karta: life-inspiring essays on cognition, consciousness & causality

Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality By Santosh Jha

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Short Description The essays in this book unravel the Karta (subjective consciousness) from the perspective of the new thinking of 3Cs – Cognition, Consciousness and Causality. The effort is to make you – the Karta, assimilate the core idea as how a holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of the 3Cs helps you in attaining and enhancing personal excellence and wellness. Makes you meet a new empowered you.


Page 1: Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality

Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On

Cognition, Consciousness & Causality

By Santosh Jha

Page 2: Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality


Copyright 2013 Santosh Jha

Smashwords Edition


Other Smashword Titles By Santosh Jha

Onlyness (Fiction)

Back To Bliss: A Journey To Zero (Fiction)

Autobiography Of A Duffer (Fiction)

Habitual Hero: The Art Of Winning (Non-fiction)

Maya And Leela: Utility In Life‟s Futility (Non-fiction)

Why We Flop In Love (Non-fiction)

Wisdom Of Wellness: Perpetuity Of Poise Of Purpose (Non-fiction)

Decipher Destiny: Decode God‟s Will (Non-fiction)

Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture (Non-fiction)

Redeem & Reinvent The Art Of Lost Wellness (Non-fiction)

India Beyond Stampede Of Stupidities (Non-fiction)

Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality

Enter 2014 A New You (Non-fiction)


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Page 3: Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality

Prologue: New Millennium, New Thinking

The question about wellness and goodness of life and living is ubiquitous. The question has been

there in different forms since millions of years. They still are. However, new issues of wellness

and goodness have been added, as we all are heading for a world, which is fast becoming

complex, resulting in far more conflicts and conundrum.

The new millennium has heralded a new thinking. It was brewing up for over two decades but

now as we moved into 21st century; we have a wisdom to answer many questions of wellness in a

completely new light. The answers have come up, as there has been a change in perception about

the three core notions, essential for wellness and goodness.

These three notions are called 3Cs – Cognition, Consciousness and Causality. The new thinking

offers new and scientifically appropriate perceptions about the three notions and helps humanity

in understanding them in a new light. This is a huge boost for confidence required for

empowerment and wellness.

Every new thing is received with skepticism. It is only natural. Most of us have a narcissistic

affection towards what we think as right and just. No wisdom, no science, not even divinity are

effective enough to open the closed doors of mind of a person. It is only a personal desire and


However, millions of people globally are benefitting by this new thinking and new perceptions

about the 3Cs. This new thinking emerges out of the experience and knowledge of humanity for

the last millions of years.

In the past, usually, all critical issues of life and living were addressed either with extreme

„scientific positivism‟ or with dogmatic „religious reductionism‟. The right answers for wellness

therefore looked elusive for humanity, be it relationships, faith or consciousness.

A „new thinking‟ believes; answers are in the integrative and assimilative domain as both

wisdoms have unbelievable commonality. Moreover, answers cannot be prescriptive but evolve

within when one undergoes holistic option building.

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The new thinking is all about an assimilative and integrative approach and technique, drawing

holistic resources from both traditional as well as modern wisdoms.

In complete acceptance of the traditional ancient wisdom, which said, „all realisms of this world

and the world beyond can be attained only through body. The kaaya (Body), which is deeply

entangled with maaya (external world) alone is the madhyam/ dwaar (vehicle and door) of

moksha (emancipation from life cycle), the final attainment for humanity, as it is this kaaya,

which is the effective subject (karta) of all karmas (actionable duties). But then, both religion

and science warns us to understand the subject (karta) in totality and holism. It is where the

trouble starts…

The new thinking accepts it and goes ahead to unravel the objective mechanism of what religion

or spiritualism enunciates. The new thinking holistically describes the kaaya, maaya, karma,

karta and moksha in an objective, singular and systematic perspectives.

Of course, in describing all this, the new thinking attempts to unravel completely new

perspectives on the notions of cognition, consciousness and causality, which are the factors

essential in the understanding of the ancient concepts of kaaya, maaya, karma, karta and


The traditional ideas are offered to be understood in different light so that an average person can

have different objective ways at understanding them better and use them for its own and societal

wellness and goodness.

The fact remains and it seems like a very available common sense that even if realism is

approached from different perspectives, the realism does not change, the way different people

look at it may change from person to person. The intelligence is in accepting all perspectives

towards a realism and investigate it with a compassionate mind. This is one common

prescription, which all wisdoms of humanity offers. That is why; it is a „common sense‟ for all of


The different small essays in this book are attempts to unravel the Karta (subjective

consciousness) from the perspective of the new thinking of 3Cs – cognition, consciousness and

causality. This Karta is you, me and they. Everyone is a Karta, positioned in the world as the

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performer. The different dimensions of this Karta in different life-living situations are unraveled

so that as a reader, you can be in a position to assimilate the core idea as how a holistic,

assimilative and integrative perspective of cognition, consciousness and causality helps us in

attaining and enhancing personal excellence and wellness.


Princess And The Devil

ONCE UPON a time, there was a king…

As is the scheme of nature, there always are people who land themselves in a station of

privileges and unequal bounties but then, the burden of onus and duties are also unequal. Often,

people accept inequality of personal convenience only.

The king had only a daughter and she was famous for her beauty in all neighborhood kingdoms.

The young princess was not only beautiful but also a very good-hearted woman whom everyone

loved. Princesses are like that. For the convenience of the story at least, this presupposition is

okay. Goodness is often, disposed conveniently at populist perceptions of subjective utilities,

rather than objective value.

Once, she was in the royal orchards playing with flowers, birds and small animals, which all

enjoyed her company. The day progressed and when she slept on the grass-bed under a tree, she

could not remember.

Incidentally, the Devil of the jungle passed by her and out of jealousy, he decided to play a trick

with her. He stole the expression of the princess. She returned to the palace with an

expressionless face and mannerisms. She looked like a statue. She did not smile, showed no

emotions and did everything quite mechanically.

The king got to know of the developments and called the doctors. Later, magicians, tricksters,

clowns, saints and every type of experts were called but nobody could help. The panicky king

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tried to marry her off expecting some change after marriage but all the princes who came after

getting the invitation refused to marry her. Nobody wanted a wife who was literally a statue.

The king was sad and the entire kingdom was doomed.

One day, a Tantric (practitioner of occult) came to the palace seeking alms. He asked the king

what was wrong as the king looked in poor health. The king narrated his woes. The Tantric urged

the king to take him to the royal orchard. The Tantric immediately understood what had

happened and he used his power to invoke the Devil of the woods.

The Devil appeared and the king fell on his feet imploring him to forgive his daughter. The Devil

relented but put a condition. He said he would take back his curse and the princess would come

back to her normal self but in return, he would take away something from her.

The king happily asked what he would like to take away as he was ready give him the entire

kingdom for her daughter‟s smile. The Devil said he would take away her beauty and give back

her expressions.

The king was shocked. He was very proud of her daughter‟s beauty and could not imagine how

she would react if her beauty is taken away. The Devil was adamant and the king was very

unsure what he should do. The Devil gave the king a day‟s time to decide and disappeared. The

Devil also warned the king that if he shared what had happened there with anyone else, he would

be dead.

…. So, what the king decided? What happened to the princess?

The story has no specific end. It is just a possibility; like life. What the king will choose the fate

of the princess would depend on and the story will end that way. This is life – the predicament,

the conflict and the discretion. Anyone can be in the king‟s place. And there can be people like

the princess; seemingly none of her fault but she had to be at the center of all tribulations of life.

One would argue; the king should know what is best for the princess; after all, he is a father and

a king too. On his prudence and right discretion depended the fortunes of millions of citizens of

his kingdom! If fathers ain‟t good enough to protect the best interests of their daughters, it is

truly tragic!

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However, one should also consider the fact that all good people may not take all right decisions.

An important decision is usually taken after consultations and the kings are used to it. But the

Devil has forbidden him to share his trouble to anyone. He only has the Tantric to consult.

You would say, “oh yes...! So what the Tantric thought was the right thing to do?”

Forget what the king or the Tantrik think is the right thing to do? Ask yourself; what you think is

the right thing to do?

Well, you can ask, “why me? This is not fair! It is your story; you should know better.”

Dear readers, forget the story. If you have to choose for yourself; what would you want – the

beauty or the expressions?

Life is so cruel at times… or often…! You wish someone could take the onus and decide for you

but eventually, it is always an individual‟s choice and before you make your choice, you must

understand and accept the situation in multiplicity of details.

Remember, people say, “you are what choices you make and the vice versa”. It is something that

primarily affects you and your entire life. You will be deeply influenced by it. Things at stake are

not trifle. The beauty is not only for mirror, it is for you first and then for the entire world. And

expressions; it is as important as breathing. Deciding between the two is a far-reaching choice.

Well, the women readers may say, “Why should only girls be troubled with all things in life?

You said the princess was also very good hearted and she did nothing wrong to deserve this

punishment from the Devil. She was actually in deep slumber when her world came crashing on

her feet and she could not even realize why. Did she deserve to face all these troubles?”

Hmmm… this is life; full of uncertainties, some time golden but often black. Decisions always

have to be owned by you. Yes, let me help you with some details so that you have ease in taking


Well, you should consider carefully the details of the story. The girl in question is a princess and

she happens to be phenomenally beautiful; three best endowments of life – wealth & comfort,

authority & status and beauty & fame. The poise of personality, that keeps one safe and away

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from psychosis of mind is a very fine line. Extremities of life and life situations are often silent

invite to psychosis.

Moreover, why do you think there is a Devil in this world? The Devil is out there to level out

things; set off a balance of sorts. In nature and even in societal and personal systems, the good

and bad are placed in cyclic position to engender a natural poise. Idealism is always


This world has love, intimacy, care, compassion etc as golden uncertainties and in the same

space, jealousy, anger, pride, selfishness etc, as black certainties also exist. Always remember,

one human body possesses them all simultaneously. The very presence of angels invites Devil!

Well, this is a story and that is why for convenience and brevity, the Devil has been personified

as some outside entity but usually, it is the Devil inside the person and personality that starts the

trouble. Even if you think, you do not apparently make a mistake; the devil inside you creates

such an environment and attitude that a harm looks like an external creation. It is actually an

internalized process.

The devil in the story is just a metaphor. Just be liberal and opened up to consider the facts as the

background of the events in the story. Do not be judgmental. The psychotic mind is your devil

inside. It orchestrates all his machinations silently and unconsciously, presenting his full face at a

time when it is conveniently opportune moment.

May be, the princess had unconsciously taken undue pride of her possessions! Anybody can;

such enormous were her possessions and may be over a period had turned herself away from the

world outside. Probably, her pride, or let us say her unconscious attitude made her lose contact

and connect with her people and she ultimately lost her expressions.

In the story, for the convenience, it has been made to look like an instant deed of a Devil but in

actual life, it is a slow and steady process, which percolates deep down in the unconscious over a

long period of time. Psychosis is not a flamboyant extrovert.

May be; the many princes, who came to see her after the king invited them to marry her, had

earlier felt insulted by her behavior of exclusivity and when they saw her in such trouble, they

felt great joy in refusing her. May be this … may be that… !

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The unconscious mind creates so many psychoses and as the person is in „princess-mode‟, used

to the pampering and stately aura of kingdom, he or she refuses to even admit that the Devil has

unknowingly sneaked into his or her soul.

As said earlier, psychosis is there when someone accepts only his or her fixated dimension of

subjective realism as true and all others as wrong. He or she even refuses to believe that there

can be many dimensions or subjective realisms. Simply, the realism he or she accepts is either a

very underrated or an overrated version of realism, far off from the objective realism.

Many of you might have met with such beautiful, very good-hearted princesses and felt that they

had similar fate. You might also have felt that the kings in their lives probably led them to their

destinies. The kings often unconsciously create such life milieu for their princesses, which often

lead them to the door of psychosis, even when they think they did best for them. The kingdom is

often in trouble!

You might even have tried your best to make these princesses understand the „devil of attitude‟

that they had unconsciously housed in their souls and minds but almost every time you would

fail. It is tough to deal with the psychosis, the devil inside…

You can ask; why one almost often ends up meeting princesses so beautiful and intelligent but

with psychotic attitudes? You wonder, why this, when there are no more the kings and the

kingdoms! Well, stupidity is another kingdom…!


Interview With A Top Model

SUCCESS DOESN‟T come cheap… too bad… it should… but then; a thing without a decently

snobbish price tag ain‟t worth a pursuit… hardly merits flaunting…. and what use success if it

doesn‟t come with loads of rainbowish attitudes to flamboyant exhibitionism…!

This world is worth a penny because, we have things to exhibit to fellow mortals…

exhibitionism is the salt of life and, attitude is the brand-wagon of what we have…. our assets…

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As the marketing prudence goes, “… what exhibits well, sells well …!”…. exhibitionism of

attitude is the right advert for individual warehouse… and, no amount of marketing is bad

selling, till markets love it….

