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Reverently dedicated to

swami Sri Yukteswar

©2008 Starbridge Centre Ulla and Erik Sandersen2

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INTRODUCTION.We are pleased to present this booklet about what has been called the highest and most esoteric of all spiritual teachings - the KalachakraThe booklet offers both a general introduction to the Kalachakra, and how it can be used as a spiritual path with contemplative techniques and colourful illustrations.The Kalachakra, “the wheel of time”, as the name means, is embedded in spiritual teachings from all over the world. Today, the interest in the Kalachakra is growing, not only in the East but also worldwide. The huge gatherings of people attracted to the Buddhist Kalachakra empowerments “The Kalachakra For World Peace” led by the Dalai Lama are evidence of this.People intuitively know that the spiritual knowledge that best can match the hard transition times we are entering into- such as climate changes, wars and global recession - is the Kalachakra. The need for a unified humanity is bigger than ever – and the readiness is bigger than ever. Different cultures feel intuitively the same upwards-reaching “break” in the energy, and many Messiah legends are flowering, offering salvation. In the Christian world it is the promise of the Second Coming of Christ, for Buddhists is it the arrival of the next world teacher, Maitreia, and so on. Legends of the mysterious kingdom Shambala tell, that when the world is in great spiritual darkness, the king of Shambala will ride out with his rainbow warriors and finally slay the evil forces; after that a golden age will begin. The need in the world is now bringing the holy science of the Kalachakra in its cosmic dimension out in the open in order to offer a path that match the collective suffering The message of the universal Kalachakra brings beauty, hope and a safe path – the truth of our interconnectedness with not only the Earth, our present home of learning, but also with cosmos.-Like Steiner we ask: Have you ever been looking up on the starry night sky and felt awe at the grandeur and beauty of the cosmos spread out above you? It is because somewhere in your soul you know that you belong to the world of stars, that they are a part of you and you are a part of them. – But then you don't know what to do about it, most likely your rational mind takes over, and the magic moment is gone.We have lost the continuum of consciousness between ourselves and cosmos.As above, so below, that is the truth the starry night sky is telling you. It is the path to liberation offered by the Kalachakra in its universal, cosmic aspect

We will also here like to mention, that for us - on the personal level - this booklet means that our work over the years towards the Kalachakra has reached a fruition.

©2008 Starbridge Centre Ulla and Erik Sandersen3

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The Kalachakra, the great cosmic clock, is an organising structure of consciousness, not of matter, formed as an awe inspiring, deep violet blue rotating flower, a disc of cosmic proportions. Its luminosity is evident. It is the blueprint of man, beyond time and space.In its cosmic perspective which is the approach we are presenting in our work and in this booklet, the Kalachakra is a projection of God, one of his very high reflections, but not the only one. Whether you have an attitude about a personalised God, or you believe that something like this does not exist, you will find that the reality is different. The most important is the flexibility of the mind.

The immanent organising structure of the Kalachakra existed even before the Big Bang created the universe. You can see the Kalachakra as similar to the Sri Yantra, the well-known visible mandala that the root sound OM creates1, displaying the vibrational pattern of cosmic law and order, radiating out in the created world in four directions, to the north, east, south and west. But it is more true to say that the Kalachakra was before the Sri Yantra. The Kalachakra has never not been.

As the blueprint for body, mind and spirit, the Kalachakra has a composite nature; the different levels of the aura the “koshas”, are not separate layers as in an onion, but multidimensionally interconnected. The Kalachakra relates to life and to consciousness, wanting to bring the manifestation on to the next incarnation.The all encompassing life is an aspect of the Kalachakra. It covers myriads of life everywhere. The Kalachakra offers a path from the normal, outer, face-value measurement of time and towards the centre of the circle, to the higher Self in the core where the outer clock-time is transcended to inner time and timelessness.

The Kalachakra has over aeons of time directed our development as a race, both individually and collectively, up to modern man of today. It is acting as a portal. You can reach the Divine- and you can come back to the manifested physical world again.Mankind's first conscious connection with the Kalachakra in its cosmic aspects goes back to the very distant past. We understand that the Kalachakra was first used as an explicit path to ascension of consciousness in Lemuria, an ancient continent that existed even before the mythological Atlantis; both these continents are long gone.At that early point in time the Kalachakra path was used by highly advanced spiritual beings to help the pre-humans, our ancestors, to ascend in consciousness - from having a “group-soul” like animals to individuals with each their own human “soul” and each equipped with self awareness. These high beings mentioned in the Bible as “the good shepherds” helped us then, as now as always.Prior to that evolutionary quantum leap, the human race was close to extinction because of diseases, wars and the threat from dinosaurs: even if these pre-humans were spiritually evolved, they didn't have an ego, the mental capacity to invent means to protect themselves.The path of the Kalachakra has its origin in Lemuria. It has since got different “colourings”, dependent on which spiritual tradition and lineage it was given to.In the Buddhist tradition the emphasis is on the mind as a science, and the Buddhist tradition has preserved the meditative focus.

1 See Cymatec; Hans Jenny and “The Path of Dharma”

©2008 Starbridge Centre Ulla and Erik Sandersen4

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The Hindu tradition is more intellectual. The Hindu cosmology has a great predictive and mirroring capacity. In Hindu mythology the legend of the goddess` Indiras necklace is an example on the depths of the interconnectedness and multidimensionality of this tradition: Indira had a beautiful necklace, a string of pearls around her neck, and if you looked closer you would see all the other pearls were mirrored in each pearl, - mirrors that mirror themselves in mirrors..

The spiritual truth in polytheism, the many in the one and the one in the many is evident here as in other spiritual traditions. In ancient Egypt they worshipped multiple deities, and all these “deities” were different portals into the same overall unity.The same process, from multiplicity to unity and from unity to multiplicity is involved in the final stages of dying, when the dying is in the secondary clear light, as if he is spread out in multiple light or stars, and then, at the moment of death is bathed in the clear white light of oneness. Then, (if the soul is not enlightened here), the primary clear light again spreads out to a multiplicity of stars. The bardo of the secondary clear light is perceived as a vibrating cosmos, a sky filled with luminous stars. At the highest level of consciousness, as well as in the meeting with the primary clear light at death, all stars are interconnected and you experience them all as one.2

The human being in its totality is represented in this Kalachakra picture with the help of cosmic symbolism. In some well-known Buddhist Kalachakra mandalas. the human totality is depicted as a five storage building with 722 deities. The five storage building is the esoteric human structure with the five koshas (aura layers), and the “deities” are symbolising a hierarchy of archetypes. In the Kalachakra that is coming out now, with its cosmic perspective, it is the celestial bodies, the stars and the planets that are the “deities”, but they are of a higher hierarchical order and closer to the causal level. It is radical to grasp for the mind, depending on its level of flexibility and openness.In Western understanding these “basic energies” or “deities” are archetypes, powerful chords or structures in the human psyche.

The centre in the Buddhist Kalachakra mandala symbolises the “alternative” time, or the transcendence of time and thinking that happens in higher consciousness. The movement is from the periphery to the spiritual essence in the centreIt makes a lot of sense that the essence of the Kalachakra is “God's will or cosmic matrix for us to be” and that getting in alignment with it is an empowering and purifying journey. The revelation of Kalachakra techniques to mankind has always been adjusted at the current time in our history. In other words – there is nothing new in the guidance from the Kalachakra, but the level of this guidance is depending on how high we are allowed to go.The Kalachakra techniques have been around for ages, the path has been walked before, but the path has rarely been walked before on such a high and universal level as now.The basic energies in the human body are vibrating in resonance with the celestial bodies such as stars and planets. Rudolph Steiner explains this, saying that the physical body is the “echo of the zodiac.”3 The zodiac is a shorthand of all the stars in

2 Interestingly enough that would also be the experience for a space traveller travelling at near-light speed, all stars would appear as one, right ahead of him or her, see later.

3 See Steiner: “The Alphabet and expression of the Mystery of Man”

©2008 Starbridge Centre Ulla and Erik Sandersen5

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cosmos, and its twelve star signs reflect the diversity as well as the unity of the forces that are influencing us. They are our highest archetypes, our overall blueprint. The stars in the wheel of the zodiac are interconnected with our esoteric structure through the chakras, the nadis and the light ether in our etheric aura. They are the network of subtle energy channels in the body, the subtle “nervous system” through which the energy is flowing. The whole astral cosmos is experienced inside your spine, arranged in succession with the different star signs in the astral zodiac astrally related to the chakras, of which we have six on the front and six on back in an ascending and descending order. This is experienced in higher consciousness.

POINT OMEGA:The Kalachakra and point Omega are two approaches to the same truth. Point Omega, named after the last letter in the Greek alphabet, is an organising projection of consciousness beyond space and time.Teilhard de Chardin describes in his book, “The Phenomena of Man” (1955) the Omega point in a way that seems to have a great deal of similarity with the Kalachakra. The idea is the same but the tradition is different.Teilhard de Chardin sees mankind moving towards a convergence of systems, a collective Omega point, where the coalescence of the collective consciousness will lead us to a new state of peace and planetary unity in the not too distant future. He emphasises that reaching the Omega point does not mean that we or our freedom will disappear; our consciousness will be indefinitely enriched. He describes the Omega point as what we would call the higher Self (even if his terminology is different). According to him Christ is the Omega point, meaning that the Christ consciousness immanent in all humans is on the same level as the Omega point.You have a multidimensional individual point Omega as your inner aim in your own journey, and this point is connected to others Omega points and to the ultimate Omega point in the universe, in accordance with the principle in the Hindu legend about Indira's necklace, about mirrors that mirror themselves in mirrors. The point Omega is both an individual and a collective ultimate goal.

