jurassic park 4: dark continent

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  • 8/8/2019 Jurassic Park 4: Dark Continent



    Dark Continent


    Charles Paterson

    Based upon the novelJurassic Park


    Michael Crichton

    In loving memory ofWalter Hurry

  • 8/8/2019 Jurassic Park 4: Dark Continent



    HAMMOND (O.S.)It all started with a dream I had.

    CUT TO


    The island comes into view, the waves CRASH against the side of the cliffs with a ROAR andwe instantly know this is one of the JURASSIC PARK islands.

    HAMMOND (O.S.)A place in which extinction became a thing of the past.

    A legend places us - -


    CUT TO:


    JOHN HAMMOND aged since we saw him last, still with his snow white beard he lay in bedshort of breath looking at the mosquito in the roundly sculpted amber at the top of his cane.

    HAMMONDBut of course you know that already, although I havent been entirely honest with you.

    MALCOLM (O.S.)What do you mean by that John?

    The deep voice of Ian Malcolm fills the air from off screen.

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    HAMMONDIsla Nublar wasnt the first part of the Jurassic Park project.

    IAN MALCOLM still sports his all black style the only change is his grayish hair. Still lookinga million bucks.

    He sits by the old mans bed while he holds a crystal glass half full with sherry.

    MALCOLMYeah I know, the facility in San Diego--

    Hammond puts his hand up to stop Malcolm.

    HAMMONDNot even that, very little people at InGen knew of the very first part of the project, not eventhe investors.

    Malcolm looks shocked and surprised.

    MALCOLMFirst part?

    HAMMONDBack when the project was young we originally planned to build a safari park in Kenya hotclimate you see, well we built a facility and grew a few dozen species, well after almost ayear the animals had settled in and adapted to their surroundings but we had a fewproblems.

    Malcolm sits forward intrigued.

    HAMMOND (cont)Rolling black outs caused the end of the facility, at first it was fine and we could control thesituation until one day the Velociraptors chewed through the fences before we even realizedwe had a situation, although were unsure how Muldoon always suspected that they listenedto the humming when the fences were online. I myself have doubts. So we abandoned thefacility and moved completely to Isla Nublar. Nublar was also developed at the same time,also with many ranges of dinosaurs like you saw on your visit, Nublar was the holidayresort, and Kenya was the safari park.

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    MALCOLMSo you just left everything as it was?

    HAMMONDWell yes to be honest it wasnt really a concern--

    MALCOLM cuts in.

    MALCOLMSo you left these creatures in Africa where people can find this place.

    HAMMONDIan please it is totally off limits Im not going to let anyone get hurt.

    MALCOLMNo John, you just dont want your conscience hurt.

    HAMMONDNow Ian, youre being unfair--

    MALCOLM interrupts again.

    MALCOLMJohn is there a reason why youre telling me this?


    So I cant tell an old friend anything anymore?

    MALCOLMThere has to be a reason you tell me something about Jurassic Park, there always is areason you want to talk about Jurassic Park.

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    HAMMONDI want you to know it wasnt just my idea--

    MALCOLMWhat? Whats not your idea?

    HAMMONDI told you before I want a documentation of these animals alive in their habitat--

    MALCOLM (horrified)


    HAMMONDAnd I want pictures to prove that they can live without human interference.

    MALCOLM stands up.

    MALCOLMWhos going?

    HAMMONDThis time safety procedures are in place--

    MALCOLMWho did you send to die John?

    HAMMOND lies in his bed and lets out a big SIGH.

    HAMMONDTheres a group of wildlife photographers I contacted, who documented animals in Africa--

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    MALCOLMWhat are their names?

    HAMMONDLets see--

    HAMMOND searchs through some folders by his side and lifts out a slip of paper.

    HAMMOND (cont)Alec Simpson, Derrick Williams, Julia Miller and last but by no means least Lex.

    MALCOLM stands still looking stunned and perplexed.

    MALCOLMYou sent your granddaughter to that place?

    HAMMONDIan Im not stupid, shes safe I have arranged a group of rangers that work to keep theplace safe to go along with the group, Ian their fine trust me on this one.

    MALCOLM walks towards HAMMOND.

    MALCOLMJohn youve done this before with me in this room when you sent my wife to an island full ofdinosaurs, I cant believe youre doing it again but this time with your own granddaughter.


    Shes fine Ian. Shes done this before, they all work together, Ian please trust me sheknows what shes doing and so do the team I sent.

    There is a silence for a second then MALCOLM sits down next to HAMMOND.

    MALCOLMHow much did you pay for this group of rangers?

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    HAMMOND smiles like a cheeky young lad.


    I spared no expense.


    A dark mysterious setting that is the jungle at night reeks of fear and a dark force that isunseen but lurking in the midst.

    The call of local workers filled the air their native tongue being spoken, a tall man, fortys,British (HENRY ASQUITH but we dont know that yet) stood away from the group ofworkers, like a foreman, reminding us of Robert Muldoon.


    The man SNAPPED orders and they were translated by an interpreter who was standingnext to ASQUTIH.

    A RUMBLE fills the air as a LARGE truck BURSTS through the thick jungle.

    The workers unload what looks like food crates and they are taken into a loading bay at theback of a large building.


    The man stood there with a SPAS-12 over his shoulder as his orders were translated intothe native tongue of the workers.

    A LOUD DEEP ROAR comes from the jungle, a roar that seems familiar and modern to us

    but it seems BIG, everyone looks in the direction of the ROAR.

    ASQUITHCarry on.

    Asquith stands there, now with gun in hand looking around him as the workers begin tocarry on with unloading the crates.

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    There is now a sense of urgency within the atmosphere.

    There is another ROAR and a worker is PUSHED to the ground and DRAGGED into the junglewhile letting out a LOUD SCREAM.

    ROARS and GROWLS come from all around.

    Workers begin RUNNING towards the truck.

    SCREAMS and CRIES of workers being DRAGGED away into the dark unknown jungle fill theair.

    Asquith STEPS into the cab of the truck.

    Surviving and injured workers pile in the back.

    Asquith starts to DRIVE the truck into the jungle.

    A RIP fills the air followed by SCREAMS of the workers in the back.


    Three LARGE SLASHES are in the side of the cover that drapes over the frame of the truck.

    The truck DRIVES away into the jungle followed by a LARGE ROARS from the attackers.

    CUT TO:


    The moonlight shines from outside through the window onto a coffee table, a young manand a young woman are sat in the living room opposite each other.

    Tim and Lex Murphy.

    Tim is sat on the sofa and Lex is on the arm chair facing him.

    TIMSo youre going then.

    LEXYeah, tomorrow.

    TIMIm shocked you want to go; Im also shocked he asked you.

    LEXIts for Grandpa I cant say no, he wants this evidence that there alive and well.

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    TIMDont you remember what happened last time?

    LEXOf course I remember Tim; I wake up every night to the sound of the Raptors.

    There is a pause.

    A soft quite SHRIEK of a Raptor comes from off screen as they both remember.

    TIMI still remember you covered in Brachiosaur snot.

    Lex pulls a face.

    LEXShut up Tim.

    Tim sips his coffee.

    TIMI still hate trees.

    Tim and Lex laugh.

    TIM (contd)But seriously Lex, be careful.

    LEXI will.

    TIMI mean it.

    LEXSo do I.

    CUT TO:


    A local city hospital, quiet apart from the rain BEATING off of the windows and the CRACK ofthe thunder from the storm outside, it seemed almost eerie as everything was quite.

    A female doctor is walking down a hallway, she was writing on a clip board.

    DR RACHEL SOUZA, mid twenties, her hair was shoulder length and black, her Latino looksshow that she isnt native to the African city she works in.

    She walks over to the coffee machine and inserts money into it, she places a cup under thenozzle and presses a button and waits as the machine WHIRRELS as it starts up, coffeepours into the polystyrene cup, it stops.

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    Rachel sighs as she took the cup and pours milk and sugar into her drink and stirs it.

    She takes one sip of it and walks into her office.


    The light comes on and the coffee cup is placed on an untidy desk, Rachel slumps down onher chair with another sigh and spins on her chair slowly.

    There is a faint ROAR in the distance coming from outside.

    The rain continues to hit the windows.

    The ROAR gets closer.

    Its the sound of a chopper approaching.

    Rachel looks out the window.


    We see bright red, blue and white lights in the sky, the sound is now recognizable.


    Rachel grabs her stethoscope and slings it around her neck and rushes out of her office.


    The rain BEATS down harder from the stormy night sky, the chopper has landed as DRSouza and 2 male nurses look on waiting with a trolley bed, the chopper door slides openand a man is stretched off screaming in agony, he is shouting and screaming.A man steps out behind the man being stretched off, British, his red hair is poking out theside of his baseball cap, he has a waste jacket over the top of his badge shirt which matchhis badge shorts. (Ed Regis but we dont know it yet)


    They put the man on the stretcher and they push him inside.

    CUT TO


    A pair of double doors are smashed open; the bed is pushed through with the man on itscreaming into his oxygen mask, the red haired man is running next to Dr Souza.


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    What happened here?

    REGISThe man got caught under a back hoe and was dragged across a field.

    SOUZAAnd who are you?

    REGISIm the foreman. And you?

    SOUZADr. Rachel Souza

    REGISYou look very young to be a doctor.

