july's news from zambia

FROM ZAMBIA: TO JULY’S NEWS. Dear sisters, I want to share with all of you a very nice experience we have here in Mongu in our community: the visit of a group of students from the University of Monterrey, UDEM. Around the middle of the month of April, we receive a letter from our Sr. Adriana Calzada, asking about coming in a Mission with some students from the University UDEM. They have been here in Africa before, but not in Zambia, so she was asking us if it was possible to have the Missionaries students here with us in Mongu. Of course we accepted them and since that time we started a series of talking by skype and making a program and a schedule for the 9 persons who will be here for 1 complete month. The weekend of Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 of June they arrived to Lusaka, the capital of Zambia. Sr. Cecilia and I went to Lusaka to receive them, while Sr. Cristina stayed in Mongu to welcoming them later. The group was leading by Sr. Silvia Canto Celis from the Sacred Heart of Jesus (one of the five Founders Congregation of the University) and Paulina Nieto a collaborator in charge of the Missionary Program from the University, both came with 4 female students and 3 male students, asking from us to be accommodated in a very simple place as Missionaries. We found accommodation for them in the Youth Center a place that belongs to the Diocese of Mongu and they were so please to be there living the whole month in a very simple way.

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Post on 03-Sep-2015




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Thank you so much, God bless you all. NI TUMEZI AHULU, MULIMU A KUFUYAULA: Sr. Silvia, Paulina, Maria, Mariana, Andrea, Mafa, Rafa, Wicho and Ivan


FROM ZAMBIA: TO JULYS NEWS.Dear sisters, I want to share with all of you a very nice experience we have here in Mongu in our community: the visit of a group of students from the University of Monterrey, UDEM.Around the middle of the month of April, we receive a letter from our Sr. Adriana Calzada, asking about coming in a Mission with some students from the University UDEM. They have been here in Africa before, but not in Zambia, so she was asking us if it was possible to have the Missionaries students here with us in Mongu. Of course we accepted them and since that time we started a series of talking by skype and making a program and a schedule for the 9 persons who will be here for 1 complete month.The weekend of Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 of June they arrived to Lusaka, the capital of Zambia. Sr. Cecilia and I went to Lusaka to receive them, while Sr. Cristina stayed in Mongu to welcoming them later.The group was leading by Sr. Silvia Canto Celis from the Sacred Heart of Jesus (one of the five Founders Congregation of the University) and Paulina Nieto a collaborator in charge of the Missionary Program from the University, both came with 4 female students and 3 male students, asking from us to be accommodated in a very simple place as Missionaries.We found accommodation for them in the Youth Center a place that belongs to the Diocese of Mongu and they were so please to be there living the whole month in a very simple way.The program we prepare was to participate in our ministries and activities we have every day and taking them to know around and within Mongu all the places of interest like Limulunga the Royal Establishment where the King lives; to Senanga to admire the Zambezi river; to Makapaela a lovely place with his natural lake; and others. Also they were looking for something else like the School for children that belongs to St. Agatha Parish very close to the place they were staying, having a series of Activities with the children, and at the Parish every afternoon they participate in the Eucharistic.They went to participate with MIC program in visiting the mothers, and visiting the Clinics. They have a morning with the mothers in a Workshop related to how to be sustainable; also went to observe the Drama groups.They went to the office of Cathequesis to know all the movement they have in the whole Diocese about Cathequesis in general.They went to one Outstation in the bush, to meet the community and gave them a Workshop related to Agriculture and how to organize themselves to be sustainable and been successful. Another Workshop to other 2 groups related with poultry and oxens, and small shops.In particular, Sr. Silvia accompanied Sr. Laura to the Prison, and participate in one of the Sessions giving to a group of the male section. They went to see other projects from other Congregations and Organizations here in Mongu; and enjoyed an evening talking with young adults from the Trainers Teachers College (TTC). College that the Diocese of Mongu is in charge.They enjoyed a lot the Lozi Mass on Sundays with their singing and dancing in different Parishes.They were present in an Ordination from a Diocesan Priest in Our Lady of Lurs the Cathedral of Mongu; and they had with us the sisters a relaxing evening; chatting, having snacks and watching videos from the culture of Western Province, the Kuomboka and the Victoria Falls.

From now on, the experience they had in this particular place was of a great significance for their lives, we enjoyed to have them here and we think they were so happy to be here as well.Thanks God for each of them for their presence with us and helping to bring good news to their families, friends, places, and their University about this beautiful, remote and unique place: Mongu, Western Province, Zambia in AFRICA.

Thank you so much, God bless you all. NI TUMEZI AHULU, MULIMU A KUFUYAULA: Sr. Silvia, Paulina, Maria, Mariana, Andrea, Mafa, Rafa, Wicho and Ivan

Sr. Laura Edith Campos c.c.v.i.Community of Mongu, W.P. Africa

PHOTOS: The 9 Missionaries in Senanga on a free day, behind them, the Zambezi River. The Missionaries singing to our Lady of Guadalupe in St. Agatha Parish. The Missionaries with the sisters in Mongu.