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Sektor Perhubungan adalah salah satu sektor yang penting dan menentukan dalam menunjang suksesnya pelaksanaan pembangunan di Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui kinerja Sektor Perhubungan dapat dilihat melalui data-data yang terdokumentasikan.

Buku Statistik Perhubungan merupakan terbitan tahunan yang mendokumentasikan kinerja Sektor Perhubungan berdasarkan hasil kompilasi dan pengolahan data operasional secara bulanan, triwulanan, dan semesteran. Buku Statistik Perhubungan Tahun 2010 memuat data 5 (lima) tahun terakhir dari 2006 sampai dengan tahun 2010. Buku Statistik Perhubungan Tahun 2010 diterbitkan dalam 2 (dua) volume yaitu:

- Buku I memuat data-data prasarana, sarana, kinerja dan produksi subsektor-subsektor transportasi darat, transportasi laut, transportasi udara, dan perkeretaapian yang bersumber dari Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Darat, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, dan Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian;

- Buku II memuat data-data penunjang dalam penyelenggaraan perhubungan yang bersumber dari Sekretariat Jenderal, Inspektorat Jenderal, Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, serta Instansi terkait yaitu Badan SAR Nasional, dan Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika.

Selanjutnya kepada para pembaca, diharapkan dapat menyumbangkan saran, masukan dan pemikiran untuk penyempurnaan dan pengayaan substansi, sehingga buku ini benar-benar dapat bermanfaat bagi pihak-pihak yang memerlukannya guna dijadikan bahan dalam perencanaan, perumusan kebijakan dan strategi pembangunan perhubungan di masa yang akan datang dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pelayanan kepada pengguna jasa transportasi dan masyarakat.

Jakarta, Agustus 2011





Transportation sector is one sector that is important and decisive in supporting the successful development implementation in Indonesia. The performance of Transportation sector can be seen in the data documented.

Statistical Yearbook of Transportation is an annual publication which documents the performance of Transportation Sector based on the compilation and processed monthly, quarterly and semi-annually operational data.

Statistical Yearbook of Transportation 2010 contains the last five years data up to the year 2010. It is published into two volumes, namely:

- Book I contains data of infrastructure, means, performance and production of Land Transportation, Sea Transportation, Civil Aviation and Railways Sub-Sectors;

- Book II contains supporting data in implementation of transportation sourced of Secretariat General, Inspectorate General, Education and Training Agency, Research and Development Agency and related Agencies, namely Search and Rescue Agency, and Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency.

Furthermore, it is hoped that readers of this book could give their ideas for improvement and enrichment substance, therefore this book could be beneficial to all parties involved in planning, formulating of policy and strategic development of Transportation in the future as an effort to enhance the quality of transport services to the transport users.

Jakarta, August 2011



Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics iii


Kata Pengantar………………………………………………………………………………………………. i

Preface………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ii

Daftar Isi/Contents……………………………………………………………………………………….. iii Daftar Tabel dan Grafik/Table and Graphics list…………………………………………. Iv

I. Pendahuluan/Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. xiii

II. Rangkuman/Summary……………………………………………………………………………. xiv

III. Definisi/Definition………………………………………………………………………………… xxvi

IV. Penjelasan Teknis/Technical Notes………………………………………………………. xl


Penjelasan Kodefikasi Tabel dan Grafik/Codification Tables and Graphics Notes……………………………………………………………………………………….


VI. Perubahan Buku I Statistik Perhubungan/Correction Book I Transportation Statistics


VII Data Operasional /Main Data

1. Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat/Land Transport Sub Sector………… 1

2. Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut/ Sea Transport Sub Sector…………… 42

3. Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara/ Civil Aviation Sub Sector…………. 81

4. Sub Sektor Perkeretaapian/ Railways Sub Sector……………………….. 130

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics iv


Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat / Land Transport Sub Sector Lalu Lintas Angkutan Darat / Road Traffic Tabel/Table A.1.1.01 Jumlah Perusahaan Bus Antar Provinsi Menurut Provinsi / Firms

Number of Inter Province Buses by Province 2006-2010 ......… 1 Tabel/Table A.1.1.02 Jumlah Bus Antar Provinsi Menurut Provinsi/ Number of Inter

Province Buses by Province 2006-2010 ………………………… 2 Tabel/Table A.1.1.03 Jumlah Perusahaan Bus Pariwisata Menurut Provinsi/ Firms

Number of Tourist Buses by Province 2006-2010 …………….. 3 Tabel/Table A.1.1.04 Jumlah Bus Pariwisata Menurut Provinsi/ Number of Tourist

Buses by Province 2006-2010………………………………….… 4 Tabel/Table A.1.1.05 Jumlah Perusahaan Angkutan Alat Berat, Bahan Berbahaya dan

Beracun, Antar Jemput Antar Provinsi, Sewa dan Taksi Bandara/Firms Number of Heavy Equipment, Dangerous Goods, Inter Province Shuttle services, Rent Service and Airport Taxi 2006-2010 .......………………………………….……. 5

Tabel/Table A.1.1.06 Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Alat Berat, Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun, Antar Jemput Antar Provinsi, Sewa dan Taksi Bandara/Vehicles Number of Heavy Equipment, Dangerous Goods, Inter Province Shuttle Service, Rent Service and Airpot Taxi 2006-2010 …………………………………….……………..…. 5

Tabel/Table A.1.1.07 Jumlah Unit Penimbangan Kendaraan Bermotor di Indonesia/ Number of Weight Stations in Indonesia 2006-2010 ..…………… 6

Tabel/Table A.1.1.08 Jumlah Terminal Bus Tipe A di Indonesia/ Number of Bus Stations Type A in Indonesia 2006-2010 …………………………. 7

Tabel/Table A.1.1.09 Jumlah Terminal Bus Tipe B di Indonesia/ Number of Bus Stations Type B in Indonesia 2006-2010 ..........…………………..


Tabel/Table A.1.1.10 Jumlah Terminal Bus Tipe C di Indonesia/ Number of Bus Stations Type C in Indonesia 2006-2010 ..........…………………..


Tabel/Table A.1.1.11 Jumlah Unit Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor di Indonesia/ Number of Vehicle Inspections in Indonesia 2006-2010 ........….. 10

Tabel/Table A.1.1.12 Jumlah Bus dan Truk Siap Operasi Perum DAMRI / Number of Buses and Trucks of Perum DAMRI Which are Ready for Operation 2006-2010 …………………………………………..…. 11

Tabel/Table A.1.1.13 Jumlah Bus dan Truk Siap Guna Operasi Perum DAMRI / Number of Buses and Trucks of Perum DAMRI Which are Ready for Use Operation 2006-2010 …………………….……… 11

Tabel/Table A.1.1.14 Produksi Angkutan Penumpang dan Barang Perum DAMRI / Production of Passengers and Goods Transport of Perum DAMRI 2006-2010 ………………………………………..………… 12

Tabel/Table A.1.1.15 Produksi Kilometer Perum DAMRI/ Kilometers Production of Perum DAMRI 2006-2010 ……………………………………......... 13

Tabel/Table A.1.1.16 Produksi Trip Perum DAMRI/ Production of Trips of Perum DAMRI 2006-2010 ………….……………………………………….. 14

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics v

Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Sungai Danau & Penyeberangan / Inland Waterways and Ferry Transport Tabel/Table A.1.2.01 Jumlah Armada Angkutan Penyeberangan /Number of Vessels

of Ferry Transport 2006-2010.……..................................……... 15 Tabel/Table A.1.2.02 Jumlah Dermaga Penyeberangan / Number of Quays of Ferry

Transport 2006-2010 .………………………………………………. 16 Tabel/Table A.1.2.03 Produksi Penumpang, Barang dan Kendaraan yang diangkut

oleh Angkutan Penyeberangan/ Number of Passengers, Goods and Vehicles Carried by Ferry Transport 2006-2010 …………..... 19

Tabel/Table A.1.2.04 Produksi Penumpang Angkutan Penyeberangan pada Lintasan Penyeberangan Komersial / Number of Passengers Commercial Ferry Transport 2006-2010 …………………;;……………………. 20

Tabel/Table A.1.2.05 Produksi Penumpang Angkutan Penyeberangan pada Lintas Penyeberangan Perintis/ Number of Passengers at pioneer Ferry Transport 2006-2010 …………………………………………. 21

Tabel/Table A.1.2.06 Produksi Kendaraan Angkutan Penyeberangan Pada Lintas Penyeberangan Komersil / Number of Vehicle Commercial Ferry Transport 2006-2010 …….………………………………….. 23

Tabel/Table A.1.2.07 Produksi Kendaraan Angkutan Penyeberangan Pada Lintas Penyeberangan Perintis / Number of Vehicle at Pioneer Ferry Transport 2006-2010 .………………..…………………………….. 24

Transportasi Perkotaan/ Urban Transport Tabel/Table A.1.3.01 Lomba Tertib Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Perkotaan menurut Kota

(Wahana Tata Nugraha)/ Urban Traffic and Transport Award by City 2006-2010 ……………………………………………………….. 26

Tabel/Table A.1.3.02 Konsolidasi Transportasi Perkotaan Menurut Kota / Urban Transport Consolidation Program by City 2006-2010 ……………………………………………………………. 27

Tabel/Table A.1.3.03 Kota Penerima Penghargaan Piala Lomba Tertib Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Perkotaan Wahana Tata Nugraha Cup / List of Awarded Cities of Urban Traffic and Transport Cup 2006-2010 ............………………………………………………………….. 28

Tabel/Table A.1.3.04 Kota Penerima Penghargaan Plakat Lomba Tertib Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Perkotaan Wahana Tata Nugraha Plakat / List of Awarded Cities of Urban Traffic and Transport Award 2006-2010…………………………………………………………….. 29

Tabel/Table A.1.3.05 Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umum dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Sumatera Utara/ Length of Road Service Public Traject and Total Public Service Transportation at North Sumatera 2006-2010………………………………………… 30

Tabel/Table A.1.3.06 Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umum dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Sumatera Barat/ Length of Road for Traject Public Transport and Total Public Transport at West Sumatera 2006-2010…..…….…............................................... 31

Tabel/Table A.1.3.07 Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umum dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Riau/ Length of Road for Traject Public transport and Total Public at Riau 2006-2010…..………… 32

Tabel/Table A.1.3.08 Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umum dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Sumatera Selatan/ Length of Road for Traject Public Transport and Total Public Transport at South Sumatera 2006-2010……….……………………………………….. 33

Tabel/Table A.1.3.09 Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umum dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Jawa Barat / Length of Road for 34

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics vi

Traject Public transport and Total Public Transport at West Java 2006-2010……….……………………………………………………..

Tabel/Table A.1.3.10 Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umum dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Jawa Tengah / Length of Road for Traject Public transport and Total Public Transport at Central Java 2006-2010……………………………………………………… 35

Tabel/Table A.1.3.11 Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umum dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Jawa Timur / Length of Road for Traject Public transport and Total PublicTransport at East Java 2006-2010……….…..………….................................................. 36

Tabel/Table A.1.3.12 Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umum dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Bali / Length of Road for Traject Public transport and Total Public Transport at Bali 2006-2010………..……………………………………………………. 37

Tabel/Table A.1.3.13 Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umum dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan / Length of Road for Traject Public transport and Total Public Transport at South Kalimantan 2006-2010…...…………………... 38

Tabel/Table A.1.3.14 Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umum dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Kalimantan Timur / Length of Road for Traject Public transport and Total Public Transport at East Kalimantan 2006-2010………………………………..…………….. 39

Keselamatan Transportasi/Transportation of Safety Tabel/Table A.1.4.01 Jumlah Kecelakaan dan Korban Kendaraan Bermotor berdasar

Tingkat Kecelakaan / Number of Accidents and Casualities of by Casuality Catagory 2006-2010……….……………..………….…… 40

Tabel/Table A.1.4.02 Jumlah Kendaraan Bermotor / Number of Vehicle 2006-2010…. 41 Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut / Sea Transport Sub Sector Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Laut / Sea Traffic and Transport Tabel/Table A.2.1.01 Jumlah Armada Angkutan Laut menurut Kepemilikan / Number

of Ships by Ownership 2006-2010……………………………….. 42 Tabel/Table A.2.1.02 Jumlah Armada Angkutan Laut menurut Jenis Pelayaran /

Number of Ships by Types of Shipping 2006-2010………………. 43 Tabel/Table A.2.1.03 Jumlah Armada dan Kapasitas Angkutan Laut menurut

Perusahaan Pelayaran BUMN / Number of Ships and It’s Capacities by State Owned Enterprises Liners 2006-2010………………………………………………………….... 44

Tabel/Table A.2.1.04 Jumlah Perusahaan Angkutan Laut menurut Jenis Pelayaran / Number of Shipping Companies by Type of Shipping 2006-2010……………………………………………………………

45 Tabel/Table A.2.1.05 Jumlah Perusahaan Pelayaran menurut Provinsi / Number of

Shipping Companies by Province 2006-2010…………………….. 46 Tabel/Table A.2.1.06 Jumlah Perusahaan Non Pelayaran menurut Provinsi / Number

of Non Shipping Companies by Province 2006-2010………... 47 Tabel/Table A.2.1.07 Jumlah Perusahaan Penunjang Angkutan Laut / Number of

Shipping Auxiliary Companies 2006-2010………………………… 48 Tabel/Table A.2.1.08 Produksi Angkutan Laut di Indonesia / Production of Sea

Transport in Indonesia 2006-2010…………………………………. 48

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics vii

Pelabuhan dan Pengerukan / Ports and Dredging Tabel/Table A.2.2.01 Jumlah Pelabuhan yang Dikelola PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I –

IV Menurut Kelas Pelabuhan / Number of Ports Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I – IV by Class of Ports 2006-2010……………………………………………………………………. 49

Tabel/Table A.2.2.02 Jumlah Pelabuhan yang Diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah Menurut Kelas Pelabuhan / Number Ports Managed by Government of Indonesia by Class of Ports 2006-2010 ………... 50

Tabel/Table A.2.2.03 Perkembangan Pelabuhan yang diusahakan di Seluruh Indonesia / Trend of Commercial Ports in Indonesia2006-2010. 51

Tabel/Table A.2.2.04 Perkembangan Pelabuhan yang tidak diusahakan di Seluruh Indonesia/Trend of Non Commercial Ports in Indonesia 2006-2010……………………………………………………………………. 52

Tabel/Table A.2.2.05 Panjang Dermaga Pelabuhan yang dikelola PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Length of Berth Managed by Indonesia Port Corporation I-IV 2006-2010………………...………………………. 53

Tabel/Table A.2.2.06 Luas Fasilitas Jasa Penumpukan PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Open Storage Facilities Managed by Indonesia Port Corporation I-IV2006-2010…………………………………………. 54

Tabel/Table A.2.2.07 Jumlah Alat Bongkar Muat Pelabuhan yang dikelola PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Number of Cargo Handling Equipment Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV 2006-2010 …………………………………….……………………… 55

Tabel/Table A.2.2.08 Arus Kunjungan Kapal PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Call Ships for Indonesia Port Corporation I-IV 2006-2010………….… 56

Tabel/Table A.2.2.09 Arus Bongkar Muat Barang di Dermaga yang dikelola PT.Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Production of Loading/Unloading in Quay Managed by Indonesia Port Corporation I-IV 2006-2010……………....................................................................... 56

Tabel/Table A.2.2.10 Arus Terminal Peti Kemas Pelabuhan yang dikelola PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Production of Containers Handling in Terminal Yard Managed by Indonesia Port Corporation I-IV 2006-2010 ……………………… 57

Tabel/Table A.2.2.11 Produksi Jasa Terminal Pelabuhan yang dikelola PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Production of Port Terminal Facilities Service Managed by Indonesia Port Corporation I-IV 2006-2010 ............................................................................ 58

Tabel/Table A.2.2.12 Produksi Jasa Tambat Pelabuhan yang dikelola PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Production of Tethers Service Managed by Indonesia Port Corporation I-IV 2006-2010………. 59

Tabel/Table A.2.2.13 Produksi Jasa Labuh Pelabuhan yang dikelola PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Production of Anchoring Service Managed by Indonesia Port Corporation I-IV 2006-2010……………………………………………………………... 60

Tabel/Table A.2.2.14 Produksi Jasa Penumpukan Pelabuhan yang dikelola PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Production of Storage Service Managed by Indonesia Port Corporation I-IV 2006-2010 ……………………………………………………………..


Tabel/Table A.2.2.15 Arus Penumpang Pelabuhan yang dikelola PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I-IV / Production of Passengers Port Managed by Indonesia Port Corporation I-IV2006-2010…………………… 62

Tabel/Table A.2.2.16 Arus Bongkar / Muat Barang Angkutan Antar Pulau di 4 (Empat) Pelabuhan Utama / Production of Inter Island Sea Transport for Cargo Loading and Unloading at 4 Main Ports 2006-2010 …..…. 63

Tabel/Table A.2.2.17 Arus Bongkar Muat Barang Angkutan Luar Negeri di 4 (Empat)

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics viii

Pelabuhan Utama / Production of International Sea Transport for Cargoes Loading and Unloading at 4 Main Ports 2006-2010 ........................................................................................

64 Tabel/Table A.2.2.18 Jumlah Armada Pengerukan PT Rukindo Menurut Jenis Kapal /

Number of Fleets of PT. Rukindo Company by Dredger Type 2006-2010……….…………..........................................………...

65 Tabel/Table A.2.2.19 Produksi Pengerukan PT. Rukindo Menurut Jenis Kapal

Pengerukan / Production of Dredging Fleet of PT. Rukindo by Type of Dredger 2006-2010...................................................... 65

Tabel/Table A.2.2.20 Produksi Pengerukan PT. Rukindo Menurut Segmen Pasar / Production of Dredging Fleet of PT. Rukindo Company by Type of Market 2006-2010…………................................................... 66

Perkapalan dan Kepelautan/Shipping and Marine Tabel/Table A.2.3.01 Pertumbuhan Kapal Marine Inspektor per Provinsi / Growth of

Marine Inspector Ship by Province 2006-2010 ………………….. 67 Kenavigasian / Navigation Tabel/Table A.2.4.01 Jumlah Armada Kapal Kenavigasian menurut Provinsi / Number

of Ships Navigation fleet by Province 2006-2010 ………………... 68 Tabel/Table A.2.4.02 Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran menurut Provinsi /

Number of Marine Aids to Navigation by Province 2006-2010….. 69 Tabel/Table A.2.4.03 Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran menurut Jenis dan

Kepemilikan / Number of Marine Aids to Navigation By Types And Ownership 2006-2010…………………….…………………... 70

Tabel/Table A.2.4.04 Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi / Number of Marine Aids to Navigations by Navigation District 2006 -2010 ..........………………………....... 71

Tabel/Table A.2.4.05 Jumlah Stasiun Radio Pantai Menurut Provinsi/ Number of Coastal Radio Station by Province2006-2010……………………. 72

Tabel/Table A.2.4.06 Jumlah Stasiun Radio Pantai Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi/ Number of Coastal Radio Stations by Location of Navigations District 2006-2010……………………………………………………. 73

Tabel/Table A.2.4.07 Jumlah Kapal Kenavigasian Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi/ Number of Ship Navigation by Location of Navigation District 2006-2010………………........……………………………….......... 74

Tabel/Table A.2.4.08 Panjang Dermaga Khusus Kenavigasian Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi/ Long Of Special Jeety Navigation At Navigation Distric Location 2006-2010………………………………………………… 75

Tabel/Table A.2.4.09 Jumlah Taman Pelampung Menurut Lokasi Provinsi/Wide Of Float Park Flow At Province Location 2006-2010……………….. 76

Tabel/Table A.2.4.10 Jumlah Stasiun Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Menurut Provinsi/Number of Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Station by Province 2006-2010………………………………………………… 77

Tabel/Table A.2.4.11 Jumlah Stasiun Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Menurut Distrik Navigasi / Number of Vessel Traffiec Services (VTS) Station by Navigation District 2006-2010………………………………………. 78

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics ix

Penjagaan dan Penyelamatan / Guard and Rescue Tabel/Table A.2.5.01 Jumlah Armada Kapal Patroli Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan

Pantai Menurut Provinsi / Number of Guard and Resque Patrol Boats Fleet by Province 2006-2010 ……………………………… 79

Tabel/Table A.2.5.02 Jumlah Armada Kapal Patroli Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai Menurut Kelas Kapal / Number of Guard and Resque Patrol Boats by Class 2006-2010 ………………….…………….. 80

Tabel/Table A.2.5.03 Jumlah Perusahaan Salvage dan Pekerjaan Bawah Air/ Number of Salvage and Underwater Work Company 2006-2010 ………... 80

Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara / Civil Aviation Sub Sector Angkutan Udara / Aviation Tabel/Table A.3.1.01 Produksi Pergerakan Pesawat Penerbangan Domestik menurut

Bandar Udara / Aircraft Movement Production of Domestic Flights by Airport 2006– 2010……………………………………… 81

Tabel/Table A.3.1.02 Produksi Pergerakan Pesawat Penerbangan Internasional menurut Bandar Udara / Aircraft Movement Production of International Flights by Airport 2006 – 2010……………..………... 84

Tabel/Table A.3.1.03 Produksi Penumpang Penerbangan Domestik menurut Bandar Udara / Passengers Production of Domestic Flights by Airport 2006– 2010……………………………………………….…………… 85

Tabel/Table A.3.1.04 Produksi Penumpang Penerbangan Internasional Menurut Bandar Udara / Passengers Production of International Flights by Airport 2006 – 2010…………………………………….………… 88

Tabel/Table A.3.1.05 Produksi Bagasi Penerbangan Domestik Menurut Bandar Udara/ Baggages Production of Domestic Flights by Airport 2006– 2010……………………………………………………………. 89

Tabel/Table A.3.1.06 Produksi Bagasi Penerbangan Internasional Menurut Bandar Udara / Baggages Production of International Flights by Airport 2006– 2010………………………………………………………....... 92

Tabel/Table A.3.1.07 Produksi Barang Penerbangan Domestik Menurut Bandar Udara/ Cargoes Production of Domestic Flights by Airport 2006– 2010……………………………………………………………. 93

Tabel/Table A.3.1.08 Produksi Barang Penerbangan Internasional Menurut Bandar Udara / Baggages Production of International Flights by Airport 2006– 2010………………………………………………………..... 96

Tabel/Table A.3.1.09 Produksi Pos Penerbangan Domestik Menurut Bandar Udara / Mails Production of Domestic Flights by Airport 2006– 2010…… 97

Tabel/Table A.3.1.10 Produksi Pos Penerbangan Internasiona Menurut Bandar Udara / Mails Production of International Flights by Airport 2006– 2010 100

Tabel/Table A.3.1.11 Produksi Penumpang Jemaah Haji Di 11 (sebelas) Bandar Udara/Number passengers of Moslem Pilgrims on Eleven Main Airport 2006 – 2010 .................................................................... 101

Tabel/Table A.3.1.12 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Garuda Indonesia / Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight PT. Garuda Indonesia 2006– 2010…………………….……………….. 102

Tabel/Table A.3.1.13 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Garuda Indonesia / Production of Scheduled International Flight PT. Garuda Indonesia 2006– 2010………………………………………

102 Tabel/Table A.3.1.14 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Merpati

Nusantara / Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight PT. Merpati Nusantara 2006– 2010…………………………………….. 103

Tabel/Table A.3.1.15 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Merpati

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics x

Nusantara / Production of Scheduled International Flight by PT. Merpati Nusantara 2006– 2010……………….…………………….


Tabel/Table A.3.1.16 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Lion Air / Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight PT. Lion Air 2006– 2010……………………………………………………………………. 104

Tabel/Table A.3.1.17 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Lion Air / Production of Scheduled International Flight PT. Lion Air 2006– 2010……………………………………………………………………. 104

Tabel/Table A.3.1.18 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Air Asia / Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight PT. Air Asia 2006-2010…………………………………………………………………… 105

Tabel/Table A.3.1.19 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Indonesia Air Asia / Production of Scheduled International Flight PT. Indonesia Air Asia 2006-2010 ……………………………………. 105

Tabel/Table A.3.1.20 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Mandala Airlines / Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight PT. Mandala Airlines 2006-2010……………………………………. 106

Tabel/Table A.3.1.21 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Dirgantara Air Service / Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight PT. Dirgantara Air Service 2006-2010……………………... 106

Tabel/Table A.3.1.22 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Travel Express / Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight by PT. Travel Express 2006-2010………………………………………... 107

Tabel/Table A.3.1.23 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Pelita Air Service / Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight by PT. Pelita Air Service 2006-2010 …………………………………….. 107

Tabel/Table A.3.1.24 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Kartika Air / Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight by PT. Kartika Air2006-2010……………………………………………………………. 108

Tabel/Table A.3.1.25 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Adam Skyconnection/ Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight by PT. Adam Skyconnection 2006-2010 ……………………………… 108

Tabel/Table A.3.1.26 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Metro Batavia/ Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight by PT. Metero Batatvia 2006-2010 ……………………………………….. 109

Tabel/Table A.3.1.27 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Metro Batavia/ Production of Scheduled International Flight by PT. Metero Batatvia2006-2010 ……………………………………….. 109

Tabel/Table A.3.1.28 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Sriwijaya Air/ Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight by PT. Sriwijaya Air2006-2010 ………………………………………… 110

Tabel/Table A.3.1.29 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Deraya/ Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight by PT. Deraya 2006-2010 ………………………………………………………………….. 110

Tabel/Table A.3.1.30 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Wings Air/ Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight by PT. Wings Air 2006-2010 ……………………………………….…………………… 111

Tabel/Table A.3.1.31 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Trigana Air Services/ Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight by PT. Trigana Air Services International 2006-2010…………………..... 111

Tabel/Table A.3.1.32 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Riau Airlines/ Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight by PT. Riau Airlines 2006-2010………………………………………………...... 112

Tabel/Table A.3.1.33 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Riau Airlines/ Production of Scheduled International Flight by PT.

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics xi

Riau Airlines 2006-2010…………….......................................... 112 Tabel/Table A.3.1.34 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Linus

Airways / Production of Scheduled International Flight by PT. Linus Airways 2006-2010……………........................................ 113

Tabel/Table A.3.1.35 Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwa lLuar Negeri PT. Kalstar Aviation / Production of Scheduled International Flight by PT. Kalstar Aviation 2006-2010……………....................................... 113

Tabel/Table A.3.1.36 Total Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri / Total Production of Scheduled Domestic Flight 2006-2010……………. 114

Tabel/Table A.3.1.37 Total Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri / Total Production of Scheduled International Flight 2006-2010……..… 114

Keselamatan Penerbangan / Flight Savety Tabel/Table A.3.2.01 Jumlah Lisensi Pelayanan Keamanan dan Keselamatan

Penerbangan / Number of Licence of Aviation Securiry and Safety Services 2006-2010………………………….……………… 115

Tabel/Table A.3.2.02 Fasilitas Keamanan Penerbangan /Aviation Security Facilities 2006-2010………………………….………………......................... 116

Sertifikasi Kelaikan Udara / Airwothiness Certification Tabel/Table A.3.3.01 Jumlah dan Tipe Pesawat Udara berdasarkan Sertifikat

Operator Penerbangan (AOC-121) / Number of Aircraft Type Based on Air Operator Certificate (AOC-121) 2006-2010 …......…………………………………………………… 117

Tabel/Table A.3.3.02 Jumlah dan Tipe Pesawat Udara berdasarkan Sertifikat Operator Penerbangan (AOC-135) / Number of Aircraft Type Based on Air Operator Certificate (AOC-135) 2006 - 2010 …….....………………………………………………… 120

Tabel/Table A.3.3.03 Jumlah dan Tipe Pesawat Udara berdasarkan Sertifikat Operator Penerbangan 137,141,91, ASI / Number of Aircraft Type Based on Air Operator Certificate (AOC 137,141,91, FASI) 2006-2010 ……….................................................................... 124

Tabel/Table A.3.3.04 Kecelakaan dan Serius Insiden Pada Pesawat Udara di Indonesia / Number of Reported Accident of Traffic Flights 2006-2010……………………………………………………………. 127

Tabel/Table A.3.3.05 Jumlah Pilot, Flight Operation Officer Attendant (FA) dan Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence (AMEL) / Number of Pilot, Flight Operation Officer (FOO, Flight Attendant (FA) dan Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence 2006-2010……………………..... 127

Teknik Bandar Udara / Airport Engeneering Tabel/Table A.3.4.01 Jumlah Bandar Udara Menurut Fungsi, Klasifikasi dan

Penggunaan / Number of Airports by Function, Classification and Usage 2006-2010 ……………………………….……………... 128

Tabel/Table A.3.4.02 Jumlah Bandar Udara Menurut Penggunaan, Hirarki, dan Klasifikasi dan Penggunaan / Number of Airports by used, Hirarki,and Classification and Usage 2006-2010 ……………..... 128

Tabel/Table A.3.4.03 Fasilitas Listrik Penerbangan di Bandara/ Airport Electric Facilities 2006-2010 ...........................................……………..... 129

Tabel/Table A.3.4.04 Fasilitas Bantu Pelayanan dan Pengamanan Bandara/ Airport Security and Services acilities 2006-2010 ................................... 129

Tabel/Table A.3.4.05 Jumlah Lisensi Pelayanan Keamanan dan Keselamatan Penerbangan di Bandara/ Number of Licence of Aviation

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics xii

Security and Safety Services At Airport 2006-2010 ..................... 129 Fasilitas Elektronika dan Listrik Penerbangan / Facilities of Flight Electronic and Electric Tabel/Table A.3.5.01 Fasilitas Komunikasi Penerbangan / Flight Communication

Facilities 2006-2010.............................………………………….. 130 Perkeretaapian / Railways Tabel/Table A.4.1,01 Panjang Jalan Rel Kereta Api menurut Lintas / Length of Rail by

Tracks 2006-2010………………………………………………..….. 131 Tabel/Table A.4.1.02 Panjang Jalan Rel Kereta Api menurut Jenis Rel /Length of Rail

by Types by Type of Railways 2006-2010……………................. 131 Tabel/Table A.4.1.03 Perlintasan Sebidang / Level of Crossing2006-2010……….……. 132 Tabel/Table A.4.1.04 Jumlah Persinyalan Elektrik Menurut Wilayah (Daerah Operasi)/

Number of Railway Electric Sygnal by Division Regional (DRIVE) 2006-2010...................................................................... 132

Tabel/Table A.4.2.01 Jumlah Stasiun Kereta Api di Jawa dan Sumatera / Number of Railway Stations in Java and Sumatera 2006-2010……………. 133

Tabel/Table A.4.2.02 Produksi Penumpang dan Barang Angkutan Kereta Api di Jawa dan Sumatera /Number of Railway Passengers and Cargoes Carried in Java and Sumatera 2006-2010……………… 134

Tabel/Table A.4.2.03 Produksi Penumpang Angkutan Kereta Api di Jawa dan Sumatera Menurut Lintasan/Number of Railway Passengers in Java and Sumatera by Track 2006-2010…………………………. 135

Tabel/Table A.4.2.04 Produksi Barang Kelompok Terbesar Angkutan Kereta Api / Number of Main Commodities Carried by Train 2006-2010….…. 136

Tabel/Table A.4.3.01 Jumlah Kecelakaan dan Korban Angkutan Kereta Api / Number and Victim of Train Accidents 2006-2010 ………………………. 137

Tabel/Table A.4.3.02 Jumlah Lokomotif Kereta Api Siap Operasi / Number of Railway Locomotives Ready for Operation 2006-2010…………………….. 138

Tabel/Table A.4.3.03 Jumlah Armada Kereta Api Siap Operasi / Number of Train Fleet Ready for Operation 2006-2010 …………………………..... 139

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xiii


Sektor Perhubungan merupakan bagian integral dari kegiatan produksi dan distribusi, yang peranannya penting dalam pembangunan nasional, baik sebagai penunjang maupun perangsang pertumbuhan ekonomi dan berbagai sektor pembangunan lainnya. Untuk bisa menjalankan peranan tersebut diperlukan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengendalian maupun pengawasan program-program pembangunan sektor perhubungan yang harus didukung dengan data dan informasi yang akurat dan lengkap guna mewujudkan jasa perhubungan yang lancar, aman, handal dengan tarif terjangkau oleh masyarakat.

Salah satu usaha yang dijalankan ke arah itu adalah penerbitan buku Statistik Perhubungan yang terdiri dari buku I berisi data dan informasi yang disajikan secara global untuk lima tahun terakhir ini mencakup mengenai, sarana prasarana, kapasitas,produksi serta kinerja untuk masing-masing subsektor Darat, Laut, Udara, Perkeretaapian. Walaupun demikian, data tersebut cukup mewakili kondisi perkembangan jasa perhubungan yang mencerminkan tingkat pelayanannya kepada masyarakat, termasuk faktor keselamatan yang ditunjukkan oleh statistik kecelakaan per tahun. Pada.Buku Edisi 2010 terjadi perubahan pengelompokkan tabel untuk mempermudah pengumpulan datanya. Namun demikian penyusunan buku ini belum sempurna, untuk itu perlu masukan, saran dari Bapak/Ibu dan Para Pembaca buku ini.


Tranportation sector is an integral part of production and distribution in the economy. Therefore, it has important roles in the national development as a supporting and stimulus for the economic growth and development of other sectors. Having such significant roles, the complete and accurate data for planning, implementation, controlling and monitoring the pace of transportation development are needed. Furthermore, data on transportation would be useful to achieve comfort and safety standard transportation services at affordable price. Hence, publication of transportation statistics is indispensable. Data and Information described generally in, this publication. It presented data during the last five years that cover Facilities, capacities, productions and performance of land, sea air ,and Railways transport published in Book I. All figures presented in this publication do not cover all kinds of transportation data yet. In 2010 edition book has exchanged some table for making easier to data collection. However, the data compiled represents adequately the general condition of transportation services including number of accidents as an indicator of safety.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xiv

II. RANGKUMAN Untuk dapat mengikuti secara detail dan

rinci, disini disajikan gambaran dari rata-rata pertumbuhan yang terjadi di masing-masing subsektor dan badan-badan di lingkungan Departemen Perhubungan selama lima tahun terakhir (2006 – 2010), yang secara singkat diuraikan seperti dibawah ini.

1. Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat

Pertumbuhan potensi dan produksi di Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat dari Tahun 2006 sampai dengan Tahun 2010, sebagai berikut : a. Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan


Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Perusahaan Bus Antar Provinsi Menurut Provinsi mengalami peningkatan 2.87 %; Jumlah Bus Antar Provinsi Menurut Provinsi mengalami peningkatan 2.16 %; Jumlah Perusahaan Bus Pariwisata Menurut Provinsi mengalami Peningkatan 14.52 %; Jumlah Bus Pariwisata Menurut Provinsi mengalami peningkatan 10.65 %; Jumlah Perusahaan angkutan alat berat mengalami peningkatan 34.06 %; Jumlah perusahaan Bahan Berbahaya dan Antar jemput antar provinsi mengalami peningkatan 64.54. % dan 37.37 %; Jumlah perusahaan taxi bandara tidak mengalami peningkatan / penurunan; Jumlah kendaraan alat berat dan barang berbahaya meningkat 16.43 % dan 55.23 %; Jumlah unit kendaraan antar jemput antar provinsi mengalami peningkatan 72.06 %; Jumlah unit kendaraan taksi bandara mengalami peningkatan 2.51%.


The following is the summary of Transportation Statistics that help the readers for catch its content. The whole illustration of statistics describe in global and it explain the growth rate of each sector within the Transportation Ministry in the last five years (2006-2010).

1. Land Transport Sub Sector

The development of Land Transport Sub Sector production and potential from year 2006 up to Year 2010 as follows

a. Traffic

The growth rate of Number of Intra Province Buses Company Province increased 2.87 %; Number of Interprovince Buses Service Intra Province increased by 2.16 %; Firms Number of tourist Buses Service by Province increased by 14.52 %; Number of tourist Buses Service by province increased by 10.65 %; Firms and Vehicles Number of Heavy equipment increased 34.06 %; Firms and Vehicles of Dengerous Goods, Inter province Shuttle Service increased 64.54 % dan 37.37 %; Firms Number of rent service and airport taxi are still remains; Vehicles Number of Heavy equipment increased by 16.43 % and 55.23 %; vehicles number of Inter Provinces Shuttle Services increased by 72.06 %; Number of Airport Taxi increased 2.51%; Vehicle number of Number of Weight Stations In Indonesia increased by 0.50 %; Number of Bus Stations Type A In Indonesia increased by 1.99 %; Number of Bus.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xv

Jumlah Unit Penimbangan Kendaraan Bermotor di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan 0.50 %; Jumlah Terminal Tipe A di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan 1.99 %; Jumlah Terminal Tipe B dan C di Indonesia terjadi peningkatan 7.94 % dan 10.64 %; Jumlah Unit Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan 9.19 %; Jumlah Bus dan Truk Siap Operasi Perum Damri terjadi peningkatan 4.76 %; Jumlah Bus dan Truk Siap Guna Operasi Perum Damri mengalami peningkatan 5.66 %; Produksi Penumpang Angkutan Bandara, Wisata, Bus Perintis dan Bus Antar Negara mengalami peningkatan masing-masing 9.62 %, 4.72 %, 297.73 %, 3.67 %, 8.61% kecuali Produksi penumpang Bus Kota mengalami penurunan 7.09%; Produksi kilometer Bus Perum Damri terjadi peningkatan 5.61 %; Produksi Trip Kilometer Perum Damri terjadi penurunan 2.17%;

b. Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Armada PT. Angkutan Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan untuk kapal mengalami peningkatan 3.33 % dan Jumlah Dermaga Penyeberangan Komersial mengalami peningkatan 3.42%; Produksi Penumpang, Barang dan Kendaraan Yang Diangkut PT. Angkutan Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan untuk Pe-numpang

Stations Type B and C In Indonesia increased by 7.94 % And 10.64 %; Number of Vehicle Inspections In Indonesia increased by 9.19 %; Number of Buses and Trucks of Perum Damri Ready For Operation increased by 4.76 %; Number of Buses and Trucks of Perum Damri Ready For Use Operation increased by 5.66 %; Number of Intercity Buses Perum Damri for passenger, Passenger for airport, tourism, Pioneer, Inter Continental Buses, increased by 9.62 %, 4.72%, 297.73 % ; 3.67 %, 8.61% except City Buses decreased by 7.09 %; Bus Kilometer Production of Perrum Damri increased by 5.61 %; Number of Trip Production of Perum Damri decreased 2.17 %.

b. Inland Waterways

The growth rate of Number of Fleet of State Owned interprise Inland Waterways and Ferry Transport (PT.ASDP) increased by 3.33 %; Number of Ferry Quays Commercial and Pioneer Ferry Transport increased by 3.42 %; Number of Passengers PT. ASDP incresed 14.12%,, Goods decreased 1.95 %, and Vehicles Carried

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xvi

terjadi peningkatan 14.12%, Barang mengalami penurunan 1.95 % dan Kendaraan mengalami peningkatan 5.91 %; Produksi Penumpang Angkutan Penyeberangan Menurut Lintasan Terpadu (Komersial) dan Perintis mengalami peningkatan 18.03 % dan 0.94 %; Produksi kendaraan Angkutan Penyeberangan Menurut Lintasan Terpadu (Komersil) dan (Perintis) terjadi penurunan 17.25 % dan peningkatan 77.98 %.

c. Bina Sistem Transportasi Perkotaan

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Lomba Tertib Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Perkotaan Menurut Kota (Wahana Tata Nugraha) untuk Pendaftar mengalami peningkatan 10.87% dan untuk Lulus evaluasi mengala-mi peningkatan 6.77 %; Konsolidasi Transportasi Perkotaan Menurut Kota terjadi peningkatan 0.57 %; Kota Penerima Penghargaan Piala Lomba Tertib Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Perkotaan (Wahana Tata Nugraha Cup) mengalami penurunan 1.91 %; Kota Penerima Penghargaan Plakat Lomba Tertib Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Perkotaan mengalami peningkatan 26.11 %.

d. Keselamatan Transportasi Darat Rata-rata pertumbuhan jumlah kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan terjadi penurunan 5.22%; Jumlah Kendaraan yang terlibat kecelakaan mengalami peningkatan 14.12%;

increased by 5.91 %: Number of Passenger by River Of Ferry Transport by Integreated Lines Commercial and Pioneer increased by 18.03 % and 0.94 % %; Number of Vehicles Carried by River Of Ferry Transport by Integreated Lines Commercial and Pioneer decreased by 17.25 % and increased 77.98 %;

c. Development of Urban Transport System The growth rate of Urban Traffic and Transport Award (Participant) by Cities Registration of Urban Transport System Urban Traffic increased by 10.87 % and Transport Award (Awarded) by Cities increased by 6.77 %; Development of Urban Transport System Urban Traffic and Transport Urban Transport Con-solidation Program by Cities increased by 0.57 %; List of Awarded Cities of Urban Traffic and Transport Award (Cup) decreased by 1.91 %; List of Awarded Cities of Urban Traffic and Transport Award (Placat) increased by 26.11 %;

d. Safety Of Land Transportation

The Growth of Rate of Number of accidents in Road Transport decreased 5.22 %; Number of vehicles accidents increased by 14.12 %;

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xvii

Korban Kecelakaan terjadi peningkatan 3.04%; Kerugian Material (Milyar Rupiah) mengalami peningkatan 18.30 %; Jumlah mobil penumpang, sepeda motor mengalami peningkatan 2.24% dan 12.35% ;mobil beban dan mobil bus mengalami penurunan 6.26 % dan 8.31 %. Total Kendaraan mengalami peningkatan 8.24 %.

2. Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut

Pertumbuhan potensi dan produksi di Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut dari Tahun 2006 sampai dengan Tahun 2010, sebagai berikut : a. Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut

Rata-rata pertumbuhan tahun (2006-2010) untuk Jumlah Armada Angkutan Laut Menurut Kepemilikan untuk Unit Armada terjadi peningkatan 1.95 %, DWT penurunan 3.06 %. GRT mengalami peningkatan 13.06 % dan HP mengalami penurunan 5.99 %; Jumlah Armada Angkutan Laut Menurut Jenis Pelayaran untuk Unit Armada terjadi peningkatan 9.42 %, DWT terjadi peningkatan 17.82 %. GRT mengalami peningkatan 6.77 % dan HP mengalami penurunan 6.58 %; Jumlah Armada dan Kapasitas Angkutan Laut Menurut Perusahaan Pelayaran BUMN utnuk Unit Armada terjadi peningkatan 4.69 % dan DWT mengalami peningkatan 8.88 %; Jumlah Perusahaan Angkutan Laut Menurut Jenis Pelayaran terjadi peningkatan 7.06 %; Jumlah Perusahaan Angkutan

Number of Casualities by Vehicles increased by 3.04 %; Number of Motor Loses Output (Billion Rupiah) increased by 18.30 %; Number of Passenger Car and motor cycle increased by 2.24 % and 12.35 %; Number of Truck and Bus decreased by 6.26 % and 8.31 %. Total Vehicles increased by 8.24 %.

2. Sea Transport Sub Sector The development of Sea Transport Sub Sector production and potential from year 2006 until 2010 as follows : a. Sea Transport

The growth rate of sea transport in the last five years (2006-2010) for Number of Ships by Ownership increased by 1.95 %, DWT decreased by 3.06 %. GRT increased by 13.06 % and HP decreased by 5.99 %; Number of Ships by Liner Types increased by 9.42 %; DWT increased by 17.82 %, GRT increased by 6.77 % and HP decreased by 6.58 %; Number of Ship And Its’s Capacities by State Owned Interprices Liners increased by 4.69 %, DWT increased 8.88 %; Number of Sea Transport Company by Type of Shipping increased by 7.06 %; Number of Sea Transport Company by Province increased by 8.16 %; Number of Non Shipping Company by Province increased by 4.50%; Number of Sea Transport Facilities Companies remains still ; Production of Sea Transport in Indonesia for National

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xviii

Laut Menurut Provinsi terjadi peningkatan 8,16 %; Jumlah Perusahaan Non Pelayaran Menurut Provinsi terjadi peningkatan 4.50%; Jumlah Perusahaan Penunjang Angkutan Laut tidak mengalami peningkatan tidak terjadi penurunan; Produksi Angkutan Laut Di Indonesia untuk Perusahaan Nasional mengalami peningkatan 21.49 % dan Perusahaan Asing mengalami penurunan 2.2 %.

b. Pelabuhan dan Pengerukan

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I s.d IV Menurut Kelas Pelabuhan mengalami peningkatan 0.22 %; jumlah Pelabuhan Yang Diusahakan Di Seluruh Indonesia tidak mengalami peningkatan / tidak terjadi penurunan; Jumlah Pelabuhan Yang Diusahakan di Seluruh Indonesia tidak terjadi peningkatan atau penurunan; Panjang Dermaga Pelabuhan Yang dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I s.d IV mengalami penurunan 3.86 %; Jumlah Alat Bongkar Muat Pelabuhan

Indonesia I s.d IV Yang Dikelola PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I s.d IV mengalami peningkatan 8.91 %; Arus Kunjungan Kapal) PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I s.d IV untuk Unit Armada mengalami peningkatan 0.82 % dan GRT mengalami peningkatan 5.33 %; Arus Bongkar Muat

terjadi peningkatan 5.99%; Produksi Terminal Peti Kemas

Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT .

Companies increased by 21.49 % and International Companies decreased by 2.2%.

b. Port And Dredging

The growth rate of Number of Ports Managed by Indonesia Ports Coorporation I-IV by Class of Ports increasing by 0.22 %; Number of Commercial Ports in Indonesia is reman still;; Number of Not Commercial Ports In Indonesia is remain still; Length of Berth Managed by Indonesia Ports Coorporation I-IV decreased by 3.86 %; Number of Cargo Loading / Unloading Equipment Managed by Indonesia Ports Coorporation I-IV increased by 8.91 %; Call Ships Managed by Indonesia Ports Coorporation I-IV for unit decreased by 0.82 % and GRT increased by 5.33 %; Production of Loading / unloading increased by 5.99 %; Production of Containers Handling by Terminal Yard Managed by Indonesia Ports Coorporation I-IV for TEUS increased by 17.36 %, BOX increased 15.96 %; Production of Cargos Terminal Services by Indonesia Ports Coorporation I-IV increased by 6.47 %;

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xix

(Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I s.d IV untuk BOX mengalami peningkatan 17.36 % dan untuk TEUS mengalami peningkatan 15.46 %; Produksi Jasa Terminal Pelabuhan yang dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I s.d IV untuk TEUs mengalami peningkatan 6.47 %;Produksi Jasa Tambat PT (Persero) Pelabuhan I s.d IV Produksi terjadi peningkatan 6.04 %; Produksi Jasa Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT (Persero) Pelabuahan Indonesia I s/d IV mengalami peningkatan 6.87 %; Arus Penumpang Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I s/d IV terjadi peningkatan 2.70%; Arus Bongkar Muat Antar Pulau di 4 Pelabuhan meliputi kegiatan arus muat mengalami peningkatan 4.95 %; Arus bongkar terjadi peningkatan 4.46 %; Arus Bongkar Muat Luar Negeri di 4 Pelabuhan Utama arus ekspor terjadi peningkatan 3.98 %; Arus impor terjadi peningkatan 73.0 %; Jumlah Armada Pengerukan PT. (Persero) Pengerukan Indonesia Menurut Jenis Kapal terjadi peningkatan 1.08%; Produksi Pengerukan PT (Persero) Pengerukan Indonesia terjadi penurunan 18.83%; Produksi Pengerukan PT (Persero) Pengerukan Indonesia Menurut Segmen Pasar terjadi penurunan 26.92 %.

c. Perkapalan dan Kepelautan

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Kapal Marine Inspektur Per Provinsi mengalami peningkatan 2.62%;

Production of Tether Services Managed by Indonesia Ports Coorporation I-IV increased by 6.04 %; Production of Anchoring Services Storage Managed by Indonesia Ports Coorporation I-IV increased by 6.87 %; Number of Ship Passangers Managed by Indonesia Ports Coorporation increased by 2.70 %; Inter island sea transport of cargoes loading/unloading at 4 main ports consist of loading increased by 4.95 %; Cargoes unloading increased by 4.46 %; Production Sea International of cargoes of loading/unloading at 4 main ports consist of export /loading increased by 3.98 %; Import/unloading increased by 73.0 %; Number of Fleet of Indonesia Dredging company by Dredgeer types increased by 1.08 %; Production of Dredging fleet of Indonesia Dredging Company by type of dredger decreased by 18.83 %; Production of dredging fleet of Indonesia dredging company by type of market decreased by 26.92 %.

c. Shipping And Marine

The growth rate of Ship Growth Marine Inspector by Province increased by 2.62%;

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xx

d. Navigasi

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Armada Kapal Kenavigasian Menurut Provinsi terjadi peningkatan 7.77 %; Jumlah sarana bantu Navigasi Menurut Provinsi mengalami peningkatan 3.63 %; Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran Menurut Jenis dan Kepemilikan mengalami peningkatan 3.63%; Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran menurut Distrik Navigasi mengalami peningkatan 3.62%; Jumlah Stasiun Radio Pantai Menurut Provinsi terjadi penurunan 33.33 %; Jumlah Stasiun Radio Pantai Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi terjadi penurunan 33.33 %; Jumlah Kapal Kenavigasian Menurut Lokasi/ Distrik Navigasi terjadi peningkatan 7.77 %. Jumlah Panjang dermaga khusus kenavigasian menurut lokasi distrik navigasi terjadi Peningkatan 17.98 %; jumlah taman pelampung menurut lokasi propinsi terjadi peningkatan 16.34%;

e. Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Armada Kapal Patroli menurut provinsi terjadi peningkatan 16.73 %; Jumlah Armada Kapal Patroli dan Penyelamatan Menurut Kelas Kapal terjadi peningkatan 15.48 %; dan Jumlah Perusahaan Salvage dan Pekerjaan Bawah Air mengalami peningkatan 13.34 %.

d. Navigation The growth rate of Number of Ships Navigation by Province increased by 7.77%; Number of Island Navigation Facilities by Province increased by

3.63%; Number of Island Navigation Facilities by Types And Ownership increased by 3.63 %; Number of Island Navigation Facilities by distric increased by 3.62%; Number of Radio Station by Provinces decreased by 33.33 %; Number of Radio Station by Distric Navigation decreased by 33.33%; Number of Ships Navigation by Location / District of Navigation increased by 7.77%; Number of length of special navigation jetty by navigation district increased by 17.98%; Number of Bucy Park by Province increased by 16.34 %;

e. Sea and Coast Guard


The growth rate of Total of Patrol ship by Province increased by 16.73 %; Number of Patrol ship by class ship increased by 15.48 %; Number of Salvage And underwater Work Company increased by 13.34 %.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxi

3. Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara

Pertumbuhan potensi dan produksi di Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara dari Tahun 2006 sampai dengan Tahun 2010, sebagai berikut : a. Lalu Lintas Angkutan Udara

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Pro-duksi Pergerakan Pesawat Penerbangan Domestik Menurut Bandar Udara mengalami peningkatan 6.22 %; Produksi Pergerakan Pesawat Penerbangan Inter-nasional Menurut Bandar Udara mengalami pening-katan 9.28 %; Produksi Pergerakan Penumpang Penerbangan Domestik Menurut Bandar Udara mengalami peningkatan 10.02 %; Produksi Pergerakan Penumpang Penerbangan Internasional Menurut Bandar Udara mengalami pening-katan 13.80 %; Produksi Pergerakan Bagasi Pener-bangan Domestik Menurut Bandar Udara mengalami peningkatan 7.58 %; Produksi Pergerakan Bagasi Penerbangan Internasional Menurut Bandar Udara mengalami peningkatan 11.15 %;Produksi Pergerakan Barang Penerbangan Domestik Menurut Bandar Udara mengalami peningkatan 5.38 %; Produksi Pergerakan Barang Penerbangan Internasional Menurut Bandar Udara terjadi peningkatan 7.35 %; Produksi Pergerakan Pos Penerbangan Domestik Menurut Bandar Udara mengalami peningkatan 13.84 %; Produksi Pergerakan Pos International Menurut Bandar Udara mengalami

3. Air Transport Sub Sector.

The development of Air Transport Sub Sector production and potential from Year 2005 up to Year 2009 as follows :

a. Air Transport

The growth rate of Aircraft Movement Production of Domestic Flights by Airport increased by 6.22 %; Aircraft Movement Production of International Flights by Airport increased by 9.28 %; Passangers Production of Domestic Flights by Airport increased by 10.02 %; Passengers Production of International Flights by Airport increased by 13.80 %; Baggages Production of Domestic Flights by Airport increased by 7.58 %; Baggages Production of International Flights by Airport increased by 11.15 %; Cargoes Production of Domestic Flights by Airport increased by 5.38 %; Cargoes Production of International Flights by Airport increased by 7.35 %; Mails Production of Domestic Flights by Airport increased by 13.84 %; Mails Production of International Flights by Airport increased by 10.02 %; Number Passangers of Moslem Pilgrims On Eleven Man Airport increased by 6.93 %;

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxii

peningkatan 10.02 %; Jemaah Haji di 11 (sebelas) Bandar Udara mengalami penurunan 6.93%;

b. Keamanan Penerbangan

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Lesensi Pelayanan Keamanan dan Keselamatan Penerbangan terjadi peningkatan 13.68 % dan fasilitas Keamanan Penerbangan antara lain : X-Ray terjadi peningkatan 9.44 %.

c. Sertifikasi Kelaikan Udara

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah dan Tipe Pesawat udara berdasarkan Sertifikat Operator Penerbangan 121 terjadi peningkatan 2.95 % dan Tipe Pesawat udara Berdasarkan jumlah Sertifikat Operator Penerbangan 135 terjadi penurunan 2.28 %; jumlah dan tipe Pesawat Udara Berdasarkan Sertifikat Operator Penerbangan (91,137,141,FAS) terjadi penurunan 2.12 %; Jumlah Pilot mengalami peningkatan 3,50 %.

d. Teknik Bandar Udara

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Jumlah Bandar Udara Menurut Fungsi, Klasifikasi dan Penggunaan. Menurut Fungsi tidak mengalami peningkatan / tidak terjadi penurunan; Menurut Klasifikasi kelas A, B dan C tidak mengalami peningkatan / tidak terjadi penurunan dan

b. Flight Safety

The growth rate of Number Personal Licence of Aviation Security And Savety Services increased by 18.40 % and Aviation Security Facilities: : X-Ray increasing 9.44 %.

c. Civil Aircraft Register The growth rate of Number of Airline Type Based Air Operator Certificate (AOC) 121 increased by 2.95 %; Number of Airline Type Based Air Operator Certificate (AOC) 135 decreased by 2.28 %; Number of Airline Type Based Air Operator Certificate (AOC) (91,137,141,FASI) decreased by 2.12 %; Number of pilot increasing 3.50 %.

d. Airport Engeneering

The growth rate of Number of Airport by Function, Classification and usage. For Function and Classification A, B and C airport class are still remains;. Airport for usage for international airport still remains too; Airport Electric Facilities increased 5.53 %. Number of Licenced for of Aviation Security and Safety Services

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxiii

Menurut Penggunaan bandara internasional tidak terjadi peningkatan atau penurunan; Fasilitas Listrik penerbangan terjadi peningkatan 5.53 %. Jumlah Lisensi pelayanan Keamanan Dan keselamatan penerbangan terjadi peningkatan 456.23 %

e. Fasilitas Elektronika dan Listrik Penerbangan

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Fasilitas Komunikasi Penerbangan mengalami peningkatan 13.52 %; Fasilitas Navigasi terjadi peningkatan 4.82 %; Fasilitas Bantu Pendaratan terjadi peningkatan 18.98 %;

4. Sub Sektor Perkeretaapian

a. Prasarana Jalan KA Rata-rata pertumbuhan

panjang jalan kereta api menurut lintas terjadi peningkatan 3.07 %; Panjang Jalan rel Kereta Api menurut jenis rel terjadi peningkatan 3.07%; Jumlah Perlintasan Jalan sebidang terjadi penurunan 35.33 %; Jumlah Persinyalan Elektrik Menurut Wilayah Daerah Operasi mengalami peningkatan 4.95%.

b. Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan

KA Rata-rata Pertumbuhan untuk

Jumlah stasiun Kereta Api Jawa dan Sumatera mengalami kenaikan 3.07 % Produksi Penumpang Angkutan Kereta Api di Jawa dan Sumatera menurut lintasan, termasuk Jabotabek

increased by 456.23 %.

e. Facilities of Flight Electric

And Electronic.

