katya mandoki

Katya Mandoki is a scholar of philosophy, author and experimental artist born in Mexico City (1947) from Hungarian immigrant parents. Mandoki pioneered the systematic research of Everyday Aesthetics coining the term "Prosaics" (1994)[1] for this subfield of Aesthetics. In her book Everyday Aestheticsthe first extended treatment of this subject,[3] she opens up the study of aesthetics –traditionally confined to art and beauty– to encompass all those aspects involving sensibility in common experience using the human body as a starting point for this analysis.Her work covers not only the positive aspect of aesthetics but also its negative side such as cruelty and abuse upon someone's sensibility, never before thought of in those terms.[6] She stresses the danger of political manipulation of sensibility illustrated by the propagandistic use of aesthetics specifically during the Nazi regime. From Mandoki's work on the negativity of aesthetics Arnold Berleant takes off to analyze this issue in relation to terrorism.[8][9] The subfield of everyday aesthetics is so fertile that it has been followed and enriched by a number of contemporary aestheticians. Mandoki has published eight books on this topic, the most recent presenting and developing the concept of bio- aesthetics that traces sensibility not only in humans but in the most elemental creatures from an evolutionary perspective.[14][15][16][17] She is a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, of the National System of Researchers (SNI), and Founder and Honorary Member of the Mexican Association of Aesthetics (AMEST) serving as President from 2007–2011. She has been professor of aesthetics and semiotics at Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM) in Mexico where she established and chaired postgraduate specialization studies in Aesthetics, Semiotics and Theory of Culture, has taught postgraduate level at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and given courses for Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes and Universidad Iberoamericana. She received the National Prize for Arts in experimental work (1982, 1985) by the INBA, the Prize for Academic Research by UAM (1995, 2007) and participated in various individual and collective artwork exhibitions at museums and galleries such as Palacio de Bellas Artes on several occasions. Her monumental sculpture Histogram on the distribution of income in Mexico can be visited at the Library Plaza in the Xochimilco Campus of UAM. Mandoki published more than 150 articles on aesthetics and semiotics and presented papers and lectures in 20 countries. Presently Mandoki serves at the International Association of Aesthetics' Executive Committee (IAA), at the International Advisory Board of International Institute of Applied Aesthetics, Finland, and at the International Editorial Board of various academic journals such as Contemporary Aesthetics, Cultural Politics, and Environment, Land, Society, Architectonics.

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  • Katya Mandoki is a scholar of philosophy, author and experimental artist born in Mexico City (1947) from Hungarian immigrant parents.

    Mandoki pioneered the systematic research of Everyday Aesthetics coining the term "Prosaics" (1994)[1] for this

    subfield of Aesthetics. In her book Everyday Aestheticsthe first extended treatment of this subject,[3] she opens

    up the study of aesthetics traditionally confined to art and beauty to encompass all those aspects involving

    sensibility in common experience using the human body as a starting point for this analysis.Her work covers not

    only the positive aspect of aesthetics but also its negative side such as cruelty and abuse upon someone's

    sensibility, never before thought of in those terms.[6] She stresses the danger of political manipulation of

    sensibility illustrated by the propagandistic use of aesthetics specifically during the Nazi regime. From

    Mandoki's work on the negativity of aesthetics Arnold Berleant takes off to analyze this issue in relation to

    terrorism.[8][9] The subfield of everyday aesthetics is so fertile that it has been followed and enriched by a

    number of contemporary aestheticians.

    Mandoki has published eight books on this topic, the most recent presenting and developing the concept of bio-

    aesthetics that traces sensibility not only in humans but in the most elemental creatures from an evolutionary

    perspective.[14][15][16][17] She is a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, of the National System of

    Researchers (SNI), and Founder and Honorary Member of the Mexican Association of Aesthetics (AMEST)

    serving as President from 20072011. She has been professor of aesthetics and semiotics at Metropolitan

    Autonomous University (UAM) in Mexico where she established and chaired postgraduate specialization studies

    in Aesthetics, Semiotics and Theory of Culture, has taught postgraduate level at National Autonomous

