juvenile delinquency survey

Dear respondent, This survey is being carried out in Westminister, Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, for a research paper which will determine the possible causes of juvenile delinquency and highlight concerns held on the issue. This study is being conducted as a School Based Assignment for Social-Studies for CSEC 2016. You are advised to answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability. Most of the questions can be answered by placing a check in a box like this . Specific instructions are given where necessary. Your response and identity will be kept confidential since your name is not required. Yours truly Wendy Evans.

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Post on 02-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Juvenile Delinquency Survey

Dear respondent,

This survey is being carried out in Westminister, Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, for a research paper which will determine the possible causes of juvenile delinquency and highlight concerns held on the issue. This study is being conducted as a School Based Assignment for Social-Studies for CSEC 2016.

You are advised to answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability. Most of the questions can be answered by placing a check in a box like this . Specific instructions are given where necessary. Your response and identity will be kept confidential since your name is not required.

Yours truly Wendy Evans.

Page 2: Juvenile Delinquency Survey


1. Sex

Male Female

2. Age

13-14 16-17

15-16 17-19

3. Ethnic?


East Indian



4. Religion?





5. Occupation

Page 3: Juvenile Delinquency Survey

6. What do you believe are the possible causes of Juvenile Delinquency?

Lack of parental guidance

Socioeconomic conditions

Peer pressure

Sexual and physical abused

7. How prevalent do you believe Juvenile Delinquency is in your community?

8. What do you believe can curve or diminish the prevalence of Juvenile Delinquency in your community?

9. What do you believe the community can do/offer to prevent the risk of Juvenile Delinquency?

10. Do you believe schools should implement programs to curve Juvenile Delinquency?

Yes No

If yes, please state a reason for your answer.

11. Do you believe that Juvenile Delinquency is the cause of lack of parental supervision? Yes No

Page 4: Juvenile Delinquency Survey

12. What do you believe the religious groups can do to

prevent juvenile Delinquency from occurring among youths in your community?

Provide mentoring programs

Provide council for youths through youth ministry

Provide peer mentoring guide in local churches

Providing youth clubs for boys and girls

13. Have you ever heard about the President Youth Award Programme?

Yes No

If yes; why do you think youths should join the programme?

14. Do you think the government should implement more youth friendly/special programme for children to engage? Yes No

If yes, please give a reason for your answer.

15. What do you think the government or local administrator can do to address to this problem?

Page 5: Juvenile Delinquency Survey

Introduction Juvenile delinquency