The real buyers may not be lured by exhibitionism…. but then, where is the dearth of window-

shoppers…! …. you never run short of crowd…. and, the pop-culture feeds on nothing else but

crowd madness and competitive consumptiveness….

Sample this interview with a very successful hot model with top brand endorsements in her

vanity case:

Q. How would you say, “who are you”?

A. Oh yeah… saying it is as easy as sex… but as hard as loyalty… but then… does it

matter…?... who cares!... but, I have done a reality-check on me… did some online tests for my

personality orientations… the results put me on the high score of obsessive compulsive disorder

meter… and you know, there were some interesting things coming out of these online tests… it

said I am a shade bit narcissistic, moderately paranoid, mildly schizoid and borderline neurotic…

Q. …so, you are concerned about the findings?

A. …Neah…! You think am a kiddo…? … I am commonsensical enough to take these things on

my stride. And then, nobody has the business to tell me who I am. I already know my facts…

and I have my heart at place to accept all my weaknesses and faults with generosity. You know,

you have to accept yourself as you are… confidence is all about how you stand in this cruel

world… and who knows, it may work for me…! Probably working fine for me. I am big time

confident that I would find a man who would love me with all my stupidities and not try to

change me….

Q. How can you be so sure…?

A. Why…? If I can accept myself with all my faults, why can‟t he? Yeah… I know… it is a bit

tough on a guy… but it is the way it has to be… after all… I am worth it… I may not be the

easiest girl around but he will have to love me this way… I know who I am… I don‟t come

easy… I come with a price tag… it should always be this way or never be… get me…?

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Q. I do… but, you had a steady relationship with this guy and you are single again?

A. Yeah… I am… he was very good… I don‟t lie about things which I reckon is my stupid

past… he was a charmer… very talented, well-read, very honest, affectionate and compassionate.

And the good thing about him was that he made me very happy and comfortable with myself…

which is so rare… and the best thing about him was that he was a man… so rare to find one now

a day… ain‟t it…?

Q. Then, what went wrong?

A. Nothing…! … from very start of my relationship with him I was sure what I wanted out of

it… I took him as my at-the-moment-joy and never as my happily-ever-after proposition… you

know…! … it is hell lot easy and saves you of lots of bitter after-taste when you are clear in your

mind…. it is then very uncomplicated and straightforward to see and accept things as segmented

and segregated….!... you always need to know your priorities… you do and you are happy….

Q. So, what is next in your mind?

A. Oh… nothing… I never plan… I am wild, erratic, enigmatic, free like fragrance, tumultuous

but never timid, tentative but never judgmental, moody, bitter, snobbish, even vindictive but I

never ever ask anybody to do me a favor… I am too reclusive for all these… and who cares…! I

am successful, a winner and proud of what I have done with my life…

Q. Love happening again in your life?

A. Not now… I am a true workaholic… do I have the time for it…?.... anyway, you need to gulp

a quantum of good scotch before you go to bed…! … and I am not retiring any soon… not going

to the bed any sooner… that‟s the way life is… ain‟t it…

Wonder…. was that enough… enough for the markets… for fans would always want more…

exhibitionism of attitude sells like hot samosas… that‟s why, the media shows you loads of

attitudes and smart ingenuity and we all imbibe it fully and want more … enough is never

enough… till we all go to the bed…!


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God‟s Design: Was She Right?

A MAN LIVED in deep woods, far away from humans and that too by choice….

Since early civilization, humanity understood the basic causality of all matter with its

environment. The cognition, consciousness, conscientiousness and choices; all are colored by

environment. He understood and accepted it.

He lived in the forest and was successful in aligning his consciousness to the non-dualism of

pure nature and its innate mechanism. He thought so, only to be proved wishful…!

Once, idling in his hut, he saw a herd of deer peacefully grazing in front. He felt affection for

them and even wished to offer his food to them. Suddenly, he saw a lioness hidden in the tall

grasses, on the other side of the herd of deer. He grew compassionate towards the deer and

started making panic sound to woo away the deer.

The deer looked at him for a while and then continued with grazing. The man tried his best,

shouting and clapping so that deer could be warned against the lioness. The deer were used to the

presence of the man and were assured of his nobleness. They did not pay heed to his efforts.

The man finally dared and stepped out of his hut to chase away the deer with a baton. The deer

still did not budge, as they were sure, the man was harmless. Finally, the lioness attacked and

killed a deer for his meal.

The man was very sad. His compassion made him cry and he was terribly sorry for not saving

the deer. He said to himself, “if only I could know their language, I could have saved them”. He

then thought, if he were a bad guy, the deer would have run away from him and could be saved.

He landed himself in the multiplicity of emotions.

The nature goddess was watching all this. She had been always around the man and was helpful

to him. She asked the man, “why should you feel sad, it is my arrangement. I have wished it this


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The man was shocked. “How could you be so unkind? How can you wish and plan such a

calamitous scheme of things?” The nature goddess took the man in her arms, made him rest his

head on her lap and calmed him, as a mother does to his child.

Later, she reasoned with him, “nature is instinctive; it is singular and non-dualistic reason. As

there is grass for deer, there are deer for lioness. If you show compassion for deer, what shall

happen to lions?”

The man was not convinced, he said, “but this is brutal, not the way things should be. The lions

must understand. Why can‟t he turn vegetarian? There is plenty of grass for all.”

The nature goddess replied, “you are mistaken, there is never a plenty of anything. There is a

limitation of grass supply, which is why; some were designed to live on flesh.”

The goddess went away and the man pondered, “she is probably right. Even in human society,

most things are the way it is in jungle. Like the food pyramid in jungle, there is a life support

pyramid in human society. Things do not change even in human society as people always feel,

there is never enough and a killing is a must for survival”.

He reasoned, “humans are the most advanced animals and they have reason, logic and

consciousness. Still, they have societies where system is more like jungle‟s food pyramid. Love

and compassion is what makes jungle different from societies, still, they are not the guiding spirit

in human society.”

He thought, “probably the nature goddess is right when she says lions too have a life and they

need deer flesh for survival. May be lions cannot be trained to accept vegetation and other

compassionate food as an alternative. Nevertheless, humans have consciousness and

conscientiousness. They have evolved and developed to be mighty resourceful, capable to create

an alternative of everything still, why do they still not drop cannibalistic attitudes and practices?”

The very moment, the nature goddess appeared again. He asked the same question to her, “why

can‟t humans accept and understand the supremacy and imminence of love and compassion?”

The goddess replied, “you yourself said, humans are the most evolved and conscientious animal.

This is the reality. Humans are the most ingenious and very inventive animal. They have the

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ability to invent not only resources but also all vices and cunningness. And, still, they have the

brilliance of mind to justify all vices as virtues. The mighty lion and elephant too do not have

this ability”.

The man asked, “but how can it be? The god designed the humans and we cannot expect and

accept a faulty design by god, can we?”

The goddess replied, “what you say is the most ingenious and cunning inventiveness of

humanity. God‟s design is the same for all creatures but, humans in time evolved out of this

original design as it grew up its brain to defeat the purpose and design of god. Now, humans

have become so inventive that they are even using god for all of their selfish designs. Human

mind has grown beyond the god‟s design”.

The man showed his unwillingness to accept the idea. The goddess smiled and offered an

alternative idea, “just accept it this way that when god created creatures, he knew that in course

of evolution, what shape of things shall happen. Therefore, he designed humans this way so that

its mind would evolve the way it did and would finally be the singular source of final destruction

of the earth and all lives.”

The man was still not convinced. He accepted that what the goddess was saying might be right

but he was still hoping that god must have some contingency plan to reverse this trend and lead

humanity to a loving and compassionate situation.

… human inventiveness is so powerful that it cannot accept defeat… the man decided that he

would learn the language of all animals so that he could warn them against the predators. The

nature goddess smiled…

… before saying goodbye for the day, she said, “you are the scholar, master of many languages

humans speak, still you left society and headed to jungle a sad person. Are you sure that even

when you would learn all animal languages, they would listen to you and accept your warnings

as true?”

… the man was shocked… he went inside his hut and pondered… was she right…?


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The Intruder

AS IS CONVENIENT for the navigation of a story, at times, something stupid has to be

accepted as situational start of a journey… so, it so happened that there were five people sitting

in the waiting room of a small railway station at night and suddenly, lights went off. There was

complete darkness in the room…. and, minds started lighting up:

A young lady in the room was initially apprehensive of darkness… instinctively concerned and

thought of taking out the match box from her purse. But, it came to her mind that darkness was

rather more acceptable. She could now sit comfortably without worrying for her pimples on her

otherwise beautiful face, which she had to cover up as a handsome guy was sitting just next to

him. She was confident, in darkness, the guy would find her more acceptable and


She was right, the guy was really thrilled to have darkness around and even was praying that the

power outage should last forever… he wished to smoke but did not as he was averse to disturb

the joy of darkness even for a second. Also, he was afraid the lady could sense his intentions

from his face if he lighted the cigarette. He rather pulled his chair close to the beautiful girl,

taking advantage of the darkness, which eventually fulfilled the lady‟s wishes….

An old man sitting far across the lady was engrossed in his thoughts and as darkness set in, he

stretched himself on his seat and became more relaxed. He was happy that darkness would help

him take his mind off his thoughts, which nagged him no end. He had left his home after his only

son abused him and despite his best efforts, he could not close his eyes to sleep over the issue….

in the dark, sleep crept in his eyes….

A mid-aged man sitting next to the old man initially got nervous but seconds later, he smiled at

the comfort of darkness around him. He was carrying huge cash money in his bag and was

nervous that someone would get a whiff out of his face which he could not make look normal

despite his best efforts. He clutched the bag in between his legs and a relaxed look was parched

on his face…

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A teenage girl was sitting on the farthest corner of the room and ever since she entered the room,

she wanted to smoke. She was very disturbed as her boyfriend had just smsed her that he had

moved on and had another girl in his life. As darkness set in, she was happy as she could smoke

which she could not in the lighted room as she was shy of smoking in front of other people in the


As stories must end with something interesting, in this story too, a young man entered the room

and flicked his lighter to find if there was some space for him to stay for a while till the power

outage was restored….

As his lighter disturbed the peace and comfort of the existing five, they all shouted in unison, “…

stupid man… can‟t you see… are you blind… put off the light…!”

The intruder could not understand and stepped out of the room in complete bafflement… He

could hear someone among the five saying, “… irrational fellow…!”


It Shall Be There, I No More

THERE IS A RIVER a few meters away from my house…

In monsoon, rainwater gushing from mountains fill up the entity of the river and it flows, dances

and sings like a young lass, oblivious of her surroundings and all other beings. Whenever at the

pinnacle of my unattached consciousness, I prefer to sit down, by the riverside. The young lass

has the charm and charisma… she has a filling flow and fruition of finiteness…

… early morning, I am there… not alone… more than 20 dogs and nine cows are idling around

me… they all look mesmerized… some in deep slumber… the river sings loudly and the gushing

flow ensures, nothing else moves but the furious water in bulk… the charm draws all beings to


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Usually, the river talks to me… today, she is not… she is in pride… the abundance and the

fullness of her youthful being makes her a bit self-possessed… youth, possession, pride go

together and gel well… she is not responding…

A small, worn out and rounded pebble lies on the bank, just in front of me… water flows over it.

As the pebble is small and well rounded, he is not offering any resistance to the water flow and

no ripples are made. Just ahead, almost in mid stream is a large boulder… it is offering struggle

and ripples are visible… rather, it is making the roaring sound… water attempting to flow over it

and sometimes, river wins, sometimes the boulder wins…

I pick up the small rounded pebble in my hand and he starts talking to me… I can feel the same

energy of my unattached consciousness in the pebble. The pebble says calmly to me, “two

thousand years ago, I was there in the middle, where the boulder is now and was bigger in size,

shape and almost everything. My edges were very sharp… ever ready to resist anything… now, I

am in unattached consciousness, shed all my useless and painful edges; also shed the pride of my

bulk. Now, you can see, I am painlessly small, well rounded and at peace… no pride of fullness,

no pain of rough edges, no nothing… I just be…”

I asked the pebble, “can I take you with me”… he smiled… I put him back where it was… it

shall always be there where it has been… I shall come whenever I shall need him… I know, it

shall be there even when I shall be no more…. okay… bye friend….


Of Heaven & Hell

TWO PERSONS DIED on the same day and both were presented before God‟s court to decide

on who goes to hell, who goes to heaven and who shall be made to reborn….

First was a saint and he had a huge following of devotees… he had done a lot of charity and

looked like a fit case for a long stay in heaven…. but, God ruled that he be sent to earth to be

born again so that he could get another chance to earn his chances of heaven….

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The second man was a poor peasant who died with loan on his head and also a borderline

drunkard…. he looked like bound for hell…. but, God ruled that he stays in heaven for some

good many days, before being sent to earth again…..

