just grow with it

Break Free of Your Comfort Zone JUST GROW WITH IT Marina DeVeiteo

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Break free of your comfort zone.


Page 1: Just Grow With It

Break Free of Your Comfort Zone


Marina DeVeiteo

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“When in doubt, just grow with it.”

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Break Free of Your Comfort Zone


Marina DeVeiteo

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“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good oft might win by fearing to attempt.” Shakespeare

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The Courage Zone & the Comfort Zone

The G.R.O.W. Model

How to Use the Kit

Start of Journal

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Your comfort zone is an artificial

mental boundary that is within

each person which sustains a

sense of security and when out of

that zone a person may experience

great discomfort and unease. Your

comfort zone, for the most part, is

a reflection of your self-image and

how you think, your beliefs and

expectations of things. When you

are in an uncomfortable situation,

or one that doesn’t fit your expec-

tations you usually do whatever

you can to make yourself comfort-

able again. For many people, even

if they are unhappy or unfulfilled,

their natural tendency is to stay

within the safety of our comfort

zone simply because it is familiar.

Many stay in jobs, relationships,

and situations that have long since

“Every moment of one’s existence one is growing into more or retreating into less.”

Norman Mailer


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lost their relevance only because

they are afraid of the unknown.

The truth is that security does not

reside in anything outside of our-

selves; instead, it lies within us.

Unfortunately, if you choose to

remain in your comfort zone you

will never find out what your true

potential is, or what you are capa-

ble of achieving. Nor can you really

succeed at anything without ven-

turing out of the comfort of your

safety net.

If, however, you make the decision

to move beyond the circumstances,

people, and experiences you are

familiar with, you move out of your

comfort zone and onto the path of

personal development. It is a path

that forces you to stretch yourself,

push your limits and become more

than you were.

Of course, you don’t have to do

anything extraordinarily out of char-

acter, like climbing Mt. Everest or

swimming the English Channel if

you have no inclination or desire

for it. Stretching yourself does not

have to be that extreme. Anyone

who takes a new subject in school,

learns a new language, takes up a

new sport, or starts a new job oper-

ates outside of their comfort zone

in the beginning.

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Your comfort zone represents things that you are familiar with

and used to, places that you know, friends you’re at ease with, activi-ties you enjoy doing. Your comfort zone is risk free, easy and safe, and it doesn’t demand growth nor devel-opment from you in any way. Within these limitations we feel safe and secure, and that nothing bad can come upon us.

On the other hand, things like mak-ing new friends, speaking before a large audience, starting a new class, or sticking up for your values makes your hair stand on end. It’s scary and that’s why it is called the Courage Zone! It involves adventure, risks, and challenges. Everything that makes us feel uncomfortable is found there. In this unexplored territory lays uncertainty, pressure, change, and of course the possibil-ity for failure. But, just as much as there is occasion for failure it’s also a place to go to find great oppor-

tunity and the only place in which you’ll ever find your full potential. You’ll never reach it by hanging out in your comfort zone.

Now, there is nothing wrong with taking pleasure in your comfort zone. In fact, plenty of our time should be spent there. The part where many people go wrong is that they never set out into unknown waters. People who rarely spread their wings or try new things do live out of harms way, but they also live uninspiring and mundane lives. Nobody really wants that. As hockey great, Wayne Gretzky perfectly put it, “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.” Why not show some confi-dence in yourself and what you can do, take a risk, and jump into your Courage Zone from time to time? Keep in mind that “the risk of risk-less living is the greatest risk of all” and make sure to never let your decisions be controlled by your fears.


Parachuting Into The Unknown

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Freedom of Risk

Things I’m Accustomed To

Familiarity Surety Relaxation

Safety Security Ease

Things I Enjoy Doing

Freedom From Risk



Hard Moments

Things I’m Afraid Of

Things I’ve Never Tried

Things That Are Difficult

Opportunity Bravery

Unexplored Territory


Adaptation & Development


Page 12: Just Grow With It

G = Goal Recognizing that there is something else that is just as comfortable as what you are currently doing. Truly recognizing it and setting yourself an actual goal to help move yourself from your current comfort zone into the Courage Zone.

