kemptah logic (black supremem logic)

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Part 1 of a series of pamphlets focusing on the introduction and the feel of KemPtah Logic.


The Booklet of

Part 0

By Kumwaga Ra-Nu Kiganja KemPtah


The Way is empty;Yet when you use it, you never need fill it again.Like an abyss! It seems to be the ancestor of the ten thousand things.

It files down sharp edges;Unties the tangles;Softens the glare;And settles the dust.

Submerged! It seems perhaps to exist.We dont know whose child it is;It seems to have even preceded the Lord.

Lao-Tzu (Black Chinese who accompanied The Kemetic Priest known as Buddha)

Sentient or willed reality has a cosmological (includes planetary, solar and galactic) history (and Logic) which surpasses all particular patterns at the same time it is its synergy. I wrote this small booklet to aid understanding of all the other KemPtah sciences and I will use this booklet as the guiding basis for the other KemPtah sciences. KemPtah math is the frank (Afrankan) formulization of Black logic and it (KemPtah Logic) is an in-depth indispensable description and practice of Black Logic. Thus this pamphlet is the synergy of KemPtah mathematics with the KemPtah natural and super (sentient, willed) natural sciences. I urge you to read between the lines which is the natural complement of the lines I wrote, likewise when I mention one thing I also infer its partner. I insist you also to intuitively (proper us of intuition) find the complement and the complement of the complements and blend it in a never ending series; this is the concept of Afrikanization or digitalization. Do not take what I mention as as is, the world and thought is in constant flux so we must think as synergy of sidesKemPtah. Synergy of sides is the root of translation and transformation of information of the nu ancients, the past, the present and the future (forecasting).

Indeed we need to build a Nu Mystery (Black Supreme) Nation. I, like my ancestor Cheikh Anta Diop knew, know there is rediscovery in all directions. It is enough scientific-artistic work for all of my people. We all can benefit from our collective scientific creatively conscious grind. That is one of my major motives that Im putting my works out here like this for freedom. We cant fight fire with fire but put it out with Black water, buried it with Black earth, blow it out as Black Wind, then change it to silt with the Black firesynergy of sides. Also nothing is final, the here and now always existed and it is the synergy of past and present hence it is both and neither. All the works that the greats created and even the great civilizations created are open ended, this means the end is open for a Nu opening, open for re-vitalization, for Afrikanization. Something that is closed ended is something that no longer existing. Even in death there is open-endedness. I say this to say synergy of sides; I say this to say that all things are endlessly interconnected and even separation depends on connections. Embrace open-endedness even in my own works, the curse come from not being prepared for open-endedness if one is not prepared. There should not be any fear in it because open-endedness brings its own organization, neatness, clarity, familiarity.

Black is Logic! It is logical to the impartial and illogical to the partial. Black Logic is all about regularity of divine (complete, wholistic) thought and the world around us. The formless form, the energy is in everything. Black thought is all about first things first in thinking and thought, hence it is root thought or circular shifting thought. The directness or straightness is the circularity. Every turn turns into the new and also the divine have branches in itself and of its own accord.

Every so often the first things first isnt so apparent because it is covered with particularities that acts as a shell or layers. These layers are only levels of the origin. KemPtah logic deals with the regularities of reality and reason. Also KemPtah Logic deals with the regularity of Melano-Base or Black-Base in every aspect of reality, so it deals with the energetic (Feminine energy and materials) and its crystallization (Masculine energy and materials). This does not mean we reject white logic but rejects it being the source of thought or reality. This means we destroy white logic with black logic just like the fire consumes dry wood (white logic), the momentum is with us (Black Nation). Better yet we use the laws of thought as seasoning on our food (reality). To purely(one-sidedly) reject something is to give it freedom away from its source, in turn it will construct an abomination of the source for its own sake. Many times in this matrix we can even take space (parallel freedom) for granted even though space is universal and eternal. Space is the quality of phenomenon co-existing with each other, there is no space for white logic once it is consumed by the fire, buried by the earth, put out by water and blown out by the wind of Black Logic. Through white supremist logic (Aristotle logic, formal logic and any other forms of western regularity of thought) our thoughts are upside down and inside outstraight up abomination. We are tigers thinking as if we are deers, so we force ourselves covertly (and overtly) to graze like deers. And we know all too well that tigers dont eat grass. We even try to beat the deers in their own game by grazing on better grass, or act more deerish than the deers.

