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  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    John Keats(1795-1821)

    Killing of the Keatses

    1795 John Keats born at the Swan and Hoop

    1802 Death of his brother Edward180 !ather dies after fa""in# off a horse$

    %other re&arries and "ea'es hi"dren with their #randparents$1805 randfather dies

    1810 %other "ea'es her new h*sband+ ret*rns with hi"dren+ then dies of ,$

    1811 John "ea'es shoo" and beo&es an apprentie s*r#eon$ Dai". pratie *ttin# *p/snathed bodies in 'ario*s states of p*trefation$

    181 e#ins to write poetr.$ rand&other dies

    1815 St*dent at *.s hospita"$

    181 *a"ifies as an apothear.$ !irst poe& p*b"ished1818 brother ,o& dies of ,$ %eets !ann. rawne

    1819 3rites a"" his odes1and &ost of his best poetr.1820 !ebr*ar.4 se'ere hae&orrha#in# fro& ,$ Septe&ber "ea'es for ta".$1821 !ebr*ar.4 dies in 6o&e (a#ed 25)$

    1 ode a lyric poem( non-narrati'e poe& epressin# the tho*#hts and fee"in#s of a

    sin#"e spea:er) of so&e "en#th+ seriousin s*b;et+ dignifiedin st."e and e"aborate in its


  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    Ode to a Nightingale(%a.+ 1819)


    ,he entra" the&e is the &o'e&ent of the poets &ind$

    ,he poet is earthbound+ the bird is free$,he ni#htin#a"e has "on# been a symbol of poetry and courtly love$

    ,he spea:er opens with a de"aration of his own heartahe$He fee"s numb+ as tho*#h he had ta:en a dr*# on". a &o&ent a#o$

    He is addressin# a ni#htin#a"e he hears sin#in# so&ewhere in the forest and sa.s that his

    /drows. n*&bness is not fro& en'. of the ni#htin#a"es happiness+ b*t rather fro&sharin# it too o&p"ete".=

    - he is /too happ. that the ni#htin#a"e sin#s the &*si of s*&&er fro& a&id so&e

    *nseen p"ot of #reen trees and shadows$

    n the seond stano*th ?#rows pa"e+ and spetre-thin+ and dies+@ and ?bea*t. annot :eep her "*stro*s$@

    n the fo*rth stan

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    n the sith stan

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes



    ,he poet hi&se"f do&inates the poe&=the word / o*rs in a"&ost e'er. stan

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    Hearin# the son# of the ni#htin#a"e+ the spea:er "on#s to f"ee the h*&an wor"d and ;oin

    the bird$

    His first tho*#ht is to reah the birds state thro*#h a"oho" in the seond stan

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    n the ni#htin#a"es son#+ he finds a for& of o*tward epression that trans"ates the wor:

    of the i&a#ination into the o*tside wor"d+ and this is the diso'er. that o&pe"s hi& to

    e&brae Ioes.s ?'iew"ess win#s@ at "ast$

    ,he /art of the ni#htin#a"e is end"ess". han#eab"e and renewab"e=

    it is &*si witho*t reord+ eistin# on". in a perpetual present$

    s befits his celebration of music+ the spea:ers "an#*a#e+ sens*a"". rih tho*#h it is+

    ser'es to suppress the sense of sight in favor of the other senses$

    He an i&a#ine the "i#ht of the &oon+ /*t here there is no "i#ht=

    he :nows he is s*rro*nded b. f"owers+ b*t he /annot see what f"owers are at his feet$

    - synaesthetic images$

    $mpathyan rob *s of an. a#en.+ of the idea of a oherent se"f$

    ,he spea:er reo#ni

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    ,he bird an en;o. the &o&ent and is so freed fro& ti&e and death$

    He is tied down b. the painf*" &e&ories of the past and the :now"ed#e of f*t*re

    infir&it. and death$

    How an he esape fro& &e&or. and fore:now"ed#e to ahie'e the eternit. that is the

    birds now

    He has a n*&ber of wa.s of a'oidin# rea"it.4

    - he o*"d end it a"" with poison- he o*"d ta:e dr*#s and ahie'e a pri'ate &o&entar. b"iss

    - he o*"d so&ehow pro'o:e a&nesia

    - he o*"d drin: in o&pan. and ahie'e a b"iss thro*#h arefree re'e"r.

