keene under knife again. hammocks! lehman's · v u «• gotch wins in straight falls imerican...

.•*'•-.. v U «• GOTCH WINS IN STRAIGHT FALLS imerican Ghampion Retains World's Titla r JAMES R. KEENE. American Financier Und^rpoet -(^•ration ~io~8«v« Hi« Life. FAILURE OF RUSSIAN LION Crowd of 35,000 3«*t Iowa Wr«*tl«r Pin Ch«IUng«r to Mai Tw(o« In Utti Than Half nn Hour. SeUnct Triumphi Ovtr Weight. i'hlonjw. iU.,*Sopt. n.- Flunk chnniplon wreetW 1 !* uf Iho worhi. cm\- alumni a fraction iiimv (hiui nltu»tot<ti minute In plnuluK .Woorin* HtnKiMi •rhtuldt, (ho KiHwifU), twloo In (lu> Uiat. And nil llm v n. HMHIM 122-124 Main Street, Rahway v Tomorrow Tomorrow fall n_ mid n world of rnulMfinoo U»M hi fnvnr Of (In* "Imyu fnrmor" frtmi tlm m<»- ho PIWIMV*! (ho riny. __ A tvvorao NMIV hold put I ho "Una- HOMV* Khiuiltiorn on tho mitt tin* flr«( Ihno. U took tloloh ~Oljrlll<VU "HVUMlS ti» VTA III fnll. Tho "Iowa fnrmoiV* fnniouR too hold vcnn iv«iv>hMUtlp for tho wvoml Thlo thno It took flvo mlnnto* in tnuw tho "lion. 1 Got oh nrlmuMl nt tho JWV.iW wiuvtn tor* AH hA oiMorini i\\c rlutf. Uo ohoorfull,v an ho N|mrrv*1 nlniui rJMK. for it flrsi hold-upon iho Un« stun, nordid tho ntntto ftnio all ttmmirlt tho iwttlo. At tho onil of flw» ln>m It PipAildOtl Into n fill! (IIMIITIHI ItlU^ll Tho triokH, fftiotnv nml'prxiwoHs of tho Atnorionu pivvnlimi n»rnln*i tho hniio stronjrth, ulljiltt xolcnoo nnd M fou trick* of tho Kimnlun, not to montton tho oxtm jHnindn»ri» onrrlod hjr tho man Who vainly intitlo t\ 4.iM*> mllo trip to <h<> mm IIUHVIN rtyrii tho farmer. KEENE UNDER KNIFE AGAIN. and A larta* i>*Mvomw» of tho pirtutv Financier Rulliet Prom Op- tmtion In London, l.otnton, Sopt. o. Jrtmon II. Koono, tho (UinntMor. WHO Mnvi»K,«ru1ly o porn toil on for fttntnnrh trouMo n t n n u r s l n c homo lioro. Tho pntlont rnlllotl woll. iKVfinilnjr. to « Ktntomont IMUIM hy hi* phyalclrtn. hid oomiltlnn 1* onoourn^lim. It iiitnouncwi tlmt Mr. Koono wni oomfortnhly. Thoro woro no *Un* of eompllcn- tlonn, hln condition promMo* xtv\\ % iimt ho I* maklnir p*M proirx<»M town Ml FIND BOY SLAYER. v •fc ^ J won (ho world's MMe from | KllUd PouH««n*y*«r-old Rival »nd 'hmltlt thrtv yoArs AJC\>. j * Hid In Wood*. humlnHl (KUIOOUIOU woro nt tho j strondsburv, IV, Sopi, f».-- After o today to w o that uo foul \*c I oyftillujt.•^mitun* Aiuol>:liU<l*y*. Kv-hUt- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \X»\IKIS, Hurry OHIHU'IIO. NOV that tlic g*to on( , ^ u yiM»r» old, linn Iwn U>ckiM in .-v r«OftIpU will roach $U*MM0. , ^\\ \ xx Str-Mulshurtf jail. Ho IKHI uftor The out of town rUlturs flll«4 all Uu- Muv k im u>; o f ^MHW IMH»» fourtivn »nd many who could not prloc nt tho "Mo ( hotoU hiid wmlk-tbo wtroot*. *^~" chase 3 Stamps will be I given, instead of and Only the Bfest may be had at J. Fetter's Market 75 IRVING STREET ~"~ We also carry a full line of FRESH VEGETABLES. ' Direct Wire. Nowaiting. Phone 306. Goods delivered ,,!!? PROMPT HACOERM DUNN & RUDDY, Proprietors 127-129 Irving S^cct/Rahwajr. N. J. HAMMOCKS! Any Hammock, and we, have a few Good Ones at 30 per cent, less than the former prices 2C XC - T/H, Rob , St.— Rahway, N, ), Tin- K 1\\9 nt. N of Miss row \O;irs old. Slio h:i $ wl' w;i> boxos nour the r;uptldo WCTV hundrvd uotaoit. Pnmifttout uf thorn wore ^;^;.U's motlior. Ids vrtft* «n«l mother In Imv 1 , The Ihro* OiVui>lc\l « l fc »x dirwily tu cf th« nrvnA. And with thorn H U J*ok Curtajr, luanAfcr of Uotoh's tralulus ami Emit Klunk, tJotchNi xn*u- It U *afe U> M^V ihat the femi- nine raUUV5«__of_ih<L_»Ji&nililo] intrfv«t<sl Iu~.all tiie vat-i cpoxt-d of np*cfatx>r*. Thwv \x~»* Mule Ivttlnr. T h e *lJ ty^f^rs v->f iho Kmr*lro A thief to club rcloil ;h;-ii **A!1 Ivts Are off." lint* tv tho oluV ftxMU any retpoavt- i mlillit Aft^rWAixl mrl(H>. It I OKI« IV. Outdistances BritUh Entries » Hvhntoattty for tho pr>v fr or | n t«rn»tional Cup. of ;ho vi«h whloh promo:**! : H«nt!n*!to;i, X. Y.. Sopt - Oiu was uot piv«on; >x I»o:i kllloO. Il WA* plulu fi\w« tho »|ITV»MI*-'*U»V Oftbonw tlmt ho h*d »uffcroii fmiu cvr rtud o\po^nrv t ;M" nn oflloi^r to prison, no wiii bo hold pomitnc rtoflon Ivy tho sr«nd Jnrr. AMERICAN BOAT WINS. I: Bauer Telephone 107-W. 125 Irving Street Maker of Pure Home-Made Qatidies and Ice Creams Watch Our Windows For Our Specials Friday and Saturday LEHMAN'S Wednesday Specials Double Stamps or Piano Coupons with all PurchasesJBaid-at Store— i\ the of J to tho 2 i\> 2 on MEXICO DECLARES WAR 0L01IIL .V — The .boat—DUSclW- JU. H, MolvHhs Anpiist Hoc KTtsJotiok Huruham, dofo«t<sl tho Brit : tho tntrrnAilonAl m»>torl>oat c\ip hort v Tho Knjrilfth ohnlloniwrs, Plonoer U.. oviuxl hx tho I>uko of WoKtmtnotor. Iho Mapto ITALIAN CREAMS CHOCOLATE DATES OUR 20c MIXED CANDY PEANUT BRITTLE 19c pound He pound 17c pound 9c pound SPECIAL! Pla te or Brisket Beef Cents a Pound io Cts 144 MAIN ST RAHWAY N.J. BtffiatoWMcb 50 Are UPed Forces Goreniroeat to Act •, uvro s<N\-vni! And thlnl. . Tho other boat* Xo tliiw was announcod. The IMsiw IV. vron the race by * btlf mlio ov*r tho thirty rollo oour»o TTio mvond raco will botf-ontosfcwlthl* 1 flftomoon. CJoar «kJ«w wsd a fte*h brec«e from tho Mtstvrsnl thai made Qttlta a rouph m on tho w>und arv th* conditions cay of Ibo htllV with tbo fortes of EniUto , which Krwtod tho floot of hljrti MapAta la Mondos. ui which flXty *^_j mot.^r|w>4t9—• -few -bour»—befwe Itf* foiicinwi 5Pr Tei%»rttx!"\Ulcd, It U | «t«rt of tho first rac* for the Intor- •Utod that UII)OK* Tjijtsu wa* tilled : nattanal cujv The WXIR, tha Viva Is jo j «nd tbo Dlsmrb^r II. w<«p the Amort ran - : Mttrdcr, tLon in tha: ,il.u«'!. of tbe more ;o Xh&t !>• 1:1* to harbor TT»I nikd with y»ebts of <Jw»crtp«lcio, flying Aace of all the *ecne *bolnjt a roo«t plctur one. Tho Olile IV. wat In {tHm* cnndl Ht-r hrlmwnan, Frfd K. Burn ham. had with him tbe same crew as oa th* ^:imlnatk>a race RAHWAYVs LEADING MARKET Clierry Street, —Telephone %2-w SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY v him. l B*rrm tt* : of tixt fwrcva of ttj f or NEW SALAMANDER FOUND, i Otd. Plate Corned Beef pew rarai MOama&dor. whk^ at» brti* «t of of ids *MI aod to tbr ttaa ZajiaU »*• to home. Ala auad U tad JLD<5 not at! \—A brand new at Iwart to atodenta. owiturl** old. tn Oft*u Rloa, tactitutioo. ThSt s^^^:n>fo U Ilttie mont than J rv> and 3 half lnrho« long brown <kin «omrwhat a w.jf *«: hoad aada lon^ pat a of the *«lanux>- PH'HT of It** in the flre Best Chuck Steak Lamb For Stew Smoked Hams tt*ax &z- >-; So tea SL M«rt>n and the Diet ion try , with * uakfd brocar £t tbo pate of theater BJD2 n^^ffy* gUTt tl*o Two w#rd* to the a* eTi5#*»f* tlxat * Ear^I*h lazynxace- Tl>e crainrr la x fcir eler-Uoc 1 w^rfi thia totu cape wa» 3 a ajKT^d, burner acotiired tho iy^ l**^c c!r«i t b t { . . ^ „ , „ . ^ fc^fefc worth - J LOOK 6 Qt. Basket Onions 6 Qt. Basket Apples 6 Qt. Basket Potatoes 6 Qt. Basket Carrots 6 qt Basket Grab Apples THIS OVER YOUR CHOICE KET fc-:-^-" \ / •v5J VOL. I. NO. 20 # RAHWAY, N. J. f WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. SEPTEMBER 6, 1911 SERIAL NO 20 six E IHEfirn w. c; m . ELECTIONS At fleeting Last Nijiit Six Applicants Members Meet To Elect Officers For Ensuing Year and Talk Over Plans MIHH A. Uarkor WUH cbo«on ot tho Womon'B Christlnn From New York and Pennsylvania 'J*ompvrnnco Union for y<mr-trtrtrtmTrtlniT or tho ensuing ODTSIDE PUPILS PAY MOKE .— 'upmrrom Roosevelt Will Pay $35 XTear Iiitead^of 130 Six new toachora woro appointed Ijy tho Board of Education at tho mooting hold Juat night at tho High ScnooJ 'Vhoy will fill vacan- hold at tho homo of tho MIHBCM Undtsr- hill on Commcrco Street, on Saturday nftcrnoon. (Hhom to bo elected to ofllco woro MIMS M. h. Undorhlll, vlco- Mr». U. M. Young, aocro- adcrhUlrtroasurofT Mrs, William KBlor, Muelcul Director, l^WULJJia-chiirchtiu—Uw—following wore named ait (ICIOKUOB: MTB, Thomas Archer from the Fi«t Prca- byterlan; Mr». M. U. YOUMK. Second J'roHbytcrJun; MUH Martha 1'utnum, KJwt MettioUJflt; Mr». ii. O. all como woll roooramondod from In Now York and Ponnsyl- vanln. They aro: Mian Mary.Taggart, Grades, Columbian School; Van Douson, Manual raining; Harry Crowoll, QradoH, Hlgh_8cb Noonun, tirade*.""'i-IIgh School; Roy Patfamorc, Manual Training. It wus rocommoniJed by the special committee appointed to consider tho matter of lncroaslng the tuition of out Morshon, Kirst Baptist Suporlntondants for tho departments were chosen us follows; Mies M,L. Underbill, Loyal Temperance Legion; Miss Loulso Young, Soldiers and Sail- ors; Mrs. Amanda Townloy, flower Hnnouncement W1NO Io cciiuplnintR by children whoftt.'irlcil out to work lor the pony offered a» a prize for the most aubscripliour, thnt their parents would not let llrn^ji enter the contest bcenu<tc of flic cost or lark of facilities for keeping a pony If they won it, tiic HVMOUl) has-decided to change the prize and offer instead an KQUIVAM2NT VALUli, in the fonn_ j2LXWti-!Viii^4)l t*VSON-Hi€ Y<2bti&-vrtttr^6XiiXvrt}^^ ELGIN WATCHKS. ' The four prizes arc adapted to either boy* or jjirls as fhe bicycle will be awarded either jn boys' or girls' frames, Jic^luiilng tomorrow the prizes will be on cxhibiiion in the window of McCoNmn'g store on Main Street. By request a three-months' subscription counting 25 points has becn_ fifcsTant to be eligible lora prize imtst ftnve at are now four boys and"jjiriK 16 be awarded prizes instead of one as formerly. The one receiving 4fic highest nntnbcr of points will be jUlgwjcdJ^rsj_c_holcc of theprirv*, amUto-on. —— ~ Only a little moreithan two weeks remains, so, go and take a look at -the prizes, boyiJand girls, and then "RUSH THE LINK"! LINDEN EDUCATION BOARD 80-f EAR RAHWAY AT Prepare For School Opening and Talk Of New Building—Teacher Resigns Iff I JST T1M» Hoard of Education of Linden' -- hint nit;i]i nt fix- flcbooihounc ami Morris Ozinaii, Undaunted by Delay, ftr STATE BOARD CHANGES MIND ABOUT SEWERS City Engineer Gets Word That Veto Has Been ——Taken-Off-P-lans—— for non-resident high school pupils bo Incronuod from $30 to $3Ga year, and that this amount bo paid quarterly In advances. At this new rate of fS6 the 44 pupils who hov© applied for ad- mission to tho local school from the town of Uooaovelt wore accopted. They reported at tho Hrgh school yea* terday morning. On motion ol:_Commi8j|pner Tucker It was proposod that • tho rate of twenty dollars per pupil now being charged out-of-town pupils In tho grammar gradeBjke_incrjeafleil-to-$30, This motion will he considered at the next mooting. Dr. Frederick W. Soil, and Dr. W. Oladok i -WCTe-r*elwt0ifl t Medical fcx- aminorB for tho coming year. Both men have Oiled tho positions for some time past, and their election _.was unanimous; The only other matter of business transacted was tho receiving of a communication from City Clork Lambert asking tho Board for per- mission to use the annex of Columbian School for a polling place at the com- ing eloctlon. The board granted the desired permission. President F. M. Stlllman had the Those present were Commls- aioner Philip Hoffman, T; H. Roberts, H. H. Jardlne, and H. D. Tucker, meoLings and Miss G. T. Hndorhlll, and litoraturo. Miss Joanotto Dowcy will bo tho delegate to thx> county convention of tho Bocioty to be held In Kogelle Park on Hop£olnT)oF2i7^nd Mra. E. U. Kul- lor will bo tho delegate to the state convention to bo held at Woodstown in October. Mr», William fitter and M«. G. T. Underhlll read paper* that were of great interest to the meeting on Sat- urday afternoon. Miss M. L. Under- hlll vice-president of the society pre- sided, A report was read by tho com- mittee that vieltod tho AlmflboiiBG to distribute fruit, flowers, and icecream Miss Dewey read the report of her work among the colored poppIe.__Qther T0jrdrfiPw1ijre~Tendored. Harrison and Bond Streets aro to have their sewers. City Engineer Marsh received word by telegraph Btalc Board of Engineers bad approv- ed the pir.ns for tbo proposod *ower», Tho end of tho long uphill fight waged by the City Engineer has anivcdjiift[ work" wIirTuTTtarted within a »h$rt time. It will bo remembered that tho State Board at K« la«t moetlng through a misunderstanding refused to grant petition of the city on tho ground GRADE CROSSING ACCIDENTS, It IH shown by reports Just .rendered hut oft'tr lwfsoir fa every on# hundred housand of population was killed by accidents at grade crossings in the United States in the- years 190S~to" 1909, Inclusive, and that two persons n overy one hundred thousand were njured in the same period. These figures in concrete form mean that the number of persons killed was 4,294 and the number Injured was 8,858. These totals refer only to grade cros- sing accidents. GOVERNORS MEET NEXT WEEK. Next Tuesday at Spring Lake the Governors of approximately forty states will meet in convention to dis- cuss many topics of widespread In- terest. Thirtyseven chief executives Lve-accepiecMhe- invitations -extend- ed to them and the governors of sev- eral other states have not yet been heard from. The five days of the con- vention will be devoted to discussion of the various questions presented, and all entertainment will be barred except for a reception to be given by Governor and Mrs. Wilson at the state cottage at Sea GIrt.and a dinner I to be given on Thursday September \U. President Tart maybe present for [one day and addres/ the meeting, but [this has not been definitely arranged. will be gtren to-th* lathering by the presence of the two locratlc possibilities for President rernor Judson Harmon of Ohio, and rernor Woodrow Wilson. PIANO -'- CONTEST Tht* Certificate is good for a Credit of Ten Cents in the Competition for a Stcgcr Piano, to be awarded the Or- ganization or Individual ob Uiningthe largest aggregate credit. PL2ASE CREDIT Cut oat and gyyc tliis certife- fcatc to your favorite- orgnoi- tidn. "" thnt the Cranford trunk so wore would IK ovorjoaded. Pinna presented by UU: Marsh dlsjJnctl^_showp(|_thaLbut one" of the contemplated sowers was to empty Into the-Cranford trunk and ; was at a IOBB to undcrntanrt^the railroads, Including passengers, em- ployees and trespassers, makes a startling showing. In the year 1909 the total number killed from all causes amounted to 8,722, and the number Injured was 95,026. For five years, the number of persons killed from all causes made a total of 49,- 629, while the aggregate number of k«ildents/o£ HaJrtwm- and iio Street "section "of the city have been urging the laying" of_the_jewe_r_.»xft-_ tennaldUgthese'strcets fornomc time. At a.meeting ot the Common Council held last month Councilman Ludlow arraigned the City Engineer for not having secured the permission of the State at an earlier date. Mr. Marsh outlined thedifficulties of the task and stated that it was with the greatest difficulty that the Board at Trenton <MMJldH»e-iiidoce(rt?rtak"e~any action on the matter On Tuesday Mr, Marsh went to Trenton and after a lengthy interview with the State Engineers, succeeded In pointing out to them their mis- take and that their previous decision should be reversed. This morning a telegram was received from F. E. Daniels announcing that the plans bad a-mil- Jlon—494,046, to be exact. In New Jersey the number killed In grade crossing accidents alone In three years was 98; and the number of persons Injured was X74, making an average of 33 killed in one rear and 58 persons injured in the same period. TO BUSINESS MEN Strtiiht-from-the-Shonlder Talks. EFFICIENCY is the keynote to suc- Inefficiency, U the to failure and mediocrity. The need of today is for the EFFICIENT MAN. The market is glutted with the half- trained Incompetent, the man who la capable of going so far and NO for the next, school tonn starting In January. Th*» laying of walk* and tho fixing of th« ground* about the *rhool will ~not-br vtnrtcrtiln*rTcnrTy^IrT tho spring. Miffs C. ^[Jinlih-xCL-KHxftlwtlK-whfri VALUESJLED TODAY Total Valuation For City of $6,729,633 Is Small In_ creasTOverXast of tho school yc-fir. Suporln frnnVni Hnwnll rcfiirn< h rJ la*t rlt;ht froni t hia farm af I'cru. MIIH«., iinti at tiTuJpu i.hf Ifnarrl nif^tinK- j Thr prlnnlplc tolik- of fllHiMimslon | HALF-CEKIDEY oT work - —*—— thnt tho building will In IHwimhiT, and thnt. If Is United In Perth Amboy To His 70.Year.01d Bride He Was Responsible For Breaking Up 0" Prospective Father GeUCoauflt t'mlaiirifwl by the fact. that, bin agod «wf!ft_tt«!ort hndfali'jd to fii>p<'»r vrhen han bfron trncblne In the Bltaboth j Bl1 "^nKorncnu bad been m*to for nrhoo) for the pnflt year, tendor-fh'fl mArriago two wook« ago ninety- cd her resignation to tho board stat- ing that aho was to nccopf n position at noftovllle, ,Mlch, Hor resignation wan aocoptod.^ftnd tho committee on to(ichorA_was lnstructfld to engage an- other teacher to fill the vacancy. Figures showing the total valuation »f property In this city w«»ru ftled wlfh Jaunty Clerk Oalvert at Kllzabeth by Board ot Assessors to-day, Tbo sum of $6,729,033 covers the total valua- tion* TtiU Ifi a alight increase over last y<*d?fl figures. estate, personal property and second class raTrofid property. The value of the real CBtnto If this city is pJacrl a t $6,077.07.1, personal t/roperty at •900,000, and tho. balance, in. second clags railroad property- It is 1 <pccted that the tax-rate will remain practically stationary, U any LINDEN ELECTION OFFICIALS. Jurffce Lowden wan elected Judge of KIoclloriH la«t night hy the Llmlr.n ^ HOTO--Hoard'orTlegfafryiind" Elections, [ at their meetlnx at. the office In Kllssa-! both Avenuo, Other election officials , appointed last night wero Henry j biancke. Inspector, and .fodoph year-old Af orris Oxmnn of Htn:ft, ha» at last succeeded In IcadlDff IIIB u/jventy-year-olfl brldf?, Mrs. A. HtiHpfro. of Brooklyn, to (hi? alter. Th» oldftrly rouple In now very happily married desplte.tbo opposition of Mrs. Bhnplrlo. of }irof>U\yn,Ut the altor. Tb6 of Mr. Oxrrutn's relatlvfis. the Other matters In preparation for flic primary and regular elections., were rJIflcutfsfrd. and another meetinfr will be held In (be near future to make further arrangements. county * x rat© Is expected to advance owing among other tblngA to the nc:d for ttddM&ial expenditarefl under the LINDEN CLUB ENTERTAINMENT. A meeting of Club was held laat evening at thp clnb house, anil final arrangement« for the entertainment and danoe fo be h**W on Friday /;venlng wore made. Tho af- law.- T^IH law requirfcs j / a jr Ig unrfer the auspff-cs of the Wo-1 After n brier courfahlp had agreed to be married two ago. All nrangementfl bad been made for thr; wedding which was to a*.—1 Mr*. Daltx on be Knlb Avenue. V*rth Amboy. Arrayed In garments of the latest cut. Mr. Oxrpnn appeared ready for bin marriage. Whan t.b<r boar for the. ceremony arrived the guests wore surprised to find that the bride-to-be had not arrived. The bridegroom late hour Sa^- day night when ho gave up and catne back to his home In this city. OTT the morning following be re- ceived a let Mr from Mm. Shapiro in Ihjtt her fifty-yegr o eutabJIsbeO and moro ijlt'C'tlon officers employed, with greater expense to the county. ANNIVER8ARY OF FIFE CORPS. The American Fife and Drum Corps of this city celebrated their first an* League and U ha~*'rfrrdngrrf to present a three act play. Following the entertainment dancing will be en* Joyed. The meeting Inaf night was very -oM son bad refused to accompanyher to the marriage. She dld'nt feel safe Jn gatbg alone and that was the cans* of her non-appearance at the wedding. When the Rahway man received th» well attended and it Is expected that letter he determined that he would the affair-on Friday night. wH[_bring uaarry r -desplte-aFf-oppcuUlonr as filed. CANDIDATE8 FILE PETITION8. The following candidates for politi- cal office have filed their petitions at tho City Clerk's office: Bar Avery fo/ Democratic Councilman of the Fourth Ward; William Marsh and 'Amos R. Terrlll for Justice of the Peace of Fifth Ward; David Armstrong for Re- publican member of the City Execu- tive committee; Harry Lang for City Constable; William A. Hanson for re- election as president of the Board of Water Commissioners; William How- ard for re-election as Major; AJonso Crane and JL D. GIbby for Freehold- ers. ' -nighrby-hoJJfihg a > many members and Uwir MtndM to beefsteak dinner In their clubhouse on j the clubhouse, ' Whlttler Street. Kmcry Tcrrill acted ' The club season will formally open as toastmastor, and Charles Crowell | on Saturday evening. September 30. lilled_thg_j^jc_of rhef T, was passed pleasantly, ending with a Jlttle vaudeville sketch, including a piano solo by Walter .Mores; an ex- hibition of buck-and-wlng dancing by TerriJJ, vocal solo hy John Conolly; and a speech by President Hose. Guests from Perth Amboy were pres- ent. ii a high CtSWlTVau Oe v ment. Some rery fine lUhway that day and went to Brook- lyn. For two week* be has been trying to elude the vigilance of the fifty-year thVmatfh/—Stu day be succeeded In getting the son to bear his plea for the mother's band been engaged for this occasion and a and the old couple TV*re finally pleasant evening Is anticipated. [ ded. It Is not known whether ! will reside In, Rabwar or not. tb«y RAHWAY ^VINS AT A8B0RY, _ "KrahVand Alberta Azman of Lof- berry Street, this city, were awarded An informal reception will be ten- • dered to-night to the Rev. E, B. Saare, J pastor ot tbc Linden reformed Charcb | in the parlors of the Church. The af- ; fair will be in the nature of & welcome Lto-Dr.Saure who-has been tt FIREMEN AT YORK. Among those who enjoyed the fotxr *# Inaw Island for the past four months. TU- Young Peoples Society of th* silver cups at the baby parade at An- Church Is managing the affair, bury Park on Saturday. Thefloatwas a minature ship with Prank dressed as a sailor at the wheel, and AIb#rta pulling the tiny vessel. <**/ ?* RAHWAY MOTORBOAT WINS. The motorboat Gertrude, owned by John Rosrke ofthls city, won rh* event for boats of its class at Keyport on Labor Day, and Mr, Roarke wts awarded Use prize, a handsome silver cup . In other 'events the Railway boats were withdrawn, it f* cla^ned because of the onsportsmanllke con- duct of the Keyport oflldaJs. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Walker have left for Saranae L«J» in the Adiron- dack*. They will be gone tor sereral weeks. . Mr. and Mrs. George McFsrlaod of Manhattan an» Spending a few dsys with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Williamson causes for the low scale of wages pre- vailing among the office help of the country inefficiency- They are in- capable of accomplishing th* work of a man or woman and cdnseqnentiy two must be employed. Thus wages are cat In halt The. EFFICIENCY PRINCIPLE isf likewise applicable to the business man. The merchant who simply ekes out a BARE LIVING in his bnsbieu Is INEFFICENT. A business if rnn In an efficient manner should be ter- mendonsiy mor« profitable. Two men may start in the identical line of bus- iness in this city. ONE m*jr make a fortune and the other s ba4s riving. Cdfttft RAHWAY DAILY REGORJ> PRIZE CX>NTEaT'SUBSCRIPTIOy OQUPON Six Months for SL5O. One Year SAOO s Three Mooth* for 75 Cents DEUVBRED AT YOUR DOOR Mame. Termof 3 M o o t e . . . TermotSix - icmem OOT omt Credit W* SobKtiptkm to o# One Year A VERY HAUGHTY PRISONER, j Charles Schmidt, s baker formerly employed in this city and now resid- ing In Xew York, was arrested on Monday afternoon by Officer tangtoo at the Pesnsyrranla Railroad station on a charge of intoxication. Schmidt gave the officer a tussle before he sub- mitted to arrest, and tossed around some, threats to have Langton mnor- ed irom tJb* poMw forrr die Judge pat off the bench, if h* wu mr- rested. Schmidt waji disduuved from Uw? shop in which be had be*n working ID ifaii tity night He stayed aboat town Sunday and when JUL_rrarhrrt tho railroad—ttstfon—oir Moodty afternoon he was in*plr*4 by mauy cooling drinks. H* vm» very oblsr at tne «tatk>o r and when Oflcvr L«ngtoe Attempted to oalet Um SKM. "How dare yoo uft to me! If you hiy your lun4« 00 m«~r win kmve yoa pany on tbeir trip to TorX Oettysbargb batUcfieH ire: tire Chief Frederick B. Toms, Auteteat CktaC Walter I. Sprfoger and former CbJef Pbillp Gebring, Charle« V. Pott, WTO- Urn A. Hoggin. Fred Miner. Jote Franks. Fred Bepkie, Cbarle* Held,. Nathan Randolph, lames Brofaa, JamesO^TJonnen, Robert Hornby, Dvrfd Kennedy. Amoe Terria Walter EL Miller, DeWItt P»aHcs> Josepfe KeDy, Charles Weir, Walter Somrma, Georg* Blackloc k.Cbarles Schmidt L«JDpbear, Daniel flslWMi, Jfohr, Jzm+t Dan ham. Herbert Gofer* ing. JAmes Jerome. Charted Kelly r B. Holmes, C. Uoltmma, W. atatta eaox. George Seaaffer, WtZSaat T. Weber. Councilman and Mn. Hogfc W. Rcarke, Mr. a«4 afrs Joka Mr and Tin. Jo6a Crist. Mr. aa4 ryte. •&*« dismissed trotn ta* force." Ollleer I^ngfon placed ta* man oav i der arrsst and reptted taat be woaid leave fa* matter for Jadge Boeklsy Co decide. He was focmd gsOty te eovt yesterday nonitag and was dollars- * Tbe end of the story is baker resjato* te Jtil mUh ks> tae\ aad Oflccrii Button are atffl boMtsw tnsir PIANO €ERTIFieATES FREE! la cooJMctkM with UM tot for a _

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Post on 08-Oct-2020




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Page 1: KEENE UNDER KNIFE AGAIN. HAMMOCKS! LEHMAN'S · v U «• GOTCH WINS IN STRAIGHT FALLS imerican Ghampion Retains World's Titla r JAMES R. KEENE. American Financier Und^rpoet-(^•ration



U «•


imerican Ghampion RetainsWorld's Titla



American Financier Und^rpoet-(^•ration ~io~8«v« Hi« Life.


