kasem bundit safety management system

SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Presented by : Capt. Sampas K.

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SYSTEM Presented by : Capt. Sampas K.

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Why SMS?

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1903 A.D.

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2013 A.D.

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Using SMS is simply adopting a businesslike approach to safetysimilar to the way that finances are managed.

experiences a loss, or critically assesses both the direct and indirect costs of an occurrence

The direct costs are usually easy to quantify, they include damage to the aircraft, compensation for injuries and damage to property and are usually settled through an insurance claim.

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It almost goes without saying that we all want aviation to be safe. There are many possible reasons for adopting SMS. As all organizations are different the benefits that they receive will vary but there are a number of safety benefits that everyone will share:

• A proactive method of improving safety rather than the old reactive approach, primarily after an accident• Reduced loss of life and injuries through the prevention of accidents

and incidents• Improved employee satisfaction through involvement in the process• More efficient interface with regulatory authorities

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The indirect costs are more difficult to assess, these are often not covered or fully reimbursed by the company's insurance and the impact is often delayed.• loss of business and reputation• legal fees and damage claims• medical costs not covered by worker's compensation• cost of lost use of equipment (loss of income)• time lost by injured person(s) and cost of replacement workers• increased insurance premiums• aircraft recovery and clean-up• fines

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Aviation SMS

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Regulators Airlines AerodromesAir Navigation Services



Practicing Safety Management – As an Aviation System

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Management of Dilemma

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Management of Dilemma

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Safety space





Financial management



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Components of SMS1. Safety Policy

A Safety Policy is a clear statement of the organization’s policy, management principles and intentions, for a continuous process of improvement in the safety level.

2. Safety Risk ManagementsA method for the analysis of risks

3. Safety Assurancehow these risks will be mitigated; and ensuring implementation

4. Safety PromotionEnsuring SMS implementation, communication and training to staff.

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Case study : Air Crash Investigation

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Safety Risks AssessmentSafety = An acceptable Risk.

Safety = An investment without generating income

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Type of Hazards1. Natural Hazards2. Technical Hazards3. Economical Hazards

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Reporting System

• Nobody knows better actual system performance than operational personnel

• There are 2 types of Reporting System; - Mandatory reports - Voluntary reports

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Voluntary (confidential) safety report

• Opportunities to improve procedures

• Emerging Hazard

• Unsafe or inappropriate behavior

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How many channel to submit reports ?• Email [email protected]

• Hot line mobile +66 85-xxx xxxx

• SMS mail box

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as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

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Intolerable region

Tolerable region

Acceptable region


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•ALARP = As Low As Reasonably Practicable

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• Change can introduce new hazards• impact the appropriateness of existing safety risk mitigation strategies

and/or impact the effectiveness of existing safety risk mitigation strategies. • Changes may be external to the organization, or internal. • Examples of external changes include changes in regulatory

requirements, changes in security requirements, and reorganization of air traffic control.• Examples of internal changes include management changes, new

equipment and new procedures

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Safety Assurance Eliminate


Done by : Safety action group(SAG)

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Cycle of Improvement

The improvement of the Safety Management System can be seen to form a continuous cycle of improvement, as illustrated in the diagram below.

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Safety Promotion

• Safety communication The means to communicate may include: - Safety policies and procedures - News letters - Bulletins - Website - Safety communication is an essential foundation for the development and maintenance of an SMS

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Safety Promotion

• Training and Education

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Use of an SMS has clear business benefits:• stability, safety and customer support - customers are aware

some operations are safer than others• possible reduction in insurance premiums through

demonstration of control of safety risks• good work/life balance practices, for example adjustment of

rosters to avoid most tiring shift/sector will give safety benefits, and can also improve staff/crew morale - potentially lowering staff turnover and reducing training costs• a proactive approach to safety can be demonstrated with

documented evidence in the event of an incident or accident

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The cost of implementing and maintaining SMS becomes less significant and well worth the investment when contrasted with the cost of doing nothing. It makes sound business - as well as safety - sense.

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SMS organizationCEO


Flight /Cabin Operations


Ground Operation

Risk Assessment

Safety Action

Safety Promotion

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Dr. James Reason has suggested that safety culture consists of five elements

• An informed culture• A reporting culture• A learning culture• A just culture• A flexible culture

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An informed culture

the organization collects and analyses relevant data, and actively disseminates safety information.

A reporting culturemeans cultivating an atmosphere where people have confidence to report safety concerns without fear of blame. Employees must know that confidentiality will be maintained and that the information they submit will be acted upon, otherwise they will decide that there is no benefit in their reporting.

A learning culturemeans that an organization is able to learn from its mistakes and make changes. It will also ensure that people understand the SMS processes at a personal level

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In a just culture

errors and unsafe acts will not be punished if the error was unintentional.However, those who act recklessly or take deliberate and unjustifiable risks will still be subject to disciplinary action.

A flexible cultureis one where the organization and the people in it are capable of adapting effectively to changing demands.

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Safety Management System Overview• Safety culture• Safety reporting• Hazard Identification • Risk assessment• Safety assurance(safety action)• Safety communication• Safety promotion

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What should we do?• Voluntary safety report• Hazard identification • Risk assessment• Safety assurance/Safety action• Safety communication

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