R = Reality If you were to expand your comfort zone, it would become part of your new reality. Imagine yourself in this new zone now. Is it an achievable goal you have set for yourself? Do you actually want to move to this new zone? Really work out the odds.

Achieving Goals & Aspirations



o = obstacles What’s the inner dialogue that stops you from achieving this goal and actu-ally moving out of your comfort zone? Is it fear? You might be thinking, “I’m comfortable here, I’m so relaxed, I know exactly what’s going on, I’ve got a routine.” In order to grow and to get ahead you need to know how to adapt to life; sometimes you do need a bit of change or to have completechange all together. So, really look at the obstacles that are limiting you and consider all the opportunities. In other words, weigh out the pros and the cons. The ‘O’ in GROW also stands for Options. What are the options available to you? Your options are; time, how long is it going to take, pro-cess, and what do you need to do to change your current comfort zone?

W = Way FoRWaRd What are the next steps? What arethe tangible things you need to bedoing in order to change up your current comfort zone? If you go trav-eling you are in a completely new environment in which you naturally need to adapt, to change, and to embrace. Keep in mind, simple and small scale changes are often just as valuable.

So you’re wanting to expand your comfort zone, but you’re not sure how to do it. Stretching and expanding your current comfort zone and adapting to change is really important to your own sense of self and personal growth. One suggested method is to use the g.r.o.w. model which is a widely used classic coaching tool.

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1. State Your Goal

4. Proceed To Options

& Way Forward

3. Share Your Reality

2. EnlargeYour Goal

5. Commit To Action

The most important thing is hav-ing the confidence to achieve your goal. Confidence is key, believing in yourself, believing you have it within yourself to actually move from your current zone to the next and actu-ally going for it. Believe in yourself and believe confidently that you can achieve anything.

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You Will Need:[ ] Motivation [ ] Willpower [ ] Courage

Tips and WarningsDo something that make you nervous—if it is something you have done before or sounds easy, it will not help you break out of your comfort zone. Do not be afraid of failure! It is better to try something new with the pos-sibility of discovering something you may love than not trying anything at all. Along the way, if you have a less than perfect experience I encourage you, more than if you had a perfect experience, to do it again, and again. If necessary, speak to your doctor before trying out any new physical activities. And above all, be safe, and have fun! Harness the spirit of play.

[ ] A Positive Attitude[ ] An Open Mind[ ] Commitment to the process

Benefits:+ Greater resiliency+ Enhances enjoyment and experience of life+ Stimulates brain activity and boosts your mental health+ Challenges you to improve yourself+ Helps prevent getting stuck in a rut or becoming depressed+ Increases self-confidence + Prevents atrophy



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step 1The task or challenge. Carry this card with you for either the day or the week. Keep working on it or move on to a new card tomorrow. You choose the pace of progress that works best for yourself.

The Cards

step 2Reflect. This is where you stop and reflect on the task and what you experienced. Record this in your jour-nal. After a while you can look back at what you have accomplished and how far you have come.

step 3The Imagine portion is where you challenge yourself and adapt it spe-cifically to you. How can you take it further and keep expanding from thisexperience and keep learning from it in different way? How much can you extract? Make it a game.

These cards are intended to grow and adapt along with you through your

own journey. The first step is to just get out there and get things rolling.

Once you have completed a task you look back and record your thoughts,

feelings, observations, what you learned and of course what you accom-

plished and how you have changed. This and the final step get you think-

ing on your own about how to expand and find new and challenging ways

to grow, experience life and expand your potential through a sense of play.

The Journal

option 1You may start by using the cards in any order you wish, then find the same number in the journal, then answer the questions in response to the challenge. You may also choose to just use the journal without the use of the cards.

option 2Once you have completed all the challenges, or if you wish to keep repeating a single task there are blank journal pages in the back for you to record your experiences. It is encouraged to use up all available writing space.

Always record or log things that you do, see, think, and feel in the journal

section or another journal that you wish to use. Reflecting and recording

will help you to more easily go back and see how far you have come, how

it has helped, and what you need to do next. If you do not keep a journal,

you are more likely to lose sight of or not even notice the slight, but very

important changes you are making. Being able to see where you have

been and where you need to be is a great motivational tool to always

keep with you.

