karnatka service rules

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Post on 10-Oct-2015




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  • RllI l!o. AI\RBIL/2OOI/4?r47

    dmewd@%d@eded @?Jd d9

    (,QFd iclseo$.roirodd - I

    or3d: DfB 3 oFc (Jd a 2012, do g.rd6 AFood: 28dc ziddo, 20t.3dd-oFeld Jo.lo(d iedD bo$dJDdgrlgil

    "d4tg .9qd6 *o6d oo$dbrld ddd$d cdood

    dooddriodnDrlldoad ioqJdadd oR djlrigod (,otog oo%dgdg lJ idd ddr.ld-rd 6dood6oddad.,ub bdrld.odnan (Jt(ddrl$tsedrtgab4 er6-go,t, oaaod: 23.ll.2ol2do$ EdDFcad oD%dddFDi-4D dg (,Qi,oeid-Lorlta+.@ 03 .)F.(JdD 2012, AiDot23.|.2012 &r ddoFr3d oar,r Oodoedi(da caQOoOS 1978d 0990d tdDFUd ree0o$S ior36 14) dddso 8 dDo6?i La8,ageDr$d 3dedddeod (2)dr nu* d*drod $od(o)d $.oei ertdddAicDdod dtrJioDR.bddoodj

    Xdo oD%dddi${ 6a-ood:23.U.2012do.$ Fod-s3otod drDda$Jdod dtDdsDRqdood $g)"add ad oa% n6oFdii o$Dddc oeeo$ erirdddlb/Xedrirb ao6d)dl6edodood;

    6111 1978d idaFsd oa% oodocd iedo eeoo$&d (1990d idlFr,lt eeiogsno4 14) dddro 8 dooori i.aiogeDd 3d( didro (t)dc s\)d dddeoaod Edgdod eerDdda$ddEncao:l dd-oFrid XtDFdd & idRaj OoiJSdC$4 di $ocrd dbr$dd, nodd:-


    1. sc&.- Eirrb doC- (l) * Ao$$rlsi&d dJoF$d a.tef n(do 0d( ,gdlda) Oo$ibdib 2013

    ood ddo$d{d}

    (2) qd ca63 oo%dgdg Eidurdotod aroodbod 6aod oddiidd2.41 rJ oo$$d gd"S6:- daroFsd :rAet ic-o 0qb$ii99 (Sg

    "&{ 6)od ido0o$*rlocn ci)ejeoicroRd), 4l A 006$d (v)dr sDdajodd dodd d, ddnd &dddc$F${ i(Ondi*d}nodd.-

    dedbudd, Bddo 9eJ, gooe {dDd o, gC ddg oFeg)BarSalor, l[or&y, JarNrrry 2.8, 2,()r3 G{agha a, Ah..Le vrDha 1934}

  • addd: * sDdriodd ic)6Jan drgddo- i-rFo Sdd$ ioolio iedo$g (,ogd)olR dddd)oededd, E6' dc, od ilga' dc (agg cdceDxaddne cg) qb$+ t'situ'n#)d)'

    3. 1t2dc Oc$*d 'gdaia:- ndo oo$$tlc 112df Oqi$d sr)d oq$dr (g)dqd '6)q

    odeo$ &o!dJ" -)ocJ -6nlt -)$ e,o3nvnJ auxcdddd*

    4. 118-o d eo$Eld gd';d6:- ido Oo$$rlc 118-o d etDd Oo5$ (2)d etDdood (5) ddodd de tgnd adddo$dl iroBd{q' nodd.-

    addd: itdo$gd*deje ddto do'rad &ddd Eitdrode Odoq n$o$dq do* ddQ(6dr0

    feq:dd$d oDdc$dg ':)LboD" ooD ddd' A06$ 302(t)de aidoad edFdd4r di?ood3{d}

    5- ls2-n de Fo$*d 3d;na:- ndo ao$sdc oond 152-o &1 ?i{'*z!ddd{d}

    6. l66dc nc6$d Eqd6:- ido oobEniig sc6$ 166 &{ Ai':gIiddld)d

    7. 16?ic oc$drd ,3dlia:- ddo iJojrddd ac$d) 167 ${ a!'rgaddtd*

    8. 169dc Oc$drd Sqda:- ndo oo$$dd 0o$$ l69dac$ s3dd 3 ;$4 trqDdsdid*

    9. 19?dr $o$i.d ,E*;d6:- $do 0o!$dg ocsab 197daob a6Dod)e I ddf, DiDoi'c 2 i5{asgadd{d)d

