jorge luis rivas beltran


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Assignment one, parcial 2 English I, Virtual class


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Verbo TO BE – Ser o Estar El verbo TO BE, que en castellano se traduce como SER o ESTAR, en el idioma inglés goza de una particular importancia. Su significado depende del sentido de la oración. Por ejemplo: I am a doctor. Soy un doctor. (Se aplica como verbo ser) I am in my house. Estoy en mi casa. (Se aplica como verbo estar) En el siguiente cuadro se puede observar su declinación en el modo indicativo del Presente Simple:

Tanto en el modo afirmativo como en la forma negativa pueden utilizarse las siguientes contracciones:

Ahora veremos la conjugación del verbo TO BE en el Pasado Simple, tiempo verbal que corresponde al equivalente en castellano del Pretérito Imperfecto y Pretérito Indefinido:

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Aquí también se pueden utilizar las formas contraídas únicamente en la forma negativa:

Un detalle a tener en cuenta, es que las contracciones generalmente se usan durante una conversación y no así en la escritura, salvo que se trate de un texto informal o que transcriba un diálogo. Cabe destacar que el verbo TO BE también se utiliza en algunos casos especiales que difieren de idioma español, como por ejemplo: Sirve para expresar la edad y también sensaciones, en cuyo caso se traduce como ’tener’: John is 15 years old. John tiene 15 años. Peter is hungry. Pedro tiene hambre. Otro caso particular es cuando se habla del clima y entonces se traducirá como “hacer”: It is hot. Hace calor. Existen otros casos donde el verbo TO BE se emplea como auxiliar para conjugar tiempos verbales y también para dar órdenes de manera impersonal que desarrollaremos en una próxima entrega. Ahora te proponemos que intentes realizar oraciones simples utilizando distintos pronombres y las formas explicadas de este verbo.

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1.One 2.Two 3.Three 4.Four 5.Five 6.Six 7.Seven 8.Eight 9.Nine 10.Ten 11.Eleven 12.Twelve 13.Thirteen 14.Fourteen 15.Fifteen 16.Sixteen 17.Seventeen 18.Eighteen 19.Nineteen 20.Twenty

21. Twenty-One. 22. Twenty-Two. 23. Twenty-Three. 24. Twenty-Four. 25. Twenty-Five. 26. Twenty-Six. 27. Twenty-Seven. 28. Twenty-Eight. 29. Twenty-Nine. 30. Thirty. 31. Thirty-One. 32. Thirty-Two. 33. Thirty-Three. 34. Thirty-Four. 35. Thirty-Five. 36. Thirty-Six. 37. Thirty-Seven. 38. Thirty-Eight. 39. Thirty-Nine. 40. Forty. 41. Forty-One. 42. Forty-Two. 43. Forty-Three. 44. Forty-Four.

45. Forty-Five. 46. Forty-Six. 47. Forty-Seven. 48. Forty-Eight 49.Forty-Nine. 50. Fifty. 51. Fifty-One. 52. Fifty-Two. 53. Fifty-Three. 54. Fifty-Four. 55. Fifty-Five. 56. Fifty-Six. 57. Fifty-Seven. 58. Fifty-Eight. 59. Fifty-Nine. 60. Sixty. 61. Sixty-One. 62. Sixty-Two. 63. Sixty-Three. 64. Sixty-Four. 65. Sixty-Five. 66. Sixty-Six. 67. Sixty-Seven. 68. Sixty-Eight. 69. Sixty-Nine. 70. Seventy. 71. Seventy-One. 72. Seventy-Two. 73. Seventy-Three. 74. Seventy-Four. 75. Seventy-Five. 76. Seventy-Six. 77. Seventy-Seven. 78. Seventy-Eight. 79. Seventy-Nine. 80. Eighty. 81. Eighty-One. 82. Eighty-Two. 83. Eighty-Three. 84. Eighty-Four. 85. Eighty-Five. 86. Eighty-Six. 87. Eighty-Seven. 88. Eighty-Eight.