Logic and history are synergy of sides or basic collaborating complements to each other, strangely most of us are focus on chasing history without logic or at least focusing on history through the eyes of the Eurocentric via white supremist sets such as western historians and other white supremist scientist, mathematicians and technicians, toping it all with the western logician (Magician). We use their analysis to validate our views and practice, forgetting that the white supremist come ups has a different source than we do so our come ups are not parallel to theirs. Since we have the same degraded understanding of reality we assume that what white supremist develops is our own accord (best interest) and the resources, land, technology we are chasing becomes like a rabbit chasing a carrot but never ever touch the carrot, or at best get crumbs of the carrot. We confuse the Preditoral warfare and western construction with our own. I even hear people talk about refinement and evolution and other western (fragment) concepts and say little about Construction and Revolving (Gyroscoping, Tripple Blackening) which exist prior to refinement and evolution.

Real rejection of western logic, science, math, design and technology isnt out of reaction but out of responsibility. The critique KemPtah have for them is only constructive and it have shown that all of it, by its roots, is a special case of KemPtah, technically a dead field of Black logic, science, math, design and technology. Some people are so desperate for truth they fall for falsehood like overshooting a shot and miss. Despair and desperate are identical twins, so these truth seekers land in organized despair. instead of being in combat these practitioners are doing something about combat [reality] (Bruce Lee) In our case it is reality in general that western science, math, design and technology is doing something about instead of being in reality. Truth (Reality) is inside all of us and all around us and not in books, methodology, formula which are artificial techniques which are ritualistically practiced to simulate actual reality and thought. Bruce Lee even created his own book for others, who would caught what he was really doing and not the words he wrote or what he said. Dont look at my finger (words, books, speech, works) or you will miss everything that is true, the finger is just pointing to truth and my finger isnt the truth itself or else I would not point my finger at all. Western science, math, design and technology are the personification of organized Black logic despair and perfect disorder must crush it while erecting our foundations. Truth comes from Taking Action Only, That is why we Just Keep Doing so we can reap the truth we have sewn. Truth has always been Black, it has always been KemPtah! So called righteous people reject Black because the devils(westerners) who they subtly follow defined it for them and instead of defining it for themselves they prefer to go colorless and on top of that they somehow think their conception of colorless is an impartial approach. These people think going colorless is advance like going wireless but really hiding the problem and not really solving it. These goodie-two-shoes in partiality think that western science is somehow colorless or not western at all. That is as absurd as saying that the English language isnt a European language, as if assimilation is a purely trivial and abstract thing. These people have a very deep and subtle case of identity crisis. isnt a Black version of white logic for the fact that white logic cannot contain the whole of Black logic just like a cup cannot contain the planets rivers. But all the worlds rivers (Black logic) can contain that cup (white logic) to the point that the existence of that cup is negligible, like a needle in a 100 mega ton hay stack. Since white logic cannot contain black logic then that logically leads one to know that the difference between them isnt equivocal to the difference in the visible spectrum. But hey many of us who are desperate for truth and righteousness think impartiality is all about giving the parent race and the baby race the same status. Nature abhors mimicry and look a-likes that have trivial differences.

Also we deal with abstraction to the breaking point which its negation is called the concrete. Why and how so? We work with theoretical and practical activity centered on synergy of sides, hence abstraction is relative and weaving (Afrikanization) of concepts is absolute. The fact that we are synergizing means we are weaving, and what we weaving are complements. The only abstraction or taking we are doing is from reality and placing or synthesizing it in thought. So we are not using abstraction solely but concrete abstraction which is only a complementary construction. Since we are using synergy of sides then no side is solely of itself but is inter-defined by its complement, this means synergy of sides cannot escape its own nature. This also means we have no option at all but to be consistent with our thought with reality. The law of identity on the other hand can self-violate itself hence paradoxes and contradictions in terms and with the world frequently happen. In contrast synergy of sides is self-obey or self-conform with itself hence self-violation is not a factor in the KemPtah system. The nature of Self-violation embedded in the western laws of thought is why I call the law of identity the law of identity crisis. In material form it exist as self-destruction and self-annihilation, the fact that the baby race(white nation) created the slave trade, black genocide and constantly warring with others and one another is testimony to their realization of law of identity crisis hence their natural tendency towards self-annihilation. The history of the white nation is all about solving problems by creating

problems. Capitalism always been about that. When they attacked the Black Nation they attack the basis of even their own existence.

