(]j'unger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1979/1979-09-13.pdfmagic art ,they feature items that would...

THURS1)AY, SEPTEMBER 13,1979 TAKE ON OLTON MUSTANGS FRIDAY NIGHT Antelopes Battle Buffaloes T06 · 6 Tie In Defensive · War The 1979 version ofthe A.bernathy Antelopes battled the Class A state-ranked Petersburg Buffaloes to a 6-6 season opener tie last Friday night at Petersburg. The Lopes of Coach Larry Aldridge and the Buffs fought throughout most of the first half primarily bet- ween the 30 yard lines , each team testing the other. It wasn't until late In the second quarter that the Lopes ' hard charglnfcdefense caused carried to the Buffs 12 yard line. Four plays later, with zone. and Peters burg recovered .That was the only threat by either team In first half. The second half started off similar to the first, but late in the third quarter the Buffs, who had been kept de e p In their own territory by excellent Antelope punt- stopped on downs early In the fourth quarter at the Lopes' 12 yard line. How- aro again and the Bufrs recovered and se t up camp on the Antel opes 19. It took six pla ys against the strong Antelope defenders for the Buffs to score , with David Ju are z going the final 2 yards for the TD. Quarter- ba ck Todd Shurbet's extra 4-H Fabric Sale Set Here Sept 19 The Finance Committee members of the Hale County Ext ension Homemakers and Fabrics . This fabriC sale will be sponsored in Plainview on Tuesday ,September 18, 1979 from 9:00 a. m.toS :00 p.m. at the Hale County Agricul- ture Center . A percentage of the fabric sold will be given to the Ext ension Homemaker Cou nc it to be used for scho- larships and other educatio- nal in Petersburg, Abernathy and Hale Center will sponsor the sale in each community on September 11.19,20 respectively . Proc eeds received from tbese three sales will be use(l for th e exchange program. In Lincoln County, Kentucky, after hosting them this past summer. In ?revious years 4- H members of Hale County ha ve exchanged with Iowa & Hale County residents should take advantage of this opportunity to buy fall fabrics at low prices, while at Ih e sam e time. The Fabric Sale In A be rna th y on Wednesday, 19, "Ill be at the city Adult Education To Begin Here Sept 17 F or the twelfth consec- utive year, the Abernatby Public Schools will sponsor Adult Education. The teacher will be Mrs,Fredda Mitchell and records clerk will Monday and Thursday even- Ing at 7 PM In tbe Academic Center. Adults ma)' enroll anytime. Interested may enroll and · attelid ' it any v wlde,anCl The Lope. began an earnest drive following th e defense again stiffened and forced the Buffs to punt. the ball going out of bounds on at the Abernathy 12. With just 1,09 left on the clock. the Lopes went Into the "shotgun" formation, and senior quarterback Tony Heath rlRed four consecutl ve pan completloOl, two each to Dean McGuire and WUlIe Bens.placlng the ball on tbe Buffs 1 1/2 yard line wltb just 16 second. left. Two Incomplete pass attempts ::ke1 : line, and toned a perfect strike to Ranker Scott Morr- ison who had drifted Into the end zone . With the score tied at S-S, klcker Willie Betts, who had klcked beau- tifully In workouts during the wee k, put bls toe to the ball, but It sailed just to the and the For the night, the Lopes had 1l flnt downs to Peten- on the ground. The Lopes hit on8 oU4 passes for 91?sards. the Buffs a slight total yard- age edge, 193 to 174. Art Exh Ibit In Sept. At A. C. The public Is Invited to go by the academic center at the junior high school to view the different art exhibits that will be on display during the month of September. There are Pin and Ink. Tole Painting and Mirror Magic art ,they feature Items that would Interest children, c'ountry scenes, flowers and others of Interest. Artist work on display are local talent, Doris Nel- son, Vera Vaughn, Christie Nelson, Lorle Forbes, Jan Myatt ,Bec kl Lutrlck,LelUone Walts, Joyce Nels. Rolfae Smith and Mr.and Mrs.J. R. Robison have thelt Mirror Magic art on display. Lorle Forbes teaches tole painting, anyone Interested could contact her. New Shop On loth Street, J. C. R. Juanita Ramos JUII returned from a buying trip to Dallas where she selected , St. She will carry ladles wear In large to small sizes, Including juniors, For a limited time, most Items will be 1/3 off. Juanita Invites everyone to come In and get acquainted. ThIs Is her first business venture. The shop shares the building with Angle's Beauty Salon which Is owned by her daughter. See her ad In thlJ ISlue. New City Manager Assumes Duties Rod Ellis, Abernathy's new city manager. arrived bere September 1 and spent hb fint week meeting peoPle and orienting h. lmtelf to 'bts work. He In hb first City council meetlllg lanMQnclaylllght . .......... .i ••. .:.. . kick, The Buffs punted four :vr:;t:· les; the Buffs lost 1 of 3. Antelope ru nn I n g ba c k Sylvester Dunn had il4 yardS on 6 carries, wblle team- mate Roger Lindsey carried 9 times for 28 yards. Full- back Ken Sanders carried 12 yards on two trips. Leading receiver was Dean McGuire with 4 receptions for 67 yards. Petersburg'S leading ball carrier was Mfke Phillips with 92 yards on 23 carries. Primarily. the overall defentlve unit played exce- ptionally well for tbe Ante- lopes. These Included Lance Cody Connell, Victor Dees, Dean McGuire , Ken Sanders, Roger Lindsey, Willie Betts, Scott Morrison, Tony Heath, Shane Cunningham, Cliff Ward and others. The Lopes will test their power again Friday night when they play host to the strong Olton Mustangs who won their season opener Antelopes Host Olton Sept 14 Coach Larry Aldridge's AHS Varsity football squad 'wlll host the Olton Mustangs on Antelope Field in Aber- rathy Frlday,Sept.14. The m ihe Antelopes Petersburg, 6-S,whlle O\ron was trounc- ing Farwell, 32-14 . last minute field goal by Gil bert Cue vas. Here's how other 4-AA teams fared in the season opener last Friday : Floydada 40, Dimmitt 6; Tulia 13, Friona O;ldalou 37 ,New Deal 14 ; Lockney 20, Post 6, SEPT .14, Plains plays at New Deal , 8 p. m. (Home- coming game for the ND Lions). SEPT. 14 : Shallowater plays __ Social Security Representative Due Here Sept.18 The Soc I a I Security representative, Virginia DeWitt from the Plainview Social Security office will be working In the City Hall mber 18,1979. A nyone who needs assistance wit h a soc lal security or medicare claim, appllca.tlon for a social security number, or Infor- mation abour any -part of social security may see her. If more convenient, contact your soclalsecurlty office at 1401-B West 5th Street In Plainview. A telephone call may save you a trip . Our number is 293-4371. PUBUC NOTICE Effectively Immediate- Iy. the two women on The Review staff, Jacquelyn cover meetings tbat will necenltate their hiving to go to their respective bomes to Council Hale County - Abernathy, Texas - lubbock County VOLUME 58 NUMBER 43 Mrs. Delwin Webb Victim of Brutal Beati ng Moriday Barbara Webb. Aberna- superintendent Dt. Delwin Webb, suffered a vicious beating from an unlCnown care unit of Methodist Hospital In Lubbock. She was moved to a private room later Tuesday. Law enforcement officers were worklngas hard and fast as possible to find her assailant, so none could be. reached for official information, 'They were questioning a suspect Tues- day afternoon. sou to turn off the school tennis her out Into the country, beat her with a shovel and. leaving her there , drove away in her car. In spite of severe to the home of close friend;. She was ta ken to the hospital by private vehicle. -_ ........... - .......... --- School Board Report NOTE: The Weekly Review was not able to cover the August 4 meeting of Abernathy School Board. The following is the board report issued to school employees after each school board meeting . Presentations were made to the board by Coaches lewis , Irlbeck, and Aldridge. In the presentation, they conveyed their ideas for strengthening the Junior High A thletic IN FORMAL ACTION- The Board-- · Looked at athletic policy revisions and deCided to leave it as Is but to In- clude it on future agendas. tlon English Teacher. . Instructed Dr. Webb to confer with Dr. Gregory concerning his possibility of being a medical consultant to the school. · Accepted a bid fpr a P. A. System for tbe high school and ';lmnaslum . This Into . Approved--The AHva- nced Academic Pro8l'am for the Junior High School. · Extended an Invitation to the South Plains School Board Association to meet in Abernathy on September 20th. · Voted to examine specifications for all all- weather trackat the October Meeting. NON-ACTION ITEMS- The Board--Olscussed · The TASA-TASBCon- ference · Heard the following reports : A.Tax-99.1(1'/ocol\ect- ed B. Anti-trust suit con- present. C. Enrollment-elemen- tary-460; junior hlgh-2:M; high __ .• __ Lions Club Initiates Crime line Program; Establishes Reward Fund Abernathy Lions Club members, upset over Barbara Webb s Monday night '>rdeal, took the first steps Tuesday to set up a local Crime Line program similar to th e one used successfully in Lubbock to aid law enforcem e nt meeting Tuesday, they opened an accollnt at First State Bank and desposlted funds collected at the meet- ,to be used in the crime so alread shocked by Mrs . ordeal, responded to a mov- ing presentation at their meeting by Frank McGlaun, chairman 0 f the Crime Com mit tee 0 f Lubbock Chamber of Commerce and the Crime Committee of Lubbock countt The pro- e ::" relevant to community feel- ings on Tuesday . McGlaun said he thoroughly believes in and devotes his time to two things--servlng the Lord and crime committee work with the FBI, Narcotics Bureau, Department of Public Safety , District Attorney's offic e , Texas Rangers, and other law enforcement agenCies. The Abernathy men already determined to aid local police In a crime sol ving and crime prevention pro- gram of their own. Revival Underway At Nazarene Church Rev . Rosswell Brunner, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene announces that they have a re vival under- ::J Sunday, 16 . Services are at 7:30 p. m. a.m.and 6: 15 p. m. Rev.and Mrs.H . F .C rews are the evangelist and song leaders for the revival. Rev .Brunner invites you to attend. \ l _(]J' SUNSH. IN . E .., ',.."" .,. GROUP .,., .,.J - meets I 1 \' Thursday SEPT.20 11 AM City Ha 11 Club Room Visitors welcome A . committee will be formed to administer the Crime Lin e funds. Any citi zen may contribute to the Chamber of Commerce Crime Committee Account in First State Bank with rhe injury to Mrs. Web b or rob- bety ofthe Methodist Church or any other crime in mind. When the Crim e Line phone number is deSignated, anyone having knol.ledge of a c rime may call---with guaranteed anonymity---to information. If the Information leads to arrest and conviction of a criminal , the anonymou s informant collects the reward. The men plan several other crime prevention and solving programs. One is use of an invisible ink marking pen with which merc hants. hom e owners, far me rs. any- one can mark be longin gs , merchandise, or equipment. id e n t i f i c at ion of stolen goods. Local L ion sC I u b mem bers will sell the pe ns for $2 .95 each and , with each pen, bu yers will re ceive dec als to put on windows wa rn i ng thi eves that · the belon gin gs in a r es ide nee 0 r store ar e marked. These mea su res ar e meant to assi st la" enfor- c ement a ge ncies. Cl ub member Arno Str uve said th e reputation of be i ng tough on crime which is an effective deterr e nt in itself. September City Counci"\ Items on the agenda for Abernathy Cit y Counc il 's Se ptember 10 mee llng were ' · Pu blic heari ng on waste wat er treatme nt plant grant housin g appeal · Southwestern Public S e r vi c e Co . franchise renewal Appointment of city auditors · Consider ' complaint from Jac kie Barton a bou t city sewer overflow in his property . · Petition requesllng annexation of Pinson Place into city limits · Uniforms for Cit Y empl°t;:fiSnqUent taxes Covet age of the meet- tOg will be included 10 the next issue of The Weekl y Review . Christian Center Assembly of God Ch urch To Have "Meet Our Pastor Day, Sept. 22 The members of the Christian Center Assembly of God church will ha ve " Meet Our Pastor Day" ,Sat- urday,September 22 ,at their church at 14th and Ave. II. It will begin at 4 p. m. with special singing ani! testim- onies, featuring "The Balla r ds" from Lubbock. Saturday night Rev. w e served. Rev. Renay Rice is the new pastor ofthe Christ- ian Center Assembly of God Church, A familiar face in a DeW plaC411 Jim Bob Smith Is SbowD In tne office oi Homestead Industries, Inc. where be exhibits Heritage Roor Tile in two styles atid four colors. 666 Jim Bob Smith Joins Homestead Industries James R.fJim Bob) Smith has j 0 I ned Homestead Industries as the corporat- Ion's co-owner and general manager. The announcement came this week from Eiben and Clara Harp who estab- l i s h edt h e bus I n e s s to distribute Heritage Roof TUe to West Texas and Eastern New Mexico builders. JIm B ob has been associated with the 8l'ocery bUSiness for rhe thirty-one years he has lived In Aber- nathy . He attended Texas Tech University and served with the U.S.Army in Korea. For the past twenty-three ye ars he owned and operated the store which he sold to Company earlier this year . He has served on the Board of Directors of Texas Retail Grocen Assoc- iation and Affiliated Fooe", Inc. He is &40 dire<:,tQC of Affiliated finance Co . of Amarillo A former City CouncU- man . lim Bob has served as president of Abernathy Lions has been a volunteer fireman for n i n e i e e n yea, sand presently Abernathy's Fire Chief. He is a deacon of SP Electric Co-op Annual Meeting Set For Sept. 18 The South Plain s IS scheduled fo. Tuesday , Sep!. 18. )t will be held in the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center Exhibit Hall, 1501 6th Street. Dinner will be at 6 p. m . and the program Is set for 7 p.m. There will be an election of Directors for Districts 3,5 and 7. There will be a Cooperative bus- iness session. The dinner will be a bu ffe!. Door prizes will be gIven . There will be entertai- nment for the children. cooperation with the Mem- ber Ser vice Committee . AHS Antelope Band Petersburg Band Perform Together The Antelope band and time show last Friday night majors, Riddell and Gene McDonald. The band's first number was" Emperata." Twirlers for tbe Ante- Cooper ani! junior twlrler)·Sherrl Ikldfel. tbe two First Baptist Church. Jim Bob and Rolfae Smith have three children. Kevin, 21, Is a student at ll,anends Abernat\:y Junior High . "I have always been Interested In the building Jim Bob stated', "and I m forward to rlon and maklng beautiful tile now , aOd we have samples In the Homestead office for people toexamlne. a first-class job of Installa- pan," stead Corporation, Elbet! Harp said, "Building a new business and a We are fortunate to have someone with Jim Bob's Inte grI ty and bullneu exper- ience to work with us." NK Crop Demonstration Set For Sept. 18 that . many klnds of . field and garden crop seeds, and local dealers for Northrup King planting seed will host an N K C r 0 p DemoOluation Center, and a free lunch, Tuesday, Sept. 18. The demonstration I>10t Is located five miles south of Hale Center and about ten mUes north of Abernathy on US 87 iln the vicinity of Cone Elevator). The demonstration will start at 10 :30 a. m. and the lunch will be served by a caterlnJflrm at 120'clock demonstration plOt . Dealers hOlllng tbe event Include Harold W. ::\e: representatives co-bostlng the demonstration will be Billy Beard of Abernathy ,an . NK Territory Manager for 12 area counties. One of NK's offlce/storage/dlsuu- butlng point complexes Is located at New Deal. Beard said that there will be several different c ro ps , Including seeds general)' used In tbli area. and new varieties of hybrtd NK--developed crop seeds that will be coming on the field illation of current -lid future, varieties of' .. fOr grain

