journal the graduate

1) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening. Mike Nichol’s The Graduate is definitely a film of youth and rebellion against what adults have built on social status. It’s a coming of age film with an edge of sexuality. During an era of cookie cutter, musical, and wholesome movies it was very much a hippie movie. The clothes weren’t as colorful as, for example, Bye Bye Birdie. The techniques we also very unusual. The framing of Mrs. Robinson’s legs. The use of long lenses. As a viewer the camera was not just a silent observer rather a medium for the storytelling. 2) Find a related article and summarize the content. Chris Nashawaty’s article Life of Mike in Entertainment Weekly is an interview with Mike Nichols where he talks about several films. In the article he expresses he never expected that the film would be such a huge hit. 3) Apply the article to the film screened in class. The article, although very short, established that the film didn’t really follow standard Hollywood format. The obvious camera shots and cuts are evidence that the film was never supposed to be a film icon.

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Post on 01-May-2017




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Page 1: Journal the Graduate

1) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.

Mike Nichol’s The Graduate is definitely a film of youth and rebellion against what adults have

built on social status. It’s a coming of age film with an edge of sexuality. During an era of cookie cutter,

musical, and wholesome movies it was very much a hippie movie. The clothes weren’t as colorful as, for

example, Bye Bye Birdie.

The techniques we also very unusual. The framing of Mrs. Robinson’s legs. The use of long

lenses. As a viewer the camera was not just a silent observer rather a medium for the storytelling.

2) Find a related article and summarize the content.

Chris Nashawaty’s article Life of Mike in Entertainment Weekly is an interview with Mike Nichols

where he talks about several films. In the article he expresses he never expected that the film would be

such a huge hit.

3) Apply the article to the film screened in class.

The article, although very short, established that the film didn’t really follow standard Hollywood

format. The obvious camera shots and cuts are evidence that the film was never supposed to be a film

icon. Now, it’s a piece of American cinema that has changed how we think of film.

Page 2: Journal the Graduate

4) Write a critical analysis of the film

The film was a great example of a rebellion, coming of age film. In the 60s to challenge the concepts

of social stature and the even challenging the concept and importance of college. It’s not just a

generation gap film.

Page 3: Journal the Graduate


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Name: ___Dennis Rojas____________________ Date: ____________________________