rainbow, youll find a pot of gold!

    In your minds eye, you see it is, in the end, all a mirage. A

    heartbreaking illusion. A delusion that brought and ended

    in much of the painful heartaches and sufferings of those

    that went into the pursuit of that pot of gold.

    The God of Heaven sees it all. He sees all mankind, created

    in His image and likeness, ensnared and locked in inside ofspiritual prisons without bars.

    Their journey into Him sabotaged. Derailed. Blown to dead

    and dumb bits and meaningless, scattered pieces.

    And so they must be set free. Each one.

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    And only the knowledge of the Truth, and the Truth itself,

    can ever set them free, (Gospel Book of John 8:31-32).

    This, to the end, that each one can proceed to go reallyforward, in perfect liberty, in his own, personal, appointed

    journey into God.

    The Truth is carried in the printed Message set forth on the

    pages that follow.

    It is for you.

    Now open your eyes.

    Read them diligently. and prayerfully.

    The Publisher


    Circa June 2008

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    Into GodKey Scripture

    ''Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

    As thou hast sent me into the world,

    even so have I also sent them into the world.And for their sakes I sanctify myself,

    that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

    Neither pray I for these alone,

    but for them also which shall believe on me through their


    That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me,and I in thee, that they also may be one in us:

    that the world may believe

    that thou hast sent me.''

    (Gospe(Gospe(Gospe(Gospel Book of John 17: 17l Book of John 17: 17l Book of John 17: 17l Book of John 17: 17----21)21)21)21)

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    Weare on a journey.

    We are on course in our journey into God. We are on course in our journey into God. We are on course in our journey into God. We are on course in our journey into God. This is a spiritualThis is a spiritualThis is a spiritualThis is a spiritual

    journey we undertakjourney we undertakjourney we undertak journey we undertake while we walk, consciously, in our bodiese while we walk, consciously, in our bodiese while we walk, consciously, in our bodiese while we walk, consciously, in our bodies

    of mortal flesh and blood. While we continue to have our being.of mortal flesh and blood. While we continue to have our being.of mortal flesh and blood. While we continue to have our being.of mortal flesh and blood. While we continue to have our being.

    And, on this journey, we ougAnd, on this journey, we ougAnd, on this journey, we ougAnd, on this journey, we ought to have a single reference point.ht to have a single reference point.ht to have a single reference point.ht to have a single reference point.

    And, on this journey, we also have a job to do. And, on this journey, we also have a job to do. And, on this journey, we also have a job to do. And, on this journey, we also have a job to do. We use We use We use We use

    material, physical things tomaterial, physical things tomaterial, physical things tomaterial, physical things to do and perform a spiritual job. And,do and perform a spiritual job. And,do and perform a spiritual job. And,do and perform a spiritual job. And,

    ultimately, accomplish a spiritual goal. Then, finally, ARRIVEultimately, accomplish a spiritual goal. Then, finally, ARRIVEultimately, accomplish a spiritual goal. Then, finally, ARRIVEultimately, accomplish a spiritual goal. Then, finally, ARRIVE


    And, we have many things to do. And, we have many things to do. And, we have many things to do. And, we have many things to do. Inside of those things, thatInside of those things, thatInside of those things, thatInside of those things, that

    we must do and to be able to arrive at our destination, WE we must do and to be able to arrive at our destination, WE we must do and to be able to arrive at our destination, WE we must do and to be able to arrive at our destination, WE

    HAVE TO HAVE A COMPASS, like this, a magnetic compass,HAVE TO HAVE A COMPASS, like this, a magnetic compass,HAVE TO HAVE A COMPASS, like this, a magnetic compass,HAVE TO HAVE A COMPASS, like this, a magnetic compass,

    (Pr. 8:27).(Pr. 8:27).(Pr. 8:27).(Pr. 8:27).

    Every day of our life, we set our bearings (2 Cor. 4:10) arightEvery day of our life, we set our bearings (2 Cor. 4:10) arightEvery day of our life, we set our bearings (2 Cor. 4:10) arightEvery day of our life, we set our bearings (2 Cor. 4:10) aright

    on that point in that compass, our spiritual compass.on that point in that compass, our spiritual compass.on that point in that compass, our spiritual compass.on that point in that compass, our spiritual compass. So thatSo thatSo thatSo thatwe can arrive at our destination.we can arrive at our destination.we can arrive at our destination.we can arrive at our destination.

    If we do not have that sole reference point, if the next day weIf we do not have that sole reference point, if the next day weIf we do not have that sole reference point, if the next day weIf we do not have that sole reference point, if the next day we

    have another bearing, somewhere along the line, in the processhave another bearing, somewhere along the line, in the processhave another bearing, somewhere along the line, in the processhave another bearing, somewhere along the line, in the process

    of time, we bof time, we bof time, we bof time, we begin to do other things than what we have beenegin to do other things than what we have beenegin to do other things than what we have beenegin to do other things than what we have been

    commanded to do, (Tit. 1:16).commanded to do, (Tit. 1:16).commanded to do, (Tit. 1:16).commanded to do, (Tit. 1:16). Then, we will never arrive atThen, we will never arrive atThen, we will never arrive atThen, we will never arrive at

    our destination.our destination.our destination.our destination.

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    So, that is what happened to all the churches of this world onSo, that is what happened to all the churches of this world onSo, that is what happened to all the churches of this world onSo, that is what happened to all the churches of this world on

    this planet, that had so many bearings onthis planet, that had so many bearings onthis planet, that had so many bearings onthis planet, that had so many bearings on their spiritualtheir spiritualtheir spiritualtheir spiritual

    compass. They claim their kind of compass is based andcompass. They claim their kind of compass is based andcompass. They claim their kind of compass is based andcompass. They claim their kind of compass is based and

    oriented to the Holy Bible.oriented to the Holy Bible.oriented to the Holy Bible.oriented to the Holy Bible.

    This is what happened to the religious congregations andThis is what happened to the religious congregations andThis is what happened to the religious congregations andThis is what happened to the religious congregations and

    assemblies in this world.assemblies in this world.assemblies in this world.assemblies in this world.

    They incorporated the traditions and doctrines of men, andThey incorporated the traditions and doctrines of men, andThey incorporated the traditions and doctrines of men, andThey incorporated the traditions and doctrines of men, and

    blended itblended itblended itblended it with the doctrines of God, and in the Name of God,with the doctrines of God, and in the Name of God,with the doctrines of God, and in the Name of God,with the doctrines of God, and in the Name of God,

    even the Names of GOD. THESE SEEMED RIGHT INeven the Names of GOD. THESE SEEMED RIGHT INeven the Names of GOD. THESE SEEMED RIGHT INeven the Names of GOD. THESE SEEMED RIGHT IN

    THEIR EYES. The multitude of believers agreed. These variantTHEIR EYES. The multitude of believers agreed. These variantTHEIR EYES. The multitude of believers agreed. These variantTHEIR EYES. The multitude of believers agreed. These variant

    devotions became forms ofdevotions became forms ofdevotions became forms ofdevotions became forms of worships and attended by worships and attended by worships and attended by worships and attended by

    hypnotizing rituals. With memorized prayers, chhypnotizing rituals. With memorized prayers, chhypnotizing rituals. With memorized prayers, chhypnotizing rituals. With memorized prayers, chants, andants, andants, andants, andmantras. They became institutionalized into religious culture.mantras. They became institutionalized into religious culture.mantras. They became institutionalized into religious culture.mantras. They became institutionalized into religious culture.

    The people adored these. They adopted them. They, today, liveThe people adored these. They adopted them. They, today, liveThe people adored these. They adopted them. They, today, liveThe people adored these. They adopted them. They, today, live

    and die for these.and die for these.and die for these.and die for these.

    And so, they came up with different kinds of names. DifferentAnd so, they came up with different kinds of names. DifferentAnd so, they came up with different kinds of names. DifferentAnd so, they came up with different kinds of names. Different

    kinds of gospels. Different kinds of doctrines. Different kinds ofkinds of gospels. Different kinds of doctrines. Different kinds ofkinds of gospels. Different kinds of doctrines. Different kinds ofkinds of gospels. Different kinds of doctrines. Different kinds of

    things that they think are true, (Matt. 15:9; Matt. 7:13, 14).things that they think are true, (Matt. 15:9; Matt. 7:13, 14).things that they think are true, (Matt. 15:9; Matt. 7:13, 14).things that they think are true, (Matt. 15:9; Matt. 7:13, 14).

    They included doctrines of devils and teachingsThey included doctrines of devils and teachingsThey included doctrines of devils and teachingsThey included doctrines of devils and teachings of alien nature.of alien nature.of alien nature.of alien nature.

    The worshipful multitude are caught unaware.The worshipful multitude are caught unaware.The worshipful multitude are caught unaware.The worshipful multitude are caught unaware.

    So, they came up with the conclusion that there is one God.So, they came up with the conclusion that there is one God.So, they came up with the conclusion that there is one God.So, they came up with the conclusion that there is one God.

    Then, tThen, tThen, tThen, they concluded in their own minds that there are manyhey concluded in their own minds that there are manyhey concluded in their own minds that there are manyhey concluded in their own minds that there are many

    ways, approaches, viewpoints by which and through which we ways, approaches, viewpoints by which and through which we ways, approaches, viewpoints by which and through which we ways, approaches, viewpoints by which and through which we

    can all worship Him and how to love Him.can all worship Him and how to love Him.can all worship Him and how to love Him.can all worship Him and how to love Him.