An assistant of God, who kept all records of human deeds on earth could not understand God‟s

rulings and he very humbly questioned his jurisprudence…

God told him, the saint did so many good things which might have benefitted a lot of people but,

every charity and good deed he did during his life time was done with an intention and emotion

of earning name and fame for him…. and to ensure that he was popular and revered as a saint.

He also resorted to some clever tactics, which actually misled many…. The peasant did nothing

remarkable as his position in life and resources never allowed him to. But, he was always very

humble and year after year, he planted his crops and cared them like his own child, always

thinking that his crops must feed many hungry stomachs in the society, even when many times,

the crops failed despite his best care. And that landed him in debt… his intention and emotion

towards his work was very pure and exalted…

The difference is in with what emotion and intention you do your karma… your duties of life…

the former‟s case was an action of goodness but for self-aggrandizement whereas, the latter‟s

action was of goodness without selfishness. The amount and size of goodness does not matter a

lot, what matters is with what emotions and intentions you do it…. karma is important, but more

important is the energy of intention that decides it….


Mishandled Potentials

HE MUST HAVE been six years old and his brother a year elder. As kids must, they were onto

all sorts of childlike tomfoolery.

It would be summer holiday and as their dad would leave for office, they would be off to their

usual devil tour, and they had a business at hand….

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In front of their house, there was a large mansion of an old man, who lived alone. On one side of

the mansion there was a tree of luscious berries and on the opposite side, there was a mango tree.

In summers, both trees would be full of fruits.

The old man had a virtual tough time. He would chase the two kids away from the berry tree and

they would attack the mango tree. As he would limp to other side of his huge mansion, they

would have enough time to have their fill.

The old man would be exhausted. He would abuse them and threaten to break their legs and the

kids would be no less polite. They would make faces and laugh their hearts out to tease the old

man more.

Think of the whole thing; was this all necessary? They should have been good kids; they should

never have bothered the old man and what for? These fruits are anyway sold dirt cheap in the

market and the kids were not actually hungry, they did it for fun, so bad….!

However, one also cannot resist the thought that if the old man could have understood their

childlike stupidities. If the old man could just understand, they could just have taken only a few

fruits from his orchard. It is intrinsic nature of trees to give its fruits to others and, the kids were

not thieves, just kids!

The old man could have handled the scene skillfully. Consider the change of the scenario: The

old man could have invited the kids to his house and allowed them to have their fill. This

certainly would have taken the seemingly sadist joy out of their kiddish adventure and they

would have moved to some other pranks.

It could not happen. Rather, all bad things happened. Even when, a small gesture and a small

idea could have ensured that all good things could have and should have happened. So sad, so


This is life for us. We all can do all good things. We have the potential to attain goodness out of

any situation. However, our follies and we ensure that we land into all sorts of bad and sad things

and negativity. Moreover, usually, we realize when things move away and we have our hands

empty. Most do not even realize this simple thing! Sadly, often, wisdom comes to us as a lost

opportunity and a posthumous virtue.

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We are all born as a huge potential. Science admits that a healthy new born is the ultimate genius

of the cosmos as the infant is designed this way. In next few years of the infant‟s life however,

we all ensure that he learns all stupidities of life!

Sadly, our learning processes take away a major part of our potentials and ensure that we grow

up to become otherwise stupid but only culturally genius. We turn the infants as slaves of

contemporary popular societal benchmarks as they grow. This suits all cultures and civilizations

of all time…

However, we all have a chance to get back to this original genius position, when we grow up and

have a maturity stage in life. If after becoming a grown up, we could start an opposite unlearning

process, to get rid of the slavery of societal mind; we can hit our potentials. Very few people

actually understand the utility of such a process of unlearning. Fewer of them, actually perform


There is actually a huge gap between two people – one with a mind being a societal slave and

one with a mind freed and liberated after the unlearning mechanism. The unlearning process for

an individual is a tough one and only the person himself or herself can opt for it. No amount of

persuasion by others could make him or her go for it.

However, one always wishes; there should not be so much of attitude, ingenuity, hypocrisy and

sadomasochism when already; the entire being is so brimming with pure affection, intimacy and


Probably, humanity is still not mature enough to understand and allow the level of pure affection,

intimacy and compassion to rule our being and lives. Had it been, there would definitely never

have been so much of attitude, ingenuity, hypocrisy and sadomasochism on this beautiful planet.

However, staying optimist is always better. As a poet said, “darkness of night is just a guest,

heralding the morning‟s inevitable quest!”

Sad it is, not every good thing conforms to the metaphor of inevitability of dawn after night.

Therefore, better it is for individuals to say a final goodbye to all attitude, ingenuity, hypocrisy

and sadomasochism, before the finality of life draws its curtain.

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A Flower‟s Wish

THE SUN IS NOT the first to rise up in the morning. Before it wakes up, the breeze gets up and

heralds the morning. The pre-dawn breeze wakes up the trees, the birds and those humans who

value and cherish the music and fragrance of life…the dance of inner self.

The nature wakes up before the Sun does and nature stirs the potential from slumber. The

potential hits the morning alarm bell for all those humans who understand purity and purpose of


This is not manifested to all. Those jumping out of the bed on the cacophonous morning alarm of

their mobile phones for offices in big cities may not apprehend it.

It is a routine in higher sides of deeper Himalayan mountains, where dawns and pre-dawns are as

beautiful a phenomenon as creation of universe. In such unapproachable mountain heights lived

a stupendously beautiful and magnanimous flower… her charm was truly magical… she was

happy and her happiness made her spread her fragrance to nature‟s deepest of bosoms…

One gloomy day, when it was raining incessantly and even birds were running for shelter, the

flower became unhappy. She thought : how sad, she may be so beautiful but nobody comes to

see her and nobody praises her beauty. She wished she could be seen by humans and be praised

by them as she had heard the humans were great lovers.

One day, her dreams came true. Four handsome young boys came trekking and made their camp

just where the flower lived. The boys were so thrilled to see her. They lit huge bonfire around her

and brought out the bottles of rum and packed food. They drank, danced and made merry…

Within an hour, the flower got burnt by the fire, her fragrance was drowned in the bitter smell of

rum and as the boys went to sleep late evening, she found herself dumped within the garbage of

half-eaten chicken legs, empty glasses and cartons. Next morning, the boys moved ahead. The

birds refused to come to her as she had lost her beauty and fragrance. She was actually


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The flower regretted her wish to see the humans. She prayed god that she be moved to even

higher and deeper mountain tracts so that no human could ever see her again…



THE DAWN was still processing its registry… the birds had though geared up for the day…

flowers stirring and looking eastward set to welcome their beloved Sun…. A boy was awake too,

marshalling his goats. He could clearly hear him singing in his pastoral best shrieking tone…

He sat by the window of his house watching and enjoying the blank sky. The grey sky would

gradually turn crimson and finally golden. The darkness of the sky was what he was enjoying.

He had a feeling it would look wonderful as and when dawn would herald its inevitable arrival...

He reminisced and smiled. How many times in his life, he found and cherished loads of

purposes. He smiled because he realized how important stupidities of life are... how they extend

you the chance to be wise. How people miss the relevance of stupidities as catalyst of wisdom.

He recalled the efforts and pain he had to invest in the preparedness for attaining his purposes at

different stages of his life. And look at the brilliance of the conspiracy of almighty; whenever he

prepared hard and meticulously for a purpose he wanted to attain, he would invariably fail. He

would feel bad, low and frustrated about the wastage of his investments. Most of his successes

came when he had done the least preparation and was not even sure of the purpose...

He had finally accepted; preparation and purpose had a strange relationship. He wished to come

to terms with the realization that preparation for a purpose is a misnomer. The preparedness is

required for something, which is uncertain. His father would often tell him – „hope for the best

and be prepared for the worst‟. He realized it that what is certain and a definite purpose, is what

falls in the realm of hope. Preparedness is required for what is uncertain and does not form a

purpose. If preparedness and purpose were linear realities, there would have been far more

success stories on earth. Success remains as handful exceptions… success has traditionally been

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referred to as object of desire, hope and dreams. The real world faces the trouble that failures are

the rule and most people are least prepared for it….

He realized; one needs to be in the state of „readiness‟ not for a specific purpose but as life in

general. One needs not to „prepare‟ but to be „ready‟. Readiness itself is the larger purpose for all

preparedness. Preparedness is only a process whereas readiness is the end product; the final

destination. The readiness is required not only for failures but also for successes. Handling

success is more tedious task than handling failures. Success requires larger readiness.

He smiled as he realized he had attained readiness. When you attain, you go blank. The zero is

the highest point of readiness. He thanked the almighty for bestowing upon him a series of crises

and loads of stupidities … this journey to zero was necessary. He however prayed that the

wisdom of zero remained with him. He wished to continue with his „readiness‟ and not be part of

any „preparedness‟ in future.

He had realized his stupidity. The road ahead was clear to him. He had gone past the fear factor

in his life. And, the readiness, the ultimate and exalted beingness was just beyond the confines of

the fear factor. He remembered, how since childhood, he struggled to conquer a series of fears he

thought he was born with. He grew up demolishing them but only to realize that he had added

more fears than he overpowered.

The existential fears were replaced by fears that society offloaded on him. He grew up accepting

so many benchmarks of successes and goodness that his family, his peer group, his seniors, icons

and leaders lined up for him to follow. He grew up preparing hard to win all the benchmarks and

in time got more apprehensive of failures and loses.

Even successes that came when he expected them the least, made him bury deeper in the abyss of

fear. Each success only stretched the benchmarks and prolonged the process of preparedness.

The fear never went away; rather it grew up engulfing his beingness totally. He could not

understand the elusiveness of the state of readiness; a stage after reaching where he could say he

had finally arrived. He could not understand the hydraheadedness of the fear; that no doubt

egged him to higher stage of preparedness but never allowed him the basic urge of a lasting

satisfaction. He had even started believing that life is a never-ending „preparedness-struggle‟ for

the elusive satisfaction of „readiness‟……

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….. the state of zero, the state of quintessential readiness, the state of unattached consciousness

made him realize for the first time what wins all fears. It taught him to rise above the process of

preparedness to the ultimate stage of readiness. He truly understood why he felt fearless. When it

happens; all good and cherished ideals of humanity fall in your lap, they fill your being. It

embodies all goodness – honesty, innocence, transparency, selflessness and egolessness and

above all the compassion.

It does the magic…. It makes the willful merger of individualism into the collectivity; the

individuality of „I‟ dissolving into the collectivity of „us‟. It fills the heart and mind with

compassion and when compassion plays the music in the heart, all cherished ideals and goodness

of humanity get drawn into the mind. The fear goes away the next moment as this happens. He

thanked the almighty for making him understand the fear factor and its dynamics.

Readiness leads you to the door…. the entry point of zero but then, you have to step ahead to be

into the zero. Every human being is blessed by the almighty to attain this readiness as all human

beings are given at least one chance to experience it. To the blessed ones is revealed the music of

compassion…. It leads one to the ultimate empowerment of self – the ability to forgive. When

forgiveness becomes the first instinct, it is a sure sign that the stage of readiness has been

attained. The forgiveness is attaining the blank, the zero, the ultimate empowerment, the

readiness. You accept nothing - no pride, no self, no ego, no „I‟ and you give everything as you



If I Were Married

To be very honest and, without sounding virtuous or apologetic, I must admit I never liked her.

And ever since I heard that she is planning to come to my town, I was a bit apprehensive...

PK, like most pop icons; does have this proclivity to shock.... and, we old school mid-aged

people are always sceptical of that, as we already have enough of pop cultural shocks...!

PK, the hugely popular 25- year old girl, the reigning pop music diva, I discovered her only

recently as local media created a buzz of her arrival for a concert.

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Before the scheduled concert, she was there, sitting in front of me (on television).... singing her

latest chartbuster and first time ever, I watched her performing and also listened patiently her

self-written lyrics... And then, she talked freely for few minutes. I watched her; as a parent would

when his girl speaks....

Not to my shock... for a change... but to an astonishing satisfaction; she oozed tonnes of

„attitude‟ and what made me happy was that she carried this attitude with so much self-aplomb

and my favourite sentiment – innocence!

People my age, were culturally trained to show everything but attitude...! And we really have

problem carrying the weight of our attitudes, if we ever choose to show them... clearly, the

innocence is missing… signs of a lack of mind training... !

And see, the young ones all over the globe love it... this pop icon shows oceans of attitude and

the millions of her fans love it... even egg her to flaunt it like anything..... Still, this pop diva has

the innocence... the imperfect sense of poise, despite her celebrity status, to make her attitudes

inherently, intrinsically, inwardly and, innocuously beautiful....

I watched her and loved her attitude.... loved her too... and I‟m not shocked... I have never ever

been judgmental but then, acceptance is not contemporary global culture.... I must say, I accepted

her and her attitude.... must say, I am happy this way....

Thought... if I were married and had a daughter like her; sure, I would not allow her to wear the

inorganic skin of shock. However, when she would show off her innocent attitude and would ask

me, as a venturing daughter always asks her father for assurance, “...dad, am I doing it right and

the way you would like it to be...?”

