joy sison - term paper

REFERENCES Books Brown, A.H., Callahan, R.C., Harder, R.J., Orlich, D.C., & Trevisan, M.S. (2010). Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction, Ninth Edition. United States of America: Wadsworth, Cencage Learning. Parkay, F.W. & Stanford, B.H. (2010). Becoming a Teacher, Eighth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Cruickshank, D.R., Jenkins, D.B. & Metcalf, K.K. (2006). The Act of Teaching. New York: Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Magazines Hidalgo, F.Ph.D. (2010, September-October). Education: Magazine for Teachers. Teacher Effectiveness. pp.26-27 Watkins, P. (2011, May). English Teaching Professional: Making the most of it. Pp.8-10 Websites 2006/proceedings/pdf/lee.pdf nav=27.htm&archive=200808

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Research Term paper in Filipino entittled "Maagang Pagbubuntis"


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Brown, A.H., Callahan, R.C., Harder, R.J., Orlich, D.C., & Trevisan, M.S. (2010). Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction, Ninth Edition. United States of America: Wadsworth, Cencage Learning.

Parkay, F.W. & Stanford, B.H. (2010). Becoming a Teacher, Eighth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

Cruickshank, D.R., Jenkins, D.B. & Metcalf, K.K. (2006). The Act of Teaching. New York: Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


Hidalgo, F.Ph.D. (2010, September-October). Education: Magazine for Teachers. Teacher Effectiveness. pp.26-27

Watkins, P. (2011, May). English Teaching Professional: Making the most of it. Pp.8-10

Websites 2006/proceedings/pdf/lee.pdf

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May 23, 2012

Page 3: Joy Sison - Term Paper


Nais kong ipaabot ang pasasalamat ko sa lahat ng tumulong na maisagawa ang

aking pananaliksik na ito. Higit sa lahat nagpapasalamat ako sa Diyos dahil ginabayan

niya ako sa aking pananaliksik, sa aking magulang na lubos na umiintindi at umuunawa

sa akin sa araw-araw.


Page 4: Joy Sison - Term Paper



KABANATA 1 “Ang Suliranin o Saligan Nito”

A. IntroduksyonB. Layunin ng Pag-aaralC. Kahalagan ng pag-aaralD. Saklaw ng LimitasyonE. Depinisyon ng mga Terminolohiya

KABANATA 2: “Mga Kaugnayan na pag-aaral”


Page 5: Joy Sison - Term Paper


Sa kabataan ngayon nadadala sila ng kanilang mga damdamin at nakakagawa ng

isang pagkakamali na hindi na matatakbuhan at sa bandang huli ay pinagsisihan kung

bakit ito nagawa. Ang isyu ng maagang pagbubuntis ay laganap sa iba’t ibang bansa sa

buong mundo. Kasalukuyan, tayo ay nahaharap sa katotohanan na sa napaka batang edad,

karamihan sa mga kabataan ngayon ay may sarili ng mga anak. Ang maagang

pagbubuntis ay hindi magandang tignan sa ating mga kabataan, ito ay nagpapabago ng

kalidad bilang isang babae at nakakaepekto sa ating emotional at moralidad ng


Page 6: Joy Sison - Term Paper


Ang pag-aaral na ito ay naglalayon na makapgbigay ng kaalaman ukol sa mga

epekto at dahilan ng maagang pagbubuntis.

Mga Epekto ng Maagang Pagbubuntis

1. Nakasisira sa pag-aaral

2. Pag-iba ng kalagayang sosyal

3. Pagharap sa suliranin sa buhay

4. Epektong pangkalusugan

5. Mga pangungutya’t sabi-sabi ng ibang tao


Sa mga mananaliksik. Sa pamamagitan ng pag-aaral na ito, ang mga kabataan ay

magkakaroon ng dagdag na impormasyon na makakatulong sa kanila sa kung paano

makakaiwas sa mga hindi magagandang epekto ng maagang pagbubuntis. Makakatulong

rin ito sa pagsasakatuparan ng mgamananaliksik sa kanilang panlipunang tungkulin na

tumulong sa kapwa. Satulong ng mga impormasyon ay maaring makabuo ang

mananalisik ngrealisaysyon o aral na maari kong ipamahagi sa iba upang

mabawasan,kundi man, mapipigilan, ang paglalaganp ng ³maagang pagbubuntis´.

