karen marino [email protected]. i am a happy nutritionist my story began in april of 2001 when i met...

PART 1 NUTRITION Karen Marino [email protected]

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Karen [email protected]

I am a happy nutritionist

My story began in April of 2001 when I met Gigi

I needed to find a new way to help my clients

Many were suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides

Most of my clients just did not feel well and I wanted to help them

From that day on my life became much brighter


These statements made in this presentation have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. Isotonix nor nutrametrix are not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease


I am here to teach you all you need to know about our nutrition line

When you learn how powerful these vitamins can be you will be able to sell them.

As you are selling these supplements you are helping others as well as yourself

We need to learn about everything we can do to look and feel the best we can

Nutritional Deficiencies

Every single person has nutritional deficiencies

When you are deficient in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients your body cannot operate at optimal levels

Fruits and veggies may have As little as 10% of the nutrients They had 50 years ago

We Need Vitamins

All vitamins are not created equallyoptimally we should get our

vitamins from our foods in a pure world

We live in a toxic world but we still need to find the right way to balance our bodies


Isotonix overview

Understanding the role of the digestive tract

Absorption and transportation of nutrients

The only delivery system available the isotonix delivery advantage

What does isotonic mean

Iso = same Tonic=tone or pressure The reason why the nutrients are

absorbed so well There is no dilution of nutrients No degradation of nutrients Movement directly to duodenum Maximum absorption MA Supplements

Some medical findings

There has been a finding that calcium may cause calcifications and possible arteriosclerosis

There have also been some findings that woman who take supplements may die earlier

These early deaths were due to high copper and high iron

What does this all mean and does it apply to isotonix

Dangers of pill vitamins

It is soooooo important to teach your customers that their pill vitamins can be harmful

They build up in the tissues as toxins Toxins in tissues are carcinogens Toxic vitamins in our tissues can

cause vitamin imbalances We must not take our vitamins as

pills Herbs are different they can be in pill


Pill Vitamins vs. Herbs and oils Herbs are considered medications to

the liver so they are absorbed The liver has been designed to break

down oils thus food based oil supplements are absorbable as well.

Vitamins come from foods thus this is the problem with absorption from pills











Isotonix daily essentials kit 90 day opc-3

90 day activated B

90 day calcium

90 day multivitamin

The benefits of opc

Opc will nourish your body to boost your immune system

Opc will help to detoxify from yeast and heavy metals

Opc will oxygenate the cells to help improve circulation and memory by nourishing brain cells


Ms lupus diabetes fibromyalgia chronic fatigue syndrome are all autoimmune diseases

With the nutrients in opc3 it is possible to elevate the t-cells to give the body back its natural immunities

When the body has its natural immunities restored it is amazing how it can restore good health

Who needs OPC

Individuals with high blood pressure Individuals with gout Individuals with psoriasis Individuals with autoimmune

diseases Individuals with high cholesterol and

triglycerides Individuals with diabetes All yeast related diseases

Advanced b complex

Oh those wonderful Bs Without them where would we be The minute you wake up out the

window goes another B It is mandatory to replace it as soon

as you can

Advanced B Complex cont’d

I work on a detox program for any victims of heavy metal poisoning

Our B vitamins begin the detox program

They help the body to detox prior to an exercise routine which will enhance the detox program

So as you can see we need our Bs Every morning when we wake up out

the window goes our bs so we need more and more and more

Symptoms of B deficiency

Arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat Anemia and low blood count Nervousness and fatigue and anxiety High blood pressure and clogged

arteries Carpal tunnel disease and sciatica Cysts blood clots and aneurisms Underlying reason for mental

illnesses Poor circulation and Reynaud's


Diseases due to B deficiency MS is a B12 deficiency Parkinson’s is a B6 deficiency Reynaud’s is folic acid and B12

deficiency High homocysteine is a folic acid

and B12 deficiency Anemia is a B12 deficiency High cholesterol B3 deficiency Carpal tunnel and sciatica B6


More ailments of B deficiencyStents are more than likely neededMost hormonal imbalances like

infertility and PMSNeuropathy and numbness in the

fingers and toesThyroid disease can be associated as

wellThick blood as well as anemia Heart disease and high blood pressure


Learn how to detox from yeast and heavy metals

My detox program will help with detoxification

5 caps of b complex followed by 20 minutes of exercise with sweats

Followed by 2 caps of calcium and 2 capsules of omegas 3 or 2 capsules of cla





Calcium cont’d

There has never been a greater calcium in the whole world

DO NOT TAKE TUMS TAKE OUR CALCIUM Acid reflux is a thing of the past no more pepcid Did you know pepcid draws calcium from the

bones it acts as an acid blocker Calcium also works well after my detox program

it prevents the reabsorption of heavy metals into the fat cells

Lets share with the world the wonders of our calcium

Who needs to take calcium

Osteoporosis or osteopenia Acid reflux disease Hyperparathyroidism High blood pressure Insomnia Arrhythmias Electrolyte imbalance


Our multi vitamin is the best multi for the world due to the isotonic nature

Everyone needs a multi but nobody needs a multi with 2000-4000% of the RDA

Pill form vitamins must have this much because we do not absorb the excess but unfortunately the excess can be toxic.