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Page 1: (]J'unger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1979/1979-09-13.pdfMagic art ,they feature Items that would Interest children, c'ountry scenes, flowers and others of Interest. Artist work on display



Antelopes Battle Buffaloes T06 · 6 Tie In Defensive ·War

The 1979 version ofthe A.bernathy Antelopes battled the Class A state-ranked Petersburg Buffaloes to a 6-6 season opener tie last Friday night at Petersburg.

The Lopes of Coach Larry Aldridge and the Buffs fought throughout most of the first half primarily bet­ween the 30 yard lines , each team testing the other. It wasn't until late In the second quarter that the Lopes ' hard charglnfcdefense caused

~~;;rt~f~~eft;:nh~~~~~~~J carried to the Buffs 12 yard line . Four plays later, with

~~Cp~d ~~~~f:~ f~t~h~h~'~~~ zone. and Peters burg recovered . That was the only threat by either team In first half.

The second half started off similar to the first, but lat e in the third quarter the Buffs, who had been kept de ep In their own territory by excellent Antelope punt-

~~i~:;ett~n a~~~?ar:et:~~: stopped on downs early In the fourth quarter at the Lopes' 12 yard line. How-

1uv~rble s~ftge aro e~~~~~~I~J again and the Bufrs recovered and se t up camp on the Antelopes 19. It took six plays against the strong Antelope defenders for the Buffs to score , with David Ju are z going the final 2 yards for the TD. Quarter­bac k Todd Shurbet's extra

4-H Fabric Sale Set Here Sept 19

The Finance Committee members of the Hale County Extension Homemakers and

~~In C~f;;'~~J t~~ve u~r:~~ :~~~i~~~\i~~r:~OJ~~dr~~ne~ Fabrics .

This fabriC sale will be sponsored in Plainview on Tuesday ,September 18, 1979 from 9:00 a . m.toS :00 p.m. at the Hale County Agricul­ture Center . A percentage of the fabric sold will be given to the Extension Homemaker Cou nc it to be used for scho­larships and other educatio-

nal p~~~~7:tsbs in Petersburg, Abernathy and Hale Center will sponsor the sale in each community on September 11.19 ,20 respectively . Proceeds received from tbese three sales will be use(l for th e exchange program. In

~~i~ f~~:l~~' WI~a~: a~l~r~~ Lincoln County, Kentucky, after hosting them this past summer. In ?revious years 4- H members of Hale County ha ve exchanged with Iowa & ~linnesota .

Hale County residents should take advantage of this opportunity to buy fall fabrics at low prices, while

~~~k~~~ a~t~:~n pr~;r~~~ at Ihe sam e time.

The Fabric Sale In A be rna thy on Wednesday, ~~rr 19, "Ill be at the city

Adult Education To Begin Here Sept 17

F or the twelfth consec­utive year , the Abernatby Public Schools will sponsor Adult Education. The teacher will be Mrs,Fredda Mitchell and records clerk

will ~a~~s; ~~r ~~:~~~~h Monday and Thursday even­Ing at 7 PM In tbe Academic Center. Adults ma)' enroll anytime. Interested ~dult1 may enroll and · attelid ' it

any Cl~s~esc._~gII.Q19:~~~~I' v

~~n~~}!el~l~~~~ wlde,anCl

The Lope. began an earnest drive following th e

d~:!n~I~~~ff il~to~~~~ r:!dBfrr~~'l.· 1~~ 'n:!t~~ defense again stiffened and forced the Buffs to punt. the ball going out of bounds on at the Abernathy 12. With just 1,09 left on the clock. the Lopes went Into the "shotgun" formation, and senior quarterback Tony Heath rlRed four consecutl ve pan completloOl, two each to Dean McGuire and WUlIe Bens.placlng the ball on tbe Buffs 1 1/2 yard line wltb just 16 second. left. Two Incomplete pass attempts

::ke1 : h:~~1:'t~r~~;e~~ line, and toned a perfect strike to Ranker Scott Morr­ison who had drifted Into the end zone . With the score tied at S-S, klcker Willie Betts, who had klcked beau­tifully In workouts during the wee k, put bls toe to the ball, but It sailed just to the

:~~~ ~~~:I~!JI~~:. and the

For the night, the Lopes had 1l flnt downs to Peten-

~~s l!iulea~:er~~fit!~rl~~ on the ground. The Lopes hit on8 oU4 passes for 91?sards.

~r~lfu~~~~n~7~~r:,f ~~fn: the Buffs a slight total yard­age edge, 193 to 174.

Art Exh Ibit In Sept. At A. C.

The public Is Invited to go by the academic center at the junior high school to view the different art exhibits that will be on display during the month of September.

There are Pin and Ink. Tole Painting and Mirror Magic art ,they feature Items that would Interest children, c'ountry scenes, flowers and others of Interest.

Artist work on display are local talent, Doris Nel­son, Vera Vaughn, Christie Nelson, Lorle Forbes, Jan Myatt ,Bec kl Lutrlck,LelUone Walts, Joyce Nels. Rolfae Smith and Mr.and Mrs.J. R. Robison have thelt Mirror Magic art on display.

Lorle Forbes teaches tole painting, anyone Interested could contact her .

New Shop On loth Street, J. C. R.

Juanita Ramos JUII returned from a buying trip to Dallas where she selected

~~~.kR.f ~:ot~I~~ , ~t e4~6 s~~S; St. She will carry ladles wear In large to small sizes, Including juniors,

For a limited time, most Items will be 1/3 off. Juanita Invites everyone to come In and get acquainted.

ThIs Is her first business venture. The shop shares the building with Angle's Beauty Salon which Is owned by her daughter. See her ad In thlJ ISlue.

New City Manager Assumes Duties

Rod Ellis, Abernathy's new city manager. arrived bere September 1 and spent hb fint week meeting peoPle and orienting h.lmtelf to 'bts work. He ~ttclpated In hb first Abernath~ City council meetlllg lanMQnclaylllght.

.......... .i ••. .:.. .

Garctan~~I~~ f~~t~:m1:fu{ ~::t6ah~:v:rtl:yard qU~~~ kick, The Buffs punted four

~esL~~Sal~t y:~~ :vr:;t:· les; the Buffs lost 1 of 3. Antelope ru nn I n g ba c k Sylvester Dunn had il4 yardS on 6 carries, wblle team­mate Roger Lindsey carried 9 times for 28 yards. Full­back Ken Sanders carried 12 yards on two trips. Leading receiver was Dean McGuire with 4 receptions for 67 yards. Petersburg'S leading ball carrier was Mfke Phillips with 92 yards on 23 carries .

Primarily. the overall defentlve unit played exce­ptionally well for tbe Ante­lopes. These Included Lance

~:~!o;t~d, RO~~b~i~~~~~: Cody Connell, Victor Dees , Dean McGuire , Ken Sanders, Roger Lindsey, Willie Betts, Scott Morrison, Tony Heath, Shane Cunningham, Cliff Ward and others.

The Lopes will test their power again Friday night when they play host to the strong Olton Mustangs who won their season opener

~~r:ttl~~\~ ~e\\or i2p-. ~:

Antelopes Host Olton Sept 14

Coach Larry Aldridge's AHS Varsity football squad 'wlll host the Olton Mustangs on Antelope Field in Aber­rathy Frlday,Sept.14. The

gam~:::ll FS:i~r~ a\~gbi m ihe Antelopes t1e~ Petersburg, 6-S,whlle O\ron was trounc­ing Farwell, 32-14 .

defe;::~ b~~~~t~~_~~t~\~~e! last minute field goal by Gil bert Cue vas.

Here's how other 4-AA teams fared in the season opener last Friday : Floydada 40, Dimmitt 6; Tulia 13, Friona O;ldalou 37 ,New Deal 14 ; Lockney 20, Post 6,

SEPT .14, Plains plays at New Deal , 8 p. m. (Home­coming game for the ND Lions).

SEPT. 14 : Shallowater

plays a!_~~~~~_~:~~ __

Social Security Representative Due Here Sept.18

The Soc I a I Security representative, Virginia DeWitt from the Plainview Social Security office will be working In the City Hall

~~':Ob:~~~~U~~d~y ~::gt~~ mber 18,1979.

A nyone who needs assistance wit h a soc lal security or medicare claim, appllca.tlon for a social security number, or Infor­mation abour any -part of social security may see her. If more convenient, contact your soclalsecurlty office at 1401-B West 5th Street In Plainview. A telephone call may save you a trip . Our number is 293-4371.

PUBUC NOTICE Effectively Immediate­

Iy. the two women on The Review staff, Jacquelyn

!m-er~o~ndbe ~~~~a~:e~o' cover meetings tbat will necenltate their hiving to go to their respective bomes

~r~ !~:ke~~~x~~~fo~' to Council

Hale County - Abernathy, Texas - lubbock County VOLUME 58 NUMBER 43

Mrs. Delwin Webb Victim of Brutal Beati ng Moriday

Barbara Webb. Aberna-

~~:~e~~n~~~~o~f ~~r;!,'r superintendent Dt. Delwin Webb, suffered a vicious beating from an unlCnown

~:~~~~~d~oaili:~~!ns~~: care unit of Methodist Hospital In Lubbock. She was moved to a private room later Tuesday.

Law enforcement officers were worklngas hard and fast as possible to find her assailant, so none could be. reached for official information, 'They were questioning a suspect Tues­day afternoon.

sou ~c~~~dln~~~. ~~~~a!~ ~~u~~: ~rr awt~~n~r:~e~ to turn off the school tennis

~~U~~!~~~~ m~~~in:Yt~n~~~~ her out Into the country, beat her with a shovel and. leaving her there , drove away in her car.

In spite of severe

:~jU~i:lsk~~:t~b~~~:::~d to the home of close friend;.

~~;t~~~ h::a~~~:~I~ ~~~~. She was ta ken to the hospital by private vehicle. -_ ........... -.......... ---

School Board Report

NOTE: The Weekly Review was not able to cover the August 4 meeting of Abernathy School Board. The following is the board report issued to school employees after each school board meeting.

Presentations were made to the board by Coaches lewis , Irlbeck, and Aldridge. In the presentation, they conveyed their ideas for strengthening the Junior High A thletic Pr~g~~m .


· Looked at athletic policy revisions and deCided to leave it as Is but to In­clude it on future agendas.

tlon ~f~~~~:r r~:~~:h English Teacher .

. Instructed Dr. Webb to confer with Dr. Gregory concerning his possibility of being a medical consultant to the school.

· Accepted a bid fpr a P. A. System for tbe high school and ';lmnaslum . This

:b~tj~I~~hlighal:~h!f. Into . Approved--The AHva­

nced Academic Pro8l'am for the Junior High School.

· Extended an Invitation to the South Plains School Board Association to meet in Abernathy on September 20th.

· Voted to examine specifications for all all­weather trackat the October Meeting.

