john winston

U.S. A U.S. A RMY RMY M M EDICAL EDICAL R R ESEARCH ESEARCH & M & M ATERIEL ATERIEL C C OMMAND OMMAND MG Eric Schoomaker, Commanding Deputy for Advanced Technologies Colonel (Dr) Jeffrey Roller, MC, USAF Director, Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) Mr. John Winston Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) Director for Business Development /Program Manager AAMTI IPA, Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine MEDICAL MATERIEL DEVELOPER Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Cente Cutting Edge Medical Technology

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Post on 02-Jun-2015



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Page 1: John Winston


MG Eric Schoomaker, Commanding

Deputy for Advanced Technologies

Colonel (Dr) Jeffrey Roller, MC, USAFDirector,

Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC)

Mr. John WinstonTelemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) Director for Business Development/Program Manager AAMTI IPA, Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine


Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center Cutting Edge Medical Technology

Page 2: John Winston

AMEDD Advanced Medical Technology Initiative (AAMTI)

Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center Cutting Edge Medical Technology

The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command’s (USAMRMC) mission is to provide solutions to medical problems of importance to the American war fighter at home and abroad. The AMEDD Advanced Medical Technology Initiative (AAMTI) plays a vital role in the fulfillment of these objectives. Through this program, Army Medical Department leaders have the resources to conduct advanced technology development, demonstration and limited validation of important new technologies.

Page 3: John Winston

AMEDD Advanced Medical Technology Initiative (AAMTI)

Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center Cutting Edge Medical Technology

Open to AMEDD Personnel with Collaboration from Industry and Academia Designed to Foster “Medical Technology Entrepreneurship”

Demonstrates Technology’s Impact on Cost, Access, Quality of Care

Seeks “Low Hanging Fruit” Utilizing COTS Technology

Typical Award is $175-$225K Period of Performance is 18 Months

Proposals Submitted Via the Web Once per Fiscal Year

url: click on the AAMTI Link

Page 4: John Winston

AMEDD Advanced Medical Technology Initiative (AAMTI)

Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center Cutting Edge Medical Technology

Fiscal # pre-proposals #projectsyear submitted selectedFY00 80 16FY01 76 20FY02 156 25 FY03 79 24FY04 70 23FY05 123 27FY06 86 22

Page 5: John Winston

AAMTI Leverages ……….. ……………Technology

Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center Cutting Edge Medical Technology

* Information Minning Technology * Optimal Retinal Camera* Natural Language Computer-Based Patient Record * Virtual Colonoscopy* Teleretinology and Teleopthalmology * Voice Recognition* Computerized Neuropsychological Screening * Training Simulation* Internet Enabled Neuro-psychological Assessment * Surgical Robotics* Ad-Hoc Mobile Sensor System * Computer-Assisted Decision Support* Web-Based Automated Mental Health Intake System* Remote Echocardiography * 3D Videoconferencing* Dynamic Motion X-Ray * Ophthalmic Simulation* Robotic and Virtual Slide Telepathology * Multi-Site Phonocardiography* Diagnostic Algorithms * Computer-Based Problem Knowledge Couplers* Bar Code Technology * Immunohistochemical Staining Technology* Kiosk for Patient Check-in and Pre and Post Deployment Health Assessment* Indirect Opthalmoscopic Video Imaging * Paperless Physical Exam* Robotic Microsurgery * Wireless Wearable Ultrasound Scanner

Page 6: John Winston

To Address ………….………Medical Concerns

* Orthopedic Injuries * Pathology * Traumatic Brain Injury* Ergonomics * Patient Safety * Phalangeal Fractures* Hepatitis C * Weight Loss/Weight Management* Mental Health * Chronic Disease Management * Attention Deficit Disorder * Continuing Education* Cardiology * Burn Research * Neurosurgery * Asthma * Forensic Investigation * Surgical Skills* Sleep Medicine * Concussion * PTSD * Medical Records* Stroke * Lumbar Disk Herniation * Occupational Therapy * Oncology * Chemical Hazard Emergencies* Opthalmology/Optometry/Refractive Surgery* Diabetes * Patient Tracking * Gastroenterology* Trauma * Adverse Events Case Management

Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center Cutting Edge Medical Technology

Page 7: John Winston

By Delivering …………. …………..Results

* Peer-Reviewed Articles* Presentations* Prototypes* Process Improvements* Studies* Techniques

Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center Cutting Edge Medical Technology

Page 8: John Winston

Average Day in MEDCOM

68 Births

6,400 Dental Visits1,784 Beds Occupied476 Patients Admitted

57,479 Laboratory Procedures

41,693 X-rays

40,386 Clinic visits

6,012 Immunizations

66,942 PharmacyProcedures

5,577 Outpatient Visits $21M of Food Inspected

Page 9: John Winston

Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center Cutting Edge Medical Technology

Page 10: John Winston

Mr. John Winston


[email protected]

Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center Cutting Edge Medical Technology