journal ls sem 1

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  • 7/27/2019 Journal Ls Sem 1


    WEEK 1


  • 7/27/2019 Journal Ls Sem 1


    WEEK 2

    My perception about hostel life has changed since I stayed in IPPM hostel. Living in

    hostel has shown me reality and the other sides of life.

    First, I learnt to manage my time. For example, early in the morning, I wake up, then I

    go to bathroom, get ready for class, walk together with my colleagues and not only that,

    I also go to BISA from Monday to Thursday from 7pm until 9pm.

    In other words, by staying in the hostel, I learnt how to follow the schedules give and

    disciplines myself to be a better person. In fact, I also realize the sweet of friendship and


    I miss all those during my upper secondary in my former school. Although I had two

    weeks experience staying in hostel when I was in form one, but because of homesick, I

    could not make it.

    Now, this is the third week staying in hostel, I really enjoy my life. In fact, I am very

    happy because I manage to get IPPM, near to my hometown. I do not feel any problem

    because my family can come anytime when I need them.

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    WEEK 3

    As usual, on Monday, we will have our Learning Skills class with Madam Fazlon. For

    this week, we had learnt about identify learners learning styles. There are three types of

    learning styles which involves visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Not everyone learns the

    same way. In fact, there is a stunning variety of learning styles. As for myself, I am a

    visual learner.

    Visual Learners are learners who learn through seeing. These learners need to see the

    teacher's body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a

    lesson. They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual

    obstructions such as people's heads. They may think in pictures and learn best from

    visual displays including diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies,

    videos, flipcharts and hand-outs. During a lecture or classroom discussion, visual

    learners often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information.

    Not only that, visual learner also having trouble remembering verbal instructions. I have

    a difficulty in remembering and understand verbal instructions and usually I always have

    misunderstanding the instructions that had been given to me. Besides , I also prefer to

    have an instructions on paper. In addition, visual learner also needs an overall view

    and purpose before beginning a project. This is important because I need to understand

    about what is the project all about so that I can be more focus on it.

    At the end of this class, I had learnt that when I become a teacher, I need to understand

    and try to have different activities in class so that all of my students will enjoy my class

    and get input of what I had teaches them.

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    WEEK 4

    In Language Description class, we had been watching Edward Scissors Hand movie.

    It is an interesting movie. It is about a man that lives with hand that is made by scissors.

    He lives alone in a big castle. His face was so ugly and full with scars. One day, a

    woman came to the castle and found Edmund. She is so kind and brings Edward to her

    house although se does not know him.

    In the house, that woman treats Edward like her own family although her husband and

    her children feel uncomfortable with Edward.

    After all the neighbours know about Edward, they always go to that womans house and

    met Edward so that Edward can cut their hair with various fashion and I feel so

    samphaty towards Edward because its seems that Edward had been used by the

    neighbours. But he does not say anything about it.

    Based on this story, I leant that we need to be thankful and grateful with Allah s.w.t

    because we had a perfect body with not as a handicap person.

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    WEEK 5

    Last week we had been informed by Madam Fazlon that we will have a new lecturer

    that will come in and teaches us Learning Support class. After hear that, we felt so sad

    because our class already closes with Madam Fazlon but unfortunately, we can not do

    anything about it. We also had been inforemed that the new lecturer will start to teach

    us this week. Everyone felt so nervous about it. Finally, the times comes, the new

    lecturer entered our class and introduced herself as Madam Fauziaj Binti Hj Abdul

    Rashid. She also talked about her background and she also tpld us that she was once a

    student of IPGKPM. We were so glad to know her.

    After that, we continued our class as usual. For this week topic, it almost same with last

    week topic. It is about identifying learner study habits in the contents of strength and

    weaknesses. For example, as a visual learner, I have a good memory in remembering

    picture or anything that involves with pictures but besides that, I am also weak in

    remembering instructions that had been given me in verbal.

    As a conclusion, I need to improve myself and try to overcome my weaknesses so that I

    can become a better learner next time.

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    WEEK 6

    For this week class, we had learned about the design strategies targeting at learning

    goals. After we knew about our own learning styles, next, we had learned about the

    design learning strategies.

    Actually, the topics that we learned still the same topic that we learned last week. After

    knew what our learning styles, we learned about the design learning strategies.

    Some of the learning strategies are one sure-fire way to become a more effective

    learner is to simply keep learning. When we stopped practicing our new skill or when we

    learn a new topic, it is important to keep practicing what we had learnt in order to

    maintain the gains that we have achieved. This "use-it-or-lose-it" phenomenon involves

    a brain process known as "pruning." Certain pathways in the brain are maintained, while

    other are eliminated. If you want the new information you just learned to stay put, keep

    practicing and rehearsing it.

    Next, we also need to focus on learning in more than one way. For example, instead of

    learning only using auditory learning, we can find a way to review the information using

    both of the verbal and visual. This might involve describing what we learned to a friend,

    taking notes or drawing a mind map. By learning in more than one way, we can further

    strengthening the knowledge in our mind.