The Laws of KemPtah: Most universal laws of Reality and Thought

What is law? Laws are the logic or universal relationship between phenomenons and essences. The unfolding or history and the multiplicity of its forms of it are what make laws evident. Nothing is created nor destroyed but the synergy of it which is both creation and destruction and neitherSynergy of sides. The most universal of all kinds of laws and universal-particular relationships that exist in reality and thought is KemPtah law or Black Law. Kem means Black in ancient Kemetic and Ptah means divine, whole or completeness. We cant forget that our ancestors as Gods to the rest of the world filter things (Information, resources, etc.) according to synergy of sides. Name me something in reality that doesnt run according to synergy of sides, not even the law of identity and white supremacy cannot escape it. This filtering is actually integration of diverse phenomenons and essences as one entity/energy. Ancient Kemetics called it Maat. The void or emptiness the ancients talks about is the introduction to what is really is All. I am not saying All is nothing, but the initial appearance of reality is nothing or the surface that conceals the All. Since everything is complexity of interaction of complements then even void isnt empty and emptiness isnt really a void. Its connection, interaction, inter transformation, and inter translation of its elements is so dense it becomes its negation which is emptiness thus it become the universal conductor of all phenomenon. Space and time as we know it is one of KemPtahs epitomes. The people who thinks space and time is an illusion rejects it as a reaction to the western definition of time and space, if the connotation were to be aboriginal these people would not reject space and time. Afrikanization(Real Digitalization) will show what the ancients left over to us. It takes intuition, intuitive thought or the lack of fear of expanding thought to see this.

1: Law Synergy of Sides: Synergy of sides embraces contradiction and paradoxes as a natural occurrence in reality and thought. Things have to go through conflict and resolutionSynergy of Sides. Conflict can be progressive and regressive, there is good and bad in everything. Progressive conflict is called interaction, retrogressive conflict is called isolation, and even in them there are pros and cons in flux. We cannot know how something will interact until it is immersed, to the point of isolation is shatters. Synergy of Sides is the motor of all laws of reality and thought and it is basically composed of four elements; the two poles and non-poles or feed forward and feed- back, for a lack of a better word. Complements are mediated by polar-less poles or synergy.

A visual of synergy of sides is thinking of energy/entity as a multiplicity-singularity that travel in 3 orbits and the orbits are turning and moving too (toa) what the Black Nation calls Triple Black! Synergy itself has a binary (Black Three) motion in itself and it conducts the inter-translation and inter-transformation of sides or poles. Synergy of sides is the most general law that can ever be and the most basic, it is the all in the most simplified form yet shows itself in all. Nothing cannot escape it, like light cannot escape the Black matter/energy!

All things are four elemental in nature, two sides and opposing synergies (feed forward and feedback). The many and the single has poles and paths of poles, even the paths are poles hence the path is pathless. The poles are paths or points of interface hence the poles are polar-less. Poles and paths as a composite whole do have definite distinctions though.

2: The law of synergy of Measure and Count shows how in what way synergy of sides moves. It is the first unfolding of the internal details of synergy of sides. Measure deals with continuous quantity and quality of reality and thought and Count deals with the sharpness or sudden breaks(discreteness) in quantity and quality. This law answers the question how does it work and What kind of work does it do. Measure is continuous (liquid) synergy of quantity and quality and count is the discrete or crystalized (solid) synergy of quantity and quality. Since measure and count are complements in synergy then this means they can translate and transform into each other. So the flux state of synergy is fixed, the mutable is whats immutable.

3: Perfect Disorder (synergy of Construction and Destruction) shows the general tendency of essence and phenomenon. This law is the synergy of the first and second law and also the second manifestation of synergy of sides. As things develops forward, the things that are not progressive to the forward development is thrown away , destroyed or checked, while the elements that is for the forward movement is used, regenerated or backed. The synergy of construction and destruction is KemPtah Double Negation, destroying destruction while constructing construction. All things has order even chaos has organization. Mess has organization. When something is degrading, collapsing, or torn down it is really changing into another organization that cannot sustain the former organization hence destruction cannot be pure or in itself and destruction is just a branch of order out of other branches. Order and not entropy is primary and order is in constant flux in which entropy is the custodian of order. Most people think of order as something static however order includes chaos and order fluctuate from construction to destruction in a never ending world wind of change. Chaos is only growing pains of order, like teething of a toddler brings pain in order for the toddler to graduate to eating hard food.

Perfection includes the imperfect. The imperfect is potential for growth and perfection is actual growth. Reality is neither and both; it is the synergy of perfection and imperfection. Causing (perfect) chaos (disorder) to phenomenons that holds back progress is what reality does hence (hints) reality embraces Perfect Disorder. Even disease must be ill in order for the rest to reach wellness. Imbalance must be imbalance in order to balance the balanced. Hating hate is yet love. A killer of a killer is actually a healer. Good doctors are the ones who kill the illness inflicting their patient.