The transition from one root race towards the next is a step in the collective movement towards point Omega. This is an inevitable cosmic law and is in accordance with the Hindu tradition about the great cycles of time and space, Brahma's breath.

The centre of the Kalachakra, the Omega or Christ point is the transcendence of time and thought that is above the intellect. It is the ultimate goal in spiritual traditions. The far-off goal of universal evolutionary convergence, is the Omega point, that basically is the same as the Vishnunabhi, the centre of the universe.

The centre of Buddhist Kalachakra mandalas symbolises the inner state in “alternative time”. The red cosmic man in the centre of the Kalachakra-picture expresses the same phenomenon. We will come to that in the second part of this booklet.

According to Hindu mythology the grand cosmic centre, Vishnunabhi, is the centre of the universe. It has often been translated as the centre of the Milky Way. But there is more to it. Esoterically, Vishnunabhi is the centre present in all “systems” (solar systems, galaxies, zodiacs, humans, etc.) they are multi dimensionally interconnected

©2008 Starbridge Centre Ulla and Erik Sandersen6

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and together they are ultimately creating a superior Kalachakra, a centre of cosmic proportions - a“Vishnunabhi”. In Jyotish astrology the stars, particularly the twelve constellations in the zodiac, determine your karmic pattern, while the movements of the planets and the sun and the moon determine your personality, your moods etc.In the ancient Egyptian culture the Kalachakra path was astral. The culture had an advanced cosmology. The “Eye Of Horus” was the Egyptian title for the Kalachakra The famous epos of “Hermes `Vision” where the secrets of the universe are revealed is reflecting Kalachakra wisdom. And the strange “djed” – a pillar often depicted on ancient Egyptian painting's as an object of worship, appears to be both the human spine, the axis of the world, the tunnel at death and the path to the divine – all in one. The modern analogy that comes closest to the “djed pillar” is the path from the ego to the higher Self - that which in theosophical terminology is the antakarana.Theosophy is to a large degree based on channelled knowledge from ancient scriptures, for example “The Stanza of Dzyan”, which actually is a Kalachakra text.Of particular interest here is the science of the antakarana, the path from the ego to the higher Self. It is here you in the West find all the psychologists – Freud, Reich, Jung, Wilber, Grof and so on, all working from their different models of how to purify the personality and with varying success. But the antakarana is now so collectively purified that it makes more sense to focus more on the pull upwards than to only continue to clean the corners.

Alice Bailey predicts the science of the antakarana to be the path of the future. She says:

“The science of the Antakarana is probably the most important science of the coming time” […] “This is a science which is as yet unknown to humanity, but it will be the coming science of mind of the New Age, the science of building the bridge between lower and higher man, and also a number of other bridges: between members of the human race as a whole; between humanity and the hierarchy and Shamballa; and between this planet and other planets, this solar systems and other solar systems. All these bridges and connections are the result of the correct use of the science of the Antakarana, which will be the major educational field for humanity in the coming age”. “This is really the science of the Path of Return.” (edited).

Krishnamurti was in a period the leader of an organisation set up by leading theosophists, “The Order of the Star” meant to support the coming world teacher. We understand that he was meant to bring the new impulse, the science of the antakarana, forward as a means to the exaltation and ascension of the new man.Krishnamurti had a genuine enlightened insight in the highest spiritual wisdom, embedded in the Kalachakra. He emphasised timelessness; “truth is a pathless land”, he said. That was incompatible with the ruling emphasis on cleverness and ego within the organisation, and he dissolved ”the Order of the Star” in 1932 as it according to him failed its true mission.

The pillar-like structure of the antakarana is a basic structure in the created world. The antakarana-pillar is an archetype - a perfect description of the essence of man.

No ascension is possible unless the spine, the antakarana, is involved.

Our awareness and flexibility determines our position on the continuum between the personality and cosmic consciousness that this pillar, the antakarana, represents.

©2008 Starbridge Centre Ulla and Erik Sandersen7

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Especially in times of need it is critical to remember that we essentially are just as much at home in infinite space as in the physical existence on Earth. This continuity of consciousness has been disrupted by the ego, our identification with the physical body and the illusion of distance and separateness. To recreate the bond to the universe is not possible unless we let go of the ego and surrender, or at least that the ego is temporarily suspended.

Albert Einstein says: “A human being is a part of the whole called by us “the universe”, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of our consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living beings and the whole of nature in its beauty”.

THE KALACHAKRA AND SHAMBALAThere is ongoing dispute about where on earth the mythical kingdom of Shambala is to be found – if it exists at all.Shambala is a planetary centre of tremendous spiritual power, a dynamic manifestation of God and his plan on earth, as described in ”the Great Invocation” (see appendix). Shambala is an outpouring from the Kalachakra, a projection of enlightened beings from this world and higher worlds whose purpose it is to manifest the wisdom of the Kalachakra on earth and to bring forward the holy science of the antakarana path to humanity, individually and collectively.Legends about Shambala include numerous records of its location, architecture, landscape, inhabitants, and so on. This is not easily accessible for the categorising mind because “Shambala” reflects a multidimensional reality. We understand that the truth of the legends is both literal and symbolic! It is correct to say that Shambala is located here on earth, meaning that the legends can be translated literally; it is also true that the legends about Shambala must be understood symbolically – Shambala is a map of man's esoteric structure. As Paramahansa Yogananda points out, referring to the tales in “The Bhagavad Gita” – to find out whether events and heroes have a historical authenticity or not, if they should be interpreted allegorically only, or both, requires a high intuitive insight and must be done individually, from case to case.In some legends Shambala is described as having “96 principalities with millions of towns”. Symbolically this refers to a cluster of nadis, the network of energy channels in the body. The “inhabitants” refer to the energy flowing in the nadis. The “Outer Ring of Snow Mountains” refers to the skin. “Inner Ring of Snow Mountains” refers to the central nadi or channel in the spine, the sushumna. The “Two Lakes” refer to the side channels, the ida and pingala. “The 144 rainbow warriors” refers to another cluster of nadis, and so forth. The Sanskrit word nadi means “star” because where there are nadis there are stars. There is a vibratory resonance between the nadis and the stars in the different constellations in the zodiac.

©2008 Starbridge Centre Ulla and Erik Sandersen8

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Shambala will increase its importance in the coming years, bestowing its blessings everywhere and guiding everyone who walks the path to what Krishnamurti calls “the pathless land of truth”. Shambala and its purpose is intimately linked to the antakarana and to the Kalachakra through the “noosphere”, another concept introduced by Teilhard de Chardin. The noosphere is the common stratum the Kalachakra and Shambala is working in.The noosphere is the energy field of the total sum of knowledge of everything there is. Our planet has its own “noosphere” even if it is not clearly differentiated from the rest of of the noosphere. The collective consciousness is a small part of the noosphere of the earth.

Teilhard de Chardin's concept of the noosphere is overlapping the esoteric concept of “akasha”, the fifth element of ether. Yogananda explains the akash in the following way”:

“All intuitional perceptions and expressions of cosmic consciousness – God's consciousness that is the repository of everything that is or will be - can be extended into visible words, the so-called akashic records written in the ether, or into audible sounds vibrating from the ether, or into true visions, etc.”[…] “Ether permeated space is the boundary line between heaven, or the astral world, and earth.[…] Were this etheric vibration removed you would see the astral cosmos behind this physical universe”.

(Bhagavad Gita, p. 921 and p 40).

This ether element, the akash, appears to be the common stratum through which both the Kalachakra and its projection, Shambala, is working. We also know that the Kalachakra of Earth is the zodiac, and we begin to understand the statement of

Djwal Khul The Tibetan:“Were all religions and all scriptures of the world to be lost, and were there nothing left to us except the starry heavens, the story of the zodiac and the significance of the names of the various stars found in the different constellations, we should be able to retrace the history of man, recover the knowledge of our goal and learn the mode of its achievement.”

©2008 Starbridge Centre Ulla and Erik Sandersen9

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THE CONCEPT OF TIMEIn dealing with the wheel of time, the Kalachakra, we realise that there is more to the concept of time than we normally expect. The truth is that time is subjectively experienced, relative to the “speed” of your own vibratory frequencies, so to speak.