    - he o*"d si&p". *se his i&a#ination to free hi&se"f>et it is on". the wor:in# of his &ind whih a""ows hi& to #ain &o&entar. p"eas*re fro&

    the bird son#Bnat*reBfan.$

    His abi"it. to en;o. bea*t. is tied to his :now"ed#e that it is transitor.$

    N$)%*+$ "&!*,*%4 the abi"it. to onte&p"ate the wor"d witho*t the desire to

    tr. to reoni"e its ontraditor. aspets+ or fit it into "osed and rationa" s.ste&s$ n aeptane of an insi#ht into bea*t. witho*t rationa"i

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    Ode %o Nightingale

    %. heart ahes+ and a drows. n*&bness pains.

    %. sense+ as tho*#h of he&"o: had dr*n:+

    Cr e&ptied so&e d*"" opiate to the drains assonance+ alliterationCne &in*te past+ and ,ethe/-wards had s*n:4,is not thro*#h en'. of th. happ. "ot+

    *t bein#0too happ. in thine happiness1+ polyptoton2

    ,hat3tho*+ "i#ht-win#d #ryad4of the treesn so&e &e"odio*s p"ot

    Cf beehen #reen+ and shadows n*&ber"ess+

    Sin#est of s*&&er in f*""-throated ease$

    C+ for a dra*#ht of 'inta#e that hath been

    Foo"d a "on# a#e in the deep-delved5earth+

    ,astin# of !"ora and the o*ntr. #reen+Dane+ and Iro'enLa" son#67+and s*nb*rnt &irth

    C for a bea:er f*"" of the war& So*th+

    !*"" of the tr*e+ the b"*shf*" 8ippocrene66+3ith beaded b*bb"es win:in# at the bri&+ alliteration

    nd p*rp"e-stained &o*th=

    ,hat &i#ht drin:+ and "ea'e the wor"d *nseen+nd with thee fade awa. into the forest di&4

    2 aches999 pains the apparent". paradoia" assoiation of p"eas*re and pain is a the&e o&&on to the

    Sprin# odes$ 3hen sensation is etre&e+ intense p"eas*re and pain are a"&ost indistin#*ishab"eG ,ethe the ri'er of ob"i'ion in Hades the s*b;et of /bein# is an absent /$ ,his is a ase of /anao"*thon ( be#innin# a sentene in one wa.

    and ontin*in# or endin# it in another$5 the repetition in the wordp"a. para""e"s the repetition in the birdson#

    polyptoton the repetition of words deri'ed fro& the sa&e root7 that (in this context) bea*se8 #ryad tree n.&ph9 deep-delved deep". d*#10 &roven:al song s*##estin# the &ediae'a" tro*bado*rs11 8ippocrene a fo*ntain on %o*nt He"ion sared to the %*ses+ and said to ha'e been a*sed b.

    Ie#as*s stri:in# the spot with his hoof$ ,he water was sared to the &*ses and so a so*re of poetiinspiration$ ,he i&p"iation is red wine as poeti inspiration= the idea of wine as /b"*shin# water

    ori#inates in the ib"ia" stor. of Fhrist t*rnin# water into wine (John+ 2) b*t Keats &a. a"so be p"

    on the f"*shed hee:s a*sed b. drin:in#$

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    !ade far awa.+ disso"'e+ and M*ite for#et3hat tho* a&on# the "ea'es hast ne'er :nown+

    ,he weariness+ the fe'er+ and the fret

    Here+ where &en sit and hear eah other #roan=

    3here pa"s. sha:es a few+ sad+ "ast #ra. hairs+3here .o*th #rows pa"e+ and spetre-thin+ and dies=6.