    SOUZAThis is about a mans life not my age Mr. Regis.

    Regis looks at her.

    They run towards the treatment room.


    The man is taken to the treatment room and the red blanket is removed for the first time, alarge slice is down the right leg of the man, Rachel lifts up the mans shirt and there are

    three slashes over his chest.

    SOUZA(To one of the nurses)

    Back hoe my ass.

    REGIS is hovering about.

    SOUZACould you wait outside please?

    Rachel runs her finger of the side of the wound and looks up to the same nurse.

    SOUZA(To the nurse)

    No earth in the wound.

    MARCUS(Soft tone to Rachel)

    Animal attack.

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    REGISIs he going to be ok?

    Rachel gets her camera out of a draw as Regis is escorted out by one of the nurses.

    She takes pictures of the wounds.

    The man bolts straight up, vomits blood and begins fitting violently.


    The nurse comes in the room as the man falls to the floor fitting, his eyes roll back in hishead, the man vomits again.

    The man stops.

    MARCUSIs he dead?

    Rachel goes to walk over to him putting her camera on the side.

    The man bolts up again, vomits blood and then falls back to the floor lifeless.

    Rachel checks his pulse.



    Regis walks in.

    REGISWhat the hell is going on in here?

    SOUZAIm sorry to say he passed away.

    Regis calls some men in and they place the man on their own bed, cover him up and takehim away.

    REGISIm sure you did all you could.

    Regis walks out.

    Rachel watches the chopper fly off into the distance; she turns walks into the treatmentroom to see her camera missing.

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    Rachel walks into the staff room where Marcus and the other male nurse are sitting.


    Any of you seen my camera?

    Both nurses shake their head.

    MARCUSLast time I saw it, you put it down.

    Rachel shakes her head.

    SOUZAIt was on the side when they took the body out.


    Didnt see it after that.

    SOUZAOh, Oh yeah Marcus you mentioned animal attack, what type of animal?

    MARCUSWell Ive seen many lion attacks; those claw marks on the mans chest seemed feline.

    SOUZASo it was a lion not a back hoe?

    MARCUSRachel, no lion is that big.

    CUT TO:


    A clean and tidy living room comes into view, the floor is spotless and the objects are neatlyplaced, a pair of legs are dangling over the arm of the sofa these legs belong to JULIA


    MILLERJust out of interest, give me a rough idea of what Ill see when we get there.

    LEX MURPHY comes into the room with a smile on her face.

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    I dont know how to explain it, but youll get the same feeling I did when I first saw

    MILLERPlease dont tell me that feeling was utter panic.

    Both women laugh and LEX hits MILLER with a cushion.

    LEXCome on you better get ready we have to go meet Alec and Derrick soon.

    CUT TO:

    13 BEDROOM

    Julia gets a pair of silver running shoes out of her wardrobe and ties the laces.

    Lex is walks in front of the mirror.

    LEXLets do this.


    We see SIMPSON and WILLIAMS sat on a small fishing boat with camera equipmentsurrounding them. Both men are dressed in yellow waterproof overalls.

    WILLIAMSThats the last time Im going out to sea for a while.

    SIMPSONDont act like you dont like this job.

    Both men are packing away their equipment.

    WILLIAMSI like getting paid Alec.

    SIMPSONCome on Derrick the sea air will do you good, take a good deep breath in and clear your

    lungs out with fresh air.

    WILLIAMSMay I remind you were by a large boat with tons of fish on it?

    Derrick points to a larger fishing boat.

    WILLIAMS (contd)The only thing fresh around here is the fish.

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    Youve dated worse.

    WILLIAMSDue to very poor club lighting Ill have you know--

    LEX and JULIA walk over to the boat.

    LEXHey you two.

    WILLIAMSAfternoon, would you like a fish?

    LEXIll pass thanks.

    SIMPSONWhat time do we have to be at the airport?


    WILLIAMSOk well get changed then we will drive to the airport.

    CUT TO:


    Ed Regis is standing by a chopper, dressed in blue shorts and a white shirt without his capon we still remember him from before.

    LEXMr. Regis?

    REGISYes hello.

    Regis has that permanent helpful smile on his face.

    REGIS (contd)You must be Lex.

    Lex nods.

    REGIS (contd)Nice to meet you.

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    The group gets in the chopper.

    SIMPSONYou not joining us Mr. Regis?

    REGISNo, Im just here to meet you and make sure youre in the chopper safely.

    Regis steps back.

    REGIS (contd)Have a nice flight.

    Regis shuts the door.

    The chopper takes flight.


    A man is sitting on the bonnet of a jeep talking on a cell phone (HENRY ASQUITH)

    ASQUITHI give you my word, she will return home safely.

    ASQUITH gets off the bonnet and opens the jeep and gets in.

    ASQUITH (contd)I have everything set up and I know the facility like the back of my hand, I have to go, seeyou later John, bye.


    A helicopter with the INGEN logo emblazoned on the side flies over the sandy ocean ofthe desert.


    SIMPSON, WILLIAMS, MILLER and LEX are sat in the back of the helicopter.

    SIMPSON and WILLIAMS are now dressed in khaki shorts and hiking boots, SIMPSON nowhas a basic red t-shirt with typical hunters hat, WILLIAMS is now dressed in a blue t-shirtand a khaki waistcoat.

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    MILLERWhat you expect we will see?

    WILLIAMSSomething you wont believe possibly.

    With a smile Lex turns her face from the window to look at the others.

    LEXTrust me; this will be something you will never forget.

    Adjusting his hat ALEC SIMPSON raises his camera to his eye looking through and playingabout with it.

    SIMPSONWere defiantly going to get a few good shots, thats a fact.

    There is a second ROAR and the helicopter is joined by another, it is bigger and plain black.

    WILLIAMSLooks like Mr. Hammonds help has joined us.

    The black helicopter takes the lead as it leads the smaller helicopter to the landing pads.

    CUT TO:


    The groups helicopter slowly plummets and then lands, ASQUITH STEPS out and walks over

    and opens the helicopter doors to greet the group.

    ASQUITHHello, Im Henry Asquith, I was asked by Mr. Hammond if me and my team wouldaccompany you through your visit around the park.

    The group get out of the helicopter all holding there stiff legs.

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    Two jeeps ROAR to a stop on the dusty road and a group of armed men step out of theLEAD jeep.


    This is my team.

    ASQUITH points to the group of 6 men standing by the FIRST jeep.

    ASQUITHThats Vito, Jason, Kende, Rich, Idris and Tayo.

    All of the men nod their heads as ASQUITH says their name.

    VITO is in his mid thirties , unshaven stubble, Italian/Portuguese, dressed in a combat

    trousers, army boots and a tank top with a red bandanna tied round his arm. JASON latetwenties, American, in camouflaged shorts, heavy boots and a white vest with army coloredjacket over the top, KENDE a local man about forty, dressed in a white shirt and tannedshorts with hiking boots. IDRIS and JACOB are also local men around late thirties earlyforties also dressed in shirt and shorts, RICH a man from South Africa late forties earlyfifties dressed in a white t-shirt and tanned shorts.

    ASQUITH (cont)These will be our means of transport.

    Looking around the group and towards the jeep.

    LEXHow comes this place is so quiet? If people came close and saw what was there it wouldbring flocks of people from all over the world.

    ASQUITHThis place is treated like a military base; there are signs all over the road leading up themilitary blockade set up when the facility was abandoned.

    WILLIAMSWhat about if they fly over?

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    ASQUITHRestricted airspace, thats also why you had a helicopter escort you towards the landingpad. This place is top secret. And kept out of harms way.

    Alec looks at the blockades set up every few hundred yards ahead of them.

    SIMPSONWhat people dont know cant hurt them.

    ASQUITHThats right, now could I just ask who here is Lex?

    MURPHY smiles as she hears her name and raises her hand like a little girl who wants to

    answer a question.

    LEXThats me, Im Lex.

    ASQUITHNice to meet you Ill let your grandfather know that you have arrived safely, now if we canall get into the jeeps we can get started.

    The group and Asquith climb into the second jeep behind Asquiths men.

    CUT TO:


    The two open top jeeps ROAR down the road causing dust to fly everywhere.

    21 JEEP

    WILLIAMS is sat at the back with MILLER who was looking at the view as the jeep DARTSdown the long dusty road.

    WILLIAMSYou nervous?

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    MILLER turns her head to look at her college while chewing on a piece of gum.

    MILLERNo. I suppose once youve worked with one dangerous creature youve worked with them


    She turns her head back to look at the sea of sand that looks to go on forever. Wiping thesweat off of his forehead WILLIAMS looks at her and then his hand.

    WILLIAMSYeah, I guess.

    SIMPSON is sat in front of them setting up one of his cameras.

    LEXTrust me Alec this is what youve only dreamed of snapping.

    SIMPSON looks up at her and smiles putting his camera in his bag.

    SIMPSONIve had some pretty wild dreams so Ill let you know when I see what I see.

    The jeeps SPEED down the dusty road and a huge metal fence with 2 giant doors come intoview it is barbed wired all around the fencing, as the jeeps DRIVE closer 2 soldiers standeither side of the gate, guarding it, as the jeeps get closer the soldiers open the gate andthe jeeps DRIVE through.

