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Post on 28-Jan-2021




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  • No LimitsSponsorship Opportunities

  • Friend Sponsor: $500

    Opportunity: Sponsor one child to go to one camp in2020!

    Included:Recognition in donated media outreachsurrounding camps Company Logo on CNL websiteUse of the CNL logo during the 10camps in 2020Logo on all CNL and asset collateralmaterial

  • Patron Sponsor: $500 - $2499

    Opportunity: “Go Out on a Limb” Video – Sponsor the video to beplayed at the end of each camp to all attendees!

    Included: All contents of Friend Sponsor package plus...Company logo on all camp t-shirts

  • Bronze Sponsor: $2500 - $4999

    Opportunity: Sponsor FIVE campers to go to camp in 2020!

    Included:All contents of Patron Sponsor plus...Weekly Donor acknowledgment on all CNL social mediaoutlets

  • Silver Sponsor: $5000 - $9999

    Opportunity: Provide the meals for all 2020 campers!

    Included: All contents of the Bronze package plus...Logo placement on Camp Banner presented on all socialmedia throughout campsNames/Logos highlighted in our end of year hard-backbook provided to all campersCompany branded water bottles for all campers with CNLand YOUR logo!

  • Gold Sponsor: $10K - $49K

    Opportunity: Transportation/Shuttle Sponsor for all campers n 2020!

    Included:All contents of Bronze package plus...Company sponsored string-bags with your logo provided to all campers

  • Opportunity:Choose The Camp Theme!

    Included:All contents of Gold package plus...Companies logo will be provided on all camp collateral for all activitiesPromotional company video to be played on our social accountsthroughout 2020 and included in our end of camp recap videos, played ateach camp

    Diamond Sponsor: $50K - $100K

  • Opportunity: Volunteer + Camper Family SponsorIncluded:

    All contents of Diamond package plus...Company logo included in every CNL blog and recap posts for 2020National Recognition as our top tier sponsor

    Platinum Sponsor: $100K+