june 28th, 2007: i recieved a letter from satan

Page Cover l'he Stall and Sword Ministry June 2 8, 2001 rAti I received a Letter from Satan On Tuesday, June 26, 2007, we received just one piece of mail (a bit unusual) which was mailed from Denver, Colorado having no return address. Nancy-TONI told me it was "one of those letters" and I asked to see it. You will find a cop y of that letter on the reverse side of this_page . It is signed with: "A member of the Body of Christ ". Some weeks earlier I was getting nasty calls from a woman who I discerned was practicing "Christian witchcraft"who aimed to do harm to me. This June, 2007 letter just received is the latest in attacks aimed at me personally. While getting unkind notes or letters from time to time is fairly normal, this recent experience tells me that the enemy is trying to knock me out of the picture. Something is coming and they do not want me to be around. I had a distinct leading to respond to this letter and publish it in this Newsletter. But before doing that I sought the Lord JESUS in prayer to see what He said. If He said "LET IT GO" I'd let it go. What JESUS told me is not what I expected (I thought He might say "LET IT GO") JESUS to Chuck-JOHNEL June 26, 2007 We received (today) a letter from someone who preferred to remain anonymous, signed off: "A member of the Body of Christ" It was a hatchet job; one of those "slash and run" type of letters aiming to do harm. At best the writer is cowardly but I also perceive it is a letter from Satan. I ask JESUS about this letter and whether or not I ought respond in the Newsletter or just let it drop. JESUS said this: "JGHNEL, THIS LETTER IS BY DESIGN TO DO YOU HARM AT MANY LEVELS. THE INTENT IS MALICIOUS AND THE WRITER IS DRIVEN BY HATRED OF ME. SHARE THE LETTER IN THE NEWSLETTER, FOR I'VE GIVEN YOU THE LEADING TO DO SO. ADDRESS IT IN A CALM SCRIPTURAL WAY. (Continued on Page 3)

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I had a distinct leading to respond to this letter and publish it in this Newsletter. But before doing that I sought the Lord JESUS in prayer to see what He said. If He said "LET IT GO" I'd let it go. What JESUS told me is not what I expected (I thought He might say "LET IT GO") Some weeks earlier I was getting nasty calls from a woman who I discerned was practicing "Christian witchcraft"who aimed to do harm to me. signed off: "A member of the Body of Christ" (Continued on Page 3) Page Cover


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Page Cover l'he Stall and Sword Ministry June 2 8, 2001

rAti I received a Letter from Satan

On Tuesday, June 26, 2007, we received just one piece of mail (a bit unusual) whichwas mailed from Denver, Colorado having no return address. Nancy-TONI told meit was "one of those letters" and I asked to see it. You will find a copy of that letteron the reverse side of this_page . It is signed with: "A member of the Body of Christ ".

Some weeks earlier I was getting nasty calls from a woman who I discerned waspracticing "Christian witchcraft"who aimed to do harm to me.

This June, 2007 letter just received is the latest in attacks aimed at me personally.While getting unkind notes or letters from time to time is fairly normal, this recentexperience tells me that the enemy is trying to knock me out of the picture.Something is coming and they do not want me to be around.

I had a distinct leading to respond to this letter and publish it in this Newsletter. Butbefore doing that I sought the Lord JESUS in prayer to see what He said. If He said"LET IT GO" I'd let it go. What JESUS told me is not what I expected (I thoughtHe might say "LET IT GO")

JESUS to Chuck-JOHNEL June 26, 2007

We received (today) a letter from someone who preferred to remain anonymous,signed off: "A member of the Body of Christ"

It was a hatchet job; one of those "slash and run" type of letters aiming to do harm.At best the writer is cowardly but I also perceive it is a letter from Satan. I ask JESUSabout this letter and whether or not I ought respond in the Newsletter or just let itdrop. JESUS said this:


(Continued on Page 3)

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June, 2047 ^tt^te ^6 , ?007

Received 01Tuesday,

To Chuck and Nancy.