- An entertaining analogy from science illustrates this point:“At very high speed time will slow down - and distance shrinks as well – this is time dilation or time distortion.Near the speed of light everything in the universe would seem directly ahead. This happens because of what scientists call “aberration.’When walking briskly through a rain shower, we must tilt our umbrella forward a bit to keep from getting wet. Or driving through a snowstorm, the snow flakes seem to come from ahead while the rear window hardly gets hit at all. This effect is also seen with light.If we travelled even faster this effect would grow increasingly pronounced until at just below light speed. Everything in the universe would shift until it all appeared dead ahead.Out of the cockpit window would hover a solitary blinding brilliant “star”, which is everything in the universe clumped into one dazzling ball. It would be surrounded by blackness. And from the rear window our fearless astronaut sees – absolutely nothing. We can never (at least in the state of ordinary consciousness: our addition) reach the speed of light to experience total frozen time and zero length.[…] If you could trade places with a photon - a light particle – you would experience yourself as everywhere in the universe at once.”

Edited from article by Bob Berman in“Astronomy”, September 2000.

The relativity of time is displayed in the stages of the journey from the periphery of the Kalachakra to its centre – from external time in the outer wheel, to inner cyclic time, to movement but no time and the transcendence of time in the spiritual centre. The more consciousness is in charge, is fully present, the less there is time in an outer sense.

©2008 Starbridge Centre Ulla and Erik Sandersen10

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THE KALACHAKRA PICTURE In the following we describe the Kalachakra picture in details and how to use it as a bridge to higher consciousness.

In accordance with the composite nature of the real Kalachakra, the wheel of time, the picture is pieced together of different pictures Ulla has painted over the years. Each of them represents a kosha, an aura level, a significant piece of the larger Kalachakra blueprint. It came as a surprise for us to realise that we actually have been working on the Kalachakra all the time – and at the same time it made a lot of sense.Some of the pieces have another colour in the Kalachakra composition than it had in the original painting. These changes have, as everything else, been careful guided and appears in accordance with the colour symbolism of the seven chakras corresponding to the seven levels of consciousness, the seven rays described in theosophy and the Buddhist colour symbolism.In using different guided contemplations to the individual layers of the Kalachakra, you will gradually move from the periphery of the picture to the higher consciousness in the centre, symbolised by the cosmic man. You will purify the different layers in yourself in the process, layers within layers within layers, which are multi dimensionally interconnected. The layers in the Kalachakra picture as well as the kosha are not separate levels as in an onion, everything is interconnected.

The guidance built in this picture should be a spontaneous inner experience, and not just words: the Kalachakra picture is creating a feeling of perspective. You are being guided from chaotic multiplicity to organised multiplicity in the form of the cosmic man in the centre You are moving into the similar symbol of “Prophesy” and the guidance there. Prophesy is celestial, it is beyond the interference of the mind. Using the guided contemplation connected with the cosmic symbol of “Prophesy” you may be able to see the ripple effects of actions and events (see “The Path of Dharma”).

To begin with we will give you a shorthand introduction to the various paintings from which the Kalachakra picture is pieced together. You can find the included pictures, their full description in the Appendix.

The first picture is “Skull in Space” from the series of cosmic card (painted1999), depicts of a human skull alone in the universe on a background filled with stars. Its pendant, the “Space in Skull”, was actually used as a means to the Kalachakra path in ancient Egypt. In the Kalachakra picture, the skull from the original “Skull in Space“ picture is excluded, and only the background universe with significant stars is brought in to the space of the Kalachakra picture “Skull in Space,” represents the ego. “Space in Skull” symbolises higher consciousness. -The “Space in Skull” are shown and explained more detailed in the

appendix, (even if it is not a part of the Kalachakra picture).There is this story: “A disciple asks his master if it is true that they are living in the same universe. The master answers: “Yes; the difference between you and me is that you are living in the universe and the universe lives in me”.

©2008 Starbridge Centre Ulla and Erik Sandersen11

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“The Great Cosmic Brotherhood I” (painted 2001) is showing planet Earth in space, surrounded by the wheel of the zodiac. There is a multidimensional, dynamic interaction between each of the stars in the twelve constellations and planet Earth, highlighted by multicoloured lines. Three extra zodiacal star constellations are added to the zodiac as a means to further exaltation of Earth, but they are not included in the zodiac on the Kalachakra picture. The pendant to this picture is “The Great Cosmic

Brotherhood II”,(painted 2002). This picture is mentioned here because some of the cosmic symbols from this painting are included in the text. (The Sri Yantra, Seeing and Prophecy) “Brotherhood II” shows the same motive of planet Earth in the centre surrounded by the zodiac, but here each of the twelve star signs is backed up by golden cosmic symbols, - complete with guided contemplations, presented as a spiritual path in the booklet “The Path of Dharma” (©2005) Available on our website..

“Nothing Solid,” a picture from the series of 9 illustrations in “Liberation Through Resonance In The Bardo,” (painted 2003). (Also available on our website). This cosmic level of consciousness is where we are during deep dreamless sleep. Being there causes us to wake up fresh and rejuvenated. This is also the way it looks for a dying person immediately prior to death. It is the bardo of the secondary clear light, a forerunner to the primary clear light which only reveals itself full-on at the moment when physical death is irreversible.

Again you see the zodiac, the Kalachakra of Earth, in the picture superimposed by the star sign of Gemini, the constellation of brotherhood.The tunnel perspective that this motive enhances is the “tunnel” or pillar of the antakarana as seen from within when the soul travels trough the astral universe, whether it is on an astral journey while remaining fully physical and alive, or it is in the process of dying, travelling to its true home in the centre. It is the outer ripples with the zodiac from this picture, that are transferred to the yellow space in the Kalachakra picture.

“The World Tree” from 2006 is a symbol of mankind, collectively and individually. It reflects our interconnectedness with the stars above and our rootedness in planet Earth.The vertical centreline appears both to be the trunk of the World Tree, the central axis of the planet and the human spine. The planets, the Sun and the Moon are all in alignment in this central axis as they are archetypes.The World Tree is encircled by the cosmic egg formed by the twelve star constellations in the zodiac. High above the cosmic egg, resides the north pole star – not the present Stella Polaris, but the one to come which is in the constellation of the Big

Dipper, also known as the Drinking Bowl or the Plough.The World Tree, complete with the cosmic egg, the zodiac and indirectly also with the planets in the centreline, is transferred to the Kalachakra, inside the orange circle.

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The rainbow colours in the Kalachakra picture, in succession from the cosmic man in the centre who has the colour red of the root chakra and out through the koshas are orange, yellow, and green. The three higher chakra-colours in the blue and violet colour range are fused together in the background universe, symbolising expansion and unending spaciousness. In the deep blue cosmos particular star signs are recognisable from the universe in the “Skull in Space”picture. That is the Stella Polaris in the constellation Little Bear that is the present north polar star. Stella Polaris is located at the top centre of the sky in the Kalachakra. Below this constellation you'll find the characteristic shape of the constellation of the Big Dipper. Right beneath the Kalachakra you'll find the Southern Cross a well-known constellation close to the south pole of Earth, also applied from the “Skull in Space” picture.

“The Return of The Personality” (painted 2003) is also an illustration from the “Liberation Through Resonance In The Bardo” series. It shows the bardo state immediately after the meeting with the Primary Clear Light. This is the secondary clear light again, and the journey through the following bardos after death is about to begin.The original picture shows the human soul in the astral

cosmos with the primary clear light still reflected as the white background. He has the imprint of the zodiac in his body and Sirius as the guiding star in his third eye; Sirius being the centre in a higher dimension of mankind. He is standing encircled by the planets and with the Moon behind his neck and on the background of the Sun, the symbol of the higher Self. The being symbolises a high level of consciousness where he is transparent to cosmos - and the planetary constellations displayed around him show all options are open; the possibility for the perfect birth horoscope.

This cosmic being, and indirectly through him but not visible also the rest of the picture, is transferred to the centre in the Kalachakra

The very fact that the Kalachakra is painted, “extracted out” from the cosmic background so to say, divides the unending spaciousness, it becomes part of a figure-ground pattern; the Kalachakra is the figure, and the deep blue space is the ground. This displays exactly the problem which is evident in the nature of the “Skull in Space”: It is the ego with its aloneness, separation and illusion of distance, from the rest. The unity with cosmos has gone.You may contemplate the Kalachakra as an “altar” for the worship of God, immanent in the whole universe. To begin with you'll focus on the altar. After some time you'll realise the truth that the Kalachakra, which is pranava, or God, the OM sound, is permeating everywhere. The ideal is expansion and higher consciousness where you are not separate but part of the wholeness.

In the picture the Milky Way, as depicted in “Skull in Space” is stretching as a band across the sky - from the upper right corner and down to the lower left side; you can also see the zodiac star sign of Gemini, the heavenly twins, with its vibrational resonance of brotherhood, following the Milky Way to the upper right.

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If you surrender into the deep blue infinite space the Milky Way is still there, but only as a transparent breath. That is because the Milky Way is your home. You are more “Milky-way`ish” than you are in the rest of the cosmos; the other galaxies are even more different and strange. The Milky Way acts as an ever so transparent sign post. It is feather-like and familiar.

The Kalachakra appears like a projection, an eye. In this universe the ability of seeing is a symbol of the Divine, just as illustrated by the ancient Egyptian symbol of the Horus-Eye. Seeing is the sense that easiest fuses the inner and the outer world together, it is in seeing it is easiest to transcend the subject-object separation in ordinary consciousness.