    10. 224-n d oo$*d g{da:- ido oo$*rid oodr$ 224-n d dodd d! tgnd a-ddc6$4irond{d}, nodd.-

    aidtS: $ Oosabda's!s*Oi icdolodd's?sXoi &qo$g cC-D 49eob eCoQFcdJDncd6D dorg6D cdQonq ngnd ied oo.$ cCF.

    11. 226dc Oos;b *gf 227dc oo&;!d 3{d6:- ndo ao$drilc ao$s 226 d)dl acd)d) 227$n $a*?ldddid*.

    12. 292 -?) dr So$d)d .gd;na:- ,do oo$$dc aq!$ 292-A d 8ldeton . ddndd&{

    d.gF.$&ndd*dd, -odd.-

    ooi* 292 -n. 4leto g!*dod !c3o*d)d$d odcQ*d)d.- (l)niDFo &dd$ iedo$ed:doded-a od").lo$ 3d)doo6 $dm aaood iodqjFdo d3 acd$dg ord6 s'])dttod ddo$Q edFpd)ddCo$, oJDdtdc 3rd edoodd sdnc&ojtrdd ed6! cogd edoDdd&r Soddjddr dd(dd aradedqodd eJdordJotrodd, etldtrodd${ ddo$$ d&icr, $eloDd

    "dd edF 'd66 i(odog Jdlo5

    3cdJ.${ edd edrq etd,or&iQod 3tudct ddddd$dsb d!60o6-D/ndddd edJD;iQdoendd*q'

    (2). $(od s'Ddelod (l)de vDg($re.ad 3 Jv d.ddddob d))6oo$aod dodd icI-jcdiqd^,8-o$r.

  • (a) o$Ddde gci edoad drDado Aq6odd edoro eodd e*oDdd$4 drD.$d)ddd dd(ddAead)ddod) cdoad aqdodd, e,odd d$q$${ crrdoDd ddojrDddood cddFriDpnddlcq d)d)oogd -loibr $i,soa!d add cdF idjd (9ddd ndidoti joaao$ dlDdddJd}

    (2r)oiDddf .9f edoDdd sdredAod eddD edo?dd${ dJodddr{ $d(dd eeAdcrd,o(d6od dDddDdd s!d6Ddd&{ eodd ddii nomon dtoddddd}

    13. 4393c Ac$$d 3dd6:- ido Oqn*dd Ao$$ 439dBo$ rJdrd 3 dg .edd${ 6Dliaddd dirldaqd, 110dc Oo$&d dJ?-odo$ ddoddd $rd?i c6b&eie-deldlaDd{d ,$q?i n6oFoi(do$ &ddoqco)od ddq$&{ AoodoisJ(d!'

    "iosJ ddil9lba qsdg{d}14. 446d! oo$i$d 3cbd6:- ido Ao$*dC Ooj)S 446d rjdrd_9dB sDdsJod(a) ddo$tdg

    "Jo" s.od) ddFd.dd' nou .dngd sJderan .?d.o4 al,o6 EJ&Fl]{ddij. ")osr d-nC$i

    dF-S&xstd*15. 569dr Oo$*d g*ic:- ido oo$$?t9 oo$s 569d cr)daroF (:,)ii Ddcron s

    gdodd$4 El9Foo"ris{4, aodd.-'(a) XEaFo ic$o6egd -Cdg noddFdg draensrdd d.9 dolaro*o! d,todg D.:!- g


  • 4sQttci$ - troald:

