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Page 1: jude.edu.syjude.edu.sy/assets/uploads/lectures/English Skills (1)_6 (3).pdfMen want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance. Oscar Wilde, Irish writer 1 GRAMMAR
Page 2: jude.edu.syjude.edu.sy/assets/uploads/lectures/English Skills (1)_6 (3).pdfMen want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance. Oscar Wilde, Irish writer 1 GRAMMAR
Page 3: jude.edu.syjude.edu.sy/assets/uploads/lectures/English Skills (1)_6 (3).pdfMen want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance. Oscar Wilde, Irish writer 1 GRAMMAR
Page 4: jude.edu.syjude.edu.sy/assets/uploads/lectures/English Skills (1)_6 (3).pdfMen want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance. Oscar Wilde, Irish writer 1 GRAMMAR
Page 5: jude.edu.syjude.edu.sy/assets/uploads/lectures/English Skills (1)_6 (3).pdfMen want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance. Oscar Wilde, Irish writer 1 GRAMMAR
Page 6: jude.edu.syjude.edu.sy/assets/uploads/lectures/English Skills (1)_6 (3).pdfMen want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance. Oscar Wilde, Irish writer 1 GRAMMAR
Page 7: jude.edu.syjude.edu.sy/assets/uploads/lectures/English Skills (1)_6 (3).pdfMen want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance. Oscar Wilde, Irish writer 1 GRAMMAR

Men want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance.

Oscar Wilde, Irish writer

1 GRAMMAR articles: a I an, the, no article

a @the correct answers.

I I think~/ the airls are better at learning lanauages I the lan8ua8eS than boys I the boys. 2 Did you lock door / the door \vhen you left house / the house th is morning?

3 My sister is married to Gern1an / a German. He's engineer / an enBineer. 4 I don't usually like fish / the fish, but salmon / the salmon \VC had last night was delicious.

5 \Ve go to cinema/ the cinerria once a 1veek /the 1veek. 6 Don't \VOrry! lt's not the end/ end of the world/ 1vorld.

7 Do you think ivornen /the 1vorne11 are more sensitive than rnen /the 1nen? 8 What beautiful/ a beautiful day! Let's have lunch / a lunch in the garden.

b A re the highlighted phrases right (.I) or \vrong (X)? Correct the wrong phrases.

d .....,.. - ~ \.

if --..... ... (;~ ~ ~~

,.111.tA ' 1 That's lovely dress - the colour suits you. 0

2 a lovely dress

He's hoping to visit his parents the next weekend. 0

3 The money doesn't make people happy. 0

4 My grandfather left school when he was 14. D ~

:> They go to the dentist about twice the year . D

6 Have you \Vatched DVD that I lent you? 0

7 That \Vas one of the best meals I've ever had. 0 .

8 What noisy child! \.Vhere arc his parents? D

9 Alex is studying to become doctor. 0 .

10 I love the cats , but my boyfriend doesn't like them. 0

11 Iler husband sits in front of the TV all dav. 0 ,

12 She al\vays gets to the work at half past five. D

2 PRONUNCIATION /'J/, sentence stress, !o'd! or /oi:/?

a ~!itiii~~· Listen and complete the sentences.

1 l'd like to speak to the mana&er 2 l've put the on the

3 .

are \ve going to tonight?

4 Could you the for a moment?

s She needs to see a about her

6 We \Vant to for a tomorrow.

b Listen again and repeat. CQpy the rhythm.

c (Sit[@ Listen and repeat the phrases. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the.

1 The conversation \Vas about the \voman next door.

2 The university invited a guest to spea k at the meeting.

3 I sometimes go to~ theatre in the evening.

4 We took the lift instead of walking up the stairs.

s The office gave n1e a lt the information I needed.

6 The grey skirt is nice, but I prefer the black one.

Page 8: jude.edu.syjude.edu.sy/assets/uploads/lectures/English Skills (1)_6 (3).pdfMen want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance. Oscar Wilde, Irish writer 1 GRAMMAR

3 READING a Read the article once and put the headings in the correct place.


A Men are better navigators than \VOn1en

B Won1en talk more than nlen C Men don't see colours as \veil as won1en

tereoty es supportea by science

Men have a reputation for wearing clothes that don't look good together - if men do look good, it's because their girlfriends or wives have helped them get dressed. Why's that?

Science says: Let's take a look at chromosomes - the parts of our DNA that control many things about us. The colour red is carried only by the X chromosome. Women have two X chromosomes. and so they are more likely to be able to see red. Men only have one X chromosome. How we see colour depends on the ability to see red . blue. and green. so women are more likely to see colours better. Being able to see colours 1-vell was important in prehistoric times when women looked fo r fruit for food. They had to be able to tell the diffe rence between the types of fru it on the trees so that they didn't choose a type that was poisonous. For them. seeing different colours meant they could survive.

2 ~---------Most men have a natural ability to read maps while women usually need to turn them round. How come?