Get you vitamins the right way from isotonix multivitamin

Anti stress kit

90 day OPC

90 day Activated b complex

30 day bliss anti stress formula $99.95


Promotes relaxation with out drowsiness

May improve mental clarity Helps stabilize mood Improves cognitive thinking Helps the body adapt to stress


How Bliss works

L-Theanine supports normal levels of GABA

(neurotransmitter that calms the nerves) and serotonin

Rhodiola is roseroot and in studies have shown protection from stressors,increased work capacity and decreased fatigue

Ashwagandha is an herb called winter cherry and it may promote normal dopamine levels

Bliss cont’d

Siberian ginseng has been found to enhance athletic performance and help the body adapt to stress and it has a balancing effect on the body

Passion flower has sedative effects, possibly causing relaxation without memory impairment

Bacopa may facilitate learning ability and cognitive performance supports normal acetylcholine release

Isotonix immune formula

Candida is one of the main reasons for illnesses

Wellmune one of the ingredients in immune is a friendly yeast that can kill candida

Wellmune supports the activity of neutrophils which are the most abundant immune cells in the body

Isotonix immune formula

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is in effect a friendly yeast that fights Candida:  it is much used in France, where they refer to it as the yeast- fighting yeast. If your Candida is connected to food allergies, this may be especially helpful for you; it releases IgA which helps heal the lining of the gut. Saccharomyces is helpful to prevent and relieve diarrhea, particularly when medication related.

Isotonix immune formula

Vitamin C is ascorbic acid is best known for its antioxidant properties

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that supports over 300 different enzyme reactions

Zinc has been known to support the immune system. Because zinc is involved in such a great number of enzymatic processes.

Zinc supports a large range of functions including energy production and cognitive function.

Who needs immune

Any person who has had cancer Any person with severe food allergies Any person with autoimmune

disease Any person who has a leaky gut

syndrome Any person who has been on

antibiotics frequently Any person who has a compromised

immune system

Isotonix Bromelain

Natural pain reliever Works to reduce inflammation in the

body Gives the body back the natural

mechanism to heal cells Supports healthy joint function Supports healthy blood ciculation NO MORE PAIN YAH

Isotonix Bromelain cont’d

Bromelain is the enzyme from pineapple

Bromelain works in the body on an empty stomach to aid in tissue recovery

Bromelain can assist in cellular house cleaning

White willow bark supports blood platelet aggregation to relieve pain

White willow bark supports healthy blood flow

Bromelain cont’d

Protease works on an empty stomach to absorb proteins and carry them into the bloodstream

These proteins will help maintain healthy cells

These cellular protein will also reduce inflammation

Happiness is bromelain

Vitamin D

A fat soluble vitamin required for absorption of calcium and phosphorus

Vitamin D3 deficiencies are common, we do not go into the sun anymore

Vitamin D protects against muscle weakness and is involved in regulation of the heartbeat

It is also important in the treatment and prevention of cancer

Vitamin D

If a person has any liver disorder they cannot absorb D from the sun or from foods

Intestinal disorders and gallbladder malfunctions also interfere with the absorption of D

Blood pressure medications and diuretics also interfere with the absorption of vitamin D

Through research it has been proven that over 60% of Americans have a vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D

Promotes normal bone density Promotes healthy arteries Supports the immune system Helps maintain cardiovascular health Helps to maintain normal blood

pressure Supports immune health by

promoting the body’s normal regulation of T cell function

Diseases related to d3 deficiency

High blood pressure Ms Diabetes Crohn’s and celiac Cancer Rickets Asthma in children

Conclusion of Vitamin D

We do not get enough sun Without enough sun we become D

deficient Vitamin D deficiencies can result in

bone loss, autoimmunity, cancer, as well as arteriosclerosis

Let’s get on board and help maintain a great quality of life by adding Vitamin D to our regimens





Isochrome cont’d

Chromium arginate and chromium piccolinate are two forms of chromium that support the pancreas

L-carnitine is an amino acid that helps to break down fats

Lipase is a digestive enzyme that breaks down fat

Coq10 is an enzyme that supports every muscle in the body

Who needs isochrome

Diabetics Hypoglycemia Anxiety issues Chronic fatigue Weight loss ( burns fat rebuilds

muscle ) Individuals on statin drugs


Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is necessary for the production of vitamin B3

It is used by the brain to produce serotonin, a necessary neurotransmitter that transfers nerve impulses from one cell to another and is responsible for normal sleep

Consequently tryptophan helps to combat depression and insomnia and stabilize moods

Who will benefit from L-tryptophan

Individuals who suffer from depression

Individuals with fibromyalgia Women with premenstrual syndrome May reduce carb cravings Menopausal depression Eating disorders