    ")Ce 3 o:ic croo c) 2012, dodCrD$, AFEoi: 28dc 6dd0, 2013

    tJoFotd iEoFo drtdd ($u.boal addg dcdd) oondil.rr, 2002di qd4-rl c5"da *odd&o$$rld ddd$4 cdood Aaodddrgmilrd)Fdd ioddadd Dq ;jllgod eQddg oa.idJddg ejddd) ddtJddd airoodood doddd addd.odrlon ug(Jd/id!/ iedrl$d){ eidg!:i'aaDod:23,11.2012dod) ddaF{ld oDtijdgd stDti-4o dO cQio?:d-II iorj6n+{a 03 oFsdn 2012.6oood:23.11.2012 $.i ddoFLld oD!J, d.rloed iciJ! eQoo$dr 19?8d (1990d doDFtJd cQoo$d)noajs 14) *tdso sdrDobzi t O&o?crDtud 3dc didtod (2)d( sud dddtod sDod(o)d dMeicdd6dAictodog dt$icrand)d)d0od;


    ndo oD6ddgd$r aFoot:23.11.2012dod rodF&odoti dodo$dod drDdeonclAdood d)d)dd e.J{ oo% n6o.ddi olrDddr o(ao$ erirdddgoliedd$ loodd)ogdodaood;

    deri 1978d dd!.13i oo% Jliloed irdo eQoot*d (1990d ddD.lld eQoo$an ,0316 14)dddro 8 droaii !"a8nqcrid 3dr ddd|o (1)d( e'"Dd *ddsoaod ddgdDd cQtDdd${ ?3craccot)ddDFtJ* t@FdCl & 89nd aon$d9$d d, d),oed dDc$dd, oodd:-


    1. scarF 6$* doC.- (l) dl Aoodrid$r *doFl3d iED.'o Sddd ($tnoo od.)g d(dd)

    0d( .gd"dB) aon&d+J,2013 aod ddc$d{dA.(2) qd eQddd oD%dgdg EdtJdcdr?d adoodbod zlDofi ad3iid*

    2. dd).od-D o$ l9SaoC{ ,Edlda .- itroFl}d iEoFo Sddd ($!bozJ 0doq d3d) 0c$$ilst)2002d, dd)rd-a o$ e$?!odd 3$noajd 9 (6) t Ddson d3 dcdodda${ {i,s!o?o&idt'rl,

    "ida drrdd& dciodadba noddFdg c{ do64 .$t9ti $aroo Odoe dcddogoneadolda6ond)do The National Tnrst for Welfare of prsons with Autlsm, Cerebral Palsy, MentalRetaidatlon and Multlple Disabilities Act. 1999 (CentRl Act 44 of 1999) daod)gd dddlodgo d,ocic'cJdlt dao$otD O(d)d $6

    "ordd ddtodcq eQddd Jd6olDeoid cuardans and waids Ait 1890

    dao$g a(dd drdi EidrDro d!i".

    ed:da no: a

    dJDFBd oDE6eaed Edrvo$Fod edd diode:

    eJOFr ?i/oqoJ.Eordd EQcd roo$FdgF

    EQFd qslal (irdddr-l)drddosd do: 22033135


    No,FD Og SRA 2012, Ba[galore, Dated:2a- Januart, 20rg

    lvhereas the draft of the follo\t'lng rules further to a.rnnd the Karnataka Civil Sen'.lces Rules,was published as requfed by clause(a) of sub-section-(2) of Section 3 read with section 8 of theKarnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act t4 of 1990) in Notificauon-I No. FD 03 SRA2012 dated 23.11.2OI2 in Part WA of the Kamataka Gazette dated 23.1I.2OI2 inviting objectionsand suggestions iom all persons likely to be affeded thereby withln fifieen days fiom the date of itspublication in the Offlcial Oazette.

    wlrereas the said Gazette was made available to the pubhc on 23.11.2012.

    And v/hereas, no objections and sugestions have been received by the State Govemment.Now, therefore, in exerclse of the powers coderred by sub section{l) of Secuon 3 read with

    Section 8 of the Karnatal

  • ll. Oml$lon of Rule 226 a^d.227i R'rle 226 aljrd 227 of the said rules' shall be omitted12. Amendmelt of Rule 292-C:- For rule 292_C of the said rules, the folowing shall be

    substituted, namely:-'Rule 292-C. Debardng a petson from receiving gtatultyt (1). If a person, who in the

    event of death of the Government Servant, while in service or after retirement. is e'hgible to receivegratuity under these rules, is charged q.ith the serious crime or for abetting in the commission ofsuch a cnme, t} e claim of such a pe6on including other eligible member or membels of the familyto rcceive t}le gratuity, shall remain suspended trll tie conclusion of the criminal proceedingsinsututed agalnst hi1n.

