ken at peaks

Ever felt like this…? Peaks has slides

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Ken Courtright Slides at Peak Potentials Guerrilla Business School.


Page 1: Ken at Peaks

Ever felt like this…?

Peaks has slides

Page 2: Ken at Peaks

3 Goals:

2. Good Website can change your life3. Sign Up for my Workshop – Truly Equip

My 2 Paradigm Shifts…

My site



Today: 230 (7) countries

1. Define “Guerrilla Marketing”

Page 3: Ken at Peaks

Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultant

Guerrilla Marketing Today Chapter 1

Your Online CredibilityOften Determines Your

Over-All Income…

“What shows up when your personal or company name is typed into


First Sentence of “Guerrilla Marketing Today” -Ken Courtright

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Case StudyEvidence:


What shouldI Do?

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What if you could achieveSame Results

Without paying for it?

Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Let’s dig in

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If you looked more trustworthy, Would you be able to do more business?

Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Do people JUDGE other people?

”3 Seconds” – We are Judged & Convicted

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So… Lets put this to the test?

Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Which of these financial advisors did76% of people trust with their money?


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Our “Presence” …gives off Signals:

Physical and Digital

Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

As a Rule, can you “Over Dress”in society?

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Ironically, the principle of “Over-Dressing” works

the same for your web properties!

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Most Websites Today……a bit under dressed

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Adam’s Request…


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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc


Fact: Put the right S.U.I.T. on your website……Revenue WILL Follow

You aren’t so special that these methods won’t work for you

Best Part…

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Auth. Site – 50/50 $

May 1992

Rev. Gen – 50/50 $

Nov 2011

2 Unique Companies:

440 Revenue Generating Websites

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Had a hunch… “Social Proof” Let’s test hunch

2013 Personal Goal:Why do some make more $?

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Problem: …can’t “Test” inside our portfolio

100,000,000 + views 2014

24HR. / 160K /ANNUALLY

HAVE to Succeed…Contractually “Guarantee” 15% - 22%

440 Revenue Generating Websites

Small Problem… we are really Growing

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Closer look at “SOCIAL PROOF”

We needed

“Social Proof”What do our potential clients

NEED To Seeto feel comfortable to do business with us?

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Power of “Social Proof”

We Follow Suits Sell

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Power of “Social Proof”

We are Followers first, Leaders ONLY when have to

A “Group” CAN’T be wrong

There is Safety in a Tribe

Sell your Audience to your Audience

Fear of Loss…”Display your Resume”

Perception is Reality Comedian in a Suit

Put your “Suit” on The Media is your “Suit”

GIVE them someone to Follow “Prove you have clients” – ProBono!

4 Principles of website engagement“Social Proof” Fact: Action Needed:

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Power of “Social Proof”

Social ProofUnquestionablyIgnitesTrust

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Check out ourNew S.U.I.T. #1 ?

Which Company would you Trust more? - Why?

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How do you like ourNew S.U.I.T. #2 ?

Which Company would you Trust more?

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1 out of 8

1 out of 3.5

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One might say…That’s great for Ken, he’s got a team of Designers, Programmers, Developers…

…What the heck can “little old me” do?Let’s look at what we actually did…

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1. GLFT Shirt

* Recommends Endorsements

* Testimonials

* Local Media

* Commercial Media

2. Suit Coat

Google +


Facebook (fan page)


Positions “Presence” on4 of 10 Largest !!

Ps. YouTube a 12 yr. old

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Is there anything on this page “little old you” CAN’T do?

* Recommends Endorsements

* Testimonials

* Local Media

* Commercial Media

Google +


Facebook (fan page)


--Even a Comedian…Positions “Presence” on4 of 10 Largest !!

Ps. YouTube a 12 yr. old

What did this cost us?

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For Revenue Generating Purposes…


B.C. – 1995 Know – Like - Trust

1995 – Forever Trust - Know – Like - Trust

Is it Better to HAVE Credibility –or-

To APPEAR to have Credibility?