Conclusion of L-tryptophan Happiness is the key to a great life L-tryptophan can be the answer Promotes mental clarity Promotes sleep Stabilizes mood and makes us happy Enhances mental focus and memory


Resveratrol is produced in plants as the plant’s defense system against disease

It is produced in response to invading fungus, stress, injury and radiation

Red wine contains high levels of resveratrol

Resveratrol has been shown to reduce tumors

Resveratrol and cardiovascular health

Resveratrol protects the heart and improves heart function keeps blood flowing and keeps blood pressure normal

Prevents blood clots by preventing platelet aggregation ( no aspirin necessary)

Also resveratrol improves vascular circulation thus also preventing varicose veins


Has been found to inhibit human platelet aggregation

Biovin advanced is a French red wine extract

Cardiovascular health improves blood circulation

Strengthens blood vessels decreases platelet aggregation

Vision health and skin health due to the fact that resveratrol is anti-aging

Who should take resveratrol Individuals who suffer from heart

disease Cancer patients and those who have

familial cancer Individuals looking for anti-aging

products People with chronic virus conditions People with fungal infections People who suffer from inflammation Obese individuals

Testimonial on cancer

Isotonix Magnesium

This is the safest form of magnesium Isotonic delivery system assures that

there will be no toxicity Isotonic delivery system guarantees

100% absorption of magnesium Pill form magnesium can be very


Isotonix magnesium

Fourth most abundant mineral in the body

Supports normal blood pressure Promotes head comfort Promotes optimal muscle health Supports healthy sleep quality Isotonic delivery system, which

provides superior absorption and rapid delivery

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency Leg cramps Muscle twitches Constipation Insomnia Anxiety Numbness and tingling in fingers

Magnesium deficiency cont’d Palpitations Arrhythmia Mitral valve prolapse Clouded thinking Confusion disorientation

Who should be taking magnesium Heart disease Hyperthyroidism Migraine headaches Kidney stones Tingling in fingers and toes Stroke victims

Vision formula

We need to see well as we get older our vision deteriorates no matter how far away is the newspaper we can’t read it how very frustrating

Beta-carotene allows impulses to be sent to your brain so you can see light

Vitamin c and e work together as antioxidants to prevent degeneration

Vision cont’d

Lutein and zeaxanthin carotenoids that protect the macular from free radical damage

Bilberry improves night vision by improving circulation

Eyebright is a plant that reduces eye inflammation

Quercetin inhibits the enzyme aldose reductase which contributes to the worsening of retinopathy and cataracts


Taurine is an amino acid that helps protect eyes from harmful effects of uv light

Thus if you can’t see that newspaper today you better start vision right now so you can read it tomorrow

Who should be taking vision formula Individuals with cataracts Corneal ulcers Dry eyes Floaters Optic neuropathy Glaucoma Macular degeneration

Isotonix prenatals

Finally the answer for our pregnant moms

The perfect prenatal without a prescription and without a pill

In my opinion not only for pregnant and nursing moms

May be very useful as a multi for older people. Also a great multi for cancer patients as well as any person suffering from autoimmunity

Differences in prenatals

Too much iron in pill form prenatal Minerals are so very important poor

absorption of pill form prenatals Too many fillers artificial coloring and

binders Nausea from pills Folic acid so important not enough

absorbed in the pills


Berries support all the hormones in the body

The berries in orac can help the body correct all hormonal imbalances

Orac will support the thyroid as well as the pancreas

Orac will support all female and male hormones thus aiding in menopause symptoms as well as prostate problems


In the early times of man the diet was mainly berries from the trees and meat

Our fruits are very deficient thus our hormones are imbalanced

Imbalanced hormones are responsible for infertility, PMS, hot flashes, men’s erectile dysfunction and prostate enlargement

Thus orac can be our saving grace

Who needs ORAC

People who have tumors Women going through menopause Individuals with thyroid disease Men and women with sexual

dysfunction Individuals with hormonal

imbalances Individuals with chronic UTI’s Women with PCOS

Testimonial graves disease


It helps to combat aging Supports cardiovascular and digestive

health It is also an almost perfect amino acid

complex which encourages proper muscle contraction and regeneration

The fatty acid content is similar to olive oil and it is rich in oleic acid

What this means is it decreases inflammation which is awesome

Acai continued

I am just so happy that we have this product

We will have so many benefits from this new addition to our isotonix line.

Anti-aging, weight loss, focus, energy and great health what else can we ask for

Who should take acai

It is excellent for weight loss People with thyroid issues (not if on

meds ) Anybody who has focusing issues Individuals who have low blood

sugars People who need more energy Excellent for ADHD

Vitamin C

Our vitamin C works immediately also. It lowers histamine levels Histamine levels are high when we

have colds and allergies. Histamine levels are high when we are

in pain. Histamine levels are very high when we

have heavy metal poisoning Our vitamin C is HUGE it also helps

support brain chemical imbalances which could cause diseases like schizophrenia

Vitamin c

This little regimen helps with water retention-5 caps vitamin c in 32ozs of water

Common cold remedy is vitamin c and antioxidant

1 cap of each every 3 hours for 4 days

Lowers histamine levels when people have allergic reactions

Benefits of vitamin c

Vitamin C is an antioxidant and can protect your body from

free radicals which may cause heart disease and cancer.