Sa kabataan.

Page 7: Joy Sison - Term Paper

Ang pag- aaral na ito ay makatutulong sa pag mulat samata ng kabataan ukol sa

masasamang epekto ng sobrang kapusukan at ngpakikipagtalik ng walang basbas ng


Sa mga magulang.

Ang pananaliksik na ito ay maaring makatulongsa mga magulang sa pagdidisiplina sa

kanilang mga anak. Makakapagbigayito ng mga ideyakung papaano nila pangangaralan

at didisiplinahin angkanilang mga anak sa paraang hindi ito magrerebelde at gagawa ng

mga dikanais-nais na mga bagay at mabibigat sa kahihitnantnan.D.


Ang pag- aaral nito ay aalamin ko ang mga suliranin sa ³maagangpagbubuntis´ ano ang

mga epekto nito sa kapaligiran at ano angmararadaman ng kanilang minamahal. Sa pag-

aaral na ito malalaman ngmga mangbabasa kung paano at ano- anu ang mga dahilan nito

kung angpamilya ba ang may problema o sa mga kabarkada na humhikayat sa

kanilagumawa ng bagay na hindi maganda. Ang pananalisik ay mangyayari sabuwan ng

October 17 at 24 sapat upang makagawa ng sarbey hangang samakabiu ng kongklusyon.


Title Page

Table of Contents

Page 8: Joy Sison - Term Paper

List of Figures - Figure 1-2 Teacher doing Lecture Method

Figure 3-4 Discussion Method

Figure 5-6 The Demonstration Performance Method

Topic Outline

Chapter I- Introduction

Chapter II- Discussion

Chapter III- Analysis

Chapter IV- Conclusions and Recommendations

Chapter V- Curriculum Vitae


Topic Outline

Focus on teaching : Categories of Teaching Method

Topic Statement : Categories of Teaching Method will help us to focus on

teaching and to know about teaching skills and also

Page 9: Joy Sison - Term Paper

to know what are the different techniques of the

teaching methods.

I. Lecture Method

I.1 Outline Technique

I.2 Component Technique

I.3 Sequential Technique

I.4 Relevance Technique

I.5 Transitional Technique

II. Discussion Method


II.2Small group discussion


II.4Classroom Teaching Technique



Teaching is the world’s most important profession. Successful teachers know why

they want to teach. We may see teaching as a way of making a significant contribution to

the world and experiencing the joy of helping others grow and develop. The desire to

work with young people is the most frequently cited reasons teachers give for choosing

Page 10: Joy Sison - Term Paper

their profession. Teachers don’t just teach; they can be vital personalities who help young

people to mature, to understand the world and to understand themselves.

The knowledge and useful strategies teacher will be much effective for leading

students to become efficient and interested in their learning. The researcher, who is an

English major will much benefit from this term paper. One reason is that, she may know

and discover what are the things to consider to become an effective English teacher.

Details and information from this term paper will not only benefit the researcher, but also

the readers who will encounter it, especially to those college students who are taking up

Education, not only those major in English but also for all future educators. This term

paper will be helpful for them to gather new important things to consider and to practice

for them to become efficient not only for themselves but also to the people around them.

Upon accomplishing this term paper, the researcher underwent different

procedures to find the needed references related to her study. It became not easy for her

because the first three books she found were published in a year 2007 below, but the

references must be published in a year 2005 above, so she started searching another

references again. When she found three books in the Library that were published in a

year 2007 above, she also stated searching magazines with articles related to her study,

and she found two articles in different magazines, and the rest of the needed references

were already referred in the internet. With the help of the Campus Computer Laboratory,

the researcher browsed the websites containing information related to her study. The

researcher continuously scan, skim, preview and browse the references she found to

finish her term paper.