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    In the course of time, a huge bloc of believers adopted the ideaIn the course of time, a huge bloc of believers adopted the ideaIn the course of time, a huge bloc of believers adopted the ideaIn the course of time, a huge bloc of believers adopted the idea

    that there are many gods. They do tothat there are many gods. They do tothat there are many gods. They do tothat there are many gods. They do today.day.day.day.





    There Is But One WayThe true God has only ONE WAY.The true God has only ONE WAY.The true God has only ONE WAY.The true God has only ONE WAY. And that is God's And that is God's And that is God's And that is God's

    Way.Way.Way. Way. The Way of Christ, (Matt. 22:16; Mk. 12:14; Lk.The Way of Christ, (Matt. 22:16; Mk. 12:14; Lk.The Way of Christ, (Matt. 22:16; Mk. 12:14; Lk.The Way of Christ, (Matt. 22:16; Mk. 12:14; Lk.

    20:21).20:21).20:21).20:21). He said, ''I am the way, the truth and the life,'' (Jn.He said, ''I am the way, the truth and the life,'' (Jn.He said, ''I am the way, the truth and the life,'' (Jn.He said, ''I am the way, the truth and the life,'' (Jn.

    14:16).14:16).14:16).14:16). And, no man can reach the eternal fin And, no man can reach the eternal fin And, no man can reach the eternal fin And, no man can reach the eternal final destinational destinational destinational destination

    unless we walk through the narrow way, (Matt. 7:13unless we walk through the narrow way, (Matt. 7:13unless we walk through the narrow way, (Matt. 7:13unless we walk through the narrow way, (Matt. 7:13----14).14).14).14).

    When Christ came from heaven, He was born of a human virginWhen Christ came from heaven, He was born of a human virginWhen Christ came from heaven, He was born of a human virginWhen Christ came from heaven, He was born of a human virgin

    in the form and shape of a human being. In mortal flesh andin the form and shape of a human being. In mortal flesh andin the form and shape of a human being. In mortal flesh andin the form and shape of a human being. In mortal flesh and

    blood. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, the power of the Highest,blood. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, the power of the Highest,blood. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, the power of the Highest,blood. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, the power of the Highest,

    (Luke 1:31(Luke 1:31(Luke 1:31(Luke 1:31----35; 1 T35; 1 T35; 1 T35; 1 Timothy 3:16)imothy 3:16)imothy 3:16)imothy 3:16)

    He came as the embodiment and personification of the TruthHe came as the embodiment and personification of the TruthHe came as the embodiment and personification of the TruthHe came as the embodiment and personification of the Truth(Jn. 14:6).(Jn. 14:6).(Jn. 14:6).(Jn. 14:6).

    He was manifestedHe was manifestedHe was manifestedHe was manifested in the flesh with the one Way (Eph. 4:4in the flesh with the one Way (Eph. 4:4in the flesh with the one Way (Eph. 4:4in the flesh with the one Way (Eph. 4:4----6)6)6)6)

    we must go.we must go.we must go.we must go.

    He did not bear His own Message. He carried the one and onlyHe did not bear His own Message. He carried the one and onlyHe did not bear His own Message. He carried the one and onlyHe did not bear His own Message. He carried the one and only

    MessageMessageMessageMessage from God, He only had one message, the message offrom God, He only had one message, the message offrom God, He only had one message, the message offrom God, He only had one message, the message of

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    the true Way of God (Jn. 4:34; 5:19the true Way of God (Jn. 4:34; 5:19the true Way of God (Jn. 4:34; 5:19the true Way of God (Jn. 4:34; 5:19----20; 5:30; 5:43; 6:3820; 5:30; 5:43; 6:3820; 5:30; 5:43; 6:3820; 5:30; 5:43; 6:38----40;40;40;40;


    The All-Inclusive


    (The Kingdom of God)So to be able to understand the Holy Bible, all the parables,So to be able to understand the Holy Bible, all the parables,So to be able to understand the Holy Bible, all the parables,So to be able to understand the Holy Bible, all the parables,

    all the sayings, allall the sayings, allall the sayings, allall the sayings, all the red letter things, even the explanations ofthe red letter things, even the explanations ofthe red letter things, even the explanations ofthe red letter things, even the explanations of

    all the apostles throughout all the New Testament and the Oldall the apostles throughout all the New Testament and the Oldall the apostles throughout all the New Testament and the Oldall the apostles throughout all the New Testament and the Old

    Testament, REMEMBER the theme of all these Scriptures is theTestament, REMEMBER the theme of all these Scriptures is theTestament, REMEMBER the theme of all these Scriptures is theTestament, REMEMBER the theme of all these Scriptures is the

    Kingdom of God, (Matt. 4:23; 6:33; 9:35; 24:13; 19:24; 10:23;Kingdom of God, (Matt. 4:23; 6:33; 9:35; 24:13; 19:24; 10:23;Kingdom of God, (Matt. 4:23; 6:33; 9:35; 24:13; 19:24; 10:23;Kingdom of God, (Matt. 4:23; 6:33; 9:35; 24:13; 19:24; 10:23;

    24:14; Lu. 12:31; 18:224:14; Lu. 12:31; 18:224:14; Lu. 12:31; 18:224:14; Lu. 12:31; 18:24; 24:47; Ro. 16:26).4; 24:47; Ro. 16:26).4; 24:47; Ro. 16:26).4; 24:47; Ro. 16:26).

    Yes, the only hope of all mankind, is the return of the Yes, the only hope of all mankind, is the return of the Yes, the only hope of all mankind, is the return of the Yes, the only hope of all mankind, is the return of the

    Messiah, the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, (TitusMessiah, the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, (TitusMessiah, the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, (TitusMessiah, the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, (Titus

    2:13). We look for His glorious appearing. (1 Cor. 15:19; Gal.2:13). We look for His glorious appearing. (1 Cor. 15:19; Gal.2:13). We look for His glorious appearing. (1 Cor. 15:19; Gal.2:13). We look for His glorious appearing. (1 Cor. 15:19; Gal.

    5:5; Eph. 1:18; 4:4; Col. 1:27; 1 Tim. 1:1; Heb5:5; Eph. 1:18; 4:4; Col. 1:27; 1 Tim. 1:1; Heb5:5; Eph. 1:18; 4:4; Col. 1:27; 1 Tim. 1:1; Heb5:5; Eph. 1:18; 4:4; Col. 1:27; 1 Tim. 1:1; Heb. 6:11; Ro.. 6:11; Ro.. 6:11; Ro.. 6:11; Ro.


    The human race in all these thousands of years have tried toThe human race in all these thousands of years have tried toThe human race in all these thousands of years have tried toThe human race in all these thousands of years have tried to

    experiment with all kinds of governments.experiment with all kinds of governments.experiment with all kinds of governments.experiment with all kinds of governments. We have We have We have We have

    monarchies.monarchies.monarchies.monarchies. We have dictatorships. We have dictatorships. We have dictatorships. We have dictatorships. You know, we have You know, we have You know, we have You know, we have

    empires.empires.empires.empires. We have democracies, societies, theocracies.We have democracies, societies, theocracies.We have democracies, societies, theocracies. We have democracies, societies, theocracies. We evWe evWe evWe evenenenen

    have anarchy.have anarchy.have anarchy.have anarchy. And, all of these have failed! (Matt. 4:8; Lu. And, all of these have failed! (Matt. 4:8; Lu. And, all of these have failed! (Matt. 4:8; Lu. And, all of these have failed! (Matt. 4:8; Lu.


    HUMAN CONDITION TODAY. The onset of crises afterHUMAN CONDITION TODAY. The onset of crises afterHUMAN CONDITION TODAY. The onset of crises afterHUMAN CONDITION TODAY. The onset of crises after

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    crises bedevils the human race. Glimpses of success are few andcrises bedevils the human race. Glimpses of success are few andcrises bedevils the human race. Glimpses of success are few andcrises bedevils the human race. Glimpses of success are few and

    far between.far between.far between.far between.

    ThroughoutThroughoutThroughoutThroughout all the 6,000 years, all the sons of Adam andall the 6,000 years, all the sons of Adam andall the 6,000 years, all the sons of Adam andall the 6,000 years, all the sons of Adam andEve have nibbled and eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge ofEve have nibbled and eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge ofEve have nibbled and eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge ofEve have nibbled and eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge of

    Good and Evil, (Gen. 1:17; 3:3Good and Evil, (Gen. 1:17; 3:3Good and Evil, (Gen. 1:17; 3:3Good and Evil, (Gen. 1:17; 3:3----17; Matt. 3:10; 7:17, 19; Lu.17; Matt. 3:10; 7:17, 19; Lu.17; Matt. 3:10; 7:17, 19; Lu.17; Matt. 3:10; 7:17, 19; Lu.

