july 12th - room 101 104

[] Basic Truth: God loves me. Key Question: Whose way is perfect? Bottom Line: God’s way is perfect. Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIRV Bible Story: God’s way is awesome! Moses in the Sea • Exodus 13:17 – 14:31 What You Need: Nothing needed What You Do: Before the activity: Stand together in an open area in the room. During the activity: Teach the children the Memory Verse and do the motions together. At the end of the activity: Say the Bottom Line with the kids. What You Say: Before the activity: “Come stand with me and get ready to learn our new Memory Verse.” During the activity: “The Bible says, ‘God’s way is perfect,’ 2 Samuel 22:31. Let’s say that together. Repeat after me. ‘God’s way (repeat) is perfect’ (repeat), 2 Samuel 22:31. (Repeat.) Great! This time I’m going to add the motions to it. ‘God’s way (point both hands up) is perfect’ (two thumbs up), 2 Samuel 22:31. (Open your hands like a book.) Let’s try that together.” (Repeat as many times as desired.) Camp Splish Splash Sunday, July 12th, 2015 .:. Room 101 &104 Pathways Kids – Weekend Small Groups – 3, 4 and 5 year Olds This Week’s Scope Memory In Motion

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July 12th - Room 101 104



Basic Truth: God loves me.

Key Question: Whose way is perfect? Bottom Line: Gods way is perfect.Memory Verse: Gods way is perfect. 2 Samuel 22:31, NIRVBible Story: Gods way is awesome! Moses in the Sea Exodus 13:17 14:31

What You Need: Nothing needed

What You Do: Before the activity: Stand together in an open area in the room.

During the activity: Teach the children the Memory Verse and do the motions together.

At the end of the activity: Say the Bottom Line with the kids.

What You Say:

Before the activity: Come stand with me and get ready to learn our new Memory Verse.

During the activity: The Bible says, Gods way is perfect, 2 Samuel 22:31. Lets say that together. Repeat after me. Gods way (repeat) is perfect (repeat), 2 Samuel 22:31. (Repeat.) Great! This time Im going to add the motions to it. Gods way (point both hands up) is perfect (two thumbs up), 2 Samuel 22:31. (Open your hands like a book.) Lets try that together. (Repeat as many times as desired.)

At the end of the activity: Great job learning the Memory Verse today! The Bible says Gods way is perfect! That means that you can believe and I can believe what God says! Whose way is perfect? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] Gods way is perfect.

What You Need: Bible, pictures relating to the Bible storySTORYTELLER: Hey there, friends! Im [Storytellers name], your storyteller. I am SO excited youre here! Do you want to hear an adventure story about armies and water and how Gods way is perfect? (Pause for response.) Good! I was hoping youd say that. Todays story is found in THE GREATEST book. Does anyone know which book Im talking about? (Show IMAGE ONE: The Bible.) Thats right. The Bible. This book shows us just how awesome God is. Todays story is about a group of people. (Show IMAGE TWO: Group of people traveling.) But they werent just any people. See, they were Gods people, the Israelites, and they were led by a guy named Moses.

(Show IMAGE THREE: Moses.) There he is! Everyone say, Hi, Moses. (Say, Hi, Moses, with the children.)

Every day the Israelites traveled by following a cloud. (Show IMAGE FOUR: Cloud.) God put the pillar of clouds in the sky so the Israelites would know where to go to find their new home. Kinda awesome, huh?At night, though, the Israelites couldnt see the cloud. It was too dark! (Show IMAGE FIVE: Pillar of fire.) So God sent a pillar of fire for the Israelites to follow. Fire! Talk about awesome! Thats unbelievably cool, isnt it?So the Israelites went just where God told them to go because they knew Gods way was perfect. (Show IMAGE SIX: Mean king.) But one day a mean king named Pharaoh decided to go after Gods people. He sent an army to get them.

(Show IMAGE SEVEN: Army.) Gods people were scared of Pharaohs army. But Moses told them something very important. Moses told them that Gods way was perfect. He told them that as long as they were obeying God and following His way, they didnt need to be afraid. So Moses people kept following Gods directions. And God led them directly to the edge of the Red Sea. (Show IMAGE EIGHT: Large body of water.)

Oh, no! The people cried, Pharaohs army is right behind us. What are we going to do?And Moses said, Do not be afraid. God will fight for you! And then he held out his hand over the water and are you ready for this? Its the most awesome part of our story yet. (Show IMAGE NINE: The parted Red Sea with the Israelites walking through it.) The waters parted in TWO, and the Israelites were able to walk through the Red Sea to safety. Did you hear that? The Israelites WALKED through the sea! Have you ever walked through a sea? Me either, but the Israelites did. Who helped them? (Pause.) Yes! God did. God parted the waters and they were able to walk through the sea.Its true! Gods people followed God and God kept them safe. Because?