The growth rate of Electronic Facilities And Flight Electric increased by 13.52 %; Flight Navigation Facilities increased by 4.82 %; Service Facilities increased 18.98 %;

4. Railways Sub Sector

a. Railways Infrastructure Growth of Rate of length of

Railway by track increased by 3.07 %; Length of railways by type of railways increased by 3.07 %; Number of level railways crossing decreased by 35.33 %; Number of Electric Signal by Regional increased by 4.95 %.

b. Traffic And Carrier

Growth of rate for number of station in Java and Sumatera increased by 3.07 %;

Production of Railway Passengers in Java and Sumatera by trace include Commuter Trace increased by

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxiv

mengalami peningkatan 0.35 %; Jumlah Barang Kelompok Terbesar Angkutan Kereta Api mengalami peningkatan 0.35 %;Produksi angkutan penumpang KA di Jawa dan Sumatera terjadi peningkatan 25.49 % dan 31.58 %; Produksi angkutan barang dengan KA di Jawa dan Sumatera dengan peningkatan 2.65 % dan 10.82 %.

c. Keselamatan dan teknik Sarana

Rata-rata pertumbuhan Lokomotif KA Siap Operasi mengalami kenaikan 4.62 %; Armada Kereta Api Siap Operasi mengalami peningkatan 6.83 %; Jumlah korban kecelakaan KA terjadi peningkatan 75.43 %; Jumlah kejadian terjadi penurunan 15.36 %.

0.35 %; Production Main Comodities Carried by Train increased by 0.35 %;

Production of Railways passengers in Java and Sumatera increased by 25.49 % dan 31.58 %; Production of Railways freight in Java and Sumatera increased by 2.65 % and decreased by 10.82 %.

c. Safety And Rolling Stock

Growth of Number of Railway locomotive Ready for operation increased by 4.62 %; Train Cars ready for Operation increased by 6.83 %; Number of Victim Train accident increased by 75.43 %; Number of train accident decreased by 15.36 %.

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d. Keamanan Penerbangan dan Rata-rata jumlah kejadian Kecelakaan Yang terjadi Pada Pelayanan Lalu Lintas Penerbangan terjadi peningkatan 7.22 %. pindah ke sertifikasi kelaikan udara.

e. Sertifikasi Kelaikan Udara terjadi penambahan tabel yaitu jumlah kecelakaan : Serius Insiden dan kecelakaan serta tabel jumlah SDM (Pilot, FOO, FA dan AMEL)

f. Teknik Bandar Udara berubah KebandaruUdaraan

Fasilitas Bantu Pelayanan dan Pengamana Bandara terjadi peningkatan 1.60 %. Berubah menjadi Fasilitas Listrik Penerbangan Tambah Tabel Jumlah Lisensi Pelayanan Keamanan dan Keselamatan Penerbangan

g. Fasilitas Elektronika dan

Listrik Penerbangan

Fasilitas Navigasi Udara terjadi peningkatan 2.72 %.

d. Flight Safety

Number of Reported Incident

Traffic Flight increased by 7.22 %.

e. Civil Aircraft Register

Number of pilot increasing 3.50 %.

f. Airport Engeneering

Airport security and services facilities increased 1.60 %.

g. Aviation Electronics and Electricity Facilities

Air Navigation Facilities increased 2.72%.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxvi


Untuk mencapai suatu keseragaman bahasa dan pengertian dalam membaca statistik perhubungan yang disajikan dalam buku ini, diperlukan suatu definisi baku mengenai istilah-istilah yang digunakan. Definisi ini disajikan menurut moda transportasi yang dimulai dari subsektor perhubungan darat, laut, udara dan kegiatan penunjang lainnya di lingkungan Sektor Perhubungan.


Following is the defenition of several terms that enables readers to get better understanding. The definitions presented according to transport modes; land transport sub sector, sea transport sub sector, air transport sub sector, Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, National Search And Rescue Agency, and human resources.

1. Subsektor Perhubungan Darat 1. Land Transport Subsector

a. Angkutan Jalan Raya a. Road Transport

Bus Antarkota Mobil bus yang mempunyai trayek atau yang menghubungkan kota yang satu dengan kota yang lain baik dalam satu propinsi maupun antarpropinsi.

Inter City Bus Buses used to provide intercity or interprovince service.

Bus Bandara Bus yang mengangkut penumpang dengan rute tertentu yaitu dari/atau menuju Bandara.

Airport Bus Buses that serve passenger from and to the airport.

Bus Kota

Bus yang melayani trayek dalam kota.

City Bus Buses utilized for urban service.

Bus Perintis Bus penumpang yang menghubungkan daerah-daerah terpencil/ terisolir di mana tidak ada moda transportasi lain dan pelaksanaannya oleh pemerintah.

Pioneer Bus Buses used to serve remote areas where other public trans-port is not available. Usually the buses are managed by the local government.

Bus Wisata Bus untuk melayani pariwisata, sifatnya tidak tetap dan tidak terikat dengan trayek.

Tourist Bus Unscheduled and un fixed route buses especially designed for tourist.

Kendaraan Umum

Setiap kendaraan yang disediakan untuk umum dan dipungut bayaran.

Public Transport Any kind of vehicles for public transport that charge fares for the ride

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Km-Bus Jumlah jarak (km) ditempuh dikalikan jumlah bus operasi.

Bus-Km Number of buses operated times the distance the buses cover.

Km-Penumpang Jumlah jarak (km) yang ditempuh dikalikan dengan jumlah penumpang (orang) diangkut.

Passenger-Km Multiplication of the number of passengers and the distance to be transported.

Luka Berat Penderita jika dalam 4-6 menit tidak dilakukan tindakan cepat dan tepat penderita akan meninggal.

Seriously Injured Those who seriously injured due to traffic accident.

Luka Ringan Keadaan penderita membutuhkan tindakan cepat tetapi jiwanya tidak dalam bahaya.

Minor Injured Those who slightly injured due to traffic accident.

Meninggal Meninggal seketika akibat kecelakaan.

Fatality Fatality due to traffic accident.

Penumpang Semua orang yang mempergunakan angkutan bus kecuali awak bus.

Passenger Those who travel in the public buses except the crews of the buses.

Sepeda Motor Setiap kendaraan ber-motor dengan tenaga mekanik beroda dua.

Motor Cycle Any kind of two wheels motor vehicle.

Terminal Prasarana transportasi jalan untuk keperluan memuat dan menurunkan orang dan atau barang serta mengatur kedatangan dan pemberangkatan kendaraan umum, yang merupakan salah satu wujud simpul jaringan transportasi.

Terminal The place for loading and unloading of passenger buses their loading and unloading as well as departure and arrival. At the terminal, arrival and departure schedules are set.

b. Angkutan Kereta Api b. Railway Transport

Gerbong Barang Kendaraan dengan tenaga gerak baik berjalan sendiri maupun dirangkaikan dengan kendaraan lainnya yang akan ataupun

Freight Train Special train to carry freight commodities.

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sedang bergerak di jalan rel khusus mengangkut barang. Hilang Korban yang tidak diketahui nasibnya karena tidak diketemukan tubuhnya.

Missing Victims Victims of train accidents whose bodies can not be found.

KA Anjlok/ Terguling Kecelakaan Kereta Api dimana roda Kereta Api keluar dari rel

Flood/Land Slide A train accident due to the train passes flood/land slide area

KA dengan KA Tabrakan antara dua kereta yang disebabkan oleh kelengahan operator.

Train vs Train An accident when two trains crash each other due to operator fault.

KA vs Kendaraan : Tabrakan antara KA dengan kendaraan pengguna jalan raya.

Train vs Other Vehicles An accident when train and other vehicles crash each other

Kereta Api Kendaraan dengan tenaga gerak baik berjalan sendiri maupun dirangkaikan dengan kendaraan lainnya, yang akan atau sedang bergerak di jalan rel.

Train A coach or a number of coaches joined together and move along a railway line.

Kereta Bagasi Kendaraan dengan tenaga gerak, baik berjalan sendiri maupun dirangkaikan dengan kendaraan lainnya yang akan ataupun sedang bergerak di jalan rel khusus mengangkut bagasi.

Baggage Train Special train to carry baggage

Kereta Penumpang Kendaraan dengan tenaga gerak, baik berjalan sendiri maupun dirangkaikan dengan kendaraan lainnya yang akan ataupun sedang bergerak di jalan rel khusus mengangkut penumpang.

Passenger Train Special train to carry passengers

Kerugian Material Nilai barang yang hilang atau rusak akibat kecelakaan.

Material Losses Value of material losses and damages in a train accident.

Lain-lain Kecelakaan karena ulah seseorang yang tidak bertanggung jawab atau sebab-sebab lain yang menyebabkan

Other Accidents Train accident caused by other than natural disaster or train operator faults.

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c. Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan (ASDP)

c. River, Lake and Crossing Service Transport

Angkutan Penyeberangan Angkutan melalui selat, sungai atau teluk dengan menggunakan kapal ferry/penyeberangan.

Ferry's Transport A service to carry cargo, vehicle or passengers across the strait river or gulf from a port to the opposite port.

Angkutan Sungai Angkutan melalui sungai dengan menggunakan kapal/ perahu bermotor/ perahu tidak bermotor.

River Transport Transportation using canoe, motor boat or ferry in rivers or straits.

Bus Air Kendaraan untuk mengangkut penumpang di sungai.

River Bus Passenger carrying boats travelling on rivers.

Dermaga Bangunan yang didirikan di perairan yang dapat digunakan untuk sandaran alat-alat penyeberangan dan digunakan untuk bongkar muat barang, kendaraan dan naik turun penumpang.

Quay A strongly built landing place alongside port which ships can be tied up in order to load and unload cargo, vehicles or passenger cross the strait, river or gulf.

Kapal Konvensional Kapal yang memuat barang-barang yang tidak menggunakan kontainer, sifatnya tradisional.

Conventional ship A ship that load cargo in traditional method without container facilities.

Kapal Ro-Ro Sejenis kapal yang dapat melakukan bongkar muat tanpa mengubah posisi kapal maupun muatannya.

Ro-Ro Vessel A boat named Ro-Ro (Roll on - Roll of) that load and unload cargo whatever position it takes when it docks.

Penumpang Semua orang yang mempergunakan angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan kecuali ABK (anak buah kapal).

Passenger Those who on ride ships that carry them to cross rivers or straits

Perahu Motor Kendaraan angkutan air tidak mengunakan geladak yang dilengkapi dengan motor penggerak.

Motor Boat A small, no deck-vessel moved by oil engines

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxx

Ton-Kilometer Jumlah jarak (km) yang ditempuh dikalikan dengan jumlah muatan (ton) yang diangkut.

Kilometer-Ton Multiplication of distance (km) and weight of cargo (ton) carried by vessel.

Truk Air Kendaraan untuk mengangkut barang di sungai.

River Truck Freighter or cargo vessel travelling on rivers.

2. Subsektor Perhubungan Laut 2. Sea Transport Subsector

Biaya Pelabuhan Biaya yang dibayarkan oleh pemilik kapal kepada pengusaha pelabuhan, biasanya biaya ini dikenakan berdasarkan panjang kapal

Harbour fee Fee paid by ship owners to the harbour authority, usually based on length of the ship.

Bongkar Pembongkaran barang dari kapal yang diangkut dari pelabuhan asal di Indonesia atau di luar negeri.

Discharge Unloading cargo carried by ships from other ports in Indonesia or other countries.

BRT Ruangan di bawah geladak utama ditambah volume ruangan di atas geladak utama, termasuk juga bangunan atas.

BRT (Bruto Register Ton) Total volume of the room under the main deck and the room above the main deck.

Curah Cair Muatan cair yang diangkut dalam bentuk curah (dituang dalam suatu tempat di kapal), misalnya muatan mi-nyak dalam tanker.

Bulk Cargo Liquid commodities

Curah Kering Muatan kering yang diangkut dalam bentuk curah, misalnya muatan batu bara, semen, dan lain-lain.

Dry Cargo A bulk of cement, coal, sand and other power commodities

Dok Kapal Fasilitas perawatan dan perbaikan kapal.

Dock Yard A place to repair and maintain ships.

DWT Daya angkut kapal dalam ton yakni berat muatan, bahan bakar mesin, mesin, bahan-bahan keperluan kapal dan perlengkapan kapal.

DWT (Dead Weight Ton) Capacity of a ship (in ton) to carry passengers, cargos, fuel, engines, supplies and equipment .

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Ekor-Mil Total perkalian jumlah hewan yang diangkut dengan jarak yang ditempuh dalam mil

Cattle-Mile Number of cattle times distance the cattle carried (in mile) by ships.

Ekspor Barang yang dimuat untuk dikirim ke luar negeri.

Export Send (goods) to another countries

Fasilitas Pelabuhan Sarana penunjang yang paling utama dalam bongkar muat barang, pembekalan, perawatan, perbaikan dan kegiatan lainnya yang perlu selama kapal singgah di pelabuhan.

Port Facility Facility built to support ports in loading/unloading cargos, proiding supplies, maintenance and repair facilities and other services to ships

Forklift Alat untuk menaikkan dan menurunkan barang.

Forklift A vehicle equipped with lift up and down for internal/local loading and unloading goods

GRT Volume ruangan kapal dalam m3 meliputi volume ruangan kapal kecuali tunnel (tero-wongan), lubang poros baling-baling, chain locker (tempat jangkar) dan alas ganda.

GRT (Gross Register Ton) Total volume of all room in a ship deducted by the volume of tunnel, the axle of propellers and the chain locker.

Gudang Tempat penyimpanan barang.

Shed Facility built to support ports in loading/unloading cargos, proiding supplies, maintenance and repair facilities and other services to ships.

Impor Barang yang diturunkan dari luar negeri.

Import Bring ( foreign goods) into a country

Kandas Lunas kapal tertumpu/ menabrak dasar perairan pelayaran.

Aground Ship which crasher the bottom of the shallow sea and unable to float or more.

Kapal Curah Kapal yang dibangun khusus untuk mengangkut muatan curah yang dikapalkan sekaligus dalam jumlah banyak.

Bulk Cargo Liquid commodities.

Kapal Keruk Cakram Kapal keruk yang mengambil jenis material lumpur/ barang melalui alat cakram.

Disc Dredger Ship A dredger ship that bring up mud from under the water by means of a disk-like dredge

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Kapal Keruk Hisap Kapal keruk yang mengeruk jenis material lumpur dan pasir dengan pipa penghisap.

Sucking Dredger Ship A dredger ship that suck mud and sand from the bottom of a river, canal or the sea.

Kapal Keruk Timba Kapal keruk yang mengeruk jenis mate-rial pasir dan lumpur melalui pantai dengan kedalaman terbatas

Bucket Dredger Ship A dredger ship that bring up mud and sand from the shallow shore by means of a bucket.

Kapal Pandu Kapal penunjuk jalan di pelabuhan.

Pilot Vessel A vessel that guide ships to the port.

Kapal Peti Kemas Kapal yang dibangun untuk mengangkut muatan yang sudah dimasukkan ke dalam peti kemas.

Container Ship A ship designated to carry general cargo in containers.

Kapal Tongkang Kapal yang tidak mempunyai mesin penggerak digunakan untuk mengangkut barang yang dibongkar dari kapal lain untuk diteruskan ke pela-buhan tujuan atau sebaliknya.

Tug Boat A flat bottomed boat pulled by a steamer and used for carrying goods from/to a ship to/from a port.

Kedatangan kapal Kapal yang datang dipelabuhan baik untuk berlabuh di-perairan pelabuhan maupun sandar di dermaga.

Ship Arrival Ship arries at a port either for docking as berthing

Lokasi Kejadian Lokasi di mana kecelakaan terjadi.

Place of Accident A place where a sea accident happened.

Muat Pemuatan barang ke kapal untuk diangkut ke pelabuhan tujuan di Indonesia atau di Luar Negeri.

Loading Loading cargo to a ship transported to the destination port.

Muatan Umum Barang yang diangkut dalam berbagai bentuk kemasan, misalnya dalam karung, paket, bungkusan dan lain-lain.

General Cargo The goods carried in a ship.

Non Pel./Khusus Kegiatan angkutan laut yang diselenggarakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sendiri seperti untuk mengangkut bahan baku.

Special Port A harbour that only serve ships with special cargos.

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Pelab. Nusantara Tempat berlabuh/ menampung kegiatan armada pelayaran nusantara, kedalaman air yang diperlukan minimal 5 meter.

Nusantara Port A harbour serve Nusantara shipping with at least 5m sea-depth.

Pelabuhan Alam Pelabuhan dengan kedalaman lautnya yang secara alamiah telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk digunakan sebagai pelabuhan.

Autonomous Port A natural port that does not need sea-wall to enable ships docking because the sea is deep enough for ship docking.

Pelabuhan buatan Pelabuhan yang dibuat oleh manusia, sehingga memenuhi per-syaratan untuk digunakan sebagai pelabuhan.

Artificial Port A man-made port with sea-wall and break water to make ship docking easily.

Pelabuhan Diusahakan Pelabuhan yang wajib disinggahi oleh kapal-kapal dalam melayani suatu trayek dan apabila kapal yang bersangkutan bermaksud untuk tidak menyinggahi, maka perusahaan pelayaran yang bersangkutan harus mengajukan permohonan omisi sesuai dengan peraturan dan prosedur yang berlaku.

Operated Port A port at which ships must stop on their way to another port. According to the shipping rules ships can omit the port if they have omission permit.

Pelabuhan khusus Pelabuhan yang melayani kapal-kapal dengan muatan khusus/ angkutan khusus.

Special Port A harbour that only serve ships with special cargos.

Pelabuhan Laut Pelabuhan yang dapat disinggahi kapal-kapal samudera baik berbendera asing maupun berbendera nasional bebas tanpa izin tertentu untuk memasukinya.

Sea Port A harbour enable to dock foreign and national flag carrier freely without entry permit.

Pelabuhan Lokal Tempat berlabuhnya kapal-kapal pelayaran pantai (lokal).

Local Port A port that serve coast-shipping boats

Pelabuhan Pantai Pelabuhan yang dapat disinggahi kapal-kapal antarpulau, akan tetapi dapat dimasuki kapal-kapal samudera ber-bendera asing tertentu dengan syarat-syarat dan pembatasan tertentu baik mengenai

Sea Port A harbour enable to dock foreign and national flag carrier freely without entry permit

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxxiv

keadaan kapal maupun muatannya.

Pelabuhan Perintis Tempat berlabuh/ menampung kegiatan kapal-kapal perintis dengan kedalaman air berkisar antara 3-4 meter.

Pioneer shipping Sea transport serving remote, isolated and less developed regions. Pioneer shipping normally operated by the government, with reguler service and designated routes.

Pelabuhan Samudera Tempat berlabuh/ tempat menampung kegiatan - kegiatan angkutan laut luar negeri dengan kedalaman air minimal 9 meter.

Ocean Harbour A harbour with least 9 m sea-depth serving oceangoing vessel from other countries.

Pelabuhan tidak diusahakan Pelabuhan yang hanya merupakan tempat persinggahan kapal atau perahu tanpa fasilitas bongkar muat, bea cukai dan lain-lain.

Non Commercial Port A port of call that have no custom officers and cargo handling equipments

Pelayaran Kegiatan angkutan laut yang diselenggarakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan umum.

Shipping Sea transport to meet public demand.

Pelayaran Tramper Pelayaran yang di-selenggarakan secara tidak berjadual.

Tramper Shipping Non scheduled shipping service.

Pelayaran antar pulau Pelayaran antar pelabuhan di Indonesia.

Inter-island Shipping Shipping serve one port to another in other deferent slands within Indonesia archi-pelago

Pelayaran Asing Pelayaran yang diusahakan oleh warga negara asing dan berbendera asing

Foreign Shipping Sea transport operated by foreigner with foreign flag

Pelayaran Dalam Negeri Meliputi pelayaran antarpulau, pelayaran rakyat dan pelayaran perintis.

Domestic Shipping Domestic shipping in Indonesia consists of inter-island shipping, perahu's and pioneer shipping.

Pelayaran Liner Pelayaran yang memiliki trayek tertentu dan diselenggarakan secara berjadual.

Liner Service Scheduled shipping service.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxxv

Pelayaran Luar Negeri Pelayaran dari/ke pelabuhan di Indonesia ke/dari pelabuhan di Luar Negeri.

International Shipping Shipping from / to ports in Indonesia to/from ports in other countries.

Pelayaran Nasional Pelayaran yang diusahakan oleh warga negara Indonesia dan berbendera Indonesia.

Domestic Shipping Domestic shipping in Indonesia consists of inter-island shipping, perahu's and pioneer shipping

Pelayaran perintis Pelayaran yang melayani daerah-daerah terpencil dan terisolir, dan daerah yang belum berkembang, yang dikelola oleh pemerintah mengikuti rute yang telah ditentukan secara teratur.

Pioneer Shipping Sea transport serving remote, isolated and less developed regions. Pioneer shipping normally operated by the government, with reguler service and designated routes

Pelayaran Rakyat Pelayaran dalam negeri dengan meng-gunakan perahu layar, perahu layar motor dan kapal motor dengan ukuran di bawah 100 m3.

Cammon Voyage Kind of canoe, boat or motor boat under 100 m3 privately owned.

Penumpang Naik Penumpang yang naik ke kapal untuk di-angkut ke pelabuhan tujuan.

On Going Passenger Number of passengers embark for going to the destination port.

Penumpang Turun Penumpang yang turun dari kapal yang diangkut dari pelabuhan asal.

Disembarking Passenger Number of passengersdisembarking from port of origin.

Peti Kemas Peti dengan ukuran tertentu (standar) yang digunakan sebagai tempat mengangkut barang.

Container A Sized box to carry goods safely practical.

Stasiun Pelabuhan Stasiun pantai di dalam dinas operasi pelabuhan

Port Station A train station in the port area.

T E U Peti kemas yang berukuran 20 feet.

T E U Twenty Feet Equivalent Unit for Sized container.

Tabrakan Tabrakan antara kapal dengan kapal lainnya

Collision Accident or crash between one ship with another

Tanker Kapal pengangkut muatan cair.

Tanker A ship designated to carry petroleum or other liquid.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxxvi

TEUS-Mil Jumlah perkalian muatan yang diangkut dalam TEUS dengan jarak yang ditempuh dalam Mil.

Mile-TEUS Number of cargo (in TEU) times distance the cargo carried (in mile).

Ton-Mil Jumlah perkalian muatan yang diangkut dalam ton dengan jarak yang ditempuh dalam mil.

Mile-Ton Weight of cargo (in ton) times distance the cargo carried (in mile).

Uang Labuh Uang jasa sebagai pengganti terhadap pemakaian permukaan/ perairan pelabuhan.

Anchor Fee Fee paid by ship owners to the harbour authority for utilizing quay.

Uang Tambat Biaya yang dibayar oleh pemilik kapal kepada pengusaha pelabuhan atas penggunaan dermaga untuk bertambat

Advance freight Amount of money paid to a liner for carrying cargos from a port to the destination port. The cargo is not including loading and unloading fees.

3. Subsektor Perhubungan Udara 3. Air Transport Subsector

Barang Bawaan di Kabin Jumlah/banyaknya barang-barang yang diangkut/dibawa ke dalam kabin pesawat berdasarkan dimensi, berat dan klasifikasi jenisnya

Goods Carried Total of goods that be carried out according to dimension, weight and type classification

Block-off Saat pesawat terbang melepas pengaman roda untuk bergerak menuju lapangan pacu

Block-Off The time at which the air craft comes to rest at the end of the flight.

Block-on Saat pesawat terbang berhenti dan pengaman roda dipasang

Block-On The time at which the air craft first moves under it’s power

Cargo Setiap hak milik atas barang tertentu yang diangkut/dibawa oleh pesawat udara selain benda-benda pos, barang-barang kelengkapan pesawat udara dan bagasi

Cargo Goods, excluding mails, aircraft supplies and baggages, carried by aircrafts.

Jam Terbang Pesawat Jumlah jam terbang pesawat didasarkan pada waktu dari blok ke blok

Flight-Hour Number of hours an aircrafts have been flown from a block to another block.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxxvii

Jalur Penerbangan Lintasan pesawat udara yang ditentukan untuk penerbangan dari bandara asal ke bandara tujuan.

Air Transportation Route Direction route for Origin Airport to Destination Airport.

Km-Penumpang Jumlah Km dari semua penumpang pesawat terbang.

Passenger-Km Number of passengers times distance the passengers fly.

Km-Pesawat Jumlah perkalian penerbangan yang dilaksanakan dengan jarak yang ditem-puhnya

Aircraft-Km Number of flight times distance the aircrafts fly.

Km-Tempat Duduk Tersedia Jumlah Km dari seluruh tempat duduk yang tersedia.

Seat-Km Number of seats available times distance the aircrafts fly.

Penerbangan Berjadual Penerbangan-penerbangan yang beren-cana menurut sesuatu jadual perjalanan pesawat yang tetap dan teratur

Scheduled Flight Flights with fixed routes and tables.

Penerbangan Dalam Negeri Penerbangan yang mengangkut penum-pang/barang dari tempat asal ke tempat tujuan dalam satu negara

Domestic Flight Flights to carry local passengers from one place to another.

Penerbangan Luar Negeri Penerbangan yang mengangkut barang atau penumpang dari satu negara ke negara lain.

International Flight Flights to carry foreign passengers from one country to another.

Penerbangan Umum Semua operasi penerbangan sipil untuk angkutan udara selain dari penerbangan berjadual maupun atau tidak berjadual, dengan di pungut biaya atau disewakan

Public Air Transportation Civil air transport carrying passengers pay fares or rents.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxxviii

Penumpang Diangkut Jumlah penumpang yang diangkut pada suatu penerbangan dihitung satu kali (dengan suatu nomor penerbangan) dan tidak dihitung pada setiap tahap penerbangan kecuali penumpang pada suatu penerbangan domestik dan internasional dalam pesawat yang sama dihitung dua kali sebagai penumpang domestik dan penumpang internasional. Penumpang yang membayar kurang dari 25% dari tarif yang berlaku tidak dihitung.

Passenger Carried Number of people who travels in public air transport. A passenger is counted once according to his/her flight number although the airplane transits somewhere. However a passenger can be as a domestic or international passenger when the passenger travel in the airplane that transit in a domestic airport. A passenger who pays less than 25% of the fare is not counted.

Pergerakan Pesawat Gerak pesawat yang mulai dihitung sejak diblock-off ketika mau berangkat sampai dengan pesawat diblock-on ketika tiba di bandara.

Aircraft Movement Movement of an aircraft since the block sign at the runway of an airport is off until the block sign of another airport is on.

Pesawat Berangkat Jumlah keberangkatan pesawat terbang dalam kurun waktu tertentu

Aircraft Departure Number of aircrafts take-off or number of flights from an airports during a certain periode.

Pesawat Datang Jumlah kedatangan pesawat terbang.dalam kurun waktu tertentu

Aircraft Arrivals Number of aircrafts landing at an airport during a certain periode.

Ton-Km Tersedia Jumlah kapasitas ton yang tersedia (dilihat dari kapasitas terbang dan jumlah aircrafts-km).

Ton-Km Available Available capacity of aircrafts to carry passengers and cargoes times distance the aircraft flies.

AOC 121 Sertifikat pengoperasian pesawat udara yang diberikan kepada perusahaan untuk melaksanakan pengoperasian pesawat udara secara komersil berdasarkan Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil/PKPS 121. AOC 135 Sertifikat pengoperasian pesawat udara yang diberikan kepada perusahaan untuk melaksanakan pengoperasian pesawat udara secara komersil berdasarkan Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil/PKPS 135.

AOC 121 Air operator certificate authorizing an operator to carry out specified commercial air transport operation references Civil Aviation Safety Regulation/CASR 121. AOC 135 Air operator certificate authorizing an operator to carry out specified commercial air transport operation references Civil Aviation Safety Regulation/CASR 135.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xxxix

AOC 91 Sertifikat pengoperasian pesawat udara yang diberikan kepada perusahaan untuk melaksanakan pengoperasian pesawat udara secara secara umum untuk kepentingan pribadi ataupun sebagai pendukung perusahaan itu sendiri berdasarkan Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil/PKPS 91.

AOC 91 Operating certificate. A certificate authorizing an operator to carry out specified general aviation operation for private purposes or supported own company references Civil Aviation Safety Regulation/CASR 91.

Statistik Perhubungan /Transportation Statistics xl

IV. Penjelasan Teknis IV. Technical Notes 1. Notasi

a. -- tidak terdapat data b. , tanda desimal c. Angka berwarna merah : data perkiraan/data estimasi e . 0 nol

1. Notation a. --- null or not available b. , decimal point c. The Number in red : estimate data e. 0 zero

2. Rumus Rata-rata Pertumbuhan 2. Annual Growth Rate Formula













dengan: where:

gi = pertumbuhan tahun ke-i +1 terhadap tahun ke i

gi = annual rate i +1 to year i

Yi+1 - Yi g i = -------------x100% Yi Yi= data tahun ke-i i = 1,2,3 ……

Yi+1 - Yi g i = -------------x100% Yi Yi= data year - i i = 1,2,3,…….

g = rata-rata pertumbuhan

g = annual growth rate

n = jumlah tahun n n = number of year n

Contoh : Y2003 = 32 , Y 2002 = 30, Y 2001 = 25, n = 3 g = ((( 32 - 30)/30) X 100% + (( 30 – 25)/25) X 100% /2)

Example : Y2003 = 32 , Y 2002 = 30, Y 2001 = 25, n = 3 g = (((32 - 30)/30) X 100 % + (( 30 – 25)/25) X 100 % /2)

3. Ratio Bongkar/Muat 3. Loading/unloading Ratio B RBM = ------ M

B RBM = ------ M

dengan : where :

B = jumlah barang yang dibongkar (ton) M = jumlah barang yang dimuat (ton)

B = cargo unloaded (ton) M = cargo loaded (ton)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xli

V. Penjelasan Kodefikasi Tabel dan Grafik

Untuk mempermudah identifikasi masing-masing tabel maupun grafik, digunakan kodefikasi yang terdiri dari 5 digit. Masing-masing digit diuraikan sebagai berikut : 1. Digit Pertama merupakan pengelompokan data yakni :

First digit show the data :

Kode A : Data operasional

Kode B : Data pendukung

2. Digit Kedua merupakan unit organisasi atau moda sebagai berikut : Second digit show organization

A.1 = Sub Sektor Perhubungan Darat/ Sub sector of Land Transport A.2 = Sub Sektor Perhubungan Laut/ Sub sector of Sea Transport A.3 = Sub Sektor Perhubungan Udara/ Sub sector of Air Transport A.4 = Sub Sektor Perkeretaapian/ Sub sector Railways B.1 = Sekretariat Jenderal/Secretariat General B.2 = Inspektorat Jenderal/Inspectorate General B.3 = Badan SAR Nasional/Search nad Rescue Agency B.4 = Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan/Research and Development

Agency B.5 = Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan B.6 = Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika

3. Digit Ketiga merupakan unit kerja/sub moda masing-masing unit organisasi

/moda sebagai berikut : Third digit shows unit organization/sub moda of each unit organization

A.1.1 = Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Jalan/Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic A.1.2 = Direktorat Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Sungai Danau dan

Penyeberangan/Directorate of Inland Waterways and Ferry Transport A.1.3 = Direktorat Bina Sistem Transportasi Perkotaan/ Directorate of Urban Transport Management System A.1.4 = Direktorat Keselamatan Transportation/Directorate of Road safety



- - - -

- - - -

A 1 - - -

B 1 - - -

A 1 1 - -

B 1 1 - -

Operational Data

Supporting Data

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xlii

4. Digit Keempat dan Kelima merupakan jumlah urut tabel yang dibuat pada masing-masing sub moda / unit kerja/sub moda masing-masing unit organisasi /moda sebagai berikut : The fourth and fifth digits show number of table of each mode.

A 1 1 0 1

B 1 1 0 1

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xliii




1. Tabel A.1.1.10 (Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2009)/Transportation Statistics 2009) : (Jumlah Terminal Bus Tipe B dan C di Indonesia/Number of Bus Statiion Type B dan C

in Indonesia);

Dipisah menjadi 2 Tabel pada SP-2010 yaitu Tabel A.1.1.09 dan Tabel A.1.1.10/Table

A.1.1.10 (SP 2009 )to be separated Table A.1.1.09 and Table A.1.1.10).

2. Tabel A.1.1.07 Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2009)/Transportation Statistics 2009) : (Panjang Jalan di Indonesia Menurut Kewenangan /Lenght of Road in Indonesia by

Level of Responsibility) dihilangkan karena data ada di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. 3. Tabel A.1.1.17 - A.1.1.19 Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2009)/Transportation Statistics

2009) :

(A.1.1.17 - Produksi Angkutan Lintas dan Wisata Perum PPD/Production of City and

Tourist Buses Operated by Perum PPD);

(A.1.1.18 - Jumlah Bus Perum PPD/Number of Buses of Perum PPD); (A.1.1.19 - Jumlah Bus Siap Operasi Perum PPD/Number of Buses which are Ready for

Operation of Perum PPD)

Dihilangkan karena Perum PPD tidak sudah tidak beroperasi/Perum PPD hasn't



1. Tabel A.2.1.21 - A.2.1.23 Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2009)/Transportation Statistics


(A.2.1.21 - Produksi Penumpang, Barang dan Peti Kemas Menurut Perusahaan Pelayaran BUMN);

(A.2.1.22 - Produksi Jasa Pergudangan PT.(Persero) Varuna Tirta Prakarsya); (A.2.1.23 - Jumlah Sarana Pergudangan PT.(Persero) Varuna Tirta Prakarsya) Dihilangkan : karena data tidak diperoleh/Data not Available. III. TRANSPORTASI UDARA/CIVIL AVIATION Terjadi Perubahan Tabel-Tabel karena perubahan Struktur Organisasi Ditjen Perhubungan

Udara/Changed of Tables because Organization Structure has been Changed in Directorate

General Civil Aviation.

1. Tabel A.3.2.01 - (Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2009)/Transportation Statistics 2009) : (Jumlah Lisensi Pelayanan Keamanan dan Keselamatan Penerbangan/Number of

Licence of Aviation Security and Safety Services) sumber : Direktorat Keselamatan Penerbangan/Directorate Safety Aviation);

Dipisah menjadi Tabel A.3.2.01 dan Tabel A.3.4.05 (SP 2010)/Table to be Separated

A.3.2.01 and Table A.3.4.05 - SP 2010).

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics xliv

2. Tabel A.3.5.01 - (Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2009)/Transportation Statistics 2009) :

(Fasilitas Navigasi Udara/Facilities of Flight Electronic and Electricity); Beberapa item pindah menjadi Tabel A.3.2.02; A.3.4.03 dan A.3.4.04 (SP -2010) dengan

Sumber : Direktorat keselamatan Penerbangan; Direktorate Bandar Udara/Some items

from Table A.3.5.01 changed to Table A.3.2.02; A.3.4.03 dan A.3.4.04 (SP 2010)

Source: Directorate Safety Aviation and Directorate Airport);

3. Tabel A.3.2.02 - (Statistik Perhubungan(SP-2009)/Transportation Statistics 2009) : (Kecelakaan yang Terjadi Pada Pelayanan Lalu Lintas Penerbangan/Number of

Reported Accident of Traffic Flight);Sumber : Direktorat Keselamatan Penerbangan/Directorate of Aviation Safety);

Berubah item dan Pindah ke Direktorat Kelaikan Udara dan Pengoperasian Pesawat yaitu Tabel A.3.3.04 (SP 2010) : Kecelakaan dan Serius Insiden Pada Pesawat Udara/ Number of Reported Accident of Traffic Flight);

sumber : Direktorat Kelaikan Udara dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara /Change some

items and move to Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation).

4. Tabel A.3.3.05 (SP 2010) : (Jumlah Pilot, Flight Operation Officer Attendat (FA) dan Aircraft Maintanance Engineer

Licence (AMEL)/Number of Pilot Flight Operation Officer Attendat (FA) dan Aircraft

Maintanance Engineer Licence (AMEL);

merupakan penambahan baru Tabel pada Direktorat Kelaikan Udara dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara/Add Table from Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft


5. Tabel A.3.2.03 (SP -2009) : (Jumlah Sertifikasi Operasi Bandar Udara (SOB) Yang Dikeluarkan/Number of

Aerodrome Operation Certificates Issued);

Berubah menjadi Tabel A.3.4.02 (SP 2010) : Jumlah Sertifikasi Operasi Bandar Udara Menurut Hirarkhi, Klasifikasi dan Penggunaan/Number of Airports by Used, Hirarki, and

Classification and Usage) sumber : Direktorat Bandar Udara/Directorate of Airport.


Land Transport Sub Sector

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Perusahaan/Firms 15 14 17 18 182 Sumatera Utara Perusahaan/Firms 32 34 35 39 413 Sumatera Barat Perusahaan/Firms 59 59 60 61 614 R i a u Perusahaan/Firms 15 15 19 20 225 Jambi Perusahaan/Firms 31 31 33 34 356 Bengkulu Perusahaan/Firms 13 14 15 17 187 Sumatera Selatan Perusahaan/Firms 27 29 30 32 318 Lampung Perusahaan/Firms 23 23 25 26 269 Kalimantan Timur Perusahaan/Firms 5 5 5 5 5

10 Kalimantan Selatan Perusahaan/Firms 21 22 22 22 2211 Kalimantan Tengah Perusahaan/Firms 22 22 23 24 2412 Kalimantan Barat Perusahaan/Firms 3 3 3 3 313 DKI Jakarta Perusahaan/Firms 67 67 72 71 6814 Jawa Barat Perusahaan/Firms 113 113 115 116 11615 Jawa Tengah Perusahaan/Firms 137 138 134 138 14116 DI Yogyakarta Perusahaan/Firms 30 29 29 28 2817 Jawa Timur Perusahaan/Firms 62 63 64 63 6318 Bali Perusahaan/Firms 10 10 10 11 1219 Sulawesi Utara Perusahaan/Firms 0 0 4 7 820 Sulawesi Selatan Perusahaan/Firms 22 25 26 28 3221 Sulawesi Tengah Perusahaan/Firms 13 14 18 19 2222 Sulawesi Tenggara Perusahaan/Firms 1 1 1 1 123 Nusa Tenggara Barat Perusahaan/Firms 10 10 10 10 1024 Nusa Tenggara Timur Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -25 Maluku Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -26 P Perusahaan/Fi

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.01

2006 - 2010

Firms Number of Inter Province Buses by Province Jumlah Perusahaan Bus Antar Provinsi Menurut Provinsi

26 Papua Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -27 Maluku Utara Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -28 Gorontalo Perusahaan/Firms - 4 6 7 929 Babel Perusahaan/Firms - - - -30 Banten Perusahaan/Firms 41 45 46 46 4731 Riau Kupulauan Perusahaan/Firms - - - -32 Irian Jaya Barat Perusahaan/Firms - - - -33 Sulawesi Barat Perusahaan/Firms - - - - 1

Jumlah/Total Perusahaan/Firms 772 790 822 846 865Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 1

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Unit 509 510 558 544 6212 Sumatera Utara Unit 1,054 1,106 1,112 1,078 1,1853 Sumatera Barat Unit 770 767 792 770 8414 R i a u Unit 236 233 296 337 3765 Jambi Unit 423 443 457 470 5016 Bengkulu Unit 207 221 253 271 3017 Sumatera Selatan Unit 500 524 545 519 5598 Lampung Unit 533 536 545 488 5659 Kalimantan Timur Unit 74 74 74 65 74

10 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 165 167 157 138 15511 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 140 157 153 150 15812 Kalimantan Barat Unit 16 16 21 25 2813 DKI Jakarta Unit 3,559 3,503 3,716 3,449 3,67014 Jawa Barat Unit 3,641 3,663 3,665 3,507 3,78915 Jawa Tengah Unit 3,633 3,643 3,621 3,390 3,81516 DI Yogyakarta Unit 461 509 524 475 50917 Jawa Timur Unit 1,828 1,817 1,843 1,632 1,86018 Bali Unit 154 152 152 143 16519 Sulawesi Utara Unit 0 0 24 43 5020 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 141 187 201 237 26721 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 68 72 87 97 12022 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 7 7 7 8 823 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 123 115 126 116 11924 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit - - - - -25 Maluku Unit - - - - -26 P U it

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.02

Jumlah Bus Antar Provinsi Menurut ProvinsiNumber of Inter Province Buses by Province

2006 - 2010

26 Papua Unit - - - - -27 Maluku Utara Unit - - - - -28 Gorontalo Unit - 21 27 33 4229 Babel Unit - - - - -30 Banten Unit 955 985 1,014 926 1,01331 Riau Kupulauan Unit - - - - -32 Irian Jaya Barat Unit - - - - -33 Sulawesi Barat Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/Total Unit 19,197 19,428 19,970 18,911 20,791Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 2

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Perusahaan/Firms - - 1 1 12 Sumatera Utara Perusahaan/Firms 17 18 18 25 223 Sumatera Barat Perusahaan/Firms 5 6 7 11 134 R i a u Perusahaan/Firms 7 6 7 15 145 Jambi Perusahaan/Firms 4 2 1 4 46 Bengkulu Perusahaan/Firms 3 2 2 6 57 Sumatera Selatan Perusahaan/Firms 5 4 4 7 88 Lampung Perusahaan/Firms 11 11 13 14 199 Kalimantan Timur Perusahaan/Firms 1 1 0 0 1

10 Kalimantan Selatan Perusahaan/Firms - - - 1 011 Kalimantan Tengah Perusahaan/Firms - - - - 012 Kalimantan Barat Perusahaan/Firms 2 6 6 12 1313 DKI Jakarta Perusahaan/Firms 66 61 63 104 10614 Jawa Barat Perusahaan/Firms 71 72 92 135 15915 Jawa Tengah Perusahaan/Firms 113 125 136 158 19816 DI Yogyakarta Perusahaan/Firms 35 34 36 38 4217 Jawa Timur Perusahaan/Firms 101 103 116 146 16718 Bali Perusahaan/Firms 115 114 117 129 13119 Sulawesi Utara Perusahaan/Firms - - - - 120 Sulawesi Selatan Perusahaan/Firms - - - - 321 Sulawesi Tengah Perusahaan/Firms - 1 0 0 022 Sulawesi Tenggara Perusahaan/Firms - - - - 023 Nusa Tenggara Barat Perusahaan/Firms - 2 3 4 424 Nusa Tenggara Timur Perusahaan/Firms - - - - 025 Maluku Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -26 P Perusahaan/Fi

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.03

Jumlah Perusahaan Bus Pariwisata Menurut ProvinsiFirms Number of Tourist Buses by Province

2006 - 2010

26 Papua Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -27 Maluku Utara Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -28 Gorontalo Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -29 Babel Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -30 Banten Perusahaan/Firms 10 19 29 34 4031 Riau Kupulauan Perusahaan/Firms - - - 8 832 Irian Jaya Barat Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -33 Sulawesi Barat Perusahaan/Firms - - - - -

Jumlah/ Total Perusahaan/Firms 566 587 651 852 959Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 3

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Unit - - - 20 202 Sumatera Utara Unit 27 122 135 177 1893 Sumatera Barat Unit 3 22 32 55 814 R i a u Unit 19 42 42 52 1225 Jambi Unit 21 26 17 5 316 Bengkulu Unit 32 29 12 20 597 Sumatera Selatan Unit 26 26 19 19 438 Lampung Unit 69 71 81 132 1509 Kalimantan Timur Unit 2 2 2 0 0

10 Kalimantan Selatan Unit - - - - 4411 Kalimantan Tengah Unit - - - - -12 Kalimantan Barat Unit 4 3 11 17 2713 DKI Jakarta Unit 3,184 3,489 3,731 4,578 4,52414 Jawa Barat Unit 874 949 997 1,205 1,53915 Jawa Tengah Unit 938 1,018 1,154 1,400 1,62416 DI Yogyakarta Unit 424 449 449 515 55717 Jawa Timur Unit 587 692 683 840 96218 Bali Unit 938 948 943 1,105 1,21019 Sulawesi Utara Unit - - - - -20 Sulawesi Selatan Unit - - - - -21 Sulawesi Tengah Unit - - 1 0 022 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit - - - - -23 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit - - 14 30 3624 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit - - - - -25 Maluku Unit - - - - -26 P U it

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.04

Jumlah Bus Pariwisata Menurut ProvinsiNumber of Tourist Buses by Province

2006 - 2010

26 Papua Unit - - - - -27 Maluku Utara Unit - - - - -28 Gorontalo Unit - - - - -29 Babel Unit - - - - -30 Banten Unit 140 170 325 497 57531 Riau Kupulauan Unit - - - - 13032 Irian Jaya Barat Unit - - - - -33 Sulawesi Barat Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/ Total Unit 7,288 8,058 8,648 10,667 11,923Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 4

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Alat Berat Perusahaan/Firms 167 218 249 91 232 Heavy Equipment

2 Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun Perusahaan/Firms 261 571 892 356 866 Dengerous Goods

3 Antar Jemput Antar Propinsi Perusahaan/Firms 31 41 79 103 97 Inter Province Shuttle Service

4 Sewa Perusahaan/Firms 249 249 0 0 0 Rent Service

5 Taksi Bandara Perusahaan/Firms 13 13 13 13 13 Airport Taxi

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Firms Number of Heavy Equipment, Dangerous Goods, Inter Province Shuttle Service,

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.06

Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Alat Berat, Bahan Berbahaya dan BeracunAntar Jemput Antar Propinsi Sewa dan Taksi Bandara

Jumlah Perusahaan Angkutan Alat Berat, Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.05

Antar Jemput Antar Propinsi, Sewa dan Taksi Bandara

Rent Service and Airport Taxi

2006 - 2010

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Alat Berat Unit 2,420 1,029 1,124 356 1,005 Heavy Equipment

2 Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun Unit 1,583 3,102 4,741 1,843 4,299 Dengerous Goods

3 Antar Jemput Antar Propinsi Unit 188 292 732 1,208 1,416 Inter Province Shuttle Service

4 Sewa Unit 3,376 3,376 0 0 0 Rent Service

5 Taksi Bandara Unit 1,723 1,718 1,819 1,718 1,890 Airport Taxi

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

2006 - 2010

Antar Jemput Antar Propinsi, Sewa dan Taksi BandaraFirms Number of Heavy Equipment, Dangerous Goods, Inter Province Take and Delivery Service,

Rent Service and Airport Taxi Companies

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 5

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Unit 1 1 1 1 12 Sumatera Utara Unit 13 13 13 13 133 Sumatera Barat Unit 9 9 9 9 94 R i a u Unit 4 4 4 4 35 Jambi Unit 4 4 4 4 46 Bengkulu Unit 3 3 3 3 37 Sumatera Selatan Unit 6 6 6 6 68 Lampung Unit 5 5 5 5 59 Kalimantan Timur Unit 1 1 1 1 1

10 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 2 2 2 2 211 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 2 2 2 2 212 Kalimantan Barat Unit 2 2 2 2 213 DKI Jakarta Unit - - - - -14 Jawa Barat Unit 8 8 8 8 715 Jawa Tengah Unit 17 17 17 17 1716 DI Yogyakarta Unit 2 2 2 2 217 Jawa Timur Unit 17 17 19 19 1918 Bali Unit 3 3 3 3 319 Sulawesi Utara Unit 4 4 4 4 420 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 12 12 12 12 1221 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 2 2 2 2 222 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 1 1 1 1 123 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 3 3 3 3 324 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 3 3 4 4 425 Maluku Unit 1 1 1 1 126 P U it 1 1 1 1 0

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.07

Jumlah Unit Penimbangan Kendaraan Bermotor Di IndonesiaNumber of Weight Stations in Indonesia

26 Papua Unit 1 1 1 1 027 Maluku Utara Unit - - - - -28 Gorontalo Unit 2 2 2 2 229 Babel Unit - - - - -30 Banten Unit 1 1 1 1 131 Kepulauan Riau Unit - - - - -32 Irian Jaya Barat Unit - - - - -33 Sulawesi Barat Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total Unit 130 130 133 133 133Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 6

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Unit 3 3 3 3 32 Sumatera Utara Unit 6 6 6 6 83 Sumatera Barat Unit 6 6 6 6 64 R i a u Unit 3 3 3 3 35 Jambi Unit 3 3 3 3 36 Bengkulu Unit 2 2 2 2 27 Sumatera Selatan Unit 4 4 4 4 48 Lampung Unit 1 1 1 2 29 Kalimantan Timur Unit 2 2 2 2 2

10 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 1 1 1 1 111 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 1 1 1 1 112 Kalimantan Barat Unit 3 3 3 3 313 DKI Jakarta Unit 5 5 5 5 614 Jawa Barat Unit 14 14 14 14 1415 Jawa Tengah Unit 15 15 15 16 1616 DI Yogyakarta Unit 1 1 1 1 217 Jawa Timur Unit 18 18 18 23 2218 Bali Unit 5 5 5 5 519 Sulawesi Utara Unit 1 1 1 1 120 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 1 1 1 1 121 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 2 2 2 2 222 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 1 1 2 1 123 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 4 4 4 4 424 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 1 1 1 1 125 Maluku Unit - - - - -26 P U it

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.08

Jumlah Terminal Bus Tipe A di IndonesiaNumber of Bus Stations Type A in Indonesia

26 Papua Unit - - - - -27 Maluku Utara Unit - - - - -28 Gorontalo Unit 1 1 1 1 129 Babel Unit - - - - -30 Banten Unit 4 4 4 4 431 Kepulauan Riau Unit - - - - -32 Irian Jaya Barat Unit - - - - -33 Sulawesi Barat Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/Total Unit 108 108 109 115 117Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 7

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Unit 4 4 4 4 42 Sumatera Utara Unit 15 15 15 15 153 Sumatera Barat Unit 5 5 5 5 54 R i a u Unit 1 1 0 1 15 Jambi Unit 7 7 6 7 76 Bengkulu Unit 2 2 2 2 27 Sumatera Selatan Unit 4 4 5 4 48 Lampung Unit 2 2 2 10 109 Kalimantan Timur Unit 6 6 6 6 6

10 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 1 1 1 1 111 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 1 1 1 1 112 Kalimantan Barat Unit 6 6 6 6 613 DKI Jakarta Unit 6 6 6 6 614 Jawa Barat Unit 22 22 22 22 2215 Jawa Tengah Unit 20 20 20 49 4916 DI Yogyakarta Unit 3 3 3 3 217 Jawa Timur Unit 22 22 22 39 4118 Bali Unit 7 7 7 7 719 Sulawesi Utara Unit 2 2 2 2 220 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 2 2 10 2 221 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 14 14 6 14 1422 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 4 4 3 4 423 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 12 12 12 15 1524 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 3 3 3 3 425 Maluku Unit - - - - -26 P U it 4 4 2 4 4

2006 - 2010

Jumlah Terminal Bus Tipe B di IndonesiaNumber of Bus Stations Types B in Indonesia

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.09

26 Papua Unit 4 4 2 4 427 Maluku Utara Unit 3 3 3 3 328 Gorontalo Unit - - - - -29 Babel Unit 3 3 3 3 330 Banten Unit 6 6 6 6 631 Kepulauan Riau Unit - - 1 0 032 Irian Jaya Barat Unit - - 1 0 033 Sulawesi Barat Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/ Total Unit 187 187 185 244 246Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 8

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Unit 4 4 4 4 42 Sumatera Utara Unit 3 3 3 3 43 Sumatera Barat Unit 4 4 4 4 44 R i a u Unit 8 8 8 8 85 Jambi Unit 4 4 3 4 46 Bengkulu Unit 3 3 3 3 37 Sumatera Selatan Unit 2 2 3 2 28 Lampung Unit 5 5 5 5 59 Kalimantan Timur Unit 11 11 11 11 11

10 Kalimantan Selatan Unit - - - - -11 Kalimantan Tengah Unit - - - - -12 Kalimantan Barat Unit 8 8 8 8 813 DKI Jakarta Unit - - - - -14 Jawa Barat Unit 15 15 15 15 1515 Jawa Tengah Unit 4 4 4 54 5416 DI Yogyakarta Unit 1 1 1 1 117 Jawa Timur Unit 8 8 8 8 1418 Bali Unit 6 6 6 6 619 Sulawesi Utara Unit 9 9 9 9 920 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 2 2 0 2 221 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 7 7 9 7 722 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 3 3 3 3 323 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 8 8 8 8 824 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 4 4 4 4 725 Maluku Unit 7 7 6 7 726 P U it 2 2 1 2 2

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.10

Jumlah Terminal Bus Tipe C di IndonesiaNumber of Bus Stations Types C in Indonesia

2006 - 2010

26 Papua Unit 2 2 1 2 227 Maluku Utara Unit 4 4 5 4 428 Gorontalo Unit - - - - -29 Babel Unit 1 1 1 1 130 Banten Unit 3 3 3 3 331 Kepulauan Riau Unit - - - - -32 Irian Jaya Barat Unit - - 2 0 033 Sulawesi Barat Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/ Total Unit 136 136 137 186 197Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 9

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Unit 22 22 22 21 232 Sumatera Utara Unit 26 26 25 26 263 Sumatera Barat Unit 19 24 24 24 244 R i a u Unit 11 11 11 11 115 Jambi Unit 10 10 10 10 106 Bengkulu Unit 9 10 10 10 107 Sumatera Selatan Unit 15 16 16 16 1618 Lampung Unit 10 11 11 11 119 Kalimantan Timur Unit 13 13 13 13 13

10 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 15 15 15 15 1511 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 15 15 15 15 1512 Kalimantan Barat Unit 13 14 14 14 1413 DKI Jakarta Unit 15 15 15 15 1514 Jawa Barat Unit 25 25 25 25 2515 Jawa Tengah Unit 38 38 48 42 4816 DI Yogyakarta Unit 7 7 7 7 717 Jawa Timur Unit 45 45 45 45 4518 Bali Unit 9 9 9 9 919 Sulawesi Utara Unit 10 10 10 10 1020 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 24 25 25 25 2521 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 11 11 11 11 1122 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 11 11 11 11 1123 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 10 10 10 10 1024 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 16 16 16 16 1725 Maluku Unit 9 9 9 9 926 P U it 23 23 23 23 23

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.11

Jumlah Unit Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor Di IndonesiaNumber of Vehicle Inspections in Indonesia

2006 - 2010

26 Papua Unit 23 23 23 23 2327 Maluku Utara Unit 9 9 9 9 928 Gorontalo Unit 5 5 5 5 529 Babel Unit 7 7 7 7 730 Banten Unit 6 6 6 6 1631 Kepulauan Riau Unit 5 6 6 6 632 Irian Jaya Barat Unit 9 9 9 9 933 Sulawesi Barat Unit 5 6 6 6 6

Jumlah/ Total Unit 477 489 498 492 657Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 10

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Bus Kota Unit 556 499 464 452 409 City Buses

2 Bus Antar Kota Unit 155 169 154 234 259 Intercity Buses

3 Bus Antar Negara Unit 15 5 5 9 11 Intercontinental Buses

4 Bus Wisata Unit 15 8 6 32 31 Tourist Buses

5 Bus Perintis Unit 157 173 174 229 279 Pioneer Buses

6 Bus Bandar Udara Unit 131 153 177 191 216 Airport Buses

7 Truk Boks Unit 29 29 31 45 54 Container Trucks

Jumlah/Total Unit 1,058 1,036 1,011 1,192 1,259Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Number of Buses And Trucks of Perum DAMRI Which are Ready For Operation

2006 - 2010

T b l/ T bl A 1 1 13

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.12

Jumlah Bus Dan Truk Siap Operasi Perum Damri

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Bus Kota Unit 612 582 554 565 454 City Buses

2 Bus Antar Kota Unit 171 145 123 301 290 Intercity Buses

3 Bus Antar Negara Unit 17 19 21 12 11 Intercontinental Buses

4 Bus Wisata Unit 17 13 10 35 33 Tourist Buses

5 Bus Perintis Unit 173 174 175 274 323 Pioneer Buses

6 Bus Bandar Udara Unit 144 165 189 210 219 Airport Buses

7 Angkutan Paket Unit 32 30 28 54 70 Cargo

Jumlah/Total Unit 1,166 1,128 1,100 1,451 1,400Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.13

Jumlah Bus Dan Truk Siap Guna Operasi Perum DAMRINumber of Buses And Trucks of Perum DAMRI Which Are Ready for use Operation

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 11

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Bus Kota Pnp - Org 44,363 40,661 38,305 35,772 33,045 City Buses Pass.