Crowd of 35,000 3«*t IowaWr«*tl«r Pin Ch«IUng«r to MaiTw(o« In Utti Than Half nn Hour.SeUnct Triumphi Ovtr Weight.

i'hlonjw. iU.,*Sopt. n.- Flunkchnniplon wreetW1!* uf I ho worhi. cm\-alumni a fraction iiimv (hiui nltu»tot<tim i n u t e In plnuluK .Woorin* HtnKiMi•rhtuldt, (ho KiHwifU), twloo In (lu>Uiat. And nil llm




122-124 Main Street, Rahwayv



fa l l


mid n world of rnulMfinoo U»M hi fnvnrOf (In* "Imyu fnrmor" frtmi tlm m<»-

ho PIWIMV*! (ho riny. __A tvvorao NMIV hold put I ho "Una-

HOMV* Khiuiltiorn on tho mitt tin*flr«( Ihno. U took tloloh

~Oljrlll<VU "HVUMlS ti» VTA IIIfnll. Tho "Iowa fnrmoiV* fnniouR toohold vcnn iv«iv>hMUtlp for tho wvoml

Thlo thno It took flvo mlnnto*in tnuw tho "lion.1

Got oh nrlmuMl nt tho JWV.iW wiuvtntor* AH hA oiMorini i\\c rlutf. Uo

ohoorfull,v an ho N|mrrv*1 nlniuirJMK. for it flrsi hold-upon iho Un«

stun, nor did tho ntntto ftnio all ttmmirlttho iwttlo. At tho onil of flw» ln>m ItPipAildOtl Into n fill! (IIMIITIHI ItlU^llTho triokH, fftiotnv nml'prxiwoHs of thoAtnorionu pivvnlimi n»rnln*i tho hniiostronjrth, ulljiltt xolcnoo nnd M foutrick* of tho Kimnlun, not to monttontho oxtm jHnindn»ri» onrrlod hjr tho manWho vainly intitlo t\ 4.iM*> mllo trip to

<h<> mm IIUHVIN rtyrii tho farmer.


and A larta* i>*Mvomw» of tho pirtutv

Financier Rulliet Prom Op-tmtion In London,

l.otnton, Sopt. o. Jrtmon II. Koono,tho (UinntMor. WHO Mnvi»K,«ru1ly o porn toilon for fttntnnrh trouMo n t n n u r s l n chomo lioro.

Tho pntlont rnlllotl woll. iKVfinilnjr. to« Ktntomont IMUIM hy hi* phyalclrtn.

hid oomiltlnn 1* onoourn^lim. Itiiitnouncwi tlmt Mr. Koono wni

oomfortnhly.Thoro woro no *Un* of eompllcn-

tlonn, hln condition promMo* xtv\\% iimtho I* maklnir p*M proirx<»M town Ml


• v•fc


won (ho world's MMe from | KllUd PouH««n*y*«r-old Rival »nd'hmltlt thrtv yoArs AJC\>. j * Hid In Wood*.

humlnHl (KUIOOUIOU woro nt tho j strondsburv, IV , Sopi, f».-- Aftero today to wo that uo foul \*c I oyftillujt.•^mitun* Aiuol>:liU<l*y*. Kv-hUt-

^ ^ ^ ^ \X»\IKIS, Hurry OHIHU'IIO. NOVthat tlic g*to o n ( , ^ u yiM»r» old, linn I w n U>ckiM in .-v

r«OftIpU will roach $U*MM0. , ^\\ \xx Str-Mulshurtf jail. Ho IKHI uftorThe out of town rUlturs flll«4 all Uu- Muv k im u > ; o f ^ M H W IMH»» fourtivn

»nd many who could notprloc nt tho "Mo ( hotoU hiid

wmlk-tbo wtroot*. *^~"

chase 3 Stamps will beI given, instead of

and Only the Bfest may be had at

J. Fetter's Market75 IRVING STREET

~"~ We also carry a full line ofFRESH VEGETABLES.

' Direct Wire. No waiting. Phone 306. Goods delivered

,,!!? PROMPT H A C O E R M

DUNN & RUDDY, Proprietors

127-129 Irving S^cct/Rahwajr. N. J.

HAMMOCKS!Any Hammock, and we, have a fewGood Ones at 30 per cent, less thanthe former prices 2C XC -

T/H, Rob ,St.—Rahway, N,),




N of Miss row\O;irs old. Slio h:i



boxos nour the r;uptldo WCTVhundrvd uotaoit. • Pnmifttout

uf thorn wore ^;^;.U's motlior. Idsvrtft* «n«l mother In Imv1, TheIhro* OiVui>lc\l « lfc»x dirwily tucf th« nrvnA. And with thorn H U J*okCurtajr, luanAfcr of Uotoh's tralulus

ami Emit Klunk, tJotchNi xn*u-It U *afe U> M V ihat the femi-

nine raUUV5«__of_ih<L_»Ji&nililo]intrfv«t<sl Iu~.all tiie vat-i

cpoxt-d of np*cfatx>r*.Thwv \x~»* Mule Ivttlnr. The *lJ

ty^f^rs v->f iho Kmr*lro A thief to clubrcloil ;h;-ii **A!1 Ivts Are off." lint* tv

tho oluV ftxMU any retpoavt-i mlillit Aft^rWAixl mrl(H>. It I OKI« IV. Outdistances BritUh Entries

» Hvhntoattty for tho pr>v fror |nt«rn»tional Cup.of ;ho vi«h whloh promo:**! : H«nt!n*!to;i, X. Y.. Sopt

- Oiu

was uot piv«on; >x I»o:ikllloO.

Il WA* plulu fi\w« tho »|ITV»MI*-'*U»VOftbonw tlmt ho h*d »uffcroii fmiu l»cvr rtud o\po^nrv

t ;M" nn oflloi r to prison, n o wiiibo hold pomitnc rtoflon Ivy tho sr«ndJnrr.


I: BauerTelephone 107-W. 125 Irving Street

Maker of Pure Home-MadeQatidies and Ice Creams

Watch Our Windows For Our Specials Friday and Saturday

LEHMAN'SWednesday Specials

Double Stamps or Piano Coupons with

all PurchasesJBaid-at Store— — i\

the of J totho

2 i\> 2 on


.V — The.boat—DUSclW-

JU. H, MolvHhs Anpiist HocKTtsJotiok Huruham, dofo«t<sl tho Brit

: tho tntrrnAilonAl m»>torl>oat c\ip hortv

Tho Knjrilfth ohnlloniwrs, Plonoer U..oviuxl hx tho I>uko of WoKtmtnotor.

Iho Mapto


19c poundHe pound17c pound9c pound

SPECIAL!Pla te or Brisket Beef

Cents a Poundio Cts


Btffia to WMcb 50 Are UPedForces Goreniroeat to Act

•, uvro s<N\-vni! And thlnl.. Tho other boat*Xo tliiw was announcod.

The IMsiw IV. vron the race by *btlf mlio ov*r tho thirty rollo oour»oTTio mvond raco will bo tf-ontosfcwl thl*

1 flftomoon.CJoar «kJ«w wsd a fte*h brec«e from

tho Mtstvrsnl thai made Qttlta a rouphm on tho w>und arv th* conditionscay of

Ibo htllV with tbo fortes of EniUto , which Krwtod tho floot of hljrtiMapAta la Mondos. ui which flXty * _j mot. r|w>4t9—• -few -bour»—befweItf* foiicinwi 5Pr Tei%»rttx!"\Ulcd, It U | «t«rt of tho first rac* for the Intor-•Utod that UII)OK* Tjijtsu wa* tilled : nattanal cujv The WXIR, tha Viva

Is jo j «nd tbo Dlsmrb^r II. w<«p the Amortran

- • :

Mttrdcr,tLon in tha:,il.u«'!. of tbe

more ;oXh&t ! > • 1:1*

J» to

harbor TT»I nikd with y»ebts of<Jw»crtp«lcio, flying Aace of allthe *ecne * bolnjt a roo«t plctur

one.Tho Olile IV. wat In {tHm* cnndl

Ht-r hrlmwnan, Frfd K. Burnham. had with him tbe same crew asoa th* :imlnatk>a race


Clierry Street, —Telephone %2-w


vhim.l B*rrm

tt*: of tixt fwrcva of

ttj f




pew rarai


whk^ at» brti*


of ids*MI aod

to tbrttaa ZajiaU »*•

tohome. Ala


Ut a d JLD<5

nota t !

\—A brand newat Iwart to atodenta.owiturl** old.

tn Oft*u Rloa,

tactitutioo.ThSt s ^ :n>fo U Ilttie mont than Jrv> and 3 half lnrho« long

brown <kin «omrwhata w.jf *«: hoad aad a lon^

pat a

ofthe *«lanux>-

PH'HTof It**in the flre






&z- >-; So


SL M«rt>n and the Diet ion try ,

with * uakfd brocar £t tbo pate oftheater BJD2 n^^ffy* gUTt tl*o Two w#rd* to the

a* eTi5#*»f* tlxat * Ear^I*h lazynxace- Tl>e crainrr lax fcir eler-Uoc 1 w^rfi thia totu cape wa»

3 a ajKT^d, burner acotiired tho

a « iy^ l**^c c!r«i tbt { . . ^ „ , „ . fc^fefc worth

- J

LOOK6 Qt. Basket Onions6 Qt. Basket Apples6 Qt. Basket Potatoes6 Qt. Basket Carrots6 qt Basket Grab Apples




\ /




IHEfirn w. c; m . ELECTIONS

At fleeting Last Nijiit Six Applicants

Members Meet To Elect Officers ForEnsuing Year and Talk Over Plans

MIHH A. Uarkor WUH cbo«on

ot tho Womon'B Christlnn

From New York and Pennsylvania 'J*ompvrnnco Union fory<mr-trtrtrtmTrtlniT or

tho ensuing


.—'upmrrom Roosevelt

Will Pay $35 XTear Iiitead^of130

Six new toachora woro appointedIjy tho Board of Education at thomooting hold Juat night at tho HighScnooJ 'Vhoy will fill vacan-

hold at tho homo of tho MIHBCM Undtsr-hill on Commcrco Street, on Saturdaynftcrnoon. (Hhom to bo elected toofllco woro MIMS M. h. Undorhlll, vlco-

Mr». U. M. Young, aocro-

adcrhUlrtroasurofTMrs, William KBlor, Muelcul Director,

l^WULJJia-chiirchtiu—Uw—followingwore named ait (ICIOKUOB: MTB,

Thomas Archer from the Fi«t Prca-byterlan; Mr». M. U. YOUMK. SecondJ'roHbytcrJun; MUH Martha 1'utnum,KJwt MettioUJflt; Mr». ii. O.

all como woll roooramondod fromIn Now York and Ponnsyl-

vanln. They aro: Mian Mary.Taggart,Grades, Columbian School;Van Douson, Manual raining; HarryCrowoll, QradoH, Hlgh_8cbNoonun, tirade*.""'i-IIgh School; RoyPatfamorc, Manual Training.

It wus rocommoniJed by the specialcommittee appointed to consider thomatter of lncroaslng the tuition of out

Morshon, Kirst BaptistSuporlntondants for tho departments

were chosen us follows; Mies M, L.Underbill, Loyal Temperance Legion;Miss Loulso Young, Soldiers and Sail-ors; Mrs. Amanda Townloy, flower

HnnouncementW1NO Io cciiuplnintR by children who ftt.'irlcil out to work lor the

pony offered a» a prize for the most aubscripliour, thnt their parentswould not let llrn ji enter the contest bcenu<tc of flic cost or lark of

facilities for keeping a pony If they won it, tiic HVMOUl) has-decided tochange the prize and offer instead an KQUIVAM2NT VALUli, in the fonn_j2LXWti-!Viii^4)l t*VSON-Hi€ Y<2bti&-vrtttr^6XiiXvrt}^^ELGIN WATCHKS.

' The four prizes arc adapted to either boy* or jjirls as f he bicycle will beawarded either jn boys' or girls' frames, Jic^luiilng tomorrow the prizeswill be on cxhibiiion in the window of McCoNmn'g store on Main Street.

By request a three-months' subscription counting 25 points has becn_fifcsTant to be eligible lora

prize imtst ftnve atare now four boys and"jjiriK 16 be awarded prizes instead of one

as formerly. The one receiving 4fic highest nntnbcr of points will bejUlgwjcdJ rsj_c_holcc of the prirv*, amUto-on. — — ~

Only a little moreithan two weeks remains, so, go and take a look at-the prizes, boyiJand girls, and then "RUSH THE LINK"!

LINDEN EDUCATION BOARD 8 0 - f EAR RAHWAYATPrepare For School Opening and Talk

Of New Building—Teacher Resigns

• Iff I

JSTT1M» Hoard of Education of Linden'-- hint nit;i]i nt fix- flcbooihounc ami Morris Ozinaii, Undaunted by Delay,



City Engineer Gets WordThat Veto Has Been


for non-resident high school pupils boIncronuod from $30 to $3G a year, andthat this amount bo paid quarterly Inadvances. At this new rate of fS6 the44 pupils who hov© applied for ad-mission to tho local school from thetown of Uooaovelt wore accopted.They reported at tho Hrgh school yea*terday morning.

On motion ol:_Commi8j|pner TuckerIt was proposod that • tho rate oftwenty dollars per pupil now beingcharged out-of-town pupils In thogrammar gradeBjke_incrjeafleil-to-$30,This motion will he considered at thenext mooting.

Dr. Frederick W. Soil, and Dr. W.Oladoki-WCTe-r*elwt0iflt Medical fcx-aminorB for tho coming year. Bothmen have Oiled tho positions for sometime past, and their election _.wasunanimous; The only other matter ofbusiness transacted was tho receivingof a communication from City ClorkLambert asking tho Board for per-mission to use the annex of ColumbianSchool for a polling place at the com-ing eloctlon. The board granted thedesired permission.

President F. M. Stlllman had theThose present were Commls-

aioner Philip Hoffman, T; H. Roberts,H. H. Jardlne, and H. D. Tucker,

meoLings and Miss G. T. Hndorhlll,and litoraturo.

Miss Joanotto Dowcy will bo thodelegate to thx> county convention oftho Bocioty to be held In Kogelle Parkon Hop£olnT)oF2i7^nd Mra. E. U. Kul-lor will bo tho delegate to the stateconvention to bo held at Woodstownin October.

Mr», William fitter and M«. G. T.Underhlll read paper* that were ofgreat interest to the meeting on Sat-urday afternoon. Miss M. L. Under-hlll vice-president of the society pre-sided, A report was read by tho com-mittee that vieltod tho AlmflboiiBG todistribute fruit, flowers, and icecreamMiss Dewey read the report of herwork among the colored poppIe.__QtherT0jrdrfiPw1ijre~Tendored.

Harrison and Bond Streets aro tohave their sewers. City EngineerMarsh received word by telegraph

Btalc Board of Engineers bad approv-ed the pir.ns for tbo proposod *ower»,Tho end of tho long uphill fight wagedby the City Engineer has anivcdjiift[work" wIirTuTTtarted within a »h$rttime.

It will bo remembered that thoState Board at K« la«t moetlng througha misunderstanding refused to grant

petition of the city on tho ground

GRADE CROSSING ACCIDENTS,It IH shown by reports Just .rendered

hut oft'tr lwfsoir fa every on# hundredhousand of population was killed by

accidents at grade crossings in theUnited States in the- years 190S~to"1909, Inclusive, and that two personsn overy one hundred thousand werenjured in the same period. These

figures in concrete form mean that thenumber of persons killed was 4,294and the number Injured was 8,858.These totals refer only to grade cros-sing accidents.

GOVERNORS MEET NEXT WEEK.Next Tuesday at Spring Lake the

Governors of approximately fortystates will meet in convention to dis-cuss many topics of widespread In-terest. Thirtyseven chief executives

Lve-accepiecMhe- invitations -extend-ed to them and the governors of sev-eral other states have not yet beenheard from. The five days of the con-vention will be devoted to discussionof the various questions presented,and all entertainment will be barredexcept for a reception to be given byGovernor and Mrs. Wilson at thestate cottage at Sea GIrt.and a dinner

I to be given on Thursday September\U.

President Tart may be present for[one day and addres/ the meeting, but[this has not been definitely arranged.

will be gtren to- th*lathering by the presence of the two

locratlc possibilities for Presidentrernor Judson Harmon of Ohio, andrernor Woodrow Wilson.


Tht* Certificate is good fora Credit of Ten Cents in theCompetition for a S t c g c rPiano, to be awarded the Or-ganization or Individual obUiningthe largest aggregatecredit.


Cut oat and gyyc tliis certife-fcatc to your favorite- orgnoi-

tidn. ""

thnt the Cranford trunk so wore wouldIK ovorjoaded. Pinna presented byUU: Marsh dlsjJnctl^_showp(|_thaLbutone" of the contemplated sowers wasto empty Into the-Cranford trunk and

; was at a IOBB to undcrntanrt^the

railroads, Including passengers, em-ployees and trespassers, makes astartling showing. In the year 1909the total number killed from allcauses amounted to 8,722, and thenumber Injured was 95,026. For fiveyears, the number of persons killedfrom all causes made a total of 49,-629, while the aggregate number of

k«ildents/o£ HaJrtwm- and iioStreet "section "of the city have beenurging the laying" of_the_jewe_r_.»xft-_tennaldUgthese'strcets for nomc time.At a.meeting ot the Common Councilheld last month Councilman Ludlowarraigned the City Engineer for nothaving secured the permission of theState at an earlier date. Mr. Marshoutlined the difficulties of the task andstated that it was with the greatestdifficulty that the Board at Trenton<MMJldH»e-iiidoce(rt?rtak"e~any action onthe matter

On Tuesday Mr, Marsh went toTrenton and after a lengthy interviewwith the State Engineers, succeededIn pointing out to them their mis-take and that their previous decisionshould be reversed. This morninga telegram was received from F. E.Daniels announcing that the plans bad

a-mil-Jlon—494,046, to be exact. In NewJersey the number killed In gradecrossing accidents alone In three yearswas 98; and the number of personsInjured was X74, making an averageof 33 killed in one rear and 58 personsinjured in the same period.

TO BUSINESS MENStrtiiht-from-the-Shonlder Talks.

EFFICIENCY is the keynote to suc-Inefficiency, U the to

failure and mediocrity. The need oftoday is for the EFFICIENT MAN.The market is glutted with the half-trained Incompetent, the man who lacapable of going so far and NO

for the next, school tonn starting InJanuary. Th*» laying of walk* and thofixing of th« ground* about the *rhoolwill ~not-br vtnrtcrtiln*rTcnrTy^IrT thospring.

Miffs C. ^[Jinlih-xCL-KHxftlwtlK-whfri

VALUESJLED TODAYTotal Valuation For City of

$6,729,633 Is Small I n _creasTOverXast

of tho school yc-fir. SuporlnfrnnVni Hnwnll rcfiirn<hrJ la*t rlt;htfronit hia farm af I'cru. MIIH«., iinti attiTuJpu i.hf Ifnarrl nif^tinK- j

Thr prlnnlplc tolik- of fllHiMimslon | HALF-CEKIDEYo T


thnt tho building willIn IHwimhiT, and thnt. If

Is United In Perth Amboy ToHis 70.Year.01d Bride

He Was Responsible For Breaking Up0"

Prospective Father GeUCoauflt

t'mlaiirifwl by the fact. that, bin agod

«wf!ft_tt«!ort hndfali'jd to fii>p<'»r vrhen

han bfron trncblne In the Bltaboth j B l 1 "^nKorncnu bad been m*to fornrhoo) for the pnflt year, tendor-fh'fl mArriago two wook« ago ninety-

cd her resignation to tho board stat-ing that aho was to nccopf n positionat noftovllle, ,Mlch, Hor resignationwan aocoptod.^ftnd tho committee onto(ichorA_was lnstructfld to engage an-other teacher to fill the vacancy.

Figures showing the total valuation»f property In this city w«»ru ftled wlfhJaunty Clerk Oalvert at Kllzabeth by

Board ot Assessors to-day, Tbo sumof $6,729,033 covers the total valua-tion* TtiU Ifi a alight increase overlast y<*d?fl figures.

estate, personal property and secondclass raTrofid property. The value ofthe real CBtnto If this city is pJacrlat $6,077.07.1, personal t/roperty at•900,000, and tho. balance, in. secondclags railroad property-

It is 1 <pccted that the tax-rate willremain practically stationary, • U any

LINDEN ELECTION OFFICIALS.Jurffce Lowden wan elected Judge of

KIoclloriH la«t night hy the Llmlr.n HOTO--Hoard'orTlegfafryiind" Elections, [at their meetlnx at. the office In Kllssa-!both Avenuo, Other election officials ,appointed last night wero Henry jbiancke. Inspector, and .fodoph

year-old Af orris Oxmnn ofHtn:ft, ha» at last succeeded In IcadlDffIIIB u/jventy-year-olfl brldf?, Mrs. A.HtiHpfro. of Brooklyn, to (hi? alter. Th»oldftrly rouple In now very happilymarried desplte.tbo opposition of Mrs.Bhnplrlo. of }irof>U\yn,Ut the altor. Tb6of Mr. Oxrrutn's relatlvfis.


Other matters In preparation for flicprimary and regular elections., wererJIflcutfsfrd. and another meetinfr will beheld In (be near future to make furtherarrangements.

county * x rat© Is expected to advanceowing among other tblngA to the nc:dfor ttddM&ial expenditarefl under the


Club was held laat evening at thp clnbhouse, anil final arrangement« for theentertainment and danoe fo be h**W onFriday /;venlng wore made. Tho af-

law.- T^IH law requirfcs j /ajr Ig unrfer the auspff-cs of the Wo-1

— After n brier courfahlp

had agreed to be married two

ago. All nrangementfl bad been made

for thr; wedding which was to


Mr*. Daltx on be Knlb Avenue. V*rth

Amboy. Arrayed In garments of the

latest cut. Mr. Oxrpnn appeared ready

for bin marriage. Whan t.b<r boar forthe. ceremony arrived the guests woresurprised to find that the bride-to-behad not arrived. The bridegroom

late hour Sa^-day night when ho gave up and catneback to his home In this city.

OTT the morning following be re-ceived a let Mr from Mm. Shapiro in

Ihjtt her fifty-yegro eutabJIsbeO

and moro ijlt'C'tlon officers employed,with greater expense to the county.

ANNIVER8ARY OF FIFE CORPS.The American Fife and Drum Corps

of this city celebrated their first an*

League and U ha~*'rfrrdngrrf topresent a three act play. Followingthe entertainment dancing will be en*Joyed.

The meeting Inaf night was very

-oM son bad refused to accompany herto the marriage. She dld'nt feel safeJn gatbg alone and that was the cans*of her non-appearance at the wedding.

When the Rahway man received th»well attended and it Is expected that letter he determined that he wouldthe affair-on Friday night. wH[_bring uaarryr-desplte-aFf-oppcuUlonr

as filed.

CANDIDATE8 FILE PETITION8.The following candidates for politi-

cal office have filed their petitions attho City Clerk's office: Bar Avery f o /Democratic Councilman of the FourthWard; William Marsh and 'Amos R.Terrlll for Justice of the Peace ofFifth Ward; David Armstrong for Re-publican member of the City Execu-tive committee; Harry Lang for CityConstable; William A. Hanson for re-election as president of the Board ofWater Commissioners; William How-ard for re-election as Major; AJonsoCrane and JL D. GIbby for Freehold-ers. '

-nighrby-hoJJfihg a > many members and Uwir MtndM tobeefsteak dinner In their clubhouse on j the clubhouse, 'Whlttler Street. Kmcry Tcrrill acted ' The club season will formally openas toastmastor, and Charles Crowell | on Saturday evening. September 30.lilled_thg_j^jc_of rhef T,was passed pleasantly, ending with aJlttle vaudeville sketch, including apiano solo by Walter .Mores; an ex-hibition of buck-and-wlng dancing byTerriJJ, vocal solo hy John Conolly;and a speech by President Hose.Guests from Perth Amboy were pres-ent.

ii a high CtSWlTVauOevment. Some rery fine

lUhway that day and went to Brook-lyn. For two week* be has been tryingto elude the vigilance of the fifty-year

thVmatfh/—Studay be succeeded In getting the sonto bear his plea for the mother's band

been engaged for this occasion and a and the old couple TV*re finallypleasant evening Is anticipated. [ ded. It Is not known whether

! will reside In, Rabwar or not.tb«y

RAHWAY ^VINS AT A8B0RY, _"KrahVand Alberta Azman of Lof-

berry Street, this city, were awarded

An informal reception will be ten- •dered to-night to the Rev. E, B. Saare, Jpastor ot tbc Linden reformed Charcb |in the parlors of the Church. The af-

; fair will be in the nature of & welcomeLto-Dr.Saure who-has been tt

FIREMEN AT YORK.Among those who enjoyed the fotxr


Inaw Island for the past four months.TU- Young Peoples Society of th*

silver cups at the baby parade at An- Church Is managing the affair,bury Park on Saturday. The float wasa minature ship with Prank dressedas a sailor at the wheel, and AIb#rtapulling the tiny vessel.

<**/ ?*

RAHWAY MOTORBOAT WINS.The motorboat Gertrude, owned by

John Rosrke ofthls city, won rh*event for boats of its class at Keyporton Labor Day, and Mr, Roarke wtsawarded Use prize, a handsome silvercup . In other 'events the Railwayboats were withdrawn, it f* cla^nedbecause of the onsportsmanllke con-duct of the Keyport oflldaJs.

Mr, and Mrs. Charles Walker haveleft for Saranae L«J» in the Adiron-dack*. They will be gone tor sereralweeks.

. Mr. and Mrs. George McFsrlaod ofManhattan an» Spending a few dsyswith Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Williamson

causes for the low scale of wages pre-vailing among the office help of thecountry i» inefficiency- They are in-capable of accomplishing th* work ofa man or woman and cdnseqnentiy twomust be employed. Thus wages arecat In halt

The. EFFICIENCY PRINCIPLE isflikewise applicable to the businessman. The merchant who simply ekesout a BARE LIVING in his bnsbieuIs INEFFICENT. A business if rnnIn an efficient manner should be ter-mendonsiy mor« profitable. Two menmay start in the identical line of bus-iness in this city. ONE m*jr make afortune and the other s ba4s riving.



Six Months for SL5O. One Year SAOOs Three Mooth* for 75 Cents



Termof 3Moote . . . TermotSix- icmem OOT omt

Credit W* SobKtiptkm to

o# One Year

A VERY HAUGHTY PRISONER, jCharles Schmidt, s baker formerly

employed in this city and now resid-ing In Xew York, was arrested onMonday afternoon by Officer tangtooat the Pesnsyrranla Railroad stationon a charge of intoxication. Schmidtgave the officer a tussle before he sub-mitted to arrest, and tossed aroundsome, threats to have Langton mnor-ed irom tJb* poMw forrr dieJudge pat off the bench, if h* w u mr-rested.

Schmidt waji disduuved from Uw?shop in which be had be*n workingID ifaii tity night Hestayed aboat town Sunday and whenJUL_rrarhrrt tho railroad—ttstfon—oirMoodty afternoon he was in*plr*4 bymauy cooling drinks. H* vm» veryoblsr at tne «tatk>or and when OflcvrL«ngtoe Attempted to oalet Um SKM."How dare yoo uft to me! If youhiy your lun4« 00 m«~r win kmve yoa

pany on tbeir trip to TorXOettysbargb batUcfieH ire: tire ChiefFrederick B. Toms, Auteteat CktaCWalter I. Sprfoger and former CbJefPbillp Gebring, Charle« V. Pott, WTO-Urn A. Hoggin. Fred Miner. JoteFranks. Fred Bepkie, Cbarle* Held,.Nathan Randolph, lames Brofaa,JamesO^TJonnen, Robert Hornby, DvrfdKennedy. Amoe Terria Walter ELMiller, DeWItt P»aHcs> Josepfe KeDy,Charles Weir, Walter Somrma, Georg*Blackloc k.Cbarles SchmidtL«JDpbear, Daniel flslWMi,Jfohr, Jzm+t Dan ham. Herbert Gofer*ing. JAmes Jerome. Charted Kellyr

B. Holmes, C. Uoltmma, W. atattaeaox. George Seaaffer, WtZSaat T.Weber. Councilman and Mn. Hogfc W.Rcarke, Mr. a«4 afrs JokaMr and Tin. Jo6a Crist. Mr. aa4


• & * «

dismissed trotn ta* force."Ollleer I^ngfon placed ta* man oav

i der arrsst and reptted taat be woaidleave fa* matter for Jadge Boeklsy Codecide. He was focmd gsOty te eovtyesterday nonitag and wasdollars- *

Tbe end of the story isbaker resjato* te Jtil mUh ks> tae\

aad Of lccr i iButton are atffl boMtsw tnsir



la cooJMctkM with UM

t o t for a _

Page 2: KEENE UNDER KNIFE AGAIN. HAMMOCKS! LEHMAN'S · v U «• GOTCH WINS IN STRAIGHT FALLS imerican Ghampion Retains World's Titla r JAMES R. KEENE. American Financier Und^rpoet-(^•ration

V . ' " • • • ' r


•r*V. •


American Champion RetainsWorld's Tide. -


Crowd of 35,000 O«»i I own l»*rm»r"Wrotlpr Pin ChilUnovr* to MatTwio. In U M Than Half *n HGUI\

SoUno* Triumphs Ovar Weight.