● Vitamin C helps your immune system & helps you heal from

scrapes & bruises.

Benefits of vitamin C

● Vitamin C also keep your gum healthy. People with lack of

Vitamin C often develop swollen gums known as scurvy.

● Vitamin C is an essential nutrient to maintain our metabolism.

● Vitamin C provides good skin complexion & brighten up your skin


There is a difference between opc and antioxidant

Opc is a residual antioxidant which works on keeping our immune systems strong through our life

Antioxidant works as an immediate detoxifier which means it kills the invaders NOW.

For immediate relief use antioxidant. Kill those body invaders right now

Multi Minerals




Minerals summary

We need our minerals, pill form minerals are very very dangerous.

We cannot take individual minerals they MUST be in a balance or they destroy our natural balance of minerals.

As I have taught our foods are so deficient in minerals that we need to supplement

Champion Blend Plus

Promotes Healthy Muscle growth Reduces muscle fatigue Increases energy Promotes cardiovascular health Promotes optimal immune functions

Champion plus cont’d

Pycnogenol Pine bark extract works as an amazing antioxidant which supports cardiovascular health as well as a natural anti-inflammatory agent

BCAA These amino acids promote healthy muscle growth and retention. Supplementation of BCAA during exercise supports muscle protein synthesis inhibits muscle breakdown and muscle fatigue

Who should take champion plus Anybody who is a vegetarian All athletes Anybody who is taking statin drugs Individuals who want to build more

muscle mass Individuals with a slow metabolism

OPC-3 Beauty Blend

OPC-3 Beauty Blend is our beauty blend opc

OPC-3 Beauty Blend contains opc as our antioxidant to keep our bodies free of free radicals

These free radicals invade our bodies and cause severe skin damage

Vitamin E in OPC-3 Beauty Blend helps the skin to renew itself from past scarring

Biotin helps to prevent hair loss and to prevent dermatitis

OPC-3 Beauty Blend

Hyaluronic acid is similar to synovial fluid, this is the fluid that is used as injections for the pain of arthritis

Hyaluronic acid can reduce inflammation of the ligaments and cartilage which can help in pain relief in arthritic individuals

So not only does OPC-3 Beauty Blend make us beautiful people but it can also relieve pain of arthritis

Who needs OPC beauty blend Individuals who may be suffering

from heel pain Individuals who suffer from

constipation People who suffer from hair loss Individuals who have skin issues like

rosacea Individuals who have scars on their







Who needs digestive enzymes Anybody with malabsorption

syndrome Crohn’s disease and celiac disease Constipation acid reflux disease and

IBS Bloatedness and yeast issues Food allergies






Coq10 cont’d

The deficiency appears to be caused by problems with producing the enzyme rather than a low intake from diet

Low levels of coq10 are seen in people with heart problems, AIDS and in the elderly

Coq10 is used to treat yeast infections, allergies cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, liver problems as well as obesity, Alzheimer's and muscular dystrophy

Energy production is this enzymes main role it transforms food into ATP (the energy that makes the body function)

Who needs coq10

Individuals with high blood pressure Seizure disorders Depression Aids Muscle loss and muscle weakness Anybody taking statin drugs






Aloe is the permanent answer to constipation

It is not a laxative drinking 2 ozs of aloe everyday for 2 months is the answer

Aloe reduces inflammation of the esophagus as well inflammation in the intestines

As we reduce inflammation our bodies can recover from constipation

Aloe also is the beginning of detoxification

Before detox we clean our bodies with aloe

For stubborn constipation we have aloe pills


Ultimate aloe contains over 200 nutrients and is rich in enzymes amino acids vitamins and minerals

Our aloe also contains 20 amino acids, it also contains enzymes which play a role in reducing inflammation in the stomach

As you can see aloe starts the process of recovery from IBS

Fountain of youth

Learn how to feel like you are a kid again

Anti aging

We all are afraid of getting older The first gray is a very scary moment

for all of us When we hurt every morning when

we awaken we want to cry It is so difficult to accept the aging

process We fear old age diseases like

Alzheimer's and dementia We do have an answer for your fears

Alzheimer's and dementia

Alzheimer's is a disease where people start mind deterioration forgetfulness childlike behavior eventually leading to a condition where there is no recognition of family members

Dementia is usually caused by a vascular narrowing of the veins going to the brain the childlike behavior is not as evident but there is a shuffling when walking making walking very difficult