The cosmic symbol of “Seeing” (from the series “The Path of Dharma”) is a rudimentary Kalachakra.The deep-violet space in the Kalachakra-eye is shimmering with life, reflecting the enormous multitudes of life. In the cosmic Kalachakra there is life everywhere.

THE OUTER CIRCLE OF THE KALACHAKRA.The green outer wheel of the Kalachakra symbolises the outer physical world.External, outer time is important because it connects us with cosmos.Outer clock time is primarily defined by the movement of the wheel of the zodiac. It is measured by the solar year of 365 days it takes a star sign in the zodiac to orbit the Earth in one full cycle.Each day has 24 hours, based on the Earth's rotation around itself. Each of the 24 hours is divided in 60 minutes, each minute is divided in 60 seconds, and so forth.

The characteristics of outer time, apart from being a predictable clock and calendar, is the “concreteness”that you don't find in the inner time or in the alternative time in the Kalachakra picture. The physical world is the most solidified of the worlds and so the movement of clock time is the most rigid, unchangeable, predictable. The external clock time is what is shown in the zodiacs, even though time is shifting towards an alternative, transcendence of time in the state of consciousness moving towards the centre of the picture.The rings around the red man in the Kalachakra each have a zodiac wheel embedded. They are the four koshas or auric bodies of Man. Each has different movements reflecting their different relationships with time. Time is working differently in each of the koshas, which doesn't makes it easier to comprehend, because it means that the different wheels in the multidimensional Kalachakra are moving both in synchronicity with each other and differently from each other.The external time in the physical body is the measurement of energy exchanges which happens according to the laws of entropy, that basically states that disorder is more probable than order, so over time, disorder will prevail.The zodiac embedded in the green wheel is from the picture “The Great Cosmic Brotherhood I”. The zodiacs are the blueprint for the physical and esoteric structure of the body, not only in the outer, green circle but for the other circles as well.The nadis, the network of energy channels in the body are part of this esoteric structure. There are nadis in all koshas that has a zodiac, both in the green, the yellow, and the orange. The nadis in the body of the red man in the centre, who also has the zodiac signature, are about to melt together into light. The nadis are mirrored on different levels.

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The outer circle is green, the colour of growth, because the outer physical world involves the meeting with friends. Spiritual masters tell that you can only learn and grow while you are in a physical body. In the theosophical tradition about the seven rays, green is the colour of truth. During your life you'll meet all sorts of friends, also “friends” in the sense that they provide you with the opportunity to grow in areas where you otherwise would not. That the green colour is representing the root chakra and the physical body shows the connection between the mental and the physical. Distortions of outer clock time belong to the mental.

An example of the experience of time for different personality structures reported in cases taken from body psychotherapy. Barbara Brennan outlines the typical time distortions in her book: “Emerging Light”:

● The schizoid character structure experiences universal time; he or she is unable to experience linear time or to be in the now in the physical world.

● The oral character structure has never time enough.● The psychopathic character structure rushes into the future.● The masochistic character structure experiences the unfoldment of time as

stopped.● The rigid character structure experiences the constant, rigid, mechanical

movement of time forward

THE YELLOW CIRCLE AND INNER TIME:The next circle towards the centre represents the blueprint of the astral kosha, or mind. Here is the “zodiac-ripple” from the picture “Nothing Solid” transferred to the yellow circle.The high priority of the awareness of “I AM” in our being is the bridge builder, because I AM can identify with both the inevitable process of entropy in the outer physical world, and with the spiritual path, the antakarana, which is exactly the awakening process from the ego to the higher Self in the centre this process implies ultimately that the identification with the physical body ceases. The identification is more and more with your higher, immortal nature.

The picture reflects the inner bardo state of the secondary clear light immediately prior to the appearance of the primary clear light at the moment of physical death, which is the last chance for the mind to hang on to the remnants of some normality, to people you know, and so on.The ripples are not blue as the universe in the original picture, but yellow. The yellow colour is implemented here because of its ability to soften such deep aspects of the psyche; it helps the mind to let go of attachments and to move on through the antakarana tunnel to the cosmic point omega.In theosophy, the teaching of the seven rays, yellow indicates the background of form, the intellectual organisation, responsible for manifestation.It is told that the yellow colour was chosen by Buddha as a symbol of his humility and separation from materialist society. It signifies renunciation, desirelessness and humility.In the original “Nothing Solid” picture, the tunnel experience is created by five “ripples”, the “root races”, significant sign posts on the long evolution of the human race. The movement out to the periphery and the manifested, physical world is evolution and the path towards the centre is the path of involution, back to God.

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In the Kalachakra picture it is the outer ripple that is included because it is this “zodiac-ripple” that symbolises our present root race. It relates actually to us who are alive today and who need the tools to ascend, to let go of the old and move on, into the new world with the freshness of a child.

Cosmic time is mirrored in the body as inner time- as rhythms and cycles: metabolism, rhythms of awake and sleep, menstruation cycles, and so on.The physical body is an ever-changing organism consisting of elements, fluids etc., while the soul is eternal. The inner cycles are repetitive, cyclic and follow a definite time duration. The astral or the mind is continuously on the move, living in the world of becoming, with rhythmic movement, growth, decay and death, ups and downs. Rudolph Steiner says simply that “the astral body is the experience of the planetary movements”.

The resonance patterns of the planets, their movements and angular degrees to each other at any time in their orbits around the sun are connected to the rhythms and cycles of our biological existence. They are the constituents, the “events” causing the rhythms in the internal time.The planets are evident in both the original “The Return of the Personality” and “World Tree” pictures. In the inner, multidimensional picture of the Kalachakra, the planets from these two pictures are visible; in the painted Kalachakra picture their presence are accessible in meditation.

THE ORANGE OVAL – TIME AS A FLOW.The rhythmical time characteristic for the astral world is based on events. In the etheric world, symbolised here by the orange colour, time is a flow.The circle is the oval-shaped egg with the zodiac, the world tree and planet Earth within, transferred from the “World Tree” picture. The Australian continent is visible because it will play a leading role in the transition.The World Tree and the Earth is the abode of the red cosmic man and belongs primarily to the physical-etheric kosha - with connotations to the Earth. You can move from the etheric plane to the astral, because the fruits on the World Tree are stars.

The orange is the colour of the hara chakra and of the etheric kosha. Orange is also the colour of suffering. The existential suffering in all life, the cause of suffering and how to overcome suffering is the essence in Buddha's teaching in “the four noble truths.”Our physical body is enveloped in the etheric or pranic kosha, and this body is always of the sex opposite to the physical body. If you are a male your etheric or pranic aura will be feminine, it is your inner “anima”. If you are a woman your etheric or pranic sheath will be male, it is your inner “animus”. This is a fundamental truth of man's esoteric structure. We have all the characteristics of the opposite sex embedded in our psyche - integrated and co-operating to varying degrees.

Because this Kalachakra picture is a path of development, the barrier that the inner opposite sex presents must be transcended. The orange oval is the etheric kosha of the red man and is in reality closely knitted together with his physical body.The inner opposite sex in the etheric is a sort of guardian of the threshold that must be overcome.

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In the English translations of Christ's words the focus is on the moral aspect; that when you surrender to God there is inevitably residues of guilt that you must do something about.

An alternative, Zen-like translation of His words is more radical – that when you surrender to God you inverse yourself. Then you become transparent to cosmos:


Inverse yourself, this is what the red man has been doing. The red zodiac man in the centre is standing with his feet upon the orange oval in front of the world tree and planet Earth. He is surrounded by the suffering of life in this physical world - he has conquered the suffering, he has ceased the identification with one of two sexes, he has transcended duality. There is a delicate relationship between suffering and bliss. From the perspective of blissful beingness which is the inner state of the cosmic man, suffering is not suffering and time is not time as it used to be, but a flowing.This is the highest level of consciousness that the present root race is able to reach. And even this very sweet joy is a sheath, it is possible to reach even higher. Higher consciousness has a different “flavour” for the different root races.

The red human being is an androgynous being. He has the blueprint of the twelve star signs of the zodiac in his body and Sirius as a guiding star in the third eye; right in the navel area of his body which is the exact centre of the Kalachakra picture, is the star constellation of the next pole star, the Big Dipper, located as a sign post for the world to come.The red colour represents the root chakra and that kosha in the physical that is transparent to the bliss sheath - identical with the causal level.In Tibetan culture the red colour is said to possess certain qualities relating to the blood and to life force, it is youthful, full of vigour and activity. Red is also the colour of passion, transformed to discriminative wisdom.In the terminology of inner alchemy – the alchemic marriage, the red cosmic man has reached the same level of purification as the king and the queen in the end, when they have completed their journey up through the chakras and have become transparent, crystal-like and can celebrate their wedding. He is not physical in an ordinary sense any longer. He is in the world but not of the world.

As mentioned earlier, both the pictures “Nothing Solid” and “The Return of the Personality” symbolise the state of the secondary clear light. In the secondary clear light you are in the higher astral cosmos illuminated with multitudes of vibrating stars. On the highest spiritual level all stars are united in one unspeakable light.

“The mind may have a structure similar to the universe and in the underlying movement we call empty space there is actually a tremendous energy, a movement. The particular forms which appear in the mind may be analogues to the particles, and getting to the ground of the mind might be felt as light.”