GRlES BROS122-124 Main Street, Rahway |



OptrAtton to Bav« HI* L'f*

, ill.,wr«>MitiM' <*f tlm world,

fnirtloii innn. (linnIn pinning (](Mtrtio1 tip iniMHliin, Mvlro to (ho

tl«ir tvllli liU Imlli.v iiiiltik'olilHf.and M world of cniilldt'htMt fold hi fiivtirOf (hi*1 "lown furiimr" from t'lm mouipiit hp t'tHtM'*'d tlm ring.

A rvviM'Ni1 iMnly hold pill (ho KIIM«lmt l l o n V ntuutlitotii 011 (lio inul tin*

I •'• ;•

1 •

Mi MiM'iindii (o unlti DIDfnll, ...TIii» "IUWJI funum'V fit limit* Uwhold XVIIH iVKpotiMlhlo for HIMfull. TIMn tlnm It look

-thlP!)' f\vo 'NIMMMUIM to fnuttM>i> "Hon."(Jntoh KI'IIUKMI til D10 ,Mft,<KK> Nporin

torn AN li* rntprod tho rltur. Hoamltal chwrfully im ho Kimrwri nhom

.ihe-rbur fur-it-{tntt hold upoh ftn»" HUM"•Inn, nor did (ho Ritilln fudn nit ilinnitftiU»t> 'tattle/ Al (In- t>nd of (ho hoot llc&pAtiital into M full flmltfod IIIUKII.Tht» trlckn, Ni*|i»nrtt niid prowiMM nf thoAuiortrnii piwr.!!rd nwUiiNl Out tinilo•tr*ii|ttti, ullwht nrlniu'o nnd tt fowtrlrk* of (ho HuNMinn, not to IIHMIIIOIIlht> *>xlra |>otmditKo riirrlwi by I ho inn ttwho vnlnly miidr a 4,(HH) inJlo (rip 10vtncmt ilu> mitt Imtrol* from tlio fnrinor,

llncktMiMrhiiildi IN uUNNintmM *1!,<Hm-»ttd-n-lnTKP'l>«*Vvomriif*i"of (ho ploimv

l*romltit>t)itimtlit'i'. MIMThu latter

won (lie world'n (Itle frommtttr thrtH* ywnt* URO.

Two hnmlnM pollrtmum won* nt thejrtt|AiNU1oJinlyX-.tu.-Sim-lUiit-uu- foul U*>-tic* w^rv iViioHml to.

Tho prviiuotrrN ^XIHKU that thw gutvrooi*iptii will rtmoh fliKUXW.

Tha out of town vUltora filial nil thr, nnd mnny n*ho oould not

±Cfci-»_ttt_thownlk tho ntrt*ttt«.

In box<vi i»o«r \oral luuiilivvl woiurn,Knioug tUtfiu woru Uitirhvrlfo and mother In hiw,thro« occupied n u»\ dlrth*tly Ui fromof the unMiu. nnd with thorn Mt JnokCurK v, lunnnitvr of Uotoh'i lrnlnlu«cutup, «*ul Kmtl Klfink, Uotvh'i umn-*|jt>r. It In imfi» to nny thnt thg fouil-nluo rolnttvon of \\w chnmptou woh1

the mont tntoivi«t(M.l In all tho vaNicroxxtl of KiHwtntivr*.

Thoro wan Ilitlo Uutlm;- Tho illrrotors of tho Kuiptiv Athlotlo ohihmlwl tlmt "nil IH'IH nm off," thun tv

(ho v\\\h friun uio* rovpoiml-! h ' ! U > > l K h t nflvrwurd arUo.-It

xran morvly n tivhnionMty for tho pro-t<H*tltM\ of tho olul» whtohtho t^uloM. Owe IM>1 of ?-KX> towaa inmlo. nnd tho prvvntllitKwens ^ (« 1 on Uotoli.


Mile In WWch 50 Are KlSeJT o m s GorernmeDl to tot.

of Etutlio

tilled. It Uwait kllloO

of Mexico* Atbo hat lift with tho•apata lu Motvlo^-lnhit followers urvMated that uulo?a*u rc(KMrt*Hl during U10 duv he is tobi Yii\>tvu»l,v' }ir\^vuUHl by tho fedcml cororuiuont for \Uv rrtnn^s ho hn»commit tod nnd h;i* ivrtutttotl u» IH>

by Ids men lu thai >UW\;ind jihuws of tho

and UVint aiv a uuviiK the vThe fodorHl ^ivrrnmrnt lm.-<

to |«gr no niorv attoution topJea thru h^ U illstumdjui; hU men.If t^liu; to press tlw oaiupaltfu

htm.IN* la Barm haa deter-

to ofTcot the Immediate dl«

KEENE UNDER KNIFE-AGAIN.American PlmwoUr M A I r I • • Prom Op-

eration In London,I,onf1on, Knpt. »V .IIIIHOM It. Ki'niio,10 MnnnoUM1, wii«*iiivop»Nfully nttnrnto<t

on fur ntntnnrh m>utit<> nt n iiumlnuhoinn horn,

Tlio imllrnt. rnlltnti woll, mvonilmr lu« atntntnnnt tnmiod Uy hi* phynU'lnn.nnd hi" rand It ton |M iHit'oiirntflntf. tt

niinnuniUHl thnt Mr. Kootio witsm\\uv tjuKn oninfortntily.Thorn \vuro no *tiriiN or compllrn-

tlonn, IIIM tsmdltlon prom)*** woll, nudho la nwklnjr (tft*Ml pmitw** (nwnnt


HI n

Kllltd PouftMrt-yaar-old RivalHid In Woods.

I'M., KnWi—r'i~Af tenfoe ottfht tinyrt hy bid

litjt In tho >voiKlf*, 1 lurry O*lniim\ N»»Vnntoiui ,vcnrn old, linn livt'ii lorkml hi tvroll In HiroiKlMlnn>' Jnll, lit' llml aftortho klllliiK of Uooi«o IMlln, fuuflivn

STfllHP DJIYTomorrow fr'»

chase 3 Stamps will be

Tlie Best JWeatsand Only the Best may be had at

U Fetter's Market7 5 IRVING STREET

We also carry a full line of

FRESH VEGETABLES. -Direct Wire, No waiting Phone 306. Goods delivered

CLUB S T A B L E SDUNN & RUDDY, Proprietors

127-129 Jrying Street, Rabway.N.J.

\vo\n ilT h i ' i m \ s welt* uiliult'Ot'N o f ,M INH Cot'.1

IC, Hi'i'ui' ui , (wont .v ,\onr»4 ulii . Mht» h:irvfitRoil '.it uiIU IUH»UI t h o ii'iiutMivi »"»<(h« pr*>t*»* w;.»r h o f r (um'oit th.t |HllP Will Hi! tW» MtlU'tl j ; - tt U'H tlO*"< 'Sh«» W«i* UiM p T W I l t \\ IliMl Ht'illh WIIM

klltoO.It \VH* pUlu frviiu tho u|t|)Oiinuii-o of

(tint ho had HUtTorod frmii himo\]Mi«uro. IIo wIMItmly no

>K) un ollUvr to prlitim. I lo willbo hoUl ponillntz notion l»y""ilu» irrniiitJury.

AMERICAN BOAT WINS."Olxlt IV. OutdiBt»nc»o"Drltl»h""Eirtrlfli

For Intornntlonwl Cup.IhmthiKton, N. V.. Sopt. 5. - Tho

Amorlatn Uoi\U IMxlo IV., owmnt byH. II. Melville, AniriiHt UocUnher niu!

, uVfontoti tho Hrjltn tho flrnt rt\rc for

tho tnternmlonul motorhont onp boroTbo KntsHnli chnllonK^PH, lMomH»r 11..owno*l hy tho l)»iko of Wowtmlnwtci^7VitfnTHr"XliipU> l.onf Ml., ownwl by KMnokny IMsnr, wow MIMMIUI UIUS tlitnLrwi|>wtlvoly. Tho otbor Urnti woro

No tltm* wna nnnotinctxlTho UI a to IV, won the moo by «

half mile uvor tho thirty mile couraeTho i»o*M»m1 rnco will \v> oontetttexl thinafternoon.

Clear *klo« and a frwih breeie from(ho outward thnt inado qulto a rou^hK<* on tbo sound «rv tho condition*which Rivotod tho Iieet_ of, high aneeil

tnoiofhoahT V few "hour* boforo tliratart of tho flrnt race for theintor-nntlonnl t;urv "The IMxK tho VIvnaud the DUturbcr II. were the Atntrlcan tn^ata,

Tho hnrbor was (Ulrti with yachts ofevery dwterlptlon. flytng (tag* of allclutw, the nctmo ln>lnR a moat plcture*quo one.

Tho Dixie IV, waa In prtma condlUon. Hor lK'Iniwinnu, Froxl K, Burnham, had with him the same crew anon the eUmlnnttoa race.

to bare erory town I11 Ui« state of)|or«loa (vvuiUixi t\v federal trvoi w•which nhall by dopTrw be replaced byth* new rural troard*. which are


l»tOe today at Chlnaiao^ca wasa r*#uH of 7-A\vit&%* direct vtolatlohof his prx^nilse la« ireek to Madero to

bis men and ro home. Mamumod to ttte capttal declaring

that ZajwU «as a patriot and shouldI* ptt***cat<i«d by the porernment.

City of Mearfoo Is maoftsby police and w»ldi<r« iuid the

iic vhioh dlsrmcod the rajUtal hasIxcn nrj*mt«HL KfieAds of G^n-Bernardo ICeye* are iwUpnant:_at

tbe cemdner of the mob thatand roM>ad him Sunday ffbro heattempclnc to r.ddnew a mawIn frvmt of the National theater anJpoint to the dS*ord<r* a* eriiJenr^ that.V^xloo wli! ih>t haro a fialr eSccdonIn Ortol*r.

Madaro ancouoopd hi* dUapprora1

of the condnot of the raoM SuxnUy.botord*r« hatv act yet bern Irptroops to fine on tbe next mob of

NEW SALAMANDER FOUND.R(o« apft^im^iv C«Q1UP4M Old,

Sept ^ - A brand dewsalamander, new at least to student A,though perhniw centuries old. h««boou dUtwvvred in OoMa K*ca» accord

uxinuard ^teJnoK»r of theSmithsonian Institution.

Thin 9j>«M.iroen Is UtUe nio-v thantiro and a half incho« long, has nsmoMh brown sUn somewhat Ftripcd,a wldo tUt head and a lonj; cylindricaltail

Tti-o ancient schools of naturalistsdla|iute\l fn vain whether the salaman-der w«s nreptx^f until Pliny tho olderin the first century of theera put a snlumandcr In the firtv

S t Martin and tht Dictionary.St. Martin when ho divided bis cape

with a naked beggar at the pate ofAmiens c*** a l s o rwo x>rds to tbeEupMsh lan^nare. The oratory Inwhich this torn cape was preserved asa sacred banner acquired the name of-chapelle" (from tbe French -chape*'*,tbectretodUn being tennedrchnpbin."and thus oor En^Ush wordtand •chaplain* are dcrirod.—minster Gantta.

HAMMOCKS!Any Hammock, and we, have a fewGood Ones at 30 per cent, less thanthe former prices ,AI 2%,

i ri> Koberts,19x21 Cherry St, KaHwayrN,J,


Toiophono 107-W. ' 125 Irving StreetMaker of Puro Homo-MadeCandias and Ice Craams

Watch Our Windows For Our Specials Friday and Saturday

LEHMAN'SWednesday Specials



19c pound19c pound17c pound9c pound

Double Stamps or Piano Coupons with

all Purchases Paid at Store a

SPECIAL !Plate or Brisket Beef

Cents a PoundWorth IO Cts



Street, Telephone





'• LOOK6 Qt. Basket Onions6 0t . Basket Apples6 Qt- Basket Potatoes6 Qt. Basket Carrots6 q t Basket Crab Apples




• ^••::^;>^r:;;^-:--'f-^^^;';;--:^.".---.--^r-';f.^v^




.. ..• * i


W. C, T . j J . ELECTIONSMember* Meet To Elect Officers For

Ycnr and Talk Over Plitin

A Jlcctinji Lwf Ni ht Six ApplicantsFrom New York and Pcnniylvania

Jultu A, Hiirkitr wan

prt?Ml<l<mt. of tlin Wotuon'n

i .fnf tlm

Were Cboten On Their Record


14 High School Pupils From RooseveltWill Pay $35 A Ytar Imtead of


nr nnrhold fuMt nJxht- At thvulldlntf. Thoy will fill vucitn-

ortiatod during tho punt yctar, andlull oomo wall roconnnondod from

lu Now York and I'onniiyl-vitnla. Thny uro: MINM Mnry TiUrndcm, Columbian Hchool;Vim DotiKttn, Mamiul ruining; Hurryt'rowol], pr«d«ti^ IJfich School: J, ]I,NoonHii, OrndoMp Illfh HchooJ; HoyVn*$tt\orv, Manual TrainliiK.

It wu» rooommontlvd by tho spoclnl<ommltt(fo appointed to coualdor (lio

;iuiittor of inoruaMlng tbo tuition of outof-town pupil" Mint tho ruto of tuitionfor nou-roiildont hlKb tfobool puplli* boI no nm* oil from $110 to $35 u your, nnd[hut till* amount bu paid rjuurtfirly Inndvancox. At (bin now rate of |35 tho

minion to tho local HCIIOOI from thetown of Hooiovolt wuro mThoy reported at tho High nobooltorduy morning.

On motion of Comml*nlonor TuokorIt was propovod tbat tho rato oftwenty dollum nor pupil now bolntccharged out-of-town pupil* In thogrammar gradoi bo Incromiod to $30.Thlp motion will bo (umHldurcd at thenoxt mooting.

Dr. Krodorlok W. Holl, and Dr. W.

amlnorn for tlin coming your. Bothman havo flUcd tbo ponltlon» for lomotlmo punt, and UiofF olbction wanunanimous. Tho only othor mattor ofbunlnoRH transacted WUH tho receivingof u communication from City ClorkLarabort asking tho Hoard for par-

BKlon to u«o tho ttnnox^orCohimblan8chool for a polling pitted at tbo com-

g oloctlon. Tho board gran tod tho[doilrod pormlHslon.

[chnlr and tho«o prosont wore Comml*-[iilonor Philip Hoffman; T. H, Uobortu,H. H. Jardlno, and H, D. Tuckor,

(GOVERNORS MEET NEXT WEEK,Noxt Tuesday at Spring Lako tho

Governors of approximately fo^tystutea will meet In convention to dJ»-IUBH many topics of widespread In-torost. Thirtyaovon chief executiveslave accepted the Ihvltatlohs extend-)d to them and tbe governors of sev-sral other states have not yet beenteard from. The five days of the con-rentlon will be devoted to discussion>f the various questions presented,

id all entertainment will be barredccept for a reception to be given by>vornor and Mrs. Wilson at theito cottage at Sea OIrt,and a dinnerbe given on Thursday September

President Taft may be present forle day and address the meeting, butIs has not been definitely arranged.

led interest will be given to theterlng by the presence of the two

Mnocrattc possibilities for President,renior Judaon Haraonjrt Ohio, andrerttor-Woodrow Wilson.


CONTESTThis Certificate is good forCredit o h

for a S t c g c rlano, awarded the Or-mization or Individual oblining the largest aggregate


it oat and - give - tbis ccrtifi-kte to yonr favorite- ocgani-ticm.

y*mv at ii mm'itlDK W "i*1

li«ld ut (lui homo of thn MIBHOH Under

till) on Cauwnvirn HfiooL on Hnturduy

fiflornoon, Ottiom to bo olitolvd to

w«ru MIHM M.

Mr«. IJ. At, Young, (ttjoro-l»ry MUN «, 'J'. Underbill,M.

Kroiu tbu churches llio followingwdto nurnnd at* do]i'Ktn>*; Mrs,

MU« Mnrtha i'unuun,Mwftjodlxt; MCH. ll, O, Parvlu,

Trlnlly MothodUt, and Mr».' WilliamMorMhon, KirnL liuptlwt.

HuporlfitandaiiU for the departmnntKworu choMon n» follows: MUM M, U,Undorhlll, Loyal Ttirnporance legion;MI*H U)UIHO Voung. Holdlorif and Hall-urn; Mrs. Amanda Towuloy, flowor

MIMN Joantttto IJawuy, parlormooting* and MJM O. T. irndorhllJ,

and Utoruturo.Jtmiu'tte Dowoy will bo tho

u to tlm county convention oftho tfouloty to bo hold In KOHOIIO Parkon tteptotubfir 21, and Mm. IC, It, Ful-ler will bo tho dijJotfuto to the state,oonvontion to be hold at Wo.odstownIn Octobor.

Mrs. WlllhuiLiaiilfTr and- MMr-tir-TVDndorhlll road papcrit that wore of

luloront Lo tho mooting on Hat-urduy uftvrnoon. MUH M. L, Under-hfll vIco'proMfdout of tho society pro*Kldod, A roport W(IN rond by tho com*mltton that vlflltod tho AlmshotiKo todUtrlbuto fruit, flowom, and IcocroamMisw Dowoyroad tho %-roporl of borwork among tho colored pooplo. Othorrnports woro rondorod.

GRADE CRO88INQ ACCIDENTS,ll In j»bown by ropqrtu Jti«t.roiifJurud

VSfcioirin evvry one hundred

BnnounccntentW1N<J lo complaint* by clilldrcn who rtt;iricrcl out to word lor the

pony nlicretl in* a prl/c for the ntoM nubscriptifmr. thai their p.irnitfiwould nr>t let llr^n cuter the conlr»»l hn-'iUM- ul "Hu* avM or \;H\I O\

fiicilltlcH lor keeping it pony If they won itfci!w* UlW.OUl) h.-m tlcciclrd tochange Ihi* prize nmi<)tWji±m\i^iLM^EQ^

iS willi aKinU-r-Urtikva, ;nul TWOKI.OIN WATCIIKS.

The lowr prl/cti nre mlaptcd to cither boyr, ui irK ;in Hie bicyclr will In-nwardpd rlllicr in boyw' or jjliV Iraincn, Ik^iiniliij: tottiorrnw the prj/e»iwill br on exhibition In the window of McColluui'it More on Main Siren.

My request it Ihrfc-inonlliH' nutjucrlpllonthe- MUM,

prize imiHt hnve at Icimt M) points.Tlft'fe iire now foiir boyi* and j;lrl» to

Wit OJII ivt

Any evt\\r*U\n\ in be englble for a

iiinre~tnghefcl ~iinmhcr i;f poinU will heallowed flrM choice of the prlia-n, nnd NO OH,

Only a hllle inore|thaii two week* remain*, HO, W> and UUv a look al-the prlzcH, boy4 and «lrUt and then "KUSH THIi UNH"I

a, LINDEN EDUCATION BOARD! 9Q-VEAR RAHWAYATPrepare Vor School Opening aud Talk

Of New building—Tcncltcr

Tin. Mnurd of U(lu<:ull<jn of

1STbuslnosa preparatory- to \u

of tho school

u*iu)vni l(owt<l| r r l i m

rerun Jiln fnl'ln n> I'fM], Mm>n,, iirtd

• fijflml lh« Honnl JMCKIIMK,

T h e pi'lniifplii i up i r n f

Is United In Perth Amboy ToUii 7 0 . Year-Old Bride

H» \t* tht*

(in i |jj. new nt'.Uinti


City Engineer Gets WordThat Veto Has Been

Taken Off

Hurrlson und 1 Jo rid Htrcotn aro tohuvo tholr Nowors. City lOnglneorMnrsli rocftfvod word byfrom* Trontou thin taor»lnK thnt tbo

ffourd of IfloKlnean* hud (tpprov-

ml tlio pli.iiM for tho propoftod cowers.

Tho und of the long uphill fl«ht wftg«dg p « gth'w City P!nfflr»jMg_hiLii-ttrrlv<4it-<tnfa ifichlUhtK 111 tttuNfTlIjCUrdS ar«

work will \n> started within utime.

It will bo romombuNfd that tbo.Hfuto Bourd at Its lust inonttiitf througha ml*under>undfni£ refused- io Krunttho petition of the city on tbo groundUnit tho Cr'uuford trunk so wore wouldIK ovnrjoadml, flans protfonted byMi, MurHh dlMtlnctJy showed that but

of Hmv<ir* Wii«

thousand of population watt killed byaccidents; tit.grade crowing*- in thoUnited States In the youn 1006 to1900, lucJuiilve, and that two pornonnIn evory one hundred thouHand woreInjured in thu mime period. Tho«e

in concrqto fqrm_moan_tllutlh£Lhumbol' of porsonn killed was 4,204and tho number Injured waif 8,8CK.Thoso totals refer only to grade cron-nlng accldontH.

TJio number of persons killed onrailroads, Including passon/tors, em-ployees and trespassers, makes astartling sbowfng. In tbo year 1900tbe total number killed from allcauses amounted to 8,722, and thenumbor Injured was 95,020. For-flvoyears tbe number of persons killedfrom' all causes made a total of 41),-029, while the aggregate number ofpersons Injured war nearly^ half a mil-lion—494,040, to bo oxact. Tn NewJersey the number killed in Kraftocrossing accidents alone in thrc? yearswas 98; and tbe number of personsInjured was 174, making an averageof 33 killed in one year and 68 personsInjured In tbe same period.

TO BUSINESS MENStrti|ht-from-tbe-Shoolder Talk*.

EFFICIENCY Is the keynote to «uc-C0t9. - Inefficiency Is the Twynote tofailure and mediocrity, Tbe need oftoday is for the EFFICIENT MAN.The market 1* glutted with the half-tralned incompetent, the man who Ucapable of going so far and NOFARTHER. One of the greatestcauses for tbe low scale of wages pre-vailing among the office help of thecountry U inefficiency. They are in-capable of accompllehlng th« work ofa man or woman and consequently twomust be employed. Thus wages are

The. EFFICIENCY PRINCIPLE is*likewise applicable to tbe businessman. The merchant who simply ekesout a BARE LIVING In his businessis INEFFICENT. A business If runin an efficient manner should be ter-men&rasJy more profitable. Two menmay start j n theJdentfcal line of bos-ine&s in this dty.. ONE may make afortune and the other si fraifc living.

t'» Mripty into tho C ran ford trunk andli<t wan at. u IOUH to muk^htnitd tbo

of J-UtfHwnv ewrt Hottitreot section of tbe city hnve bo<;n

tera along these streets for nomv. time,At n meeting of the Common Councilhuld month Couucllmnn Lurtlowarraigned tho City Engineer for not

Btato at un earlier date, Mr, Marshoutlined tho ditflcultlo* of the task andstated that it was with the

could bo Induced to take any action onibe matter,

On Tuesday Mr. Marsh went toTrenton and after a lengtby Interviewwith tbe State Engineers, succeededin pointing out to them tbelr mis-take and that their previous decisionshould be reversed. This morninga telegram was received from F. E.Daniels announcing that the plan* hadbeen acceiJietTas filed, "

CANDIDATES FILE PETITIONS.The following candidates for politi-

cal office have filed their petitions attbe City Clerk's office: Ray A very forDemocratic Councilman of tbe FourthWard; William Marsh and 'Amos R.Terriil for Justice of the Peace ofFifth Ward; David Armstrong for Re-publican member of the City Execu-tive committee; Harry Lang for CityConstable; William A. Ranson for re-election as president of the Board ofWater Commissioners; William How-art for r^-etecttan a* Mayor; AlomoCrane and JU D. Olbby for Freehold-ers . '


Total Valuation For City of$6,729,633L_Jk_Small in

crease Over Last

nUnwttti"Ui« lulu) valuationof property In ihU oily wvm filfd withCounty Clerk Cnlvort at Kllzubttli byNttttinn ll Compton, proKld^nt of thniioard of ANNosNom u>-6nyt Tbo sumof $0,730,1;!:} <:ovur* tbo total valua-tion, .rTiJU 1»< ft -slight ln/*r«isc ovrr\nn(

prmonul property and nvvtmArai;ro»d properly, Th« valtio of

tho rual OMUUJ it ihin *My U p)nc.fdfit |5,077.07ft, pomoimi property at

hn balnnrf! In *m:ondproporty,

cpoctod that tho tax-rato willrAann i



IN tinIn ihw.mhfr, unit ihaf. It

d furt thnt if win hit iiNrtitlld next Nchool tonn

• Ifiyfruc of w/In


fHe-Wa«^efpofl«HrFor^rfikurfttpj The Wedding Two Weeki Ago But

Prospective Father Get* Consent

flfurtffi unMI In tho

Minn ll. M, Hmllh (IT Kllxubritb, whotinM bi-.tni tnnrblriK In riff* KlhabotUHiiiHt* tfchfn>\ for thn pn*t. ytinr, t«ndflr-v(i her rifsltfnntlon to ib«t bonrd HtutiriK Mini »h« wan io (ircitpi a positionai


Mich, Heritt(u\, find tlm ':ommltt*)i> onWHB ln«tnj(;fod to ongitgo an-

to nil th« vacancy.

LINDEN ELECTION OFFICIALS.JuriK'r IjUWiUstl Wfm t:\i«:\iut Ju'lg" of

KUwtUmn IJIMI nlKht by. thn l,\inU-tiHanr Hoard r;r.Rit|flstry. »nrl Mfit ffopjr rnvMlriK «' 'bo atflvji Inboth Av<'nii*T, Olhor "lection offW;lal»,rt|jpr>lnffi4 IIIKI"" nltihf wuro H«nry


Clwrk.Other mntutrn In preparation ror tbo

primary and rojiijlar elections w<jroA another mnetfn^ will bo

in Mw nt'tir fuiiir« to mnMn further

fti Uy thti fnv.t ttltii. hi*

li»4 fall*!! to npp*fftr wb«o

nil nrrnhU.ttftwntH hud \nwti rn/ido for

blM mnrrlntfo t,wo wuoks a«o ninety-y<,-rirold Morrltt Oxrnnn of

hao nt. JANL Hncr,Mt6tnl In

y^ar-old brido, Mr*. A,

Hbaplro, of Brooklyn, to ibi* hldtr, Tb*»flldorly roupff* In now vary happilynwrrl«ri d<iNplttt,th<t opposition of Mrs.Hhaplrlo, of thu alf^r. 7bn

vt Mr, OXMAU_'S rtiUtUypn.

After a brt«f rourtxhlp tbo couplehod tmrft,*] Ui b#t marrlfrd two w«*ks

romnfn pntctlcully itratlotifiry. If anyadvance IN made it will be slight. Tbdtounty * >x rate in exp«cUjd to advanceowing urnopK other Uilu«« u> thd m;m1

expenditures under tbeS 1«W requires

ha cntJib)liihi>n


and moro"with KrmitVr tsxpMiwj tn tbo county,

ANNIVERSARY OF FIFE CORPS,Tho AmorJriafi YUc. ;\t\<\ Drum Corp*

of tblH <:\ly culftbruiftfl th«lr »r*tt. nri-

LINDEN CLUO ENTERTAINMENT,A m/'(?l(nic of the Llrtdfln (Vjuntry

Club v/;i(j huld Iu»f ovnlnff nt ih«* cAnhUotttw, «m'l flijjil nrrnrif(«'in<*nffi forili'*ftifr*Ha)iim«;iit and (IMUW t« b« lifrl/1 <mKrldwy i:Vf*nUiK wn* utnAc Thi nt'fair is unrffrr the AnnpU'-.n of th* \V<>-mif'nir ^»/(^u^ nnri Ir httn rtrrtihw.G tn

for He? wadding which wan lobvfin cvUihrtitiui «t ihu rcjtMon/.o ofMm. halt* on !)* Kalb Avenuw, r*«rthAmboy, ArraymJ In (cawi'mf* of tb«latent r-uf Mr. Ox man fli>p*mrod reiulyf^r b\* mnrrl&nttt. When th« bour for

tH*$ wri'ttwny wrrlvftfl (h*to find fbul ih/r

not arrived, Th#-•4 ^iiifntly until a Jat* hour Buo-nlKht v/fj'-n h<; Kav<* up and cam*i

back i« bU born/- In this dey,—On' fhft iriomlnie followlns; b/f r<?-

tMvt'A a U'*t"r from Mrs. Hh?plr'/ l»•vlilcb sfjf; *fX laJ/jf''I tbai b*r ftftyyti/ir


danclnflr will bo to-\n tht) mnrr\n%n. Hbt dM'nt f^Jlo KOttjg aJono and that w u tlwof her nonappcarflnc/? at tb*

!««f jiUhf. wa« vr'ry ; Whwj th/? rtabway mail r«c«rlv«d tlwwrit atu-ndori an4 it Is expected Uut j foru-r h«? d^(<nnln^ *bst h« wrwiM»h'' affair on Fi-May nl«ht

tl todlnnnr In thulr

Whlttlor Htroirt., Knicry Trrrill fittedan irnmtmitBtor, and ('harlcH Crow/*Il

itHn/l »-B#» roll? of rhef, Th^r trV

was panMod pleannntly, endlnjc with aJlrtle vfiudevllJo sketch, IncludlnK apiano solo by Walter Morss; an ex-hibition of buck-and'Wlng dancing byTerriil, vocal solo by John Conolly;xind a speech by President 'Rose,

from Perth Amboy were pres-

fb" rlubhotiM,Th#«>lub t


Rabway Uiat day and went to Brook-* j ly»« For two w* <k» bo ban b«MM

will fornnally 0|«>n j to «lud© tli/j ri&l&nas of fbo flftyjj


wfib a hlgb class vaudeville entortalB \f\ny bement, Homt: rtsry One talent bai; | to hear bis ptehcmi engaged for this occaafon and a j and the oMpleasant evening is anliclpa(«d. ;ded. It (s not

! will reside in Rahway or noc

the mutch,in KtdtittK tb« Mtt

for tfa« matter's bandfinally we4-

kno*n wbcrtb«r


An Informal reception will be ten-dcred to-nigbt to tho Rev, K. B, Haure, jpastor of tht lAnden r*fformed Cbarcfa jIn the parlors of cbo Church, The affair will be In tbe nature of SC yvtslconwto Dr. flauro wbo baa been In Mack-

Frank and Alhorta Azman ofberry flfro**!, tbfs dty, weresilver cup» at (he baby parade at AH-bury i ark on Saturday, Tht* float wasa mfnature ship wjtb Frank dressedas a sailor at tbe wheel, and Albertapulling tbe tiny ve»*el.