    22 JEEP

    The armed men sat in the jeep as they drive through the gate, Vito sat shotgun next toKende who is driving, and Vito picks up his bag and places it on his lap and remergesthrough it and takes out a 2-way radio.

    VITOOliveira come in.

    CRACKS of STATIC come from the radio then it clears for a voice to reply.


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    What do you want Vito?

    With a smile Vito lifts the radio to his lips.

    VITOJust calling to let you know we are just entering the park now.

    CUT TO:


    A well built soldier looking type of guy is sitting down in a deck chair with a pair of high tech

    binoculars in hand, early thirties dressed in a black military type suit with a large bulletprotection vest on with the InGen logo on the front and back and the word OLIVEIRA on thefront and back.

    OLIVEIRARight ok, well Im just gonna finish my watch have a spot of lunch then go for a nap and tryand forget about your sorry waste of skin.

    VITO (O.S.)

    Yeah I love you to Santiago.

    OLIVEIRA laughs and begins looking through his binoculars.

    The jeeps DRIVE towards a LARGE gate, similar to the Jurassic Park gate on Isla Nublar buta lot TALLER and WIDER, it stands TALL keeping out the mysteries and secrets that a waitbehind them. As they head towards the TOWERING gate Derrick Williams drinking a bottleof water and sat there looking at the gate as it got CLOSER and CLOSER.

    WILLIAMSI sit here calm and relaxed with a bottle in my hand as Im being driven into hell.

    Looking at him Alec shakes his head.

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    No Derrick, youre sat there on your pay check calm and relaxed drinking your expenses.

    Derrick LAUGHS.

    WILLIAMSIm a people person.

    The jeep BOUNDS forward as the gates are pushed OPEN by 2 soldiers, the jeeps DRIVESthrough the TOWERING gates into the park, as the jeeps goes through the soldiers CLOSEthe gates, as they are SHUT there is a BANG and CLICK.


    The surrounding area is completely different from what is seen before the jeeps enter thepark, there is lush greenery around, there is a flowing river, a jungle, this place is like aparadise, unlike the area 51 type place outside of the gates.

    25 JEEP

    SIMPSONDidnt expect this

    The group in the second JEEP look STUNNED and AMAZED that in the vast wasteland, aplace like this exists. It seems a dream, unreal, like a mirage.

    Julia has her CAMERA out and she is already taking pictures of the lush greenery and theflowing river, Lex sat there with a smile on her face and the wind blowing through her hair,she isnt nervous, worried or even showing any sign of panic, In fact she is excited, shewants to get stuck in and get close with the creatures of her grandfathers dreams for thesecond time.

    MILLERThis place is beautiful.

    LEXI know, its amazing.

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    LEANING over towards the two ladies from the back seat Derrick points to the left of thegroup which is off screen at the moment.

    WILLIAMSTheres your money shot.

    We finally see what Derrick is pointing at.


    A large lake reveals its self from behind the lush green foliage, the lake is massive withgreenery all around, on the bank on the other side is a large herd of Parasaurolophusdrinking, bathing and grazing, and with grace and beauty a group of Brachiosaurs all RAISEtheir long, arching and slender necks out of the water.

    Alec and Julia are out of the jeep first with their cameras, CLICKING and SNAPPING photosof the herbivores that are in front of them, Lex walks out of the jeep with a smile on herface as she walks past a very shocked Derrick who is standing there his jaw slightlydropped.

    WILLIAMSI dont believe it, I really dont believe it.

    ASQUITHThis is quite real.

    Asquith walks over from the jeep and walks towards his team who are sorting someequipment out.

    ASQUITHWhat we got Vito

    Vito is standing at the front of the first car away from the view of the other group with whatseems to be a suit case open on the hood.

    VITOWell if we have any bother from unwanted pests this baby should take care of them.

    Vito is assembling a large gun, placing it on the hood he pulls out a case of dart shapedbullets and he loads the gun up.

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    Chances of any action could be slim anyway.

    ASQUITHOk ladies and gentlemen we are about to set off now, if you would like to re-take your placein the jeep we can set off.

    The groups get back in the jeeps and as we pan out we see a familiar looking footprint, thatoff, Tyrannosaurs Rex.


    With a ROAR the jeeps move through the open fields, the grass is a lush healthy green,unusual for Africa, this place seems more like Nublar and Sorna then an African desert, tothe left of the passing jeeps is a group of grazing Stegosaurus.

    MILLERLook, look over there.

    Julia is full of excitement as she SNAPs pictures of the grazing herd.

    Gasps of excitement and shock come from the second jeep, Asquith drives on following hismen who are in the first car.


    The jeep HALTS to a stop.

    ASQUITHWelcome to your accommodations.

    Two large caravans are parked side by side.

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    The group gets out of the jeep with their luggage in hand.


    Ill be honest; I have slept in worse places--- such as Mexico.

    ASQUITHI can assure you that you are quite safe.

    The group walks into their caravan.



    Lex and Julia sit on the sofa by the window.

    LEXI know very luxurious.

    Both the guys are looking around.

    SIMPSONThis is unbelievable.

    MILLERIts amazing, these are actual dinosaurs

    WILLIAMSNow for once Im speechless, me of all people, I havent been speechless since---ever.

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    LEXYeah seeing dinosaurs for the first time does give someone that feeling.

    WILLIAMSNot about the dinosaurs, this caravan, hot and cold running water and everything.

    Everyone just shakes their head.

    Over in the other caravan, everything seems more high tech; VITO and ASQUITH aretalking by a computer.

    ASQUITHHow are they?

    VITOFrom what limited contact weve had, there fine.


    Anything I should know about?

    VITONot at all. ---

    Henry drinks some water from his mug.

    VITOSo, whats the plan?

    ASQUITHThe plan stays the same.

    VITOYes sir.

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    The group sits on chairs they have set around the caravanAsquith and his men stand up arming themselves.

    ASQUITHReady for the first part of the tour?

    The group stands up and get into the cars.

    SIMPSONWhat do you think we will see this time?

    Derrick looks at Alec.

    WILLIAMSAnother big walking thing.

    MILLEROr a big biting thing.

    SIMPSONLoving the positive views here people.


    The jeeps DRIVE along the sandy road.

    32 JEEP

    Lex and Julia sit in the very back of the jeep.

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    Julia has her camera in her hand.

    LEXSo, Henry how often do you come into the Park?

    Asquith has his eyes fixed in front of him still.

    ASQUITHIf I need to then I will, but I do try and prolong my absence from this, place.

    WILLIAMSOh great, were in a place the game warden dont even want to be in, he works here for godsake.

    Asquith has a fixed stare ahead of him still.

    ASQUITHIf you have been here for as many years I have then you would understand, for someonelike you, you wouldnt last that long.

    Derrick was stunned into silence.

    MILLERThats twice Derrick has been speechless today.

    ASQUITH points out a LARGE herd of Corythosaurus and Parasaurolophus that are grazingto the right of the jeeps.

    Julia, Alec and Derrick are all taking photos with their professional cameras while Lex isrecording with her camcorder.

    The jeep slowly ENTERS the jungle.


    The jeep DRIVES through the thick jungle.

    The lead jeep HAULTS to a stop.

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    Asquith gets out of the jeep with his SPAS-12 in his hand.

    The second jeep PULLS UP behind the first jeep and ASQUITHS men get out fully armed.Asquith puts his hand up to the group in the first car.


    Stay here.

    Asquith walks forward into the bush.

    Vito leads the armed group a few paces behind him.

    Asquith bends down.He is bent over the carcass of a fully grown Parasaurolophus, the carcass has been tore intobits and there are bits all around the area.


    Asquith is poking bits about with a stick.

    ASQUITHAbout 12 hours maybe more, has been picked at by whatever passed by.

    VITOWas it Raptors?

    Asquith pulls out what looks like a giant cat claw.


    Asquith holds the claw up to Vito and the rest of his men.

    ASQUITHWe should keep moving.

    There is a rustling in the distance and the sound of birds flying away.

    The armed group looks around their shoulders.

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    ASQUITHBack to the cars, now.

    The group head back to their jeep and Asquith gets back into the first jeep.

    LEXWhat was the hold up?

    Asquith puts the claw in his shorts pocket.

    ASQUITHNothing just an old carcass.

    The jeeps begin MOVING again.


    The jeeps DRIVE through the thick jungle.


    The jeeps DRIVE through an open metal gate which looks once to have been electrified.


    The jeeps PULL up in the car park with a SCREECH.

    The groups get out of the jeeps.

    ASQUITHStay close.

    Asquiths men are fully armed.

    The groups walk away from the jeeps towards a concrete staircase made up of a dozensteps that lead into a building.


    The building seems that it is unused, by man that is, it is ransacked, the sofas have the

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    cushions and all the material ripped and torn apart, there is leafs on the floor and plantsgrowing from under the floor tiles.

    LEXWhat is this place?

    ASQUITHIt was a research centre we had before things went wrong.

    WILLIAMSSo were camping out there in caravans with dinosaurs when there is a nice safe buildinghere?

    ASQUITHThis building is far from safe; there could be anything on any of the floors here.

    MILLERHow many floors are there?

    ASQUITHFour in all.

    The group finds an elevator, Asquith gets out a lift key and calls the lift down, the groupgets in.

    38 HALLWAY

    The group step out the lift and head down a very dark hallway.

    ASQUITHJacob, Idris go and check on ahead.