Best Business Question of our time…

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Question of the day so far…

“ Are the people finding your websiteImmediately sure that you arean absolute expert in your field

and can be trusted with


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Unseen CREDIBILITY = Unseen RevenueFact: In the U.S. we are paid in direct proportion to…



* This slide often upsets people:

Who We Are can only be measured by SOCIAL PROOF

Who We Are… not What We Do or What We


= MORE Credibility= MORE Revenue Allowance

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Few Quick Nuggets from:

Guerrilla Marketing Today

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

You aren’t so special that this won’t work for you

Best Part…

Remember this slide?

Who feels they are Not Yet

An EXPERT in their fieldBut want to be one?

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“Rookie to Expert” In 12 months

NO training / NO school?


Guilty by Association?

** Guerrilla Credibility

Success by Association?

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** Guerrilla Prospecting

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Saturday 9-13-14

10am Beverly HillsDavid

SLS Hotel

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Ever have an “Aha” moment ?

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April 2014…I’m about to short circuit

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Sat down after my talk…

What Do they really NEED RIGHT NOW ?

1. Revenue

2. Real Leads

3. Recurring Leads

4. Sustained Growth

5. Change “Who” they are so people will buy from them !

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To do this they’ll need to:

1. Generate Nationally Noticed Content

2. Create Great Press

3. Have a Perfect “Press Room”

4. Wear a Tailored “Suit”

5. Change “Who” they are in others eyes

6. Generate real and lasting business

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My trip home…

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Gotta Get Home to Call Our Other Mad Scientists…

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The Other Mad Scientists:

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Nuts, but deadly serious@ Rev-Gen Sites! 76 yrs…

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Challenge to the Team

Can We Help the “Start Up”,or a “Young Company”

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But First, Few of our Creations

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Challenge to the team…

Start-Up 1 to 3 year old co.’s“Cash Flow” challenged (40% of U.S. businesses)

Our Model: Market to “Mature” companies a 20% Guaranteed Return…

Challenge: Can we help ? (without interrupting our Model)

We Help “Mature Companies”

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Our Conclusion:

Why don’t we hold workshops and just show

them, Step by Step, “How we

Build” an Authority Site?

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How many in here?

Next few slides…

…Checkbook to say Yes!

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Funnest Shopping Experience Ever!

“How can spending so

much Money be so


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“Every Successful and Un-Successful Website

leaves a behind a digital signature”

-Ken Courtright Guerrilla Marketing Today

Spine-Health vs. WebMD

Foot-Print’s Show…Where it’s beenHow it was built

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18,000 Key Phrases (62)

630 Roadways (7) 17.1% - 19% - 21.3% (-)

20,000+ listeners (0)

+160,000 views / day (-23% 2 yrs.)

Teacher’s Resume

Average Website #’sSecret Sauce:

All of our sites MODEL other sites

Digital Footprints

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Key: No Theory & Dave’s Teaching (1200/day)Saturday Session

What tools made the 4 minute video

How were ads madeHow landing page built

How were ads placed in FB & LinkedinHow track if they watched the videoHow retarget them

How set up auto-responder email

You WILL leave knowing how to generate leads on Monday 17th

How awesome is this, so far?

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How many would love TRAFFIC Coming to your site from Dozens of places, not just

Mother Google?(Saturday Session)

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Acres of Diamonds

Covering thisand 3 other

“Market Finding”Techniques

(Sunday Session)

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Adult Confidence: You are NOT your market

What to Sell

How to Price it(Saturday Session)

Who will buy it

* Guerrilla * Testing

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Credibility for the viewers:

Credibility for Google: Spine vs. WebMD

“Content Shop”

“PRMarketer” (Saturday)

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Dive into TFE

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What if there was a tool…


1. Did you know…. “Broken”

2. Here’s what’s good/working

3. Comp’s beating you Here

4. Here’s, EXACTLY, how to CRUSH them




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Who thinks this workshop might be beneficial?

How we doing so far?Let’s turn up the heat

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Lay it on thick

1st Step of all Success…

Net Worth = Network

$6,000 – $40,000/yr.

Sharpest BusinessMinds Joining Us(word got out… already out of Westin…)

*400 Franchises*2000 Network*200,000,000 opt’s*1 B in Capital

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Next “Mastermind Weekend”July 17-19, 2015…………………………………………………..


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If Time, M.J.

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Hope to see you in the back of the room

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Take a Chance on Yourself,See You back in L.A.