    University of Mexico (UNAM) and given courses for Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes and Universidad

    Iberoamericana. She received the National Prize for Arts in experimental work (1982, 1985) by the INBA, the

    Prize for Academic Research by UAM (1995, 2007) and participated in various individual and collective artwork

    exhibitions at museums and galleries such as Palacio de Bellas Artes on several occasions. Her monumental

    sculpture Histogram on the distribution of income in Mexico can be visited at the Library Plaza in the Xochimilco

    Campus of UAM. Mandoki published more than 150 articles on aesthetics and semiotics and presented papers

    and lectures in 20 countries. Presently Mandoki serves at the International Association of Aesthetics' Executive

    Committee (IAA), at the International Advisory Board of International Institute of Applied Aesthetics, Finland,

    and at the International Editorial Board of various academic journals such as Contemporary Aesthetics, Cultural

    Politics, and Environment, Land, Society, Architectonics.

  • LIBROS / Books

    Everyday Aesthetics: Prosaics, the Play of

    Culture and Social Identities (2007 Ashgate,

    United Kingdom)

    Katya Mandokis groundbreaking text proposes Prosaics as a

    subfield of Aesthetics (traditionally confined to the study of art and

    beauty) dedicated to the inquiry of the aesthetic dimension in

    everyday life. She argues that in every process of communication,

    whether face to face or through the media, fashion, and political

    propaganda, there is always an excess beyond the informative and

    functional value of a message. This excess is the aesthetic.

    Following Huizingas view of play as an ingredient of any social

    environment, Mandoki explores how various cultural practices are

    in fact forms of playing since, for the author, aesthetics and play are

    Siamese twins.


    El indispensable exceso de la esttica

    (2013 Siglo veintiuno editores, Mxico)

    El indispensable exceso de la esttica aborda, por primera vez en esta

    disciplina, la evolucin de la sensibilidad desde sus manifestaciones

    primigenias. Trata de rastrear la estesis a partir de subjetividades

    originarias en criaturas diversas segn su morfologa y condiciones de

    percepcin comenzando con la clula a organismos ms complejos.

    Seala actos de valoracin y emocin, apreciacin y discriminacin,

    empata e inteligencia fina, sentido de simetra, proporcin y color en

    distintas especies animales. Demuestra que la creatividad, destreza y habilidades de representacin,

    ficcin y seduccin sensorial desplegadas por criaturas diferentes son afines a las tradicionalmente

    demarcadas para caracterizar a la esttica humana. Este libro, escrito en un lenguaje comprensible

    para cualquier lector de nivel universitario, plantea el estudio de la esttica desde una

    fundamentacin biosemitica y evolucionista. Obligadamente interdisciplinario por su tema, enhebra

    hallazgos de la filosofa, zoologa, psicologa, neurologa, teora de la cultura, antropologa y botnica.

    De este modo, Mandoki nos conduce a lo largo de tres mbitos diferenciados pero entretejidos

    desde el mundo primero de la materia, al segundo de la materia viva hasta el tercero de la materia

  • viva cultivada. La esttica, para la autora, es la manera en que la

    naturaleza se excede a s misma en la evolucin.

    Esttica cotidiana y juegos de la cultura; Prosaica

    uno (2006 Siglo veintiuno editores, Mxico)

    La tesis central de este libro es que no slo es posible sino

    indispensable abrir los estudios estticos tradicionalmente

    restringidos al arte y lo bello hacia la riqueza y complejidad de la vida

    social contempornea. Eso es precisamente la Prosaica: la esttica en

    la vida cotidiana. La autora actualiza las discusiones en torno a la

    esttica, rescatando particularmente la filosofa de Dewey y Bajtn

    para proyectarlas hacia un enfoque interdisciplinario. A partir de

    Huizinga y la taxonoma de los juegos de Caillois (vrtigo,

    competencia, azar y simulacro) la autora plantea a la ldica como la

    gemela siamesa de la esttica para recorrer el tejido social siguiendo estas dos hebras primordiales.