Laf-jinaw Island for tbe past four months.

Mr. and Mr*. CharJes Walker lutreleft for 8aranac Iske in UM Adiron-dack*, They will be gone for severalweeks.

RAHWAY MOTORBOAT WINS,The motorboat Gertrode, owned by

John Roarke ofthfs city, won theevent for boats of Its class at Keyponon Labor Day, ami Mr. Roarke wr.sawarded the prize, a handsome silvercap In oth«r 'boats were withdrawn, it is claJjnedbecaase of the ansportsmanMke con-duct of tbe Kerport ofldala.

. Mr, and Mr* George ttcFsriand ofManhattan are spending a Um dayswith Mr. And Mrs. Gilbert Williamsonof Stearns Street


Six Months for SL5O. One Year $3X»Three Mooth* for-75-Gtntt ~T~






•-&$• ' • * •_••*• " : • > £ : , -'-I

T),c Voung Peoples Society atChurch Is manaeinR tbe affair


A VERY HAUGHTY PRISONER.Charles Schmidt, a bak«r formerly

employed fn this city and now resid-ing In New York, waa arrested onMonday afternoon by Officer Ltnguyaat the Pennsylvania, Railroad stationon a charge of Intoxication, Schmidtgave (be officer a tussle before be sub-mitted to «rre*t, and tossed arooodsome, threat* to bare LA

FIREMIN AT YOBK, "* \Amonx those who enjoyed <b«*f/wr

day outing of (b* FranWIn HOM Com-i» <*Mrfr_trtp_to -.Tork. P«^^»^

baulefleld are: rir*Cbt#f

from the police force and thejodge pat off th« bench, if h* was ar-rested.

Schmidt waa ditcfaarsed from tb#abop in which be Itsd been workingin this city on Saturday nigbt. Hestayed about town Sunday and whenhe reached tbir railroad stalkm onMonday afternoon be waa inapfrvd bymany cooling drinks. He was terynoisy at tbe station, and wfeen OfflesrLaagtoo attempted to qttimt Maa isJd,"How dxr* you Calk to met If yonlay your bands o o m i l win bare youdismissed from tbe fore*."—OaV*r T.«itgtpo placed tbe maa BB-der arrwt and replied tbat be wooldIcsre tbe matter tor Judge Backlcy todedde. He wss fonnd guilty Is ctmiiyesterday morning sad w tead tea

Frederick B, Toms, AssisUat CfcfcfWalter f. flprfnger and former CW*fPhilip O^bring. Charles V. Post, Witt-lam A, Hoggan, Fred Millet. JotaFranks, rre4 Repkie. Charles Held,Nathan Randolph, James Brofaa,J*me§tyi)onnell Robert Hornby, DavidKennedy, Amos Tsrrllt Walter H.Miller, DeWftt F*olk*, Jos«fi* Kelly,Charles Weir Waiter Soffirsji, G«orgsBlackfoc k,Ch*rJes BchmiM,L«mpbearr D«nlel flalf—a,Mohr, James Dunham, Herbert Gear-

g JamesMkbael Getting^ Joto C«ia*t Dr. CB. Holme*, C, MotiAessx, W. HoSsveau. George Scbaffer. WUHsm T.Weber, CottaeHmu aa4 Mrs. H t g i V ,

Mr, u 4 Mn JoteMr and Un. John CrUt Mr. cad Mrs.Alexander Fyffe,

doltenuTbe end of tbe story to tk*X

baker masfe* la Jail wttb ads fiac!anpsJd aa4 <^Bcer Lss«(o» and Ja«sj

are sffl} boldlmg dsatr Joas,



Is cotmextiom *Ub tbetest for a Sics|Brbeiaft c u M «

•dwnrr fm.oo «Wti>

Page 3: KEENE UNDER KNIFE AGAIN. HAMMOCKS! LEHMAN'S · v U «• GOTCH WINS IN STRAIGHT FALLS imerican Ghampion Retains World's Titla r JAMES R. KEENE. American Financier Und^rpoet-(^•ration

' : * • * • " '


Jfidj e and Lawyers Preparelastmctions.




6oven;.:'c-]i nil


Coal and WoodWoodruff Building, Irving Street.






* , % * * >-%*•


> « • * * X*\\w s*sV wutU



Otitert i i Hay, Ftt4t Oats, Bran and


Ihul wt> tv» to vtf»t«U« In t>urUuuilry work.

No potnt U Xixt nmftlt t\\t l>»to filvo ftttf mom (Ull«*iu Mti«n-

WouMn'l yoii .Uk« to ««H^ »(our work ?

U * trUt t>*okftff* vUv»v* tun*r» y%> , ti will eo«t you

Why no! ThoMi* u« l<HUy f


THa Park i Poltard CoJs

Dry Mash

JenningsItltn St, Ribitj, K

Wlh^Uu TVr of th^» from N^v

t# IL Ktp-

RAH WAY, NTelephone 41-W


CUP STAYS IN AMERICA. R»tv!h of Cjim** Pt«y*d In


i^ *c*r«s5K^ tiilr^L tiro and a *aaar- j


re; V;ra.


^t., . . 7f .V *C Oikaico.,. ft « .««third I Sew York C to -ir: \V*j±,-toix S Tl .«X

^» S . Louis. IT C J9I

t iiut3 five


have lAt&D * B a r t t*x or«!r* road u tbe MidkcMut



>> p. a . yes*

Xexr Y«"i.Uhasyr

$££? ***"Bsfffcto „CMcscoSt. LrfWbXfir Ortauau.

of tibe vnlt«l

. t£»

. TO

. <*

. S3- S&. TS

c taken s :•



Oar ,


MEYER_J»SPECTS4)OCICYAROSLondonSecretary of Navy to

For Moi»« Saturday-

j^r. t2«- Aa—Ocor^e Von U

rT of tbe

j-sMs a: thaitook iuaclwa •nitfa tbr admiral

1 uiidjrg.Max


»x trill ?c» to B.i:o :r.F?ert Jfco ^na and shij*

of Vk-irrs Sot:* A

t h erext S

This startling story, a Romance of the Air. was written by the celrbrated scientist i


It is the narrative Jules Verne would probably have written aboutaerial adventure had he lived to the present time,

We Congratulate Ourselves and Our Readers That We Are in a Positionto Announce That the Story Will Appear as a Serial in This Paper

. Don't Miss It'• t ' A - n : - u . ^

; • • • - • • : ' * . - • - • • • ' ' • - • • * / - • -y . . ; . - ; : • • - ' « , • . • • • - ; ; • ' • • . - ' - ; ' : " ' " • • - ' • : - . • • ; • - ' • • • • • • , •


Copyright by fr*nk A.Company

Mr.Mr- Onninith Minr* Iinit

irido i«i^«iiicr 1 httvr nmd" KO<M1 p

l« ft yrom rt'Mitfti-nH"i» i«i iM" Hiul,hy tlid l«iMVr|fi.| »i|/|'itVHl "f ti'i(tllll (fl)'N^lf l^tMHrU.l'Mllt Witl( ttl'iludy, MIMI I hfinu th.n » *>imll tfn»w rttr-l'i-ly In h*r f(iv<if. lfMUitjiJ. I act l»pci»in» BOl;fttd MH t't HUM l.llll h'U-f« [tin fllltillft|t>fitof whli'ti wtiiiM t;lv<* III« a vim** In HIMworld Miirt In Mnri^iy M'hh'li ( rmilrt ;i*!V"P

)l«VP tUpBi'Jnd In inli\\\\ty, f HIMIhlll plin ijUfi Wii l t t l i ClJ_ tfUW, biU

ir#|f nf .Mim'Ao ( rt«> ncit know.tu i ! 1 linvft tifM'l f«MMOft \i> tJi'llnyn f t l - i l Iff did Know t tthulil't li'U'd J>o niiutiAJo

N f w , *n>' iiniir Mr, '(I 'uvnmrtHr nitty <"J*cur in y»M ih»I lln» milv w»y In wliloh > 'Wrun nii ("o| i |u' (Miii'tti I«J ti.v lt-e|»lnw v u rMtfl'fPtltnhf Htllt KfTMMulliif fn | ' )|tn JiUVtiH'Mto r l l u i t ^ n ui l l l i ' fh i ) . ( t i i i y \Uui r u m r e u M

irj,a/ltd »M»> f ' i l ' the dr f ru l nf ll'JprH I'll! I M ( H )|1((| >n(i will turn nJn

over In yum mirtii wild w in 1 rue.CHrrll ' l ( i"i (if JlHii'HM-nf. I plctll

tilift Ifftr V«»ry

pfrM«,Oi-ftymnti, NPW fork'** rich"

urrt"** li^r nwtty In lil /•fl ip, tht* r'lKKllRtWJH, ifft (lOf>aN Htt f-'O

klrtrmpnl l

IN 11her w lil/s torltfd In

JUKI now, I rwh'i (rt||/iwuy, liui ii will IK*from Orrtvintth, who

to inwt htm-lit TrMw- Hill wjthn I rap By Unit llnm I'll know

loiivo my Mffalrn nnd wnH^ICM Nnft h*r umlrt *»r« WPII

by J'MVioih tmr HIM n /1 mil (in Jniin, 11 el»11 Miif*po(ifN (tm 1•rti


Wiw»H tfffw fi»(T Tiimii goniff on for «poupl** or rtMyja I'nyton, wlt»> jrr^nt milwmtiou, Muimiitifitf) Uutf tlm wp«lr« l/>tlit* tioro find l^on no *umwatul ihntho profuiwd to rrml<« 0 »rl(tl (rip, •

10 ii(< Htti'0 or IM*T,M in* N»M,nut for worlds would r run

tlio rlwU of a- world Mccldont wlilryouftbottrd, Ho f-fliti uohfif'to dikt* hop outfor rt trip «f rontfluVniMtt Um^Oi, ;nhrtil run ovnr to n (own In Mnln»,nitd, IIH I Imfn rtriin.. prifbtftijt,' (i(Tnir«rolntlvf* to tuy Indlnim f/» ntfend to, Itmy hi» tffiiitt fur n roupto of drty , fti

Urrut 1 mi) mukf* n\mi wlmtlu*r HIMiM rwill.v In Mfwf rrtfowhiipp, Hln^awill xjclny oin- Mmil dnpnrturi) i

'Mint pnrliMpH you wouldlo dpop u 1 JIM* io your f


yo», nnd tlm i d l e r Would In* mi H^P<*I»-MMO miriirl«». I could powt It, nnd If.would In* r(wit|V0d MI hmMfMliPiti* dny«liyfortt'our-rutunt »o N « w York,1''

AN r'ltyfon iinMclpiiinil, tin* tclrl »M^ l firri*|ii«d Mid prnpowl nnd Im-

oly unt down nnd wrolo t'» hi«rMM fol lows:

Own n$nr rupr* - f -wrtM itwfullyl r t over th« »I?HM«M Ihwt U#vi

MltcliBllw uwuy (tfinc yuiin"ftr »IH, / t > a diwuiffil plly

^ not t»fl r ip-n wu« NO coiuM/iift! Urn r«Miiy

y yiy purl In It, uti4 I nhftllir more IJUPA J now Jtnow tlmt theMffRlr tm<l your Mppfowtl, I ^nrt(ire In tfooil hfftUh fli((t uplrlU, and

<?ormnof1orn Hrown IM HD r»nf«rt»lnln(r endwo ttttcntlvo, anil I run m «Wirt tluM yawIU<« Illtn and JJm^.yuu-ililitli^4lw4-h*-ftT»KWdl wbltliy, I fmv^ iif^«rr nmt a yomitf,

with moro «k<Kitnf manners or morel

youhurt norIliwt lli«rlurt our,

K n m a n n r s or mortntotll^nt, and fhttn Im la HH Atnirlrun,Bnd you know how I nvi<-«t iho«n for<>ltrndot huntfltw. Hut I tritiMi 0f(jjf| for Mr,lirown IN wultln^ fur m*, 1 ««n<! uM ]/iv*ftnd hop© to w"« you »non, y»nr M/IC*-

-ttonntff rtV, H,-I think that AUM»* MUcUaU I* 1m

pprilnciit, hut truly Mr,, Drown In v«ryIntttrttNtlnir. HI* fftthflr mutH havoa doilgiitrul i>ar*on, 1 Ilko *u«ti

-or(iraymnn fo\t lonommio wbrn

Pnyfon hnd rtVpnrU'd with tholimn, but Hho thought of t\whor lett«r would afford to hor "father.Bho would hnvo dlr»d of mortificationnnd rflffo if who had known that herznoMonffor WHN hardly, out ot flight ho*foro JJP skillfully ojwn'nd tbo envelopeand road tho letter, MniiUnjr an hohow completely ItnnHworedhf*Then ho carefully rocloncd and wealedIt,

Everything wan playinjr into nufaan4*. To obtain thin letter had beentho object of hi* forgery, and he coulinot himself bare written it more to hi*mind. This wan tbe maiter card thatho had thought of when he had MrCfraymnn on. the Ohameloon. If Jioconld in*HU Into the father^ mind thethoujcht that bl« darjjfhtcf wai begin-ning to be deeply Intere*te4 In tbo mijvponed friend who had carried her offhe calculated that the fear and anxietythuft awakened would make him will*ing ro come to any termi for her im-mediate release.

From hU npic$ in Washington he,had learned all he needed to knowabout the Mitchell*. A* soon as MissQrayman's letter should be In her fs-

next stroke.No pen can suggest the amazement,

perplexity, anger and despair of tbebillionaire when he received Helen'sletter bearing the postmark "Charlotte,N. C." ,

Pay ton bad gone far out of his rtayto post the letter in order to give afalse idea of the direction In which hismysterious lodge lay,

Mr. Grayman hod all confidence Inbis daughter, but he knew her roman-tic nature, and now she was evidentlycompletely deceived.

He recalled what Payton had toldhim about Helen's deception concern-

a sinking heart he remembered the feT-low's handsome face and fascinatingspeech and bearing. The bare thoughto$ his daughter taking an interest Intbfel BPffFfflKfl JjiL^Ppflfldrel drove him

'•'wiM. • / • [:':.r ' • •. -,Bnt the next day, came the climax.

In opening bis snail be found a letter

read thus:


1 U \a \mni to driiw iho nfrinln onMr, Uriiymftu'ft mwt'tum afinr- ho hudhmrt

could Judifft \>y Mr,nwiu'* ronrlfici htfln*rfo ft liurt

« « «*xc<t||(t||» vUnmv of wjrinlMtf. MutIn Wllllnm iivnymnn he hurt nn IKI-


Tiwn mini intuit (ilid<*ji|;i*rtwi/(it hm\ ulvtmtly mttdo fjhn wi*#111 f JIJN utiiiu<, PHI tww \o hint,

Till* W*TI«tMr,V o f fill*(Jnui l t i i i f i i , v.'t'i l iU ftfitftinff'f lu* iu*w*fMi|»'m hurt -I'ftHiMl ittwn\ tlmo in i i i i in MIHIIII tliftji'

n n d Imd !Mvii«!i-(i r ii4*

nty of WIIIII'IIK? In i

ot f11M IIIIIIOMMII'MV c'Miililimlf«i|i«, X n l h

JiWi- l»»w»vor; WIIB ov i ' f \wovvdM r , Oi'fii i i l iniii , fdi'l h" jMil'l iHrffon f" tll«» HllUrUtf (if t h e U " » H I | ' '

On Jlifl very iiKirnltitf of flu* rwWptof PMyron'w U'IMT nmi nficr ilw* bfl-

'(• ll/l(1 IIMi'l't liifd ddcjhjnn l||ii ^(tc-, lioliitf. In NViw York, vnlU<<\ (fi-

at Mr. UmyiM«nV /ifflr^" ThobtiNlnosfl iluit lift Imd bw»n Hdnklrm of

driven from h\* mind IIM HOOK »bfrlond IHWIIN lo

Tcun It'll off by Um «Uy pirn 10piiyfon, who UHH lior

Od MOHIdWllltrfl (Kid dltlllllfldN(KK) nuwow/1

"(jood Ofid!" *rrM. thi*"Arc you in iwrnowt'/"

"TciTlhly In rmrni'tti, Orautbrtm. andI wont you to help run, Th«tr1«d lo imp him hnd made nh!o (i/iwco, iici»rly K«*itln« IUM Into ili«-Nairn* box, In fflrt, (ha fallow did my*ry ma off In hi* tuw>, hut rair«naed m<»on'niy |>roi«l«o 10

Mr, Qntymnn pror(»r<d«d 10tflJ^ufwPdvMJf, (UI thai hurtIn conclusion ho MM id; "You<*d mo whnt you c/tn do, You hnv*t nilflio

an<( I mippiwo that tboy «r«,Ui»In dm world, You n\t*n Iwvo nn armyof trninnd fii(»n nnd tho hr i. rtwwtfv*".*.What ciiii you not d'> 10 rim thJ« fal-low down?"

"Woll," h« Hnld fln/tlly, "I am sorry,Oniynmu, ihtti you dldn'i foil roo ofthi» at the to'tflanlng. Hut 'I iU\uU_that

my1 I'.itt help you find, of

will; Luckily, tlmro come* tomemory u yotng man in ourwho, I l>fllove, U JUMt thonood. Wo ban proved him wolf extra-ordinary capable, lion l>«en rt*poried forpromotion wvornl tHncn nnd hn« onlybeen held buck by atwmrd rule* ofprecedence, mtuUrto favor medlw*rlty,I think I'll put him In rharw of thl*affair and g\vn htm th« <:hunc» of hl.Hlife."

The reader must not arcum* ma otimmodwity when I tell him that It waxto me an tlm »er|Uol will nhow fhatMr. Grantbarn rcf(Wd In dur-h flnfter-Ing term*, although 'at the tfnm Ifar from dreaming that i had a fiiondand admirer In a bigb place.

"Do M you think best" said Ony-mai, "bat, for God's sake, tun quick!"

"0o I wilt 111 think of nothing else.Now, tell me, bare you no informationas to tbe location of the pirate's Uirr

"Not tbe slightest. As I told you, berommtmicated with me from 'In tbeAir/ which you know maywhere on the round world."

"Exactly ao. But UtUiUr tomarked 'Wheeling, W. Va./ and yourdaughter^ 'Cbai!ott«f N. C./ and bepromised that br would commnnicate

ment afrom him.

^ don't know at what mo-on my bell here may comeIt makes roe Jump In a y

choir every time I bear i t""Now don't be nervous, my dear tt\-

low," said tbe secretary. **Ot coursehe will have to communicate again,and. If I am not greatly mistaken Inmy young lieutenant be wfllfind him-self in a box when be does, I'll takethe Washington special, which leavesin an hour, and send for my man tocome At once to my .office. If yon bearfrom Payton cuuiinunlmtt immediate'ly with me,' Moke him any kind ofpromise, only don't go to meet him.

"Put him off and try to flx a daywhen he shall communicate ogmin: Tellhim that that wilt be final, and I reck*on that it wfU be- Now keep up agood heart <>rayman,-attd well get tbegirl and save yon fen minion In the

Jost depend op<m:PH) and


my yoani: man.'* . :In the afternoon of tbe same day on

which Hr.. Graymaa bad bis Intenieiririth tbe secretary^of tbe treasury tbe!expected telephone can came from


on tho firwi <KM'MI#IOII, 1'nyemTir" and

num. I(o ><>u. Mr.

you hav'0 r^ci^Pd my

rji'iiyimm In fnvMMIII IIM Imd MiiiswcrfiJ IIIH

tpfloiifi tiih-rloriitor rhft rtwl tlnu*, "Ilirtv« mttjvnft ii, «nrt it im« duly Im-

M, Ihr"('in xUu\ i" lumr ilwii yoit i»r«» m* r'*n»

It Mild «*» ((]"•!) JO WiJlVfc'Hoflf J•you would not. Ifli«* to run I hit

ttf n IUJOHIIIMIH'M fn|' yourti»T, Ir'a (i tfriuii pity, too, but I

' lio r||ii(i'it |iKidli»l till Iimd dnUcti,"

"So UUtlV (Wt|'M(i(t/llf IJdti, ifOniyiii/ni, "I \nvfw

tmi, "l*nlf hMl'j fn* fiKrlllUfIflT»i». T won'i jiitr up wii i i H

you wil l hrliitf tlitt 1001 M»y l o " -"Wall n inoiiHtitf," lni*'i'nifi»Md Oniy

t»Mn, mindful of flu* HwMnry'n In"I .MIII Invoivml In iran«


wtmn Ienn i\% t\

If VayUm f**|f n mmtwhiiwy doiifitlie tippui'ttiilly (jtdrlily dlmnlawdd )|, forIf! 111!If II IlllllUtll llU fnhlln/1You'll h0wr from nio tomorrow rtfc«««!« hour."

A^ noon fl« th*» ronvortiution w«#pndwl Mr, Ornymnn en\M up Miff w owtflry of (ho tr**rii»ury In WuMhlngt n.

"Hoi" ho wlnfnwd /IN Noon HA Orny*

F>»nch fiohoolboy Knowlsao*.IDor

fman Imd told him what find j\\Ht <x

, "Th*tn Uw nlbMIng \mn \mg\mtilrtmtiy, Well, WA mtiAf book

tho flab fhjtf tlriift, only_.lwi*Miyr/ourbourn, you Nay, t wloli It lind*t»wilonger, hit) |i*»rlmp.«* It will nutt\w, Iwhall know JIN noon nn'l wiu. my youngmnn, wbo haw I^MU ordered i/» reportto rno UIIH afternoon, inn tutnw, \rytho wny, U Allan -Mcutminnt M mAIJuii, I want you lo know tlmf, for

my rffputflifon tb«r lift will


ronder you n wrrvl o that you'll navarWo nn» w i n g to bring Alfonwvnretr Ut n Kiiddon ond,"

If tbo *WT0Uiry tnlkod m»ro ronfl-dent)y thun ho felt it wa« only in or*der to <mh(*nrtmi bi« frimid, and Inthat he «uy*wd«l,

It wa* Payton's business to siwnoct,and he wnx an adept in *u*pU:U>n*that count He knew that Mr. Gny-man wan laying another trap, but inthis cane he had no spies to aid him,and he couldn't toMre fue**e4 fromMr, Oraymnn's words what the trapwould be, because the bllJionafr* AUtnot know himself.

When I reached ftccretary Grsn-tham'fl office in response to on impera-tive pumrnon* I had not tbe rtmnUxtidea of what It meant

"Lieutenant Allan/' be began, "Ihave seen you several time*, I haveheard good reports of yon, and I don'tmind telling yon now that I haveConned a good opinion of yon, X am•boat to put you to the te»t I amcome to think tb&tyon con &014 yaor

ta*» of (In-wont on \o t«u

q ^ of (ho doninnd^rnymnn, nf" Hi* MHH-

fnntrl ' i iyton, of tint #tli*»rit of 1 bo pollro nnd of itn*

po^tiUiMtiy of Uwatlinr itu*arounrtrH and hl«


Rmhryonlo On«a.Tbwy hod hum «t urbool

hud foimhi l«#th wbonldw to«IH1 ftufi io'faci', Now, lifter

(bit partolujf of ytmr«, limy m«*t aJ \vuv\4wnivA you)

#*d Ihn long, flifn nun."Mint a lord," mtId tho fahort, fat on",

"<Jiit my o w n |iiin|i(i*n('wlfi* f»nd ihr*'«youn«t)turat iwr» itiotiMiind /* year. Andtww nr*t you'/"

"How?" rv\iUu<l (h» fhln mnn, "Oh,Aiiyhnw!"

"Dttnr iii"! rturry l<» linir it, l.vt urnt Von went on tin* Bi»tn, didn't

- "Vl'3, (Jilt I llttd lO tfffK If"Why wdt, MiiifV" .rtflturt

mini."Oh, | fli"itKhf l i l»'**»f." ftiiifi ih» "

«r, "1 litnl I I fmv hinti4 thitt. (hfillod u* ( IK



Mttrln »*ird< rolrt you, *n3"HIM *»*-

would hav«


MIrd**-If llM?y hadlinfrli,#W#fj|idoii An-


i/t«y Judy frnm florntt n^twijntuia oft)w\r nnttwtit'ti ut (Mf/irnJiifill'/na inth-

Uy Um VnriH Journal, lfflr« l« n', Hifj'mjf othatn, ot n wrlH#*» ntt'

Hwvr to III** r|lio«il'iii! "WUUU pwrlortof Krifiirli hlwiory <\» yon ttrafor,why'/"

'"rim pwlort of tin* fi.Ufory.oi'Ibiit T (ir<«fwr l« Mm wwr t»t \Klii

unlit Ut N'rt|Mifmm MI,, ',JV*ts/ n«y« tlm ftMitrr, #I

not « ff«ll«r bulto;i wtwttUfr1 fflmnNapolttoii Mf, t*'ff« McM/iliff» (U*Hilt M'-M/ih/iii^wft" H7i« on Mi«of M/ilukoff, wjillfti, ',Vy b\\\#tyyI rtirfftft wnr t)erfiii£G H U .»Hum,"

A« <li« J'urirt »T/>urii»l rtmmrk*, It U

~tt\&'jHihti itflimwwfnit

in n fuw yvnrn will htt tittwCor, f

OrWn of " uQtui who upproprlfifint-'fhnt In, uttml*

HUrrnry vroi'k of nttotUvr to IIUTTi t ufr lit-i ov/n t^iontfhr, ilw v.UM f>fhi* own bra In, it* guttty of tilmitn-rtitm, n« everybody brv>wtf( yfrt fttw urniM!f|tjfilnUid with (ho d f r i m l o n of Mmword or know tUnt tint pln«i«H«t U lit-«r«Jiy a child «l.«ml<»r Amontc «' ' ' -rtU(» rjJriMWOf /'H/til/mU i» ftoroit lotisnt* of HIM

fzhMryn utul wMUiu tiwm nn niuvM,Awwrhinti to Itoitmn Iww, thti

jftojUttQ^tswLAid«<dj^+-r£i!eixelot tlut wmtUy for their

flowing. An tiut Ijttin wordffffffiltiftt n 'ntrSim or UmU, tha

klftmtfHir* wcrti U*tftu*tl "I""that l»t <Ut***rvintc ot

Ho botli_Hitt rrUtut (tnfi tint ti\u\\wi\* r*'tUttir tiftmm from thti e


Tim nfNtory of tJw aword ntrokoPfliixbin ttmt'.KT* cnfl tfw* "coup <UJMon/verrat" )«* romantic, Tim tmo ot

ntory wo* A young

young lady of Bordminx,with a tnwtin fit hU flw.w, hn gotbis ear* bo*«d at tbo BordeauxIgnorant of fmirfng/ b« dare4sent tbo Insult and rftnotmc«4 bis #n-gagemmit Hot be also took feneloglessons frorn one Monsemt, a naaltr**

Tbe s#ereUry bad never spoken tome like that before

believe I can, sir,**

ttite c u e . Tb« daogbtcr of WOlUmOrmrmao, tb« New Tork bflJSonaire,luw been su>I«n b j tbe p in t* AlfcmfoPajtoiL I want yon to flod her andto capture or kill him.". R was linked a Unrnderbolt For a

I- did not know wbat to « y .laat 1 ftaininerad:

*^nt, Mr. GraBtnaJxif how can X tto&harr

"Did 700 not tell me not long ngoabout an torentfon OT yoozv tor flndVing *nnlocat0d orlghuf or aometliingof tbatkindr

"I better* I ffld, atrfN I npUed, a

gleam of totenia*nce aa to Us driftcoming into n r jnfmL

1 tboagnt ao. .;WieH, an opportunityla now presented to ^7 tbe raloe ofyoor inrention. Ton know probablyth*t Mr. Gnrtun is myfriend. Ererybody^-with

chm'MwixmIns to aid Aim to fhaA hisand to pniilsb ber stbtfoctor with aJB

of the serrirtv aria I amMtyov Bi

ghim one trfck only, nnd ht prnctk&lit tor n yenr, M tbe end ot ihnt tim*sho nrturnH to ttw ftortetnx rUsh,alapped bis man's fact and, being raid-ed oat* instaniJy ran bU opponentthroogb#tb« body with bis cunninglonge

Lotlng the Drop."-iimft-w-hlfw- out a B»P nnd

get the drop1 on you thmVM nnthluuHa»< lo d«» but throw up your hnnd;*nnd \vt him hnv<* wf>nf<*v«ir J>** WM»I«"

" T h n l ' n M I H ' I ' " > M | | f i i n t v * i r « " ( t f . "MiiJd t h e i i i i i n f i ' t J i i ( t i n M , I I I I I V \ I - , | " I fit m a n I m - s t l m uvrvu l u t i n n fnru a(run n n d «t-t n w n y wi th Ii niM1 I'nfDMutntr Muting |ii M bordean KuufUhinhii pull a ifiin on n Mtx)'•|>n wlj'jm hu had i-uti^hi rln-KiInu I'*a tmimi of rn\tU.