2 Bus Bandar Udara Pnp - Org 6,380 6,780 6,999 7,809 9,169

Airport Buses Pass.

3 Bus Wisata Pnp - Km 78 19 18 243 298 Tourist Buses Km - Pass

Jumlah/ Sub Total 50,821 47,460 45,322 43,824 42,512 Pnp - Orang Pnp - Org Passengers Pass.

4 Bus Antar Kota Pnp - Km 781,194 667,570 798,759 750,918 867,639 Intercity Buses Km - Pass

5 Bus Perintis Pnp - Km 158,675 207,875 172,770 193,582 179,512 Pioneer Buses Km - Pass

6 Bus Antar Negara Pnp - Km 40,183 19,778 22,139 36,688 41,693 Inter-State Bus Km - Pass

Jumlah/ Sub Total 980,052 895,223 993,668 981,188 981,188 Penumpang - Km Pnp - Km Km -passengers Km - Pass

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.14

Production of Passengers and Goods of Perum DAMRI

2006 - 2010

Produksi Angkutan Penumpang Dan Barang Perum DAMRI

7 Truk Box (Ton) Ton 17,824 0 13,178 20,865 26,436

Truck boxes (Ton)Sumber/ Source : Direktorat LLAJ, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate of Road Transport and Traffic, Directorate General of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 12

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Bus Kota Bus - Km 32,255 31,573 30,052 27,664 27,330 City Buses Km - Buses

2 Bus Antar Kota Bus - Km 24,839 23,365 21,583 28,550 30,300 Intercity Buses Km - Buses

3 Bus Antar Negara Bus - Km 1,909 973 938 1,850 1,896 Intercontinental Buses Km - Buses

4 Bus Wisata Bus - Km 233 256 207 2,620 2,327 Tourist Buses Km - Buses

5 Bus Perintis Bus - Km 13,383 17,360 19,169 20,300 20,901 Inter-State Buses Km - Buses

6 Bus Bandar Udara Bus - Km 14,455 15,320 17,163 18,610 23,141 Airport Buses Km - Buses

7 Angkutan Paket Truk - Km 4,426 5,249 5,718 6,632 7,561 Cargo Km - Buses

Jumlah/Total Bus - Km 91,500 94,096 94,830 106,226 113,456Km - Buses

Sumber/ Source : Perum DAMRI, (diolah kembali/recompiled)

Kilometers Production of Perum DAMRI

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.15

Produksi Kilometer Perum Damri

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 13

No. U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Descriptions Unit

1 Bus Kota Rit 1,394 1,299 1,217 1,226 1,119 City Buses Trip

2 Bus Antar Kota Rit 61 68 68 85 102 Intercity Buses Trip

3 Bus Antar Negara Rit 4 2 2 3 3 Intercontinental Buses Trip

4 Bus Wisata Rit 3 3 2 14 18 Tourist Buses Trip

5 Bus Perintis Rit 224 239 239 296 313 Pioneer Buses Trip

6 Bus Bandar Udara Rit 212 315 356 334 404 Airport Buses Trip

7 Angkutan Paket Rit 1 6 12 7 9 Cargo Trip

Jumlah/ Total Rit/Trip 1,899 1,932 1,896 1,965 1,968Sumber/ Source : Perum DAMRI, (diolah kembali/recompiled)

Tabel/ Table A.1.1.16

Produksi Trip Perum DAMRINumber of Trips of Perum DAMRI

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 14

U r a i a n SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 K a p a l/Boat Unit 191 196 196 192 221 S h i p s 0 - Ro.Ro Unit 166 175 171 171 210 - Truck Air Unit 5 0 4 5 0 - Passenger Unit 10 11 11 6 3 - L C T Unit 10 10 10 10 8

Sumber/Source : Direktorat LLASDP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ State Owned Land Transportation, Directorate General of Land Transportation,

December 2010 (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Tabel/Table A.1.2.01

Jumlah Armada Angkutan PenyeberanganNumber of Vessels of Ferry Transport

2006 - 2010









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


K a p a l/Boat

K a p a l/Boat

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 15

U r a i a n SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Komersial/commercial1 Tobelo Unit 1 1 1 1 12 Gunung Sitoli Unit 1 1 1 1 13 Bardan dan Siantan Unit 1 1 1 1 14 Parit Sarem Unit 1 1 1 1 15 Patumbukan Unit 1 1 1 1 16 Siwa Unit 1 1 1 1 17 Sofifi Unit 1 1 1 1 18 Jepara Unit 1 1 1 1 19 Bajoe Unit 2 2 2 2 2

10 Kolaka Unit 2 2 2 2 211 Kabuena Unit 1 1 1 1 112 Nusa Penida Unit 1 1 1 1 113 Sungai Nipah Unit 1 1 1 1 114 Saumlaki Unit 1 1 1 1 115 Batang Dua Unit 1 1 1 1 116 Jepara Derm. Kapal Cepat Unit 1 1 1 1 117 Sei Selari Unit - - 1 1 118 Tanjung Balai Karimun Unit - - 1 1 119 Tanjung Api - api Unit 1 1 1 1 120 Pulau Bai Unit 1 1 1 1 121 Kendal Unit - - 1 1 122 Kayangan Unit 2 2 2 2 223 Pototano II Unit 2 2 2 2 224 Lembar II Unit 2 2 2 2 225 Waikelo Unit - - 1 1 1

Tabel/Table A.1.2.02

Jumlah Dermaga PenyeberanganNumber of Quays of Ferry Transport

2006 - 2010

25 Waikelo Unit 1 1 126 Pinang Luar Unit - - 1 1 127 Tarakan Unit - - 1 1 128 Toli- toli Unit - - 1 1 129 Ilwaki Unit - - 1 1 130 Muara Siberut Unit 1 1 1 1 131 Padangbai II Unit 2 2 2 2 232 Dobo Unit - - - 133 Wahai Unit - - - 1 134 Merak Unit 4 4 4 5 635 Bakauheni Unit 4 4 4 4 536 Ujung Unit 4 4 4 4 437 Kamal Unit 4 4 4 4 438 Ketapang Unit 4 4 4 4 439 Gilimanuk Unit 4 4 4 4 440 Kariangau Unit 1 1 1 2 241 Penajam Unit 1 1 1 1 242 Poka Unit 1 1 1 1 143 Galala Unit 1 1 1 1 144 Honimoa Unit 1 1 1 1 145 Waipirit Unit 1 1 1 2 246 Pagimana Unit 1 1 1 1 147 Gorontalo Unit 1 1 1 1 148 Bastiong Unit 1 1 1 1 149 Sidangole Unit 1 1 1 1 150 Batulicin Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total Unit 64 64 72 77 79

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 16

U r a i a nNo. Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


Jumlah/Total 64 64 72 77 7951 Tanjung Serdang Unit 1 1 1 1 152 Telaga Pungkur Unit 1 1 1 1 153 Tanjung Uban Unit 1 1 1 1 154 Bolok Unit 2 2 2 2 255 Sape Unit 1 1 1 1 156 Labuhan Bajo Unit 1 1 1 1 157 Larantuka Unit 1 1 1 1 158 Kalabahi Unit 1 1 1 2 259 Rote Unit 1 1 1 1 160 Mamuju Unit 1 1 1 1 161 Bitung Unit 2 2 2 3 362 Namlea Unit 1 1 1 1 163 Rum ( Tidore ) Unit 1 1 1 1 164 35 Ilir Palembang Unit 2 2 2 3 365 Muntok Unit 1 1 1 1 166 Balohan Unit 1 1 1 2 367 Labuhan Haji Unit 1 1 1 1 168 Meulaboh Unit - - - - 169 Sinabang Unit 1 1 1 1 170 Siberut P. Mentawai Unit 1 1 1 1 171 Tua Pejat Unit 1 1 1 1 172 Padang ( Sumbar ) Unit 1 1 1 1 173 Bengkalis Unit 1 1 1 1 174 Mengkapan Unit 1 1 1 1 175 Mumpa Unit 1 1 1 1 176 Rumbai Jaya Unit 1 1 1 1 177 Kayu Arang Unit - - - - 078 Sadai Unit 1 1 1 1 179 Tanjung Ru Unit 1 1 1 1 180 Enggano Unit 1 1 1 1 181 P. Kelapa ( Kep. Seribu ) Unit 1 1 1 1 182 P. Pramuka ( Kep. Seribu ) Unit 1 1 1 1 183 P. Tidung ( Kep. Seribu ) Unit 1 1 1 1 184 P. Lintang Jawa ( Kep. Seribu ) Unit 1 1 1 1 185 Kali Pucang Unit 1 1 1 1 186 Majingklak Unit 1 1 1 1 187 Cilacap Unit 1 1 1 1 188 Pantai Kartini ( Semarang ) Unit 1 1 1 1 189 Karimun Jawa Unit 1 1 1 1 190 Jangkar Unit 1 1 1 1 191 Kalianget Unit 1 1 1 1 192 P. Kangean Unit 1 1 1 1 193 Sapudi Unit 1 1 1 1 194 Aimere Unit 1 1 1 1 195 Waingapu Unit 1 1 1 1 196 Pontianak Kota Unit 1 1 1 1 197 Siantar Unit 1 1 1 1 198 Tayan Unit 1 1 1 1 199 Teraju Unit 1 1 1 1 1

100 Telok Kalong Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total Unit 115 115 123 132 136

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 17

U r a i a nNo. Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


Jumlah/Total 115 115 123 132 136101 Tanjung Harapan Unit 1 1 1 1 1102 Rasau Jaya Unit 1 1 1 1 1103 P. Telo Unit 1 1 1 1 1104 Pulau Pisang Unit 1 1 1 1 1105 Telok Batang Unit 1 1 1 1 1106 Cirebon Unit 1 1 1 1 1107 Marabahan Unit 1 1 1 1 1108 Luwuk Unit 1 1 1 1 1109 Salakan Unit 1 1 1 1 1110 Taipa ( Sulteng ) Unit 1 1 1 1 1111 Bira Unit 1 1 1 1 1112 Pamatata Unit 1 1 1 1 1113 Bau - Bau Unit 1 1 1 1 1114 Waara Unit 1 1 1 1 1115 Kendari Unit 1 1 1 1 1116 Lenggan ( Wawani ) Unit 1 1 1 1 1117 Tampo Unit 1 1 1 1 1118 Torobuluh Unit 1 1 1 1 1119 Haruku Unit 1 1 1 1 1120 Saparua Unit 1 1 1 1 1121 Tual Unit 1 1 1 1 1122 Jeffman Unit 1 1 1 1 1123 Sorong Unit 1 1 1 1 1124 Mokmer Unit 1 1 1 1 1125 Ulee Lheue Unit 1 1 1 1 1126 P. Banyak Unit 1 1 1 1 1127 Singkil Unit 1 1 1 1 1128 Ulu Siau Unit 1 1 1 1 1129 Lasusua Unit 1 1 1 1 1130 Mawasangka Unit 1 1 1 1 1131 Dongkala Unit 1 1 1 1 1132 Melongwane Unit 1 1 1 1 1133 Petumbukan Unit 1 1 1 1 1134 Tondasi Unit 1 1 1 1 1135 Pananaro Unit 1 1 1 1 1136 Teluk Gurita Unit 1 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total Unit 151 151 159 168 172Sumber/Source : Direktorat LLASDP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ State Owned Land Transportation, Directorate General of Land Transportation,

December 2010 (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 18

U r a i a n SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Penumpang orang 27,829,666 40,557,832 46,926,166 61,011,280 39,683,788 Passengers persons

2 Barang *) Ton 25,422,005 31,936,937 41,079,174 44,068,406 13,511,363 Goods

3 Kendaraan Unit 11,889,055 11,874,500 14,224,447 13,885,667 14,769,039 Vehicles

Sumber/Source : Direktorat LLASDP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ State Owned Land Transportation, Directorate General of Land Transportation,

December 2010 (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Catatan/ Note : *) Data Barang hanya data asumsi berdasarkan KM 58 Tahun 2003, barang tidak lagi didata/Goods data is only assumptions based on MOT

Regulation KM 58/2003, the goods data are no longer recorded

Tabel/Table A.1.2.03

Produksi Penumpang, Barang dan Kendaraan yang diangkut oleh PenyeberanganNumber of Passangers, Goods and Vehicles Carried by Ferry Transport

2006 - 2010








2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


Penumpang/Passangers Barang/Goods *) Kendaraan/Vehicles

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 19

U r a i a n SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Merak - Bakauheni Orang/ Persons 5,310,608 14,585,873 16,363,319 16,298,551 16,500,637 2 Ujung - Kamal Orang/ Persons 10,373,059 9,875,436 10,650,973 11,230,750 3,916,748 3 Ketapang - Gilimanuk Orang/ Persons 3,717,927 7,907,383 9,773,221 16,623,096 11,188,940 4 Padang Bai - Lembar Orang/ Persons 488,566 1,099,128 1,215,759 1,454,939 1,450,998 5 Kayangan - Pototano Orang/ Persons 735,735 972,800 1,158,635 1,435,908 1,731,829 6 Balikpapan - Panajam Orang/ Persons 111,801 1,127,901 2,237,433 1,329,367 212,700 7 Balikpapan - Mamuju Orang/ Persons 18,795 66,739 86,761 75,505 22,786 8 Poka - Galala Orang/ Persons 823,664 824,617 315,717 843,289 85,249 9 Hunimua - Waipirit Orang/ Persons 217,152 254,302 730,586 728,113 236,430 10 Galala - Namlea Orang/ Persons 45,064 40,599 45,517 94,253 17,518 11 Bastiong Sidangole Orang/ Persons - 36,727.00 53,399 59,456 19,844 12 Bastiong - Rum Orang/ Persons 80,226 107,822 39,170 148,022 76,393 13 Bajoe - Kolaka Orang/ Persons 104,283 291,438 464,127 548,423 473,101 14 Siwa - Lasusua Orang/ Persons 28,790 36,763 38,601 52,890 18,249 15 Bira - Pamatata Orang/ Persons 15,100 61,050 173,624 24,559 24,551 16 Kupang - Larantuka Orang/ Persons 40,889 42,587 40,815 52,019 19,292 17 Kupang - Rote Orang/ Persons 72,445 25,554 43,223 89,014 42,038 18 Kupang - Ende Orang/ Persons - - - - - 19 Kupang - Sabu Orang/ Persons 23,653 24,154 35,405 37,265 33,283 20 Kupang Aimere Orang/ Persons 22,110 8,760 21,638 24,823 19,211 21 Palembang - Muntok Orang/ Persons 47,556 47,488 167,251 123,794 178,781 22 Sibolga - Gunung Sitoli (P.Nias) Orang/ Persons 135,144 108,379 153,766 152,866 169,647 23 Balohan - Malahayati/Ulheu lheu Orang/ Persons 198,034 228,705 214,777 284,708 293,608 24 Rumbaijaya - Mumpa Orang/ Persons - - - - - 25 Kota - Siantan Orang/ Persons 728,060 1,269,149 1,332,606 1,205,879 1,205,879 26 Batu Licin - Batu Serdang Orang/ Persons 279,546 639,495 42,477 40,361 92,760

Tabel/Table A.1.2.04

Produksi Penumpang Angkutan Penyeberangan pada Lintas Penyeberangan KomersilNumber of Passengers Commercial Ferry Transport

2006 - 2010

26 Batu Licin Batu Serdang Orang/ Persons 279,546 639,495 42,477 40,361 92,760 27 Torobulu - Tambo Orang/ Persons 144,119 66,230 214,786 213,802 215,084 28 Sape - Labuan Bajo Orang/ Persons 35,521 51,525 27,215 43,132 49,824 29 Jangkar - Kalianget Orang/ Persons - 26,070 27,374 33,696 31,801 30 Kupang - Kalabahi Orang/ Persons 44,822 12,942 44,218 55,475 59,291 31 Kupang - Waingapu Orang/ Persons 3,554 2,142 8,470 12,881 8,509 32 Rasau Jaya - Teluk Batang Orang/ Persons 7,387 10,825 16,165 12,880 12,880 33 Baubau - Wara Orang/ Persons - 141,693 370,158 410,082 419,543 34 Pagimana - Gorontalo Orang/ Persons 54,009 64,412 71,293 71,681 86,618 35 Bitung - Ternate (Bastiong) Orang/ Persons 2,197 564 - 31,722.0 248,383 36 Kupang - Waikela Orang/ Persons 1,661 - - - - 37 Mealaboh - Sinabang Orang/ Persons - - - - - 38 Ajibata - Tomok Orang/ Persons - - - - - 39 Kalianget - P. Kangean Orang/ Persons - - - - - 40 Atapupu/Teluk Gurita - Kalabahi Orang/ Persons - - - - - 41 Kupang - Seba Orang/ Persons - - - - -

Jumlah/Total Orang/ Persons 23,911,477 40,059,252 46,178,479 53,843,201 39,162,405Sumber/Source : Direktorat LLASDP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ State Owned Land Transportation, Directorate General of Land Transportation,

December 2010 (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Catatan/ Note : Pada tahun 2008, lintasan komersil hanya 41 lintasan. Sebagian lintasan sudah tidak beroperasi lagi dan sebagian lintasan berubah menjadi

lintasan perintis/ There're only 41 commercial Ferry Transport in the Year 2008. Some are no longer in operation, the rest turned into

pioneer transports.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 20

U r a i a n SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Sinabang – Labuhan haji Orang/ Persons 80,248 85,026 89,964 89,964 - 2 Singkil – Pulau Banyak Orang/ Persons 2,534 173 5,509 5,509 - 3 Singkil - Sinabang Orang/ Persons 6,161 9,514 13,861 13,861 13,813 4 Padang – Siberut Orang/ Persons 1,285 7,697 2,297 2,297 3,899 5 Padang – Sikakap Orang/ Persons 7,553 7,697 9,060 9,060 9,747 6 Padang – Tua Pejat Orang/ Persons 13,380 20,788 24,886 24,886 - 7 Sadai – Tanjung Rhu Orang/ Persons 872 1,028 1,435 1,435 1,283 8 Telaga Pungkur – Tanjung Uban Orang/ Persons - 41,408 97,860 34,372 - 9 Bengkulu – P. Enggano Orang/ Persons 6,853 7,668 8,768 8,768 6,999 10 Jepara – Karimunjawa Orang/ Persons 36,854 31,552 20,851 20,851 56,850 11 Tanjung Harapan – Teluk Kalong Orang/ Persons 44,719 21,474 32,566 32,566 17,106 12 Tayan – Teraju Orang/ Persons 9,047 5,948 13,819 13,819 - 13 Kuala Tebas – Tebas Seberang Orang/ Persons 27,634 10,896 26,818 26,818 - 14 Parit Sarem – S. Nipah Orang/ Persons - 2,113 6,438 6,438 - 15 Bitung – Melonguane Orang/ Persons 7,709 84 9,015 9,015 9,377 16 Bitung – Pananaro Orang/ Persons 1,062 1,106 3,316 3,316 3,193 17 Bitung – Siau Orang/ Persons 33 33 69 69 4,925 18 Luwuk – Salakan Orang/ Persons 9,191 2,789 12,180 12,180 18,178 19 Salakan – Banggai Orang/ Persons 293 134 1,529 1,529 179 20 Kendari – Lenggara (Wawoni) Orang/ Persons 18,122 28,746 25,513 25,513 22,823 21 Dongkala – Mawasangka Orang/ Persons 20,551 11,894 12,186 12,186 9,475 22 Bau-bau – Dongkala Orang/ Persons - 9,049 18,612 18,612 16,367 23 Ende – Waingapu Orang/ Persons 1,809 1,819 4,046 6,306 47 24 Waingapu – Sabu Orang/ Persons 4,230 1,763 4,410 1,711 2,056 25 Aimere – Waingapu Orang/ Persons 3,457 1,804 6,306 226 2,981 26 Larantuka – Waiwerang Orang/ Persons 103 71 159 16,657 52

Tabel/Table A.1.2.05

Produksi Penumpang Angkutan Penyeberangan pada Lintas Penyeberangan PerintisNumber of Passengers at Pioneer Ferry Transport

2006 - 2010

26 Larantuka Waiwerang Orang/ Persons 103 71 159 16,657 52 27 Lewoleba – Waiwerang Orang/ Persons 259 49 229 335 102 28 Lewoleba – Baranusa Orang/ Persons - - 1,428 1,428 756 29 Baranusa – Kalabahi Orang/ Persons 5,033 1,178 5,390 2,513 1,412 30 Kalabahi – Teluk Gurita Orang/ Persons 4,675 1,198 - 299 2,808 31 Kupang – Lewoleba Orang/ Persons 16,307 5,528 16,657 4,046 514 32 Tual – Larat Orang/ Persons 7,134 3,056 8,495 22,413 3,509 33 Larat – Saumlaki Orang/ Persons 5,458 3,006 7,916 649 - 34 Saumlaki – Tepa Orang/ Persons 516 501 649 5,000 90 35 Tual – Dobo Orang/ Persons 23,117 10,732 22,413 1,378 15,958 36 Dobo – Benjina Orang/ Persons 4,854 3,860 5,000 8,495 916 37 Tolehu – Pelauw Orang/ Persons 17,258 6,835 5,793 5,793 - 38 Umeputih – Pelau Orang/ Persons 23,305 11,949 5,793 10,601 - 39 Umeputih – Wailey Orang/ Persons 13,029 4,692 5,163 5,163 6,265 40 Tolehu – Saparua Orang/ Persons 2,163 5,278 4,981 4,981 - 41 Saparua – Nalalia Orang/ Persons 3,208 5,773 6,408 6,408 - 42 Nalalia – Amahai Orang/ Persons 2,577 4,508 4,139 4,139 2,449 43 Tobelo – Daruba Orang/ Persons 3,077 2,250 1,340 1,340 - 44 Tobelo – Subaim Orang/ Persons 8,472 7,241 3,935 3,935 15,224 45 Sorong – Seget Orang/ Persons 527 - 406 7,916 578 46 Seget – Teminabuan Orang/ Persons 698 - - 406 - 47 Sorong – Saonek Orang/ Persons - 1,287 - 524 1,422 48 Saonek – Kabarai Orang/ Persons - 257 - 335 - 49 Sorong – Waigama Orang/ Persons - - - - 50 Mogem – Taminabuan Orang/ Persons - 74 388 388 -

Jumlah/Total Orang/ Persons 445,367 391,526 557,996 496,449 251,353

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 21

U r a i a n SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

445,367 391,526 557,996 496,449 251,353 51 Mogim – Kais Orang/ Persons - 40 368 368 528 52 Kais – Inawatan Orang/ Persons - 56 375 375 482 53 Inawatan – Kukoda Orang/ Persons - 47 395 395 482 54 Teminabuan – Konda Orang/ Persons - 49 324 7,203 483 55 Konda – Seremuk Orang/ Persons - 50 335 21,537 464 56 Seruai – Biak Orang/ Persons 7,237 1,191 7,203 7,792 249 57 Seruai – Waren Orang/ Persons - 5,973 21,537 205 3,365 58 Waren – Nabire Orang/ Persons - 1,089 7,792 29 2,701 59 Merauke – Atsy Orang/ Persons - 382 205 28 - 60 Atsy – Asgon Orang/ Persons - 31 28 3,768 - 61 Atsy – Senggo Orang/ Persons - 28 29 109 - 62 Atsy – Agats Orang/ Persons - 275 109 5,475 - 63 Bade – Kepi Orang/ Persons - 3,540 - 5,412 - 64 Tanah Merah – Merauke Orang/ Persons 4,383 4,189 3,768 6,894 - 65 Sape – Waikelo Orang/ Persons - 16,382 20,885 21,017 - 66 Pamatata – Marapokoy (Lb. Bajo) Orang/ Persons - 424 4,570 - - 67 Bira – Tondasi Orang/ Persons - 1,872 4,858 5,420 - 68 Taipa – Kariangau Orang/ Persons - - 75,505 7,555 69 Biak – Numfor Orang/ Persons - 1,336 5,293 3,907 8,436 70 Numfor – Manokwari Orang/ Persons - 2,906 8,454 - 11,463 71 Wakai – Ampana Orang/ Persons - 5,610 7,961 7,356 12,719 72 Teluk Gurita – Kisar Orang/ Persons - 1,450 461 - - 73 Gorontalo - Wakai Orang/ Persons - - - 10,507 16,648 74 Sinabang - P. Banyak Orang/ Persons - - - 5,509 - 75 Kupang - Aimere Orang/ Persons - - - 4,410 - 76 Larantuka - Lewoleba Orang/ Persons - - - 21,638 170 77 Kalabahi - Balauring Orang/ Persons - - - 159 - 78 Kalabahi - Larantuka Orang/ Persons - - - 5,390 - 79 Baranusa - Balauring Orang/ Persons - - - 1,192 - 80 Bastiong - Sofii Orang/ Persons - - - 17,370 - 81 Namlea - Ambalau Orang/ Persons - - - 2,299 - 82 Ambalau - Wamsisi Orang/ Persons - - - 2,649 9,135 83 Wamsisi - Namrole Orang/ Persons - - - 1,710 9,215

/84 Kabarai - Waigama Orang/ Persons - - - 324 -

Jumlah/Total Orang/ Persons 456,987 438,446 652,946 669,244 335,448Sumber/Source : Direktorat LLASDP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ State Owned Land Transportation, Directorate General of Land Transportation,

December 2010 (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Catatan/ Note : Tahun 2008, hanya 72 lintas perintis. Sebagian sudah tidak beroperasi/There're only 72 pioneer Ferry Transport in the Year 2008

Some are no longer in operation.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 22

U r a i a n SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Merak - Bakauheni Orang/ Persons 2,440,421 2,750,846 3,123,688 3,212,586 - 2 Ujung - Kamal Orang/ Persons 4,738,583 4,291,781 7,574,165 3,499,325 2,282 3 Ketapang - Gilimanuk Orang/ Persons 1,608,018 1,740,398 2,195,075 3,401,570 - 4 Padang Bai - Lembar Orang/ Persons 280,584 292,831 401,298 381,550 - 5 Kayangan - Pototano Orang/ Persons 250,285 281,448 382,663 186,500 - 6 Balikpapan - Panajam Orang/ Persons 422,925 421,699 603,286 372,116 - 7 Balikpapan - Mamuju Orang/ Persons 4,053 7,158 9,457 5,377 - 8 Poka - Galala Orang/ Persons 500,420 587,138 1,072,477 600,860 - 9 Hunimua - Waipirit Orang/ Persons 91,489 114,491 191,937 400,235 - 10 Galala - Namlea Orang/ Persons 3,397 4,225 7,544 9,085 - 11 Bastiong Sidangole Orang/ Persons 16,698 19,622 30,207 26,571 267 12 Bastiong - Rum Orang/ Persons 39,801 53,531 87,768 77,335 - 13 Bajoe - Kolaka Orang/ Persons 48,697 39,156 50,190 83,750 - 14 Siwa - Lasusua Orang/ Persons 7,550 9,763 13,404 13,425 - 15 Bira - Pamatata Orang/ Persons 26,484 31,644 49,228 54,288 - 16 Kupang - Larantuka Orang/ Persons 3,798 3,905 6,609 5,781 - 17 Kupang - Rote Orang/ Persons 23,601 10,416 17,976 36,003 - 18 Kupang - Ende Orang/ Persons - - - - - 19 Kupang - Sabu Orang/ Persons 2,479 1,272 2,430 4,996 - 20 Kupang Aimere Orang/ Persons 1,693 846 1,487 2,108 - 21 Palembang - Muntok Orang/ Persons 30,577 22,238 25,650 9,370 - 22 Sibolga - Gunung Sitoli (P.Nias) Orang/ Persons 17,188 17,128 22,524 18,380 - 23 Balohan - Malahayati/Ulheu lheu Orang/ Persons 55,480 71,143 124,342 100,281 42,123 24 Rumbaijaya - Mumpa Orang/ Persons - - - - - 25 Kota - Siantan Orang/ Persons 620,376 620,249 1,240,498 645,821 - 26 Batu Licin - Tanjung Serdang Orang/ Persons 247,006 235,299 380,575 191,999 -

Tabel/ Table A.1.2.06

Produksi Kendaraan Angkutan Penyeberangan Pada Lintas Penyeberangan KomersiilNumber of Vehicles Commercial Ferry Transport

2006 - 2010

26 Batu Licin Tanjung Serdang Orang/ Persons 247,006 235,299 380,575 191,999 27 Torobulu - Tampo Orang/ Persons 54,361 26,758 44,228 79,883 33,650 28 Sape - Labuan Bajo Orang/ Persons 8,116 8,263 9,618 12,654 5,608 29 Jangkar - Kalianget Orang/ Persons 20,065 8,032 15,472 10,186 564 30 Kupang - Kalabahi Orang/ Persons 3,186 1,328 2,427 4,683 - 31 Kupang - Waingapu Orang/ Persons 576 279 469 1,068 - 32 Rasau Jaya - Teluk Batang Orang/ Persons 10,023 10,194 17,343 16,818 - 33 Baubau - Wara Orang/ Persons - 64,031 110,052 195,183 70,962 34 Pagimana - Gorontalo Orang/ Persons 5,765 5,977 9,093 6,956 - 35 Bitung - Ternate (Bastiong) Orang/ Persons 1,383 556 - 9,531 4,450 36 Kupang - Waikela Orang/ Persons 111 - - - - 37 Mealaboh - Sinabang Orang/ Persons - - - - - 38 Ajibata - Tomok Orang/ Persons - - - - - 39 Kalianget - P. Kangean Orang/ Persons - - - - - 40 Atapupu/Teluk Gurita - Kalabahi Orang/ Persons - - - - - 41 Kupang - Seba Orang/ Persons - - - - -

Jumlah/Total Orang/ Persons - - 17,823,180 13,676,274 159,906Sumber/Source : Direktorat LLASDP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ State Owned Land Transportation, Directorate General of Land Transportation,

December 2010 (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Catatan/ Note : Pada tahun 2008, jumlah kendaraan untuk lintas penyeberangan komirsial di hitung perlintasan/The number of vehicles for Commercial Ferry

Transport are calculated per track/route

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 23

U r a i a n SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Sinabang – Labuhan haji Orang/ Persons 9,669 12,491 89,964 14,204 - 2 Singkil – Pulau Banyak Orang/ Persons 233 520 5,509 895 - 3 Singkil - Sinabang Orang/ Persons 13 1,188 13,861 3,472 3,914 4 Padang – Siberut Orang/ Persons 52 86 2,297 214 319 5 Padang – Sikakap Orang/ Persons 251 242 9,060 486 616 6 Padang – Tua Pejat Orang/ Persons 1,468 1,832 24,886 2,382 - 7 Sadai – Tanjung Rhu Orang/ Persons 594 561 1,435 912 804 8 Telaga Pungkur – Tanjung Uban Orang/ Persons - 16,176 97,860 16,045 - 9 Bengkulu – P. Enggano Orang/ Persons 742 932 8,768 903 1,826 10 Jepara – Karimunjawa Orang/ Persons 5,221 4,570 20,851 4,121 8,468 11 Tanjung Harapan – Teluk Kalong Orang/ Persons 57,623 21,868 32,566 46,505 87,484 12 Tayan – Teraju Orang/ Persons 6,212 3,026 13,819 7,637 - 13 Kuala Tebas – Tebas Seberang Orang/ Persons 45,507 27,191 26,818 46,265 - 14 Parit Sarem – S. Nipah Orang/ Persons - 2,870 6,438 7,668 16,984 15 Bitung – Melonguane Orang/ Persons 286 428 9,015 472 724 16 Bitung – Pananaro Orang/ Persons 292 184 3,316 552 728 17 Bitung – Siau Orang/ Persons - 18 69 89 335 18 Luwuk – Salakan Orang/ Persons 2,413 1,043 12,186 6,770 10,166 19 Salakan – Banggai Orang/ Persons 150 71 1,529 408 59 20 Kendari – Lenggara (Wawoni) Orang/ Persons 2,883 1,478 25,513 3,790 3,828 21 Dongkala – Mawasangka Orang/ Persons 2,317 1,257 12,186 2,489 2,208 22 Bau-bau – Dongkala Orang/ Persons - 1,523 18,612 2,625 2,167 23 Ende – Waingapu Orang/ Persons 77 83 4,046 706 6 24 Waingapu – Sabu Orang/ Persons 123 81 4,410 66 156 25 Aimere – Waingapu Orang/ Persons - 267 6,309 228 421 26 Larantuka – Waiwerang Orang/ Persons - 15 159 1,240 -

Tabel/ Table A.1.2.07

Produksi Kendaraan Angkutan Penyeberangan Pada Lintas Penyeberangan PerintisNumber of Vehicles at Pioneer Ferry Transport

2006 - 2010

26 Larantuka Waiwerang Orang/ Persons 15 159 1,240 27 Lewoleba – Waiwerang Orang/ Persons 14 4 229 316 - 28 Lewoleba – Baranusa Orang/ Persons - - 1,428 - 58 29 Baranusa – Kalabahi Orang/ Persons 495 156 5,390 157 212 30 Kalabahi – Teluk Gurita Orang/ Persons 225 84 - 2 325 31 Kupang – Lewoleba Orang/ Persons 1,076 - 16,657 320 51 32 Tual – Larat Orang/ Persons 148 440 8,495 200 40 33 Larat – Saumlaki Orang/ Persons 117 48 7,916 1 - 34 Saumlaki – Tepa Orang/ Persons - - 649 - - 35 Tual – Dobo Orang/ Persons 309 143 - - 363 36 Dobo – Benjina Orang/ Persons 3 2 5,000 81 4 37 Tolehu – Pelauw Orang/ Persons 6,797 5,389 5,793 4,605 - 38 Umeputih – Pelauw Orang/ Persons 4,703 3,203 5,793 2,973 - 39 Umeputih – Wailey Orang/ Persons 4,419 2,216 5,463 2,167 2,438 40 Tolehu – Saparua Orang/ Persons 804 1,806 4,981 667 - 41 Saparua – Nalalia Orang/ Persons 260 568 6,108 889 - 42 Nalalia – Amahai Orang/ Persons 234 405 4,139 568 344 43 Tobelo – Daruba Orang/ Persons 131 72 1,340 220 - 44 Tobelo – Subaim Orang/ Persons 336 157 3,935 263 2,346 45 Sorong – Seget Orang/ Persons - - 406 66 4 46 Seget – Teminabuan Orang/ Persons - - - - - 47 Sorong – Saonek Orang/ Persons - 15 - - 160 48 Saonek – Kabarai Orang/ Persons - - - - - 49 Sorong – Waigama Orang/ Persons - - - - - 50 Mogim – Taminabuan Orang/ Persons - - 388 - -

Jumlah/Total Orang/ Persons 156,197 114,709 535,592 184,639 147,558

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 24

U r a i a n SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

156,197 114,709 535,592 184,639 147,558 51 Mogim – Kais Orang/ Persons - - 368 - - 52 Kais – Inawatan Orang/ Persons - - 375 - - 53 Inawatan – Kukoda Orang/ Persons - - 395 - - 54 Teminabuan – Konda Orang/ Persons - - 324 191 4 55 Konda – Seremuk Orang/ Persons - - 335 641 4 56 Seruai – Biak Orang/ Persons 301 208 7,203 135 67 57 Seruai – Waren Orang/ Persons 526 186 21,537 - 125 58 Waren – Nabire Orang/ Persons 46 29 7,792 - 83 59 Merauke – Atsy Orang/ Persons - - 205 - - 60 Atsy – Asgon Orang/ Persons - - 28 496 496 61 Atsy – Senggo Orang/ Persons - - 29 1 - 62 Atsy – Agats Orang/ Persons - - 109 19 - 63 Bade – Kepi Orang/ Persons - 5 - 22 - 64 Tanah Merah – Merauke Orang/ Persons - 371 3,768 26 - 65 Sape – Waikelo Orang/ Persons - 2,411 20,885 4,703 - 66 Pamatata – Marapokoy (Lb. Bajo) Orang/ Persons - 61 4,570 - - 67 Bira – Tondasi Orang/ Persons - 495 4,858 2,247 - 68 Taipa – Kariangau Orang/ Persons - - - 5,377 642 69 Biak – Numfor Orang/ Persons - 80 5,293 118 73 70 Numfor – Manokwari Orang/ Persons - 43 8,458 - 183 71 Wakai – Ampana Orang/ Persons - 314 7,961 487 1,118 72 Teluk Gurita – Kisar Orang/ Persons - 36 461 - - 73 Gorontalo - Wakai Orang/ Persons - - - 422 704 74 Sinabang - P. Banyak Orang/ Persons - - - 895 - 75 Kupang - Aimere Orang/ Persons - - - 150 - 76 Larantuka - Lewoleba Orang/ Persons - - - 1,797 - 77 Kalabahi - Balauring Orang/ Persons - - - 246 - 78 Kalabahi - Larantuka Orang/ Persons - - - 755 - 79 Baranusa - Balauring Orang/ Persons - - - 73 - 80 Balauring - Lewoleba Orang/ Persons - - - 86 - 81 Bastiong - Sofii Orang/ Persons - - - 5,676 - 82 Namlea - Ambalau Orang/ Persons - - - 98 - 83 Ambalau - Wamsisi Orang/ Persons - - - 33 837

/84 Wamsisi - Namrole Orang/ Persons - - - - 651 85 Kabarai - Waigama Orang/ Persons - - - - -

Jumlah/Total Orang/ Persons 157,070 118,948 630,546 209,333 152,545Sumber/Source : Direktorat LLASDP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ State Owned Land Transportation, Directorate General of Land Transportation,

December 2010 (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Catatan/ Note : Pada tahun 2008, jumlah kendaraan untuk lintas penyeberangan komirsial di hitung perlintasan/The number of vehicles for Commercial Ferry

Transport are calculated per track/route

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 25

Uraian SatuanDescription unit

A Pendaftar :Registor :

1 Kota Raya Kota 5 7 6 7 6Metropolitan City City

2 Kota Besar Kota 11 11 8 7 7Big City City

3 Kota Sedang Kota 20 22 25 25 23Medium City City

4 Kota Kecil Kota 27 63 47 45 47Small City City

Sub Jumlah/ Total Kota/City 63 103 86 84 83

B Lulus Evaluasi :Awarded Cities :

1 Kota Raya Kota 5 7 6 7 6Metropolitan City City

2 Kota Besar Kota 11 11 8 7 7Big City City

3 Kota Sedang Kota 20 22 25 25 23Medium City City

4 Kota Kecil Kota 27 48 42 45 41Small City City

Sub Jumlah/ Total Kota/City 63 88 81 84 77Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/recompiled)

Kota Berdasarkan Penduduk/ City is Classified by Population :

1) Kota Raya > 1.000.000 orang / Metropolitan City > 1.000.000 Inhabitant

2) Kota Besar 500.000 s.d 1.000.000 orang / Big City 500.000 - 1.000.000 Inhabitant

3) Kota Sedang 100.000 s.d 500.000 orang / Medium City 100.000 - 500.000 Inhabitant

4) Kota Kecil < 100.000 orang / Small city < 100.000 Inhabitant

2006 2008

Tabel/ Table A.1.3.01


Lomba Tertib Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Perkotaan Menurut Kota(Wahana Tata Nugraha)


2006 - 2010

Urban Traffic and Transport Award by City


Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics


Uraian SatuanDescription unit

Kota yang Dikunjungi :Visited Cities :

1 Kota Raya Kota - 1 1 1 3 Metropolitan City City

2 Kota Besar Kota 1 4 2 4 6 Big City City

3 Kota Sedang Kota 2 9 3 4 0 Medium City City

4 Kota Kecil Kota 15 14 10 0 3 Small City City

Jumlah/ Total Kota/City 18 28 16 9 12Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

(diolah kembali/recompiled)

Kota Berdasarkan Penduduk/ City is Classified by Population :

1) Kota Raya > 1.000.000 orang / Metropolitan City > 1.000.000 Inhabitant

2) Kota Besar 500.000 s.d 1.000.000 orang / Big City 500.000 - 1.000.000 Inhabitant

3) Kota Sedang 100.000 s.d 500.000 orang / Medium City 100.000 - 500.000 Inhabitant

4) Kota Kecil < 100.000 orang / Small city < 100.000 Inhabitant

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Konsolidasi Transportasi Perkotaan Menurut KotaUrban Transport Consolidation Program by Cities


Tabel/ Table A.1.3.02

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics


Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Kota Raya Kota 2 2 1 3 4 Metropolitan City City Makassar Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya

Surabaya Makassar Bandung SemarangMedan Bandung


2 Kota Besar Kota 5 4 2 4 3 Big City City Pekanbaru Balikpapan Pekanbaru Pekanbaru Pekanbaru

Jambi Pekanbaru Surakarta Surakarta SurakartaSurakarta Jambi Denpasar BalikpapanBalikpapan Surakarta BalikpapanSamarinda

3 Kota Sedang Kota 10 9 9 9 9 Medium City City Watampone Pare-pare Probolinggo Probolinggo Probolinggo

Kuta Kuta Lumajang Sukabumi SukabumiBanyuwangi Padang Panjang Madiun Mojokerto MojokertoLumajang Lumajang Mojokerto Tarakan TarakanSingaraja Singaraja Kuta Madiun MadiunSidoarjo Mojokerto Watampone Lumajang LumajangSukabumi Sukabumi Tarakan Kuta BadungBukittinggi Bukittinggi Binjai Watampone JeparaPare-pare Binjai Sukabumi Jepara Tebing TinggiCiamis

4 Kota Kecil Kota 13 7 10 11 10 Small City City Magetan Sragen Semarapura Sragen Langkat

Amlapura Ciamis Stabat Stabat WajoSungguminasa Sungguminasa Tulung Agung Sengkang Padang PanjangKepanjen Watampone Amlapura Ciamis Pesisir SelatanStabat Stabat Padang Panjang Tulungagung KlungkungBinjai Semarapura Singaraja Padang Panjang Karang AsemSemarapura Tulung Agung Painan Painan MojosariTulung Agung Sragen semarapura TulungagungDumai Sengkang Amlapura PariamanPadang Panjang Ciamis Singaraja TubanMojokerto TubanTabananSragen

Jumlah/ Total Kota/ City 30 22 22 27 26 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.1.3.03

Kota Penerima Penghargaan Piala Lomba Tertib Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan PerkotaanWahana Tata Nugraha Cup

List of Awarded Cities of Urban Traffic and Transport Cup

2006 - 2010

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 28

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Kota Raya Kota 3 4 5 4 2 Metropolitan City City Bandung Bandung Bandung Makassar Makassar

Medan Medan Medan Palembang BogorPalembang Palembang Palembang Bogor

Semarang Semarang MedanMakassar

2 Kota Besar Kota 4 4 8 3 3 Big City City Malang Malang Malang Padang Denpasar

Padang Padang Padang Tasikmalaya PadangBandar Lampung Samarinda Samarinda Samarinda SamarindaDenpasar Denpasar Denpasar


3 Kota Sedang Kota 5 9 17 16 14 Medium City City Payakumbuh Payakumbuh Payakumbuh Payakumbuh Payakumbuh

Bontang Palopo Palopo Sidoarjo BoneTebing Tinggi Pematang Siantar Pematang Siantar Cianjur KlatenTarakan Cirebon Cirebon Klaten CimahiPalopo Sidoarjo Sidoarjo Pematang Siantar Parepare

Madiun Bontang Bukittinggi BinjaiBontang Tebing Tinggi Binjai TegalTarakan Dumai Palopo CianjurTebing Tinggi Barru Cimahi Bukittinggi

Blitar Pare-pare BontangCianjur Cirebon PalopoTanjung Balai Tanjung Balai CirebonJepara Banda Aceh Banda AcehCimahi Negara NegaraBanjar Baru BlitarBukit Tinggi Tebing TinggiPare-Pare

4 Kota Kecil Kota 9 25 19 26 24 Small City City Muara Bungo Pariaman Kolaka Kolaka Buleleng

Madiun Gianyar Wonosari Pariaman SragenSolok Mojosari Gianyar Muara Enim CiamisMojosari Painan solok Pasaman SinjaiPainan Lubuk Pakam Pariaman Wonosari BoyolaliLubuk Pakam Lubuk Sikaping Batangnipa Purbalingga SolokPangkajene Amlapura Lubuk Sikaping solok BarruPariaman Tuban Sumbawa Besar Kandangan KolakaGianyar Wonosari Sungguminasa Tabanan Magetan

Probolinggo Baturaja Gianyar OKU TimurBlitar Klaten Soreang Muara EnimBarru Muara Enim Bontang BanyumasWaingapu Tuban Mojosari SidoarjoBatu Sangkar Magetan Sidrap Kutai KertanegaraJepara Batu Sangkar Martapura Lubuk SikapingTabanan Muara Bungo Pangkajene BangliMagetan Mojosari Batusangkar Lombok TimurBalangnipa Sibolga Magetan Sumbawa Cianjur Tomohon Kepanjen TabananKepanjen Lamongan GianyarDumai Sungguminasa LamonganMuara Enim Boyolali SibolgaPangkajene Balangnipa TabalongMuara Bungo Tanjung Probolinggo

BarruJumlah/ Total Kota/ City 21 42 49 49 43

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010


Kota Penerima Penghargaan Plakat Lomba Tertib Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan PerkotaanWahana Tata Nugraha Plakat

List of Awarded Cities of Urban Traffic and Transport Award

2006 2007 2008 2009

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.1.3.04

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 29

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

A Jalan Dilayani Trayek/ Traject :

- Medan KM 4,856 4,856 4,963 5,191 5,191 - Binjai KM 179 179 186 188 188

B Kendaraan Angkutan Umum/ Public Service :

1 Bus Besar/ Big Buses- Medan Unit 2,913 2,913 2,913 2,913 2,913 - Binjai Unit 7 - - - -

2 Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses- Medan Unit 4,033 4,275 4,275 4,275 4,208 - Binjai Unit 47 91 91 91 91

3 Bus Kecil/ Small Buses- Medan Unit 5,844 9,734 9,734 9,734 9,667 - Binjai Unit 28 166 166 166 166

4 Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car- Medan Unit 9,758 9,758 9,758 9,758 9,691 - Binjai Unit 1,343 570 570 570 570

5 Beca Motor- Medan Unit 24,359 24,359 21,359 - - - Binjai Unit 3,000 3,000 2,541 - -

Jumlah/ Total Unit 51,332 54,866 51,407 27,507 27,306 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

Catatan/ Note :

Kendaraan Angkutan Umum hanya kendaraan yang berplat nomor umum (kuning)

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses 55 - 60 seat

- Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses 28 - 30 seat

- Bus Kecil/ Small Buses 10 - 15 seat

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car 8 - 12 seat

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010No.