… I would say, “... I‟M JUST LOVING IT....!”

Am I being retributive .... or, even insanely apologetic about my own failures with my

experience and experiment with the thing called „attitude‟...? May be! But then... I‟m aging, I

wish, I had a daughter and I would have joyed approving her attitude of innate innocence…


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You Ordain What Your God Shall

A person said, “… whichever way and whatever people ask me to understand is like a

meaningless lecture to me… I shall understand only when my God shall wish me to… till then,

all wisdom is like wastage of words to me…. and, this is also true for others…”

One is truly curious… one feels and believes, god is one‟s own intrinsic nature… one‟s natural

emotions… one‟s instinctive me…. and he or she is a constantly evolving potential…. so his or

her god is also in incessant evolution….

So, what that person said, was probably a reminder to the fact that when one‟s god shall evolve

to accept itself as nothing but me, it shall be in a position to understand. In other words, when I

shall evolve to such a stage where I shall realize that what I am is what my god is, then only shall

I accept all that I need to….

It sounds strange… we always say, things shall happen when God shall ordain…. And things do

happen at some stage of time and circumstances…. and we all think and thank god for making

that happen…. but, isn‟t it that, that happened because in time, we evolved ourselves to such a

point where it actually happened…

It is like, I do think that I should be ideal for the position of being the President of USA… but, it

is not happening for me…. so I say, it shall happen when god shall wish. Years pass… and as I

have this in my mind that I must be the president of USA, I am actually gradually moving

towards that end with an evolution mechanism which even I cannot visualize as happening but in

reality, I am actually inching slowly and unconsciously towards that end. And one day, I do

become the president of USA…. and I thank god to make it possible for me….

In reality, it is my own potential that I unconsciously chased and it happened… what made it

happen is truly the god but, it is my intrinsic nature which worked for me in silence, in sub-

conscious and in innate me….

…. if it could not happen… if I die without being the president of USA, I would say, God

ordained otherwise. And it would happen otherwise as probably, I could not evolve myself to be

my god…. or probably, my evolution process was right but physical circumstances had their own

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play… as it can happen to anyone. And also, someone else too was evolving towards similar goal

and probably, his evolution to his godliness was greater and better than mine…. so, my god

submits to his god‟s wishes…!

It really doesn‟t matter… who wins and who not… but, it is crucial that our god must be our

evolved potential and it is truly infinite. And be assured, even if our own god fails to get what we

wanted, it is sure the godliness shall be there for us. Even if I do not become the president of

USA, it is for sure that I acquire all the goodness and qualities of a president. No god leaves us

with empty hands. We just need to know our respective god and that will fill us with all

goodness that we all need to be happy and satisfied.

And, please don‟t wait for your external god to make things happen for you…. you will get what

god can give in seconds if you understand and accept that you, standing on the horizon of your

true and ever-evolving potential is your god….


What Sinks In, Stays

They are a gang…. armed with something, may be deemed deadliest of human weaponry –

Corruption of Innocence! And, its brute situational justification…and even eulogy… !

Not much to the surprise, this gang is a favorite with another „gang‟ – the journalists. The gang

operates 24x7 on the banks of river Ganges in the state capital of a eastern state of India, which

is essentially a place called crematorium. The gang has 8-10 members, all less than 8 years old,

almost naked and ever hawkish. On an average, 20 dead bodies arrive a day at this crematorium

and this gang has a natural right over all of them. They line up in a fake seriousness and as

clothes, sheets and other things from the person of the bodies are discarded, they pounce on the

booty and then comes the real joy.

The celebration begins…. the possession is up for a fight too but as dead bodies are in plenty….

no real competition…. they wear some of these discarded clothes and then prepare for the next

stage. A section of the gang readies to salvage some ornaments from the burning pyre which

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relatives often leave with the dead bodies…. and if a gold ring or a bracelet is retrieved, the

celebration gets too noisy…. blood paints the sands….

Once upon a time, a Buddha saw only one dead body and he left his kingdom, believing this

world a place full of pain and sufferings. This gang has an average count of 20 dead bodies a day

and they always want more. It adds to their joys and celebrations! For them, death and dying is

greatest celebrations on earth…

The thing that separates this gang from Buddha is what is a learning mechanism. What sinks in is

what stays…. this is a simple retrieval from the gang‟s joyous celebrations. One death sunk in

the heart of Buddha. Hundreds of deaths fail to sink in within the hearts of the these „gangsters‟.

Naturally, it doesn‟t stay…. it makes all the difference….. !

This corruption of innocence is pathetic…. but this also is a huge joy for people who understand

the basic energy behind all this…. some journalists call them „the first line of true saints‟. Others

flay the loss of innocence… still others rue the whole scenario…..

It beautifully discovers the underlying energy – what sinks in, stays…. so the trick is out for

ingenuity… but it is also for wisdom. In our relationships, we also allow the corruption of

innocence. Intentionally or otherwise; not allowing words and feelings to sink in. Thus, failing it

to stay with us. The positive is, let negativity not sink in, and refuse it to stay with us…..


The Full Circle Of Wisdom

In different ancient philosophical and spiritual traditions, also in highest religious orders, there is

one goal that has been prescribed and defined as a must for all humans born…. irrespective of

what their station of life makes them do… and, that is what in Sanskrit language is termed as


The term may be simply translated as self-dialogue but it actually has a meaning much more than

that… the first part „aatma (self)‟ is also not what the word means literally but involves a „self‟ in

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largest possible connotation… the second part, „sakhchhatkaar (dialogue)‟ is much more

expansive in interpretation and coverage…

One wonders… especially in contemporary world of extreme consumerism and liberal self-

indulgence, where the global desire is to maximize external possessions and fulfill wildest of

dreams of the six senses, what a normal human being would think of the idealism of „aatma-

sakhchhatkaar‟ as the goal of life…!

Strange it may be but the newer ideas in hugely consumerist and competitive world of corporates

are surely and firmly rooted in this ancient wisdom of „aatma-sakhchhatkaar‟. The

contemporary corporate world considers human resource as the prime asset of a company and in

latest workshops, the top managers are being asked to ask one question to themselves and come

up with answers… and the question is : “… who are you…?”

There is also a call in the occidental world which aims at looking back at basics of humanity and

social community lives… the question is also the same…. the psychologists and sociologists are

working towards a life model that looks inwards… the science and art of psychosynthesis and

psychoenergetics are coming up with good popularity….

In fact, there has to be a slight correction in what ancient wisdom said as goal of life and what

the modern contemporary world can accept as. The „aatma-sakhchhatkaar‟ has to be at the core

of modern education system and it has to be made not a goal of life but a necessary precursor to

all that may be considered as goals of life.

„Aatma-sakhchhatkaar‟ essentially readies oneself for life and living…. and when one is ready,

he or she may be in better position to understand and accept as whatever goal of life he or she

may choose and decide for oneself….

It is however altogether different matter that those who understand and live the „aatma-

sakhchhatkaar‟ process, finally accept it as something they would love to stay at throughout their

lives…. this road itself becomes destination….


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Difficult It Is To De-difficult A Difficulty

At the peak of snow-clad Himalayas, watching a stream building up, made by small drops

melting from huge blocks of ice, one thinks; if one could surrender himself to the waves of this

stream, floating on the water without resistance, one could finally reach the oceans!

Next moment, one realizes the futility of the dream.

Humans are not water; this fluidity of liquid is missing. The egolessness of being shapeless and

formless is missing. The water shall bend and accept all bruises en route and still move ahead

with innocence and humility. The fluidity and formlessness of water is not available virtue for


Too difficult for us… We can swim, swim against a wave but not flow like water!

The fluidity; the state of being natural-simple-navigable is difficult.

The large chunks of ice on top of Himalayas; they have colossal forms and not even liquid, still,

they reach the oceans! Why not we? They do not have the fluidity but they are willing to attain it

and they melt.

They have the natural-simple-navigable attitude to attain fluidity.

The large boulder, standing mid-way the mighty stream; they reach the oceans. They are not

liquid. Why not we? They do not have the fluidity but they are willing to attain it and they erode.

They have the s natural-simple-navigable attitude to attain fluidity.

They drop the ego to be shapeless and formless and happily turn into sand.

Is it really that difficult? It is… Like ice and rock, we have a form and mechanism… but they

have a singular consciousness, perfectly and innately aligned and attuned to the overall

consciousness of the mighty Nature. We do not have this facility…

We have egoistically multiple and multi-dimensionally conflicting consciousness. An

individual‟s consciousness is not singularly aligned to cosmic consciousness. It has an innate

component as well as a cultural component. The singularity of consciousness is missing…

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The non-dualism of ice and rock leads them intrinsically to melt, erode and assimilate with

singular mechanism of nature‟s scheme of things… the stream intuitively follows the „natural

gradient‟ the landscape has provided… nature‟s scheme decides the flow…

Humans have dualistic consciousness… engendering rainbowish randomization of probabilistic

positioning… the conflict ensues and ensures more psychotic randomizations …

Fluidity is an art… needs lots of riyaaz, the perseverance of practice… being natural-simple-

navigable is innate positioning, which we all lose connect with as we grow… fluidity is

„unlearning‟ mechanism… more difficult than „learning‟…

Not easy …! … how we always wish, it could be… we can try… we shall… can‟t we…!


Of „Pre-Wired‟ Singularity

In the last days, when Leo Tolstoy was confined to bed, what he said when in intense pain and

even a state of perfect acceptance of his state of being is truly mesmerizing…

Sample this:

“… everything that happens to a human being is inextricably bound up with the life of the rest of

the universe and serves as a manifestation of one and the same life force. Though inaccessible to

our minds, this life force is undoubtedly rational and good. Therefore, the death of each and

every human being – whatever its external cause – occurs only when this death becomes

necessary for his own good and for the good of others….”

This was 1910… and later years of 20th

century saw the rise of a scientific acceptance of the

concept of one energy…. and now in 21st century, latest scientific positioning weaves a close

correlation of almost all celestial happenings to a „scheme of things‟ pre-wired and pre-

scripted…. or what spiritualists would call it as „ordained‟….

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Ancient Indian philosophical and religious scriptures talked of Tolstoy‟s ideas almost 1500 years

back…. rationality and faith look different but are one energy. This is such a beautiful and

satisfying situation…. the feeling that all that can be revealed to all creatures of this universe and

beyond is not in confusing multiplicity but in simple singularity …..

We all are one correlated energy, manifested differently and diversely but only in form, but in

spirit and faith, we are all one…. conflict is in form… harmony in faith….

…. and as Tolstoy very rightly said:

“…. more a person‟s individual manifestation unites with manifestations of others, more he

exists in larger and true sense…. and this union with the lives of other beings is accomplished

through love and compassion …. god is not love, but the more there is of love, the more man

manifests God, and the more he truly exists...”

However, this Tolstoy-syndrome is a huge awakener…. “…do it before you land on the death-



God Can‟t Help, We Can

Somehow, as things are… god cannot help you much…. He is too catalytic for that… He is not a

mover…. just a facilitator…. only we can help each other…. truly and effectively… this world is

a very cruel place…. nature is always very cruel…. and if you do not have somebody, who can

take your hand and lead you to sanity, joy and emancipation…. you will end up knocking all

wrong doors….

…. that's why, we all have parents… they were designed to be deputies of god on earth…. but

then…. the cruel nature has its game-plan here too…. when men and women become parents,

they are themselves too young. Their own senses desiring too many of their own fulfillments…

so… essentially, in most cases, the parents grow up along with their own kids….! ... unfortunate

but true…!

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That‟s why… old families usually had grand-parents…. the support system for a child was

almost perfect…. and….. multi-layered…. lifelong…. we all need a „hand‟ to lead us… to

protect us… to guide us. Marriage is supposed to be an ideal exchange of hands to each other….

the man be the father of the bride first, then a husband…. the woman be the mother of the groom

first, then be a wife… all in a metaphoric scheme of things….

…. and…. even when, they cease to be husband and wife, they remain parents to each other….

till death maketh them apart…. god cannot help you much…. only we can help each other….

and, we should always do… we remain a man or a woman…. even if we cease to be a particular


….. for… a woman must be sure… when a man holds her hand and leads her to a dark tunnel….

she has the faith…. at the end of the tunnel is light…. and inside tunnel…. the man shall remain

truly a „man‟…. even as in the darkness of tunnel, he ceases to be a „relationship of manhood‟….

and…. the vice-versa….


Eleven Dimensions of Hopes

Scientists now maintain, there are possibly eleven dimensions in the universe… though we

humans have perception of only three…. may be, we are in urgent need to explore more

dimensions and be truly aware about them at very actionable levels…. we humans are very much

sad victims of single-dimensionality of a large part of social and personal universe around us….

Usually, when we decide on the utility of a matter, we take into consideration all three known

dimensions of it – the length, width and depth …. sadly however, when it comes to measuring

the utility of an idea, we are greatly troubled…. most ideas present themselves as single-

dimensional…. or simply dimensionless…. !