    3here b*t to thin: is to be f*"" of sorrownd "eaden-e.ed despairs+

    3here ea*t. annot :eep her "*stro*s

    Cr new o'e pine at the& be.ond to-&orrow$

    wa. awa. for wi"" f". to thee+

    Aot harioted b. ah*s and his pards60+

    *t on the viewless61win#s of Ioes.+,ho*#h the d*"" brain perp"ees and retards4

    "read. with thee tender is the ni#ht+

    nd hap". the ;ueen-'oon62is on her throne+F"*sterd aro*nd b. a"" her starr. Fays63=

    *t here there is no "i#ht+

    Sa'e what fro& hea'en is with the bree

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    #ar=ling.6 "isten= and+ for &an. a ti&e ha'e been ha"f in "o'e with easef*" Death+

    Fa""d hi& soft na&es in &an. a &*sed rh.&e+

    ,o ta:e into the air &. M*iet breath=

    Aow &ore than e'er see&s it rich to die


    +,o ease *pon the &idni#ht with no pain+

    3hi"e tho* art po*rin# forth th. so*" abroad assonancen s*h an estas.

    Sti"" wo*"dst tho* sin#+ and ha'e ears in 'ain

    ,o th. hi#h re>uiem./beo&e a sod$

    ,ho* wast not born for death+ i&&orta" ird

    Ao h*n#r. #enerations tread thee down=

    ,he 'oie hear this passin# ni#ht was heardn anient da.s b. e&peror and clown.04

    Ierhaps the se"f-sa&e son# that fo*nd a path

    ,hro*#h the sad heart of ?uth.1+ when+ si: for ho&e+She stood in tears a&id the a"ien orn=

    ,he sa&e that oft-ti&es hath

    Fhar&d &a#i ase&ents+ openin# on the foa&

    Cf peri"o*s seas+ in faer. "ands forlorn.2$

    !or"orn the 'er. word is "i:e a be""

    ,o to"" &e.3ba: fro& thee to &. so"e se"fdie* the fancy cannot cheat so well.4

    s she is fa&d to do+ deceiving elf.5$

    die* adie* th. p"ainti'e anthe& fadesIast the near &eadows+ o'er the sti"" strea&+

    Np the hi""-side= and now tis b*ried deep

    n the net 'a""e.-#"ades43as it a 'ision+ or a wa:in# drea&

    !"ed is that &*si4 Do wa:e or s"eep

    21 dar=ling (archaic) in the dar:22 rich to die &a#nifient to die at s*h an intense &o&ent of eperiene$2G re>uiem Keats i&a#ines the birds son# to be a h.&n for his own so*"2 clown (in this context) peasant= si&p"e *ned*ated person25 bib"ia" 6*th was dri'en into ei"e b. fa&ine and wor:ed in the fie"ds near eth"ehe&2 forlorn *tter". "ost+ deso"ate+ hope"ess+ wrethed+ forsa:en+ abandoned+ ne#"eted27 an o&ino*s a""*sion to John Donnes ?Ae'er send to :now for who& the be"" to""s+ it to""s for thee$@28 the fancy cannot cheat so well the i&a#ination annot :eep *p the i""*sion (of the ni#htin#a"es

    i&&orta"it.)29deceiving elf i&a#ination personified as a &ishie'o*s sprite

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    Ode on a )recian @rn

    %he contrast between art and life$

    f the per'adin# fee"in# of Ode to a Nightingaleis dar=ness+

    it fo*ses on /* and the wor=ing of the mind+ andit ends in doubt

    ,he per'adin# fee"in# in Ode on a Grecian Urnis light and clarity+

    it fo*ses on the wor= of artandit ends with a de"aration of certainty$

    ,he ni#htin#a"e represents creative mood (f*#iti'e and evanescentG0)+ the *rn eternalstasis$6e&e&ber the *rn was &ade to ho"d the ashes of the dead$

    n the first stan

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    n the fo*rth stan

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes



    re the virtues of durability outweighed by the disadvantages of fi(ityB

    f the Ode to a Nightingale portra.s Keatss spea:ers en#a#e&ent with the f"*id

    epressi'eness of &*si+ the Ode on a Grecian Urnportra.s his atte&pt to en#a#e withthe stati i&&obi"it. of s*"pt*re$

