katy perry website analysis

Website Analysis - Katy Perry By Anna Wylde

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Page 1: Katy Perry Website Analysis

Website Analysis - Katy Perry

By Anna Wylde

Page 2: Katy Perry Website Analysis

Before you are directed to the main website the first page we see is completely for promotional purposes. Focusing on advertising her new single, music video and movie DVD. This method is very clever as it forces the viewer to notice these things as they have to look at this page before they are allowed to enter the main site. The design

itself is very colourful and bright which symbolises the style of Katy Perry. Fans associate her with bright 'happy' colours so it would be confusing and misleading to have dull colours on her website. The 'pop' and girly look of the site creates a sense of recognition for the audience

There is a direct link to the music video of her new single, making the video accessible without viewers even having to go onto Youtube, they can watch right from the site.

There are 3 very clear images of Katy Perry, 2 close ups and one mid shot. In the first 2 she is looking right at the camera (right at the audience) which entices the audience to enter the full site.

This page is divided into 3 sections and the main part focuses on the release of her movie. The reason this element takes up the larger section of the page is because promoting the release of the DVD/Blu-Ray is very important and her record company want to generate as many sales as possible.

The mise-en-scene is very pretty and interesting. The attention to detail is pristine - all with the intention to draw viewers into the website.

This is just an introductory page of the website, there is a bold and clear link to the real site where the audience can access all their desired information.

Page 3: Katy Perry Website Analysis

This is the homepage of the website, it almost looks identical to the first page, it presents the same main information just with a slightly different layout. This repetition of information is to keep reinforcing the viewer to want to purchase her products.

Right at the top of the page (which shows its importance) are links to her social networking sites/music players. This gives people quick links to her Facebook/Twitter if they wish to she what she is up to on a daily basis or perhaps try to contact her. It also directs them to itunes/spotify where they can listen/purchase her music.

This gives the option for fans to listen to her music for free, however it does not allow them to download it for free onto their ipod etc. The purpose of allowing them to access the music free on her website is to make them enjoy it and therefore want it on their phones/ipod, leading them to have to buy the song.

Along this row there are tabs that lead to the different sections of the site. Allowing viewers to access the specific parts they wish to.

These tabs are very bold near the top of the page making it clear to the viewer how to use the website.

There is the option for die-hard fans to sign up for Katy Perry's news letter if the info provided on the website isn't enough for them.

This also allows her management company gain information about her fan base, then being able to use this info to help them when planning promotional strategies.

The colour scheme is in keeping with the first page. It's bold/bright colours jump out at the viewer and also makes everything on the page very clear. There is a lot of information provided on this first page but the way it is set out and presented is very clear, making it easy for the audience to use. The worst thing any artist could do is have a website that is difficult to use as it will be pointless as the fans simply won't use it.

Page 4: Katy Perry Website Analysis

Still on the first page - there is a newsfeed of her current affairs

Note that this information is available in a variety of languages, this is important as you do not want to alienate your non-english speaking fans as that would limit your audience. It is important for big stars to be accessible and in communication with all countries.

This is also where fans will find out info about her upcoming tours/concerts.

In addition to the newsfeed there is direct access to her twitter. This bridges the gap between Katy Perry and her fans.

It also allows communication between the star and fan, causing the fan to feel more important and significant to the artists life.

At the very bottom of page is a list of all the links of her website, this makes it quick and easy for anyone to quickly access her news/photos/store/etc...without having to go through the whole website.

Page 5: Katy Perry Website Analysis

What else is on the website...

A photo gallery to show a variety of photographs from shows, tours, music videos and behind the scenes. These all offer fans an insight into her day to day life, making them feel they know the star on a more personal level.

A very important part of promoting an artist and trying to help 'sell' them is merchandising. One of the first things on the homepage is a link to the 'store' as well as pictures at the side of the sort of products sold from the store. This is used to draw potential customers in.

Katy Perry's website has a whole sub-website solely focusing on merchandising, including; t-shirts for men and women and accessories. This merchandising helps promote the whole 'fandom' of the star by making the fans feel as though they are part of something creative.

Page 6: Katy Perry Website Analysis

Similarly to the sub-website for merchandise, Katy Perry has a sub-website for her movie. This whole page is dedicated solely to her movie rather than music or music videos. This page uses a number of different methods to promote her movie.

There are very clear and very prominent links to the twitter/facebook for the film with a link back to her main site. The use of social networks is vital for fans to communicate about the film. It also allows for her record company/management to receive audience feedback on the film.

The use of quotes is used as persuasion to make people want to see the film/shows off the films popularity.

Competitions with good prizes (such as meeting the star) are huge incentives for fans to get involved/have an interest in what the star is trying to promote (in this case, her movie).

This section is about promoting the DVD/Blu-Ray itself. It tries to entice people to want to own a copy in order to see its special features + bonus footage that they will not be able to access without a copy of the DVD. This acts as a sort of bribery to lead the consumer to purchase the product.

The colourful decor again reinforces Katy Perry's fun and bubbly nature and makes her products looks very appealing especially to girls with a 'sweet' or 'girly' style.

Page 7: Katy Perry Website Analysis


-Websites must be easy to navigate/use, otherwise consumers simply won't use it and the artist will be losing out on promotion.

-The theme/colouring/decoration of the website must be representative of the artist you are promoting. The use of bright yellows and pinks on Katy Perry's website works very well as fans associate her with those colours. Using designs that do not portray the artist will be misleading for the consumers.

-Good websites must have easily accessible links to everything such as the artists Youtube account, Twitter, Facebook, Itunes, etc... as these are all forms of promotion, communication and sales. They also might lead to someone purchasing something that they didn't initially plan to but because the link was right there and it was made easy for them they decided to do it.

-Websites must include interesting information that people cannot access anywhere else such as a diary or message from the artist, photos/film from behind the scenes, competitions, as these all act as incentives for people to visit the website.

-Merchandising must be made attractive, appealing and easily accessible in order to lead to sales.

Studying Katy Perry's official website as research for making my own website has caused me to consider and understand several things....