At North Sumatera

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.1.3.05

Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umun dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Sumatera Utara

Length of Road For Traject Public Transport and Total Public Transport

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 30

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

A Jalan Dilayani Trayek/ Traject :

- Padang KM 115 115 127 132 74- Solok KM 27 27 35 35 68- Pariaman KM 101 84 93 93 140- Bukit Tinggi KM 155 156 161 163 35

B Kendaraan Angkutan Umum/ Public Service :

1 Bus Besar/ Big Buses- Padang Unit 87 87 87 87 87 - Solok Unit - - - - - - Pariaman Unit 36 36 36 36 36 - Bukit Tinggi Unit 92 92 92 92 92

2 Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses- Padang Unit 285 285 285 285 184 - Solok Unit - - - - - - Pariaman Unit 38 38 38 38 38 - Bukit Tinggi Unit 23 23 23 23 23

3 Bus Kecil/ Small Buses- Padang Unit - - - - - - Solok Unit - - - - - - Pariaman Unit 105 105 105 105 105 - Bukit Tinggi Unit 652 652 652 652 652

4 Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car- Padang Unit 2,986 2,986 2,986 2,986 2,919 - Solok Unit 765 765 765 765 765 - Pariaman Unit 39 39 39 39 39 - Bukit Tinggi Unit 211 211 211 211 211

5 Beca Motor- Padang Unit 43 - - - - - Solok Unit - - - - - - Pariaman Unit - - - - - - Bukit Tinggi Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/Total Unit 5,362 5,319 5,319 5,319 5,151 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

Catatan/ Note :

Kendaraan Angkutan Umum hanya kendaraan yang berplat nomor umum (kuning)

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses 55 - 60 seat

- Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses 28 - 30 seat

- Bus Kecil/ Small Buses 10 - 15 seat

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car 8 - 12 seat


Tabel/ Table A.1.3.06

Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umun dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Sumatera Barat

Length of Road For Traject Public Transport and Total Public TransportAt West Sumatera

2006 - 2010

2008 20092006 2007 2010

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 31

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

A Jalan Dilayani Trayek/ Traject :

- Pekanbaru KM 362 376 376 379 379

B Kendaraan Angkutan Umum/ Public Service :

1 Bus Besar/ Big Buses- Pekanbaru Unit 8,255 8,255 8,255 8,255 8,000

2 Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses- Pekanbaru Unit - - - - -

3 Bus Kecil/ Small Buses- Pekanbaru Unit - - - - -

4 Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car- Pekanbaru Unit 600 600 600 600 600

5 Beca Motor- Pekanbaru Unit 50 52 54 54 54

Jumlah/Total Unit 8,905 8,907 8,909 8,909 8,654 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

Catatan/ Note :

Kendaraan Angkutan Umum hanya kendaraan yang berplat nomor umum (kuning)

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses 55 - 60 seat

- Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses 28 - 30 seat

- Bus Kecil/ Small Buses 10 - 15 seat

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car 8 - 12 seat

No. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

At Riau

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.1.3.07

Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umun dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Riau

Length of Road For Traject Public Transport and Total Public Transport

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 32

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

A Jalan Dilayani Trayek/ Traject :

- Palembang KM 715 715 715 731 731

B Kendaraan Angkutan Umum/ Public Service :

1 Bus Besar/ Big Buses- Palembang Unit - - - - -

2 Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses- Palembang Unit 468 471 468 468 468

3 Bus Kecil/ Small Buses- Palembang Unit 504 505 504 504 504

4 Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car- Palembang Unit 2,082 2,082 2,082 2,082 2,015

5 Beca Motor- Palembang Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/Total Unit 3,054 3,058 3,054 3,054 2,987 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

Catatan/ Note :

Kendaraan Angkutan Umum hanya kendaraan yang berplat nomor umum (kuning)

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses 55 - 60 seat

- Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses 28 - 30 seat

- Bus Kecil/ Small Buses 10 - 15 seat

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car 8 - 12 seat

Length of Road For Traject Public Transport and Total Public Transport


Tabel/ Table A.1.3.08

Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umun dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

At South Sumatera

2006 2007 2008

2006 - 2010

2009 2010

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 33

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

A Jalan Dilayani Trayek/ Traject :

- Bogor KM 624.00 624.14 624.14 624.00 624.00- Bandung KM 252.00 252.00 252.00 252.00 252.00- Cirebon KM 123.00 123.15 123.15 123.40 123.40- Sukabumi KM 224.00 224.44 224.44 229.44 229.44- Tasikmalaya KM 189.00 185.82 185.82 185.82 185.82- Ciamis KM 152.00 152.00 152.00 152.00 152.00

B Kendaraan Angkutan Umum/ Public Service :

1 Bus Besar/ Big Buses- Bogor Unit 407 239 407 239 239 - Bandung Unit 192 192 192 192 192 - Cirebon Unit 363 363 363 363 363 - Sukabumi Unit - - 921 921 921 - Tasikmalaya Unit - - - - - - Ciamis Unit - - - - -

2 Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses- Bogor Unit 349 73 349 73 73 - Bandung Unit 12 12 12 12 12 - Cirebon Unit 136 136 136 136 136 - Sukabumi Unit - - - - - - Tasikmalaya Unit - - - - - - Ciamis Unit - - - - -

3 Bus Kecil/ Small Buses- Bogor Unit 4,529 4,529 4,529 4,529 4,529 - Bandung Unit 12 12 12 12 12 - Cirebon Unit 146 146 146 146 146 - Sukabumi Unit - - - - - - Tasikmalaya Unit - - - - - - Ciamis Unit - - - - -

4 Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car- Bogor Unit 5,267 3,459 5,267 3,459 3,459 - Bandung Unit 5,521 5,521 5,521 5,521 5,454 - Cirebon Unit 979 979 979 979 979 - Sukabumi Unit 984 984 984 984 984 - Tasikmalaya Unit 358 358 358 358 358 - Ciamis Unit 407 407 407 407 407

5 Beca Motor - - - - -

Jumlah/Total Unit 19,662 17,410 20,583 18,331 18,264 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

Catatan/ Note :

Kendaraan Angkutan Umum hanya kendaraan yang berplat nomor umum (kuning)

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses 55 - 60 seat

- Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses 28 - 30 seat

- Bus Kecil/ Small Buses 10 - 15 seat

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car 8 - 12 seat


Tabel/ Table A.1.3.09

Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umun dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum

2006 - 2010

20102006 2007 2008 2009

Provinsi Jawa Barat Length of Road For Traject Public Transport and Total Public Transport

At West Java

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 34

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

A Jalan Dilayani Trayek/ Traject :

- Surakarta KM 922.20 922.20 922.20 988.00 988.00- Sragen KM 22.30 22.30 22.30 22.30 22.30

B Kendaraan Angkutan Umum/ Public Service :

1 Bus Besar/ Big Buses- Surakarta Unit 564 564 564 564 564 - Sragen Unit - - - - -

2 Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses- Surakarta Unit 297 297 297 297 297 - Sragen Unit - - - - -

3 Bus Kecil/ Small Buses- Surakarta Unit 630 630 630 630 630 - Sragen Unit 23 23 23 23 23

4 Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car- Surakarta Unit 432 432 432 432 432 - Sragen Unit 371 371 371 371 371

5 Beca Motor- Surakarta Unit - - - - - - Sragen Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/Total Unit 2,317 2,317 2,317 2,317 2,317 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

Catatan/ Note :

Kendaraan Angkutan Umum hanya kendaraan yang berplat nomor umum (kuning)

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses 55 - 60 seat

- Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses 28 - 30 seat

- Bus Kecil/ Small Buses 10 - 15 seat

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car 8 - 12 seat

Provinsi Jawa TengahLength of Road For Traject Public Transport and Total Public Transport

Tabel/ Table A.1.3.10

Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umun dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum


At Central Java

2006 - 2010

2006 2007 2008 2009

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 35

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

A Jalan Dilayani Trayek/ Traject :

- Surabaya KM 1,829.00 1,829.00 1,829.00 1,829.00 1,829.00- Sidoarjo KM 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00- Banyuwangi KM 108.08 108.08 108.08 108.08 108.08- Tulung Agung KM 108.00 108.00 108.00 108.00 321.00- Malang/ Kepajen KM 43.00 43.90 43.90 43.90 43.90

B Kendaraan Angkutan Umum/ Public Service :

1 Bus Besar/ Big Buses- Surabaya Unit 463 463 463 463 463 - Sidoarjo Unit 307 307 307 307 307 - Banyuwangi Unit 45 45 45 45 45 - Tulung Agung Unit 630 630 630 630 630 - Malang/ Kepajen Unit 920 920 920 920 920

2 Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses- Surabaya Unit - - - - - - Sidoarjo Unit 144 144 144 144 144 - Banyuwangi Unit 55 55 55 55 55 - Tulung Agung Unit - - - - - - Malang/ Kepajen Unit 150 150 150 150 150

3 Bus Kecil/ Small Buses- Surabaya Unit - - - - - - Sidoarjo Unit 1,535 1,535 1,535 1,535 1,535 - Banyuwangi Unit 258 258 258 258 258 - Tulung Agung Unit - - - - - - Malang/ Kepajen Unit 1,725 1,725 1,725 1,725 1,725

4 Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car- Surabaya Unit 6,247 6,247 6,247 6,247 6,179 - Sidoarjo Unit 1,426 1,426 1,426 1,426 1,426 - Banyuwangi Unit 581 581 581 581 581 - Tulung Agung Unit 508 508 508 508 292 - Malang/ Kepajen Unit 345 345 345 345 345

5 Beca Motor Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/ Total Unit 15,339 15,339 15,339 15,339 15,055 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

Catatan/ Note :

Kendaraan Angkutan Umum hanya kendaraan yang berplat nomor umum (kuning)

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses 55 - 60 seat

- Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses 28 - 30 seat

- Bus Kecil/ Small Buses 10 - 15 seat

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car 8 - 12 seat


Length of Road For Traject Public Transport and Total Public TransportProvinsi Jawa Timur


At East Java

2006 - 2010

20102006 2007 2008

Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umun dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum

Tabel/ Table A.1.3.11

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 36

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

A Jalan Dilayani Trayek/ Traject :

- Tabanan KM 295.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 70.00- Gianjar KM 177.00 177.00 177.00 200.00 151.00- Singaraja KM 58.40 58.40 58.40 131.00 54.00 - Seririt/ Bangli KM 132.00 132.00 132.00 132.00 132.00 - Amlapura KM 122.00 122.00 122.00 122.00 122.00- Semarapura KM 70.70 70.70 70.70 70.70 70.70

B Kendaraan Angkutan Umum/ Public Service :

1 Bus Besar/ Big Buses- Tabanan Unit - - - - - - Gianjar Unit - - - - - - Singaraja Unit 85 91 93 98 - - Seririt/ Bangli Unit - - - - - - Amlapura Unit 23 25 25 26 - - Semarapura Unit 17 19 19 20 -

2 Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses- Tabanan Unit - - - - - - Gianjar Unit - - - - - - Singaraja Unit - - - - - - Seririt/ Bangli Unit - - - - - - Amlapura Unit - - - - - - Semarapura Unit 45 50 50 50 50

3 Bus Kecil/ Small Buses- Tabanan Unit - - - - - - Gianjar Unit - - - - - - Singaraja Unit 222 173 175 166 166 - Seririt/ Bangli Unit 241 163 163 150 150 - Amlapura Unit 571 113 113 90 90 - Semarapura Unit 430 109 109 89 89

4 Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car- Tabanan Unit 164 164 164 164 164 - Gianjar Unit 335 335 335 335 275 - Singaraja Unit 109 117 117 119 119 - Seririt/ Bangli Unit 325 241 241 241 241 - Amlapura (Karangasem) Unit 369 375 375 377 377 - Semarapura (Klungkung) Unit 395 451 451 451 451

5 Beca Motor Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/ Total Unit 3,331 2,426 2,430 2,376 2,172 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

Catatan/ Note :

Kendaraan Angkutan Umum hanya kendaraan yang berplat nomor umum (kuning)

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses 55 - 60 seat

- Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses 28 - 30 seat

- Bus Kecil/ Small Buses 10 - 15 seat

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car 8 - 12 seat

Tabel/ Table A.1.3.12

Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umun dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum Provinsi Bali

Length of Road For Traject Public Transport and Total Public TransportAt Bali

2006 - 2010

No. 2007 2008 20092006 2010

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 37

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

A Jalan Dilayani Trayek/ Traject :

- Amuntai KM 170.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 170.00- Tanjung KM 52.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 52.00- Pelaihari KM 548.97 548.97 548.97 548.97 548.97

B Kendaraan Angkutan Umum/ Public Service :

1 Bus Besar/ Big Buses- Amuntai Unit - - - - - - Tanjung Unit - - - - - - Pelaihari Unit - - - - -

2 Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses- Amuntai Unit - - - - - - Tanjung Unit - - - - - - Pelaihari Unit - - - - -

3 Bus Kecil/ Small Buses- Amuntai Unit - - - - - - Tanjung Unit - - - - - - Pelaihari Unit 38 38 38 38 38

4 Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car- Amuntai Unit 152 152 152 153 120- Tanjung Unit 44 44 44 44 44- Pelaihari Unit 38 38 38 39 39

5 Beca Motor- Amuntai Unit - - - - - - Tanjung Unit - - - - - - Pelaihari Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/ Total Unit 272 272 272 274 241 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

Catatan/ Note :

Kendaraan Angkutan Umum hanya kendaraan yang berplat nomor umum (kuning)

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses 55 - 60 seat

- Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses 28 - 30 seat

- Bus Kecil/ Small Buses 10 - 15 seat

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car 8 - 12 seat

Length of Road For Traject Public Transport and Total Public TransportProvinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umun dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum

2006 2007 2008

At South Kalimantan

Tabel/ Table A.1.3.13

2009No. 2010

2006 - 2010

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 38

Uraian SatuanDescription Unit

1 Jalan Dilayani Trayek/ Traject :

- Balikpapan KM 181.00 181.00 181.00 217.00 217.00 - Samarinda KM 261.20 261.20 261.20 245.00 245.00

2 Kendaraan Angkutan Umum/ Public Service :

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses - Balikpapan Unit 18 18 18 18 18 - Samarinda Unit - - - - -

- Bus Sedang/Medium Buses - Balikpapan Unit 257 257 257 257 257 - Samarinda Unit - - - - -

- Bus Kecil/Small Buses - Balikpapan Unit 30 30 30 30 30 - Samarinda Unit - - - - -

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/Passengers Car - Balikpapan Unit 5,137 5,137 5,137 5,137 5,070 - Samarinda Unit 666 1,535 1,535 1,535 1,524

- Beca Motor - Balikpapan Unit - - - - - - Samarinda Unit - - - - -

Jumlah/ Total Unit 6,108 6,977 6,977 6,977 6,899 Sumber/ Source : Direktorat BSTP, Ditjen. Hubdat, Desember 2010/ Directorate General Of Land Transportation, December 2010

Catatan/ Note :

Kendaraan Angkutan Umum hanya kendaraan yang berplat nomor umum (kuning)

- Bus Besar/ Big Buses 55 - 60 seat

- Bus Sedang/ Medium Buses 28 - 30 seat

- Bus Kecil/ Small Buses 10 - 15 seat

- Mobil Penumpang Umum/ Passengers Car 8 - 12 seat

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Length of Road For Traject Public Transport and Total Public TransportProvinsi Kalimantan Timur

Panjang Jalan Trayek Angkutan Umun dan Jumlah Kendaraan Angkutan Umum

Tabel/ Table A.1.3.14

2006 - 2010

At East Kalimantan

Konsep Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 39

Jenis SatuanClasification Unit

1 Kecelakaan Kecelakaan 87,020 48,508 59,164 62,960 66,488 Accidents Accidents

2 Korban Laka Orang 101,354 82,588 99,350 106,384 109,878 Casuality Person

- Meninggal Dunia Orang 15,762 16,548 20,188 19,979 19,873 Death Person

- Luka Berat Orang 33,282 20,180 23,440 23,469 26,196 Serious Injury Persons

- Luka Ringan Orang 52,310 45,860 55,722 62,936 63,809 Slight Injury Persons

3 Kerugian (Milyar Rupiah) Rp 81.85 103.29 131.21 136.29 158.26 Loss Output (Billion Rupiah)

Sumber/ Source : POLRI diolah kembali oleh Direktorat Keselamatan Transportasi Darat, Ditjen. Hubdat/ National Traffic Police (NTP)

Indonesia be recompiled by Directorate of Road Transportation Safety , Directorate of Land Transportation

* Data Perkiraan Dit.KTD/ Estimated Data From Directorate of Road Transportation Safety

Keterangan (Note ) :

# Meninggal Dunia adalah orang yang meninggal dalam waktu kurang dari 30 hari setelah kecelakaan.

(Death is a person dead from injuries sustained in a transport related accident within 30 days of that accident)

#Luka Berat adalah orang yang dirawat di rumah sakit lebih dari 30 hari setelah kecelakaan.

(Serious Injury is a person who receives treatment in a hospital for more than 30 days after the accident)

# Luka Ringan adalah orang dirawat di rumah sakit kurang dari 30 hari setelah kecelakaan

( Slightly Injury is a person who receives treatment in a hospital for less than 30 days after the accident )

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.1.4.01

Jumlah Kecelakaan Dan Korban Kendaraan Bermotor Berdasar Tingkat KecelakaanNumber of Accidents and Casualities by Casuality Category

2006 - 2010


Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 40

Jenis SatuanClasification Unit

1 Mobil Penumpang unit 7,678,891 9,501,241 10,779,687 11,828,529 7,337,376 Passenger Cars unit

2 Mobil beban unit 4,896,065 5,013,544 6,025,023 6,225,588 3,052,863 Truck unit

3 Mobil bus unit 2,737,610 2,854,990 3,870,741 4,223,677 751,519 Bus unit

4 Sepeda Motor unit 35,102,492 45,948,747 51,687,879 59,447,626 54,098,136 Motor Cycles unit

5 Khusus unit NA NA NA NA 263,179Special unit

Jumlah unit 50,415,058 63,318,522 72,363,330 81,725,420 65,503,073Total Vehicles unit

Sumber/ Source : POLRI diolah kembali oleh Direktorat Keselamatan Transportasi Darat, Ditjen. Hubdat/ National Traffic Police (NTP)

Indonesia be recompiled by Directorate of Road Transportation Safety , Directorate of Land Transportation

* Data Perkiraan Dit.KTD/ Estimated Data From Directorate of Road Transportation Safety

Tabel/ Table A.1.4.02

Jumlah Kendaraan Bermotor

2008 2009 2010*

Number of Vehicles

2006 - 2010

2006 2007No.

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 41


Sea Transport Sub Sector

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Nasional Unit 6,428 7,154 8,165 9,164 9,945National(Total Unit)

Unit 862 1,055 1,137 1,330 1,397DWT 2,923,875 3,701,184 4,530,275 5,531,902 5,808,497

Unit 4,423 4,805 5,612 6,291 6,930GRT 2,440,893 2,804,803 3,421,240 4,080,138 5,304,179

Unit 1,143 1,294 1,416 1,543 1,618HP 1,134,166 1,241,847 1,435,528 1,900,764 1,957,787

2 Charter Asing Unit 1,448 1,154 977 865 691Foreign Charter(Total Unit)

Unit 106 90 77 69 55DWT 2,073,769 1,555,327 1,166,495 1,108,170 886,536

Unit 841 799 759 683 546GRT 1,467,164 1,100,373 1,467,164 1,247,089 997,671

Unit 501 265 141 113 90HP 875,501 656,625 875,501 656,625 525,300

3 Keagenan Asing Unit 6,594 6,540 6,616 6,562 4,922Foreign Agent(T t l U it)

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.01

Jumlah Armada Angkutan Laut Menurut Kepemilikan Number Of Ships By Ownership

2006 - 2010

2007 2008 2009 2010No 2006

(Total Unit)Unit 6,563 6,511 6,576 6,510 4,883

DWT 132,577,116 192,330,182 136,554,429 122,898,986 98,319,189

Unit 31 29 40 52 39GRT 25,837 23,992 33,588 43,664 34,931

Unit --- --- --- --- ---HP --- --- --- --- ---

Jumlah/ Total Unit 14,470 14,848 15,758 16,591 15,558

DWT 137,574,760 197,586,693 142,251,199 129,539,058 105,014,222GRT 3,933,894 3,929,168 4,921,992 5,370,891 6,336,781HP 2,009,667 1,898,472 2,311,029 2,557,389 2,483,087

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 42

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Pelayaran (Angkutan Laut) Unit 3,597 3,950 4,578 5,054 5,054Shipping(Total Unit) Unit 607 747 796 890 890 DWT 1,720,755 2,217,184 2,765,750 3,552,406 3,552,406

Unit 2,027 2,206 2,761 1,098 1,098GRT 1,443,923 1,550,867 1,891,313 1,356,240 1,356,240

Unit 963 997 1,021 1,293 1,293HP 1,016,174 1,026,237 1,089,748 152,800 152,800

2 Pelayaran Rakyat Unit 1,232 1,279 1,287 1,293 1,293Traditional Fleet(Total Unit)

Unit 1,232 1,279 1,287 1,293 1,293GRT 140,425 143,705 150,324 152,800 152,800

3 Perintis Unit 52 53 56 58 58Pioneer(Total Unit)

Unit 52 53 56 58 60DWT 29,150 29,850 32,100 33,350 34,350

4 Non Pelayaran (A.L Khusus) Unit 1,547 1,872 2,244 2,759 2,759Special Shipping(Total Unit)

U it 203 255 285 382 382

No 2008 2009 2010

Number Of Ships By Type Of Shipping

2006 - 2010

2006 2007

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.02

Jumlah Armada Angkutan Laut Menurut Jenis Pelayaran

Unit 203 255 285 382 382DWT 1,173,970 1,454,150 1,732,425 1,953,632 1,953,632

Unit 1,164 1,320 1,564 1,932 1,932GRT 856,545 1,110,231 1,379,603 1,577,126 1,577,126

Unit 180 297 395 445 445HP 117,992 215,610 345,780 544,524 544,524

Unit 6,428 7,154 8,165 9,164 9,164Jumlah Total DWT 2,923,875 3,701,184 4,530,275 5,539,388 5,540,388

GRT 2,440,893 2,804,803 3,421,240 3,086,166 3,086,166HP 1,134,166 1,241,847 1,435,528 697,324 697,324

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 43

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. P e l n i a. Penumpang Unit 24 24 24 25 28 Passangers Dwt 54,950 54,950 54,950 51,950 64,999

b. Barang Unit 3 3 3 3 3 Goods Dwt 7,713 7,713 7,713 7,713 10,572

2 PT. Djakarta Lloyd Barang Unit 11 14 14 14 16Goods Dwt 69,520 85,620 85,620 85,620 122,841

3 PT. Bahtera Adhiguna Barang Unit 10 10 7 7 10Goods Dwt 53,472 53,472 35,100 35,100 49,772

Jumlah/ Total Unit 48 51 48 49 57Dwt 185,655 201,755 183,383 180,383 248,184

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled ) PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.03

Jumlah Armada Dan Kapasitas Angkutan Laut Menurut Perusahaan Pelayaran BUMNNumber Of Ship And It's Capacities By State Owned Interprises Liners

2009 20102008

2006 - 2010

No 2006 2007

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 44

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Pelayaran Nasional Perusahaan 1,380 1,432 1,620 1,754 1,885 Domestic Shipping (company)

2 Pelayaran Rakyat Perusahaan 507 560 583 595 632 Prahus (company)

3 Non Pelayaran Perusahaan 326 334 367 382 388 Special Shipping (company)

Jumlah/Total 2,213 2,326 2,570 2,731 2,905Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Jumlah Perusahaan Angkutan Laut Menurut Jenis PelayaranNumber of Sea Transport Company by type of Shipping

2006 - 2010

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.04












0 0 0 0 0 2010

Pelayaran Nasional Pelayaran Rakyat Non Pelayaran

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 45

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Perusahaan/Company 9 10 13 13 122 Sumatera Utara Perusahaan/Company 43 45 55 63 573 Sumatera Barat Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---4 R i a u Perusahaan/Company 128 133 145 178 1865 Jambi Perusahaan/Company 14 14 19 19 186 Bengkulu Perusahaan/Company 1 1 2 2 17 Bangka/Belitung Perusahaan/Company 4 4 4 4 68 Sumatera Selatan Perusahaan/Company 25 27 35 35 249 Lampung Perusahaan/Company 5 5 9 9 6

10 Banten Perusahaan/Company 4 4 7 7 1711 DKI Jakarta Perusahaan/Company 662 688 712 757 84012 Jawa Barat Perusahaan/Company 8 8 10 10 1413 Jawa Tengah Perusahaan/Company 11 11 17 17 1714 D.I Yogyakarta Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---15 Jawa Timur Perusahaan/Company 170 177 204 233 22516 B a l i Perusahaan/Company 9 9 16 16 1317 Nusa Tenggara Barat Perusahaan/Company 2 2 4 4 418 Nusa Tenggara Timur Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---19 Kalimantan Barat Perusahaan/Company 41 42 47 51 5820 Kalaimantan Tengah Perusahaan/Company 2 2 4 4 521 Kalimantan Selatan Perusahaan/Company 41 41 54 54 6522 Kalimantan Timur Perusahaan/Company 106 109 115 115 18623 Sulawesi Utara Perusahaan/Company 20 22 33 35 2224 Gorontalo Perusahaan/Company 1 1 2 2 125 Sulawesi Tengah Perusahaan/Company 7 7 9 9 1126 Sulawesi Tenggara Perusahaan/Company 7 7 13 13 927 S l i S l t Perusahaan/C 20 21 38 45 29

2006 - 2010

Number Of Shipping Companies By ProvinceJumlah Perusahaan Pelayaran Menurut Provinsi

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.05

2009 20102007 2008No 2006

27 Sulawesi Selatan Perusahaan/Company 20 21 38 45 2928 Maluku Utara Perusahaan/Company 9 9 12 12 1229 Maluku Perusahaan/Company 12 14 19 22 2030 Papua Perusahaan/Company 19 19 22 25 27

Jumlah/Total Perusahaan/Company 1,380 1,432 1,620 1,754 1,885Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 46

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Perusahaan/Company 1 1 1 1 12 Sumatera Utara Perusahaan/Company 4 4 4 5 53 Sumatera Barat Perusahaan/Company 3 3 3 3 34 R i a u Perusahaan/Company 1 2 3 4 45 Jambi Perusahaan/Company 2 2 2 2 26 Bengkulu Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---7 Bangka/Belitung Perusahaan/Company 2 2 2 2 28 Sumatera Selatan Perusahaan/Company 1 1 1 1 19 Lampung Perusahaan/Company 3 3 3 3 3

10 Banten Perusahaan/Company 5 5 5 5 511 DKI Jakarta Perusahaan/Company 196 201 209 215 21712 Jawa Barat Perusahaan/Company 1 2 4 4 413 Jawa Tengah Perusahaan/Company 2 2 2 2 214 D.I Yogyakarta Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---15 Jawa Timur Perusahaan/Company 5 5 7 7 716 B a l i Perusahaan/Company 27 28 35 35 3717 Nusa Tenggara Barat Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---18 Nusa Tenggara Timur Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---19 Kalimantan Barat Perusahaan/Company 3 3 3 3 320 Kalaimantan Tengah Perusahaan/Company 2 2 3 3 321 Kalimantan Selatan Perusahaan/Company 5 5 7 7 722 Kalimantan Timur Perusahaan/Company 2 2 2 2 223 Sulawesi Utara Perusahaan/Company 33 33 37 39 4124 Gorontalo Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---25 Sulawesi Tengah Perusahaan/Company 1 1 3 3 326 Sulawesi Tenggara Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---27 S l i S l t Perusahaan/C 7 7 9 11 11

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.06

Jumlah Perusahaan Non Pelayaran Menurut Provinsi

2006 - 2010

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Number Of Non Shipping Companies By Province

27 Sulawesi Selatan Perusahaan/Company 7 7 9 11 1128 Maluku Utara Perusahaan/Company 3 3 5 5 529 Maluku Perusahaan/Company 11 11 11 12 1230 Papua Perusahaan/Company 6 6 6 8 8

Jumlah/Total Perusahaan/Company 326 334 367 382 388Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 47

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Perusahaan Bongkat/Muat Perusahaan 1,077 1,077 1,077 1,077 1,077 Loading/ Unloading Company (company)

2 E. M. K. L. Perusahaan 1,186 1,186 1,186 1,186 1,186 Freight Forwarding (company)

3 J P T Perusahaan 1,647 1,647 1,647 1,647 1,647 Supporter (company)

Jumlah/Total 3,910 3,910 3,910 3,910 3,910Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

U r a i a n Satuan

Production Of Sea Transport In Indonesia

2006 - 2010

2008 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.07

Jumlah Perusahaan Penunjang Angkutan LautNumber Of Shipping Auxiliary Companies

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.08

Produksi Angkutan Laut Di Indonesia

No 2006 2007

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Perusahaan NasionalNational CompanyAngkutan Dalam Negeri Ton 135,335,338 148,740,629 192,763,874 258,359,686 303,119,578Domestic TransportAngkutan Luar Negeri Ton 29,363,757 31,381,870 38,196,693 49,293,953 51,162,187Foreign transport(Ekspor / Impor)(Export /Import)

Jumlah/ Total Ton 164,699,095 180,122,499 230,960,567 307,653,639 354,281,765

2 Perusahaan AsingForeign CompanyAngkutan Dalam Negeri Ton 85,444,321 79,214,358 50,126,180 28,007,688 5,870,818Domestic TransportAngkutan Luar Negeri Ton 485,789,846 500,514,225 498,273,709 501,661,150 516,046,091Foreign transport(Ekspor / Impor)(Export /Import)

Jumlah/ Total Ton 571,234,167 579,728,583 548,399,889 529,668,838 521,916,909Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

2009 20102006 2007 2008No

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 48



Unit2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I 26 26 26 26 26Kelas Utama Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Kelas I Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Klas II Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Klas III Cabang 3 3 3 3 3Klas IV Cabang 4 4 4 4 4Klas V Cabang 11 11 11 11 11WILKER 5 5 5 5 5

2 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II Cabang 29 29 29 29 29Kelas Utama Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Kelas I Cabang 5 5 5 5 5Klas II Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Klas III Cabang 3 3 3 3 3Klas IV Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Klas V Cabang 8 8 8 8 8WILKER 10 10 10 10 10

3 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III Cabang 36 37 37 37 37Kelas Utama Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Kelas I Cabang 4 5 5 5 5Klas II Cabang 7 7 7 6 6Klas III Cabang 2 2 2 3 3Klas IV Cabang 5 5 3 3 3Klas V Cabang 0 0 0 0 0WILKER 17 17 19 19 19

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.01

Jumlah Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Menurut Kelas PelabuhanNumber Of Ports Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I - IV by Class Of Ports

2006 - 2010

4 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Cabang 24 24 24 24 30Kelas Utama Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Kelas I Cabang 4 4 4 4 5Klas II Cabang 3 3 3 3 5Klas III Cabang 5 5 5 5 5Klas IV Cabang 3 3 3 3 4Kawasan & UPK pelabuhan 5 5 5 5 7WILKER 3 3 3 3 3

Jumlah/ Total Unit 115 116 116 116 122Sumber/ Source :

Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation,

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 49

U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Description Unit (KM. 63/2002) (KM. 63/2002) (KM. 63/2002) (KM. 63/2002) (KM. 63/2002)

& DIPA 04-05

1 Klas I Pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 1

2 Klas II Pelabuhan 0 0 0 0 0

3 Klas III Pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 6

4 Klas IV Pelabuhan 20 20 20 20 20

5 Klas V Pelabuhan 161 161 161 161 161

6 Wilker Pelabuhan 346 346 346 346 346

Jumlah/ Total Pelabuhan 534 534 534 534 534Sumber/ Source :

Catatan/ Note : - KM. 45/1999 KEPMENHUB Kenaikan kelas KANPEL Khusus Batam dari kelas II pada KM. 35/1993 menjadi kelas I/

On KM. 45/1999 KEPMENHUB special class KANPLE of Batam port has increased from class II to class I on KM. 35/1993

- Jumlah Pelabuhan Posisi Tahun 2009 sebanyak 614 Pelabuhan/ In 2009 position number port are 614 ports


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.02

Jumlah Pelabuhan Yang Diselenggarakan Oleh Pemerintah Menurut Kelas PelabuhanNumber Of Ports Managed by Government Of Indonesia by Class Of Ports

2006 - 2010

Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportatio[diolah kembali/recompiled).

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 50

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 D.I Aceh pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 62 Sumatera Utara pelabuhan 8 8 8 8 83 Sumatera Barat pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 34 R i a u pelabuhan 12 12 12 12 125 Jambi pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 36 Bengkulu pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 17 Sumatera Selatan pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 28 Lampung pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 19 DKI Jakarta pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 310 Jawa Barat pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 111 Jawa Tengah pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 312 Jawa Timur pelabuhan 8 8 8 8 813 B a l i pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 314 Nusa Tenggara Barat pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 315 Nusa Tenggara Timur pelabuhan 5 5 5 5 516 Kalimantan Barat pelabuhan 7 7 7 7 717 Kalaimantan Tengah pelabuhan 8 8 8 8 818 Kalimantan Selatan pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 219 Kalimantan Timur pelabuhan 5 5 5 5 520 Sulawesi Utara pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 221 Sulawesi Tengah pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 222 Sulawesi Tenggara pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 123 Sulawesi Selatan pelabuhan 4 4 4 4 424 Maluku pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 225 Irian Jaya pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 626 Maluku Utara pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 127 Gorontalo pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 1

2010No 2009

Trend Of Commercial Ports In Indonesia

2006 - 2010

2006 2007 2008

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.03

Perkembangan Pelabuhan Yang Diusahakan di Seluruh Indonesia

27 Gorontalo pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 128 Bangka Belitung pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 629 Banten pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 2

Jumlah/ Total Pelabuhan 111 111 111 111 111Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation(diolah kembali/recompiled)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 51

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 D.I Aceh pelabuhan 10 10 10 10 102 Sumatera Utara pelabuhan 42 42 42 42 423 Sumatera Barat pelabuhan 7 7 7 7 74 R i a u pelabuhan 27 27 27 27 275 Jambi pelabuhan 7 7 7 7 76 Bengkulu pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 37 Sumatera Selatan pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 18 Lampung pelabuhan 10 10 10 10 109 DKI Jakarta pelabuhan 0 0 0 0 010 Jawa Barat pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 611 Jawa Tengah pelabuhan 10 10 10 10 1012 Jawa Timur pelabuhan 37 37 37 37 3713 B a l i pelabuhan 8 8 8 8 814 Nusa Tenggara Barat pelabuhan 12 12 12 12 1215 Nusa Tenggara Timur pelabuhan 33 33 33 33 3316 Kalimantan Barat pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 617 Kalaimantan Tengah pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 118 Kalimantan Selatan pelabuhan 5 5 5 5 519 Kalimantan Timur pelabuhan 12 12 12 12 1220 Sulawesi Utara pelabuhan 22 22 22 22 2221 Sulawesi Tengah pelabuhan 19 19 19 19 1922 Sulawesi Tenggara pelabuhan 33 33 33 33 3323 Sulawesi Selatan pelabuhan 42 42 42 42 4224 Maluku pelabuhan 36 36 36 36 3625 Irian Jaya pelabuhan 107 107 107 107 10726 Maluku Utara pelabuhan 20 20 20 20 2027 Gorontalo pelabuhan 9 9 9 9 9


2006 - 2010


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.04

2006 2007 2008 2009

Perkembangan Pelabuhan Yang Tidak Diusahakan Di Seluruh Indonesia Trend Of Non Commercial Ports In Indonesia

27 Gorontalo pelabuhan 9 9 9 9 928 Bangka Belitung pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 229 Banten pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 6

Jumlah/ Total Pelabuhan 533 533 533 533 533Sumber/ Source :

Catatan : - KM. 45/1999 KEPMENHUB Kenaikan kelas KANPEL Khusus Batam dari kelas II pada KM. 35/1993 menjadi kelas I

On KM. 45/1999 KEPMENHUB special class KANPLE of Batam port has increased from class II to class I on KM. 35/1993

- Pelabuhan baru dalam DIPA tahun 2004: Sulsel (Macini, Baji, & Bantaeng); Maluku (Kobisadar, Kur, & Kasui); Malut (Sofifi & Malbova)

New port in DIPA 2004: South of Sulawesi (Macini, Baji, & Bantaeng); Maluku (Kobisadar, Kur, & Kasui); North of Maluku (Sofifi & Malbova)

- Pelabuhan baru dalam DIPA tahun 2006: Sumbar (Carocok Painan); Kalbar (Mempawah); Kalsel (Kintab)

New port in DIPA 2006: West of Sumatera (Carocok Painan); West of Kalimantan (Mempawah); South of Kalimantan (Kintab)

Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 52

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I M' 7,904 8,694 9,563 10,041 10,668

2 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II M' 20,508 22,559 22,558 23,122 23,845

3 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III M' 27,782 28,063 28,346 28,633 28,922

4 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV M' 19,567 21,524 11,548 12,555 148

Jumlah/ Total M' 75,761 80,840 72,015 74,351 63,583Sumber/ Source :

2008No 2009 20102006 2007

Panjang Dermaga Pelabuhan Yang dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Length Of Berth Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.05

2006 - 2010










2006 2007 



Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled)

2009 2010Tahun/Year1. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

2. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

3. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III

4. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 53

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I

Gudang Lini I dan II M2 127,186 133,545 146,900 155,967 168,000 Storage I and II Lapangan Lini I dan II M2 176,771 194,448 213,893 194,238 171,927 Storage yard I and II

2 PT.Pelabuhan Indonesia II

Gudang Lini I dan II M2 255,154 255,154 280,669 283,595 291,424 Storage I and II Lapangan Lini I dan II M2 1,226,632 1,226,632 1,349,295 1,384,394 1,427,007 Storage yard I and II

3 PT.Pelabuhan Indonesia III

Gudang Lini I dan II M2 202,737 212,874 203,456 207,081 236,850 Storage I and II Lapangan Lini I dan II M2 735,480 742,909 758,070 789,657 805,772 Storage yard I and II

4 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Gudang Lini I dan II M2 54,024 56,725 63,368 62,511 56,018 Storage I and II Lapangan Lini I dan II M2 206,318 216,634 395,210 435,481 441,071Storage yard I and II

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.06

Luas Fasilitas Jasa Penumpukan PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV

2006 2007 2008No

Open Storages Facilities Managed by Indonesian Port Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010

2009 2010

Storage yard I and II

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 54

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I Unit 76 85 85 85 82

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II Unit 116 116 116 116 91

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Unit 149 165 183 229 269

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Unit 147 157 180 180 244

Jumlah/ Total Unit 488 523 564 610 686Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Jumlah Alat Bongkar Muat Pelabuhan Yang dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.07

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Number Of Cargo HandlingEquipments Managed by Indonesian Port Corporation I - IV

2006 - 2010







2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I Unit 77,309 75,749 76,164 73,171 69,544 (GRT) 108,531,601 112,460,655 121,433,788 115,362,099 116,185,495

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II Unit 62,181 64,046 70,451 74,314 79,403 (GRT) 168,121,385 173,165,645 190,482,210 196,701,515 204,729,475

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Unit 70,818 73,277 74,818 72,480 68,963 (GRT) 190,165,734 198,410,645 206,324,695 210,528,930 228,180,391

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Unit 58,160 58,160 55,580 54,964 59,464 (GRT) 198,486,240 198,980,240 203,131,622 204,317,511 266,985,833

Jumlah/ Total Unit 268,468 271,232 277,013 274,929 277,374

(GRT) 665,304,960 683,017,185 721,372,315 726,910,055 816,081,194Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2006 2007 2008No 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.08

Arus Kunjungan Kapal PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Call Ships for Indonesia Ports Corporation I - IV

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 55

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 1. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I ribuan Ton/m3 79,360 83,328 91,661 93,894 96,754

2 2. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II ribuan Ton/m3 103,697 108,882 119,770 125,159 132,199

3 3. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III ribuan Ton/m3 87,680 101,060 112,460 108,200 100,560

4 4. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV ribuan Ton/m3 85,629 89,910 87,609 88,801 119,630

Jumlah/ Total ribuan Ton/m3 356,366 383,180 411,500 416,054 449,143Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )


Arus Bongkar Muat Barang yang dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Production of Loading / Unloading in Quay Managed by Indonesian Port Corporation I - IV

2006 - 2010

2007 2008No 20092006

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.09

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 56

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Teus) 304,002 319,202 900,623 1,340,337 2,158,333 (Box) 237,703 249,585 735,134 1,118,810 1,848,712

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Teus) 3,920,049 4,116,045 4,527,650 4,754,031 5,051,156 (Box) 2,938,472 3,085,346 3,393,880 3,563,559 3,786,262

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Teus) 833,573 1,691,783 1,798,785 1,878,799 2,104,849 (Box) 656,416 709,484 779,392 871,867 1,007,845

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Teus) 544,058 571,261 1,031,450 1,185,024 1,280,388 (Box) 612,298 692,913 978,354 1,076,174 1,204,204

Jumlah/ Total (Teus) 5,601,682 6,698,291 8,258,508 9,158,191 10,594,726 (Box) 4,444,889 4,737,328 5,886,760 6,630,410 7,847,023

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )


Arus Peti Kemas Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Production of Containers Handling by Terminal Yard On Indonesia Ports Corporatiaon I-IV

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.10

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 57

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I Ribuan Ton/M3 6,780 6,983 8,290 8,836 9,563

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II Ribuan Ton/M3 12,770 13,153 14,468 15,046 15,798

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Ribuan Ton/M3 9,580 9,860 10,850 11,280 12,640

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Ribuan Ton/M3 1,773 1,826 1,635 1,617 1,643

Jumlah/ Total Ribuan Ton/M3 30,903 31,822 35,243 36,779 39,644Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2006 2007 2008

Production of Cargos Terminal Services Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010

2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.11

Produksi Jasa Terminal Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV














1. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

2. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

3. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III

4. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 58

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I 000 GRT ETML 90,002 92,702 117,184 126,184 138,298

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II 000 GRT ETML 206,191 206,191 226,810 232,480 239,745

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III 000 GRT ETML 164,660 170,190 199,190 197,400 205,180

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV 000 GRT ETML 91,423 91,423 97,277 98,834 111,960

Jumlah/ Total 000 GRT ETML 552,276 560,506 640,461 654,898 695,183Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2009 20102007 2008

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.12

Produksi Jasa Tambat Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Production of Tether Services Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010

No 2006








2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 59

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I 000 GRT 51,339 52,879 69,621 75,501 83,472

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II 000 GRT 155,189 159,845 175,830 181,545 188,921

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III 000 GRT 190,170 198,410 206,320 210,530 228,180

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV 000 GRT 135,203 139,259 152,341 157,061 191,891

Jumlah/ Total 000 GRT 531,901 550,393 604,112 624,637 692,464Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2008 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.13

No 2006 2007

Produksi Jasa Labuh Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Production of Anchoring Services Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I2. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II3. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III4. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 60

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

Gudang Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 1,312 1,378 2,141 2,583 3,249Srorage I and IILapangan Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 1,195 1,231 833 670 506Storage Yard I and II

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

Gudang Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 15,776 16,565 18,222 19,133 20,329Srorage I and IILapangan Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 23,260 24,423 26,865 28,208 29,971Storage Yard I and II

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III

Gudang Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 2,395 2,465 2,713 2,820 3,160Srorage I and IILapangan Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 4,790 4,930 5,425 5,640 6,320Storage Yard I and II

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Gudang Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 5,548 5,825 4,225 3,988 2,100Srorage I and IILapangan Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 5,504 5,779 5,832 5,918 16,670Storage Yard I and II


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.14


Production Of Open Storage Managed By Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010


Produksi Jasa Penumpukan Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV

2009 2010

Storage Yard I and II

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 61

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I Orang 4,689,977 4,924,376 5,222,712 5,183,349 5,134,516

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II Orang 2,169,043 2,277,495 2,505,245 2,599,192 2,721,029

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Orang 2,809,973 2,940,486 3,322,516 2,930,935 3,145,773

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Orang 5,501,198 5,776,850 5,978,360 6,105,385 5,839,046

Jumlah/ Total Orang 15,170,191 15,919,207 17,028,833 16,818,861 16,840,364Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2010No 2006 2007

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.15

Arus Penumpang Pelabuhan yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Production of Passengers Ports Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010

2008 2009








2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 62

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 B e l a w a n- Muat/Loading Ton 474,127 497,833 768,761 860,442 864,276- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 6,680,043 7,014,045 5,181,778 4,715,971 4,235,743- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.00 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.93 0.93 1.02 1.00 1

2 Tajung Priok- Muat/Loading Ton 6,025,541 6,326,865 6,959,552 7,710,860 8,304,522- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 13,765,265 14,455,208 15,900,729 18,262,066 19,874,153- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.00 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.70 0.70 0.77 1.00 1

3 Tanjung Perak- Muat/Loading Ton 1,375,140 1,138,690 1,719,349 1,546,572 1,616,424- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 2,534,261 2,679,394 2,896,719 2,731,250 2,818,337- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.35 0.30 0.37 0,36 0,36- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.65 0.70 0.63 0,64 0,64

4 Makassar- Muat/Loading Ton 2,665,155 2,798,413 1,269,862 1,138,129 1,941,417- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 3,326,535 3,492,862 1,743,911 1,577,199 4,074,090- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.44 0.44 0.42 0.00 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.56 0.56 0.56 1.00 1

Jumlah/ TotalMuat/Loading Ton 10 539 963 10 761 801 10 717 524 11 256 003 12 726 639


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.16

Arus Bongkar/ Muat Barang Angkutan Antar Pulau Di 4 (empat Pelabuhan Utama)Production of Inter Island Sea Transport For Cargo Loading And Unloading

At 4 (Four) Main Ports

2006 2007 2008 2009

2006 - 2010


- Muat/Loading Ton 10,539,963 10,761,801 10,717,524 11,256,003 12,726,639- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 26,306,104 27,641,509 25,723,137 27,286,486 31,002,323- Ratio Muat/Lading Ratio - 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.29- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.71 0.72 0.71 0.71 0.71

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 63

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 B e l a w a n- Muat/Loading Ton 4,505,600 4,730,880 5,203,968 5,158,945 5,101,153- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 2,192,030 2,301,632 2,531,795 2,496,561 2,453,131- Ratio Muat/Lading Ratio - 0.67 0.67 0.74 0.74 1- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.33 0.33 0.04 0.03 0

2 Tajung Priok- Eksport/Loading Ton 8,003,851 8,404,043 9,244,447 9,706,669 10,313,336- Import/Unloading Ton 72,825,832 72,948,124 80,242,536 186,673,906 496,172,497- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.10 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.90 0.90 0.99 1.11 1

3 Tanjung Perak- Eksport/Loading Ton 679,074 680,163 973,690 815,982 855,395- Import/Unloading Ton 3,386,851 4,077,549 3,615,516 3,116,887 3,082,909- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.17 0.14 0.21 0,21 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.83 0.86 0.79 0,79 1

4 Makassar- Eksport/Loading Ton 1,036,423 1,085,204 434,289 374,277 347,019- Import/Unloading Ton 690,222 724,735 800,580 813,533 1,112,110- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.60 0.60 0.35 0.31 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.40 0.40 0.65 0.77 1

Jumlah/Total- Eksport/Loading Ton 14,224,948 14,900,290 15,856,394 16,055,873 16,616,903

Import/Unloading Ton 79 094 935 80 052 040 87 190 427 193 100 887 193 118 887

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.17

Arus Bongkar/ Muat Barang Angkutan Luar Negeri Di 4 (empat) Pelabuhan Utama Production of International Sea Transport For Cargoes Loading and Unloading at 4 Main Ports

2006 - 2010

2008No 2006 2007 2009 2010

- Import/Unloading Ton 79,094,935 80,052,040 87,190,427 193,100,887 193,118,887- Ratio Muat/Lading Ratio - 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.08 0.08- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.85 0.84 0.85 0.92 0.92

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 64

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Kapal Penghisap Unit 11 11 11 11 11 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers

2 Kapal Keruk Timba Unit - - - - - Buckets Dredgers

3 Kapal Bor Penghisap Unit 2 2 2 2 2 Cutter suction Dredgers

4 Kapal Keruk Cakram Unit 4 4 5 5 5 Clamshell Dredgers

Jumlah/ Total Unit 17 17 18 18 18Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

U r a i a n SatuanD U

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.19

Produksi Pengerukan PT. (Persero) Rukindo Menurut Jenis Kapal KerukProduction of Dredging Fleet of PT. RUKINDO Company by Dregdger Type

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.18

Jumlah Armada Pengerukan PT. Rukindo Menurut Jenis KapalNumber Of Fleet of PT. RUKINDO'S Company by Dreadger Types

2006 - 2010

2008 2009

2006 - 2010




No 2006 2007

No 2006 2007 2008

Description Unit

1 Kapal Penghisap Lumpur M3 4,059,002 2,163,224 1,667,360 1,820,070 1,439,235 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger

2 Kapal Keruk Timba M3 - - - - - Bucket Dredger

3 Kapal Bor Penghisap M3 0 0 0 0 0 Cutter Section Dredger

4 Kapal Keruk cakram M3 483,941 530,578 445,001 642,872 645,375 Clamshell Dredger

Jumlah/ Total M3 4,542,943 2,693,802 2,112,361 2,462,942 2,084,610Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2008 2009 2010No 2006 2007

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 65

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 DIP M3 404,600 - - - -

2 Pelindo M3 2,719,118 2,237,241 1,848,885 1,514,655 1,172,393

3 Pihak III Dalam Negeri M3 1,926,405 397,196 245,178 184,381 127,230

4 Pihak III Luar Negeri M3 93,712 59,325 37,740 30,845 23,801

Jumlah/ Total M3 5,143,835 2,693,762 2,131,803 1,729,881 1,323,424Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )Catatan/Note : PT. Rukindo sudah tidak dapat DIP / Rukindo company has not received a government fund

2006 - 2010

2006 2007 2008 2009No

Production of Dredging Fleet of PT. RUKINDO Company by Type of market


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.20

Produksi Pengerukan PT. (Persero) Rukindo Menurut Segmen Pasar

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 66

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelni

2 Penumpang/Passengers Orang/Person 5,113,593 5,113,593 5,113,593 5,113,593 5,113,593

3 Barang/Cargo 000 Ton/M3 716 716 716 716 716

4 PT. (Persero) Djakarta Lloyd

5 Barang/Cargo 000 Ton/M3 267,544 267,544 267,544 267,544 567,554

6 Peti Kemas/Container Teus 80,944 80,944 80,944 80,944 80,944

7 PT. (Persero) Bahtera Adhiguna

8 Barang/Cargo 000 Ton/M3 1,856,733 1,856,733 1,856,733 1,856,733 1,856,733

9 Peti Kemas/Container Teus 5,430 5,430 5,430 5,430 5,430

Jumlah/ Total 1. Penumpang/Person Orang/Person 5,113,593 5,113,593 5,113,593 5,113,593 5,113,593 2. Barang/Cargo Ton/M3 2,124,993 2,124,993 2,124,993 2,124,993 2,425,003 3. Kontainer/Container Teus 86,374 86,374 86,374 86,374 86,374

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Catatan/Note : *)Data sementara/temporary data

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Pergudangan Ton 1,369,067 1,369,067 1,369,067 1,369,067 1,369,067 Warehouses

2 E M K L Ton 6,940,078 6,940,078 6,940,078 6,940,078 6,940,078

3 E M K U Ton 83 83 83 83 83

4 Angkatan Darat Ton 1,477,571 1,477,571 1,477,571 1,477,571 1,477,571 Land Transport

5 Bongkar Muat Ton 6,394,122 6,394,122 6,394,122 6,394,122 6,394,122 Cargo Loading/ Unloading

6 Konsolidasi Cargo Ton - - - - - Consolidated Cargo

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.21

Produksi Penumpang, Barang dan Peti KemasMenurut Perusahaan Pelayaran BUMN

Passengers and Cargoes (with and without Containers) Carriedby Liner of State Owned Enterprises


2006 2007 2008 2009

2006 - 2010


Produksi Jasa Pergudangan PT. (Persero) Varuna Tirta Prakasya


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.22

Production of Warehousing Services of PT. (Persero) Varuna Tirta Prakasya

2006 - 2010

No 2006 2007 2008 2009*

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 67

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 G u d a n g Unit 32 32 32 32 32 Storages

2 T r u k Unit 35 35 35 35 35 T r u c k

3 Trailler Unit 9 9 9 9 9 Traillers

4 Forklift Unit 9 9 9 9 9 Forklifts

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.23

Jumlah Sarana Pergudangan PT. Varuna Tirta PrakasyaNumber of Warehousing Facilities of PT. Varuna Tirta Prakasya

No 2006 2007 2008 2009* 2010*

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 68

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 D.I Aceh Unit 12 12 12 12 122 Sumatera Utara Unit 22 22 22 22 223 Sumatera Barat Unit 14 14 14 14 144 R i a u Unit 57 57 57 57 585 Jambi Unit 8 8 8 8 96 Bengkulu Unit 6 6 6 6 67 Sumatera Selatan Unit 14 14 14 14 148 Lampung Unit 7 7 7 7 79 DKI Jakarta Unit 11 11 11 11 1210 Jawa Barat Unit 15 15 15 15 1611 Jawa Tengah Unit 20 20 20 20 2012 Jawa Timur Unit 19 19 19 19 2013 B a l I Unit 7 7 7 7 714 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 8 8 8 8 815 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 18 18 18 18 1816 Kalimantan Barat Unit 13 13 13 13 1317 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 18 18 18 18 1918 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 8 8 8 8 819 Kalimantan Timur Unit 13 13 13 13 1420 Sulawesi Utara Unit 10 10 10 10 1021 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 9 9 9 9 922 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 7 7 7 7 823 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 17 17 17 17 1724 Maluku Unit 23 23 23 23 2525 Irian Jaya Unit 24 24 24 24 2426 Gorontalo Unit 2 2 2 2 2

Jumlah/ Total Unit 382 382 382 382 392Sumber/Source : Direktorat Perkapalan & Kepelautan (Dit.Kapel) Ditjen Hubla, Desember 2010, Directorate of Shipping and Seafarers Directorate Genera

of Sea Transportation, December 2010

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010*

Tabel / Table A.2.3.01

Pertumbuhan Kapal Marine Inspektor Per ProvinsiGrowth of Marine Inspector Ship By Province

2006 - 2010


statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 69

No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 D.I Aceh Unit 1 1 1 1 12 Sumatera Utara Unit 4 4 4 4 33 Sumatera Barat Unit 1 1 1 1 14 R i a u Unit 9 9 4 4 35 Riau Kepulauan Unit 0 0 5 5 56 Jambi Unit 0 0 0 0 07 Bengkulu Unit 0 0 0 0 08 Sumatera Selatan Unit 3 3 4 4 49 Lampung Unit 0 0 0 0 010 DKI Jakarta Unit 7 7 6 7 811 Jawa Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 012 Jawa Tengah Unit 6 6 6 6 613 D.I Yogyakarta Unit 0 0 0 0 014 Jawa Timur Unit 4 4 5 5 515 B a l i Unit 2 2 2 2 216 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 017 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 1 1 1 1 118 Kalimantan Barat Unit 2 2 3 4 419 Kalaimantan Tengah Unit 3 3 0 0 020 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 2 1 3 3 321 Kalimantan Timur Unit 3 3 4 4 522 Sulawesi Utara Unit 3 3 3 3 323 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 0 0 0 0 024 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 1 1 1 2 225 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 3 3 3 3 226 Sulawesi Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 027 Maluku Unit 1 1 1 1 128 Maluku Utara Unit 0 0 0 0 029 Papua Barat Unit 0 0 2 2 230 Papua Unit 5 5 3 3 331 Gorontalo Unit 0 0 0 0 032 Bangka Belitung Unit 0 0 0 0 033 Banten Unit 0 0 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total Unit 61 60 62 65 64

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.01Jumlah Armada Kapal Kenavigasian Menurut Provinsi

Number Of Ships Navigations Fleet By Province2006 - 2010

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 D.I Aceh Unit 57 54 54 56 562 Sumatera Utara Unit 213 189 190 172 1843 Sumatera Barat Unit 62 65 63 67 744 R i a u Unit 398 515 166 161 1635 Riau Kepulauan Unit 0 0 373 363 3376 Jambi Unit 0 0 0 0 07 Bengkulu Unit 0 0 0 0 08 Sumatera Selatan Unit 106 125 114 99 999 Lampung Unit 0 0 0 0 010 DKI Jakarta Unit 241 245 228 343 34411 Jawa Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 012 Jawa Tengah Unit 222 251 244 197 20013 D.I Yogyakarta Unit 0 0 0 0 014 Jawa Timur Unit 148 169 169 189 18915 B a l I Unit 108 107 110 135 13516 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 017 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 91 101 96 108 10718 Kalimantan Barat Unit 67 68 79 71 6719 Kalaimantan Tengah Unit 0 0 0 0 020 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 119 126 134 99 9921 Kalimantan Timur Unit 390 364 365 329 36622 Sulawesi Utara Unit 129 138 142 158 16323 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 0 0 0 0 024 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 96 98 126 134 13425 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 79 79 98 114 11726 Sulawesi Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 027 Maluku Unit 167 196 201 41 4128 Maluku Utara Unit 0 0 0 137 10729 Papua Barat Unit 0 0 132 129 16230 Papua Unit 223 220 112 109 10931 Gorontalo Unit 0 0 0 0 032 Bangka Belitung Unit 0 0 0 0 033 Banten Unit 0 0 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total Unit 2,916 3,110 3,196 3,211 3,253

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.02

2006 - 2010

Sumber/ Source: Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Sea Transportation

Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran Menurut ProvinsiNumber Of Marine Aids to Navigation By Province


No U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Description Unit

1 Milik DJPL a. Menara Suar (Lighthouse) Unit 252 274 275 277 277 b. Rambu Suar (Light Beacon) Unit 1,236 1,216 1,244 1,286 1,263 c. Pelampung Suar (Light Buoy) Unit 346 329 351 357 355 d. Tanda Siang (Day mark) Unit 121 150 172 123 125 e. Anak Pelampung (Unlighted buoy) Unit 63 78 77 49 49

Sub Total Unit 2,018 2,047 2,119 2,092 2,0692 Milik Non DJPL

a. Menara Suar (Lighthouse) Unit - - - - - b. Rambu Suar (Light Beacon) Unit 416 543 565 577 631 c. Pelampung Suar (Light Buoy) Unit 380 418 431 453 462 d. Tanda Siang (Day mark) Unit 62 62 61 70 72e. Anak Pelampung (Unlighted buoy) Unit 40 40 20 19 19

Sub Total Unit 898 1,063 1,077 1,119 1,184Jumlah/Total Unit 2,916 3,110 3,196 3,211 3,253

By Types And Ownership

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.03Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran Menurut Jenis dan Kepemilikan

Number of Marine Aids to Navigation

2006 - 2010


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Sabang Unit 57 54 54 56 562 Belawan Unit 147 124 125 105 1173 Sibolga Unit 66 65 65 67 674 Teluk Bayur Unit 62 65 63 67 745 Dumai Unit 142 164 166 161 1636 Tanjung Pinang Unit 256 351 373 363 3377 Palembang Unit 119 125 114 99 998 Tanjung Priok Unit 241 245 228 343 3449 Cilacap Unit 116 127 120 96 9610 Semarang Unit 106 124 124 101 10411 Surabaya Unit 148 169 169 189 18912 Benoa Unit 111 107 110 135 13513 Kupang NTT Unit 91 101 96 108 10714 Pontianak Kalbar Unit 67 68 79 71 6715 Banjarmasin Kalsel Unit 119 126 134 99 9916 Tarakan Kaltim Unit 74 58 58 63 6317 Samarinda Kaltim Unit 316 306 307 266 30318 Makassar Sulsel Unit 79 79 98 114 11719 Kendari Sulteng Unit 96 98 126 134 13420 Bitung Sulut Unit 129 138 142 158 16321 Ambon Maluku Unit 97 124 131 137 10722 Sorong Papua Barat Unit 129 124 132 129 16223 Jayapura Papua Unit 55 57 74 71 7124 Merauke Papua Unit 39 39 38 38 3825 Tual Maluku Utara Unit 70 72 70 41 41

Jumlah/Total Unit 2,932 3,110 3,196 3,211 3,253

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.04Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi

Number Of Marine Aids to Navigation2006 - 2010


No U r a i a n

Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Unit

1 D.I Aceh Unit 9 9 9 9 92 Sumatera Utara Unit 18 18 18 10 103 Sumatera Barat Unit 6 6 6 2 24 R i a u Unit 19 19 11 8 85 Riau Kepulauan Unit 0 0 8 9 76 Jambi Unit 0 0 0 3 37 Bengkulu Unit 0 0 0 1 18 Sumatera Selatan Unit 13 13 13 1 19 Lampung Unit 0 0 0 1 110 DKI Jakarta Unit 22 22 22 2 211 Jawa Barat Unit 0 0 0 2 312 Jawa Tengah Unit 8 8 8 7 713 D.I Yogyakarta Unit 0 0 0 0 014 Jawa Timur Unit 12 12 12 9 915 B a l i Unit 11 11 11 8 816 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 0 0 0 2 217 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 9 9 9 7 718 Kalimantan Barat Unit 4 4 4 4 419 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 9 9 9 2 220 Kalimantan Timur Unit 12 12 12 5 521 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 0 0 0 4 422 Sulawesi Utara Unit 20 20 20 4 423 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 0 0 0 9 924 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 11 11 11 6 625 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 7 7 7 5 526 Sulawesi Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 027 Maluku Unit 16 16 16 6 628 Maluku Utara Unit 0 0 0 4 429 Papua Barat Unit 0 0 8 5 530 Papua Unit 16 16 8 8 931 Gorontalo Unit 0 0 0 1 132 Bangka Belitung Unit 0 0 0 3 333 Banten Unit 0 0 0 1 1

Jumlah/Total Unit 222 222 222 148 148

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.05Jumlah Stasiun Radio Pantai Menurut Provinsi

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Number Of Coastal Radio Station By Province2006 - 2010


No U r a i a nDescription Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sabang Unit 9 9 9 6 62 Belawan Unit 11 11 11 7 73 Sibolga Unit 7 7 7 6 64 Teluk Bayur Unit 6 6 6 2 25 Dumai Unit 11 11 11 10 106 Tanjung Pinang Unit 8 8 8 7 77 Palembang Unit 13 13 13 4 48 Tanjung Priok Unit 22 22 22 9 99 Cilacap Unit 1 1 1 1 110 Semarang Unit 7 7 7 6 611 Surabaya Unit 12 12 12 9 912 Benoa Unit 11 11 11 8 813 Kupang Unit 9 9 9 9 914 Pontianak Unit 4 4 4 4 415 Banjarmasin Unit 9 9 9 6 616 Tarakan Unit 4 4 4 3 317 Samarinda Unit 8 8 8 4 418 Makassar Unit 11 11 11 6 619 Kendari Unit 7 7 7 5 520 Bitung Unit 20 20 20 12 1221 Ambon Unit 12 12 12 6 622 Sorong Unit 8 8 8 5 523 Jayapura Unit 5 5 5 5 524 Merauke Unit 3 3 3 4 425 Tual Unit 4 4 4 4 4

Jumlah/Total Unit 222 222 222 148 148

Jumlah Stasiun Radio Pantai Menurut Lokasi Distrik NavigasiNumber Of Coastal Radio Station By District of Navigations