    JACOB & IDRISYes Sir.

    JACOB and IDRIS run off into the dark hallway with the guns at the ready.

    SIMPSONSo what are we doing here?

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    Well recently we have been running a research project, so we are here to see how thingsare going on.

    The group walks on through the hallway.

    VITOJacob? Idris? All clear?

    There was an unwelcome silence.

    Vito looks at Asquith.


    There was a soft sigh of relief.

    The group walks down the hallway towards a door.


    The group walk into a room, a woman in shorts and a white shirt stands in the room (KellyMarshall but we dont know it yet) , she is beautiful, she has her shiny brunet hair bunched

    in a ponytail.

    MARSHALLGood afternoon Henry.

    Kelly looks up from her clipboard.

    ASQUITHHello Kelly, ladies and gentlemen let me introduce Dr Kelly Marshall.

    Kelly smiles and nods to the group.

    ASQUITHShe is one of InGens top research scientists.

    MARSHALLNow come on Henry, lets not go too far.

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    A man comes in from another room, we recognize him from earlier.

    Vito steps forward.


    And this is Santiago Oliveira, the biggest son of a bitch you will ever meet.

    OLIVEIRAThat may be true but at least I dont have--

    VITOThats enough.


    ASQUITHKelly could I speak to you in the other room please.

    MARSHALLOf course.

    Henry and Kelly go into her office.


    Kelly sits down in her chair and looks at Henry.

    MARSHALLHave a seat.

    Henry sits down in front of her.

    ASQUITHThank you, so tell me the bad news.

    MARSHALLWell, where do I start, well the Velociraptors are the same as ever extremely smart anddeadly, the larger carnivores are as scary as hell and the Smilidons are on a blood thirstyrage for unknown reasons.

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    ASQUITHThat could explain this then.

    Henry takes out the claw he had in his pocket and places it on the table.

    Kelly picks it up.

    MARSHALLWhere did you get this?

    ASQUITHLodged into the carcass of a Parasaurolophus in the jungle.

    MARSHALLThere killing whatever they can when they can.

    ASQUITHWhat about their territory? Still the same?

    MARSHALLYes, still the same.

    Kelly stands up and walks towards an open window.

    MARSHALLYou have to get them out of here Henry.

    ASQUITHYou have your orders and so do I.

    MARSHALLFor once can you forget about orders? Peoples lives are at risk here not just your men butthe civilians that are with you.

    Henry gets up and walks over to Kelly.

    ASQUITHI get paid I do the job Im paid to do no questions asked.

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    Kelly sighs.

    MARSHALLThe Raptors are getting to smart you know, smarter than man.

    There is a pause.

    ASQUITHSorry Kelly.

    Kelly smiles to herself.

    MARSHALLFor wha-

    Henry PUSHES Kelly out of the window she SCREAMS all the way down till we hear aSMASH.

    CUT TO:


    Kellys body is laying face down on the now dented roof of a car in a pool of blood.

    CUT TO:


    Henry walks towards the door.

    He opens it and walks out without looking back.


    Henry walks back in the room.


    Ok lets head off. Oliveira youre joining us to correct?

    OLIVEIRAYes sir.

    ASQUITHLets go then.

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    What about Dr Marshall?

    ASQUITHDr Marshall decided to stay here to continue her research.

    The group head to the hallway.

    44 HALLWAY

    The group walks down the dark hallway.

    SIMPSONSo where we going now?

    ASQUITHNow, we head off into the park carrying on with our tour.

    WILLIAMSAre we going to be making anymore pit stops? Because if so let us know now so I donthave to pee in a bush you know.

    Lex stops walking.

    Julia looks back.

    MILLERWhats wrong Lex?


    Everyone is silent.

    The soft sound of recognizable GRUNTS fills the dark air.


    ASQUITH stands still, grim faced.


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    The group begins to run down the dark hallway.

    Inhuman SCREAMS fill the air as the group run, it is now clear to us what the group isrunning from.

    VITOMove move move!

    The SHRIEKS sound closer and closer each time.

    The group gets to the elevator.

    Asquith looks for the elevator key.

    WILLIAMSHurry up.

    The SHRIEKS and SNORTS come closer from the dark hallway.

    WILLIAMSPlease hurry up.

    Asquith finds the key.



    Asquith inserts the key into the slot and the elevator doors open.

    The group gets into the elevator.

    There is a very close LOUD SCREAM as the elevator doors close.


    The group is standing in the lift panting.

    WILLIAMSWhat was that?

    Before Asquith could open his mouth.


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    WILLIAMSOk just so were all clear, there the bad guys correct?

    Nobody bothers to answer Derrick.

    LEXHow many packs are there?

    ASQUITHWe have no idea, we lost count a long time ago, thats why we set up a research programevery so often.

    The elevator doors open. Asquiths men lead the way fully armed.

    46 HALLWAY

    OLVEIRAWe found an increase in Raptor population across the park.

    The group runs out through the reception and into the car park.


    The group runs through the car park.

    ASQUITHS men run into their jeep while ASQUITH and the others get into theirs.

    48 JEEP

    Asquith starts the jeep and they both begin to DRIVE into the park.


    The jeeps THUNDER through the park as they make a fast get away from the ResearchCentre.

    50 JEEP

    LEXThat was close.

    WILLIAMSWe didnt see anything for all we know it could have been an echo from a distance.

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    Both Jeeps screech to a stop.


    RICHWhat is it?

    VITOSomething big.

    53 JUNGLE

    Out of the large trees come a large Triceratops, it walks in front of the first car followed byother, it is a herd.

    54 JEEP

    The radio crackles.

    VITO (O.S)We have Triceratops.

    The group gasp in amazement and get out with their cameras.


    Lex and Julia climb on the roof of their jeep and begin taking pictures.

    Alec and Derrick are both standing next to the first jeep taking pictures.

    SIMPSONThis is brilliant.

    WILLIAMSIm taking pictures of real life dinosaurs.

    Derrick laughs to himself.

    WILLIAMS (contd)Im dreaming, I am, this is a dream and I will wake up any second.

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    This is no dream and those animals are dangerous.

    The Triceratops pass by the group without any reaction.

    The last Triceratops in the herd clears the path for the jeeps.

    MILLERThat was amazing.

    LEXNo matter how many times you say to yourself youve seen what real dinosaurs look likeseeing them again makes it so much better.

    SIMPSON(To Asquith)

    Can we follow them?

    ASQUITHIt would be best if we dont; we cant be sure what theyre walking into.

    VITOI could take Olveira and Rich with me and we could take a look sir.

    Everyone looks at Asquith.

    ASQUITHBe quick.

    VITOYes sir.

    Vito, Olveira and Rich grab their weapons from their jeep.

    ASQUITHIf something doesnt seem right come back and well move on.

    Vito, Rich and Olveira walk into the jungle.


    Im sure if there was something that the Triceratops would be running back this way.

    LEXShut up, Derrick.

    There is a pause as everyone looks into the jungle.


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    We see Vito walking ahead of Rich and Olveira.

    VITOYou anything?



    OLVEIRANothing here.

    The three men turn round and Asquith is behind them.

    ASQUITHAnything I should know about?

    VITONo sir, nothing here.


    The four men listen.


    OLVEIRAI cant hear anything.

    ASQUITHExactly, no bird calls, somethings out here.

    Rich and Idris look around there shoulders.

    ASQUITH (contd)Come on, lets go.

    The men head back towards the Jeeps.


    The 4 armed men walk through the bushes back to the jeeps.

    Alec stands up from the hood of the jeep he was sitting on.

    SIMPSONEverything ok?

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    Something didnt seem quite right so we decided it would be best if we moved on.

    The groups get into their JEEPS


    The jeeps DRIVE down the jungle road.

    59 JEEP

    LEXWhat happened to this place Henry?

    ASQUITHWell before any idea of an island your grandfather wanted to build his dream inland, there

    was many locations worldwide that InGen planned to build their resorts.

    The group sits in the car listening to Asquith, he goes on.

    ASQUITHFirst place planned was San Diego, but the idea was scrapped due to the climate of theanimals, Hammond didnt feel it was prehistoric enough, so then in 1983 he choose thisplace, everything was set, the fences where up, the facilities where ready for visitors, welldue to the location we had a lot of problem with the power.


    What do you mean due to the location?

    ASQUITHWell, were in the middle of Africa, anyway, we had a lot of blackouts with the power andthey became frequent and longer lasting, well it wasnt long before the dinosaurs workedthings out, the broke out and we had to abandon this place.

    WILLIAMSWhy didnt this place get dismantled once InGen left?

    ASQUITHThis land was bought by InGen on a permanent contract, so InGen can do what they want

    with the land so as far as the UN know this is a research facility.


    The jeeps leave the jungle and follow the road up to the grassy hilltops.

    The jeeps halt to a stop.


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    Well have a 15 minute break then carry on.

    The group get out of their jeeps.

    WILLIAMSCould we tour the park in a day?

    ASQUITHWell if everything was where it was yes but now everything is messed up and by Mr.Hammonds list of what he wants, no, no we cant.

    The group stands around the jeep.

    MILLERGod, Im hungry.

    Oliveira look over at the group.

    OLIVEIRAWould you like lunch?

    WILLIAMSWe have food?

    OLIVEIRAOf course.

    Oliveria hands out sandwiches to everyone.