" 'You t l v » inn hn'-l; Mm inoucyyou've u o n fivtiii HIM nr f'IJ blow yourhead oft!'

"•You wil l?' «ald lh» Miulcnii , lookruliiily Info ih» nm/z!n >>f lb» KUK

'y ritvolviuv '\V«|| , you UMU'Ifct l i ' i M r , ( l i t i l K U n ' o l i f < | h m d i M | . '

J J I ' B i h a l ? 1 i i i f r l a i i i i i ' d l h n V\u\i

'ilf ('» Jooti l u t " t lm »(i / i idl / 'T^ A n dOil Mil' li ia'jil l l (liu M('«|rltn dr':W n

lh« K York



frit' llfiift l'f'"itif(t| dy o nI'ollwi, lit iityrUt, itutii}iHi

7Tn nxti'Mordi-th«tut

lilll ni lent:! oiia fufih andwoman nvitr^ |».ar |u nrd*«r toUitu\U 1 mm t,\\\ t,f ih«lr b'»dlro, An


to Ut UllJud, M«( ran away, but. frl^bf I M h« f«H 111, 'I'll- In

tt litiiUtvitii M* Mary and imyllm ni'otUwnry, who wn« at




192 MAIN STRKKTCorner Milton Avenue

Entrance opposite New

York TdtfplioiHj.Office

Halsey Yanderhoven164 MAIN STREET

but bla

the..gnmiKl- llml -ih*»y bnd «fttlMi,-i>/rjd"ii titittnbtril.


Wild Parrots Ar«T/ifrotH wbi'h i» ih/*Jr i»»l!vw wild*

In Ao#:k« and tfimed Mii'trib<dvi'4 ».yrfjlif-'i nynt^tn wUV h '•'»-

mnrtdml ttc-lr rotJ«'Uv/ffl- f(U(/'|f1x whr-u a n / niilrmil or bird

of th«lr

ttttitrihw, and Bit of.b*T"

Vftrrot ui/lw*a Mw birdKvp« lh*u « (shrill Mill

(b/t pftirot rtn/iy to thu tr* \w.H \n until ttiftt in tho forwfa nil \mt-rota db* ot *M nu** «nd tUnt nou» -Uitvw UUM-hy htrfltt nf w&y or <Mb*tewJI4

A WcUUr,t \>n,"

"Well, whntr"WUstt. J» ftcf AlffwWP

infe your <m\% flolsh andown ft

In <ttwform* of nmny






UKV, ii WWl'lht, r.

WM. KEYES & SONBEST LEHIGH GOALOffice, 92 Irving Street,



By Experienced Wen,


TeL 95- us Irving;Rah way, N. J.

llgbts Us tellini: of his expertac* wttfaan inrmtor of the* unfettered wnfo*type who cam/* to the professor wftf*a mode! of a perpetual motion in*-chine,

; looks pUusibte," o|«err«d tbe; "bat it won't work. Wh$t

are you going to Co aboot frsrityr"Onrityr said to* wtotor teomtnl-

\f. T« l i wif craiiry; we'll use pUm-ty of gre»»er-Co«mopoutatt.

floss! Ttms Comins>Bop Slug is a Cbteeat lsoodrynuui

with a chserfnl though somewhat tro-tttaal pbUosophy- After bewaflingth#hard times and lack of bosiaea* feeadded smilingly, "Btotby errytwdybe fen, yefly Mch, trfm«by,tfaatr* - - tot nomoney; no aw eat Then aUa posrptopto dfe9*-Arffooast

Carri«!*»" ^ la simply mad on tbe stthjstt of

germs and atftftfiw or a*Hcn «r«ry-


77 CAMPBELL ST. Telephoite 10-1Fimitoe flmt fc Cty « & ^ I? CfariM asl

• ' •-?. i?

Thomas A. Roarke & Bro.

GENERAL HARDWAREPtnmbingy Steam and

117 MAIN STREET,~Bow 4ot*

tawStfTget aJong wtth her

to n m ftor osB t,

Page 4: KEENE UNDER KNIFE AGAIN. HAMMOCKS! LEHMAN'S · v U «• GOTCH WINS IN STRAIGHT FALLS imerican Ghampion Retains World's Titla r JAMES R. KEENE. American Financier Und^rpoet-(^•ration

. . . . . . .• ' ' !-< A

, . ..liy&fHTULrS-X

:iv?-$®$$s$ggz• " • ' 4 ' " ' ; ' •

*%&&&",<+ ^ yV1i%lt- ••rv/vp-.'.A^i'pmmmm: ' ' • . • ' • • . " : " , . J *






thc »tato. tn mot,

SUBSCRIPTIONan, four wtt i t <wt ctnt 41 word «ach In- Reading nottott marktd "adv" for

Ttu** tlnum MO off* Six bottom of column*—10 otntt a lint of

Six in

Hu^h 4.





A*thin, r

Other* are ftrljiht out of

•OP oouio fw*w

tnig;. attvl Mihim, Ov\m U ft ^ N^r- HtvMn IVrk, NVw York*


to will

\ r

Of tUr ttVttfcte v>f A wttur*Uv-vvi of cholc* rt**U cow s tuul

tor »ate or «market \w\v

i?e. 44fi IS^ Newark* N\ ,K T*K 3S04-


JOB PRINTING OF ALL^ ^ D ^ — * * *

ni*ht at:o*i *vt-; t h r M°



v v|»ut U

Here is

u atin Rlifcatwth

to tn


I* of

*n un^r *utvmovement n

:c*-n ^t Enut,

perfected*iroliiw IfcUtw to 0

;* which wtU bo In sexton at

pufcUcily for A olm-r h, A retail.* traStttsl

r rho s


*r»t*m \"A

The v-amonlun;

cririmm is

wot bo oomj^teofwn make* v^rr

^\tvaiKvfu the wwrkwh*-Tv

distinct fr i

iwrtt. One of the

wwfc* The Kah i Mllwattte* September U to SV.Orav**! J bw Schvilu «f Schtttu attvi Clark*

*l«*U\n! tailor*, ot New Vork vtill open a »U>r*I at the corner ot Kim.ami Irvln*

At the next meetlu* to be held onjwitMn a tortnl^h'IS there will be, twelve i Cape May Ctty

rhoxrtu be initiated by tho] iwvvrtui\wit by a tteetov* wt , TheHvM lodge iwm. The committed onitxuw pan ot U It that many ot tbe

Welfare headed by Mr*,! men who *A*med the petition for thein c h a r i o t theiWaUh Act torn of government

It o*

I whloh the \\\\t\ remm* MVUO of u* flotiv have l*een oiu Uyx -od with wnol

lu tho wlutUw of tho voxovof tho Uutntf of «.

rUllMC NOTICBRite nottrn that

KOUI by public auction at my ware*so, ooruor Uotul mut OrnudSUt ilny of Soptomhon atwk l\ M». ono lo( of

\ roiml ttng ofbuivnuv. ottv now hold by mo for.

largo*.Jt Mt »HnnKritcr.n

infor gvnernl work

of homes amiutility man. Good

LOST - ntiby* Capo with pink

nu<\ cormu* Adam« Strwt. Finderwill pleneo return to Mr», Ucuua,l«0 Uiwtvurq «twt?t. 19*

Incubator, Sowing nmvhtno,cot. M. Fleck. 30 Oak 8tr«et. 18*

H8T—lUtiwn and while iwlntor dogTuomlay inornhm, Rowan! return.l \ \ \ IHml. rtl Oliver

who ATV

YOUNG'oiRtr-AVantm! to tftk© car©«l\to«k ' They wro iM«vv*l tvtw^vn tw\»; o ( chlUI* k\)\\\$ n. Qlrutsky, 168w*lU of Mwl. ntul (bo Muimittiw I* ** Main St., Uuhway. N, X IMSretttltent that It wt«plotrl>* c

out tho water ^r s\ Urn* thuo.l iO^ VUm'JaMJrwttmisr - School

graduate im?ferredl AnnlyAuothor little known uw of the mm*; | ) n , K ,, torVi

flower ta lu. the nwuufUi'ture of eljmti** ^ h M t ... .. .. ..... ._Thore l * n o t t \ i^H of tho pmnt t lwt Is OUPKR UOY-WANTKD—V\>r grocerywithout commercial, value, -The-^ee i l^ m o w . a«i\ Grand Street, Jv A. Daley,

br humlroils of

(Continued Ont)

of iwvittvl^ o w r y ,\*\H\r In RUHHUU mukof*;i a palatable wllble oil, with a n ^ M u e i f

of seed oake tor cattle, or It may be ]ted in tbo kernel-to

r VrejiB and apple

be *\f\v<\ to ihe, t o tw hoM at tho Audltorlom In i bottom tind tho 1>W* and con«

tho K*h^-ay: l V ^ b o r Wia* h ° M A% t h t ? ***** h M K i w w U w u W be found that tho*twdy'


- OTHER MEETINGS. ,Tho me tlnjR* of tho JunUr Onler

tho the CnttiHl American Mechanics andAerio of KARIOS


There are certain to

bu«1n«t« U bound to »uff«i\ Utho cut I* wade at tho »ale« *omL

«tore COMPLAIN ofUok-of attention and CARttY THK1UTRADK RLSBWHKRK* If tho light-

to h*W boon held Monday nl«ht to* of the « o * U cut down It

oxvellowt jijllow dyx\ AH f^r the tnlkm IK n PORDIIAM—Notnry labile. 40

*ort of slltey flbor ^ n v thom» niul tbor i : ? |

«re «IJN> good for fuel and for tho pro*! *'***Hio*t of potarti. In Now K«»lAWjj^ w S A UlC^rab^9^r«0c7*p 1 e lGh

away malaria."tho

In nisoth


Ancient lnk»Und«,

bring your familyto Mrs. Clark'a Family Laun»

dry» 172 Uneohvood Avenue. IT*

a<vi>unt of tho


u vvU,

rettoct* on the receipts. While If the


An Inkstuwt ih:»( wan pn>lv«Wy tu j Klw Oood Showcanow Cheap, inquire~ - • > «tWhU«t m a o f U i l v Mtt8Ol l i south Amboy, N.*e J

Berlin mi^eum. It Is ofmake and Is 8eighteenth v»r

to tolouK to thenineteenth or

agepmifnjj«el>\ It Is made of W\HHI and j

an upper one |

Bl'HINQ ^OlIICKISNS—Uri^n— foraale. Address O. O. Reed* 113 Ham-iUon-Stroeh—

r t l I «with txwholw, one for black JCANVASSKR8—Wanted to work tn\ l UOTRD TO IT, tbo whole bualnew! ami *^o for re«l Ink. nnd n lower ono : « ^ * y - n

U ^ m i wmjnlMloiK Ad;AI.UUI MI i v n , i ^ UoUltmr rxxnl I»IW. Tbe hlaek nnd t drew, Q. a \t—Dalb* Ueeord. Uf

r I\U MWOM DRY^ROT. ^ c * \ fnlr »i» ' v r t ^ U * ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ furniture,r KSSRNTIAU-thlnjt to tho remains In a Ory wiutlttoiu within the Kvery thtnn must he sold. Houaei -*^ . » . ^ A . . rtf a im*. rwvplacles. Another anolont tntewtntul f o r ,Unt. Ohlokena.nmi bone cut*

Tho~MOSldtv«lopm«nt And »ncr«M« of a bus*

is the A1>VKUT1S1NG. Modern ( h o


. . Kvery thing must he sold.vuothw nnolent inkatniul # f o r i v n l t chicken*.nnd bone cut-

U sumHVsvHt to have been Intendwl for | t o r (o r 8aJl>i Hnrvoat-Poultry Farm.

Many llttlo ono5 trom 3 roars old

. Sohatunnn> now kinder*

\>u sinew ^Tcallsfor tho gr«at*! tainly hoM Ink eiunurh for :i Moho*>l- |\»r It h«^ no fewer than !

the r ^ : ^ ^

«»x our rotra ;o


xrhoa tbo m\M* f tho whole c**^** w

o UsA n in sb

September Wand Frank Hlckey »W

In Now Knstand. When iu

it. (be




o M h o - ^ l o m , MAS».. they vrill c«U an KmtlThus i; cAn bo Rl*nm and Fro*l I.tchto, formerly of

for iho VHJU* Linden.••»>* Joseph TVIoke and hi* family, from*«• Now York, havo moved into their newof h«\mo on KUaAboth Avente which

: ^v.n%an«Hl from tho AtnrHcunof Kducatu^a «;v rtoalty Co.. of Now York-

tu' M In a bu*inoM to bo unpUod to j ^ T , ^ l l . o n d o n Oloho. ; ^ ^ ™ J ^ • -0R1TING THK CONS^MKR INTO! - ' i Ktthwtty. N\ J.

1 E»«»d Hit Contcitno*. I „*._«_* ~. —, Oesin nuckland when at Wwtmtn* (TRACTION RNUINK "WORK, Saw

tho DAILY RECORD bo enrolled s t v r XIS«HI to toll a curious story of | Mill Silo nnd Stnlk Cutting, heavy-luihiiritv mront AYhv not trv u brown t^l^r "imtwl which he rv-; hnulliiR. stump pulUiiff, and grad«imwiiity mpom. WBJ noi ir. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A f l w Ul l in> . , |UR; Wood and Lumber savin*

iKo RAHWAY SILENT SALESMAN | w r i p | , ( t t J R , h;ui WH\U uttfo|dcHl ho found Lumber nnd Wood For Sulo. ChusMAX enters ewry homo as «&)A small black spUn^r of oak about '_ ^ n t ^ J r - H^wny. N. J, 1M«EFFICIENT method of INCREASING t an inch and a half long. The wrlior 'FOR SALK—Four lots in HmlowoodYOUR SALES.

r*r,4 ;hort-vcry

M r ttettle of

marand of

Butih* pr^^raw wall Ro

W r efraive until the ; H.


IT v b


?orfaun. Rev, \T T.

Board AJV : K*Jn-.^. Tockcr.

Rfkbrn*. Srocbell. Hoff-TookfT fcBd Jardiu*. Boots and

of Kllta-

Mis* KVA. O'nrion who is »taylngSorppxnt and Mrs, Covey of Wood

loft yesterday for hot home in


BALKED THE BURGLAR.or May Not Hav« Bt»n a

Down Gam*, but It Won.

of the unsigned note accompanying tbe i Cemetery. Goo. 4V. Tronch, 147ivnrrol snid that when he was n boy. j D o Hurt Plnco, KUanboth N. J. 13-31many years l>eforv, ho hnd chipped the iVpUntor off tho coronation chair. AH | UOOM WANTKD—Urge, airj bed-n^o advnmiHl his wnsiclcmv RhMv J room with bath. Apply.9 Bllsabethtroublesome, nnd IK* ask(M the dean i Avenue,to be kind enough to r»»siotv tho • — — • — -

_ . . h . » i neuter to its place.-rall M«ll Oaxette. I t<lRLS WANTKD—On leather work.

up and his dori»y pitched down orer ' " ~ J * * " "his ejres xrho ^touching rtl in

After a long iltne&s John 11. VUI^urdax cvonlnR, The

heM at his late home In

Making It Ckar.l*nrw>n's daughter: "IIIHMI

Oiles! Haven't uoti Mi you In

%i to start. 15-19*

of the s:r>s»t. "Here's sn ensy one.,M he sr^wleil boarsoly. j

•* ;:n easy oae>" snarled Pete. \lt> lite

frori :i ste

SRA8ON—Now opon at 22far the last few weeks." Giles; "No, 1 Georgia Street. 1W8

old 'aunts. And s t w i w . ! r L T R N*SHRD HOOM-To Lot .withH, I non't 5TV TIVT r^-ujv U; *»kT\i f biifh nnd telephone. Apply 9 Kllia*

16*that's tixln* j slnoe I ^ras-n ohlhi like:" I'ai-snu's ; both Avenue.

her hair. San* left I-J

Robert* and s h e Y o r k

hump has pone away ' "Phter: nWhat woiulerftil oM Uutt -* '• ^3 kev In i*i:s tl<vr." ! lbo-v must^ber Giles: "I dMn't s;iy

a bar of aayt&ur

Oarmaxi. ScbooJand Robm*. Mr. William Me Donas h of Blanck

has *r>e*<'t PKurned Labor Da>~ from Nova;much

wiB be Jnsi like new

tt» it," he said. "I don't xrant tt» butt! ^ ^ ars liko!"

VANTED-^For labeling* In-


in on it."-Are youse nutty r*

^In't nntty. But

HOUSE TO LET—265 Grand Street.Inquire S3 Campbell Street. 16-18*

iz. cine years ^ld. vas arreited forappJes from the Lutcbeo e*-

before Judpe

. Advice.• Mler "Now th-it you've heard my. Oau^h-

w w . .i*r» !? a "iow u w i n ^neak l o r s i a ^ u . a t vouM\vou adrtW m- to ANNOUNCEMENTvidout ::;> feelia" for nobody, an' 1 doo't lJo*" ! Those holding tickets for the outingxrant *«h!n* ter do wi;h 'iai. Xo. 1 "^>«." tho music mast or replied. "I jOf the Plumbers and Steamfltters 0n-doaX know >im, bai Hn uest ter hfo ] hardly knoir. Don't you suppose you i o a o f t n i 8 c U y w h | c h Wfta | o j ^ ^paroe. He *;IcS? : U t key iu Uew to <NHIM w t her interesttMl in sottlemeiit b^en h p M ftt S a d U e r 8 B n o n S u n .*-***•** cnrt*r« »it.- v.»r !V!*'s :* wire: "ork. or horseback rldinc or sometliin^- . , - -ketrh suefcers liX

wbo severely reprimanded andj on dat key- aa' a nrlllion volt batteryreleased him. j attached to dat wire- I wouldn't touch

Mrs. WiUsara H. Hill of Wood Ave- *t if ?Wd s imc^ de First National

Be^chday September 10» \plll please noticethat the outing will be held at P. J.Smith's Staten Island Hotel at

Hew to Clean a PWTM.womtxi vbo own* a cSH«r

eitber sterimc or German.oMucafiCy J**y* the evnricr fori&C it. to order ro ttt* ffk»r<e« and

will t*e very pUd to•oda «rd ckoa tt

^aturiuy mornitis for Hali- jon a pk^surv trip. , ?

A bijc outing "was hold in . Kreros |e Wcnberper Ch:h j

Mr. and iSrs, Clarence Sboll ot EUm .


Krpe number off enp-p-3 inmr,:i Ix* orrupied.

His Grievance. , . _. — . _acros: tie r Editor—We are sorry to lose your Kreischenille S. I. Take the trolley

- , : " *abs<-rtptiotu Mr. Jackson. What's the to Boynton Bench and raotor boat viJlc:.Tt-;r.r.J Plain aatter? I>ont you Uke our poliUcs? meet you. DON'T MISS THE OTJT-

M!«nh Jackson—Tain'tdat, sab, *taln't J^Q l 8 wdat. Mah \rife jss1 been an1 dun land- *. ' •od r. .io?> o' inik fob mo by advertlsln' \ ;. o-tV. *!ariitx3 old iiap:i!i!— Puck. FOR SALE.

la m tew a h x i w t Ttrni t« what^ _. Jnrt take ptecty ot » d asod a BttJe water and w**fettt ba»d< or with a brasH rt&ac a»d

talak of U»t mouer

Probeck of Xlodiwa Ua few day* *1tb Mitt EtW

of C3 Olfvef Stwec .

. « ^ 1 of Lotp Ulacdrarbera Ccto.ri of Irvin

^ of .rsT!abJ«. and die withthe

tliat he Jt t s done hi?

V^here It Was.

g j—*-


• * • » * •

Rented $3.00 ironthnp; Boosht, Sold,

jTime or Cash. Repairing Supplies,. , . - - .n> . t'Mces low.- A. Canflcld. Mfr. 199



y Amorlciwt TrfinK Auo*cljitlon, ion,

T»K» civil war jenvo Unmo wlu» por-Uclpntcd in lt all Ilio n«htIHK thoy

or inn»y n ywir lt» cota<?—-Iit-/or Hie rt'hi of thrlr mitiirrU



«y~oii mnny boy* >*w worn tooto tight for fhu Utilou. lVtorwn» NuvontiMMi ycnrn old when

nfedonicy rolinpMwi, Mini Im ovor«ft »r rrarottwl thiit, tho slight Imdu'tbw» kept up lotijs I'fi(ft*t n Kinoll of powder.

When Totcr wn«spirit dovolopod with n



-ttintaffulrn niuoitu yciitlcincii would hollerbe nptttod by tho emit* tliitn hy tfluodyiiofl* ,.lh(tUKli why blood foinliiK fromfl jilhr^ whort* thorn Iw llttlu. or »o (lun-ger riitliar ttmu onn wlirrn dntilli tuny


How On* Covtr W«n M«d# to f i t aRoomful of 8l««pan.

A writer (11 a Kn»iif'li mnfrriElneA furJou« *tory IIINMU how thpy

flump IcdjidiiK liouHt-rt In Ohlrm.uotto rond«( It WH-HJH,

nr<« ninny of thwii ludgluKo tbn obnrirf* for a nlffl f

K iw cniiflldorubb lefts than 1 cent.AM tho bctddlritf provided l i ono btitfo

of feather*, Into whlrh all thoburrow.

y ihvy unoil to got bMnketn,rnn

rtumo prliulflvo tntin tonrn/tfi thnt theirou ifriMitifit of tin* theft of

by guiatft vtpti) fnr too larKo,they di'diicd, hnd to IM»

dntn*. Khinlly nti IntrctiliMiM man nmontftliCill lilt ell 'ittl.w;

Over tin* Author filial room of binhoiiFio ho limits "nil tMiunnoiiH

N fovorhif?. In lti(» duytitnp H-nnrrrftrn

in (itttttltur wnsbfriiiiNf ho rnUior fnuclod w«'tllMir IntoA dui'l. . '

lien tuiM fmi -with liliii w«f* nt lit*lieltrht tin Wfint. nhromi, Dunlin^ hitrtnlwnyw boon mnro or ICHM lu v(»yiio hinil tho countrloM lu ICitropn and In mou tho fiontUiwt_U.i4ti¥M--J.*\

lid "ono iiitmiuwl him tlwtt*,i\tn\ bo continued on to Vnrin, Mvenin tho- Fronch cnpltnl ho *nw nochnnoo to piirtlclpnto tn hi* bobby, HOho wont on down luto Itnly.

Tito middle. v\nnn Unltntm aroa pm^O'Ail poople, nnd i'otor found li)mwolf nsfnr Mh t'Vot* train n duo!. Soaring tbuttie would bo nbllgod to roturn homo-without n Mcrttpt ho rofolved to pick n(HKirrol with BO mo ono. In n rostnu-rim I In Komo ho nnw it tiinn nt a noltfli'boring tnblo ontln*r tnncnrtfnl in ft umn-nor dl*iilnnfllutf to u well bred Amnrl-en. I'otor plgnltlotl IIIN dl»plon«uro tho tniwi not to tnnko u pinof biwsolf. Tho mnn, inntond ofInir'n vorbnl reply, tnMHod thoof « (Q in bier of wine in t'otor'Mautl wont on outing bin tnnenroni. • Pd-•tor wlpod nwny tbo wlno with hlnnnpkln nnd laid hi* curdan th^ nmen-ronl pfltof*N"tfib1o7 rocolvliiK one In r«-

by men tin of pulley* until Itcorereil the entire rnnn*, ofnnd ut! (lin«i- flicftptnt! thorcdii,tnklhc tlit* plJico of itidlvidunl hlnttkof*.This liUffM oiinvriR wnrt provided with



I -Why-Yhty-OM;Natarailx (ippllmntH for lift in*ur-

anco rnny be exiieoUtd to put an goodn fnco HH poftniuiu on tho reports con-rorultitr rulntlvrA und tho onumm oftheir (tenth*, but tlttty wJinotlmen makerntuor atuunlua nrnteuieutit. Homo 0110hiiN rolliH'ttfd « few of tUewe wftlchwere orlRlnully published In ttio Jirlt-Iftb Medlciil .loutiuih

"Mother died In infancy." "Fattierwent to bed ferlhitf well nad the nextmorn In tf wokn nj> denti/' _"Ormidf«*ther dted"Wid(1einjria~niF~flK«rof loJJTUp to tnlw time li» bid frtjr to rem:b n

-ripff-oUTTifciir* "A"]»i»If(Twnt <1oe» notknow ffiUMd of niothcr'fl -<]entlt< butMtntew tbnt HIII» fully rerovnred from her\nnt lllfieKK." "Appllrnnt linn neverbeen fntnlly «^k.M "Appllnnm'a broth-er, who w^m nitiufnli i , died when hewnrt n mere rhlld/' "(irntidfnthor diedfrom Kiinwhnt wound (•numui by nu n rrow Htmt by «n lndhiH." " A p p l l 'frnternnl pnretitf* died when li



in wnMfrom rhrontr- rhotiinntlMm, but

»ho wnw cniod lioforo dentil," "Knlbor

nnt of Atiirrlfitrt Modlrni MnocMlon,

Knrly onrh inornlny tho lotid iMiund-_of n drum w?rvod to waken tho

p nnd wnru them to K«'tbond* out of tho allot in theTlioreupon It wnn ritlwod twain to tho

g thjtiie next, bnirh of


if tip tho iunn'« enrd, 1'otor tookit to nn American friend of life, Gun-tor, nnd told him tho clrcuinMtnucea.CfUtiU»r -looked nt tho enrd mid ox*olnlined: ._ ..J._... ._.*....-.

r'(Too(l tfrnclouw, innn. you've chul<lennced CnMolHI"

11 And who IM rnstellir'"The prlncliml of <ho fenrliiK school,"Tefor'H fnce foil,

* "He's not only flint/* (hintor wenton; "bo's n noted dtieINt/'

Poter turned vory.ptilo."UoV not ouly n noted duyllxt. but

bo klllM hi* ninu every tltnei Tbnre Inu «n:nt deal of pnrjutllce iiiriifriHf hintin-Itomo; butlirr-rtrrdrTijril llho ennm to hiive ninouir the

QiJ«ir id** and an Kmbar-g Colnold«not.

KHiKsiey WHM nt it dinneronce with tbo uorounut Coxwoll, It wn«nhorlly nftor Oxwel l nnd 11 companionhnd mado n fllfcht In whtrh they hnd,rlm*n -no U\gh -tbnt (*o*weir« linndi*were frozen nnd bo Inul tluto-only totenr open the nlr vnlve with but toetb.A. 0. Hetiwon toll* tho wtory In .'Thel>eaveM of the Tree" In the NorthAmerlrnn Itevlow. After dinner KIUKW-loy suddenly PIII<1:

"1 hnvo often tbotifrlit; thnt the flrMthnt ever went up In n bulloonhnvo been a d-donilHt,"

. Homo one Inugbnd nnd wild, "Whatnu extraordinary lden!"~

A Urouuiu WUM up forfor prnmollon to thn pfmltlori ofnppt Un pdWMod n fair fe«t on thff

of It tho oxiwnlnor wnf< ronntnntly locUtrintt him nn to tho need of ocouoinyIn tho iiw of funl nnd oil, NU. thnt bytho tlmo ho

V «••. • JrWv >1

/' -// • / . .

/ » .


-,V. '

Intc flnlwhod the teohnlcnl pnft, thoriminer thought be would put tho manIn a rrltlenl ponftlon to nee wlint bemight do In an emorjeenry, Ho ho putthi* qtieMllmi: "Huppoafnjr ymi nro ttat

of n frofftht trnin vn n

lloiaiin MWelln who nmy poMHlhly natwUmo nwd lo tn:o IIIM liiHtrnctlon. Tlii«>find him a npicndld tonclior/1

"Kut tnu't \\y UNO plHlohV" iiNkod I'ott»r. "I've dour n lr»r c»f «"<»!

"You, luivhitf clMillciiKi'd tho*follow,•will havo to flight with nny wciipon homay nn|ort.M

man who 1M nlwnyw looking dawnpeopled throat*, and ptillliw tbelr teethnlxjut, nnd brenthintf their hre,nth, muwt>m inspired with n trmuttGuxM <Ie«freto jjot nwuynnd nbovo It all/'

Coxwoll Innned forward" nnd *nldvery Kood bumoredly, "Well, Mr.KlMfftloy, lt 1* true that 1 atn n dt-utlut,but It wn* not tlmt thnt mndc mo be-come an neronnut."

