jn foundation enewsletter september 2013

The Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) and the JNBS Foundation hosted the tenth “Outlook for the Future” forums in New York, USA and Toronto, Canada on September 3 and 4, respectively. The meetings were held to address key issues affecting Jamaica, its economy and society. Jamaican Transport, Works and Housing Minister, Dr. the Hon. Omar Davies, the Minister charged with the responsibility for major infrastructure projects and the island’s transportation logistics, including air and sea ports, was the guest speaker at both forums. The forums addressed specific economic issues related to major Government projects under the theme “Major Infrastructure Projects: implications for Jamaica and investment opportunities for investors and Jamaicans in the Diaspora.” The meetings come against the background of the significant investment that Jamaica is currently making in infrastructure, to prepare the country to realise economic opportunities arising from major global developments, including the opportunities for trade and logistics services arising from the expansion of the Panama Canal. “The USA and Canada meetings come at a time when Jamaica needs to address the problem of ACT!ON Leading with Jamaica National Building Society Foundation NEWSLETTER September 2013 INNOVATING INSPIRING IMPACTING Outlook for the Future Meetings held in New York and Toronto IN THIS ISSUE Outlook for the Future 1 Act!on Jamaica Volunteers 3 SEBI selects social enterprises 4 Granville Police donation 5 The word on e-street 5 Senior Citizens Day 6 ISupportJamaica.com 7 Photo of the Month 8 The Act Behind the Act!on 8 ...continued on page 2 “Raise the Flag even when the sun goes down” Makeda Bawn Glenmuir High School, Clarendon Resolution Project 2012/2013

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Page 1: JN Foundation eNewsletter September 2013

The Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) and the JNBS Foundation hosted the tenth “Outlook for the Future” forums in New York, USA and Toronto, Canada on September 3 and 4, respectively. The meetings were held to address key issues affecting Jamaica, its economy and society.

Jamaican Transport, Works and Housing Minister, Dr. the Hon. Omar Davies, the Minister charged with the responsibility for major infrastructure projects and the island’s transportation logistics, including air and sea ports, was the guest speaker at both forums.

The forums addressed specific economic issues related to major Government projects under the

theme “Major Infrastructure Projects: implications for Jamaica and investment opportunities for investors and Jamaicans in the Diaspora.”

The meetings come against the background of the significant investment that Jamaica is currently making in infrastructure, to prepare the country to realise economic opportunities arising from major

global developments, including the opportunities for trade and logistics services arising from the expansion of the Panama Canal.“The USA and Canada meetings come at a time when Jamaica needs to address the problem of






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Outlook for the Future Meetings held in New York and Toronto


Outlook for the Future 1 Act!on Jamaica Volunteers 3SEBI selects social enterprises 4 Granville Police donation 5The word on e-street 5 Senior Citizens Day 6ISupportJamaica.com 7Photo of the Month 8The Act Behind the Act!on 8

...continued on page 2

“Raise the Flag even when the sun goes down”

Makeda BawnGlenmuir High School, ClarendonResolution Project 2012/2013

Page 2: JN Foundation eNewsletter September 2013

the long term persistent low rates of economic growth and the critical need to identify growth opportunities to offset the possible contraction of the economy, which will be caused by the aggressive fiscal programmes being implemented as a part of the IMF agreement,” Earl Jarrett, General Manager of JNBS, stated. “The forums therefore provide a context in which Jamaicans and Friends of Jamaica can participate in the dialogue on the economic future of the island.”

Saffrey Brown, General Manager of the JNBS Foundation, who represented the charitable arm at the forums, used the opportunity to provide information, promote and garner support for the recently launched crowd-funding site ISupportJamaica.com. A project of the JNBS Foundation in collaboration with JN Small Business Loans Limited, ISupportJamaica.com provides the platform for Jamaicans and friends of Jamaica across the globe, to provide financial and other support to micro and small enterprises as well as development projects across the island. The site allows for visitors to loan capital to MSMEs or donate money to featured projects or social businesses.