Science says: Men are able to see the size and posit ion of things much quicker than women. This abil ity is called 'spatial awareness·. Researchers discovered in a study of fou r-year-old children that only one girl has this ability for every four boys. Once again, the explanation can be fou nd in the past. Do you remember those prehistoric 1-vomen? Well, while they vvere looking for fruit, the men travelled long distances to hunt animals. When they had caught enough, they had to fi nd their way home again. And this is where they learnt 'spatial awareness'. The women didn't need it because they hardly ever went out of sight of their homes. but fo r the men, it was vital.

3 ----------Humans are social animals, so why is it that men don't like sharing their problems while women tell their best friends everything?

Science says: The answer is in the brain. The parts res2ons1ole for language are 17°/o larger in a woman's brain than in a man's brain. Also. 1-vomen use both the left and the right side of the brain to use language, 1-vhile men use only one side - their strongest side. And there·s more. The part of the brain that connects the two parts together - the corpus callosum - is larger in women too. which means that they can move information from one part to the other part more quickly. Nobody is sure 1-vhy these differences exist, but it's clear that 1-vomen have a definite advantage over men when it comes to communication.

b Read the article again. Choose the rigl1t answers.

1 Men can find it difficult to perceive ... a three colours.

@ one colour. c any colours.

2 Seeing colours \Veil helped prehistoric \V01nen ... a find interesting things to eat.

b cook food correctly. c choose the right fruit.

3 The results of the study sho,ved that ... a four-year-olds don't have spatial awareness. b boys learn spatial awareness before girls. c girls don't have spatial awareness.

4 Women didn't need spatial awareness in prehistoric times because ... a the men were al\vays with then1.

b they never left hon1e. c they didn't travel far from home.

5 Men are worse at com rnunicating because ... a part of their brains are smaller. b their brains are 173 s1naller. c their brains are larger.

6 The function of the corpus callosu1n in the brain is ... a to communicate between both sides.

b to store different languages. c to control the language process.

c Look at the highlighted \Vords and phrases. \Vhat do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunc1at1on.

d Complete the sentences with one of the highlighted words or phrases.

1 It's a definite advantage to have good exam results if you want to go to university.

2 Don't eat those n1ushroo1ns you found outside! They could be ______ _

3 \.Vho's -------making this 1ness?

4 She's _____________ _

to accept if you invite her partner as well. S Italian people ______ _

_ _____________ for

being great cooks. 6 It 's I finish the report

before the end of the day.

Page 9: jude.edu.syjude.edu.sy/assets/uploads/lectures/English Skills (1)_6 (3).pdfMen want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance. Oscar Wilde, Irish writer 1 GRAMMAR

4 VOCABULARY collocation: verbs I adjectives + prepositions

a @che correct preposition s.

I ·rhey're arriving at / on /@> London on Friday.

2 "fhat s uitcase belongs for / f ron1 / to me.

3 Shall we ask someone at/ for/ of directions?

4 We might go camping, but it depends i 11 /of/ on the \veather.

5 Everybody laughed about/ at / to me when r fell off the chair.

6 \Vho's going to pay for / of/ 1vith the meal?

7 r drea1nt about /fron1 / 1vith my old school fri ends last night.

8 That girl ren1 i nds me about / of/ to n1y cousin.

b Complete the sentences \vith the correct prepos itions.

I To ny used to be married to Teresa.

2 My boyfriend isn't very keen vegetables.

3 They're \vorried their teenage son.

4 We're not very interested abstract art.

5 I'm very different my sister.

6 Adan1's very good maths.

7 J'n1 fed up this \veather.

8 He's fan1ous his role in Sherlock Holmes.


a '1!1fitl!?D Listen and co1nplete the dialogues.

1 A Who did you argue with ? B l with my

2 A Who are you ? ----B I'm at

3 A What are you so ? ----B I'm about my

4 A What are you ____ ?

B I'm to the

b Lis ten again and repeat. Copy the rhythm.


a ~if4~.m Listen to a radio pho ne-in programme. \.Vhich speaker has the most traditional view about men doing the cooking?

I ick D 2 Eve D 3 Frank D 4 Martin a D

--= ' ' ' E' s 1

b Listen again and n1ark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

I Nick is unemployed. .I 2 He \vouldn't like to be a chef.

3 Eve cooks all the meals in he r house.

4 She spends a lot of time cleaning the kitchen.

5 Frank thinks that girls \VOrk harder than they used to.

6 Frank thinks that girls nowadays can cook.

7 Martina's partner does al l the cooking.

8 Martina respects men chat can cook.

c Listen again with the audioscript on p. 71.


Learn these words and phrases.

clai1n (vb) kle1n1

reduce 1r1'dju:s1

al most 1' :1: 1 n1:iost/

slightly 1'sh11 tl i·

whereas \\e~r'a:/.

according to ~' k:i:dnJ l u:

in face 111 'frekr

range fron1 're1nd3 rr~rn

tend to tend t~

be sceptical of · bi: 'skcp11l-.I :i\