    ,he reian *rn+ passed down thro*#h o*nt"ess ent*ries to the ti&e of the spea:ers

    'iewin#+ eists o*tside of ti&e in the h*&an sense it does not a#e+ it does not die+ andindeed it is a"ien to a"" s*h onepts$

    n the spea:ers &editation+ this reates an intri#*in# parado( for the h*&an fi#*res

    ar'ed into the side of the *rn4the. are free from time+ b*t the. are si&*"taneo*s". frozen in time$

    ,he. do not ha'e to onfront a#in# and death (their "o'e is /for e'er .o*n#)+

    b*t neither an the. ha'e eperiene (the .o*th an ne'er :iss the &aiden=

    the fi#*res in the proession an ne'er ret*rn to their ho&es)$

    ,he spea:er atte&pts three ti&es to en#a#e with senes ar'ed into the *rn= eah ti&e heas:s different M*estions of it$

    n the first stan

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    n the fo*rth stan

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    n the fina" stan

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    Ode on a )recian @rn

    ,ho* stillG1*nra'ishd bride of M*ietness+,ho* foster-childG2of si"ene and s"ow ti&e+GG

    S."'an historian+ who anst th*s epress

    f"ower. ta"e &ore sweet". than o*r rh.&e43hat "eaf-frin#d "e#end ha*nt abo*t th. shape allitertion

    Cf deities or &orta"s+ or of both+

    n %empeGor the da"es of rcadyG53hat &en or #ods are these 3hat &aidens lothG

    3hat &ad p*rs*it 3hat str*##"e to esape

    3hat pipes and ti&bre"sG7 3hat wi"d estas.

    Heard &e"odies are sweet+ b*t those *nheard

    re sweeter4 therefore+ .e soft pipes+ p"a. on=

    Aot to the sens*a" ear+ b*t+ &ore endeard+ assonance

    Iipe to the spirit ditties of no tone


    4 assonance(2)!air .o*th+ beneath the trees+ tho* anst not "ea'e pararhyme+ assonance

    ,h. son#+ nor e'er an those trees be bare=o"d "o'er+ ne'er+ ne'er anst tho* :iss+ pararhyme+ anaphora+ alliteration

    ,ho*#h winnin# near the #oa" .et+ do not #rie'e= alliteration

    She annot fade+ tho*#h tho* hast not th. b"iss+!or e'er wi"t tho* "o'e+ and she be fair

    h+ happ.+ happ. bo*#hs that annot shed anaphora

    >o*r "ea'es+ nor e'er bid the sprin# adie*=nd+ happ. &e"odist+ *nwearied+

    !or e'er pipin# son#s for e'er new=

    %ore happ. "o'e &ore happ.+ happ. "o'e!or e'er war& and sti"" to be en;o.d+

    !or e'er pantin#+ and for e'er .o*n#= assonance

    "" breathin# h*&an passion far abo'e+,hat "ea'es a heart hi#h-sorrowf*" and cloyCdG9+

    b*rnin# forehead+ and a parhin# ton#*e$

    G1 still ("ordplay) a$ &otion"ess ("i:e a bride at the a"tar)= b$ 'ir#ina"+ in tat (the *rn is *nbro:en)= $

    steri"e bea*se her &arria#e wi"" ne'er be ons*&&atedG2foster-child the *rns &a:er+ its parent+ is dead+ it has been ared for b. ti&e and si"eneGG it has been suggested that silence and slow time arefosterparents to ensure that there is no

    intercourse D no regeneration in the entire poemG %empe a 'a""e. in ,hessa".+ e"ebrated for its bea*tif*"+ oo" wood"andsG5 rcady radia+ a distrit in reee assoiated with pastora" happinessG loth (in this context) *nwi""in# to .ie"d+ re"*tantG7 timbrels ta&bo*rinesG8ditties of no tone son#s ina*dib"e to the h*&an earG9 to cloy &a:e wear. thro*#h eess

