js 02 - mohamad fahmi bin darham

 QUESTION/DISCUSSION 1.HOW TO CREATE THE TABLE.  Creating an Excel Table  After you r data is o rganized, as describ ed above , you're ready to c reate the formatted Ta ble. 1. Sel ect a ce ll in the list o f dat a that y ou prepared. 2. On t he ibbon, cl ic! t he "nsert tab. #. "n the T a bles gro up, clic! the T ab le command . $. "n the %rea te T a ble dialog bo &, the rang e for your dat a should a utomatical ly appear, and the My table has headers option is chec!ed. "f necessary, you can adust the range, and chec! bo&.

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Creating an Excel Table

 After your data is organized, as described above, you're ready to create the formatted Table.

1. Select a cell in the list of data that you prepared.

2. On the ibbon, clic! the "nsert tab.

#. "n the Tables group, clic! the Table command.

$. "n the %reate Table dialog bo&, the range for your data should automaticallyappear, and the My table has headers option is chec!ed. "f necessary, you canadust the range, and chec! bo&.

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(. %lic! O) to accept these settings.

Sort and Filter the Data

*our list is no+ an &cel Table, and is automatically formatted +ith a default Table Style, +hichyou can change.

The heading cells have drop do+n arro+s that you can use to sort or filter the data.

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Renae an E!"el Ta#le

-hen it is created, an &cel table is given a default name, such as Table #. *ou should changethe name to something meaningful, so it +ill be easier to +or! +ith the table later.

To change the table name:

1. Select any cell in the table

2. On the ibbon, under the Table Tools tab, clic! the esign tab.

#. At the far left of the ibbon, clic! in the Table name bo&, to select the e&istingname

$. Then, type a ne+ name, such as Orders, and press the nter !ey

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$.%i&e e!a'le (or atheati") (or*la *)in+


The first thing that you have to know is that all formula entries start with an equal sign (=). For simple

formulas, you type the equal sign followed by the numeric values that you want to calculate and the math

operators that you want to use — for eample the plus sign (+) to add, the minus sign (-) to subtract, the

asterisk (*) to multiply, and the forward slash (/) to divide the values that you enter. !hen you press "#T"$,

"cel instantly calculates and displays the result of the formula.

For eample, when you type a simple formula in a cell (for eample, =12.99+16.99  in cell %& in the following

 picture) and then press "#T"$, "cel calculates the result and displays it in that cell. The formula itself

appears in the formula bar.

The formula that you enter in a cell remains visible in the formula bar, and you can see it whenever that cell is


Click AutoSum, and voila!

To quickly total a series of values without having to enter any of them manually in a formula, you can enter a

formula that uses the ' function, also known as *uto'um.

AutoSum is the button that displays the +summation+ symbol (the uppercase 'igma of the reek alphabet).

!ithin easy reach in two locations on the $ibbon, you can find this button on the Home tab in

the Editing group and on the Formulas tab in the Function Lirar! group.

!hen you select a cell to the right of or below a range of numeric values and then click AutoSum, "cel

automatically includes that range in the formula and calculates the values.

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%licking AutoSum enters a formula that uses the ' function to calculate the numeric values directly above

or to the left of the selected cell.

For eample, to quickly total the numbers for -anuary, you ust have to select cell /0 and then click AutoSum.

* color marquee surrounds the cells that are selected in the formula that is entered in cell /0. *fter pressing

"#T"$, the result of the formula is displayed in the selected cell (/0), and the formula appears in the formula


%ell /0 displays the result of the formula. The formula itself appears in the formula bar whenever that cell is


1n a formula that uses a function, such as S"#, the cell reference that appears inside the parentheses is the

argument of the formula. The argument determines which values the formula is going calculate. The colon ( $)

in the cell reference (%&$%6 in the eample) indicates that the cell reference is a range of cells. 2arentheses are

always required in a formula that uses a function — they separate the argument from the function name in the


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!hen a cell reference is used in the argument of a formula instead of the actual values, "cel can

automatically update the formula result whenever the values in the referenced cells are updated.

Stop typing the same formula over and over

3nce you have created a formula, you can copy it to other cells — no need to create the same formula over and

over again.

For eample, when you copy the formula in cell /0 to the adacent cell %0, the formula in that cell

automatically adusts to the new location, and calculates the numeric values in column %.

The copied formula references and calculates the numeric values in column %.

Top of 2age

Use a simple formula to add, subtract, multiply, or divide numeric values

1n a simple formula, you can enter values and math operators to calculate those values. 4owever, instead of

entering values directly in the formula, you can also refer to the cells that contain the values that you want to

calculate. sing cell references in a formula makes sure that any changes to the values are automatically

updated in the calculation result of the formula.

5. 3n a worksheet, click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.