    Lastly, based on the studied that had been done, suggests that multitasking can actually

    make learning less effective. The student will lost even more time as the tasks became

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    increasingly complex. When we switch from one activity to another, we will learn more

    slowly so what we had learnt will become less efficient and make more errors.

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    WEEK 7



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    WEEK 8

    For this week, we had been introducing about academic reading text. Through this I

    learnt how to detect or find the main idea, the supporting details of a text. Not only that,

    we also learnt about different types of reading. This is important for us especially

    students because we need to make sure when we want to do our work and need to find

    an article, we will choose the correct types of articles.

    Not only that, we also learnt about the process of reading. Skimming is used to quickly

    identify the main ideas of a text. For example, when we read the newspaper, we

    probably not reading it word-by-word, instead we are scanning the text. Skimming is

    done at a speed three to four times faster than normal reading. We often skim when we

    have lots of material to read in a limited amount of time. Use skimming when we want to

    see if an article may be of interest in our research.

    After we skimming, next, we need to scanning the text. Scanning is a technique we

    often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary. We use scanning

    when we want to search for key words or ideas. In most cases, we know what we are

    looking for, so we will concentrate on finding a particular answer. Scanning involves

    moving our eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases. Scanning

    is also used when we first find a resource to determine whether it will answer our

    questions. Once we have scanned the document, we might go back and skim it.

    Usually, when I did scanning , I will look for the authors use of organ izers such as

    numbers, letters, steps or the words, first, second or next. . I will also look at the margin.

    This is because; sometimes the author will put key ideas also in the margin.

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    WEEK 9

    For this week, as the continuous of last week topic, we had been given an article by

    Madam Fauziah. As a task, we need to find the topic sentence and the supporting

    details each paragraph. For this task, I tried my best to apply what I had learnt last week

    which had made me easier to complete the task.

    As what I had learnt last week, each paragraph has its own main idea which is the key

    point of each paragraph. After I read the article, I tried to summarize it and find the main

    idea and followed by supporting details for each of the paragraph of the article.

    Usually, we can get the main idea at the first or second line. But, through this task, I had

    learnt that, the main idea also can be at the last line of the paragraph. As a conclusion, I

    am really glad that I had managed to full fill this task well.

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    WEEK 10

    For this week, I had read an article entitle Growing a Healthy Baby. This article is about

    how should a pregnant mother taking care of themselves.

    Pregnant mother need to be very careful because pregnancy causes major changes in

    their body, including their metabolism. So, they need to make sure to get the most

    benefit from the calories and nutrients they eat healthy growth and normal development.

    Firstly, they need to gain enough weight. This is a good sign that the nutritional needs of

    the mother and their baby are being met and helps make sure their baby is also gaining

    enough weight. Babies born too small are at risk for physical and mental problems.

    Mothers who don not gain enough weight often have babies that are born too small.

    Gaining less weight than their doctor recommends may affect theirbabys chances of

    being healthy.For normal weight mothers, the recommended weight gain is three to fivepounds during the first 13 weeks, then about a pound a week from then on, for a total of

    25 to 35 pounds. For overweight mothers, the recommended weight gain is about two

    pounds during the first 13 weeks and about 2/3 of a pound per week from then on, for a

    total of 15 to 25 pounds. Mothers under 52 should gain 18 to 30 pounds. Teen mothe rs

    should gain 28 to 40 pounds. Mothers carrying twins should gain 35 to 45 pounds.

    Secondly, fasting has been linked with preterm labor. Fasting causes the level of sugar

    in the blood to drop, called hypoglycemia. The body makes up for this drop by releasing

    fatty acids which can stimulate uterine contractions. Low sugar levels also cause the

    release of stress hormones, which can lead to contractions. Also, fasting releases

    ketones into your blood which can cross the placenta and be harmful to the baby. To

    prevent low sugar levels, they need to eat several small meals every two to three hours.

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    Include complex carbohydrates such as breads, fruits, rice, or pasta at each meal.

    Complex carbohydrates are sugars that take a while to digest.

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    WEEK 11

    During the mid-sem break, I had read an article about The Importance of a Balanced

    Diet for Pregnant Women. What is a balanced diet? Balanced diet is a proper balance

    between the quality and quantity of the foods we eat. The quality of the foods we eat

    affects the body building needs of our body. The quantity of foods we eat affects the

    energy needs of our body. In order to keep this balance during pregnancy, the pregnant

    mother must eat enough of the right foods to meet the body building and energy needs

    for both her and her baby.

    Firstly, they need to eat carbohydrates and fats. This is important for energy because

    the body need to pump blood and carry extra weight of pregnancy. If the pregnant

    woman does not eat enough carbohydrates and fats, body will use protein for energy

    rather than building blood, tissue and placenta.

    Secondly, they also should eat iron. They can eat foods that contain high vitamin c and

    meat such as liver and spinach. Iron is need for making hemoglobin that carries oxygen

    to the placenta and tissues. Lack of iron can cause low birth weight and problem during

    the delivery. Not only that, the mother also will feel tired, increase the amount of stress

    and lessen their ability to cope.

