kay-ulrich scholl applying agile sw development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. may 22,...

Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014

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Page 1: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014

Kay-Ulrich Scholl

Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment.

May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014

Page 2: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014


Environment: an automotive business project

Phase I: First attempts to apply agile methods

Phase II: Issues and how we solved them

Phase III: Further improvements (applied for development of next product generation)

Lessons learned / best known methods

Next steps to do (Phase IV)


Page 3: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014


In-Vehicle Infotainment System

Page 4: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014

Automotive Spice

Processes and tools over individuals and interactions

Comprehensive documentation over working software

Contract negotiation over customer collaboration

Following a plan over responding to change


Automotive Spice appears as a contradiction to Agile

Page 5: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014

Already given by defined project & environment• Complete feature set already acknowledged• Feature release plan (waterfall model)• Delivery was not SW only• Startup environment very new site in Karlsruhe and

organisation• Many teams located X geo


Defined Project boundaries conflictive to SCRUM/sprint approach!

Page 6: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014


Expert Teams and their Domains

Core Services Infra-



Board Support Package


Media Speech


Expert teams on stacked layers instead of vertical slices.

Page 7: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014


7Had some good experience in Agile

Page 8: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014

Phase I: Apply agile

• Installed a build environment and server infrastructure (repository, continuous build and test)

• Installed all necessary tools to ensure additional SW quality (static and dynamic code analysis), created a coding style guideline

• Defined multiple SW development teams + 1 integration team and trained them on Scrum

• Used an online scrum tool

• Installed a daily standup on manager/product owner level to raise issues

• Installed an architectur core team to discuss X-team architecture issues

8Just started to apply Agile!

Page 9: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014

Phase II: Issues and we solved them

• „Scrum does not work for us!“ Discussed issues with experienced persons

• X-team issues Scrum of scrum

• Sprint plans very often had to be adapted during the sprint because of heavy impacts (critical defects, change requests, direct customer support) Found a process to deal with these changes.

• Backlog creation took much longer than expected and was quite unstable not an issue, information still helpful

• Big bang integration Staged integration

9Agile can be adapted if you seriously work on issues when they


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Staged Integration








Sometimes some very special solutions are necessary!

Page 11: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014

Visualize progress: story points


Story point usage turned out to be useful and worked better and earlier than expected

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Phase III: Further Improvements

Closed loop in Software factory

very early integration feedback

Additionally release a SW version every 2 weeks (after EVERY sprint)

customer benefits from early bugfixing and new features

Create special feature branches on long-term X-team features

ensure stability of continous build and integration

Defects are pre-evaluated and considered in sprint plan

significantly reduced exceptions with impacts on sprint plans

12Agile process improvement never ends!

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Continuous Build

“Software Factory” =

ASD Software Factory

13Automatic processes are your best friends!

Page 14: Kay-Ulrich Scholl Applying agile SW development methods in a non-agile friendly environment. May 22, 2014 - Agile and Lean Development Conference 2014

Lessons learned / BKM

• DO NOT APPLY SCRUM BY THE BOOK! Look into Agile Principles!

• Ask other teams to share experiences, even if you think you do not need help!

• Have tools & infrastructure in place (software factory, scrum tool)

• Have everything build automatically from your repository content (including documentation!)

• Do not forget to establish a clear defect and change managment


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Lessons learned / BKM (cont.)

• Accept a negative impact on progress in the early phase. Negotiate with management!

• Establish X-team synchronization processes (e.g. scrum of scrum)

• Start with 2 weeks sprints.

• Collect issues during sprints rather than asking for input in the retrospective (at a central point where everybody has access)!

• Give every idea for process improvement a try. Don‘t change too much at once.

Maybe you do not end up using Scrum but you‘ll end up in a light weight process that works for you!

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Next steps to do (Phase IV)

Fill missing gaps for automotive spice:

• Document all processes throughout the organisation

• Tracability: Link requirements, change requests, bugs, stories, release changes, etc.

• Perform internal Audits to proof a certain spice level


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