Another of your papers came to my attention a few weeks ago. It seems that you will notstop putting out half-truths, distorted facts, dates, etc., etc., despite the fact that scripturesays that we "know not the day nor the hour," You continue to "prophecy", as you call it,that something on a broad scale may or may not happen on such and such a day, if not thisyear, some other year. What good is that? Who are you fooling andlor trying to convinceof these 'things'? You appear to be doing a disservice to the Body of Christ. You do notuse scripture to support all your 'suppositions'. If the Church as a Body reads andmeditates on the true Word of the Lord as stated in the Bible, they can make their ownjudgments based on that Word. It is the only TRUE WORD.

One statement on p. 28 clearly show your bias to various nationalities and groups ofpeople. "This is why having Moslems in our midst is like having a ticking time bomb inour living room, any of them can be turned into mad killers..." Also, refer to page 23.Who are you to judge the Moslems? God only is our Judge!

You also state that some of your "prophecies" are only 'partially' fulfilled??? A TRUEProphet of God speaks a true prophecy, not a partial truth. On page 3 you speak: abouttalking to two people who have died. Have you read Is. 8:13-22? It would be advisableto do so.

Another 'tactic' that you seem to use is to put the prophecies and writings of some who aretrue prophets of God into your newsletters. Is that to impress that you are also a true

prophet? You only make it more confusing to people that it is more difficult to discerntruth from error. Alas, a person who is 'steeped' in the Word of God can discern and somehave brought it to your attention to be careful in all this "gibberish".

Please cease from your writings for a pe riod of 6-12 months (or longcr) r ^' ask the Lordfor forgiveness, and so that He may direct your ways in HIM, not in the flesh.

A member of the Sody of Christ

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JESUS to Chuck-JOHNEL June 26, 2007(continued



When JESUS told me that this man had blasphemed the HOLY SPIRIT I took acloser look at his letter and it was now obvious. What stood out to me was hisjudging the Word of the Lord as being "gibberish" and in this he was an offence tothe HOLY SPIRIT by whom that Word came. As JESUS said in John 6: 63, IT ISTHE SPIRIT THAT QUICKENETH...THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK UNTO YOU,THEY ARE SPIRIT, AND THEY ARE LIFE."

I remember many years ago back in Illinois at a prayer meeting, how a man came into themeeting who asked for prayer without saying what he wanted prayer for. We gatheredaround him and began to pray. I recall clearly to this day how I was immediately struck bya darkness and deadness that defied words - we all backed away, there was absolutely NOleading to pray for him at all, not even a little - it was as if he was the walking dead. Hethen told us that he had blasphemed the HOLY SPIRIT. He had committed theunforgivable sin.

Now I do not know if he just blasphemed the HOLY SPIRIT by this letter or did itawhile ago, nonetheless his hatred for God is apparent, even obvious to me.

This man attacks me from many different angles but he is mindless of Scripturewhich says: "To subvert a man in his cause, the Lord approveth not.Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lordcommandeth it not?" (Lamentations 3: 36-37)

I can easily point to dozens of events JESUS had me prophesy which came to passto say nothing of calling for major prayer campaigns that turned back what wouldhave been Nuclear World War III except for that prayer/prayer warfare.

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When he refers to a Page 28 - I can't imagine that being a Newsletter since no sectionever goes past 26 pages. Here he makes a judgment of me as having a "bias tovarious nationalities" kinda forgetting that to judge me so, he has to make ajudgment. As a matter of fact his letter is basically a hunch of judgments hurled at merapid fire from every direction to the place where he makes little sense.

Every year in this world extremist Moslems are responsible for the outright murderof 200,000 Christians and more. In that Moslems pray to submit to Allah and in thatAllah is Lucifer, any one of them can be taken by the Devil and turned into a madkiller at Lucifer's whim. In fact, it is well documented that this happens in theMoslem communities all the time - decent, kind young men are turned into murderingbeasts at the snap of a finger. He may want to call that a "judgment" but it is more anobservation of what is going on, it is plain truth.