But then…. as scientists say they can identify eleven dimensions of matter…. why can‟t we

discover and actuate eleven or even more dimensions to an idea….! Yes… we aan…… but


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It is not easy…. rather, very tough…. because, it is a mind thing…. not as convenient as

matter… when scientists talk about eleven dimensions of realism, they talk essentially of mind

positioning…. may be mathematically interpretable, not amenable to physical manifestations….

The multi-dimensionality of a pure idea like compassion, affection or intimacy, etc. is also very

much possible to understand and practice…. If and only if the mind allows it to be positioned in

different symmetrically aligned ways….

The average mind, very tragically, is trained from childhood to accept singularity, simplisticity,

uni-dimensionality and brevity as hallmark of success…. and also as a truly admirable

benchmark for larger comfort and peace of mind…. we essentially train our children to be

physically more multi-dimensional but very very singularly focused on one single attainment….

and that is career success….

The hot pursuits of multi-dimensional joys of matter keeps us away from the huge utilities of the

need to understand and practice the multi-dimensionality of ideas…. that‟s why, we have large

majority of people living very mechanical lives and though being hugely dissatisfied and

unhappy, still very successful and materially multi-dimensional…..

But then…. we have seen such hardships and tough lives…. It is only natural that our minds

were primarily trained for survival and physical comfort, which was not available without toil….

…. the Y-generation, having seen a vibrant world, post 2000 AD, are not obsessed with survival

issues and take most comforts for granted…. they may understand and practice the importance of

multi-dimensionality of idea…. of course, along with that of matter….

After all, it is this generation who is in greater need of the multi-dimensionality of idea, as post

2000 world, as is a trend with developed societies, face more attitudinal-emotional issues….

purely idea level…

We all hope well for gennext…. hopes should never be single-dimensional…. can they be…!


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Attainment, Acceptance And Pain

If life happens… something has to be done with it… it is a human fixation of sorts to ascribe a

„purpose‟ or „design‟ to every small thing, which is there… and, once this ascription is

ascertained, the subsidiary and complementary purposes are lined up as necessary accessories

and duly prescribed….

For example, a poet said : “… dreams happen as life happens, dream happens then roads to it

happen and when avenues open up, there has to be destinations….!”

Over millenniums, humanity has accepted a larger purpose and design for every living thing…

and this is described in one single word, “attainment”.... it is as simple as this, “… if life

happens, it has to „attain‟ something…”.

This word is so beautiful… and, it could have been amazing to see its unlimited dimensions if,

cosmic arrangements would not have bridled it with some unchangeable restriction… the diurnal

and seasonal movements of earth in its fixed path slapping on humanity a day of 24 hours only

and a month and year of fixed time-frame….

This probably had lot to do with the idea of „attainment‟ becoming more mechanical and

actionable… people are always reminded that there is only 24 hours in a day, only 30 days in a

month and 365 days in a year and within these short times, a whole universe of „attainment‟ has

to be perfected. This gives most people the kick to become more actionable and largely

mechanical for maximizing „attainments‟….

However, this planet is a stupidly brilliant space, as it is housed by humans… the most eccentric

of all creatures…. probably in the universe….! 7 billion humans on this earth make 8 billion

definitions of this word „attainment‟… and this truly makes this earth a most beautiful place to

live in to experience life….

A person attains an industrial empire of billions… but wants more time, to make it to trillions…

a man gets the love of his beloved and he thanks the God for his „attainment‟… both struggle…

both face competition… both have attained something, which is ephemeral; within the larger

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definition of life being ephemeral itself. It is altogether different thing that one is not happy and

another is happy and content…. at a particular time and space…

This „attainment‟ energy itself lends energy to a whole plexus of intricate subsidiary and

complementary „attainments‟… and this makes our world…. a truly bizarre and absurd one….

nobody should be as stupid and conceited to pass a judgment that this attainment is right and this

is wrong. Everyone has the liberty of his or her choice and its corollaries… this world is so

dynamic and exciting because of the multi-dimensionality of this word called „attainment‟… and

its conflicts…

It is altogether different thing that most humans of wisdom prescribed „attainments‟ sans

struggle, competitiveness and divisiveness…. they said, “… attain the ability to enjoy the beauty

and fragrance of rose… never the possession of it…, attain the abilities to sing, dance, paint,

cook, love, show compassion, etc… not for display but for self-joy… ”.

The body we have acquired for life is the best manifestation of this reality… we have a system

called human body which has organs, tissues, cells and genes that have different „attainments‟

and together they successfully run a body…. life and this world is just a macrocosm of our


The key word is „acceptance‟… people often get confused… they work towards one larger

attainment and regret about non-availability of another one… one life is good only for one larger

attainment for most… only a few lucky ones have two or more. The Sun must accept his larger

attainment of warmth… Sun should not rue about not being as „cool‟ as moon… nor should


If one part of our body strays from his defined attainment, the body gets dysfunctional and often

leading to fatal outcomes…. confusion kills… they said it… and, there is a mechanism which

helps in understanding this word called „acceptance‟. And this is, pain… the tears… it stops

you… helps you with a break in your journey…. makes you sure that what path of „attainment‟

you are treading is truly what you should…. and if not, then accept it, as it is… and be happy….


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Back To Stupidity!

A great mind had once said, „complete darkness is the ideal space to be in as it is the only

possible platform for the most preferred state of non-violence‟. Looks quite similar to what

another great mind said: „Ignorance is bliss‟.

This dualism of darkness and light is a huge metaphor for all humanity to figure out. Conflict is

the energy of all evolution and essential it is for all good minds to comprehend this primordial

and transcendental energy prototype. General prescription of life for average human is to move

from darkness to light. Be in the light of the god, is the popular wisdom.

The metaphor of darkness and light has since ages been associated with ignorance and wisdom

respectively. Every generation is taught to see the wisdom, be in a lighted world of knowledge.

But then, spiritually… and even psychology and science admits that the wisdom is not linear but

cyclic… this means, you move from darkness to light but this is only half your journey… the

reverse cycle of moving away from light back to darkness is a must to perfect the journey and

reach the destination….

The conflict is the energy… when destination is where we started the journey from, then why

waste energy in such redundant journey… remain where you are…. this is the conflict that needs

to be understood….

You cannot avoid the pains of the journey… if you remain in darkness and don‟t strive to see the

light, you would never ever understand truly the significance and true purpose of darkness… if

you don‟t take the arduous journey, you would never ever understand the importance and value

of the treasure that is there ….

In modern management principles too, people are told about a technique which looks conflicting:

it says, „you have to understand the twin, conflicting and simultaneous processes of learning and


… yes… that‟s it… it is a beautiful mind travel… it is a journey of free and able minds…

learning and then again unlearning… then only both the ideals are synchronized and valued…

from darkness to light and back again…

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Love your stupidity; but only when you use it as the energy for a journey to light and back. We

start with stupidity, wish to attain wisdom and then please don‟t stay there…. make a quick

journey back and when you will come back… you will come back to simplicity and humility…

which most humans would still call your stupidity… but then…. you would know the



Realisms, At Mind Level

At purely mind level, realism has completely novel set of experiences and it introduces one to a

wide new universe, as against the routine to which we are all attuned to … it then beautifully

juxtaposes together different aspects and dimensions of self to form a new „whole‟. For example,

either hydrogen or oxygen alone manifests as a gas, whereas their combination can be a liquid –


At mind level, it is easy to apprehend a very basic thing, which helps us rise above a very

crippling effect. Humans have to keep pace with changes in physical environment. Evolution is a

slow process as it involves synthesis of mind. Physical environment however changes fast as it

involves changing bodies, which is easy and fast. There are conflicts in contemporary human

societies and these conflicts and struggles are growing fast as we humans are far behind in

evolution, compared to changes in physical environment. …and these physical changes are being

accentuated by fast technological advancements every day…

At mind level, it is also very easy to understand DIVERSITY, which baffles most of us and leads

us astray in our day to day life actions. The idea of evolution embodies a belief that there is an

inner blueprint, which guides our growth. In plants, such a hidden pattern is suggested by the

growth of a seed into a mature plant. Each acorn, for example, sprouts and develops following a

specific sequence. As bark and leaves are formed they display characteristics that are the same

for all oak trees. Even so, each tree develops a unique arrangement of branches. This is a pointer

to singularity of energy (wisdom) amid diversity of actionable patterns in we humans… it is easy

to understand and appreciate at mind levels…

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At mind level, human being is conceived as an energy system. Actions, images, emotions, and

thoughts may be seen as basically varied forms of energy. As people begin seeing their behavior

simply as energy, without the usual labels of heart and soul, the possibility of transformation

becomes much more real and alive for them, opening many new options for expression.

A behavior pattern or belief system or typical emotional reaction may seem very difficult to

change for a common person, yet when the underlying energy of these patterns is contacted, it

can be redirected. For example, one will say, Here comes my usual angry reaction and then, he

or she will say, I sense this negative energy: do I want to express it by yelling, or simply stating

that I'm angry, or withdrawing, pouting, asserting myself, artistically creating something,

moving, or instead, playing with it?. Look, how once seemingly optionless behavior opens up to

varied potentials.

Thinking in terms of energy is also valuable for getting inner guidance. Through energy

awareness, perception extends beyond the forms of one's life into the realms of higher

consciousness. To live and move in the world of energies evokes intuitions, revealing new inner

qualities and sense of the next step ahead.


Stains Are Good?

People usually make sure that they follow what is NORM and be successful in the benchmarks

underlined within the norm ; social, cultural and economic. There are few stupid, with strange

and ab NORM al choices, whom earlier society called MAD but today, a more liberal and

educated society call mavericks…

People have now developed knack for maverick way of expression and choices. A beautifully

expressed rebel positioning says: stains are good! Since ages, people in love and people of

extreme high emotions and intellect have justified even the stupiditiest of choices and

positioning if and only if the intentions are decisively novel and noble.

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A poet beautifully justified his iconoclastic; maverick behavior as he said he was in love and

could not do without it… stains are good, if enhances love, intimacy and compassion… but

beware… intentions are invisible and intangible, stains however are not…


Between Only & Also

Can things be as simple as that… or could it be an ever-complicating spiral! Yeah…! sounds so

simple…. but looks so almost impossible to have it in your shirt pocket…

Usually, the best of minds are averse to speaking…. naturally….! What a mind attains is wisdom

of unknowable… something, which cannot be known but only be revealed. That‟s why, an

initiative to make an „unknowable‟ known, through the knowledge of words is such a dangerous


Best of minds prefer it this way, “…better carry blame than guilt…” If you speak, you are guilty

of saying things not many would understand and this would spread more ill-will. If you don‟t,

you carry only the blame that he could but didn‟t. Preferable!

Some great minds sometimes say a few words, out of pure compassion. One such mind said, “…

wisdom is just between two words: To Be Or Not To Be”. Another great mind simplified it: “…

the two words are – „Only‟ and „Also‟.

The first word is individualistic and sparks off absolutism. Second word is collective and hints at

relativity. From a person to society, from politics to economics, from consumption to

spiritualism, from religion to law; every single idea and matter that humanity can think of, is a

knowledge between the wisdom of the two words.

It must remain self-explanatory. Best it is that it remains for individual revelation….! It is all

about a „poise‟…. every individual has to find it and apply it …. nobody else can help….


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Getting To The Bottom of Fathomless Ingenuity!

Human ingenuity is deep and vast like an ocean…. Since ages, humanity has created defense of

every thinkable idea and action and has even set benchmarks like strong fortresses. Someone

defended his loud speech saying, “truth knows no fears”. Ingenuity presented its own defense

and countered, “thieves speak louder”.

Generations to follow are torn between these conflicting benchmarks…. to be or not to be….!

The greater trouble is the Frankenstein syndrome…. people create benchmarks to set them more

free and allow them more operating space… and later, they themselves become „slaves‟ to their

own benchmarks…. limiting themselves no ends….

Similar is the tragedy with metaphors and icons. Humanity created metaphors and benchmarks of

god, religion, morality, ethics, law and etiquettes. The ingenuity created smart counter metaphors

and benchmarks…. and generations after generations, people became slaves to these….

And even as one says this, ingenuity is quick to quip, “how negative! Can‟t they think of

anything positive”. Okay…. let us admit ingenuity call and say things what may qualify as

positive. Let us say even if half the glass is empty, we must see positives and say, „half the glass

is filled!

And, the ingenuity snaps back, “ idiots; how stupidly status quoits, can they ever be positive!”

You think, best it is to remain silent! Huh…! … how stupid…. how dare you underestimate



Of Order Of Disorder and Disorderly Order

When we talk of disorder…. mental, physical, social, economic, political etc.; the first question

which comes to mind is what is „order‟ or „orderly‟, to be precise…. and above all; by what

criteria the term orderly is precisioned…

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Let us first sample the accepted definitions of order…. the research zeroes down to the one


A condition of logical-methodical or comprehensible-prescribed arrangement, the established

system of social organization, a sequence or arrangement of successive things, a customary

procedure, an authoritative sanction of a prescribed model, etc….