"My d-donr' *Mr, Coxwoll," naldKlii«Mloy,_«UMhlnjf red, "I it in mire Ibejf your pnrdon. I had no Iden it wn*no, Yon muHt hnvo thought tno «ln(ai-larljr.JIt miuinofcd to tnako n joke ofit."-Klnsr*!<»y-could tiorre<'OVffrhl*«plrit»

for tho rent of tho erettfnff. IIo batedpnln to an> IIIII»HII IMIIJIK munr

yon (V>lllj«(f»ri with n ptinttpnttpr trnln,nnd you know thnt you could not *fopyoiir trniw-^fhnt a colHnInn^noolflmorbo nvortod-whnt would you do7" Tbomnn,—nnNtmnir-by- the vi(?oroti» in-Mtructlon ho hnd recelvod n* to oron-nmy, replied in thi* wny: "Why, ITtotiM ttrnh tho oil rnn In ono hnndnnd a lump of-eon I In the other midjump."—AtWilwon Olobe,

$1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Values for Only 87cOne of the blggCftt bits with men in thif 5.jd Anniversary Srtlc will he thi<» snlc of qrnart ^hiria,

the ammunition for which IA supplied u» by ono of the best rnnnufneturers In the country. At themaker's rrrjucst wo do not tiso his nnmc in our advertising, but in every shift there Is n Inbel whichwill guarantee to you the worthincfts ot every one; nil arc perfect In every detail,

C«ndf« Making In China.Tho innnufm'iuri! of c«ndlo« In

flblrtft U_jt(t_nt*wjUing._ YuntM-hetan1W~nfivtsni of tho foreigner thf*_jiju_.

NELS in fttripes; PONGEES, plain, fancyl ^ i S ; SM,K MIXTURKS in siripcs; KINK F/.AN-cLtxjiiglf-f-f>fft-M-ffjj«g; Coat Mylcs witli flnp p o c k e t am

Frtnch cuffs; some with collars to tmttch and some, with collnr? iiltnchrd, Including nl*«<; SE(SHIHTS of while infidms, percale find mntUti* in figures nnrl stripes; \t\n\n or philter!bosoms; Cont &ty)c?i with cuffn nttncficd; tiizcn running nil the way from \d, to 18 M ;ft shirt 5inlc rcnily cxtrnordirmry, nt only

ixjrhupK thnh unythin« In tho world,

Why Dtan Swift Didn't Qo to Aioot.Ijonn Hwlft wan tlio enrllmtt mnn of

goto to iimU* niontlon jLLiUe-Jiiittarig-"Awot riife mretlnjc. P"lt"i* In one ofIIIH 'TiettcM to HUJIIH" In Aiitfiiat, 1711,

"Of courHo lioMI chooNe foils or ra-ihoUKh ho IH n dond tthot wltb

tlio rt*wt(»l.M

"I don't Ilktf itilH fix." mild I'btor, glv-JI shiver. "What, can I1 do to get

out of i t r• t(I don't 8MJ what you can do, but I'llthink It over and try to hit on nornoplnn. Hlnro you arc tbo insulted partyyou don't hnvo to.flght unlaw you wishto, but you don't enro to put youniolfin fho poNltlon of n coward, I suppose."

"No." said Poter. "I don't wl«h toCo that"

"Well, stay horo till you hear frommo."

Peter pnsscd a terrible half day; thentho door of his room was thrown opennnd two men entered and bade him gowith them. They placed him in a car-riage nnd took him to a largo buildingtbat he thought was a honpltnl. It wa«a lu untie asylum. He was put into aroom by hi nine! f with an Iron gratingon tbe window* and locked ln.

Peter never experience^ such Joyof relief in his life as he now feltlacked up In a madhouse, where thefenclptf master could not-get At him.He recognized In bis Imprisonment ascheme of his friend Giro ter, who haddoubtless taken out papers to have himconfined as n lunatic. \

— Tbe celt day Guuler caiue tu seeand Admitted the plan as his own.Guuter told Teter that he had seenCafltelll and advised him that Peterwas not responsible for bis acts. Cas-tell! was very much disappointed atnot being able to add one more to thelist of those he had killed.

reter asked Gunter bow long itwould bo necessary for him to remaina maniac and cooid get no definiteresponse. But one day Ganter broughthim a letter of apology from CasteUI.Peter, greatly surprised, nsked how behad secured it

"I circulated a report" replied Gun-ten "among CastellTs pupils that behad Insulted a lunatic, and most ofthemleftnim. Meanwhile I had agreedlo take lessons of him. and he askedme wfcat he should do. I advised himto write you an apology; whlcb be did."_ P^pf ftmM* a atekly amUe. He wenthome, but kept very quiet about bisaffair of honor Fortunately for him.'since It occorrod in a foreign land be•wns able to keep It secret But trotsthat tUse be lost hfr-gggtpr lhttenhq


II gthat tho grunt .Toilnthnn «nyn be "HH\Xa plnco they'hnvo made for n fttmountoT»olrnvh~inu\onow, when the qiieetTwill come." lint iKflng I'tirwl with rid-ing n trotting, mettlwionin liorwe itdo^cn tnlloff, burlilg not Imen on horwe-buck thin twelvemonth," Hwlft deter-mined "not to go to the mm unlns»* Ican got room In nonw vouch." AH lie

hindered by n' cnllvr nil thewere filled Iwforo ht* could

reach one, and n* n cmMiqwnva t\wworld lout the description of thatearliest Ascot thnt only tho uutlmrof "OuIIlvcr'H TrnvolH" could bnvepenned,—London Kpcctnfor,

lives m/id« them by midoand tMdd them In hoinr? andffvon today millions «f rnndf<'« arcmado.hy the old procefm of dipping*nt which the old Chlnose Vire very mt-pert. A mixture of-i«llow nnd-cnsloroll'ls first prepared and the operator,placing a straw to nerve a*-a wickjMtween encH ot til* ten flriffnrs, dip*thMn Into tho preparation ns manytimes tin mctmntify to glv« tho candle*tho <1e«ired fhlckhoKK, Aftor this theyare net tip oti end «Kaln«t'a board toharden find the straw wkUrf Hippedto'a proper lotiffth, Tliff.flnlshfd prod-upt bornw wfiil, givirs s fnlr light, isjconsuined-j*lowlyf-nnd, l»«*t of nil,--innatiro eyes, in very cheap. The*e can


ytorte* for unlo to *torokwper*, batmany indlvtfunl* *tltl mnnufacturefor family snd temple u«o.

"Erory morning nftor «nnri»« theBuddhl*t prlcflt* of Hurnifl go out InIndian file, pr«*ceded by a'J>oy with aboll, wblrh U(* rlng*nt Interval*. This

of tlicir npirronc)i,"

Hundreds In This Lot for Anniversary SettingSiTJi I'INfc WH1TB VOILB WAISTS in a variety of beautiful models; daintily

trimmed wilh fine Valcncionncft or Cliiny jacci ami iriflcrts; some ti\*o hands/jmcly embroidered inpanel or now aide effects; finlnhcd with deep plaited Incc frill and crochet button*; hifch lace collar*;sleeves iu full or ttirce quarter* length ns you wish; prettily trimmed to matchwaist; u full range of-§i»esi-w»i»t*~that-werc-fntc7rdc7l w setnit | j and $4; one ofthe surprlftcs of the Anniversary Sale at t« — , # ,

Men's $6 and $7 Shoes $4.50Known from Coast to Coast as tha Bast Mads Shot

Tlii» is one of ihe bigggtt treau we've planned for men friends during the Anniversary, and wearc looking for a might/ rush to*morrow^whesiAhe^hoe^a(>^m-M\e-foT-thtr1Jrjrttme7

vmrnwand it Is wonderful to so« with whatrovoronce the iwfoplo rr^ard those

<priefft£ Immediately tho lw»ll rings aBurmtmo woman mnn ont with her of-fering ct rJce, banann*, or thebest thftt JJM* lioitso can provide. No

of graetfng nro exchanged, Tti«goffering* nre-mnde nnd received In «1-lence. Tho BaddhUt prle*t4 may notreceive money. Thi* f* why they haveto beg for their dally bread.

^c'bargflincdfoi1 thcte long ago—planned to have them here fresh and fine for the Anniver-sary, and now that we arc ready to place (hem before you arc more enthusiastic over them than ever,for they show up beautifully, fire shoes made on the -N&WEST FALL LASTS; not iamp_f_cf,"wf<t

4ue*-^--fQb^il*r^i^^ke~~*^ Nf G UN M ETA L»CALFSKIN and BLACK VICI K1DSKJN in smart button and lace stylfs; several different goodtoe. and heel shapes; widths running B, C, D, E, sizei running from 6 to to,enabling u$ to fit practically all who come; shoes that retail from coast tocoast at |6 and %^ the pair; priced for ihe Anniversary Sale. $4.40

Th» Humbling of -©Mcon Todd."X toll you, EdKely," said Deacon

Todd as they sat in tbo park, "tbeway women drww tbrso day» isabsurd. <Anrt nine times out of ton itla the faiflt of men. Junt, tor Instance,take that woman coming down thepath. Borne fool husband has told tierKlie lo«fcfl perfectly charming In thatoutrageous getup, lacking tbe staminato come right ont bluntly find tell hertltflt sbo looks [positively ridiculous."

Blnce this remnrk Mr. Todd ba»*o«ver boen «w»n in jmbllc without hl»BTasses. Tile woiuan was Mrs. To<M,~Judge. f

* "^^-^ Arou»«<f.

w^gfie .ronng. woman in the jgtgrB_ojLIfieTbat had whlrpcrcd softly theword "Yes." "Bnt «tay right wberpyou are, Jack/' she ndded hastily. "Ifyou try to kiss mo you'll upset theboat"

"How do you knovrT* hoarsely de-manded Jack, a horrible suspicion al-.ready taking i>osses«Ion of him*—Lon->don Ideas.

y of th« W««k.While the Egyptians named the day»

of their week, tbe Jew* numberedthem only, tho first day of the weekbeing nlway* the day after tho weeklySabbath, Fifteen different method* ofHabbfltb counting are known to hareexisted during tbe last 4,000 years, In-cluding er«7 day of tbe week, weeksof different nnd varying length* fromnix to ten day*, nnd months of variousand varying length.

No Better Than Path#r Ustd to Mates.young Hnfband—Stl\l sitting up,

deax2~Xotfs!nouldn*t have waited forme. I was detained downtown by Im-portant buslnes*, and— Young Wife—Try some other eicuse, George.That's tbe kind father used to make.—Chicago Tribune.

How H« B#flaruI ennnot begrudge him

a cent of his fortune. He began atthe foot and* got many » kick,**


One of tbe most striking differenctfrtw«u > mi md • Iln U I h f n

tos only s^e Uves.—Mark Tvslo.

H»'d C.t th« ThfttU.A dUcusMon on opfwHntroents to

the Mont .NoWe_..Order..«f .!Up._TWitli<faVe rise to a caustic snylnc on thepart of Disraeli. Amonic the osimessuggested was thnt ot a certnlffwho displayed more zeal (ban*npflt"jft Tilf iropyort *>* th<

tlve 'party. "Ofc, nor* remarked bisonfratefiW chief. "I couldn't give Lord— the Thistle. He'd eat it/'-LoodoDOrspblc.

A Simple Twist ef the Wrist,"Ton know Jooei, who w«* reputed

wo rich? .Well, be died tbe other day,and the only thing be left was «n oldDutch clock."

"Well, there's one food thing aboutIt-it won't be ntocb troobJe to wtodop his estate:"—fiacred Heart Bevlew.

An AmUUe DentistVictim—Say, dura ye, you've pulled

the wrong tooth! Dentist—From tbeway you hollered 1 tbongbt I bad boldof tbe right CM. but wtTu call lt naysalstake—Cnteiac Tttucne.

Wesith and Wltrfeni.A man who Is worth time than $tr

soars: accepted i tctfO Beconl-nerakL

v t e t i rtimnc^ WIg 7T»Q and


DATE FALL HATS, in stvlef copied from in>-portcd models and of our own creation—mo*tbecoming hau indeed, in styles that arc not tooextreme; almost any color combination youcould with for; bati that would »cll at any othertime at from $5.00 to $7,00; priced M ^ gfor the Anniversary Sale, ,; • * * • • "

VELVET HATS, ready-to-wear; prettilywith white mcsiaJine; stylet that will be Jm-meniely popular this seatoo; haU that wouldordinarily sell at $3-45» to be carried # 1 7 Qin the Annifertary Sale at only : • • • • *

WHITE FELT HATS, ready-to-wear; severaldesigns; in an immense variety of. styles; A ™good $2 values; price for the Aonkersary

WHITE FELT HATS,l ready^to* wear; finequality; now the prevailing mode; # 1 *l f ivalue $1.49; Anniversary Sale price.. • l i l ^ "

—~^-Rm For RibbonsExtraordinary prices arc placed upon several

big Sou of verr fine ribbons useful for everypurpose.

MOIRE TAFFETA KIBBONS of finejmal-ity, 5§ inches wide—heavy, brigtot and Justrais;here in white. Wack and tbe most favAredcolor; regularly 38c a yard; AnniversarySale price.m, , „ , . . . . • *•

FLORAL RIBBONS in exquisite designs,kh pink," Jignt blue, - iawender; carditol,

mai^e and while edges; valuej^c a yard;Anniversary Sale price — •» •

ROMAN STRIPE MESSALINE RIBBONSin beautiful color combinations; fine for millineryand niany other uses; 4$ inches wide; value MA

33c a yard; Anniversary Sale pr ice . . . . , , .

$1.50 Chain Diagonals 98cof the chief dress goods otferiogsof Ufai is thfcs lpi_ f ^LL__WQOL_,CJBAX8i-.NALS,54^i©ches wide, very iacandol

weigbt, wMcli we pnmvt in navybly.

Black SilksB^ACK SATIN DUCHESSE, pure dye dress

satin, of good weight and beautiful, luster; wi**lend itself splendidly to tailor-made %u\i% orcoats; full yard wide; bona fide | i 50 # 1 | | |grade; Anniversary 5ale pr i ce , . . , , , . . . # l s l W

COLORED DRESS SATINS,aUsilk; twenty-five good shades to choose from, including allthe newest lints, among them coronation, peacb,coral, gold, amethyst; floe for gowns, waists, orfoundations; full 19 and to inches wide; «x*ceptional 75c quality; in the Anniversary

# * • * • • # # # • #

Linoleums—Extra!Best sorts of linoleums, inlaid and printed,

are to be ottered during tbe Anniversary Sab at0**1 J***- follows: - - -m

INLAID LINOLEUMS ia many useful sadbeautiful patterns, colors running through totbe back; rejfulsrlv I i . i9 the square yard, J M fAnniversary Sale price " •

PRINTED LINOLEUMS ia baodsoflse pat-terns aod coloriogs; regularly 50c tbesquare yard, will be sold a t . . . *—-- . . ,—

LINOLEUMS, regularly 59c tbe sqaaxe yard,


and iwo yards wide; dtscootlnoed patterns;ularly 35c and 15c tbe square yard; will b*sold at o o J r . . ^ . . . .

» * • • * *

Miss** New Suit*TAILORED SOTTS of

NAL CHEVIOT, suktly tukratreHet coOns, s e f l k d

d Wskirts gotvdsssd wW> deep plaited

btom *«dInteadeeJ to


3 V . ' / - L i * - ^ . »•."•••u . 1 * ^ ^ * 1 ^ . *-.J_ff

1 \'.-:'

Page 5: KEENE UNDER KNIFE AGAIN. HAMMOCKS! LEHMAN'S · v U «• GOTCH WINS IN STRAIGHT FALLS imerican Ghampion Retains World's Titla r JAMES R. KEENE. American Financier Und^rpoet-(^•ration

l " . ' • - {•

\; J

I ¥ i t •.

?•' • •forihe Family

K &

Heart to HeartTalks.


Tendency Por Muc)i onThin Sunutipr Frock*.

l»iTrv~tnrrrnnw tnny

THRIFT.An ullti'hil i»r iho WUIPI'IIUHIS p»v-

priunnnl whit Im* lirvn Inviviltauf lii;{tht» rmulttlun *>f I In* Uolliuuli'i-* whollHM* rollio t i H h l * ruutiM'.v Mtivri:

"I hnv<» not fouud it doppndiMil Hut-In mini- l i n o hi my Huhl moulds ' In-

ti \VO«M<MI stun*h.v, nhloi i i^iit hpx htm Hintnmhi1 tlullnrx. Mo i nner |M In

T h o o i n ? < ' f u r t l i o i l l n ' t M H i v h i m It"

i p v p i i IM» in irn*<' i« . Mini n e a r l y n i l

| h n v o l l n ? h u m , n i n i l c l i t « t l okR o r U n i t

! period.j A MOW nilk In Ritiln foiitro. n luntrnun.I liotivy wonvp. bountiful <if MnMi, Imti stift inid urnrefiil despite UP lu*nvlm»»*.

Wido btunU of Ineo. oinhtoltlpf.v or•oir fnhrir 'ire I Im ritonuinilstilnj: fonturo of tlio wow

d:iy*tl in

"Tim Hutrlimnn wlmVI t»n I ho ;I\OIM^(» Imlf

unfl 1H Hinvtnrv SHIMn nwil lilt I** rnttntzo cf hlf iiwn."

Tlmt'H U.Yhn OS>*,MI<V *>f nil m | \ k o nf oil I ho

tuic nhort *0tt1rm*t>:

Ho w h o «O(M out to follow Hint rul*»i lml uri nt \ \ l l l |wwrr i« IIPOO--

nary, mut hi thn pxpntHO of ihnt will|>ow\M' ho In

t«> makp nionpy tlmn

l i t 1 t i i n l * D o m u M n i i m

<1o withouthtm nblo to

It in fnr etu M V P It.

In nn old l*wk» "Thrift," 1\v KnnmolKinltivt, 1* tho Mory of John ft ml M;\ry<mnn ami wilV, i>nipU\vptl tu n fnotary.In t h w M n r * IHHM- wns rt p:\ri of tho

drink. \>*\ tho Ony ihoy won?Mrtry n*knl Jv\hn for money !

to Imy two ptns-sos of l*oVr daily for

WVU-Dn tl^lr nr t xvoddlnj: ry

John, hnvlni; n holiday, wnutrnt to t;iKpMnry on n visit to hpr motlipr, Imt iv-

t ho did not hrtxo iho nionoy.yM«ry wont to hpr htdlne pluw nnd

pht out |l»P IM*itV Of > KlilHM^of Kvr. whliii in Kn»;Hsh monoy wni


hnln for tin1 numiiwr irlrlfr\mi

Daddy's Bedtime

The llortcAid to tlhiMii«tct*

Police HorseJim ThTt Saved

Mfi«tcr'B Lifo

I N the cliy wht?ro thpy hnvp nnmntwl polloomon," nnid\ioddy—utlmt !•»,l»ollrpnii»n .who have horwpn to rld*v-oin« ofton hnnm wondorfutof thp lif»rKnN* olpv^rupiw."

"Thnti tvll-tiH ono," plemlPd tln» chlidroii. "We like Morlwmtwt n« wrll «« \vp do atortr* nhout doip* And nitn mid phlpkpn«.'*

'All VUM> tlinu; HI tpll you a Piory tlmt httpjionwi not no ypryn ip nntup. \\\n rpn nninp wn« Jim!

Jlui'n innwlpr wnn vory fond of him muVtnuttht Idm tnttny clpver trlrkx, Innwlmt Jim did for MR umntor wn* n« (rlok. intt hlM invn Idpn.

"Itv MtP nulpklrlH of thrt dty whom ttili* iiollocmntt nmi Jim did duty ovcryduy n immhpr of dnritur robborlM had hoon oniumlttnd, l>«nrpnhk« folk» jjolnirlu>mp hnd tuHMi mot lu lonely plncon nud robbed nnd nomctltuc« clubliwl nlmort<o doAtU. TIIP policeman Imd be^u told to bo on the lookout for queor lonkitic

*>«w .. . .thrt Mini Thn pnnplfl In t^y wpgnn wnm hntu QVcr-thptV pypH IUUl-lt*H»t-

Iholr poor tlrod hoHe to infttto II P* fnriar.*'Jlui nnortod nnd tomd hU bond, for ho nevor Ilkod tu mn» nny OIIO"

ouo of hie kind.•Sternly, old mnn, ntaufr,1 ordnrod tho polloomun; 'wo'll nttmul tn lliVt

wlmn lu» L-BUWI tu the ttriVef t» unit ma wngon Hie Htrnuyei' only\tp hln hor*e> Aft^r the wnpm dn»he<1 the noltrenmn on lwm*hnrk>

Then the. Tvniron'ft driver whipped out H revolver nnd idiot the polloonum, wh->dropped from hlft hor«« to the rend. A Bevond A Imt out the Iwrne. The \VHI:I»Owent on down the rond nnd noon di npimnrtHl.

•'Jim did not run nway, AS you would expect n Borne to do In wurh n.eiiKo.Ite wtood inside )\\* fnllen inARter for u mlnuto whlimytnK penily. TIUMI hodropped hin hend nnd nosed nbout IIIK fnee. Tho blood wn« flowhijr from -ntnnind, nud htw mimler lny quite ntlll n* If jieutl,

"Suddenly the horse threw up his hond nnd trotted to the end of the n>;id.Vhero nt n certain hour It wn» the duty of imothet1 polleemnn on hornek'cl:•ixvtnM'hU 4im»terv-When the other oHloer oft me up he kftew by tho flirt ih't_

l l o n p - t h u t bis rider \vn» in in»ui>ie. jun» notinpr tunt The other wotiliifollow him. turned nnd trottett Imok to where. hln muntcr RtlU lny on the yivnml.Thou he etnyed on KU&rd uniU the ambulance cniue'lo curry the oillepr «»P' toI UP hoepttal. where, they IAVIHI hl» life. And it was ull thanks to fnlthful .Tim.*1

Scrap *BooK.A LlttU Too Muoh.

That fnmoUN old (Jmo J»n<3ini rhur-actor, Christopher Hyko», «»no« con-ceived A midden ambition to drive a

mall pljtictou in

Thtiuffli lip hudno fnilnliit:. nilw o n t WPII 111!there r t\ m o acniHh nvnv l ly i lnpark c o ilii v r .when Nyki'K, mi-«ble to controlhin horneNt Mont


tlieb » e- ,lc o f nhrouulmm.

] l ° Itmtnntlylodoed bin reltwto t h e groom,

wo Kmce'ftiU'y'"iind KniYniiMy Mintidn» old iud.v- witniu

tllv iher en

tttulnttmed, MiilMed outthat aftenioou. UP NOOU HO| into un-

hnWi»v'nf mni npnn tilurn

plnrirort it lirnutfhini),—Atfnlnho ran to tho broiijilmm'H door, nnd,hat In hit mi. njrnin ho hewm n voluble

wlunv did you jrotof uvTr~

t\K\inHl not, Unon and the

Up-to-Vctte Hint* for-the Up-tc- T)ate HoweZvife

*:-*» • *

\Whloh sot John to thtnklnc

\\<\\ \\\\ U\tw doU.-iix Tj that ,1oV:\ -;\:i! r*i.» iMN r. M;U1

U l ; \ f o \ \ > i \ t ( - , " . • . • ' , , ; . : ; j \ u l : , i l > i i *

n: , l icaiu M.U> .«\\n^l tholri,\\ t»M\

s . i y s t h o .(V(M'.\;r^

\\;i i*,t« t o »\^! ' i ' .vo

*, U t U o 111 »royV %

Only tho wi>o. who oaw foro< for futuiv

embroidery nnd inoe.of One linen, trlmiurd with


*°* ; bnby Irish, nnttaiie or vnlcudonno1*lU - Inor*. itiM n »»»nr»h uf otinrinro to tho

plain Mouse »M w:tl*t.Thla tmrncllv* child's frock \x\\\\

the vrhlo punel down tho front is msul"of fine handkerchief llnoii. trimnic.iwith \y\n\U and cdfftnj:* of |net>. Apretty offwi can Iw altntnod by em-broiderini? the" pnm?t~Hotmetnjr*s>\iMbe umxJ for the loxn&r part of the frock

of tho panel.JOTUC CIlOtXRT

CARE OF THE FINGERS.Mow to Rtmovc Otntru and Keep the

Theiv tin* vnr-otiv preparation* *o!Uby mnnieutv* t«» tvutovp ntnlus uudor(ho tiii or nail*. With cntvful use mostof \ln^o can ho rolled upon, but K

; ihoiv is ony doubt nbout n specialj |H*|HfcrAtlon-ftuhatltMe lomon Juleo.j As a ntnln rvmovcr it ts excellent


^ tlio now t\vlpi\y*l\v{ whore »ho washes tier bauds r


h n\

Mnnton iv^ttt»m la m t tnof tw<\ four rt»i«1 nix !t

S*RI! 10 cent* to this ort\o*. itivlns^_nunabtr. ta£t-JWul-Jt -WUMMV.

bv m.-xU If intwo ront DtAtiip for Icitvr

wliU-h Insures nioM* prompt »tc-Uvtry-

*» of hot* nrtiU.Oxalic^ tw\\\ * Is

IS \A K.'.;;iii


AU wUM I l-carxl «

— A - MV-TH."

.IO KlvtllJi It Sinppiioil \v;;!i :: hit uf co;tou on theOlHl of tu; .';:t:.m» WOVHI stick. Ul US-

, ing thc-ioi;,;in itu' tips of tho tliigcrsenn bo rul>fu'il int>» « section of I t

romntnlnff tho clonn wntor tothorn.- Shnko well nnd phtee to drnlnhortws n rnck or towol horse..

No »o.ip in noodoti nnd no rnblilncwith tho hnmR If you. ntlopt thitiItiothml of clojuiftliiK: your brushes y»mwilt Dm!'thnt thry"will InRt throo timosn? lotift oa if clcausod with hot waternnd «onp nntt thnt tbo bristles will pr***crve their stiffness*

to Protect Kitchtn F"io©i\M M

\ Stains on iho sidos.of tho linsera nre! quickly rw.iovoil with n n\oisi pumlco

Mono. Thin is (nvuiu.ihle to pet off

inp * over the iron pitmtll h<vl« lo the ooUmter allow i Or ott

tb« tt Atn to twape *nd ttlll

>v.» tho Kitiks of plnft.ire* In forest frw*

frinpe th* wrut^m main?**

CARE OF ANTIQUE SILVER,How to Hand)* and Pollnh Without

MtkiriQ It Bright.Do not plvo your KIIVOI* a bright pol-

-Uh, for-the-vogue-'tmw iw-to-hnvenin*Uq\io Rllvor for tho toilet table ua wellns for the Olning tublo.

You will have to do tlio polishingcleverly If vou do not want It, to as-sume the brlKhlncsM of newly mnnu>frteiUhHl silver* so you must knowhow to remove tho discoloration with-out too much brilliancy appearing*

I>o you know that n bath In soapyhnU*

byamusing rai>t»ko <UUY made by

Ahysxini .n doir^los of the Em-ptetx JiMrirt tohy th^ TAHS t^iuioU. A\XTO hy

of hK p\>d Uce uniformof his impt**Ui£ man

the ushor at t^oof the foi*i,ni m5niMfr> oft:.^

for M. do Salvos blmxrtf. As tho.v

- T OAMK not o!T th<v oM•*• Nor j^i from o(T the ,

KUJ I *m ©nr of »hft bints of \«odWhU-b *tnc the wholo nt^ht through.**

Oh. Whittle for Ih*nigh* » K%«K, the currpnt stronc;

My beat It lurs

currentf tbe n«

wind win Mow. th* dawn will itfIfcou h»» itatrd them through.*1

v>r 3oTn£ nny Hwork. In oases where tho skin underthe nails has ixni homxl a little po\c*derail pumict* can t»e moistened withlemon julo«» nnA npplloil with au

j orangt> wtnxl stick.I Nerer scrap* nwny n stain; It roogh>; rns both cuticle and nail nnd bocomoaJ « dirt catcher rather than a dirt re-j mover,

the tips of the fingers inoil will help to keep the «Wn

about the nail tu pwx) condition.

into !u*

tbrrn Bst at tbe rijri: or I ;> sijxti

l»ofeat tbtto | )

of a mere scrv*ai. So IK>«;.I^ :lr, they aj-TtXMtcbvsi h.:.i ;

wi-JJa, reach of H»<oattaiK|

ir iurxls and LS-^rd. Tb* G* i; i 'r,«-tEt To JA. t

J» a wtndrriiy: trib* of tbeS a t a n railed the Ts&?ts*, afVOfte. rarfxmd br ftosne xc hare•Of J<< trtau tht <rtr*tdrrt l

far tbe wr-Artntr of r«U&, atbtt has oorajckinfd nroch di»-

. Tbe Totneci roared tbrlrtb* g!ixrr of tiw df*rrt br

BOYHOOD.Ah, th*n bow tvrrtty c

rmwofii wiji,Th« minutes parting .«

lo«M tho»»

no by o»*

Ttiai fad* upon & *uTnmt«r*> er*.Bvu oK, vhai charm or maxtc

C*a t iw xnc feack tV tben

"n»»e ve*ry. hi vpy1 jaA w^ *

XThee tiy ray ***& X «&vk . . . 1

«nt>* alum-,

dar* did

my motherU M t - -, -

And with hrr Hiwilm took bartOc*itty kiss:

Wh*t«ver Ttaae »«*fcnor* he ca»-K t « TTO* tb»r s t n r i w km 1 f n t

a ADaton.

HOW TO WASH HAIRBRUSHES.Old Wattr «nd Ammonia Should »•

Ua*d. Keeping Backs Dry.Th» best of balrbnishos may be

mined by careless xrasblncand tf thebristles are allowed to bevome'aott ahairbrasb becomes practically- melon*for its luteoded purpose. Many per-BOOS cleanse hairbrushes by coveringthem with wbe*ten Oour and simplyrabbins tbe bristles toccther. Thismethod, however, ts not thoroughlysatisfactory.