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“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” Lao Tzu

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Was it difficult or easy? A week

later how do you feel? How did you feel day one compared to the last day?

Did you surprise yourself?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what would you give up? Could

you try giving it up for longer than a week? Try challenging a friend to see

who can go longer without.

D A T E /

01: Be kind to yourself, give up a bad habit for a week. Go without caffeine, coffee, tea, sodas, diet drinks, fried foods, chocolate, donuts, alcohol or whatever may be hurting your body and instead try drinking only water in replacement of your bad habit.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Where did you decide to go today?

What did you observe or find interesting today? How did nature make you

feel? How many senses did you use to observe nature?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again another day where would you go,

the same place or different place? Is there anything that you would specifi-

cally like to like to observe or study next time?

D A T E /

02: Get out into nature. Trees, water, and sunshine help you to feel good. Go for a walk and watch the sunset tonight or get up early to watch the sunrise. Observe wildlife, go to the aquarium, zoo, wildlife park, dog park, or sit by a river or lake and just watch.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Who did you decide to hang out

with? Was it as scary or bad as you thought it would be? Would you do it

again? What did you learn from yourself, them, and from this experience?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again, would you? Would you hang

out with the same people or someone different? If you are having difficulty

with feeling uncomfortable but don’t know how to shake loose, try acting

for that time.

d a t e /

03: Say yes to an outing, or invitation out with a family member, coworker, or friend that you would normally say no to, or who you wouldn’t normally hang out with.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? If you had a specific destination,

Where did you go? Did you take an alternative route to get there? What

observations did you make and what did you find interesting along the way?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what would you do differently?

Where would you go and how would you get there? What would you observe?

d a t e /

04: We are creatures of habit, and we tend to turn on auto-pilot mode causing us miss out on a lot of the world around us. We commute the exact same route to and from certain places every day. Today choose a different route or means of getting there and notice something new.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What was it you said “why not” to?

How far did it take you and how did you feel about the place it took you?

What would the old you have done?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what would you do differently?

Can you think of anything right now to say “why not” to that you’ve been

thinking about, but never dared?

d a t e /

05: Why not? The next time you are faced with a very difficult decision that you can’t seem to con-clude, don’t over think it, just throw “why not” out there and see what happens and just go with the flow. Do something that you have wanted to do but never dared. Leave your comfort.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What was your limiting paradigm

of yourself? Where does this thought come from? What did you do differ-

ent today and how did you feel afterwards? How were you successful and

what did you learn?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again tomorrow what would you do

differently, or do the same? Would you keep doing the same thing to make

it feel more natural or would you move on to something new? How could

keep you outdoing yourself more than the previous time?

d a t e /

06: Think of a limiting paradigm that you might have of yourself, such as “I am not out going.” Now, do something today that totally contradicts that paradigm.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Where did you decide to go?

What sort of things did you observe and notice in people’s interactions?

Did you see anything that you could try doing yourself to better your daily


i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again tomorrow where would you go

to study people’s interactions? What communication skills would you like to

work on, or emulate?

d a t e /

07: Go to the mall or another public place where people gather, indoors or out, find a seat, and watch people communicate with each other. Observe what their body language is saying.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

If you’re a talker, take a break and spend your entire day listening. Only talk when you have to. Think of a family member you’ve never really taken the time to listen to, like a sister, big brother, or grandpa. Take the time and listen closely.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Who did you listen to today? What

is something new that you found out or discovered from or about this per-

son? How did you make this person feel by letting them open up to you?

How did it make you feel?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again, who else would you listen to: a

stranger in a line, the waiter at the restaurant, another family member, the

checker at the grocery store?

d a t e /


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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Was your mind in a more peace-

ful and happy state? Did you dream more or less? Was this a difficult task

for you?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again tomorrow night, could you find

more “wins” than the day before? Keep in mind that your thoughts should

build you up and not beat you down. How could you take a “non-win” of the

day and turn it around to extract a “win” from it?

d a t e /

09: After a long and busy day its time for bed and whether you like it or not, this is a time that your brain naturally examines the events of the day. Today, before going to bed, tell yourself of all of your “wins” that you personally had today and list things that you are thankful for.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Play tourist in your own town. Check out all of the sights, shows, events, food, and places that people from out of town would normally check out. Take along a friend and have fun!