It is easily decipherable to anyone that definitions of „order‟ are expressly „collective, societal

and authoritative‟…. order and consequently, disorder shall also remain an interpretation of the

collective will of a contemporary society….

To make it more clear; disorder is essentially a cultural benchmark…. mostly enjoying the

authoritative sanction. An individual positioning, as often, may stand in complete or partial

contrast with the established norms and benchmarks of „order‟ and lead to a stand which may

sound like a „disorder‟ but only by the established societal pathology…. an individual might

always say, „he is healthy and in perfect order…‟!

An extreme of this may be an individual, or a small collective labeling the benchmark of order of

the authoritative collectivity as a „disorder‟ itself…. it is happening. All rational people in this

world have always respected and even welcomed individual perspectives…. revolutions, which

bring about refreshing changes in societal-political order, have always germinated from

individual initiatives…. or from a small collectivity….

All definitions of „order‟ and „disorder‟ are bordering beyond what may be termed as

authoritative. What authoritatively is „orderly‟ is a „disorder‟ in popular perception and the vice-

versa. Old benchmarks of authoritative and societal-cultural order and pattern are in for a toss.

The new benchmarks of „order‟ are more on the wrong side of popular perceptions. Or, to

euphemize it, we can say, new ones are subject to a chaos and confusion that is typical of a

popular perception in a society, especially societies of sub-continent size and oceanic

proportions. A „disorder‟ is only natural and the system still working with some kind of a

semblance of „order‟ is a big „magic‟….

So, what should ideally be the order of the day…! Let us be realistic… rationally simple in our

approaches…. and have lots of trust…. in a stage we are, there probably ain‟t anything called

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„order of the day‟. The huge bonus is sometimes what looks like a huge burden; what looks like

an „un-patterned energy‟ of „disorder‟, is what analysts love to call „the magic‟. This truly is the

magic of all societies…. let the magic unfold…. let this pinching energy of popular disorder

unravel and undo things…. societies have seen them all…. often than not….


Playing To The Gallery

Breathing in an absolutist space of personal optimality is tough, very suffocating. The

pragmatists would insist – „thrive‟ in the abundance of the suture zone of multiple utilities than

„survive‟ in unilaterality of singular stream.

It‟s a point of order. Darkness is preferable over light as later is a guarantee of absolute non-

violence. Similar is the logic behind the advocacy of silence over speech…. but then… !

Somewhere, rationality must have taken sides…. It looked like taken to have opted for „playing

to the gallery‟, as most art and intellect often do…. even emotions love populism….

Success is most preferred utility… and not that they don‟t know that it is the „trigger‟ of most

violence; in all forms of ingenuity. Once a best paid soccer star said about one of his favorite

winning goals; amazing, success has such strange utilities….!

He said, he enjoyed the goal (…the success attained) more than sex with his girlfriend!

Peripheral rationalists would wonder, “how could he? Can kicking a stupid ball in a wide net be

a joy more intense and satisfying than sex? That too with your beloved?”

Violence must be really kicking…. an association with success looks only natural! Someone can

say, “how demeaning… can someone be such a brute to relate such a divine experience as body

intimacies with a sadistic joy of making your opponent one down!”

A somewhat politically correct assessment may say, “ yeah… sounds a bit out of place…. people

can‟t even choose their words the right way…. or, probably, do they perceive intimacies the

wrong way?... whatever…”

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This is it…. the suture zone of multiplicity of million choices….!


Maximum Can Carry Guilt Too

There was a runner…. he would always finish second in a race. However best he attempted to

bridge the gap between the winner and him, it could not come his way…. and what added to his

dismay was the fact that he would be just a meter behind the winner.

He consulted all experts but in vain. So, finally he landed to a psychologist. The psychologist

said, “how stupid, can‟t you see the difference between winning and losing? It is just a meter!

What you simply need to do is pump in just 10% extra effort when you are 10 meters away from

the ropes and you will see the magic!”

The runner said to himself, “Yeah… just 10% is not a big deal…. I must do it…”

In the next race, he attempted the advice and …..

As he approached the last 10 meters, he tried to push in more. As he was already giving the

maximum he could, his effort to push in another 10% ruptured his lung and he died on the spot.

Yes… there is always a guilt when we lose… or do not get the desirable win…. nobody wants to

fail…. and the guilt pushes one to do that extra …. in a wild hope of getting it right, outcomes

may also go wild!

But then…. a maximum is a maximum….! If only there could be a maximum+10%.... there

could have been many „winners‟ …. But, in all pursuits of life…. especially in pursuance of

something very special called relationships…. one always feels, enough is never enough and

maximum is not beyond further elasticity….

The guilt of „not doing enough‟ is always there as one helplessly sees things going wrong…. the

race being lost! Even if there is no individual guilt, the collectivity would always advise you to

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put in just a tad extra…. hoping that there always is a possibility of maximization of


Nobody believes you that you have given your „maximum‟ for the success of an enterprise if it

does not stand on the winner‟s dais… there will always be an advice to put in more. The

ingenuity of self and the collective are those devils, which will always make you guilty of

„under-performance‟ and easy it is for anyone to blame you for being a „sulky stupid‟….

But the runner, who died on the tracks…. never came first…. when prolonged efforts do not

result in what you expect, there might be a case for rethinking the „expectations‟. Can we say

that the runner should have understood and accepted that losing was his optimal destiny….

shouldn't have opted for popular destiny?

If only a better advice could come….! …. awaited it is….. but the advise be please that of an

innocence…. not the ingenuity. Till it comes, it is somehow accepted that better to carry blame

than guilt…. guilt is killing… blame only hurts….


Ask Tolstoy, Not Me

Late night…. might have been 3 am…. when a bodyless mindedness took off…. on the journey

of unconscious stupidities. Science says, 3-4 am is the time in the entire diurnal cycle of body,

when all its hormones are at their ideal levels…. and as this ideal state of being desires, body is

in complete harmony of „self‟ and conflicts of body and minds are least active….

As afflatus swung its arms for a flight of fancy…. it got a lift from what it introduced itself as

„ras‟ (source of joys). Hormones are also some sort of „ras‟…. and as ancient wisdom says, „jas

ras tas jas… (as is body hormones, so are you…)‟

Years back, had an encounter with „ras‟, which impacted in its own way. Leo Tolstoy said about

human life in his famous book Resurrection, „a man falls in a well… as he fell, he was fortunate

to grab a rope that was hanging on the side of the well wall and as he hanged mid-way through,

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he saw a cobra beneath on the bottom of the dried well. Above, a rat started to tear the ropes with

his sharp teeth. The man couldn‟t climb up, he could just hold steady with the rope. It was sure,

in a quick time, the rat would cut the rope and he would fall below where death awaited him.

Suddenly, drops of honey started dropping in his mouth from a beehive on a tree above the well.

The man knew that he had only a few minutes of life left but still, he relished the honey and

became happy. He, for some moment, was able to keep his mind away from the finality of the


Tolstoy summed up, this is life for all of us. The flip side of the story is a question…. is this

„ras‟… the honey of life, that good… that strong and capable that it could help humans take their

minds away from the finality of the inevitability!

If yes…. what is this „ras‟ all about? Early humans have written „shastras‟(treatises) on the

variety of „ras‟. All forms of art, literature, music, dance, drama, etc have detailed mentions in

these ancient scripts. However, these pursuits of „ras‟ are for learned and those who believe in

attainment through exploration and expedition.

For simple and unflattering humans, the „ras‟ is a very simple emotion. Though, science is hell

bent to blame this „ras‟ on another „ras‟, a „naughty‟ body hormone….

The „ras‟ of love and compassion…. the honey of life….! Let the learned be in a battle over how,

why, what, when and where, etc. A common human who has a taste for this honey and bows to

its magic is no less a wise. Ask Tolstoy…. not me….


Receiving, An Act of Generosity!

He might be a confused man… or probably an unresolved genius… he said, “…ask for help…

receiving is an act of generosity…”!

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There are people in the world …. very few of them actually…. who have the almighty‟s

blessings to be in a position of „giving‟…. compassion comes naturally to all but recreating it in

a empirical world is not easy task…..

But still, „receiving‟ is even more tough and hard to come as a feeling…. people usually are

bereft of compassion and generosity to be able to receive…. ego, ignorance, ingenuity block


There was a great soul in China. It is said that in his entire life, he said only a few words. He had

thousands of disciples and followers but he never said anything….

One day he was taking a stroll in a jungle and as he passed through large trees, rivers, birds and

lights peeping through leaves of the trees, he closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks and a

child-like smile adorned his face. A curious disciple asked him to say something…. he wished to

know why he wept and smiled simultaneously ….

As the disciple persisted with his question, the great soul got irritated and said, “…. everything

around you is saying things… the nature is so full of answers and you are pestering me for

answers…. just be generous and fill your heart with compassion…. you will start receiving

things which I can right now and you will understand ….”

There is so much love, so much joy, so much well-being, so much prudence and wisdom

scattered around us… in nature, in beings and non-beings…. even within us…. let us just be

simple…. it will make us generous…. and then we all will start receiving all goodness….


Art of Internalizing Externalities

Someone said, „…nothing external to you has any power over you…‟!

True…very true… there are things scattered around us in a shape and size that may not be what

our own „make and positioning‟ wishes them to be… that‟s why they are „external‟ to us … and,

not amenable to our reception…

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…. We just need to internalize them…. around us, every day we see lots and lots of things which

we all believe is wrong and not so good…. but still, we do not learn from the mistakes of

„others‟… they remain external and hence, no have power to influence us….

That's why, whenever, one has to point out any mistake or wrong in „others‟… he or she must

make it a point to say, „… I have these wrongs in me…‟… this is how others can learn the „art of

internalizing‟ things… and as and when he or she does learn to do it, things become „internal‟ to

them and have power over them to influence them….

…. this is the only way to learn… and to make others learn…

…. Yeah….! Saying this does have shades of what we call „narcissism‟… but this is good one…!


Of In-cognitive Inconveniences

Since childhood, our minds are trained like that…. the transition from this mind-positioning even

in later years of grown-up existentialism is not very easy…. it needs a lot of painful

„unlearning‟…. very very cruel for self…. and, when we really wish this to happen… do we have

the time and positioning…?

We all live in a world with accentuated sense of „self-sustenance‟…. stretched to the limits of

self-stupidity‟…. and, the mind training is there to accept it as „survival‟ bare-basics. The mind-

training to accept and acclimatize only with „cognitive‟ values and valuables leaves a lot many

things wanting in life-propositions where most values and valuables fall in the beautiful world of

rainbowish „incognitives‟…..

We grow to confront and create lot many incognitives…. and, as our mind training is highly

unsuitable to these incognitives…. we stand confused and critically wanting in handling them to


…. the incognitives of affection, compassion, assimilation, acceptance etc., often lands us in the

domain of „cognitive conundrum‟…. most young ones, even adults behave like a confused corn

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while exposed to love and compassion, which seem alien to their „self‟ as it is not trained to

accept them, being acclimatized only to „cognitives‟ of accentuated sense of „self-symmetry‟….

The luminous and lucrative behavioral accessories are too over-encompassing for the „cognitive-

self‟ to allow a lovably compassionate incognitive existentialism…..

Actually, the „cognitive-self‟ becomes so insecure that it tends to fall back to the „safety‟ of its

behavioral benchmarks…. saying, “…. I am like that…. since childhood I have been like that….

whatever I am, I am good for myself..!”

Can‟t blame anybody…. actually…. there is a truth in it …. since childhood, we are trained to

accept „cognitive-conveniences‟…. and reject „incognitive-inconveniences‟…. acceptance is

such a beautifully satisfying incognitive…. ain‟t it…?


Genius, A Pop-Stupidity!

Inquisitiveness is such a beautiful thing… though, since childhood, the popular culture,

etiquettes and larger preference for discipline over creative wastefulness and stupidities are out

there to stifle major part of the inquisitive aspirations… too bad…!

If necessity is the mother of all inventions, let there be a father too and let us accept innate

instinct of inquisitiveness as the worthy father…!

At any point of time, it is the content and structure of contemporary inquisitiveness that provides

the energy for an evolving worldview and world order. Personalities are no exceptions… what a

person would evolve to be and what the world would turn out to be in near or less distant future

are largely the function of the contemporary inquisitiveness… and… bitter the taste of

inquisitiveness, sweeter are the chances of fruition in future….

So, the America is inquisitive… “will the capitalistic structure survive…?”… India is inquisitive,

“shall this golden phase continue…?”…. inquisitiveness doesn‟t end here… so, science is

inquisitive, “… is there life outside earth…?”

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All stupidities, all absurdities, all non-conformism must be part of the larger energy of cosmic

inquisitiveness…. genius is, often, the younger twin of stupidity… genius can rarely be

customized… it naturally evolves out of stupidity… usually, genius is „pop-stupidity‟….

