kamila as evaluation


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G321By Kamila Sawzdargo

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Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge forms and conventions of real media


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Front CoverIt is very easy to spot the different types of conventions on my magazine which also come up on real life magazine. I have circled the conventions which follow the rules of conventions. I have focused on the magazine to look like an actual magazine by having the “left-third” rule for the masthead which is the name “KANDY” making it obvious to the public what my magazine is called surround by the other magazines. There is also the little conventions which are more obvious like the barcode, the URL and the price. Which are positioned the same way as it would be on an actual magazine. The cover lines which are on my magazine are very similar to the ones on the magazine which I have been inspired by. My magazine is quite bold and busy because that is exactly what the ‘Top of The Pops’ is like. The colour scheme which I have used thought-out my whole magazine is pink, black and white.

Question 1. develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


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Challenges and developmentsThe original photography taken by myself which is on the front cover I think is very successful because it almost shows the feelings my pop star has. The facial expressions show that she’s young, fun and crazy and that’s exactly what influenced me from the magazines I have been looking at which also follow the conventions of a pop music magazine. The different magazine i have looked at do have a few similarities to mine because by using a young, natural looking girl, I have realised, it is easy to attract young girls attention as it would create an interest to see who this girl was.

Question 1. develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


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InfluencesI have been influenced by many POP magazines, but the one which i have looked at the most was “Top of the Pops” . I think by looking at my magazine it is pretty obvious what type of genre music it is. I actually like the TOTOP magazine design so it was a good choice of magazine influences and the genre of music. I have mentioned on my blog posts that this magazine does change slightly in the design because it has so much to offer however every article looks very alike in a way. I have circled the similarities of these magazines and how well my magazine looks with the two of them.

Question 1. develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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InfluencesQuestion 1. develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Other influences which I have also looked at would be the magazine called ‘WE LOVE POP’ which is very similar to top of the pops.


This magazine is also one which is very similar to the type I was going for. The cover lines, posters and cover star pictures have a lot similarities

A link to my blog where i did my own we love pop magazine.

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Contents-influencesThe Contents of my magazine wasn't followed through the influence of the Top of The Pops magazine exactly because I did decide to change a few bits and pieces. I decided to go with what suited the front cover. In the top of the pops magazines they had the front cover of the magazine on the contents page which I thought was a little bit pointless and would have took a little too much room.

I have used bold page numbers and titles which are neatly placed around the page. This is to make it easier to see what sorts of pages everything it on. I have also kept exactly the same colours; pink, black and white, moving from the front cover onto the contents page. Keeping everything colour connected which makes everything look neater and presents itself better to the audience. It clear to see what is more important in the magazine through the change of font size, making the reader aware that its the main topics inside the magazine. It attracts the readers attention because it varies and stands out from the rest of the pages.

Question 1. develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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My Contents Page

I decided to make my contents page quite simple and easy to follow. Sometimes contents pages are very busy and you can hardly understand what pages have what on them. I think keeping it quite simple has made it far more pleasant to look at. I have also used the same colours and font as I did on the front cover which is also good because it doesn't make the magazine look cheap or random. I Think that it is easy to see that this contents page goes with that front cover because I have maintained the features throughout my magazine. To keep the attention on the cover star i have included a second photo of original photography and enlarged the picture as well as adding a bigger font next to it. This will show the importance of her in my magazine.

Question 1. develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Double Page Spread-influence.It was quite hard to find a double page spread which influenced me to make mine the way it is. I have been looking at ones which were featuring bands like Little Mix or JLS. And i especially looked at the double page spread with Jessie J. I like the way it was presented, the picture of Jessie takes up one page and that shows the importance of her. I also liked how the questions which were asked were really interesting. Therefore i think my main influence was this one in particular.

Here’s a link to my blog to see an annotation of a top of the tops double page spread along with its conventions. As well as an analysis of what id like my double page spread to look like



Question 1. develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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My Double Page Spread.For my contents page i liked the idea of having the first letter of Jades name in the background behind the text. I think it gives the double page the colours which are important in my magazine. It just makes the text look more Interesting. The font is a good size because its easy to read and its obviously one which is pleasant to read. Some fonts can be very irritating. I know that POP music magazines like funky fonts but sometimes it doesn't look so good as it can be frustrating to understand.

I really think that jades body language in this picture is perfect for a double page spread. She looks young, relaxed and welcoming. Her smile and pose show this friendliness about her.

Little things like the fonts and colours make a huge difference, everything matches with the pictures and it just looks colour coordinated

Question 1. develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social


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Cover star.My target audience is teenage girls which can be identified easily by looking at the magazine straight away. It’s the typical fun, gossip packed pop music magazine. I found pop music magazine like Top of the Pops and WE LOVE POP very beneficial because it helped me to understand how to fit this genre into my magazine as well as how to target it to teenage audience.

A little bit about my cover star:

The young girl on the front demonstrates this fun and outgoing personality by her body language.

She is confident and beautiful which matches a lot of pop stars as they always have a lot to give through their appearance. It’s clear to the

public that jade has beautiful feature and this makes the younger

girls look up to jade. The body language which Jade has are also

something which shows the confidence and kindness of this new

young pop star.

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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More photography...

And for the other small picture of the girl ‘Deanna’ on the front cover, i have decided to use this to create a little bit more inspiration for younger girls. Deanna is also very pretty and natural which matches the cover star.

support artist: 2 boys and a girl. This was because i know how much girls love to support good looking boys and how much popularity it would have created within the teenage fan base. Using two good looking boys would definitely make the band more popular because it would create a fan base.