David Bohm.:”The Ending of Time”

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The picture of “Nothing Solid” reveals esoteric knowledge about the antakarana that is relevant to mention here. The picture creates a tunnel experience through which you are moving, ascending towards the light. This is based on, and a symbol of, what is actually happening inside the spine, in the central nadi or channel (the Sushumna), in the process of dying or in any genuine ascension process towards the Self. The tunnel experience, whether it is a “wormhole” as described in modern physics or an inner experience, always indicates a shift of dimension.

The secondary clear light, the point Omega, is similar to a phenomenon known from physics, the standing wave. A standing wave occurs as a result of two opposite movements of identical speed meeting each other. Movement in one direction and movement in the opposite direction cancel each other and creates a “standing wave”. One direction is evolution, and the other direction is involution. Evolution and involution are movements in time.The understanding of time is radically transformed by the “super string theory” in modern physics. These extremely small strings reside exactly at the border between time and no-time; physical time is created here. According to current theory, these “strings” existed before the Big Bang. But they didn't vibrate, not until the Big Bang – the OM sound started them. When the “strings” started to vibrate, the vibration create a movement, an S-shape of the string, which made the sting accessible for observation - and by that, the delusion of distance and time, was born.The opposing movements of evolution and involution, of simultaneous becoming and unravelling creates the eternal NOW. Suddenly you are in higher time. There is movement, but no time – it is unspeakable, ever new bliss.This is the timelessness Krishnamurti talks about in his discourses on meditation:

“To meditate is to transcend time. Time is the distance that thought travels in its achievement. The travelling is always along the old path covered over with a new coating, new sights, but always the same road, leading nowhere – except to pain and sorrow. It is only when the mind transcends time that truth ceases to be an abstraction. Then bliss is not an idea derived from pleasure but an actuality that is not verbal. The emptying of mind is the silence in truth, and the seeing of this is the doing; so there is no division between the seeing and the doing. In the interval between seeing and doing is born conflict, misery and confusion. That which has no time is everlasting.”

The secondary clear light is the cosmos in its multiplicity of stars. It is the native energy where we, mankind, belong. The steady state where the movement of evolution and the movement of involution meet and cancel each other. If we are any other places than in this “standing wave,” we are not at home, we will be in illusion, for example in the everyday consciousness, the ego.

The primary clear light is structureless and omnipresent. It is the ground luminosity, or God. If the primary clear light unhindered takes over the steady state of the secondary clear light, enlightenment happens.Enlightenment, or glimpses of illumination, can happen while meditating on this Kalachakra picture, as it is a bridge to the real thing.

The being in the centre of the Kalachakra is a completion of three stages, well described in the three major arcana tarot cards, The World, the Hanged Man, and The

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Fool4. The succession of the cards is significant because it represents the movement from the ego towards higher consciousness, the process of the antakarana.First, the dancing woman in “The World” is at home, but something is not contained - she is waiting for God's calling. It is the waiting state, similar to the next step, the card “The Hanged Man.” The question to the hanged man is: “are you comfortable being different?” Are you ready to go out in the world, not fitting in anywhere, which most often is the case of the almost enlightened individual?If yes, you are ready to follow God's calling, you have reached the state of “The Fool”, the enlightened one. He enters the scene only when you have accepted your higher purpose - and to be different.

4 Please note that we are referring to the major arcana cards in the Oswald Wirth`s deck ONLY. These cards represents the archetypes, described in the booklet “Tarot Contemplations” by Starbridge

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IMAGINATIVE MAGIC“Do you know what happens when you look at something:

a picture, a face, a bird, a mountain, the sun?No act is vaster, more profound or full of meaning that the act of seeing.

It may seem to be very simple and totally without mystery,But examine it more attentively and try to decipher it,

for in this simple act you will see the whole universe unfolding before you. It is magic at a very high degree.

Nobody realises when they look at an object, that it always representsa danger or a blessing that is lying in wait for them,

depending on the nature of the object,its forms and radiations, and also their inner state,

for their whole being takes on the shape, dimensions and attributes of that object.

You will object: ”But human beings don't change shape!”No, of course they don't, not outwardly, anyway.

But inwardly, on the psychic level,a human being identifies with what he looks at.

This is a biological law of nature. […]Imitation is a natural law from which man himself is not exempt.

It is not his physical body that changes, but a kind of osmosis takes placeIn which his external surroundings permeate his soul and his psyche.”

Omraam Michail Aivanhov:“The Splendour of Tipharet”

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We are suggesting the use of guided contemplation because contemplations are more analytical than meditation, and therefore easier accessible for the Western mind. In our time the practise of real meditation is difficult because the mind is weak and restless already from the first day of birth5.

Guided contemplation intends to awaken ideas sleeping in your mind. An additional step is to use a double poled awareness technique, a technique where you concentrate on two different objects simultaneously, gradually letting the observer, you, and the observed, the picture, become one.In this section you will find the the guided contemplations that belong together with the kalachakra picture.As mentioned earlier, the kalachakra picture is composed from 5 pictures.

The full series have 17 individual contemplations. You are invited to go through each of these step by step. Actually, if you are persistent, you end up with 17 contemplations, which we suggest you spend from 5 minutes to one hour each to contemplate!The most important for you is to find the way that works for you on a regular basis; This series of exercises used in combination with the pictures are purifying and will help you to get in conscious realignment with your higher nature. It has the potential to guide you all the way up to enlightenment, from you everyday consciousness and to cosmic consciousness, if done steadfastly, correctly and with trust.

Whatever your spiritual practice is, if you feel drawn to these pictures, give it a try, we only know if things work for us if we try. A good period to aim for is for example ½ year, time enough for the subtler effects to take root. Depending on the time you have available you can repeat this cycle more or less often, but we do recommend that you follow a regular cycle:

To sum up:● Contemplate the 6 individual pictures and one of their contemplations 5-60

minutes each● Contemplate the Kalachakra rings and their contemplations 5-10 minutes each● Contemplate the whole Kalachakra circulation 5-60 minutes● Sit for 5-60 minutes in silence afterwards.

5 Quoted from Sri Babaji, here from Dr S Goodman: “Babaji Meeting with truth”

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Skull in SpaceLook at the picture with a relaxed gaze, feel your entire spine, while you imagine a light between your eyebrows.Contemplate What in you is different?

Feel your difference, your essence, your unique crystal-structure, where you are different from everyone else, your loved ones, society, everything that has been learned.

Great Cosmic Brotherhood 1Contemplation: “ Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34) What support do you get from your enemies?What do you give to cosmos?

Nothing Solid.Contemplation Look at the picture with a relaxed gaze, feel your entire spine. contemplate:Look at the Sun. Everything else, the zodiac, everything else, is waving. Open up to the Sun.

When you are not your roles, when you are not your gender, what are you?

World Tree Look at the picture with a relaxed gaze, feel your entire spine. Gradually feel the picture as your aura, the tree-trunk as your spine..

Follow the chain of life, acknowledge your part in the chain.

The Return of the Personality.Contemplation Look at the picture with a relaxed gaze, feel your entire spine. contemplate: The task ahead.

Presence! (no thoughts, no intellect, no history, no right, no wrong).

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Contemplation on the Universe background of the Kalachakra:With a relaxed gaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the universe background in focus.

Acknowledge your uniqueness

Contemplation on the “Eye” of the Kalachakra:With a relaxed glaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the eye of the Kalachakra focus.

Contemplate: Seeing truth

Contemplation on the green ring of the Kalachakra:With a relaxed gaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the green ring in focus.

Expand, there is nothing but help

Contemplation on the yellow ring of the Kalachakra:With a relaxed gaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the yellow ring in focus.

Contemplate: Who are you?

Contemplation on the orange ring of the Kalachakra:With a relaxed glaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the orange ring in focus.

MEET (opposite sex, events etc.)

Contemplation on the red ring of the Kalachakra:With a relaxed glaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the red man in focus and place a many-faceted diamond with sparkling corners deep in the heart.

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Contemplation on the whole of the KalachakraWith a relaxed gaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the red man in focus, and simultaneously visualise the red man in the base chakra.

Contemplation on the whole of the KalachakraWith a relaxed gaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the red man in focus, and simultaneously visualise the red man in the 3' eye.

Contemplation on the whole of the KalachakraWith a relaxed gaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the orange oval in focus, and simultaneously visualise the orange oval in your hara chakra (4 fingers below the navel)

Contemplation on the whole of the KalachakraWith a relaxed gaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the yellow ring in focus, and simultaneously visualise the the yellow ring in the Solar Plexus chakra.

Contemplation on the whole of the KalachakraWith a relaxed gaze look at the whole Kalachakra picture with the green ring in focus, and simultaneously visualise the the green ring in your heart chakra.

Contemplation on the whole of the Kalachakra:Look at the Kalachakra picture with a relaxed gaze. Then while still looking, simultaneously with a part of your mind be aware of your heart. Then, while you continue looking at the Kalachakra, move your awareness from your heart to your forehead. then in the same way, move your awareness from your forehead to the Kalachakra,

This is one round; in a calm manner, continue this circulation for as long as you want.