NON-ACTION ITEMS­The Board--Olscussed

· The TASA-TASBCon­ference

· Heard the following reports :


B. Anti-trust suit con-

~~!~~n~~~ce :~~~ngu~~ilco~ present.

C. Enrollment-elemen­tary-460; junior hlgh-2:M; high sc~~~~:~~: __ .• __

Lions Club Initiates Crime line Program; Establishes Reward Fund

Abernathy Lions Club members, thorou~hly upset over Barbara Webb s Monday night '>rdeal, took the first steps Tuesday to set up a local Crime Line program similar to th e one used successfully in Lubbock to aid law enforcem e nt

~~:n~~~skl;~~::~f~b ~~:~ meeting Tuesday, they opened an accollnt at First State Bank and desposlted funds collected at the meet­in~ ,to be used in the crime

so VI~\ ~o~~~', alread shocked by Mrs . Webb~ ordeal, responded to a mov­ing presentation at their meeting by Frank McGlaun, chairman 0 f the Crime Com mit tee 0 f Lubbock Chamber of Commerce and the Crime Committee of Lubbock countt The pro-

e::" br~~i:si~e~~~ed~~~r' relevant to community feel­ings on Tuesday .

McGlaun said he thoroughly believes in and devotes his time to two things--servlng the Lord and

~~~s;~lme r{:~~~ir~~ir~:s crime committee work with the FBI, Narcotics Bureau, Department of Public Safety , District Attorney's office , Texas Rangers, and other law enforcement agenCies. The Abernathy men alread y

~~~ ~hre b~~~:nn ~n ~~~~:~~, determined to aid local police In a crime sol ving and crime prevention pro­gram of their own.

Revival Underway At Nazarene Church

Rev . Rosswell Brunner, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene announces that they have a re vival under-

::J ,i~l~g~~n;i~~s:a(h~i~;~ Sunday, Sept~mber 16 . Services are at 7:30 p. m.

::r~~:sen~~ anb~ th:tSU1~~~b a.m.and 6:15 p. m.

Rev.and Mrs.H . F .C rews are the evangelist and song leaders for the revival.

Rev .Brunner invites you to attend.

\ ~ l _(]J' SUNSH.IN. E .., ',.."" .,. GROUP .,., .,.J - meets

I 1 \' Thursday SEPT.20 11 AM

City Ha 11 Club Room Visitors welcome

A . committee will be formed to administer the Crime Line funds. Any citi zen may contribute to the Chamber of Commerce Crime Committee Account in First State Bank with rhe injury to Mrs. Webb or rob­bety ofthe Methodist Church or any other crime in mind.

When the Crim e Line phone number is deSignated, anyone ha ving knol.led ge of a c rime may call---with guaranteed anonymity---to ~ive information. If the Information leads to arrest and conviction of a criminal , the anonymous informant collects the reward.

The men plan several other crime prevention and solving programs. One is use of an invisible ink marking pen with which merchants. home owners, far me rs. any­one can mark be longings , merchandise , or equipme nt.

~~a ~i~l~tn~isg~~W :i~i~~d~~ id e n t i f i c at ion of stolen goods.

Local L ion sC I u b mem bers will sell the pens for $2 .95 each and , with each pen, bu yers will receive dec als to put on windows wa rn ing thi eves that · the belon gin gs in a r es ide n e e 0 r store are marked.

These mea su res are meant to assist la" enfor­cement agencies. Cl ub member Arno Str uve said

~ti~~r s ~h~S~ r~~~ta;,:sn g~7~ the reputation of be ing tough on crim e which is an effective deterrent in itself.

September City Counci"\ ~genda

Items on the a genda for Abernathy Cit y Counc il 's September 10 mee llng were '

· Pu blic heari ng on wastewater treatment plant

grant ~~b:is~!~~~rd housing appeal

· Southwestern Public S e r vi c e Co . franchise renewal

Appointment of c ity auditors

· Consider 'complaint from J ac kie Barton a bou t c ity sewer overflow in his property .

· Petition requesllng annexation of Pinson Place into city limits

· Uniforms for Cit Y

empl°t;:fiSnqUent taxes Covet age of the meet­

tOg will be included 10 the next issue of The Weekly Review .

Christian Center Assembly of God Ch urch To Have "Meet Our Pastor Day, Sept. 22

The members of the Christian Center Assembly of God church will ha ve " Meet Our Pastor Day" ,Sat­urday,September 22 ,at their church at 14th and Ave. II. It will begin at 4 p. m. with special singing ani! testim­onies, featuring "The

Balla r ds" from Lubbock . Saturday night Rev. Re~a)'

~:re w ~lJ b~ e reK~~~~~~~' served. Rev. Renay Rice is the new pastor ofthe Christ­ian Center Assembly of God Church,

A familiar face in a DeW plaC411 Jim Bob Smith Is SbowD In tne office oi Homestead Industries, Inc. where be exhibits Heritage Roor Tile in two styles atid four colors.


Jim Bob Smith Joins Homestead Industries James R.fJim Bob) Smith

has j 0 I ned Homestead Industries as the corporat­Ion 's co-owner and general manager. The announcement came this week from Eiben and Clara Harp who estab­l i s h edt h e bus I n e s s to distribute Heritage Roof TUe to West Texas and Eastern New Mexico builders.

JIm Bob has been associated with the 8l'ocery bUSiness for rhe thirty-one years he has lived In Aber­nathy . He attended Texas Tech University and served with the U.S.Army in Korea. For the past twenty-three years he owned and operated the store which he sold to Pay-~ave Company earlier this year . He has served on the Board of Directors of Texas Retail Grocen Assoc­iation and Affiliated Fooe", Inc. He is &40 dire<:,tQC of Affiliated finance Co . of Amarillo

A former City CouncU­man . lim Bob has served as president of Abernathy Lions

~~u~b:rnO~ c:r:~~r~:~Ue has been a volunteer fireman for n i n e i e e n yea, sand presently Abernathy's Fire Chief. He is a deacon of

SP Electric Co-op Annual Meeting Set For Sept. 18

The South Plain s

r~~~~\C M~~be~~:~tee~i~~' IS scheduled fo. Tuesday , Sep!. 18. ) t will be held in the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center Exhibit Hall, 1501 6th Street. Dinner will be at 6 p. m . and the program Is set for 7 p. m.

There will be an el ection of Directors for Distric ts 3 , 5 and 7. There will be a Cooperative bus­iness session . The dinner will be a bu ffe!. Door prizes will be gIven .

There will be entertai­nment for the children .

tainm~~tP~'1I~ ;t'!~~~~e~~ cooperation with the Mem­ber Ser vice Committee .

AHS Antelope Band Petersburg Band Perform Together

The Antelope band and

l~~ce~e~~s~r~o~d t~~~~ time show last Friday night

~:::~~%l T~:n~rt~l:'u~ majors, cyn~i Riddell and Gene McDonald. The band's first number was" Emperata. "

Twirlers for tbe Ante-

~fn~e~~~ug~~ so~~m~:: Cooper ani! junior (~ead twlrler) ·Sherrl Ikldfel.

T'Pan~~S. banArJ!a~ per:tom~ance, tbe two

First Baptist Church. Jim Bob and Rolfae

Smith have three children . Kevin, 21, Is a student at

~~~t,i::~::~:d U;:~~~i~. ~~~~e~ral~ c~.te s~~~~b~t, ll,anends Abernat\:y Junior High .

"I have always been Interested In the building indusu~, " Jim Bob stated', "and I m lookln~ forward to

:'~~I~~ ~i~e~ ~u~~ ~~ ~I~;r"~nrhb~ntonn:.e I~~~~~ rlon and maklng beautiful tile now , aOd we have samples In the Homestead office for people toexamlne.

:~'v~e~~t ;re~~P~~u:~ a first-class job of Installa-pan,"

aSlodl~t~~::O:~l~~!U;:o~~~ stead Corporation, Elbet! Harp said, "Building a new business and InUoducln~ a

~: Cb~~~~i~~~:!ct~:~~. We are fortunate to have someone with Jim Bob's I nte grI ty and bullneu exper­ience to work with us."

NK Crop Demonstration Set For Sept. 18

that Nb~~~d~P a~n~i.tr~~~~ . many klnds of . field and garden crop seeds, and local dealers for Northrup King planting seed will host an N K C r 0 p DemoOluation Center, and a free lunch, Tuesday, Sept. 18. The demonstration I>10t Is located five miles south of Hale Center and about ten mUes north of Abernathy on US 87 iln the vicinity of Cone Elevator) . The demonstration will start at 10 :30 a. m. and the lunch will be served by a caterlnJflrm at 120'clock

~~~e~ a~:7.:=::~':t: demonstration plOt .

Dealers hOlllng tbe event Include Harold W.

rt!~:~:~ &~ ::\e: N~ representatives co-bostlng the demonstration will be Billy Beard of Abernathy ,an . NK Territory Manager for 12 area counties. One of NK 's offlce/storage/dlsuu­butlng point complexes Is located at New Deal.

Beard said that there will be several different c ro ps , Including seeds general)' used In tbli area. and new varieties of hybrtd NK--developed crop seeds that will be coming on the

field ~:!':~rn:s!:e=: illation of current -lid future, varieties of' .. fOr grain


Page 2: (]J'unger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1979/1979-09-13.pdfMagic art ,they feature Items that would Interest children, c'ountry scenes, flowers and others of Interest. Artist work on display

IJTA8USHEO' I N NOVEMBER OF 1921 I'IIbII~on lhundayof Each W .... lnAbM.atliy r_

'-"I CIOII PGstoge Paid at Abemathy r_79311 t.ocIIted at 916 Ave. D . In the city of Abemathy .

P.O . Drciwer D--Phone (806) ~-2033 Absmathy T exa.

~y enon.,.,. r.flectlon upon the eha";cler of .. y n"" , COIJIOI'Illan or individual which may appear In the aalumn. of t h. AlMlmothy W .... ly Revl ... eIoIdly wl.1I be aarrecled upon being brought to the attentIon of the publish .... SliasCRIPTlON RATES:. 6.COper year In Kola'

and adlol~inA counties . $ 6.50 per year in rest of r ..... anIIS 7.50p.r year when moiled out of T_.

IllchDrcl ond Vicki Hav ..... .......... Publish ... Vlelel ttav.. ........................ Edttor Jac.,al)'ll Smy.s .................... N .... Ilin. IlanIz ....... " " . • ..... •• AdvertIslng . EdI~~rd ...... • ..•• T\O;>c:'II ...

r ----- ---,. I I I I L

Coming Soon! Abernathy's I Consumer's Saving Club I

Plan to Join I - -==.;'===.J

Mrs. Folsom, 84, Dies 9/8 In W. F. T.

;--h ~ " l!)("f ~'1 10 1 :"e r A ~ rndthl a. n Mrs.f\.a . , \ ·.H\

'dl ' \'111 1. , '.~·~ .' ;~·'::H.W ; .>Is ,)'l · .- ·I .. ' ! \ \ ,, ~: t.l : ..tl l: ":ll'l; . 1. J. ! 't' s~ !td.l 'hde ~a!lHc:a " ,:'~ :"'t . ~

rUT'~' r dl '; lh ' "'<' h cur.-":1H." I<C ..I : . 1\1 ' nc .;'

~,~d~r~~~~l:IJ ~ f ,i}~ ;:~ ' ,t:-.:I.H: ~ hu.: hlfa ~' ai1 , . ;r.J\\c~ l J <

ier'o\ce s an..: "I ~ ! a l '''~: l In lht' (cnet.:'1) d t 0 ua r, .. !": la:e- r 'ha' l fr l'(f'v..'r' .

~I,;n l\~'r ~ tr~' JJ d l a dau ch tt': . " , ; .1\ \\:: lb . and J sor. . ~(', !' .'hul"!l. '0t~ .~I ',\ Il·hlta ! ,li l- J .:rl :l U ~l' r

and a ~randd.l u .:t":l d ..1 :'1": ";

grt'at · ~.I nGl ~' :; ..11''':.1 ~,t' ,H · gra ndJa :; .:· i t" ~

Go. Lopes WI.,.

Leatherwood's Mother Dies

LUBIOC K~Service$ for \1ae Lea'ther .... ood . 92. of

~~h~ ~~. "~r: ~~~~e~o~~[t ~~~ew~~ . ::~~ i ~tOo~&urc~f, \11 he ~~ii~~ · .... a.S in Restha ven \t~mo rtal Pa rk unde r direc ­!)"~ "f Rix Funer al Di rec tors.

""rs. Leather .... ood died J: ~4& a,m . Se pr. 6. at ;"nt '. ersilY Villa.

She had li \led in Lub-" lC!< 5lnCe 1945. mO\' lng :lelC h om Pans

SurvlVors include lCl Ul sonL H. L. of Abernatby ,Dee .)j Pi a in He .... ' and Lee .and T o. both of Lu bboc k. a J.1Il .:ht fl . I: f fl e L.a .... of ~~ , alon,ralif . . two sistef$ , ~·:iI;n It Gee of Euellme and '.1r; . 'o .. :el Jord an of Bon· ~a :l1. 29 gra ndch ildreA ; 76 .Ileal - grandchildren and ~~~r~len .great-great. grand ·

.: ........................................•....••..•. : i Com\09 Soon \ A.bernathy·s i i Consumerls Saving Club i ! Plan toJoin . ! : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ •••••••••••• 1

FIRST STATE BANK We Are Eager to Serve YII •••

C .... Id ... _

Sew ..... ""-"'t

Certlflulee .. DepeoIto

LOANS, Fe .... , c-nerclol .......... ........