2006 - 2010

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen HubDirectorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.06


No U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Description Unit

1 Sabang Unit 1 1 1 1 12 Belawan Unit 3 3 3 3 33 Sibolga Unit 1 1 1 1 04 Teluk Bayur Unit 1 1 1 1 15 Dumai Unit 4 4 4 4 36 Tanjung Pinang Unit 5 5 5 5 57 Palembang Unit 3 3 4 4 48 Tanjung Priok Unit 5 5 5 6 79 Cilacap Unit 2 2 2 2 210 Semarang Unit 4 4 4 4 411 Surabaya Unit 4 4 5 5 512 Benoa Unit 2 2 2 2 213 Kupang Unit 1 1 1 1 114 Pontianak Unit 2 2 3 4 415 Banjarmasin Unit 3 3 3 3 316 Tarakan Unit 1 1 1 1 217 Samarinda Unit 3 3 3 3 318 Makassar Unit 3 3 3 3 219 Kendari Unit 1 1 1 2 220 Bitung Unit 3 3 3 3 321 Ambon Unit 1 1 1 1 122 Sorong Unit 2 2 2 2 223 Jayapura Unit 2 2 1 1 124 Merauke Unit 2 2 2 2 225 Tual Unit 0 0 0 0 026 BTKP Unit 2 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total Unit 61 60 62 65 64Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.07Jumlah Kapal Kenavigasian Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi Number Of Ship Navigations By Location / District of Navigations

2006 - 2010


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Sabang m1 40 40 40 40 40

2 Belawan m1 38 38 38 38 38

3 Sibolga m1 0 0 0 0 0

4 Teluk Bayur m1 33 40 40 40 40

5 Dumai m1 70 70 70 70 70

6 Tanjung Pinang m1 40 40 40 40 40

7 Palembang m1 175 33 33 33 33

8 Tanjung Priok m1 40 275 175 175 175

9 Cilacap m1 300 25 25 25 25

10 Semarang m1 25 40 40 40 40

11 Surabaya m1 80 80 115 115 115

12 Benoa m1 0 0 0 0 0

13 Kupang m1 0 0 0 0 0

14 Pontianak m1 0 0 0 0 0

15 Banjarmasin m1 0 0 0 0 0

16 Tarakan m1 0 0 0 0 0

17 Samarinda m1 50 50 50 50 50

18 Makassar m1 40 40 40 40 40

19 Kendari m1 40 40 40 40 40

20 Bitung m1 0 27 80 50 50

21 Ambon m1 40 40 40 40 40

22 Sorong m1 40 40 40 40 40

23 Jayapura m1 40 40 40 40 40

24 Merauke m1 0 0 0 0 0

25 Tual m1 0 0 0 250 250

26 BTKP m1 100 100 75 75 75Jumlah/ Total m1 1,191 1,058 1,021 1,241 1,241

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.08Panjang Dermaga Khusus Kenavigasian Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi

Lenght Of Special Jeety Navigation At Navigation Distric Location2006 - 2010

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 D.I Aceh m2 192 192 192 192 192

2 Sumatera Utara m2 415 415 415 415 415

3 Sumatera Barat m2 0 0 0 0 0

4 R i a u m2 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

5 Riau Kepulauan m2 300 300 3,200 3,200 3,200

6 Jambi m2 0 0 0 0 0

7 Bengkulu m2 0 0 0 0 0

8 Sumatera Selatan m2 300 300 300 300 300

9 Lampung m2 0 0 0 0 0

10 DKI Jakarta m2 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900

11 Jawa Barat m2 0 0 0 0 0

12 Jawa Tengah m2 300 300 300 300 300

13 D.I Yogyakarta m2 0 0 0 0 0

14 Jawa Timur m2 723 723 732 732 732

15 B a l I m2 93 0 0 0 0

16 Nusa Tenggara Barat m2 0 0 0 0 0

17 Nusa Tenggara Timur m2 0 0 0 0 0

18 Kalimantan Barat m2 0 0 0 0 0

19 Kalaimantan Tengah m2 0 0 0 0 0

20 Kalimantan Selatan m2 0 0 0 0 0

21 Kalimantan Timur m2 2,956 2,956 2,958 2,956 2,956

22 Sulawesi Utara m2 750 750 750 750 750

23 Sulawesi Tengah m2 0 0 0 0 0

24 Sulawesi Tenggara m2 0 0 0 0 0

25 Sulawesi Selatan m2 0 0 750 750 0

26 Sulawesi Barat m2 0 0 0 0 0

27 Maluku m2 0 750 0 0 0

28 Maluku Utara m2 0 0 0 0 0

29 Papua Barat m2 0 0 750 750 750

30 Papua m2 750 750 750 750 750

31 Gorontalo m2 0 0 0 0 0

32 Bangka Belitung m2 0 0 0 0 0

33 Banten m2 0 0 0 0 0Jumlah/ Total m2 14,679 15,336 17,997 17,995 17,245

Luas Taman Pelampung Menurut Lokasi PropinsiWide Of Float Park Flow At Province Location

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.09

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 D.I Aceh Unit 0 0 0 0 22 Sumatera Utara Unit 1 1 1 1 23 Sumatera Barat Unit 0 1 1 1 14 R i a u Unit 0 0 0 0 15 Riau Kepulauan Unit 0 0 0 0 36 Jambi Unit 0 0 0 0 07 Bengkulu Unit 0 0 0 0 08 Sumatera Selatan Unit 0 0 0 0 39 Lampung Unit 0 0 0 0 010 DKI Jakarta Unit 1 1 1 1 411 Jawa Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 012 Jawa Tengah Unit 1 1 1 1 213 D.I Yogyakarta Unit 0 0 0 0 014 Jawa Timur Unit 1 1 1 1 115 B a l I Unit 0 0 0 0 316 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 017 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 0 0 0 0 218 Kalimantan Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 219 Kalaimantan Tengah Unit 0 0 0 0 020 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 0 0 0 0 221 Kalimantan Timur Unit 0 1 1 1 322 Sulawesi Utara Unit 0 0 0 0 523 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 0 0 0 0 024 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 0 0 0 0 225 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 1 1 1 1 126 Sulawesi Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 027 Maluku Unit 0 0 0 0 328 MalukuUtara Unit 0 0 0 0 229 Papua Barat Unit 0 0 0 1 330 Papua Unit 0 0 0 0 431 Gorontalo Unit 0 0 0 0 032 Bangka Belitung Unit 0 0 0 0 033 Banten Unit 0 0 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total Unit 5 7 7 8 51

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.10Jumlah Stasiun Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Menurut Provinsi

Number of Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Station at Province Location2006 - 2010

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Sabang Unit 0 0 0 0 22 Belawan Unit 1 1 1 1 13 Sibolga Unit 0 0 0 0 14 Teluk Bayur Unit 0 1 1 1 15 Dumai Unit 0 0 0 0 16 Tanjung Pinang Unit 0 0 0 0 37 Palembang Unit 0 0 0 0 38 Tanjung Priok Unit 1 1 1 1 49 Cilacap Unit 0 0 0 0 110 Semarang Unit 1 1 1 1 111 Surabaya Unit 1 1 1 1 112 Benoa Unit 0 0 0 0 313 Kupang Unit 0 0 0 0 214 Pontianak Unit 0 0 0 0 215 Banjarmasin Unit 0 0 0 0 216 Tarakan Unit 0 0 0 0 117 Samarinda Unit 0 1 1 1 218 Makassar Unit 1 1 1 1 119 Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 0 0 0 0 220 Bitung Unit 0 0 0 0 521 Ambon Unit 0 0 0 0 322 Sorong Unit 0 0 0 1 323 Jayapura Unit 0 0 0 0 224 Merauke Unit 0 0 0 0 225 Tual Unit 0 0 0 0 2

Jumlah/Total Unit 5 7 7 8 51Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.11Jumlah Stasiun Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Sesuai Distrik Navigasi

Number Of Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Station At Navigation Distric Location2006 - 2010




2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 D.I Aceh Unit - - - -2 Sumatera Utara Unit 9 9 12 12 123 Sumatera Barat Unit 3 3 4 4 84 R i a u Unit 21 21 21 21 275 Jambi Unit 4 4 6 6 66 Bengkulu Unit 1 1 1 1 37 Sumatera Selatan Unit 5 5 5 5 128 Lampung Unit 2 2 2 2 29 DKI Jakarta Unit 19 19 18 18 22

10 Jawa Barat Unit 4 4 1 1 211 Jawa Tengah Unit 6 6 6 6 612 D.I Yogyakarta Unit 0 0 2 0 013 Jawa Timur Unit 10 10 13 13 1614 B a l i Unit 3 3 3 3 615 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 3 3 4 4 416 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 1 1 3 3 617 Kalimantan Barat Unit 5 5 4 4 518 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 2 2 3 3 619 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 3 3 4 4 420 Kalimantan Timur Unit 4 4 5 5 721 Sulawesi Utara Unit 5 6 7 7 822 Sulawasi Tengah Unit 2 4 5 5 523 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 1 2 4 4 524 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 5 6 6 6 725 Maluku Unit 7 7 11 11 1126 Irian Jaya Barat Unit 5 5 4 4 927 Papua Unit 6 7 5 5 728 Maluku Utara Unit 2 4 2 2 629 Gorontalo Unit 0 1 1 1 130 Bangka Belitung Unit 0 0 0 0 031 Banten Unit 2 2 2 2 2

Jumlah/Total Unit 140 149 164 162 215

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai, Ditjen Hubla/`Directorate of Coast Guard, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

Jumlah Armada Kapal Patroli Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai Menurut Provinsi Number Of Guard And Rescue Patrol Boats Fleet By Provinces

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.5.01

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 81



Unit2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Kelas I Unit 3 3 3 3 3

2 Kelas II Unit 9 9 9 9 9

3 Kelas III Unit 23 24 18 18 40

4 Kelas IV Unit 36 36 45 45 47

5 Kelas V Unit 69 77 87 87 116

Jumlah/ Total Unit 140 149 162 162 215

Sumber / Source : Direktorat Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Custody and Saving, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled)



Unit2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Salvage Perusahaan 8 8 8 8 8(Salvage) (Company)

2 Pekerjaan Bawah Air Perusahaan 21 22 23 25 27(Underwater) (Company)

3 Salvage dan Pekerjaan Bawah Air Perusahaan 125 134 141 152 165(Salvage and Underwatter Work) (Company)

Jumlah/ Total Unit 154 164 172 185 200Sumber / Source : Direktorat Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Custody and Saving, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.2.5.02

Jumlah Armada Kapal Patroli Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai Menurut Kelas KapalNumber Of Guard And Rescue Patrol Boats Fleet By Provinces

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.5.03

Jumlah Perusahaan Salvage dan Pekerjaan Bawah AirNumber Of Salvage And Underwater Work Campany

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 82

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Nasional Unit 6,428 7,154 8,165 9,164 9,945National(Total Unit)

Unit 862 1,055 1,137 1,330 1,397DWT 2,923,875 3,701,184 4,530,275 5,531,902 5,808,497

Unit 4,423 4,805 5,612 6,291 6,930GRT 2,440,893 2,804,803 3,421,240 4,080,138 5,304,179

Unit 1,143 1,294 1,416 1,543 1,618HP 1,134,166 1,241,847 1,435,528 1,900,764 1,957,787

2 Charter Asing Unit 1,448 1,154 977 865 691Foreign Charter(Total Unit)

Unit 106 90 77 69 55DWT 2,073,769 1,555,327 1,166,495 1,108,170 886,536

Unit 841 799 759 683 546GRT 1,467,164 1,100,373 1,467,164 1,247,089 997,671

Unit 501 265 141 113 90HP 875,501 656,625 875,501 656,625 525,300

3 Keagenan Asing Unit 6,594 6,540 6,616 6,562 4,922Foreign Agent(T t l U it)

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.01

Jumlah Armada Angkutan Laut Menurut Kepemilikan Number Of Ships By Ownership

2006 - 2010

2007 2008 2009 2010No 2006

(Total Unit)Unit 6,563 6,511 6,576 6,510 4,883

DWT 132,577,116 192,330,182 136,554,429 122,898,986 98,319,189

Unit 31 29 40 52 39GRT 25,837 23,992 33,588 43,664 34,931

Unit --- --- --- --- ---HP --- --- --- --- ---

Jumlah/ Total Unit 14,470 14,848 15,758 16,591 15,558

DWT 137,574,760 197,586,693 142,251,199 129,539,058 105,014,222GRT 3,933,894 3,929,168 4,921,992 5,370,891 6,336,781HP 2,009,667 1,898,472 2,311,029 2,557,389 2,483,087

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 42

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Pelayaran (Angkutan Laut) Unit 3,597 3,950 4,578 5,054 5,054Shipping(Total Unit) Unit 607 747 796 890 890 DWT 1,720,755 2,217,184 2,765,750 3,552,406 3,552,406

Unit 2,027 2,206 2,761 1,098 1,098GRT 1,443,923 1,550,867 1,891,313 1,356,240 1,356,240

Unit 963 997 1,021 1,293 1,293HP 1,016,174 1,026,237 1,089,748 152,800 152,800

2 Pelayaran Rakyat Unit 1,232 1,279 1,287 1,293 1,293Traditional Fleet(Total Unit)

Unit 1,232 1,279 1,287 1,293 1,293GRT 140,425 143,705 150,324 152,800 152,800

3 Perintis Unit 52 53 56 58 58Pioneer(Total Unit)

Unit 52 53 56 58 60DWT 29,150 29,850 32,100 33,350 34,350

4 Non Pelayaran (A.L Khusus) Unit 1,547 1,872 2,244 2,759 2,759Special Shipping(Total Unit)

U it 203 255 285 382 382

No 2008 2009 2010

Number Of Ships By Type Of Shipping

2006 - 2010

2006 2007

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.02

Jumlah Armada Angkutan Laut Menurut Jenis Pelayaran

Unit 203 255 285 382 382DWT 1,173,970 1,454,150 1,732,425 1,953,632 1,953,632

Unit 1,164 1,320 1,564 1,932 1,932GRT 856,545 1,110,231 1,379,603 1,577,126 1,577,126

Unit 180 297 395 445 445HP 117,992 215,610 345,780 544,524 544,524

Unit 6,428 7,154 8,165 9,164 9,164Jumlah Total DWT 2,923,875 3,701,184 4,530,275 5,539,388 5,540,388

GRT 2,440,893 2,804,803 3,421,240 3,086,166 3,086,166HP 1,134,166 1,241,847 1,435,528 697,324 697,324

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 43

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. P e l n i a. Penumpang Unit 24 24 24 25 28 Passangers Dwt 54,950 54,950 54,950 51,950 64,999

b. Barang Unit 3 3 3 3 3 Goods Dwt 7,713 7,713 7,713 7,713 10,572

2 PT. Djakarta Lloyd Barang Unit 11 14 14 14 16Goods Dwt 69,520 85,620 85,620 85,620 122,841

3 PT. Bahtera Adhiguna Barang Unit 10 10 7 7 10Goods Dwt 53,472 53,472 35,100 35,100 49,772

Jumlah/ Total Unit 48 51 48 49 57Dwt 185,655 201,755 183,383 180,383 248,184

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled ) PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.03

Jumlah Armada Dan Kapasitas Angkutan Laut Menurut Perusahaan Pelayaran BUMNNumber Of Ship And It's Capacities By State Owned Interprises Liners

2009 20102008

2006 - 2010

No 2006 2007

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 44

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Pelayaran Nasional Perusahaan 1,380 1,432 1,620 1,754 1,885 Domestic Shipping (company)

2 Pelayaran Rakyat Perusahaan 507 560 583 595 632 Prahus (company)

3 Non Pelayaran Perusahaan 326 334 367 382 388 Special Shipping (company)

Jumlah/Total 2,213 2,326 2,570 2,731 2,905Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Jumlah Perusahaan Angkutan Laut Menurut Jenis PelayaranNumber of Sea Transport Company by type of Shipping

2006 - 2010

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.04












0 0 0 0 0 2010

Pelayaran Nasional Pelayaran Rakyat Non Pelayaran

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 45

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Perusahaan/Company 9 10 13 13 122 Sumatera Utara Perusahaan/Company 43 45 55 63 573 Sumatera Barat Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---4 R i a u Perusahaan/Company 128 133 145 178 1865 Jambi Perusahaan/Company 14 14 19 19 186 Bengkulu Perusahaan/Company 1 1 2 2 17 Bangka/Belitung Perusahaan/Company 4 4 4 4 68 Sumatera Selatan Perusahaan/Company 25 27 35 35 249 Lampung Perusahaan/Company 5 5 9 9 6

10 Banten Perusahaan/Company 4 4 7 7 1711 DKI Jakarta Perusahaan/Company 662 688 712 757 84012 Jawa Barat Perusahaan/Company 8 8 10 10 1413 Jawa Tengah Perusahaan/Company 11 11 17 17 1714 D.I Yogyakarta Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---15 Jawa Timur Perusahaan/Company 170 177 204 233 22516 B a l i Perusahaan/Company 9 9 16 16 1317 Nusa Tenggara Barat Perusahaan/Company 2 2 4 4 418 Nusa Tenggara Timur Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---19 Kalimantan Barat Perusahaan/Company 41 42 47 51 5820 Kalaimantan Tengah Perusahaan/Company 2 2 4 4 521 Kalimantan Selatan Perusahaan/Company 41 41 54 54 6522 Kalimantan Timur Perusahaan/Company 106 109 115 115 18623 Sulawesi Utara Perusahaan/Company 20 22 33 35 2224 Gorontalo Perusahaan/Company 1 1 2 2 125 Sulawesi Tengah Perusahaan/Company 7 7 9 9 1126 Sulawesi Tenggara Perusahaan/Company 7 7 13 13 927 S l i S l t Perusahaan/C 20 21 38 45 29

2006 - 2010

Number Of Shipping Companies By ProvinceJumlah Perusahaan Pelayaran Menurut Provinsi

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.05

2009 20102007 2008No 2006

27 Sulawesi Selatan Perusahaan/Company 20 21 38 45 2928 Maluku Utara Perusahaan/Company 9 9 12 12 1229 Maluku Perusahaan/Company 12 14 19 22 2030 Papua Perusahaan/Company 19 19 22 25 27

Jumlah/Total Perusahaan/Company 1,380 1,432 1,620 1,754 1,885Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 46

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Perusahaan/Company 1 1 1 1 12 Sumatera Utara Perusahaan/Company 4 4 4 5 53 Sumatera Barat Perusahaan/Company 3 3 3 3 34 R i a u Perusahaan/Company 1 2 3 4 45 Jambi Perusahaan/Company 2 2 2 2 26 Bengkulu Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---7 Bangka/Belitung Perusahaan/Company 2 2 2 2 28 Sumatera Selatan Perusahaan/Company 1 1 1 1 19 Lampung Perusahaan/Company 3 3 3 3 3

10 Banten Perusahaan/Company 5 5 5 5 511 DKI Jakarta Perusahaan/Company 196 201 209 215 21712 Jawa Barat Perusahaan/Company 1 2 4 4 413 Jawa Tengah Perusahaan/Company 2 2 2 2 214 D.I Yogyakarta Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---15 Jawa Timur Perusahaan/Company 5 5 7 7 716 B a l i Perusahaan/Company 27 28 35 35 3717 Nusa Tenggara Barat Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---18 Nusa Tenggara Timur Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---19 Kalimantan Barat Perusahaan/Company 3 3 3 3 320 Kalaimantan Tengah Perusahaan/Company 2 2 3 3 321 Kalimantan Selatan Perusahaan/Company 5 5 7 7 722 Kalimantan Timur Perusahaan/Company 2 2 2 2 223 Sulawesi Utara Perusahaan/Company 33 33 37 39 4124 Gorontalo Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---25 Sulawesi Tengah Perusahaan/Company 1 1 3 3 326 Sulawesi Tenggara Perusahaan/Company --- --- --- --- ---27 S l i S l t Perusahaan/C 7 7 9 11 11

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.06

Jumlah Perusahaan Non Pelayaran Menurut Provinsi

2006 - 2010

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Number Of Non Shipping Companies By Province

27 Sulawesi Selatan Perusahaan/Company 7 7 9 11 1128 Maluku Utara Perusahaan/Company 3 3 5 5 529 Maluku Perusahaan/Company 11 11 11 12 1230 Papua Perusahaan/Company 6 6 6 8 8

Jumlah/Total Perusahaan/Company 326 334 367 382 388Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 47

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Perusahaan Bongkat/Muat Perusahaan 1,077 1,077 1,077 1,077 1,077 Loading/ Unloading Company (company)

2 E. M. K. L. Perusahaan 1,186 1,186 1,186 1,186 1,186 Freight Forwarding (company)

3 J P T Perusahaan 1,647 1,647 1,647 1,647 1,647 Supporter (company)

Jumlah/Total 3,910 3,910 3,910 3,910 3,910Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

U r a i a n Satuan

Production Of Sea Transport In Indonesia

2006 - 2010

2008 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.07

Jumlah Perusahaan Penunjang Angkutan LautNumber Of Shipping Auxiliary Companies

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.1.08

Produksi Angkutan Laut Di Indonesia

No 2006 2007

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Perusahaan NasionalNational CompanyAngkutan Dalam Negeri Ton 135,335,338 148,740,629 192,763,874 258,359,686 303,119,578Domestic TransportAngkutan Luar Negeri Ton 29,363,757 31,381,870 38,196,693 49,293,953 51,162,187Foreign transport(Ekspor / Impor)(Export /Import)

Jumlah/ Total Ton 164,699,095 180,122,499 230,960,567 307,653,639 354,281,765

2 Perusahaan AsingForeign CompanyAngkutan Dalam Negeri Ton 85,444,321 79,214,358 50,126,180 28,007,688 5,870,818Domestic TransportAngkutan Luar Negeri Ton 485,789,846 500,514,225 498,273,709 501,661,150 516,046,091Foreign transport(Ekspor / Impor)(Export /Import)

Jumlah/ Total Ton 571,234,167 579,728,583 548,399,889 529,668,838 521,916,909Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas Angkutan Laut (Dit. LALA), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transport, Directorat General Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

PP. No. 4,5,6,7 Tahun 1985/Government Rules No. 4,5,6,7-1985 (diolah kembali/recompiled )

2009 20102006 2007 2008No

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 48



Unit2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I 26 26 26 26 26Kelas Utama Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Kelas I Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Klas II Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Klas III Cabang 3 3 3 3 3Klas IV Cabang 4 4 4 4 4Klas V Cabang 11 11 11 11 11WILKER 5 5 5 5 5

2 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II Cabang 29 29 29 29 29Kelas Utama Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Kelas I Cabang 5 5 5 5 5Klas II Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Klas III Cabang 3 3 3 3 3Klas IV Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Klas V Cabang 8 8 8 8 8WILKER 10 10 10 10 10

3 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III Cabang 36 37 37 37 37Kelas Utama Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Kelas I Cabang 4 5 5 5 5Klas II Cabang 7 7 7 6 6Klas III Cabang 2 2 2 3 3Klas IV Cabang 5 5 3 3 3Klas V Cabang 0 0 0 0 0WILKER 17 17 19 19 19

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.01

Jumlah Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Menurut Kelas PelabuhanNumber Of Ports Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I - IV by Class Of Ports

2006 - 2010

4 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Cabang 24 24 24 24 30Kelas Utama Cabang 1 1 1 1 1Kelas I Cabang 4 4 4 4 5Klas II Cabang 3 3 3 3 5Klas III Cabang 5 5 5 5 5Klas IV Cabang 3 3 3 3 4Kawasan & UPK pelabuhan 5 5 5 5 7WILKER 3 3 3 3 3

Jumlah/ Total Unit 115 116 116 116 122Sumber/ Source :

Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation,

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 49

U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Description Unit (KM. 63/2002) (KM. 63/2002) (KM. 63/2002) (KM. 63/2002) (KM. 63/2002)

& DIPA 04-05

1 Klas I Pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 1

2 Klas II Pelabuhan 0 0 0 0 0

3 Klas III Pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 6

4 Klas IV Pelabuhan 20 20 20 20 20

5 Klas V Pelabuhan 161 161 161 161 161

6 Wilker Pelabuhan 346 346 346 346 346

Jumlah/ Total Pelabuhan 534 534 534 534 534Sumber/ Source :

Catatan/ Note : - KM. 45/1999 KEPMENHUB Kenaikan kelas KANPEL Khusus Batam dari kelas II pada KM. 35/1993 menjadi kelas I/

On KM. 45/1999 KEPMENHUB special class KANPLE of Batam port has increased from class II to class I on KM. 35/1993

- Jumlah Pelabuhan Posisi Tahun 2009 sebanyak 614 Pelabuhan/ In 2009 position number port are 614 ports


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.02

Jumlah Pelabuhan Yang Diselenggarakan Oleh Pemerintah Menurut Kelas PelabuhanNumber Of Ports Managed by Government Of Indonesia by Class Of Ports

2006 - 2010

Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportatio[diolah kembali/recompiled).

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 50

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 D.I Aceh pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 62 Sumatera Utara pelabuhan 8 8 8 8 83 Sumatera Barat pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 34 R i a u pelabuhan 12 12 12 12 125 Jambi pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 36 Bengkulu pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 17 Sumatera Selatan pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 28 Lampung pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 19 DKI Jakarta pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 310 Jawa Barat pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 111 Jawa Tengah pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 312 Jawa Timur pelabuhan 8 8 8 8 813 B a l i pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 314 Nusa Tenggara Barat pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 315 Nusa Tenggara Timur pelabuhan 5 5 5 5 516 Kalimantan Barat pelabuhan 7 7 7 7 717 Kalaimantan Tengah pelabuhan 8 8 8 8 818 Kalimantan Selatan pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 219 Kalimantan Timur pelabuhan 5 5 5 5 520 Sulawesi Utara pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 221 Sulawesi Tengah pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 222 Sulawesi Tenggara pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 123 Sulawesi Selatan pelabuhan 4 4 4 4 424 Maluku pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 225 Irian Jaya pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 626 Maluku Utara pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 127 Gorontalo pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 1

2010No 2009

Trend Of Commercial Ports In Indonesia

2006 - 2010

2006 2007 2008

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.03

Perkembangan Pelabuhan Yang Diusahakan di Seluruh Indonesia

27 Gorontalo pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 128 Bangka Belitung pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 629 Banten pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 2

Jumlah/ Total Pelabuhan 111 111 111 111 111Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation(diolah kembali/recompiled)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 51

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 D.I Aceh pelabuhan 10 10 10 10 102 Sumatera Utara pelabuhan 42 42 42 42 423 Sumatera Barat pelabuhan 7 7 7 7 74 R i a u pelabuhan 27 27 27 27 275 Jambi pelabuhan 7 7 7 7 76 Bengkulu pelabuhan 3 3 3 3 37 Sumatera Selatan pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 18 Lampung pelabuhan 10 10 10 10 109 DKI Jakarta pelabuhan 0 0 0 0 010 Jawa Barat pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 611 Jawa Tengah pelabuhan 10 10 10 10 1012 Jawa Timur pelabuhan 37 37 37 37 3713 B a l i pelabuhan 8 8 8 8 814 Nusa Tenggara Barat pelabuhan 12 12 12 12 1215 Nusa Tenggara Timur pelabuhan 33 33 33 33 3316 Kalimantan Barat pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 617 Kalaimantan Tengah pelabuhan 1 1 1 1 118 Kalimantan Selatan pelabuhan 5 5 5 5 519 Kalimantan Timur pelabuhan 12 12 12 12 1220 Sulawesi Utara pelabuhan 22 22 22 22 2221 Sulawesi Tengah pelabuhan 19 19 19 19 1922 Sulawesi Tenggara pelabuhan 33 33 33 33 3323 Sulawesi Selatan pelabuhan 42 42 42 42 4224 Maluku pelabuhan 36 36 36 36 3625 Irian Jaya pelabuhan 107 107 107 107 10726 Maluku Utara pelabuhan 20 20 20 20 2027 Gorontalo pelabuhan 9 9 9 9 9


2006 - 2010


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.04

2006 2007 2008 2009

Perkembangan Pelabuhan Yang Tidak Diusahakan Di Seluruh Indonesia Trend Of Non Commercial Ports In Indonesia

27 Gorontalo pelabuhan 9 9 9 9 928 Bangka Belitung pelabuhan 2 2 2 2 229 Banten pelabuhan 6 6 6 6 6

Jumlah/ Total Pelabuhan 533 533 533 533 533Sumber/ Source :

Catatan : - KM. 45/1999 KEPMENHUB Kenaikan kelas KANPEL Khusus Batam dari kelas II pada KM. 35/1993 menjadi kelas I

On KM. 45/1999 KEPMENHUB special class KANPLE of Batam port has increased from class II to class I on KM. 35/1993

- Pelabuhan baru dalam DIPA tahun 2004: Sulsel (Macini, Baji, & Bantaeng); Maluku (Kobisadar, Kur, & Kasui); Malut (Sofifi & Malbova)

New port in DIPA 2004: South of Sulawesi (Macini, Baji, & Bantaeng); Maluku (Kobisadar, Kur, & Kasui); North of Maluku (Sofifi & Malbova)

- Pelabuhan baru dalam DIPA tahun 2006: Sumbar (Carocok Painan); Kalbar (Mempawah); Kalsel (Kintab)

New port in DIPA 2006: West of Sumatera (Carocok Painan); West of Kalimantan (Mempawah); South of Kalimantan (Kintab)

Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 52

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I M' 7,904 8,694 9,563 10,041 10,668

2 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II M' 20,508 22,559 22,558 23,122 23,845

3 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III M' 27,782 28,063 28,346 28,633 28,922

4 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV M' 19,567 21,524 11,548 12,555 148

Jumlah/ Total M' 75,761 80,840 72,015 74,351 63,583Sumber/ Source :

2008No 2009 20102006 2007

Panjang Dermaga Pelabuhan Yang dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Length Of Berth Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.05

2006 - 2010










2006 2007 



Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled)

2009 2010Tahun/Year1. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

2. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

3. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III

4. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 53

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I

Gudang Lini I dan II M2 127,186 133,545 146,900 155,967 168,000 Storage I and II Lapangan Lini I dan II M2 176,771 194,448 213,893 194,238 171,927 Storage yard I and II

2 PT.Pelabuhan Indonesia II

Gudang Lini I dan II M2 255,154 255,154 280,669 283,595 291,424 Storage I and II Lapangan Lini I dan II M2 1,226,632 1,226,632 1,349,295 1,384,394 1,427,007 Storage yard I and II

3 PT.Pelabuhan Indonesia III

Gudang Lini I dan II M2 202,737 212,874 203,456 207,081 236,850 Storage I and II Lapangan Lini I dan II M2 735,480 742,909 758,070 789,657 805,772 Storage yard I and II

4 PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Gudang Lini I dan II M2 54,024 56,725 63,368 62,511 56,018 Storage I and II Lapangan Lini I dan II M2 206,318 216,634 395,210 435,481 441,071Storage yard I and II

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.06

Luas Fasilitas Jasa Penumpukan PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV

2006 2007 2008No

Open Storages Facilities Managed by Indonesian Port Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010

2009 2010

Storage yard I and II

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 54

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I Unit 76 85 85 85 82

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II Unit 116 116 116 116 91

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Unit 149 165 183 229 269

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Unit 147 157 180 180 244

Jumlah/ Total Unit 488 523 564 610 686Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Jumlah Alat Bongkar Muat Pelabuhan Yang dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.07

No 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Number Of Cargo HandlingEquipments Managed by Indonesian Port Corporation I - IV

2006 - 2010







2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I Unit 77,309 75,749 76,164 73,171 69,544 (GRT) 108,531,601 112,460,655 121,433,788 115,362,099 116,185,495

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II Unit 62,181 64,046 70,451 74,314 79,403 (GRT) 168,121,385 173,165,645 190,482,210 196,701,515 204,729,475

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Unit 70,818 73,277 74,818 72,480 68,963 (GRT) 190,165,734 198,410,645 206,324,695 210,528,930 228,180,391

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Unit 58,160 58,160 55,580 54,964 59,464 (GRT) 198,486,240 198,980,240 203,131,622 204,317,511 266,985,833

Jumlah/ Total Unit 268,468 271,232 277,013 274,929 277,374

(GRT) 665,304,960 683,017,185 721,372,315 726,910,055 816,081,194Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2006 2007 2008No 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.08

Arus Kunjungan Kapal PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Call Ships for Indonesia Ports Corporation I - IV

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 55

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 1. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I ribuan Ton/m3 79,360 83,328 91,661 93,894 96,754

2 2. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II ribuan Ton/m3 103,697 108,882 119,770 125,159 132,199

3 3. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III ribuan Ton/m3 87,680 101,060 112,460 108,200 100,560

4 4. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV ribuan Ton/m3 85,629 89,910 87,609 88,801 119,630

Jumlah/ Total ribuan Ton/m3 356,366 383,180 411,500 416,054 449,143Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )


Arus Bongkar Muat Barang yang dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Production of Loading / Unloading in Quay Managed by Indonesian Port Corporation I - IV

2006 - 2010

2007 2008No 20092006

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.09

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 56

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Teus) 304,002 319,202 900,623 1,340,337 2,158,333 (Box) 237,703 249,585 735,134 1,118,810 1,848,712

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Teus) 3,920,049 4,116,045 4,527,650 4,754,031 5,051,156 (Box) 2,938,472 3,085,346 3,393,880 3,563,559 3,786,262

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Teus) 833,573 1,691,783 1,798,785 1,878,799 2,104,849 (Box) 656,416 709,484 779,392 871,867 1,007,845

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Teus) 544,058 571,261 1,031,450 1,185,024 1,280,388 (Box) 612,298 692,913 978,354 1,076,174 1,204,204

Jumlah/ Total (Teus) 5,601,682 6,698,291 8,258,508 9,158,191 10,594,726 (Box) 4,444,889 4,737,328 5,886,760 6,630,410 7,847,023

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )


Arus Peti Kemas Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Production of Containers Handling by Terminal Yard On Indonesia Ports Corporatiaon I-IV

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.10

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 57

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I Ribuan Ton/M3 6,780 6,983 8,290 8,836 9,563

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II Ribuan Ton/M3 12,770 13,153 14,468 15,046 15,798

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Ribuan Ton/M3 9,580 9,860 10,850 11,280 12,640

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Ribuan Ton/M3 1,773 1,826 1,635 1,617 1,643

Jumlah/ Total Ribuan Ton/M3 30,903 31,822 35,243 36,779 39,644Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2006 2007 2008

Production of Cargos Terminal Services Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010

2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.11

Produksi Jasa Terminal Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV














1. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

2. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

3. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III

4. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 58

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I 000 GRT ETML 90,002 92,702 117,184 126,184 138,298

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II 000 GRT ETML 206,191 206,191 226,810 232,480 239,745

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III 000 GRT ETML 164,660 170,190 199,190 197,400 205,180

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV 000 GRT ETML 91,423 91,423 97,277 98,834 111,960

Jumlah/ Total 000 GRT ETML 552,276 560,506 640,461 654,898 695,183Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2009 20102007 2008

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.12

Produksi Jasa Tambat Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Production of Tether Services Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010

No 2006








2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 59

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I 000 GRT 51,339 52,879 69,621 75,501 83,472

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II 000 GRT 155,189 159,845 175,830 181,545 188,921

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III 000 GRT 190,170 198,410 206,320 210,530 228,180

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV 000 GRT 135,203 139,259 152,341 157,061 191,891

Jumlah/ Total 000 GRT 531,901 550,393 604,112 624,637 692,464Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2008 2009 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.13

No 2006 2007

Produksi Jasa Labuh Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Production of Anchoring Services Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I2. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II3. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III4. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 60

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I

Gudang Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 1,312 1,378 2,141 2,583 3,249Srorage I and IILapangan Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 1,195 1,231 833 670 506Storage Yard I and II

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

Gudang Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 15,776 16,565 18,222 19,133 20,329Srorage I and IILapangan Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 23,260 24,423 26,865 28,208 29,971Storage Yard I and II

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III

Gudang Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 2,395 2,465 2,713 2,820 3,160Srorage I and IILapangan Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 4,790 4,930 5,425 5,640 6,320Storage Yard I and II

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Gudang Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 5,548 5,825 4,225 3,988 2,100Srorage I and IILapangan Lini I dan II 000 Ton/Hari 5,504 5,779 5,832 5,918 16,670Storage Yard I and II


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.14


Production Of Open Storage Managed By Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010


Produksi Jasa Penumpukan Pelabuhan Yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV

2009 2010

Storage Yard I and II

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 61

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I Orang 4,689,977 4,924,376 5,222,712 5,183,349 5,134,516

2 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II Orang 2,169,043 2,277,495 2,505,245 2,599,192 2,721,029

3 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Orang 2,809,973 2,940,486 3,322,516 2,930,935 3,145,773

4 PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Orang 5,501,198 5,776,850 5,978,360 6,105,385 5,839,046

Jumlah/ Total Orang 15,170,191 15,919,207 17,028,833 16,818,861 16,840,364Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2010No 2006 2007

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.15

Arus Penumpang Pelabuhan yang Dikelola PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I - IV Production of Passengers Ports Managed by Indonesia Ports Corporation I-IV

2006 - 2010

2008 2009








2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II

PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 62

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 B e l a w a n- Muat/Loading Ton 474,127 497,833 768,761 860,442 864,276- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 6,680,043 7,014,045 5,181,778 4,715,971 4,235,743- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.00 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.93 0.93 1.02 1.00 1

2 Tajung Priok- Muat/Loading Ton 6,025,541 6,326,865 6,959,552 7,710,860 8,304,522- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 13,765,265 14,455,208 15,900,729 18,262,066 19,874,153- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.00 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.70 0.70 0.77 1.00 1

3 Tanjung Perak- Muat/Loading Ton 1,375,140 1,138,690 1,719,349 1,546,572 1,616,424- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 2,534,261 2,679,394 2,896,719 2,731,250 2,818,337- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.35 0.30 0.37 0,36 0,36- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.65 0.70 0.63 0,64 0,64

4 Makassar- Muat/Loading Ton 2,665,155 2,798,413 1,269,862 1,138,129 1,941,417- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 3,326,535 3,492,862 1,743,911 1,577,199 4,074,090- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.44 0.44 0.42 0.00 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.56 0.56 0.56 1.00 1

Jumlah/ TotalMuat/Loading Ton 10 539 963 10 761 801 10 717 524 11 256 003 12 726 639


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.16

Arus Bongkar/ Muat Barang Angkutan Antar Pulau Di 4 (empat Pelabuhan Utama)Production of Inter Island Sea Transport For Cargo Loading And Unloading

At 4 (Four) Main Ports

2006 2007 2008 2009

2006 - 2010


- Muat/Loading Ton 10,539,963 10,761,801 10,717,524 11,256,003 12,726,639- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 26,306,104 27,641,509 25,723,137 27,286,486 31,002,323- Ratio Muat/Lading Ratio - 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.29- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.71 0.72 0.71 0.71 0.71

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 63

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 B e l a w a n- Muat/Loading Ton 4,505,600 4,730,880 5,203,968 5,158,945 5,101,153- Bongkar/Unloading Ton 2,192,030 2,301,632 2,531,795 2,496,561 2,453,131- Ratio Muat/Lading Ratio - 0.67 0.67 0.74 0.74 1- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.33 0.33 0.04 0.03 0

2 Tajung Priok- Eksport/Loading Ton 8,003,851 8,404,043 9,244,447 9,706,669 10,313,336- Import/Unloading Ton 72,825,832 72,948,124 80,242,536 186,673,906 496,172,497- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.10 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.90 0.90 0.99 1.11 1

3 Tanjung Perak- Eksport/Loading Ton 679,074 680,163 973,690 815,982 855,395- Import/Unloading Ton 3,386,851 4,077,549 3,615,516 3,116,887 3,082,909- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.17 0.14 0.21 0,21 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.83 0.86 0.79 0,79 1

4 Makassar- Eksport/Loading Ton 1,036,423 1,085,204 434,289 374,277 347,019- Import/Unloading Ton 690,222 724,735 800,580 813,533 1,112,110- Ratio Muat/Loading Ratio - 0.60 0.60 0.35 0.31 0- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.40 0.40 0.65 0.77 1

Jumlah/Total- Eksport/Loading Ton 14,224,948 14,900,290 15,856,394 16,055,873 16,616,903

Import/Unloading Ton 79 094 935 80 052 040 87 190 427 193 100 887 193 118 887

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.17

Arus Bongkar/ Muat Barang Angkutan Luar Negeri Di 4 (empat) Pelabuhan Utama Production of International Sea Transport For Cargoes Loading and Unloading at 4 Main Ports

2006 - 2010

2008No 2006 2007 2009 2010

- Import/Unloading Ton 79,094,935 80,052,040 87,190,427 193,100,887 193,118,887- Ratio Muat/Lading Ratio - 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.08 0.08- Ratio Bongkar/Unloading Ratio - 0.85 0.84 0.85 0.92 0.92

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 64

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 Kapal Penghisap Unit 11 11 11 11 11 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers

2 Kapal Keruk Timba Unit - - - - - Buckets Dredgers

3 Kapal Bor Penghisap Unit 2 2 2 2 2 Cutter suction Dredgers

4 Kapal Keruk Cakram Unit 4 4 5 5 5 Clamshell Dredgers

Jumlah/ Total Unit 17 17 18 18 18Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

U r a i a n SatuanD U

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.19

Produksi Pengerukan PT. (Persero) Rukindo Menurut Jenis Kapal KerukProduction of Dredging Fleet of PT. RUKINDO Company by Dregdger Type

Tabel/ Table A.2.2.18

Jumlah Armada Pengerukan PT. Rukindo Menurut Jenis KapalNumber Of Fleet of PT. RUKINDO'S Company by Dreadger Types

2006 - 2010

2008 2009

2006 - 2010




No 2006 2007

No 2006 2007 2008

Description Unit

1 Kapal Penghisap Lumpur M3 4,059,002 2,163,224 1,667,360 1,820,070 1,439,235 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger

2 Kapal Keruk Timba M3 - - - - - Bucket Dredger

3 Kapal Bor Penghisap M3 0 0 0 0 0 Cutter Section Dredger

4 Kapal Keruk cakram M3 483,941 530,578 445,001 642,872 645,375 Clamshell Dredger

Jumlah/ Total M3 4,542,943 2,693,802 2,112,361 2,462,942 2,084,610Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )

2008 2009 2010No 2006 2007

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 65

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 DIP M3 404,600 - - - -

2 Pelindo M3 2,719,118 2,237,241 1,848,885 1,514,655 1,172,393

3 Pihak III Dalam Negeri M3 1,926,405 397,196 245,178 184,381 127,230

4 Pihak III Luar Negeri M3 93,712 59,325 37,740 30,845 23,801

Jumlah/ Total M3 5,143,835 2,693,762 2,131,803 1,729,881 1,323,424Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kepelabuhanan & Pengerukan, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Port and Dredging, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled )Catatan/Note : PT. Rukindo sudah tidak dapat DIP / Rukindo company has not received a government fund

2006 - 2010

2006 2007 2008 2009No

Production of Dredging Fleet of PT. RUKINDO Company by Type of market


Tabel/ Table A.2.2.20

Produksi Pengerukan PT. (Persero) Rukindo Menurut Segmen Pasar

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 66

U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit

1 D.I Aceh Unit 12 12 12 12 122 Sumatera Utara Unit 22 22 22 22 223 Sumatera Barat Unit 14 14 14 14 144 R i a u Unit 57 57 57 57 585 Jambi Unit 8 8 8 8 96 Bengkulu Unit 6 6 6 6 67 Sumatera Selatan Unit 14 14 14 14 148 Lampung Unit 7 7 7 7 79 DKI Jakarta Unit 11 11 11 11 1210 Jawa Barat Unit 15 15 15 15 1611 Jawa Tengah Unit 20 20 20 20 2012 Jawa Timur Unit 19 19 19 19 2013 B a l I Unit 7 7 7 7 714 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 8 8 8 8 815 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 18 18 18 18 1816 Kalimantan Barat Unit 13 13 13 13 1317 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 18 18 18 18 1918 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 8 8 8 8 819 Kalimantan Timur Unit 13 13 13 13 1420 Sulawesi Utara Unit 10 10 10 10 1021 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 9 9 9 9 922 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 7 7 7 7 823 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 17 17 17 17 1724 Maluku Unit 23 23 23 23 2525 Irian Jaya Unit 24 24 24 24 2426 Gorontalo Unit 2 2 2 2 2

Jumlah/ Total Unit 382 382 382 382 392Sumber/Source : Direktorat Perkapalan & Kepelautan (Dit.Kapel) Ditjen Hubla, Desember 2010, Directorate of Shipping and Seafarers Directorate Genera

of Sea Transportation, December 2010

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010*

Tabel / Table A.2.3.01

Pertumbuhan Kapal Marine Inspektor Per ProvinsiGrowth of Marine Inspector Ship By Province

2006 - 2010


statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 67

No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 D.I Aceh Unit 1 1 1 1 12 Sumatera Utara Unit 4 4 4 4 33 Sumatera Barat Unit 1 1 1 1 14 R i a u Unit 9 9 4 4 35 Riau Kepulauan Unit 0 0 5 5 56 Jambi Unit 0 0 0 0 07 Bengkulu Unit 0 0 0 0 08 Sumatera Selatan Unit 3 3 4 4 49 Lampung Unit 0 0 0 0 010 DKI Jakarta Unit 7 7 6 7 811 Jawa Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 012 Jawa Tengah Unit 6 6 6 6 613 D.I Yogyakarta Unit 0 0 0 0 014 Jawa Timur Unit 4 4 5 5 515 B a l i Unit 2 2 2 2 216 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 017 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 1 1 1 1 118 Kalimantan Barat Unit 2 2 3 4 419 Kalaimantan Tengah Unit 3 3 0 0 020 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 2 1 3 3 321 Kalimantan Timur Unit 3 3 4 4 522 Sulawesi Utara Unit 3 3 3 3 323 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 0 0 0 0 024 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 1 1 1 2 225 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 3 3 3 3 226 Sulawesi Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 027 Maluku Unit 1 1 1 1 128 Maluku Utara Unit 0 0 0 0 029 Papua Barat Unit 0 0 2 2 230 Papua Unit 5 5 3 3 331 Gorontalo Unit 0 0 0 0 032 Bangka Belitung Unit 0 0 0 0 033 Banten Unit 0 0 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total Unit 61 60 62 65 64

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.01Jumlah Armada Kapal Kenavigasian Menurut Provinsi

Number Of Ships Navigations Fleet By Province2006 - 2010

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 D.I Aceh Unit 57 54 54 56 562 Sumatera Utara Unit 213 189 190 172 1843 Sumatera Barat Unit 62 65 63 67 744 R i a u Unit 398 515 166 161 1635 Riau Kepulauan Unit 0 0 373 363 3376 Jambi Unit 0 0 0 0 07 Bengkulu Unit 0 0 0 0 08 Sumatera Selatan Unit 106 125 114 99 999 Lampung Unit 0 0 0 0 010 DKI Jakarta Unit 241 245 228 343 34411 Jawa Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 012 Jawa Tengah Unit 222 251 244 197 20013 D.I Yogyakarta Unit 0 0 0 0 014 Jawa Timur Unit 148 169 169 189 18915 B a l I Unit 108 107 110 135 13516 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 017 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 91 101 96 108 10718 Kalimantan Barat Unit 67 68 79 71 6719 Kalaimantan Tengah Unit 0 0 0 0 020 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 119 126 134 99 9921 Kalimantan Timur Unit 390 364 365 329 36622 Sulawesi Utara Unit 129 138 142 158 16323 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 0 0 0 0 024 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 96 98 126 134 13425 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 79 79 98 114 11726 Sulawesi Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 027 Maluku Unit 167 196 201 41 4128 Maluku Utara Unit 0 0 0 137 10729 Papua Barat Unit 0 0 132 129 16230 Papua Unit 223 220 112 109 10931 Gorontalo Unit 0 0 0 0 032 Bangka Belitung Unit 0 0 0 0 033 Banten Unit 0 0 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total Unit 2,916 3,110 3,196 3,211 3,253

Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran Menurut ProvinsiNumber Of Marine Aids to Navigation By Province

2006 - 2010

Sumber/ Source: Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.02


No U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Description Unit

1 Milik DJPL a. Menara Suar (Lighthouse) Unit 252 274 275 277 277 b. Rambu Suar (Light Beacon) Unit 1,236 1,216 1,244 1,286 1,263 c. Pelampung Suar (Light Buoy) Unit 346 329 351 357 355 d. Tanda Siang (Day mark) Unit 121 150 172 123 125 e. Anak Pelampung (Unlighted buoy) Unit 63 78 77 49 49

Sub Total Unit 2,018 2,047 2,119 2,092 2,0692 Milik Non DJPL

a. Menara Suar (Lighthouse) Unit - - - - - b. Rambu Suar (Light Beacon) Unit 416 543 565 577 631 c. Pelampung Suar (Light Buoy) Unit 380 418 431 453 462 d. Tanda Siang (Day mark) Unit 62 62 61 70 72e. Anak Pelampung (Unlighted buoy) Unit 40 40 20 19 19

Sub Total Unit 898 1,063 1,077 1,119 1,184Jumlah/Total Unit 2,916 3,110 3,196 3,211 3,253

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.03Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran Menurut Jenis dan Kepemilikan

Number of Marine Aids to Navigation

2006 - 2010

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

By Types And Ownership


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Sabang Unit 57 54 54 56 562 Belawan Unit 147 124 125 105 1173 Sibolga Unit 66 65 65 67 674 Teluk Bayur Unit 62 65 63 67 745 Dumai Unit 142 164 166 161 1636 Tanjung Pinang Unit 256 351 373 363 3377 Palembang Unit 119 125 114 99 998 Tanjung Priok Unit 241 245 228 343 3449 Cilacap Unit 116 127 120 96 9610 Semarang Unit 106 124 124 101 10411 Surabaya Unit 148 169 169 189 18912 Benoa Unit 111 107 110 135 13513 Kupang NTT Unit 91 101 96 108 10714 Pontianak Kalbar Unit 67 68 79 71 6715 Banjarmasin Kalsel Unit 119 126 134 99 9916 Tarakan Kaltim Unit 74 58 58 63 6317 Samarinda Kaltim Unit 316 306 307 266 30318 Makassar Sulsel Unit 79 79 98 114 11719 Kendari Sulteng Unit 96 98 126 134 13420 Bitung Sulut Unit 129 138 142 158 16321 Ambon Maluku Unit 97 124 131 137 10722 Sorong Papua Barat Unit 129 124 132 129 16223 Jayapura Papua Unit 55 57 74 71 7124 Merauke Papua Unit 39 39 38 38 3825 Tual Maluku Utara Unit 70 72 70 41 41

Jumlah/Total Unit 2,932 3,110 3,196 3,211 3,253

2006 - 2010Number Of Marine Aids to Navigation

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.04Jumlah Sarana Bantu Navigasi Pelayaran Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi


No U r a i a n

Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Unit

1 D.I Aceh Unit 9 9 9 9 92 Sumatera Utara Unit 18 18 18 10 103 Sumatera Barat Unit 6 6 6 2 24 R i a u Unit 19 19 11 8 85 Riau Kepulauan Unit 0 0 8 9 76 Jambi Unit 0 0 0 3 37 Bengkulu Unit 0 0 0 1 18 Sumatera Selatan Unit 13 13 13 1 19 Lampung Unit 0 0 0 1 110 DKI Jakarta Unit 22 22 22 2 211 Jawa Barat Unit 0 0 0 2 312 Jawa Tengah Unit 8 8 8 7 713 D.I Yogyakarta Unit 0 0 0 0 014 Jawa Timur Unit 12 12 12 9 915 B a l i Unit 11 11 11 8 816 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 0 0 0 2 217 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 9 9 9 7 718 Kalimantan Barat Unit 4 4 4 4 419 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 9 9 9 2 220 Kalimantan Timur Unit 12 12 12 5 521 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 0 0 0 4 422 Sulawesi Utara Unit 20 20 20 4 423 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 0 0 0 9 924 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 11 11 11 6 625 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 7 7 7 5 526 Sulawesi Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 027 Maluku Unit 16 16 16 6 628 Maluku Utara Unit 0 0 0 4 429 Papua Barat Unit 0 0 8 5 530 Papua Unit 16 16 8 8 931 Gorontalo Unit 0 0 0 1 132 Bangka Belitung Unit 0 0 0 3 333 Banten Unit 0 0 0 1 1

Jumlah/Total Unit 222 222 222 148 148

Number Of Coastal Radio Station By Province2006 - 2010

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.05Jumlah Stasiun Radio Pantai Menurut Provinsi


No U r a i a nDescription Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sabang Unit 9 9 9 6 62 Belawan Unit 11 11 11 7 73 Sibolga Unit 7 7 7 6 64 Teluk Bayur Unit 6 6 6 2 25 Dumai Unit 11 11 11 10 106 Tanjung Pinang Unit 8 8 8 7 77 Palembang Unit 13 13 13 4 48 Tanjung Priok Unit 22 22 22 9 99 Cilacap Unit 1 1 1 1 110 Semarang Unit 7 7 7 6 611 Surabaya Unit 12 12 12 9 912 Benoa Unit 11 11 11 8 813 Kupang Unit 9 9 9 9 914 Pontianak Unit 4 4 4 4 415 Banjarmasin Unit 9 9 9 6 616 Tarakan Unit 4 4 4 3 317 Samarinda Unit 8 8 8 4 418 Makassar Unit 11 11 11 6 619 Kendari Unit 7 7 7 5 520 Bitung Unit 20 20 20 12 1221 Ambon Unit 12 12 12 6 622 Sorong Unit 8 8 8 5 523 Jayapura Unit 5 5 5 5 524 Merauke Unit 3 3 3 4 425 Tual Unit 4 4 4 4 4

Jumlah/Total Unit 222 222 222 148 148

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.06

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen HubDirectorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Number Of Coastal Radio Station By District of Navigations2006 - 2010

Jumlah Stasiun Radio Pantai Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi


No U r a i a n Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Description Unit

1 Sabang Unit 1 1 1 1 12 Belawan Unit 3 3 3 3 33 Sibolga Unit 1 1 1 1 04 Teluk Bayur Unit 1 1 1 1 15 Dumai Unit 4 4 4 4 36 Tanjung Pinang Unit 5 5 5 5 57 Palembang Unit 3 3 4 4 48 Tanjung Priok Unit 5 5 5 6 79 Cilacap Unit 2 2 2 2 210 Semarang Unit 4 4 4 4 411 Surabaya Unit 4 4 5 5 512 Benoa Unit 2 2 2 2 213 Kupang Unit 1 1 1 1 114 Pontianak Unit 2 2 3 4 415 Banjarmasin Unit 3 3 3 3 316 Tarakan Unit 1 1 1 1 217 Samarinda Unit 3 3 3 3 318 Makassar Unit 3 3 3 3 219 Kendari Unit 1 1 1 2 220 Bitung Unit 3 3 3 3 321 Ambon Unit 1 1 1 1 122 Sorong Unit 2 2 2 2 223 Jayapura Unit 2 2 1 1 124 Merauke Unit 2 2 2 2 225 Tual Unit 0 0 0 0 026 BTKP Unit 2 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total Unit 61 60 62 65 64

2006 - 2010

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.07Jumlah Kapal Kenavigasian Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi Number Of Ship Navigations By Location / District of Navigations