    Vito walks over to look out to the distance eating his sandwich.

    Vito slowly lowers his sandwich and turns round.

    VITOExcuse me.

    Everyone looks at him.

    VITO (contd)You might want to bring your cameras over here.

    Alec and Derrick grab their camera bags and walk over to where Vito is standing.


    My god.

    LEX and JULIA walk over.

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    Thats what grandpa wants.

    The group sees the lake in the distance, the big herd of Parasaurolophus and Corythosaurusgrazing around the lake, long necks of Brachiosaurs lift up from out of the lake.

    Alec and Derrick SNAP shots of the beautiful scene that is unfolding in front of them.

    CUT TO:


    Night has fallen, a storm has broken out due to it being a wetter season, lightning isflashing across the sky lightning up the jungle below, and the rain is falling in drenchingsheets on the roofs ad hoods of the jeeps, which are making their way back to their camp.


    WILLAIMSLeast were not sleeping in tents, now that would be awful.

    The jeeps HAULT to a stop.

    ASQUITHWhat now?

    Vito and Oliveira get out.

    Vito walks over to the rear jeep.

    VITOTires blown.

    WILLIAMS(To himself)


    Vito, Idris and Olveira get out of the jeep and begin jacking up the jeep to start changingthe tire in the rain.

    Vito takes off the flat tire.

    VITOGot it, easy easy.

    Olveira rolls the new tire over to Vito.

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    There we are.

    Vito finishes changing the tire.

    Vito points to the flat tire.

    VITO(To Idris)

    Put that in the trunk.

    Idris lifts the tire and places it into the trunk of the jeep.

    Vito gives a thumb up to Asquith and the others in the rear jeep.

    The three men back into their jeep.

    The cars start moving again.

    62 REAR JEEP

    The group is sat in the jeep.

    Julia is looking out the window.

    She moves her head forward to the glass.


    The drops of rain run down the glass, the jungle is thick, dark and eerie, the lightning lightsup everything, but just for a second.


    Stop the car!



    Stop the car! Theres something out there.

    Asquith stops the car.

    He picks up the radio.

    ASQUITH(Into the radio)

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    Vito we--

    Vito interrupts.

    VITO (O.S.)We heard Henry.

    The lead car HAULTS to a stop.

    Everyone gets out of their vehicles.


    The group is stood around their jeeps looking into the dark jungle head of them.

    Asquiths men are fully armed looking into the jungle.


    Cant see anything sir.

    OLVIERAMe neither.

    ASQUITHWhat did you see Julia?

    MILLERAll I saw was an eye looking at the cars, but I could see an outline.

    LEXWhat did you make it out to be?

    MILLERI dont know, but it was on two legs.

    WILLIAMSSo were out here when it could be a possible meat eater thing.

    SIMPSONDerrick shut it.


    Its true.

    SIMPSONCan we follow whatever it is?

    MILLERI want to go to bed.

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    WILLIAMSYou want to follow it?

    SIMPSONHammond wants photos of these animals-

    WILLIAMS(Attempting to talk over Alec)

    But within our own safety

    SIMPSON(Still talking)

    Then he can get his moneys worth cant he.

    There was a silence.

    WILLIAMSAlright fine.


    LEXNo, Ill stay with Julia.

    Henry looks at his men.

    ASQUITHWho wants to go with them?

    VITOIll go.

    OLVIERA(Putting his hand up)

    Yeah me too.

    JASONCount me in.

    ASQUITHOk, Lex, Julia, Jacob, Kende, Rich and myself will go back to the camp, you have a radio ifyou need us contact us.

    Alec, Derrick, Vito, Olviera and Jacob get into the first car and the others get into the rearcar.

    64 JEEP


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    What could Julia of seen?

    VITOCould be a number of things really.



    VITODoubt it; it would have attacked us already.


    The jeeps ROAR through the wet muddy jungle.

    The storm has gotten worse; the lightning is getting more consistent.

    66 JEEP

    Alec and Derrick have here cameras in hand just in case.

    Vito is looking at the darkness ahead as he drives into it.

    WILLIAMSWhat if it is a Rex?

    OLVIERA(Turning round to look at him)

    Then we get as far away as we can from it.

    WILLIAMSWellThat sounds like my kind of plan.

    Olviera laughs.

    The jeep jolts down.

    WILLIAMSYour meant to drive on the land there Vito.

    VITOEveryone alright?

    WILLIAMSNo, for a number of reasons.

    VITOOh good.

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    The jeep has driven down a slope into a ditch.

    Jason gets out and walks around the jeep.

    Vito gets out.

    JASONThe mud is too thick it may take a lifetime to get it out.

    VITOWe dont have a lifetime.

    JASONThen lets get started then.

    VITOSantiago get your ass out the car.

    Olviera gets out the jeep followed by Alec and Derrick.

    Derrick and Alec look at the thick mud that has hidden the tires.

    WILLIAMSThat could be a problem.

    VITOOk, Jason and Santiago push from the front Ill get in and try and reverse back.

    Vito gets back in the jeep while Jason and Olviera go round to the front of the jeep.

    Vito starts reversing as Jason and Olviera push.

    The jeep moves up slowly.

    Alec and Derrick start to help Jason and Olviera.

    68 JEEP

    Vito pushes his foot down on the gas.

    He looks up in the mirror into the darkness.

    VITO P.O.V

    An eyeball, large, yellowish, looking into the back of the jeep.


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    Jesus Christ!

    Derrick looks up as Vito shouts to see a large body and a tail revealing a large dinosaurfrom behind the jeep.



    SIMPSONNot now Derrick just shut up and push.

    WILLIAMSAlec its very important.

    SIMPSONDerrick, later ok.

    Derrick moves Alecs head.

    Alec stands there with his mouth wide open.

    SIMPSONOh my--


    Vito is still trying to back the jeep out the ditch.

    The dinosaur lets out a bellowing ROAR as it lifts its head showing its self.


    The dinosaur seems invisible.


    In the jeep.

    Everyone runs towards the jeep, pulling them open hard the slamming them shut behindthem.

    70 JEEP

    The dinosaurs eyes and teeth are the only clearly visible features.

    The jeep is starting to be tossed about from side to side.


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    Theres more than one.

    WILLIAMSWhy cant we see them?

    71 JUNGLE

    The jeep is barged onto its side.

    Without warning the jeep is barged again and is sent rolling back into the jeep.

    72 JEEP

    Everyone is groaning in pain.

    Jason kicks the back windshield until it smashes.


    (Shouting at Jason)Jason no!

    73 JUNGLE

    Jason crawls out of the upturned jeep and starts to run.

    Heavy FOOTSTEPS fall behind him.

    Jason is out paced and is lifted in the air and thrown across the jungle to one of the othermysterious dinosaurs.

    Jasons screams fill the air as the dinosaur approaches him.

    The dinosaurs reveal themselves fully as a group of four move towards Jason, there is aloud ROAR and Jasons screams stop.

    The dinosaurs begin to feed on Jasons body.

    74 JEEP

    Vito looks round to Alec, Derrick and Olviera.


    (Whispers)Keep low and follow me.

    75 JUNGLE

    They all crawl out of the upturned jeep and run past the feeding dinosaurs.

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    CUT TO


    The four men stop running and gasp for air as they look around the dark jungle.

    OLVIERAI think were safe.

    WILLIAMSWhat where they?


    WILLIAMSA Carno--what?

    VITOCarnotaurus, do I need to explain it? As we was just attacked by a group of them.

    WILLIAMSIn fact, I didnt see enough of them--

    Everyone is silent.

    WILLIAMS(contd)Why is that?

    Vito runs the back of his wrist over his mouth, he is hiding something.

    SIMPSONAnswer him.

    Nobody moves or says anything.


    Vito put his hand up.

    VITOI dont know, but Henry does, but I think we need to make out way back to the camp first

    dont you.


    Lex walks over to Asquith.

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    LEXHenry, can I have a word please?

    Henry looks round.

    ASQUITHOf course.

    ASQUITH walks over to where Lex is standing.

    LEXIts probably just me but, dont you think that the others have been gone quite a while?


    I can assure you that they are fine, trust me; my men have been through this park manytimes, day and night.

    LEXBut what if there not fine?

    ASQUITHLex, trust me---

    LEX cuts in.

    LEXHenry I lived through this before!

    Henry sighs.

    ASQUITHOk okay.

    Henry looks over his shoulder.

    ASQUITH (contd)Rich, Kende take the jeep and go out to look for the others.

    RICHYes sir.

    Rich and Kende grab their guns and get into the jeep.

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    Henry looks back at Lex.

    LEXThank you.

    Asquith smiles.

    ASQUITHGo on, get out of here.

    Lex smiles and walks back to where Julia is sitting.

    MILLERIm worried about them Lex.

    LEXSo am I but Henry sent out Rich and Kende to look for them.

    MILLERAs long as they find them, safe and sound.


    The survivors of the attack are wondering the jungle in search of the camp.

    Everyone is wet and covered in mud.

    SIMPSONCan we stop for a second?

    WILLIAMSStop? Stop? Alec why on earth do you want to stop?


    Everyone stops and listens.

    There is a hooting noise coming from behind the group


    Vito looks towards the group.

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    There is a sense of worry and panic in his tone of voice.


    Vito begins to run and the others are close behind him.

    The hooting gets louder as the men run into the dark wet jungle.