We 0.-'" - ..... .,.,....., .... .., MIll

N&C-·I!roce Babblr ,. His Honor, The Governor .In the State oh\rizon&.Follow­ing his statements while in San Antonio last -week. he Is persona non grata in Texas .

N&C·-Our thanks to

~~~I~S ~(p~e f~vf;~l~~i~; to 1963. the year our news· paper fi1es from 1921 to tha.t

t::r ;"e:: r:~1:l:~a?u:~1~' old coptes of 11le Re-vie .... ' from Mr.and M r s . A, E. Goebel when they 'mov(!d from a farm east of to ..... n to Amarillo.Auo, thanks to the daughter of the late Mr. and Mn . M.O. Hood for giving, us old copies of The Revie .... . Also,than ks to Dan Chapman for sorting out thE' old copies coll ec ted over the years by


Call th e Wee kly Revle .... ·, 29B-2033 . Farmers. if you have \,egetables to sell, caU us. Town people ,if you want vegetables. call us.

POLICE REPORT TraffiC Acc ldents·-··--··4 Total Arrest in Ja il-··- .. ·-9 \\'arrant Arresu Local---·-1 Tra ffic Citations lS5ued- - 18 Total Offense ReportS---·· 7 Total Solved-- .. ·----···-J Confe rences & o r Meetlngs4 Total Calls-----·-----133 Exhibition By Acce letation3 Speeding ------ - --------9 Imprope-r Turn-- -------.-]

~~~n~t~~I~~~~():::::::::~ Inspect Vehicles·--··----2 Escorts -.--- ••• - .. - •• - •• -'2 Hou se W.atches--·-·-·--13 Ala rms Do ... ·n-··---·····- 3

~~~:rlfa~~s_~~~~_g:~:::: =~ Emergency Calls {EMSJ···S Assis t Officer--- -- -- ····-5 Bu rglary of Automobiles ·-4 Evad ing A rrest·--· -- .. ·-·- 1 R &- F: ·-----------·-···- 1

:~I:~~:la~5~~~s:: : :::: ~ Theft ··-·-------·--·-· -4 ~~~h~~~~: ~~~l~~~ ~ ::::: :~ Domesnc Problem--·- · ·-2 Disordt'rl y Conduct--··-·-2

~r~~~~reRePb:~~ ·C~;l~::::: ~ Dog Cue s----·--·--··-- (:

Big Turno.ut , ; For C. of C. Sept Meeting

lu rne~~~~~~~~~e s:p~~~~r 6 Chamber of Commerce " feting held at i a.rn, at

lhe Cit>' hall club room . The r:hambt'r had been in a

~~~~~~USs\u.: p.t ~'~si;rel$~~~ TO ,ee mch a good turn out fot thiS meetlng .Henry Reiff

ga ,'f Ft~I~O~n i~~/;:::{J'lS t, preSident BUr Scott called the meeting [0 order .a nd ~elcom ed everyone back. Scott asked The people ",·ho had gues t s [0 inuoduce thelll. They wer e Terry Br ad~ha ... · , o ..... ner of Aberna· thy Hair Design. Mrs. Ray ( h!l dress. who is the ne ... '

~a~n~~~~i~\~~e c~~~? ~~~~. eel for the cablevlsion ~ere . also visiting we re the pro· gram \peaken, Coach Larr>' . '. Idndge, Coach Scooter CaHle r ,Coac h Ray A[er .and Coac h Delbert Dearing.

follo\odng imroductlon of guesu.Scon ask AHS head foo l ball coach Al dridse to spt'8k.Caach Aldndge intro­duced Coaches, Ca ~sl er , ..... ho c oac he~ i n Junior high. ~y A ter, .... ho coaches Junior

~}~:mtv~ ~o~~r~rn!to~~n~~ , Delbert Deaflng who coaches the freshman team aod is the varsity, deferul\'e c o­ordinator.

Coach Aldridge comm­ented on the tWO scrlmma~es

~~~~l~t V:::Vr~~~ ,w It~ the Dimmitt scrimmage

Z~~ttdt~~ .1::;nrh!i't~O~ Bobcats and made good yardage. In dle f renship scrimmage be satd ,that they were aboUt even.The 'Lopes bad seven of their playen out of the Fremhlp scrimm" age. He said,botb team. are good.

Coach Aldridge laid ,the

~~~~ore:en:~: t::~d.y to Chamber members pre-

sent Carolyn Rowe, Henri' lU!1ff,


Two New Deai:;tiigK:scti~1 Sen ) 'Been Selected To Class-A All ·Stat

the Hoods. Also, Mr. Ed Luuick sent word to us [hat we could have his-collection . of old copies of The Revi~w.

N&C---- \\I h en Dan .' Cha pman was 'sorUng out The Revie .... 's , he also came across ~me valua ble c omic books dating back to .the 1940s and earlier. Also in the Hood collection , Dan say s th ere are some Antelope Yearbooks from early yean.

N&C--Thls year of 1979 IS rapidly fading into history. Before it's comple tely gone, we-'d like to rem ind you that

~gt~r~ae~(. is O~~t~i;~~t~ ~~~~~dt~~ ~~rd~~ ~~;i've~~ sary cele bration ac tivit ies In July of 1959 . I prepared Ihree packets of ite ms,inc l" uding copies of The Review, A be rna thy te lephone direc t­ones for '''''0 differe nt years and numerous other items. Fortuna tely ,I distri buted the three packcts in thar many differe nt places. Ralph Wolf has c u stod~' of one of the packet! to ' be opened on Abernathy's 75 th Anni\'e r­r.ary year. The other pac ke t

:~"'n~ ~tthn~~aTdu;;nl\8~hi~ be ing kept in the FJ.ben Harp home. Ralph and El bert will de l ive r Ihese packets to The Ar.ernathy Wee kl y Review ed itor early in 1984 The Ihird packet , ,,'h ich is the

~~r~~sl 'o f .... ·:~rl~~t~~ inr~~s~

Two ~ew ' Dear H~gh School seniors have, 'been sele~ted to the Ha'trlsltadng

i~~ N;~AS~e~ isA:~;S6~~ team to ha.ve twO mem bers fro m o"e team to .be chosen to thls honor team,regarcness ot c tassification .


CAN Y.O U REMEMBER? When riots .... ·ere un­

thinkable? When you le ft from

doon; open? \oJhen soc ialism was a

dirty word ? When ghenos

neighborhoods? When the Hag

sacred symbol?

CAN YOU REMEMBm? \</ben . . young fellows

Hi ed to 1010 the Army or Navy?

Wllt' ll people )(ncw what . [he Fourt h of luly stood for?

h' hcn you never drealll l'd ll tH country could t:' \ 't ' t ] OSl' "

r----------------· I Coming Soon! Abernathy's

State Sank, The label lOstructs bank offic ia ls to Turn this pac ket over to the pe rson ... ·ho is the ed itor of the Abernathy h'ee kly Re vie l'''. This transfer from bankto ed itor is to be mad e on January 2,2009 .as Aber­na thy goes into its lOO th ye ar .

Mr, a nJ Mrs, H, R. Wesley 1'oCllt to .L .. ds, Colo. last week­end and attended a rodeo, th· ey visite d Bill and Helen 81· edsoe a t their ranch.

Tbe-re is no need of crit icizing you rself, others will be glad to do it for you.

I Consumer's Saving Club I Plan to Join L _____________ _

CHRISTiAN ElmER 1-404 A"e. B 2'98-2060

Rev. Ren ay Rlc(

SUNDAY , S ... "do, :' d1OO t 9 ,450 .... Momi"g wo .. hip 10,450.­

CA, )"'''il~ CC 6·00 P." E"e" ir>g wo .. h io l:OO p ....

T"Dday wMe 1:30 I'.~


Wo"h ip o;..rvicet 7:30 p.r'


EDI ' hI 51.

REv. J ,8. LESTfP

Sunday S~hool \l·45 0 ." Momi ng .. o<lh ip II JQ g ....

Training Ur- on 6'Xl p.". E_;ng wo~i p ;: ) 0 ~ . ",.

MoMoy· Women'. ~ ,u;onooy Jnio<> o,d Bmtherhood 7:00 P.'" W edne.do r Pruy.,S., ,, , ce 7 ,)()p.'"

Friday ellai, 0.,..",.,.,1 7,00 1' .... .


CHURCH 5 "'i . eo., on !i97 .• hen 1-i. too.:*' 00 1901 746-6180\

UO. EA~NE51 BllfWU

5UNO.&.Y· '>"nda, School 10:000 . ... . Mom;'g Wonhip 1': OO g ... . E. ""~1l wo,."h,p 5:00 0."'. Wedc>~ 1

Child,~,,', & Ad"IIl' Bible >t...d y 7:30 I) ....


tOtlo St. &A.e. E 199-17IB


S....da, S,b,' 9,30 0 .... I """,. SUND.\Y S....do , Scho~1 \I : J~ c".,. M'-", . --,,; W" ," ip I O, J '~a ."' . '(.,ul" ... e.o;"\1 5:000.'" h en ,ngWr."i,ip 6:00p.T . W<J.Jne-.doy Lod ''' ' Bibl . SI...dy 9:30 ~ ."'. Mlj-..... ', 'e',,"'" 7:JOp .... , .