Chapter 2



According to Parkay W.(2007), all  methods  of  instruction  can  be  classified as

telling,  lecturing,  or  discussing;  showing  or demonstrating;  or  any  combination  of

these. Often the best method of teaching combines the various methods.  One  must

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decide  which  methods to combine  and  the  emphasis  to  place  on  each unless  the

curriculum  itself  dictates the  combination  needed.  In  making  that kind of  decision,

consider  some factors including the  nature  of  the  trainees,    the  subject matter,  and    

the  limitations  of  time. 

It is stated that the lecture is still the most frequently used method   of

instruction. However,   presenting   a lecture without pausing for interaction with trainees

can be ineffective regardless of your skill as a speaker. The use of pauses during the

lecture for direct oral questioning creates interaction between instructor and trainee.

Unfortunately, when classes are large, the instructor cannot possibly interact with all

trainees on each point.

The learning effectiveness of the lecture method has been questioned because of

the lack of interaction;  but  it  continues  as  a  means  of  reaching a  large  group  at  one

time  with  a  condensed, organized  body  of  information.  Providing trainees with

lesson   objectives   before   the   lecture   will enable them to listen more effectively.  It

will help them to take concise, brief notes concerning the objectives rather than writing

feverishly throughout the lecture. We discuss the lecture method first because the

techniques involved serve as the basis for other methods of training. Those techniques

apply not only  to  lectures,  but  to  many  other  kinds  of presentations in which oral

explanations play a secondary but  important  role.  

Every method depends on oral instruction to give information to arouse attention

and interest, and to develop receptive attitudes on the part of the trainees. Therefore,  as

an  instructor,  organize  your  oral presentations  with  the  following  techniques  in


1. Maintain good eye contact. As you speak, shift   your   gaze   about   the   class,

pausing momentarily to meet the gaze of each trainee. Make  the  trainees  feel  what  you

have  to  say  is directed  to  each  one  personally.  Your  eyes  as well  as  your  voice

communicate  to  them;  and their  eyes,  facial  expressions,  and  reactions communicate

to  you.  Watch for indications of doubt, misunderstanding, a desire to participate,

fatigue, or a lack of interest.  If you are dealing with young trainees, you may sometimes

need to remind them that they must give undivided attention to the instruction.

2.  Maintain a high degree of enthusiasm.

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3.  Speak  in  a  natural,  conversational  voice.’ Enunciate your words clearly.

Make certain the trainees  can  hear  every  spoken  word.

4. Emphasize important points by the use of gestures,   repetition,   and   variation

in   voice inflection.

5.   Check   trainee   comprehension   carefully throughout  the  presentation  by

watching  the  faces of  the  trainees  and  by  questioning. Observing facial expressions

as an indication of doubt or misunderstanding is not a sure way of   checking   on   trainee

comprehension.   Some trainees  may  appear  to  be  comprehending  the subject   matter

when,   in   reality,   they   are completely confused. Trainees who are in doubt often

hesitate  to  make  their  difficulty  known. They  may  hesitate  because  of  natural

timidity, fear  of  being  classified  as  stupid,  or  failure  to understand  the  subject

matter  well  enough  to explain  where  their  difficulty  lies. Frequently ask if the class

has any questions, thus  giving  the  trainees  an  opportunity  to  express any doubts or

misunderstandings on their part. Based   on   your   personal   knowledge   and   past

experiences,  ask  specific  questions  about  those areas  which  might  give  trainees  the

most  troublesome  instructors  make  the  mistake  of  waiting until  the  end  of  the

presentation  to  ask  questions. The best time to clear away mental fog is when the  fog

develops.  Mental  fog  tends  to  create  a mental   block   that   prevents   the   trainee

from concentrating  on  the  subject  matter  being presented.   (Later   in   this   chapter

we   discuss techniques  related  to  asking  questions,  callingupon  trainees  to  answer

questions,  and  evaluating answers.)