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Sabang m1 40 40 40 40 40

2 Belawan m1 38 38 38 38 38

3 Sibolga m1 0 0 0 0 0

4 Teluk Bayur m1 33 40 40 40 40

5 Dumai m1 70 70 70 70 70

6 Tanjung Pinang m1 40 40 40 40 40

7 Palembang m1 175 33 33 33 33

8 Tanjung Priok m1 40 275 175 175 175

9 Cilacap m1 300 25 25 25 25

10 Semarang m1 25 40 40 40 40

11 Surabaya m1 80 80 115 115 115

12 Benoa m1 0 0 0 0 0

13 Kupang m1 0 0 0 0 0

14 Pontianak m1 0 0 0 0 0

15 Banjarmasin m1 0 0 0 0 0

16 Tarakan m1 0 0 0 0 0

17 Samarinda m1 50 50 50 50 50

18 Makassar m1 40 40 40 40 40

19 Kendari m1 40 40 40 40 40

20 Bitung m1 0 27 80 50 50

21 Ambon m1 40 40 40 40 40

22 Sorong m1 40 40 40 40 40

23 Jayapura m1 40 40 40 40 40

24 Merauke m1 0 0 0 0 0

25 Tual m1 0 0 0 250 250

26 BTKP m1 100 100 75 75 75Jumlah/ Total m1 1,191 1,058 1,021 1,241 1,241

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.08Panjang Dermaga Khusus Kenavigasian Menurut Lokasi Distrik Navigasi

Lenght Of Special Jeety Navigation At Navigation Distric Location2006 - 2010


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 D.I Aceh m2 192 192 192 192 192

2 Sumatera Utara m2 415 415 415 415 415

3 Sumatera Barat m2 0 0 0 0 0

4 R i a u m2 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

5 Riau Kepulauan m2 300 300 3,200 3,200 3,200

6 Jambi m2 0 0 0 0 0

7 Bengkulu m2 0 0 0 0 0

8 Sumatera Selatan m2 300 300 300 300 300

9 Lampung m2 0 0 0 0 0

10 DKI Jakarta m2 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900

11 Jawa Barat m2 0 0 0 0 0

12 Jawa Tengah m2 300 300 300 300 300

13 D.I Yogyakarta m2 0 0 0 0 0

14 Jawa Timur m2 723 723 732 732 732

15 B a l I m2 93 0 0 0 0

16 Nusa Tenggara Barat m2 0 0 0 0 0

17 Nusa Tenggara Timur m2 0 0 0 0 0

18 Kalimantan Barat m2 0 0 0 0 0

19 Kalaimantan Tengah m2 0 0 0 0 0

20 Kalimantan Selatan m2 0 0 0 0 0

21 Kalimantan Timur m2 2,956 2,956 2,958 2,956 2,956

22 Sulawesi Utara m2 750 750 750 750 750

23 Sulawesi Tengah m2 0 0 0 0 0

24 Sulawesi Tenggara m2 0 0 0 0 0

25 Sulawesi Selatan m2 0 0 750 750 0

26 Sulawesi Barat m2 0 0 0 0 0

27 Maluku m2 0 750 0 0 0

28 Maluku Utara m2 0 0 0 0 0

29 Papua Barat m2 0 0 750 750 750

30 Papua m2 750 750 750 750 750

31 Gorontalo m2 0 0 0 0 0

32 Bangka Belitung m2 0 0 0 0 0

33 Banten m2 0 0 0 0 0Jumlah/ Total m2 14,679 15,336 17,997 17,995 17,245

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.09

Luas Taman Pelampung Menurut Lokasi PropinsiWide Of Float Park Flow At Province Location

2006 - 2010


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 D.I Aceh Unit 0 0 0 0 22 Sumatera Utara Unit 1 1 1 1 23 Sumatera Barat Unit 0 1 1 1 14 R i a u Unit 0 0 0 0 15 Riau Kepulauan Unit 0 0 0 0 36 Jambi Unit 0 0 0 0 07 Bengkulu Unit 0 0 0 0 08 Sumatera Selatan Unit 0 0 0 0 39 Lampung Unit 0 0 0 0 010 DKI Jakarta Unit 1 1 1 1 411 Jawa Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 012 Jawa Tengah Unit 1 1 1 1 213 D.I Yogyakarta Unit 0 0 0 0 014 Jawa Timur Unit 1 1 1 1 115 B a l I Unit 0 0 0 0 316 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 017 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 0 0 0 0 218 Kalimantan Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 219 Kalaimantan Tengah Unit 0 0 0 0 020 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 0 0 0 0 221 Kalimantan Timur Unit 0 1 1 1 322 Sulawesi Utara Unit 0 0 0 0 523 Sulawesi Tengah Unit 0 0 0 0 024 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 0 0 0 0 225 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 1 1 1 1 126 Sulawesi Barat Unit 0 0 0 0 027 Maluku Unit 0 0 0 0 328 MalukuUtara Unit 0 0 0 0 229 Papua Barat Unit 0 0 0 1 330 Papua Unit 0 0 0 0 431 Gorontalo Unit 0 0 0 0 032 Bangka Belitung Unit 0 0 0 0 033 Banten Unit 0 0 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total Unit 5 7 7 8 51Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.10Jumlah Stasiun Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Menurut Provinsi

Number of Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Station at Province Location2006 - 2010


No U r a i a n SatuanDescription Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Sabang Unit 0 0 0 0 22 Belawan Unit 1 1 1 1 13 Sibolga Unit 0 0 0 0 14 Teluk Bayur Unit 0 1 1 1 15 Dumai Unit 0 0 0 0 16 Tanjung Pinang Unit 0 0 0 0 37 Palembang Unit 0 0 0 0 38 Tanjung Priok Unit 1 1 1 1 49 Cilacap Unit 0 0 0 0 110 Semarang Unit 1 1 1 1 111 Surabaya Unit 1 1 1 1 112 Benoa Unit 0 0 0 0 313 Kupang Unit 0 0 0 0 214 Pontianak Unit 0 0 0 0 215 Banjarmasin Unit 0 0 0 0 216 Tarakan Unit 0 0 0 0 117 Samarinda Unit 0 1 1 1 218 Makassar Unit 1 1 1 1 119 Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 0 0 0 0 220 Bitung Unit 0 0 0 0 521 Ambon Unit 0 0 0 0 322 Sorong Unit 0 0 0 1 323 Jayapura Unit 0 0 0 0 224 Merauke Unit 0 0 0 0 225 Tual Unit 0 0 0 0 2

Jumlah/Total Unit 5 7 7 8 51Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kenavigasian (Dit. Navigasi), Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Navigations, Directorate General Of Sea Transportation

Tabel/ Table A.2.4.11Jumlah Stasiun Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Sesuai Distrik Navigasi

Number Of Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Station At Navigation Distric Location2006 - 2010




2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 D.I Aceh Unit - - - -2 Sumatera Utara Unit 9 9 12 12 123 Sumatera Barat Unit 3 3 4 4 84 R i a u Unit 21 21 21 21 275 Jambi Unit 4 4 6 6 66 Bengkulu Unit 1 1 1 1 37 Sumatera Selatan Unit 5 5 5 5 128 Lampung Unit 2 2 2 2 29 DKI Jakarta Unit 19 19 18 18 22

10 Jawa Barat Unit 4 4 1 1 211 Jawa Tengah Unit 6 6 6 6 612 D.I Yogyakarta Unit 0 0 2 0 013 Jawa Timur Unit 10 10 13 13 1614 B a l i Unit 3 3 3 3 615 Nusa Tenggara Barat Unit 3 3 4 4 416 Nusa Tenggara Timur Unit 1 1 3 3 617 Kalimantan Barat Unit 5 5 4 4 518 Kalimantan Tengah Unit 2 2 3 3 619 Kalimantan Selatan Unit 3 3 4 4 420 Kalimantan Timur Unit 4 4 5 5 721 Sulawesi Utara Unit 5 6 7 7 822 Sulawasi Tengah Unit 2 4 5 5 523 Sulawesi Tenggara Unit 1 2 4 4 524 Sulawesi Selatan Unit 5 6 6 6 725 Maluku Unit 7 7 11 11 1126 Irian Jaya Barat Unit 5 5 4 4 927 Papua Unit 6 7 5 5 728 Maluku Utara Unit 2 4 2 2 629 Gorontalo Unit 0 1 1 1 130 Bangka Belitung Unit 0 0 0 0 031 Banten Unit 2 2 2 2 2

Jumlah/Total Unit 140 149 164 162 215

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai, Ditjen Hubla/`Directorate of Coast Guard, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

Jumlah Armada Kapal Patroli Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai Menurut Provinsi Number Of Guard And Rescue Patrol Boats Fleet By Provinces

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.5.01

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 79



Unit2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Kelas I Unit 3 3 3 3 3

2 Kelas II Unit 9 9 9 9 9

3 Kelas III Unit 23 24 18 18 40

4 Kelas IV Unit 36 36 45 45 47

5 Kelas V Unit 69 77 87 87 116

Jumlah/ Total Unit 140 149 162 162 215

Sumber / Source : Direktorat Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Custody and Saving, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled)



Unit2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Salvage Perusahaan 8 8 8 8 8(Salvage) (Company)

2 Pekerjaan Bawah Air Perusahaan 21 22 23 25 27(Underwater) (Company)

3 Salvage dan Pekerjaan Bawah Air Perusahaan 125 134 141 152 165(Salvage and Underwatter Work) (Company)

Jumlah/ Total Unit 154 164 172 185 200Sumber / Source : Direktorat Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai, Ditjen Hubla / Directorate of Custody and Saving, Directorate General of Sea Transportation

(diolah kembali/recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.2.5.02

Jumlah Armada Kapal Patroli Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut dan Pantai Menurut Kelas KapalNumber Of Guard And Rescue Patrol Boats Fleet By Provinces

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.2.5.03

Jumlah Perusahaan Salvage dan Pekerjaan Bawah AirNumber Of Salvage And Underwater Work Campany

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 80


Civil Aviation Sub Sector

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Unit 200,995 162,043 217,577 248,219 294,683

1 Cut Nyak Dhien/Meulaboh Unit 2,766 3,380 2,470 1,756 2,6222 Malikul Saleh/Lhok Seumawe * ) Unit 120 - - - -3 Lasikin/Sinabang Unit 678 1,244 - - -4 Tapak Tuan/Teuku Cut Ali Unit 202 - - 176 545 Lhok Sukon * ) Unit 2,604 1,961 2,093 1,789 2,2696 FL. Tobing/Sibolga Unit 236 524 496 624 1,0507 Binaka/Gunung Sitoli Unit 3,268 3,740 3,402 2,850 2,6198 Aek Godang/Padang Sidempuan Unit 228 596 768 980 1,1109 Sibisa/Parapat Unit - - - - -

10 Lasondre/Pulau-Pulau Batu Unit 296 266 422 466 66811 Silangit/Siborong-borong Unit - - - 534 -12 Rokot/Sipora Unit - 320 182 308 -13 Hang Nadim/Batam Unit 28,786 20,974 23,286 23,127 23,38614 Dabo/Singkep Unit 158 94 121 318 8415 Japura/Rengat Unit 84 58 44 26 7616 Sei Bati/Tj. Balai Karimun Unit 66 68 40 46 2617 Pinang Kampai/Dumai * ) Unit - - - - 8818 Fatmawati Soekarno/Bengkulu Unit 3,230 3,896 4,971 7,247 4,89619 H. AS Hanandjoeddin/Tj. Pandan Unit 1,890 1,890 2,270 2,380 2,94820 Radin Inten II/Tanjung Karang Unit 3,914 3,914 4,442 6,366 8,38821 Penggung/Cirebon Unit 416 200 712 1,798 2,15522 Budiarto/Curug Unit - - 1,269 1,269 2,14323 Tunggul Wulung Unit 731 126 34 276 77024 Dewadaru/ Karimun Jawa Unit 494 450 382 348 28625 Brang Biji/Sumbawa besar Unit 610 167 332 782 67226 M. Salahudin/Bima Unit 873 715 1,060 912 1,51627 Mau Hau/Waingapu Unit 470 4,199 924 2,566 1,31828 Waioti/Maumere Unit 926 1,304 2,236 1,916 2,74229 Komodo/Labuan Bajo Unit 402 1,004 1,304 2,277 936

li/ l i

By Airports

Tabel/ Table A 3.1.01

Produksi Pergerakan Pesawat Penerbangan Domestik

Menurut Bandar Udara

Aircraft Movement Production For Domestic Flights

2006 - 2010

30 Mali/Alor Unit 262 406 724 852 69631 Tardamu/Sabu Unit 54 148 240 368 65432 Satartacik/Ruteng Unit 266 426 508 558 52233 Lekunik/Rote Unit 44 46 22 31 21834 Haliwen/Atambua Unit - 73 122 108 26935 Soa/Bajawa Unit 46 138 332 602 44036 H. Aroeboesman/Ende Unit 758 904 2,102 2,692 3,96237 Gewayantana/Larantuka Unit 172 160 128 137 39038 Holbelis/Suai *) Unit - - - - -39 Wonopito/Lewoleba Unit 52 194 192 266 31540 Tambolaka/Waikabubak Unit - 680 922 922 1,62241 Susilo/Sintang Unit 28 26 10 8 16842 Pangsuma/Putusibau Unit 362 247 214 282 20643 Rahadi Usman/Ketapang Unit 2,406 1,698 2,044 3,462 4,48944 Nanga Pinoh Unit 100 28 18 12 4845 Tjilik Riwut/Palangka Raya Unit 3,321 2,376 3,562 5,333 5,54746 Iskandar/Pk.Bun Unit 370 - 770 3,457 3,25447 H. Asan/Sampit Unit 1,656 406 550 1,162 2,41248 Beringin/Muara Taweh Unit 86 36 29 570 1,40549 Kuala Pembuang Unit 40 - - - 19050 Kuala kurun Unit - - - - 19451 Sanggu/Buntok Unit - - - 102 6652 Puruk Cahu/Dirung * ) Unit 170 180 132 248 90353 Tumbang Samba Unit - - - - -54 Stagen/Kotabaru Unit 1,393 502 1,154 2,460 65755 Juwata/Tarakan Unit 6,992 3,126 12,591 5,814 11,117

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 81

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

56 Temindung/Samarinda Unit 4,630 1,631 - 2,426 4,07757 Kalimarau/Tj. Redep Unit 4,039 1,499 1,256 3,236 4,88358 TJ. Harapan/Tj.Selor Unit 662 336 232 152 39559 Nunukan Unit 2,018 675 1,014 1,026 2,70560 Datah Dawai Unit 354 - - - 19561 Long Apung Unit 366 78 274 510 22462 Sangkimah/Sanggata * ) Unit - - - - -63 Yuvai Semaring/Long Bawan Unit 2,410 1,982 - - 45264 Tanjung Santan * ) Unit - - - - -65 Tanjung Bara * ) Unit - - - - -66 Muara Badak * ) Unit - - - - -67 Bunyu * ) Unit - - - - -68 Bontang * ) Unit - - - - -69 Senipah *) Unit - - - - -70 Naha/Tahuna Unit 272 84 240 83 24271 Melongguane Unit 175 66 62 247 62872 Djalaluddin/Gorontalo Unit 2,071 1,187 1,918 2,198 2,54973 Mutiara/Palu Unit 4,535 3,067 4,988 5,269 5,73674 Lalos/Toli-Toli Unit 266 144 50 238 37075 Syukuran Aminuddin Amir/Luwuk Unit 1,453 1,050 498 1,053 1,35576 Kasiguncu/Poso Unit - 106 66 108 31677 Pogogul/Buol Unit - 18 40 339 11678 Pongtiku/Tana Toraja Unit 196 32 20 102 16279 Soroako * ) Unit - - - - -80 Tampa Padang/Mamuju Unit 474 298 310 552 1,13481 Andi Jemma/Masamba Unit 585 178 138 972 1,42082 H. Aroepala/Selayar Unit 148 68 110 0 1983 Wolter Mongonsidi/Kendari Unit 2,801 3,460 3,399 5,021 1,39484 Beto Ambari/Bau-Bau Unit 336 56 490 568 2,44885 Pomala/Kolaka * ) Unit 210 - - - 46686 Sugimanuru/Raha Unit - - - - -87 Sultan Babullah/Ternate Unit 6,810 3,306 6,874 6,884 8,79888 Kuabang/Kao Unit - - 112 112 24089 Gamar Malamo/Galela Unit 108 142 100 93 32890 Dumatubun/Langgur Unit - 1,114 1,249 1,617 1,97491 Oesman Sadik/Labuha Unit - - - - 19092 Emalamo/Sanana Unit 82 - - 576 16293 Olilit/Saumlaki Unit 278 430 656 880 44394 Mangole * ) Unit - - - - -95 Bandanaera/Pulau Banda Unit 62 108 32 - -96 Amahai/Pulau Seram Unit - - - - -97 Jefman/Sorong Unit - - - - -98 Namrole/Pulau Buru Unit - - - -99 Dobo/Pulau Aru Unit - - 28 125 349

100 Mopah/Merauke Unit 4,245 4,877 4,713 4,220 4,811101 Domine Edward Osok/Sorong Unit 5,377 4,217 5,135 5,667 8,647102 Rendani/Manokwari Unit 465 1,636 6,090 12,757 8,544103 Wamena Unit 28,048 12,592 22,343 26,644 29,368104 Nabire Unit 8,263 10,969 15,703 14,058 16,051105 Torea/Fak-Fak Unit - - 1,081 1,554 1,350106 Utarom/Kaimana Unit - - 1,482 1,482 -107 Timika * ) Unit 10,783 10,860 14,280 13,598 21,027108 Enarotali Unit - - - - -109 Sujarwo Tjondronegoro/Serui Unit - - 934 1,358 316110 Mararena/Sarmi Unit 1,148 796 370 404 110111 Waghete Unit - - - - -112 Mulia Unit - - - - 7,066113 Tanah Merah Unit 941 1,267 1,316 1,167 1,839114 Oksibil Unit - - 4,800 6,038 5,576115 Bintuni Unit - - - - -116 Moanamani Unit - - - - 626117 Mindiptanah Unit 76 20 32 4 498118 Sentani/Jayapura Unit 33,950 30,442 35,080 33,860 42,100119 Numfor Unit 52 20 - - -120 Wasior Unit - - 160 160 -121 Kokanao Unit 76 148 80 100 -

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 82

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

122 Kebar Unit - - - - 194123 Okaba Unit 102 194 196 178 224124 Obano Unit 102 - - - 0125 Kepi Unit - - - - 0

PT. ANGKASA PURA I Unit 318,149 315,260 330,115 333,244 401,294

126 Adi Sumarmo/Solo Unit 6,800 6,071 8,156 6,865 7,467127 Ahmad Yani/Semarang Unit 15,837 16,226 16,061 17,161 18,814128 Adi Sucipto/Yogyakarta Unit 22,528 22,508 23,206 25,599 26,670129 Juanda/Surabaya Unit 77,735 75,106 72,482 75,158 88,239130 Ngurah Rai/Bali Unit 38,961 42,377 44,691 44,702 49,144131 Selaparang/Mataram Unit 15,051 14,109 15,988 12,930 17,881132 Syamsudin Noor/Banjarmasin Unit 14,848 14,016 15,432 15,568 22,236133 Sepinggan/Balikpapan Unit 40,940 43,109 44,477 45,641 54,465134 Sam Ratulangi/Manado Unit 14,312 13,037 13,392 13,667 16,191135 Sultan Hasanuddin/Makasar Unit 44,809 48,391 48,856 49,155 63,849136 Patimura/Ambon Unit 6,926 2,477 7,492 6,511 11,155137 Frans Kaisiepo/Biak Unit 9,701 8,030 9,941 10,704 10,635138 Eltari/Kupang Unit 9,701 9,803 9,941 9,583 14,548

PT. ANGKASA PURA II Unit 351,241 318,345 308,844 305,864 388,644

139 Sultan Iskandar Muda/Banda Aceh Unit 8,018 6,730 5,784 4,909 5,057140 Polonia/Medan Unit 41,404 45,125 42,081 39,520 44,877141 Bdr. Int'l Minangkabau/Padang Unit 12,729 14,018 12,149 12,301 12,158142 Tabing/Padang Unit - - - - -143 Sultan Syarif Kasim II/Pekanbaru Unit 17,481 18,144 17,222 17,596 17,284144 Raja Haji Fisabilillah/Tanjung Pinang Unit 2,161 2,470 2,820 3,432 2,826145 SM. Badaruddin II/Palembang Unit 14,597 15,800 14,658 14,292 16,028146 Soekarno Hatta/Cengkareng Unit 203,163 167,850 167,972 163,558 246,559147 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Unit 18,926 15,329 16,093 17,716 10,786148 Husein Sastranegara/Bandung Unit 5,354 4,815 2,922 3,240 4,932149 Supadio/Pontianak Unit 13,380 14,467 13,863 14,973 10,781150 Sultan Thaha/Jambi Unit 6,876 6,523 6,166 7,270 8,106151 Depati Amir/Pangkal Pinang Unit 7,152 7,074 7,114 7,057 9,250

J u m l a h /Total Unit 870,385 795,648 856,536 887,327 1,084,621Sumber/ Source : Direktorat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

Keterangan / Note : * ) Bandara khusus yang dikelola oleh Perusahaan Swasta atau Pemerintah Daerah.

Bandara Tabing dialihkan ke Minangkabau sejak tahun 2006/ Tabing Airport has been moving to Minangkabau Airport since 2006.

Bandara Jefman Sorong dialihkan ke Bandara Domine Edward Osok (DEO) Sorong sejak tahun 2005/ Jefman Sorong Airport has been moving to DEO Airport since 2005.

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 83

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

UPT (Unit Pelaksanaa Teknis) Unit 4,607 6,215 3,496 3,561 4,046

1 Juwata/Tarakan Unit 98 3,126 - - -2 Hang Nadim/Batam Unit 4,509 3,089 3,496 3,561 4,046

PT. ANGKASA PURA I Unit 32,440 33,078 40,081 48,241 52,006

3 Adi Sumarmo/Solo Unit 1,773 1,610 1,795 1,280 1,3504 Adi Sutjipto/Yogyakarta Unit 490 49 936 1,744 1,7285 Achmad Yani/Semarang Unit 405 454 504 419 5916 Juanda/Surabaya Unit 8,448 8,198 9,040 9,478 9,0887 Ngurahrai/Bali Unit 17,702 19,154 23,875 31,349 35,1088 Selaparang/Mataram Unit 1,075 1,027 1,055 888 1,0949 Syamsudin Noor/Banjarmasin Unit - 7 - 70 -

10 Sepinggan/Balikpapan Unit 1,150 1,134 1,428 1,285 1,53911 Sam Ratulangi/Manado Unit 612 652 678 838 56212 Hasanuddin/Makasar Unit 327 365 397 697 64613 Patimura/Ambon Unit 12 2 22 16 4914 Frans Kaisiepo/Biak Unit 82 95 102 106 9615 Eltari Kupang Unit 364 331 249 71 155

PT. ANGKASA PURA II Unit 61,833 59,908 68,009 71,671 84,303

14 Sultan Iskandar Muda/Banda Aceh Unit 98 199 745 959 85215 Polonia/Medan Unit 8,845 8,424 10,384 10,672 12,14816 Minangkabau/Padang Unit 1,442 904 1,078 2,157 1,18217 Sultan Syarif Kasim II Unit 2,164 2,310 2,426 2,290 2,13918 SM. Badarudin II/Palembang Unit 539 964 938 1,088 49019 Soekarno Hatta/Cengkareng Unit 44,729 43,626 48,216 48,860 62,25320 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Unit 2,089 2,138 2,219 2,437 1,85921 Husein Sastranegara/Bandung Unit 1,096 888 1,531 2,807 3,02622 S padio/Pontianak Unit 831 455 472 401 354

Tabel/ Table A.3.1.02

Produksi Pergerakan Pesawat Penerbangan International Menurut Bandar Udara

Aircraft Movement Production For International Flights


By Airports

2006 - 2010

22 Supadio/Pontianak Unit 831 455 472 401 354

J u m l a h / Total Unit 98,880 99,201 111,586 123,473 140,355Sumber/ Source : Direktotrat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

diolah kembali/ recompiled

Keterangan/ Note : * ) Bandara Khusus.

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 84

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Orang 7,878,049 6,276,658 9,363,021 9,468,693 11,736,918

1 Cut Nyak Dhien/Meulaboh Pnp/Pass 8,534 26,801 22,904 14,110 26,5862 Malikul Saleh/Lhok Seumawe * ) Pnp/Pass 2,426 - - - -3 Lasikin/Sinabang Pnp/Pass 8,740 14,596 - - -4 Tapak Tuan/Teuku Cut Ali Pnp/Pass 2,140 - 434 1,642 4345 Lhok Sukon * ) Pnp/Pass 23,012 17,689 20,879 20,109 22,5216 FL. Tobing/Sibolga Pnp/Pass 3,592 9,819 9,900 7,072 16,7097 Binaka/Gunung Sitoli Pnp/Pass 69,488 89,472 94,639 88,945 108,7708 Aek Godang/Padang Sidempuan Pnp/Pass 2,221 4,273 6,942 7,696 8,7769 Sibisa/Parapat Pnp/Pass - - - - -

10 Lasondre/Pulau-Pulau Batu Pnp/Pass 2,334 3,413 3,083 5,718 7,07111 Silangit/Siborong-borong Pnp/Pass - - 1,449 3,287 -12 Hang Nadim/Batam Pnp/Pass 3,554,761 2,155,746 2,474,431 2,654,471 3,050,85913 Dabo/Singkep Pnp/Pass 987 1,298 3,293 8,248 2,04014 Japura/Rengat Pnp/Pass 483 300 259 112 12315 Sei Bati/Tj. Balai Karimun Pnp/Pass 283 502 239 319 216 Pinang Kampai/Dumai * ) Pnp/Pass - - - - 4,50417 Fatmawati Soekarno/Bengkulu Pnp/Pass 337,581 388,538 562,741 891,431 542,20418 H. AS Hanandjoeddin/Tj. Pandan Pnp/Pass 155,733 155,733 191,585 243,798 330,58219 Radin Inten II/Tanjung Karang Pnp/Pass 321,545 366,658 378,652 552,713 652,06420 Penggung/Cirebon Pnp/Pass - - 796 3,424 1,16121 Budiarto/Curug Pnp/Pass - - - - -22 Tunggul Wulung Pnp/Pass 13,397 878 138 710 3,88523 Dewadaru/Karimun Jawa Pnp/Pass 1,514 1,171 1,200 1,158 1,02324 Brang Biji/Sumbawa besar Pnp/Pass 3,400 514 10,769 25,502 13,29625 M. Salahudin/Bima Pnp/Pass 38,353 39,069 59,715 44,496 42,84026 Mau Hau/Waingapu Pnp/Pass 10,928 25,345 33,404 13,679 71,16927 Waioti/Maumere Pnp/Pass 28,988 53,029 53,651 54,561 99,05728 Komodo/Labuan Bajo Pnp/Pass 10,273 34,024 38,608 34,994 34,62629 Mali/Alor Pnp/Pass 7,537 12,747 22,236 19,071 28,98130 Tardamu/Sabu Pnp/Pass 1,110 2,710 4,954 1,830 9,313


Passengers Production For Domestic Flights By Airports

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.3.1.03

Produksi Penumpang Penerbangan DomestikMenurut Bandar Udara

p , , , , ,31 Satartacik/Ruteng Pnp/Pass 7,589 12,783 13,498 4,798 9,49032 Lekunik/Rote Pnp/Pass 1,820 1,165 678 1,752 2,21733 Haliwen/Atambua Pnp/Pass - 799 1,079 1,054 1,87334 Soa/Bajawa Pnp/Pass 828 2,309 9,348 7,639 14,15635 H. Aroeboesman / Ende Pnp/Pass 18,435 24,611 52,548 7,639 131,22636 Gewayantana/Larantuka Pnp/Pass 3,059 3,435 3,938 2,100 4,85837 Holbelis/Suai *) Pnp/Pass - - - - -38 Wonopito/Lewoleba Pnp/Pass 1,366 5,937 5,332 1,424 5,54139 Tambolaka/Waikabubak Pnp/Pass - 20,632 32,974 29,424 67,09540 Susilo/Sintang Pnp/Pass 47 64 22 12 3,94641 Pangsuma/Putusibau Pnp/Pass 10,147 8,025 7,239 9,092 10,10342 Rahadi Usman/Ketapang Pnp/Pass 63,457 51,210 68,230 103,780 131,47443 Nanga Pinoh Pnp/Pass 291 69 34 19 14844 Tjilik Riwut/Palangka Raya Pnp/Pass 187,313 156,540 330,102 327,112 461,45945 Iskandar/Pk.Bun Pnp/Pass 6,831 0 29,281 114,466 239,15646 H. Hasan/Sampit Pnp/Pass 26,098 23,554 32,637 43,148 121,68747 Beringin/Muara Teweh Pnp/Pass 1,454 521 512 3,436 5,54248 Kuala Pembuang Pnp/Pass 541 - - - 82749 Kuala kurun Pnp/Pass - - - 213 1,26150 Sanggu/Buntok Pnp/Pass - - - - 44851 Puruk Cahu/Dirung * ) Pnp/Pass 2,533 1,675 1,496 2,759 13,07852 Tumbang Samba Pnp/Pass - - - - -53 Stagen/Kotabaru Pnp/Pass 18,584 12,044 - - 14,30354 Juwata/Tarakan Pnp/Pass 335,713 142,774 1,286,303 338,636 680,14855 Temindung/Samarinda Pnp/Pass 71,280 25,794 - 40,781 67,127

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 85

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

56 Kalimarau/Tj. Redep Pnp/Pass 88,579 33,608 48,894 122,884 197,26857 Tj.Harapan/Tj.Selor Pnp/Pass 7,161 3,226 1,693 988 2,44458 Nunukan Pnp/Pass 53,029 15,797 22,374 38,206 51,46359 Datah Dawai Pnp/Pass 2,707 - 20 - 1,85660 Long Apung Pnp/Pass 2,530 236 - - 4,15261 Sangkimah/Sangata * ) Pnp/Pass - - - - -62 Yurvai Semaring/Long Bawan Pnp/Pass 12,187 7,996 1,316 5,106 1,81663 Tanjung Santan * ) Pnp/Pass - - - - -64 Tanjung Bara * ) Pnp/Pass - - - - -65 Muara Badak * ) Pnp/Pass - - - - -66 Bunyu * ) Pnp/Pass - - - - -67 Bontang * ) Pnp/Pass - - - - -68 Senipah *) Pnp/Pass - - - - -69 naha/Tahuna Pnp/Pass 2,727 1,490 4,676 1,358 8,67970 Melanggoane Pnp/Pass 2,545 1,102 844 3,353 20,72571 Jalaludin/Gorontalo Pnp/Pass 162,620 83,553 192,016 228,018 271,77872 Mutiara/Palu Pnp/Pass 351,773 270,075 437,957 497,284 590,94273 Lalos/Toli-Toli Pnp/Pass 1,687 1,325 769 3,212 3,10674 Bubung/Luwuk Pnp/Pass 26,220 28,753 25,694 59,514 87,13875 Kasiguncu/Poso Pnp/Pass - 696 301 959 2,87576 Pogugol/Buol Pnp/Pass - 245 459 3,344 2,03677 Pong Tiku/Tana Toraja Pnp/Pass 2,562 115 139 953 2,73078 Soroako * ) Pnp/Pass - - - - -79 Tampa Padang/Mamuju Pnp/Pass 7,721 5,002 7,906 11,442 37,61180 Arjemma/Masamba Pnp/Pass 3,438 880 654 5,341 14,63281 H. Arsepala/Selayar Pnp/Pass 5,546 982 423 317 26082 Wolter Mongonsidi/Kendari Pnp/Pass 314,555 404,171 418,347 710,808 141,85483 Betoambari/Bau-Bau-Buton Pnp/Pass 3,669 1,643 10,521 10,971 71,12584 Pomala/Kolaka Pnp/Pass 52 - - - 24,57985 Raha/Sugimaru Pnp/Pass - - - - -86 Sultan Babullah/Ternate Pnp/Pass 227,496 138,430 223,176 292,054 428,81387 Kuabang/Kao Pnp/Pass - - - - 7,07688 Gamarmalamo/Galela Pnp/Pass 718 2,255 911 1,260 11,69689 Dumatubun/Langgur Pnp/Pass - 22,967 34,269 46,848 48,64490 Oesman Sadik/Labuha Pnp/Pass - - - - 1,93291 Emalamo/Sanana Pnp/Pass 1,194 - - 11,598 1,66192 Olilit/Saumlaki Pnp/Pass 4,338 7,687 15,764 19,284 10,11293 Mangole * ) Pnp/Pass - - - - -94 Bandanaera/Pulau Banda Pnp/Pass 852 1,257 314 - -95 Amahai/Pulau Seram Pnp/Pass - - - - -96 Namrole/Pulau Buru Pnp/Pass - - - - -97 Dobo/Pulau Aru Pnp/Pass - - 555 2,139 9,660


p , ,98 Mopah/Merauke Pnp/Pass 112,744 130,894 134,026 136,733 145,12599 Domine Edward Osok/Sorong Pnp/Pass 158,423 203,723 215,336 182,944 344,517

100 Rendani/Manokwari Pnp/Pass 8,763 32,151 140,059 - 289,593101 Wamena Pnp/Pass 18,386 60,330 238,329 199,595 201,710102 Nabire Pnp/Pass 35,404 31,834 65,903 48,871 57,796103 Torea/Fak-Fak Pnp/Pass - - 15,567 21,696 30,335104 Utarom/Kaimana Pnp/Pass - - 20,021 6,042 -105 Timika * ) Pnp/Pass 247,135 233,602 316,409 307,055 402,669106 Enarotali Pnp/Pass - - - - -107 Sujarwo Condro Negoro/Serui Pnp/Pass - - 9,557 13,907 3,191108 Mararema/Sarmi Pnp/Pass 5,641 6,460 1,973 - 190109 Waghete Pnp/Pass - - - - -110 Mulia Pnp/Pass - - - - 70,072111 Tanah Merah Pnp/Pass 9,798 11,725 10,727 7,794 10,952112 Oksibil Pnp/Pass - - 16,340 15,832 13,872113 Bintuni Pnp/Pass - - - - -114 Moanamani Pnp/Pass - - - - 2,960115 Mindiptanah Pnp/Pass 6,958 202 261 32 5,266116 Sentani/Jayapura Pnp/Pass 617,976 629,864 850,945 710,241 1,030,263117 Numfor Pnp/Pass 739 334 - - -118 Wasior Pnp/Pass - - 1,947 - -119 Kokanao Pnp/Pass 552 923 736 - -120 Obano Pnp/Pass 1,439 - - - -121 Kepi Pnp/Pass - - - - -

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 86

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

122 Kebar Pnp/Pass - - - - 1,628123 Okaba Pnp/Pass 1,439 2,859 2,741 2,330 2,357

PT. ANGKASA PURA I Pnp/Pass 25,146,501 26,485,137 27,955,926 32,536,219 38,829,606

124 Adi Sumarmo/Solo Pnp/Pass 573,240 495,375 520,874 676,840 799,492125 Ahmad Yani/Semarang Pnp/Pass 1,389,499 1,438,266 1,371,668 1,632,976 1,980,076126 Adi Sucipto/Yogyakarta Pnp/Pass 2,472,248 2,549,032 2,660,930 3,136,541 3,429,178127 Juanda/Surabaya Pnp/Pass 7,402,988 7,480,619 7,305,444 8,436,847 10,284,413128 Ngurah Rai/Bali Pnp/Pass 3,267,643 3,903,476 4,146,151 4,552,854 5,353,417129 Selaparang/Mataram Pnp/Pass 849,747 878,876 972,493 908,213 1,333,094130 Syamsudin Noor/Banjarmasin Pnp/Pass 1,436,791 1,564,349 1,765,175 2,001,775 2,576,471131 Sepinggan/Balikpapan Pnp/Pass 2,720,286 3,025,254 3,442,399 4,011,019 4,786,922132 Sam Ratulangi/Manado Pnp/Pass 1,031,300 1,071,938 1,109,508 1,224,034 1,607,219133 Hasanuddin/Makasar Pnp/Pass 2,931,251 3,159,163 3,200,023 4,677,650 4,851,479134 Patimura/Ambon Pnp/Pass 438,333 151,917 521,524 404,083 690,738135 Frans Kaisiepo/Biak Pnp/Pass 174,389 199,665 214,550 202,502 235,614136 Eltari/Kupang Pnp/Pass 458,786 567,207 725,187 670,885 901,493

PT. ANGKASA PURA II Pnp/Pass 34,310,728 36,548,878 35,928,628 40,731,734 47,477,402

137 Sultan Iskandar Muda/Banda Aceh Pnp/Pass 519,968 534,518 500,896 465,093 502,856138 Polonia/Medan Pnp/Pass 3,599,362 3,962,898 3,730,921 3,840,146 4,951,314139 Minangkabau/Padang Pnp/Pass 1,489,119 1,621,772 1,522,132 1,606,198 1,791,140140 Sultan Syarif Kasim II Pnp/Pass 1,630,289 1,736,170 1,718,575 1,837,585 2,091,276141 Kijang/Tanjung Pinang Pnp/Pass 15,316 38,629 106,613 159,381 155,641142 SM. Badarudin II/Palembang Pnp/Pass 1,432,498 1,556,284 1,516,241 1,716,855 2,069,760143 Soekarno Hatta/Cengkareng Pnp/Pass 22,632,616 23,903,547 23,628,454 27,516,503 32,138,485144 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Pnp/Pass 220,479 161,095 196,181 187,116 154,973145 Husein Sastranegara/Bandung Pnp/Pass 281,112 264,805 188,701 253,805 452,810146 Supadio/Pontianak Pnp/Pass 1,177,375 1,341,303 1,354,554 1,560,308 1,162,907147 Sultan Taha/Jambi Pnp/Pass 645,750 701,623 671,685 803,224 928,477148 Depati Amir/Pangkal Pinang/Bangka Pnp/Pass 666,844 726,234 793,675 785,520 1,077,763

J u m l a h /Total Pnp/Pass 67,335,278 69,310,673 73,247,575 82,736,646 98,043,926Sumber/ Source : Direktotrat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

diolah kembali/ recompiled

Keterangan/ Note : * ) Bandara Khusus.


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 87

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Pnp/Pass 25,656 10,476 18,891 33,112 43,756

1 Juwata/Tarakan Pnp/Pass 1,154 - - - -2 Hang Nadim/Batam Pnp/Pass 24,502 10,476 18,891 33,112 36,850

PT. ANGKASA PURA I Pnp/Pass 3,995,520 4,980,058 5,771,360 6,643,884 7,550,760

3 Adi Sumarmo/Solo Pnp/Pass 175,816 218,868 220,181 171,398 168,7794 Adi Sutjipto/Yogyakarta Pnp/Pass 24,084 242 91,491 188,901 206,4105 Achmad Yani/Semarang Pnp/Pass 29,285 30,341 37,832 23,621 38,7186 Juanda/Surabaya Pnp/Pass 827,215 938,209 1,004,446 1,062,398 1,215,9797 Ngurahrai/Bali Pnp/Pass 2,751,503 3,613,872 4,204,820 4,939,835 5,652,9428 Selaparang/Mataram Pnp/Pass 53,318 55,604 71,677 56,469 74,9599 Syamsudin Noor/Banjarmasin Pnp/Pass - - - 10,679 -

10 Sepinggan/Balikpapan Pnp/Pass 49,069 42,523 45,294 45,129 57,40811 Sam Ratulangi/Manado Pnp/Pass 45,190 46,833 47,112 74,973 48,41212 Hasanuddin/Makasar Pnp/Pass 36,813 30,846 47,485 69,239 86,98913 Patimura/Ambon Pnp/Pass 4 - - - -14 Frans Kaisiepo/Biak Pnp/Pass 12 34 - - -15 Eltari/Kupang Pnp/Pass 3,211 2,686 1,022 1,242 164

PT. ANGKASA PURA II Pnp/Pass 7,315,848 8,059,377 8,549,403 9,419,545 11,389,877

16 Sultan Iskandar Muda/Banda Aceh Pnp/Pass 7,965 15,524 67,206 84,526 71,74517 Polonia/Medan Pnp/Pass 867,089 896,354 933,929 932,994 1,130,42918 Minangkabau/Padang Pnp/Pass 106,744 110,858 121,475 170,827 137,89819 Simpang Tiga/Pekanbaru Pnp/Pass 77,957 76,842 96,145 111,766 114,42520 SM. Badarudin II/Palembang Pnp/Pass 41,803 103,484 94,222 93,715 38,65321 Soekarno Hatta/Cengkareng Pnp/Pass 6,063,458 6,715,029 7,032,719 7,594,419 9,549,60622 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Pnp/Pass 8,009 7,801 7,898 8,907 6,92623 Husein Sastranegara/Bandung Pnp/Pass 100,533 96,552 164,975 273,764 316,93224 Supadio/Pontianak Pnp/Pass 42 290 36 933 30 834 148 627 23 263

Tabel/ Table A.3.1.04

Produksi Penumpang Penerbangan InternationalMenurut Bandar Udara

Passengers Production For International Flights


By Airports

2006 - 2010

24 Supadio/Pontianak Pnp/Pass 42,290 36,933 30,834 148,627 23,263

J u m l a h /Total Pnp/Pass 11,337,024 13,049,911 14,339,654 16,096,541 18,984,393Sumber/ Source : Direktotrat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

diolah kembali/ recompiled

Keterangan/ Note : * ) Bandara Khusus.

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 88

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Kg 82,924,287 65,750,193 99,809,308 86,886,853 133,319,974

1 Cut Nyak Dhien/Meulaboh Kg 80,127 245,776 180,012 122,529 202,0432 Malikul Saleh/Lhok Seumawe * ) Kg 42,364 - - - -3 Lasikin/Sinabang Kg 77,184 87,119 - - -4 Tapak Tuan/Teuku Cut Ali Kg - - - 9,812 2,8265 Lhok Sukon * ) Kg 213,011 168,871 267,606 268,262 277,4186 Sibolga Kg 21,913 74,652 88,607 52,956 122,4807 Binaka/Gunung Sitoli Kg 543,438 755,534 729,487 923,619 980,9528 Aek Godang/Padang Sidempuan Kg 15,235 37,399 53,729 53,996 65,3979 Parapat/Sibisa Kg - - - - -

10 Pulau-Pulau Batu Kg 18,348 28,383 34,290 55,931 94,08211 Silangit/Sipora Kg - 27,723 18,841 24,744 -12 Hang nadim/Batam Kg 35,930,934 21,742,806 24,313,150 25,247,235 27,978,45413 Dabo/Singkep Kg 4,578 9,754 23,388 61,342 15,89014 Japura/Rengat Kg 5,720 6,283 2,467 - -15 Sei Bati/Tj. Balai Karimun Kg 161 - - - -16 Pinang Kampai/Dumai * ) Kg - - - - 61,57317 Fatmawati Soekarno/Bengkulu Kg 4,027,714 3,531,808 4,954,378 - 4,784,49718 H. AS. Hanandjoedin/Tj. Pandan Kg 2,007,417 2,007,417 2,640,883 2,628,799 3,301,53519 Raden Inten/Tanjung Karang Kg 2,261,399 2,586,940 3,622,319 3,749,719 4,397,46920 Penggung/Cirebon Kg - - - - -21 Budiarto/Curug Kg - - - - -22 Tunggul Wulung Kg 84,233 1,160 140 3,475 130,04323 Dewadanu/Karimun Jawa Kg - 0 - 743 -24 Brang Biji/Sumbawa besar Kg 42,027 7,455 62,171 218,968 84,86125 M. Salahudin/Bima Kg 322,821 314,859 598,061 459,384 388,90126 Mau Hau/Waingapu Kg 137,891 317,650 417,755 167,796 784,68827 Waioti/Maumere Kg 361,701 589,786 1,838,817 581,841 998,47628 Komodo/Labuan Bajo Kg 111,804 391,754 467,471 401,032 404,98129 Mali/Alor Kg 79,680 151,902 240,773 214,118 297,21030 Tardamu/Sabu Kg 7,780 20,029 43,516 13,321 63,642


Menurut Bandar UdaraBaggages Production For Domestic Flights

2006 - 2010

By Airports

Tabel/ Table A.3.1.05

Produksi Bagasi Penerbangan Domestik

30 Tardamu/Sabu Kg 7,780 20,029 43,516 13,321 63,64231 Satartacik/Ruteng Kg 74,029 132,713 148,507 50,544 86,86832 Lekunik/Rote Kg 9,490 6,568 2,925 9,440 14,22233 Haliwen/Atambua Kg - 5,072 6,834 6,136 2,42434 Soa / Bajawa Kg 6,622 19,338 96,877 80,415 148,06835 H. Aroeboesman / Ende Kg 206,351 298,736 585,687 80,415 1,347,34536 Gewayantana/Larantuka Kg 21,526 16,412 38,043 16,588 42,07337 Holbelis/Suai *) Kg - - - - -38 Lewoleba/Wonopito Kg 11,469 59,027 52,757 12,781 63,93539 Tambulaka/Waikabubak Kg - 292,777 425,029 342,800 742,30840 Susilo/Sintang Kg - - - - 16,76441 Pangsuma/Putusibau Kg 89,889 70,627 62,627 79,109 77,84542 Rahadi Usman/Ketapang Kg 307,870 323,720 445,324 704,538 731,97043 nanga Pinoh Kg - - - - -44 Cilik Riwut/Palangka Raya Kg 1,748,252 1,558,999 1,504,575 3,008,971 3,877,84845 Iskandar/PK.Bun Kg 39,135 - 261,938 959,288 2,020,55246 H.Hasan/Sampit Kg 199,442 234,172 505,298 408,296 787,88147 Beringin/Muara Teweh Kg 7,040 2,774 2,669 23,832 31,72148 Kuala Pembuang Kg 3,204 - - - 4,28549 Kuala Kurun Kg - - - 924 4,20550 Sangau/Buntok Kg - - - - 2,14251 Puruk Cahu/Dirung * ) Kg 20,322 11,270 10,662 12,726 43,23452 Tumbang Samba Kg - - - - -53 Stagen/Kotabaru Kg 181,819 67,448 - 242,740 94,85354 Juwata/Tarakan Kg 3,377,778 1,692,084 13,414,809 3,739,249 9,800,66655 Temindung/Samarinda Kg 586,602 202,256 - 316,076 459,111

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 89

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

56 Kalimarau/TJ.Redep-Berau Kg 694,403 278,372 432,180 998,821 1,503,17457 Sangkimah/Sanggata * ) Kg - - - - -58 Datah Dawai Kg 27,461 - 171 - 13,36359 TJ.Selor/TJ.Harapan Kg 45,698 22,647 11,633 7,483 18,25260 Nunukan Kg 350,573 107,542 156,508 280,619 388,59061 Long Apung Kg 26,878 2,022 - - 29,18162 Yurvai Semaring/Long Bawan Kg 119,894 76,700 13,160 51,155 23,89663 Tanjung Santan * ) Kg - - - - -64 Tanjung Bara * ) Kg - - - - -65 Muara Badak * ) Kg - - - - -66 Bunyu * ) Kg - - - - -67 Bontang * ) Kg - - - - -68 Senipah *) Kg - - - - -69 Naha/Tahuna Kg 15,503 10,508 32,254 8,694 62,73270 Melanggoane Kg 15,535 7,751 5,849 23,505 135,35671 Jalaludin/Gorontalo Kg 2,294,114 1,231,557 2,622,003 2,883,690 3,013,76872 Mutiara/Palu Kg 4,445,124 2,640,957 4,090,442 4,531,414 5,744,23173 Lalos/Toli-Toli Kg 9,927 10,945 5,748 23,553 24,83674 Bubung/Luwuk Kg 245,328 335,977 285,537 614,781 850,36075 Kasiguncu/Poso Kg - 4,311 2,150 7,670 23,92976 Pogugol/Buol Kg - 1,789 3,014 22,941 13,00977 Pong Tiku/Tana Toraja Kg 16,592 872 627 6,410 24,41878 Soroako * ) Kg - - - - -79 Tampa Padang/Mamuju Kg 41,689 26,207 49,764 58,808 179,05380 Andi jemma/Masamba Kg 24,400 6,126 5,107 40,682 104,66281 H. Aeropala/Selayar Kg 32,678 5,057 2,908 1,798 1,71382 Wolter Mongonsidi/Kendari Kg 2,876,197 3,511,708 4,628,980 4,672,159 1,287,38983 Betoambari/Bau-Bau-Buton Kg 45,582 15,096 73,972 81,453 450,37984 Pomala/Kolaka Kg 45,582 - - - 166,85185 Raha/Sugimaru Kg - - - - -86 Sultan Babullah/Ternate Kg 2,129,748 1,307,635 2,425,385 2,960,990 3,848,32787 Kuabang/Kao Kg - - - - 71,17188 Gamarmalamo/Galela Kg 2,387 12,104 7,179 9,594 77,82389 Dumatubun/Langgur Kg - 226,837 348,771 466,974 530,69290 Oesman Sadik/Labuha Kg - - - - 11,84991 Emalamo/Sanana Kg 8,609 - - 95,615 11,73592 Olilit/Saumlaki Kg 49,424 101,197 140,899 173,360 108,70693 Mangole * ) Kg - - - - -94 Bandanaera/Pulau Banda Kg 3,409 6,723 1,551 - -95 Amahai/Pulau Seram Kg - - - - -96 Namrole/Pulau Buru Kg - - - - -97 Dobo/Pulau Aru Kg - - 8,065 28,066 100,33798 Mopah/Merauke Kg 1,278,949 1,482,020 1,304,715 1,162,366 1,437,99499 Domine Edward Osok//Sorong Kg 2,161,445 2,396,635 3,210,567 2,061,960 3,501,236

100 Rendani/Manokwari Kg 67,240 490,589 488,820 0 2,283,131101 Wamena Kg 1,363,729 581,711 2,399,604 2,512,979 2,189,081102 Nabire Kg 127,085 197,192 190,283 164,205 203,562103 Torea/Fak-Fak Kg - - 168,418 215,182 286,275104 Utarom/Kaimana Kg - - 176,525 92,644 -105 Timika * ) Kg 2,971,823 4,059,968 5,084,144 5,061,360 5,974,906106 Enarotali Kg - - - - -107 Serui/Sujarwo Condro Negoro Kg - - 74,423 90,675 -108 Maremma/Sarmi Kg 54,436 112,971 22,190 30,990 8,470109 Waghete Kg - - - - -110 Mulia Kg - - - - 65,485111 Tanah Merah Kg 102,876 132,711 109,766 347,844 727,871112 Oksibil Kg - - 54,084 24,251 2,675113 Bintuni Kg - - - - -114 Moanamani Kg - - - - -115 Mindiptanah Kg 693 1,905 2,350 320 62,437116 Sentani/Jayapura Kg 7,904,921 8,213,553 12,965,172 11,699,973 31,892,775117 Numfor Kg 4,949 2,592 - - -118 Wasior Kg - - 15,760 - -119 Kokanao Kg 2,266 3,171 2,729 - -120 Obano Kg 14,410 - - - -121 Kepi Kg - - - - -122 Kebar Kg - - - - 8,978123 Okaba Kg 14,410 25,482 23,479 17,379 17,578

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 90

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

PT. ANGKASA PURA I Kg 251,974,601 260,678,387 279,982,923 285,896,280 339,662,954

124 Adi Sumarmo/Solo Kg 3,998,402 3,667,142 3,743,046 4,681,647 5,586,222125 Ahmad Yani/Semarang Kg 10,188,713 10,836,121 10,280,888 11,809,543 14,008,537126 Adi Sucipto/Yogyakarta Kg 20,712,839 22,546,352 28,070,102 26,811,058 26,617,097127 Juanda/Surabaya Kg 64,352,688 64,352,688 58,469,791 61,486,936 82,475,777128 Ngurah Rai/Bali Kg 32,775,892 38803580 39496516 41,229,072 45,167,661129 Selaparang/Mataram Kg 7,849,754 8,076,720 10,048,138 8,723,817 12,383,918130 Syamsudin Noor/Banjarmasin Kg 12,892,038 14,325,561 14,686,462 18,744,862 22,009,513131 Sepinggan/Balikpapan Kg 26,549,568 28,606,782 29,508,454 33,158,331 41,434,997132 Sam Ratulangi/Manado Kg 14,036,133 13,753,686 13,640,905 13,928,487 17,078,125133 Hasanuddin/Makasar Kg 44,856,913 44,807,509 53,681,428 49,060,189 52,665,237134 Patimura/Ambon Kg 5,839,512 2,080,817 6,251,226 4,807,834 7,558,547135 Frans Kaisiepo/Biak Kg 2,075,413 2,459,952 2,569,341 2,296,907 2,389,983136 Eltari/Kupang Kg 5,846,736 6,361,477 9,536,626 9,157,597 10,287,340

PT. ANGKASA PURA II Kg 341,806,202 381,869,779 361,309,034 389,060,772 427,633,248

137 Sultan Iskandar Muda/Banda Aceh Kg 4,901,842 5,649,179 4,856,580 5,470,762 4,103,118138 Polonia/Medan Kg 37,404,560 40,684,464 37,856,139 39,635,997 45,794,631139 Minangkabau/Padang Kg 15,943,934 17,193,433 16,000,533 16,204,175 15,795,112140 Simpang Tiga/Pekan Baru Kg 15,107,993 15,766,938 15,274,620 15,740,674 17,111,286141 Kijang/Tanjung Pinang Kg 160,128 433,907 982,699 1,339,720 1,096,284142 SM. Badarudin II/Palembang Kg 12,460,050 15,694,020 15,299,555 14,863,104 17,176,484143 Soekarno Hatta/Cengkareng Kg 223,414,673 252,191,533 237,416,952 260,811,325 297,010,066144 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Kg 1,724,521 1,780,568 1,174,013 1,803,605 943,717145 Husein Sastranegara/Bandung Kg 2,219,764 2,403,808 1,782,905 1,849,566 2,893,828146 Supadio/Pontianak Kg 15,427,084 16,133,858 16,721,811 17,101,445 12,697,174147 Sultan Taha/Jambi Kg 5,774,236 6,311,297 6,021,260 6,722,284 7,482,764148 Depati Amir/Pangkal Pinang/Bangka Kg 7,267,417 7,626,774 7,921,967 7,518,115 5,528,784

J u m l a h / Total Kg 676,705,090 708,298,359 741,101,265 761,843,905 900,616,176Sumber/ Source : Direktotrat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

diolah kembali/ recompiled

Keterangan/ Note : * ) Bandara Khusus.


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 91

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Kg 522,045 172,390 161,894 420,971 543,000

1 Juwata/Tarakan Kg 10,023 - - - -2 Hang Nadim/Batam Kg 512,022 172,390 161,894 420,971 325,188

PT. ANGKASA PURA I Kg 63,665,493 78,135,340 88,199,364 96,112,222 106,039,235

3 Adi Sumarmo/Solo Kg 2,999,129 3,767,552 3,911,137 3,134,069 3,040,6824 Adi Sutjipto/Yogyakarta Kg 360,499 1,183 1,088,238 2,054,239 2,213,5825 Achmad Yani/Semarang Kg 477,018 483,836 562,742 295,040 473,9886 Juanda/Surabaya Kg 12,184,702 14,482,016 15,551,567 16,356,899 18,123,9657 Ngurahrai/Bali Kg 44,121,244 55,802,435 63,276,224 70,072,689 77,889,2048 Selaparang/Mataram Kg 825,236 855,068 1,042,654 759,392 1,033,6929 Syamsudin Noor/Banjarmasin Kg - - - 243,034 -

10 Sepinggan/Balikpapan Kg 660,027 619,061 626,342 699,990 761,41611 Sam Ratulangi/Manado Kg 931,645 1,004,600 944,652 1,224,431 911,96512 Hasanuddin/Makasar Kg 1,081,115 1,075,785 1,168,263 1,240,955 1,588,98313 Patimura/Ambon Kg - - - - -14 Frans Kaisiepo/Biak Kg - - - - -15 Eltari/Kupang Kg 24,878 43,804 27,545 31,484 1,758

PT. ANGKASA PURA II Kg 98,406,306 108,495,995 112,766,580 118,481,139 140,959,417

16 Sultan Iskandar Muda/Banda Aceh Kg 165,834 281,946 696,036 1,100,101 607,16717 Polonia/Medan Kg 9,468,010 9,895,983 10,987,442 9,636,028 7,109,58918 Minangkabau/Padang Kg 1,305,566 1,249,707 1,352,204 2,061,087 1,394,26319 Simpang Tiga/Pakan Baru Kg 758,138 755,772 847,353 985,503 908,37820 SM. Badarudin II/Palembang Kg 605,720 1,422,765 1,177,240 1,002,493 490,20421 Soekarno Hatta/Cengkareng Kg 84,649,020 93,517,432 95,711,946 101,086,279 128,287,12922 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Kg 43,763 9,064 8,410 8,254 3,95323 Husein Sastranegara/Bandung Kg 1,070,149 1,077,319 1,716,283 2,427,428 1,961,55924 Supadio/Pontianak Kg 340,106 286,007 269,666 173,966 197,175

Tabel/ Table A.3.1.06

Produksi Bagasi Penerbangan InternationalMenurut Bandar Udara

2006 - 2010


Baggages Production For International Flights By Airports

p g , , , , ,

J u m l a h /Total Kg 162,593,844 186,803,725 201,127,838 215,014,332 247,541,652Sumber/ Source : Direktotrat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

diolah kembali/ recompiled

Keterangan/ Note : * ) Bandara Khusus.