Anti Aging Kit

Ultra Prime Secretagogue

Prime Longevity

Prime joint formula

Ultra Prime

Prime is the natural remedy to aiding our body in producing HGH

Hgh supports the aging process in humans

Our bodies produce a significant amount of HGH until age 30

After the age of 30 HGH production declines rapidly so we need to take action

Prime cont’d

Prime will help stimulate HGH thus reducing some of the signs of early aging

The pituitary gland can be compromised by injuries to the spine

This is just an example of how important it can be to consider taking prime

Who to recommend ultra prime to Individuals looking for the fountain of

youth Individuals who suffer from hormonal

deficiencies like low testosterone and low estrogen

Individuals with adrenal fatigue Individuals interested in athletic

performance Individuals in body building


Prime Longevity AjiPure

AjiPure BCAA has been instantized, meaning they have been developed through a unique production technology that allows for quicker dissolution in water and better bioavailability. Branched chain amino acids (BCAA) are considered essential, as they cannot be synthesized by the human body and, therefore, must be consumed through diet or supplementation. Studies indicate that BCAAs improve mental concentration and reduce and delay mental fatigue.

Huperzine A Huperzine A is derived from the fir moss

Huperzia serrata, also known as Chinese club moss. It appears to have some antioxidant capabilities. Studies on huperzine A have shown it to be effective for improving memory. Huberzine A helps support the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine promotes normal learning, memory, cognitive well-being, healthy nerve transmission and proper muscle function. Huperzine A helps maintain normal concentration and promotes the duration of action of acetylcholine

Who needs longevity

Dementia of Alzheimer’s in family People with memory loss Individuals who have muscle loss Individuals who have inflammation in

their bodies Individuals with concentration issues

Isotonix joint formula

More than 30% of adults experience joint pain

Aging impacts joints and joint comfort

Maintaining joint health is essential for overall health

There are hundreds of joints in the body

Individuals are looking to maintain activity level

Overweight and obesity

Joint formula cont’d

There has been very little conclusive research to prove that MSM or chondroitin have any real affect on joint health.

It is also very difficult to absorb these substances into the body

Joint formula cont’d

Pycnogenol ( pine bark extract ) reduces inflammation in the body

Glucosamine important component within synovial fluid. It is involved in the formation of the nails, tendons, skin, eyes, bones, ligaments, and heart valves.

Hyaluronic Acid Naturally diminishes with age

Joint formula cont’d

Tissue hydration and lubrication inhibits enzymes which break down cartilage

Hyaluronic acid also helps in the production the body to produce synovial fluid to cushion the joints.

This formula in an isotonix form which means all of the ingredients are highly absorbed into the body

Who benefits from joint formula Individuals who have joint pain Individuals who may have torn

cartilage Individuals who have scar tissue Individuals who need hip or knee

replacements Individuals with back pain

Inflammation regimen

Prime Astaxanthin

Astaxathin is a carotenoid that is in salmon krill and lobster

It is a powerful antioxidant which can help lower cholesterol , blood pressure, triglycerides, and help to improve blood flow to the eyes

This comes from microalgae within indoor facilities thus no mercury

Prime astaxanthin

This product is excellent for individuals over the age of 40 who have the beginnings of heart disease

It is delivered in 6mg. Servings which is essential for true effectiveness vs. many others on the market with only 2-4mg.

The structure of astaxathin (Astrareal) allows it to cover the cell membrane and provide antioxidant protection to all levels

Who needs astaxanthin

Individuals who have high trigycerides

Individuals with high cholesterol Individuals who have vision issues individuals with dry eyes as well as

individuals who have problems with eye focusing

People with very dry skin

Curcumin Extreme

Curcumin tumeric root extract promotes normal cell activity

It also promotes neurological health as we age

Our curcumin has BCM95 which helps with bioavailability making the curcumin 8xs more bioavailable

Broccoli seed extract promotes normal production of detoxification enzymes

Curcumin cont’d

Broccoli seed extract helps maintain healthy glutathione levels

It promotes apoptosis in unhealthy cells Promotes a strong immune system Selenium is a required cofactor for

glutatione production Proven research has demonstrated that

it may be a glutathione peroxidase enzyme deficiency which is very common amongst Alzheimer's patients

AGE Defense formula

Helps maintain a normal level of advanced Glycation End Products

Helps maintain healthy aging , promotes normal glucose levels , helps support a healthy endocrine system , supports a healthy pancreas , supports circulation , helps support normal DNA and RNA function and helps maintain normal cell function

Age Defense cont’d

Thiamin ( as Benfotamine ) Oral Benfotamine is absorbed into the intestinal wall . This nutrient has been found to clear away glucose that has not been metabolized . The glucose that is not metabolized causes rapid aging. Thiamin also improves oxygenation.

Taurine benefits include supporting the heart vision and brain health as we age

AGE defense cont’d American ginseng root the body maintain

proper immune balance under stress and help to combat fatigue and help maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Cinnamon Bark extract is high in powerful antioxidant properties and can promote digestive health. It promotes the normal transport of circulating glucose to be used as energy.