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    3ho are these o&in# to the sarifie

    ,o what #reen a"tar+ C &.sterio*s priest+

    eadst tho* that heifer "owin# at the s:ies+nd a"" her si":en f"an:s with #ar"ands drest

    3hat "itt"e town b. ri'er or sea shore+

    Cr &o*ntain-b*i"t with peaef*" itade"+s e&ptied of this fo":+ this pio*s &orn

    nd+ "itt"e town+ th. streets for e'er&ore

    3i"" si"ent be= and not a so*" to te"" alliteration+pararhyme 3h. tho* art deso"ate+ an eer ret*rn$

    C ttic0shape !air attit*de with brede1 internal rhyme

    Cf &arb"e &en and &aidens overwrought2+ alliteration3ith forest branhes and the trodden weed=

    ,ho*+ si"ent for&+ dost tease *s o*t of tho*#htG pararhyme

    s doth eternit.4 Fo"d Iastora"

    3hen o"d a#e sha"" this #eneration waste+,ho* sha"t re&ain+ in &idst of other woe

    ,han o*rs+ a friend to &an+ to who& tho**t. is tr*th+ tr*th bea*t.@+ that is a""

    >e :now on earth+ and a"" .e need to :now$ alliteration

    0ttic fro& ttia or thens1brede e&broider.+ deoration2overwrought painted or ar'ed on the s*rfaeGtease us out of thought fr*strate o*r atte&pts to thin: reasonab".

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    Ode to utumn

    As close to perfect as any short poem in the English language.Haro"d "oo&00


    Keatss spea:er opens his !6S, S,AP b. addressin# *t*&n+ desribin# its

    ab*ndane and its inti&a. with the s*n+ with who& *t*&n ripens fr*its and a*ses the

    "ate f"owers to b"oo&$

    ,his is s*h a ti&e of plenty5that the bees thin: that this /*ndian summerwi"" last7


    . i&p"iation+ h*&ans :now different". and &a. obsessabo*t the o&in# of winterrather than8relishing9this &o&ent of ab*ndane$

    n the SEFCAD S,AP+ the spea:er desribes the fi#*re of *t*&n as a fe&a"e#oddess adoptin# the wa.s of the country fol=50in hi#h *t*&n$ She an re"a now the

    harvest51is in and is often seen sittin# on the #ranar. f"oor+ her hair /soft-"ifted b. the

    wind+ and often seen s"eepin# in the fie"ds or wathin# a ider-press sM*ee

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes



    ,he !or&a"ists in the &id-20thFent*r. onsidered To Autumnto be Keats &ost /perfetpoe&$

    /,o *t*&n is written in a three-stan

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    ,his is a valedictory5poe&$

    ,he poe& is a reoni"iation of stasis and pro#ress+ "ife and death$

    Death is present in *t*&n Keats :nows he is b*t he a"so has the onso"ationthat "ife and the bea*t. of nat*re wi"" ontin*e after he has #one$

    n so&e sense this is the reoni"iation of red and green nature$

    ,here is a"so an e"e&ent of reoni"in# carpe diemwith memento mori$

    ,he poet an on'ine hi&se"f that this &o&ent fi""ed with ab*ndant "ife wi"" "ast fore'er

    (as the bees do) or he an &o*rn the passin# of "ife (with the #nats)$

    ,he poe& trans&its tranM*i"it. thro*#h si&p"e &etaphors$

    n both its for& and desripti'e s*rfae+ To Autumnis one of the si&p"est of Keatss odes$,here is nothin# onf*sin# or o&p"e in Keatss paean57to the season of a*t*&n+ with

    its fr*itf*"ness+ its f"owers+ and the son# of its swa""ows #atherin# for &i#ration$