How bad are Western Logic and their Laws of thought?

The reason laws of logic is trapped in the laws of thought in Eurocentric logic is because of the law of identity. The laws of western thought is only an organized desperation of learning reality, it is technically a theoretical construct or obstacle use by them because they cannot get direct and straight forward with reality and hence cannot have impartial reflection of reality. The laws of thought are fundamental axiomatic rules upon which rational discourse itself is based. The rules have a long tradition in the history of philosophy and logic. They are laws that guide and underlie everyone's thinking, thoughts, expressions, discussions, etc For even if things did not behave accordingly, we would still require the laws of thought in order that our thoughts or discourse be intelligible. (wiki-pedie definition of Laws of Thought) This means regardless how reality acts these constructions must be used so that western thought can be understandable (intelligible). Since this primitive approach is dominant this means it interferes with the real study of reality and ultimately thought itself. Real thought is handcuffed to linguistic rules and sadly if thought is ever to go beyond it without its own language; it is threaten to burn itself out because of the limited conductivity of the fractured western linguistic rules (coded as Laws of thought).

This also means that even though the Eurocentric knows that reality does not follow the law of identity crisis it uses this law of thought to filter information about reality this means it comes to the same conclusion as believing the law of identity is the center of reality. This western mental filter is so powerful and pervasive in the minds of people that it becomes a very subtle and insinuating mental judge, jury and executioner of the mind. Even if you claim to believe in something, that belief through being in this sick systems conditioning is filtered, denatured, and at times destroyed. You begin to subconsciously reject your own originality; this means you begin to betray yourself in an unseen (mental) manner. Also mental molds practice, and if the western laws of thought is blind, then it will be like the blind leading the blind. Word! The law of excluded middle in western thought is a branch of the law of identity crisis. The law of excluded middle means excluding synergy that connects complements thus aiding in the degeneration of thought and disconnects it from reality. The digital computer is a model of the western law of thought.

Scientific experiments, the collection of evidence or proof of their theories are for substantiation of information that passed their mental filters. This is done to add substance to their fragmented thought and not for correct correspondence of thought to reality. They need it to feed their parasitic program. This means science and math cares little for truth and care more for postulate, axioms and principles they constructed in isolation to reality. Western science and math isnt a tool to correctly find reality just like their judicial system isnt a tool for impartiality. Technology and design is the materialization and realization of their theoretical and practical constipation and organized despair. Their formulations are the cries of their ignorance that doesnt intend to be corrected but at best reformed (Evolved). Their theoretical smoke screen is turned toward the world to keep the people blind so they cannot lead their own activities. Western laws of thought work out as the laws of thought is technically white supremist mental check points, mental metal detectors. Just like I said the metal they detect (light up!, get overly sensitive to) are called paradoxes and paradoxes in rational form is nothing but reflection of reality and the real workings of thought. Anything impartial to partiality is partial (illogical), just like anything good to evil is evil. See how insane western thought really is? You can test yourself or others by writing -1=+1 and let yourself or others find the rational core of what Eurocentrics call paradox or contradiction. Most conscious people react to -1=+1 and call it tricknology and all types of names, not knowing that their western mental metal detector has ring off in their subconscious and conscious. The mental injuries becomes evident when we try to find the synergy of such complement such as inside and out, left and right, essence and phenomenon, dark and light, absolute and relative, man and female, etc. Western language has no character literally and figuratively. The lack of infinite alphabets (Character) makes their language limited in syntax, semantic and other linguistic functional and structures, the western language is great in articulate separation, fragmentation, and about things that is already understood.

Synergy of MentalityRealism has to be Afrikanized

When he begins to reflect upon his condition, and to search diligently for the Law upon which his being is established, he then becomes the wise master, directing his energies with intelligence, and fashioning his thoughts to fruitful issues. Such is the conscious master, and man can only thus become by discovering within himself the laws of thought; which discovery is totally a matter of application, self-analysis, and experience. James Allen

It is not how much you thinking but what you are thinking. Whats the use of counting (or measure) if you dont know what you are counting (or measure)? Formulation is nothing without interpretation (bringing concrete in) and out-terpretation (bringing concrete out or manifested ideas in realistic form). Deduction is nothing without induction and out-duction. Processing is nothing without input and output. Synergy has no place without sides(opposites).This implies that synergy is a two way avenue between two opposites. Deduction is a two way street that brings induction and out-duction into a synergetic whole. Synergy of sides implies quality and negative quality (quantity). As one synergizes with the other, something is loss (destroyed) and something is gained (constructed), the total process is said to be synthesis for the fact that two processes (construction (thesis)) and destruction (anti-thesis) is synergized as one. All of it happens as one flus and formation. No thought that is divine is theory and practice, what about observation? What about participation? Theory and practice are synergized by participating in what is observed. We didnt always know how to think or do until we see and join in and we been joining in since living in the black womb. Theory and practice in them self is mechanistic, crystallization of synergy. We can think and practice all we like but it doesnt mean anything without relating them to the actual participation that is observed.