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Did you find anything that was

surprising? Will you go back to any or do any of this again? Specifically which

one and why, or why not?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what would you do differently? Try

planning a day or week for a friend or a person you know well that doesn’t

live in your town. What would you want to share with them?

d a t e /


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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What did you decide to do and

where did you go? Were there specific parts you found difficult, or fun? What

did you observe around you as well as about yourself during the outting?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what would you do differently?

Would you do this same thing again? Where are you going and/or doing


d a t e /

11:Go on a date with yourself. Eat at a restaurant (a sit down restaurant, preferably one step above a fast food joint), go to a museum, or see a movie all by yourself and enjoy some quality time with number one.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Without caring whether you win or lose, play a card game, outdoor game, board game, video game, or computer game with another person or a group of people just for the fun of it. Let loose, relax and just have fun.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What sort of game did you play

and what was the name of it? Who did you decide to play it with? Did they

enjoy the game? Would you play the game with them again?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again would you play a different game?

If you didn’t before, could you get a whole group of people together and

have a tournament of your game?

d a t e /


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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What plant or plants did you work

with? How did you feel during and after? Did you learn anything fascinating

about the plants or gardening that you were excited to share? Who did you

share this with?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what new plants would you want

to learn about and work with? Could you plant a small garden with ingredi-

ents to make a full dish, ie: Salsa, Jam, Fancy Salad?

d a t e /

13:Get a green thumb. Find yourself a house plant or some cut flowers to arrange. If you have an outdoor space to garden in the ground or in pots, try growing something edible, tomatoes, spices, lettuce. Do some fun research on the plant or flower you chose and share your new knowledge with a friend or family member .

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, visit the elderly in a nursing home, volunteer at a local museum, or do other charity work that will involve interaction with strangers. Go to your local animal shelter and take dogs for a walk or cuddle with kittens.

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again would you go do the same thing

or do you have an idea of something else? Would you bring along a friend

or family member to do the same? Is this something you could donate more

time to each month?

14:R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What did you decide to do today?

How did you enjoy yourself? Would you do this again? What did you learn?

How did you feel before, during, and after?

d a t e /

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What did you decide to make?

How did it turn out? What would you do differently, if anything? Who would

you like to make this dish for next time?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what would you make? If you don’t

normally cook, make this for someone who cooks often. The next time you eat

a really good meal out, study the flavors, write down your observations, then

go home and try to recreate it.

d a t e /

15: Today for one meal try cooking something new you have never cooked before or something you have not cooked in ages. Or, try cooking something familiar, but in a slightly different way, style, or presentation.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

The next time you look in the mirror say something positive about yourself. Try and go an entire day without negative self talk. Each time you catch yourself putting yourself down, you have to replace it with three positive thoughts about yourself.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Was this difficult? Was one part

more difficult than the other? If you had negative thoughts where did this

thought some from and when did it happen? What good things did you say

to yourself today?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what would you do differently?

What are some thoughts that could make you feel better about yourself or

situations? Is there a list of positive thoughts that you could take with you in

your head to repeat all day so no negativity has a chance to get in?

d a t e /


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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What did you do today? Did you

do this by yourself or with someone else? How did you feel during and after

your physical activity?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again would you do anything different

or include someone else to share it with? Is there a goal that you could work

up towards in this activity or in physical activity in general? What is that goal?

d a t e /

17: Start an exercise program today and do it faithfully for 30 days. Walk, run, swim, bike, roller blade, jump rope, lift weights, garden, etc. Choose something you really enjoy and just move.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Pinpoint when and where it is most difficult for you to refrain from gossip. Is it with a certain friend or family member, at the office, during lunch? Come up with a plan of action to avoid it. Try to go one whole day saying only positive things about others.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Where was it the most difficult?

What was your tactic and plan of action you used to avoid this?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again how would you change your plan

of action? Are there other areas in which you need to refrain from gossip?

d a t e /


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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Did you have a good outing? Who

did you spend time with? What did you do and where did you go?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again who would you spend time with?