89. Eighty-Nine. 90. Ninety. 91. Ninety-One. 92. Ninety-Two. 93. Ninety-Three. 94. Ninety-Four. 95. Ninety-Five. 96. Ninety-Six. 97. Ninety-Seven. 98. Ninety-Eight. 99. Ninety-Nine. 100. One hundred. 101 one hundred and one 102 one hundred and two 103 one hundred and three 104 one hundred and four 105 one hundred and five 106 one hundred and six 107 one hundred and seven 108 one hundred and eight 109 one hundred and nine 110 one hundred and ten 111 one hundred and eleven 112 one hundred and twelve 113 one hundred and thirteen 114 one hundred and fourteen 115 one hundred and fifteen 116 one hundred and sixteen 117 one hundred and seventeen 118 one hundred and eighteen 119 one hundred and nineteen 120 one hundred and twenty 130 one hundred and thirty 140 one hundred and forty 150 one hundred and fifty 160 one hundred and sixty 170 one hundred and seventy 180 one hundred and eighty 190 one hundred and ninety 200 two hundred 300 three hundred 400 four hundred 500 five hundred 600 six hundred 700 seven hundred 800 eight hundred 900 nine hundred 1000 one thousand

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Azul Blue blúu

Azul Marino Navy blue néivi blúu

Negro Black blák

Marrón Brown bráun

Castaño Chestnut chéstnat

Fucsia Fuchsia fiúsha

Dorado Golden góulden

Gris Gray gréi

Verde Green gríin

Granate Maroon marun

Naranja Orange órendch

Rosa Pink pínk

Morado Purple péerpl

Rojo Red red

Plata Silver sílver

Celeste Sky blue skái blúu

Violeta Violet váiolet

Blanco White guáit

Amarillo Yellow iélou

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ANTHROPOLOGIST Gathers, analysis, and reports data on human physique, social customs, and artifacts, such as weapons, tools, pottery, and clothing.

AUDITOR Examines and analyzes accounting records to determine financial status of establishment and prepares financial reports concerning operating procedures: Reviews data regarding material assets, net worth, liabilities, capital stock, surplus, income, and expenditures. Inspects items in books of original entry to determine if accepted accounting procedure was followed in recording transactions.

PHARMACOLOGIST Studies effects of drugs, gases, dusts, and other materials on tissue and physiological processes of animals and human beings: Experiments with animals, such as rats, guinea pigs, and mice, to determine reactions of drugs and other substances on functioning of organs and tissues, noting effects on circulation, respiration, digestion, or other vital processes.

PHYSIATRIST Examines patient, utilizing electrodiagnosis and other diagnostic procedures to determine need for and extent of therapy. Prescribed and administered treatment, using therapeutic methods and procedures, such as light therapy, diathermy, hydrotherapy, iontophoresis, and cryotherapy.

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LAWYER Conducts research, interviews clients and witnesses, and handles other details in preparation for trial. Prepares legal briefs, develops strategy, arguments, and testimony in preparation for presentation of case.

PHYSIATRIST Applies knowledge and methodology of science of physics to all aspects of medicine, to address problems related to diagnosis and treatment of human diseases


Supervises and coordinates activities of crew engaged in operating


conducts research to aid in interpretation of economic

relationships and in solution of problems arising from

production and distribution of goods and services

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Conducts research on cellular structure and organ-system functions

of plants and animals: Studies growth, respiration, circulation,

excretion, movement, reproduction, and other functions of plants

and animals under normal and abnormal conditions.

POLICE arresting a subject for thief.

BUILDER Home builders work on various facets of new home construction, from design to masonry. Their duties may include building home frames and walls and installing electrical wiring, insulation


adventurous individuals who are interested in a unique, demanding and highly rewarding career involving exploration and discovery, as well as the application of technical skills, scientific expertise and interpersonal skills.