N-acetylcysteine helps maintain healthy levels of glutathione in the liver plasma and lungs. Also detoxifies and supports the heart

can help

Prime Dreamz

Helps give you a deep restful sleep, improves sleep quality, and stabilizes mood

Magnesium deficiency is sometimes associated with frequent nocturnal awakenings The mineral has been natures physiological calcium blocker because it appears to regulate the intracellular flow of calcium ions.

Passion Flower promotes relaxation

Dreamz cont’d

Chamomile treats insomnia for its calming effects attributed to the flavonoids

Melatonin is a neurohormone produced in the brain by the pituitary. Levels of melatonin in the blood are highest prior to bedtime. It works synergistically with L-tryptophan to aid in sleep

Prime Time for men

Supports the male libido as well as endurance and strength and healthy sperm count

Horny goat weed is thought to work via modulation of cortisol levels which in turn can support libido and enhance energy levels

Schizandra originate from red berries can help promote sexual vitality physical strength and enhance endurance

Prime time cont’d Panax ginseng is used to enhance physical

and sexual performance and mental performance, can also promote normal sperm count

Tribulus Terrestris Maintains normal testosterone levels

Ginkgo Biloba promotes men’s sexual health and erection quality

Zinc plays a part in testosterone physiology and because the prostate depends on zinc it supports a healthy prostate


• Our babies have acid reflux • Calcium and Aloe Juice help with acid

reflux• We need to address this issue• 1 in 166 children will be diagnosed

with autism• ADD and ADHD are on the rise• Acai and our spectrum line of

vitamins can help

Changing the future

There is a critical health crisis in our country we need to help our future children

Our children

Right now our children need help Autism, add, adhd, tourettes,

sensory perception disorder, learning disabilities, pdd, aspergers

These are just a few of the disorders we are seeing in our children

What can we do to help these children and parents as well

We now have the answer spectrum mitey mins

Autism is on the rise

1/100 children will be diagnosed with autism this year

Some common denominators are possibly a calcium Magnesium and zinc deficiency

Most of these children also show synchronistic toxicity

Most of these children have yeast issues

Hair Test – Mineral Check

How spectrum vitamins will help These children have issues with food

allergies as well as environmental allergies

These children also have many issues with their stomachs as well as sensitivities to the feel and textures of many foods

They have an inability to communicate as well as learn

In this presentation I will help you understand how these vitamins will help

Digestive enzymes

They are used to reduce dietary peptides that may interfere with cellular processes

To eliminate food matter, especially complex sugars that destroy good bacteria

To compensate for mistakes in the diet To compensate for a diet that shifts to

food groups in higher amounts than the individual is used to eating

Digestive enzymes prevent the absorption of oxalates into the body

Spectrum Opc 3

This supplement will help in the detoxification of environmental toxicity

Most of these children and many children have neurological issues due to heavy metal toxicity

Spectrum Opc 3 can help the body to detoxify the liver

When the liver is detoxified our bodies can start the healing process

Spectrum opc

Antioxidants are necessary for children with metabolic neurological and digestive needs

The brain and gut in children are particularly sensitive to oxidative injury, Lack of oxygenation through out the body causing toxicity

The specific antioxidant ingredients in spectrum opc will help to kill free radicals

Spectrum omegas

9 out of 10 children are deficient in EPA and DHA

The brain is comprised of 60% fat Omegas are very important during

childhood when the brain and immune system are developing

They are vital for life and are not able to be produced in the body

Spectrum omegas cont’d

Each teaspoon of omegas contains 1000 mg of omegas

They have a wonderful fruity taste and can be mixed with liquids or food if necessary

Research has shown that emulsions of oil increase absorption of certain fatty acids especially EPA and DHA

Spectrum might a mins multi As we can see children with

spectrum disorder need calcium, magnesium and zinc

The multi is specifically directed at helping these children with neurological impairment

The multi also works with the spectrum opc to work on liver detoxification

It also aids in the production of neurotransmitters due to the addition of extra B5 and B6

Conclusion of spectrum multi The multi is working on detoxification

of the liver Spectrum multi also works on

supporting the nervous system to aid in neurological functioning

Spectrum multi also aids in the production of intestinal flora to help with metabolic and digestive functions within the body

As a result we can help the autistic child have a better quality of life

Spectrum Probiotics

Provides beneficial bacteria to promote healthy digestion

Supports a healthy gastrointestinal tract

Promotes bowel regularity Promotes stomach comfort Promotes a normal immune response Supports a healthy immune system

Recommended regimen for kids 1-2 caps of spectrum opc and 1-2

cap of spectrum multi each morning before breakfast

1-2 caps of spectrum digestive enzymes with dinner each night

1 tspn of spectrum omegas per day 1 chewable probiotic before a meal

on Mon Tues Wed

Might a mins

Our kids need to be on vitamins due to the factor that we never get enough from our foods

Most of our kids are very very fussy so they never eat well anyway

The chewable vitamins on the market have artificial colors and preservatives

Kids need probiotics for a healthy immune system and to prevent illnesses

Heart Health

Opc and B complex will aid in Heart Health as we have seen earlier. The following products can assist as well

So many individuals are suffering from High blood pressure as well as high cholesterol and high triglycerides. The following products may very well assist in the prevention of future heart disease.