!ill ""e . E 198-1832


S:JNo.\y· Sun6CI , SCh73 1 'ill 4~ 0 .... . M:u"ing w:)f1hi p 10:45o.m .

~~~~.::~,:p 2:~1~O:::,~ Wedn..ac.),

w.,...hlp HI,..,.;C. 7:3Gp . ....


411 1"" S', 298-2587


Two men were discuS!i.mg d n~;"l~hbor. " fi t's a nh:c fel· 1m","' said one. " But ha ve YllU nolked how he always Irh tu .. frie nd s pick up the di nner r.Ll I?"

··Yt"s." replied the ot her. " Ill' ha~ an awful impedime nt In h I~ leach ."

That I ~ tr ue of many peo­ple no l only in a cafe, b u t espeCIa lly in Ihe churc h,

Tht'y Will not gire o f their liml:! , o r thenlalents,or the ir treasur es 10 Go d. They lei uthns pr .. y and pay , si ng and seek. teach and toil .

But the last thing our lord Sl;Iid before ascending 10 the Father In hea ¥c n was to chal­lenge I1)S followers to be wit­nt'~ses of the Gospe l.

~llIl IIlIU'II"'U"

These M,,,clhor.h

ACE wE LDING A .c. l-Iooo;.,J, 1X\4 A~e . 0

'>AN DERS AUTO lvbbcd H",~. POO . 298-2Si'8


"Grain & Fa"" eh_leal Deal •• 701 Te~a, A-,e. Pka.298-2521


"T"'e luoinMi Ownao:l by JhcKe W,S,rv. " 819W , S.rvlce Rd. Pho. 298-2584

He said in Acts I :8 , "Yo u will be My witnesses in Jeru· salem. and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of

.Ihe ea rth." The Christian thai docs

not give of his money and his might for the work of the Lord IS guilty of disobeying the on~ thing th~ lord com· manded him 10 do

We must , if we arr- to ca ll Him lord. be evcrlastingly at the job of telling eve ry· body ererywhere of the Jove of Go d in Chris! Jesus.

Chcck your reach. Do no l altow for an imped iment. If you cuI God short, you cui yourself off.

Sa give to God . He gave to you ,

PlY - N - save SUPERMA RI( £l

PM . 298-2627 We gOY. g •• eo-. ~omp'

WOlf IRRIGATION L ... bbock Hwy. Pho. 298·2114


g'''bemoth)' Phc.1\l9·1SI1

VENTURE DISCOUNT FOOD lEN FRANK UN VARJffY Food lup8rmOrit.t orKfg line af geo"Iwol m .... Jlllndll l


"The John D_I Hou .. • lOS A ...... D Pho. 298·2541

~V.LLOYDE.~ODUd ·.:_:~~~~~;:;;~~~~:I~~~~~~~~~~;Jw


HIJ. 10MM I' B:C~

S"nda~ "foog ' ,. 4 ~ J ,- ,

~'J ' n"'';J "' ... ,~,r ' 1''Xh .- . E. ",, ;"'j ., .." ,h ,p ·t·X, ~ ,'" u .... v ' ·00 ~ ,"

Clo;);, ~' Ol!-!' L " 7:3.00 ."' , 'ta;.

U .M.W .-2nd Mondor 1)1 «11:"11'0",1>. 'f

lAKEVIEW METHODIST CHURCH JtI1i. '1(oo.h &6 ... , .e<o>' of ( " yo<> fM>­

RE v . H 6 COGG t'" ~JNDA Y S~<>do) .chool 10,00 0 ,'"

M(lmin ...... or"l~i~ I I Xl 0.'""

E."n'''9 .. ~rshi, 7: 'X 0 , ... . .... edne1ClO)

P""e, "",, e '; ng 7,Xc ... .


i •. l PI\a. ~57 - 21).4

Pfy . w.~. IiAMll l ON

~ .,nday "ho ) ~ 10,00 a. "'. """,, min9 .. .... ~h,,, 11 ,00 ... ,"' , f.""ing .. .> ,h,p 7:00 p .'" W<!dne;OOy

ProY""''''ing 8:00 P ....


SUNDAy· S"nda r S( hool 10,00 g."". Ma, ning .. o"h.1' 11:00 " ."' . [ yening wo,,"'il' 7,00 =."'. Wed~ .. day

P~~.rM"'i ng.Bjbl " t,'ud, />, ) 0 ~ . '".


IOlhS •. &A.e [ :?~ - 24 97


S"rOOf \chool 9:45 g.",

Mo.nin9W""h i ~ 11 :000 .,", Tra' ni"'9""ioo 6:00 0 .",. E.en'ngWo"hip 7: 00 0 ."' . Wednt'ldo y

AA" GA" Midw,,~

P<oyer Maet ,ny 8,00 p .....

PRiMERA MlsiON BAUTiSTA 1112;"'_e 198-2013

R£lJ. JOSE M. ROOR IGUfZ SUNDAY: Sundoy5d~1 9,4!ig,m. MOlni"ll Wgnhlp 10:" 5 g.m , Trolning Unian 6,oop.m. Eyen;"9 Wonhlp 7:00 p .m, Wednesday: Pro)'er .-tlng 7:30 p .m. Youlhm .. tlngs. &Blbl. Study B~OD p.m.


! MRSL EARL WasON (n';~

* ••• ------Coming Soon! Abernathy's Consumer's Saving Club

Plan to Join


DELIVEI' i 485 International Tandem Disc

4 Bottom PlaNS ~ .• ~ .

Hamby Tool Bars and Attachments SIrIYe . Implement c......., I

Ph. 298-2507 - Abernathy I Ph. 762-2133- Lubboc:k

Mr •• Ma1III& 'A.Lintdon ql ~vel1anil w" ballOted

,Sunday .sep.'embeI9.on ber B41h tilrthd.y . wiih a dinner he,e In Abernar\IY al 1110 home of her daugliter, Mrs. le" le Knigh,.

Tho.e ."endlng Ibe dinner from AbemadJj were Pearl P.yne,J.C.aDIIM'rle ~:~~~'b~~~~LI~~i::~' ~~: ~~h!s~~~eve .Pe~rri::'. ~.¥.J.~; I~~a~ J:.T.r. 10nlon,and Mrs.Hlxle Royal .

Burl. Diana. and Mark Lanldon arne from PlaJn'"' view; Lob Fuller and Brade H.~rrom Levelland: Par. To and Koby Brown from Lub k, J. v.j. Leamon and

~~t:,~. LI:; ~~~f=. I. C. Hendellpn ltom I~.I .. .

Mrs. Lansdoo .... . long time res14ent of' 'Abel­nltliy ~ She ~oved here In 1942 from ,~low:OW." boma: then In 1977 moved wltb her daughter. Lob Fuller, to Leve11&nd where she now resides.

Attend Parsons Family Reunion

R. L. and Mae Plnol» went to Lake Brownwood to

~;~~n,ri~d s':=:'~l. Raym~e a~tte~s...w: and Mark of San ADtonlo, TrIxie Tomlbonand ·· cIa.Rh­rer ~orritt!aw and gr.ndcbOd· ren ,George and COzle Owens, Phylll and Tye of New Castl.. terry Swedland, granddaughter of TriXie. from Getmany; Jac:k and Virlinll PauoDS of

~ ~lp&noDl ~:Otr:r Eddf. ParlOlll and lamUy lr Arltns;on and Glen Panons

~:de ::.u~~ _.:;:' P&nons of Houtton,Neal and Wife Sam Panons of Lawton , OWa. and an aunt and her husband, Bob and De:uie Knon of Midland and two couslns and busbanck, Erne., and Nobi Ware of Blackwell and H. B,and Margie Ryan of Snyder .

Mil. North of Abernath. v At 1",-" • f H1 ...... - 87 ' --- THOT: a .... ""y , ~Iahway 54 I Reflec' uj>on yoUr pre-

kClD--TV, Gb. 11. S.lurd.y Hooa; See me lH "U. s . sent blesslngs,of wblch every

, "_ . ' mpa',n, mhasbfOmrarunnY .. ' .noroofn YOI~hr ,na_.port .It~ 1 ... ,."tag .• 6.IOform.'''..... ...1 wi"

Chari .. Die ...

.. ~!J~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!b~.:I1~m~en;ba~ye some.


6:00 p.m. Dinn.r 7:00 p.m. Program



fnlelfa/nment lor th. Ch"d .. n

ilaoida Ar ....... nd Bobby Mckinney were. united in a double dn8ceremony Satur­d.y. September B .r 5 PM In ibe home of the bride's paren", Mr.and Mn.Dale ·Antiur. Route 2._ Peteuburg. The groom II ","l9n 01 Mr. and 1.\ ... J. D.McKinney. ROu,e I. lcIaJo.. . A~r:!:.~y ~fit~ra;?t~ntb! ceremony, Honor attendants were Chele Johnson of Abe­rnalhy .nd the Rev. Rick): Harsrave. brocher-In-Iaw of

rbe ~,,;fJi~~'1"8tven in mam.ge by her ff,djer wOre a mee' len"bdt<\s.I :01 /,d8e r.,:Y"te, IOillanih tanger'

no c:=p~~Od in ,be home. . a"eniled.by .be couple's immediate famUles. Susan Arthur. silter of the bride I served the two tiered

:oe::::1 with~U::~h w~~ rOiel and top~d wltb whlte love btrds.5a:ridra McKinney , dlter of the poom, served

. blue :1r~tr:encr:~~~~~ families aU went to the 924 Ste.kHo .... lnAbernalbyfor supper. There were twenty people atlending.

The Broom attended ldalou schools and is

~be:J~ b{,,!~l'.i!".!a:! ~~~ fc~~t~e of ~~~~ plans to the In Abernathy. .. _ ......... .


The fdeneb of Mr.lnd MIl,Oris Cectl and Mr.and Mrs . Joe Connel.lare invited 10 the wedding and reception ohheir children Shari Luann and Joe Jack Connell at 10:00 a .. m. on 5.tturday the 15th of September in the flnt Uniled Methodist Church in Abernathy. ----_.-._ .... Motheral Family Reunion Held Here

Mr. · and Mn. , E.I. Pope were hosts for the annual Mo~her&l reunion over tbe Labor Day weekend.

Mr .a~:r1.~~~~~!th':~~: Wynelle Pope. Lawrence Motheral. Mr.and Mn.MUt Pope,Lort,Jact. Del Ray and Cami all of Abernathy, Mr . and Mrs.Billy John Motheral of Altus ,Okla • • Mr . and Mrs. R. K. Motheral, Sheila and Shannon of Moore ,Okla. , Mr . and Mrs. B. O . Shlres of Amarillo, Mr.and Mn.Don Motheral of Kress. Ronald Pope of Snyder, Mr .and Mrs. Mike Motheral anc! Kyle of Sundown , Mr.and Mrs r:harles Pope ,RiC:, RDc:Iney:

~~~ k~te~~ . :nd J~YPe~: HarraH of Lubbock, Mr.and Mrs . Bill Wain. Darrell and Darla of Abernathy, Mr .and Mrs. Roy Crawford, Eva Colvllle and Cecil Heston or Olustee ,Okla .

':If... C!~ .... of .Ma,y .JIcnl&y

""" '£""""Y .!?uNUi.

...,.-t tf... hon.ut 0/ yo ... P'"-­td tf... .. au'''j' 0/ tf...lt pt.unt.

.... ,£""'.J.." tr... /lfu.nt~ of ,£.pt."J ..

.lVlMtun ~unJ...J .....I uo ... ty.n/na;,

td cJgt.t 0'.L..k in tf... ... ~

.IV ;,u1uuJ.. !&ptt.t C!J:.. .. J:

<:iI£."",thy, 9&>4.

t!?&a&/Jlltm -fwal!lf~

v.u....,JUIl dMl

NOW OPEN J.C. R. CLOTHIER Under new managment

Juanita C. Ramos Formally A & A Sportswear

most selections 113 off some 112 off limited time only. Come by and brouse at 406 10th Street or

call2Wi-20!73!!~~~~~ Coming Soon! Abernathy's Consumer's Saving Club

Plan to Join

To Good To Miss!!


present . Houess es for the

luncheon were WUma Pope

and ~r:!~l: ~b:t b:'iness

~:~:~n~v;~e ttr~'~~ch:fss, Thelma McGaugh, Glenna Downs 'and Junia Speer. They showed many beautiful crocheted afghans, pillows, pot holders and crocheted and knlned shoes,along with paintings, dolls and other stuffed toys .

Helen Totty was signed up as a new member,

lhose present were Thelma McG augh ~ Thea

~~~'Z:r~'orth~~!~y Wcirl~:' Downs , Frances Howard. Alta Echols, Sue McA llister,Junla Speer. Veta Vaughn, Bue na Ljncecum. Lois Shropshire , Ruby Knox , Juanita Bell . Frona Mae Shadden, Wilma Pope, Dyvena Da vis a.nd Wynelle Pope.


Reading Club Has Successful Summer

"In Search of Texas Trea su r es" ha.s been the the me f o r the Summer Reading Club al the Public Library. One hundred and foU[ persons took pa rt in the

~;~~r:t~ht o~i~~~;I~~~rs:~~ :e n persons finished Twen ty or more, This is Important in the li ves of these indi vi­duals ma ki ng them more mature In th eir reading habits .

The film anendance averaged 76 with 110 as the highe s t da y a nd 62 the lowest.

The summer of 1980 will featu re a special e\lcnt [hat occurs every four years . The Summe r Olympics . Librarians across Texas will be able to complement this emphasis on sports ""ith the Texas Summer Reading Club

i~~i~~e·me, ~~~~~ ~ ~ds;lsa~~e 15 intended to c reat e an Int erest !n aU aspects of

~hO!ts ~ ;r~:~dj~~ ~hn~i~~~1~51' achie\'ement, and the rewards of be in g part of a earn.

u~At 'W,'-liOLO' MEETING SEPT. 10

The United Method ist Women met Monday, Sep(­ember 10 ,at 10:30 a.m. to begin the year and a new srOOy on " The Para bles of Jesus ; Glimples of the Ne ..... . Age."

Vice-president, Alta Echols presided at a business session. Mrs .Oma Toler 1ed the sin ging and responsi\'e

re.adl:J~.1 m oe n e Suttle conducted the 'itSt lesson.

There was luncheon in the fellowship hall at noon.

Those present were :

~u:~:ee~~L~~~~~:~~' Davis, Addie Robertson , Eva Benn, Al berta Dav is, Grace Sharp, lmogene Suttle, Alta Echols,and Chris Waters.

FREE We have free bas­

ketball and footba II schedules for Texas Tech University at


202 Ave. D Come by andget

.. .~ ~

"...' ."-t "J A P,

MRS. DAVID MENOOZA (ne e An ita Castilleja) OU

Anita Castilleja-David Mendoza Marry Miss Anita Castilleja

and David Mendoza exchanged wedd ing vows,

T~tu~~~Yl'~iU!~srt e18 ~~~~~~ Church, The Rev. Gle nn Rose ndale, pasto r of St . Theresa's Catholic Chu rch in Hale Ce nter , offiCiated

the d~:r~l:t:i ~~ Cte;:~~~~ie a re Mr. and Mrs . He nry Castilleja, 1009 W,Fifth .:'i t. Abe rna thy and Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Mendoza , Sr . o f Leve lland.

Miss Mary Ann Pace 01 Abe rnathy provided weddin g music,

Escorted to the altar by her fathe r , and presented in marriage by her pa renl5 ,t he bride wore a tradilional go"n of \.,r hIt e chantilly lace fashioned .... ·Jlh a Oueen Ann e: Ileckl ine. Fdllength bishop sleevesgathercd into a deep cuff.

The five t ie red lace skirt cascaded into .a chapel le ngth train . The headpiece wa~ a lulie! cap of m alc hi ng lace holding a chare ll en~tn lace edged veil 0 Illus ion.

!-olr .a nd ~,!n.Adam

Villegas of Abernathy "'ere pauri no and matroo · o f­hono r. Rebecca Ramos also of Abernalh'.' \.,:a s r.:ald-of­honor. 5t ldc sma lu. werc' 1>.laria (;uauol lcasar. Sheila Rer;dor .. Yola nea Suto: \'an · ina Barzar and ESPClol :-. 7.a Garda.

Alfoll ~o \knco za of

~~~~land -dtbvri;~m~~ ,~i~ F.dward Guadalc.lsar . Ge-o rge Rendon, Lupc Soto . Ste\'(" Barza r.and George Garcia .

Flower girls ..... e re :"1issy Montal vp and Debbie Cor· onado, hoth of LeveUand. Tra in carr iers "'ere Annette :lnd "l!cha el Soto,cousins of rhe: -'nce. Ri ng beare r wa~ .~,rr: ; ando '~ollta l\'o also of :.nclland. i)fcky Lopez

~eO!l~~~. te.:.:~e~~~~ ~ Fo~f~~~d In Ihe oamh hal l.

di ng ~~I~~""' i~~('a /~:;~eW!~li ma ke their ilome in l.<:: vel ­la nd .... ,here tht: groom IS

employed h:, the t:i t)' of Le\'el1and .