Just like adding 1 to itself in repeated manner changes the number into new qualities and quantities of digits (or numbers), the same can be said about practice and theory. Theory and practice is circular in manner and this circularity adds to itself in a new fashion in every spin, sending itself forward (true organic linearity). This vortex or circular motion is self-constructive or self-Digitalize (Afrikanized) process which is also a universal relationship that exists in all things.

Deductive and Inductive are two poles of the same inference (logical path). One is integration and the other is segregation which work hand and hand together and can be digitalized into more complex inference with qualities of its own right. This inference is infinite in quality and represents the folding, unfolding and weaving of logic of thought and reality. Remember logic is not just tied to theoretical or thought process because of its inexhaustible connection to the history of thought and reality. Hence the neck to neck relationship of truth and false is relative and depends on reality, however reality isnt True or False, it is both and neither. Logic (KemPtah Logic) in general has no falsehood, more specifically falsehood is the premature truth of essence and phenomenon. This means there is relative or phenomenon truth and absolute or essential truths. Falsehood in itself is empty but in synergy with truth it denotes the incompleteness of thought and real processes. Hence falsehood is essentially relative although western logic sees truth and false as different values in absolute isolation. Seeing them in their absolute isolation (Law of identity) is evidence of the minimization of synergy of sides to the point of being trivial. The punishment that thought and in thinking wrong is called paradox or unsolvable problems. The fact that they (the caveman, westerners) consider unsolvable problems is to justify problems not to be solved.

Synergy of Polar Zero in KemPtah Logic

The Cipher, Formless Form, energy, Zero and Black are all interchangeable and falls under the umbrella of KemPtah (Black 100%). Zero is inalienable in reality, for it is the space for creation, it is emptiness. The mature interaction and unity of elements, components, subdivision, and spectrums as one of a kind is the substance of the empty. It is concentration that is so tight that it turns to its negation which is space. Its direction is circularity of flowing inwardly and outwardly, like the undertow in which if you works with it gets to pass (conduct it) and if you who works against it finds obstacles.

Polar zero denotes the direction of Black or KemPtah. It denotes its regression and grow and towards and away character of KemPtah. As it reflects in your mind, polar zero can be used as a method since we can put will into that reflection. Zero in denotes zooming in on phenomenon or closing the distance between you and the phenomenon you study and zero out denotes zooming out or relating to a phenomenon at a distance. What appears one way at a distance is complementary different at close up. Since Black or Zero is a place value or the absolute value of place then we can say that growth and diminish of essence and phenomenon is another archetype of KemPtah. Through the phenomenons own development it constructs its own place of value internally thus change its own relationship with others on its peripheral. Even closing and opening of distance whether the observer or participator is a type of synergy of growth and diminish. The place value or space of the box curbs the growth of the things and thoughts in the box. Polar Zero is the digitalization of all three KemPtah laws of reality and thought.

Constructive engineering, Revolving, and the Genetic Method

Genetic method over Generalization

Genetic method is Generalization in the concrete as the concrete. Generalization (Western) is the abstraction of what phenomenons have that is identical. For instance the group of all red things, or group of cats, or group of people who are black. Generalization really deals with an aspect of things and not the integration of diverse aspects as one (full picture). Neither entity nor energy is composed of a single side but is a singularity of multiplicity, this means generalization is premature method because it is limited to something that only exist in ones mind. Genetic method is the concretization (Afrikanization, Digitalization, and Melanization) of generalization, it is Black generalization. Genetic method is an analytical-synthetic method in which we single out the common or simple relative out of the group and we use that to ascertain the position of all the other elements in the group (Class, set, etc.). When we use the genetic method we are locating that universal that has a particular form, hence synergy of universal and particular. For example in the group of all working class people, the most ancient or simple relative in that class is the Afrikan people and from there we can correctly figure out the hierarchy of the entire working class from past, present and future.