6.  Instruct on the class level.  Use  words, explanations, visual illustrations,

questions, anthem  like,  directed  to  the  needs  of  the  average trainee in the class.

7. Stimulate trainees to think. Think, as used here, refers to creative thinking

rather than to mere recall  of  facts  previously  learned.  Use number  of  instructional

devices  for  stimulating trainee   thinking.    Among  those  devices  are thought-

provoking  questions,  class  discussions.

Lecture as a Teaching Method:

As stated by Brown (2006),lecture is when an instructor is the central focus of

information transfer. Typically, an instructor will stand before a class and present

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information for the students to learn. Usually, very little exchange occurs between the

instructor and the students during a lecture.

Figure 1-2 Teacher doing Lecture Method

Pros of Lecture as a Teaching Method:

Lectures are a straightforward way to impart knowledge to students quickly.

Instructors also have a greater control over what is being taught in the classroom

because they are the sole source of information.

Students who are auditory learners find that lectures appeal to their learning style.

Logistically, a lecture is often easier to create than other methods of instruction.

Lecture is a method familiar to most teachers because it was typically the way they

were taught.

Because most college courses are lecture-based, students gain experience in this

predominant instructional delivery method.

Cons of Lecture as a Teaching Method:

Students strong in learning styles other than auditory learning will have a harder time

being engaged by lectures.

Students who are weak in note-taking skills will have trouble understanding what they

should remember from lectures.

Students can find lectures boring causing them to lose interest.

Students may not feel that they are able to ask questions as they arise during lectures.

Teachers may not get a real feel for how much students are understanding because

there is not that much opportunity for exchanges during lectures.

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Final Thoughts:

Lectures are one tool in a teacher's arsenal of teaching methods. Just as with all

the other tools, it should only be used when most appropriate. Instruction should be

varied from day to day to help reach the most students possible. Teachers should be

cautioned that before heading into numerous classes full of nothing but lectures, they

need to provide their students with note taking skills. Only by helping students

understand verbal clues and learn methods of organizing and taking notes will they truly

help them become successful and get the most out of lectures.

Lecture Method is the one of the oldest and overused teaching method. It is a

procedure for explaining and clarifying a major concepts, ideas, theories, principles and

laws. It makes use of exposition which may be a narration of descriptions. Owing to

availability of teacher’s time in lesson’s preparation and working load, this method

become the solution of teacher in the deliberation of day to day lessons.

These are some situation where the teacher forced to use the Lecture Method.

1. When the teacher can give effective information in 1 hour of lecture – demonstration

what may be taken up by the class in 2 or 3 hours of laboratory work to reinforce

learning. Science, Mathematics and Computer Education normally used these procedures.

2. When the availability of resource information is hard for the class to obtain.

3. When the topic is new and the teacher wants to show the birds eye view of the various

works to come. It is always better for the student to expect the outcome and see the

relevance of it so they will motivated throughout the unit.

4. When the generalization, conclusion or summary are needed for the closing of chapter

or units

Factors: The teacher’s personality weighs great deals in the effectiveness of the lecture

method. Good voice, pronunciation, enunciation, proper facial expression, gestures and

manners are some factors affective the success of this method. Comprehension and

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appreciation of the topics is the measure of success of the lecture.


The lecture may serve as a very effective means of arousing appreciation. This is

the method in which teacher could discover the student INTEREST which is guide for

future career. A good teacher has to make record of unusual responses, questions and

reaction from listener. This is a good indication of student inclination in the career 

appropriate for them.


The greatest valuation of this method is the violation of the famous learning by

doing by John Dewey. The lecture may also be ineffective once it is overuse by

the public or private teacher. In a part of the student or pupils, some may not know how

to distinguish the important concepts from supporting ideas. Some listener are not good

listener while they may not be able to analyze, summarize and create own conclusion

based on the topic.