If you would spend time with the same person again what and where would

you go and do this time?

d a t e /

19: Go on a one-on-one outing with a family member like a parent or sibling. Catch a ball game, see a movie, go shopping, or get an ice cream cone.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Do something today that you have wanted to do but never dared. Leave your comfort zone and go for it. Ask someone out on a date, raise your hand in class, or join a team.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What did you decide to do? What

did you gain from this experience? Are you glad that you decided to do this?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what would you want to do? What

did you learn from this experience? Try creating a list of things you have

always wanted to do and slowly work your way through it.

d a t e /


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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What form of humor did you collect,

ie: movies, clippings, a notebook of jokes? What are your top three? What

type of humor do you find most enjoyable?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what other form of comedy

would you like to introduce? How about diving more into the comedy realm

by going to a live improv show at a local theater or perhaps participate in

improve classes.

d a t e /

21: Start a humor collection. Cut out your favorite cartoons, buy hilarious movies, or start your own collection of great jokes. In no time, you’ll have something to go to when you feeling stressed, or when a friend of yours needs a laugh.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Next time you go on a date, visit a museum or eat at an ethnic restaurant you’ve never been to before. Expand your horizons and try something new together.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Where did you decide on going

or doing? How did you like it? What did you learn?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again would you? What would you do

differently? Did you learn about something new? Did it feel good? Think

about and figure out where you could find out more.

d a t e /


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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What did you decide on doing?

How did you like this quiet time? Did you spend it with yourself or with

someone else?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again, would you? What would you

try different next time? Could this night off become a regular thing in your

schedule? Could you turn this into a small mellow gathering of friends or


d a t e /

23: Slow down and have a relaxing night in. Have an evening off from everything. Its okay, the world can wait. Bake a dessert and while its cooking Take a long, luxurious bath surrounded by candles and music.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Subscribe to a magazine that has some educational value of an area of interest or perhaps something completely new to you, such as popular mechanics or national geographic.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What magazine did you subscribe to? Why did you choose this type of magazine? What have you learned from your first magazine that is new to you?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again which magazine would you choose and why? What would be your top five?

d a t e /


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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Was this difficult or easy? Did you

enjoy it? What did you choose to step away from today? How was it return-

ing to that technology?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what would you do differently?

What would you choose to step away from and for how long? Could this be

a regular thing for you?

d a t e /

25: Today, step away from e-mail, cell phones, television, and other distractions. Record an outgoing message letting people know you won’t be returning calls until a specific time. Take this time off for just you. The world can wait.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Listen to the lyrics of the music you listen to most frequently. Evaluate if they are in harmony with the principles you believe in.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What did you learn about the type

of music that you gravitate listening to? How does it make you feel? Do the

lyrics differer to how it makes you feel? How do you normally feel before

and after you listen to it?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again could you find a song for each

mood? Try playing a happy song when your sad and a bouncy song when

your tired.

d a t e /


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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What sort of music do you usu-

ally listen to? What diferent genre did you listen to this time? What did you

learn or observe from this new music? What did you think of this new music?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what other style would you listen

to and what parts? Are there any bands or singers that you have heard of

but are unfamiliar with their music? What is the most obscure music genre

or band can you find?

d a t e /

27: Listen to a music genre that you don’t normally listen to. Listen carefully to all parts, melodies, instruments, vocals. Look beyond the main melody and the overall sound.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

This week, look around and notice how much cooperative interaction is going on all around you, such as two hands working together, teamwork, collaborative relationships in nature, and creative problem solving.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What did you notice today? Could

that task have been done better individually or did working together provide

the best outcome?

i M a G i N e : If you were to observe cooperation again where are some

new places you could look for it? What kinds of cooperation can you incor-

porate into your daily life.

d a t e /


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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Was this fun? What did you decide

on doing? How did your new appearance make you feel?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what new clothing style or color

would you try? How could you start making changes in other ways, ie: change

classes, makeup, haircut, hair color, hats etc?

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29: Today, wear a completely different outfit, a different style or color of shirt, pants, shoes, acces-sories, hat or hairstyle that you haven’t worn in years or would never have thought of wearing yourself or don’t think is ‘you.’ Just try it out.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Giving: sometimes we become completely self-absorbed and forget to look around. today give something back instead of taking. Buy a sandwich for a homeless person or hand write a thank you note to someone you’ve been wanting to thank for a long time.