~1rs .~ ·lendoza IS a 19;9

~ ! ~s l?~~d~r~I~~~~l(: '~fl~~d\~~: lar!u .

Focus On Today's Child T0(:[I~on Tooa\ 'sr;hild"

~ ill he rh e rhe mt (I f a lec­Wlf' Se rremht- r l ~ , at :-:;aim h idorc's l ~ a lholic l~hulch.

~~~~·;na\~i~ h;ar I h~a$L'~:~ · ,atiom as . The Inte rnat · .onal Year .,f the ~hild", Sa ini hld ,)r e ' :\ ~ t ar , ,-~cien'

..... 111 ~ ·:\ ,.5tu, to th e : ecturl'

;-i~~n~\~~~et !~~s~ 'tar! .II and

...1I! at 8'3(, ",,~ ~ k~ r QUJ;'suons

J:'IC J. 1~<""t' ! i foll c l'l n,.: . '-he .-\ I~a: :-'~l\· l l't' .. would

!ilu: toJ t:xte nJ al~ In\ltatian tc> ~vttyO'f!e· iT' me comm­unit )' .

What America's Largest paper

says About HBO:

"The disastrous summer fare offered by commercial television has opened the door wide for Home Box Office, ..

Besides Lily Tomlin's show. we've seen two blockbuster films-"Jaws" and "Deliver­ence"-on Home Box Office in the last two weeks, It's a service worth having in the home. "

- Kay 'Gardella TV Editor N.Y Daily News (Aug. 21. 1979)

HBO is just one of the new cable services coming

next month.

Page 3: (]J'unger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1979/1979-09-13.pdfMagic art ,they feature Items that would Interest children, c'ountry scenes, flowers and others of Interest. Artist work on display

----Abernathy"I, Suruhlne

Group is scheduled to meet at 11 a,m. Thursday. ;-ept. 20at the cltyhall clubroom. A luncheo,n will be ·erved. and a program will be pre­sented, All memben and prospective members are urged 10 attend.

j---------- ------ --, I Coming Soon! Abernathy's I I Consumer's Saving Club I I Plan to Join I L ____________________ J

Miss Hopgood: Going To U~T.; , §! ; W.,C)rki'ng : In StafeCapifol c"

Miss Gay HobgoOd. 1919 AHS graduate I is a fres~man student at the University of

~~~~~~i~~~~~~ajO[ln~~~ attends classea 1n the morn" ing and has a job in the Slate capitol .... orking in the Sn­geant of A rms office for the Rouse of Representa:ives,

, ~:J ~rs~~eha~r:sg~~~o~~o~' of A bema thy . ----- -. --



Kiclc-OH Time: 8 P.M.



VARSITY Sept. 9 Petersburg T Sept 14 Olton H Sept. 21 Hale Center H Sept. 28 Roosevelt T Oct. 5 Muleshoe T Oct. 12 LCHS H Oct. 19 Tulia· H Oct. 26 Lockney" T Nay. 2 Idalou· H

Nay. 9 Floydada • T OPEN

8 p. m. 8 p. m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 p. m. 8 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m.


Friday Night

Daughters Visit MrS. Norman Lytle of

Arn&rillo and Rose Stubbs of Abilene vished here recently wltfl their mother ,Mrs. W. A. Scan,

nl and Jerry Ad.m~. here on the La1>9,r .

.~~tj· In ~~~' -Ned;%~J'f:~~~r.l, lij they lfid i'-'week 'befor.' L&1\oI' Oay

', aljd Jelly love. hi. Job. )~;~·Ail~;.- .. ~tMidwest

~,ttyA~i~~:n~~l~da ::i~N; .... 'tth Vicki Havens Fdday morning. They are a cousin and aunt of Richard Havens .

~---~---------~------, Coming Soon ! Abern~hy/s 1 Consumer's Saving Club I

Plan to Join I ______ .;.....:. __ .J


211 5 . 5n':; ce Rud.d 'hor.1: 2 :: ~ ·zez.-


PAY·N-SAVE 405 .4..ve . D


Pl.alnvi~\IrI Hwy

JACK EASON "Is Your Friena




CO-OP GRAIN COMPANY '714 Texas Ave. Phone 298-2511


PllO nf" 298-2944 North of Servic.e Grain in northeast Abernathy

DON'S CHEVROLET New & Used Cars & Trucks

11J Ave .. D FtIone 298"2561


BO·BAR CO. 302 2nd St. Phone 298-4161


829 Service Rd. Phone 298-2584

POPE INSURANCE 9'20 Ave. D Phone 298- 4127


4032nd PI. Phone 298"4073


ABERNATHY HAIR DESIGN 150C Ave . D ?\lone 298-2730


JU,:, Ave. D

ABERNATHY OIL COMPANY Your (:oodycJr Tire Dealer

7uD Ave . D Phone 298-2255


101 Texas Ave.

TERRY'S TEXACO 1001 W. Service Rd. Phone 298 .. 2787


PUBI.IC NOTICE Il fJ l f IXftA~ATllfIY')TI\I(M"41,

(JI PH()P{)~~ [)



(H.J.R. lOll House Joint Resolution

108 proposes an amend­ment to the Texas Consti· tution relati~g to the a p-. pointment and terms of notaries public. The pro­posed amendment would:

-Require the Secretary of State to appoint II

com'enient number of Notaries Public for the state; and

-Authorize terms of" of­(Ice of NotarleR Public of not less than t wo years nor more thun four )·ears.

A temporary provision 01 the proposed ron!ltitu· tional amendment provides that the amendment ..... ould take effeet January 1, 1980; that ellch per 80n ..... ho ..... as appointed II notary publir before Janu­ary 1, 1980. would con­tinue to serve a!l a notary public for the term for ..... hich the pt'rson ..... as ap­pointed; anti that this tem­porary provi sion wo~ld ex­pire J3nuary I , 1982.

The proposed amend· ment will appear on the ballot as follow8:

"The constitutional amendment to provide for the appointml'nt of notaries public for the 8tate and for a term of not lE'~s th:ln tw o year!! nor mort' thun four year!' HI! pl'o\'idrd hy low."


(II.J.R. '33) Houst> Joint Re sol ution

l:t3 f1ropos(>~ an amend· mt-nt to thl' Tf'xas Co nsti · tution to rro\' idp for If",ltill' latin" r('"it"w of lhl' Ilro­C(>S5 of I"ult'making by aKpncif's in th t' f>x(>(" uth·E' liepartment . Thf' Ill"Opollr d amendml'nl wou\,! allow thE' L('liri~ lt\ture 10 f' nllrt la"'!';'

- T'l. pro\ 'idf' fur h.'Ris. lat l H' rl'\' il'\\" of th E' I'roCf'." S of ru l'('makinJl" bv al:!"f'n("it' ~ in th(' f'~e("utiH' dpllurtment ;

_ To II1'E'scriht> condi· tions for rul t'S to takf' ('Hert; ., ' . To III·ol·ill .. ror SU !': ll(ln · s ioll. rep('al. or ex pinl ' tion or rulf'S: To l'I 'p:01('rillf' prO('f" Ilure!'; : and

-- To dt"l ega te powf'rs to f'ithpr or both hou ~e~ or to committeeB of pith(lr or both hou ~f'~

The proposed amencl· ment "'111 appear on the hallol a s follow&:

"Th,' constitu t iona l amenclment to prodd(' for If'gislatil' (' I'(" ... jew of'

the process of ruJemak­in .. by agenciell in the exet:utive department. ..



Senate Jotnt Resolution 13 proposes an amendment to the Texas Constitution authorizing the Leglsla· tUre to provide lor the guarantee of loans used to pUTCha8e f arm and ranch real estate for qualified borrowers. The propcJsed amendment would allow the Legi!llature to provide lor, issue, and sell general obligation bonds called "Farm a nd Ranch Loan Security Bonds" of the State of Texas not ,to ex­cef'd 10 million dollars. All money received from the sale of such bonds ..... ould he deposited in D separate fund with the State Trea8-urer and administered by the t"ommissloner of agri­culture without further appropriations. These funds ..... ould be used to guarantee loans for the purehase of farm and ranch real estat~. The com­mi ssioner of agriculture would use these funds, un- . der provi sions to be prt'­scribed by the Legislature for the purpose of guaran· teeing loans used (or the pun:hase of fann and ranch real estate, to ac­quire real estate mort· gases or deeds of trust on landll purchased with guaranteed lo&ns. These funds would also be used to advance to the borrower a percentage of the prin­cipal and interest due. The Legislature may also au· thoriozf' the commillioner of agriculture to sell at forecloaun:' a ny land ac­quirt'd in the manner au· thorized by this amend­ment. The commissioner of agriculture ..... ould be re­quired to charge at lead 6 parcf'nt interest on surh loans. The propose,1 amendment appropriates >In amount that ill suffici· ent to pay the principal and intt'l't!st on the bonds that mature or become due dur ing the fillCal yenr less th~.mount in the interest and !linking fund at the dose of the prior riulIl \'f'nr . . The proposed amenfl· ment will appear on the ballot as follows :

"The constitutional amendment aufhorizlng the legislature to pro­vide for the guarantee of loans for purchase of fann and ranch real ea­late for qualified bor· rOWf'MI by the snle of general obligation bonda of th .. St>lte of Te.'l[as."


Protect Your Investment

AVISO PUBLICO 81"('1112''1. DecfClracio"e~ fxp/ju~Jtiva~

De La~




" , ' , , , , (H.J.R. 108)

L. Resoludon COtt;lulta #J08 de la. Camara. de Repnsenta.ntes prOpane lUI. enmienda 6ft la. consti· tuei6n de Te;aa re/er,'n!e at lIombramiento 11 a los -plaltOR de 108 lIolario. pUblico ••

L(1 en1nienoo prOpuell tu: -ReqlUlrirci que el Sec·

retario de E.tado nomlwe a un 014 mero cotlveniente de notnri· os p1ibl.icos para el e.tado,' 11

---4utori.:ora pam qu e 108 plazos o{iclUles para. notaNoa pUblico.~ ./lear. pOT no 1/1.en08 de dOB IInos JI por "u mas de cuatro anos.

. La pTol1i6i6n temporal de la enmienda con,dUu· eimtal p1'ovuesta dfJclara qtUI l4 enmienda en/rarO en vigor d 1 0 dt enero de 1980: que cada persona que hal/a aida nombrada eom o notario pUblico antes del J . de nero de J98() conlin­'IWrd ~jerciendo como no­tano' pt1Wico hastG ve»­~rH el ploso pOT" el que fu~ .ombrado: 11 que eala provui6n temporal se vtln· eerci d I · de enero de 1982.

La exmienda propl4 estll lI"af'fJt~d ex in bolela tOniO ItIgue:

"LG 6nmienda con6titu· cional para el nom~ra­miento de notarios pUb· lico, para el tlstada para 'un pla:o de 1UI nlenOIl de dos anos ni de m.d.8 de cualro anos, 8egun (0 provuto par ta. lell,"


(H./.R. 133) La Reeoiu6ol1 Conjunta

#l,fj de 10. Camara de Representantes praprme Hila enmiettd'a en la cons/i­hu:ion de Tejas para pro­vee" una. revisi6n del pro­c:e./lO reg/amentario tl1 la., ageneMs del depa.-rtal1l tJllo ejeeutil!o. E8ta enmiendtl propue.ta permW,-{j a La Legi.latu,-a el de('Telar levu;

-Paro. provcer una rt· vision legi.lat iva del proc",o reglamentario en 1a8 agencias del d~-rtamntlo ejtcu­tivo;

-PaTa pre8rribir eon· dieion.6s para que lO ll

le1lBli ,Ilean puestall ell vigor;

-Para suspender, "e ­vocar 0 upirar 14.8 rtg148:

-Para prellcribi,' liTO­

cedimientos .. y -Pam tiel"gar all/91'"i·

dnd a cllalquiero 0 It

ambat cdmartlJl, 0 "

la' eomitis de t"U4i· quiera a de ambos cd· rno.rlll.