At the meetings, the Foundation also mounted exhibitions of photographic works taken by students involved in the Foundation’s advocacy though photography programme, Resolution Project.

Outlook for the Future was launched in 2003; and, has been successful in bringing together representatives of successive administrations and key leaders in Diaspora communities to engage in frank, open discussions about national issues affecting Jamaica; as well as, the local concerns of Jamaicans and Caribbean peoples in the Diaspora.

Outlook for the Future... continued from page 1

From left- right: Hon. Oliver F Clarke, Chairman of the Jamaica National Building Society; Mr Irwine Clare, Jamaica Diaspora Advisory Board Member; Herman Lamont, Consul General of Jamaica to New York, Dr. the Hon. Omar Davies, Minister of Transport, Works and Housing; Professor the Hon. Gordon Shirley, President and CEO Designate, Port Authority of Jamaica and Mr. Ivan Anderson, Managing Director, National Road Operating and Construction Company, stand attention as the national anthem is played during the JN Outlook for the Future Forum held at the New York Hilton Hotel, September 3.

(L-R) Saffrey Brown, General Manager, JNBS Foundation; Jerrold Johnson, Interim Chief Representative Officer, JNBS Representive Office, Toronto and Claudine Allen, Special Assistant to the General Manager, JNBS exchange ideas on how to engage the Jamaican Diaspora to support development in Jamaica during the Outlook for the Future forum in New York on September 3.

Page 3: JN Foundation eNewsletter September 2013

The New Hope Foundation with the support from JN Foundation’s Act!on volunteers, successfully hosted its 2nd annual Summer Literacy and Numeracy Enrichment Camp which was held at the Ardenne Extension School in kingston, between August 12- 23, 2013.  The camp catered to 38 children (ages 4- 16) from the Stand Pipe community in Liguanea Kingston, and was aimed at improving numeracy and literacy skills while exposing the children to various personal development activities. Act!on Jamaica volunteers served as camp counselors and provided basic training in computer science, and mathematics.  In addition, Act!on Jamaica volunteers, Neville Charlton, Peta-Ann Davis, and Moya Swearing, assisted with the execution of the day-to-day camp activities with the goal of at improving participants’ interpersonal relationships and social skills.  

Volunteers support New Hope Foundation’s Summer Literacy and Numeracy Camp

Act!on Jamaica Volunteers Neville (front right) and Moya (back right) facilitate a Math race for participants at the camp.

Act!on Jamaica Volunteer Neville (far left) plays football with camp participants

Act!on Jamaica Volunteer Peta-Ann (4th right) joins students in a session at the camp.

Act!on Jamaica Volunteer Neville assists children in their computer class

Page 4: JN Foundation eNewsletter September 2013

JN Foundation’s Social Enterprise Boost Initiative (SEBI) has announced that 11 organisations have been selected to participate in its SEBI Business Clinic.

They are: Caribbean Community for Retirees; Dress for Success Jamaica; Kingston & St. Andrew Action Forum; The Multi-care Foundation; Mustard Seed Communities and Superior Crafts & More of Kingston & St. Andrew; The Glengoffe Community Development Committee Benevolent Society of St. Catherine; The Ulster Spring Women’s Group in Trelawny; the Grotto Community Development Committee and The Source Resource Centre, Savanna-la-Mar - both of Westmoreland and The Original Trails of the Maroons, Accompong Town, St. Elizabeth.

Representatives of the groups recently met at an Orientation Session hosted by SEBI at the Knutsford Court Hotel on Thursday, July 25, 2013

where their business development programme for the next two years was outlined.

“We have selected organisations that represent various sectors including eco-tourism, agro-processing and the creative industries and they cover several parishes. We look forward to working with these businesses which we believe will become pioneers in this important area. Our aim is to assist them in becoming financially sustainable and socially impactful organisations that are able to make a positive contribution to the communities that they serve,” said Jennifer Sharrier, Project Manager of SEBI.