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Awakening (2007)

The picture shows a sunrise which at the same time is an awakening eye. It is the “rainbow bridge”, a a safe bridge from the ego to the higher Self.

The sun, representing the higher Self, is rising over a green earth, and as a greeting from higher worlds it is spreading its nourishing rays over the sea of green vegetation beneath. There is a dynamic dance going on between the etheric forces in nature and the sun, bringing health and vitality to everything. The many white reflections of the sun in the green foliage are giving the whole scenery an almost impressionistic character.But even if the sun is shining and the lush green forest looks peaceful, remember that there is a fierce battle of life and death going on underneath the surface. In the forest animals are eating animals, plants are competing for the sun light, all creatures are fighting for survival. This is an inevitable part of life, of nature – and symbolically speaking also of a human ego as a contrast to the higher Self, the sun.A lens of multicoloured squares above the sun makes it look like an eye. This bridge meets a beautiful, rose pink higher space - the nature of which is compassion, bestowing the traveller and his or her efforts with grace.The luminous bridge, the antakarana as it is also called, is essentially life force in a dance between our soul and our physical aspects. It is a passage, gradually built as a result of a long term awakening process. This bridge built of pixels in all the colours of the rainbow is a “chord” achieved because every experience in human life, (symbolised by the seven levels of consciousness - in accordance with the seven colours of the chakra system) - has been looked into, but not necessarily entered into. A strong integrity and grounding has been established; that is why the rainbow bridge is the most safe way to higher consciousness..In higher consciousness truth is seen unhindered, both that which is within and that which is in the world. In order to safely reach higher consciousness, there must be a readiness to see truth because otherwise the risk is that you will see what you are not ready to see, that which drastically exceeds the flexibility of your mind.

Contemplation: Start in the base chakra, and move upwards chakra by chakra to the heart chakra; Or start in the heart chakra and without leaving the heart chakra, contact the base chakra. Then be aware of your heart chakra and simultaneous look with a relaxed gaze at the picture. Be aware of the horizontal compassion and the vertical Higher Consciousness, and that these two are one.

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Shambala (2006)

On this picture, the wondrous Shambala, “the white island”, is seen on a grey and desolate plain which symbolises both the global mind and our planet at the same time. Shambala is a centre of tremendous force which continuously is radiating its rainbow rays everywhere, abundantly covering the whole Earth. Seven golden waves of bliss are moving horizontally out from Shambala as a pressure-wave they are at the same time a layer in the atmosphere following the arch of Earth.

Shambala is compassion manifest, God on Earth. Legends of Buddhism and Hinduism tell that Shambala is a hidden kingdom guarding the highest wisdom such as the wheel of time, the Kalachakra. There is ongoing dispute whether Shambala only exists in a non physical realm or if it is located on a physical location on Earth, believed to be somewhere between Himalayas and the Gobi desert in Mongolia.Shambala is a sanctuary of the primary clear light, with an ever so light green pearl-like quality to it. The white light is beautifully shaped as one thousand “wings” (impossible to depict) which like a prism are reflecting the light into the seven rays of the rainbow – which again reflect the chakra system and its seven levels of consciousness. The wings are bardos, dimensions of experience potentially available for man. Shambala's general level of consciousness is similar to the crown chakra consciousness, it has the same ability to contact a thousand different realities. Similarly, the white spokes that appear to be segmenting the rainbow are bardos, they are merging with the almost invisible pink rose and light blue spheres in the heaven above. The spokes are reflecting the one thousand parallel worlds the soul is potentially connected to and the beings there.Legends about Shambala tell that when the world is in a very troubled state, the last king of Shambala – and some will say that he is a reincarnation of the Indian god Vishnu the Preserver, will ride out of Shambala with his rainbow warriors and defeat the evil forces, after that a golden age will begin.The tall white pillar between the Divine and Shambala is the bridge to the soul, the antakarana. This bridge, or path, from the personality we identify ourselves with to our soul has been partly described by many authors, such as Alice Bailey, Freud, Jung, Frank, Wilber, and Grof. The small almost invisible “bobbles” within the antakarana is life force in a dance between our higher Self and our physical aspects. Shambala will increase its importance in the coming years. A way to describe the purpose of Shambala is Alice Baileys THE GREAT INVOCATION, which is as follows:

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The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men.Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men.May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men - The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work outAnd may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.Channelled by Alice Bailey

( The Great Invocation belongs to all humanity. Will you join the millions who daily use this prayer to invoke peace on Earth? Become a co-worker in God's Plan, for only through humanity can the Plan work out. )

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Skull in Universe

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Universe in Skull

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The individual pictures that constitutes the


● Skull in Space● Great Cosmic Brotherhood 1● Nothing Solid.● World Tree ● The Return of the Personality.

Space in Skull(Updated 2006) – Skull in Space(1999)

There is this story:- A disciple asks his spiritual master if it is true that they are living in the same universe. The master answers:“Yes; the difference between you and me is that you are living in the universe, and that the universe lives in me.”The picture of the Universe in Skull symbolise the state of cosmic consciousness and it is a pendant to the picture of the Skull in Universe. The Skull in Universe symbolises the state of normal consciousness, reflecting the ordinary ego consciousness with its illusion of distance and separateness.Cosmos is present in both states of mind.In the Universe in Skull picture star constellations are placed on the visible bone plates in accordance with Jyotish astrology and their resonance. The meridians are connecting the various bone plates in the skull with the rest of the body, and it is these channels the energy follows.The indigo blue Universe In Skull is a symbol of higher consciousness. The turquoise background colour is a break-through colour, inviting transformation for those who are contemplating the picture.In the state of higher consciousness the pole star (Stella Polaris in the star sign of Little Bear at top) and all the other stars are inside the skull because everything is contained. There is no more to be done. “Beingness” has no direction. This is a contrast to the pendant picture, Skull In Space, where all the stars are outside the skull. The pole star is the zenith in the heavens around which the rest of the star constellations appear to be orbiting, and as such it symbolises the direction, the karma, of mankind.On another prominent place, on the forehead, the star sign of The Big Dipper is presiding because this constellation, which is a part of the Great Bear, is containing the coming pole star. In this age of transition from one age to the next and higher age, both pole stars are present because the resonance from both is simultaneously affecting us here on Earth. Amongst other stars signs, Cassiopeia, a source of joy and a lucid dreamy aspect of consciousness, can be identified high on the skull on both sides of Stella Polaris, and further down on the temporal lopes the star sign of goal-oriented Orion the Hunter. On the cheek bones the star signs of Leo and Cancer can be identified. Right on the jaw the Moon holds a prominent position, because the moon reflects the mind and the ability of the mind to hold on; even in higher consciousness the seeds of the mind will be present.

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The big orange star visible at the root of the nose is Aldebaran, symbolising the idea of karma and as such lessons to be learnt. Practise of pranayama meditation naturally leads to cessation of breathing and therefore to stillness, to the point of silence at the bridge of the nose. The star sign of Pisces is placed at the point of silence, because Pisces (related to the Greek myth about Amour and Psyche) symbolises projection. Projection is noise, and when the point of silence is reached, projections - “noise” - disappear. Karma can only be penetrated in silence.The star in the eye sockets is Sirius. There is a close connection between man's consciousness and Sirius; one can say that in higher consciousness we see with ”Sirius consciousness.”The Space In Skull also aims at illustrating the Secondary Clear Light or dharmata, a very high stage in the process of dying, next to the Primary Clear Light which appears at the moment when death is irreversible. The Secondary Clear Light is an inner environment most people simply move through without recognising it consciously at all.Contemplating the Space In Skull, symbolising cosmic consciousness, is a way of training the mind for higher consciousness and may assist a dying person to stay in the Secondary Clear Light and the higher astral worlds long enough to become familiarised and to give the guides time enough to enter the consciousness.Thus, in the process of dying and after death, the purpose is to stay one fifth of a second longer amongst the glittering stars in the Secondary Clear Light; even one tenth of a second will help.

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Cosmic Bro


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The Great Cosmic Brotherhood. (2001)

The great cosmic brotherhood represents the multidimensional universe we are living in. The picture was painted in the period August to November 2001, starting shortly before the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in USA September 11. That collective trauma caused a “rupture” in the global grid enveloping planet Earth, allowing an influx of destructive forces into worlds affairs, which the world has not recovered from yet. We understand that the painting process of the picture during that particular time, as well as contemplation on the picture now, can be of help in the many efforts going on counteracting the collective astral pollution this event caused here on Earth as well as in cosmos.The global grid is created by gravity waves from cosmos. We are interconnected with the whole of cosmos through the filter of the twelve star constellations of the zodiac surrounding us like a wheel. When there is not order in the global grid, there will be disorder in cosmos, in the great cosmic brotherhood, and vice versa.The stars in the constellations of the zodiac, and through these constellations indirectly the rest of cosmos, interact with planet Earth and the global grid via resonance patterns, through vibrant waves continuously moving back and forth between cosmos and planet Earth.

“The Earth […] receives the twelve-fold radiation […] from the direction of various constellations of stars. Taken together, these constellations surrounds us like a wheel. We call this huge wheel the “zodiac”. It is owing to the effects of the radiations of the zodiac that the Earth can exist at all. Their vibrations met in a point in space, causing interference in the waves of energy and leading to condensation – materialisation.”

