juno (2008) my responce


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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My Views of Juno (2008)

My personal views of the film Juno are preferred. I really like the film, before and after I

watched in my class. I think I can feel as though I relate to Juno Macguff the character that

Ellen Page portrays. Not in the way that I got pregnant at the age of 16 but more the age

range and gender. Other than her teenage pregnancy I feel I’m similar to her in many ways.

As she plays a character of a similar age to me and my friends I think her story and life is

pretty much the same as any other girls at that age. I really like the role that Ellen has in this

film. She plays the part amazing. She is hilariously funny and nothing really seems to faze

her. I really like her sense of humour, the film definitely wouldn’t be the same without her.

Another thing is Juno’s interests, she is into a similar music genre to me so I can feel I can

understand what she is Talking about when speaking about her favourite bands and

musicians in the film because I know who she is talking about. Or in some scenes there is

music which I know. Most people would listen to Juno Macguff talking about her favourite

bands and not have a clue what she is talking about, where as I do. I can relate to that.

I completely disagree with the debates upon why it couldn’t be classified at the certificate

what was ideally wanted by the director for the film. Yes, there is a lot of swearing and

encounters but I think that’s what makes the movie really. It’s part of the story, it’s kind of

funny. And the timing of some of the jesters made is perfect. The part I don’t agree with is

the fact there were debates about the film not being suitable because of the relation to

teenage pregnancy. Because to me, after watching the movie it doesn’t automatically make

me want to go and get impregnated. If anything it teaches you a life lesson at that age. It

shows that there is an awful lot to deal with and a lot of responsibility and important

decision making. It isn’t easy. As you can see in Juno’s story, she ends up giving the baby to a

family that desperately wants a child; now that is a huge decision for a 16 year old girl to

make. Yes I could understand if it was promoting underage sex, but it really isn’t. Juno is 16

in the movie and you know that from watching it, it mentions it a couple of times. Just in my

opinion I disagreed with these allegations as I thought they were just bonkers! Really un

called for, yeah some people may copycat acts made in films but just from watching the film

isn’t going to make girls go out and get pregnant!