There have been debates over time to establish whether teaching is a skill or an

art. Some students believe in their teacher's performance as quite brilliant, others get

motivated and excited with the presentation and teaching. For some others, their teachers

bore them making the lesson dry, hard and leaving them more confused. All of these

enthusiasms and opinions are eventually translated into students' academic achievement.

However, what is pertinent in teaching and learning is the ability to apply skills to the art

of teaching with an aim to motivate the learners. A blend of skills and art in teaching is

also manifested in clearly structure lessons and manner of presentation. A teacher who

can effectively do this is an active constructor of learning, who can, and should transmit

knowledge, but should allow students voices to be heard as contributing members of

class. This is typical in a discussion class. The teacher teaches, asks questions, and in

doing so, he hears his voice. But he does not stop at that. In hearing his own voice, he

begins to appreciate the need to hear the voices of those he teaches. This elicits a more

participatory teaching, which can stimulate imaginative and conceptual thinking amongst

students. In this case, students in tertiary institutions who had hitherto been used to the

lecture teaching method, where they are, but, passive listeners.

The Interactive Nature of the Discussion Teaching Method

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Most teachers of tertiary institutions tend to be more comfortable with the lecture method

of teaching. As a teaching method, lecturing in tertiary institutions is a tradition. The

level of students' maturity may be one of the reasons for using this method at that stage of


However in this article, the argument is for a more interactive teaching strategy

that crosses all barriers and gulf peculiar with the lecture method. The focus here is the

discussion method. It is a teaching strategy in which the teacher brings students face to

face as they engage in verbal interchange of ideas. The teacher in his interactions with his

learners performs a variety of roles. He is firstly a teacher whose business is to transmit

knowledge, and in doing this he specifies the objectives of his lesson and examines the

needs and background of the students for relevance of the topic and its suitability.

Importantly too, in applying the discussion strategy to the teaching-learning process, the

teacher plays the role of a manager, guide, initiator, referee and a summarizer.

The discussion teaching method is a design that provides opportunity for

discussion between teacher and students, and students to students. It is a strategy that

centres on shared conversations, discussions, and exchange of ideas in class. It gives

opportunity for all to sit and listen, as well as talk and think, thus emphasizing the process

of "coming to know" as valuable as "knowing the right answer". In other words, students

in a discussion class are not passive listeners neither is the teacher a sole performer.

Students are allowed to develop critical thinking ability, learn to evaluate ideas, concepts

and principles, procedures and even programmers and policies on the basis of clearly set


For instance, a student who participates in a discussion lesson learns to support

his views rationally, based on facts, too. He appreciates the need to argue logically,

define clearly--concepts and terms, and examine critically--rules, principles and

constructs. Such a student learns to develop value processing skills in relation to changes

that occur in his society.

Essentially too, the discussion strategy encourages cooperative team work

between teacher and students and amongst students. It emphasizes the need for all to

work cooperatively while developing societal relationships. Students see themselves as

contributory members of the group, instead of separate and odd. According to Bennett

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(1995), such cooperative learning improves both academic achievement and students'

interpersonal relationship. He goes on to argue that in most cases all students (including

high, average and low achievers) tend to benefit from cooperative learning and team

work. In the same vein, Johnson, Johnson and Holube (1988) have affirmed that such

cooperative spirit in learning help students work together to complete a task successfully.

This is also important in promoting students' independence.

Whole Group Discussion as a Teaching Method:

According to Finegan (2008), Whole Group Discussion is a modified form of classroom

lecture where the focus is shared between the instructor and the students for information

transfer. Typically, an instructor will stand before a class and present information for the

students to learn but the students will also participate by answering questions and

providing examples.

Pros of Whole Group Discussion as a Teaching Method:

Whole group discussions provide for greater interaction between teacher and students.

Instructors maintain a greater control over what is being taught because they are able

to steer the discussion.