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 92

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2008 2009 2010

UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Kg 136,965,526 94,724,801 159,373,044 149,155,261 131,430,725

1 Cut Nyak Dhien/Meulaboh Kg 13,003 22,251 5,643 8,198 7,5262 Malikul Saleh/Lhok Seumawe * ) Kg - - - - -3 Lasikin/Sinabang Kg 24,704 54,615 - - -4 Tapak Tuan/Teuku Cut Ali Kg - - - - 1055 Lhok Sukon * ) Kg 66,858 45,840 46,493 50,487 46,4936 Sibolga Kg 0 - 480 2,420 9187 Binaka/Gunung Sitoli Kg 47,652 84,105 58,343 62,766 41,9498 Aek Godang/Padang Sidempuan Kg - - 540 - -9 Parapat/Sibisa Kg - - - - -

10 Pulau-Pulau Batu Kg 2,874 5,929 4,277 2,954 3,98911 Silangit/Sipora Kg - - - - -12 Hang Nadim/Batam Kg 27,022,264 18,796,657 24,535,161 22,584,300 24,614,06513 Dabo/Singkep Kg - - 532 4,043 28414 Japura/Rengat Kg - 6,283 - - -15 Sei Bati/Tj. Balai Karimun Kg - - - - -16 Pinang Kampai/Dumai * ) Kg - - - - 8,11117 Fatmawati Soekarno/Bengkulu Kg 1,165,631 1,315,808 2,580,097 3,892,434 2,092,19418 Buluh Tumbang/Tj. Pandan Kg 1,186,295 1,186,295 914,641 968,635 1,218,68419 Raden Inten/Tanjung Karang Kg 387,887 591,445 675,952 673,687 954,21120 Penggung/Cirebon Kg - - - - -21 Budiarto/Curug Kg - - - - -22 Tunggul Wulung Kg 4,474 3,600 280 168 77123 Dewadanu/Karimun Jawa Kg - - - - -24 Brang Biji/Sumbawa besar Kg 4,409 2,079 - 26,742 14,95825 M. Salahudin/Bima Kg 141,476 123,948 126,618 61,800 69,92626 Mau Hau/Waingapu Kg 37,416 76,874 158,971 79,005 975,14127 Waioti/Maumere Kg 108,856 402,728 890,200 538,353 57,46428 Komodo/Labuan Bajo Kg 18,955 72,348 95,989 142,257 62,50329 Mali/Alor Kg 19,233 23,054 34,812 25,811 45,64530 Tardamu/Sabu Kg 436 569 1,468 372 41931 Satartacik/Ruteng Kg 23,203 33,369 42,454 16,950 57,48032 Lekunik/Rote Kg - 466 525 2,107 8933 H li /At b K 25 221 372


Tabel/ Table A.3.1.07


2006 - 2010

Produksi Barang Penerbangan Domestik Menurut Bandar UdaraCargoes Production For Domestic Flights By Airport

33 Haliwen/Atambua Kg - - 25 221 37234 Soa / Bajawa Kg 282 1,123 8,840 6,124 10,67135 H.Aroeboesman/Ende Kg 39,914 44,546 49,673 6,124 137,87236 Gewayantana/Larantuka Kg 1,918 1,870 5,936 1,521 2,71737 Holbelis/Suai *) Kg - - - - -38 Lewoleba/Wonopito Kg 1,498 9,656 9,554 837 3,07739 Tambulaka/Waikabubak Kg 3,945 29,615 59,766 60,928 70,31240 Susilo/Sintang Kg - - - - 26941 Pangsuma/Putusibau Kg 13,480 4,421 14,782 24,461 2,77142 Rahadi Usman/Ketapang Kg 26,009 181,706 248,722 423,642 355,02243 nanga Pinoh Kg - - - - -44 Cilik Riwut/Palangka Raya Kg 1,145,114 1,226,203 1,164,804 1,766,862 2,189,81845 Iskandar/PK.Bun Kg 20,287 0 95,767 372,291 673,24246 H.Hasan/Sampit Kg 141,207 50,773 96,500 135,221 276,79447 Beringin/Muara Teweh Kg 13,644 - 15 133 2,67548 Kuala Pembuang Kg 108 3 - - -49 Kuala Kurun Kg - - - - 20650 Sangau/Buntok Kg - - - - -51 Puruk Cahu/Dirung * ) Kg 4,036 12,513 9,008 13,186 26,02152 Tumbang Samba Kg - - - - -53 Stagen/Kotabaru Kg 85,656 8,117 - 58,635 27,00254 Juwata/Tarakan Kg 3,927,188 1,757,702 16,304,611 4,872,486 6,214,73355 Temindung/Samarinda Kg 285,433 112,757 - 133,108 213,02356 Kalimarau/TJ.Redep-Berau Kg 352,110 183,796 137,181 431,754 778,00957 TJ.Selor/TJ.Harapan Kg 44,946 13,145 14,634 23,343 32,733

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 93

No U R A I A N Description Satuan Unit 2008 2009 2010

58 Nunukan Kg 130,054 33,987 51,409 120,747 123,47559 Sangkimah/Sanggata * ) Kg - - - - -60 Long Apung Kg - - - - 8,57861 Long Bawan/Yurvai Semaring Kg 294,787 239,300 28,582 101,564 85,46262 Datah Dawai Kg 23,836 36,248 457 - -63 Tanjung Santan * ) Kg - - - - -64 Tanjung Bara * ) Kg - - - - -65 Muara Badak * ) Kg - - - - -66 Bunyu * ) Kg - - - - -67 Bontang * ) Kg - - - - -68 Senipah Kg - - - - -69 Naha/Tahuna Kg - 200 - - -70 Melanggoane Kg - 61 - - -71 Jalaludin/Gorontalo Kg 1,380,742 715,795 1,687,955 1,501,518 1,904,37472 Mutiara/Palu Kg 4,121,493 3,080,401 4,166,336 4,535,517 5,801,00673 Lalos/Toli-Toli Kg - - - - -74 Bubung/Luwuk Kg 40,614 65,782 42,982 142,763 278,70575 Kasiguncu/Poso Kg - 822 76 75 -76 Pogugol/Buol Kg - - - - -77 Pongtiku/Tana Toraja Kg - - - - -78 Soroako * ) Kg - - - - -79 Tampa Padang/Mamuju Kg 25 800 - - -80 Andi jefma/Masamba Kg - 621 1,714 2,238 26781 H. Arsepala/Selayar Kg 29 - - - -82 Wolter Mongonsidi/Kendari Kg 1,530,892 2,504,789 2,884,857 3,329,079 929,65783 Bau-Bau/Betoambari-Buton Kg - - 87 166 3,83384 Pomala/Kolaka *) Kg - - - - 1,81485 Raha/Sugimaru Kg - - - - -86 Sultan Babullah/Ternate Kg 470,814 356,249 756,071 578,485 84,72987 Kuabang/Kao Kg - - - - 21,67088 Gamarmalamo/Galela Kg 33 3,516 78 - -89 Dumatubun/Langgur Kg 0 21,477 24,645 33,969 54,67090 Oesman Sadik/Labuha Kg - - - - -91 Emalamo/Sanana Kg 0 89 - - 10792 Olilit/Saumlaki Kg 5,413 3,707 5,133 4,539 3,29493 Mangole * ) Kg - - - - -94 Bandanaera/Pulau Banda Kg - - - - -95 Amahai/Pulau Seram Kg 300 - - - -96 Namrole/Pulau Buru Kg - - - - -97 Dobo/Pulau Aru Kg 0 - 3,763 11,040 -98 Mopah/Merauke Kg 913,731 857,773 814,102 814,131 42,37999 Arjemma/Sorong Kg 508,013 454,712 963,421 547,411 806,909


100 Rendani/Manokwari Kg 48,145 525,003 1,198,217 0 1,998,591101 Wamena Kg 56,356,471 22,109,799 50,208,954 50,094,644 820,271102 Nabire Kg 1,819,755 1,818,176 6,260,810 2,287,720 66,597,743103 Torea/Fak-Fak Kg - - 1,427 7,497 2,140,347104 Utarom/Kaimana Kg - - 19,982 260 26,100105 Timika * ) Kg 2,964,837 3,197,187 3,952,698 4,482,400 -106 Enarotali Kg - - - - 3,884,536107 Sujarwo Condro Negoro/Serui Kg 5,650 - 5,041 3,367 -108 Maremma/Sarmi Kg 385 1,016 1,434 - -109 Waghete Kg - - - - -110 Mulia Kg - - - - -111 Tanah Merah Kg - - 80,234 - 63,580112 Oksibil Kg - - 3,816,276 5,103,927 -113 Bintuni Kg - - - - 4,457,725114 Moanamani Kg - - - - -115 Mindiptanah Kg 2,428 704 639 412 -116 Sentani/Jayapura Kg 29,945,467 32,210,172 34,000,986 37,977,427 639117 Numfor Kg 8,733 206 - - -118 Wasior Kg - - 1,384 - -119 Kokanao Kg 2,058 - - - -120 Obano Kg - - - - -121 Kepi Kg - - - - -122 Kebar Kg - - - - -123 Okaba Kg 8,420 - - - -

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 94

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

PT. ANGKASA PURA I Kg 164,168,942 175,407,980 185,259,077 190,501,920 220,499,466

124 Adi Sumarmo/Solo Kg 2,617,661 2,063,040 2,299,551 2,533,506 2,526,995125 Ahmad Yani/Semarang Kg 8,297,375 8,284,144 8,030,220 7,949,939 9,627,097126 Adi Sucipto/Yogyakarta Kg 5,306,869 9,200,139 11,551,991 10,945,962 11,940,696127 Juanda/Surabaya Kg 42,819,029 43,636,085 42,881,593 47,432,827 58,545,465128 Ngurahrai/Bali Kg 14,654,208 17,305,101 19,519,549 22,415,159 24,070,073129 Selaparang/Mataram Kg 4,239,707 3,742,622 5,666,884 4,142,291 6,373,389130 Syamsudin Noor/Banjarmasin Kg 10,942,609 12,801,882 13,043,660 16,650,619 17,050,174131 Sepinggan/Balikpapan Kg 21,919,708 24,325,424 23,632,223 26,866,486 33,365,798132 Sam Ratulangi/Manado Kg 9,223,081 9,539,574 9,742,785 9,198,751 11,141,468133 Hasanuddin/Makasar Kg 38,602,494 39,284,491 40,152,670 36,579,090 39,619,366134 Patimura/Ambon Kg 2,067,039 786,613 3,066,386 1,761,169 2,931,302135 Frans Kaisiepo/Biak Kg 817,020 831,402 1,092,572 1,192,010 1,303,599136 Eltari/Koepang Kg 2,662,142 3,607,463 4,578,993 2,834,111 2,004,044

PT. ANGKASA PURA II Kg 254,153,468 284,350,521 303,802,653 300,269,908 326,667,770

137 Sultan Iskandar Muda/Banda Aceh Kg 2,169,627 2,390,557 3,274,048 3,405,371 2,084,055138 Polonia/Medan Kg 27,666,594 29,697,406 34,005,068 31,164,759 33,377,130140 Minangkabau/Padang Kg 9,770,929 10,114,662 12,224,068 10,342,388 9,452,618141 Simpang Tiga/Pakan Baru Kg 11,435,023 11,171,607 12,677,080 11,287,611 11,604,755142 Kijang/Tanjung Pinang Kg 37,647 120,113 714,486 1,403,103 1,575,417143 SM. Badarudin II/Palembang Kg 5,939,231 7,277,728 9,133,196 8,001,848 9,706,119144 Soekarno Hatta/Cengkareng Kg 181,603,889 204,523,318 211,413,426 216,513,835 239,451,296145 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Kg 1,005,746 939,108 599,283 302,979 663,435146 Husein Sastranegara/Bandung Kg 268,616 610,236 667,915 488,626 736,679147 Supadio/Pontianak Kg 7,712,083 8,990,974 9,351,349 9,434,318 6,888,564148 Sultan Taha/Jambi Kg 3,477,232 3,901,901 4,417,281 4,349,155 5,143,913149 Depati Amir/Pangkal Pinang/Bangka Kg 3,066,851 4,612,911 5,325,453 3,575,915 5,983,789

J u m l a h /Total Kg 555,287,936 554,483,302 648,434,774 639,927,089 678,597,961Sumber/ Source : Direktotrat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

diolah kembali/ recompiled

Keterangan/ Note : * ) Bandara Khusus.


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 95

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Kg 3,808,280 3,318,920 3,507,382 2,699,384 4,196,997

1 Juwata/Tarakan Kg - - - - -2 Hang Nadim/Batam Kg 3,808,280 3,318,920 3,507,382 2,699,384 4,196,997

PT. ANGKASA PURA I Kg 46,418,341 48,659,673 56,412,698 63,637,519 66,672,606

3 Adi Sumarmo/Solo Kg 1,953,388 416,900 316,492 195,777 73,0824 Ahmad Yani/Semarang Kg 314,683 380,374 382,570 145,518 83,8125 Adi Sucipto/Yogyakarta Kg 467,760 - 75,959 263,449 366,6506 Juanda/Surabaya Kg 12,567,125 13,931,526 14,683,031 16,321,278 17,228,2477 Ngurahrai/Bali Kg 28,707,498 31,774,085 37,516,950 42,568,544 43,689,6128 Selaparang/Mataram Kg 123,284 77,489 47,215 42,657 245,7449 Syamsudin Noor/Banjarmasin Kg - - - - 0

10 Sepinggan/Balikpapan Kg 1,794,417 1,752,254 2,932,131 3,527,047 4,607,08011 Sam Ratulangi/Manado Kg 409,034 326,921 220,532 444,684 378,10412 Hasanuddin/Makasar Kg 81,152 124 45,154 128,565 27513 Patimura/Ambon Kg - - - - 014 Frans Kaisiepo/Biak Kg - - 192,664 - 015 Eltari/Koepang Kg - - - - 0

PT. ANGKASA PURA II Kg 200,937,712 210,090,631 262,439,629 223,340,012 254,117,549

16 Sultan Iskandar Muda/Banda Aceh Kg - - 114 15,903 22,31617 Polonia/Medan Kg 3,725,725 3,463,114 4,768,480 3,672,458 2,331,89618 Minangkabau/Padang Kg 214,682 4,260 31,415 1,903,393 273,49719 Simpang Tiga/Pakan Baru Kg 165,943 174,546 161,492 240,127 189,94920 SM. Badarudin II/Palembang Kg 63,978 86,996 77,361 158,564 93,23421 Soekarno Hatta/Cengkareng Kg 191,031,304 203,488,410 254,659,740 216,755,922 250,649,84722 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Kg 5 675 361 2 860 061 2 705 686 525 596 409 057

Cargoes Production For International Flights

Produksi Barang Penerbangan InternationalMenurut Bandar Udara

By Airports

2006 - 2010


Tabel/ Table A.3.1.08

22 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Kg 5,675,361 2,860,061 2,705,686 525,596 409,05723 Husein Sastranegara/Bandung Kg 46,835 13,244 33,138 62,858 132,40124 Supadio/Pontianak Kg 13,884 - 2,203 5,191 15,352

J u m l a h /Total Kg 251,164,333 262,069,224 322,359,709 289,676,915 324,987,152

Sumber/ Source : Direktotrat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

diolah kembali/ recompiled

Keterangan/ Note : * ) Bandara Khusus.

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 96

No U R A I A N Description Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Kg 2,160,851 1,052,368 1,957,202 2,134,710 2,923,430

1 Cut Nyak Dhien/Meulaboh Kg - - - - -2 Malikul Saleh/Lhok Seumawe * ) Kg - - - - -3 Lasikin/Sinabang Kg - - - - -4 Tapak Tuan/Teuku Cut Ali Kg - - - - -5 Lhok Sukon * ) Kg - - - - -6 Sibolga Kg - - - - -7 Binaka/Gunung Sitoli Kg - - - - 5148 Aek Godang/Padang Sidempuan Kg - - - - -9 Parapat/Sibisa Kg - - - - -

10 Pulau-Pulau Batu Kg - - - - 2211 Silangit/Sipora Kg - - - - -12 Hang Nadim/Batam Kg 1,134,589 451,180 503,604 592,671 866,83513 Dabo/Singkep Kg - - - - -14 Japura/Rengat Kg - - - - -15 Sei Bati/Tj. Balai Karimun Kg - - - - -16 Pinang Kampai/Dumai * ) Kg - - - - -17 Fatmawati Soekarno/Bengkulu Kg - 104,013 300,720 300,720 114,58718 Hj. Arhanandinadin/Tj. Pandan Kg 55,853 55,853 82,579 112,425 125,56319 Raden Inten/Tanjung Karang Kg - - - - -20 Penggung/Cirebon Kg - - - - -21 Budiarto/Curug Kg - - - - -22 Tunggul Wulung Kg - - - - -23 Dewadanu/Karimun Jawa Kg - 19,645 - - -24 Brang Biji/Sumbawa besar Kg - - - - -25 M. Salahudin/Bima Kg - 1,597 6,867 - -26 Mau Hau/Waingapu Kg 145 - - - 288,05527 Waioti/Maumere Kg 576,250 41,243 - - -28 Komodo/Labuan Bajo Kg - - - - -29 Mali/Alor Kg 1,051 2,410 5,880 5,883 8,82030 Tardamu/Sabu Kg - - - - -


Produksi Pos Penerbangan DomestikMenurut Bandar Udara

Tabel/ Table A3.1.09

Mails Production For Domestic Flights By Airports

2006 - 2010

g31 Satartacik/Ruteng Kg - - - - -32 Lekunik/Rote Kg - - - - -33 Haliwen/Atambua Kg - - - - -34 Soa / Bajawa Kg - - - - -35 H.Aroeboesman/Ende Kg 362 1,032 - - -36 Gewayantana/Larantuka Kg - - - - -37 Holbelis/Suai Kg - - - - -38 Lewoleba/Wonopito Kg - - - - -39 Tambulaka/Waikabubak Kg - 560 - - 116,88740 Susilo/Sintang Kg - - - - -41 Pangsuma/Putusibau Kg 184 925 - - 15442 Rahadi Usman/Ketapang Kg 284 - - - 8,87143 Nanga Pinoh Kg - - - - -44 Cilik Riwut/Palangka Raya Kg 16,992 49,075 198,068 503,463 829,46245 Iskandar/PK.Bun Kg - - 385 - -46 H.Hasan/Sampit Kg - - - - 19,61047 Beringin/Muara Teweh Kg - - - - -48 Kuala Pembuang Kg - - - - -49 Kuala Kurun Kg - - - - -50 Sangau/Buntok Kg - - - - -51 Puruk Cahu/Dirung * ) Kg - - - - -52 Tumbang Samba Kg - - - - -53 Stagen/Kotabaru Kg - - - - -54 Juwata/Tarakan Kg 3,499 5,941 37,514 20,198 134,45255 Temindung/Samarinda Kg 10,982 798 - - -

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 97

No U R A I A N Description Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

56 TJ.Redep/KAlimarau-Berau Kg 12,774 240 - - -57 Sangkimah/Sanggata * ) Kg - - - - -58 Datah Dawai Kg 104 - - - -59 TJ.Selor/TJ.Harapan Kg 53 - - - -60 Nunukan Kg 5,083 43 - - -61 Long Apung Kg - - - - -62 Yurvai Semaring/ong Bawan Kg 476 98 - - 1863 Tanjung Santan * ) Kg - - - - -64 Tanjung Bara * ) Kg - - - - -65 Muara Badak * ) Kg - - - - -66 Bunyu * ) Kg - - - - -67 Bontang * ) Kg - - - - -68 Senipah Kg - - - - -69 Naha/Tahuna Kg - - - - -70 Melanggoane Kg - - - - -71 Jalaludin/Gorontalo Kg 8,423 7,419 174,660 5,537 3572 Mutiara/Palu Kg 102,076 74,766 88,437 55,211 106,51173 Lalos/Toli-Toli Kg - - - - -74 Bubung/Luwuk Kg - 14 319 51 55875 Kasiguncu/Poso Kg - - - - -76 Pogugol/Buol Kg - - - - -77 Pongtiku/Tana Toraja Kg - - - - -78 Soroako * ) Kg - - - - -79 Tampa Padang/Mamuju Kg - - - - -80 Arjemma/Masamba Kg - - - - -81 H. Arsepala/Selayar Kg - - - - -82 Wolter Mongonsidi/Kendari Kg - 70,127 300,410 205,182 54,72583 Bau-Bau/Betoambari-Buton Kg - - - - -84 Pomala/Kolaka *) Kg - - - - -85 Raha/Sugimaru Kg - - - - -86 Sultan Babullah/Ternate Kg - - - - -87 Kuabang/Kao Kg - - - - -88 Gamarmalamo/Galela Kg 150 216 - - -89 Dumatubun/Langgur Kg - 161 - - -90 Oesman Sadik/Labuha Kg - - - - -91 Emalamo/Sanana Kg - - - - -92 Olilit/Saumlaki Kg - 153 42 18 11493 Mangole * ) Kg - - - - -94 Bandanaera/Pulau Banda Kg - - - - -95 Amahai/Pulau Seram Kg - - - - -96 Namrole/Pulau Buru Kg - - - - -97 Dobo/Pulau Aru Kg - - - - -98 Mopah/Merauke Kg 58,808 27,336 39,392 80,860 18


99 Domine Edward Osok/Sorong Kg 67,563 - 65,456 56,411 119,713100 Rendani/Manokwari Kg - - - - -101 Wamena Kg - - 8,152 2,831 -102 Nabire Kg - - - - -103 Torea/Fak-Fak Kg - - 269 64,858 -104 Utarom/Kaimana Kg - - 1,838 120 1,872105 Timika * ) Kg 30,564 40,996 62,558 62,323 35,215106 Enarotali Kg - - - - 35,215107 Sujarwo Condro Negoro/Serui Kg - - 427 1,090 -108 Maremma/Sarmi Kg 1,725 2,022 1,405 - -109 Waghete Kg - - - - -110 Mulia Kg - - - - -111 Tanah Merah Kg 3,634 5,240 1,096 - 40112 Oksibil Kg - - - - -113 Bintuni Kg - - - - -114 Moanamani Kg - - - - -115 Mindiptanah Kg 577 56 - - -116 Sentani/Jayapura Kg 68,440 52,209 77,124 64,858 -117 Numfor Kg 80 37,000 - - 55,564118 Wasior Kg - - - - -119 Kokanao Kg - - - - -120 Obano Kg - - - - -121 Kepi Kg - - - - -122 Kebar Kg - - - - -123 Okaba Kg 130 - - - -


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 98

No U R A I A N Description

Satuan Unit 2009

PT. ANGKASA PURA I Kg 4,678,730 6,841,943 7,507,676 6,597,477 5,758,204

124 Adi Sumarmo/Solo Kg 157,713 110,726 194,664 194,285 91,262125 Ahmad Yani/Semarang Kg 407,600 413,656 432,931 398,584 156,537126 Adi Sucipto/Yogyakarta Kg 583,463 675,740 840,092 786,804 396,443127 Juanda/Surabaya Kg 1,130,718 2,230,805 1,805,214 1,664,811 1,473,580128 Ngurahrai/Bali Kg 351,247 440,072 395,023 741,916 916,912129 Selaparang/Mataram Kg 143,135 168,539 250,955 117,802 197,016130 Syamsudin Noor/Banjarmasin Kg 367,211 532,424 764,580 393,584 332,428131 Sepinggan/Balikpapan Kg 80,718 603,799 689,208 574,685 561,829132 Sam Ratulangi/Manado Kg 169,394 230,197 442,492 323,609 308,285133 Hasanuddin/Makasar Kg 1,058,278 1,285,572 1,509,364 1,243,776 1,161,102134 Patimura/Ambon Kg 141,123 24,985 62,811 88,468 87,287135 Frans Kaisiepo/Biak Kg 31,844 41,464 50,754 49,402 54,356136 Eltari/Koepang Kg 56,286 83,964 69,588 19,751 21,167

PT. ANGKASA PURA II Kg 8,045,356 5,495,970 13,260,724 13,206,303 13,068,688

137 Sultan Iskandar Muda/Banda Aceh Kg 120,078 121,892 168,601 110,556 123,595138 Polonia/Medan Kg 690,115 807,488 1,030,135 989,779 1,037,882140 Minangkabau/Padang Kg 197,891 445,507 400,290 470,000 492,951141 Simpang Tiga/Pakan Baru Kg 350,899 375,246 454,708 393,322 441,670142 Kijang/Tanjung Pinang Kg - - - - -143 SM. Badarudin II/Palembang Kg 404,951 480,467 611,239 988,535 651,965144 Soekarno Hatta/Cengkareng Kg 6,233,108 3,248,104 10,595,751 10,229,841 10,262,952145 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Kg 9,607 9,472 - 380 -146 Husein Sastranegara/Bandung Kg - - - - -147 Supadio/Pontianak Kg 36,419 7,794 - - -148 Sultan Taha/Jambi Kg 2,288 - - - -149 Depati Amir/Pangkal Pinang/Bangka Kg - - - 23,890 57,673

J u m l a h /Total Kg 14,884,937 13,390,281 22,725,602 21,938,490 21,750,322Sumber/ Source : Direktotrat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

diolah kembali/ recompiled

Keterangan/ Note : * ) Bandara Khusus.

2006 2007 2008 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 99

No U R A I A N Description Satuan Unit 2007 2008 2009 2010

UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Kg 0 0 0 0 0

1 Juwata/Tarakan Kg - - - - -2 Hang Nadim/Batam Kg - - - - -

PT. ANGKASA PURA I Kg 280,888 269,416 409,508 372,636 420,967

3 Adi Sumarmo/Solo Kg - - 8 7 -4 Ahmad Yani/Semarang Kg - - - - -5 Adi Sucipto/Yogyakarta Kg 1,028 - - 2,916 -6 Juanda/Surabaya Kg 814 2,959 - - -7 Ngurahrai/Bali Kg 278,551 266,457 404,689 369,662 677,2108 Selaparang/Mataram Kg 135 - 1,346 51 -9 Syamsudin Noor/Banjarmasin Kg - - - - -

10 Sepinggan/Balikpapan Kg 360 - 3,465 - -11 Sam Ratulangi/Manado Kg - - - - -12 Hasanuddin/Makasar Kg - - - - -13 Patimura/Ambon Kg - - - - -14 Frans Kaisiepo/Biak Kg - - - - -15 Eltari/Koepang Kg - - - - -

PT. ANGKASA PURA II Kg 2,220,644 2,316,521 2,834,603 2,956,820 2,669,795

16 Sultan Iskandar Muda/Banda Aceh Kg - - - - 017 Polonia/Medan Kg 59,707 22,275 47,899 12,619 15,55218 Minangkabau/Padang Kg 86 - - - 019 Simpang Tiga/Pakan Baru Kg 278 - - - 020 SM. Badarudin II/Palembang Kg 0 - 559 1,827 021 Soekarno Hatta/Cengkareng Kg 2,160,573 2,294,246 2,786,145 2,942,374 2,654,24322 Halim Perdanakusumah/Jakarta Kg - - - - 023 Husein Sastranegara/Bandung Kg - - - - 024 Supadio/Pontianak Kg - - - - 0

Produksi Pos Penerbangan International

Tabel/ Table A.3.1.10

Menurut Bandar UdaraMails Production For International Flights

By Airports

2006 - 2010


p g

J u m l a h /Total Kg 2,501,532 2,585,937 3,244,111 3,329,456 3,090,762Sumber/ Source : Direktotrat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

diolah kembali/ recompiled

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 100

No U R A I A N Description Satuan Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 JAKARTA Pnp/Pass 68,828 73,891 60,008 59,468 60,781

2 SURABAYA Pnp/Pass 79,656 78,159 39,353 39,246 40,455

3 UJUNG PANDANG Pnp/Pass 39,826 28,774 13,550 13,678 15,758

4 M E D A N Pnp/Pass 24,137 16,077 8,078 8,014 8,278

5 BALIK PAPAN Pnp/Pass 13,372 10,180 5,258 5,264 5,586

6 SOLO Pnp/Pass 55,896 64,929 33,032 32,940 33,310

7 ISKANDAR MUDA Pnp/Pass 9,385 7,709 3,635 3,595 4,133

8 BATAM Pnp/Pass 20,494 19,638 9,782 9,775 10,028

9 BANJARMASIN Pnp/Pass 13,316 9,676 4,736 4,789 5,184

10 PALEMBANG Pnp/Pass --- 14,617 7,356 7,348 7,512

11 PADANG Pnp/Pass --- 14,415 7,391 7,297 7,643

JUMLAH/TOTAL Pnp/Pass 324,910 338,065 192,179 191,414 198,668

Sumber/ Source : Direktotrat. Angkutan Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Air Transportation,

diolah kembali/ recompiled--- = Bandara baru beroperasi tahun 2007

2006 - 2010

Number Passengers For Muslem Pilgrims On Eleven Main AirportsProduksi Penumpang Jemaah Haji Di 11 (Sebelas) Bandar Udara

Tabel/ Table A.3.1.11










2006 2007 2008 2009 2010




M E D A N 








Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 101

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 60,888 61,282 64,711 67,238 77,5532 Aircraft Departure times 74,496 73,933 78,038 81,948 93,8713 Aircraft Hours hours 108,248 108,408 115,315 120,525 140,1924 Passenger Carried passenger 6,956,437 7,371,046 7,665,390 8,398,017 9,993,2725 Freight Carried ton 78,020 79,149 106,929 116,888 146,1126 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 6,021,735 6,508,686 6,823,410 7,316,018 8,646,3817 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 7,920,808 8,158,271 8,677,675 9,519,697 11,660,5648 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 76.02 79.78 78.63 76.85 74.159 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 539,964 586,414 612,869 663,142 775,793 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) 0 0 0 0 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) 79,172 81,333 104,422 108,474 134,751 d. Mail ( 000 ) 6,304 6,673 8,416 9,895 10,286 e. Total ( 000 ) 625,440 674,420 725,707 781,511 920,830

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 907,683 937,384 1,011,260 1,136,669 1,419,94311 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 68.91 71.95 71.76 68.75 64.85

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 40,825 40,895 46,887 48,376 56,8382 Aircraft Departure times 17,861 17,349 19,479 17,588 18,0113 Aircraft Hours hours 58,856 58,510 66,938 67,727 78,5824 Passenger Carried passenger 2,135,646 2,167,909 2,358,185 2,218,560 2,444,3415 Freight Carried ton 43,998 36,132 39,128 37,266 60,5116 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 7,346,968 7,851,710 8,700,284 8,368,814 9,821,7437 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 10,686,848 10,340,279 11,632,723 11,948,678 13,984,6478 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 68.75 75.93 75.00 70.04 70.239 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 341,644 785,049 872,534 859,929 985,784 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - 0 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) 88,908 144,348 159,649 160,406 287,493 d. Mail ( 000 ) 394 634 540 975 1,400 e. Total ( 000 ) 430,947 930,031 1,032,723 1,021,310 1,274,677

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 1,402,426 1,398,393 1,560,471 1,663,909 2,150,66011 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 30.73 66.51 66.00 61.38 59.27

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation

(diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.3.1.13

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Garuda Indonesia

Sheduled International Flights Production PT. Garuda Indonesia

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A.3.1.12

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Garuda Indonesia

Scheduled Domestic Flights Production PT. Garuda Indonesia

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 102

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 16,551 24,283 24,180 21,679 22,2842 Aircraft Departure times 19,930 29,648 28,330 32,535 33,2203 Aircraft Hours hours 26,895 34,632 37,732 41,175 42,0434 Passenger Carried passenger 1,701,137 2,653,853 2,477,173 2,193,009 2,361,7555 Freight Carried ton 14,853 - 14,105 13,537 12,6946 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 1,444,326 2,251,407 2,294,020 1,857,797 2,092,3657 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 1,904,166 2,900,736 3,172,345 2,546,834 2,719,6968 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 75.85 77.62 72.31 72.95 76.939 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 129,989 202,625 209,670 166,346 188,313 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) - - - 14107 13,005 13,618 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - - e. Total ( 000 ) 129,989 202,625 223,777 179,351 201,931

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 208,263 279,099 301,361 253,734 270,30011 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 62.42 72.60 74.26 70.68 74.71

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 2,135 2,200 2,266 2,155 1,7952 Aircraft Departure times 1,311 1,389 3,041 1,380 1,2243 Aircraft Hours hours 3,030 2,874 3,127 3,035 2,5804 Passenger Carried passenger 98,281 116,501 120,610 117,028 119,8535 Freight Carried ton - - - 402 344 3226 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 163,915 188,536 191,478 180,514 176,3057 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 253,052 261,152 293,516 298,931 243,7918 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 64.78 72.19 65.00 60.39 72.329 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 14,753 16,969 17,495 16,265 15,867 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) - - - 584 436 400 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - - e. Total ( 000 ) 14,753 16,969 18,079 16,701 16,267

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 22,234 25,545 27,817 29,598 24,15911 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 66.35 66.43 65.00 56.43 67.33

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A. 3.1.15

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Merpati Nusantara

Scheduled International Flights Production PT. Merpati Nusantara

2006 - 2010

Sheduled Domestic Flights Production PT. Merpati Nusantara

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A. 3.1.14

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Merpati Nusantara

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 103

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 41,510 43,286 56,440 74,443 101,3582 Aircraft Departure times 44,544 42,800 56,882 77,889 107,2863 Aircraft Hours hours 70,213 71,999 95,123 130,770 162,1574 Passenger Carried passenger 6,638,264 6,536,276 9,213,333 13,377,826 19,698,4935 Freight Carried ton 57,872 58,491 64,360 52,380 79,3346 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 6,187,016 6,683,608 9,383,901 13,082,691 18,901,7727 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 6,691,224 7,404,846 10,475,520 14,909,846 20,776,5158 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 92.46 90.26 89.58 87.75 90.989 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 489,879 512,350 689,496 890,699 1,315,000 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) 54,163 61,431 71,012 55,865 83,718 d. Mail ( 000 ) - 1,205 1,600 2,884 1,012 1,672 e. Total ( 000 ) 545,246 575,381 763,392 947,576 1,400,390

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 2,793,253 3,000,942 4,080,018 5,596,901 7,726,54011 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 19.52 19.17 18.71 16.93 18.12

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 1,860 1,704 3,483 3,316 6,0572 Aircraft Departure times 4,445 2,607 3,811 3,314 4,7583 Aircraft Hours hours 3,434 3,351 6,100 5,684 8,7274 Passenger Carried passenger 273,657 302,814 465,780 383,584 830,1895 Freight Carried ton 1,220 791 1,111 799 1,6696 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 180,025 168,135 414,380 413,880 1,419,8957 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 296,962 272,851 682,262 736,712 1,871,1958 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 60.62 61.62 60.74 56.18 75.889 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 14,600 12,664 29,539 28,219 101,015 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) 913 605 1,092 1,439 3,369 d. Mail ( 000 ) - 88 36 105 60 380 e. Total ( 000 ) 15,601 13,304 30,737 29,718 104,764

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 123,819 113,606 259,227 321,565 1,112,02311 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 12.60 11.71 11.86 9.24 9.42

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.3.1.17

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Lion Mentari Airlines

Scheduled International Flights Production PT. Lion Mentari Airlines

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A.3.1.16

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Lion Mentari Airlines

Scheduled Domestic Flights Production PT. Lion Mentari Airlines

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 104

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 12,659 15,906 13,223 11,764 6,6022 Aircraft Departure times 11,713 15,142 13,023 11,542 7,9083 Aircraft Hours hours 20,535 25,449 20,662 21,350 14,7824 Passenger Carried passenger 1,505,715 1,768,025 1,503,672 1,454,914 1,062,2685 Freight Carried ton 16,157 18,123 16,888 13,820 6,6116 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 1,496,804 2,382,311 1,714,144 1,265,618 382,3687 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 2,007,811 2,987,124 2,180,961 1,527,222 487,8198 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 74.55 79.75 78.60 82.87 78.389 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 134,712 214,408 154,273 120,353 31,431 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) 14,945 23,881 19,088 13,684 2,840 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - 0 e. Total ( 000 ) 149,658 238,289 173,361 134,037 34,270

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 200,779 298,947 247,267 227,725 44,39011 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 74.54 79.71 70.11 58.86 77.20

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 945 3,247 13,285 22,326 28,9902 Aircraft Departure times 929 2,688 8,765 16,846 20,6433 Aircraft Hours hours 1,784 5,709 19,817 43,471 47,5284 Passenger Carried passenger 182,037 278,737 927,610 1,987,771 2,718,2545 Freight Carried ton 71 522 1,238 2,350 5,5766 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 15,605 90,500 1,283,546 3,539,895 4,780,8697 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 22,416 120,373 1,768,747 4,440,259 6,332,7138 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 69.62 75.18 72.57 79.72 75.499 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 1,405 8,145 115,519 274,887 417,814 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) - 6 154 1,580 3,946 10,681 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 e. Total ( 000 ) 1,411 8,299 117,099 278,834 428,495

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 2,242 12,065 178,094 471,567 613,25211 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 62.93 68.79 65.75 59.13 69.87

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.3.1.19

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri ( PT. Indonesia AirAsia )

Scheduled International Flights Production ( PT. Indonesia AirAsia )

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A.3.1.18

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri ( PT. Indonesia AirAsia )

Scheduled Domestic Flights Production ( PT. Indonesia AirAsia )

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 105

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 13,247 13,448 20,593 20,681 13,5722 Aircraft Departure times 21,956 15,433 25,210 26,857 18,3913 Aircraft Hours hours 23,313 22,085 34,482 35,167 23,5124 Passenger Carried passenger 1,678,920 1,731,979 3,449,218 3,552,985 2,349,0215 Freight Carried ton - 12,510 - - - 06 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 1,462,778 1,549,819 2,851,981 2,757,184 1,698,3217 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 1,712,100 2,103,462 3,431,618 3,488,888 2,270,8518 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 85.44 73.68 83.11 79.03 74.799 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 146,278 167,270 285,199 275,718 169,832 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) 11,891 - - - 0 d. Mail ( 000 ) 21 - - - 0 e. Total ( 000 ) 158,190 167,270 285,199 275,718 169,832

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 183,291 267,197 442,506 454,537 298,57711 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 86.31 62.60 64.45 60.66 56.88

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 646 95 - - 5.22 Aircraft Departure times 9,888 1,308 - - 883 Aircraft Hours hours 13,783 1,191 - - 72.044 Passenger Carried passenger 88,747 12,565 - - 1955 Freight Carried ton - - - - 06 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 4,714 314 - - 847 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 11,904 849 - - 3558 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 39.60 37.02 - - 23.669 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 253,701 6,666 - - 0 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) 4,914 1,753 - - 0 d. Mail ( 000 ) 1,805 130 - - 0 e. Total ( 000 ) 260,420 8,549 - - 0

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 888,813 50,299 - - 2311 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 29.30 17.00 - - 0

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.3.1.21

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Dirgantara Air Service

Scheduled Domestic Flights Production PT. Dirgantara Air Service

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A. 3.1.20

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam NegeriPT. Mandala Airlines

Scheduled Domestic Flights Production PT. Mandala Airlines

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 106

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 3,476 5,004 3,065 3,901 6,5922 Aircraft Departure times 2,606 3,882 2,510 3,022 3,3243 Aircraft Hours hours 5,365 7,787 4,159 4,377 4,6344 Passenger Carried passenger 201,504 256,951 267,371 314,166 316,9525 Freight Carried ton 2,110 1,714 1,003 1,220 1,1236 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 7,302,083 9,296,491 7,711,657 5,790,500 7,612,6887 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 10,633,472 16,164,516 8,923,736 6,834,172 8,800,2098 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 68.67 57.51 86.42 84.73 86.519 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 657,187 836,684 654,749 612,785 762,741 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) 84,099 72,183 35,793 30,190 30,099 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - e. Total ( 000 ) 741,286 908,867 690,542 642,975 792,840

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 850,686 1,325,997 799,080 749,535 921,85411 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 87.14 68.54 86.42 85.78 86.00

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)Keterangan/Note :PT. Airmark izin terbang sudah dicabut, AOC sudah dicabutNote : * ) PT. Airmark Indonesia has stopped operation since 21 September 2005 .

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 3,624 735 - 203 1132 Aircraft Departure times 6,854 1,996 - 589 3573 Aircraft Hours hours 7,508 1,641 - 434 3324 Passenger Carried passenger 209,810 119,456 - 36,325 3,0595 Freight Carried ton 670 498 - 113 16 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 93,320 40,724 - 11,562 9637 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 132,533 62,307 - 16,442 4,3598 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 70.41 65.36 - 70.32 22.099 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 7,535 3,283 - 956 78 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) 334 222 - 46 185 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - e. Total ( 000 ) 7,868 3,505 - 1,002 263

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 12,779 4,922 - 1,298 347 11 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 61.57 71.21 - 77.20 75.79

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.3.1.23

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Pelita Air Service

Scheduled Domestic Flights Production PT. Pelita Air Service

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A.3.1.22

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Travel Express

Scheduled Domestic Flights Production PT. Travel Express

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 107

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 2,504 1,311 2,008 1,874 7812 Aircraft Departure times 3,550 1,306 2,743 2,702 1,1513 Aircraft Hours hours 4,477 1,977 3,244 3,432 1,6154 Passenger Carried passenger 263,093 89,312 239,636 441,672 105,3555 Freight Carried ton 3,781 2,290 2,779 1,663 16 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 53,009 10,558 4,902,589 4,006,434 1,451,1477 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 80,100 15,271 7,612,851 5,755,560 1,941,5308 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 66.18 69.14 64.40 69.61 74.749 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 3,870 - 450,233 360,579 130,603 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) - 1 - 76,489 38,347 13,050 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 e. Total ( 000 ) 3,871 - 526,722 398,926 143,654

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 9,503 - 830,728 590,365 192,62211 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 40.73 - 63.40 67.57 74.58

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)Catatan/Note :**) PT. Kartika Air reoperating in 2005.*) PT. Kartika Air stop operation in 2003 and 2004.

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 31,181 40,368 - - - 2 Aircraft Departure times 37,715 62,360 - - - 3 Aircraft Hours hours 54,128 76,489 - - - 4 Passenger Carried passenger 4,873 6,453,664 - - - 5 Freight Carried ton 16,622 - - - - 6 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 3,992,104 4,314,208 - - - 7 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 4,747,664 6,286,281 - - - 8 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 84.09 68.63 - - - 9 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 542,462 549,699 - - - b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) 3,035,987 2,580,187 - - - d. Mail ( 000 ) 161,530 148,969 - - - e. Total ( 000 ) 3,739,979 3,278,855 - - -

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 5,422,970 5,104,492 - - - 11 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 68.97 64.23 - - -

Catatan/Note : PT. Bali International izin terbang belum dicabut masih di bekukan, AOC sudah dicabut Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.3.1.25

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Adam Skyconnection

Scheduled Domestic Flight Production PT. Adam Skyconnection

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A.3.1.24

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Kartika Airlines

Scheduled Domestic Flight Production PT. Kartika Airlines

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 108

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 30,376 38,849 36,935 177,892 66,6942 Aircraft Departure times 38,388 48,893 43,448 5,749 37,6223 Aircraft Hours hours 54,856 71,562 67,372 297,820 99,1424 Passenger Carried passenger 3,971,214 5,314,485 4,771,272 6,107,526 6,772,5835 Freight Carried ton 16,738 - - 29,929 373,6106 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 3,218,730 4,381,665 4,244,271 28,852,852 6,846,7387 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 4,132,865 5,578,252 5,382,498 34,690,782 9,667,7768 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 77.88 78.55 78.85 83.17 70.829 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) - - - - - 508926 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) - - 38,168 33,761 216,880 204,843 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 e. Total ( 000 ) - - 38,168 33,761 5,106,241 713,769

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) - - 232,339 221,382 11,498,551 2,790,88911 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) - - 16.43 15.25 44.41 25.57

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 1,190 1,085 938 2,821 5,7112 Aircraft Departure times 1,025 877 701 852 2,2863 Aircraft Hours hours 1,974 1,763 1,488 1,034 5,9624 Passenger Carried passenger 68,354 66,762 64,659 61,049 217,1235 Freight Carried ton - - - - - 06 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 98,503 98,045 96,362 4,827 15,0257 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 170,625 148,015 128,678 8,346 32,1548 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 57.73 66.24 74.89 58 46.739 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) - - - - 4,885 13,629 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) - - 133 140 - 0 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 e. Total ( 000 ) - - 133 140 4,885 13,629

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) - - 6,870 6,133 1,380,814 4,404,17411 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) - - 2 2 0 0

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.3.1.27

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Metro Batavia Air

Scheduled International Flight Production PT. Metro Batavia Air

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A.3.1.26

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Metro Batavia Air

Scheduled Domestic Flight Production PT. Metro Batavia Air

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 109

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 21,236 23,419 25,141 33,151 41,9912 Aircraft Departure times 30,228 33,619 38,868 46,742 58,1003 Aircraft Hours hours 36,275 43,020 52,020 59,426 68,7984 Passenger Carried passenger 3,139,529 3,577,413 4,272,876 5,464,615 7,016,7155 Freight Carried ton 18,311 31,001 32,071 43,898 50,2336 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 2,192,548 2,426,306 3,162,371 7,188,530 5,231,6267 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 2,727,548 2,873,869 3,680,996 8,026,086 6,141,8078 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 80.39 84.43 85.91 89.56 85.189 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 3,140 207,043 222,836 286,456 399,261 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) 201,728 22,840 28,204 31,108 41,389 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - e. Total ( 000 ) 204,868 229,883 251,040 317,564 440,651

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 281,745 305,513 319,429 410,776 550,24511 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 72.71 75.24 78.59 77.31 80.08

Catatan/Note :PT. Seulawah NAD izin terbang belum dicabut masih di bekukan, AOC sudah dicabut Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 627 157 - - - 2 Aircraft Departure times 2,524 472 - - - 3 Aircraft Hours hours 1,277 557 - - - 4 Passenger Carried passenger 40,512 7,338 - - - 5 Freight Carried ton 34 8 - - - 6 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 11,472 2,958 - - - 7 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 18,750 4,775 - - - 8 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 61.18 61.95 - - - 9 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 901 238,005 - - - b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) 29 2,789 - - - d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - e. Total ( 000 ) 930 240,794 - - -

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 1,181 375,668 - - - 11 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 78.75 64.10 - - -

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.3.1.29

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Deraya

Scheduled Domestic Flight Production PT. Deraya

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A.3.1.28

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Sriwijaya Air

Scheduled Domestic Flight Production PT. Sriwijaya Air

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 110

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 9,602 10,778 10,337 6,085 6,0972 Aircraft Departure times 14,612 122,670 17,714 11,408 15,5063 Aircraft Hours hours 18,084 21,808 21,761 13,265 15,3234 Passenger Carried passenger 2,021,888 2,351,703 2,322,290 1,270,853 833,5105 Freight Carried ton 14,550 17,929 17,187 5,759 5386 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 1,397,273 1,547,153 1,413,145 729,954 322,8747 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 1,485,471 1,674,643 1,542,178 818,054 414,7848 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 94.06 92.39 91.63 89.23 77.849 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 115,339 124,677 112,978 52,896 21,758 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) 11,361 13,258 15,571 3,528 257 d. Mail ( 000 ) - 242 449 906 1,477 0 e. Total ( 000 ) 126,941 138,385 129,454 57,901 22,015

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 178,253 200,861 648,088 340,752 133,41311 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 71.21 68.90 19.97 16.99 16.50

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 5,173 8,483 6,710 4,831 4,4492 Aircraft Departure times 16,987 26,879 26,970 23,134 22,7653 Aircraft Hours hours 15,246 21,540 20,926 17,192 17,9914 Passenger Carried passenger 627,979 736,027 702,718 512,631 581,0065 Freight Carried ton 16,123 77,585 76,884 64,663 73,7886 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 1,537,796 288,063 202,003 138,925 126,3217 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 2,269,964 440,917 317,528 223,490 207,8268 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 67.75 65.33 63.62 62.16 60.789 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 74,256 63,212 59,722 46,137 52,291 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) 14,400 15,246 31,818 31,015 36,188 d. Mail ( 000 ) 3,233 - - - 0 e. Total ( 000 ) 64,343 95,031 93,555 77,151 88,478

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 193,656 416,221 312,178 221,185 215,13511 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 33.23 22.83 29.97 34.88 41.13

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Catatan/ Note : PT. Air Paradise International izin terbang belum dicabut masih di bekukan, AOC sudah dicabut

Tabel / Table A.3.1.31

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Trigana Air Services

Scheduled Domestic Flight Production PT. Trigana Air Services

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A.3.1.30

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Wings Air

Scheduled Domestic Flight Production PT. Wings Air

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 111

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 1,709 2,318 3,070 3,361 1,1772 Aircraft Departure times 3,335 3,786 2,669 2,257 3,6233 Aircraft Hours hours - - - - 40,7354 Passenger Carried passenger 97,480 182,337 232,248 277,020 151,3545 Freight Carried ton 145 206 52 41,486 3096 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 53,231 76,885 108,175 189,416 6,018,0627 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 65,600 108,727 113,470 255,880 7,476,9148 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 81.14 70.71 95.33 74.03 80.499 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 3,745 5,376 7,558 13,248 2,811,709 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) - - - - 78,680 d. Mail ( 000 ) 2 - - - 0 e. Total ( 000 ) 3,746 5,376 7,558 13,248 2,890,389

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 7,386 10,348 14,109 23,791 4,457,16911 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 50.72 51.95 53.57 55.68 64.85

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 1 0.702 0.71 0.54 602 Aircraft Departure times 613 702 711 544 2333 Aircraft Hours hours - - - - 3,9664 Passenger Carried passenger 18,605 26,110 25,286 21,195 7,9875 Freight Carried ton 31,442 4,877 237 564 16 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 7,004 8,928 8,649 7,254 24,4127 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 11,424 11,643 11,792 9,024 34,1778 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 61.31 76.68 73.35 80.39 71.439 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 476 2,552 582 489 7,666 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) - - - - 8 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - e. Total ( 000 ) 476 2,552 582 489 7,674

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 1,007 4,132 1,040 795 15,26111 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 47.25 61.76 55.96 61.57 50.28

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.3.1.33

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri PT. Riau Airlines

Scheduled International Flight Production PT. Riau Airlines

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A.3.1.32

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Riau Airlines

Scheduled Domestic Flight Production PT. Riau Airlines

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 112

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) - - 1,987 - -2 Aircraft Departure times - - 4,181 - -3 Aircraft Hours hours - - 4,426 - -4 Passenger Carried passenger - - 268,203 - -5 Freight Carried ton - - 3,868 - -6 Passenger KM ( 000 ) - - 52,527 - -7 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) - - 74,296 - -8 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) - - 70.70 - -9 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) - - 3,677 - - b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) - - 774 - - d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - e. Total ( 000 ) - - 4,451 - -

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) - - 97,445 - -11 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) - - 4.57 - -

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) - - 112 1,493 2,0172 Aircraft Departure times - - 533 7,190 9,1763 Aircraft Hours hours - - 335 3,938 4,7064 Passenger Carried passenger - - 12489 258,403 312,6545 Freight Carried ton - - 134 2,932 2,5496 Passenger KM ( 000 ) - - 3516 53,172 67,3627 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) - - 5227 66,817 92,5278 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) - - 67.27 79.58 72.809 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) - - 42555 1,191,502 742,812 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) - - 6110 190,887 154,142 d. Mail ( 000 ) - - - - - e. Total ( 000 ) - - 48665 1,382,889 896,954

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) - - 101825 1,967,233 1,361,83611 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) - - 47.79 70.30 65.86

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)

Tabel / Table A.3.1.35

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Kalstar Aviation

Scheduled International Flight Production PT. Kalstar Aviation

2006 - 2010

Tabel / Table A.3.1.34

Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri PT. Linus Airways

Scheduled International Flight Production PT. Linus Airways

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 113

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 255,008 289,723 268,333 431,103 356,0892 Aircraft Departure times 339,327 484,128 341,119 390,554 417,7173 Aircraft Hours hours 460,204 510,144 477,556 753,425 639,6204 Passenger Carried passenger 34,015,981 39,162,430 37,405,437 43,808,033 51,775,6565 Freight Carried ton 268,495 288,392 338,236 391,667 749,2036 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 36,469,337 41,761,157 44,867,710 75,424,446 59,435,8787 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 46,541,982 56,764,846 55,590,897 91,984,954 72,719,0978 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 78.36 73.57 80.71 82.00 81.739 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 3,102,957 3,717,714 3,505,816 13,626,448 10,233,073 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - 0 c. Freight ( 000 ) 3,513,869 2,929,863 439,165 2,815,381 1,346,489 d. Mail ( 000 ) 174,341 157,821 12,206 12,834 11,958 e. Total ( 000 ) 6,762,775 6,805,398 3,957,186 16,454,663 11,591,519

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 12,140,240 12,810,229 9,426,679 37,069,550 25,319,47611 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 55.71 53.17 41.98 44.39 45.78

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)Keterangan/Note :Terbang angkutan kargo / fly for cargo .PT. Bayu Air izin terbang belum dicabut masih di bekukanIzin terbang belum dicabut masih di bekukan selama 2003-2007 tidak ada data/operation permit is not stopped, until 2003 - 2007 datanot available

No Uraian/ DescriptionSatuan

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Aircraft KM (000) ( 000 ) 47,523 50,356 67,046 80,638 101,6822 Aircraft Departure times 27,767 29,275 3,763 42,870 50,7933 Aircraft Hours hours 70,042 74,439 98,013 123,981 151,5194 Passenger Carried passenger 2,963,776 3,188,893 4,102,210 5,004,056 6,614,9375 Freight Carried ton 77,864 42,322 42,460 46,485 79,5496 Passenger KM ( 000 ) 7,859,611 8,531,826 10,714,927 12,749,933 16,369,3487 Available Seat KM ( 000 ) 11,501,349 11,313,905 14,546,351 17,831,399 22,686,3498 Passenger L/F (%) ( % ) 68.34 75.41 73.66 71.50 72.169 Ton KM Performed

a. Passenger ( 000 ) 372,900 825,378 1,037,312 1,198,280 1,550,926 b. Exc. Baggage ( 000 ) - - - - - - c. Freight ( 000 ) 89,828 145,241 163,138 2,872,209 4,818,175 d. Mail ( 000 ) 482 669 647 1,035 1,780 e. Total ( 000 ) 463,209 971,288 1,201,096 4,071,524 6,370,881