    ,he etraordinar. ahie'e&ent of this poe& "ies in its abi"it. to s*##est+ ep"ore+ and

    de'e"op a rih ab*ndane of the&es witho*t e'er r*ff"in# its a"&+ #ent"e+ and "o'e".desription of a*t*&n$

    To Autumnis onerned with the M*iet ati'it. of dai". obser'ation and appreiation$

    To Autumn+ "i:e the other odes b. Keats+ it shows his spea:er ho&a#e to aparti*"ar #oddess in this ase+ the deified season of *t*&n$

    ,he se"etion of this season i&p"iit". ta:es *p the other odes the&es of te&pora"it.+

    &orta"it.+ and han#e4*t*&n in Keatss ode is a time of warmth and plenty+ b*t it is perhed on the brin= of

    winterCs desolation+ as

    the bees en;o. /"ater f"owers+the har'est is #athered fro& the fie"ds+

    the "a&bs of sprin# are now /f*"" #rown+ and+

    in the fina" "ine of the poe&+ the swa""ows #ather for their winter &i#ration$

    ,he understated sense of inevitable loss in that fina" "ine &a:es it one of the &ost&o'in# &o&ents in a"" of poetr.=

    it an be read as a si&p"e+ *no&p"ainin# summation of the entire human condition$

    Despite the o&in# hi"" of winter+ the "ate war&th of a*t*&n pro'ides Keatss spea:er

    with a&p"e bea*t. to e"ebrate4

    the otta#e and its s*rro*ndin#s in the first stan

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    Keatss spea:er is ab"e to eperiene these bea*ties in a sincere and meaningful way

    bea*se of the "essons he has "earned in the pre'io*s odes4

    He is no "on#er atte&ptin# to esape the pain of the wor"d thro*#h ecstatic rapture(as in

    Ode to a Nightingale)+ and

    no "on#er fr*strated b. the atte&pt to eternalize mortal beautyor s*b;et eterna" bea* ti&e (as in Ode on a Grecian Urn)+

    n an ear"ier poe& Keats &a:es the ati'it. of harvestingis an ep"iit &etaphor forartisti reation$

    n his sonnet ?3hen ha'e fears that &a. ease to be+@ Keats &a:es this onnetion


    3hen ha'e fears that &a. ease to beefore &. pen has #"eand &. tee&in# brain+

    efore hi#h-pi"ed boo:s+ in haratr.+

    Ho"d "i:e rih #arners the f*"" ripend #rain$$$

    n this poe&+ the at of reation is pit*red as a :ind of se"f-har'estin#=

    the pen har'ests the fie"ds of the brain+ and boo:s are fi""ed with the res*"tin# /#rain$

    n To Autumnthe &etaphor is de'e"oped f*rther= the sense of o&in# "oss that per&eates

    the poe& onfronts the sorrow *nder".in# the seasons reati'it.$3hen *t*&ns har'est is o'er+ the fie"ds wi"" be bare+ the swaths with their ?twined

    f"owers@ *t down+ the ider-press dr.+ the s:ies e&pt.$

    *t the onnetion of this har'estin# to the seasona" ."e softens the ed#e of the tra#ed.$n ti&e+ sprin# wi"" o&e a#ain+ the fie"ds wi"" #row a#ain+ and the birdson# wi"" ret*rn$

    b*ndane and "oss+ ;o. and sorrow+ son# and si"ene are as intimately connectedas the

    twined f"owers in the fie"ds$

    3hat &a:es To Autumnbea*tif*" is that it brin#s an en#a#e&ent with that onnetion o*t

    of the rea"& of &.tho"o#. and fantas. and into the everyday world$

    He has "earned that an aeptane of &orta"it. is not destr*ti'e to an appreiation of

    bea*t. and has #"eaned wisdo& b. aeptin# the passa#e of ti&e$

    Keats no "on#er fo*ses on / fee" b*t rather te""s *s ?this is how it is@ with a"&


