july 2013 full moon ritual

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  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 Full Moon Ritual


    Courage and Strength

    By: Lady Willow SkyFire

    July 2013 Full Moon Ritual

  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 Full Moon Ritual


    Items needed

    1 White Candle (Strength and Courage, Element Air)

    1 Red Candle (Strength and Courage, Element Fire)

    1 Bowl Distilled Water (Element of Water)

    1 Teaspoon Salt (Element of Earth)

    A White Face Cloth or Washcloth

    1 Wooden Spoon


    Cakes & Ale (What you have on hand; a piece of bread and water will work for this)

    Matches or Lighter

    Set up

    White Candle

    Salt Red Candle

    Cakes & Ale Bowl of Water Wand

    Within Reach: Wooden Spoon, Washcloth, Matches or Lighter

    Pre Ritual InstructionsYou are to perform a breathing meditation for 10 minutes before starting this ritual.

    Get the room as dark as possible and eliminate all distractions. Turn off TVs, Radios, shut pets out of the

    room, and let others in the home know that you need this private time.

    Close your eyes and relax as much as you can. Start by taking in a deep breath and hold it for just a few

    seconds then release, take another deep breath, hold for a few seconds. Continue breathing in this

    rhythm, keeping your breathing steady until the end of the 10 minutes then take 1 long, deep, cleansing

    breath to finish.

  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 Full Moon Ritual


    Circle CastingStarting in the east, hold out your wand in front of you and slowly start turning clockwise in a circle toward

    the south. In each of the directions, say:

    I cast this circle all around me,

    To keep out all the negativity.

    My circle is here to protect,

    All harm it shall annihilate.

    Repeat above two more times and on the third turn to the east, end the above phrase:

    So Mote It Be!

    Corner CallingEast

    Facing East, take matches or lighter, light white candle and say:

    Watchtowers of the east and great element of Air. Join me on this night and rid me of my despair.Come to me at this time; join me now at this rite. Hail and Welcome!


    Facing South, take matches or lighter, light red candle and say:

    Watchtowers of the south and great element of Fire. Join me on this night and rid me of my despair.

    Come to me at this time; join me now at this rite. Hail and Welcome!


    Facing West, hold up the water and say:

    Watchtowers of the west and great element of water. Join me on this night and rid me of my despair.

    Come to me at this time; join me now at this rite. Hail and Welcome!


    Facing north, hold up the salt and say:

    Watchtowers of the north and great element of Earth. Join me on this night and rid me of my despair.

    Come to me at this time; join me now at this rite. Hail and Welcome!

  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 Full Moon Ritual


    InvocationHold both hands up over your head and say:

    Lord and Lady, hear my cry. Join me now, stand by my side. Teach me courage and strength; allow my

    spirit to sore high. Join me now and bring your mighty gifts. Hail and Welcome!

    Ritual work

    Pour the salt into the water and stir 3 times with the wooden spoon while saying:

    Tonight, I wash away all fears and weakness from me. So Mote It Be!

    Now take the washcloth and place in the purified water and ring out while leaving the washcloth damp.

    Start washing your body from your face down to the sole of your feet while chanting*:

    May the arms of the great mother, ever surround me.

    May the arms of the great mother, ever surround me.

    I am of the protection, divine mothers embrace.

    I am of the protection, divine mothers grace.

    *- Goddess Protection Chant

    Cakes and AleTake up your cakes & ale and make the following toast to the Lord and Lady.

    Great Lord and Lady, I toast to your honor tonight. So Mote It Be!

    Eat and Drink.

  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 Full Moon Ritual


    Energy Requests

    Are there any Energy Request tonight?

    Thanks to the DeityI thank you Lord and Lady for joining me here on this night. Thank you for granting me the courage and

    strength that I so desperately needed. Stay if you will, leave if you must. Hail and Farewell!

    Releasing the Corners


    Facing North, Say:

    Watchtowers of the north and element of earth, thank you for yours presents with me tonight.

    Hail and Farewell!


    Facing west, Say:

    Watchtowers of the west and element of water, thank you for yours presents with me tonight.

    Hail and Farewell!


    Snuff or blow out red candle and Say:

    Watchtowers of the south and element of fire, thank you for yours presents with me tonight.Hail and Farewell!


    Snuff or blow out white candle and Say:

    Watchtowers of the east and element of air, thank you for yours presents with me tonight.

    Hail and Farewell!

  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 Full Moon Ritual


    Opening the CircleStarting in the North this time and going counter clockwise in a circle towards the west, hold out your

    wand and say the following in each of the directions:

    My circle now opens as you can see,

    But no harm will ever come to me.

    I am under the protection of the divine,

    Not just now but all the time.

    Repeat above two more times and on the third turn to the north, finish the above phrase with:

    So Mote It Be!

    Ritual Ending

    The Lord and Lady hold you always in their protective loving embrace.

    Post Ritual InstructionsDispose of the wax by burying in the ground near your home for protection. Take the water/salt mixture and

    pour out upon the dirt in a forest for more protection.