Ln enmitrld!l pTopunla Ilpfl1· e ('~ra. t1t 10 bolsta romo 'igu:


(S.J.R.13) La Re.oluci6n Conjuntu

Senatorial #J3 propone una enmiendG en ttl eOl'ldi­tuci6n de Tej(llJ po.rClo Qt..to­rizar a 10. Legil latuTa para que provea 1H'14 garancta de pr6ltanws. a la/:l per-80nas cali/icadas, para la eomprCl de bienes T4lte' flOTIColGIJ 1/ ganaderas. De esUl manera, la enmienda proVuest4 podrfa. permitir a La LeuislatuTa el provl!er, emitir 11 vender bono. de obligaci61t g eneral llama· d08 "Farm and , kanel. Loatl Security Bond." (Bon08 de Seguridad Pam PTtstamo8 Agrieoia8 'II Gnnaderos) del E.tooo dB Te;as, 8in ezeetie" la can­tidud de $10 miUOMs de dolan8. Todo dinero reei­bido de 'G venia de Ut.8 bo-nos seria depositado en un fondo di/erente en la TesorerUz E 8to.tal " .erlo administrado por I!l comi­Bionado de agricltUunl,

. Bin mils apropiacionu. E .tol lOMaS garanti­:arian prtBtamo. para fa elml-pro. de bienel ralee. agriculas JI ganadef'G8. EI eomiBionado d~ agrieultlCf'a tula.-ria. e/:ltol fondos bajo las pravisio1t.es pre,cntas po-r 14 Leg'81aNTa, C01l d prop6Bito d. garonhzar pristamol para 14 compm de bietle. -raues agncoro. 71 gana.deras .. para. IIdqutnr hipotecas de-bie-tles r~ee 0

escrituras d. bienu raice. compTa<ias can prestomo. gaf'antizado •. Esu" {atUN8 8eMan tuHJdos tombieft pam adela.ntar un poreen­ta,js del pri?leipa./ 11 del interie delndo en '1108

pt""istamoB, a. la. pr!f'sona que califiqut pof'a el pri8-tant.O. La Legislatura tam­biin podTia altton:ar aJ eomi/jionado de agriculturft para que venda cualquier teruna adq1tirido mr!diante. es ta fJflmienda. El cornia­io na.do de agricultura re­queriria al tlUnos un 6 pOT" citrl.to de ,"ttreS f!'n di.cho. preetamoll. La enmll!nda propuesta aprapiana. la ealttidall sufil:iente pu,-o p4gaf' el principal II ef tn tef'ts de 14. oonos fl1l!l vallan nd.qttirie-ruio mlia valor. a QUIl 8e lIt'11Zon durante el ano fiseal. men08 fa c:antidad dl!l fon­do de inteTi. 1/ amortiza· oi61l al final del uno 01<1'

terior, La enmunda pr~pueHtll

aporectrd en la boldn como aique:

"La, enrnie?lda cururtifu-

"La enmiendll coftBtiht· donal para pruveer Ufill

revition legi~lativa drt

cioni'll paf'a au torizar a 'ft Leg-iBlot""a paT. qut pOl' medio de III tlftto d(! 00,.08 de olJfigoei6n grn· eral del Eltad~ de Tejas, prowo. uno. garanC(a para. que 'a. perao?IQS cati/icGdae puedan ob· tmer prfidomo. para La cornpra de bunes raluR agricaltl s II ganaderall,"

"I Think It Was In Thirty-Three"

Editor 's Note: 801 8rown brought this article to The: Re view ottice to

share wlth the re aders . His aeia Dortha Woodward of Lub­b4lock wrote It for him when he was in the hospital rece ntly.

" I Think It was In Thirty-Three" ODe. a long time ago, I think it was in Thrity·Three,

My .two uncles came to see my family and me . We had a new baby and was easy for one uncle to re·

late to little blonde headed b"".,.,. Very soon he and my brother were playing with the toys. I felt a Iltde lonely and was hatd to u.nderstaod. But there was this other man! He waiwd a little while

and then be said ttl me, Come over bert! and sit on my knee. I think this was In

thirty-three! ( felt so slad and excited! He rt!ached Into his pctckl't

and Save me a Bickel - one with a "Y" • I kept fOr 10 yelir'S or so, whatever happene d to it I' ll

never know. I Deuwed it though. He "popped" In and out of our

lives quite frequently but not ODe .visit was e ver as spedal to me, As the one in thJrty .. three.l W.e~. mODths aDd yU"(S ~ve flown by, . And I've D.l!Wt known another guy --Just like binq _ He care. aD.d shares and brings. smiles to folks with little

Jokes and a.tia w.ld) a lint. extra wbim- .... ~ · Now It'. my turU'tO care and.hare with the· ODe who

visited me-- I thillk It was in thirty·-thHe. . He', in the hospital now and we visit and. wrltl: notes

dot about ho~ses and cow, t DeW bootl aud tblaCS' To be~~ with ctlamotfd rings. TIie~ nn;;' ririRIi1uy' day We-lie loinll to tbt patk below

to pt so~ S~, Aud em you kDow-­He!. fuP. of ,.. S~il~I- w:~diltt'b, antttme-·!;came· .la.~·~ .. room

he :JDlabt'."Yto· .ue,: I!c.a~ b~.r __ -,. '1l~ ~lt ~..mt:. k:AH~~" , t V.. pod. ... raoi1 •• beliD fOr my, \&Dele 1111 aDciJD,t .• __

. Y"~' 11iIoW It.1I hi ttdrty-tbrni i .( -~:;-~-i"

Gl rlScollt: fUl1d Drive Sept l4

The ' Girl Scouts and

~C:~~ fr!:~:.~e1~~bo~,~~J merchants to help sup~rt [belr pr08lam again th1~ year. !t h w1t~ your help that over ninety girls in Abernathy last year were

:~~~u~gO w~~ls~ ore many

The World of Today and Tomorrow tells about some of the way s that

~~r~~ Wh:~hj~~';rk !~: way they do, and what the future holds for girls.

The World of the Arts help girls explore all the arts"i n c 1 u din g painting, sculpture. dancing dramat .. ics; puppetry, singing, and

mak1~~~s~~I~1 ~f5i~~m~~tt~ .

~~d~~~!~d.:~l~e~~~e.~:~l! in, and protect the na tural world- whether they are dt your noop meeting place. at home .In your com munity, or at camp.

The World of Wel1-Be ing will help girls find Out what's special about themselves and tneirhomes. I t includes fun with food. quiet and active games ,and ways to prepare for emer­genc les,

The World of People will help glrh learn a bout others ... tbeir family and friends, their community,

~~fi!r~::t~h~ w~~d :OPl!~ ~~~~:~ S::;I~~~~~:~f~:~~ hel p ghls do thls. For our fai.r dian to the professional naff of Caprock Gi rl Scout CouncU Abernathy Girl ScoutS need$120 0 Ihis year. The profess iona1 staff prc-

;~ .es n:1tei;!ef~r n~u~s~~:e~, iupetvis lon of day camp and Camp .Rio Blanco near Crosbyton. sponsor many council activities fo r the girls,and are always avail­able at the council office in Lubbock.

Those collec ting for the fun d d r ive will be Lelloine Waits, Dia na Phillips and Marsha Sanders on Septem ber 14.


-Students .In Coll~esAM Universities

This itst of COllege stude nts are the ones we have been nodfied about or know where they are aUe n-

~~nt~~~le~~ W:a~~UI~f I~~ college stud ent and where rhey a re attending if you will caU us a t 298 .. 2033 or come by the office a t 9 16 Ave.D.

Texas Tech Unive rsity In Lubbock: Shana Toler, Beve rl y Taylor, Kathy Tay .. lor, Perry Fvans. Chrlstye Waten,sherry I<Antz, Johnny Ramz, Nancy Irish, Terri Heath , Janet Mitche ll, Ka rl Heard , Jimmy McKentie, Buddy Bowen. Charles Bad-

~~ar;~7:h~~ ,Dan6e :r~~' Vineyard, David Kennedy , Ki m DuBose, Todd Thomp­son. K e n! Harrison, Greg Barton, Ted Heard, Gene Amerson, Kelley Tooker, De·

nnis Rapstine and Carol Harp. We st Texas State Uni-

~~r~~f,>'" i~!~~; nl:~. R~;I~~: f:uevas, reanna Duncan, l1ebbi(' Knox . St~pha.nir: Hudson , Tanja Payne, Jack Ramos. Ru~ben uevas, Donna Horn. Kevin Sm ith, Hill Havens. and J\.·!ark and Br~nda Havens.

in saA;~~I:e~~~t~~lr~:\·~~i[?:: Lee McCune . Mark Pope , Cal hy Shipman. Lisa \'; olf, K('ll ey Mills and Jolnna \oJard.

South Plains College in Le vella nd ' Gary McKe nzie ,

~~~t'~ ~l~~~~e~;~s~:~ ,~~~o; 3lackmon , RUSty Powell , Doug Albrecht. ~rry Royal, Brent HarkE')·. Vi c ki Shad ­den, Eric Harkey, Denice

f~~lt~it~~$an Sand ers and

Texas A&M in Brya n: Linda Adkisson and Stanley Chen, Pete Stracne r. Becky Albers and Kirk Snodgrass. O. R. U. lnTuisa, Oklahoma,

Barbara Barton.

McMurry Coll~~e in Abilene :' Greg v lst and Roxanne Prad ley.

University . of Texa. In Au sti n ~1issy \ \ l bb and ( ,a~

Hohgo~ ___________ _

Fund Drive Set Several vRlunt~e.rs for

the 1919 Kld 'A Biby Cam­paign wtll caU on their neighbors. Sept.17t1t-22nd 10 encourage tbern to kiss their babies and ask thelr

~eMid~ ~~~J:S~~n~':cr~~ the nation who suffer from lung-damaging db~ases .

to-D~ ~r~~t!i,~r ~D~:: ducted (n A bernathy for the Cyst iC Flbrosis Foundation as part of the annual effort to raise funds for programs benefiting children with cystic tibrOSJS and otner lung-damaging d ~ease,.

"Our caus~ IS a very

~~fO~~~~ O~~t~~~!nd(t~~~~: nation than any other disease ex c e p 1 c'ancer , " $a id Maxi ne Settle , chair­man of th e campaign, .. Cystic Fibrosis Is the num­ber one generic killer of children,and approximately 40% of persons suffering from C I f are not yet dia­gnos is . ..

Accordin~ to Mrs , Sdtle. contri but ions 10 the Kis~ A Baby Campaign will

~~lr~ SU%r!~:t na~~~nab;~tti~ Fibrosis Centert . research projects around Ihe world and various educal ional program s.

Cys rtc f ibrosis Centers,

:O~~i t~fscat:1fi~~t~~ac~\~~ leading medical schools and universit ies . provide diag­nosis ,treatme nt.and referral 10 c hildren suffering from

~h:~~i~i::~hitiS, ::~~:' iectasb:' chUdhood emphy"


Sept.' 17-22 sem!l" and. re~urrent pneu­mOllia..

Hosphab dealing with. gastrointestinal disorders related to CIF are located in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio.

"Through research we hope to find a c ure and control for Ilystic fibrosis," said Mrs. Settle. .. Anothet goal of the research pro- . gram is de ... elopi ng ~ner methods of treating Children with all lung ... aamaging diseases ...

H Most ofthe funds that are raised i n the Kiss A Baby Ca.mpaign go to these very important national pIograms, . she said, .. But, a.lmost 50 percent of the money stays in this Chapter

f~~:l ~h:rJr~~rt !~iliic::l~f~ fibrosis and othe r lung-

dam~;~t~cd ~si~:~~" affecu one out of e very 1. 500 infants bOrn ~ach. . year. Althou gh i 1lC u rabl~, cystiC fibrosi<; can he e ffec ll vely Ircatcd,

" Since rhf' r. : r Found .. a li on \oo,·a. eSlablished in 1955. remar~bl e progr~s$

ha~ occ urred In treating c hildH~ n wl rh cyst iC fibrosis, the campal~n cha irman commented. At that time, mos t childrer. \oo,'ilh thh ais­~ease died early in Jife. Today , more rhan 50 per" c ent of IhE' children with cystic fibrosis li vt past their 19th birthda ... , and that is a. beautiful 20th anniversary gift of ~:f:~. ___ . ____ .

the openi ng of the

fo r the

c Ii nic

practice of medicine PETERSBURG, TEXAS ~ib.Q!_f~.!,!11_~!:" ~.Q.

I····················································: l Coming Soon! Abernathy's l

Beginning, Monday, Sept.IO Office Hours 9-5

I Consumer's Saving Club i 'l Plan to join '~·.n.,,~ ... ~

Except 9-12 Wednesday

L...u.. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : •• ~~.~ ••••••••••• 1 ~~ .. atloll~Q~

Join us at the NK Crop Demonstration

Join us!

Center he our best hybrids for this area

Visit our field day and see for yourself just how well top N K hybrkls are doing in this area. You might find the hybrid you'll want to book this fall. And. you'll never have a better chance to compare, 50 come on out and see. We'" make a believer out of you I

Fr"food During field days. sponsoring NK

dealers will be serving food and re·

freshmenu to those attending. It's going to be delicious so be sure to get there early.

Tours conducted byNKcrop specialists

NK agronomists and other NK personnel will be on hand to con­duct tours of the center and answer your QuestIons.

TIme.oate Tuesday, September 18, at 10:30 A. M.

Location Five Miles South of Hale Center

Harold W ~ Thomas & Bob Rogers Dealers

Page 4: (]J'unger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1979/1979-09-13.pdfMagic art ,they feature Items that would Interest children, c'ountry scenes, flowers and others of Interest. Artist work on display

The Hale County 4';H Food Show date ha:~ lieen set for S.aturday . OCIObet 13, at the ' Hillcrest ElementllJ]' Sc;hool in Plainvi~w. The Petersburg 4- H Club will host t his y e a r' s Food Show. Mem bers 0 f th e bosting commit tee Vi vian Cultis, Ann ette Milner. and Wy non Taylor met :;c ptembet b to fi'nalize plans .Hopes are that

~~~\;I~le ;l·I ;>f~~Fr,~~~~~. Boys and .: ,,1, al ike are encoura\Zed 1,) :'Ick nut the i r favorit e 'd l,Ii. · learn of its nun itiH.' \ dlut' and prepara­tion principa ls prepare It and t'ntt' r :1' 1~h :'\,\,d Sllo\\' ,

Thl' : "ClJ ~ ho\\' IS the result of :\ \J \Hh i)arrllipating In th e 4 - H llh'J SS,· \ut rit ion proJccrs.\o,'!lIl.'tl Jre he~inni .n g now lr. If',1St commumty

-c1u bs .A I (, ,)U, L • • lder Train­ing ,",'Ill "'I..' l : c.: lJ Se ptemher 11 froll:..o - 11 '.'1, a. In . at the Hal,,' , 'Lt'n ."'~ I ' enter. ~ T h i ' ' :: .1 : f 1 '- ': 'ft'f res hcs Ie-add' .' ~ ,'r : ~ " ,'I 11l 3ter­lals Jnd :1rt" l "! ( ' r'c.. \\, Ideas 0r. ~e a "~:l IJ .. JnJ \u r-

i .... 'aJc h ,h0ultJ .\ .. ~ .\n\ ,' t he,.' : l nr rrl'~t .... ~ :) .... :~ , " ' ~ ..l~ ~: )fn itt'd, 4- H ~' .\, IF. i \ : . " " \. ' ~ 'RI"' .\ , SfO~ f '..! ,1 ., .