Simple or ancient means the starting point, the seed, and the seed is the tightest integration of all elements without destroying the class, set or group. Seed=Black. The growth of that seed to a tree is the unfolding and unraveling of that seed, hence the seed of any group of consideration is the gate keeper of that group. What do I mean by gate keeper? A gate keeper is a subgroup which represents the Atum of that group hence all things outside and inside must go through it for interaction. It is evident in Afrikan history in synergy with all other people and with the world. In order for reality to express itself as human it must go through Afrikans and in order for humans to express itself, it must go through Afrikans. The gate-keeper of a given system is the basic synergy of that system, without it the given system would cease to exist, which means simplicity is the best ability. In math the set of all numbers bows down and is rooted in zero, zero just like all other gate-keepers is space for inter-transformation, inter-translation, and places value. In chemistry the hydrogen is what places value in the atomic dimension that is why on the periodic table there are atomic numbers or numbers of hydrogen that is interconnected as a single atom. Also the gate-keepers are the Melano or Black base of the given system, the great synergizer. Generalization as a pure abstraction cannot cut it in theoretic-practical activity and blurs ancient relatives with Nu relatives, it makes grandma and her grandchildren seem identical. LOL! No wonder western culture has no or little respect for their ancient relatives in the flesh (Black Nation), it is logical for them to do so because of white nations nature..

Reverse or Forward (Constructive) Engineering?Forward and Reverse engineering are synergy of sides like the whole and the part. Forward engineering (F.E.) is analytical or deconstructive in nature and suppose to aid Forward or constructive engineering. Reverse engineering (R.E.) is a type of forward engineering and complements constructive engineering as a component. That is why you see images of reverse engineering when you construct anything. Sometime, when building, you will make mistakes in which you need not totally trash your creation but take some of it apart so you can get at the error or degradation that hides in your creation. Refinery is a complement but in isolation it is a mistake, same with construction. That is why synergy of sides must be considered every step of the way to guard against redundancies because even too much good can also be bad. Even interaction of complements must interact with complements, even moderation must be moderated. Afrikanization, Digitalization, melanization are interchangeable terms for the synergy of reverse and forward engineering as one. In the western world reverse and forward engineering are seen as indifference and not as complements, go figure, the law of western thoughts hinders theoretical and practical activity to the T. Pure construction has the same error as pure refinery but in synergy the problem of their isolation can be eliminated. Synergy of sides is the solution.

Evolution or Revolution?

The essence of linear change or evolution whether linear forward change in the cosmos, biological or thought processes comes from revolution or revolving. All linear change and evolution cannot happen without synergy of sides or complements interacting with one another. I dont reject evolution as a reaction but reject it does suppose independence to KemPtah (Synergy of sides, Revolving). The weaving of reality isnt an evolution process but a revolving process where linear change is the peripheral or manifestation of it out of infinite manifestation. Purely general change in reality denotes the quantitative (or fractured quality) aspect of change. Not all change leads to progress hence change cannot be package or boxed in. Evolution theory itself is revolution filtered through western laws of thought, Eurocentric science and math can have it no other way. Most of the problems of evolution theory and western concept of change is either blamed on the so called imperfections of reality or linguistic issues hence hiding their fallacy in the root of their logic.

Above picture depicts electromagnetic vertex which cause the linear force of attraction and repelling. Vertex (Synergy of sides) determines everything.

Jerry Coyne sums up biological evolution in a single sentence:Life on Earth evolved gradually beginning with one primitive species--perhaps a self-replicating molecule--that lived more than 3.5 billion years ago; it then branched out over time, throwing off many new and diverse species; and the mechanism for most (but not all) of evolutionary change is natural selection.

The Eurocentric believe that this Crakkka (Jerry Coyne) is correct but when you read between the lines he rejects the synergy of sides particularly the synergy of multiplicity and singularity of diversity. Also without the law of synergy of sides self-replication, self-organization and self-motion is unclear to these western scientist at best trivial. I also notice that the westerners sees common ancestor and not ancient living relatives hence they would not expect Melano or Black base relatives living in the here and now. One knows of interbreeding in which Nu characters can be found in recent organism in which the two species that interbreed didnt have. Interbreeding doesnt have to be imposed by human beings but come from the organism internal synergy of sides that allows for it. Older species can form newer species by interbreeding with one another hence Bio-digitalization occurred since the organisms conception which is older than long periods of mutation despite the spontaneity. Also the destruction of which ecosystems and species by the western world helped to mislead people from ever considering black base of species. Destruction of the manifestations of truth only hides the truth and change truth to another form. Destruction of the vehicles of truth is used to mislead people from truth. Because of our western constructs passed on by white supremacy, we tend to isolate species hence we rarely see how different complementary species really work. Also the laws impose by western world for people not to own or cultivate many varieties of species of life, and the superstition placed on life as chaotic, wild, Preditoral have people in fear to directly know species of life. The drainage of the peoples resources by capitalism also forces many of us not to have the ability to cultivate so called exotic and wild species of life. All these restraints help the white man to produce any type of illusion of life called Evolution (Linear forward change).