10 Available Ton KM ( 000 ) 1,551,788 1,560,611 2,044,701 11,707,748 21,268,68411 Weight L/F (%) ( % ) 29.85 62.24 58.74 34.78 29.95

Sumber/Source : Direktorat Angkutan Udara Ditjen Hubud /Directorate of Air Transport , Directorate General of Civil Aviation (diolah kembali) /(recompiled)Keterangan/Note : Terbang angkutan kargo / fly for cargo.PT. Bayu Air izin terbang belum dicabut masih di bekukanIzin terbang belum dicabut masih di bekukan selama 2003-2007 tidak ada data/operation permit is not stopped, until 2003 - 2007 data not available

Scheduled International Flight Production

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.3.1.36

Total Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Dalam Negeri Scheduled Domestic Flight Production

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.3.1.37

Total Produksi Angkutan Udara Berjadwal Luar Negeri

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 114



1 Fasilitas Keamanan Penerbangan UnitUnit

- X-RAY 255 280 331 352 364 - Walk through metal detector 213 233 270 282 303 - Hand held metal detector 288 321 332 334 346 - Body Inspection Machine 0 3 5 7 8 - Liquid Detector 0 0 0 10 10 - Explosive Detector 63 63 63 63 67 - Radio Communication 497 604 698 798 814 - Kendaraan Patroli 0 0 0 0 0 - CCTV 0 0 0 0 0

2 Kendaraan Utama PKP-PK di Bandar Udara UPT UnitFoam Tender tipe I NA NA NA NA 5 Foam Tender tipe II NA NA NA NA 57 Foam Tender tipe III NA NA NA NA 47 Rapid Intervention Vehicle Combined Agent tipe II NA NA NA NA 5 Rapid Intervention Vehicle Combined Agent tipe III NA NA NA NA 26 Rapid Intervention Vehicle Tipe IV NA NA NA NA 93

3 Kendaraan Utama PKP-PK di Bandar Udara AP I UnitFoam Tender tipe I NA NA NA NA 24 Foam Tender tipe II NA NA NA NA 21 Foam Tender tipe III NA NA NA NA 1 Rapid Intervention Vehicle Combined Agent tipe II NA NA NA NA 1 Rapid Intervention Vehicle Combined Agent tipe III NA NA NA NA 1 Rapid Intervention Vehicle tipe IV NA NA NA NA 16

4 Kendaraan Utama PKP-PK di Bandar Udara AP II UnitFoam Tender tipe I NA NA NA NA 26 Foam Tender tipe II NA NA NA NA 21 Foam Tender tipe III NA NA NA NA 0 Rapid Intervention Vehicle Combined Agent tipe II NA NA NA NA 0 Rapid Intervention Vehicle Combined Agent tipe III NA NA NA NA 2 Rapid Intervention Vehicle tipe IV NA NA NA NA 14

5 Peralatan Salvage di Bandar Udara UPT Unit NA NA NA NA 1

6 Peralatan Salvage di Bandar Udara AP I dan AP II Unit NA NA NA NA 4

Sumber/ Source : Dit. Kampen, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Aviation Savety, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry Of Transportation (diolah kembali/ recompiled )

Tabel/ Table A.3.2.02

2009 2010

Fasilitas Keamanan PenerbanganAviation Secutiry Facilities

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 116

Perusahaan Nomor AOCNo. Penerbangan AOC Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Garuda Indonesia 121-001A 300B4 220FF 1 0 0 0 0

A 330-200 0 0 0 4 5A 330-341 6 6 6 6 6B 737-300 15 13 16 13 11B 737-400 19 19 20 20 18B 737-500 5 5 5 5 5B 737-800 2 2 4 19 42B 747-400 3 3 3 3 3DC 10-30 6 0 0 0 0

DC 9 series 5 0 0 0 0F 28 MK 3000 1 0 0 0 0F 28 MK 4000 6 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 69 48 54 70 90

2 Merpati Nusantara 121-002

ATR 72-500 0 0 0 0 1B 737-200 14 13 13 3 2B 737-300 1 3 5 8 8B 737-400 0 3 1 2 2

C 212 series 8 8 8 5 5CN 235 11 10 10 3 3

DHC-6 Twin Otter 10 10 10 8 8F-100 3 3 3 2 2F-27 12 9 8 3 3

F-28 MK 4000 20 12 11 2 2MA-60 0 2 2 2 9

Jumlah/Total 79 73 71 38 45

3 Kartika Airlines 121-003B 737-200 3 3 2 2 2

MD-83 0 0 0 1 1Jumlah/Total 3 3 2 3 3

4 Mandala Airlines 121-005A-319 0 2 4 2 2A -320 2 4 7 7 3

B 727 series 1 0 0 0 0B 737-200 12 6 2 0 0B 737-400 2 2 2 0 0

L 188A/C Electra 1 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 18 14 15 9 5

5 Trigana Air Service 121-006ATR 42 7 7 6 7 6ATR 72 1 1 3 3 3

B 737-200 1 1 1 1 2B 737-300 0 0 0 1 2

Cessna TU 206 0 0 2 2 2F-27 series 4 4 3 2 2DHC 4A 2 2 2 1 1

DHC-6 TWIN OTTER 6 6 3 3 3F-50 0 0 0 0 0L 382 0 1 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 21 22 20 20 21

6 Metro Batavia 121-007A 319 2 2 2 2 2 A-320 0 2 3 5 7

A 330-200 0 0 0 2 2 B 737-200 16 10 11 13 14B 737-300 9 11 11 15 15B 737-400 4 4 7 11 10

F-28 MK 4000 1 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 32 29 34 48 50

Tabel/ Table A.3.3.01

Jumlah Dan Tipe Pesawat Udara Berdasarkan Sertifikat Operator Penerbangan 121Number of Aircraft Type Based on Air Operator Certficate (AOC) 121

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 117

Perusahaan Nomor AOCNo. Penerbangan AOC Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


7 Pelita Air Service 121-008AS 332 Super Puma 1 0 0 1 1AVRO 146 RJ 85 1 1 1 1 1BAC 1-11 series 1 0 0 0 0

Beech 95 C55 Baron 1 0 0 0 0Bell 412 0 0 0 2 2Bell 430 0 0 0 3 3BO 105 4 0 0 9 9

C 212 series 10 8 8 8 8DHC – 7 6 6 6 6 6

F 100 1 0 0 0 0F 28 MK 1000 2 2 2 2 2 F 28 MK 4000 5 4 4 4 4Hughes 500C 5 0 0 0 0

PA 31T Cheyeene 0 0 0 1 1SA 330 Puma 5 0 0 3 2Sikorsky S76C 0 0 0 3 3Transall C 160 2 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 44 21 21 43 42

8 Indonesia AirAsia 121-009 A 320 Series 0 0 4 10 14

B 737-300 6 10 11 9 5Jumlah/Total 6 10 15 19 19

9 Lion Mentari Airlines 121-010B 737-300 3 2 2 2 2B 737-400 9 9 9 9 9

B 737-900 ER 0 7 17 30 43B 747-400 0 0 0 2 2

MD 82 11 8 1 1 0MD 83 1 1 0 0 0MD 90 5 5 5 4 4

Jumlah/Total 29 32 34 48 60

10 Wing Abadi Airlines 121-012ATR 72-200 0 0 0 3 9

MD-82 8 8 11 6 6MD-83 0 0 1 0 0DHC-8 3 3 3 3 3

Jumlah/Total 11 11 15 12 18

11 Cardig Air 121-013B 737-200 2 1 1 0 0B 737-300 0 0 2 2 2

Jumlah/Total 2 1 3 2 2

12 Transwisata Prima Aviation (121-016)(Supplemented to 135-021)

F-50 1 0 0 0 0 F-100 1 1 0 0 0

F 28 MK 4000 2 2 0 0 0 Jumlah/Total 4 3 0 0 0

13 Riau Airlines 121-017B 737-500 0 0 0 0 1

F - 27 0 2 2 2 1F - 50 5 3 3 3 3

BAE 146-100 0 0 2 2 0Jumlah/Total 5 5 7 7 5

14 Tri MG Intra Asia Airlines 121-018B 727 series 4 2 2 2 2

LET 410 0 0 2 2 0B 737-200 1 1 1 1 2

Jumlah/Total 5 3 5 5 4

15 Ekspres Transportasi (121-019)Antarbenua

(Supplemented to 135-032)Embraer 120 1 0 0 0 0

F-100 1 0 0 0 0F 28 MK 1000 1 1 0 0 0

G I (G 159) 1 0 0 0 0Super King Air 0 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 4 1 0 0 0

16 Manunggal Air Service 121-020F 28 MK 4000 0 0 0 0 0Transall C 160 4 3 1 1 1BAE 146-100 0 0 1 2 2Jumlah/Total 4 3 2 3 3

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 118

Perusahaan Nomor AOCNo. Penerbangan AOC Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


17 Nusantara Air Charter 121-022CL 601-3A 0 0 0 0 1

BAe 146-100 0 0 0 2 2F 28 MK 4000 1 0 0 0 0Piper Seneca V 1 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 2 0 0 2 3

18 Top Sky International 121-024(Not Operated)

B 727 Series 1 0 0 0 0B 737-200 1 0 1 0 0

Jumlah/Total 2 0 1 0 0

19 Megantara Air 121-025(Warning 1)B 727-200 0 1 1 0 0B 737-200 0 1 1 0 0

Jumlah/Total 0 2 2 0 0

20 Linus Airways 121-029(Warning 2)

BAE 146-200 0 2 2 0 0Jumlah/Total 0 2 2 0 0

21 Indonesia Air Transport 121-034AS 365 Dauphin N 2 2 1 0 0

AS 365 N2 1 1 3 1 1AS 350 BA 2 1 0 0 0ATR - 42 0 2 3 2 3B 1900 D 2 2 2 2 2

BAC 1-11 Series 2 2 0 0 0Beech 200 Super King Air 1 0 0 0 0

Bell 212 2 2 0 0 0BN 2A Islander 1 1 0 0 0Cessna C 650 1 0 0 0 0

EC 135 P2 1 1 1 0 0EC 155 B 0 4 4 4 4

F 27 1 4 4 4 4F 50 2 0 0 0 0

Falcon 20F 1 1 1 1 1G I (G159) 3 2 0 0 0

PA 23 250 Aztec 1 0 0 0 0PA 31-350 Chieftain 3 1 0 0 0SA 315B Allouette 1 0 0 0 0

SA 3160 Allouette III 1 0 0 0 0SA 3168 Allouette III 1 2 0 0 0SA 318C Allouette II 1 0 0 0 0

SA 365 Dauphin 1 0 2 0 0SA 365C Dauphin 3 3 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 34 31 21 14 15

22 Sriwijaya Air 121-035B 737-200 15 15 15 13 13B 737-300 0 1 3 5 8B 737-400 0 0 2 6 6

Jumlah/Total 15 16 20 24 27

23 Kal Star Aviation ATR 42-300 0 0 2 2 3

Jumlah/Total 0 0 2 2 3

24 Travel Express Aviation Service 121-038B 737-200 2 2 2 2 2B 737-300 0 0 0 1 2B 737-500 0 0 0 1 1D 328-100 0 0 1 5 6

Jumlah/Total 2 2 3 9 11

25 Asialink Cargo Express 121-039F-27 MK 500 0 0 0 1 2Jumlah/Total 0 0 0 1 2

26 Republic Express Airlines 121-040B 737-200 3 2 2 2 2

Jumlah/Total 3 2 2 2 2

27 Air Maleo 121-041F 27 MK 600 0 0 0 0 2Jumlah/Total 0 0 0 0 2

TOTAL AOC 121 394 334 351 381 432 Sumber/ Source : Dit. Kelaikan Udara Dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Airworthiness And Aircraft Operations, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 119

Perusahaan Nomor AOCNo. Penerbangan AOC Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Pelita Air Service (135-001)

(Supplemented to 121-008)

AS 332 Super Puma 2 2 2 - 0

Bell 412 EP 2 2 2 - 0Bell 430 1 1 3 - 0BO 105 1 7 9 - 0PA-31T 0 1 1 - 0

Sikorsky S76A 2 4 3 - 0SA 330 Puma 4 2 3 - 0

Jumlah/Total 12 19 23 0 0

2 Airfast Indonesia 135-002AS 350 0 0 1 0 0

B 1900 D 1 1 1 1 1B 737-200 1 1 1 1 1

B-80 QUEEN AIR 1 1 1 0 1BAE 146 1 1 1 1 1Bell 204 4 1 2 1 0Bell 206 5 0 0 0 0Bell 212 1 2 1 1 1Bell 407 0 0 0 2 2Bell 412 3 3 3 3 3

Beech 65A/B Queen Air 1 0 0 0 0BN 2A Islander 2 0 0 0 0

C 212-200 1 1 1 1 1DC-3 Series 2 1 1 0 0

DHC 6 Twin Otter 3 3 3 3 3EMBRAER 135 BJ 1 1 1 1 1

HS-748 2 0 0 0 0MD-82 2 2 2 2 2MD-902 2 0 0 0 0

PA 23-250 Aztec 1 0 0 0 0SA 3160 Allouette III 1 0 0 0 0

S-58 9 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 44 18 19 17 17

3 Sayap Garuda Indah 135-004DHC-2 MKI Beaver 0 0 0 0 0

PAA2-1000 0 0 1 1 1PA 31-350 Chieftain 1 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total 1 1 2 2 2

4 Trigana Air Service (135-005)(Supplemented to 121-006)

CESSNA TU 206 2 2 0 0 0CESSNA 650 Citation VII 1 1 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 3 3 0 0 0

5 Survei Udara Penas 135-006BAe 146-100 0 0 0 1 1

Beech 200 Super King Air 2 2 0 0 1Cessna 402 B 2 2 0 0 0DC 6 Series 1 1 0 0 0

DO–28-D1 Skyservant 1 1 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 6 6 0 1 2

6 Mimika Air 135-007DO 28-D1 SKYSERVANT 1 1 1 1 1

PC 6 Pilatus Porter 0 0 1 1 1Jumlah/Total 1 1 2 2 2

7 Travira Air 135-009AS 350B2 1 1 2 1 2B 1900 D 3 4 6 6 5B 737-500 0 1 1 1 1BELL 412 0 2 2 2 2BO 105 2 2 1 1 0

Cessna 208 Caravan 2 2 4 3 3DHC 8-300 0 0 1 1 1

CITATION XLS 1 0 0 0 0HS 800 XP 1 1 1 1 1

Sikorsky S76A 5 3 4 3 3Sikorsky S76C 2 2 0 2 2Jumlah/Total 17 18 22 21 20

Tabel/ Table A.3.3.02

Jumlah Dan Tipe Pesawat Udara Berdasarkan Sertifikat Operator Penerbangan 135Number of Aircraft Type Based on Air Operator Certficate (AOC) 135

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 120

Perusahaan Nomor AOCNo. Penerbangan AOC Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


8 Derazona Air Service 135-010Bell 206 11 4 4 3 3Bell 412 3 3 2 2 2

SA 318C Allouette II 2 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 16 7 6 5 5

9 National Utility Helicopter 135-011AS 350 B2 1 1 1 0 0

Bell 205 4 0 0 0 0Bell 206 1 2 2 2 1Bell 212 1 1 1 1 1Bell 412 2 3 4 4 6Bell 47 1 0 0 0 0

EC 130 B4 0 1 2 2 2EC 135 P2 0 0 1 1 1

Sikorsky S 58 1 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 11 8 11 10 11

10 Alfa Trans Dirgantara 135-012Cessna 185 1 1 1 1 1

Cessna 208 B 0 0 0 0 1PA 34-200T 1 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total 2 2 2 2 3

11 Deraya Air Taxi 135-013BAe-ATP 0 0 0 2 2

Casa C 212-100 3 3 2 2 1Cessna 320A 1 0 0 0 0

PA 31T Cheyeene 1 1 1 1 1Gelatik PZL 104 1 0 0 0 0

HS 125 1 0 0 0 0PA 23-250 Aztec 1 0 0 0 0

SD 3-30 2 2 2 2 2SD 3-60 2 2 2 2 2

Skyliner III-100 1 0 0 0 0Skyvan III SC 7 1 0 0 0 0

Skyvan S6-7 1 0 0 0 0Zodiac CH 601 HD 6 0 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 21 8 7 9 8

12 Dirgantara Air Service 135-014ATR 42 1 0 0 0 0

BN 2A Islander 17 7 3 4 4C 212 Series 9 4 3 1 0DC 3 Series 4 0 0 0 0GA 8 Airvan 4 4 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 35 15 6 5 4

13 SMAC 135-015BN 2A Islander 6 3 1 1 1

C 212 series 7 7 3 3 3DHC 6 Twin Otter 1 1 0 0 0

F 27 1 1 0 0 0Hughes 500D 1 0 0 0 0

Hughes MD 369E 1 2 0 0 0PA 23-250 Aztec 1 1 0 0 0

PA 31 Navajo 1 1 0 0 0PA 31-350 Chieftain 1 1 0 0 0PA 315B Allouette 0 0 0 0 0SA 315 B Allouette 2 2 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 22 19 4 4 4

14 Kura Kura Aviation 135-016

Cessna 402B 2 3 3 3 3Cessna 172 1 1 1 0 0

GA 8 Airvan 0 0 2 3 2Jumlah/Total 3 4 6 6 5

15 Gatari Air Service 135-018ATR 42-500 0 0 0 1 2

Bell 205 1 0 0 0 0Bell 212 5 1 2 2 2Bell 412 2 0 0 0 0

BK 117 A-1 1 1 1 1 1F-28 MK 3000 3 3 3 3 3F-28 MK 4000 2 2 2 2 2

PA 28 1 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 15 7 8 9 10

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 121

Perusahaan Nomor AOCNo. Penerbangan AOC Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


16 Intan Angkasa Air Service 135-019Bell 206 1 2 2 2 1BO-105 1 1 0 0 0

Truck AT 502 1 1 1 1 2AT 504 0 0 0 1 1

Hughes 500 D 3 0 0 0 0Hughes 369E 0 3 2 2 3

MD 500 D 1 1 0 0 0PA 31 Navajo 1 1 1 1 1

PA 31-350 Chieftain 1 0 0 0 0SA 315B Allouette 2 3 3 3 2

Jumlah/Total 11 12 9 10 10

17 Air Pacific Utama 135-020Bell 206 0 0 0 0 1Bell 407 2 2 2 2 2EC 135 0 0 0 1 1

Kamov KA32A II BC 0 0 1 1 1Jumlah/Total 2 2 3 4 5

18 Trans Wisata Prima Aviation 135-021AS 332 0 0 1 1 1

Beech 390 Premier 0 1 1 1 1Bell 407 1 1 1 1 1Bell 412 0 0 0 1 1BO 105 0 0 0 0 2

C 212-200 0 0 0 1 1F-100 0 0 1 1 1

F-28 MK 4000 0 0 2 2 2DHC-6 Twin Otter 2 1 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 3 3 6 8 10

19 Asco Nusa Air 135-022AS 350 B3 0 1 0 0 1

Beech 200 Super King Air 0 0 0 0 0MD 500E 1 1 0 0 0

Cessna 208 0 0 0 1 1Cessna 421 C 1 1 1 1 1

R 44 2 2 1 0 0Jumlah/Total 4 5 2 2 3

20 Pura Wisata Baruna 135-025Bell 206 0 1 1 1 1Bell 407 0 0 0 0 1

King Air B200 1 1 1 1 1PA 31 Navajo 1 1 1 0 0

R 44 1 1 1 1 0Jumlah/Total 3 4 4 3 3

21 Penerbangan Angkasa Semesta 135-026Bell 407 1 1 1 1 1

Cessna 560 0 0 1 1 1EC 130 0 0 0 1 1

Jumlah/Total 1 1 2 3 3

22 Asi Pujiastuti Aviation 135-028Agusta 109 0 0 0 1 1Agusta 119 0 0 0 0 1

AS 350 0 0 0 0 1AT 802 0 0 0 0 1

Cessna 208 B Caravan 3 8 10 14 25DA 40 0 0 1 1 1

DA 42 Twin Star 0 1 1 1 1PC 6 Pilatus Porter 0 2 2 4 5

P-180 Avanti 0 0 0 1 3Jumlah/Total 3 11 14 22 39

23 Aviastar Mandiri 135-029BAe 146-200 0 0 0 2 2BAE 146-300 0 1 1 1 1

BO-105 3 2 2 0 0Bell 212 0 0 2 2 2

C 212 Series 0 2 0 1 0DHC 6 Twin Otter 2 4 5 4 4

F 27 MK 050 0 0 0 0 1Jumlah/Total 5 9 10 10 10

24 Dabi Air Nusantara 135-030Bell 427 1 1 1 1 1

Cessna 560 0 0 0 1 1Jumlah/Total 1 1 1 2 2

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 122

Perusahaan Nomor AOCNo. Penerbangan AOC Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


25Pusat Balai Kalibrasi


King Air B 200 1 1 1 2 2Learjet 31A 1 1 2 2 2TBM 700 2 1 2 2 4

Jumlah/Total 4 3 5 6 8

26Ekspres Transportasi Antarbenua 135-032

Cessna 208 B 0 2 2 2 2Cessna Citation VII 0 0 1 1 0

Cessna G 28 0 0 0 0 0Legecy 600 0 0 1 1 0

F-28 MK 0100 0 0 1 1 1Embraer 135 RJ 0 1 2 3 3

EMB 120 0 1 1 1 1Jumlah/Total 0 4 8 9 7

27 Sampoerna Air Nusantara (135-036)(Supplemented to 91-006)

Bell 427 1 1 1 0 0BO 105 1 0 0 0 0

Cessna 560 Citation XLS 0 1 1 0 1Jumlah/Total 2 2 2 0 1

28 Tri MG Intra Asia (135-037)(Supplemented to 121-018)

LET 410 2 2 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 2 2 0 0 0

29 Eastindo 135-038AS 350 B2 0 1 1 1 1

AT 602 1 1 1 1 0B 1900 D 1 1 1 1 2

BN 2A Islander 1 1 1 1 1F-100 1 1 1 1 1

King Air B 200 1 1 1 1 1Skyvan III SC 7 1 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 6 6 6 6 6

30 Unindo Air Charter 135-039Bell 206 0 0 0 1 1

Jumlah/Total 0 0 0 1 1

31 Air Transport Services (135-039)(Supplemented to 91-002)

PA 34-220 Seneca 0 1 1 0 0Jumlah/Total 0 1 1 0 0

32 Nusantara Buana Air 135-041C 212 200 0 0 1 3 5

Hughes 369 0 0 2 2 2Jumlah/Total 0 0 3 5 7

33 Nyaman Air 135-042AS 350 0 0 2 2 2

Sikorsky S76++ 0 0 0 0 2Jumlah/Total 0 0 2 2 4

34 Jhonlin Air Transport 135-043BO 105 0 0 1 1 1Bell 407 0 0 0 0 1

Cessna 208 0 0 0 1 1Hawker 900 XP 0 0 0 1 1King Air B 300 0 0 0 1 1

PA 31-310 0 0 0 1 1R 44 0 0 0 1 1

Jumlah/Total 0 0 1 6 7

35 Sky Aviation 135-044Cessna 208 B 0 0 0 0 1Cirrus SR-20 0 0 2 2 2

Jumlah/Total 0 0 2 2 3

36 Enggang Air Service 135-045Cessna 208 B 0 0 0 0 1

Cessna 650 Citation VII 0 0 0 0 1Embraer 135 BJ Legacy 0 0 0 0 1

Jumlah/Total 0 0 0 0 3

Total AOC 135 256 202 199 194 225

Sumber/ Source : Dit. Kelaikan Udara Dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Airworthiness And Aircraft Operations,

Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 123

Perusahaan Nomor AOCNo. Penerbangan AOC Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


1 Sinar Mas Super Air 137-001Fletcher FU 24-950 2 3 3 4 4

S2R-T34 0 0 0 2 2Jumlah/Total 2 3 3 6 6

2 S.T.P.I 141-001B 58 Series 4 3 3 3 3

Bell 206 2 2 1 1 3C 23 Sundowner 17 12 10 11 11

PA 28 10 4 7 7 7R 22 1 0 0 0 0

TB 10 19 17 17 17 17TBM 700 2 2 0 0 0BO 105 4 4 0 0 0

C 212 Series 1 1 0 0 0B 19 Musketter 3 3 0 0 019 A Sprot III 3 3 0 0 0

T6-24 6 6 0 0 0B55 Series 1 1 0 0 0

A 23-19 1 1 0 0 0LT 200 2 1 0 0 0

PA 34-200 T Seneca 1 1 0 0 0Safir 91C 1 1 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 78 62 38 39 41

3 Deraya Flying School 141-002

Cessna 150 3 3 1 1 1Cessna 172 1 3 5 5 5

Cessna 402B 3 2 2 2 2Cessna 402C 2 2 0 0 0

Cessna TU 206 1 1 1 1 1Cessna F150L 2 2 2 2 2Jumlah/Total 12 13 11 11 11

4 Aero Flyer Institute 141-003

Cessna 150 0 1 1 1 1Cessna 172 0 2 5 5 7

Jumlah/Total 0 3 6 6 8

5 Alfa Flying School 141-004Cessna 152 0 0 0 0 6Cessna 172 0 1 3 3 3

Jumlah/Total 0 1 3 3 9

6 Bali Widya Dirgantara 141-005C 172 0 0 2 8 12

Jumlah/Total 0 0 2 8 12

7 Merpati Flying School 141-006Cessna 172 0 0 0 2 2

Jumlah/Total 0 0 0 2 2

8 Nusa Flying International 141-007Cessna 172 0 0 0 2 6

Jumlah/Total 0 0 0 2 6

9 Wings Flying School 141-007Cessna 172 0 0 0 0 3

Jumlah/Total 0 0 0 0 3

10 National Aviation Management 141-007Piper Warrior III 0 0 0 0 2Jumlah/Total 0 0 0 0 2

Tabel/ Table A.3.3.03Jumlah Dan Tipe Pesawat Udara Berdasarkan Sertifikat Operator Penerbangan 137, 141, 91, FASI

Number of Aircraft Type Based on Air Operator Certficate (AOC) 137, 141, 91, FASI

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 124

Perusahaan Nomor AOCNo. Penerbangan AOC Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


11 Air Transport Services 91-002BO - 105 M 12 12 11 11 11PA 34 220T 0 0 0 1 1

Jumlah/Total 12 12 11 12 12

12 Dua Samudera Perkasa 91-003BO 105 0 0 1 0 0

Jumlah/Total 0 0 1 0 0

13 M. A. F 91-004Cessna 180 0 0 0 0 0

GA 8 AIRVAN 1 1 1 0 0Cessna 185 6 5 2 2 2

Cessna 208 Caravan 6 6 5 5 6Cessna TU 206 18 18 14 14 13

Kodiak 100 0 0 0 0 3Jumlah/Total 31 30 22 21 24

14 YAJASI 91-005Helio Courier H 259 3 4 4 4 4

Hiller UH 12E 1 0 0 0 0PA 23-250 Aztec 2 2 1 1 0

PC 6/B4/H4 2 2 2 3 3PC 12 - 47 0 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total 8 9 8 9 8

15 Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna 91-006Bell 427 0 0 0 2 1BO 105 0 0 0 0 0

Cessna 560 0 0 0 1 0Jumlah/Total 0 0 0 3 1

16 Y.P.P.T. 91-007Cessna 185 0 2 2 2 2

PC 6 Pilatus Porter 0 1 0 0 1Jumlah/Total 0 3 2 2 3

17 Sadhana 91-008Bell 427 0 0 0 0 1

Jumlah/Total 0 0 0 0 1

18 Yayasan Helimission Indonesia 91-008Bell 206 3 3 4 4 4BO 105 1 0 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 4 3 4 4 4

19 A.M.A 91-XXXCessna 185 10 5 5 2 2

Cessna 208 B 0 1 1 2 3PC 6 Pilatus Porter 4 4 5 4 4

PAC 750XL 0 0 0 1 1Jumlah/Total 14 10 11 9 10

20 Adventist Aviation Ind. 91-XXXCessna 180 1 1 0 0 0Cessna 185 2 1 1 1 0PA 18-150 1 0 0 0 0

PC 6 Pilatus Porter 1 1 1 1 1Jumlah/Total 5 3 2 2 1

21 Aero Club Indonesia 91-XXXCessna 150 1 1 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 1 1 0 0 0

22 FASI-Swayasa (FASI) 91-XXXCessna 172 3 3 1 1 1

J 430 1 1 1 0 0J 4L 1 1 1 1 1

M-7-235 0 0 1 0 0Searey 1 1 1 1 1

STOL CH701 0 0 0 0 1Aviat Pitts S-2C 0 0 0 0 1Super Drifter XL 1 1 1 1 0Jumlah/Total 7 7 6 4 5

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 125

Perusahaan Nomor AOCNo. Penerbangan AOC Number 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


23 Global Agronusa 91-XXXFletcher Fu-24-950 2 0 1 0 0

Jumlah/Total 2 0 1 0 0

24 Gudang Garam 91-XXXBK 117 2 2 2 2 2BO 105 1 1 1 1 1

EC 135 P1 1 1 1 1 1Jumlah/Total 4 4 4 4 4

25 Dirgantara Indonesia/IPTN 91-XXXC 212-200 2 1 1 0 0

Cessna 152 1 1 1 1 0Cessna 172 1 1 1 1 1

CN 235 4 4 1 1 1N 250 1 1 2 2 0

Sokogaleb G2A-L 1 1 1 1 0Super Decathilon 8 KCAB 1 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total 11 10 8 7 3

26 Nusantara Tropical Fruit 91-XXXG 164B 450 Schweizer 1 1 1 1 1

Jumlah/Total 1 1 1 1 1

27 Perkebunan IX 91-XXXPA 18-150 1 1 0 0 0

PA 25-235 Pawnee 3 1 2 0 0PA 36-300 Pawnee Brave 1 1 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 5 3 2 0 0

28 SAC Nusantara 91-XXXLA 4-200 Buccaneer 1 1 1 1 0

PA 23-250 Aztec 1 1 0 0 0PA 31 Navajo 0 0 0 0 0Jumlah/Total 2 2 1 1 0

29 Y. M. M. P 91-XXXCessna 185 1 1 1 1 0

Cessna TU 206 0 1 1 1 1PA 23-160 1 0 0 0 0

Jumlah/Total 2 2 2 2 1

30 ALFA Flying Club 91-XXXCessna 172 2 2 3 3 3

J 430 0 1 1 1 1Jumlah/Total 2 3 4 4 4

31 Arrow Aero Club (FASI) 91-XXXCessna 172 1 1 1 0 0

Jumlah/Total 1 1 1 0 0

Total OC 91 204 186 154 162 182Sumber/ Source : Dit. Kelaikan Udara Dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Airworthiness And Aircraft Operations, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 126

Uraian SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Serius Insiden / Serious Incident Kejadian / Case 13 11 13 12 92 Kecelakaan / Accident Kejadian / Case 11 9 11 9 8

Sumber/ Source : Dit. Kelaikan Udara Dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Airworthiness And Aircraft Operations, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Uraian SatuanNo. Description Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 Pilot orang / person 5994 6066 6248 6451 68742 Flight Operation Officer (FOO) orang / person 2402 2526 2686 2828 30973 Flight Attendant (FA) orang / person 5993 6327 6803 7192 81394 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

Licence (AMEL)orang / person 5169 5412 5594 5777 5963

Sumber/ Source : Dit. Kelaikan Udara Dan Pengoperasian Pesawat Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Airworthiness And Aircraft Operations, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transportation (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.3.3.05

Tabel/ Table A.3.3.04

Aircraft Accident and Serious Incident Data in IndonesiaData Kecelakaan dan Serius Insiden pada Pesawat Udara di Indonesia

2006 - 2010

dan Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence (AMEL)

and Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence (AMEL)

Jumlah Pilot, Flight Operation Officer (FOO), Flight Attendant (FA)

Number of Pilot, Flight Operation Officer (FOO, Flight Attendant (FA)

Statistik Perhubungan/Transportation Statistics 2009 127

2006 2007 2008 2009 20101 Bandar Udara Menurut fungsi :

Airport By Fungtion :a. Pusat Penyebaran / Distribution Centre 19 19 19 19 19b. Bukan Pusat Penyebaran / Non Distribution Centre 168 168 168 168 168

2 Bandar Udara Menurut Klasifikasi :Airport By Klassiffication:

A. 96 96 96 96 96B. 49 49 49 49 49C. 42 42 42 42 42

3 Bandar Udara menurut Penggunaan :Airport By Usage :A. International 27 27 27 27 27B. Domestik 163 163 163 163 163

Sumber/ Source : Dit. Bandar Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Airports, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry Of Transportation

(diolah kembali/ recompiled)

2006 2007 2008 2009 20101 Bandar Udara Menurut Penggunaannya

I Internasional NA NA NA NA 29

a. Bandara Internasional Utama NA NA NA NA 5b. Bandara Internasional Regional NA NA NA NA 28c. Bandara Internasional Penerbangan Haji NA NA NA NA 11d. Bandara Internasional Angkutan Kargo NA NA NA NA 7

II Domestik NA NA NA NA 204

2 Bandar Udara Berdasarkan Hierarkia. Pengumpul Skala Primer NA NA NA NA 3b. Pengumpul skala Sekunder NA NA NA NA 13c. Pengumpul Skala Tersier NA NA NA NA 8d. Pengumpan NA NA NA NA 209

3a. ARFL < 800 m (Casa 212, DHC Twin Otter) NA NA NA NA 67

b.800 m ≤ ARFL < 1200 m (ATR 42/Xian M 60/Dash8, Cassa 212, DHC 6 Twin Otter NA NA NA NA 49


1200 m≤ ARFL < 1800 m (B737/A320F50/F100/BAE146/CN235,ATR42,Xian M 60/Dash 8) NA NA NA NA 39

d.1800 m ≤ ARFL (B747,B767,B737/A320,F50/F100/BAE146/CN235) NA NA NA NA 53

Sumber/ Source : Dit. Bandar Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Airports, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry Of Transportation

(diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Jumlah Bandar Udara Menurut Fungsi, Klasifikasi dan PenggunaanNumber of Airport By Fungtion, Classification And Usage

Tabel/ Table A.3.4.01

Jumlah Bandar Udara Menurut Penggunaan, hierarki dan KlasifikasiNumber of Airport By Used, Hierarki and Classification

Tabel/ Table A.3.4.02

2006 - 2010

Bandar Udara Berdasarkan Kemampuan Melayani Jenis

SK MENHUB No. KM 44 TAHUN 2002No. Kegiatan

No. KegiatanSK MENHUB No. KM 11 TAHUN 2010

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan/ TransportationStatistics 128

No. Uraian / Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Total 2,446 2,516 2,552 2,578 2,601 Genset

1 < 10 KVA Unit 135 144 151 157 157 2 10 - 25 KVA Unit 132 139 156 165 165 3 35 - 50 KVA Unit 70 75 79 82 88 4 50 - 100 KVA Unit 26 27 28 29 29 5 100 - 200 KVA Unit 86 88 93 96 99 6 200 - 300 KVA Unit 30 34 34 36 36 7 300 - 500 KVA Unit 35 37 38 39 41 8 > 500 KVA Unit 25 25 26 26 26 9 Integrated Ligthing Protec System 42 46 46 46 46

10 Transmisi dan Distribusi System 130 161 161 161 161 11 AC. Unit 1,315 1,315 1,315 1,315 1,315 12 ESCALATOR Unit 30 30 30 30 30 13 ELEVATOR Unit 42 42 42 42 43 14 GARBARATA Unit 97 97 97 97 97 15 CONVEYOR Unit 251 251 251 251 254 16 U P S Unit - 5 5 6 13 17 SOLAR CELL Unit - - - - 1

Sumber/ Source : Dit. Bandar Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Airports, Directorate General of Civil Aviation,

   Ministry Of Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled)

No. Uraian / Description Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 PABX Unit 73 80 80 80 802 FIDS Unit 28 30 33 36 363 PAS Unit 30 36 39 42 424 Fire Alarm System Unit 4 4 5 5 5

Sumber/ Source : Dit. Bandar Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Airports, Directorate General of Civil Aviation,

Ministry Of Transportation (diolah kembali/recompiled) 

No. Uraian / DescriptionJenis Lisensi /

Type of Licence2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Jumlah/Total 647 1483 5739 7610 98721 Pemandu Parkir Pesawat Udara / Mharshaller Lisensi / Licence 214 294 1423 1632 21322 Operator Garbarata / Aviobridge Operator Lisensi / Licence 43 43 175 175 6253 Operator Peralatan Pelayanan Darurat Pesawat Lisensi / Licence 330 742 3468 3918 4870

Udara / Ground Support Equipment Operator4 Petugas Pelayanan Pendaratan Helicopter / Lisensi / Licence 0 185 253 1344 1677

Helicopter landing Officer5 Personel Teknik Bandar Udara Lisensi / Licence 60 219 420 541 568

Sumber/ Source : Dit. Bandar Udara, Ditjen Hubud/ Directorate of Airports, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry Of Transportation (diolah kembali/ recompiled )

2006 ‐ 2010

Tabel/ Table A.3.4.03

Tabel/ Table A.3.4.04

2006 ‐ 2010

2006 ‐ 2010

Fasilitas Listrik PenerbanganAirport Electric Facilities

Fasilitas Bantu Pelayanan dan Pengamanan BandarAirport Security and Service Facilities

Tabel/ Table A.3.4.05Jumlah Lisensi Pelayanan Keamanan dan Keselamatan Penerbangan di Bandara

Number Of Licenced For Of Aviation Security and Safety Service in Airport

Statistik Perhubungan/ Transportation statistics 129

No Satuan 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

I843 932 1026 1083 1385

a VHF Portable Unit 112 142 160 163 259b HF - SSB Unit 351 387 440 284 351c T - S ADC Unit 53 58 67 151 69d AMSC / AMSS Unit 30 34 34 27 31e ATIS Unit 18 18 19 6 22f Teleprinter Unit 16 20 24 77 317g Recorder Unit 35 43 50 54 85h VHF - ER Unit 28 28 30 136 121i VSAT Unit 135 135 135 15 17j T - S APP Unit 25 26 26 70 33k Radio Link Unit 22 23 23 49 62l Link VHF Repeater Unit 4 4 4 2 4m RDARA Unit 14 14 14 49 14

II328 344 382 389 395

a NDB Unit 175 175 175 177 177b DVOR Unit 59 61 67 67 67c DME Unit 59 66 76 77 77d PSR Unit 13 13 14 14 15e SSR Unit 17 17 17 17 17f MSSR Unit 5 6 10 10 11g ADS-B Unit - 6 23 27 31


22 25 31 37 44a. ILS Unit 22 25 31 37 44

Sumber/ Source : Dit Navigasi Penerbangan, Ditjen Hubud/Directorate of Navigation, Directorate General of Civil Aviation.

Fasilitas Komunikasi Penerbangan Flight Comunication Facilities

FASILITAS Navigasi Udara Air Navigation Facilities

FASILITAS BANTU PENDARATAN Landing Equipment Facilities

U r a i a n / Description

Tabel / Table A.3.5.01

Fasilitas Komunikasi PenerbanganFlight Comunication Facilities

2006 - 2010

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 130


Railways Sub Sector

U r a i a n SatuanDescriptions Unit

1 Lintas Operasional m 4,669,201 4,788,441 4,782,198 4,812,172 4,816,412 Operational Track

Jumlah/ Total m 4,669,201 4,788,441 4,782,198 4,812,172 4,816,412

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Teknik dan Prasarana Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian/ Directorate Technique and Infrastructure, Directorate General of Railway (diolah kembali / recompiled)

Catatan/Note : Semakin meningkatkannya panjang rel selama kurun waktu 5 tahun ini karena banyaknya peremajaan dan Pembangunan Rel/The length of rail is getting

more increase for last 5 years because there are many renewal and new construction.

U r a i a n SatuanDescriptions Unit

1 R 54 m 1,749,609 1,901,227 2,012,639 2,091,826 2,207,130

2 R 50 m 223,040 223,040 223,040 223,040 208,771

3 R 42 m 1,590,153 1,751,634 1,728,479 1,749,789 1,749,526R 38 m 25,143 19,230 0 0 0

4 R 33 m 667,273 625,686 593,616 559,693 533,809

5 R 25 m 413,983 267,624 224,424 187,824 117,176

Jumlah/ Total m 4,669,201 4,788,441 4,782,198 4,812,172 4,816,412Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Teknik dan Prasarana Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian/ Directorate Technique and Infrastructure, Directorate General of Railway (diolah kembali/ recompiled)

Catatan/Note :

- Semakin turunnya intensitas rel karena banyaknya backlog, penggantian jenis rel ke tipe yang lebih tinggi/ The intensity of rail is getting more decrease because a lof of backlog and

renewal of the Rail type to a higer level

- Meningkatnya jenis rel R 54 karena adanya program dari pemerintah untuk mengganti semua jenis rel menjadi jenis R 54 yang disesuaikan dengan ketersediaan dana/

The rail type R 54 is Increased because the policy of government to Charge all of rail type to R 54 type, based on finance availability.

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Tabel/ Table A.4.1.01

Panjang Jalan Rel Kereta Api Menurut Lintas Number of Railways Length by Track

2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.4.1.02

Panjang Jalan Rel Kereta Api Menurut Jenis RelNumber of Railways Length by Type of Railways

2006 - 2010

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009







2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

R 54 R 50 R 42 R 33 R 25

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 131

U r a i a n SatuanDescriptions Unit

1 Jawa /Java

- Resmi Dijaga / Guarded Unit 943 943 963 969 969 - Resmi Tidak Dijaga / Unguarded Unit 6,354 6,354 2,811 2,918 2,914 - L i a r / Illegal Unit 248 248 287 410 410

2 Sumatera / Sumatra

- Resmi Dijaga / Guarded Unit 202 199 201 205 205 - Resmi Tidak Dijaga/Unguarded Unit 572 586 604 496 496 - L i a r / Illegal Unit 66 344 192 208 208

Jumlah Jawa + Sumatera / Java + Sumatra

- Resmi Dijaga / Guarded Unit 1,145 1,142 1,164 1,174 1,174 - Resmi Tidak Dijaga / Unguarded Unit 6,926 6,940 3,415 3,414 3,410 - L i a r / Illegal Unit 314 592 479 618 618

Jumlah / Total Unit 8,385 8,674 5,058 5,206 5,202

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Teknik dan Prasarana Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian/ Directorate Technique and Infrastructure, Directorate General of Railway (diolah kembali/


U r a i a n SatuanDescriptions Unit

1 DAOP I / Operational Regional Area Jakarta set 53 53 58 59 592 DAOP II / Operational Regional Area Bandung set 29 29 26 26 273 DAOP III / Operational Regional Area Cirebon set 34 34 34 34 344 DAOP IV / Operational Regional Area Semarang set 21 21 24 21 285 DAOP V/ Operational Regional Area Purwokerto set 38 38 37 39 386 DAOP VI / Operational Regional Area Yogyakarta set 10 8 9 9 97 DAOP VII / Regional Devision Madiun set 5 5 8 8 88 DAOP VIII / Operational Regional Area Surabaya set 8 8 7 8 99 DAOP IX / Operational Regional Area Jember set 0 0 0 0 0

10 DIVRE I / Regional Devision Sumatera Utara set 1 1 1 2 211 DIVRE II / Regional Devision Sumatra Barat set 0 0 0 0 012 DIVRE III / Regional Devision Sumatera Selatan set 0 0 0 1 1

Jumlah/ Total set 199 197 204 207 215

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Teknik dan Prasarana Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian/ Directorate Technique and Infrastructure, Directorate General of Railway (diolah kembali/


2006 - 2010

Tabel/ Table A.4.1.03

Perlintasan Sebidang

2006 - 2010

Level of Crossing

Number Of Railway Electric Signal by Devision Regional

Tabel/ Table A.4.1.04

Jumlah Persinyalan Elektrik Menurut Wilayah (Daerah Operasi)

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009

2010No. 2006 2007 2008 2009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 132

U r a i a n SatuanDescriptions Unit

1 Daerah Operasi Regional Operation Jawa Unit 439 439 441 441 441Java

2 Divisi Regional Regional Division Sumatera Unit 129 129 129 129 129Sumatra

Jumlah/ Total Unit 568 568 570 570 570Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Kereta Api, Ditjen. Perkeretaapian/Directorate of Railway Traffic and Transport, Directorate General of Railway

Tabel/ Table A.4.2.01

Jumlah Stasiun Kereta Api di Jawa dan Sumatera Number of Stations in Java and Sumatera

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130

2006 2007

2008 2009









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 133

U r a i a n SatuanDescriptions Unit

Jawa / Java

1 Penumpang/Passengers Orang 157.965 172.043 193.764 202.907 196.681(000,000 Orang/Person ) Person

2 Km - Penumpang/Passengers - Km Km-Pnp 14.658 15.091 17.606 19.780 19.367(000,000 Km) Pass-Km

3 Rata-rata perjalanan penumpang /Average passengers trip Km 93 88 91 97 98

( Km )

4 Barang/Freight Ton 3.910 3.928 4.316 4.137 3.551(000,000 Ton)

5 Ton - Km/Ton Km Ton-Km 872 896 1,114 1,116 1,826 (000 Km)

6 Rata-rata jarak angkut barang /Average freight length distance Km 223 228 258 270 514

( Km )

Sumatera / Sumatra

7 Penumpang/Passengers Orang 3.323 3.413 4.009 4.223 5.249(000,000 Orang/Person ) Person

8 Km - Penumpang/Passengers - Km Km 780 780 903 917 915 (000 Km)

9 Rata-rata perjalanan penumpang Km 235 229 225 217 185 /Average passengers trip

( Km )

10 Barang/Freight Ton 13.573 13.106 15.238 14.773 15.390(000,000 Ton)

11 Ton - Km/Ton Km Ton-Km 3.662 3.508 4.337 4.504 4.869 (000,000 Km)

12 Rata-rata jarak angkut barang Km 270 268 285 305 316 /Average freight length distance

( Km )

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Kereta Api, Ditjen. Perkeretaapian/Directorate of Railway Traffic and Transport, Directorate General of Railway

Catatan/Note :

The number of passenger in java and sumatra are decreased for last 5 years due to advance competition with other transports mode and decreasing of ability to pay

Tabel/ Table A.4.2.02

Produksi Penumpang dan Barang Angkutan Kereta Api di Jawa dan Sumatera Production of Railway Passengers and Freight in Java and Sumatera

2006- 2010

Produksi penumpang jawa dan sumatera mengalami penurunan dalam 5 tahun terakhir. Hal ini dikarenakan semakin meningkatnya persaingan dengan moda transportasi lain dan menurunnya kemampuan masyarakat.

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 134

U r a i a n SatuanDescriptions Unit

1 KA Utama Pnp 25,190,470 24,199,024 30,599,217 31,201,802 32,215,509 Main Line Trace Passangers

2 KA Lokal Raya Pnp 31,673,736 33,162,057 40,474,891 45,296,770 46,959,183 Local Trace Passangers

3 KA Jabotabek Pnp 104,425,291 118,095,697 126,699,811 130,632,400 122,755,992 Commuter Trace Passangers


Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Kereta Api, Ditjen. Perkeretaapian/Directorate of Railway Traffic and Transport, Directorate General of Railway

Tabel/ Table A.4.2.03

Produksi Penumpang Angkutan Kereta Api di Jawa dan Sumatera Menurut Lintasan Production of Railway Passengers in Java and Sumatera by Track

2006 - 2010

Jumlah/ Total 161,289,497 175,456,778 197,773,919 201,930,684

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009










2006 2007

2008 2009


KA Utama

KA Lokal Raya

KA Jabotabek

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 135

dalam jutaan ton

U r a i a n SatuanDescriptions Unit

1 Minyak Bumi (BBM) Ton 2,892 2,966 2,624 2,470 1,825 Oil Fuel

2 P u p u k Ton 156 69 35 4 0 Fertilizer

3 S e m e n Ton 3,448 3,143 2,974 2,750 2,443 C e m e n t

4 Batubara Ton 8,942 8,542 10,926 11,030 11,147 C o a l

5 Hasil Perkebunan Ton 532 644 645 1,038 993 Plantation Product

6 Peti Kemas Ton 476 271 266 111 123 Containers

7 Pasir Kuarsa Ton 44 29 29 28 7 Quartz Sand

8 Karet Ton 14 15 7 0 0 Rabber

9 B. C. (Barang Cepat) Ton 98 101 106 98 87 Express Freight

10 B. H. P. (Barang Hantaran Penumpang) Ton 34 41 57 76 130 Freight by Passenger

11 Lain-Lain Ton 847 930 1,595 858 2,186 Miscellaneous

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Kereta Api, Ditjen. Perkeretaapian/Directorate of Railway Traffic and Transport, Directorate General of Railway

Catatan/Note : Produksi barang menurun karena semakin maraknya jasa pengiriman lewat moda lain dan kurangnya sarana yang tersedia

The number of commodities carried by train are decreased due to the advance of other delivery service and lack of rolling stock (wagon) availability

Production of Main Commodities Carried by Train

Tabel/ Table A.4.2.04

Produksi Barang Kelompok Terbesar Angkutan Kereta Api

2006 - 2010

Jumlah/ Total Ton 17,483 16,751 19,264 18,94118,463

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 136

Uraian SatuanDescriptions Unit

A. Korban (Orang) OrangVictim (Person) Person

1 Meninggal Dunia Orang 50 34 45 57 79Dead Person

2 Luka Berat Orang 76 128 78 122 93Seriously Injured Person

3 Luka Ringan Orang 52 164 73 76 104Lightly Injured Person


B. Jenis KecelakaanTipe of Accidents

1 Tabrakan KA Dengan KA Kejadian 5 3 3 5 3Accidents Between Trains Against Trains Accident

2 Tabrakan KA Dengan Kendaraan Kejadian 24 20 21 21 26Accident Between Trains Against Vehicles Accident

3 Anjlokan Kejadian 68 110 99 41 25Derailment Accident

4 Terguling Kejadian 5 7 8 7 4Rolling Accident

5 Banjir / Longsor Kejadian 3 3 8 8 6Flood / Lanslide Accident

6 Lain-lain Kejadian 11 16 8 8 4Others Accident

Jumlah / Total KejadianAccident Number Accident

Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Keselamatan dan Teknik Sarana, Ditjen Perkeretaapian /Directorate of Safety and Rolling Stock, Directorate General of Railways

catatan / note : Sesuai dengan intruksi Dirjen Perkeretaapian mulai tahun 2006 jenis kecelakaan KA antara anjlokan dengan terguling dipisahkan/

Since 2006, According to Director General of Railways Instruction for type of accident that derailment saperate with rolling.

- Anjlokan/Derailment : kereta/gerbong keluar dari jalur kereta api/Train/wagon out of train line.

- Terguling/Rolling : kereta/gerbong selain keluar dari jalur kereta api juga mengakibatkan kereta/gerbong tersebut jatuh/mengguling.


116 159 147 68



Jumlah / Total 178 326 196

Tabel / Table A.4.3.01

Jumlah Kecelakaan dan Korban Angkutan Kereta ApiNumber and Victim of Train Accidents

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 137

U r a i a n Satuan/Descriptions Unit

A Lok besar/ High Power Locomotive1. Daerah Operasional Jawa/ Unit/ units 187 172 172 188 158

Operational Regional Area of Java 2. Divisi Regional I SUMUT/ Unit/ units 31 29 30 27 18

Regional Devision I Of North Sumatera3. Divisi Regional II SUMBAR/ Unit/ units 11 7 11 19 9

Regional Devision II Of West Sumatera4. Divisi Regional III SUMSEL Unit/ units 78 81 90 96 94

Regional Devision III Of West Sumatera

B. Lok sedang/ Middle Power Locomotive1. Daerah Operasional Jawa/ Unit/ units 7 13 18 11 11

Operational Regional Area of Java 2. Divisi Regional I SUMUT/ Unit/ units 0 0 0 9 11

Regional Devision I Of North Sumatera3. Divisi Regional II SUMBAR/ Unit/ units 0 0 1 3 2

Regional Devision II Of West Sumatera4. Divisi Regional III SUMSEL Unit/ units 0 0 0 1 0

Regional Devision III Of West Sumatera

C. Lok kecil/ Low Power Locomotive1. Daerah Operasional Jawa/ Unit/ units 25 31 19 12 14

Operational Regional Area of Java 2. Divisi Regional I SUMUT/ Unit/ units 0 0 0 0 0

Regional Devision I Of North Sumatera3. Divisi Regional II SUMBAR/ Unit/ units 0 0 0 0 0

Regional Devision II Of West Sumatera4. Divisi Regional III SUMSEL Unit/ units 0 0 0 0 0

Regional Devision III Of West Sumatera

Jumlah/ Total Unit/ units 339 333 341 366 317Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian, /Directorate of Railway

Note : The number of railway locomotives is decrease because of due to old age of existing rolling stock, stagnant procurement of imported spare part, beside PT. KA doesn't have

sufficient budget to buy new locomotive.

Tabel/ Table A.4.3.02

Jumlah Lokomotif Kereta Api Siap OperasiNumber of Railway Locomotives Ready for Operation

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 2010

Catatan : Penurunan jumlah lokomotif kereta api yang ada sebagian besar sudah tua juga kurang ketersediaan suku cadang dari luar negeri serta pihak PT.KA belum

mempunyai dana yang cukup untuk membeli kereta api baru


Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 138

U r a i a n Satuan/Descriptions Unit

A K R DDiesel rail cars

1. Daerah Operasional Jawa Unit 46 47 55 78 85Operational Regional Area of Java UnitDivisi Regional III SUMUT Unit 0 0 2 10 8Regional Devision I Of North Sumatera UnitDivisi Regional III SUMSEL Unit 0 0 2 6 11Regional Devision I Of South Sumatera Unit

2. KRDEDiesel electric rail carsDaerah Operasional Jawa Unit 5 15 25 35 35Operational Regional Area of Java UnitDivisi Regional III SUMSEL Unit 0 0 0 3 3Regional Devision I Of North Sumatera Unit

3. K R LElectric rail carsDivisi Jabotabek/ Unit 291 346 330 376 340Jabotabek Division Unit

4. Kereta UnitCoach UnitDaerah Operasional Jawa Unit 1,174 1,064 1,089 1347 1,156 Operational Regional Area of Java UnitDivisi Regional I SUMUT Unit 53 53 53 62 58 Regional Devision I Of North Sumatera UnitDivisi Regional II SUMBAR Unit 12 12 16 18 19 Regional Devision II Of West Sumatera UnitDivisi Regional III SUMSEL Unit 58 61 61 68 65 Regional Devision III Of West Sumatera Unit

5. Gerbong UnitWagon UnitDaerah Operasional Jawa Unit Operational Regional Area of Java Unit 1,240 1,258 1,310 1015 1,205Divisi Regional I SUMUT Unit Regional Devision I Of North Sumatera Unit 506 451 451 404 393Divisi Regional II SUMBAR Unit Regional Devision II Of West Sumatera Unit 123 108 108 150 142 Divisi Regional III SUMSEL Unit Regional Devision III Of West Sumatera Unit 1,449 1,472 1,619 1709 1,831

Jumlah/ Total Unit/Units 4,957 4,887 5,121 5,281 5,351Sumber/ Source : Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian, /Directorate of Railway

Number of Train Fleets Ready for Operation

2006 - 2010

No. 2006 2007 2008 20102009

Jumlah Armada Kereta Api Siap Operasi

Tabel/ Table A.4.3.03

Statistik Perhubungan / Transportation Statistics 139