  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    ?eturn to NormalityB

    n 1815 'ount %ambora in ndonesia er*pted= it was one of the #reatest 'o"anier*ptions in h*&an histor.$

    181 was :nown in E*rope as /the .ear with no s*&&er due to58the atastrophi effets

    of 'o"ani detrit*s in the at&osphere$ ,here were food shortages59

    in &an. o*ntries$,he "i&ate ontin*ed to be disr*pted in 1817 and 1818$

    ,he .ear in whih Keats wrote To Autumn was the first in se'era" .ears in whih

    meteorological normalityCwas restored$Fo*"d this ha'e inf"*ened his e"ebration of the seasona" ."e

    Aiho"as 6oe sees To Autumnas po"itia"$

    t was written at the ti&e when the o*rts had ;*st aM*itted Henr. H*nt of sedition afterthe Ieter"oo &assare$

    - Soia" ;*stie was perhaps ret*rnin# after a period of repression$ ,here is hope in the


    ordin# to Jere&. Hawthorn+ ?no poe& insists &ore effeti'e". *pon the f*nda&enta"

    and *nstoppab"e fat of han#e than does To Autumn$@

    58 due to bea*se of59 shortages sarit.

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    %o utumn(Septe&ber+ 1819)

    E6> N,N%A ripenin# tati"e i&a#er. desription of "andsape$,he p"enit*de of the "and$

    Season of mists0

    and mellow1

    fr*itf*"ness"lose bosom-friend2of the maturingGs*n=

    "onspiringwith hi& how to load5and b"ess

    3ith fr*it the vinesthat ro*nd the thatch-eaves7r*n=,o bend with8app"es the mossed9cottage-trees70+

    nd fi"" a"" fr*it with ripeness71to the core72=

    ,o swell7Gthe gourd7+ and plump75the hazel shells7

    3ith a sweet =ernel77= to set budding78&ore+nd sti"" &ore+ later79f"owers for the bees+

    Nnti" the. thin: war& da.s wi"" ne'er ease+

    !or S*&&er has oCerbrimmed80their clammy81cells82$

    0 mist "ow "o*d that red*es 'isibi"it.1 mellow s*bd*ed= ripe+ &at*re= #ood-h*&o*red2 close bosom-friend inti&ate friendG maturing a$ #ettin# o"der as the .ear passes= b$ brin#in# rops to ripeness to conspire (in this case) p"an+ ooperate5 to load wei#h down (with #rapes) vine "i&bin# p"ant on whih #rapes #row7 thatch-eves (in this case) ho&es of the r*ra" poor8 to bend with be wei#hed down b.9 mossed &oss.+ o'ered in &oss ($ryophyta+ a spon#. soft #reen p"ant)70 cottage-tree tree owned b. a h*&b"e r*ra" person71 ripenessBraipnQsB (o% %ruit) &at*rit.72 to the core to the entre+ (in this case) o&p"ete".

    7G to swell sth9 di"ate sth$+ epand sth$7 gourdB#o4rdB &arrowBsM*ash+ o*r#etteB

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    HH N,N%A har'estin# and storin# 'is*a" i&a#er. personified *t*&n and

    h*&an wor:$ ,he h*&an is part of nat*re+ not anta#onisti to it$

    3ho hath8Gnot seen thee8oft85amid8thy87store88

    So&eti&es whoe'er see=s abroad89&a. find

    ,hee sittin# careless90

    on a granary91

    f"oor+,h. hair soft-lifted92b. the winnowing9Gwind=

    Cr on a half-reaped9furrow95sound asleep9+

    #rowsed97with the fume98of poppies99+677whi"e th. hoo=101

    Spares102the net swath10Gand a"" its twin

  • 8/11/2019 Keats Tutorial Notes


    ,E N,N%A barrenness a*ditor. i&a#er. desription of the s:. and the air$

    irds and insets sin# an e"e#. to *t*&n$

    3here are the son#s of Sprin# .+ where are the.

    ,hin: not of the&+ thou hast11Gthy11&*si too+

    3hi"e barr