Auditory learners find them appealing to their learning style.

Teachers can check on what students are retaining through questions posed.

Whole group discussion is comfortable for many teachers because it is a modified

form of lecture.

Students have a tendency to stay focused on the lesson because they might be called

on to answer questions.

Students may feel more comfortable asking questions during whole group discussions.

Cons of Whole Group Discussion as a Teaching Method:

Whole group discussions require setting up and enforcing ground rules for students. If

these rules are not enforced then there is a possibility that the discussion could quickly

go off-topic.

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Students who are weak in note-taking skills will have trouble understanding what they

should remember from group discussions. This is even more so than in lectures in

many cases because not only the teacher but fellow students are talking about the


Some students may not feel comfortable being put on the spot during a whole group


Figure 3-4 Discussion Method

Demonstration Method

Use the  demonstration  or   “doing”   method  to teach   skills.   Demonstrate,

step-by-step,   the procedures  in  a  job  task,  using  the  exact  physical procedures if

possible. While demonstrating, explain the reason for and the significance of each step.

To be effective, plan the demonstration so that you will bedsore to show the steps in the

proper sequence and toinclude all steps. If you must give the demonstration before a large

group  or  if  the  trainees  might  have  trouble  seeing because  of  the  size  of  the

equipment  involved,  use enlarged  devices  or  training  aids.  When practical,allow

trainees to repeat the procedure in a “hands on “practice session to reinforce the learning

process. Byimmediately  correcting  the  trainees’  mistakes  and reinforcing proper

procedures, you can help them learn the  task  more  quickly.  The direct  demonstration

approach  is  a  very  effective  method  of  instruction, especially when trainees have the

opportunity to repeat the procedures.


The   basic method  of  instruction  for  teaching  skill-type  subject matter  is  the

demonstration-performance  method  of instruction. This method is recommended for

teaching skill because it covers all the necessary steps in an effective learning order. The

demonstration   step   gives   trainees   the opportunity to see and hear the details related

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to the skill being taught. Those details include the necessary background knowledge,  the

steps  or  procedure,  the nomenclature,   and   the   safety   precautions.   The repetition

step helps the average and slow learners and gives the trainees an additional opportunity

to see and hear the skill being taught. The performance step gives all trainees  the

opportunity  to  become  proficient.  In short, this method is recommended because it

leaves nothing to chance. For  convenience,  the  techniques  for  imparting skills  are

presented  in  steps,  rather  than  activities. When setting up an instructional plan,

understand that you don’t have to follow these steps in the sequence presented;  instead

choose  the  steps  in  the  sequence best suited to the needs of the trainees. Although you

will   always   include   a   demonstration   step   and   a performance step, you must use

judgment in selecting techniques to make the various steps effective.


Make  every  effort  to  get trainees  to  observe  correct  procedures  the  first

time they try a new task. The most effective learning results when trainees use a skill

immediately after you have taught it. So as soon as you teach trainees to do a job, have

them practice the skill. Teaching   applicable   safety   precautions   is especially

important.  Teach  a  safety  precaution  just before reaching the point in your

demonstration where it applies. State the reason for the precaution so that the trainees

will understand the need for compliance. Patience is a virtue for any petty officer. If it

does not come naturally to you, you must train yourself to be patient.   A   slow   learner

may   never   acquire   the knowledge or skill you are trying to impart if you are

impatient. Avoid sarcasm toward a bungler; that person maybe trying harder than you

suspect. Nothing exhausts the  patience  of  the  expert  as  much  as  the  fumbling

attempts of a beginner; however, the instructor must patiently  demonstrate  and  explain

until  the  trainee acquires the needed competence.  “Good instruction “means a more

effective crew, and such an asset justifies any amount of patience. If you find that your

trainees have not learned what you tried to teach them, do not react as if they disobeyed

orders. If trainees do not understand a certain lesson or operation, that could indicate a

Page 20: Joy Sison - Term Paper

poor job of teaching. The old  saying,  “If  the  learner  hasn’t  learned,  the  teacher

hasn’t taught” might apply in some situations.