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Weather (1) (Practice the Conversations of This Topic with Mike)

A: It's an ugly day today. B: I know. I think it may rain. A: It's the middle of summer, it shouldn't rain today. B: That would be weird. A: Yeah, especially since it's ninety degrees outside. B: I know, it would be horrible if it rained and it was hot outside. A: Yes, it would be. B: I really wish it wasn't so hot every day. A: Me too. I can't wait until winter. B: I like winter too, but sometimes it gets too cold. A: I'd rather be cold than hot. B: Me too

A: It doesn't look very nice outside today. B: You're right. I think it's going to rain later. A: In the middle of the summer, it shouldn't be raining. B: That wouldn't seem right. A: Considering that it's over ninety degrees outside, that would be weird. B: Exactly, it wouldn't be nice if it started raining. It's too hot. A: I know, you're absolutely right. B: I wish it would cool off one day. A: That's how I feel, I want winter to come soon. B: I enjoy the winter, but it gets really cold sometimes. A: I know what you mean, but I'd rather be cold than hot. B: That's exactly how I feel. A: I wish it was a nicer day today. B: That is true. I hope it doesn't rain. A: It wouldn't rain in the middle of the summer. B: It wouldn't seem right if it started raining right now. A: It would be weird if it started raining in ninety degree weather. B: Any rain right now would be pointless. A: That's right, it really would be. B: I want it to cool down some. A: I know what you mean, I can't wait until it's winter. B: Winter is great. I wish it didn't get so cold sometimes though. A: I would rather deal with the winter than the summer. B: I feel the same way.

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Describing People

Practice the Conversations of This Topic with Mike

A: Have you seen the new girl in school? B: No, I haven't. A: She's really pretty. B: Describe her to me. A: She's not too tall. B: Well, how tall is she? A: She's about five feet even. B: What does she look like, though? A: She has pretty light brown eyes. B: I may know which girl you're talking about. A: So you have seen her around? B: Yes, I have. A: There's a new girl in school, have you seen her yet? B: I haven't seen her yet. A: I think that she is very pretty. B: Tell me how she looks. A: She's kind of short. B: What height is she? A: She's probably about five feet. B: That's nice, but tell me what she looks like. A: The first thing I noticed was her beautiful brown eyes. B: I think I might've bumped into her before. A: Are you telling me that you've seen her before? B: I believe so. A: Have you met the new girl? B: No. Have you? A: She's one of the prettiest girls at the school. B: What does she look like? A: Well, she's quite short. B: How tall would you say that she is? A: I would say she's only five feet. B: What about her facial features? A: She has light brown eyes, absolutely beautiful. B: I think I know who you're talking about. A: Have you seen her? B: I think that I have.

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Invitation to a Movie

Practice the Conversations of This Topic with Mike

A: What are you doing this weekend? B: I'm going to the movies with a friend. How about you? A: I'm not sure yet. B: Well, did you want to go see a movie with me? A: What movie are you going to see? B: I'm not sure yet. Is there something you want to see? A: There's nothing I can think of. B: So, did you want to go? A: No, thanks, maybe another time. B: Okay, sounds good. A: Do you know what you're going to do this weekend? B: I am going to see a movie with a friend of mine. What about you? A: I don't know. B: Would you like to see a movie with me and my friend? A: Do you know what movie you're going to watch? B: I don't know, but was there a certain movie you wanted to see? A: None that I can think of. B: Well, would you like to go? A: Thank you for inviting me, but I think I'll pass. B: All right. Another time then. A: You have any ideas as to what you want to do this weekend? B: I'm going to the movie theater with my friend. What are you going to do? A: I'm not quite sure yet. B: How about you see a movie with me and my friend? A: What movie are you and your friend planning on watching? B: Not sure. Is there a movie out that catches your eye? A: No good movies come to mind. B: Have you decided whether or not you would like to go? A: No, thanks. Maybe another time. B: For sure another day.