    WILLIAMSRun, must run.

    Derrick and Alec are running next to each other.

    WILLAIMSAlec runs faster.

    SIMPSONIm running as fast as I can.

    The group runs down a muddy slop running by a stream.

    OLVIERARun over the other side and up the slop--

    Santiago stops running and stands still with a look of terror on his face.

    There standing a couple of feet in front of him stands a huge Smilodon .

    OLVIERA (to himself)Shit.

    The rest of the group notices the large toothed killer.

    They all scream.

    The large prehistoric cat BELLOWS a loud ROAR.

    They start to run towards the other side when another Smilodon reveals itself from thevegetationand ROAR.

    Another two come out of the bushes to surround the group, the pride of Smilodons circlethe group.

    Vito and Olviera raise their weapons when hooting fills the air, the Smilodons look aroundthe area.

    Two LARGE Dilophosaurus BURST out of the trees and ROAR at the large cats, challengingthem in their territory.

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    The humans are now stuck between a conflict.

    Alec runs through a opening, he is followed by Derrick, a bold Smilodon pounces in front ofthem, Olviera shoves them both out the way and is struck by the giant paw of theprehistoric cat. He is sent flying to the ground.

    Vito drags the two men off their backsides and he looks at Santiago.

    VITO (shouting)Santiago!

    Olviera waves his hand up.

    OLVIERAIm fine, go.

    VITOIm not leaving you.

    Olviera shouts demandingly.

    OLVIERAI got this.

    Vito nods to his friend who gives a nod back and the three men run off away from theconflict leaving Olviera struggling to find his feet, he is knocked down again. The Smilodonis toying with him.

    With a final ROAR and a giant slash of its claws the Smilodon kills Olviera.

    The spitters rattle their frills as they spit venom, one Smilodon is hit in one eye, it YELPS inpain, the fellow members of the pride pounce on the Dilophosaurs, the spitters bite hard ontheir attackers, the large cats ripping into the spitters.

    79 JEEP.

    KENDEOver there, look.

    Kende points to three human-like shapes running through the jungle.

    80 JUNGLE

    The jeep SLAMS to a stop.

    The three men swing open the doors and climb in.

    81 JEEP

    WILLIAMSJust the guys we wanted.

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    Rich FLOORS the jeep and drives off into the jungle.


    The battle is still going on, neither side backing down.

    Large footfalls fill the air.

    A LARGE and POWERFUL ROAR fills the air, ending the fight and sending the two teamsrunning for their lives.

    CUT TO:


    The women are sat on the sofa by the cooler.

    MILLERLex will you relax.

    LEXI cant.

    There is a knock at the door.

    MILLERIts open.

    The door opens and Henry walks through the door.

    ASQUITHDerrick and Alec are on their way back now.

    Lex sighs in relief.

    Before Henry has time to tell the women abut the loss of his men the jeep pulls up.

    The women jump up and go outside to welcome back the others.

    The doors open.

    Derrick, Alec and Vito get out of the jeep.

    The two women run over and give Derrick and Alec a hug each.

    Vito walks over to Henry.

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    ASQUITHWhat happened?

    VITOCarnotaurs attacked the jeep and Jason tried to run-

    Vito shakes his head.

    VITOHe was caught.

    ASQUITHAnd of Santiago?

    Vito puts his hand over his face then looks at Henry.

    VITOWe was running from Dilophosaurs and we came to the stream and we was ambushed by apride of Smilodons and-

    Alec walks forwards.

    SIMPSONHe gave his life to save ours. He was a hero.


    Then I can assure he will be decorated as one.

    VITOIm going to bed.

    Vito starts to walk away.


    Vito turns to look at Alec.



    Vito nods his head in reply then walks to the second caravan.

    ASQUITHJacob and Idris, you take first watch then Rich and Kende then Vito and myself. The rest ofyou, go turn in.

    CUT TO:

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    Idris is up in a tree near by the two caravans.

    His gun in one hand and his little Tupperware box in the other.

    IDRISWhat a night.

    His radio CRACKLES.

    JACOB (O.S.)Idris you see anything?

    Idris jumps in the air in fear.

    IDRISJesus, Jacob you scared the shit out of me.

    We hear Jacob laugh down the radio.

    IDRISYoure not funny.

    JACOB (O.S.)Yes, yes I am.

    IDRISEnough crap, what did you want?

    JACOB (O.S.)Can you see anything?

    IDRISNo nothing. Yourself?

    JACOB (O.S.)No all clear.

    IDRISWhere are you?

    JACOB (O.S.)

    Four trees away from the caravans.

    Birds fly out of a tree in the distance like they was disturbed.


    JACOB (O.S.)

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    I see it.

    The trees in the distance begin to shake.

    We see Idris fiddle with his radio.

    IDRISHenry, Henry. We have a problem.

    There is another CRACKLE.

    ASQUITH (O.S.)What?

    IDRISSomething big moving through the jungle towards the camp.

    ASQUITH (O.S.)How close?

    There is now silence in the jungle.

    ASQUITH (O.S.)Idris?

    Idris lifts the radio to his lips.

    IDRISIts gone quite.

    There is a GROWL.

    Jacob SCREAMS.


    Idris looks around to see a pack of Velociraptors running towards the camp.

    He grabs is radio.

    IDRISRaptors advancing towards the camp.

    Henry and his men burst out of their caravan, guns in hand.

    Rich and Vito run towards the other caravan and smash their fists on the door.

    VITOCome on come on!!

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    Move move!!

    The group comes out, tired.

    LEXWhats going on?

    VITORaptors, in the jeep now!

    The groups run to the jeep and almost dive inside.

    The two lookouts climb down from their watch towers and run towards the jeep.

    The pack of Raptors reaches the camp.

    Jacob is knocked to the floor by a Raptor and is killed.

    Just as Idris is about to reach the jeep he is caught by two Raptors, he is ripped apart. Idrisis killed.

    Rich slams the door and the jeep DRIVES off into the jungle.


    Groups of Triceratops are feeding off of the ferns.

    The jeep ROARS down the mud covered road.

    86 JEEP

    MILLERI thought you said we would be safe.

    ASQUITHWe were.

    WILLIAMSThat was safe? Jeez I would hate to see your idea of a bit on the wild side.

    Henry gives Derrick a cold look.

    ASQUITHI meant that the Raptors territory was nowhere near the camp site.

    LEXSo they moved?


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    One pack did.

    WILLIAMSOne pack?

    MILLERHow many packs of Raptors are there?

    ASQUITHAround three.

    SIMPSONAround? What do you mean around?

    WILLIAMSAlec the word around is quite an easy word to understand.

    ASQUITH (trying to gain order)


    Lex leans forward.

    LEXHenry, how many are there?

    ASQUITHWe dont know we lost count a few years ago.

    VITOHenry, what are we going to do?

    ASQUITHI dont know.

    VITOWe have to sleep at some point.

    WILLIAMSWe are sleeping in the jeep in the jungle?

    VITOCould be.

    WILLIAMSThat is the safest sounding idea Ive heard all day.

    MILLERShut up Derrick.

    ASQUITHFor once hes right.

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    Lex, Julia and Alec all say the same thing at the same time.

    LEX, JULIA & ALECHe is?

    DERRICKI am?

    ASQUITHYes but we have no choice, Rich pull over here.

    RICHYes sir.


    The jeep HAULTS to a stop in a large shadowed area.

    88 JEEP

    ASQUITHI shall take watch. Sleep well everyone.

    CUT TO


    The early morning sun begins to creep through the gaps in the trees and bushes.

    A flock of Gallimimus runs down the road.

    90 JEEP

    Lex wakes up and slowly lifts her head to see the Gallimimus running past.

    LEX (soft and to herself)Meatasauruses.

    One small Gallimimus stops and looks at Lex then runs to catch up with the others.

    CUT TO


    The jeep ROARS down the road at speed.

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    92 JEEP

    VITOLets get the hell out of here.

    LEXWhat? Henry we cant.

    ASQUITHWe have lost too many men already this operation is not deemed safe by me.


    What about Grandpa?

    ASQUITHI will ring him and we can re-arrange a safer option.

    MILLERIts for the best Lex, before we all get killed.

    LEXI suppose but-

    Rich shouts.


    RICH P.O.V

    A fully grown Tyrannosaurus BURSTS out of the trees and lunges towards the oncomingjeep.

    Rich spins the wheels and swerves the jeep around the Rexs open maw.

    In frustration the Tyrannosaur BELLOWS and begins chase of the jeep.

    Grabbing his gun Vito climbs in the back past the two men and opens the rear window.

    RICHReady Vito?


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    Rich GUNS the jeep down the wide open road making it easier for Vito to get a shot at theadvancing Rex.

    Vito shoots at the Rex, this makes it angrier.

    Like the great predator it is the Rex keeps chase on the jeep gaining ground in ever stride.

    Vito ducks his head in the jeep as the Rex got closer.

    Rich looks ahead, there is a large fallen tree in the road a couple of hundred yards ahead.

    RICHEveryone bail out now.

    Within seconds they all see the tree in the road and each jump out of the bushes either siderolling trying to get covered up.

    The Rex doesnt notice the humans that fall out of either side of the jeep, it just goes by thegroup still chasing the jeep.