,~- ! I : ,I ~ .l rT iL'\ i' -

a re~ ! ~t : r " l t u~ · • ,1' . I 't ~ 1 a ! t

-\ ~ : he LIli ..; - J " ~ .... :0

: t ~ ,.1 : -

:0 ~" ' .... 1" :.

' Flour '"'ht ' \~ " .l Is, Inc1 uc u':': j "'\ ;

~':'. ' ti S \,'el-

""'eft" ..1

of 4-COL- I, ,\ •

. ~f~f2LE PROG~M . .

Dav!J°:,~r;;f~i~~i~~~g!rk be offerlhg .a · B.icyCle PrO­gram .incille/ing safi:ty.s){jUs, and maintenance , This ,pro­gram is open to the public and all interested penons a re encouraged to atte nd. The program will be held Sa t4rdar , September 15 at 10·00 a. m . at the Hale C';unty Ag Ce nter. Plan now 10 a ttend and br ing a friend ,

4 - H programs are open l o a I I yo u t h , ages 9-19. Adul ts can participate tOO hy working as a projec t or activilv leader. 4-H can expand bori zons. CaU the Fx tension office today and start on your way to a fun. productive way of learning.

_ ..... --_ ....... _-_ .. BRl EFS

Ms. Lart y G riffin

~n~~rw:~t su~:r7.~eJ~:~~r . I. ubhock .

\lr . and \Irs Mark Ha\ens of , :anyon visit ed h ('r~ I'ith hIS parent ·s. Mr. and \lrs. Rlcha rd Havens and

~~'; :,I~~~ . a ~I~ atn~ e~l ;S:f~~;; f'J\ .... ' nporr last wee kend -: he\ are s rud e nts at \\ T S l'


e n Spur Livestock and Money Sympaslum,9 a. m. _ 2130", m., The MUlewn 01 Texas Tech UnlvelSlty, Lubbock,

SEPT.21-NatlonalCa1d_ en Spur Award and floalrte Party, 6130 Po m., Llilboek Mem~a1 Clvtc Cenller.

SEPT. 22-Raooh Day, 9:30 .. m. -4 '" m., Ranch­ing Heritage Cenller, The Museum of Texas Tech University, Llilbock,

I···················································: i Coming Soon! Abernathy's i : Consumer's Saving Club : i Plan to Join i : ..................................................• ,


Co II 298- 2705

Brightbill Heating & Air Conditioning will install a new Ruud unit or work with)lOU on the brond you prefer. A.k for an .timcat •• Will also repair existing unifs.


A bernathy Public Schools Lunchroom Menu

September 17-21,1979 BREAKFAST MONDAY

Apple Juice Hot Wheat Cereal 112 pI. Milk

TUESDAY Tomato Juice Sausage Pattie Biscuits 112 pt. Milk


~~frrf: ~'~;~~rup 1/2 pt . Milk

THURSDAY Apple Juice Pea nut Bu tter Bread 112 pt . Milk

FRlDAY Orange Juic e Toast W!Grape Jelly 1/2 pI.Mil~ "


8urritos IV (C heese Tossed Salad Corn Chocolare Pudding 1/2 pt . t>1ilk

Tl!ESDA Y Sloppy Joes Pork & ile a ns French fries Pear Halves 1/2 pI. Milk

WEDI'ES DAY Fried 'hicken \lashed Potatoes Grern ileans Bro\\'nies Che ese Rolls 1/2 pr. Milk

THURSDAY (; reen Enchilada Casserole Tossed Salad Pinto Beans trU Il Jello Corn Bread 1/2 pI. Mi lk

f RlDA Y Ha mburgers Lettuce . Pic k1 es & Onions French f ries

~~~a; t C~I~t~es

BRl EF Rev.Tommie Beck went

10 Odessa September 7 to bring their tanddaugbter

. ~1;iSO~e~ok~~d °w~t~to:he~, while her dad, Lonnie was sick ,,·ith the flu .Allison and

~~ t ~al'fr;~~~~ C;:Mb~t DebbIe half way Sunday afternoon and retuned to Odessa.

Hear your musi( (orne alive!

e AM/FM/Stereo FM Tuner-Amplifier " ." T _" ,og Meier. 5 watts min RMS power per : ' d"" el ," to 8 ohms wllh 10

0 or less total "" ar"-l Q " ' C d istort ion from '00 ·15,000 Hz

e Precision Record Changer '" ." :: oe ContrOl and Dust Cover

e Allegro 1000 Stereo Speakers " .. " - "en wooler and 2-lnc h tweeter : -' '"p ' arnous Allegro Tuned Port lor -_ ~ a ' . ':" sound (Model MClO00)

e Choose the Tape Unit You Like Best! ~ ! ' Systems have Simulated wood : a~ "ets grained Walnut 'inlsh

154031 with CasseHe Tape Recorder

IS4041 with BOTH 8-Tr.ctc .nd C ....... T.,. R.cordIrI $359

Prtntlng SenIcn W. 1111 now PIIIPlnteI to iliveyou , ... , high quality pro'""onl' .. tvicli. We cen hlndle Iny ordlf 'rom p'ein envelol'll '0 compilclted co'or procell printing.

Rambo Cq,mmercial

Printing 110 w .. " Hale Center

806~9-2312 Debbie end Bill Ruiiiing ............


The Gallery ' 306 PHElPS AVE





...... _------ ..... _--FOR SALE: Cotton trai lers ISO big 12, 8x8x24 expanded metal, good condi­tion. Farmers Gin of fdmonson , Tex. Pho. day-(8()6-864-3301, night (806-846-3415 or (8()6-296-7894) (9-20-p) ~~~

Card Of

Thank. ... ~~ .. Thank you for the

beautiful cards and the food whUe I was in the hospilal

~nka :~: r m~~I~, :;~:; your prayen. May God Bless each of you. (9-13-c)

Margie Howard --- .... _------ .. _-Young Farmers Elect Officers

The Abernalhy Young

~~:::~~ h~~:ti: r~a::J:yr. September 10, ~ Jennings'

~~r~~I~~~ ~e~~~rd~: ~~~~~3for ~:::ur~::ec~~~~

Offlcen elected for me coming year are W. W.Cox­president . Johnny Megna­vlce-prelldent, Steve Jack­.son-secret&ry ,Glenn Dunen­treasurer. Bart Montgomery­reporter.

Dues were let 81$10.0f

:':a~. a r!11 will Io~~~ }~~~ orgenlzalton. . $3 to IUPPOR

I Ii e It ate ,a~d;,:rl{::r COlU, An


KEN'S Id!MCOnmC ADD-on'., RepIIIS,' ....

Edlmille" Pllane Abematlly 2!1S-24~. (tIr)


TOCMAWAYt Wifo ... pap. Qood pe_ for chlldrello I'boIIe 757-2208 after IS Po m. (tIr'

FOR SALE. Yard tertll"r, lS~S-S wltb, trOD, dDe and III1phar, $6. 25 per 50 lb. bag. Plaint Cratn & Farm Supply. (tIr'

TO GIVE AWAY:Austr-alian shepherd dog. Call 298-2726. (9-13-c)

CUSTOM HAY BAILING Benney Turner, 757-2153

(l0-4-p) --------------HA YGRAZER FOR SALE:

1.60 bale in the field. Call 757-2153. (9-13-p)

FOR SALE: 1972 Tourite 14x65, two bedroom, one bath . Phone 746-5030 after S.30. (9-13-C)

FOR SALE: 3 month old Doberman Pincher. black male.298-2333. (9-13-p)

GARAGE SALE : Friday, 10 AM-6 PM; Saturday. 9 AM-6 PM;Sunday, 1:30 PM-5 PM . King size bed,double bed , 2 twin beds, 2 electric stoves. 1 gas 'stove, kitchen

~~&l;~~~~~'f;~~s~s tlr;! ~~;. G. (9-13-c)

MECHANIC WANTED : See Ot call L. R. Givens at Abernathy Motor Co., 298-2821. (9-20-c)

FOR RENT : 2-bedroom unfurnislled apartment ,water paid. Phone 298-2307 or come by 309-A.Ave.f -------------

Be thou exalted. 0 God. above the heavens: and thy glory above all the earth; PlGJfft 108:3,4"

We take orcler. for Rubber Stamp olin .1It .. Put .. rvtoe. The Abemathy Weekly Re'riew.911S An,D • I'baae 298-20113. ,tDt

M1WONS of rupflaw been cleaned with Blue LusU'e.lt'. America'. ftne.t. Rent electriC .bampooer $1. Struve Hardware & Dry Coocla.

PIANO IN STORAGE 1978 Model Spinel Piano

in storage. Responsible party

~ran~:~~~I~e:I~~dftab~p~~~ National Keyboard Inc.6611 N. Lamar. AusUn.TX.78752 . (9-20- ~~ ___________ _

fOR SALE: 150 cation trallen Big 12. 8x8x24

~~~:'ed me}~r~~~~G~~~f Edmonson. Texas. Phone ,day

~~~~)a:~:-gr~~k6)n~t~~~~~. (9-20- ~~ ___________ •

FOR SALE: Two Inter­rational cotton strlppen no.

~~~h,b:~~~~S ~~2m~~ir~0 fOR SALE: Tascosa

wbeat seed, trealed, 60 pound bag. Call 328-5345. (9-20- ~~ ___________ _

WlU BABYSrr ODe or cwo Children iD my bome, for working motllen or eveD­Ings. CaU 298-2201 Or come by 101 7th St.


r-~d:"------I I CEMENT neecIa I cal I I Center Rudu Mix

I I' Waf lIuIIdiN~uppIy I FlniIher MIl iIbor ewlable I

I for DJi.tr: SAVING I 1

QUALIty CALL Hala tenter

'-_..!!.C::..~~..! ~~~~

. "" fe,.,

"'0 ... . 1:1 .. ," ..... 'L." ' 3;" ';"1/ ' dining ~Wii~hen combination, living room, large utility with . walk In closet, new car­pet throughout, new cab inet top, newevaporo­tive cooler, double car port. Large rooms. Ca II Milt Pope, 298-4127, Nelson Real Estate.

FOR SALE: Ho~,e to be moved. 4 bedrooms.2 baths, Shipman Real Estate. Aber-

nathy, ~~~~~_~~~:~~:~. (tsr)

THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE:On corner lot ,lots of .torage ,large utility room, kitchen and dining room combination. new air-con­ditioner. nearly new carpet, new cabinet top,lar~e rooms,

~~~I~:. c~ra~~81~~ 1 J:fs~: Real Estate.


-Auto ' Body RepaIrs From A Dent To A Complete _Wreck

Windshield-Door Glass -Let Us Re-palnt Your Car, Pickup or Truck

. -Abernathy Body Works

Waymon Jones

417 S. Ave. D phone 298-2084

night 298-4119

FOR RE:-':T: t:nfurnished apartm e nt, B09- 1! IGth SI., 2- bedroolll,hrick, a ir , carpet and stove. $ 165.00 plus de pos it. Phone 795 - 8875 . (9 - 13- c)


920 Ave 0 Abernathy Want to Buy a $40,000 house for $60,000? Wait 2 years and you can.

3 BR, fresh paint and new carpet. 203Av. D.

4 BR, 2 Bath recent remodeling, centeral heat & air. 912 2n".

2 BR, Steel Siding. 506 Ave. 0

MILT POPE JAMES POPE 298- 4'~ / )98-4019

. -,.................................................... -ii •• _;;.iiiiiiiiiiii. ___ i; __ •••• : : : Coming Soon! Abernathyls :

Go Goody ! Consumer's Saving Club ! I Plan to Join I :·············· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1



Do any kind of alterations for men & women


AND FASHIONS Phone 298-2826 - Abernathy

for ••• A Good Ride ••• A Safe Ride ••• Better Handling

Drive ••• Pelce-of-Mind lee.,... You Are IIdi ... on The lest TIN ...... Wortd. The •

Goodyear nre r .... TODAY. at Abernathy or c ... ,..,. For 0 .... or a Ful Set.

Go Safer,· GO· SlDOother,

GtGootl," I