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From Elizabeth Haich: “Initiation”.

On the above explanatory picture of the Great Cosmic Brotherhood, the location of each of the twelve star signs of the zodiac is encircled, including three extra-zodiacal star constellations which are added because of their beneficial influence, namely: The Big Dipper, Orion, and Cassiopeia.The star sign of The Big Dipper is located at the zodiacal sign of Leo the Lion. The Big Dipper represents a future, peaceful influence and is included in order to stabilise the heart chakra in this time of transition from one age to the next.The star sign of Orion the Hunter which reflects courage is here added to the star sign of Scorpio, the classical star sign of death. Orion is added as a means to support people who are dying, giving them courage and centredness to go through the transition that death is.And finally the star sign of Cassiopeia which is added to the zodiacal star of Sagittarius the Archer. The constellation of Sagittarius has a vibratory resonance with the hara chakra and refers back to an ancient time in Lemuria, when the dreamy but lucid consciousness of Cassiopeia was integrated in humanity. This dreaming is echoed in some Australian aboriginals creation myths about the “Dream time”. It was a sort of lucid “hara centre consciousness” resting in the awareness of interrelation with God, nature and cosmos. Man's present dreams are mostly hara-centre dreams, but today primarily about sex and pleasure. The resonance from the lucid dreaming of Cassiopeia in today's post-September-11 world would certainly mean a lift, not a fall in consciousness. It adds a feeling of being connected with nature and cosmos, an empowerment which is direly needed, but not easy to achieve today. Cassiopeia combined with Sagittarius the Archer who is aiming high, will manifest such qualities.

Contemplation: “ Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34)

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Nothing So


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The universe with the sun in the centre and the stars surrounding it is a movement, a process.The sun is the only object that is not waving. The vibrating waves are like a drop falling into still water, creating ripples. The ripples are not spreading outwards, but they are making the universe waving and expanding. The stars themselves are also waving. This is the astral universe. That is the way it looks in this condition. It is a blissful experience.The physical universe is a mirror of the astral (not the other way round). So when we die, we expand out in the astral universe, to which the physical is only a mirror. The physical and the astral universes occupy the same space, but with different vibrations. So in a sense it is true that we after death expand into the physical universe.“Looking at the stars while strolling one evening with a group of disciples, the Master [Yogananda] said:

“Each of you is composed of many tiny stars of atoms! If your life force was released from the ego, you will find yourself aware of the whole universe. When great devotees die, they find their consciousness spreading over infinite space. It is a beautiful experience.”

Paramahansa Yogananda: “Sayings”, p. 97.

When we die, the bardo we find ourselves in may in the language of modern science, be described as the reverse of “the collapse of the wave function” in a big way; that we harvest what we sow. Whatever we invested in the life that has gone, and coloured with our subjective understandings, must loosen up now.

The expansion after death goes way beyond the ego and towards cosmic dimensions, to the twelve star signs of the zodiac. In spiritual cosmology, the zodiac is the blueprint for dharma. Dharma is - with Paramahansa Yoganandas words: “the eternal laws of righteousness, that uphold the universal structure and the very existence of human beings.” When expanded this far at death, The meeting between the dead person’s ‘mind’ and the zodiac, is when the well-known scene of Judgement takes place.The zodiac is superimposed on the outer ripple on the picture. This represents our present aim of evolutionary expansion. The “ripples ‘are the five “root-races”, past stages of development, (beginning with the innermost ring and outwards towards the outer ripples). All root races are integrated in modern man during evolution; they are representing deeply rooted, archaic aspects of the psyche, which we must pass when we expand into the astral cosmos after death.

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The picture represents the stage which Tibetan Buddhism calls the Secondary Clear Light, or “dharmata”; just prior to when the mind dissolves in the meeting with the Primary Clear Light - or just re-emerging after, moving down towards the Secondary Clear Light, or dharmata.

The red star is POLLUX in Gemini, the heavenly twins, one of the twelve star signs of the zodiac, and it is the only coloured star shown. The red colour symbolises “desire”. As the human realm on Earth is the realm of desires, this red star guides us towards reincarnation on planet Earth.“Pollux”, according to the Greek myth about “Leda and the Swan” traditionally connected to this star sign, is symbolising the higher Self. The star “Pollux” is therefore a projection of our own desire for the higher Self, spiritual desire.Human beings are dual, a mortal and an immortal aspect, as depicted in the dual sign Gemini, and its myth about the two twin brothers, Castor and Pollux, who had the same mother but different fathers. In this connection when we move into the astral universe where nothing is solid, Pollux represents our higher astral aura. It is cosmic in nature, and even though most of us do not have a conscious connection with our astral body, there is a deep bond, a ‘friendship’. This means that our astral body, at home among the stars, help us to soar, to let go when we expand in meditation or die.Pollux` twin-brother, Castor, represents our physical body, the corpse.

Contemplation:Look at the picture with a relaxed gaze, and contemplate:Look at the Sun. Everything else, the zodiac, everything else, is waving.Open up to the Sun.

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World Tree

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The World Tree (2006)

The World Tree is a symbol of mankind in its totality - past present and future. The World Tree is of course at the same time a symbol of each human individual, you and I, in our entirety.The World Tree describes our interconnectedness with cosmos, where we have our roots of nourishment. The branches and leaves of the tree are reaching out in cosmos, to life everywhere; and yet the World Tree is rooted and at home on planet Earth. We are cosmic beings visiting, and our home of learning is planet Earth.The World Tree is a shorthand of mankind found in myths and legends from all over the world: from the Siberian Eskimos, where the trunk of the tree is the Earth's axis pointing as a tent pole towards the pole star in the heavens - to the myth of the Scandinavian Vikings where the tree is the mighty Ash Yggdrasil combining the three worlds. In Hindu mythology the tree is the sacred Ashvattha Tree standing in the centre of the world; and in Christianity the tree is The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.In the trunk of the World Tree, the spine, or the central axis of the Earth - or both - is the solar system, complete with the Sun in the centre and the twelve planets, six transpersonal planets above the Sun and six personal planets below the Sun.The Sun is in the centre because the Sun is the source of light; it is the seat of the higher Self and relates esoterically to the spiritual eye in the forehead. And the planets are the archetypes, the building blocks that form our character, the structures in the psyche of man as well as of outer life forms. The personality pattern in our psyche is essentially build up from these archetypes, just like all the other life forms on planet Earth, gradually formed and solidified over time and space through vibratory resonance.The planets are in the central channel of the World Tree, because they as archetypes are the source behind all different life forms, everything are essentially externalised solidifications of the archetypes – It is the archetypes that mould the physical into form by morphic resonance.At the end of this article we have included a list of the twelve star constellations of the zodiac (the higher archetypes), and the next level down, the planets as well, and the keyword for each of their respective astral vibratory frequency, meant to be used in contemplation. Man has a dual nature; a star born higher part and a materialistic earthbound part, a truth that is reflected in many legends, as for example the Greek myth of the zodiac star sign Gemini the Heavenly Twins. This myth tells about the brotherhood between two twin brothers, Castor and Pollux, symbolising man's dual nature, who were deeply devoted to each other.The outer, “transpersonal” planets in the solar system are therefore placed in line above the Sun and surrounded by the upper crown of the tree, starting with Saturn with its rings, then further upwards to Uranus, Neptune, two small esoteric planets and on top, Pluto. Below the Sun, on the plane of planet Earth, we have the Moon, then the inner planets of Vulcan, Mercury, Venus, (Earth is already present as the big globe), Mars, and finally the largest planet of them all, Jupiter.

Astronomy operates currently with only eight planets in the solar system as they have recently cancelled Pluto as a planet, but esoteric tradition claims that there are even twelve planets in total; there are yet three planets to be recognised. Even if these are

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very small, their vibratory frequencies are affecting us in hidden but significant ways. In Greek mythology the planets are identified as “gods” or characters:Between the Sun and Mercury is the etheric planet Vulcan, the smith god and son of Zeus in Greek mythology. Vulcan is not a representative of something in the human psyche as such; he reflects that all all the way down to the earth element itself transformation is possible. As the smith god, Vulcan masters the forming forces of Earth itself such as the formation and change of tectonic plates. As a consequence he is also a part of mankind's basic energy, which will be active in forming the bones in the skull of the next root race.The two other esoteric planets (small rocks in long elliptical orbits between Neptune and Pluto) are best identified as the twin brothers Idas and Lynceus in the Gemini myth “Leda and the Swan”. They reflect dark structures in the psyche, normally inaccessible.