Helps promote delivery of healthy levels of LDL throughout the body

Promotes a normal rate of cholesterol production

Helps maintain healthy levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides

Supports normal synthesis of triglycerides in the liver

Liptrim cont’d

Palm tocotrienols are members of the vitamin E family and are extracted from the palm tree.

Some of the key areas of interest have centered on its role in maintaining and support a healthy cardiovascular system by helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and supporting healthy blood platelet activity

Optimal Wellness Kit

B complex 30 day Omega 30 Day Multi vitamin 30 day Retail $49.00 Suggested retail $82.00


Improve skin and hair Reduce blood pressure Aid in the prevention of arthritis Lower cholesterol and triglycerides Reduce the risk of blood clot

formation EFAs aid in the transmission of nerve

impulses and are needed for the normal functioning of the brain

Our omegas the best

Market America’s Omega-III Contains 1500 mg fish oil per soft

gelatin capsule 33% EPA 22% DHA

Contains natural d-alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) to prevent rancidity Antioxidant

Lemon-flavored fill Meets USP specifications

Mercury is gone

Fish Oil Purity Fish oil source

Purest wild Sardine and Anchovy Fished in cold, pristine waters off South

American coast Significantly fewer environmental impurities

Molecular distillation A process that removes unwanted

contaminants, including heavy metals (mercury) and PCBs from fish oil No fear of mercury poisoning

Intense FX

Promotes energy Supports mental focus Fast acting Formula Great berry Flavor Mild thermogenic effect Quick dissolving tablets

Intense FX

Contains caffeine, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, vitamin b12 , taurine, arginine, green tea extract

These tablets provide long lasting physical and mental energy

Supports your body’s own energy systems in providing sustainable energy

Caffeine , green tea extract and amino acids help deliver energy much faster and reduces possibility of crashing afterwards

Level 90

Can help to support normal blood sugars and can be used along with isochrome

The ingredients in level 90 work together maintain healthy blood sugar levels and promotes uptake and use of blood glucose

Glucomanna a soluble fiber that delays stomach emptying and promotes gradual absortion of blood sugars from the intestines

Level 90 cont’d

Alpha lipoic acid supports normal insulin sensitivity

Gymenema sylvestre reduces sugar cravings

American Ginseng is also helpful in maintaining normal blood sugar levels

Magnesium supports the regulation of body energy thus supplying energy to help to lower sugars

Zinc aids on carbohydrate metabolism

Level 90 cont’d

Chromium is an essential trace mineral that helps to maintain healthy insulin levels

Vanadium helps increase muscle mass supports normal blood flow and normal glycogen synthesis and storage

Biotin is known to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels as well as normal cholesterol levels

Isotonix supplements for recovering addicts Acai aids in focusing as well ass

assiting in the production if neurotransmitters

B vitamins are necessary for depression. B vitamin deficiencies can lead to depression and irritability.

Multi vitamins are essential to restore nutrients lost from drug and alcohol abuse.

Isotonix regimens for recovering addicts Isochrome is necessary to regulate

blood sugars. Even moderate falls in blood sugars can cause aggression and can negatively affect cognitive performance.

OPC detoxifies and can kill free radical damage caused by drug and alcohol abuse.

L-tryptophan which is the precursor of serotonin which is important in combating depression

Nutritional supplementaion for recovery addicts 2 caps Acai 2 caps b complex 1 cap multi vitamin 1 cap isochrome 1 cap OPC 1 cap L-trytpophan

Vitamin regimens

Bone fractures 3 calcium 2 caps bromelain 3xs per day for healing as well as 1 cap of D3

Prior to surgery 1 multi-tech with iron + 4 caps of b complex to prevent excess bleeding

Post-op 2 opc 3 calcium 4 bs 3 bromelain to reduce inflammation and speed healing

Arthritis 2 joint formula 2 bromelain 2 calcium 2 xs per day

Vitamin regimen

Knee and joint problems 2 caps of opc beauty blend as well as 2 caps of joint formula as well as 1 cap calcium and 1 joint and 3 caps bromelain before bed

Cold and sinus 1 antioxidant and 1 vitamin c for 3 days every 4 hours

Low blood sugars during course of the day 1 isochrome and 1 b complex as well as 1 cap acai

After antibiotics 5 caps of opc everyday for 3 weeks as well as 2 chewable probiotics for 10 days