Linearity as the central theme is the core of Eurocentric science, things to them (westerners) is either horizontal or vertical; all in all they are but forms of linearity. To them things move linear in order to produce circularity or synergy of sides and not vice versa. This is like saying the surface of a phenomenon is form first then the internal or saying there was light then darkness. Land mammals that sheds when it is hot and stop shedding when it is cold comes from how it revolve with the climate not evolve, their ability to develop those two states of coats was already written in their DNA and constructed by their melanin.

I will not get too much into KemPtah Biology (Black Supreme Biology) and will save it for a separate pamphlet. If youre into biology or study it be aware of how they explain genetic, natural selection, population and other concepts in a linear fashion. This linear system of thought is organized despair embedded in it; on top of that half of something isnt the whole, so if you wanna know truth then you have to go for the whole truth and not filtered remnants of truth. This means truth cannot come from anywhere, especially when we know that the first mental guard dogs of western science, math, design and technology is the law of identity (crisis). Dont take their falsehood for granted or you will be trapped thinking youre with truth.

Integration and segregation in Our History

Integration and segregation leads to the same problem in isolation or under western control. My take on integration and segregation is quite different from the traditional Afrikan-centered. Integration is not what didnt work, us being Westernized is what turned integration (and segregation) sower. Integration worked for white supremacy because we was westernized and still are westernized in our minds, before integration hence our fire wasnt a forest fire but a lite match that tried to burn a wet forest, hence will be put out quite quickly. Westernization I am talking about is the law of identity being the root of our culture and not our quirks, vices, or specific western forms because those can be Afrikanized. I am talking about our basis of our rights and wrongs which is called the Western laws of thought which is rooted in the law of identity crisis. Example of changing western language to Afrikan language is to change the alphabets to a character system(creating infinite alphabets) Afranization of math and science means centering them on synergy of sides and not the law of identity and western law of thought. Most times when we think of Afrikanization we automatically and reactively think of only traditional known Afrikan tradition and culture. This is because we a abundant with historical info but no logic but the one we learned from the westerners. If we were to be Afrikanized then we would of consumed white supremacy to its detriment and not its the biggest consumer. In the ancient days we also used integration for our benefit, which means our culture would consume white culture (and other fractured kulture). Separation or segregation is just fallacy solution as integration if we are not integrated. The hesitation of white supremacy for integration came from not knowing how westernized we really was, once they knew that we was riddled with their kulture then they commenced in integration because they knew they was the bigger fire. I say this because we are now in the belly of the beast and instead of being benign flora to the beast we should commence to become its cancer which means we must seriously Afrikanize ourselves down to a science (math). Remember the Black Nation isnt a Preditoral nation so our defense and offence should be contrary to the white nation. This also means whatever weakness we think we have is should be seen through synergy of sides so we can sew strength and vice versa. Advantages and disadvantages are synergy of sides, and since western kulture is maxed out in law of identity and organized despair then with the right move it should be easy. Remember that easy and hard are synergy of sides. Loyalty is a two sided coin hence the so called uncle toms, at the end of the day, are suckers for serving under power good or bad, hence we should not reject them out of reaction but consume them with Afrikanization! The art of war says that it is better to keep an army intact than to build one from scratch! What is separation from or integration with the White Nation if we ourselves are westernized? Answer: Siting Ducks!

What is White Kulture Formulized or clear cuttly(simply)?

This is a very (and vary) important question because the solution of this question will grant us to see their negative characteristics in anything at any period (Past, Present, Future) in the here and now. This will put their ever changing but very limited reformist to death. This will help us see the underlying white social formation no matter what type of reformist, particular section formation, set of the white and westernized society. Since they define thought according to language, and their actions are heavily molded on law of identity crisis, then they are a bio-sociological form of a personal computer. Western digital computers like the PC are fractured KemPtah (Computer). Western computers and machines lack the ability to create Nu programs, and possibly mimic creating nu programs by having programs or teach in place for them to be parasitic to the programmer (KemPtah). This also implies that the programmer has to either force (draw) the KemPtah to degrade its ability to mimic western or mimic something more inferior than western programs. This dreg ration of KemPtah or the Black Nations ability to create means KemPtah starts to loose self-awareness, self-creation, self-respect, self-determination, self-organization, self-defense. Since we lack our own we then take on characteristics of the white nation. Imagine you acting a wood cutting machine and try to cut wood with your limbs?