    Prcticas estticas e identidades sociales;

    Prosaica dos

    (2006 Siglo veintiuno editores Mxico)


    Desde una perspectiva matricial de la cultura, este libro aborda el

    estudio de las identidades sociales en su dimensin esttica. La

    presentacin dramatrgica de la persona propuesta por Goffman

    adquiere un perfil ms concreto al enfocar a las identidades a partir

    de sus procesos de gestacin y proyeccin, pues nunca brotan en el

    vaco sino a travs de matrices que ineludiblemente las conforman.

    Aqu explora prcticas familiares, escolares, artsticas y mdicas e

    identidades religiosas como la cristiana, musulmana y juda donde la

    esttica opera con todo su poder de seduccin, repulsin, cohesin o distincin. El libro propone por

    primera vez un modelo semitico de anlisis simultneo en los cuatro registros de la comunicacin

    (corporal, auditivo, visual y verbal) guiado por dos coordenadas: la dramtica del impulso o actitud

    de manifestarse y la retrica que la configura al hacer perceptible y persuasiva la enunciacin. Tal

    formato posibilita examinar los mltiples sentidos, a veces contradictorios, de un mismo proceso de

    comunicacin y destaca acciones que impactan la sensibilidad en distintos canales y modalidades con

    diversos grados de intensidad.


  • La construccin esttica del estado y de la

    identidad nacional; Prosaica tres (2007 Siglo

    veintiuno editores, Mxico)

    La teatralizacin de la poltica, la estridencia de las campaas

    electorales, el empalme del Estado con una imagen emocionalizada

    de La Nacin para legimarse, la radical alteridad de

    sensibilidades durante la conquista de Mxico, los sentimientos

    generados en torno a estereotipos del mexicano y la pugna por

    elaborar un prototipo y una identidad nacional sobre bases estticas

    son algunos de los temas que la autora pone a discusin en este

    libro. Afirma que as como el modelo tecnolgico industrial depende

    para su fuente de energa del petrleo y el modelo econmico

    capitalista de la mano de obra no especializada, el combustible en el

    modelo poltico del Estado-nacin contemporneo se ha obtenido en

    buena parte de la afectividad conducida hacia sentimientos

    partidistas, patriticos o nacionalistas. Destaca que tal produccin de emociones colectivas se

    implementa por estrategias estticas debido a su particular utilidad para extraer pasiones y

    canalizarlas hacia la clase poltica a travs de un quehacer sagaz sobre la palabra, la imagen, el sonido

    y el gesto preciso que logren el impacto buscado. La autora elabora y aplica un modelo para poner en

    evidencia estos mecanismos estticos, como papel tornasol a los cidos o bases.


    Esttica y comunicacin; de accin, pasin y

    seduccin (2006 Grupo editorial Norma,


    Esttica y comunicacion

    Todo acto de comunicacin tiende un puente para llegar a los otros

    por alguna razn. Algo pretende del destinatario, ya sea seducirlo,

    engaarlo, protegerlo, agredirlo, persuadirlo De ah que un evento

    comunicativo casi nunca sea exclusivamente informativo o semisico:

    tiene su buena dosis de estesis para impactar a la sensibilidad del

    interlocutor. Katya Mandoki destraba el estudio de la esttica,

    tradicionalmente restringido al arte y lo bello, para aplicarla al anlisis

    de la comunicacin a varias escalas: desde el estudio de cada

    enunciado a la interaccin cara a cara, que a su vez repercuten en la difusin local y global de los

    medios masivos.


  • Prosaica; Introduccin a la Esttica de lo Cotidiano

    (1994, Editorial Grijalbo)

    En este libro, la autora propone un reto esttico a las ciencias sociales y

    un reto sociolgico y lingstico a la esttica. No se trata de enfocar la

    belleza de lo cotidiano ni de hacer sociologa del arte, sino de explorar la

    dimensin sensible en la vida diaria. En las relaciones sociales se

    establecen intercambios no slo de bienes, de informacin o de trabajo:

    hay una dimensin muy poco estudiada desde la cual los sujetos se

    relacionan a nivel sensible entre s y con los objetos comunes. Esta

    dimensin es la prosaica, que se define como sensibilidad en la vida