The World Tree itself, its trunk and its five major branches, though almost invisible in all the green foliage, is strong and very old as it symbolises mankind's will to live and survive. The five branches represent five previous archaic stages in the long evolution of man, the root races, stages we have gone through in the endlessly long evolutionary process of being who we are today, modern man. Esoteric science tells that mankind is evolving through a total of seven of these “root races”and that we are now at the end of the fifth root race and at the threshold of the sixth. In this transition phase Australia, the only continent depicted on the globe, will have a leading role. No wonder that what we see around us now is a world in transition, with upheavals, chaos, wars, and climate changes everywhere, which taken together will cause millions of lives to be lost. Some branches on the World Tree will vanish and disappear, and others will begin to sprout. The small branch with the light green leaves down on the right side of the tree actually depicts the sixth root race emerging.The stars are all interconnected like the pearls in the goddess' Indra's necklace in Hindu mythology. The legend tells that when you look at one single beautiful pearl in this necklace, you will be able to perceive all the other pearls as well. Modern physics tells that any part of a hologram contains the total information of that hologram, the same story. Separateness and distance is an illusion.The “fruits” of the World Tree, the stars, are there waiting to germinate. These stars have of course been there all the time, but now, when the light on our planet is increasing we are able to see them. The fruits are the bliss and magical powers embedded in higher consciousness which is and always has been the spiritual potential of man.The turquoise “atmosphere” between earth and the stars on the world tree symbolises a breakthrough period of many years towards higher consciousness.Eternally new, eternally old – such are the fruits on the World Tree.

The Cosmic Egg encompassing the World Tree is formed by all the star constellations in the zodiac – the cosmic “womb” protecting and enveloping the World Tree and thus mankind on planet Earth.The wheel of the twelve star signs in the zodiac is filtering all the influences from cosmos reaching Earth. You can say that the zodiac reflects the diversity as well as the unity of the forces influencing and forming us.- Esoterically speaking, the twelve star signs in the zodiac are the eternal archetypes, the matrix for humans, you and I. On the vibratory level, the cosmic radiations from the twelve star signs are more

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exactly resonating with the astral centres or chakras localised in the human spine, six on the front and six on the back in an ascending and descending order.Symbolically speaking, the wheel of the zodiac in the heavens, the “Macro cosmic Man”, and the “Microcosmic Man” here on Earth, are mirroring each other. Separateness and distance is an illusion.The Sun is also the central meeting point in a huge number eight circulation between the green crown of the tree, and the blue globe of planet Earth. The figure eight reflects a spiritual truth: as above so below.Man in cosmos and cosmos in man, it is impossible to separate them, just as it is impossible to divide the holographic universe.

In zenith, right above the whole Cosmic Egg, rules the pole star. The pole star is the fixed point in the heavens towards which the Earth's axis is pointing at any time, and around which the stars appear to be orbiting. Esoterically speaking – the pole star reflects the destiny of mankind.In this world of transition, it is not any longer the well known Stella Polaris in the constellation of “Little Bear” that is presiding over the World Tree; the next pole star is the Big Dipper as seen here, a part of the larger Ursula Major star constellation. Mankind's destiny is changing; the cosmic resonance of the coming Big Dipper constellation moves mankind away from ages of patriarchal dominance and in the direction of “the archetypical mother”, towards matriarchy and female authority - a collective trend which already now can be noticed in the world.

The following is a list of keywords of the vibratory frequencies of the twelve star sings in the zodiac, and the twelve planets.

The 12 star signs begin with Aries in the bottom of the left side of the zodiac band and move up to Virgo, continuing clockwise to the right to Libra and so on until Pisces at bottom right.

Aries the RamKeyword: Even though we are created as a result of unbalances, we are also created with the active help and Grace of God

Taurus the Bull Keyword: The necessity of inertia

Gemini the Heavenly TwinsKeyword: Brotherhood.

Cancer the Crayfish Keyword: Conscience is always with you.

Leo the LionKeyword: The door is opening

Virgo the VirginKeyword: The fruits of polarity

Libra the BalanceKeyword: Earth meets Spirit, the incomparability of intellect

Scorpio the EagleKeyword: Already here inflation is a risk

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Sagittarius the ArcherKeyword: The fusion has happened

Capricorn the Goat fishKeyword: Identification with instinct

Aquarius the Water bearerKeyword: Consciousness is immortal

Pisces the FishesKeyword: Affection and projection – unconscious development

Keywords for the planets in the order they appear on the painting

PlutoKeyword: Hidden key.

2 esoteric planets, (see the Greek myth about Gemini, Ida and Lynceus) Keyword: Destructivity

NeptuneKeyword: Unlimitedness, unending spaciousness

UranusKeyword: Void

SaturnKeyword: The inevitability of time

The Sun Keyword: The joy felt in creating: Joy, joy, overwhelming joy

The MoonKeyword: Mind.

VulcanKeyword: Matter

MercuryKeyword: Fickleness

VenusKeyword: Affection

Mars Keyword: Strife is the embodiment of ego

JupiterKeyword: Joy, quiet joy

The Earth (The big blue globe on which the World Tree grows)Keyword: Desire

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Return o

f Personality

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THE RETURN OF THE PERSONALITY (2003)The planets around the sun are depicted in the order they appear astronomically. In the subjective existence in this after-death state, which is equivalent with dharmata or the Secondary Clear Light, still visible as the white background, the order of the planets may be perceived differently. The order is reflecting the individual degree of balance between the various aspects of the personality. The picture acts as a resonance of the most ideal condition in which to influence ones own destiny.The individual who is in higher consciousness or has died and now is in the dharmata state is more a cosmic being, embedding the full zodiac in his or her body, rather than identifying with the gender he had in the past life. In higher consciousness and at death we expand from being in a body, confined by normal physical proportions to the opposite extreme, to be cosmic in proportions, expanding right out to include the whole zodiac and sometimes beyond. Such a cosmic being represents a very high level of consciousness, gracefully available for Man, where he calmly can “embody” his cosmic nature. He uses, but does not identify with his personality, the “planets”. He stands in front of the sun, with his hands folded in humbleness, aware that he is at the mercy of higher powers. It may be worth mentioning that a person who is in higher consciousness or has died and who actually is out there in the astral cosmos, will not see it as depicted here. Here we look at the person – who in turn looks at us. The order in which the planets will be perceived is also subjective. The Moon is in alignment with the medulla point in the neck in the back of the head, which traditionally is called “the mouth of God”. The Moon is sterile and so is the mind. The divine can only enter in if the mind is ready to give way. A rigid mind will sit there as a “cork”, preventing the higher Self, the Sun, from shining through. The name and the vibratory resonance for each of the planets, for Sirius, the Sun and the Moon is shown on the next page..

As mentioned before, all the pictures including the present, “the return of the personality,” help towards reincarnation on planet Earth. According to esoteric teaching, the Earth is a good option because the maya-play with dualities and the realm of desire which together is the realm of this planet, makes for a fast development.The star in the forehead of this cosmic being is Sirius. The star Sirius helps to focus and have clarity towards the goal; the goal embedded in the next reincarnation. The exact alignment between Sirius, the Moon and the Earth depicted here is the perfect condition from where to influence ones destiny. The Sun is traditionally a symbol of our Higher Self; similarly the Moon symbolises the mind; the planet Earth represents the physical body - and the star Sirius, which is the highest celestial body in this hierarchy, is honoured with the title: “the Mother of the higher Self”.According to spiritual cosmology, and supported, but not yet confirmed officially by recent scientific research regarding the Earth precession, the Earth and the Moon, our star the Sun, and the star Sirius are interconnected; the Moon circles the Earth, that circles the Sun, that together with its planets and their moons orbit Sirius. All stars including our Sun orbiting Sirius belong to the same “family” of higher Selves with Sirius as the “Mother”. On the highest spiritual level all stars in cosmos are interconnected.

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Keywords to the celestial bodies:Sirius Clarity towards the goalThe Sun : The joy felt in creating: Joy, joy, overwhelming joy.1. Mercury: Fickleness2. Venus: Affection3. The Earth Desire4. The Moon: Mind.5. Mars: Strife is the embodiment of ego6. Jupiter: Joy, quiet joy7. Saturn : The inevitability of time8. Uranus: Void9. Neptune: Unlimitedness, unending spaciousness

10. Pluto Hidden Key

It is both true and not quite true, that we expand out into the physical universe after death, since we in fact expand out into the astral universe that fills out the same space as the physical, but with another vibration. After the meeting with the Primary Clear Light, our real “Home”, the process back to reincarnation starts. This is complex, but while the outbound journey away from Earth is guided by our “friend” “Pollux”, the higher astral aura, the inbound journey towards re-incarnation on Earth is guided by our higher Self - ultimately Sirius, the centre in a higher dimension of mankind.

Contemplation: Look at the picture with a relaxed gaze and contemplate The task ahead.

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Keywords for the individual aspects of the Kalachakra picture

The Blue background sky and starsGOD SPREAD OUT.

The deep-blue Kalachakra discALL-KNOWING BLISS.

The fine gold-dust in the Kalachakra discSHIMMERING WITH LIFE.

The outermost green sphere with zodiacMEETING WITH FRIENDS

The Yellow sphere with two visible ripplesI AM.

The orange oval with zodiacBLISSFUL BEING.

The innermost red manGOD WITHIN.

Sirius in his 3' eyeSHEPHARD.

The Big Dipper in his Solar Plexus areaTHE WORLD TO COME.

The World Tree, The Tree and its branchesLIFE'S WILL FOR ITSELF


The StarsTHE NET OF JEWELS (Indiras necklace)




The golden rootsGROUNDING; (Keep the leaves and branches of the tree in your mind while contemplating).

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