As stated by Parkay (2007) , lecture is still the most frequently used method of

instruction. However, presenting a lecture without pausing for interaction with trainees

ineffective regardless of your skill as a speaker. The used of pauses during the lecture for

direct oral, questions and creates interaction between instructor and trainee.

I agree with this statement because interaction between teachers and their

students is very important in having lecture method. Student will gain more enthusiasm if

their teachers tend to communicate \with them. In this case, students can freely express

Page 21: Joy Sison - Term Paper

their thoughts and ideas and teachers will know if their students understand their lesson

and doing well in their studies.

According to Parkay (2007), providing trainees with lesson objectives before the

lecture will enable them to listen more effectively. It will help them to take

concise, brief notes concerning the objective rather than feverishly throughout the


I also agree with this statement because I am also experiencing hardship when it

comes to lecture methods. I prefer to have first the lesson objectives, for me to

have a guide on what kind of lecture our teacher will deliver to us. In this way I will

focus more on our lecture and be able to interact with my teacher and participate when

having our lecture.

Finegan (2008) said that the discussion teaching method is a design that provides

opportunity for discussion between teachers and students, and students to students. It is a

strategy that centres on shared conversations, discussions, and exchange of ideas in class.

It gives opportunity for all to sit and listen, as well as talk and think, thus emphasizing the

process of “coming to know” as value able as “knowing the right answers”.

This statement which I agreed also because discussion teaching method enables

the students participates more in their studies. Teachers can easily share their thoughts

and ideas and students can also understand their methods giving them the opportunity to

share their ideas and opinions. In this case, the relationship between teachers and students

will be strengthening.

As stated by Brown (2006) lecture method is the one of the oldest overused

teaching method. It is procedure for explaining and clarifying major concepts, ideas,

theories, principles and laws it makes use of expositions which may be a narration of

descriptions. Owing to availability of teacher’s time in lesson’s preparations and working

load, this method become the solutions of teacher in the deliberation of day to day


I disagree with this statement although lecture is effective for explaining and

clarifying a major concepts, ideas, theories, principles and laws. But some teachers used

it in a way of not giving students the needed knowledge they have to gain.

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Conclusion and Recommendation

Conclusions Recommendations

Page 23: Joy Sison - Term Paper

1. When classes are large the instructor

cannot possibly interact with all trainees

on each point.

2. In a part of the students or pupils some

may not know how to distinguish the

important concepts from supporting

ideas. Some listener are not good listener

while they may not be able to analyze,

summarize, and create own conclusion

base on the topic

3. An instructor will stand before a class

and present information for the students

to learn but the student will also

participate by answering questions and

providing examples.

4. A slow learner may never acquire the

knowledge or still the teachers are trying

to impart if they are impatient.

1. The government must be responsible

in providing enough classrooms to

accommodate the large and increasing

number of students.

2. In this case questions must be raised

by the student for them to have clear

view of the lessons. They are studying it

will be helpful for them to engage in

class discussion.

3. In this method, students must also

practice themselves in standing before a

class to gain more confidence and be

able to express themselves in front of

many people.

4. Teachers must have patience in

delivering the lessons toward their

students. They are responsible in

treating their student nicely and giving

them the chance to express themselves.

Teachers must be sure of the lessons and

knowledge they are about to impart w/

their students.


Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information:

Name: Charlene Lindayag

Address: #1099-h Sta. Rita Olongapo City

Page 24: Joy Sison - Term Paper

Age: 17 years old

Sex: Female

Birth date: September 28, 1994

Birth place: Sta. Rita Olongapo City

Educational Background:


Sta. Rita Elementary School (2001-2007)

Sta. Rita Olongapo City


Sta. Rita High School (2007-2011)

Sta. Rita Olongapo City


Columban College (2011-present)

Olongapo City