    A large CRASH fills the air as the jeep SLAMS into the tree, the Rex slams its foot on theturned over jeep and begins to crush it.

    Julia, Vito and Rich ran across the road to the other side to meet up with the rest of thegroup.

    The group began to run as fast as they could away from the Rex.

    CUT TO


    The groups are walking through the jungle.

    They are all tired, hungry and thirsty.

    WILLAIMSSo where exactly are we going?

    ASQUITHWe are looking for a rangers station or bunker then we can contact someone from outside

    the facility.

    SIMPSONAre we close to one?

    ASQUITHCould be. I sure hope so

    CUT TO

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    The group is walking through the thick jungle.

    They have been on their feet for hours without stopping, all are tired.

    MILLERSo, what was this place? A holiday resort?

    ASQUITHIt was going to be like a safari while Nublar was the resort.

    SIMPSONWhat happened to shut the place down?


    Power cuts every so often, the animals got out and we had to abandon the facility.

    WILLIAMSInGen dont have a great record in keeping control of their creations do they?


    WILLIAMSIm just saying, if you want to try and gain controls of unknown power expect problems.


    Bunker ahoy.

    Rich points forwards towards a small bunker.

    Asquith looks worried.

    LEXWell at least we have walls around us now.

    WILLIAMSAm I not supposed to make the witty remarks?

    Lex smiles and carries on walking.

    CUT TO


    The group walks towards the bunker.

    There is dry old blood on the floor.

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    What happened here?

    Henry looks down.

    He knows its the blood from the attack of the Smilodons the other night.

    He tries covering it up.


    Could be anything.

    A hiss fills the air.

    Everyone stops dead.



    Everyone runs towards the bunker.

    Alec swings the door open and runs in followed by Lex and Derrick.

    Julia screams as she bolts through the door.

    Rich falls over but SCRAMBLES to his feet.

    Vito and Henry make it through the door.

    ASQUITHCome on Rich.

    Henry stretches out his arm for Rich to grab it.

    Richs finger tips touch Henrys and Rich is pushed to the ground and surrounded by threeRaptors and killed.

    Henry SLAMS the door shut.


    Henry is pacing the room.

    Julia is horrified about what she has just seen.

    MILLERMy god

    She is shaking.

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    MILLERThey ripped him apart.

    Lex puts an arm around her.


    We have to get out of here.

    Derrick stands up.

    WILLIAMSHow do you expect us to do that Lex?

    Derrick walks over to the door.

    WILLIAMS (contd)Shall we just walk right out the door, stick our noses up in the air and just assume there isnothing out there.

    ASQUITH gives Derrick a cold look from across the room

    Derrick shuts up.

    Henry walks over to a locker.

    ASQUITHWell, whatever we plan we are going to need weapons.

    He holds the lock in his hand.

    ASQUITH (cont)There are weapons in here but I dont have the key and I dont have anything that I canpick the lock with.

    Vito walks forwards.

    VITOI might.

    Vito places his backpack on the table and gets out a plastic knife and fork packet.

    He rips the packet open with his teeth and gets the knife out.

    Vito snaps a bit off making the makeshift lock pick fit in the slot.

    Vito fiddles with the lock and it opens.


    ASQUITH opens the locker and a reveals mini arsenal of shotguns.

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    Derrick cant believe what he is hearing.


    You cant expect us to go out there and fight for our lives when your meant to be the peoplewho protect us from this kind of shit.

    VITOWhat choice do we have?

    WILLIAMSIm scared ok.

    Derrick sits down with his head in his hands.

    WILLIAMSIm scared; I dont want to die here.

    ASQUITHNobody wants to die here, my men didnt want to die here but they did, while protectingyou from the Smilodons by the sound of it.

    Alec puts his hand up to stop Henry from having more of a go at Derrick.

    SIMPSONLets just get the hell out of here; we can argue all we like once we get out of here.

    VITOSo, when we going to go?


    Lets get the hell out of here.

    ASQUITHLets go now before anything bigger comes along.


    Alright, better leave just in case anything bigger decides to show up.

    Henry walks to the door.

    The others are behind him.

    ASQUITH opens the door and opens it slow and with caution.


    Henry LEADS the group out of the bunker.

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    The small compound is covered in old and fresh blood.

    Richs corpse lay mutilated on the ground on its side.

    Silence fills the air.

    No bird song, no animal noises almost no wind.

    The group walks towards the edge of the jungle, the point where the sand and the treesmeet.

    ASQUITHStay close.


    The sounds of the jungle come back; the heat is getting to the group, except Henry andVito.

    WILLIAMSIm hot, thirsty and moody.

    SIMPSONTell us something we dont know.

    WILLIAMSThe latter is my best feature.

    SIMPSONIts your only feature.


    Lex playfully runs forward.

    LEXBut fair.

    VITO AND ASQUITH keep walking while the others laugh.

    WILLIAMS (droll tone)Yes very funny indeed Alexis.

    ASQUITH stops and looks ahead.


    Everyone shuts up.

    ASQUITH (soft tone)Get down all of you.

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    ASQUITH crouches down, the others copy him.

    A large Gigantosaurus slowly moves through the jungle a couple of meters ahead of thegroup.

    It is feeding off of a Parasaurolophus that is lying on its side.

    The large carnivore CHOMPS down on a LARGE chunk of meat and PULLS up.

    A RIPPING sound fills the air as a LARGE chunk of meat is pulled from the carcass.

    SIMPSON (whispers)What is it?

    ASQUITH (whispers)Gigantosaurus.

    The Gigantosaurus eats the chunk it tore off the carcass and looks round back and forth.

    The creature grunts and wonders off into the jungle.

    Everyone sighs in relief.

    CUT TO


    The survivors continue their trek through the jungle.

    LEXI didnt know Grandpas company created Giganotsaurus, they wasnt at the park.

    ASQUITHNeither was Smilodon.


    ASQUITHYour grandfather wanted to pick the perfect dinosaurs for the resort and Gigantosaurus andSmilodon were introduced to the safari park not the Park resort.

    MILLERA large dinosaur like that would have been perfect for an island.

    SIMPSONWell it was more about the money impact.

    MILLERWhat do you mean?

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    Think about it, if InGen had the same animals at every Park be it a resort or a safari itwould be boring so they would lose money because once you seen one set of the sameanimal its not the same if you see it again somewhere else no matter if it is a dinosaur.

    WILLIAMSSo InGen have more dinosaurs than first thought?


    LEXHow many different animals?

    ASQUITHThere are more different dinosaurs here then you saw on Nublar.

    WILLIAMSI love the way he says more different dinosaurs here like its a normal everyday thing yousay to someone in a zoo.

    ASQUITHAh here we are.

    SIMPSONWhat do you think theyve found?

    WILLIAMS (To himself)I hope its porn.

    The group walks through large bushes and reaches the river bank.


    Picture the scene, sparkling blue water, a sandy bank, its almost a paradise.

    A pair of Edmontosaurs are by the river bank, A Pterosaur flies over head.

    Its nothing like the human mind could think of. Pterodaustro.


    What on earth is that?


    ASQUITHTruly a beautiful creature.

    The Pterodaustro SWOOPS down and glides its filter equipped beak into the water and

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    ASQUITHWe should take a break for a little bit.

    ASQUITH and VITO are standing and talking with each other while the rest of the group issitting on the sand.

    LEXBeautiful isnt it.

    Alec stops drinking from his bottle.


    MILLERI just want my bed right now.

    Derrick laughs.

    WILLIAMSWere in hell on earth and all Julia can think about is being asleep. Remind me not to putyou on guard of my life.


    Asquith and Vito are standing a good few feet away from the others.

    VITOHow the hell are we going to get them all out alive?

    ASQUITHWere not thats the problem.

    VITOWhat do you mean?

    ASQUITHWell look at them, theyre not going to make it the way their acting, they take pictures ofanimals, not dinosaurs.

    VITOSo what are we going to do? We cant just leave them.

    ASQUITHWere not going to leave them, we are staying on track and we will see how many we haveleft if we make it back alive.

    Simpson is looking at Asquith and Vito talking.

    SIMPSONI wonder what their talking about.

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    Henry is probably talking to Vito about how he is going to kill Derrick.

    Everyone but Derrick laughs.

    Derrick just looks at Julia.WILLIAMS (droll tone)

    Ha ha ha no.

    Asquith and Vito walk back over to the group.

    ASQUITHOk, time to get back to walking.

    The group stands up, pick up their guns and carry on waking.

    CUT TO


    The group is walking along the sandy river bank.

    Vito puts his arm across to stop everyone.

    ASQUITHWhat is it?

    VITO (pointing)Over there look.

    A large tail is lying on the sand; the tail belongs to a carnivore.

    Asquith readies his gun.

    ASQUITHGuns at the ready.

    The others also ready with their guns.

    The group move behind a large cluster of bushes for cover.

    The tail begins to lift in the air.

    The beast is standing up.

    It is a young Tyrannosaurus, small compared to the size of a Rex but still big enough to kill.

    The young Rex moves towards the lake and begins to lap up gulps of water.

    Out of the trees ahead comes a low almost SQUAWKING noise.

    It got the young Rexs attention; the youthful killer spins its head around to see a large long

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    necked feathered creature walking on two legs with large dagger like claws on each hand.Therizinosaurus.

    The Therizinosaurus walks towards the young Rex with its arms spread wide making it lookwider then it is. The Rex ROARs and stands its ground.