[Bottom Line] Gods way is perfect! Whose way is perfect? [Bottom Line] Gods way is perfect! Can you say that with me?STORYTELLER and CHILDREN: [Bottom Line] Gods way is perfect!STORYTELLER: Thats right! And not only is Gods way perfect, but its awesome, too. God can do ANYTHING. Last time! Whose way is perfect?

STORYTELLER and CHILDREN: [Bottom Line] Gods way is perfect!STORYTELLER: It is. Gods way is so perfect. Lets pray and tell God how awesome we think His way is.

God, You are amazing. You can do anything. You take care of us, and You give us exactly what we need. Thank You for loving us. Thank You that Your way is always perfect.

Split the Paint

What You Need: Gallon-size Ziploc bags, blue washable paint, packing tape, and masking tape

What You Do: Before the activity: Fill the bags half full of paint. Seal the bags closed with packing tape. Then tape the bags to a table or floor in the activity area by taping only the four corners. During the activity: Allow children to sit in front of each bag. Depending on how many kids there are, you may want to use multiple bags with paint, to allow each of them to have a turn. Allow them to use their fingers to make designs in the paint. Instruct the children to only use their fingers and to not hit or put too much pressure on the bag.At the end of the activity: After the children have finished making their own designs with the paint, challenge them to try to split the paint in half. Encourage them to use their fingers to divide the paint into equal halves.

What You Say:

Before the activity: Would you like to paint without using any brushes or getting your fingers all messy? (Pause.) Hmmm I think I know a way that we can do just that!

During the activity: (Have the children sit in front of the paint.) Our paint is in the bag but you can use your fingers to make anything that you would like. Go ahead and give it a try! (Allow the children to play with the paint.) Great job! At the end of the activity: I love all of the cool designs that you have made. Hmmm I wonder if you could use your finger to draw a line down the middle of the bag. Do you think you can divide the paint in half? (Pause.) There you go! You can divide the paint in half! It almost looks like a sea that has been split in half! Our Bible story today was about a sea that was split in half.

What Is in the Sea?

What You Need: No supplies neededWhat You Do:

Before the activity: Have the children stand up in front of you and spread out. During the activity: Ask the children to think about the Bible story from the perspective of the animals and sea life that were under the water when Moses parted the sea. Tell the children that fish, sharks, turtles, and sea plants all live in the Red Sea. Act out each animal or plant together.

At the end of the activity: Have the children act out their favorite sea animal.

What You Say: Before the activity: Everyone stand up and look at me. Hold out your arms to the side (demonstrate) and make sure that you do not touch your neighbor. We are going to be moving and we do not want to bump anyone!During the activity: Today in our Bible story we talked about how God helped Moses part the water so that his people you walk through. That water was called the Red Sea. There are lots of animals and plants that live in the Red Sea. There are fish, sharks, turtles, and sea plants that live in the red sea. I wonder what they thought about when the water parted. Lets pretend to be fish swimming in the Red Sea. (Move arms and make a fish face and encourage the children to join you.) If we were fish and we were swimming and the water parted, what would we do? (Pause.) (Throw hands up in the air and move backwards.) WHOA! Now lets pretend we are sharks swimming in the Red Sea. (Use arms to swim like a shark with a mean look on your face.) We are sharks swimming to find our dinner! (Smack your lips as you swim.) Now lets pretend we are sharks and God parted the Red Sea! (Swim backwards and throw arms up.) Whoa! Good job! Now lets pretend we are turtles in the Red Sea. (Crouch on the floor in a ball and hold out your hands and head like a turtle.) We are turtles. We are taking our time swimming through the Red Sea. How do you think a turtle looked when God parted the Red Sea? (Sit up as you are going backwards and wave your hands.) WHOA! Good job being turtles! There are also plants in the Red Sea. Can you pretend to be a plant in the ocean? (Stand up and hold your arms above your head and sway.) Great job! How do you think a plant looked when God parted the Red Sea? (Keep your arms up and move backwards.) WHOA!

At the end of the activity: I am sure that the sea life was surprised when Moses parted the Red Sea but it was okay because Gods way is always perfect! God helped his people and kept them safe. Whose way is perfect? [Bottom Line] Gods way is perfect!

If you happen to finish up with these activities early feel free to use any of the activities in the preschool game binder. If you are unsure as to where to find this binder, please contact your service coach.

Camp Splish Splash

Sunday, July 12th, 2015 .:. Room 101 &104

Pathways Kids Weekend Small Groups 3, 4 and 5 year Olds

This Weeks Scope

Memory In Motion

Bible Story

Make It Fun

Make It Fun

Need More