This man seems to be wholly unaware (or chooses to ignore the fact) that we havespent the better part of three years praying for Moslems and have waged strategicspiritual warfare to free them from the grip of hell and death.

The plain Scriptural truth is that a Moslem is hell bound apart from salvation throughJESUS CHRIST. To say that they are hell bound is no judgment, that is the plainGospel truth.

This man then writes: (Quote) "You also state that some of your "prophecies" are

only partially' fulfilled??? A TRUE Prophet of God speaks a true prophecy, not a

partial truth. " (Unquote)

First off, his statement makes absolutely no sense. Secondly, I would remind him ofthis Scripture:

"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part."(Paul in I Corinthians 13: 9)


In 2001 the Lord led us to Prophesy in the Church Decision to loose judgment, we

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had to stand aside. I estimated that something terrible would happen some time afterAugust 26, 2001, that buildings would be collapsing and people would die. Thatunderstanding was published in August, 2001.

Then came September 11, 2001 - a terrorist attack which took the lives of 3,000people, buildings fell and burned.

An honest straightforward observation concludes that what JESUS said on August14, 1979 was partially fulfilled' on September 11, 2001. I fully expect to see agreater fulfillment of His Word as we enter deeper into the judgment, where everydate He gave in 1979 proves to be the times of dangerous events.

This man also violates God's Word in other ways: "He suffered no man to dothem wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes. saying, Touchnot mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm."

(1 Chronicles 16: 21-22)

The thrust of his letter was to not only touch me but to do as much harm as he couldmanage.

LET'S CALL HUM `MIKE'I'm tired of addressing an `unknown accuser' so let's call this man "Mike" (rightMike!).

Mike writes (quote), "It seems you will not stop putting out half-truths, distortedfacts, dates, etc, etc despite the fact that scripture says that we "know not the day northe hour ". (Unquote)

I wonder if Mike knows where this is at in the Bible? He is quoting out of context ofwhat JESUS said (it is not what scripture says, it is what JESUS said).


This Scripture refers to JESUS' SECOND COMING, not to judgments, not toanything else except the Lord JESUS' RETURN. At rio time have I entertained justwhen JESUS might return nor have I set up a "watch date" for that wonderful event(His Return).

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However, in this Ministry I do set up WATCH DATES as we are watching forcertain events that will signal that the judgment has emerged with full force andthereafter it will only grow fiercer. My intent and purpose is to "watch" for those"key events" gotten through JESUS' WORD over the years to the ends of alerting theBody of Christ and to encourage them to be ready and standing in Christ lest they beswept up and away by the tides of judgment.

This is quite in line with what JESUS said in Matthew 24: 36,42 quoted on theprevious page -- JESUS Himself said `WATCH THEREFORE" — well, we arewatching! What is wrong with following JESUS' directions?! Nothing!

Mike also writes (Quote) "On page 3 you speak about talking to two people whohave died. Have you read Is. 8: 11-22? It would be advisable to do so.... " (Unquote)

-And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talkingwith him (JESUS)" (Matthew 17:3)

There arc no dead in Christ - all who sleep in Christ are alive and well. Those whodie in their sins, these are the "dead."

Isaiah S: 19 reads: "...Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, andunto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a peopleseek unto their God? for the living to the dead?"

It is also here that this man, Mike, is calling the Holy Spirit that leads me a "familiarspirit" and also implies that I'm a wizard. He attacks the HOLY SPIRIT more thanonce in his letter, he has committed the unforgivable sin over and over. This kind ofbehavior is common in a reprobate mind.

Actually, I've not sought to talk or communicate with those who have died. In anumber of situations the HOLY SPIRIT gave me to see and/or hear things in theHeavens (among the living in Christ in Heaven, not the dead in hell). My father-in-law, Bill Weaver, had just passed away moments before we got to his hospital bed.Standing at the foot of his bed I suddenly saw Bill being escorted by two beautifulAngels who were leading him to his Heavenly reward. Bill saw me and spoke to mebriefly. He said, "Chuck, everyone here calls you IOHNEL" I replied, "Becausethat is my name" Bill then said, "It is so beautiful, more beautiful than I everimagined." With that he entered into the Light and was gone. This was hardly a

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seance nor because I saw a brother in Christ enter into Heaven does that make me awizard.