Regimens cont’d

For throat infections 1 opc and 1 vitamin c

Hot flashes 2 orac and 2 calcium before bedtime

Relaxation and sleep 1 calcium and 1 magnesium

For stomach acid 1 calcium with every meal and 4 ozs of aloe juice per day

Bloatedness with meals 1 cap of spectrum enzymes with every meal

Regimens cont’d

Sciatica 1 b 1 calcium and 1 cap prime joint formula 3 xs per day for 5 days

Carpal tunnel 2 bs 1 calcium and 1 vitamin c before bedtime

Infants with acid reflux 2 ozs of aloe per day ½ cap of calcium per day

High cholesterol and high blood pressure 2 opc and 2 b and 1 coq10 everyday

Sinus headaches 1 bs 1 vitamin c and 1 calcium

Migraines 2 bs and 1 magnesium and 1 isochrome


The following slides will discuss all of the very valuable products we have for weight loss

Thermochrome with advantra Z

The following slides will go through the ingredients to support our new exciting product

Guarana root is an appetite suppressant. Unlike caffeine there is no palpitations and it is time released

Advantra Z stimulates thermo genesis which means it increases the metabolism also aids in increasing lean muscle mass

Green tea extract aids in thermogenesis

Thermochrome cont’d

Pantothenic acid aids in vitamin utilization and helps to convert fats carbohydrates and proteins into energy

Vitamin b6 is beneficial if you suffer from water retention and is necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid and the absorption of fats and proteins

Chromium aids in the metabolism of glucose and helps to maintain good blood sugar levels which helps the body to burn fat

TLS find your fit kit

2 canisters of TLS nutrition shakes 1 small multi vitamin 1 bottle of core Retail $119.95 Suggested retail $163.00


Leptin is for the serial dieters the ones who jumpr from diet to diet,it prevents them from going into starvation mode

Core can help to suppress the appetite

Can slow down the absorption of carbs into the bloodstream

Promotes normal blood sugar Promote normal cholesterol

TLS shakes

Comes in 2 delicious flavors vanilla and chocolate

Has 1/3 USRDA of 22 vitamins and minerals

Optimal balance of proteins carbohydrates and fats

10 grams of fiber as well as 18 grams of protein per 8 oz serving

The necessary amounts of protein on fiber to maintain blood sugars as well as energy


Helps in promoting lean muscle mass Helps to decrease the amount of fat

stored In a 12 month period an average of 9%

decrease in body mass Helps to reduce body fat Tonalin which is 100% safflower oil

increases and maintains lean muscle mass

Fat cells store fat so we must give our fat cells good fats

May be very beneficial for people with a seafood allergy or for those with mercury poisoning


Adrenal, cortisol, thyroid and stress support

Under stress adrenal glands produce adrenaline as well as cortisol. Continued stress may compromise their ability to produce adequate amounts of the stress hormones.

Cortisol levels have a direst relationship to the thyroid and they act synergistically together

The right amount of cortisol supports normal thyroid function

ACTS cont’d

Stress can physically cause us to put on weight. When we are under stress our bodies release adrenaline and cortisol. Cortisol is the major stress hormone. Cortisol is a potent signal to do 2 things increase appetite and store fat.

In the following slides I will help you to understand how ACTS works with weight control

Acts cont’d

Holy Basil can help the body to promote normal levels of cortisol

L-theanine helps the body with relaxation and calming

Rhodiola rosea can help the body with healthy thyroid function

Ashwagandha helps to support normal levels of plasma cortisol and supports a healthy thyroid

ACTS cont’d

Eleutherococcus senticosis promotes healthy levels of cortisol during stress

Passiflora incarnata ( passion flower) works on relaxation of the body

Bacopa monnieri Promotes normal cortisol levels under stress

ACTS benefits

ACTS allows the body to appropriately respond to stress placed on it

May help to reduce fatigue associated with stress

May help to minimize stress related issues like weight gain

Helps to reduce stress placed on the adrenals

Promotes healthy levels of cortisol Helps stabilize mood Promotes relaxation as well as normal

thyroid function

Pet Health

Opc for your pet Do you know if a person will not help

themselves they will help their pets It may sound crazy But pet owners love their pets

Healthy Pups

If the owners are going to be healthy from their isotonix they will want to go on long strolls

All you owners out there need to keep your pups heart strong so they are able to take their owners on those long strolls

Healthy pets healthy owners go together like supplementation and health

Happy pets

So we can now help to keep our pets happy

Pets will all of a sudden want to go for walks every minute

That will make us work harder Now we need our health and

nutrition products to rebuild our muscles and make us healthy like our pets will be

Happy pets need happy owners

Follow up follow up follow up I cannot express this enough you

must follow up with every customer as well as every prospect

People need to know you care This business is all about caring We care enough to help people feel

better We care enough to help people to

get checks When you show you care everyone is


Who will be my distributors You have found some very very

happy customers They are now feeling 20 years

younger Guess what they want to spread the

word Guess what you tell them yes my

friend spread the news and you can get commission checks too

Happy customers become happy distributors

All of a sudden you have a prospering business

Staying Healthy

Why you must stay on your regimen

The end

I am always here to help you to be the best you can be

Call on me as a friend 718-967-1833

Email me as you like [email protected]