And addressing the gathering, Saffrey Brown, General Manager of JN Foundation said that with limited development funds available, social enterprises would have to be the catalysts of change at the community level.

“It would be catastrophic if organisations such as those selected for the SEBI programme did not exist, as the absence of these groups would leave a noticeable void in areas that deserve our serious attention; ” she said.

SEBI’s Project Manager said that whereas 11social enterprises had been selected to benefit from expert advice and guidance, the remaining 79 groups which had applied, and those interested in the programme, would also have access to workshops and training programmes to be

conducted by SEBI’s partners, including Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) and the Office of Social Entrepreneurship (OSE) at the Mona School of Business and Management, UWI.

The programme for this select group will commence in August of this year and representatives of both the JBDC and OSE will work with each SEBI-selected organisation to identify the needs of the individual groups and their beneficiaries, as well as prepare action plans detailing the way forward.

In addition, SEBI will make available, Business Development Specialists to develop and implement business plans and provide individual mentoring. At the end of the two-year progamme all organisations are expected to be fully fledged social enterprises.

The three key objectives of the Social Enterprise Boost Initiative are: to transform social enterprises into efficient and effective businesses; create an enabling business environment in which they can operate and increase public awareness, interest and support for those operating within the social economy.

SEBI is a JN Foundation initiative in co-operation with USAID.

Selects 11 Social Enterprises

SEBI Project Manager, Jennifer Sharrier, addresses representatives from the 11 social enterprises at the orientation session.

Page 5: JN Foundation eNewsletter September 2013

A cooler station for the Granville Police

Rose Miller (2nd left) Grants Manager, Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) Foundation presents two standing fans to Sergeant Delroy Harriott of the Granville Police in a ceremony at JN Financial Centre, Catherine Hall, Montego Bay on Friday August 29, 2013. Participating in the presentation are Nina Peters (left), Relationship and Sales Advisor, JN Financial Services; Dawnette Pryce-Thompson (second right), Programme Administrator, JNBS Foundation and Glenroy Wiggan, member of the St. James Parish Civic Community (SJPCC). The JNBS Foundation made the donation in response to a request from Clinton Pickering, Public Relations Officer for SJPCC for assistance in providing a more comfortable environment for the hard working service men and women at the station.

The Word on e-Street“Great initiative #JNFoundation. Keep up the excellent work #YouthDevelopment #JuniorAchievementJamaica lauds your work!” - Junior Achievement Jamaica

Absolutely love @JNFoundation’s I Support Jamaica platform. Brilliant and innovative. @DigicelJaFdn sending nuff respect. - Kerry Jo Lyn

“#JuniorAchievementJamaica endorses ACT!ON Jamaica. There volunteers have partnered to assist in the hosting of several of our events.” - Junior Achievement Jamaica

I would be delighted to add my support to ISupportJamaica.com in whatever way possible. One love. - Clovis Nelson.

Page 6: JN Foundation eNewsletter September 2013

Crowd Funders Pamper Senior Citizens First Project Completed on ISupportJamaica.com

Twenty well-deserving retired women were treated to a day of pampering by youth participants of the Y’s Menettes Summer Camp 2013 at The Source Community Resource Centre in Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland on Tuesday, August 20.

Each year, the ladies Y’s Menettes hosts a Summer Camp for youths, aged 9 - 19 years, who reside in the volatile communities of Russia, Seaton Crescent, Barack Road and Gully Bank in the parish. This year, the women were in for a surprise. The camp participants approached the JN Foundation with the idea of hosting a day of pampering for members of twenty members of the Y’s Menettes. In response, the Foundation set up a project on its recently launched crowdfunding platform www.iSupportJamaica.com. The project was able to garner donations from all over the world, making it the first fully funded project on the site!