In fact, it is not uncommon in the Body of Christ for relatives to see loved onesleaving their body at death and being escorted by Angels to Heaven. I've read quitea few accounts over the years. I didn't expect to see my father-in-law go to Heaven,but the SPIRIT OF GOD opened my eyes to see it happen, which was quitecomforting to the family.

Mike writes, (Quote) "If the Church as a Body reads and meditates on the true Wordof the Lord as stated in the Bible, they can make their own judgments based on thatWord. It is the only TRUE WORD. " (Unquote)

God's Word comes in two basic forms: The Written Word of GOD (the Logos Word)and the Spoken Word of GOD (Rhema Word). Both are TRUE. As we abide inChrist we can come into an intimate living relationship with JESUS CHRIST Himselfand here we can learn to hear Him speak to us, the Rhema Word. That is as TRUEas the Written Word.

Just what Mike means by "If the Church as a Body reads and meditates... "is unclear.Is he suggesting that the whole Church gather, read the Bible and meditate on it asa gathered Body? Sounds great, I'd like to see how this would be done on a nationalbasis. Not holding my breath, however. I spent two and a half years calling acongregation of 2,400 to come to the church and pray together. After 2-1/2 years ofrejection and abuse, four members of that congregation stepped forward to pray.

Mike then writes, (Quote) "Another "tactic" that you seem to use is to put theprophecies and writings ofsome who are true prophets of God into your Newsletters.Is that to impress that you are also a true prophet? You only make it more confusingto people so that it is more difficult to discern truth from error... " (Unquote)

This man is constantly questioning my motivates and next calling my motives evilat every turn,

But I will treat his accusations as questions and will address this one now. Why doI include the prophecies of others in the Newsletters? Is it some subtle tactic toconfuse you as Mike states'? Well, I've always recognized that there are others in theBody of Christ who rece ive Words from the Lord and have always worked to see

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how they fit in with what JESUS has shown me to the end of arriving at a biggerpicture of what is going on. As Prophecy is partial the more you receive and workwith the revelations of others the more complete a Prophetic picture you arrive at.

I also share these "other Prophecies" out of a Christ Love for my brethren in Christwho receive these Words/Revelations - to edify and encourage them and to edify andequip you in every way possible.

JESUS' Commission to us (Nancy-TONI and I) is to PREPARE you for Famine,War, Occupation and all the troubles coming. We do "work" at that and from manydifferent levels (Spiritual, Physical and Emotional).

Our motivation is a Christ Love for the Body of Christ - that is the underliningmotive behind everything we do.

"Whoso keepeth the commandments shall feel no evil thing: anda wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment."

(Ecclesiastes 8: 5)

Vhy, seeing times are not hidden from the Almighty, do theythat know Him not see His days?' (Job 24: 1)

The timing of judgment can be discerned, there are a number of Scriptures that tellus this, two of which are above.

Why can't we discern the timing of this judgment? I've explained before that theattitudes and decisions of the church system of man in rejecting Jesus' Word andwarnings of coming judgment also exercised Christ's authority and "bound" theProphets from knowing the times. This makes knowing the times of judgment anextremely difficult undertaking. We work with what we have to overcome what canbe overcome. As shared a number of times, JESUS on January 2, 1989 told me this,"I WILL NOT REVEAL THE TIMING. JUDGMENT WILL NOW BETHREE TIMES GREATER. IT WILL COME SUDDENLY AND WITHOUTWARNING."

When the Lord's Word comes we will have to discern that it is Him by the Spirit ofGod and believe Him by faith. However, based on His Word over the years He hasrevealed a number of judgment scenarios that if we can recognize a "key starting

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event" we have a pretty good idea of what will follow based on what He has told us.This is why we focus on `WATCHING and WAITING in PRAYER.' This man,Mike, despises this method. But then he despises the HOLY SPIRIT too.