To fceep roar broabM la rood cesjitlon proceed in tbe following manner:Hare two dlsbes of cold-not bot-water. To tbe first dish, which con-


ARP of the vtWttn* vraym.Ru>«r of the c n cRound and round tb»

of xnotley, woods of

4*«a«rtspooDf»l ofi Now tak* roar bnubrt one by onetad keep dtppi&c the bristir* up aaddown in tbe watar. beloc careful notto w*t the tecla. and In a mlnut* ortiro tbe dirt at>d do«t will come oat of

'them fts If by marie, te.irinj: thenbouitifoUj whitr Now dip op atarido*TQ ayreraj tim^ in xh+

otTeotlve us polish If a UttloIs added to the water?

After washing tt should bo rinsed Tucloar hot wntor. nnd yiu will find thatall spots will hare vanished. Too higha polish will not appear if wiped withcoarse dry towels aa each pleo©emerges from the bath.

Tou should make it a point never toleave a lot of silver to dcy by drain*tog. for some of the pieces will partlytfry and the water Oollect on otheraectlonv thus h ship tlio clean look thatb supposed TO be supplied by thewa&h!ni: HIU! unicl; drying uiHxvssary.

If sliver wttkh Is ID con at imt use Uwashed In this way it will not needpolishing more than one? a nionth atthe most, and then tbe t*>H*hlng shouldbe doae discreetly. ^ that tu« new ap-pearance is not given to it. <

In ^me*_whejVLjPis_t?-Ji»ed_aa-an.fllumtoant th^ Milver discolors soon,though If mantles are used on theIt redncev this to some extent

Thrown Out."1 don't want to butt in,••Bat wbatr* ~•*But I was Just Kolnj: to•I see. Butt right out~

piea and taJttfi? dom-a hi trcmt of tbr<?rft. the etfcer m d i ^ tram the x>o>-ttfli ta tW «de* *f U* ciotiiirx ccr.

the to«Y9- pan of tb» face. A*Jof louvri aifrr:mrriT» hire

Executve.— '•He never -made anything In htettfe."

Ml tbougnt him great on "*«Mwg re*marts,-

Cynical"We aim to i'lease."" yeu tiilnk you need a course

ef training In marksmasshlpf*

lint niuitttfry vuloo lulornipl^l htm."Wbnt! Ymi'nmUn? No, ulr; 1*11

nover forgive you! Twioo a Cay 1»inuoh,"

For You,Blmtt you complain who froti thn world,Who clotlio thn world, who hotino tho

world—BhaU-yotrcomptaln-who nrp thp world

Of what thp world mny ilft7AH from'thin hour you nhnw your I OWPI*.

Tim world invmt follow you.

Tho worlil'H llfr ltc« lu your rlRht Imiul,Your Plruii^ rlnht hand, your nklUo<l right

hand—You hold thr wholn world in your Imtid.

Hw to It who! you do!Ot* ilnrk or tt^tit til* wrony or right.

yOr hoped lu*fol"p nr Onrctl hofj|rpAnil Plum1 ni; wiifl nrvor HIIOWM bofor«

Thn {jowvr Unit ll^s In you.UllUn UR'OUO. fro JUfltlrn tloinV

and d.nrn (tftd *tn,—«*lmrti»tio i

Humor andPhilosophy


PERT PARAGRAPHS.t nil l i innv w o n r c ntHfi'H, but w e luifp to U;tvo o i h o f

ih' u i u k o I lit* inluilMMlnu f<if tin.

.Luck HUr.s n IniH|l(»r.

fol low wtm U HutNilc'd with hiiiiuolf Hohluiu llntlH any one to iltMM B l l l lr .

Don't worry over Hit1 fufntu(IU.V'H problem U ulwiiyn Htifllcti*nt. '

Thoro nro poopli* 'who nro rertnlnthnt ouo K«»"il turn (IOHOI'VCM thrco.

crop cut of

Munt itirln dio fond of n ffuod noux*ploxlnu nnd nro tcononiliy willing topny Kuod'uionuy for it.

Mttiiy fl Jlvo wire «ou HlioH. oirouu-9d.

Bomo porsond are KOIIIUMOH at makingnulNnnepft of ilu»tnnolvoM(

You will IIIWII.VN find thnt you willlmvo to bo tho inn leer nf yourUllrnrln.

g o theDo not fivl uliout Uio

yyK K K nt tlio roputiittons

Of intiPt ovrry ono In plghClo nhujK ulmut yutir l i i ,

Tlmt In moi'o thnn thpy enn do.If they Jiiul ohn'wtiuhl they bothar

With u modoflt worm Ilkn you?

Lrt Ihom nit nrotttul mid t t ^While y o u HUW a load of ivouiS.

All tli<?lr talk will lirln^ itirtnYou'll bo that much to (ho

]>nt them^phDkothfMThrU you luivn ti



who'll Imiirii tho lust


of ».^cu fcltowma uin the water.lnuu'a fnoo wnsfamiliar to him,u n d Iu> s t o «> il

Too wni'iliiK ulontc tho bnnl.Mi Ntrcum wlion ho HH\Vwot'U-

ll thiwBiw<Uv In c r e a t i o nr n n n o f kucp n follow d o w n

VVh" will rniiii H/rht t n hlo iAmi will MIUII" (hou:;li !i

F o r t!i«i « < M I ' 1 \ III ni 'vor\ly I 'm |tili» i-.-ItU'1!! vU»w.

I t v 111 r . i r i f f ( . i l ( ( * h l r t t t i i ' i i n

"II o l p im\ ye

the teuu 1» thewn tor, "or Vlldroon."

"W hut's y o rnnmoV" nnked tlio

oivtho-lttiuk.Taiuiuio Tatu-

niU8.M wild theother.

"Yo'ro foremanof (lit* pattern-—jcutting bench?1*

"Ake—guggle—Llgglo—U1OU.M '"YK'KK TOO I,ATK."

mild tho other, going tinder.**Then droon," wild the mnn on tlio

bank, walking away.He went direct to tho boss., "I want

Tnmmle Tnnimay job," said he. "HeJust drooned.*1

"Ye're too late, xnon," said tho «u-porintendent "I just gled the Job tothe mnn that pushed pulr Tnmmle in."

Tln'ivr. ;«. ,1,, n-n hU vc.ti iMT.r tlm't Mm. UroU'H

lln?- IMM'M t«'IUii|r nil ybout youT«i Hit1 t;oMnl;)ft of tho lown,

i Thou nho ftv\p Intn tho recordPIVIIM tha t tlUln't «i»»lto orour,

Ui> HO IUIMV wlih ymtr 1HI;:|IIPBBYou will huvo mi time* fur her.

No Cflino Tor Action.*[ Yoti _*i\£_ y* 'in* _\v I f t.v'j 11 reiv

yon?" KM Id flu* .|udc<»."Yes." siiitl tlu* lmll,'.ir;tit

"She threw (hem J:L mf» on nevoral oc-

"Did slie lilt you?" t ,

Tha Mhri With tha Voict.Bill Roddy, f ress agent stopi>ed one

evening at a hotel in a small westerntown und foil into a lengthy discussionwith a big dwp voiced man concern-

Lg the degree of science that can beattained In the noble game of drawpoker. The big man said it was the

"Well, tho fart thai she hit you Is noproof that she throw at yon. In fact,It would be regarded an Rood evidencethat she waa throwhiff at nomethlng ont h h l i

> Hia Opinion."What Uo you think of Browii?""What Uo you menu?"'Must what 1 say. Whnt is youp

opinion r"1 think he Is u .sluful waste of xnji-


Indolent."Jonea has a lot of trouble.""About whntr '"Keeping himself at work."

Roddy, having the weaker voice, final-ly agreed that it was,

"What business are you In?*' askedthe man with>the* deep voice.

''Circus business," replied Roddy."So am I." said the other. Ml'm on

circuit"^»ter la the evening Roddy asked

the hotel clerk who the big man•That/* explained the clerk, "is Rep-

resentative Champ Clark of Missouri."—St Louis Republic.

frea.and color. u»r. tatcsjt.


ways,thy prsl

and fruitful

T* ttr cria are #t!3

coctrrC it**- jAutfrStt raina.

Navies Must Not BeNeglected Despite

ArbitrationBy ADMIRAL TOGO of Japan / ;




Not Enough For tht Mon«y.An Irish comedian whom -we win

Just call Tom says he knows a NewYork restaurant keeper who is "sotight that he could climb a ladderholding an armful of eels and not one

get away." Tom bases this nn-

PERT PARAGRAPHS. 'Brains nre, certainly needful, but

•ome people make a few go a goodwny.

»nd effective.ILJa-apectacuUr-

„ Respiration vrhen changed to aspira-tion and then by bard labor traasmut-ed to perspiration has been known tobring results.

It is hard to lose jour reputation—Ifit is sufficiently undesirable.

Married men have" trouble? ot theirown and occasionally some that theydon't own.

It is bard for a man to forget afaror—wfieit he Is the conferrer there-of.

Any man wbo would jilt a girl de-serves to enjoy what he subsequently

i ^ t t ^ « U i t o i e ^ ^ n ^ r T O Mcommercial transaction In h!s acquaint-ance's restaurant. "I want tripe,' saMTom when he went In, "good tripe, honcycomb tripe, with a rinejar sauce."

The waiter brought It. Tom ate it.By and by the servitor brought hi?bin. Tom fonnd that the tripe wa?charged as follows: "One half portiontripe. 90 rents."

""Call the proprietor/' ordered l\>ra.•Someb«<ly IK trying to cheat me."

So the jtroprletor came and squinteddown the line of figures and pravelvannounced to Tom that the computadon was correct. "Yon had a halfportion of tripe, sir," said the resian-T»nt man, T h f chnrge 1« quite right

tfc f t ! ^

Some men look exactly as if theybought on the doliar down and dollara week plan.

A graft tn need has saved many aman from going to work.

Success* is a thing that doesn't hareto tell how it came by the goods.

It isn't so hard to find what WQ likeaa it is to like It after we have foundit

Don't worry nbout today. It will soonbe gone and tomorrow will be able toblithely turn into-

-•way to y«t€«Uy with equal ceterirj.


•*•*-.''- •'*. A ' J ' •" ' " V • '••'>•''.' ' ' v •" • •' >.r'"-- *•. ff.v'-.1, ^*i> ' ^'' ^-:J:'y:X^^f:^1'^^p^fj':-l^^''-*^i •< *V-^ '^ \ ' -^* t^^ '7 f T ~ ^ * V : ' ^ ^ V ^ "' "?'"•"•. ' ~ - > * r o M * ^ ^ f ^ v ^ ' ' : 1' *i > • J \ \*.r• -f

, • . ,


in Wesley's View linked to"John Calvin's,

ISSIMGJJIiKJJLJlHMflHY•tor Ruittll Find* It Bttw««n Elso-ion and Prtt Qrtot—H» 8ayi That

•y 8inn«r Will Y«t Have PullIpportunity to Roturn to Dlvin* Fa*/or—"Rlvir of th» WaUr of Lift" Is•or th« Non-Efaat Alont,

dMtlnatiou standM unalterable, bot Ithas no effort upon othvrs than th«elect. U uiuroly i*ay» thnt none ox-copt ttio Hitltitly Hhnll purtlyipnto in tboelection. It HnyH'iioticino word abouttho fnto of the noii'ClL'ct. Head Ho-nwniH vlll, 2H-.14) mid you will f»cethli«for ynuriclf. To tbl*<f tho HcrlpturalpredcHtlnntlon, none curt object. It intho uuKcrfpturnl dcdiujtloiiH which lmvocanned Uii Olfllculty,

Dro'thcr WeMtoy wn» in exact nccjirdwith the Jllblo lu bin (Vdnrutlon flintovory moujbor of our two muMt linvo ashnro In tho ttrnve ot <JHH\ In Chriftt.However, what lsrottair Wenlcy did not


tl>U \n anloniinn for

t h o Cninn Meet-

nnd other ffntlior-hwru, tlio nft-

*Conven-tion -of tho Inter-

l o w In >n*H'uton nilth« i

* somblioM of man/prosTfltn 1» an oxtunalvo

i»urlng tuo tou days of thorentton nddre*8cs will bo (given byllxty rnlnlHtflrs and instructor» of the

tatloa. The t«aohlngn nro Inter-lenotulnatlonal, unrioctarian. Van tor[tuwell of Brooklyn Tabomaclo, nnd\um also of London Tnbornaclo, \* iho

ont of tho AflNoclntlou, Uln wanho principal address of today. ThoMidltorium was crowded, rrobnbly In•ompllment to Motfaodistn, Pastor- UUK-01 took for his text what he claimed

was John Wcflley's fayorlto—"And tlioSpirit nnd tho Brldo say, Como; nndwtioHoovor wilt, lot film tnifo (tie wnt<>rof llfo frrely" (Kcvelntlon xxll. 17>.He Mfltd:

What Wolty Could Not Dctlovo,Our Methodist friendn who own thin

flpucloua Auditorium havetoa tliu -HV&2ttiL

Irother Wesley, which brought themfruut of~hl8~dBnpmlTTatian~nt~tr

time whon Cnlvln'« theory of tho elec-tion of saints to glory and tho predes-tination of all others to eternal torturtiras tbo baste thought of ProtestantismBrother Wesley's voice rang out clenrattd fall—"I cannot bellove that Oodpredestinated to eternal torture thomnsBes of mankind before they weroborn. I must believe that Ood In Ixivenud that His love and Ills Juwtlco.would give to every itlnmjr a fulJ op-portunity for return to Divlno fnvorand to everlaritlnfc life through ChristBrother Calvin, Indeed, has certainHorlpturcs difficult to apply, respecting

•election and tho elect, but I Have oneScripture ut least which tells of a free-dom of Divinejrrnce, The.'river ofthe wntor of life' Is not declarod to befor the elect, but for 'whosoever will.'1 tako my stand upon that text."

Brother Wesley's battle-cry—"Ood isLove nad will Hurely give every mem-berof -Adam's race nn opportunlty-foreternal life through Christ"'—has comeringing down to our day. And al-though Christians have bocomo sickand tired of their endenvor to harmo-

nor to one Ago. Uo did not HIM* that*whllo thU QOMpnl Ago \* oxcluMvrlydevoted to tbo Mcluctkm -of tho ChurchHans, invited to l»o "tho Hrld*\ thoLntub's Wife/* there In a coining Agolu which Christ mid Ills glorifiedHrldo will extcml Dh'lno mercy to thouon-olcct.

Tht Kty to tht MyiUry

"In duo time," Our ({rent (/runtor noodnot bo In Unntt. H« him nil eternitybefore Him. lie allowed four tlmunandyonrj* to pnutt before lie «rnt III* Honto redeem the world nnd lie IIIIM HIUCOtuUon nearly two thotmand yenrn lutho Hplnctlnn of our Jyortl'M elect ilrtile.lla ban appointed an additional tlmu-


of rlKhteotmnenn in the rarth_toEthe overthrow of nln mid tbo upliftingof tho NlnnorH. Hoclaily? Vos, I'byNl-cnlly? You. MornllyV You. Intoiloc

Out uf win ami death?

Grace and nre now trying to forgetdortrlnos altogether, noverthelcHs JohnWejHoyf« theory him overwhelmed .TobnCulvln'N. Tho vast majority of Pros-bytorlnns, HnptiHtH, CongregatlonallfllH,otc, profeHrtlng Calvln'H tonotH, renllybclicvo' WeHley'B—thnt God in Love andwill suroiy give every member of ourriu.'o it full opportunity for salvation,it nil thnt Ho prodoHtiunted none oftlw.m Io eternnl torture.

- Truth In Both Theories.There nre elements of trnth in both

theories, ns we now nee: *The pathof tho JiiNt ifl nn the nblnlng light,which ffhlneth more nnd more—untotht* jn*rf*»et dn.v." We are nenring tlieporfoct day. nnd lienoe should under-stand tht» Bible better than did ourforefathers, who did not have the won-diTful Bibles ChriHtinns now possewi.with marginal referen^e», concordancesnnd other helps! Ability to read alsoin universal today. Oh. what nrumerof Bible students we should be! ManyChristians, however, discouraged bythe inconsistencies and contradictions

j} Uurmvny with Ood i£thi.-y wllf? Y**H1 NofcoorKracoiMitnag'Itrnblo than tlmt which tho Almightyh««-provided through tlio Hnvlor. Ofit Bt. t'nul deciiires, "Ood will* to hnveall men to bo saved nnd to be broughtto a knowledge of tho Truth." To tut*mid He ha* nppolntml ono Mediator,"who gave Ilhnnelf a HuuNom for all,to bo testified In duo tlmo" (1 Timothy11,4-0). _J_ _„. .. .

The "due time" for fho (>o«pol calldates from ronteco«t-*r But it in not ttoflll for tho world, but for a specialclumi, tho Hrldo clnnn, to walk snori*rlrinlly in tho foolstcpH of Jesus nnd togain tho great reward of Jolnt-nclrMilpwith Him in HIH Kingdom. Tho "duetlmo" for this work will soon be nt nnend—when tho ln«t probationary momher of tho Church, shall hnve inn do IIIHrailing and election sure and when 11"door Into tho marriage" >*hnll shut.

"Hut tho Sue~trme~'to¥~ilw'muHHvn ofmankind to honr of His grnro und torespond tberoto U still future, IIM Hrotuvr Wesley's fnvoiito ii»xt will show us.

Beforo exuminlng ITIM text wo willnotft the fact that three-fourths of tbehuman family today nro hcnthiMi In themost nbsoluto seuso of tho word andmany of tho other fourth nro licutbonin a truthful senite. Why do they notsec tho graro of Ood i n CliTlst? Bt;i'aul answers, "Rocau«o tho g«d of tliiitworld hath blinded UIOII^UIIIKIM/' tiocttuso "darkness covers' the <'»rlh nndgross dnrkness tbo peoplej' (II Corln-thlnnjTiv, 4; Isainu lxf 'Jt.

Bur wHjr does God^ not matter thedarkness and open all the blind eye*nnd unstop tho deaf enrs?- \V<mnswcr,bocnuHe, althuugh Ho tins promised todo these very things. His due tlmo fortheir nceompilHlmicnt in not yet c.iuie.Ho merely <.-U11H*IIIH elect dui'ing thisdark time, requiring them to provetfieir WOf UHm'sH" T>y"wii IlclngfnlHifuIIyIn the dark: "We walk by fulth nndnot by slgbt."

Wltli Iho - completion of tho electChurch a t tbo coming of tin* Itednemcr—after tho mnrrkgo, when she will hetbe Bride—then both Drldegrooni undBride will shine forth in glory, scatterlug nil the (liirkneHs, Ignorance nudHUporstltlon of the world. Hatnn, thePrince of Darkness, will be boundnnd every evil thing shall bo restrain-ed and tbo light of the knowledge- ofthe glory of Ood shaft fill the •earth;all tbe blind eyes shall be opened andall the deaf cars shall be unstopped.What will l>e the result? God's Wordanswers, that then "every knee sbalbow and every tongue confess to theglory of God."

Brother W«sl«y'a Proof TextBrother Wesley's loving heart found

and tightJy grasped tbe declaration"And the Spirit and the Bride tiuy.Come; and let bum that fiearcth sayCome; and let him that Is athirst comennd whosoever will; let him take ttm

testant, have abandoned their crecdnand abandoned their Bibles also, erro-neously believing the latter to be tbe

-bartr-of- the—former.- We- must not

our power to "remove nlT the creedfentes which divide God's people Intoseots nnd'partles, let us holdfast tothe Bible, the most wonderful Book*In tbe world. It in only beginning to"be understood; Its true light Is aa never before. We nre in, thetime mentioned by the Prophet, whenJhe^^rtee aball cnderstnnd" (Panjri_xii, io). ~" •" "

Brother Calvin was right In part-to the extent that be was in harmonywith the Bible, which teaches as tostrive to fulfil our Covenant with theLord, that thus we may "make oarcalling and election rare." It does notteach tha predestination which Calvintaught and which Wesley objected to—the predestination of the wicked toan eternity of torture. The only pre-destination, sientkmed In the Bible Isconnected wtth tbe OTurch, tto «j[lBl»rGod predestinated that none could beof Che Church d m , the Bride *****except eocfc M would becomr ooglmot Hit BofiK that Bedeemer. / Thst pee-

water of Ufe freely'* (Revelation xxll.17). Thin text however, t^Iongs to thecoming ARC, to tbe time when Mc*slah shall reign: "For He munt reljcuuntil He hatu put all enemies underHis feet" (I Corinthian* xvt

hlm, a well of water springtng\jp ontoevertuttoff life" (John Iv, H).

Th« N«w Jtruiaftm.Symbol.Tho Church lu her glorllled condltio»

After th« 'VhJMiKe'* of the First Itcaur-rcctlon, afttir biHrondug the Urlde, Is

mtK5nc^ly~rcpres<uiU^~as"a City, as'Oovernmont-the nipiml of Uod*s

Kingdom, tho Now Jirrumiloni, whichwill then come to* or bo osiubllstied In,tho earth—not a literal rlty, but, bet-tor, a syrnlmllLMl (me, uf tho Kingdom.It wlil !»• from under tho 1'hronouf Hint Saw Jrru'^lnii, Uio McuntnnlcKlnffddiu, thnt the "rlvrr (if the wn4orof life will ilinv, firm1 IIM cryMtul." Oncither bank of 1 ho HymtiOHriil rlvof WillBd~(fees~«riff(i, wlioMiHi'nves \vl\\ bofor tlio h((»lin;r f tho imiloiyi. Thenwill IK*.their "(\uv tU-.w" to rnme toa kliowlcdK'f- uf tin* Trtilh tlmt Uodloved them mul did imt |>rt*d<**tlnntothem t» etcriuil torturi*. nor to ptirga-torinl BUfTciiiiK, but Knit Hlx Mnn tu dlufor them—to pny tlwlr d»;nlh penaltynnd thus to innko POMMIIJIO tlu-lr r««tlto*Hon to Divine fnvor (Acts ill,. 1U-21)

Irgos and rlghtfi originally given toKnther Adnui-loMt b.v UU dlsobtdlenconnd rodc'fcmod at Calvary.

My dear friends, here wo lmvo thograndest nnd brondent Kreo Grnro pos*ftlble to bo irnnglned. In connection withotir Heavenly r'ntuer nnd U\H greatsalvation* provlUwl_liLCliriflL:_Ai»_uver3terent4ir<» Mhnrewhi Knther Admn's im*perfection nad dying coiidltlonw, woVflOh to In tlm"Christ's liffhlflousupss nnd Hncrltu-ialdeath; It NIIUII be "tcntined to nil Indue tfmo." Tliero will be stripes, l(»*

(Ion and tho rcgi'iioratlon of A {him nndbit race aft hmnnn Uvinu*- - not n» Hplritbe In KM,' nut art nn#elM; Adfiiu and hisroco never were such. Only the Churchhas been begotten of tlio Holy Hplritto n spirit ntituro; only tho Church wlflshare In tho romirrectlon to Hplrit con-ditions nnd bo thtm "ltko unto tho tin-gels/' . - '

This U-Net-UnlvefulTtm.'-—-These two milvatloiw, now of tho

elect, and -during1 -•Messlafr's-rHjrn—ottho iion-cloct, do not imply n universalsalvation of our rnn% but merely unulversnl opportunity for ovorlastlnglife. Tho Scriptures most dourly tencha Hecoud DenMi, llko the flrnt death,except that nono will im r^eomodfrom too Second Death, nnd nono willbe resurrected from it. It thereforeWill be, «s 81, Paul docTan-H, nn' 'evcr^lasting doHtrucIIon" (II ThesmilonlnnsI, 9J. As Ht. I'oter declarer, tho wilfulsinners ngnlnnt light and kupwledgowill pGrfsli, "llko natural bruto beauts."

Tbg lessons from tbusa great tratlwof the'Blble arc powerful. They makeplain to us tlmt nono can liopo to beof the heavenly class, of.the Bride ofChrist, except «acU an enter tho straitKate and narrow way—tbo saints, thefaithful..unto.death. They teach...usalso, lu harmony with other 8rrlp<'tares, that those who now cither seenot and bear not, or who *<><• nnd honrImperfectly, will miss this great "prizeof onr high calling." Nevertboless forthwc.'heathen and ofhorH, Ood bnsprovided more than they could haveUMmght-or_aslifcd—4in-opportunity— torobtaining human perfection nnd aWorld-Wide Eden—Paradise restored.It tencben, also, that every mlsslnp,every fnlltiro to do our Iwst, l» nwtly—both to the world and to ourselves*.To-whntevcrextfmtrthe woTiddoraonnffand de radr-H Itself, jt will have. Inproportion, difUctjlty nnd stripes inconnection with tbe possibilities nndopportnnltl<»s of n>oovery"during

We are glfld of thU. glad that It butill powible for tut to become mem-bers of that Bride class which ranru

Kingdom.Ix«t ns bonild wide tbe story of the

grace of Ood.In Christ for tivery.crea-ture: l?t us show Ifio love of Ood tonil who have the eyes and ears of np*preclntlon. There Is no greater Influ'mce for righteousness than this—ThoInve of Ood and the love of Christ co:strairmth tis (II Corinthians vf H). AndIn proportion ns rjuinklnd receive thesame their constraints toward rightcousness Incronse. Thus, with clearerlight upon our Father's Word.. It istime for us all to cast aside the thlnicnof darkness and sectarianism which nolong hove separated tbe people of Godfrom each other,

Th» Orot L*s»on of This,The lesson Ut tbe Church U gratitude,

loyalty, faithfulness to Him wbo calledher ont of darkness to tbe high mi lingof Jolnt-Ueirwulp with tbe Hedeemtf,'The Bride, the Lamb's Wife." W toranke b^rself ready by potting «>n thefiuItH and prace* of tbe Holy Spirit: :i& beJn£ renoired nnd transforDind.

* The lesson to the world yet I* cnly!r»" those v.ho, to some extent, bear it—|-:i«t God I* Lore, tlmt His taprrytw*

» roruled a great opportunity for re*tl-.::tion that U nigh at hand; awl far-

' "'f^'- v:- :*'VtU




t i ••$•



Prom. Photograph of Twtlv*

Who Ar« to D«old« th* F«tt of

Youno Virginian Now on Trial

July 18 Ntar Riohmond.

Photo by Arrwricnn Prrm Amtn.


not Kullty and wan n.'fen<MMT In f.T.000Kttrcty to appear before Judffnext Monday In tho *womlcourt nt Wukefteld.


Commonip Rofun» to tndloat* Choio*. For Pr«»id«nt.

ANliury I'ark. N. J.( H*;pr. «.—IV. J-tirynii. hem-ri'fimiyd to inllt poTITT^•xcopt to my (hat he would not Indlcnttt uho hi; favoro'd for tho Democratli* rnndUlnfo Cor tho pru*ld<*nrybrcnumf h^'wun Invariably misquoted.

Mr. llryan dfllvcri'd hi* Iwtuht.••Prince of Viwu," tn tlio ')c#?nn Orovi*midltorliifii before n Inryn

Introduced by rx-CJovwrnor

SHows Numerous Authors.Ka*ton, I'M.. H*-[/t. (J.-W'tilU- pontof-

flce oflldnU a«M<«rt tlmt ihoy huvoenough ovldi-nr*. to convicL Minn liar-r\etr-pe Wilt of wilding tho M

tindorstood'thnt xni^nUufiwyH 6f~t\ihwoinjiii nro working up evidence

been Bonding this class of letter*brondr:nut throughout thn city, TboKev, Klnu-r K. Hnydor of Christ Lu-theran church is not tlio only clergy-man wtio mm tho target for the latter'writer's venom. The nnrnos of nt leantthree other KnNtmi clergymen nro be-ing mentioned ns the recipients ofitnotiymoiis- letrerKr-Tho Uevr fourHTLeinbftch, pnstor of the Mr«t KefOTTnT»d~0forty nnd llfty of them. He hnrnedthorn all.

Thcro U iippiirently w* doubt In thomind* of fiitxtouUihH that more tlinnouo person wrote ationynionw (utter*that hn\'e (on« lM*en circulated in thindty. TliOMff «cnt to Mr. NHnbach nnrta prominent member of hi* oonjrrejcn-tlon arc not written, but printed, anwore the lerrer* reeelvca t)y"Xfrrfliiyder and othem.

Wtathtr For«oaat.tfMlny; Thursday probably

fnlr and cooler.

Noddad.Tho Kreoch pnp«!rs have mnd« niur-h

tft u slip by M. KmUUt Fnuwt in \tlitunit Ion beforo (he academy. Tintncudctnlciiiii rendered to C*n«mar inor#«than wan Cnwnr'*, for he gnve tho"(lgbtcr nnd wrllcr" credit for n tinewhich belongs to Onto. Hut It SWIIIMthe Imniortnln nro not Immune fromlapsus linguae. Oonernl Lnn^lolx gotmixrti uu withi «n«i. KoiTerTnVTKven Hrrlbe nnd Mollere' refer l'» llwirevocation of The~ edict of NantoM.

LIFE OF THE SUN.Old 9ol*i H«at Will Warm th« Earth

Fpr Millions of Y««r#.Th*» reiiMoii v. hy d r >nin \ftnln* ltn

hnit In H[*\\r *>t Hi- v ; , m i l t y ili/U ItKi\(M "in IK #'\|»|uiin-il I'.'^'n* f»rt thntheat l« m-jji'Mitcl hy Hi. fall of jmrUcli's lowjud IN /'en'iT. The dlflun*ter

• ti

j yinetcrrt, t\ Unit- more ihaii (hi* ten-milMonth i-iirl of Us

yi*nf**wlir pa* before tbe *«olardlmlnlMlicM erf*«iit'tt \*> produci* nu effect npprerljilile l>y t h e - » » m | Mellcntinstrument i, alwnvM

future '.111 be Klmlhtr in the hmtru-rnenfti of thn pnumif.—Uy H

1 i Iffiw if Is^n*Mend hent. Io tli#« enrth between sixmillions and flifht millions of y.