    Lastly, they also need to take enough calcium and phosphorus. Example of calcium and

    phosphorus are milk, yogurt and cheese. Calcium and phosphorus is used for making

    bones, clotting bloods and contracting muscle. Function of calcium is form preventing

    high blood pressure. It is needed during week 27 until 40 which when the baby growing

    fastest and making bones and teeth. The best calcium and phosphorus food is non-fat


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    WEEK 12

    This week, I had read an article about mammogram. A mammogram is a special breast

    exam which projects the image of the inner breast tissues onto a film or a digital image.

    This procedure, called mammography, helps to get a clear view of the structures inside

    the breast. Even the very small tumors or cysts can be seen with a mammogram.

    A mammogram functions is not only shows tumors, cysts and calcifications but also

    cancer, which cannot be found on breast self-examination. Regularly, cancer can be felt

    by self-examination or examination by our doctor once it becomes large enough. But,

    with mammogram, it can detect the smallest cancers at a very early and often treatable

    stage. To detect cancer in woman, screening mammogram is done if the cancer cell

    could not be identified on breast self-examination or examination by the doctor. A

    diagnostic mammogram is done to help confirm a diagnosis of cancer where a lump has

    already been detected on self-examination or by a doctors exam.

    Women who are healthy do not need a mammogram until age 40. Yet, certain women

    are more likely to have breast cancer and should have a mammogram on a regular

    basis along with the breast self-examination as well as doctors exam.

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    WEEK 13

    If last week I read an article about mammogram which functions to detect cancer, for

    this week, I had read an article entitle Breast Cancer: Stages and Treatment. Breast

    cancer, is a common cancer in women. Breast cancer is a disease in which cancer cells

    are found in the tissues of the breast. Each breast has 15 to 20 sections called lobes,

    which have many smaller sections called lobules. The lobes and lobules are connected

    by thin tubes called ducts. There are three common type of breast cancer. Firstly is

    ductal cancer. It is found in the cells of the ducts and the second type is cancer that

    begins in the lobes or lobules is called lobular carcinoma. Lobular carcinoma is more

    often found in both breasts than other types of breast cancer. Thirdly, inflammatory

    breast cancer. Inflammatory breast cancer is an uncommon type of breast cancer. In

    this disease, the breast is warm, red, and swollen.

    Breast cancer can be divided into four stages. At stage one, the cancer is no larger than

    2 centimeters and has not spread outside the breast and at stage two, the cancer is no

    larger than 2 centimeters but has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm , the cancer

    is between 2 and 5 centimeters. The cancer may or may not have spread to the lymph

    nodes under the arm or the cancer is larger than 5 centimeters but has not spread to

    the lymph nodes under the arm. While at stage three, it is divided into two which is

    stage three A, the cancer is smaller than 5 centimeters and has spread to the lymph

    nodes under the arm, and the lymph nodes are attached to each other or to other

    structures or the cancer is larger than 5 centimeters and has spread to the lymph nodes

    under the arm. Stage three B is when the cancer has spread to tissues near the breast

    or the cancer has spread to lymph nodes inside the chest wall along the breast bone.

    For the last stage, the cancer has spread to other organs of the body, often to the

    bones, lungs, liver, or brain or tumor has spread locally to the skin and lymph nodes

    inside the neck, near the collarbone.

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    Breast cancer can be treated through surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or bone

    marrow transplantation.

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    WEEK 14

    I had read an article about How to Wash Your Hands Properly. I think this article is

    good because hygiene is the number one thing we can do to stop the spread of germs.

    Hand hygiene includes washing our hands with soap or applying gels. Staying healthy

    can be as simple as washing our hands to reduce the number of germs present. But we

    are not always near a sink and wonder if it is alright to use a hand sanitizer.

    In order to prevent the spread of germs we should wash our hands often with soap and

    warm water.

    Firstly, we need to rub our hands together strongly; we should scrub all surfaces

    including backs of hands, between fingers, under fingernails and wrists. In addition, we

    also must wash our hands for at least 30 seconds in warm water and with soap. The

    soap lather combined with the scrubbing helps remove germs. It is necessity for us to

    pay special attention to our fingernails, between our fingers, and areas that look dirty.

    Next, we need to keep our fingertips pointed toward the bottom of the sink, and your

    hands lower than your elbows. This position is to allow the soap, water, and germs to

    run down the drain instead of down our arms. In addition, we also had been advised not

    to touch anything while washing our hands. Last but not least, rinse our hands well.

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    WEEK 15

    This is the last week we learnt the subject. For this week, I had read about cold.

    A cold is can be caused by viruses that infect the lining of the nose, sinuses, throat, and

    lungs. This virus usually spreads from person to person when an infected person

    coughs or sneezes germs into the air called droplet spread. Germs enter the blood

    stream when the contaminated air is breathed in. Furthermore, by touching surfaces

    that are dirty with respiratory droplets that contain the virus also will cause the germs

    get on our hands. When the germs are on our hands, they get into our body when we

    touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth. We can spread the germs to other people by

    touching surfaces such as door knobs and telephones as soon as we are infected with

    the virus. If we have a cold, try to avoid spreading the infection to others usually during

    the early stages of the infection.

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