    3:9; 6:43; Isa. 38:18) like all their forefathers did.3:9; 6:43; Isa. 38:18) like all their forefathers did.3:9; 6:43; Isa. 38:18) like all their forefathers did.3:9; 6:43; Isa. 38:18) like all their forefathers did. Like AdamLike AdamLike AdamLike Adam

    and Eve did.and Eve did.and Eve did.and Eve did. Even, ifEven, ifEven, ifEven, if they went out of the Garden of Eden, allthey went out of the Garden of Eden, allthey went out of the Garden of Eden, allthey went out of the Garden of Eden, all

    of them including us before we were converted, were nibblingof them including us before we were converted, were nibblingof them including us before we were converted, were nibblingof them including us before we were converted, were nibbling

    everyday at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil whicheveryday at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil whicheveryday at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil whicheveryday at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which

    symbolizes truth and error.symbolizes truth and error.symbolizes truth and error.symbolizes truth and error.

    Multitude of Errors Taught,


    And PracticedSSSSo, mankind in his pretended wisdom (1 Cor. 1:19o, mankind in his pretended wisdom (1 Cor. 1:19o, mankind in his pretended wisdom (1 Cor. 1:19o, mankind in his pretended wisdom (1 Cor. 1:19----21;21;21;21;

    3:10; Jas. 3:153:10; Jas. 3:153:10; Jas. 3:153:10; Jas. 3:15----18) away from God with all his scientific18) away from God with all his scientific18) away from God with all his scientific18) away from God with all his scientific

    discoveries, his thoughts, his meditations, his writings,discoveries, his thoughts, his meditations, his writings,discoveries, his thoughts, his meditations, his writings,discoveries, his thoughts, his meditations, his writings,

    everything he has installed, crafted, manufactured and placed oneverything he has installed, crafted, manufactured and placed oneverything he has installed, crafted, manufactured and placed oneverything he has installed, crafted, manufactured and placed on

    this earth.this earth.this earth.this earth. They are aThey are aThey are aThey are all a product of man's dabbling andll a product of man's dabbling andll a product of man's dabbling andll a product of man's dabbling and

    engagement in the knowledge of good and evil which is aengagement in the knowledge of good and evil which is aengagement in the knowledge of good and evil which is aengagement in the knowledge of good and evil which is a

    mixture of truth and error, (Jude 11:1; Jn. 4:6; 2 Pe. 3:17; 11mixture of truth and error, (Jude 11:1; Jn. 4:6; 2 Pe. 3:17; 11mixture of truth and error, (Jude 11:1; Jn. 4:6; 2 Pe. 3:17; 11mixture of truth and error, (Jude 11:1; Jn. 4:6; 2 Pe. 3:17; 11

    Cor. 10:4Cor. 10:4Cor. 10:4Cor. 10:4----6; 1 Cor. 15:34).6; 1 Cor. 15:34).6; 1 Cor. 15:34).6; 1 Cor. 15:34). That is why you see sometimes it isThat is why you see sometimes it isThat is why you see sometimes it isThat is why you see sometimes it is

    deceiving that so great churches seedeceiving that so great churches seedeceiving that so great churches seedeceiving that so great churches seem to be speaking the truth,m to be speaking the truth,m to be speaking the truth,m to be speaking the truth,

    (Matt. 15:14; 23:16(Matt. 15:14; 23:16(Matt. 15:14; 23:16(Matt. 15:14; 23:16----19; Lu. 6:39).19; Lu. 6:39).19; Lu. 6:39).19; Lu. 6:39).

    They have great big cathedrals. They have great big libraries.They have great big cathedrals. They have great big libraries.They have great big cathedrals. They have great big libraries.They have great big cathedrals. They have great big libraries.

    They have great big schools. And they graduate in the millions,They have great big schools. And they graduate in the millions,They have great big schools. And they graduate in the millions,They have great big schools. And they graduate in the millions,

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    learned men and women.learned men and women.learned men and women.learned men and women. And, all of them produce only And, all of them produce only And, all of them produce only And, all of them produce only

    graduatesgraduatesgraduatesgraduates that have drunken, eaten and have been mentally,that have drunken, eaten and have been mentally,that have drunken, eaten and have been mentally,that have drunken, eaten and have been mentally,

    intellectually nourished from the fountain of Satan the devilintellectually nourished from the fountain of Satan the devilintellectually nourished from the fountain of Satan the devilintellectually nourished from the fountain of Satan the devil

    which is truth and error, (2 Cor. 4:4).which is truth and error, (2 Cor. 4:4).which is truth and error, (2 Cor. 4:4).which is truth and error, (2 Cor. 4:4).

    The result:The result:The result:The result: You see this world you live in.You see this world you live in.You see this world you live in.You see this world you live in.

    There is no happiness in this world (Jn. 14:30; Ro. 12:2; 1There is no happiness in this world (Jn. 14:30; Ro. 12:2; 1There is no happiness in this world (Jn. 14:30; Ro. 12:2; 1There is no happiness in this world (Jn. 14:30; Ro. 12:2; 1 Cor.Cor.Cor.Cor.

    1:20; 2:6; 3:181:20; 2:6; 3:181:20; 2:6; 3:181:20; 2:6; 3:18----19; Gal. 1:6; Eph. 2:2; 6:12; 1 Jn. 3:17; Jn.19; Gal. 1:6; Eph. 2:2; 6:12; 1 Jn. 3:17; Jn.19; Gal. 1:6; Eph. 2:2; 6:12; 1 Jn. 3:17; Jn.19; Gal. 1:6; Eph. 2:2; 6:12; 1 Jn. 3:17; Jn.

    18:56). There is no real peace, (1 Thes. 5:3; Isa. 59:8). Your18:56). There is no real peace, (1 Thes. 5:3; Isa. 59:8). Your18:56). There is no real peace, (1 Thes. 5:3; Isa. 59:8). Your18:56). There is no real peace, (1 Thes. 5:3; Isa. 59:8). Your

    Bible says, ''the way of peace they have not known,'' (Ro. 3:17).Bible says, ''the way of peace they have not known,'' (Ro. 3:17).Bible says, ''the way of peace they have not known,'' (Ro. 3:17).Bible says, ''the way of peace they have not known,'' (Ro. 3:17).

    When I was there in Geneva, Switzerland, living as a When I was there in Geneva, Switzerland, living as a When I was there in Geneva, Switzerland, living as a When I was there in Geneva, Switzerland, living as a

    resident guest in the Intercontinental Hotel Geneve, in the lateresident guest in the Intercontinental Hotel Geneve, in the lateresident guest in the Intercontinental Hotel Geneve, in the lateresident guest in the Intercontinental Hotel Geneve, in the late

    1980s, and early 90s, there were all these big leaders with all1980s, and early 90s, there were all these big leaders with all1980s, and early 90s, there were all these big leaders with all1980s, and early 90s, there were all these big leaders with all

    their great meetings.their great meetings.their great meetings.their great meetings. I was there when all these great leadersI was there when all these great leadersI was there when all these great leadersI was there when all these great leaders

    were meeting. were meeting. were meeting. were meeting. It was there they met from all over the earth.It was there they met from all over the earth.It was there they met from all over the earth.It was there they met from all over the earth.

    They came to meet.They came to meet.They came to meet.They came to meet. Week after week. Month after month. Week after week. Month after month. Week after week. Month after month. Week after week. Month after month.

    Year after year, trying to bring peace to the world.Year after year, trying to bring peace to the world.Year after year, trying to bring peace to the world.Year after year, trying to bring peace to the world. I saw JamesI saw JamesI saw JamesI saw James

    Baker and Tariq Aziz. I was there in the banquet hall looking atBaker and Tariq Aziz. I was there in the banquet hall looking atBaker and Tariq Aziz. I was there in the banquet hall looking atBaker and Tariq Aziz. I was there in the banquet hall looking at

    them try to bring peace to prevent the Gulf War.them try to bring peace to prevent the Gulf War.them try to bring peace to prevent the Gulf War.them try to bring peace to prevent the Gulf War. NothingNothingNothingNothing

    happenedhappenedhappenedhappened.... Pride took over, see.Pride took over, see.Pride took over, see.Pride took over, see. The eloquent spokesman ofThe eloquent spokesman ofThe eloquent spokesman ofThe eloquent spokesman of

    the ancient people of Iraq said, ''we have been here for 5,000the ancient people of Iraq said, ''we have been here for 5,000the ancient people of Iraq said, ''we have been here for 5,000the ancient people of Iraq said, ''we have been here for 5,000

    years, Mr. Secretary, we will survive.''years, Mr. Secretary, we will survive.''years, Mr. Secretary, we will survive.''years, Mr. Secretary, we will survive.'' Pride, (Pr. 8:13; 14:3;Pride, (Pr. 8:13; 14:3;Pride, (Pr. 8:13; 14:3;Pride, (Pr. 8:13; 14:3;16:18).16:18).16:18).16:18). And, Mr. Baker, James Baker, the U.S. Secretary of And, Mr. Baker, James Baker, the U.S. Secretary of And, Mr. Baker, James Baker, the U.S. Secretary of And, Mr. Baker, James Baker, the U.S. Secretary of

    State, he had sState, he had sState, he had sState, he had something else in mind, they did not agree.omething else in mind, they did not agree.omething else in mind, they did not agree.omething else in mind, they did not agree. So,So,So,So,

    finally they went to war, (Ja. 4:1).finally they went to war, (Ja. 4:1).finally they went to war, (Ja. 4:1).finally they went to war, (Ja. 4:1).