Let inquisitive energy be unleashed in complete madness and stupidity… life, they say is some

absurd tale of a stupid…. let the story be herd and appreciated….


Dictatorship Of Holism

How easy it sounds to be true… for, we all have the mind training to accept goodness as

something very complex and beyond our endeavors… that‟s why, we all pray our respective

Gods to guide us to be good. The fact remains, goodness is just a seed word and very much

singular, well within the easy reach of our simple endeavor….

As this seed manifests itself in a complex structure of a giant tree with innumerous branches and

uncountable leaves and fruits, we all are led to believe, goodness is very complicated…. it is

never…. it is just a seed….

Plant the seed in your mind and let it grow within your immortal being…. then; enjoy the

diversity of goodness and be your own God. All rational minds have told us since ages, God is

within us…. those attempting to find it outside are doing the mistake of uprooting a giant oak

tree from the jungle and planting it in their house garden…. like seed, goodness grows within,

cannot be transplanted…. even if it happens, it would not survive long….

The seed of goodness is „accommodation‟…. acceptance of „I‟ with compassionate

accommodation towards „We‟, „He‟ and „They‟. No doubt, one is designed to believe in „I‟ as

the center of the universe. But then, the „I‟ needs to be compassionate and affectionate towards

the existence of „others‟ in the periphery. This is what rational minds have called „holism‟…. the

liberty of periphery to be equitably (if not equally) as important as the center and the duty of

center to accommodate periphery in the liberty to be what it is… this holism is the only

divinity… a singularity of situationalism…. Gods may be in plurality….

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Most rational minds have warned humanity of the „dictatorship‟ of singularity of elements other

than the abovementioned divinity. The dictatorship of all sorts, especially the dictatorship of

ignorance…. dictatorship of parts; that of either the center or the periphery is anathema as kills

the goodness. Only the dictatorship of holism is allowed…. this dictatorship of compassion,

accommodation, acceptance is welcome…. divinity alone can be a dictator…..


The Dictator Within Us

A great name from French cinema said, “… cinema and other media must be used dexterously

and stoutly to end all forms of dictatorship, especially the dictatorship of ignorance…”.

What a beautiful desire…! Can‟t imagine, anyone on this planet having any second thoughts

about such an eventuality…. but, almost everyone would ask, “how”?

Since the inception of human civilization, the dictatorship of ignorance has devastated humanity

and has only spread in intensity and coverage… despite all forms of media growing powerful

and almost all encompassing in recent years….

If one asks, “what is root ignorance”… so that we could find a counter to it, it becomes almost

impossible… simply because, no one ever accepts, he or she is ignorant and always thinks others

as the one….

Essentially… the dictator is well within every individual and to stop that dictator to rule us,

every individual needs a lot of defensive and offensive elements within…. and they are so very

difficult to acquire in a life time…

They are, determination, patience, courage, discipline, mastery, intensity, power, organization,

integration, and synthesis etc…. they are the tools to create a „Will‟ that stops the dictator


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Still, even after almost 5000 years of civilization, despite all the growth in technology and

resources, 95% of humanity is struggling to survive…. and it is this battle for survival and

security for self-preservation that allows a free-hand to the dictatorship of ignorance…

And the media, itself beset with its own inflated survival and sustenance issues, is never into its

cherished role of a catalyst in a decisive and definitive war against dictatorship of ignorance…

rather, in most cases, it is hand-in-glove with the dictator itself…!

But then, hope is always struggling to wage a lonely battle and it shall forever….


Let Them Be With Their Business

It is indeed sad, often tragic and chaotic that humanity in the contemporary world is destined to

live in an intellectual universe where questions of billions of mind are being answered by a

bunch of leadership who themselves do not have access to answers and are themselves a

confused lot….

The questions have always been there… who are we, why are we, what is life for, the aim, the

purpose, the righteousness and the exalted path, etc… the answers fall either in the realm of

religion, philosophy or science. And all these realms are unable to come to a singularity of

universal wisdom… though claiming to have right answers and also, claiming, only they know

the answers…. sad… tragic…!

In reality, all the religions of the world are archaic, rooted in the timeliness of the knowledge that

holds no truth today, given the realisms in the field of knowledge that humanity has today… the

religions are thousands of years old when the set of knowledge that created them are today

nothing but poor fiction….

The philosophy and even science are evolving; they are more authoritative and well-placed when

they deny that what religions say and what traditional morality based on spiritualism entails are

all wrong and unfounded… but, they are asked as to what is the right answer, they come up with

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another set of still evolving answers and half-baked truths. The more rational of the scientists

however are ready to admit that science may have some answers but human mind is still not

evolved enough to have all right answers.

The good thing however, with all aware and rational minds is that in all fields of human

knowledge, be in science, philosophy and religion, which usually provide answers to human

inquisitiveness, those who really are intellectuals, do admit that there is nothing called ultimate

in human knowledge and wisdom (answers) are always an evolving entity. They also admit the

answers are in holism of all wings of human knowledge, never in parts….

But tragically, such people are in very poor minority and their voices of rationalism also remain

minority voices and as usual, the media of the day are always interested in stifling this minority

voice and play puppets in the hands of those majority, who foolishly but stylishly and

ingenuously claim, they have the answers and only their answers are right ones.

So, what is the golden prescription for common man… it is very simple… use this evolving

knowledge as a weapon to make best out of it…. god is or not… there is life after death or not,

life‟s purpose is in material well-being or not… etc, etc. Don‟t be involved in this debate… use

whatever way it suits you and still allow others to have their own ideas. If you feel god is… good

enough… remain happy. But, never be antagonistic and retributive to those who say god ain‟t…

just admit and be compassionate to all ideas and all sorts of dualism and opinions.

Choose what suits you and live a life that is happy, fulfilling and meaningful… simultaneously,

being kind and accommodative to others who have ideas and actions other than what you

choose… believe and practice the holism of wisdom… and truly be compassionate towards all

ideas and actions, till it conforms to the golden principle of non-violence of highest order….

Life in itself is the biggest answer of all things…. other questions and answers may evolve… but

when you have got your life, you have to be happy, modest and thankful that you have got what

is a huge “opportunity”. Go ahead, explore the opportunity and while doing that, just be

compassionate to others as, others have equal right to explore their “opportunities”…. god is or

not… life after death is or not… soul is or not …. other questions shall have their answers and

these answers will always evolve…

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Accept and use this relativity with true objectivity and make it a cardinal idea that life is an

opportunity and it will be explored to its best only when we all practice „love and compassion‟ to

ourselves and to all things living or non-living…. this shall never change, rest is for evolution….


Ignorance = Loss of Innocence

A great many people had one single regret and pain in life and that one could understand, is the

true side-effects of being a great. The pain must follow you… just because, being a great means

you have understood what ignorance is and as it happens, you immediately start to regret and

feel sorry about a huge chunk of humanity suffering and making others suffer because of their

ignorance and intrinsically associated pride about being truly knowledgeable.

To a beginner, it always seems a humungous task and challenge to acquire wisdom and get rid of

the universal human disease; called ignorance. To him, the world, the universe seems so

immense and knowledge scattered all around like sand on a sea beach. He or she is so gripped by

the sense of the immensity of the task.

Also, his or her peer groups and seniors make sure his or her sense of the task being an

impossible one by constantly booing at whatever little knowledge he or she seems to acquire

after much efforts…. sadistic pleasures are so great….

The reality is just the reverse of it… ignorance is easy to drive away and wisdom is very simple

and singular… and so within our reach…. wisdom is in innocence, it is in compassion…. sample


Ignorance is the loss of innocence…. and in the pride that „I know‟ and know it right… the

difference between ignorance and wisdom is two words called „only‟ and „also‟….

An ignorant would say, “I know what is truth or, what I know is the only truth”. A wise man

would say, “I think I also know something about truth or, what I know may also have some truth

in it”.

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A wise man once said, an ignorant is always very sure about what he says he knows and a wise

would never be sure of what he knows… ignorance is in saying „I only‟ whereas wisdom is in

saying, „I also‟….

Innocence would always wish to understand and accept the other aspects of a truth as it has faith

in not the parts but in holism. Ignorant does not have this innocence and that‟s why he is always

stubborn about his „part truth‟ and will stick to it with lots of pride that he alone knows, brushing

aside the „also‟ aspect of the holism.

This world has always been inhabited by ignorant who are often in the leadership position of

society, economy, polity and religion… the true wise are too innocent to accept leadership as

they are never sure….

The part-ness of truth is what majority follows as it looks more convincing, always…. ages back,

all people saw the sun rise in east and set in west… so the logical truth was that sun moves round

the earth…. a man said the reverse and he could not be believed…

We all are still in the same age mentally…. we still cannot accept anything more than what is our

personal truth. This truth is what majority says and majority is willing to say this because their

ignorant (wise for them) societal, economic, political and religious leaders say so….

Ignorance usually prevails because it is supported by majority…. and those who actually know

things right are always unsure and unwilling to fight for their truth as they have firm faith, many

truths together should exist… and if true, where is the need to say it is?


Everything In Our Hands!

What makes one happy….? the list can be endless…the question is primary and primeval and

therefore, it is only natural that it is most debated… that‟s why, there has never been a consensus

on the answer to the question… a section of opinion is that happiness is determined by

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perceptions as well as experiences and not material and physical things. It says, happiness

depends on our subjective interpretations of events.

Some philosophers said, happiness is determined by the number of positive events experienced

in life. However, the opposite view is also equally supported and popular. No doubt, money and

other material wellness also counts and are equally important, if not more.

There is an interesting viewpoint however, which looks like the right balance of all competing

idea. This is called „hedonic treadmill hypothesis‟. It states that just as we adjust our walking or

running speed to match the speed of the treadmill, we adjust our moods and emotions to match

life‟s circumstances. This means, happiness is not only very subjective, varying person to person

but also something which is largely in control of a person‟s own conscious abilities. As we had

earlier said, „pain is inevitable, suffering optional‟… similarly, happiness also is a conscious

ability to adjust…

Researchers have established something very interesting. They have found that big lottery

winners report being super happy after winning the lottery. However, their happiness falls to

baseline levels about two months later. On the other hand, people who become paralyzed from

the waist down, return to almost baseline levels of happiness within a few months after the


Moreover, scientific studies have established something more interesting. They says, it is not

only unrealistic but also undesirable to be happy all the time. Negative emotions are natural and

necessary. Being happy all the time is rather an irrationality. Life has everything in its bag… and

all of it are inevitable… what really makes us happy is how we all rise above all this consciously

and adjust to it with control of a rational mind…

… science says, adjustment to a mean happy position or what they call a „set point‟ is intuitive,

in-built and natural in all human beings… all we need to do is to be consciously aware of the

process… science calls it homeostasis… which literally means balancing… our conscious mind

is the smartest catalyst for attainment of this balance and poise….

… remain happy… keep smiling… joy is good… pain is also good … if you are good,

everything else can be… everything seems to be in your hand… ain‟t it?

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Prescription Of Propriety

Someone said, „life is all about sense of proportions… the grief and joy… almost everything…‟

And… it is so very difficult to ascertain, what is the right one… there is no universally accepted

„right mix‟…. and certainly no fixed benchmark transcending time-space-circumstances


Confounded, calamitous and cathartic …. it is about proportions? That's why… this world has

more trial and hit geniuses and circumstantial stupid… in both cases, humanity stand to lose ….

too bad!

What's the prescription of propriety then…! …. transparency …. did they say that…! Yeah….! a

huge proportion of it and mix it well with magnanimity of modesty…. you've got it right…!

Affection can err… modesty can be ingenuous…. but…. transparency ensures the compassion of

forgiveness…. This stands you in affectionate reckoning of a second chance… to hit the right

proportions…. may we all be second time lucky…. amen….!


Still Scope For More!

Often, we have this innate tendency to accept things in abstractions… especially those things,

which are not in the easy domain of tactile and measurable… faith is one such popular human

domain where abstractions fly high and mighty as intuitively as one‟s socio-psychological

background fuels it…

Few days back, just chanced upon a debate where western ideologists were ridiculing Hindu

faith system wondering how come Hindus have 330 million gods and goddesses… even among

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many of us, it is a subject of curiosity and bewilderment… this is one of the greatest puzzle of

Oriental spiritual-religious system….

Why 330 million deities…? …. this looks like a classic case of metaphors and symbols being

made to land in tactile and realistic world and taking forms of uneasy abstractions… the

rationalists have made deep inroads into the minds of faith-operators and faith-followers… they

have come up with reasonably satisfactory explanations which can be accepted and acted


It has been rationalized, “In ancient times it was believed that there were 330 million living

beings. This gave rise to the idea of 330 million deities or gods. The genuine faith-operators

believed that each living being is a unique manifestation of God. Each human being is the

potential, a seed, which can and should grow into a tree, the entity of god.” This symbolically

explains the 330 million gods of Hinduism. The idea is that we are all gods, in potential, if not in

tactile and practical terms.