    (2). If, on conclusion of the cnlninal prmeedings refered to ln clause (1) above' tlre personconcemed:-

    {al is convicted for the "serious crime- or abetting Ln the commission of such a crime, such aperson shall be debarred fiom receiung gratuity, which sha-ll be payable to the other eligiblemember or members of the faintly.

    (b) is acquitted of the charge of the serious crime, the gratuity shall be payable to such aperson",

    13. Amldmelt of Rtlte 439:_ In Rule 439 of the said rules' in Note-3, the words "If he isnot so rcleased, tlre leave should be refused rn the lnterest of public senlce to the extent admissibleunder the fiist proviso to rule 1lO" shall be omitted.

    14, Asead.mcnt of RuIc .tl6:- In Rlrte .146 of the said rules, ill claus (c) of Note I' inpro!'rso, for the words 'not mole th.m one ]'ear" the words "not more than tlree years" shall besubsututed.

    15. Amclddelt of Rule 569:- ln Rule 569 of the sald nrles, for cliause (c] tie fouowlng shallbe subsututed, namely:-

    "(c) In the case of peFons not in Govemment Seffice' Railway fale ofAC 3 tier/Ac Chalr Carand Bus fare not exceeding the rates ffxed for Rajhamsa/Semi Delux tjpes of buses for to and ftoJoumeys and Daily Alo\t'ance not exceeding Rupees One Hundred per day, for the days of ha-ltsvrithin the State".

    16. Amet lmcDt to Form 1l t kr form l1 of the said rules -

    {I). Clause (iii) shall be omitted.(2. In tlle heading "Ust ofDnclosures", the entries relaung to serial Number 4 and 7 shall be


    C.S.No.l275By Order and in the name of the Govemor of Karnataka,

    AIICE GONSAIVESUnder Secretary to Government

    Finance Dept. (Selvices_1)Phone: oa0-22033135


  • NOTIFICATION . NNo.FD 03 SRA 2012, Bargalorc, Dateal:28' Jenuary, 2013

    wtrereas the draJt of the folloq.ing rules further to amend the Kamataka GovernmentServants {Family Pension) Rules, 2002 was published as required by clause(a) of sub-section-(2) ofSection 3 read v.ith section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 Karnataka Act 14 ofl99O) in Notilication-Il No. FD 03 SRA 2012 dated 23.11.2012 in Part IVA of the Karnataka Gazettedated 23.11.2012 inviting objecuon and suggestions ftom all persons likely to be affected therebywithin fifteen days fiom the date of its publlcation in the Officia.l Gazette.

    Whereas the said Gazette u'as made available to the public on 23.11.2012.

    And whereas, no objections and suggestlons have been rec.eived by the State Covemment.Now, tlerefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub secuon(l) of Section 3 read with

    Section 8 of the Ka.rnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnatat{a Act 14 of 1990), thGovemmeirt of Ka.rnataka hereby makes the follosring rules, namely:-


    .- (1) These rules may be ca.lled the Karnataka Go!'emmentl. Title alldServants (Family Pension) (1" Amendment) Rules, 2013.

    (A They sha-ll come into force fom the date of thef publicaton in the Ofiictal Gazette.2. Amaadrncrt of A!!c'.urc to Forttr- Bt kr the Karnata.l Goverrunent sert'%.rrts (Fandly

    Pensron) Rules, 2OO2 for tl1e entries at Sl. No. I (6) of Annexure to Form-B, the followin{ entriesshall b substituted, namely:-

    "9(6) Guardianship Certifcate issued by the Locaf Lcvel CoEsitte. in eases covercd underthe Nahonal Tiust for Welfare of persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardafion andMultiple Disabtliues Act, 1999 (Centra-l Act,l4 of 1999) and by the Competent court in respect ofother cases covered under Guardians and Wards Act 1890, vrhere pension is admissible to theminor children in case natutal amrdlans are not alive".


    By Order aIId in the name of the Govemor of lbmataka.

    AIICE GONSALVESUnder Secretarjr to Government

    Finalrce Dept. {Services- l)Phone: 080-22033135

    dao diEEoon. &3?d dad d$, do.jdoS. (;s7] (1ooo dsrj$l