    In that same historic place, leaders of nations had tried toIn that same historic place, leaders of nations had tried toIn that same historic place, leaders of nations had tried toIn that same historic place, leaders of nations had tried to

    craft some peace agreements. US President Ronald Reagan.craft some peace agreements. US President Ronald Reagan.craft some peace agreements. US President Ronald Reagan.craft some peace agreements. US President Ronald Reagan.

    Soviet Union President Gorbachev, They headedSoviet Union President Gorbachev, They headedSoviet Union President Gorbachev, They headedSoviet Union President Gorbachev, They headed the only twothe only twothe only twothe only twosuperpowers in the world. And all those other world leaders.superpowers in the world. And all those other world leaders.superpowers in the world. And all those other world leaders.superpowers in the world. And all those other world leaders.

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    Nothing was, no, never was peace really lasting.Nothing was, no, never was peace really lasting.Nothing was, no, never was peace really lasting.Nothing was, no, never was peace really lasting. It was just forIt was just forIt was just forIt was just for

    the selfish interests of nations themselves. And they are backedthe selfish interests of nations themselves. And they are backedthe selfish interests of nations themselves. And they are backedthe selfish interests of nations themselves. And they are backed

    up behind by all the armaments of war (Matt. 24:up behind by all the armaments of war (Matt. 24:up behind by all the armaments of war (Matt. 24:up behind by all the armaments of war (Matt. 24:6) that have6) that have6) that have6) that have

    been manufactured with billions, even trillions, of U.S. dollarsbeen manufactured with billions, even trillions, of U.S. dollarsbeen manufactured with billions, even trillions, of U.S. dollarsbeen manufactured with billions, even trillions, of U.S. dollarsthat could have gone to the benefit and the good use of all thethat could have gone to the benefit and the good use of all thethat could have gone to the benefit and the good use of all thethat could have gone to the benefit and the good use of all the

    children, the homes, the families, the widows, the orphans, thechildren, the homes, the families, the widows, the orphans, thechildren, the homes, the families, the widows, the orphans, thechildren, the homes, the families, the widows, the orphans, the

    men, the women on earth, (Jer. 38:4).men, the women on earth, (Jer. 38:4).men, the women on earth, (Jer. 38:4).men, the women on earth, (Jer. 38:4). But, no, thBut, no, thBut, no, thBut, no, they were not!ey were not!ey were not!ey were not!

    (Ps. 35:20; Isa. 59:8; Ro. 3:17).(Ps. 35:20; Isa. 59:8; Ro. 3:17).(Ps. 35:20; Isa. 59:8; Ro. 3:17).(Ps. 35:20; Isa. 59:8; Ro. 3:17). The way to peace they knowThe way to peace they knowThe way to peace they knowThe way to peace they know


    Christ Sends Us

    To The World

    So, in the midst of this kind of a world, Christ our Lord,So, in the midst of this kind of a world, Christ our Lord,So, in the midst of this kind of a world, Christ our Lord,So, in the midst of this kind of a world, Christ our Lord,

    Jesus Christ our Shepherd, the Son of God, the Captain of ourJesus Christ our Shepherd, the Son of God, the Captain of ourJesus Christ our Shepherd, the Son of God, the Captain of ourJesus Christ our Shepherd, the Son of God, the Captain of ourSalvation, the HSalvation, the HSalvation, the HSalvation, the Head of His Church, sends us, after He hasead of His Church, sends us, after He hasead of His Church, sends us, after He hasead of His Church, sends us, after He has

    chosen us, (Jn. 5:38).chosen us, (Jn. 5:38).chosen us, (Jn. 5:38).chosen us, (Jn. 5:38). First of all, God the Father calls us.First of all, God the Father calls us.First of all, God the Father calls us.First of all, God the Father calls us. And,And,And,And,

    we are told, that we are called. and chosen, and predestined towe are told, that we are called. and chosen, and predestined towe are told, that we are called. and chosen, and predestined towe are told, that we are called. and chosen, and predestined to

    be called before the foundation of the world (Ro. 8:29, 30; Eph.be called before the foundation of the world (Ro. 8:29, 30; Eph.be called before the foundation of the world (Ro. 8:29, 30; Eph.be called before the foundation of the world (Ro. 8:29, 30; Eph.

    1:5, 11).1:5, 11).1:5, 11).1:5, 11).

    Why is that?Why is that?Why is that?Why is that? Who are we? (Matt. 6:28; Lu. 12:27; Ps. 8:4;Who are we? (Matt. 6:28; Lu. 12:27; Ps. 8:4;Who are we? (Matt. 6:28; Lu. 12:27; Ps. 8:4;Who are we? (Matt. 6:28; Lu. 12:27; Ps. 8:4;

    Heb. 2:6; Ps. 115:12).Heb. 2:6; Ps. 115:12).Heb. 2:6; Ps. 115:12).Heb. 2:6; Ps. 115:12). We, of whom the apostle Paul said, We, of whom the apostle Paul said, We, of whom the apostle Paul said, We, of whom the apostle Paul said,

    ''For you''For you''For you''For you see your calling brethren,see your calling brethren,see your calling brethren,see your calling brethren, not many wise men, notnot many wise men, notnot many wise men, notnot many wise men, not

    many noble are called'' (1 Cor. 1:26).many noble are called'' (1 Cor. 1:26).many noble are called'' (1 Cor. 1:26).many noble are called'' (1 Cor. 1:26). You, who are the You, who are the You, who are the You, who are the

    simple.simple.simple.simple. You, whYou, whYou, whYou, who are the of no account.o are the of no account.o are the of no account.o are the of no account. You, who are base.You, who are base.You, who are base.You, who are base.

    You, who were the useless, why? You, who were the useless, why? You, who were the useless, why? You, who were the useless, why? Why, did He call us? Why, did He call us? Why, did He call us? Why, did He call us? (Ps.(Ps.(Ps.(Ps.

    34:18; 51:17; Isa. 57:15; 1 Cor. 1:26; pr. 9:4, 15).34:18; 51:17; Isa. 57:15; 1 Cor. 1:26; pr. 9:4, 15).34:18; 51:17; Isa. 57:15; 1 Cor. 1:26; pr. 9:4, 15).34:18; 51:17; Isa. 57:15; 1 Cor. 1:26; pr. 9:4, 15).

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    From Nobodies

    To Precious Children We, who were nobodies, (1 Cor. 1:26 We, who were nobodies, (1 Cor. 1:26 We, who were nobodies, (1 Cor. 1:26 We, who were nobodies, (1 Cor. 1:26----28) were called28) were called28) were called28) were called,,,,

    indeed. However, it does not mean that when we were base,indeed. However, it does not mean that when we were base,indeed. However, it does not mean that when we were base,indeed. However, it does not mean that when we were base,

    when we were not noble, when we were the useless, when we when we were not noble, when we were the useless, when we when we were not noble, when we were the useless, when we when we were not noble, when we were the useless, when we

    were called, that we will remain the base, the useless, the of nowere called, that we will remain the base, the useless, the of nowere called, that we will remain the base, the useless, the of nowere called, that we will remain the base, the useless, the of no

    account, once He has called us.account, once He has called us.account, once He has called us.account, once He has called us.

    He will transform us, (Ro. 12:2) not by our own ability.He will transform us, (Ro. 12:2) not by our own ability.He will transform us, (Ro. 12:2) not by our own ability.He will transform us, (Ro. 12:2) not by our own ability.

    He will change us, not by our own wisdom but by the Spirit ofHe will change us, not by our own wisdom but by the Spirit ofHe will change us, not by our own wisdom but by the Spirit ofHe will change us, not by our own wisdom but by the Spirit of

    God, (Ro. 8:9, 14).God, (Ro. 8:9, 14).God, (Ro. 8:9, 14).God, (Ro. 8:9, 14). The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit of theThe Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit of theThe Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit of theThe Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit of the

    Godhead that empowers to help us and quickens us (Ac. 1:8) toGodhead that empowers to help us and quickens us (Ac. 1:8) toGodhead that empowers to help us and quickens us (Ac. 1:8) toGodhead that empowers to help us and quickens us (Ac. 1:8) to

    change.change.change.change. ''Be ye transformed brethren,'' the apostle Paul said''Be ye transformed brethren,'' the apostle Paul said''Be ye transformed brethren,'' the apostle Paul said''Be ye transformed brethren,'' the apostle Paul said, by, by, by, by

    the renewing of your mind.the renewing of your mind.the renewing of your mind.the renewing of your mind.

    How can we be transformed?How can we be transformed?How can we be transformed?How can we be transformed? By the Spirit of God, (By the Spirit of God, (By the Spirit of God, (By the Spirit of God, (Ro. 12:2).Ro. 12:2).Ro. 12:2).Ro. 12:2).