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30:R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What did you decide to give today? How did it make you feel? Was this easy or difficult for you to do?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again tomorrow what would you want to do differently? Do you have any ideas of what you’d like to give or whoyou want to give something to?

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What did you decide on doing? What do you usually do? Did you enjoy the different activity or did you wish to be doing what you normally do? How did you friends like it?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what new thing would you plan, or how would you change your last outing to make it a bit more different. No matter your age try something silly and youthful, ie: glow-in-the-dark bowling, mini-golf, or laser-tag.

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31: Brainstorm with your friends and come up with something fun, new, and different to do this week-end, instead of doing the same old thing again, and again. Don’t over think it, its all about fun!

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Do the crossword, Sudoku, or other daily puzzle from the newspaper every day for one whole week, don’t worry if you can’t finish, do as much of it as possible.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What daily puzzle did you decide to start? How many days have you been doing them? Where were you while doing the puzzle? Do you have any observations? How did you feel during and after the puzzle?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what other puzzle would you choose? Would you choose somehting more challenging or something a bit more simple?

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What language did you choose? Why did you choose it? Has it been easier or harder than you thought?

i M a G i N e : If you were to continue learning, what other ways could you incorporate your new language into your daily life?

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33:Start learning a new language. A word or a phrase a day are small steps that can go a long way. Try and chat with someone when you get the chance in that language. Every time you learn a word or phrase use it as much as possible and replace your normal phrase with your new language.

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

Take a class on a subject you have been interested in, but know little about. Check with your local colleges and community centers for continuing education courses. You’ll never know what’s out there, until you look. You might find something incredibly special.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Did you find a class that sounded interesting? Did you sign up for it? What class are you thinking of taking? Why are you interested in this class?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what other class would you want to take? Why that class? What did you learn about yourself through the process?

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Was this difficult or easy? How did this make you feel? How did it make other person feel? Does it make you feel like you would do it again?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again what would you do differently? Who else’s point of view could be appreciated more? In what different ways could you display your appreciation verbally, or non-verbally?

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35: Show appreciation for someones point of view today. Say something like “Hey that’s a cool idea.”

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

If you’ve never played a sport, or haven’t in ages, take a class to learn a new sport or one that you used to enjoy, at a local fitness club, community college, community center, your cities park and recreational team, running group, or drop-in sports.

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? What sport or activity did you

choose? Why did you choose to do this activity? Did you do it alone or with a friend? Did you meet anyone or learn anything new?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again, would you? Is there something

else youa re interested in trying? Is there something that you’d like to get

better at?

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R e f l e c t i o n J o u r n a l :

R e F l e c t : How was your experience? Where did your trip take you?

What did you primarily focus on when researching and preparing? What did

you learn in the process?

i M a G i N e : If you were to do this again What would be your goal for plan-

ning? A longer trip with a smaller budget? An over-seas backpacking trip or

a trip with multiple countries, provinces, states? Just a weekend getaway?

Perhaps, plan a trip for a friend or family member.

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37: Throughly plan an imaginary week long trip regardless whether you will actually do the trip, or not. Decide on the location(s), create the itinerary, budget, accommodations, transportation, and what you will need to pack or bring with you.

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“If you don’t step out of your comfort zone and face your fears, the number of situations that make you uncomfortable will keep growing.” The Pistorius


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Break Free of Your Comfort Zone

Marina DeVeiteo





IT break Free of your comfort Zone






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Many become stuck in a rut. They remain content to stay as they are, complacent and safe. Our set

of limits, our boundaries beyond which we will not normally step are a very powerful force, with many internal and deeply rooted psychological compo-nents. Fear of the unknown and fear of failure are the major inhibiting culprits. The harder we fight change and try to resist it, the more difficult it is to break through our current comfort zone and move forward. The greater the boundaries of our comfort zone, the more capable we become and the greater our ac-complishments will be. By introducing incremental amounts of change through a series of designed ex-periences, this kit will aid in the acceptance of change and encourage personal growth. This is a guide with beginner steps to enable people to accept change, learn to appreciate the unknown, and to realize their current self-limiting beliefs, enabling an individual to make conscious decisions to move forward and to expand their possibilities.