THE EMISSARY : Before JESUS Commissioned and sent me out to initiate thisMinistry work, I was visited during my prayer time by an emissary from Satan (mid1976). A princely-looking principality rather boldly offered me fame in the church,fortune, anything I wanted if I would not do two things: (1) Call the Church to pray,and (2) Warn of coming judgment. The demon prince told me I could teach from theBible, Evangelize and Preach the Gospel. If I agreed they would give me anythingI wanted, power, esteem, fame, fortune - anything.

I was bothered that it interrupted my prayer time and responded with Scripture: "RSfor me and my house, we will serve the Lord."{JESUS CHRISTI(Joshua 24: 15f)

This emissary raged threats telling me that they would make it so that I would behated, reviled, despised and rejected everywhere in the church. They would work toimpoverish me, to kill my wife and children (at that time I had a son, Stefan, 3months old) and then they would kill me. The emissary glared with hateful eyes andcontinued to spew out threats like a flood. I replied saying, "I trust in the LordJESUS CHRIST, who is my Lord and Savior, and only except that Heshould permit any of this can it happen for you have no powerover me. I belong to Christ." With that I rebuked this demon and commandedit to leave in Jesus' Name. It left.

In the next years the enemy made two serious attempts on my then wife (Jolanta), andtried any number of times to kill me as well as my son (two attempts). They kept theirpromise to make me hated, despised, reviled and rejected in the church.

Mike's letter is only a continuation of a long string of violence and hatred aimed atme by Satan and Lucifer. I readily recognize the source, the smell of sulphur isobvious to me.

JESUS gave us a New Commandment to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. The mostobvious thing about this letter is the total lack of any kind of Christ love. In fact, thisletter is a dark vacuum of cold hate, so contrary to JESUS CHRIST that it stands outlike a sore thumb. Yet people Iike this Mike course through the Body of Christ like

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rage lU 1 lie L7Lilil iillu Vui U IYl{lli3Li Y Jul1C GQ 4UU l

sharks among schools of fish, ripping and tearing anyone they can sink their teeth in,

Am I getting carried away? Not really. Back in 1982 JESUS plainly told me thatSatan's Kingdom was "in" His Church. This `Mike' is an example of the kind ofsharks coming out of that Satanic kingdom that is in our midst.

The most interesting part of his letter is here: (Quote) "Please cease from yourwritings for a period of 6-12 months (or longer) and ask the Lord . for forgiveness,and so that he may direct your ways in HIM, not in the flesh. " (Unquote)

So the enemy moved him (first time) to use the word "please" to get me to ceasepursuing this Ministry work in Christ. Up to this point he has bashed me on the headevery way imaginable to say nothing of constantly accusing the HOLY SPIRIT ofevil doing. What with a recent attack by a witch, this following soon after - bothtelling me to "Stop doing what I'm doing, " I wonder just what it is that JESUS isgoing to ask me to do that the enemy is so concerned in trying to get me out of theway.

I do know some things. In mid-1976 the Lord JESUS had not yet given me HisCommission to warn the church of coming judgment although He had sent me to alocal church calling them to pray, I did not realize then that He would ask me to callthe nation to pray. The enemy seemed to know this before I did and tried to turn meaway before Jesus' Commission came.

What has happened in this June letter from Mike is very much like this. I haveactually planned to spend some time with Jesus `In The Spirit' and in deep abidingfor the next weeks once this Newsletter is done and when some other necessary taskshave been taken care of

COULD THIS LETTER WOUND ME? Actually, no! However, I perceive theenemy is working to re-open old wounds that never really healed. This seems to bethe thrust of the enemy tactic.

For me, this letter is a mine field of swipes at old wounds that only the enemy couldhave orchestrated. This Mike is not that smart but the spirit driving him knows meand thinks it can do me harm. I suspect they may try again, but whoever does betterhave their life insurance up to date. The Lord JESUS has sent an Angel to be withme, it carries a flaming sword and God's Commission to deal with anyone who triesto lay hands on me again. End of report. God bless.