    So, as you can see, as you have reSo, as you can see, as you have reSo, as you can see, as you have reSo, as you can see, as you have read a while ago, when youad a while ago, when youad a while ago, when youad a while ago, when you

    were baptized, (Ac. 2:38; Ac. 1:5; 11:16; Matt. 28:19), when were baptized, (Ac. 2:38; Ac. 1:5; 11:16; Matt. 28:19), when were baptized, (Ac. 2:38; Ac. 1:5; 11:16; Matt. 28:19), when were baptized, (Ac. 2:38; Ac. 1:5; 11:16; Matt. 28:19), when

    you were laid hands on (Ac. 8:17), you, received an earnest, ayou were laid hands on (Ac. 8:17), you, received an earnest, ayou were laid hands on (Ac. 8:17), you, received an earnest, ayou were laid hands on (Ac. 8:17), you, received an earnest, a

    down payment, a portion of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5).down payment, a portion of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5).down payment, a portion of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5).down payment, a portion of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5). You, became at that point and time, from tha You, became at that point and time, from tha You, became at that point and time, from tha You, became at that point and time, from that day forward,t day forward,t day forward,t day forward,

    partakers of divine nature, not the living, walking dead (1 Tim.partakers of divine nature, not the living, walking dead (1 Tim.partakers of divine nature, not the living, walking dead (1 Tim.partakers of divine nature, not the living, walking dead (1 Tim.

    5:6; Heb. 6:45:6; Heb. 6:45:6; Heb. 6:45:6; Heb. 6:4----6; 10:2) of which we once were.6; 10:2) of which we once were.6; 10:2) of which we once were.6; 10:2) of which we once were.

    We have began to have many lives.We have began to have many lives.We have began to have many lives.We have began to have many lives.

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    We have become the ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20) and theWe have become the ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20) and theWe have become the ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20) and theWe have become the ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20) and the

    representatrepresentatrepresentatrepresentatives of Christ.ives of Christ.ives of Christ.ives of Christ.

    We have become the citizens of heaven (Eph. 2:19).We have become the citizens of heaven (Eph. 2:19).We have become the citizens of heaven (Eph. 2:19).We have become the citizens of heaven (Eph. 2:19).

    We have become the calledWe have become the calledWe have become the calledWe have become the called----out ones out of Babylon (Isa.out ones out of Babylon (Isa.out ones out of Babylon (Isa.out ones out of Babylon (Isa.


    We have become the children of the brotherhood of light (1 Pe.We have become the children of the brotherhood of light (1 Pe.We have become the children of the brotherhood of light (1 Pe.We have become the children of the brotherhood of light (1 Pe.

    2:17; Matt. 5:14).2:17; Matt. 5:14).2:17; Matt. 5:14).2:17; Matt. 5:14).

    We have become that great company of people that preach andWe have become that great company of people that preach andWe have become that great company of people that preach andWe have become that great company of people that preach and

    pupupupublish the tidings of peace, (Ps 68:11).blish the tidings of peace, (Ps 68:11).blish the tidings of peace, (Ps 68:11).blish the tidings of peace, (Ps 68:11).

    We have now the great potential to be wise teachers forWe have now the great potential to be wise teachers forWe have now the great potential to be wise teachers forWe have now the great potential to be wise teachers for

    righteousness, and turn many to righteousness, and we willrighteousness, and turn many to righteousness, and we willrighteousness, and turn many to righteousness, and we willrighteousness, and turn many to righteousness, and we will

    shine as the brightness of the firmament, and the stars, forever,shine as the brightness of the firmament, and the stars, forever,shine as the brightness of the firmament, and the stars, forever,shine as the brightness of the firmament, and the stars, forever,

    and ever, (Dan 12:3and ever, (Dan 12:3and ever, (Dan 12:3and ever, (Dan 12:3

    And, so many other things (Ja. 2:23) that amazes us. FromAnd, so many other things (Ja. 2:23) that amazes us. FromAnd, so many other things (Ja. 2:23) that amazes us. FromAnd, so many other things (Ja. 2:23) that amazes us. From

    nobodies in Gods' eyes, in Gods' standard, we became the heirsnobodies in Gods' eyes, in Gods' standard, we became the heirsnobodies in Gods' eyes, in Gods' standard, we became the heirsnobodies in Gods' eyes, in Gods' standard, we became the heirs

    (Gal. 4:7), the children of Go(Gal. 4:7), the children of Go(Gal. 4:7), the children of Go(Gal. 4:7), the children of God (Ro. 8:17).d (Ro. 8:17).d (Ro. 8:17).d (Ro. 8:17). We are empoweredWe are empoweredWe are empoweredWe are empowered

    with the Spirit which we did not have before we ever knew Himwith the Spirit which we did not have before we ever knew Himwith the Spirit which we did not have before we ever knew Himwith the Spirit which we did not have before we ever knew Him(Eph. 1:4).(Eph. 1:4).(Eph. 1:4).(Eph. 1:4). Before He ever imbued us (Isa. 44:2, 24; 49:5) or,Before He ever imbued us (Isa. 44:2, 24; 49:5) or,Before He ever imbued us (Isa. 44:2, 24; 49:5) or,Before He ever imbued us (Isa. 44:2, 24; 49:5) or,

    ever before we ever knew God, He knew us.ever before we ever knew God, He knew us.ever before we ever knew God, He knew us.ever before we ever knew God, He knew us.

    He loved us first before we ever loved Him (Jn. 3:16; 15:9).WeHe loved us first before we ever loved Him (Jn. 3:16; 15:9).WeHe loved us first before we ever loved Him (Jn. 3:16; 15:9).WeHe loved us first before we ever loved Him (Jn. 3:16; 15:9).We

    a people of no account, useless and nobodies.a people of no account, useless and nobodies.a people of no account, useless and nobodies.a people of no account, useless and nobodies. We can be We can be We can be We can be

    grateful, we can thank God beyond words to even express thatgrateful, we can thank God beyond words to even express thatgrateful, we can thank God beyond words to even express thatgrateful, we can thank God beyond words to even express thatHe hHe hHe hHe has even considered us.as even considered us.as even considered us.as even considered us.

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    In the Bible, in the Book of Psalms it says, ''what is man thatIn the Bible, in the Book of Psalms it says, ''what is man thatIn the Bible, in the Book of Psalms it says, ''what is man thatIn the Bible, in the Book of Psalms it says, ''what is man that

    you are mindful of him, that you have consiyou are mindful of him, that you have consiyou are mindful of him, that you have consiyou are mindful of him, that you have considered to make himdered to make himdered to make himdered to make him

    even as he is today, lower than the angels (Ps. 8:4; Heb. 2:6),even as he is today, lower than the angels (Ps. 8:4; Heb. 2:6),even as he is today, lower than the angels (Ps. 8:4; Heb. 2:6),even as he is today, lower than the angels (Ps. 8:4; Heb. 2:6),to make him higher than the angels when it is all over?''to make him higher than the angels when it is all over?''to make him higher than the angels when it is all over?''to make him higher than the angels when it is all over?''

    So, our final and true destiny is incorporated in the GospelSo, our final and true destiny is incorporated in the GospelSo, our final and true destiny is incorporated in the GospelSo, our final and true destiny is incorporated in the Gospel

    of the Kingdom of God, (Matt. 24;14).of the Kingdom of God, (Matt. 24;14).of the Kingdom of God, (Matt. 24;14).of the Kingdom of God, (Matt. 24;14). When,When,When, When, we will have we will have we will have we will have

    been called as you are (Ro. 8:30), whenbeen called as you are (Ro. 8:30), whenbeen called as you are (Ro. 8:30), whenbeen called as you are (Ro. 8:30), when we will have been we will have been we will have been we will have been

    begotten as you are (Jas. 1:18), what becomes of us?begotten as you are (Jas. 1:18), what becomes of us?begotten as you are (Jas. 1:18), what becomes of us?begotten as you are (Jas. 1:18), what becomes of us?

    Mighty Instruments

    In God's Hands

    We become His instruments (Isa. 41:15) to go and bring theWe become His instruments (Isa. 41:15) to go and bring theWe become His instruments (Isa. 41:15) to go and bring theWe become His instruments (Isa. 41:15) to go and bring theGood News (Lk. 8:1; 1:19; 2:Good News (Lk. 8:1; 1:19; 2:Good News (Lk. 8:1; 1:19; 2:Good News (Lk. 8:1; 1:19; 2:10) of the New World (Rev. 21:1,10) of the New World (Rev. 21:1,10) of the New World (Rev. 21:1,10) of the New World (Rev. 21:1,

    5: 3:12; 21:2) to come.5: 3:12; 21:2) to come.5: 3:12; 21:2) to come.5: 3:12; 21:2) to come.

    To carry the glad tidings of the coming Kingdom of God (Ja.To carry the glad tidings of the coming Kingdom of God (Ja.To carry the glad tidings of the coming Kingdom of God (Ja.To carry the glad tidings of the coming Kingdom of God (Ja.

    2:5; Rev. 12:2:5; Rev. 12:2:5; Rev. 12:2:5; Rev. 12:10) under Christ and to rebuild this world.10) under Christ and to rebuild this world.10) under Christ and to rebuild this world.10) under Christ and to rebuild this world.

    To bear the blazing splendid herald that the Millennial Age toTo bear the blazing splendid herald that the Millennial Age toTo bear the blazing splendid herald that the Millennial Age toTo bear the blazing splendid herald that the Millennial Age tobuild the new world, tbuild the new world, tbuild the new world, tbuild the new world, the world of God is just around the bend.he world of God is just around the bend.he world of God is just around the bend.he world of God is just around the bend.