    The group still behind the cover of the bushes looks on.

    The Therizinosaurus SQUAKs again towards the young Rex.

    The Rex ROARs back; it is having none of it.

    The two dinosaurs continued to exchange roars with each other, neither backing down.

    WILLIAMS (quite tone)Whats the turkey giraffe called?

    VITO (quite tone)Therizinosaurus.

    ASQUITH (quite & demanding tone)Quite!

    The two dinosaurs begin to walk towards each other still exchanging battle cries.

    The Rex goes for a cheeky snap at the neck of the feathery challenger but misses.

    The Therizinosaurus swings its large claws towards the Rex, also missing.

    The Rex walks towards the Therizinosaurus making it back up near the river.

    With another loud ROAR the Rex CHARGEs forwards towards the Therizinosaurus.

    A thunderous ROAR emerges from the river! Large pair of jaws SNAP around theTherizinosaurus.

    The Rex HAULTS to a stop.

    Out of the GUSHING water comes a giant prehistoric crocodile. Sarchosuchus.

    The giant crocodile drags the Therizinosaurus into the river.

    The group is stunned about what just happened.

    The Rex tilts its head as it watches on.

    The Therizinosaurus is locked in the death roll.

    The Sarchosuchus keeps spinning its prey around under the water, the blue water is nowbeing filled with blood as the Therizinosaurus lets out one last SQWAUK and sinks under thewater.

    The Rex walks away in a smug ill deserved sense of victory and confidence.

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    The Rex has won the fight out of the two animals.

    The Rex returns to the jungle.

    The carcass of the Therizinosaurus is being ripped apart by a swarm of Sarchosuchus.

    WILLIAMS (shocked)That--was exciting.


    ASQUITHYes, wonderful now if we dont hurry that could be us very soon.

    WILLIAMSIm not going into the water so I doubt it.

    VITOThey come on land as well you know.

    WILLIAMSLets go.


    The group is walking down the sandy bank.

    The bank is getting narrower.

    ASQUITHI think we may have to walk through the jungle for a while.


    Asquith points towards the narrowing bank.

    ASQUITHWith the Sarchosuchus in the water it will be too risky to go across it.

    WILLIAMSI have no intention of becoming what not chow thank you very much.

    The group move towards the jungle.

    ASQUITHGuns up and keep your eyes peeled.

    The group enters the jungle.

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    The lush jungle is filled with the calls of creatures that once owned the planet fills the air.

    It is a beautiful song.

    MILLERMy gosh, whats that?

    ASQUITHThe Brachiosaur song.

    MILLERIts beautiful.

    VITOIsnt it just.

    As the group walk towards the prehistoric balled the bushes reveal the beauty that lies inthe heart of the deadly jungle. A herd of Brachiosaurus are gathered in a wide open areafeeding off the tree tops.

    SIMPSONMy god their amazing.


    Williams is speechless.

    LEXNot so nice when you get sneezed on by one though.

    Derrick looks at her.

    WILLIAMSYouve been sneezed on by a dinosaur?


    Lex walks towards the tree the others are.

    WILLIAMSThere is so much I dont know about you.

    The song stops and the Brachiosaurus begin to get into a formation.

    MILLERWhats going on?

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    WILLIAMSDid they see us?

    ASQUITHThat wouldnt cause a problem if they did, something else spooked them.

    Asquith and Vito are looking around trying to find what spooked the Brachiosaurus.

    VITOCan you see anything Henry?

    ASQUITHNot yet.

    Lex points into the Brachiosaurs formation.


    A pack of Gigantosarus BURST out of the trees towards the middle of the herd. The largestGiganotsaurus snaps its jaws against the side of a smaller Brachiosaur ripping flesh off theside of the giant animal.

    ASQUITHThat way, quick.

    The group begins to run around the side of the battle.

    The pack of Gigantosaurus pick out a young Brachiosaurus, they begin to bite and rip fleshoff the side of the young long neck.

    The Giganotsaurus are too busy to realize that the elder and stronger members of theBrachiosaurus move to help the younger member of their herd.

    The Gigantosaurus looked around as the Brachiosaurs lift their front legs off the ground andstart to slam them into the ground causing large vibrations, The Gigantosaurus becameintimidated by the large herbivores, the Giganotsaurs ROARE trying to gain back the fear inthe Brachiosaur camp but it fails, the Gigantosaurs run off back into the jungle.

    CUT TO

    The wound on the young Brachiosaur, it was deep but it will live.

    CUT TO


    The group is running through the jungle as fast as they can.


    The group run through an open gate that was once used for cars to drive through, it leads

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    into a sandy floored compound. The compound is surrounded by once electrified fencing.

    Everyone stops running and try to gain their breath.

    LEX (panting)What--What is this place?

    Asquith regains his breath fast.

    ASQUITHThe lab facilities.

    Everyone manages to regain their breath and begins to walk towards the entrance.

    CUT TO

    Close up of the jungle

    CUT TO


    The group reaches the entrance to the labs, Asquith pushes the door.


    WILLIAMSCant you shoot the door?

    VITOAnd cause a pointless amount of noise?

    WILLIAMSYeah youre right. Stupid idea. Silly Alec.

    Everyone looks round at Derrick.

    WILLIAMSSo how are we going to get in?

    VITOThere should be another entrance round the side. We could try that.


    Good idea.

    WILLIAMSWhat if thats locked?

    VITOThen, and only then we shoot the door.

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    WILLIAMSAnd cause a pointless amount of noise?

    VITOHow else will we get in?

    ASQUITHCome on lets go.

    Everyone walks towards the side but Derrick.

    WILLIAMS (to himself)Its a dream, it really is a dream. Im going to wake up to a nice looking woman next to meand forget all about this over a bowl of cereals and cup of coffee.

    MILLER (O.S)Hurry up Derrick.

    WILLIAMS (to himself)If it is a dream I hope I dont have to change the sheets.

    CUT TO


    The group walks to a door. Lex walks towards it first.

    LEX (to the door)Please open.

    With a click the door opens.


    Asquith and Vito raise their guns and go through the door first; Vito turns the light on, andslowly all the lights come on revealing rows and rows of holding cages. There is a foul smellin the air; the cages contain the remains of various dead and rotting animals. Flies andmany other insects are buzzing around in the room.

    ASQUITHAll clear. But hold your noses.

    The others come in and instantly smell the foul odor of death in the air.

    SIMPSONMy life.

    Julia has gone a funny color.

    MILLER (groggy tone)I think Im going to be---

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    Julia vomits on the floor.

    Vito walks over and hands Julia a water bottle.


    Thanks.Vito smiles.


    Vito walks back over to Henry.

    VITOTheres a door over there.

    Vito walks over to a door and opens it.

    A human skeleton falls on Vito.

    VITO (screaming)Shit!

    Vito falls onto his back with the skeleton on top of him.

    The skeleton is wearing an InGen lab coat, a torn bloody shirt and torn trousers.

    Asquith removes the skeleton off of Vito and helps him up.

    VITO (nodding)


    ASQUITHIf that was anything else you would have been dead by now.

    VITOI know, I messed up.

    ASQUITHNext time it could be the last thing you do, just be on your guard all the time.

    Asquith turns on the light in the next room; the light is a light icy blue.

    ASQUITHCome on.

    CUT TO


    The room is full of large containers that look really important, all the storage containers

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    were left, the group walked into the room with their guns at the ready, the containers arejust like the ones on Isla Nublar, but these ones dont have any lights on or icy mist comingfrom them, these have not been used in a very long time, the names of the dinosaurs canstill be seen on the side.

    CUT TO

    Close up to one of the containers, the names of what it used to keep cool are still on the topof each row of the rack, we see a few of the labels. VELOCIRAPTOR----BRACHIOSAURUS----GIGANTOSAURUS.

    SIMPSONLook at the names.

    Williams picks up one of the slides from one of the racks.


    Is this where they kept the embryos?

    ASQUITHYep. Or as Hammond liked to put it the very origins of Jurassic Park.

    Lex walks down a spiral staircase which leads into another section.

    Miller is behind her.

    CUT TO


    The work of InGens scientists at this facility fills the room, the equipment used still layuntouched since they was last used, the floor is dirty the equipment covered in thick layersof dust some rusting.

    MILLERLook over here Lex.

    Small tables of eggs are placed around the room; the robotic arm stays still, Lex is lookingat some of the baby skeletons that litter the small artificial nests.

    SIMPSON (O.S.)Sad isnt it.

    Lex looks round to see Alec walking over to her.

    LEXYeah, poor things didnt see much of the world.

    The rest of the group comes down the staircase.

    Lex puts down the skeleton and walks around.

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    A glass case full of green fluid is on the wall, inside is a half open egg and inside the eggwas a Raptor embryo.

    LEXWhy was they tested on like this?

    ASQUITHThis place and the lab on Isla Sorna were the first labs to breed dinosaurs so of course therewas going to be some testing to see how the growth process happened in the egg.

    SIMPSONWhat about the lab on Nublar?

    ASQUITHWhat about it?

    SIMPSONDidnt they do tests like this?

    ASQUITHNo need to when they have already done them here. Sorna was the first lab, thosedinosaurs were bred for the Park on Nublar, here we grew our own dinosaurs and watchedthem grow up in the environment here, and while S