Not only identity crisis has already settled in, but your limbs becomes ruined, worse you might die from internal bleeding. Right now the white nation are robots, aboriginal people who are westernized down to the math are cyborgs, straight up plugged into the matrix (White mans world). If a personal computer does whatever you programmed it to do then what if the programmer is reduced to the workings of a personal computer? The programmer loses their ability to program and relies on being program in order to work (live). When the programed programmer leaps to destroy the system he can only leap according to the systems programs totality. Some programs on the peripheral of the system may look liberating but it is only the limbs of the system. KemPtah state of mind is needed! If I want to destroy my laptop I throw it in a pool of water, not interface with it under the laptops rules, it will be a waste of time when I can simply unplug it. That is the simple way to destroy white supremacy but since the simple is synergized with the complex, we KemPtahs have compassion. This means we know a lot of our brothas and sistas are still connected to this wicked wake-trix. That is why we need to think of ourselves as the virus(white nation) of the virus, make our kulture go viral since we are not the white nation and simply imitating them but not knowing we are doing so. Since we are imitating being a PC then certain things that are not PCs(Personal Computer(includes machines)) have not disappear but remain dormant, we have to find that resonance, hip hop and other synergy of side propaganda tools is the medium and Afrikanization of science, math, design and technology is the medicine. Computer that the westerners uses have never been advance digitally and we know non-Melanated beings are not too sensible with visual, coincidence or fate? Everything has their PC; the things that are not Melanated are PCs to the Melanated ones in every class.

Be a firm believer of responsibility not for responsibility sake but for power, Synergy of sides! I believe that white people should be used as PC and machines because that is their function. They (White Nation) must be controlled by the Black Nation forever. Even if a can opener talk to me, it is still a freaking can opener this may seem cold but they are not the nurturing nation, look at their history which denounces their own source (The Black Nation). They feed on us because they cannot get any nu programming otherwise they wouldnt feed off of us in the first place. They have no rhythm or ability to improvise with changing conditions. Improvise implies the ability to be a creator and be original. We got white people who were born in hot climates and their persona is still routine and lifeless. They are virtual sentient reality and not sentient reality itself, which is why most of them believe in materialism and isolationisms because that keeps their reality virtual or purely artificial. This means the white nation cannot a creator or programmer nation so they should not hold that much status, the system is a symptom of them holding that much power where in natural balance of sentient reality it shouldnt be. They should be stripped from their military force, stripped of their kulture, striped of their language, striped of their science, design, technology and math, etc., down to their bare facture-ness (Whiteness). As the creator race, as the mother race, and the parent people and as the programmer we (The Black Nation) have the obligation to do so in order to get power, the law of synergy of responsibility and power.

The melanin chemical is a black substance which aids in energy and information and allows for opposing information and energy become synergy, technically blackened (bio-chemical-digitalization, bio-chemical-Afrikanization). Remember synergy offers the ability of changing information and energy into its opposite and the opposite of that opposite, then the opposite of the previous opposites to infinite difference, hence down to the biological level we are Super (Sentient) Nature. The Chemical melanin is a Bio-Gyroscopic sentient material and the DNA is just the formulization or written program of what always happened in the same since the glyphs represent what was already here. PC (white nation) has DNA too but void of Bio-Gyroscopic sentient material (melanin). Since we see the internal synergy of white nation in the most unbeatable way I aint caught up in obligation of the white nation to change itself because it cannot create hence create new learning process, however the source of the worlds problems comes from the white nation. If you dont sense what I pointing then the abilities that I am talking about that is in you will not sense either, input=output. No melanin means high tendency to depend on outside forces to regulate and create new information and logic/history (programs), programs means methods, new ideas of love, hate, responsibility, construction, ways of doing and creating etc. Like viruses in biology, they need skin to hide it and appear to be a component of the host and the host must be fooled to think it related to it for the virus to succeed, same tactic the white nation used to in slave the world and the parent people in it. But since synergy of sides is in everything the host can also play the game but not making the virus the host but devour the parasite! The white blood cells and the killer T-cells works in this manner in which it outfits itself and also use constructive engineering to trick the virus to think it is one of them. Guerrilla warfare is natural for the cornered programmer not Preditoral bio-colonial of the virus. White people (PCs) are scared because they might run into programmer. White people are like retarded kids that can never do for self, hence the Baby race.