    All 6,000 years of all humanity's misery, misrule, All 6,000 years of all humanity's misery, misrule, All 6,000 years of all humanity's misery, misrule, All 6,000 years of all humanity's misery, misrule,

    misgovernment will soon be over.misgovernment will soon be over.misgovernment will soon be over.misgovernment will soon be over. The age of human society isThe age of human society isThe age of human society isThe age of human society is

    soon over.soon over.soon over.soon over. So, the world that is spoken of in the Bible is theSo, the world that is spoken of in the Bible is theSo, the world that is spoken of in the Bible is theSo, the world that is spoken of in the Bible is the

    AGE (Heb. 9:26). The time frame AGE (Heb. 9:26). The time frame AGE (Heb. 9:26). The time frame AGE (Heb. 9:26). The time frame from Adam and Eve's sonsfrom Adam and Eve's sonsfrom Adam and Eve's sonsfrom Adam and Eve's sons

    and daughters going down through our time is one age.and daughters going down through our time is one age.and daughters going down through our time is one age.and daughters going down through our time is one age. ThatThatThatThat

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    age is divided into some phases of course. There's the missingage is divided into some phases of course. There's the missingage is divided into some phases of course. There's the missingage is divided into some phases of course. There's the missing

    years before the Great Flood. There is the time before Enoch,years before the Great Flood. There is the time before Enoch,years before the Great Flood. There is the time before Enoch,years before the Great Flood. There is the time before Enoch,

    the only righteous man. And so before that, athe only righteous man. And so before that, athe only righteous man. And so before that, athe only righteous man. And so before that, and after that isnd after that isnd after that isnd after that is

    now our Christian era, as we look back 2,000 years.now our Christian era, as we look back 2,000 years.now our Christian era, as we look back 2,000 years.now our Christian era, as we look back 2,000 years.

    Are You The Church of God In


    7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These

    things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the keythings saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the keythings saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the keythings saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key

    of David,of David,of David,of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth,he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth,he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth,he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth,

    and no man openeth. 8 I know thy works: behold I have setand no man openeth. 8 I know thy works: behold I have setand no man openeth. 8 I know thy works: behold I have setand no man openeth. 8 I know thy works: behold I have set

    before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thoubefore thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thoubefore thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thoubefore thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou

    hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast nothast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast nothast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast nothast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not

    denied my name. 9 Behodenied my name. 9 Behodenied my name. 9 Behodenied my name. 9 Behold, I will make of the synagogue of ld, I will make of the synagogue of ld, I will make of the synagogue of ld, I will make of the synagogue of

    Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, ISatan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, ISatan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, ISatan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I

    will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and towill make them to come and worship before thy feet, and towill make them to come and worship before thy feet, and towill make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to

    know that I have loved thee. 10 Because thou hast kept theknow that I have loved thee. 10 Because thou hast kept theknow that I have loved thee. 10 Because thou hast kept theknow that I have loved thee. 10 Because thou hast kept the

    word of my patience, I also will kword of my patience, I also will kword of my patience, I also will kword of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of eep thee from the hour of eep thee from the hour of eep thee from the hour of

    temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try themtemptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try themtemptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try themtemptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them

    that dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold I come quickly: hold thatthat dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold I come quickly: hold thatthat dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold I come quickly: hold thatthat dwell upon the earth. 11 Behold I come quickly: hold that

    which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 12 Him thatwhich thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 12 Him thatwhich thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 12 Him thatwhich thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 12 Him that

    overcometh will I make a pillar in the templeovercometh will I make a pillar in the templeovercometh will I make a pillar in the templeovercometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, andof my God, andof my God, andof my God, and

    he shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the name ofhe shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the name ofhe shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the name ofhe shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the name of

    my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is newmy God, and the name of the city of my God, which is newmy God, and the name of the city of my God, which is newmy God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new

    Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God; Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God; Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God; Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God;

    a n d I w i l l w r i t e u p o n h i m m y n e w n a m e ,a n d I w i l l w r i t e u p o n h i m m y n e w n a m e ,a n d I w i l l w r i t e u p o n h i m m y n e w n a m e ,a n d I w i l l w r i t e u p o n h i m m y n e w n a m e ,

    (Book of Revelation 3:7(Book of Revelation 3:7(Book of Revelation 3:7(Book of Revelation 3:7----12).12).12).12).

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    IF you have the big picture, why are we here today?IF you have the big picture, why are we here today?IF you have the big picture, why are we here today?IF you have the big picture, why are we here today? WhyWhyWhyWhy

    did He call you and me?did He call you and me?did He call you and me?did He call you and me? Who are we? Who are we? Who are we? Who are we? If, we were useless atIf, we were useless atIf, we were useless atIf, we were useless at

    one time or the other before He called us, we ceased to becomeone time or the other before He called us, we ceased to becomeone time or the other before He called us, we ceased to becomeone time or the other before He called us, we ceased to become

    useless.useless.useless.useless. To the Eternal God of Heaven we can be used by HimTo the Eternal God of Heaven we can be used by HimTo the Eternal God of Heaven we can be used by HimTo the Eternal God of Heaven we can be used by Himbutbutbutbut He can only use us to the end that we are willing to beHe can only use us to the end that we are willing to beHe can only use us to the end that we are willing to beHe can only use us to the end that we are willing to be

    trained to study (2 Tim. 2:15); to grow in grace and knowledgetrained to study (2 Tim. 2:15); to grow in grace and knowledgetrained to study (2 Tim. 2:15); to grow in grace and knowledgetrained to study (2 Tim. 2:15); to grow in grace and knowledge

    of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pe. 3:18).of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pe. 3:18).of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pe. 3:18).of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pe. 3:18).

    We can only be used to the end that we can obey His We can only be used to the end that we can obey His We can only be used to the end that we can obey His We can only be used to the end that we can obey His

    commandments (Deut. 11:27; Col. 3:22) and His laws (Ps.commandments (Deut. 11:27; Col. 3:22) and His laws (Ps.commandments (Deut. 11:27; Col. 3:22) and His laws (Ps.commandments (Deut. 11:27; Col. 3:22) and His laws (Ps.

    119:1; 1 Cor. 9:21).119:1; 1 Cor. 9:21).119:1; 1 Cor. 9:21).119:1; 1 Cor. 9:21).

    We can only be used by the Father if we were willing to We can only be used by the Father if we were willing to We can only be used by the Father if we were willing to We can only be used by the Father if we were willing to

    continue to endure (Matt. 24:13).continue to endure (Matt. 24:13).continue to endure (Matt. 24:13).continue to endure (Matt. 24:13). And, to overcome (Ro. And, to overcome (Ro. And, to overcome (Ro. And, to overcome (Ro.

    12:21; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12:21; 21:7) so that we can be12:21; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12:21; 21:7) so that we can be12:21; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12:21; 21:7) so that we can be12:21; Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12:21; 21:7) so that we can be

    worthy to be the bearers, the bearers of the Holy vessels of theworthy to be the bearers, the bearers of the Holy vessels of theworthy to be the bearers, the bearers of the Holy vessels of theworthy to be the bearers, the bearers of the Holy vessels of the

    Eternal (Matt. 13:48; 25:4).Eternal (Matt. 13:48; 25:4).Eternal (Matt. 13:48; 25:4).Eternal (Matt. 13:48; 25:4).

    What is that? What are those Holy Vessels?What is that? What are those Holy Vessels?What is that? What are those Holy Vessels?What is that? What are those Holy Vessels?

    The Good News of the Kingdom of God is what Christ has toldThe Good News of the Kingdom of God is what Christ has toldThe Good News of the Kingdom of God is what Christ has toldThe Good News of the Kingdom of God is what Christ has told

    us.us.us.us. We are not carrying a literal physical golden vessel (Isa. We are not carrying a literal physical golden vessel (Isa. We are not carrying a literal physical golden vessel (Isa. We are not carrying a literal physical golden vessel (Isa.

    52:11).52:11).52:11).52:11). Oh, no!Oh, no!Oh, no!Oh, no! We become the bearers of the Mission to go We become the bearers of the Mission to go We become the bearers of the Mission to go We become the bearers of the Mission to go

    and teand teand teand tell the human race the one and only true Gospel of thell the human race the one and only true Gospel of thell the human race the one and only true Gospel of thell the human race the one and only true Gospel of the

    Kingdom of God.Kingdom of God.Kingdom of God.Kingdom of God.

    We are not out here to tell them that We are not out here to tell them that We are not out here to tell them that We are not out here to tell them that now is the only day of now is the only day of now is the only day of now is the only day of

    salvatsalvatsalvatsalvationionionion as others do. And so they are so eager to blanket the as others do. And so they are so eager to blanket the as others do. And so they are so eager to blanket the as others do. And so they are so eager to blanket the

    world by thoroughly evangelizing it. And making them come world by thoroughly evangelizing it. And making them come world by thoroughly evangelizing it. And making them come world by thoroughly evangelizing it. And making them come

    and join them, and and join them, and and join them, and and join them, and give their give their give their give theirhearts to the Lordhearts to the Lordhearts to the Lordhearts to the Lord. And join. And join. And join. And join

    with them in their religious group.with them in their religious group.with them in their religious group.with them in their religious group.

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    That is not our job.That is not our job.That is not our job.That is not our job.