All the other photos which i have taken for my magazine I have also tried to keep in the age group and the first impressions which the people give out.

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Using people of the same age group can create a bond with any target audience fans and this means that the magazine easily appeals to them.



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Question 3: what kind of media institution might Distribute your media

product and why?

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The genre of my magazine KANDY is pop and the target audience is teenage girls. My magazine is very similar to the ones like Top of The Pops, WE LOVE POP which are of course from huge distribution companies. I do feel that my magazine would perfectly fit in beginning to work with huge distributors because it looks could look extremely eye-catching along side the rest of the top selling magazines.

Distribution of my media productQuestion 3: what kind of media institution might Distribute your media product and why?

I found that may popular music magazines had been produced by them. These magazine including NME, Q magazine and Kerrang.

They were also involved in a range of media such as TV, radio, internet, phones, magazines etc. However, even though the company was involved in a number of magazines I didn't’ feel as though it was the right one for my own particular magazine.

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Question 4: who would be the audience to your media


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Target AudienceMy magazine will only be

targeted at girls, and this is because the magazine

influences I looked at are typical teenage girls

magazines. And I have followed these influences. The age

specifically will be something around 10-15. I think this type

of age group would find my magazine interesting and easy

to read, it has the perfect colour scheme and fonts to attract young girls, and of

course the pictures on the front and inside will make is far more



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Question 5: How did you attract/address your


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The name ‘KANDY’ is basically signifying something which is

colourful, girly and sweet. I think its quite catchy and sounds like a good magazine name. I decided to spell it

with a ‘K’ instead to add the uniqueness side to the name. The

colours of this masthead are a little bit of a mix and this matches the crazy pose which jade has on the front cover. Instead of using pink i have went to 2 different shades of purple to make sure the magazine

wasn’t overcrowded with the colour pink. I think the font is good as its

quite simple, easy to read and looks a little bit like candy sticks.

As mentioned a numerous amount of times on my blog, the colours that i use do affect the magazine. In this case i think the colour i have used suit my target audience perfectly. The colour black creates a little bit of the mystery of growing up, the white could mean purity as well as a good base colour and pink is symbolised as a very cute, loving colour, the stereotypically favourite girls colour. I have also added little bits of orange when the interview takes place on the double page spread. This is in order to separate the constant use of the three colour and add in something which will stand out more against them.

Colours:Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

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the use of having the posters inside which are of young boys is the a magnet for the girls. I also think that Jade is the most important in the magazine therefore she takes the

attention off most of the cover lines.

The images are also something important

because it is the biggest thing on the page

therefore the image has to be eye catching

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

I think the images throughout my magazines all have a lot in common. Everyone is making eye contact and are all around the same age(teens) This appeals a lot to my target audience.

Jade’s facial expressions are warm and welcoming, it makes her seem very friendly and fun

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Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies

from the process of constructing the product?

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During the making of my magazine I was able to post blog posts which showed how I was getting on through taking snap shots.


Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?


Before knowing what software to use I would have tried a little bit of everything and particularly loved page plus.

Here is my first ever attempt on doing a music magazine on the Page plus software. http://


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Software used – strengthsThe most important thing i have learnt is probably the fact that it takes such a long time to produce a successful magazine and there is a lot more work that goes into it than anyone thinks.

Paint.Net Page Plus Microsoft Word Publisher

easy to use but takes time to get used to.

Great effects. Extremely easy and logical to use.

Able to change file into a JPEG easily

Able to have different effects and get rid of the background using the wand.

Very easy to use. Flexible when changing fonts colours and sizes.

Easy to annotate a inserted picture as there is enough space around the document

Many tools available to use.

Able to create and develop different things into better.

Prevents mistakes through the use of spell check.

Out of all three i think the one i have enjoyed using will be page plus. I only recently got introduced to this programme and have found it

extremely useful. It has allowed me to change features of my magazine successfully giving out interesting effects.

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

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Software used – weaknesses

Paint.Net Page Plus Microsoft Word


Hard to keep up with everything you do.

The cropping of the background was hard to operate.

Unable to save word document as a JPEG file.

There isnt any unique tools to use

Limited choice of shapes and brush effects

Difficult to find some of its features.

Hardly any filters or effects on the word documents.

It was impossible to crop the background completely

The quality isn't as good as it appears to be once printed.

Each of the three documents had its uses during the development of my magazine and therefore each of these played a successful part. Page Plus was able to help me out the most, in my opinion, as it would allow me to make my magazine a lot more

interesting through the use of effects.

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

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BloggerBlogger was the way i presented the process of making my magazine. This was displayed through uploading blog posts with any drafting and planning, or organising of my magazine which soon gathered information step by step of how my magazine ended the way it did.

I am able to access this blog at any time i want, adding posts at any time and organising my work through the date stamps. I think this is a lot better as i am able to delete, re-write or edit posts quickly.

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

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Question 7: Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression

from it to the full product?

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Looking back at the preliminary task...

In the preliminary task everything looks very plain and boring, there is nothing going on and the magazine looks very empty.



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Contents Page:


The contents page on the preliminary task looks more like a leaflet, it once again looks plain and boring. It has no effect of any major effort being put

into it. The target audience is not very obvious either. I have honestly improved.

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Overall I am very pleased with the way my magazine has turned out. There were a few changes made and I was doubting the outcome however i am satisfied that the magazine which i have created is perfectly appeals to my target audience and its obvious what genre of music it is. I am very happy with the decisions I have made. The research and development made towards my magazine has been a success. My original photography which i have taken myself has been incredible. The colour scheme flows throughout my magazine and this makes it look quite unique, it also makes the magazine look a lot more tidy and pleasant to read.