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6. To start the formula, type =

7. To enter the first numeric value, do one of the following8

o Type the value that you want to use.

T12 For eample, type 1'

o 'elect the cell that contains the value that you want to use.

T12 For eample, select cell A1.

9. To enter the math operator that you want to use, do one of the following8

o To use a plus sign (+) to add the values in the formula, type +

o To use a minus sign (-) to subtract the values in the formula, type -

o To use an asterisk (*) to multiply the values in the formula, type *

o To use a forward slash (/) to divide the values in the formula, type /

:. To enter the net value numeric value, do the following8

o Type the value that you want to use.

T12 For eample, type (.

o 'elect the cell that contains the value that you want to use.

T12 For eample, select cell %1.

&. $epeat steps 9 and : for any additional math operations and values that you want to include in the


T12 For an operation to take precedence in the calculation, use parentheses around that operation. For

eample, type =)1'+(*2 or =)A1+%1*1.

0. !hen the formula is complete, press "#T"$.

/y default, the resulting value of the formula appears in the selected cell, and the formula itself is displayed in

the formula bar.

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hat can use in a formula to mimic calculator


%alculator key "cel method ;escription, eample

+ ),lus e! < (plus) se in a formula to add numbers. "ample8 =9<&<6

- )#inus e! > (minus) se in a formula to subtract numbers or to signify a negative number.

"ample8 =5?>56

"ample8 =69@>: (69 times negative :)



@ (asteriskB also called


se in a formula to multiply numbers. "ample8 =?@7

0 )iide e! C (forward slash) se in a formula to divide one number by another. "ample8 =9:C:

3 ),ercent


E (percent) se in a formula with @ to multiply by a percent. "ample8 =5:E@6A

)s4uare root) 'G$T (function) se the 'G$T function in a formula to find the square root of a

number. "ample8 ='G$T(&9)



=5Cn se =5Cn in a formula, where n is the number you want to divide 5 by.

"ample8 =5C?

Use the SU# function to total numeric values in a column

or ro$

To calculate the total of a series of numeric values in a row or column, you do not have to enter all those values

manually into a formula. 1nstead you can use a predefined formula that uses the ' function.

5. 3n a worksheet, click a cell below or to the right of the numeric values that you want to total.

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6. 3n the Home tab, in the Editing group, click AutoSum  .

T12 AutoSum is also available on the Formulas tab, in the Function Lirar! group.

7. 2ress "#T"$ to display the S"# function result in the selected cell.

The formula itself appears in the formula bar.

T12 1f you are looking for a quick way to total values in a column, you may want to place your data in an

"cel table. 1n an "cel table, you can add a total row so that you can instantly summariHe the values in a

column. For more information, see the training course se "cel tables to manage information.

 There is no SU%T&ACT function in Excel

*lthough there is a ' function, there is no '/T$*%T function. 1nstead, use the minus (>) operator in a

formulaB for eample, =?>7<6>9<56. 3r, you can use a minus sign to convert a number to its negative value in

the ' functionB for eample, the formula ='(56,:,>7,?,>9) uses the ' function to add 56, :, subtract

7, add ?, and subtract 9, in that order.

'ill a formula into ad(acent cells

!hen you fill a formula into adacent cells, either in a row or column, the formula automatically adusts to

calculate the values in the corresponding row or column.

5. 3n a worksheet, select the cell that contains the formula that you want to fill into adacent cells.

6. ;rag the fill handle across the cells that you want to fill.

 #3T" The fill handle is displayed by default, but if it is not available you must first specify an option in

"cel to enable the fill handle.

7. To specify how you want to fill the selection, click Auto Fill 5tions  , and then click the option

that you want.

 #3T" 1f automatic workbook calculation is not enabled, formulas will not recalculate when you fill cells. To

check your workbook calculation options, do the following8

5. %lick the File tab, click 3ptions, and then click the Formulas category.

6. nder alculation otions, look under oroo alculation.

o Automatic  Formulas automatically recalculate.

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o Automatic ecet 7or data tales  Formulas automatically recalculate, unless the formula

is in a data table.

o #anual  Formulas never automatically recalculate.

o 8ecalculate oroo e7ore saing  This option is available only if oroo

alculation is set to#anual. 1f this check bo is selected, formulas do not automatically recalculate until you

save the workbook. #ote that several other actions can cause the workbook to be saved, such as using the Send

:o command.



Ste' 1 0 re'ared a ta#le

Ste' $ 0 Hi+hli+ht that e ant "han+e the )2#ol

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Ste' , 0 %o to ore A""o*ntin+ N*#er Forat)

Ste' 3 0 +o to a""o*ntin+ and )ear"h )2#ol Rala2 4ala2)ia5 and "li"6 o6.

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