    Our job is to be like the Church of God in Philadelphia,Our job is to be like the Church of God in Philadelphia,Our job is to be like the Church of God in Philadelphia,Our job is to be like the Church of God in Philadelphia,

    even as we are small, or little, in number and in physicaleven as we are small, or little, in number and in physicaleven as we are small, or little, in number and in physicaleven as we are small, or little, in number and in physicalstrength.strength.strength.strength. Let us go to ReveLet us go to ReveLet us go to ReveLet us go to Revelation chapter 3 verses 7lation chapter 3 verses 7lation chapter 3 verses 7lation chapter 3 verses 7----12 and read12 and read12 and read12 and read


    You notice the words, because You notice the words, because You notice the words, because You notice the words, because you are of little strength you are of little strength you are of little strength you are of little strength,,,,

    because you are a little fellowship of churches and branches ofbecause you are a little fellowship of churches and branches ofbecause you are a little fellowship of churches and branches ofbecause you are a little fellowship of churches and branches of

    the Church of God around the world. You are not great. Youthe Church of God around the world. You are not great. Youthe Church of God around the world. You are not great. Youthe Church of God around the world. You are not great. You

    are not mighty. You doare not mighty. You doare not mighty. You doare not mighty. You do not have big cathedrals or temples. Younot have big cathedrals or temples. Younot have big cathedrals or temples. Younot have big cathedrals or temples. Youdo not have big this and big that.do not have big this and big that.do not have big this and big that.do not have big this and big that. You have little strength.You have little strength.You have little strength.You have little strength. But,But,But,But,

    You have kept my word.You have kept my word.You have kept my word.You have kept my word. And, God said, And, God said, And, God said, And, God said, I have set beforeI have set beforeI have set beforeI have set before

    you an open door.you an open door.you an open door.you an open door.

    This door is like a swingThis door is like a swingThis door is like a swingThis door is like a swing----out door.out door.out door.out door. And, therefore we are And, therefore we are And, therefore we are And, therefore we are

    ggggoing to enter that door.oing to enter that door.oing to enter that door.oing to enter that door. That door that no man can shut.That door that no man can shut.That door that no man can shut.That door that no man can shut. WeWeWeWe

    are going to enter that door by the ability, the strength, theare going to enter that door by the ability, the strength, theare going to enter that door by the ability, the strength, theare going to enter that door by the ability, the strength, thepower and the Spirit of God to preach and publish the Gospelpower and the Spirit of God to preach and publish the Gospelpower and the Spirit of God to preach and publish the Gospelpower and the Spirit of God to preach and publish the Gospel

    of the Kingdom of God without fear. And that we will keepof the Kingdom of God without fear. And that we will keepof the Kingdom of God without fear. And that we will keepof the Kingdom of God without fear. And that we will keep

    God's word.God's word.God's word.God's word. That we will not deny His Name (2 Tim. 2:12)That we will not deny His Name (2 Tim. 2:12)That we will not deny His Name (2 Tim. 2:12)That we will not deny His Name (2 Tim. 2:12)

    and His Name is God.and His Name is God.and His Name is God.and His Name is God. We will not deny by calling ourselves byWe will not deny by calling ourselves byWe will not deny by calling ourselves byWe will not deny by calling ourselves by

    any other name than the Church of God (Jn. 17:11any other name than the Church of God (Jn. 17:11any other name than the Church of God (Jn. 17:11any other name than the Church of God (Jn. 17:11----12).12).12).12). So, weSo, weSo, weSo, we

    keep His Word (1 Jn. 2:5).keep His Word (1 Jn. 2:5).keep His Word (1 Jn. 2:5).keep His Word (1 Jn. 2:5). We will not compromise.We will not compromise.We will not compromise. We will not compromise. We willWe willWe willWe will

    not cut here and there, wnot cut here and there, wnot cut here and there, wnot cut here and there, we will not say this revelation is gone,e will not say this revelation is gone,e will not say this revelation is gone,e will not say this revelation is gone,

    ''anyway it is one thousand years, let us live for immortality.''anyway it is one thousand years, let us live for immortality.''anyway it is one thousand years, let us live for immortality.''anyway it is one thousand years, let us live for immortality.

    Let us remove some parts of the Books of Acts,'' (Rev. 22:19).Let us remove some parts of the Books of Acts,'' (Rev. 22:19).Let us remove some parts of the Books of Acts,'' (Rev. 22:19).Let us remove some parts of the Books of Acts,'' (Rev. 22:19).

    No.No.No.No. We will live by every Word of God, because He said, ''youWe will live by every Word of God, because He said, ''youWe will live by every Word of God, because He said, ''youWe will live by every Word of God, because He said, ''you

    have kept My Word,'' (Ihave kept My Word,'' (Ihave kept My Word,'' (Ihave kept My Word,'' (Isa. 66:2; Jn. 5:24; 8:31; Rev. 3:8).sa. 66:2; Jn. 5:24; 8:31; Rev. 3:8).sa. 66:2; Jn. 5:24; 8:31; Rev. 3:8).sa. 66:2; Jn. 5:24; 8:31; Rev. 3:8).

    Our Father and His Christ has opened that door (Col. 4:3;Our Father and His Christ has opened that door (Col. 4:3;Our Father and His Christ has opened that door (Col. 4:3;Our Father and His Christ has opened that door (Col. 4:3;

    Rev. 3:5, 20; 4:1; 2 Cor. 2:12) and He will give us all the abilityRev. 3:5, 20; 4:1; 2 Cor. 2:12) and He will give us all the abilityRev. 3:5, 20; 4:1; 2 Cor. 2:12) and He will give us all the abilityRev. 3:5, 20; 4:1; 2 Cor. 2:12) and He will give us all the ability

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    to be able to preach and to publish the Gospel of the Kingdomto be able to preach and to publish the Gospel of the Kingdomto be able to preach and to publish the Gospel of the Kingdomto be able to preach and to publish the Gospel of the Kingdom

    of God (Matt. 24:14) iof God (Matt. 24:14) iof God (Matt. 24:14) iof God (Matt. 24:14) in spite of the fact that we have littlen spite of the fact that we have littlen spite of the fact that we have littlen spite of the fact that we have little

    strength (Rev. 3:8).strength (Rev. 3:8).strength (Rev. 3:8).strength (Rev. 3:8). So, He will provide us with all the strengthSo, He will provide us with all the strengthSo, He will provide us with all the strengthSo, He will provide us with all the strength

    (2 Cor. 12:9) from the Divine God of Heaven who owns the(2 Cor. 12:9) from the Divine God of Heaven who owns the(2 Cor. 12:9) from the Divine God of Heaven who owns the(2 Cor. 12:9) from the Divine God of Heaven who owns theentire Universe ( Ps. 24:1; 98:7; Nah. 1:5; 50:12; 89:11; 90:2;entire Universe ( Ps. 24:1; 98:7; Nah. 1:5; 50:12; 89:11; 90:2;entire Universe ( Ps. 24:1; 98:7; Nah. 1:5; 50:12; 89:11; 90:2;entire Universe ( Ps. 24:1; 98:7; Nah. 1:5; 50:12; 89:11; 90:2;

    Jn. 1:10; Ac. 17:24; 2 Pe. 3Jn. 1:10; Ac. 17:24; 2 Pe. 3Jn. 1:10; Ac. 17:24; 2 Pe. 3Jn. 1:10; Ac. 17:24; 2 Pe. 3:6;:6;:6;:6; ).).).).

    Well, He will reveal it to us in due time, (Ph. 3:15; Matt. Well, He will reveal it to us in due time, (Ph. 3:15; Matt. Well, He will reveal it to us in due time, (Ph. 3:15; Matt. Well, He will reveal it to us in due time, (Ph. 3:15; Matt.

    11:27; lk. 10:22).11:27; lk. 10:22).11:27; lk. 10:22).11:27; lk. 10:22). First of all, He has to call you (Ac. 2:39).First of all, He has to call you (Ac. 2:39).First of all, He has to call you (Ac. 2:39).First of all, He has to call you (Ac. 2:39).

    He has to call men and women like you who with all theirHe has to call men and women like you who with all theirHe has to call men and women like you who with all theirHe has to call men and women like you who with all their

    heart, with all their minds and with all their being, woulheart, with all their minds and with all their being, woulheart, with all their minds and with all their being, woulheart, with all their minds and with all their being, woulddddbecome instruments in the hands of God to go through thebecome instruments in the hands of God to go through thebecome instruments in the hands of God to go through thebecome instruments in the hands of God to go through the

    open door that no man can shut (Matt. 22:37; Mk. 10:30; Lk.open door that no man can shut (Matt. 22:37; Mk. 10:30; Lk.open door that no man can shut (Matt. 22:37; Mk. 10:30; Lk.open door that no man can shut (Matt. 22:37; Mk. 10:30; Lk.