There’s a popular Jamaican saying that goes - “one, one cocoa full basket”. Crowdfunding could be summarised using that adage. In

essence, crowdfunding refers to the process by which individuals and organisations raise funds for their respective projects and business ventures. All this is done via the Internet, utilising platforms such as Paypal.

The truth is, Jamaicans, and friends of Jamaicans, have been looking for structured ways in which

they can give back to Jamaica. www.iSupportJamaica.com is one such avenue that more and more people have been exploring.

It’s easy to become involved in the I Support Jamaica movement. For starters, head over to the site and register. Having created your account, you’ll be able to browse projects and make a donation to several projects. Bear in mind that you’ll only be able to give a maximum USD$500 at a time.

The Y’s Menettes have expressed their gratitude to all those who donated to their project on iSupportJamaica.com. “We’re very grateful to all those who have contributed funds in order to make this day of pampering possible,” said Bernice Wright, President of the Y’s Menettes, Savanna-la-Mar. She continued, “It’s very difficult to get funding in these tough economic times. I think I Support Jamaica is a wonderful initiative. It provides a provide  grassroots organisations like an opportunity to raise funds for our projects.”

Anna-Kim Robinson, Project Officer, JNBS Foundation, gives a makeover to one of the Y’s Mennettes during the Pamering Day at The Source, Savanna-la-Mar on Tuesday, August

Virginia Turner, Manager, Rural Development, JNBS Foundation addresses senior citizens on the Pampering Day held at The Source on Tuesday, August 20.

Page 7: JN Foundation eNewsletter September 2013


About this ProjectBig Man Tings is a movement in Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland that seeks to empower men from four challenged communities to become better providers for their families and to remove issues related to poor life skills such as gender based violence. This project supports them through capacity building, skills and literacy training, health screening as well as mentoring which is provided by Father's Inc.How your donation will help

Your donation will help 12 fathers develop and pilot ideas for startups that will allow them to become financially independent, thereby leading to a reduction in stress, and improved conditions for entire families.

Donate todayHere’s how you can help: visit https://www.isupportjamaica.com

Page 8: JN Foundation eNewsletter September 2013

In Rose’s words...

My close association with JNBS began just about 10 years ago when I was appointed Administrative Assistant to the General Manager. The journey so far, which encompassed other changes, has been rewarding and even as I transition to a new portfolio at the JN Foundation, I feel that a brand new chapter has begun.

As a Christian, I have always been involved in helping others. Serving and lending a helping hand is something which comes naturally for me. As Grants Manager for the Foundation, I am excited that I can play an integral part in assisting the development of individuals, communities and the nation.

The JN Foundation is doing a tremendous job; the institution plays a significant part in the development of our people touching many lives...Innovating ...new products and projects like no other Foundation…Impacting lives and communities and Inspiring many to realize their dreams, fulfill their potential and make a worthwhile contribution to society. I am happy to be part of such a noble team of professionals.

The ACT behind the ACT!ON...Each month we feature a member of the team or a key partner. This month we bring you a little on our Grants Manager, Rose Miller.

How to find usJNBS Foundation 32 1/2 Duke Street, Kingston CSO | Phone: 876 926 1344 Ext. 4749 | Fax: 876 922 4777

E mail: [email protected] | Website: www.jnfoundation.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/JNFoundation | Twitter: http://twitter.com/JNFoundation

Photo of the Month

Skin lightening and sculptured wigs are considered elements of beauty for ghetto stylists plying their wares on the streets of Downtown Kingston. If only they could love the skin they are in.

Orlando BryanClarendon College, ClarendonResolution Project 2012/2013JNBS General Manager’s Award for Best Photo

“Downtown Beauty”

Do you know any high school students outside of the Kingston Metropolitan Area who would be interested in participating in the Resolution Project advocacy through phtography programme? Email [email protected] today for registration information. Cycle begins in October 2013!

Rose Miller