This beautiful metaphor was later corrupted by the intuitive abstractions of humanity. Early

Hindu texts explains this metaphor in details… but only a handful have the mind-pathway to

understand this metaphor in its originality… the popular abstractions are easy to accept and

follow for most, hence populist notion of 330 million Hindu deities…

A great soul and an authority in Hinduism has said, “There can be as many spiritual paths as

there are spiritual aspirants, and that, similarly, there can be as many gods as their devotees to

suit the said devotees' various moods, physical needs, feelings and socio-psychological

backgrounds”. So, a student shall worship Saraswati, a businessman would worship Luxmi. It is

convenient model for focusing attention and getting compartmentalized wishes addressed…

And, this is not only a metaphor. Perhaps once, a long time ago, many great souls of India

became so enlightened and evolved to a higher level of being that they reached the iconic stature

of gods and were duly worshipped.

This has always been a spiritual realization in Indian faith mechanism that we are all gods in the

making and that once we climb high enough, we will move on to the „god plane‟. And, as this

happens with a person, he or she becomes the object of worship for other common humans as

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this is something, very few can achieve. It is always easy to ask for free fruits … tough to be a

tree and get one‟s own fruits to give others …

This is why, Krishna said in Geeta, “jo mujhe jis bhaav mein dekhe, main usko usi bhav mein

milta hoon (he who seeks me in whichever disposition, I meet him in the same facilitative


Human emotions and dispositions are probably more than 330 million. That still makes a scope

for lots more.


Better Carry Blame Than Guilt

It is archaic wisdom – you can‟t change anything but yourself… Such a passive proposition!

However, the mind wants options; if not the capacity to effect a change for suitability; if not

better. Some people, some really talented people, were struck with an idea – if we can‟t change

the existing, we can create an alternative.

The mainstream people called in their groove and even blamed them as escapist. It is still better

to carry blame than guilt. Probably better to create a small space under this colossus universe and

make your own rules of living…! And see, these mainstream persons themselves say – it is better

to rule the hell than be ruled in heaven!

Leisure in contemporary consumptive world is deemed a big sin. And sinners should ideally live

in the margins of mainstream society or be put in the confines of jail. Better it is to keep away…

find a space far away even from the margins… and create your own jail where you are free and

the popular societal benchmarks are behind secure walls of the cell. The lords of this jail prefer

to call it their micro-nations…! It is the best way to practice non-violence – of attitudes and

actions. No need to carry either blame or guilt.


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Can We Be Just Paper; Not Pencil And Eraser!

A life; anyone‟s life; can be full of unimaginable stupidities but it looks inconceivable that

people at large or even a few „like-minded ones‟ would be interested in knowing about them.

Somebody said, people love to know about others‟ stupidities as they derive the sadistic pleasure

that they were not as idiots as others, who dare to make public their stupidities.

Someone; or anyone for that matter; may have his or her truths, experiences and revelations

which their stupidities and that of others‟; bestowed on them; made possible. But still, it is

beyond simple conviction that people would accept them. ACCEPTANCE is not the


Sad and unfortunate it may be but a stark situational reality of contemporary life. In twitter,

facebook, and other social networking sites, everyone is out to prove other wrong. Rejecting and

rubbishing „innocence‟ has come to be recognized as highest intellectual pursuit and the social

networking sites look like the best place to see it happen at its worst.

Even on television, anyone can see how every panelist pounces upon the simplest and most

innocuously innocent of assertions of others. They say: If you are an intellectual, the first thing

you must do is to say, „I beg to differ‟ even when you do not actually know why and what you


Can it happen that people just listen, don‟t accept, don‟t reject, don‟t applause, don‟t boo and

jeer… don‟t say things of any nature…just imbibe! Looks impossible! Since childhood, we all

are trained to react and compete. We are made to learn the functions and importance of pencil

and eraser but never made to understand the nature and purpose of the poor paper, which absorbs

all words, good or bad… and never ever reacts and competes with either pencil, eraser or even

the writer. Can‟t we be just papers…!


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Being Loner Is No Guilt, No Blame Either

Life seems full of contradictions but it is „this‟ energy that powers evolution. We are social

creatures and our minds are trained to find all possible joys and satisfaction in society. This is a

big contradiction. We actually find more pains and less satisfaction from our relationships. Still,

we run in their pursuit…!

Truth seems somewhere mid-way. What we gain from society is Structural Support System for

safety and comfort, which are necessary preconditions for individual‟s joys and satisfaction but

are not joys and satisfaction unto themselves. The two are intrinsically individualistic pursuits

and accomplishments and seldom a societal by-product.

Being a loner is no guilt...not even a blame… at times, loneliness looks like an allergic reaction

to social toxin. Be sure and joyously confident of your choice of not accepting what is dished out

to you and remain stubborn. Remain strong in your stupid conviction that what you will accept is

your „choice‟. Better to be lonely than stupidly in a collective chaos.

The mainstream social-cultural benchmarks may be over-empowering, especially those which

the hotly tantalizing, consumptive market culture smothers you with, engulfing all. But if you put

your resolute foot down and say „NO‟, you are more likely to hit the road to real joy and


Being lonely is one good time for you to have an invigorating date with your own self. While

you are lonely, you have all the time and space to pamper your inner self. Fall in love with it.


Accept My Gratitude

Writing something is a daunting task as there is always a lurking apprehension of it not being in

utility for some readers. I however feel at ease, because of my faith in magnanimity of readers. I

am happily sure; you shall forgive if my efforts could not be up to your expectations. Thank you

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so much for being with me and allowing me to share with you. Wish you an empowered life;

with the prosperity of the consciousness.


About The Author

People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are

always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it „Intangible-

Affectors‟. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds,

these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical.

My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand

professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say

it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads

of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far.

The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as

the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously,

these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life.s

scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude

for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy



Other Titles By Santosh Jha


Literary Fiction: A novella about life-living choices from the perspective

of a very successful contemporary woman: Word- 38,000 approx:


Short Description:

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Dumped by her billionaire fiancé, a resplendently beautiful woman, the reigning royalty of

Hollywood‟s dream factory, lands herself in all sorts of woes – hospitalization for slipping pill

overdose, bad Press, peer group backstabbing and paparazzi. She escapes to anonymity at India's

Yoga capital but the threat of paparazzi follows. A young yogi bails her out and detours her to an

unusual world where he introduces her to the super consciousness of „Onlyness‟ within her. The

redeemed empress unconsciously discovers her true elements being in linearity with that of the

yogi and believes, she may be second time lucky. However, more shocks await her.

The singularities of life have elemental eccentricities of happening and un-happening; almost as

weird and randomized as love. The elements of one‟s own life and that of the equally precarious

milieus are both patterned as well as un-patterned. The juxtaposition of symmetrical possibilities

amid the larger probabilistic asymmetry of arbitrary milieus engender such beautiful marvels of

life-living experiences, which people can accept only in one way – the destiny! The true and

lasting relationship can happen only between similar and generic elements. Destinies shape this

way. What destiny has in store for Melissa, the empress, who finds a yogi in her new and

metamorphosed life, shall be decided not by factors outside in her near and far milieus, rather by

what she finally accepts as something, which is her own internal positioning of consciousness.

The moment, she accepts, love shall happen and destiny shall be signed in.


Back To Bliss: A Journey To Zero

Literary Fiction: Novel: A Love Story In Contemporary Culture Of Conflicts:

Word- 78,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

Battling against hypocrisies, sadomasochism and perfunctory pursuits of pop

benchmarks of successes, he refuses the passion-oriented male worldview of

karma and life‟s purposes. Metamorphosed by compassion, that love‟s innocence fills him with,

he opts for a journey that takes him far away from the stupidity of self-worth, calculated in terms

of personal utility, individualistic possession and unfettered consumption. Does he arrive?


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Autobiography Of A Duffer

A witty but insightful narration of „normal‟ and „orderly‟ cultural realisms of

contemporary world, from the perspective of a young duffer. This duffer

believes; a normal person should know how this world looks to a stupid, whom

the world loves to label „abnormal‟ and „disordered‟, to truly visualize realities

of benchmarking. This duffer‟s wife asked him to make it different; he truly

does it!


Naked Solutions Of Dressed Up Life Woes

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 23,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

The world we live in; is what it is, neither good nor bad. It is people, who

are the „Theatre‟ of all pains as well as joys. The human mind is the most

capable and instinctively galvanized mechanism to solve big problems.

Still, the same human consciousness is the most potent trouble. The core

trouble is, modern day problems are so „dressed up‟; partly by our complex environment and

partly by our consciousness that we fail to see the „naked‟ reality of the nature of problems. We

can see them clearly, if we „undress‟ them. It is an art, we all can master. How?


Habitual Hero: The Art Of Winning

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 19,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

In all of us, there is this definite „winner‟, the genius of this universe.

However, this champion is what we can label as „Random Warrior‟, as it

wins but not always. We all have the determination, patience, courage,

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discipline and the mastery to be a sure and sustained „all-weather-all-season-Hero‟. However, as

many of us miss the knowledge and acceptance of this „mechanism of winning‟, this warrior

turns out to be only a „random‟ winner, unable to sustain the artistry of winning, to qualify as a

„Habitual Hero‟.


Maya And Leela: Utility In Life‟s Futility

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 21,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

Most of us, living in modern contemporary world of complexities, conflicts

and confusion, have questions as what a good and righteous person should

consider as „perpetual-utility‟ in life, amidst the general feeling of „futility‟

of everything around. What is this singular life and living positioning,

which can make us live the life in a perpetually joyous state of consciousness, endowed with

„true utilities‟, shunning away all those „futilities‟, which land us in pain and regret?


Why We Flop In Love

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 20,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

Love is ideally accepted with three elements of Mystery, Magic and Marvel.

The three „M‟s‟ land most of us in inexplicable troubles and pains of love.

The magnificent dualism is – love‟s mystery makes it flamboyantly attractive

and joyful. Still, the mysticism engenders loads of confusion, making many of us flop in love.

Success of love is in non-dualistic positioning, which is simple and practical realism, most of us

refuse to accept.

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Wisdom Of Wellness: Perpetuity Of Poise Of Purpose

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 20,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description:

One needs to be in lasting physical, emotional and ideational wellness. Tips,

pills, and „shoulds‟ abound; still, wellness is elusive. Wellness is largely a

function of emotional „poise‟ of consciousness. Wisdom of wellness is in being the „master of

mechanism‟, „internalizing‟ the multifaceted life-living realisms and then, creating a

personalized model of wellness. Nothing „external‟ helps.


India Beyond Stampede Of Stupidities

Short Description:

An analytical commentary on how energies of ideas for socio-

political changes, create a stampede of stupidities, when they are

reactive and participants of change fail to observe assimilative

perspectives, compromising the sanity of system, which could weed

out loads of aggression, chaos and conflicts from the soil of struggle.

A global reality, elaborated with India as a case study.



Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture

Non-fiction: Life Choices for Wellness, Youth Issues of Sexual Behavior,

Personal Excellence: word- 17,000 approx: Language-English

Page 67: Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality

Short Description:

In contemporary culture of hypocrisy, conflict and confusion, where even adults are in a flux

over benchmarks of real success and self-worth, the young being advised about sanity and

sensibility, lands as big joke for them. The youth needs a worldview, enabling them to see

through the hypocrisy and perplexity of pop culture, offering them a date with real intelligence

and life realism.


Decipher Destiny: Decode God‟s Will

Non-fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 20,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description:

There is a mechanism to all „probabilities‟ in life, which we call God‟s

will. This mechanism has its own energy and patterns of possibilities.

Those, who succeed, decipher this mechanism and the patterns, which are

there for anyone to see. We attain success and excellence, as we align our

personal energy with this energy of the cosmic mechanism. God‟s will is then in linearity with

our wish.


Redeem & Reinvent The Art Of Lost Wellness

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal


Short Description

The world we live is what it is, neither good nor bad. It is neutral and

objective. Wellness is largely individual onus. As we acquire and practice

those life skills, which make life wellness a beautiful journey for us, our mind is attuned to them.

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We then have an auto-mechanism for larger wellness. Time to test our Life Skill Quotient



Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality

Short Description

The essays in this book unravel the Karta (subjective consciousness) from the

perspective of the new thinking of 3Cs – Cognition, Consciousness and

Causality. The effort is to make you – the Karta, assimilate the core idea as

how a holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of the 3Cs helps you in

attaining and enhancing personal excellence and wellness. Makes you meet a

new empowered you.


Enter 2014 A New You

Non-fiction, Personal excellence and empowerment.

Short Description

Five simple steps, which can make us a super person, endowed with required

skills and personal resources to: Solve our problems; Be a winner in life

situations; Be great in love and relationships; Have a personal spiritual wellness model and

Accept a worldview that makes us cool and collected, to have a happier and better New Year



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