    Be Fishers of Men

    Let us go out there and become fishers of men (Matt. 4:19;Let us go out there and become fishers of men (Matt. 4:19;Let us go out there and become fishers of men (Matt. 4:19;Let us go out there and become fishers of men (Matt. 4:19;

    Mk. 1:17).Mk. 1:17).Mk. 1:17).Mk. 1:17). Let us be among those men that GLet us be among those men that GLet us be among those men that GLet us be among those men that God the Fatherod the Fatherod the Fatherod the Father

    will call in this day among the hundreds of millions. will call in this day among the hundreds of millions. will call in this day among the hundreds of millions. will call in this day among the hundreds of millions. He willHe willHe willHe will

    also use them to become instruments in His hands to also walkalso use them to become instruments in His hands to also walkalso use them to become instruments in His hands to also walkalso use them to become instruments in His hands to also walk

    through the door until it is fulfilled: that which is written in thethrough the door until it is fulfilled: that which is written in thethrough the door until it is fulfilled: that which is written in thethrough the door until it is fulfilled: that which is written in the

    book of Rev. 10:9 which says, ''prophesy again.'book of Rev. 10:9 which says, ''prophesy again.'book of Rev. 10:9 which says, ''prophesy again.'book of Rev. 10:9 which says, ''prophesy again.''''' So, it is beingSo, it is beingSo, it is beingSo, it is beingdone, now today, it is being, and will be, prophesied.done, now today, it is being, and will be, prophesied.done, now today, it is being, and will be, prophesied.done, now today, it is being, and will be, prophesied. OurOurOurOur

    Bible tells us, our Lord Jesus Christ tells us: ''PROPHESYBible tells us, our Lord Jesus Christ tells us: ''PROPHESYBible tells us, our Lord Jesus Christ tells us: ''PROPHESYBible tells us, our Lord Jesus Christ tells us: ''PROPHESY


    Because we are the Church of God, in Philadelphia (Rev.Because we are the Church of God, in Philadelphia (Rev.Because we are the Church of God, in Philadelphia (Rev.Because we are the Church of God, in Philadelphia (Rev.

    3:133:133:133:13----17), and we walk through that open door,17), and we walk through that open door,17), and we walk through that open door,17), and we walk through that open door, we have little we have little we have little we have little

    strength. He will allow us to finish the job that others before usstrength. He will allow us to finish the job that others before usstrength. He will allow us to finish the job that others before usstrength. He will allow us to finish the job that others before ushave not done and have not been able to do.have not done and have not been able to do.have not done and have not been able to do.have not done and have not been able to do. And, when that isAnd, when that isAnd, when that isAnd, when that is

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    done, let us go to Matt. 24:6done, let us go to Matt. 24:6done, let us go to Matt. 24:6done, let us go to Matt. 24:6----14) and let us read this.14) and let us read this.14) and let us read this.14) and let us read this. Alright,Alright,Alright,Alright,

    all these historical events have come to passall these historical events have come to passall these historical events have come to passall these historical events have come to pass in their firstin their firstin their firstin their first

    fulfillment. In their final fulfillment, we have the mandatefulfillment. In their final fulfillment, we have the mandatefulfillment. In their final fulfillment, we have the mandatefulfillment. In their final fulfillment, we have the mandate

    from the Living Christ to proclaim this Gospel of the Kingdomfrom the Living Christ to proclaim this Gospel of the Kingdomfrom the Living Christ to proclaim this Gospel of the Kingdomfrom the Living Christ to proclaim this Gospel of the Kingdomof God which shall be preached in all nations in the world for aof God which shall be preached in all nations in the world for aof God which shall be preached in all nations in the world for aof God which shall be preached in all nations in the world for a

    witness and a warning and then the end shall come, witness and a warning and then the end shall come, witness and a warning and then the end shall come, witness and a warning and then the end shall come, (in Mk.(in Mk.(in Mk.(in Mk.

    13:10, it says ''publish'').13:10, it says ''publish'').13:10, it says ''publish'').13:10, it says ''publish'').

    That is the very qualification that our Father, our GodThat is the very qualification that our Father, our GodThat is the very qualification that our Father, our GodThat is the very qualification that our Father, our God

    demands to happen on earth so that He will finally instruct,demands to happen on earth so that He will finally instruct,demands to happen on earth so that He will finally instruct,demands to happen on earth so that He will finally instruct,

    command, tell Jesus Christ to return to the earth (Mal. 3:18).command, tell Jesus Christ to return to the earth (Mal. 3:18).command, tell Jesus Christ to return to the earth (Mal. 3:18).command, tell Jesus Christ to return to the earth (Mal. 3:18). Jesus Christ who is in Heaven w Jesus Christ who is in Heaven w Jesus Christ who is in Heaven w Jesus Christ who is in Heaven will come at the appointed timeill come at the appointed timeill come at the appointed timeill come at the appointed time

    of the refreshing and restitution of all things (Ac. 3:21).of the refreshing and restitution of all things (Ac. 3:21).of the refreshing and restitution of all things (Ac. 3:21).of the refreshing and restitution of all things (Ac. 3:21). HeHeHeHe

    will return when we will have done that.will return when we will have done that.will return when we will have done that.will return when we will have done that. See then, He who willSee then, He who willSee then, He who willSee then, He who will

    from the heavens allow Jesus Christ to return when we, thefrom the heavens allow Jesus Christ to return when we, thefrom the heavens allow Jesus Christ to return when we, thefrom the heavens allow Jesus Christ to return when we, the

    Church of God, although we have littleChurch of God, although we have littleChurch of God, although we have littleChurch of God, although we have little strength, will havestrength, will havestrength, will havestrength, will have

    walked thru walked thru walked thru walked thru the open door and preached and published thethe open door and preached and published thethe open door and preached and published thethe open door and preached and published the

    Gospel.Gospel.Gospel.Gospel. When our Father sees that we have done it, then, JesusWhen our Father sees that we have done it, then, JesusWhen our Father sees that we have done it, then, JesusWhen our Father sees that we have done it, then, JesusChrist will return.Christ will return.Christ will return.Christ will return. So, upon us in these last of the last days (1So, upon us in these last of the last days (1So, upon us in these last of the last days (1So, upon us in these last of the last days (1

    Tim. 3:1; Jn. 2:18; 11:24; 7:34; Ga. 49:1Tim. 3:1; Jn. 2:18; 11:24; 7:34; Ga. 49:1Tim. 3:1; Jn. 2:18; 11:24; 7:34; Ga. 49:1Tim. 3:1; Jn. 2:18; 11:24; 7:34; Ga. 49:1----33;33;33;33; 2 Pe. 3:3), is the2 Pe. 3:3), is the2 Pe. 3:3), is the2 Pe. 3:3), is the

    final task to do the proclamation of the everlasting Gospel,final task to do the proclamation of the everlasting Gospel,final task to do the proclamation of the everlasting Gospel,final task to do the proclamation of the everlasting Gospel,

    AGAIN (AGAIN (AGAIN (AGAIN (Rev 10:11Rev 10:11Rev 10:11Rev 10:11).).).).

    See, He has not said that in any other eras, or time periods.See, He has not said that in any other eras, or time periods.See, He has not said that in any other eras, or time periods.See, He has not said that in any other eras, or time periods.

    He is telling us, He is announcing to us, that Christ is going toHe is telling us, He is announcing to us, that Christ is going toHe is telling us, He is announcing to us, that Christ is going toHe is telling us, He is announcing to us, that Christ is going tocome in our own time.come in our own time.come in our own time.come in our own time. He promised that.He promised that.He promised that.He promised that. And, we that are And, we that are And, we that are And, we that are

    going to do it, will becomegoing to do it, will becomegoing to do it, will becomegoing to do it, will become pillars in the temple of our God pillars in the temple of our God pillars in the temple of our God pillars in the temple of our God

    (Rev. 3:12).(Rev. 3:12).(Rev. 3:12).(Rev. 3:12).


  • 8/9/2019 J.M. Cardona: A Journey into GOD



    For Works Done

    So, our reward for the work that we will do isSo, our reward for the work that we will do isSo, our reward for the work that we will do isSo, our reward for the work that we will do isextraordinary.extraordinary.extraordinary.extraordinary. We will become part of Gods Headquarters of We will become part of Gods Headquarters of We will become part of Gods Headquarters of We will become part of Gods Headquarters of

    ththththe Kingdom of God as He rules the entire Universe.e Kingdom of God as He rules the entire Universe.e Kingdom of God as He rules the entire Universe.e Kingdom of God as He rules the entire Universe. We willWe willWe willWe will

    become pillars in the temple of our God (Rev. 3:12).become pillars in the temple of our God (Rev. 3:12).become pillars in the temple of our God (Rev. 3:12).become pillars in the temple of our God (Rev. 3:12). We willWe willWe willWe will

    receive our special reward (2 Jn. 8; 1 Cor. 3:8; Col. 3:24; Matt.receive our special reward (2 Jn. 8; 1 Cor. 3:8; Col. 3:24; Matt.receive our special reward (2 Jn. 8; 1 Cor. 3:8; Col. 3:24; Matt.receive our special reward (2 Jn. 8; 1 Cor. 3:8; Col. 3:24; Matt.

    16:27).16:27).16:27).16:27). Our reward is unlike the other rewards of the other erasOur reward is unlike the other rewards of the other erasOur reward is unlike the other rewards of the other erasOur reward is unlike the other rewards of the other eras

    ofofofof the Church of God as He has pronounced, here in the Bookthe Church of God as He has pronounced, here in the Bookthe Church of God as He has pronounced, here in the Bookthe Church of God as He has pronounced, here in the Book

    of Revelation.of Revelation.of Revelation.of Revelation.

    So, therefore, let us be diligent (Ex. 15:26; 2 Pe. 3:14) to