job interview powerpoint

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Job Interview

Job InterviewGesto De Distribuio e LogsticaIngls IDocente: Discente: N mecanogrfico:


Susana (S) - Introduction

The job interview are a fundamental process in the professional relations used by the company. When we are selected to an interview its a good sign. This means that our CV and cover letter among hundreds are willing to invest your time to get know us better. As such, we must prepare ourselves to make a good impression, before, during and after the interview. However, I will give some tips and information on how to prepare for the job interview.Susana (S) - My english work is about something that scares us when we go to job world it is Jobs interviewWhat is a job interview?

An interview is a conversation with a specific purpose.

The purpose for the employer is to gather enough of the right kind of information about you to make a reliable of how well you can do the job and fit into the organization.

Susana (S) - An interview is a conversation with a specific purpose.The purpose for the employer is to gather enough of the right kind of information about you to make a reliable of how well you can do the job and fit into the organization.For the application, the purpose is to make the most favorable impression possible while gathering enough information to decide whether or not you are interested in that employer.The interview process usually consists of several stages:The initial interview, known as the screening interview, is utilized to narrow the field to several promising candidates. It lasts approximately 30 minutes.Subsequent interviews, anywhere from a second interview to as many as six or seven contacts, may last as long as a day, may involve many members of the organizations staff in groups or consecutively, may necessitate travel to the home office, staying overnight, eating with interviewers, or taking achievement and personality tests.In the event that the employer decides to make a job offer, negotiation of terms is the final step of the interviewing process. Salary, benefits and a starting date are determined at this time.

What Employers Are Looking For:

Susana (S) - What Employers Are Looking For

An organization may begin its recruitment process with a pool of several hundred candidates. Somehow, one person must be selected. What are the determining factors which earmark some for selection? In todays crowded job market, many candidates possess the tangible pre-requisites of education and experience. That often make the crucial difference, therefore we need to pay attention in:

Energy, Drive and positive attitude- Present a confident and positive image to your potential employer. A self-confident manner, establishing and maintaining eye contact, and e a winning smile connote personal strength and leadership. Maintain good posture and exhibit energy in your actions and voice. Do not complain or criticize past employers, your school, the weather, or any other subject. Refrain from expressing any negativity.1.Genuineness (being yourself) - Spontaneous, natural interaction with a bit of humor and a relaxed sparkle mark you as someone who is intelligent, lively and interesting to be around. Let your natural personal uniqueness show.Breadth of Interest Being able to converse about a variety of general topics marks you as a mature, educated, interesting person. Refrain from discussions or remarks on controversial issues like politics and religion.Personality, Style- Be courteous. Act with an appropriate mix of self-confidence and respect.Ability to Articulate- Express yourself in fluent, grammatically correct language and use appropriate professional terminology. Avoid slang and profanity. Speak clearly, be concise and communicate both sociallyHow to prepare for interviewing :

In The interview: Personal Appearance: Women

In The interview: Personal Appearance: Men

How to ace body language in an interview:

Questions Employers Will Ask: Example: Why do you want to work for this company? Why are you interested in this job?What do you think of working in a group?How do you react to instruction and criticism?How well do you work under pressure or tight deadlines?What are your long-term goals or career plans?What five words would be describe you?What type of salary are you looking for?Do you have any other skills of experiences that we have not discussed?

Questions you can ask the interviewer: Can you describe a typical day in this type of role?

How long have you been at the company and what makes you stay?

How would you describe the work environment and corporate culture?

What are some of the goals for the company in the short and longer term?How would my performance be measured?

What types of career opportunities may open up down the road for a person starting out this type of position, assuming they perform well?

What are some of the companys initiatives regarding learning and development?