Kndtum, which emit;* IIHI(ouwly finfl wlflifftif f ennfliMi, in prrncntIn the HUH. Otw gratn of nidlum fre**enough bent In one hour to rnlso agrnln.of water from tlio tnmp*'rnlurnof lew to thn tempernturc of boilingwater. Ilenro th*» pressure of this ele-ment assists In the prpfwrvntlon of tbesun's heat. Tbe sprofroscope rmrmils

ntinntltirs uf helluin In the sun,grctir In u^ortloH-lo—th«-

nwi'n ofher elernrnts. The presencebellum Is il^f to thf dlsnggregnHmi of

twelve yearnafter Moliere'n dnith. Hut perhrip* t\more glnriug iustunce Is thnt of MOII-tosqutn. who, In bis "Ksprlt de** I-ols," |vnlnnin 1, cbnpter xxl, 22, writes, "I ]hnve many time** deplored the blinducHnof thn council of Krnncls I., who rebuff'e<l Phristopher <fotumbus when ho proI JLI l I hlw 'iMWJojfor .Indjn.!! HatVrnnrin I. nsconded tbo throne In 1.115,nine, years nft«?r tlio date of the denthof Coitnnhn«.--London Globe,

of the sun's elements would bofor (he entire regeneration of all the

Mr*. Newlywi-il—nhvo you any niceRltimpM, thl* morning? Batcher—Hlump*? Whnt nro they? Mr*. New-lywod— Indian, I don't know, Imt myhiiMbnnd I* /tlway* tnlklnff about ajflump In tbo market, and I thought IHboald like to try «ome.—PhiladelphiaUecord.

RUNS DOWN LITTLE GIRLPormtr Aforvtary of Navy If Htfd on

Manslaughter Charg*.''p T • fl. —Trumnu

H. Newberry of Detroit, formerrotary of tht? navy, while driving hi*runabout nt Nnrrnfwmiett Tier, *insckand killed Helen Kill*, tho *oven-yearold dnimhU*r of Mr find Mm. Oeor^eW, JfflUjA Mllford. >Maa» JThe acci-dent occurred In front of tho Hotel

.Mr. NWlicrry irnve Srlmself up tothe |Mj||<*« and HUM nrrnl^nrd on af.'t.-tr;1*' of

Pltnty,Wife—Hut w<^-wo nbnll not begin

our rnnrried life with a serref, Hhnll,we, dearest?

"No, darling," he njnnnTjred: **there'fil>knty of time."

Worw Luck.Phl?Ip-rMd tb« lady t'row

wnter on yoflse? WsnderinjcWfllter—Worse'n dat. Phi I, worso'n

It wns s/miFStids,—Toledo

Ona U M of th« Cal.H 1* dlfllcutt to exhnnwt tho w*m of

tbo eel. Expert* In top whipping1 pro-nottijTo-ir-drte4~ffnr skin flts~adralraM<F!nnh, and top* are by no mean* tho

In Mr. IVpya' dUry:"April 21. Jwa Up l rtlme*, nn4 withmy *alt eel went down In tho parlorand there fret my boy nud df<T fwathim till 1 W;M folu to take breath twoor three, tlmen. Yet tor ill I «mnfenred It will make tbo boy neverthe better, ho 1* grown *o hardenedIn hi* trick*, which I am sorry for,hff betnar-cnpnMf of inakinjr B~hniT«man nnd I* n tioy that I and my trlfeiovo very well." "Bnlt eel" appear*to have been a nautical term for aropo** end. and It la not certain thatPep?*' Instrument ot ca*tJgatlon « uactonl eebi* *kln. Bat the original"»ait eel" laid Its mark, - London

RUIM.Wwry-Tt's « i»oor rule that doesn't

work Iwth **y*r WIIu>-O'wanr IV*ft poor rale to work at all.—Toledo

How to Make Prvm* Whip.8o%k ooe-balf pound pnmM oref-

nlffht: Io morning *tew till soft withone-half cop sugar, ftob throughsUre.Beat whiten of foor «tfgs to stiff firotband odd *lfr*4 praoea. beating well to-gether. Heap npoo a platter and bale*in a slow OTf*n for fifteen mlmxtes^ a>lowing Tf rn Itrnvrp. gerreirjth

ttnd be forever united to the Lontax-:His Bride at Hlg second coming. Then !by tbo marringe sbe will become tbettedeemer's J<\int-heir to glory, honor,.nd Immortality In tbe KingdomThen she. In co-ojreratlon wtth theSpirit of the Tiord. will «uy, • otne.**•o whosoever iriifei to come of Adam'*:*ace. Bvery«ue will say, **Conie:*";Ucre wUL b« a world


All tbe blind eyes shall be opened tonee the waters of life; nil tbe deaf earsithall be nsstopped to hear of the crt-dons favor of God's love Is Christ.

But OB there is no Bride yet to say."Come,** neither is there any "river ofthe water of life" ret to Invite themto.' There win be no tacb river mttflnfter the establishment of tbe Ktttf-•lom for which the Master taogbt itsto pray, "Thy Kingdom come; Thy

be done on earth as It tg done InJUSTW iHrftftitfi ' lwt JM-

present time Hit foCowers do not go toihe riven of tbe water of life to driak:trat, on the ftmtnry, be say*. ~Tbewater that I Aafl «1T» fafm «f» be to


of the future. Mlslmproved op-portooitles la the present life, viola-tions of conscience, etc., will brtnrtheir reasonable retrlhutlon In the lifeto come and make the ascent moretedious and the more difficult. On thefontrary. every good endeavor and_at-_tamment of self-control win be thatmuch of an assistance for tbe future,when "the Spirit and tbe Bride sba!^*ay. Come; and whosoever will maysome sad take of tbe water of Ufe frf#-ly" ftfid obtain perfection and everia»t-ta f l i f e . • " • 9- ' '•'

I trust that true Christian unityopoa the basis of Plr)s^ Troth. «x-t*emd 1ft the Bible wffl be tbe key-note of tfato Coavettdoo te to rsry

I trust that every Mai te at-

'beered aad vivffled byits epfrft tbmt, ffltas; to UsMMtasT"wmt_ be exteeded biDBBBK ^BHBBBBBBBBBIEIBS. . W^ -

The Food


Page 6: KEENE UNDER KNIFE AGAIN. HAMMOCKS! LEHMAN'S · v U «• GOTCH WINS IN STRAIGHT FALLS imerican Ghampion Retains World's Titla r JAMES R. KEENE. American Financier Und^rpoet-(^•ration

Plr.'*£;VV- ;'-klEI-,-


tahaM'Mfs o; Old BridgeInrela Fear of Death.


QRIES- • * • * • '

•••> • • \




* TV

• * * •? .

i:i. •w'Viiv'/ij.r.

• • - ; . J :


r^ «»Boy's Pants



Colored Shirts,



$1 SO cr<

JVIProgress Coffee

Is a new blend of Coffee that has proVen to bejust what the very particular Coffee drinker waslooking for If you give it a trial you will neverdrink any other.

35c lb

Garan Tea


Unadulteruted. This Tea is £itaranteed to beAbsolutely Pan?, It possesses great strength andis without the bitter flavor found in many otherbrands.brands.

? /

..v..^. ' ( " • : ^ " / < ; ; - / . > . >,t •>,,-.

S O * .


otrociof Pun

W/L"tV'l:liftfH tti



and BON-BONSJust Received.

144 MAIN ST.

The Famous Walk-Over Shoe for Men and.m?-




HAMMOCKSAny Hammock, and we have a fewGood Ones at 30 per cent.

former prices Jfc ^ ,

!*t»viht» last of our summer Ox that xve luvx been

- N^.c «n (he ttnai clean upmj:.AU sites at%

-v.-i> !»/•!£ 1,7-



19x21 _7

Rahway. N. j .

pairs of s»mo3os, sh

IOO Rxirs NUsses and Children'sPumps a n j S a n d a k m


a- TIT

Ullf t t


TSriflpt* IT*-



127-129 Irri* Sbcd. JUk«7. N. J.

WO00 P3JS0RS BOY'S FOOT, **&**& t** */«** «r


ii H

i nT« at


hinnt the

rum flifi -nrflli-


C XTtOUTlOO» TA fatefor rhrw reer* aoifl D m «0ie bad

«al£ be «%> sozre* ilia;

Com.bflftrt last

114-120 Main Street,Rahway, . New Jersey


ins *rt*t

' v o n a for &br*«r rcisn or awcr^?fU6*£na»fl -1 knew that bthi*- «c3: BiiC ths: rtwlAifi5 br fens barsmm*. * >

fmtc ««eiac 3tfi» V^x V v r t TalknUmr TOED; men. 1 or star hut mOf trtrfUff'

re KIT u s sax ILL D m «f I





c«ioa children *re p j t l o

means weak eves,

poor cves%hL P r e ^ t uou-

We cr correa n with tbe prop-

er pusses Cicd bj an expert


DIES!Ev^ry Friday and Saturday

" oCream

18 1-2 Cherry Street, CHENRah'



L ^



C »K


voasue or

TAILOR99 fxws| St

««« »n,y » e Best may r* h a d «

Fetters Market7 5 IRVING STREET "

^ > ^W

^ T!"'*.,*- Jl-MV^HHlVtMtoiKH*'

• • ' . * ' - • • ' ' • ' • ' " • ; , ' • ' ' ' . . , " ; ' . ' ' • ' ' . ' _ • ' " _ ' • • . • ' • . . ' . ' , ; . • ' ' v f • • • " • ; .

VOL. 1. NO. 21.


By STATEHealth Board Inspector! Find Better

Sanitary Condition! Should Prevail

Prominent Men Arc To Meet Ton I fl litTo Fix Plarm and Choose Name

Tilcro will be 11 UH't'Hng of thn comd (if llftfCfL

BmtotmcementWING to coin pi,-tints by children wh

pony offered ns a prize for the nioM sld

> sl.'trttul out lo wink for ihr<crlptf(m<f that their p;imil<i

*s - n i n n iiti-tu roriii a "lloont Ilnhwuy" or-


p the nioM snbstwould not let them cnicr. life COIIICAI f>oc;iiisr fil the cost orfr ki

t let them cnicr. life COIIICAI f>oc;iiisr fil the cost or |;K k offacilities for keeping ;i pony if they won It, the HVMOHD has decided lochange the prize ;uid offer Instead an HijV\y^\!t]^JJ!l\iMXi^^*^^tnr^f^VVtMVKf^orTWnrOTrcyCLES with i

AtA full ut|ftirlniu;n KLUIN WATCMHS. with co;isicr-hrnkL^f mid TWO


f l x

»t ifl Hid lilnn or ( U P commlKpo


Iovestigate Methods After FactsAre Made Known At Meeting



The four pri/cH are adapted to cither boys or girls ;is the |)icycle will heawarded either in boys' or girls' frames. Meglniilni; loniorrow the prizeswjll be on exhibition In (lie window of MCCOIIUID'H store on Main Street.

Hy rcqticftl a threc'tfiotitltn* siibscrlpllon counting 2ft points hns beenadded. The time renialim -the-Mmcrr-AMy contrstnn) to he clfpiblr

MR.SAVAGE WON'T RESIGNSends Mayor Howard A Letter and

Score** Council'*} Interference

"iiii: IK Mm text, of it letter unit

u y ifmTT KoVvtmTSTHnv/iKi1 to Mayor

l loniml In r e f r r w 1 to Mi'1 rrnwit

'if (lie Common. Oounril In «pk-

for hlM »"Hlj:iiiitlon from th<

y ) to he clfpiblr

There arc now font boys and girb lo be nwarded prizes instead ofornief lVJl l l i cot ier* '^iv4t^t fhhth

Mttilo inspantors of thr- Moitlth Do-

WOPO Ih Huhwny last ^H( last night's tnooUng

of tbo city Hoard of iloitlth, lnepootlngat) l c h


at) plticua whore Ico'aroam WUA inunu-facturtul. I'roildoiit Joseph titnlth \VUHfiulhorlty for tho Bttitompnt that ox-oopt In a fow cnsrB, tho condttlone woronot found fliitisfuctory and that tbo in-spectors hud glvon tho umtiufucturorB

k In will oh to comply fully withtiniilUr-y-yegulftMottfc—It

Hhcrirr Klrkland of ffiltsabnib dmw»»o following petit, jurymen for tho(list panel In thp prnttcne*. of

out*•HI he

JudAtwntor thla morning. Tho pnnol w ill

allowed firs! clrnicToFlhe prlwrs, nnd so on,Only n little more (th.'in (wo weeks rcniniiiR, so, #> find take a look at

the prize*, boys nnd'glrJft, and then "MUSH THK LINK"!

"WUHtbut If this was not douo, theauthorities would tnko Ml ope to closedown tho factoritm.

Anobcr importantbrought tip by HJdwnrdpiOBldutit of tho plumber')* local unionand a taornbor of (ho Houltli Hoard.—Ho-crtttoiz^a


(Hiring (ho llrpl two wookFi InOctobnn »

'1'hfi followltiK rcpldontfl of tbjn citynnd tho eurroundln^ (owns have beendrown:

Unhwny, ISdwnrd Kllsby* ArthurI'otor J. Cftrtor, lOdward )! ,

Hhcrwood and Ilorchiml HOMO; Crnn-ford, Oforgo H. Krou»o and IfldwnrdM, KlHKshury; ( Jnrk Township, MurkUolfol; Llndon. Ainxiindm^


to MTBIKU Ht-lh««

tloii"iirfT"ni"idiriK ihnt If

\Ht\U'V Ui|_JlMjk_JliUL_Ui—lll

BottLRcptiblicaoiHaving Trouble in Filling Their

Lists of Candidates


Klin wood; I'hlllp Kborlo; (Jorwood,William H, Diiriir.

matter wuswho Is

on and as u rctmlt of tho fuutj bo sotforth, u spoclal commlttoo was ap*pointed to lnvostlgato tho vubjeot.

-—OommtflBtonor Ofibgan'tltjcfarod thatthe plumber's plans for a buildingsubmitted to tho Health Offloor worefor tho most part unintelligible, andwpro nothing but a fow scratches' ontbo jpapor presented simply to complywith tho law. ifo salt! (hat no de-tail of tho plumbing was presented,and that tho modlcal oHl^r-who hndto pads on tho plan was handicapped,und had no way of knowing whatplumbing was to bo dono from the

AROUND THE CITY.Miss Jennie Hood spent the week*

end nfe guest of Miss Jennie 0. H.'barker of Mctuchen.

Mi's7~OoSrO7 JWri'arkor of


Filter At Water Works WasEqual to Cleansing The

Additional Impurities" ,

p l s t wwith Mrs. J. R Watson of Linden.

Mr« and Mrs. \). H. Hall spent Hun*h

IJoBpito tho Jncrcanlnjf muddlnoss ofthe Hnhwny jiivor duo to thr- heavyrains, ilftc(orloloKls(. rhvlpn* report',mud at tho mooting of tho JJoard ofWater Commissioners last night, show-t'd that th« filers woro In "oxcoliont**napo for tholr work of vurlfylng (hpdrlnklng-wator. It was a busy mating


Enrolment Today Is LessThan Last Year Btit_.Will

Increase Durin^JWeek__

Ii»'"I»;ttiir IH given In lull, owing to

ptilillc liitnrfHt lu anything tluit

tff<rtaliiM to 1 h*.» pr.enrrvailnn of Kah-

wny'w rl(:h endowment of nhtulu trtma^

Mr. Htmifc** pays his rom-

to tho ('oiincll In spirited

stylo when he (reatn of lh"lr aulhorlty

(m asking hi* resignation,

Following Is (he. loiter In full:

Hah way, N. J. Hepi, nth, Mill,Hon. Wm. Howard,.\fiiyor:

Miuiog Under Democratic EmblemAs Well As Ward Officers

At UM* vttHtlrtK at (fin timo allowed to

rnririMatrft to f)l« tbftlr pfitltions for

local ofTlrds last night, rmo-third of tbo

fo(a) wprc rnlRBlriK- f'romlnont Among1

fho mlfiMlriK was (bo (U-iiuHimtU: pfitl-

flon for Mayor The snrond Ward Is

conHplcloiifl In this rcspoct fttnlso

AcconlliiK to Wil-

liam i\. the InorfftBL* In fttUin-

lo bf. thrown out or cmpioynuint (city ofm-ofiWith thn BioMi-w4fr^rr hpfon

| W,

«mnoe at the, Itjihway-

fiftywjll be

J under"bothserious nmlhir; y«?( I »ni confrontwd Mfflf Ward for f^ a rorpjost from soin#» of thw Corn- Tho potltlons s« far n*

Council thiiL-I tonflor-to tbfrn my follows: —

" In tho


brota W. Wright 209 W. (Jrand Street.

Mr. nM Mrs, Ohns, Mack with babyMuck e/f Troy, N, Y., made their firstvisit tA Hahway, Sundijy and Monday,

' ' Mrs. Mnplft uncle a. W.KUOStS\)fWrlKht.

;Sovorul plans rocently submitted to

tho board wore examined and It wasfound that In most Instances ver^ llt-tlo detail was given. In tho course ofthe discussion Inspoctor Ml3f~Btxitocrthat ho found In many cases whore hohad made an Inspection of plumbing

LINDEN NOMINATION INOne Republican Section Has Strong

Bevoral complaintsfiled,


Candidates For Party Honors

One portion of .tho Republicanl or-

It WUH Impossible to know whether tho f o r townH"iP

at Linden has placed Innomination HH candidates for theregular-nomination -nnd~aome~ Btrorigmen have beon uamea. Oeorgo Qill-vary and Peter Jacob! were nominated

law had boon compiled with, »« tho aHerbert

ha, boon namnH faf Town I ncontrnctora had usually plastered the flhll> c l o r k- and Thomas L. Keogh for

Justice of tbe Peace. Harold Depewhas been named for County Commit'tooman, and his election seems likely.

LINDEN SCHOOL APPOINTMENTS.With the school yoar now In full

swing three changes in the teaching

High School.

walls, and the real plumbing workwas hidden from sight. CommissionerHitter said he thought it only properin cases where tho plumbing was hid-den that tho walls should be torndown at the plumber's expense and theexamination made.

Mr. Mix stated that- the HealthHoard was never notified that a Jobwas ready for Inspection until aftertho building was complete, In whichcase the plumbing could only beexamined in places where it showedabove the surface of the wall. Com-missioner Ghegan declared this was aviolation of the plumbing code, andthat the Health Board should maketheir Inspection while tbe work wasin a rough condltldn, and before thewalls were plastered.

Both Dr. J. T. Brickell and Mr.Rltter were emphatic In declaring thatthis condition should cease, and theyagreed that all of the plumbing should _ _ —•«'twtnspected-even ifft were necessary M M Janet* Rlddick has beento emplay drastic measures to have to teach i nthe sixth grade.

-HoportB-fronriho"'friirlotJs commlttoesand ofllcurs of (ho Hoard woro readand accepted*about-tuxti

Tho report of Karl H, ('helps, bootorlologlst, was as follows:

"Klvor water continues to showtdderabJo ovldoncofi of pollution. DurIng (ho month there woro high bnc-toral counts,, particularly In tho firstpa_rt and tho last ton days, Tho filtershavo shown a vory satisfactory degrcaof efficiency. On Aug. 23, ft singlepositive' tost for bacteria Coll wa» ob-tained In filtered water, whichfortunately ripollod tho good record fortho past several months, <but. showedno danger of any lmporfortlon In tho,operation oi tho plnnt.

"Tho river waf*;r avoragefl for tho,month 2,000 Jantittirto- per ..cubic -<;f*ntl-motor and G7 bacteria Coll per 100 cub-ic centimeters, with a maximum of10,000 total bacteria on July 30. Tbe

(his ,ttttr l b l i n

onroJmnni. fn tho schoolH to-day In. and tho.avorago endolrnont for

month of T7 per

Mr. Kicked'n arr< at theplntncd ihnt /imny ohlldrf

soashoro nnd at othor plnvvu uji vne.ti-

Hhnderc lKnadon UK (-halrnutnTrfrt (TommiMHlon.

Tlwt pollto noto from our i»lwayn polll#* City rierk JnforriiH mo that Mm

the Common CniinclLjlesir-o(i«e The p<»wer« conferred hy Jaw tiponth H h d T

»» that(ci fXcr-


will bo hoi- known until (hoy return

and are onrolmJ. l\v expects (hat (ho

total enrofrn<int will bo about flftocn


Columbian H<;hool fihown a great In-

creniio in attendance ovor hist ywit for

tho oiienlnK wook, wh)l« all of


Tree Commission,mrmf

tho anoyunr.*'responsibility Imponod by tho

position, oBpr-clally brcAiifff* rif tho fact.Uuif I havtt had .personally in nn+umo

KKI't/HUCAN: Mayor William Ifow-arrt; Wfltor Commissioner, William A.(tomtom. Freeholders, A. H, aruener-und W. It. Itandolph, No candidaten lW A I U J

Klrm Ward:—

Heeond Ward; - - . . -Third Ward:— K. T. Val#intlno,Fourth Ward:—O^orgo W.Klfth Ward;—Win. H. Pngn.

Tb;iU th« duties ant! advam*« all t\w

Incurred by fho Commissionn\x or

enrolment to-4ay at Columbian schoolis 302 while the enrolment la«f.

tbreo hundred.-yoar


Tb« gr«at>jst number of petition*romes from the Fifth Ward. H»rryW. I>olng In otit for (V,riBfablc, Wlf-

months by I Ham Mnrsli nn6 Amo« Tnrrlll tor J a *of tho fact that, you nav*- boonJMr^-s of thf.« lJrnc*>, Charles H. H*ak'to ffnrl four other cUhfinn nnrl[lns for thr i'lty committee, f>*

ns tht; Art provld#rK [Armstrong for Cloumy Commlftftft.they must be, who would b* willing to jllKMOCUATfC:

the p| t tc^ of those who resign,. For

hn rhlldron will all be aroommodAt/!d. jIn tho frankl in school tho

y« cannor too] ihat I would bo Jtj<itin#*rft or

•o tofinv i. ^ .,-, f h f " " w '" j I f l Ulk Uilr TfAfmcnt for thoi. JotUiy |« only 2?,, iiffAlnflt 2!»0; bwiutiruly^ar. In Lincoln tported

or our city to

'ounclhnan-aMarjfft•V^hoJd#»m: —Alrmwi

]). (;ibby.Crann,

to rh*» Common

2Hfl iiupiiMrolrrwrit. (o-dny

ri Mint, br

year, whll.. th-22H. U IH

n* at prpgf nr orgnnlwirl.• in another rcn«onfc

wi-lrbai I do not rfiwntet, thn

./oi^ph Ox man.Hwond W«M

of T7 per100 cubic centimeters. The efficiencyof the filters measuring the removal ofbacteria 98.9 per cent and an measuredby the removal of baetcrla coll 98.6per cent.

"The efficiency this month was lowerthan we have been recording due tothe improved character of the river'

f/, r a nright of' Fourth W « r d : - i t o y

an attendancehav:of

Znn In-

staff of the Linden Schools have been I water. The character of thoaffluentprincipal appoint- Da* t>f'en maintained at approxlrryitelyoy Zimmermn | the sam i t

announced. Tho

or the Qeater Elizabeth, met at a much lower point than UMr. Zimmerman will | customary In water supplies of this

attendant today. This (H(TORB(> of slxty*nlne. over last year, andof those forty arc from the town offtoosovftlt, fluperintendent lilckctt isnow working on the organization ofthf! various classes, and Is establish-ing the Urn* periods for the differentH[U<]\OH In tho High school.


oncltlz/fn« In i A

i* flllM toon Election Day.

., ^ nB (Tlf>*T of «paren on flwsua«mbled; ther «in ' ballot will be left for "ito

alt«r and rhan^ fh^ provisions of th*franchise At m«ef inn to null NO MOUE 0AME$ FOR HIM.

No rnor* will Walter«? officials of tho I'ennirlvaula Ball- —*• *•"-*•"*road; they can un«eat ono of thMr own { colored resident of thin dty, tbakem«mb«r» without cbargea and

succeed Mr. Anderson who was drown- 'character.'ned this summer while on his vacs-

It done.

untimely death was keenly felt by tbepupils of the school, add somewhatdampened tbe enthusiasm of the open-ing days.

Miss Mabel Tuttle will teach thisyear in the High School, She willtake tbe place of Miss Daw who re-signed recently to take a position asEnglish teacher in Bryn Mawr College.'""" * •"•*- ' j - engaged

After this discussion an In-1 ^ P l t e * e inconveniences of the_ . . . . - - icmporary-arrangementrTnadefor the

pupils the attendance has shown a^considerable increase, and tbe child-ren ha Ve readilt adapted "themselvesto the conditions.

p(Cdnfffnued on Pan* Four.)


This Certificate is good fora Credit of Ten Cents in theCompetition for a S t c g c rPianot to be awarded the Or-ganization or Individual obtaining the larg*rst aggregatecredir.


LINDEN BORO ORDINANCES.The Councilmen of tbe Boro of Lin-

It was unanimously decided that tbe>ntract with Mr. Pbelps, which ex-

pires during the present month, borenewed for another year.

Arthur Keefe, better known as tbeMayor of East Rahway, appeared be-fore tbe body with a petition that afine Imposed upon him SuperintendentA, F. Kirsteln be remitted. Mr. Keefeadmitted he bad committed thefor wbJch he v u to*& through „ance of the law, and asked for lenien-cy and that tbe Superintendent tarn onhis water. The matter was referredtartbe cOTimftfee" on^Iriter rates,

The complaint of John McVlcar, aresident of Lafaytte Street, that the

(Contlnu*d on page four.)

"bon*t" and tempt fortune,7./', * 7?*! b w a n i f l h p d f l r e i to\ w u h • ^ k of cards, for Walter istodiffer with them and stand. M ajtake a, short trip to EUxabrf* TfcTChampion of tb* people rl«hU! w d s foretold this trip u d Jo^gtt•KAlnst the Fenns/Ivanla nailnv-': i Buckley certified It In the Police CourtGAME WARDEN8 BU8Y,

Game Warden'William ffobllr^-U of tU"y c a n o r d f t r Improvemttits without ««Union County hae bef.n snendinje.ib«-|h"!??_(.^•J^WlJrjterrw>«t «,«*u i_ ».„_.. Ifhejr are a law nnr/» thP**t week in Burlington and Cmden a law unto (hemsel es, and



Is outlawed by th* Htatate of Umiu-to the hunting license*. Ihirfn« ihelast week two arrests forof this law ban' been mad*. fJofh ofthe men were finer) $20 nnd cos(sJudge Dunn at Woodbridge.arrests have been made In tbe last two

****, nnd anew totanrng |240 haTebeen collected with costs.

Mr. Hoblitxeil*for tbe benefit ofthose desiring to hoot this t*n »fatf*

Walter was arraljpied beforaU Uat night

Ing r»iN to pravMe for bfs wlf« as4two children, Mrs. Jackson Is m tmtA-


Cut out and give this certifi-cate to your favorite organi-zation.

5 eCouncilman Newbauer on BlanJteStreet to discass tbe building ordi-nances which are now in course ofpreparation by tbe Councilmen. Forsome ..time past they hare been atwork drafting ordinance* which willgive the Boro a standard set of lawsfor builders to proceed upon and it isexpected that a report will be soDmit-ted and recommendations made at ameting of tbe Council to be tield in

Great <*re is being taken u> corer,tbe sanitary regotadong prop^ly, M d'ntft due regard to those sections ofthe Boro which are sewered, «>d tbemireeis whicb an

that th* most ^gorotis methods arebeing used to enforce th« hunting It-cense law and warns residents of (hisit

dntscity against tbe violation of It.


Six Month* for $L50; One Y«^ $3XJ0Three Months for 75 Cents




o . t _ wfe i t UbtRiverside Grottade, Tbe ioag Usad-•*». Out of M

leave O N * voo

to _ . .

working woman and n*d born an •!-client reputatioo, Bbm testified tbmt

creating tbe Shade Tree her Imsband b«d II?#d witb Ws »otltorprovided .or tbe appoint- 1or *""• tim* *** b « 4 « U> ttre

ment of the members by tbe Mayor.!lutT *°f 9*n <* W« »*<»^ coBtrs^y toFrom you, sin t rec*iv*d my •ppcHot- !•» •«w?iB?»tf_BW4f *»k€Mnwjrrrsnd to you/sir, fshnllbe mortj Jo<J«* Buckley examine*^* pnmm^happy to under my resignation, bntj«r M 4 «>roogbt to tight tbe fart ttetbefore 1 wrmid>r my trast it is only ("*****»g cf»p* »as one of tb#

y j B t o m yo»[thai I had, as you *o«s«st«d. the trees {«*•throughout tbe city, in every ward.f»<»

by P, A. CtUUr 4 Co.. tothe;monUn«extent of four hundred and one trees-•**> ibmt 1 have been enabled to • *cure the. services of *» profestfoulforester to personally suptrtafej* tadInspect tbe trimming of .n >r i rw to

tBe~aty where the eleHrie wtos ai*carried oa pelecander the sopervis-ton of yew CommistSoa. bat at the ex-ptnee of tbe Telephone *ad tbe Public

**emrtty**n for th* Cowttv

Very truly yonrs,EDWARD «. SAVAGE

COOO GAME SATUIIOAY.Local faas will have a trt*t oa Sat

urday wbea tb* Babway A. A



Io conacccioa w«b the com-test for * Si«K«r Plsao 90Vbeisj caxrfcrd o» > « a e v «Railway Merchaat* the JUc-